Exhibit 10d

                           ARTICLE ONE


    Section 1.1 The purpose of this Tandy Corporation Officers
    Deferred Compensation Plan ("the Plan") is to enable Tandy
    Corporation and its subsidiaries to secure and retain the
    services of outstanding key executive personnel by providing
    certain death and retirement benefits.

                              ARTICLE TWO


    Section 2.1 Beneficiary.  The recipient(s) designated (in
    accordance with Article Seven) by a Participant in the Plan
    to whom benefits are payable following his death.

    Section 2.2 Committee.  The Insurance Committee of Tandy
    which shall administer the Plan in accordance with Article

    Section 2.3 Disability.  A physical or mental condition
    which, in the opinion of the Committee, totally and
    presumably permanently, prevents a Participant from
    substantially performing duties for which such Participant is
    suited to perform either by education or training, or if such
    Participant is on a Leave of Absence when such condition
    develops, substantially performing duties for which such
    Participant is suited to perform either by education or
    training.  A determination that Disability exists shall be
    based upon competent medical evidence satisfactory to the
    Committee.  The date that any person's Disability occurs
    shall be deemed to be the date such condition is determined
    to exist by the Committee.

    Section 2.4 Employee.  A regular full-time executive employee
    of Tandy.

    Section 2.5 Leave of Absence.  Any period during which:

         (a)  an Employee is absent with the prior consent of
    Tandy, which consent shall be granted under uniform rules
    applied to all Employees on a nondiscriminatory basis, but
    only if such person is an Employee immediately prior to the
    commencement of such period of authorized absence and resumes
    employment with Tandy not later than the first working day
    following the expiration of such period of authorized
    absence; or

         (b)  an Employee is a member of the Armed Forces of the
    United States and his reemployment rights are guaranteed by
    law, but only if such person is an Employee immediately prior
    to becoming a member of such Armed Forces and resumes
    employment with Tandy within the period during which his
    reemployment rights are guaranteed by law.

    Section 2.6 Participant.  An Employee who has been selected
    and has accepted a Plan Agreement as provided in Article

    Section 2.7 Plan Agreement.  The agreement between Tandy and
    a Participant, entered into in accordance with Article Three,
    and in the form of attached Exhibit "A" (as such form may be
    amended from time to time hereunder).

    Section 2.8 Plan Benefit Amount.  Plan Benefit Amount means
    the dollar amount set forth and so designated in a
    Participant's Plan Agreement.

    Section 2.9 Retirement.  The following classifications of
    Retirement as referred to in this Plan are defined as

         (a)  Early Retirement.  The voluntary election, as
    opposed to involuntary termination by Tandy, prior to the
    Participant's attaining the age of sixty-five (65) years, by
    a Participant to terminate his employment after attaining the
    age of fifty-five (55) years.

         (b)  Normal Retirement.  The termination of a
    Participant's service with Tandy at the date of attaining age
    sixty-five (65) years.

         (c)  Late Retirement.  The termination of a
    Participant's service with Tandy after the Participant's
    attaining the age of sixty-five (65) years.

    Section 2.10 Tandy.  Tandy Corporation, a Delaware
    corporation, and those subsidiary corporations in which Tandy
    owns at least eighty percent (80%) of the total combined
    voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote.

    Section 2.11 Tandy Subsidiary.  Any corporation in which
    Tandy owns at least eighty percent (80%) of the total
    combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to

                          ARTICLE THREE

                    AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE

    Section 3.1 The Committee, in its sole and exclusive
    discretion, shall select from among the key executive
    employees of Tandy, candidates for participation in the Plan. 
    A candidate shall become a Participant only upon his
    execution of a Plan Agreement and a Beneficiary Designation

                             ARTICLE FOUR

                            LIFE INSURANCE

    Section 4.1 Tandy may obtain permanent life insurance
    insuring the life of any Participant as a means of funding
    Tandy's obligations to his Beneficiary in whole or part. 
    Tandy shall be the sole owner and beneficiary of all such
    policies of insurance so obtained and of all incidents of
    ownership therein, including without limitation, the rights
    to all cash and loan values, dividends (if any), death
    benefits and the right to terminate.  No Beneficiary or
    Participant shall be entitled to any rights, interests or
    equities in such policies or to any specific asset of Tandy
    of any type, and on the contrary, their rights against Tandy
    under the Plan shall be solely as general creditors.

