Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                         Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


                                December 30, 1996

                                 Date of Report
                        (Date of earliest event reported)

                                TANDY CORPORATION

              (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                  Delaware        1-5571          75-1047710
              (State or other   (Commission      (IRS Employer
               jurisdiction of   File Number)   identification No.)

                  1800 Tandy Center, Fort Worth, Texas 76102
              (Address of principal executive offices)(Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code (817) 390-3700

                              Page 1 of 13

Item 2.           Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

The text of two press  releases  issued by the Company on December  30, 1996 are
set forth below:

                                                          December 30, 1996


         Fort Worth, Texas -- Tandy Corporation  (NYSE:TAN)  announced a plan to
exit the Incredible Universe business.  Six stores are under contract to be sold
to another  retailer  and the plan calls for the  remainder  of the stores to be
sold to other  retailers or for other real estate uses. The chain consists of 17
stores and negotiations on the future of other locations will be ongoing.

         "The  Incredible  Universe  concept was  developed  to provide a larger
selection,  non-commissioned  sales  environment,  and a `hands-on'  experience.
While  individual  stores  enjoyed  success and  customers  surveyed  had strong
positives for Incredible Universe,  the economic model is not viable for Tandy,"
said John V. Roach, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

         It is  anticipated  that the  phase out of store  operations  will take
about six months. Sales, operating expenses, and earnings of Incredible Universe
will be segregated  during the phase out period.  Costs  associated with exiting
the business will be recorded in the year ending December 31, 1996 to the extent
permitted by accounting standards.

         Additionally,  as part of a strategic plan to reposition  Computer City
to focus on the experienced  user,  SOHO(Small  Office,  Home Office)  customer,
corporate market and enhance profitable growth potential,  the Company adopted a
plan to close 19 stores  and  relocate  two  others  of its 108  North  American
stores.  (See  accompanying  list.) It is  anticipated  essentially  all charges
related  to the  Computer  City  plans  will be  recognized  in the year  ending
December 31, 1996.

         The Company has not finalized its review of costs  associated  with its
strategic moves;  however,  preliminary estimates of such costs are on the order
of $170 million  after-tax and will be recognized in the fourth quarter of 1996.
Previously,  Tandy  announced an  additional  estimated  charge in excess of $20
million  after-tax to discontinue its McDuff stores.  The cash flow benefit from
the combined actions is expected to exceed the loss.

         Tandy  Corporation,  one of the nation's largest  retailers of consumer
electronics,  sells its products through  approximately 6,800 RadioShackSM,  and
113 domestic foreign Computer City(R) outlets.  Store  dispositions will require
various governmental filings and approvals. Statements made in this announcement
which are forward-looking  statements involve risks and uncertainties including,
but not limited to, economic  conditions,  product demand,  competitive pricing,
governmental  approvals,  success of marketing  efforts to liquidate  inventory,
fixed  assets and real  estate and other cost of  discontinuing  certain  retail
stores, method of ultimate disposition,  availability of product,  third parties
completing  the purchase of assets and real estate and other risks  indicated in
Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                  Computer City
                           Stores to Close or Relocate

                          Los Angeles - Riverside (CA)
                         Los Angeles - South Coast (CA)
                           Los Angeles - Cerritos (CA)
                             Los Angeles - Brea (CA)
                           Los Angeles - Torrance (CA)
                        Los Angeles - Beverly Hills (CA)
                          Los Angeles - Montclair (CA)
                             San Jose -Milpitas (CA)
                                 Charlotte (NC)
                                 Cincinnati (OH)
                             Washington DC - Tysons
                             Washington DC - Fairfax
                            Washington DC - Rockville
                          Baltimore - Glen Burnie (MD)
                            Baltimore - Timonium (MD)
                            Boston - Burlington (MA)
                           Houston - Greenspoint  (TX) Chicago - Oakbrook  (IL)*
                            Atlanta - Buckhead (GA)*
                                Cherry Hill (NJ)
                              King of Prussia (PA)

* Denotes stores to be relocated.

                                                            December 30, 1996


         Fort Worth,  Texas -- Tandy  Corporation  (NYSE:TAN)  has entered  into
contracts with Fry's  Electronics,  Inc., Palo Alto,  California for the sale of
the assets in six  Incredible  Universe  stores  located in the  Arlington,  TX,
Dallas, TX, Phoenix, AZ, Portland, OR, Sacramento, CA and San Diego, CA markets.
In addition, contracts have been entered into to sell the six buildings and land
to limited partnerships who will lease the stores to Fry's.

