Washington, D.C.   20549


                                FORM 8-K

                             CURRENT REPORT

                      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                   of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


                           January 18, 1995
            Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)

                           TANDY CORPORATION
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

       Delaware               1-5571               75-1047710
    (State or other         (Commission          (IRS Employer
    jurisdiction of         File Number)      Identification No.)

    1800 Tandy Center, Fort Worth, Texas                76102
    (Address of principal executive offices)           (Zip Code)

    Registrant's telephone number, including area code
        (817) 390-3700

                      Index to Exhibits is on Page 4.
    Item 2.     Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

    On January 18, 1995 Tandy Credit Corporation ("Tandy
    Credit"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tandy Corporation (the
    "Corporation"), entered into an agreement to sell its Radio
    Shack and Tandy Name Brand Retail Group (McDuff,
    VideoConcepts  and The Edge in Electronics) private label
    credit card portfolios to Hurley State Bank, a subsidiary of
    SPS Transaction Services, Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary
    of Dean Witter, Discover & Co., subject to regulatory
    approval and rating agency consent.  Tandy Credit anticipates
    receiving, upon closing, approximately $293 million in cash
    as well as an $83 million deferred payment amount.  The
    Corporation will not recognize any material gain or loss on
    the transaction.

    The dollar amounts indicated are approximate and subject to
    final adjustments.  The sale of the Tandy Name Brand and
    Radio Shack private label credit card portfolios will be
    recorded in 1995, subject to regulatory approval and rating
    agency consent.

    Pro forma financial information is presented under Item 7(b)
    below.  The unaudited pro forma consolidated statements of
    income reflect the historical accounts of the Corporation
    adjusted to give pro forma effect to the sale of the credit
    card portfolios as if the transaction had occurred at the
    beginning of 1993.  The unaudited pro forma consolidated
    balance sheet reflects the historical accounts of the
    Corporation on September 30, 1994 adjusted to give effect to
    the sale of the portfolios as if the sale had occurred on
    September 30, 1994.  The pro forma financial information
    provided also includes the results of the Tandy Credit
    transaction reported in the Corporation's Form 8-K, Item 5
    disclosure dated December 30, 1994 and filed on January 6,

    The pro forma financial information presented is not
    necessarily indicative of the results of operations that
    would have occurred had the sale been effective at the
    beginning of each respective period nor is it necessarily
    indicative of the results of operations which can be expected
    for any subsequent period.  The pro forma adjustments are
    based upon available information and certain assumptions 
    that the Corporation believes are reasonable under the
    circumstances.  The pro forma financial information should be
    read in conjunction with the consolidated financial
    statements and the notes thereto included in the
    Corporation's December 31, 1993 Annual Report on Form 10-K. 

    Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits

    Listed below are the financial statements, pro forma
    financial information and exhibits, if any, filed as a part
    of this Report:

      (a)  None

      (b)  Pro Forma Financial Information

           1   Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Income for
               the nine months ended September 30, 1994 and the
               year ended December 31, 1993

           2   Pro Forma consolidated balance sheet of the
               Corporation as of September 30, 1994

           3   Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements

      (c)  Exhibits

           1   Acquisition Agreement dated January 18,  1995
               without exhibits


    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
    of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
    signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly
    authorized this 2nd day of February, 1995.

                         TANDY CORPORATION

    Date February 2, 1995        By: /S/ DWAIN H. HUGHES
                                     Dwain H. Hughes
                                     Senior Vice President
                                     and Chief Financial Officer

                          INDEX TO EXHIBITS
    Exhibit    Description of Exhibit                    Number

    (a)        None

    (b)        Pro Forma Financial Information

    (b) 1      Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of
                  Income for the nine months ended
                  September 30, 1994 and the year
                  ended December 31, 1993                  5

    (b) 2      Pro Forma consolidated balance sheet of
                  the Corporation as of September 30,
                  1994                                     7

    (b) 3      Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements     8

    (c)        Exhibits

    (c) 1      Acquisition Agreement dated January 18,
                 1995 without exhibits                     9

    For the nine months ended September 30, 1994
    Tandy Corporation and Subsidiaries

    (In thousands,                         Historical
    except per share amounts)              As Reported    Adjustments       Pro Forma 
    Net sales and operating revenues       $ 3,120,567     $        --       $ 3,120,567
    Cost of products sold                    1,858,383              --         1,858,383
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Gross profit                             1,262,184              --         1,262,184
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------

      Selling, general and administrative    1,043,548         (24,322)(A)     1,019,226
      Depreciation and amortization             62,269             (66)(A)        62,203
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
      Net operating income                     156,367          24,388           180,755

    Interest income                             61,967         (35,262)(B)        26,705
    Interest expense                           (20,599)          3,565 (C)       (17,034)
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Net interest income                         41,368         (31,697)            9,671
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------

    Income before income taxes,
      discontinued operations and
      cumulative effect of change
      in accounting principle                  197,735          (7,309)          190,426
    Provision for income taxes                 (75,334)          2,785 (D)       (72,549)
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Income from continuing operations          122,401          (4,524)          117,877

    Preferred dividends                          5,120              --             5,120
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Income from continuing operations
      available to common shareholders     $   117,281     $    (4,524)      $   112,757
                                           ===========     ===========       ===========

    Income from continuing operations
      available per average common and
      common equivalent share              $      1.51                       $      1.45
                                           ===========                       ===========
    Average common and common
      equivalent shares outstanding             77,550                            77,550
                                           ===========                       ===========
    See Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements.
    For the year ended December 31, 1993
    Tandy Corporation and Subsidiaries

    (In thousands,                          Historical
    except per share amounts)               As Reported    Adjustments        Pro Forma

    Net sales and operating revenues       $ 4,102,551     $        --       $ 4,102,551
    Cost of products sold                    2,382,607              --         2,382,607
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Gross profit                             1,719,944              --         1,719,944

      Selling, general and administrative    1,354,676         (43,038)(A)     1,311,638
      Depreciation and amortization             79,944             (67)(A)        79,877
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
      Net operating income                     285,324          43,105           328,429

    Interest income                             65,538         (61,348)(B)         4,190
    Interest expense                           (39,707)          5,906 (C)       (33,801)
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Net interest income                         25,831         (55,442)          (29,611)
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Income before income taxes,
      discontinued operations and
      cumulative effect of change
      in accounting principle                  311,155         (12,337)          298,818
    Provision for income taxes                (115,523)          4,610 (D)      (110,913)
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Income from continuing operations          195,632          (7,727)          187,905

    Preferred dividends                          7,135              --             7,135
                                           -----------     -----------       -----------
    Income from continuing operations
      available to common shareholders     $   188,497     $    (7,727)      $   180,770
                                           ===========     ===========       ===========

    Income from continuing operations
      available per average common and
      common equivalent share              $      2.48                       $      2.37
                                           ===========                       ===========
    Average common and common
      equivalent shares outstanding             76,184                            76,184
                                           ===========                       ===========

    See Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements.
    At September 30, 1994
    Tandy Corporation and Subsidiaries

    (In thousands)                            As Reported   Adjustments       Pro Forma  
    Current assets:
      Cash and short-term investments         $  221,024    $  256,064 (E)    $  477,088
      Accounts and notes receivable, less
        allowance for doubtful accounts          557,411      (297,534)(F)       259,877
      Inventories, at lower of cost or market  1,401,904            --         1,401,904
      Other current assets                       125,125          (112)(F)       125,013
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------
        Total current assets                   2,305,464       (41,582)        2,263,882

    Property, plant and equipment, at cost,
      less accumulated depreciation              480,446          (352)(F)       480,094
    Other assets, net of accumulated
      amortization                               193,683       (13,735)(F)       179,948
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------
                                              $2,979,593    $  (55,669)       $2,923,924
                                              ==========    ==========        ==========

    Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
    Current liabilities:
      Notes payable                           $   97,344    $  (42,000)(G)    $   55,344
      Current portion of TESOP guarantee           9,800            --             9,800
      Accounts payable                           385,849            --           385,849
      Income taxes payable                        38,245            --            38,245
      Other current liabilities                  312,359            --           312,359
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------
        Total current liabilities                843,597       (42,000)          801,597
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------

    Notes payable, due after one year             76,723            --            76,723
    Guarantee of TESOP indebtedness               54,030            --            54,030
    Other non-current liabilities                 50,972       (13,669)(F)        37,303
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------
        Total other liabilities                  181,725       (13,669)          168,056
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------
    Stockholders' Equity:
      Preferred stock                            529,982            --           529,982
      Common stock                                85,645            --            85,645
      Additional paid-in-capital                  91,016            --            91,016
      Retained earnings                        2,094,640            --         2,094,640
      Foreign currency translation effects         1,695            --             1,695
      Stock held in treasury, at cost           (784,351)           --          (784,351)
      Unearned deferred compensation             (64,356)           --           (64,356)
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------
    Total stockholders' equity                 1,954,271            --         1,954,271
                                              ----------    ----------        ----------
                                              $2,979,593    $  (55,669)       $2,923,924
                                              ==========    ==========        ==========

    See Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements.

    Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements

    (A)  To eliminate operating costs associated with Tandy
    Credit Corporation, to adjust credit card discounts and
    premiums to the rates which will prevail under merchant
    services agreements enacted in conjunction with the sale of
    the Radio Shack and Tandy Name Brand Retail Group private
    label credit card portfolios which was completed January 18,
    1995 and the sale of the Computer City and Incredible
    Universe private label credit card portfolios which was
    completed December 30, 1994 (collectively, the "Portfolios")
    and to adjust insurance income to the amounts which would
    have been realized under the newly enacted merchant services

    (B)  To eliminate interest income realized on the Portfolios.

    (C)  To eliminate interest expense incurred in relation to
    Tandy Credit Corporation's medium-term notes and other
    borrowings of Tandy Corporation assumed retired with proceeds
    from the sale of the Portfolios.

    (D)  To record the income tax effect of the pro forma
    adjustments to the Consolidated Statements of Income.

    (E)  To record cash received from the sale of the Portfolios
    and related assets based on September 30, 1994 book values,
    net of cash assumed used to retire Tandy Credit Corporation's
    medium-term notes payable (see Note (G) below).
    (F)  To remove net assets sold based on September 30, 1994
    book values.  The pro forma reduction of accounts and notes
    receivable is net of the deferred payment amount that would
    have been applicable at September 30, 1994.

    (G)  To remove Tandy Credit Corporation's medium-term notes
    payable assumed retired with proceeds from the sale of the
                                                        Exhibit C

                         ACQUISITION AGREEMENT
                              (Phase II)

              THIS ACQUISITION AGREEMENT is made as of the 18th
    day of January, 1995 among TANDY NATIONAL BANK, a limited
    purpose national banking association organized under the laws
    of the United States and located in Gray, Tennessee ("TNB"),
    TANDY CREDIT CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation with its
    principal office located in Fort Worth, Texas ("TCC"), and
    HURLEY STATE BANK, a South Dakota banking association located
    in Sioux Falls, South Dakota ("Purchaser").

                          R E C I T A L S

              TNB is a limited purpose credit card bank currently
    issuing private label credit cards to customers of various
    stores owned by Tandy Corporation, a Delaware corporation
    with its principal office located in Fort Worth, Texas
    ("Tandy"), including company-owned Radio Shack stores and
    participating dealer/franchise Radio Shack outlets and Tandy
    company-owned McDuff, VideoConcepts, AV&C and The Edge in
    Electronics stores (collectively, the "Tandy Stores").

              TNB wishes to sell to Purchaser, and Purchaser
    wishes to purchase from TNB, pursuant to the terms and
    subject to the conditions hereof, all account relationships,
    account balances, and certain other assets associated with
    all credit cards currently issued by TNB to customers of, and
    for use at the Tandy Stores (the "TNB Credit Cards" as
    hereinafter further defined).

              Pursuant to that certain Bank Receivables Purchase
    Agreement between TNB and TCC dated as of May 12, 1994 (as
    amended), TCC regularly acquires all credit card receivables
    generated by TNB, including the receivables arising under the
    TNB Credit Cards.

              TCC also owns certain credit card account
    relationships and account balances related to credit cards
    issued by Tandy or TCC to customers of, and for use at the
    Tandy Stores prior to the dates on which TNB began issuing
    such credit cards (the "TCC Credit Cards" as hereinafter
    further defined), and certain charged off account balances
    related to TNB Credit Cards and TCC Credit Cards.

              TCC wishes to sell to Purchaser, and Purchaser
    wishes to purchase from TCC, pursuant to the terms and
    subject to the conditions hereof, all account balances
    relating to TNB Credit Cards, and all account relationships
    (other than with respect to Accounts the Account Balances of
    which are required to be sold to TRC under the TCC
    Receivables Purchase Agreement), account balances, and
    certain other assets associated with the TCC Credit Cards to
    the extent not required to be sold to Tandy Receivables
    Corporation ("TRC") under the TCC Receivables Purchase

              Pursuant to that certain Agreement and Plan of
    Merger ("Merger Agreement") of even date herewith among
    Tandy, TCC, Purchaser and Hurley Receivables Corporation, a
    Delaware corporation with its principal office located in
    Riverwoods, Illinois and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
    Purchaser ("HRC"), TCC will be merged into HRC (the "Merger")
    immediately after it transfers the TCC Assets (as defined
    below) to Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement.  Upon
    effectiveness of the Merger, the Merger Assets will become
    assets of HRC.

              ACCORDINGLY, TNB and TCC (sometimes collectively
    referred to hereinafter as "Sellers"; it being understood
    that neither Seller is responsible for, or a guarantor of,
    the other's performance or obligations hereunder unless
    otherwise expressly stated) and Purchaser agree, for good and
    valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby
    acknowledged, and on the terms and conditions herein set
    forth, as follows:

         1.   Definitions For purposes of this Agreement, the
    following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

              "Account" means a TCC Credit Card or TNB Credit
    Card (as hereinafter defined) account (including any Interim
    Account or charged-off Account) on which a purchase
    transaction may be or has been made by (or by a person
    authorized by) the Cardholder pursuant to a Credit Card, but
    does not include (i) any commercial accounts; (ii) any
    account as to which the Cardholder's address was not, on the
    date such Account was opened, within the United States, the
    District of Columbia, Puerto Rico or United States
    territories and possessions (other than with respect to (x)
    United States military on foreign assignment or (y) natural
    persons currently residing in Canada and using the Credit
    Card in the United States for purchases at United States
    locations), (iii) any account which is not payable in United
    States dollars or (iv) any account designated by Purchaser on
    Exhibit 1 delivered at Closing which Purchaser in its
    reasonable judgment has elected not to purchase due to
    pending or threatened litigation alleging credit related
    claims, counterclaims or defenses against either Seller or
    its Affiliates and involving such Account or the related
    Cardholder.  A listing of such accounts involving such
    pending or threatened litigation will be provided by Sellers
    to Purchaser within ten days of the date of this Agreement. 
    Sellers will amend or supplement such listing from time to
    time prior to the Closing Date and on the Closing Date.

