Exhibit 10b

             Form of Executive Pay Plan Letters

       Form 1 is used in the case of seven executive officers.
       Form 2 is used in the case of one executive officer.
       Form 3 is used in the case of one executive officer.
       Form 4 is used in the case of one executive officer.

    In no case will the maximum bonus  amount exceed the amount
    of the individuals base salary.


    (Date)                                                 Form 1

    TO:         (Name)

    FROM:       Richard L. Ramsey

    SUBJECT:    Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 1994

    Your compensation plan for  fiscal year 1994, as approved by
    the Organization and Compensation Committee of the Board of
    Directors, is outlined below.

    I.    FY 1994 Base Salary

          Your Base Salary for FY94 shall be $_________

    II.   Your bonus for FY94 shall be determined by multiplying
          the percent determined in the following TARGET
          INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS set forth below.

          The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations
          set forth in Paragraph III and IV.


          1.    INCOME
          Each percentage point of positive change that the Tandy
          Corporation and subsidiaries income from operations
          (before income taxes) increases from the prior year.

          2.    EARNINGS PER SHARE
          Each percentage point of positive change that the Tandy
          Corporation earnings per share increases from the prior

          3.    STOCK PRICE
          a.    Each percentage point of positive change that the
          Tandy Corporation stock price increases, based on the
          average daily closing price for December 1993 ($47.3)
          and December 1994.

          b.    If the stock performance exceeds the "Peer Group"
          average and the 5% minimum increase, a bonus will be
          paid equal to the stock price increase amount.  In
          addition, if Tandy's stock percent increase is in or
          above the 75th percentile of the "Peer Group", an
          additional bonus will be paid equal to the stock price
          increase amount.

               Percentages shall be calculated to two decimal

               Your factors to be used for each of the
               calculations above are as follows:

                    1.  Income increase: $_________

                    2.  Earnings per share increase: $___________

                    3.  Stock price increase: $_____________

    III.  Minimum Bonus

          Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target
          Incentive Goal

                                               Minimum Increase %
               1.  Income                               ___

               2.  Earnings per share                   ___

               3.  Stock price                          ___

          Bonus amounts earned from each of the factors which
          exceed the minimum increase above will be accumulated.
          No bonus will be paid unless the accumulated bonus
          exceeds __% of your base salary.

          Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the
          Minimum Increase % set forth above.

    IV.   Maximum Bonus

          The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to
          exceed $_______

    V.    This compensation plan is  not an employment contract,
          but a method of calculating your total earnings.  You
          forfeit your rights to receive a bonus if you resign
          before the end of the current fiscal year.  If you are
          terminated by the Company, you forfeit your rights to
          receive a bonus except at the sole discretion of the
          Company and in such amount as the Company might decide.
          If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company
          has given its consent to your early retirement, or die
          before the end of the then current fiscal year, your
          bonus for the current year-to-date will be calculated
          to the nearest end of the month preceding or succeeding
          such event, using the formula above and adjusting for
          the partial year.  The amount will be paid to you or to
          the legal representative of your estate.

    VI.   If at any time during your continued employment, your
          responsibility, duties or title changes, this plan is
          subject to revision or termination by the Company at
          the time of the foregoing change.


    (Date)                                                 Form 2

    TO:         (Name)

    FROM:       Richard L. Ramsey

    SUBJECT:    Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 1994

    Your compensation plan for fiscal year 1994 is outlinedbelow.

    I.    FY 1994 Base Salary

          Your Base Salary for FY94 shall be $_________ 

    II.   Your bonus for FY94 shall be determined by multiplying
          the percent determined in the following TARGET
          INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS set forth below.

          The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations
          set forth in Paragraph III and IV.


          1.    INCOME
          Each percentage point of positive change that the Tandy
          Corporation and subsidiaries income from operations
          (before income taxes) increases from the prior year.

          2.    Each percentage point of positive change that the
                Tandy Service's net income (Pre Tandy Admin)
                increases from the prior year.  Tandy Services,
                for this calculation, will include TE-US, TE
                Asia, Tandy Services Consolidation (P&L
                RS3-8200), and Tandy Transportation.

          Your factors to be used for each of the calculations
          above are as follows:

                1.    Tandy Corporation income increase: $_______

                2.    Tandy Services income increase: $_______

    III.  Minimum Bonus

          Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target
          Incentive Goal

                                               Minimum Increase %

               1.  Tandy Corporation income
                   increase:                         _______

               2.  Tandy Services income increase:   _______

          Bonus amounts earned from each of the factors which
          exceed the minimum increase above will be accumulated.
          No bonus will be paid unless the accumulated bonus
          exceeds __% of your base salary.

          Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the
          Minimum Increase % set forth above.

    IV.   Maximum Bonus

          The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to
          exceed $_______

    V.    This compensation plan is not an employment contract,
          but a method of calculating your total earnings.  You
          forfeit your rights to receive a bonus if you resign
          before the end of the current fiscal year.  If you are
          terminated by the Company, you forfeit your rights to
          receive a bonus except at the sole discretion of the
          Company and in such amount as the Company might decide.
          If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company
          has given its consent to your early retirement, or die
          before the end of the then current fiscal year, your
          bonus for the current year-to-date will be calculated
          to the nearest end of the month preceding or succeeding
          such event, using the formula above and adjusting for
          the partial year.  The amount will be paid to you or to
          the legal representative of your estate.