    Section 4.2 If as a result of misrepresentations made by a
    Participant in any application for life insurance upon his
    life obtained by Tandy hereunder, the insurance carrier or
    carriers or any reinsurance thereof successfully avoid(s)
    payment to Tandy of the proceeds of its or their policy or
    policies, or such proceeds are not payable because the
    Participant's death results from suicide within two (2) years
    of the issuance of such policy or within two (2) years of the
    issuance to Tandy of additional policies obtained by Tandy
    hereunder, then, in any of said events, notwithstanding any
    other provisions of the Plan or of the Plan Agreement with
    such Participant, Tandy shall have no obligation to his
    Beneficiary to provide any of the death benefits otherwise
    payable under the terms thereof.

    Section 4.3 Each Participant shall cooperate in the securing
    of life insurance on his life by furnishing such information
    as the insurance company may require, taking such physical
    examinations as may be necessary, and taking any other action
    which may be requested by Tandy or the insurance company to
    obtain such insurance coverage.  If a Participant refuses to
    cooperate in the securing of life insurance, or if Tandy is
    unable to secure life insurance at standard rates on a
    Participant, then the Plan Agreement shall be of no force and
    effect as to a Participant unless Tandy waives such
    requirement in writing.

    Section 4.4 All benefits under the Plan or Plan Agreement
    represent an unsecured promise to pay by Tandy Corporation. 
    The Plan shall be unfunded and the benefits hereunder shall
    be paid only from the general assets of Tandy Corporation
    resulting in the Participants having no greater rights than
    Tandy Corporation's general creditors; provided, however,
    nothing herein shall prevent or prohibit Tandy Corporation
    from establishing a trust or other arrangement for the
    purpose of providing for the payment of the benefits payable
    under the Plan or Plan Agreement.

                             ARTICLE FIVE


    Section 5.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan,
    upon the Retirement of a Participant, Tandy agrees to pay to
    Participant a Retirement benefit as follows:

         (a)  Normal Retirement.  If a Participant retires at the
    date of Normal Retirement, then Tandy agrees to pay to
    Participant or to the designated Beneficiary of Participant
    in the event of the death of Participant prior to the
    termination of payment of Retirement benefits hereunder, all
    from its general assets, an amount equal to such
    Participant's Plan Benefit Amount, such sum to be paid as set
    forth in Section 5.3 hereof.

         (b)  Early Retirement.  If a Participant retires at a
    time that constitutes an Early Retirement, then Tandy agrees
    to pay to Participant or to the designated Beneficiary of
    Participant in the event of the death of Participant prior to
    the termination of payment of Early Retirement benefits
    hereunder, all from its general assets, an amount equal to
    such Participant's Plan Benefit Amount, reduced by five
    percent (5%) per year for each year that Early Retirement
    precedes the date of Normal Retirement.  Such year shall be a
    fiscal year beginning on the date a Participant attains age
    fifty-five (55).  Any reduction for a part of a year shall be
    prorated on a daily basis assuming a 365-day year.  Such
    amount shall be paid as set forth in Section 5.3 hereof.

         (c)  Late Retirement.  If a Participant retires at a
    date that constitutes Late Retirement, then Tandy agrees to
    pay to Participant or to the designated Beneficiary of
    Participant in the event of the death of Participant prior to
    the termination of payment of Late Retirement benefits
    hereunder, all from its general assets, an amount equal to
    such Participant's Plan Benefit Amount, reduced by a
    percentage determined as follows:

             Age on Date of             Percent of Reduction
            Late Retirement            of Plan Benefit Amount

                  66                             0%
                  67                             0%
                  68                             0%
                  69                             0%
                  70                             0%
                  71                            20%
                  72                            40%
                  73                            60%
                  74                            80%
                  75                           100%

    The percent of reduction of a Participant's Plan Benefit
    Amount shall be measured on a fiscal year beginning on the
    date of Participant's date of birth and shall commence on the
    day after the date a Participant attains age 70, and any
    reduction for a part of a year shall be prorated on a daily
    basis at the applicable percentage assuming a 365-day year. 
    Such amount shall be paid as set forth in Section 5.3 hereof.