              "Account Balance" means, as to any Account, any and
    all amounts owing in respect of such Account by the
    Cardholder (including accrued interest, fees and other
    finance and service charges) whether or not billed.  This
    definition shall not be construed as limiting the Accounts
    purchased hereunder.  An Account Balance may be zero or may
    consist of a Credit Balance.  For purposes of Section 3.2,
    charged-off Accounts being transferred to Purchaser hereunder
    shall be deemed to have Account Balances of zero.

              "Adjustment Period" has the meaning set forth in
    Section 3.5.

              "Affiliate" means, as to any Person, any other
    Person controlling, controlled by, or under common control
    with, such Person.

              "Agreement" means this Acquisition Agreement,including
    all schedules and exhibits hereto, and, if amended, modified or
    supplemented, as the same may be so amended,
    modified or supplemented from time to time by written
    agreement signed by the parties.

              "Assets" means, collectively, the TNB Assets, the
    TCC Assets and the Merger Assets.

              "Assumption Agreements" means (i) the Amendment and
    Assumption Agreement dated as of the date hereof by and among
    TRC, TCC, Tandy and HRC, (ii) the Assumption Agreement dated
    as of the date hereof by and among TRC, TNB and the Purchaser
    and (iii) the Assumption Agreement dated as of the date
    hereof by and among TRC, TNB, Bankers Trust Company, as
    Trustee of the Tandy Master Trust and the Purchaser and
    certain related documents and agreements as may be agreed to
    by the parties hereto.

              "Business Day" means any day falling on Monday
    through Friday of any week except federal, state or religious
    holidays on which Purchaser or any of the Sellers (including
    any guarantor if any thereof) is closed for business.

              "Call Report" means the Consolidated Report of
    Condition and Income.

              "Card Services Agreement" means that certain Card
    Services Agreement dated as of October 3, 1986, as amended,
    adopted by TCC and assigned to TNB.

              "Cardholder" means a person to whom a Credit Card
    is issued by a Seller or Tandy and in whose name the Account,
    in connection with which the Credit Card may be used, is

              "Cardholder Agreement" means an agreement between a
    Cardholder and a Seller, under which one or more Credit Cards
    are issued.

              "Cardholder Dispute" means, as to any Account, any
    billing error dispute, product or service dispute, or any
    other dispute raised by a Cardholder which arises out of or
    relates to the business or operations of the Credit Card
    Business prior to the Transfer Date or Subsequent Transfer
    Date and which has not been resolved on or before the
    Transfer Date or applicable Subsequent Transfer Date.

              "Closing" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.

              "Closing Date" means a date occurring within three
    (3) Business Days following the first day on which a Trial
    Balance for the end of an agreed upon cycle is available
    after receipt of corporate approval, rating agency approvals,
    regulatory approval and the passage of any applicable
    statutory or regulatory waiting period, and mutually
    agreeable to Sellers, Purchaser, Tandy and HRC, when the
    Closing under this Agreement is consummated and the Merger
    Agreement is executed and it or a certificate of merger is
    filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.

              "Closing Statement" means a statement prepared by
    Sellers and Purchaser with respect to the books and records
    of Sellers' respective Credit Card Businesses as of the
    Transfer Date, substantially in the form of Exhibit 2.

              "Credit Balance" means, as to any Account, any and
    all amounts owing by a Seller to the Cardholder in respect of
    such Account as a credit balance, whether or not billed.

              "Credit Card" means any TNB Credit Card or TCC
    Credit Card.

              "Credit Card Business" means all of the business
    and operations relating to Credit Cards, and all aspects of
    the activities related thereto, including without limitation
    any such business conducted by TRC.

              "Deferred Amount" has the meaning set forth in
    Section 3.3.

              "Deferred Amount Payment" means each installment
    payment of the Deferred Amount set forth in the Closing

              "Deferred Payment Date" means each date specified
    in the Closing Statement on which a Deferred Amount Payment
    is due from Purchaser.

              "Eligible Account" means any Account which is not
    an Ineligible Account as of its Transfer Date or Subsequent
    Transfer Date, as applicable.

              "HRC" has the meaning set forth in the recitals.

              "Hurley Bank Receivables Purchase Agreement" means
    the Bank Receivables Purchase Agreement dated as of December
    30, 1994 between Purchaser and SPS Newco.

              "Ineligible Account" means any Account which is
    determined during the Adjustment Period to have been any of
    the following:

                   (a)  An Account with respect to which, prior
              to the Transfer Date or Subsequent Transfer Date,
              as applicable, neither of the Sellers has received
              notice that the Cardholder has filed a petition or
              a petition has been filed against the Cardholder
              seeking relief under the federal bankruptcy law or
              any other law dealing with the insolvency of a
              consumer or the inability of a consumer to pay his
              debt, and with respect to which neither Purchaser
              nor any Seller has received subsequent notice that
              such Cardholder has reaffirmed his or her
              obligations with respect to such Account;

                   (b)  An Account which, on the Transfer Date,
              includes any amount that is more than 179 days past
              due or otherwise represents a "charged-off" Account
              on either of the Sellers' books;

                   (c)  An Account as to which any of the Sellers
              shall, at any time prior to the Transfer Date or
              Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable, have
              received notification, not thereafter rescinded, of
              an actual or possible fraud loss or lost or stolen
              Credit Card.

                   (d)  An Account as to which, prior to the
              Transfer Date or Subsequent Transfer Date, as
              applicable, either of the Sellers has received
              notice that the Cardholder has died; or

                   (e)  An Account as to which, prior to the
              Transfer Date or Subsequent Transfer Date, as
              applicable, either of the Sellers has received
              notice that the Cardholder has not attained the age
              of eighteen (18).

              "Interim Account" means any Account originated by
    TNB on or after the Transfer Date pursuant to Section 6.3.

              "Merchant Services Agreement" means that certain
    Merchant Services Agreement of even date herewith between
    Purchaser and Tandy under which Purchaser will issue private
    label credit cards for use at Tandy Stores.

              "Merger Agreement" means that certain Agreement and
    Plan of Merger among Tandy, TCC, Purchaser and HRC of even
    date herewith, substantially in the form of Exhibit 18

              "Merger Assets" means the following properties and
    assets of TCC;

              (i)  The TRC Stock; and

              (ii) All other assets of TCC existing on the
    Closing Date, other than the TCC Assets and the assets set
    forth on Exhibit 3, provided that Exhibit 3 may be amended or
    supplemented from time to time prior to the Closing upon
    mutual agreement of the parties hereto.

              "Person" means a natural person, corporation,
    limited liability company or partnership, joint venture,
    association, trust, sole proprietorship, unincorporated
    organization or partnership.

              "Pre-Transfer Period" means the period between the
    date of this agreement to and including the Transfer Date.

              "Purchase Price" has the meaning set forth in
    Section 3.2.

              "Receivables Purchase Agreement" means that certain
    "Tandy National Bank - Bank Receivables Purchase Agreement"
    between TNB and TCC dated as of May 12, 1994, as amended.

              "Security Agreement" means that certain Amended and
    Restated Security Agreement dated as of the Closing Date,
    between SPS Newco, TCC and Tandy, granting Tandy and its
    permitted successors and assigns a security interest in
    certain Account Balances transferred to SPS Newco under the
    Hurley Bank Receivables Purchase Agreement, as amended.

              "Special Plan" means, as to any Account, any
    payment plan with respect to any particular purchase of goods
    or services which is identified as a Special Plan in Exhibit
    4, provided that Exhibit 4 may be supplemented from time to
    time prior to the Closing upon mutual agreement of the
    parties hereto.

              "Special Plan Account Balance" means, as to any
    Account, any portion of the Account Balance which, pursuant
    to the terms of a Special Plan, as of the Transfer Date or
    Subsequent Transfer Date is not yet due and payable.

              "SPS" means SPS Payment Systems, Inc., a Delaware

              "SPS Newco" means SPS Newco, Inc., a Delaware

              "SPS Newco Assignment Agreement" means the Hurley
    Assignment, Assumption and Release Agreement dated as of the
    Closing Date, between Purchaser and SPS Newco.

              "SPS Guaranty" means the Guaranty of SPS, dated as
    of the Closing Date, of all of the Purchaser's and its
    assignees' obligations under this Agreement, substantially in
    the form of Exhibit 5 hereto.

              "Subsequent Transfer Date" means the date any
    Interim Account is created.

              "Tandy" means Tandy Corporation, a Delaware

              "Tandy Agreements" has the meaning set forth in
    Section 11.9(b)(v).

              "Tandy Assignment Agreement" means the agreement
    between Tandy and TCC dated the Closing Date, substantially
    in the form of Exhibit 19 hereto.

              "Tandy Guaranty" means the Guaranty by Tandy, dated
    as of the Closing Date, of all of each Seller's and their
    respective assignees' obligations under this Agreement and
    the Merger Agreement, substantially in the form of Exhibit 6

              "Tandy Securitization" has the meaning set forth in
    Section 9.19.

              "TCC Assets" has the meaning set forth in Section

              "TCC Credit Card" means any consumer credit card
    issued prior to the last Subsequent Transfer Date by Tandy or
    TCC or evidencing an account owned by TCC and bearing or
    including the name, logo or symbol(s) of any of the Tandy

              "TCC Receivables Purchase Agreement" means the
    Receivables Purchase Agreement dated as of May 1, 1991
    between TCC and TRC, as amended and restated as of May 12,

              "TCC Stock" means all of the issued and outstanding
    shares of the stock of TCC.

              "TNB Assets" has the meaning set forth in Section

              "TNB Credit Card" means any consumer credit card
    issued prior to the last Subsequent Transfer Date by TNB or
    evidencing an account owned by TNB and bearing or including
    the name, logo or symbol(s) of any of the Tandy Stores.

              "Transferred Account Balance" means, as to any
    Account, any portion of the Account Balance which has been
    transferred to TCC pursuant to the Receivables Purchase
    Agreement or the Tandy Assignment Agreement.

              "Transfer Date" means the closing of processing of
    Accounts by SPS in the ordinary course of business on the
    first date for which a Trial Balance for the end of an agreed
    upon cycle is available after receipt of rating agency
    approvals, regulatory approval and the passage of any
    applicable statutory waiting periods, and mutually agreeable
    to Purchaser and Sellers.

          "TRC" means Tandy Receivables Corporation.

              "TRC Stock" means all of the issued and outstanding
    shares of the stock of TRC.

              "Trial Balance" means, for any day, the schedule of
    Account Balances, including credits, debits and other entries
    posted as of such day, in the format generated by SPS in the
    regular course of business as Form R-16.  It is understood
    that charged-off Accounts being transferred to Purchaser
    hereunder shall not appear on the Trial Balance.

              "TSI" means SPS Transaction Services, Inc., a
    Delaware corporation.

              "TSI Guaranty" means the Guaranty by TSI, dated as
    of the Closing Date, of all of the Purchaser's obligations
    under this Agreement, substantially in the form of Exhibit 7

              "24 Month Account Balance" means any Account
    Balance owing in respect of a 24 month Special Plan under an

         2.   Sales, Purchases and Assumptions

              2.1  Sale and Purchase of TNB Assets

              On the Closing Date, as of the Transfer Date with
    respect to Accounts that are not Interim Accounts and as of
    the applicable Subsequent Transfer Date with respect to each
    Interim Account, TNB agrees to sell, assign and transfer to
    Purchaser, and Purchaser agrees to purchase from TNB, all
    right, title and interest in and to the following properties
    and assets (collectively, the "TNB Assets"):

                   (i)   All Accounts related to TNB Credit Cards
                         (including all Account Balances other
                         than 24 Month Account Balances
                         thereunder not required to be
                         transferred to TRC pursuant to the TCC
                         Receivables Purchase Agreement);

                   (ii)  All Cardholder Agreements relating to
                         TNB Credit Cards;

                   (iii) All records directly relating to TNB
                         Credit Card Accounts and Account
                         Balances of TNB; and

                   (iv)  Related assets set forth on Exhibit 8
                         hereto, provided that Exhibit 8 may be
                         supplemented from time to time prior to
                         the Closing upon mutual agreement of the
                         parties hereto.

              The sale to Purchaser of the Accounts (including
    the Account Balances thereunder not required to be
    transferred to TRC pursuant to the TCC Receivables Purchase
    Agreement) and the other TNB Assets is made without recourse
    to TNB, subject only to TNB's representations and warranties
    under Section 8 and TNB's indemnification under Section 7.1.

              2.2  Assumption of TNB Obligations under TNB
    Assets; TCC Consent

              Purchaser agrees to assume all obligations of TNB
    to Cardholders under Cardholder Agreements relating to TNB
    Credit Cards that are to be performed after the Transfer Date
    or Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable, and were not
    required to be performed before the Transfer Date or
    Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable.  TCC hereby consents
    to the sale and assumption contemplated by Sections 2.1 and

              2.3  Sale and Purchase of TCC Assets

              On the Closing Date, as of the Transfer Date, TCC
    agrees to sell, assign and transfer to Purchaser, and
    Purchaser agrees to purchase from TCC all right, title and
    interest in and to the following properties and assets
    (collectively, the "TCC Assets"):

                   (i)   All Transferred Account Balances not
                         required to be transferred to TRC
                         pursuant to the TCC Receivables Purchase
                         Agreement and not constituting 24 Month
                         Account Balances;

                   (ii)  All Accounts (other than Accounts the
                         Account Balances of which are required
                         to be transferred to TRC pursuant to the
                         TCC Receivables Purchase Agreement)
                         related to TCC Credit Cards (including
                         the Account Balances thereunder not
                         required to be transferred to TRC
                         pursuant to the TCC Receivables Purchase

                   (iii) All Cardholder Agreements relating to
                                   TCC Credit Cards;

                   (iv)  All records directly relating to
                         Transferred Account Balances and TCC
                         Credit Card Accounts; and

                   (v)  Related assets set forth on Exhibit 8
                        hereto, provided that Exhibit 8 may be
                        supplemented from time to time prior to
                        the Closing upon mutual agreement of the
                        parties hereto.