         The  closing  of each of the  sales is  contingent  upon  clearance  of
certain  governmental  filings,  additional real estate and other due diligence,
and other contingencies.

         Each of these  six  Incredible  Universe  stores  will  continue  to be
operated by Tandy until after the  closing of each  respective  transaction,  at
which time Fry's will commence management of the unit. The transaction  closings
are  projected  to begin in February  and be  completed  by June 30,  1997.  All
extended service contracts and warranties will be honored.

         Fry's Electronics  operates ten computer and consumer  electronics
stores of up to 150,000 square feet in California.  Fry's Electronics, Inc. is
a private company founded in 1985.

         Financial  terms of the  sales  are not  disclosed.  The  restructuring
charges  announced  by  Tandy  on  December  30  (See  additional  news  release
TC-96-054) anticipated the execution of these agreements.

         Tandy  Corporation,  one of the nation's largest  retailers of consumer
electronics,  sells it products through approximately 6,800 RadioShackSM and 113
Computer City(R) outlets.  Store dispositions will require various  governmental
filings  and  approvals.   Statements  made  in  this  announcement   which  are
forward-looking  statements involve risks and uncertainties  including,  but not
limited to, economic conditions, product demand, competitive pricing, success of
marketing efforts to liquidate inventory, fixed assets and real estate and other
cost of  discontinuing  certain retail stores,  method of ultimate  disposition,
availability  of product,  third parties  completing  the purchase of assets and
real estate and other risks indicated in Company filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

                         (End of Text of Press Releases)

         The  transactions  with Fry's  Electronics,  Inc.  include  the sale of
inventories and  non-inventory  assets for six Incredible  Universe stores.  The
transactions  with six limited  partnerships  include the sales of real  estate,
which  will then be leased  to Fry's.  Under  the  contracts,  the six  closings
are projected to begin in February  and be  completed  by June 30, 1997.  Before
the sales  of real  estate  to the  limited  partnerships,  certain conditions
and obligations must be satisfied,  which include  payments by Tandy of 
approximately $91,000,000 relating to the real estate. The limited partnerships
will  purchase  the real  estate of the six  stores  through  cash  payments  of
$25,000,000, in aggregate, and notes totaling $40,000,000. These notes mature in
four  years at an  interest  rate of 6.57%,  payable  quarterly.  One year notes
bearing  an  interest  rate  of  5.91%  will  be given  by  Fry's  to  purchase
inventories  at  amounts  based  upon  values  at  the  closing  date  for  each
transaction.  Principal is due in equal  quarterly  payments  along with accrued
interest. Five year notes totaling $5,000,000 will be given by Fry's to purchase
non-inventory assets. Principal is due in equal annual installments. These notes
bear an  interest  rate of  6.70%,  payable  quarterly.  If either Tandy or 
Fry's  breaches  its obligations in any  material  respect,  the non-breaching
party  will have the option to cancel the transactions and demand liquidated
damages of $10,000,000.

         The following  unaudited pro forma income statements for the year ended
December 31, 1995,  and the nine months ended  September  30, 1996,  reflect the
historical accounts of the Company for those periods, adjusted to give pro forma
effect to the exiting of the Incredible  Universe retail operations,  closing 21
Computer City locations and the  discontinuance  of the Specialty  Retail Group,
primarily  McDuff  stores,  as if the  exit  plan had  been  consummated  at the
beginning of each period presented.

         The  following  unaudited  pro forma  balance sheet as of September 30,
1996,  reflects the historical  accounts of the Company to give pro forma effect
to the sale of six Incredible  Universe  operations,  the closing of 21 Computer
City locations and the  discontinuance of the Specialty Retail Group,  primarily
53 McDuff  stores,  as if this portion of the exit plan had been completed as of
September 30, 1996. Remaining assets relating to the exit plan have been written
down to estimated net realizable value.

         The pro forma financial data and  accompanying  notes should be read in
conjunction with the description of the exit plan contained elsewhere herein and
the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and  related  notes  included  in  the
Company's 1996 Annual Report on Form 10-K and the Company's  September 30, 1996,
Quarterly  Report on form 10-Q previously filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  The Company  believes  that the  assumptions  used in the following
statements  provide  a  reasonable  basis  on  which to  present  the pro  forma
financial data.

         The pro forma  adjustments  are based upon  available  information  and
certain  assumptions  that the  Corporation  believes are  reasonable  under the
circumstances. The pro forma financial information is provided for informational
purposes  only and should not be construed  to be  indicative  of the  Company's
financial  condition or results of operations had the exit plan been consummated
on the  dates  assumed  and are not meant to be  indicative  of the  results  of
operations  which can be expected  for any  subsequent  period or its  financial
condition on any future date.