    Section 5.2 Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan,
    upon the death of a Participant, but only if the Participant
    is an Employee of Tandy at his death (except as set forth in
    Section 5.2(c) below) and is not being paid benefits pursuant
    to a Plan Agreement at such time, Tandy agrees to pay to his
    Beneficiary from its general assets an amount equal to such
    Participant's Plan Benefit Amount as reflected in Employee's
    Plan Agreement or, as the case may be, in the last amendment
    to his Plan Agreement.  With respect to such benefits,
    however, it is further provided that:

         (a)  no benefits shall be payable to the Beneficiary of
    a Participant in those instances covered by Section 4.2;

         (b)  if a Participant dies while an Employee of Tandy
    after the date of his Normal Retirement, then the amount
    payable to his Beneficiary upon a Participant's death shall
    be reduced as set forth in Section 5.1(c) hereof.

         (c)  The death of a Participant within the first year
    after involuntary termination of employment with Tandy as
    provided in Section 8.6 shall not defeat the right of such
    Participant's Beneficiary to receive benefits under this
    Section 5.2 so long as an event described in Section 8.5(a),
    (b) or (c) occurs within one year of the date of termination
    of the Participant's employment.

    Section 5.3 Except as provided in Section 8.5, the aggregate
    amount payable upon the Normal Retirement, Early Retirement,
    Late Retirement benefits due and payable under Section 8.5 or
    8.6 hereof, or death of a Participant to a Participant or his
    Beneficiary shall be paid in one hundred twenty (120) equal
    monthly installments commencing on the first day of the month
    next following thirty (30) days after Retirement or after the
    Committee's receipt of a certified death or proof of death
    certificate verifying the Participant's death, or at the time
    stated in Section 8.5 or 8.6 hereof.  A Participant shall
    notify Tandy of Retirement by hand delivery or by certified
    or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage
    prepaid, of a written notice of Retirement specifying the
    effective date of Retirement, such written notice to be
    addressed to: Insurance Committee of the Board of Directors,
    Tandy Corporation, 1800 One Tandy Center, Fort Worth, Texas
    76102.  Such notice shall be deemed to be received when
    actually received by said Insurance Committee at said address
    as may be changed from time to time in the Plan Agreements,
    as amended.

    Section 5.4 Until actually paid and delivered to the
    Participant or to the Beneficiary entitled to same, none of
    the benefits payable by Tandy under any Plan Agreement shall
    be liable for the debts or liabilities of either the
    Participant or his Beneficiary, nor shall the same be subject
    to seizure by any creditor of the Participant or his
    Beneficiary under any writ or proceeding at law, in equity or
    in Bankruptcy.  Further, no Participant or Beneficiary shall
    have power to sell, assign, transfer, encumber, or in any
    manner anticipate or dispose of the benefits to which he is
    entitled or may become entitled under a Plan Agreement.

    Section 5.5
         (a)  During the period that Participant is receiving
    benefits under a Plan Agreement and for one (1) year after
    cessation of payment of benefits, Participant agrees that he
    will not, either directly or indirectly, within the United
    States of America or in any country of the world that Tandy
    (or a Tandy Subsidiary) or one of its dealers or franchisees
    sells Consumer Electronic Products (as hereinafter defined)
    at retail, own, manage, operate, join, control, be employed
    by, be a consultant to, be a partner in, be a creditor of,
    engage in joint operations with, be a stockholder, officer or
    director of any corporation, sole proprietorship or business
    entity of any type, or participate in the ownership,
    management, direction, or control or in any other manner be
    connected with, any business selling Consumer Electronic
    Products at retail which is at the time of Participant's
    engaging in such conduct competitive with such products sold
    by Tandy at retail, except as a stockholder owning less than
    five percent (5%) of the shares of a corporation whose shares
    are traded on a stock exchange or in the over-the-counter
    market by a member of the National Association of Securities
    Dealers.  "Consumer Electronic Products" are those type of
    products sold at the retail level to the ultimate customer as
    are advertised by Tandy in its most recently published annual
    catalogs and monthly flyers.  Manufacturing of Consumer
    Electronic Products and sale of Consumer Electronic Products
    at levels of distribution other than the retail level are not
    considered a violation of this covenant.