              The sale to Purchaser of the Transferred Account
    Balances and the other TCC Assets is made without recourse to
    TCC, subject only to TCC's representations and warranties
    under Section 9 and TCC's indemnification under Section 7.2.

              2.4  Assumption of TCC Obligations under TCC
    Assets; TNB Consent

              Purchaser agrees to assume all obligations of TCC
    to Cardholders under Cardholder Agreements relating to TCC
    Credit Cards that are to be performed after the Transfer Date
    or Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable, and were not
    required to be performed before the Transfer Date or
    Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable.  TNB consents to the
    sale and assumption contemplated by Sections 2.3 and 2.4.

              2.5  Accounting Books and Records; Rights of

              Each Seller shall retain its accounting books and
    records relating to the Credit Cards for a period of seven
    (7) years from and after the Closing Date or for such longer
    time as may be required by law or applicable statutes of
    limitation.  Purchaser shall be provided access to such books
    and records at such locations as they are normally kept and
    may inspect and copy such records.  Such inspection and
    copying shall be conducted during Sellers' normal business
    hours in a manner which does not reasonably interfere with
    normal business operations, after giving reasonable prior
    written notice.

         3.   Transfer Date; Consideration for Assets

              3.1  Transfer Date

              The purchases and sales hereunder shall be
    effective as of the Transfer Date or each Subsequent Transfer
    Date as specified in Sections 2.1 and 2.3 respectively.

              3.2  Purchase Price

              The amount to be paid by Purchaser to Sellers for
    the Assets on the Closing Date (the "Purchase Price") shall
    be an amount equal to (A) the Account Balance (other than any
    24 Month Account Balance) of all Eligible Accounts, plus (B)
    the amount then on deposit in the collection account pursuant
    to the Tandy Securitization, less (C) the agreed upon amount
    set forth in the Closing Statement, less (D) the unpaid
    principal amount of the 8.25% Class A Asset Backed
    Certificates issued in connection with the Tandy
    Securitization plus the accrued and unpaid interest thereon.
    The Purchase Price shall be payable in the manner set forth
    in Section 3.3, subject to adjustment as hereinafter provided
    in this Agreement (including without limitation Section 3.5
    for Accounts later determined to be Ineligible Accounts and
    further subject to adjustment as provided in this Agreement
    under Section 3.6).

              3.3  Method of Payment

              At the Closing, Purchaser will pay to Sellers or
    their respective assignees or designees the cash amount set
    forth on the Closing Statement in immediately available funds
    deposited as directed by Sellers; and the remainder will be
    paid on a deferred basis (the "Deferred Amount").  The
    Deferred Amount is calculated based on the total Special Plan
    Account Balances (excluding 24 Month Account Balances) as of
    the Transfer Date.  The Deferred Amount shall be payable in
    installments as described in the next sentence.  On each
    Deferred Payment Date, Purchaser shall pay to Sellers an
    amount equal to the Deferred Amount Payment set forth in the
    Closing Statement which is due on such Deferred Payment Date.
    Deferred Amount Payments made by Purchaser will reduce the
    outstanding balance of the Deferred Amount.

              3.4  [Intentionally Left Blank]

              3.5  Adjustments for Ineligible Accounts

              With respect to the period from the Closing Date to
    240 days after the Closing Date (the "Adjustment Period"), if
    Purchaser is unable (by reason only of the matter or event
    which rendered the Account ineligible and only to the extent
    thereof) to collect from any Cardholder the full Account
    Balance in respect of any Ineligible Account for which
    Purchaser paid a portion of the Purchase Price described in
    this Agreement, unless Purchaser shall be required to refund
    any amounts to such Cardholder due to the event making such
    Account an Ineligible Account, then Sellers will promptly
    repay to Purchaser the uncollected portion of any such
    Account Balance, or of such refund, as the case may be.
    During the Adjustment Period, Purchaser will use the same
    efforts to collect such Account Balances as Purchaser uses
    with respect to other accounts owned by it.  Payments
    received by Purchaser during the Adjustment Period will be
    applied in accordance with the applicable Cardholder
    Agreement.  Purchaser shall provide to each Seller a monthly
    list of Ineligible Accounts currently uncollected.  By 250
    days after the Closing Date, Purchaser shall provide Sellers
    a final settlement statement identifying all Ineligible
    Accounts with respect to which Purchaser was unable to
    collect from any Cardholder that portion of the Account
    Balance for which payment was made on the Closing Date and
    the amount of the uncollected Account Balance related
    thereto, and payment shall be made to Purchaser by or on
    behalf of Sellers of the total amount of such uncollected
    Account Balances.  Unless either Seller has notified
    Purchaser of a dispute in the amount, Purchaser may set off
    any amounts owed by Sellers under this Section 3.5 against
    amounts owing by Purchaser to Tandy through the mechanism for
    settlement under the Merchant Services Agreement.
    Disagreements as to the proper amount of such uncollected
    Account Balances shall be resolved in the manner set forth in
    Section 15 of this Agreement.

              3.6  Adjustments of Purchase Price

              The Purchase Price shall be adjusted on or about
    the 16th day of the calendar month following the calendar
    month in which the Closing Date occurs to reflect (i)
    required adjustments (for sales and clearing of payments in
    process and suspense accounts) to the Trial Balance as of the
    Transfer Date occurring in the normal course of business and
    to reflect the Purchase Price due for any Interim Accounts;
    (ii) account balances associated with Credit Cards which were
    included as Accounts on the Closing Statement, but were later
    determined not to be Accounts (as defined in Section 1
    hereof); and (iii) 24 Month Account Balances inadvertently
    included in the Trial Balance.  All other adjustments as
    permitted under this Agreement shall be made pursuant to the
    settlement mechanism under the Merchant Services Agreement.
    Disagreements as to the proper amount of such adjustments
    shall be resolved in the manner set forth in Section 15 of
    this Agreement.

              3.7  Allocation of Purchase Price

              (a)  The Purchase Price shall be allocated as
    reasonably determined by Purchaser on a schedule (the
    "Schedule") to be prepared by Purchaser either prior to or
    after the Closing and provided to Sellers as soon as the
    Schedule is available, but in no event more than thirty (30)
    calendar days after the Closing Date.  Sellers shall have ten
    (10) Business Days after the receipt of the Schedule to
    object to any allocation set forth therein.  Thereafter, the
    parties shall negotiate in good faith to agree on a final
    form of the Schedule.  If the parties cannot agree on the
    final form of the Schedule, any disputed items shall be
    resolved in the manner set forth in Section 15 hereof.

              (b)  Within ten (10) calendar days after the final
    determination of the Schedule as provided above, Purchaser
    shall prepare, consistent with the allocations set forth in
    the Schedule as finally determined, an IRS Form 8594 pursuant
    to Section 1060 of the Code (and any comparable form under
    state, local or foreign law) based on the Schedule as agreed
    upon by the parties hereto and shall deliver such completed
    IRS Form 8594 to Sellers for their review.  Purchaser and
    Sellers agree to report, and to cause their respective
    Affiliates to report, this transaction for state, local,
    federal and foreign tax purposes in all respects consistent
    with and in accordance with the Schedule and the Form 8594
    prepared by Purchaser (and any comparable form under state,
    local or foreign law).  Purchaser and each of the Sellers
    shall file a Form 8594 with the Internal Revenue Service as
    provided in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
    and the regulations promulgated thereunder.  If any state,
    local, foreign or federal taxing authority challenges such
    allocation, Purchaser and each of the Sellers shall cooperate
    and shall cause their respective Affiliates to cooperate, in
    good faith in responding to such challenge.  The party
    receiving such challenge shall give prompt written notice to
    the other party of any such challenge.

              3.8  Sales Taxes

              Purchaser agrees to pay any and all sales, transfer
    or similar taxes payable by reason of the purchase and sale
    of the Assets and the transfer and assumption of Accounts and
    Account Balances under this Agreement.

         4.   Closing

              The closing in respect of the sale and purchase of
    the Credit Card Business and the Merger (the "Closing") shall
    take place on the Closing Date at 1800 One Tandy Center, Fort
    Worth, Texas.

         5.   Agreements of Sellers during Pre-Transfer Period

              During the Pre-Transfer Period:

              5.1  Access to Records and Information

              Sellers shall afford to Purchaser and its
    authorized agents and representatives reasonable access to
    the records, credit files and other information within each
    Seller's possession relating to their respective Credit Card
    Business.  Each Seller shall during such period cause its
    personnel to provide to Purchaser assistance in Purchaser's
    investigation of matters relating to their respective Credit
    Card Business and to the Assets; provided, however, that
    Purchaser's investigation shall be conducted in a manner
    which does not unreasonably interfere with such Seller's
    normal operations.

              5.2  Operation of Credit Card Business

              Each Seller agrees to keep and maintain records and
    books of account in the same manner as it has in the past and
    as in effect on the date of this Agreement of all revenues
    and expenses with respect to the business and operations of
    its Credit Card Business; each Seller further agrees in
    accordance with its past practices to use reasonable efforts
    to collect or arrange for the collection of all revenues and
    other receipts with respect to its Credit Card Business.

              5.3  Conduct of Business Prior to Transfer Date

              Except as may be otherwise required by law or
    regulatory requirement or unless Purchaser otherwise consents
    in writing, each Seller will manage and operate its Credit
    Card Business in the ordinary course of business and in
    substantially the same manner (except as otherwise required
    hereunder) as heretofore managed and operated by such Seller;
    provided that each Seller will promptly advise Purchaser in
    writing of any material actions, suits or proceedings,
    including but not limited to regulatory proceedings or
    inquiries, which are made, commenced or threatened against or
    affecting such Seller or its Credit Card Business in addition
    to those set forth on Exhibit 9, and will promptly advise
    Purchaser in writing of any other actual or, if within
    Sellers' knowledge, prospective adverse change in the
    financial condition, business or prospects of its Credit Card
    Business; and provided further that neither Seller will
    waive, any material claim owed to it in connection with its
    Credit Card Business or breach any material obligation under
    any contract, commitment or agreement relating to the Assets.
    Neither Seller will, after the date hereof, settle or
    compromise any material claim without the consent of the

              5.4  Due Diligence

              Sellers shall assist Purchaser in all reasonable
    respects in conducting its due diligence prior to the Closing
    Date and Sellers and Purchaser agree to resolve all related
    issues in good faith.

    6.   Certain Agreements of Purchaser and Sellers

              6.1  Certain Filings and Consents

              Sellers and Purchaser shall as soon as practicable
    make or cause to be made any filings and applications
    required to be filed in order to obtain all required
    regulatory approvals, consents or waivers.  Purchaser and
    Sellers shall cooperate in the preparation of all such
    filings and applications prior to filing.  All such
    applications shall be mutually acceptable to Purchaser and
    Sellers.  Purchaser and Sellers shall cooperate with one
    another (A) in promptly determining what filings or
    applications are required to be made or approvals, consents
    or waivers are required to be obtained under any relevant
    federal, state, local or foreign law or regulation and (B) in
    promptly making any such filings or applications, furnishing
    information required in connection therewith and seeking to
    obtain any such approvals, consents or waivers in a timely
    manner.  Purchaser and Sellers shall use their reasonable
    best efforts to take promptly, or cause to be taken promptly,
    all other actions and to do promptly, or cause to be done
    promptly, all other things necessary, proper or advisable
    under applicable laws and regulations, to consummate and make
    effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement as
    promptly as practicable.

              6.2  Communications with Public

              Neither Purchaser nor any of Sellers nor their
    respective Affiliates shall issue any press releases or make
    any public statements concerning this Agreement or the
    transactions hereunder without the prior approval of each of
    the other parties hereto of both the content and timing of
    such press releases or statements.  Both the content and
    timing of communications with Cardholders concerning the
    transactions contemplated by this Agreement are subject to
    the prior approval of Sellers and Purchaser.  Notwithstanding
    the above, if any party hereto reasonably believes in good
    faith that any press release, public statement or
    communication is required by law or regulation, and any other
    party hereto refuses to approve such press release, public
    statement or communication, such press release, public
    statement or communication may be made without prior

              6.3  Operation of Credit Card Business After
    Transfer Date

              From the Transfer Date to the Closing Date, each
    Seller shall continue to manage and operate the Credit Card
    Business in the ordinary course of business and in
    substantially the same manner (except as otherwise required
    hereunder) as heretofore managed and operated by such Seller,
    for the benefit of Purchaser.  All applications for TNB
    Credit Cards received by TNB on or after the Transfer Date,
    but prior to the Closing Date, shall be acted upon by TNB in
    the ordinary course of business and all credit extended
    thereunder shall constitute the Interim Accounts.  After the
    Closing Date and until such time as Purchaser's credit card
    applications and agreements are substituted for credit card
    applications and agreements at all Tandy Stores, Sellers
    shall act as agent for Purchaser for the limited purpose of
    originating new credit card accounts to be issued by
    Purchaser to customers of Tandy Stores pursuant to the
    Merchant Services Agreement.  Any credit card applications
    received by Sellers for TNB Credit Cards on or after the
    Transfer Date and not acted upon prior to the Closing Date
    shall be delivered to Purchaser promptly upon receipt.  All
    credit card accounts opened pursuant to such applications
    shall be deemed originated by Purchaser.

              6.4  Cardholder Disputes

              Cardholder Disputes relating to Accounts arising on
    or before the Transfer Date or on or before the applicable
    Subsequent Transfer Date shall be resolved in a manner
    consistent with the provisions of the Merchant Services
    Agreement as if such Cardholder Disputes had arisen with
    respect to accounts subject to the provisions of the Merchant
    Services Agreement.  Sellers shall have no financial
    responsibility under the Merchant Services Agreement to
    Purchaser with respect to any Account beyond the disputed
    amount or the Account Balance on the Transfer Date or
    Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable, which was included
    in the Purchase Price, whichever is less.

              6.5  Payments Received by Sellers

              Each Seller will hold in trust for Purchaser all
    monies, checks and other payments received by such Seller
    after the Transfer Date on any Account purchased by Purchaser
    from Sellers.  Such amounts shall be remitted pursuant to the
    settlement mechanism under the Merchant Services Agreement.
    Each Seller hereby authorizes and empowers Purchaser to sign
    and endorse such Seller's name on all checks, drafts, money
    orders or other forms of payment relating to such Accounts
    purchased by Purchaser.