Item 7.           Financial Statements and Exhibits

Listed below are the financial  statements,  pro forma financial information and
exhibits, if any, filed as a part of this Report:

            (a)   None

            (b)   Pro Forma Financial Information

                  1.    Pro Forma Consolidated  Statement of
                        Income for the year ended December 31, 1995.

                  2.    Pro forma Consolidated  Statement of
                        Income for the nine months ended September 30, 1996.

                  3.    Pro Forma  Consolidated  Balance Sheet as of
                        September 30, 1996.

                  4.    Notes  to  the  Pro   Forma   Consolidated   Financial

            (c)   Exhibits - None


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized this 14th day of January, 1997.

                                                TANDY CORPORATION

Date   January 14, 1997                         By: /s/ Dwain Hughes

                                                Dwain H. Hughes
                                                Senior Vice President and
                                                Chief Financial Officer

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

    Exhibit                Description of Exhibit              Number
- - - - -----------------  ---------------------------------------   ------------

(a)                None

(b)                Pro Forma Financial Information

(b) 1              Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of            9
                   Income for the year ended December
                   31, 1995

(b) 2              Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of           10
                   Income for the nine months ended
                   September 30, 1996

(b) 3              Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet          11
                   as of September 30, 1996

(b) 4              Notes to the Pro Forma Consolidated           12
                   Financial Statements

                               Page 8 of 13

                                                                   Exhibit (b) 1

                       Tandy Corporation and Subsidiaries
                  Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Income
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1995

(in thousands, except per                         Pro Forma
share amounts)                    Historical     Adjustments
                                 As Reported    (Note 1)       Pro Forma
                                 -----------    ------------   ------------

Net sales and operating         $  5,839,067   $ (1,321,946)  $   4,517,121
Cost of products sold              3,764,884     (1,093,461)      2,671,423
                                  -----------    ------------   ------------

Gross profit                       2,074,183       (228,485)      1,845,698
Selling, general and               1,646,436       (272,248)      1,374,188
Depreciation and amortization         91,990        (16,198)         75,792
Provision for restructuring            1,100         (1,100)              -
Interest income                     (42,322)         (5,861)       (48,183)
Interest expense                      33,706         (4,094)         29,612
                                  -----------    ------------   ------------
                                   1,730,910       (299,501)      1,431,409
                                  -----------    ------------   ------------

Income before income taxes           343,273          71,016        414,289
Provision for income taxes           131,299          27,164        158,463
                                  -----------    ------------   ------------

Net income                           211,974          43,852        255,826
Preferred dividends                    6,537               -          6,537
                                  -----------    ------------   ------------

Net income available to common
   shareholders                 $    205,437          43,852  $     249,289
                                  ===========    ============   ============

Net income available per
   average common and common
   equivalent share             $       3.12                  $        3.78
                                  ===========                   ============

Average common and common
   equivalent shares
   outstanding                        65,928                         65,928
                                  ===========                   ============

See Accompanying Notes to the Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements

                            Page 9 of 13

                                                                 Exhibit (b) 2

                       Tandy Corporation and Subsidiaries
                  Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Income
                 For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 1996
                                                     Pro Forma
(in thousands, except per share      Historical     Adjustments
amounts)                            As Reported      (Note 1)       Pro Forma
                                     ------------   ------------    -----------

Net sales and operating revenues   $   4,234,690  $   (975,508)   $  3,259,182
Cost of products sold                  2,784,767      (813,825)      1,970,942
                                     ------------   ------------    -----------

Gross profit                           1,449,923      (161,683)      1,288,240
Selling, general and                   1,230,316      (221,674)      1,008,642
Depreciation and amortization             79,722       (14,816)         64,906
Provision for restructuring               25,500       (25,500)              -
Impairment of long-lived assets           26,033       (18,534)          7,499
Interest income                         (10,051)        (4,820)       (14,871)
Interest expense                          25,064        (3,435)         21,629
                                     ------------   ------------    -----------
                                       1,376,584      (288,779)      1,087,805
                                     ------------   ------------    -----------

Income before income taxes                73,339        127,096        200,435
Provision for income taxes                27,238         47,203         74,441
                                     ------------   ------------    -----------

Net income                                46,101         79,893        125,994
Preferred dividends                        4,775              -          4,775
                                     ------------   ------------    -----------

Net income available to common
   shareholders                    $      41,326  $      79,893   $    121,219
                                     ============   ============    ===========