    VI.   If at any time during your continued employment, your
          responsibility, duties or title changes, this plan is
          subject to revision or termination by the Company at
          the time of the foregoing change.


    (Date)                                                 Form 3

    TO:         (Name)

    FROM:       Richard L. Ramsey

    SUBJECT:    Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 1994

    Your compensation plan for fiscal year 1994 is outlined below.

    I.    FY 1994 Base Salary

          Your Base Salary for FY94 shall be $_________ 

    II.   Your bonus for FY94 shall be determined by multiplying
          the percent determined in the following TARGET
          INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS set forth below.

          The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations
          set forth in Paragraph III and IV.


          1.    INCOME
          Each percentage point of positive change that the Radio
          Shack division net income (before income taxes)
          increases from the prior year.

          2.    SALES
          Each percentage point of positive change that the Radio
          Shack division sales increase from the prior year.

          3.    GROSS PROFIT
          Each percentage point of positive change that the Radio
          Shack division gross profit dollars increase from the
          prior year.

          Radio Shack results will be adjusted to reflect
          certain Tandy support operations for 1993 and 1994 and
          for estimated costs of Tandy Credit promotions for

          Percentages shall be calculated to two decimal points.

               Your factors to be used for each of the
               calculations above are as follows:

                    1.  Radio Shack income increase: $_______

                    2.  Radio Shack sales increase: $_______

                    3.  Radio Shack gross profit dollars increase: $_______

    III.  Minimum Bonus

          Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target
          Incentive Goal

                                               Minimum Increase %

               1.    Income                         _______

               2.    Sales                          _______

               3.    Gross Profit                   _______

          Bonus amounts earned from each of the factors which
          exceed the minimum increase above will be accumulated.
          No bonus will be paid unless the accumulated bonus
          exceeds __% of your base salary.

          Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the
          Minimum Increase % set forth above.

    IV.   Maximum Bonus

          The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to
          exceed $_______

    V.    This compensation plan is not an employment contract,
          but a method of calculating your total earnings.  You
          forfeit your rights to receive a bonus if you resign
          before the end of the current fiscal year.   If you are
          terminated by the Company, you forfeit your rights to
          receive a bonus except at the sole discretion of the
          Company and in such amount as the Company might decide.
          If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company
          has given its consent to your early retirement, or die
          before the end of the then current fiscal year, your
          bonus for the current year-to-date will be calculated
          to the nearest end of the month preceding or succeeding
          such event, using the formula above and adjusting for
          the partial year.  The amount will be paid to you or to
          the legal representative of your estate.

    VI.   If at any time during your continued employment, your
          responsibility, duties or title changes, this plan is
          subject to revision or termination by the Company at
          the time of the foregoing change.


    (Date)                                                 Form 4

    TO:         (Name)

    FROM:       Richard L. Ramsey

    SUBJECT:    Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 1994

    Your compensation plan for fiscal year 1994 is outlined

    I.    FY 1994 Base Salary

          Your Base Salary for FY94 shall be $_________ 

    II.   Your bonus for FY94 shall be determined in the
          following TARGET INCENTIVE GOALS set forth below.

          The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations
          set forth in Paragraph III and IV.


          Tandy Corporation

          Each percentage point of positive change that the Tandy
          Corporation and subsidiaries Income from operations
          (before income taxes) increases from the prior year,
          times a factor of $1,315.

          Tandy Credit

          A.    Each percentage point of positive change that the
                Tandy Corporation accounts receivable purchased
                increases from the prior year level of $605
                million, times a factor of $450.

          B.    You will receive a $5,220 bonus for each
                percentage point reduction of gross charge-off
                dollars (includes regular, bankrupt and fraud,
                excludes reinstatements) from a $70.2M level.


                LOSS BASE         70,200
                ACTUAL LOSS       68,300
                DIFF               1,900
                % Reduction               2.7% X $5,220 = $14,094 Bonus

    III.  Minimum Bonus

          Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target
          Incentive Goal

                                                     Minimum Increase %

               1.  Tandy Corporation Income                _______

               2.  Tandy Credit Receivables, Purchases     _______

               3.  Tandy Credit Gross Charge-Off Dollars   _______ (Decrease%)

          Bonus amounts earned from each of the factors which
          exceed the minimum increase above will be accumulated.
          No bonus will be paid unless the accumulated bonus
          exceeds __% of your base salary.

          Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the
          Minimum Increase % set forth above.

    IV.   Maximum Bonus

          The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to
          exceed $_______

    V.    This compensation plan is not an employment contract,
          but a method of calculating your total earnings.  You
          forfeit your rights to receive a bonus if you resign
          before the end of the current fiscal year.  If you
          are terminated by the Company, you forfeit your rights
          to receive a bonus except at the sole discretion of the
          Company and in such amount as the Company might decide.
          If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company
          has given its consent to your early retirement, or die
          before the end of the then current fiscal year, your
          bonus for the current year-to-date will be calculated
          to the nearest end of the month preceding or succeeding
          such event, using the formula above and adjusting for
          the partial year.  The amount will be paid to you or
          to the legal representative of your estate.

    VI.   If at any time during  your continued employment, your
          responsibility, duties or title changes, this plan is
          subject to revision or termination by the Company at
          the time of the foregoing change.