              6.6  Collection of Purchased Accounts

              Subject to the provisions of any prior agreement
    between Purchaser or any of its Affiliates and Sellers or any
    of their Affiliates, Purchaser shall have the right to take,
    or cause to be taken, such action to enforce Purchaser's
    rights with respect to any Account purchased hereunder as
    Purchaser may deem necessary or appropriate in the
    circumstances.  Any such collection or enforcement action, to
    the extent reasonably deemed legally required by Purchaser,
    may be carried out in either Seller's name or in Purchaser's
    name, at the option of Purchaser, provided that Purchaser may
    only carry out such action in a lawful manner in a Seller's
    name with the prior written permission of such Seller.  Each
    Seller hereby constitutes and appoints Purchaser its true and
    lawful attorney for such purpose, with full power of
    substitution in the premises, which appointment shall include
    (but shall not be limited to) the power to demand, sue for,
    collect and receive any and all amounts owing at any time on
    any Account purchased from such Seller and owned by
    Purchaser, and to endorse checks, drafts, orders and other
    instruments tendered in payment of such amounts and to
    settle, compromise, prosecute or defend any claims Purchaser
    or such Seller may have with respect thereto.  This power of
    attorney shall be deemed to be a power coupled with an

              6.7  Sellers' Assurances

              On and after the Closing Date, each Seller shall
    (i) give such further assurances to Purchaser and shall
    execute, acknowledge and deliver all such acknowledgements
    and other instruments and take such further action as may be
    reasonably necessary and appropriate effectively to vest in
    Purchaser the full legal and equitable title to the Assets;
    and (ii) cooperate with Purchaser in the orderly transition
    of the operations acquired by Purchaser.

              6.8  Purchaser's Assurances

              On and after the Closing Date, Purchaser shall: 
    (i) give such further assurances to each Seller and shall
    execute, acknowledge and deliver all such acknowledgements
    and other instruments and take such further action as may be
    necessary and appropriate to relieve and discharge
    effectively such Seller from any obligations assumed by
    Purchaser; and (ii) cooperate with Sellers in the orderly
    transition of the operations acquired by Purchaser.

              6.9  Audit Letter

              At the request of the other party, at the
    requesting party's expense and upon reasonable notice, the
    requested party shall provide to the requesting party a
    letter from its independent accounting firm reporting the
    results of the accounting firm's review of the requested
    party's records and internal procedures relating to the

              6.10 Correction of Account Terms

              After the Closing Date, Purchaser shall use
    reasonable efforts to identify TNB Credit Card Accounts not
    in compliance with current laws and regulations relating to
    fees and charges which are not promptly debit ratified as to
    Purchaser's terms.  If Purchaser, in its sole and absolute
    discretion, determines that it is possible to remedy any such
    violations of laws or regulations with respect to (i) such
    identified TNB Accounts and (ii) any TCC Credit Card Accounts
    which have not been debit ratified as to Purchaser's terms
    with respect to which Purchaser (without independent
    investigation) has actual knowledge of any similar
    violations, Purchaser shall make a good faith attempt to
    remedy such violations.

         7.   Indemnification

              7.1  Indemnification by TNB

              (a)  TNB hereby agrees to indemnify Purchaser and
    hold Purchaser harmless from any liability, loss, cost or
    expense, including reasonable outside attorneys' fees, to the
    extent it is caused by or results from: (i) the breach by TNB
    of its representations or warranties contained in this
    Agreement; (ii) the breach by TNB of any of its covenants or
    agreements herein contained; or (iii) any liability or
    obligation, contingent or otherwise, arising out of or in
    connection with TNB's conduct of its Credit Card Business
    prior to the Closing Date; except, in the case of clause
    (iii), to the extent that (A) such liability or obligation is
    expressly assumed by Purchaser under this Agreement, or (B)
    such liability, loss, cost or expense results from a breach
    by SPS of SPS's obligations under the Card Services Agreement
    or a violation of law by SPS, unless the act or omission
    constituting such violation was within the control of any of
    the Sellers, or (C) the act or omission causing such
    liability, loss, cost or expense was directly within the
    control of SPS.

              (b)  In case any claim is made, or any suit or
    action is commenced, against Purchaser in respect of which
    indemnification is sought by it under this Section 7.1,
    Purchaser shall promptly give TNB notice thereof and TNB
    shall be entitled to participate in (or, if Purchaser does
    not desire to defend, to conduct) the defense thereof at
    TNB's expense.  TNB may (but need not) defend or participate
    in the defense of any such claim, suit or action, but TNB
    shall promptly notify Purchaser if TNB shall not desire to
    defend or participate in the defense of any such claim, suit
    or action, or if TNB disputes liability for indemnity under
    this Section 7.1.  Thereafter Purchaser shall defend and, so
    long as TNB has not undertaken the defense or is not
    participating in the defense, Purchaser may at any time
    notify TNB of its intention to settle or compromise any
    claim, suit or action against Purchaser in respect of which
    payments may be sought by Purchaser hereunder, and Purchaser
    may settle or compromise any such claim, suit or action
    unless TNB notifies Purchaser in writing (within ten (10)
    days after Purchaser has given written notice of its
    intention to settle or compromise) TNB intends to conduct the
    defense of such claim, suit or action.  Any such permitted
    settlement or compromise by Purchaser of, or any final
    judgment or decree entered on or in, any claim, suit or
    action which Purchaser has defended and of which TNB has not
    elected to defend or to participate in the defense of in
    accordance herewith, shall be deemed to have been consented
    to by, and shall be binding upon, TNB as fully as if TNB had
    assumed the defense thereof and a final judgment or decree
    had been entered in such suit or action, or with regard to
    such claim, by a court of competent jurisdiction for the
    amount of such settlement, compromise, judgment or decree. 
    In all cases in which TNB is participating in the defense
    with Purchaser, Purchaser shall not settle or compromise any
    claim or action without TNB's prior written consent, which
    shall not be unreasonably withheld.

              7.2  Indemnification by TCC

              (a)  TCC hereby agrees to indemnify Purchaser and
    hold Purchaser harmless from any liability, loss, cost or
    expense, including reasonable outside attorneys' fees, to the
    extent it is caused by or results from: (i) the breach by TCC
    of TCC's representations or warranties contained in this
    Agreement or the Merger Agreement; (ii) the breach by TCC of
    any of its covenants or agreements contained herein or in the
    Merger Agreement; or (iii) any liability or obligation,
    contingent or otherwise, or arising out of or in connection
    with TCC's conduct of its Credit Card Business prior to the
    Closing Date; except, in the case of clause (iii), to the
    extent that (A) such liability or obligation is expressly
    assumed by Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement, or (B) such
    liability, loss, cost or expense results from a breach by SPS
    of SPS's obligations under the Card Services Agreement or a
    violation of law by SPS, unless the act or omission
    constituting such violation was within the control of any of
    the Sellers, or (C) the act or omission causing such
    liability, loss, cost or expense was directly within the
    control of SPS.

              (b)  In case any claim is made, or any suit or
    action is commenced, against Purchaser in respect of which
    indemnification is sought by it under this Section 7.2,
    Purchaser shall promptly give TCC notice thereof and TCC
    shall be entitled to participate in (or, if Purchaser does
    not desire to defend, to conduct) the defense thereof at
    TCC's expense.  TCC may (but need not) defend or participate
    in the defense of any such claim, suit or action, but TCC
    shall promptly notify Purchaser if TCC shall not desire to
    defend or participate in the defense of any such claim, suit
    or action or if TCC disputes liability for indemnity under
    this Section 7.2.  Thereafter Purchaser shall defend and, so
    long as TCC has not undertaken the defense or is not
    participating in the defense.  Purchaser may at any time
    notify TCC of its intention to settle or compromise any
    claim, suit or action against Purchaser in respect of which
    payments may be sought by Purchaser hereunder, and Purchaser
    may settle or compromise any such claim, suit or action
    unless TCC notifies Purchaser in writing (within ten (10)
    days after Purchaser has given written notice of its
    intention to settle or compromise) TCC intends to conduct the
    defense of such claim, suit or action.  Any such permitted
    settlement or compromise by Purchaser of, or any final
    judgment or decree entered on or in, any claim, suit or
    action which Purchaser has defended and of which TCC has not
    elected to defend or participate in the defense of in
    accordance herewith, shall be deemed to have been consented
    to by, and shall be binding upon, TCC as fully as if TCC had
    assumed the defense thereof and a final judgment or decree
    had been entered in such suit or action, or with regard to
    such claim, by a court of competent jurisdiction for the
    amount of such settlement, compromise, judgment or decree. 
    In all cases in which TCC is participating in the defense
    with Purchaser, Purchaser shall not settle or compromise any
    claim or action without TCC's prior written consent, which
    shall not be unreasonably withheld.

              7.3  Indemnification by Purchaser

              (a)  Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify each
    Seller and hold it harmless from any liability, loss, cost or
    expense, including reasonable outside attorneys' fees, to the
    extent it is caused by or results from: (i) the breach of any
    of Purchaser's representations or warranties contained in
    this Agreement or the Merger Agreement; (ii) the breach by
    Purchaser of any of its covenants or agreements contained
    herein or in the Merger Agreement; or (iii) any liability or
    obligation, contingent or otherwise, arising out of or in
    connection with Purchaser's conduct of the Credit Card
    Business following the Closing Date and not relating to acts
    or occurrences prior to the Closing Date; except, in the case
    of clause (iii), to the extent that (A) such liability or
    obligation is expressly assumed by such Seller pursuant to
    this Agreement, (B) such liability, loss, cost or expense
    results from a breach by either Seller of such Seller's
    obligations under the Card Services Agreement or a violation
    of law by either Seller, unless the act or omission
    constituting such violation was within the control of SPS, or
    (C) the act or omission causing such liability, loss, cost or
    expense was directly within the control of Sellers.

              (b)  In case any claim is made, or any suit or
    action is commenced against either Seller in respect of which
    indemnification is sought by such Seller under this Section
    7.3, such Seller shall promptly give Purchaser notice thereof
    and Purchaser shall be entitled to participate in (or, if
    such Seller does not desire to defend, to conduct) the
    defense thereof at Purchaser's expense.  Purchaser may (but
    need not) defend or participate in the defense of any such
    claim, suit or action, but Purchaser shall promptly notify
    such Seller if Purchaser shall not desire to defend or
    participate in the defense of any such claim, suit or action
    or if Purchaser disputes liability for indemnity under this
    Section 7.3.  Thereafter such Seller shall defend and, so
    long as Purchaser has not undertaken the defense or is not
    participating in the defense, such Seller may at any time
    notify Purchaser of its intention to settle or compromise any
    claim, suit or action against such Seller in respect of which
    payments may be sought by such Seller hereunder, and such
    Seller may settle or compromise any such claim, suit or
    action unless Purchaser notifies such Seller in writing
    (within ten (10) days after such Seller has given Purchaser
    written notice of its intention to settle or compromise) that
    Purchaser intends to conduct the defense of such claim, suit
    or action.  Any such permitted settlement or compromise by
    Sellers of, or any final judgment or decree entered on or in,
    any claim, suit or action which such Seller has defended and
    of which Purchaser has not elected to defend or participate
    in the defense of in accordance herewith shall be deemed to
    have been consented to by, and shall be binding upon,
    Purchaser as fully as if Purchaser had assumed the defense
    thereof and a final judgment or decree had been entered in
    such suit or action, or with regard to such claim, by a court
    of competent jurisdiction for the amount of such settlement,
    compromise, judgment or decree.  In all cases in which
    Purchaser is participating in the defense with Sellers,
    Sellers shall not settle or compromise any claim or actions
    without Purchaser's prior written consent, which shall not be
    unreasonably withheld.

         8.   Warranties and Representations of TNB

              TNB represents and warrants to Purchaser asfollows:

              8.1  Organization

              TNB is a national banking association duly
    organized and validly existing under the laws of the United
    States of America and located in Tennessee.  TNB is a limited
    purpose credit card bank, and as such does comply, and has at
    all times since the effective date of its charter complied,
    with the restrictions of 12 U.S.C.  ^U 1841(c)(2)(F).

              8.2  Authority

              TNB has the corporate power and authority to enter
    into and perform this Agreement and to effect the
    transactions contemplated hereby.  The execution, delivery
    and performance of this Agreement by TNB has been approved
    (or will be approved on or before the Closing Date) by all
    requisite corporate action on the part of TNB.

              8.3  Financial Information

              The financial information relating to the TNB
    Credit Card Business heretofore provided to Purchaser by TNB
    (i) consists of the most recent (on December 31, 1994) TNB
    balance sheet and TNB Call Report heretofore provided to
    Purchaser by TNB (except to the extent particular financial
    information contained therein was materially derived from
    information provided by SPS); (ii) was accurate in all
    material respects as of the respective dates thereof; and
    (iii) did not, as of such dates, contain any untrue
    statements of a material fact.  The Closing Statement will be
    accurate in all material respects as of the date thereof.

              8.4  Legal Proceedings

              There are no actions, suits or proceedings,
    including but not limited to regulatory proceedings or
    inquiries, which are pending, or to the knowledge of TNB
    threatened, against TNB or its Credit Card Business other
    than as set forth on Exhibit 9; provided, however, that with
    respect to actions, suits or proceedings against dealers or
    franchisees of Tandy, such representation and warranty shall
    be made only to the knowledge of TNB.  Exhibit 9 shall be
    delivered by TNB within ten days of the date hereof and may be
    amended or supplemented by TNB from time to time prior to
    the Closing subject to Purchaser's review and approval at

              8.5  Governmental Notices; No Regulatory Approvals

              TNB has not received notice from any federal or
    state governmental agency indicating that it would oppose or
    not grant or issue its consent or approval, if required, with
    respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

              8.6  Finders or Brokers

              TNB has not agreed to pay any fee or commission to
    any agent, broker, finder or other person for or on account
    of services rendered as a broker or finder in connection with
    this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby or

              8.7  Compliance with Law and Other Instruments

              The execution, delivery and performance by TNB of
    this Agreement will not violate TNB's charter or by-laws or
    any material contract or other agreement to which it is a
    party or by which it is bound in any manner which would have
    a material adverse effect on the transactions contemplated by
    this Agreement.  The business and operations of TNB's Credit
    Card Business have been conducted by TNB in accordance with
    all applicable laws, rules and regulations in all material
    respects, provided, however, that any violation by TNB of an
    applicable law, rule or regulation shall not constitute a
    breach of this representation to the extent:

              (a)  TNB's violation was caused by a breach by SPS
                   of SPS's obligations under the Card Services

              (b)  TNB's violation was caused by a violation of
                   law by SPS, unless the act or omission
                   constituting such violation was within the
                   control of any of the Sellers; or

              (c)  the act or omission constituting such
                   violation was directly within the control of

          8.8  Valid Sale; Binding Obligations.

              This Agreement constitutes a valid sale, transfer,
    and assignment to Purchaser of all TNB Assets enforceable
    against TNB, assuming that this Agreement has been duly
    authorized, executed and delivered by and constitutes an
    enforceable obligation of, Purchaser.  Subject to the
    foregoing assumption, this Agreement constitutes a legal,
    valid and binding obligation of TNB enforceable in accordance
    with its terms, except as enforceability may be limited by
    bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium,
    receivership, conservatorship or other similar laws or
    judicial decisions affecting the enforcement of creditors'
    rights generally and the rights of creditors of national
    banks and by general principles of equity, regardless of
    whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in
    equity or at law.