         (b)  In the event that a Participant engages in any of
    the activities described in Section 5.5(a) Tandy will give
    notice to the Participant specifying in detail the alleged
    violation of Section 5.5(a).  Participant will be allowed
    ninety (90) days to cure such default.  If the Committee
    feels there is continuing competition, then, without any
    further notice or opportunity to cure, and upon determination
    by the Board of Directors that such a Participant is engaged
    in such activities, such Board's decision to be conclusive
    and binding upon all concerned, and notwithstanding any other
    provisions of the Plan or of the Plan Agreement with such
    Participant, Tandy's obligation to a Participant to pay any
    benefits hereunder shall automatically cease and terminate
    and Tandy shall have no further obligation to such
    Participant or Beneficiary pursuant to the Plan or the Plan
    Agreement.  Tandy may also enforce this provision by suit for
    damages which shall include but not be limited to all sums
    paid to Participant hereunder, or for injunction, or both.

    Section 5.6 Tandy may liquidate out of the interest of a
    Participant hereunder, but only as Retirement or death
    benefits become due and payable hereunder, any outstanding
    loan or loans or other indebtedness of a Participant.  Tandy
    may elect not to distribute Retirement or death benefits to
    any Participant or to a Beneficiary unless and until all
    unpaid loans or other indebtedness due to Tandy from such
    Participant, together with interest, have been paid in full.

    Section 5.7 Subject to termination or amendment of the Plan,
    Plan Agreement, or both, a Participant's participation in the
    Plan shall continue during his Disability or his taking a
    Leave of Absence.  A Participant who is Disabled or on Leave
    of Absence shall notify Tandy of his date of Retirement as
    provided in Section 5.3 hereof.

                             ARTICLE SIX

    Section 6.1 The Committee may enter into amendments to the
    Plan Agreement with any Participant for the purpose of
    increasing the benefits payable to the Participant or his
    Beneficiary in view of increases in his compensation
    following the execution of such Plan Agreement or the last
    amendment thereto and for the purpose of amending any
    provision of this Plan as it might apply to a Participant. 
    In such cases, the acceptance of an amendment by a
    Participant is voluntary and until the amended Plan Agreement
    has been submitted to and accepted by him, it shall not be

                            ARTICLE SEVEN


    Section 7.1 At the time of his acceptance of a Plan
    Agreement, a Participant shall be required to designate the
    Beneficiary to whom benefits under the Plan and his Plan
    Agreement will be payable upon his death.  A Beneficiary may
    be one (1) or more persons or entities, such as dependents,
    persons who are natural objects of the Participant's bounty,
    an inter vivos or testamentary trust, or his estate.  Such
    Beneficiaries may be designated contingently or successively
    as the Participant may direct.  The designation of his
    Beneficiary shall be made by the Participant on a Beneficiary
    Designation Form to be furnished by the Committee and filed
    with it.

    Section 7.2 A Participant may change his Beneficiary, as he
    may desire, by filing new and amendatory Beneficiary
    Designation Forms with the Committee.

    Section 7.3 In the event a Participant designates more than
    one (1) Beneficiary to receive benefit payments
    simultaneously, each such Beneficiary shall be paid such
    proportion of such benefits as the Participant shall have
    designated.  If no such percentage designation has been made,
    the Committee shall hold all benefit payments until the
    Beneficiaries agree as to the distribution of the funds or a
    judicial determination has been made.

    Section 7.4 If the designated Beneficiary dies before the
    Participant in question and no Beneficiary was successively
    named, or if the designated Beneficiary dies before complete
    payment of the deceased Participant's benefits have been made
    and no Beneficiary was successively named, the Committee
    shall direct that such benefits (or the balance thereof) be
    paid to those persons who are the deceased Participant's
    heirs-at-law determined in accordance with the laws of
    descent and distribution in force at the date hereof in the
    State of Texas for separate personal property, such
    determination to be made as though the Participant had died
    intestate and domiciled in Texas.