              8.9  Condition of Assets

              TNB is now, and immediately prior to the transfers
    on the Transfer Date will be, the owner of all right, title
    and interest in and to all TNB Assets, free and clear of all
    assignments, security interests, claims, liens, encumbrances
    and other rights of third parties whatsoever (other than
    those arising under this Agreement, the Receivables Purchase
    Agreement and the documents relating to the Tandy
    Securitization).  The obligation of the Cardholder under each
    Eligible Account to pay the unpaid Account Balance will have
    become fully effective as of the Transfer Date or Subsequent
    Transfer Date, as applicable, except as provided under any
    applicable Special Plan, and will not be subject to any
    offset, counterclaim or other defense of any kind or nature
    or be the subject of any pending litigation or other judicial
    or administrative proceeding, as of the Transfer Date or
    applicable Subsequent Transfer Date.  The payment terms
    applicable to the Cardholders or other obligors on the
    Eligible Accounts shall not have been waived or modified by
    TNB other than in the ordinary course of business.  All
    charge or credit transactions (including payments) as to
    which the records thereof shall have been received by TNB on
    or before the Transfer Date shall have been transmitted to
    SPS on or before the close of business on the Transfer Date
    or Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable, except those not
    included in the Trial Balance as of the Transfer Date for
    which adjustment is to be made under Section 3.6.

              8.10 TNB Agreements and Accounts

              All forms of Cardholder Agreements in respect of
    TNB Credit Cards, and all forms of related periodic
    statements, are included in Exhibits 10 and 11 hereto,
    respectively.  There are no other forms of Cardholder
    Agreements or periodic statements in use or in effect in
    respect of TNB Credit Cards.  The forms of Cardholder
    Agreements and periodic statements related to TNB Credit
    Cards included in Exhibits 10 and 11 all complied on their
    respective effective dates in all material respects with all
    applicable laws and regulations, provided, however, that any
    violation by TNB of an applicable law, rule or regulation
    shall not constitute a breach of this representation to the

              (a)  TNB's violation was caused by a breach by SPS
                   of its obligations under the Card Services

              (b)  TNB's violation was caused by a violation of
                   law by SPS, unless the act or omission
                   constituting such violation was within the
                   control of any of the Sellers; or

              (c)  the act or omission constituting such
                   violation was directly within the control of

              The forms of Cardholder Agreements and periodic
    statements included in Exhibits 10 and 11 accurately
    represent the agreements between TNB and Cardholders and the
    methods of computing balances and finance charges as of the
    effective dates of such agreements.  Except for Cardholder
    Agreements, any existing agreements with SPS and such other
    agreements listed on Exhibit 12 to be delivered at Closing,
    there are no leases, contracts or other agreements that are
    material to the conduct of the TNB Credit Card Business.  TNB
    is not in breach of any material contract or agreement to be
    sold or transferred to Purchaser hereunder.  TNB shall, on
    the Transfer Date or Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable,
    be in possession of a genuine, valid and enforceable
    contractual obligation of the Cardholder under each Account
    related to a TNB Credit Card sold to Purchaser, together with
    all the applications, Cardholder Agreements, and Cardholder
    correspondence relating to each such Account.  It shall be
    understood that the warranty in the preceding sentence shall
    not be deemed breached to the extent that Purchaser shall
    have been reimbursed for any losses, costs or liabilities
    resulting from the failure of either Seller to possess the
    related contract or any other related document or to the
    extent Purchaser receives payments on the Account regardless
    of such failure to possess such contract or document.

              8.11 Operation of Credit Card Business

              Since October 17, 1994, other than agreements
    between the parties hereto, TNB has not (i) effected any
    material or significant change in the accounting practices,
    procedures or methods employed in connection with TNB's
    Credit Card Business; (ii) effected any material or
    significant change in its business, credit or collection
    policies, re-aging policies, practices or procedures relating
    to TNB's Credit Card Business; or (iii) entered into any
    transaction or made any commitment or agreement in connection
    with TNB's Credit Card Business other than in the ordinary
    course of such business and on commercially reasonable terms.
    Since October 17, 1994, there has not occurred any material
    adverse change (financial or otherwise) in the condition,
    business or assets of TNB or its Credit Card Business.

              8.12 Fees and Charges; Compliance with Law

              The fees and charges (i) charged by TNB with
    respect to each TNB Credit Card Account prior to the Transfer
    Date or applicable Subsequent Transfer Date or (ii) reserved
    in the agreements evidencing such Account was debit ratified
    to Purchaser's terms and conditions (except to the extent
    that the law changed after the Transfer Date or applicable
    Subsequent Transfer Date) do not exceed the fees and charges
    permitted by applicable law.  The methods of applying (except
    to the extent that such application resulted from SPS's
    noncompliance with Seller's instructions or with the
    Cardholder Agreement) payments, credits, balances, finance
    charges, debits and all other fees and charges complies with
    all applicable laws and the Cardholder Agreements.

         9.   Warranties and Representations of TCC
          TCC represents and warrants as follows:

              9.1  Corporate Status of TCC

              TCC is a corporation duly organized and validly
    existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and has the
    corporate power and authority and all material licenses and
    permits required by governmental authority to own or lease
    and operate its properties and to carry on its business as
    now being conducted.  TCC is qualified to do business in
    Delaware and in every other jurisdiction where the failure to
    so qualify would have a material adverse effect on the
    business and operations of TCC.

              9.2  Authority

              TCC has the corporate power and authority to enter
    into and perform this Agreement and the Merger Agreement and
    to effect the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.
    The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and
    the Merger Agreement each has been or will be approved by all
    requisite corporate actions on the part of TCC.

              9.3  Financial Information

              The financial information relating to TCC and the
    TCC Credit Card Business heretofore provided to Purchaser by
    TCC (i) consists of (A) all of the financial information
    contained in the most recent (on December 31, 1994) TCC
    Annual Report of Form 10-K and TCC Quarterly Report on Form
    10-Q, and (B) as of December 31, 1994, the average percentage
    of Cardholders who pay their Accounts in full for each
    billing cycle and the uncollectible loss and recovery history
    of the TCC Credit Card Business (except to the extent
    particular financial information contained therein was
    materially derived from information provided by SPS); (ii)
    was accurate in all material respects as of the respective
    dates thereof; and (iii) did not, as of such dates, contain
    any untrue statement of a material fact.  The Closing
    Statement will be accurate in all material respects as of the
    date thereof.

              9.4  Legal Proceedings

              There are no actions, suits or proceedings,
    including but not limited to regulatory proceedings or
    inquiries, which are pending or, to the knowledge of TCC,
    threatened against TCC or its Credit Card Business other than
    as set forth on Exhibit 9; provided, however, that with
    respect to actions, suits or proceedings against dealers or
    franchisees of Tandy, such representation and warranty shall
    be made only to the knowledge of TCC.  Exhibit 9 shall be
    delivered by TCC within ten days of the date hereof and may
    be amended or supplemented by TCC from time to time prior to
    the Closing subject to Purchaser's review and approval at

              9.5  Governmental Notices; No Regulatory Approvals

              TCC has not received notice from any federal or
    state governmental agency indicating that it would oppose or
    not grant or issue its consent or approval, if required, with
    respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or
    the Merger Agreement.

              9.6  Finders or Brokers

              TCC has not agreed to pay any fee or commission to
    any agent, broker, finder or other person for or on account
    of services rendered as a broker or finder in connection with
    this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or the transactions
    contemplated hereby or thereby.

              9.7  Compliance with Law and Other Instruments

              The execution, delivery and performance by TCC of
    this Agreement or the Merger Agreement will not violate TCC's
    charter or by-laws or any material contract or other
    agreement to which it is a party or by which it is bound in
    any manner which would have a material adverse effect on the
    transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the Merger
    Agreement.  The business and operations of TCC's Credit Card
    Business have been conducted by TCC in accordance with all
    applicable laws, rules and regulations in all material
    respects, provided, however, that any violation by TCC of an
    applicable law, rule or regulation shall not constitute a
    breach of this representation to the extent:

              (a)  TCC's violation was caused by a breach by SPS
                   of SPS's obligations under the Card Services

              (b)  TCC's violation was caused by a violation of
                   law by SPS, unless the act or omission
                   constituting such violation was within the
                   control of any of the Sellers; or

              (c)  the act or omission constituting such
                   violation was directly within the control of

              9.8  Valid Sale; Binding Obligations.

              This Agreement constitutes a valid sale, transfer,
    and assignment to Purchaser of all the TCC Assets,
    enforceable against TCC, assuming that this Agreement has
    been duly authorized, executed and delivered by, and
    constitutes an enforceable obligation of, Purchaser.  Subject
    to the foregoing assumption, this Agreement constitutes a
    legal, valid and binding obligation of TCC enforceable in
    accordance with its terms, except as enforceability may be
    limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium
    or other similar laws or judicial decisions affecting the
    enforcement of creditors' rights generally and by general
    principles of equity, regardless of whether such
    enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at

              9.9  Condition of Assets

              TCC is now, and as of immediately prior to the
    transfers on the Transfer Date will be, the owner of all
    right, title and interest in and to all TCC Assets and the
    Merger Assets, free and clear of all assignments, security
    interests, claims, liens, encumbrances and other rights of
    third parties whatsoever (other than those arising under this
    Agreement or the documents relating to the Tandy
    Securitization).  The obligation of the Cardholder under each
    Eligible Account to pay the unpaid Account Balance will have
    become fully effective as of the Transfer Date or Subsequent
    Transfer Date, as applicable, except as provided under any
    applicable Special Plan, and will not be subject to any
    offset, counterclaim or other defense of any kind or nature
    or be the subject of any pending litigation or other judicial
    or administrative proceeding, as of the Transfer Date or 
    applicable Subsequent Transfer Date.  The payment terms
    applicable to Cardholders or other obligors in the Eligible
    Accounts shall not have been waived or modified by TCC other
    than in the ordinary course of business.  All charge or
    credit transactions (including payments) as to which the
    records thereof shall have been received by TCC on or before
    the Transfer Date shall have been transmitted to SPS on or
    before the close of business on the Transfer Date or
    Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable, except those not
    included in the Trial Balance as of the Transfer Date for
    which adjustment is to be made under Section 3.6.

              9.10 TCC Agreements and Accounts

              All forms of Cardholder Agreements in respect of
    TCC Credit Cards used by TCC or Tandy as of the date on which
    TCC commenced issuing Credit Cards, and all forms of related
    periodic statements, complied on their respective effective
    dates in all material respects with all applicable laws and
    regulations as of such effective dates, provided, however,
    that any violation by TCC of an applicable law, rule or
    regulation that shall not constitute a breach of this
    representation to the extent:

              (a)  TCC's violation was caused by a breach by SPS
                   of its obligations under the Card Services

              (b)  TCC's violation was caused by a violation of
                   law by SPS, unless the act or omission
                   constituting such violation was within the
                   control of any of the Sellers; or

              (c)  the act or omission constituting such
                   violation was directly within the control of

    The forms of Cardholder Agreements and periodic statements to
    the extent included in Exhibits 13 and 14 hereto,
    respectively, related to TCC Credit Cards accurately
    represent the agreements between Tandy or TCC and the
    Cardholders subject thereto and the methods of computing
    balances and finance charges as of the effective dates of
    such agreements.  Exhibits 13 and 14 may be supplemented by
    TCC from time to time prior to the Closing, subject to review
    and approval by Purchaser at Closing.  Except for Cardholder
    Agreements, any existing agreements with SPS and such other
    agreements listed on Exhibit 15 to be delivered at Closing,
    there are no leases, contracts or other agreements that are
    material to the conduct of the TCC Credit Card Business.  TCC
    is not in breach of any material contract or agreement to be
    sold or transferred to Purchaser hereunder.  TCC shall, on
    the Transfer Date or Subsequent Transfer Date, as applicable,
    be in possession of a genuine, valid and enforceable
    contractual obligation of the Cardholder under each Account
    related to a TCC Credit Card sold to Purchaser, together with
    all the applications, Cardholder Agreements and Cardholder
    correspondence relating to each such Account.  It shall be
    understood that the warranty in the preceding sentence shall
    not be deemed breached to the extent that Purchaser shall
    have been reimbursed for any losses, costs or liabilities
    resulting from the failure of either Seller to possess the
    related contract or any other related document or to the
    extent Purchaser receives payments on the Account regardless
    of such failure to possess such contact or document.

              9.11 Operation of Credit Card Business

              Since October 17, 1994, other than agreements
    between the parties hereto, TCC has not (i) effected any
    material or significant change in the accounting practices,
    procedures or methods employed in connection with TCC's
    Credit Card Business; (ii) effected any material or
    significant change in its business, credit or collection
    policies, re-aging policies, practices or procedures relating
    to TCC's Credit Card Business; or (iii) entered into any
    transaction or made any commitment or agreement in connection
    with TCC's Credit Card Business other than in the ordinary
    course of such business and on commercially reasonable terms.
    Since October 17, 1994, there has not occurred any material
    adverse change (financial or otherwise) in the condition,
    business or assets of TCC or its Credit Card Business.

              9.12 Fees and Charges; Compliance with Law

              The fees and charges (i) charged by TCC with
    respect to each TCC Credit Card Account prior to the Transfer
    Date or applicable Subsequent Transfer Date or (ii) reserved
    in the agreements evidencing each such Account prior to or as
    of the date on which such Account was debit ratified to
    Purchaser's terms and conditions (except to the extent that
    the law changed after the Transfer Date or applicable
    Subsequent Transfer Date) do not exceed the fees and charges
    permitted by applicable law.  The methods of applying (except
    to the extent that such application resulted from SPS's
    noncompliance with Seller's instructions or with the
    Cardholder Agreement) payments, credits, balances, finance
    charges, debits and all other fees and charges complies with
    all applicable laws and the Cardholder Agreements.

              9.13 Title to TCC Stock.

              Tandy is the record and beneficial owner of all of
    the TCC Stock free and clear of any security interests,
    claims, liens (including tax liens), pledges, penalties,
    charges, encumbrances, buy-sell agreements, rights-of-first
    refusal, or rights of others whatsoever.  The TCC Stock held
    by Tandy constitutes all of the outstanding shares of the
    capital stock of TCC.

              9.14 Capital Stock of TCC

              The authorized capital stock of TCC consists
    entirely of 1,000 shares of Common Stock, $10.00 par value
    per share.  All of the shares of the TCC Stock have been duly
    and validly issued and are fully paid and nonassessable.
    There are no outstanding subscriptions, options, convertible
    securities, or other agreements or commitments obligating TCC
    to issue any additional shares of stock.

              9.15 Assets and Liabilities of TCC

              Upon the transfer of the TCC Assets to Purchaser
    hereunder, TCC shall have no assets of any kind whatsoever
    except the Merger Assets, and shall have no liabilities or
    obligations of any kind whatsoever, whether absolute or
    contingent, known or unknown, whether required to be
    disclosed under GAAP or otherwise, except as disclosed in
    Exhibit 16, which shall be delivered on or before Closing.

              9.16 Title to TRC Stock

              TCC is the record and beneficial owner of all of
    the TRC Stock free and clear of any security interests,
    claims, liens (including tax liens), pledges, penalties,
    charges, encumbrances, buy-sell agreements, rights-of-first
    refusal, or rights of others whatsoever; the TRC Stock held
    by TCC constitutes all of the outstanding shares of the
    capital stock of TRC.

              9.17 Corporate Status of TRC

              TRC is a corporation duly organized, validly
    existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of
    Delaware, and has the corporate power and authority and all
    material licenses and permits required by governmental
    authority to own or lease and operate its properties and to
    carry on its business as now being conducted.  TRC is
    qualified to do business in Delaware and is not required to
    qualify to do business in any other jurisdiction where the
    failure to so qualify would have a material adverse effect on
    the business and operations of TRC.

              9.18 Capital Stock of TRC

              The authorized capital stock of TRC consists
    entirely of 1,000 shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value per
    share.  All of the shares of the TRC Stock have been duly and
    validly issued and are fully paid and nonassessable.  There
    are no outstanding subscriptions, options, convertible
    securities, or other agreements or commitments obligating TRC
    to issue any additional shares of stock.

              9.19 Tandy Securitization

              Each representation, warranty and covenant provided
    by TRC, TCC, TNB or Tandy under or in connection with any
    document executed in connection with the issuance on June 18,
    1991 by the TRC/Tandy Master Trust of $350,000,000 8.25%
    Class A Asset Backed Certificates, Series A ("Tandy
    Securitization") was true and correct in all material
    respects on the dates when made and no event of termination
    or default or unmatured event of termination or default has
    occurred thereunder.  As of the date hereof and on the
    Closing Date, the transferor interest retained by TRC in
    connection with the Tandy Securitization shall equal or
    exceed 15% of the aggregate amount of principal receivables
    in the master trust established pursuant to such
    securitization.  On the Closing Date, the actual principal
    amount of the 8.25% Class A Asset Backed Certificates, Series
    A, including the actual accrued and unpaid interest thereon,
    and the Class B Certificate issued in connection with the
    Tandy Securitization shall be as shown in the Closing

              9.20 Corporate Records

              The minute books of TCC and TRC made available to
    Hurley to review contain complete and accurate records (to
    the extent in existence) of all meetings and other material
    corporate actions (including written actions in lieu of
    meetings) taken by the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
    TCC and TRC.

              9.21 Employees

              TCC has no employees and is not subject to any
    employment agreement on the date hereof, and will have no
    employees and will not be subject to any employment agreement
    on the Closing Date.

         10.  Warranties and Representations of Purchaser

              Purchaser represents and warrants as follows:

              10.1 Organization

              Purchaser is a banking corporation duly organized
    and existing under the laws of the State of South Dakota and
    is authorized to conduct its business under those laws.

              10.2 Organization of HRC

              HRC, when organized, will be a corporation duly
    organized and existing under the laws of the State of

              10.3 Authority

              Purchaser has the corporate power and authority to
    enter into and perform this Agreement and the Merger
    Agreement and to effect the transactions contemplated hereby
    and thereby.  The execution, delivery and performance of this
    Agreement has been approved (or will be approved on or before
    the Closing Date) by all requisite corporate action on the
    part of Purchaser.

              10.4 Authority of HRC

              HRC will, prior to the Closing Date, have the
    corporate power and authority to enter into and perform the
    Merger Agreement and to effect the transactions contemplated
    thereby.  The execution, delivery and performance of the
    Merger Agreement will be approved on or before the Closing
    Date by all requisite corporate action on the part of HRC.

              10.5 Financial Information

              The financial information relating to Purchaser
    heretofore provided to Sellers (i) consists of all of the
    financial information contained in the most recent (on
    December 31, 1994) TSI Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly
    Report on Form 10-Q and Purchaser's Call Report (except to
    the extent particular financial information contained therein
    was materially derived from information provided by Sellers
    or their Affiliates); (ii) is accurate in all material
    respects as of the respective dates thereof; and (iii) did
    not, as of such dates, contain any untrue statements of a
    material fact.

              10.6 Legal Proceedings

              There are no actions, suits or proceedings,
    including but not limited to regulatory proceedings or
    inquiries, which are pending, or to the knowledge of
    Purchaser threatened, against Purchaser or HRC other than as
    set forth on Exhibit 17.  Exhibit 17 shall be delivered by
    Purchaser within ten days of the date hereof and may be
    amended or supplemented by Purchaser from time to time prior
    to the Closing, subject to review and approval by Sellers at

              10.7 Governmental Notices; No Regulatory Approvals

              Neither Purchaser nor HRC has received notice from
    any federal or state governmental agency indicating that it
    would oppose or not grant or issue its consent or approval,
    if required, with respect to the transactions contemplated by
    this Agreement.

              10.8 Finders or Brokers

          Neither Purchaser nor HRC has agreed to pay any fee
    or commission to any agent, broker, finder or other person
    for or on account of services rendered as a broker or finder
    in connection with this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or
    the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

              10.9 Compliance with Law and Other Instruments

              The execution, delivery and performance of this
    Agreement by Purchaser will not violate Purchaser's charter
    or by-laws or any material contract or other agreement to
    which it is a party or by which it is bound in any manner
    which would have a material adverse effect on the
    transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

              10.10 Compliance with Law and Other

              The execution, delivery and performance of the
    Merger Agreement by HRC will not violate HRC's charter or
    by-laws or any material contract or other agreement to which
    it is a party or by which it is bound in any manner which
    would have a material adverse effect on the transactions
    contemplated by the Merger Agreement.

              10.11 Binding Obligations

              Assuming that this Agreement and the Merger
    Agreement each has been duly authorized, executed and
    delivered by, and constitutes an enforceable obligation of
    each of the other parties thereto, this Agreement and the
    Merger Agreement each constitutes a legal, valid and binding
    obligation of Purchaser and HRC enforceable in accordance
    with its terms, except as enforceability may be limited by
    bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium,
    receivership, conservatorship or other similar laws or
    judicial decisions affecting the enforcement of creditors'
    rights generally and the rights of creditors of
    federally-insured banks and by general principles of equity,
    regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in a
    proceeding in equity or at law.

              10.12 Operation of Business

              Since October 17, 1994, Purchaser has not (i)
    effected any material or significant change in the accounting
    practices, procedures or methods employed in connection with
    its business; or (ii) entered into any transaction or made
    any commitment or agreement other than in the ordinary course
    of such business and on commercially reasonable terms.  Since
    October 17, 1994, there has not occurred any material adverse
    change (financial or otherwise) in the condition, business or
    assets of Purchaser.

              10.13 Security Interest

              Assuming the filing of appropriate UCC-1 financing
    statements, the accuracy or the certifications and listings
    related to such financing statements delivered at Closing
    pursuant to the Security Agreement, and assuming the truth of
    the representations and the warranties set forth in Sections
    8.9 and 9.9, on the Closing Date, Tandy will have a first
    priority perfected security interest in the Account Balances
    in the Accounts identified in Exhibit 1 to the Security
    Agreement.  Assuming the proper filing of the UCC-1 financing
    statements and the continued truth of the representations and
    warranties set forth in Sections 8.9 and 9.9, on the date of
    the addition of any Account Balances and the addition of any
    Accounts to the Accounts identified in Exhibit 1 to the
    Security Agreement, TCC will have a first priority perfected
    security interest in the Account Balances of the Accounts so
    added to Exhibit 1 to the Security Agreement.

              10.14 Tandy Securitization

              To the extent that such Certificates are not then
    held by the Purchaser, Purchaser will repurchase the Investor
    Certificates issued in connection with the Tandy
    Securitization as promptly as is reasonably practicable, and
    shall repurchase such Certificates, if not earlier, promptly
    after the optional repurchase thereunder is permitted
    pursuant to Section 4 of the Series A Supplement to the
    Pooling and Servicing Agreement for the Securitization

         11.  Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of

              The obligations of Purchaser to consummate the
    purchase provided for herein are subject to the fulfillment
    (except to the extent, if any, waived by Purchaser) of the
    following conditions at or prior to the Closing Date:

              11.1 Regulatory Approvals

              All required licenses, approvals, consents and
    notifications of any relevant state and federal regulatory
    agencies in respect of the transactions provided for herein
    and the Merchant Services Agreement, including without
    limitation the approval of the Federal Deposit Insurance
    Corporation and the South Dakota State Banking Commission,
    shall have been obtained or made and all necessary
    conditions, including all legally required waiting, notice or
    protest periods, of such licenses, approvals, consents and
    notifications shall have been fully satisfied.

              11.2 Absence of Litigation

              There shall not be pending on the Closing Date any
    action or proceeding instituted by any person, entity or
    governmental authority against either Seller, Purchaser,
    Tandy or HRC to prevent the consummation of the sale of the
    Credit Card Business by the Sellers to Purchaser pursuant
    hereto or the Merger pursuant to the Merger Agreement, and on
    the Closing Date there shall be no injunction, decree or
    similar legal restraint issued by a court or regulatory
    agency preventing the consummation of such sale or the

              11.3 Truth of Representations

              The representations and warranties of Sellers set
    forth in Sections 8 and 9 of this Agreement shall be true in
    all material respects as if made on the date hereof, the
    Closing Date, the Transfer Date, and the applicable
    Subsequent Transfer Date as applicable.

              11.4 No Change in Financial Condition

              The financial information underlying the Closing
    Statement to be submitted to Purchaser on the Closing Date,
    taken in the aggregate, will not differ materially from such
    financial information previously provided to Purchaser by the
    Sellers, except for changes in the ordinary course of
    business and changes contemplated by this Agreement.

          11.5 Performance of Covenants

              The covenants and agreements of Sellers set forth
    in this Agreement and to be performed on or before the
    Closing Date shall have been performed in all material

              11.6 Merger Agreement

              Tandy, TCC Purchaser and HRC shall have entered
    into the Merger Agreement substantially in the form of
    Exhibit 18 hereto.

              11.7 Rating Agency Approval/Receipt of Consents and
    Opinions Under Tandy Securitization

              All consents and approvals (including, without
    limitation, letters confirming their respective ratings)
    required pursuant to the terms of the documentation for the
    Tandy Securitization to be received from the rating agencies
    then rating the TRC/Tandy Master Trust $350,000,000 8.25%
    Class A Asset Backed Certificates, Series A, shall have been
    received by Tandy and Purchaser.

              11.8 Divestiture of Non-Merger Assets

              TCC shall have divested itself of all assets other
    than the Merger Assets.

              11.9 Items to be Delivered by Sellers

              Sellers shall have delivered to Purchaser:

                   (a)  The following duly executed assignment


                   (b)  A favorable opinion or opinions of
              counsel to Sellers, dated the Closing Date, to the
              effect in the aggregate that:

                     (i)  Each of the Sellers and Tandy, as
                          appropriate, has duly and validly
                          authorized, executed and delivered this
                          Agreement, the Merger Agreement and the
                          conveyance documents (if any) referred
                          to in Section 11.10(a);

                    (ii)  TNB is a nationally chartered credit
                          card bank duly organized and existing
                          under the laws of the United States of
                          America and located in Tennessee, with
                          full corporate power to enter into and
                          perform its obligations under this

                   (iii)  TNB is a limited purpose credit card
                          bank exempt from the definition of
                          "bank" under the Bank Holding Company
                          Act of 1956, pursuant to the exemption
                          set forth at 12 U.S.C.  1841(c)(2)(F);

                    (iv)  TCC is a duly organized and existing
                          Delaware corporation with full
                          corporate power to enter into and
                          perform its obligations under this
                          Agreement and the Merger Agreement;

                     (v)  Tandy is a duly organized and existing
                          Delaware corporation with full
                          corporate power to enter into and
                          perform its obligations under the Tandy
                          Assignment Agreement and Tandy Guaranty
                          (collectively, the "Tandy Agreements")
                          and the Merger Agreement.