    Section 7.5 Whenever any person entitled to payments under
    this Plan shall be a minor or under other legal disability or
    in the sole judgment of the Committee shall otherwise be
    unable to apply such payments to his own best interest and
    advantage (as in the case of illness, whether mental or
    physical, or where the person not under legal disability is
    unable to preserve his estate for his own best interest), the
    Committee may in the exercise of its discretion direct all or
    any portion of such payments to be made in any one or more of
    the following ways unless claims shall have been made
    therefor by an existing and duly appointed guardian,
    conservator, committee or other duly appointed legal
    representative, in which event payment shall be made to such

         (1)  directly to such person unless such person shall be
    an infant or shall have been legally adjudicated incompetent
    at the time of the payment;

         (2)  to the spouse, child, parent or other blood
    relative to be expended on behalf of the person entitled or
    on behalf of those dependents as to whom the person entitled
    has the duty of support;

         (3)  to a recognized charity or governmental institution
    to be expended for the benefit of the person entitled or for
    the benefit of those dependents as to whom the person
    entitled has the duty of support; or

         (4)  to any other institution, approved by the
    Committee, to be expended for the benefit of the person
    entitled or for the benefit of those dependents as to whom
    the person entitled has the duty of support.

    The decision of the Committee will, in each case, be final
    and binding upon all persons and the Committee shall not be
    obligated to see to the proper application or expenditure of
    any payments so made.  Any payment made pursuant to the power
    herein conferred upon the Committee shall operate as a
    complete discharge of the obligations of Tandy and of the

    Section 7.6 If the Committee has any doubt as to the proper
    Beneficiary to receive payments hereunder, the Committee
    shall have the right to withhold such payments until the
    matter is finally adjudicated or the Committee may direct
    Tandy to bring a suit for interpleader in any appropriate
    court, pay any amounts due into the court, and Tandy shall
    have the right to recover its reasonable attorney's fees from
    such proceeds so paid or to be paid.  Any payment made by the
    Committee, in good faith and in accordance with this Plan,
    shall fully discharge the Committee and Tandy from all
    further obligations with respect to such payments.

                         ARTICLE EIGHT


    Section 8.1 Except as provided in Sections 8.4, 8.5, 8.6,
    10.1, and 10.2 hereof, termination of a Participant's
    employment by Tandy other than by reason of Retirement,
    Permanent Disability or Leave of Absence, whether by action
    of Tandy or the Participant's resignation, shall terminate
    the Participant's participation in the Plan.  Neither the
    Plan nor the Plan Agreement shall in any way obligate Tandy
    to continue the employment of a Participant, nor will either
    limit the right of Tandy to terminate a Participant's
    employment at any time, for any reason, with or without

    Section 8.2 Except as provided in Sections 8.4, 8.5, 8.6,
    10.1 and 10.2 hereof, participation in the Plan by a
    Participant shall also terminate if the Plan or his Plan
    Agreement is terminated by Tandy in accordance with Article

    Section 8.3 Except as provided in Sections 8.4, 8.5, 8.6,
    10.1, and 10.2 hereof, upon termination of a Participant's
    participation in the Plan, all of Tandy's obligations to the
    Participant and his Beneficiary under the Plan and Plan
    Agreement and each of them, shall terminate and be of no
    further effect.

    Section 8.4 Except as provided in Sections 8.5, 8.6, 10.1 and
    10.2, if a Participant's participation in the Plan is
    terminated, by:

         (a)  termination of the Plan;

         (b)  termination of a Plan Agreement; or

         (c)  termination of employment for any reasons other

         (i)  death or Retirement, which shall be governed by
    Article Five, or

         (ii)  dishonest or fraudulent conduct of a Participant
    or indictment of a Participant for a felony crime involving
    moral turpitude, in which event no vesting under Section 8.4,
    8.6, 10.1, or 10.2 shall occur, 

    then such Participant shall be entitled, as set forth below,
    to a percentage of his Plan Benefit Amount as follows:

       Age Attained at Date of Event Set
      Forth in Section 8.4(a), (b) or (c)        % Vested

               Age 54 or younger                      0%

               Age 55 to age 65           A percent as determined
                                             in 5.1(b) hereof

               Age 65 to age 70                     100%

               Age 70 to age 75           A percent as determined
                                             in 5.1(c) hereto

               Age 75 and thereafter                   0%

         The amount payable under this Section 8.4 shall be
    determined as of the date of the event set forth in Section
    8.4(a), (b) or (c) hereof and such amount as so determined at
    that time shall not be altered or changed thereafter except
    that the provisions of Section 5.5 hereof shall remain fully
    applicable during the Participant's employment by Tandy,
    during the payment of benefits under this Section 8.4 and for
    one (1) year after termination of employment or payment of
    benefits.  The amount payable under this Section 8.4 shall be
    paid as set forth in Section 5.3 hereunder to commence on the
    first day of the month next following thirty (30) days after
    cessation of Participant's employment with Tandy.