                    (vi)  Neither the execution and delivery of
                          this Agreement or the Merger Agreement,
                          nor either Seller's performance
                          thereof, is restricted by or violates
                          (x) the charter or by-laws of such
                          Seller, (y) the documents executed and
                          delivered in connection with the Tandy
                          Securitization or (z) any contractual
                          or other obligation of such Seller of
                          which such counsel has knowledge after
                          reasonable investigation, in any manner
                          which would have a material adverse
                          effect on the transactions contemplated
                          by this Agreement;

                   (vii)  Neither the execution and delivery of
                          the Tandy Agreements or the Merger
                          Agreement nor Tandy's performance of
                          each is restricted by or violates (x)
                          the charter or by-laws of Tandy or (y)
                          in a manner which would have a material
                          adverse effect on the transactions
                          contemplated by the Tandy Agreements,
                          any contractual or other obligation of
                          Tandy of which such counsel has
                          knowledge after reasonable

                  (viii)  All consents and approvals required by
                          law, this Agreement or the Merger
                          Agreement to be obtained by either
                          Seller at or prior to the Closing Date
                          to authorize and, to the best of such
                          counsel's knowledge, after due
                          investigation, to consummate the
                          transactions contemplated hereby have
                          been obtained and are in full force and

                    (ix)  All consents and approvals required by
                          law or the Tandy Agreements or the
                          Merger Agreement to be obtained by
                          Tandy at or prior to the Closing Date
                          to authorize and, to the best of such
                          counsel's knowledge, after due
                          investigation, to consummate the
                          transactions contemplated by the Tandy
                          Agreements have been obtained and are
                          in full force and effect;

                     (x)  Assuming that this Agreement and the
                          Merger Agreement each constitutes the
                          legal and binding obligation of
                          Purchaser and HRC, as appropriate, then
                          this Agreement and the Merger Agreement
                          each constitutes the legal and binding
                          obligation of each Seller enforceable
                          in accordance with its terms, except as
                          such enforceability may be limited by
                          bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
                          moratorium, conservatorship,
                          receivership or other similar laws or
                          judicial decisions affecting the
                          enforcement of creditors' rights
                          generally and, with respect to TNB, the
                          rights of creditors of national banks
                          and by general principals of equity,
                          regardless of whether such
                          enforceability is considered in a
                          proceeding in equity or at law;

                    (xi)  The Tandy Agreements and the Merger
                          Agreement each constitutes the legal
                          and binding obligation of Tandy in
                          accordance with its terms except as
                          such enforceability may be limited by
                          bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
                          moratorium, conservatorship,
                          receivership or other similar laws or
                          judicial decisions affecting the
                          enforcement of creditors' rights
                          generally and by general principals of
                          equity, regardless of whither such
                          enforceability is considered in a
                          proceeding in equity or at law;

                   (xii)  There are no proceedings or
                          investigations pending, or to the
                          knowledge of such counsel, threatened
                          to which either Seller or Tandy is or
                          would be a party (A) asserting the
                          invalidity or unenforceability of this
                          Agreement, the Tandy Agreements, or the
                          Merger Agreement, or (B) seeking to bar
                          the consummation of the transactions
                          contemplated under this Agreement, the
                          Tandy Agreements, or the Merger
                          Agreement; and

                  (xiii)  The fees and charges reserved in the
                          Cardholder Agreements with TNB
                          evidencing the Accounts are not in
                          excess of fees and charges permitted by
                          applicable Tennessee law and can be
                          validly imposed on Cardholders residing
                          outside of Tennessee under the
                          authority of Section 85 of the
                          National Bank Act.

                   (c)  A certificate signed by a duly authorized
              officer of each Seller to the effect that (i) the
              warranties and representations of each Seller in
              this Agreement and the Merger Agreement are true in
              all material respects as of the Transfer Date and
              the Closing Date or, if any such warranties and
              representations are not then true, specify the
              deficiency in reasonable detail; and (ii) the
              covenants and agreements of such Seller to be
              performed hereunder and thereunder on or before the
              Closing Date have been performed in all material
              respects, or, if any such covenants have not been
              so performed, specifying the deficiency in
              reasonable detail.

                   (d)  Resolutions of the Board of Directors of
              each Seller, as appropriate, certified by its
              Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, authorizing
              the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the
              Tandy Assignment Agreement, the Merchant Services
              Agreement and the Merger Agreement, and with
              respect to Tandy, resolutions of its Board of
              Directors of the Executive Committee authorizing
              each Seller to execute and deliver this Agreement,
              the Tandy Assignment Agreement, the Merchant
              Services Agreement and the Merger Agreement, as
              appropriate, and the consummations of the
              transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

                   (e)  Resolutions of the shareholder of TCC,
              authorizing the execution and delivery of the
              Merger Agreement, and the consummation of the
              transactions contemplated hereby.

                   (f)  The Closing Statement.

                   (g)  Duly executed Uniform Commercial Code
              financing statements, in proper form for filing
              under the Uniform Commercial Code of the States of
              Tennessee and Texas, by Purchaser, as Purchaser,
              and Sellers, as Sellers, reflecting the sale of the
              Accounts hereunder.

                   (h)  A duly executed Tandy Guaranty,
              substantially in the form of Exhibit 6.

                   (i)  A duly executed Tandy Assignment
              Agreement, substantially in the form of Exhibit 19.

                   (j)  A duly executed Merger Agreement,
              substantially in the form of Exhibit 18.

                   (k)  Evidence satisfactory to counsel to
              Purchaser that all assets other than the Merger
              Assets have been divested by TCC.

                   (l)  A duly executed certificate of merger as
              required under Section 2.2 of the Merger Agreement.

                   (m)  A cross-receipt acknowledging receipt of
              the items described in Section 11.9.

                   (n)  A duly executed Security Agreement.

                   (o)  A duly executed Tax Sharing Agreement, in
              the form and substance satisfactory to all of
              parties hereto.

                   (p)  Duly executed Assumption Agreements.

              11.10 Merchant Services Agreement

              Tandy shall have entered into Merchant Services
    Agreements with Purchaser in form and substance satisfactory
    to Purchaser.

              11.11 Miscellaneous

              Tandy shall deliver a certificate evidencing
    Tandy's agreement to file a quarterly report on form 10-Q or
    such other filings as may be required to be filed under
    applicable securities laws with regard to TCC for 1995.

              11.12 Books and Records
          Except as otherwise permitted by Section 2.5, TCC
    and TRC shall deliver to Purchaser at Closing all corporate
    books and records maintained by and available to TRC that are
    reasonably necessary to the operations and maintenance of
    their respective businesses; other records will be delivered
    by TCC and TRC to Purchaser after Closing upon request.

              11.13 Sale of Class B Certificates

              Each Seller agrees to use all reasonable efforts
    within its control to assist in the proposed sale of the
    Class 8 certificates under the Tandy Securitization to SPS
    Newco or an affiliate.

         12.  Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Sellers

              The obligation of each Seller to consummate the
    sale provided for herein is subject to the fulfillment
    (except to the extent, if any, waived by such Seller) of the
    following conditions at or prior to the Closing Date:

              12.1 Regulatory Approvals

              All required licenses, approvals, consents and
    notifications of any relevant state and federal regulatory
    agencies in respect of the transactions provided for herein,
    in the Merger Agreement, and in the Merchant Services
    Agreement, including without limitation the approval of the
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the South Dakota
    State Banking Commission, shall have been obtained or made
    and all necessary conditions, including all legally required
    waiting, notice or protest periods, of such licenses,
    approvals, consents and notifications shall have been fully

              12.2 Absence of Litigation

              There shall not be pending on the Closing Date any
    action or proceeding instituted by any person, entity or
    governmental authority against either Seller, Purchaser,
    Tandy or HRC to prevent the consummation of the sale of the
    Credit Card Business by the Sellers to Purchaser pursuant
    hereto or the Merger pursuant to the Merger Agreement, and on
    the Closing Date there shall be no injunction, decree or
    similar legal restraint issued by a court or regulatory
    agency preventing the consummation of such sale or the

              12.3 Truth of Representations

              The representations and warranties of Purchaser set
    forth in Section 10 of this Agreement shall be true in all
    material respects.

              12.4 No Change in Financial Condition

              As of the Closing Date, the financial condition of
    Purchaser shall not differ materially from the financial
    condition of Purchaser as represented in the most recent (on
    December 31, 1994) TSI Annual Report on Form 10-K and
    Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q previously provided to Sellers,
    except for changes in the ordinary course of business and
    changes contemplated by this Agreement.

              12.5 Performance of Covenants

              The covenants and agreements of Purchaser set forth
    in this Agreement and the Merger Agreement and to be
    performed on or before the Closing Date shall have been
    performed in all material respects.

              12.6 Merger Agreement

              Tandy, TCC, Purchaser and HRC shall have entered
    into the Merger Agreement.

              12.7 Rating Agency Approval/Receipt of Consents and
    Opinions Under Tandy Securitization

              All consents and approvals (including, without
    limitation, letters confirming their respective ratings)
    required pursuant to the terms of the documentation for the
    Tandy Securitization to be received from the rating agencies
    then rating the TRC/Tandy Master Trust $350,000,000 8.25%
    Class A Asset Backed Certificates, Series A, shall have been
    received by Tandy and Purchaser.

              12.8 Items to be Delivered by Purchaser

              Purchaser shall have delivered to Sellers:

               (a)  A payment to each Seller in the aggregate
              amount provided in Section 3.3.

                   (b)  A favorable opinion of counsel to
              Purchaser, dated the Closing Date, to the effect

                   (i)  Purchaser and HRC, as appropriate, each
                        has duly and validly authorized, executed
                        and delivered this Agreement and the
                        Merger Agreement;

                  (ii)  Purchaser is a banking corporation duly
                        organized and existing under the laws of
                        South Dakota with full corporate power to
                        enter into and perform this Agreement;

                 (iii)  HRC is a Delaware corporation duly
                        organized and existing under the laws of
                        Delaware with full corporate power to
                        enter into and perform the Merger

                  (iv)  TSI has duly and validly authorized,
                        executed and delivered the TSI Guaranty;

                   (v)  TSI is a Delaware corporation duly
                        organized and existing under the laws of
                        Delaware with full corporate power to
                        enter into and perform its obligation
                        under the TSI Guaranty;

                  (vi)  Neither the execution and delivery of the
                        TSI Guaranty nor TSI's performance
                        thereof is restricted by or violates (x)
                        the charter or by-laws of TSI or (y) in
                        any manner which would have a material
                        adverse effect on the transactions
                        contemplated by the TSI Guaranty, any
                        contractual or other obligations of TSI
                        of which such counsel has knowledge after
                        reasonable investigation;

                 (vii)  SPS has duly and validly authorized,
                        executed and delivered the SPS Guaranty;

                (viii)  SPS is a Delaware corporation duly
                        organized and existing under the laws of
                        Delaware with full corporate power to
                        enter into and perform its obligations
                        under the SPS Guaranty;

                  (ix)  Neither the execution and delivery of the
                        SPS Guaranty nor SPS's performance
                        thereof is restricted by or violates (x)
                        the charter or by-laws of SPS or (y) in
                        any manner which would have a material
                        adverse effect on the transactions
                        contemplated by the SPS Guaranty, any
                        contractual or other obligations of SPS
                        of which such counsel has knowledge after
                        reasonable investigation;

                   (x)  Neither the execution and delivery of
                        this Agreement or the Merger Agreement,
                        as appropriate, nor Purchaser's or HRC's
                        performance of either is restricted by or
                        violates (x) the charter or by-laws of
                        Purchaser or HRC or (y) in any manner
                        which would have a material adverse
                        effect on the transactions contemplated
                        by this Agreement or the Merger
                        Agreement, any contractual or other
                        obligation of Purchaser or HRC of which
                        such counsel has knowledge after
                        reasonable investigation;

                  (xi)  All consents and approvals required by
                        law, this Agreement or the Merger
                        Agreement to be obtained by Purchaser,
                        TSI, SPS or HRC at or prior to the
                        Closing Date to authorize, and to the
                        best of such counsel's knowledge after
                        reasonable investigation, to consummate
                        the transactions contemplated hereby or
                        thereby have been obtained and are in
                        full force and effect;

                 (xii)  Assuming that this Agreement and the
                        Merger Agreement each constitutes the
                        legal and binding obligation of each
                        Seller, as appropriate, then this
                        Agreement constitutes the legal and
                        binding obligations of Purchaser and HRC
                        enforceable in accordance with their
                        respective terms, except as such
                        enforceability may be limited by
                        bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
                        moratorium, receivership or other similar
                        laws or judicial decisions affecting
                        creditors' rights generally and the
                        rights of federally-insured banks and by
                        general principles of equity, regardless
                        of whether such enforceability is
                        considered in a proceeding in equity or
                        at law;

                (xiii)  There are no proceedings or
                        investigations pending, or to the
                        knowledge of such counsel, threatened, to
                        which Purchaser, TSI, SPS or HRC is or
                        would be a party: (A) asserting the
                        invalidity or unenforceability of this
                        Agreement, the TSI Guaranty, the SPS
                        Guaranty or the Merger Agreement; or (B)
                        seeking to bar the consummation of the
                        transactions contemplated under this
                        Agreement, the TSI Guaranty, the SPS
                        Guaranty or the Merger Agreement;

                 (xiv)  Each of the TSI Guaranty and the SPS
                        Guaranty constitutes the legal and
                        binding obligation of TSI or SPS,
                        respectively, enforceable in accordance
                        with its terms, except as such
                        enforceability may be limited by
                        bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
                        moratorium, conservatorship, receivership
                        or other similar laws or judicial
                        decisions affecting the enforcement of
                        creditors' rights generally and by
                        general principles of equity, regardless
                        of whether such enforceability is
                        considered in a proceeding in equity or
                        at laws; and

                  (xv)  There are no proceedings or
                        investigations pending, or to the
                        knowledge of such counsel, threatened, to
                        which TSI or SPS is or would be a party
                        (A) asserting the invalidity or
                        unenforceability of the TSI Guaranty or
                        the SPS Guaranty; or (B) seeking to bar
                        the consummation of the transactions
                        contemplated thereunder.

                   (c)  A certificate signed by a duly authorized
              officer of Purchaser to the effect that (i) the
              warranties and representations of Purchaser in this
              Agreement are true as of the Closing Date or, if
              any such warranties and representations are not
              then true, specifying the deficiency in reasonable
              detail; and (ii) the covenants and agreements of
              Purchaser to be performed hereunder on or before
              the Closing Date have been performed in all
              material respects, or, if any such covenants have
              not been so performed, specifying the deficiency in
              reasonable detail.

                   (d)  Resolutions of the Board of Directors of
              Purchaser and HRC, certified by their Vice
              President, Secretary or an Assistant Secretary,
              authorizing the execution and delivery of this
              Agreement, the Merger Agreement and the Merchant
              Services Agreement, with respect to TSI, the TSI
              Guaranty, and the consummation of the transactions
              contemplated hereby and thereby.

                   (e)  Resolutions of the shareholder of HRC,
              authorizing the execution and delivery of the
              Merger Agreement and the consummation of the
              transactions contemplated thereby.

                   (f)  A duly executed Uniform Commercial Code
              financing statement by Tandy (as defined in the
              Merger Agreement), as Secured Party, against SPS
              Newco, as Borrower, in proper form under the
              Uniform Commercial Code of the State of Illinois to
              properly perfect the security interest granted
              under the Security Agreement.