    Section 8.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the

         (a)  In the event of a "Change in Control" (as
    hereinafter defined), every Participant immediately shall be
    vested with his Plan Benefit Amount determined without regard
    to Section 5.1(b) but subject to Section 5.1(c).  Such
    retirement benefit shall be payable in a lump sum on the
    first day of the month next following the date on which such
    Participant's employment with Tandy Corporation terminates
    for any reason (the "Termination Date").  Such lump sum
    payment shall equal the present value of the Participant's
    Plan Benefit Amount discounted for interest only at the
    Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's Immediate Annuity Rate
    used to value benefits for single-employer plans terminating
    on the Termination Date, compounded semi-annually.

         (b)  Any Participant or Beneficiary who on the date of a
    Change in Control was receiving benefits under the Plan shall
    be entitled to receive a lump sum equal to the present value
    of the remaining Plan Benefit Amount, payable on the first
    day of the month next following the date of the Change in
    Control, calculated in a manner consistent with Section

    Section 8.6 In the event that a Participant's employment with
    Tandy Corporation is involuntarily terminated for any reason
    other than those reasons set forth in Section 8.4(c)(ii), and
    within a one-year period beginning on the date of such
    termination there occurs a Change in Control, then such
    Participant, or his Beneficiary if such Participant dies
    after termination of employment, shall be entitled to receive
    a lump sum equal to the present value of the Participant's
    Plan Benefit Amount (determined in a manner consistent with
    Section 8.5(a)), payable in a lump sum on the first day of
    the month next following the date of the Change in Control.

    Section 8.7 For purposes of the Program, "Change in Control"
    shall mean any of the following events:

         (a)  An acquisition (other than directly from Tandy
    Corporation) of any voting securities of Tandy Corporation
    (the "Voting Securities") by any "Person" (as the term person
    is used for purposes of Section 13(d) or 14(d) of the
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"))
    immediately after which such Person has "Beneficial
    Ownership" (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated
    under the 1934 Act) of fifteen percent (15%) or more of the
    combined voting power of Tandy Corporation's then outstanding
    Voting Securities; provided, however, in determining whether
    a Change in Control has occurred, Voting Securities which are
    acquired in a "Non-Control Acquisition" (as hereinafter
    defined) shall not constitute an acquisition which would
    cause a Change in Control.  A "Non-Control Acquisition" shall
    mean an acquisition by (1) an employee benefit plan (or a
    trust forming a part thereof) maintained by (a) Tandy
    Corporation or (b) any corporation or other Person of which a
    majority of its voting power or its voting equity securities
    or equity interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by Tandy
    Corporation (for purposes of this Section 8.7, a "Tandy
    Subsidiary"), (2) Tandy Corporation or its Tandy
    Subsidiaries, or (3) any Person in connection with a
    "Non-Control Transaction" (as hereinafter defined).

         (b)  The individuals who, as of August 22, 1990, are
    members of the board (the "Incumbent Board"), cease for any
    reason to constitute at least two-thirds of the Board;
    provided, however, that if the election, or nomination for
    election by Tandy Corporation's stockholders, of any new
    director was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the
    Incumbent Board, such new director shall, for purposes of the
    Plan, be considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;
    provided further, however, that no individual shall be
    considered a member of the Incumbent Board if such individual
    initially assumed office as a result of either an actual or
    threatened "Election Contest" (as described in Rule 14a-11
    promulgated under the 1934 Act) or other actual or threatened
    solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a
    Person other than the Board (a "Proxy Contest") including by
    reason of any agreement intended to avoid or settle any
    Election Contest or Proxy Contest; or

         (c)  Approval by stockholders of Tandy Corporation of:

              (1)  A merger, consolidation or reorganization
    involving Tandy Corporation, unless