                   (g)  A duly executed SPS Guaranty and TSI
              Guaranty, substantially in the form of Exhibits 5
              and 8, respectively.

                   (h)  A duly executed Merger Agreement,
              substantially in the form of Exhibit 18.

                   (i)  A duly executed Security Agreement.

                   (j)  A duly executed SPS Newco Assignment
              Agreement and a duly executed Hurley Bank
              Receivables Purchase Agreement, each in form and
              substance satisfactory to Sellers and Purchaser.

                   (k)  Duly executed Assumption Agreements.

                   (l)  A duly executed certificate of merger as
              required under Section 2.2 of the Merger Agreement.

                   (m)  A duly executed Tax Sharing Agreement, in
              form and substance satisfactory to all of the
              parties hereto.

         13.  Survival of Representations and Warranties

              Notwithstanding any investigation made by or on
    behalf of either party at any time, the warranties,
    representations and indemnities set forth in Sections 7, 8, 9
    and 10 of this Agreement shall survive the Closing Date and
    be deemed to have been relied upon in connection with the
    consummation of the transactions described herein by the
    party or parties to whom they were made, even if such relying
    party knew of any breach of such warranties or
    representations unless such relying party failed to disclose
    such knowledge to all other parties prior to the Closing.

         14.  Termination of Agreement

              This Agreement and the sale herein provided for may
    be terminated at any time prior to the Closing Date and shall
    be of no further force or effect upon the occurrence of the
                   (i)  The expiration of thirty (30) days from
                        the date one party shall have given
                        notice to the other party (the
                        "Defaulting Party") of a breach or
                        default by the Defaulting Party in the
                        performance of any covenant, agreement,
                        representation or warranty hereunder or
                        under the Merger Agreement; provided,
                        however, that no such termination shall
                        be effective if, within such thirty (30)
                        day period, the Defaulting Party shall
                        have substantially corrected and cured
                        the grounds for termination as set forth
                        in such notice of termination; and
                        further provided that no party can
                        terminate under this clause 14(i) if such
                        party is in default of any of its
                        material obligations under this Agreement
                        or under the Merger Agreement;

                  (ii)  There shall have been a material adverse
                        change (financial or otherwise) in the
                        condition, business or assets of Sellers
                        or Purchaser, or the Credit Card Business
                        since December 31, 1994;

                 (iii)  Any party hereto (as applicable in this
                        clause (iii), the "Bankrupt Party")
                        becomes insolvent or generally fails to
                        pay, or admits in writing its inability
                        to pay, its debts as they become due; or
                        the Bankrupt Party applies for, consents
                        to, or acquiesces in the appointment of,
                        a trustee, conservator, receiver or other
                        custodian for the Bankrupt Party or any
                        property thereof, or makes a general
                        assignment for the benefit of creditors;
                        or in the absence of such application,
                        consent or acquiescence, a trustee,
                        conservator, receiver or other custodian
                        is appointed for the Bankrupt Party or
                        for a substantial part of its property
                        and is not discharged within ninety (90)
                        days; or any bankruptcy, reorganization,
                        debt arrangement, or other case or
                        proceeding under any bankruptcy or
                        insolvency law, or any dissolution or
                        liquidation proceeding, is commenced in
                        respect of the Bankrupt Party, and if
                        such case or proceeding is not commenced
                        by the Bankrupt Party, it is consented to
                        or acquiesced in by the Bankrupt Party or
                        remains for ninety (90) days undismissed;
                        or the Bankrupt Party takes any corporate
                        action to authorize, or in furtherance
                        of, any of the foregoing; or

                  (iv)  Upon mutual agreement of the parties

              A notification of termination from the electing
    party shall be required in the event of a termination of this
    Agreement under clauses (i), (ii) or (v) above; in the case
    of a termination under clause (iii) above, no such
    notification shall be required and such termination shall be
    automatic upon the occurrence of the event(s) described
    therein.  No termination of this Agreement shall release, or
    be construed as releasing, either party hereto from any
    liability or damage to the other party hereto arising out of,
    in connection with or otherwise relating to, directly or
    indirectly, such party's breach or default of any of its
    representations, warranties, covenants, agreements, duties or
    obligations arising hereunder.

         15.  Settlement

              15.1 Settlement of Disputed Amounts

              In the event that the parties hereto disagree as to
    any monetary item or amount (or computation or determination
    in accordance with the terms of this Agreement of any
    monetary item or amount), other than the initial calculation
    of the Purchase Price and the Deferred Amount (provided that
    no party shall hereby be deemed to waive any other rights and
    remedies it may have hereunder or under applicable law with
    respect to the same), then any payment at the time required
    to be made under this Agreement shall be made on the basis of
    such items or amounts as to which the parties do not
    disagree.  Any party hereto shall thereupon be entitled to
    request Coopers and Lybrand at a mutually agreeable office
    location (or, if said firm shall be unwilling to act
    hereunder, such other firm of nationally recognized
    independent accountants as the parties hereto may jointly
    designate which does not have a material relationship with
    either any party hereto) (either Coopers and Lybrand or such
    jointly designated alternative to be referred to in this
    Section 16 as the "Firm") to determine, in accordance with
    the provisions of this Agreement, such disputed item or
    amount (or the computation or determination thereof).  Any
    such request shall be in writing and shall specify with
    particularity the disputed items, amounts or computations
    being submitted for determination, and the requesting party
    shall furnish the other parties hereto with a copy of such
    request at the same time it is submitted to the Firm.  The
    Firm shall as promptly as practicable determine, in
    accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the proper
    amount of any disputed item or other amount, or the
    computation thereof, and such determination shall be final,
    conclusive and binding on all parties hereto.  Before
    submitting the final determination of any such dispute to the
    parties, the Firm shall submit one draft of such
    determination to all parties substantially simultaneously.
    Any party may submit to the Firm such additional information
    related to this draft determination as it wishes, provided
    such additional information is provided within seven (7)
    Business Days of delivery of the draft determination.  The
    Firm, in its sole discretion, may but is not required to
    revise its draft determination in light of such additional
    information.  The determination will be submitted to the
    parties in draft only one time before issuance of the final
    determination, which shall be conclusive and binding on all
    parties hereto.  In acting pursuant to this Agreement, the
    Firm shall be entitled to the privileges and immunities of
    arbitrators.  Each party hereto shall cooperate fully in
    assisting the Firm in making any determination requested
    hereunder, including giving the Firm full access to all
    files, books and records relevant thereto and providing such
    other information as the Firm may reasonably request in
    connection with the determination to be made by it hereunder.
    The fees and disbursements in connection with the Firm's
    determination shall be borne equally by the parties hereto
    unless the determination is adverse to a party in an amount
    in excess of $25,000, in which case such party shall bear and
    be responsible for the full amount of fees and disbursements
    of the Firm.  In the event that a determination by the Firm
    pursuant to this Section 15.1 requires any previously
    suspended payment to be made by any party, such payment shall
    be made promptly (and in any event within 10 days) after
    receipt by such party from the Firm of written notice of such
    determination.  The Firm shall promptly and substantially
    simultaneously notify Purchaser and Sellers in writing of any
    determination by it hereunder.

              15.2 Interest

              Any amount payable by any party to another party
    pursuant to Section 15.1 shall bear interest from the date
    such amount would originally have been required to be paid
    hereunder had no dispute over such amount existing to the
    date of payment at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum
    during the period from and including the date due to the date

              15.3 Records and Financial Information

              Each party having control of relevant records and
    financial information used in connection with any adjustment
    provided for in this Section 15 shall certify the accuracy of
    such records and financial information if so requested by
    another party.

         16.  Default

              Following the occurrence of a breach by any party
    of any representation, warranty, agreement or covenant
    hereunder, except for any failure to make a payment of the
    Deferred Amount when due hereunder, any party to whom the
    representation or warranty was made, or with whom the
    agreement or covenant was made, may give written notice to
    the party in breach identifying such breach, and the
    breaching party shall have thirty (30) days following receipt
    of such notice in which to cure such breach.  If the breach
    is not cured within such time, the party giving notice of the
    breach may recover its damages as provided in this Agreement
    or otherwise.  If Purchaser fails to make a payment of the
    Deferred Amount when due hereunder, or SPS Newco fails to
    maintain the required level of security for the Deferred
    Amount under the Security Agreement, either Seller or their
    permitted assignees may give written notice to Purchaser of
    such failure and Purchaser shall have fifteen (15) days
    following the receipt of such notice in which to cure such
    breach.  A failure by Purchaser to cure any breach within the
    applicable time period specified in the preceding sentence
    shall entitle Sellers or their successors or permitted
    assigns to recover their damages as provided in this
    Agreement or otherwise and to accelerate and declare
    immediately due and payable all of the unpaid Deferred Amount
    and accrued interest thereon and to foreclose under any and
    all security interests securing payment of the Deferred
    Amount and accrued interest thereon.

         17.  Miscellaneous

              17.1 Expenses

              Except as is otherwise specifically provided in
    this Agreement, each party shall pay its own costs and
    expenses in connection with this Agreement, and the
    transactions contemplated hereby, including, but not by way
    of limitation, all regulatory fees, attorneys' fees,
    accounting fees and other expenses.

              17.2 Notices

              All notices, demands and other communications
    hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
    been duly given when received in person or by postage prepaid
    United States certified or registered mail, with return
    receipt requested, or otherwise actually received by
    facsimile transmission or by nationally recognized private
    courier service with receipt acknowledged in both instances,
    and addressed as follows:

              (i)  If to TNB, to:
                   Tandy National Bank
                   1800 One Tandy Center
                   Fort Worth, Texas 76102
                   Attention: Ronald L. Parrish, President

                   with copies to:

                   Tandy Corporation
                   1800 One Tandy Center
                   Fort Worth, Texas 76102
                   Attention: General Counsel

             (ii)  If to TCC, to:
                   Tandy Credit Corporation
                   1800 One Tandy Center
                   Fort Worth, Texas 76102
                   Attention: Ronald L. Parrish, Vice President

                   with copies to:

                   Tandy Corporation
                   1800 One Tandy Center
                   Fort Worth, Texas 76102
                   Attention: General Counsel

            (iii)  If to Purchaser, to:
                   Hurley State Bank
                   811 East 10th Street
                   Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57103
                   Attention: Senior Vice President

                   with copies to:

                   SPS Payment Systems, Inc.
                   2500 Lake Cook Road
                   Riverwoods, Illinois 60015
                   Attention: President

              Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any Person to
    whom a properly addressed and prepaid (with return address
    shown) notice is sent by United States certified or
    registered mail as stated above, declines delivery thereof,
    such notice shall be deemed received on the third (3rd)
    Business Day following the date the same was deposited in the
    United States mail.  The persons or addresses to which
    mailings or deliveries shall be made may be changed from time
    to time by notice given pursuant to the provisions of this
    Section 17.2.

              17.3 Successors and Assigns

              All terms and provisions of this Agreement
    (including, but not limited to, independent provisions) shall
    be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties
    hereto and their respective permitted transferees, successors
    and assigns, including, without limitation, under the Tandy
    Assignment Agreement; provided, however, that this Agreement
    and any right, privilege, duty and obligation of the parties
    hereto may not be assigned or delegated by any party without
    the written consent of the other parties, such consent not to
    be unreasonably withheld.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
    however, in the event of (i) a merger of any party hereto
    with or into another party to this Agreement, or (ii) the
    sale of all the stock of any party hereto to another party to
    this Agreement or to such party's guarantor, or (iii) the
    dissolution or liquidation of a party to this Agreement (such
    party to be merged, dissolved or liquidated or whose stock is
    to be sold being the "Affected Party"), the Affected Party,
    without consent, may assign and delegate its rights,
    privileges, duties and obligations under this Agreement to
    the corporation guaranteeing its performance hereunder or to
    a corporation owning 75% or more of its stock prior to the
    event.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties hereto
    hereby agree that Purchaser may assign its interest in
    certain Account Balances purchased hereunder to SPS Newco,
    and SPS Newco shall assume all payment and performance
    obligations of Purchaser with respect to the Deferred Amount,
    pursuant to the SPS Newco Assignment Agreement, Assumption
    and Release Agreement and the Hurley Bank Receivables
    Purchase Agreement.

              17.4 Counterparts

              This Agreement may be executed in one or more
    counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute
    one instrument.

              17.5 Governing Law

              The laws of the State of Delaware applicable to
    contracts executed and wholly performed therein shall govern
    the validity and interpretation hereof and the performance of
    the parties hereto of their respective duties and obligations

              17.6 Captions

              The captions contained in this Agreement are for
    convenience of reference only and do not form a part of this

              17.7 Entire Agreement

              The making, execution and delivery of this
    Agreement by the parties hereto have been induced by no
    representations, statements, warranties or agreements other
    than those herein expressed.  This Agreement and the other
    written agreements specifically referred to herein embody the
    entire understanding of the parties and there are no further
    or other agreements or understandings, written or oral, in
    effect between the parties relating to the subject matter
    hereof.  Except as provided herein, this Agreement is not
    conditioned on the signing or execution of any other, future
    agreement.  This instrument and the agreements contained
    herein may be amended or modified only by a written
    instrument signed by both parties or their duly authorized
    agents.  Upon execution of this Agreement, the letter of
    intent dated December 30, 1994, by and among Tandy, TNB, TCC,
    Purchaser, SPS Newco and TSI, is deemed released and null and

              17.8 No Waiver of Rights

              No party, by virtue of this Agreement, waives any
    rights it may have to recover damages or to seek other relief
    against any Person, including any party to this Agreement,
    arising out of acts or omissions of such Person.  No such
    waiver is intended and none shall be deemed or implied.

              17.9 No Consequential Damages

              Neither Purchaser and its guarantors nor Sellers
    and their guarantor shall be liable one to the other for any
    indirect, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of
    any breach of any covenant, warranty, representation or
    obligation under this Agreement.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and
    delivered this Agreement as of the day and year first above

                                   TANDY NATIONAL BANK

                                   By: \s\ Ronald L. Parrish
                                   Name: Ronald L. Parrish
                                   Title: President and Chief
                                          Executive Officer

                                   TANDY CREDIT CORPORATION

                                   By: \s\ Ronald L. Parrish
                                   Name: Ronald L. Parrish
                                   Title: Vice President

                                   HURLEY STATE BANK

                                   By: \s\ R. Wieseneck
                                   Name: Robert L. Wieseneck
                                   Title: President