                   (i)  the stockholders of Tandy Corporation,
    immediately before such merger, consolidation or
    reorganization, own, directly or indirectly immediately
    following such merger, consolidation or reorganization, at
    least sixty percent (60%) of the combined voting power of the
    outstanding voting securities of the corporation resulting
    from such merger or consolidation or reorganization (the
    "Surviving Corporation") in substantially the same proportion
    as their ownership of the Voting Securities immediately
    before such merger, consolidation or reorganization,

                   (ii)  the individuals who were members of the
    Incumbent Board immediately prior to the execution of the
    agreement providing for such merger, consolidation or
    reorganization constitute at least two-thirds of the members
    of the board of directors of the Surviving Corporation,

                   (iii)  no Person (other than Tandy
    Corporation, any Tandy Subsidiary, any employee benefit plan
    (or any trust forming part thereof) maintained by Tandy
    Corporation, the Surviving Corporation, or any Tandy
    Subsidiary, or any Person who, immediately prior to such
    merger, consolidation or reorganization had Beneficial
    Ownership of fifteen percent (15%) or more of the then
    outstanding Voting Securities) has Beneficial Ownership of
    fifteen percent (15%) or more of the combined voting power of
    the combined voting power of the Surviving Corporation's then
    outstanding voting securities, and

                   (iv)  a transaction described in clauses (i)
    through (iii) shall herein be referred to as a "Non-Control

              (2)  A complete liquidation or dissolution of Tandy
    Corporation; or

              (3)  An agreement for the sale or other disposition
    of all or substantially all of the assets of Tandy
    Corporation to any Person (other than a transfer to a Tandy

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in Control shall
    not be deemed to occur solely because any Person (the
    "Subject Person") acquired Beneficial Ownership of more than
    the permitted amount of the outstanding Voting Securities as
    a result of the acquisition of Voting Securities by Tandy
    Corporation which, by reducing the number of Voting
    Securities outstanding, increases the proportional number of
    shares Beneficially Owned by the Subject Person, provided
    that if a Change in Control would occur (but for the
    operation of this sentence) as a result of the acquisition of
    Voting Securities by Tandy Corporation, and after such share
    acquisition by Tandy Corporation, the Subject Person becomes
    the Beneficial Owner of any additional Voting Securities
    which increases the percentage of the then outstanding Voting
    Securities Beneficially Owned by the Subject Person, then a
    Change in Control shall occur.

    Section 8.8 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in
    the Plan, upon a Change in Control, the provisions of
    Sections 5.5 and 5.6 shall lapse and become null and void.

                           ARTICLE NINE

                    ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

    Section 9.1 The Plan shall be administered by the Insurance
    Committee of the Board of Directors of Tandy, as it is
    presently constituted or as it may be changed from time to
    time by the Board of Directors of Tandy.

    Section 9.2 In addition to the express powers and authorities
    accorded the Committee under the Plan, it shall be
    responsible for:

         (a)  construing and interpreting the Plan;

         (b)  computing and certifying to Tandy the amount of
    benefits to be provided in each Plan Agreement for the
    Participant or the Beneficiary of the Participant; and

         (c)  determining the right of a Participant or a
    Beneficiary to payments under the Plan and otherwise
    authorizing disbursements of such payments by Tandy;

    in these and all other respects its decisions shall be
    conclusive and binding upon all concerned.

    Section 9.3 Tandy agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the
    members of the Committee against any and all expenses, claims
    and causes of action by or on behalf of any and all parties
    whomsoever, and all losses therefrom, including without
    limitation the cost of defense and attorney's fees, based
    upon or arising out of any act or omission relating to or in
    connection with the Plan other than losses resulting from any
    such Committee member's fraud or willful misconduct.

                             ARTICLE TEN

                         OR PLAN AGREEMENTS

    Section 10.1 Tandy reserves the right to terminate or amend
    this Plan or any Plan Agreement, in whole or in part, at any
    time, from time to time, by resolution of the Board of
    Directors of Tandy, provided, however, no amendment to the
    Plan or to any Plan Agreement shall alter the vested rights
    of a Participant or Beneficiary applicable on the effective
    date of such termination or amendment and, except for
    increases in Plan Compensation as provided in Section 8.5
    hereof, such vested rights shall remain unchanged.  Rights
    are deemed to have vested if benefits are actually being paid
    or if the only condition precedent to the payment of benefits
    is the termination of employment (unless terminated for
    reasons set forth in Section 8.4(c)(ii), in which event
    benefits are forfeited) with Tandy or the giving of notice of
    Retirement or the occurrence of an event described in Section
    8.5(a), (b) or (c).

    Section 10.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the

         (a)  Sections 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 and this Section 10.2
    shall not be amended or terminated at any time.

         (b)  For a period of one (1) year following a Change in
    Control, the Plan or Plan Agreement shall not be terminated
    or amended in any way, nor shall the manner in which the Plan
    is administered be changed in a way that adversely affects
    the Participants' right to existing or future Tandy
    Corporation provided benefits or contributions provided
    hereunder, including, but not limited to, any change in, or
    to, the eligibility requirements, benefit formulae and manner
    and optional forms of payments.

         (c)  Any amendment or termination of the Plan prior to a
    Change in Control which (i) was at the request of a third
    party who has indicated an intention or taken steps
    reasonably calculated to effect a Change in Control or (ii)
    otherwise arose in connection with, or in anticipation of, a
    Change in Control, shall be null and void and shall have no
    effect whatsoever.

         (d)  In the event the Plan or any Plan Agreement is
    terminated or adversely amended to the detriment of any
    Participant and within a one-year period from the effective
    date of any such amendment or termination a Change in Control
    occurs, then any Participant so affected whose employment
    with Tandy Corporation is terminated, voluntarily or
    involuntarily, within a three-year period from the date of
    the Change in Control shall be entitled to receive those
    benefits set forth in Section 8.5 hereof to the same extent
    and in the same amounts as though such amendment or
    termination had not occurred.  This Section 10.2(d) shall not
    apply to any Participant who, on the date of the Change in
    Control, has previously retired or has otherwise voluntarily
    terminated his employment with Tandy Corporation.

                               ARTICLE ELEVEN


    Section 11.1 The Plan and Plan Agreement and each of their
    provisions shall be construed and their validity determined
    under the laws of the State of Texas.

    Section 11.2 The masculine gender, where appearing in the
    Plan or Plan Agreement, shall be deemed to include the
    feminine gender.  The words "herein", "hereunder" and other
    similar compounds of the word "here" shall mean and refer to
    the entire Plan and Plan Agreement, not to any particular
    provision, section or subsection, and words used in the
    singular or plural may be construed as though in the plural
    or singular where they would so apply.

    Section 11.3 Any action brought by a Participant under the
    Plan or Plan Agreement may be brought in the appropriate
    state or federal court for Tarrant County, Texas, or for the
    county wherein the Participant maintains his or her
    residence.  Any suit brought by Tandy Corporation under the
    Plan may only be brought in the county wherein the
    Participant maintains his or her residence, unless the
    Participant consents to suit elsewhere.

    Section 11.4 Any person born on February 29 shall be deemed
    to have been born on the immediately preceding February 28
    for all purposes of this Plan.

    Section 11.5 This Plan shall be binding upon and inure to the
    benefit of any successor of Tandy and any such successor
    shall be deemed substituted for Tandy under the terms of this
    Plan.  As used in this Plan, the term "successor" shall
    include any person, firm, corporation, or other business
    entity which at any time, whether by merger, purchase, or
    otherwise, acquires all or substantially all of the assets or
    business of Tandy.

    Section 11.6 A Participant shall not be required to mitigate
    the amount of any payment provided for in this Plan by
    seeking other employment or otherwise.

    Section 11.7 In the event that a Participant institutes any
    legal action to enforce his rights under, or to recover
    damages for breach of any of the terms of this Plan or any
    Plan Agreement, the Participant, if he is the prevailing
    party, shall be entitled to recover from Tandy all actual
    expenses incurred in the prosecution of said suit including
    but not limited to attorneys' fees, court costs, and all
    other actual expenses.

    Section 11.8 Notwithstanding all other provisions in the
    Plan, in the event a Participant is entitled to benefits
    under two (2) separate sections of the Plan, the maximum a
    Participant may receive under this Plan is his Plan Benefit
    Amount, payable in accordance with Section 5.3 hereof.

    The original Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors on
    June 27, 1986.  This restated plan includes amendments
    thereto pursuant to resolutions at meetings of the Board of
    Directors of Tandy Corporation on January 20, 1989 and August
    22, 1990.