Net income available per average
   common and common equivalent
   share                           $        0.68                  $       2.00
                                     ============                   ===========

Average common and common equivalent
   shares outstanding                     60,673                        60,673
                                     ============                   ===========

See Accompanying Notes to the Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                  Page 10 of 13

                                                                 Exhibit (b) 3
                       Tandy Corporation and Subsidiaries
                      Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
                               September 30, 1996
(in thousands)                                           Pro Forma
                                            Historical   Adjustments
                                            As Reported   (Note 2)    Pro Forma
                                           ----------   ----------  -----------
Current assets:
   Cash and short-term investments         $  124,956  $  (12,350) $    112,606
   Accounts and notes receivable, less
     allowance for doubtful accounts          206,017       78,700      284,717
   Inventories, at lower of cost or market  1,671,034    (220,141)    1,450,893
   Other current assets                        88,473            -       88,473
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------
          Total current assets              2,090,480    (153,791)    1,936,689

Property, plant and equipment, at cost,
   less accumulated depreciation              619,984     (87,135)      532,849
Other assets, net of accumulated
   amortization                                82,192      145,602      227,794
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------

                                           $2,792,656  $  (95,324) $  2,697,332
                                            ==========   ==========  ===========
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
   Short-term debt, including current
     maturities of long-term debt          $  441,570  $         - $    441,570
   Accounts payable                           438,813            -      438,813
   Accrued expenses                           247,609      111,273      358,882
   Income taxes payable                        55,672     (13,491)       42,181
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------
          Total current liabilities         1,183,664       97,782    1,281,446
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------

Long-term debt and capital leases,
   current maturities                         109,071            -      109,071
Other non-current liabilities                  20,055            -       20,055
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------
          Total other liabilities             129,126            -      129,126
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------

Stockholders' equity:
   Preferred stock                            100,000            -      100,000
   Common stock                                85,645            -       85,645
   Additional paid-in capital                 105,212            -      105,212
   Retained earnings                        2,339,170    (193,106)    2,146,064
   Foreign currency translation effects       (3,248)            -      (3,248)
   Common stock in treasury, at cost        (1,093,168)          -   (1,093,168)
   Unearned deferred compensation            (48,865)            -     (48,865)
   Unrealized loss on securities available
     for sale, net of tax                     (4,880)            -      (4,880)
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------
          Total stockholders' equity        1,479,866    (193,106)    1,286,760
                                            ----------   ----------  -----------

                                           $ 2,792,656  $  (95,324) $  2,697,332
                                            ==========   ==========  ===========
See Accompanying Notes to the Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                 Page 11 of 13

                                                                 Exhibit (b) 4

            Notes to the Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements

Note 1:

To  eliminate  historical  operating  results  associated  with  the  Incredible
Universe, Computer City and Specialty Retail Group, primarily McDuff, operations
being exited as if the exit plan had been  consummated  at the  beginning of the
year.  Results  include  allocation of interest  expense and pro forma  interest
income  on notes  receivable  relating  to the sale of six  Incredible  Universe
stores.  Also included are the  estimated  pro forma tax effects  related to the
closed operations.

Note 2:

Pro forma  adjustments  are discussed below which give effect to the sale of six
Incredible  Universe  operations,  the closing of 21 Computer City locations and
the discontinuance of the Specialty Retail Group, primarily 53 McDuff stores, as
if this portion of the exit plan had been  completed  as of September  30, 1996.
Remaining  assets  relating to the exit plan have been written down to estimated
net realizable value.

Cash and  short-term  investments.  Includes  payments  to satisfy  real  estate
obligations,  estimated  to  aggregate  $91,076,000,  net  of  anticipated  cash
proceeds  approximating  $25,000,000  on sale  of  certain  Incredible  Universe
stores.  Also includes  estimated  proceeds of  $53,726,000  on  liquidation  of
certain Computer City and McDuff inventories. Adjustments do not give effect to
the sale of remaining  inventory  amounts  written down to net realizable value.

Accounts and notes receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts.  Represents
$78,700,000 in estimated notes receivable relating to sale of inventories of six
Incredible  Universe   locations.   These  notes  are  due  in  equal  quarterly
installments over a period of one year at an interest rate of 5.91%.

Inventories.  Represents inventories relating to sale of six Incredible Universe
locations and inventories  liquidated  certain  Computer City and McDuff stores,
net of reserves  required to write down  inventories to estimated net realizable
value.  Remaining inventory amounts are written down to estimated net realizable
value and are not assumed to be sold without a firm contractual  arrangement for
such sale. The  inventories  are expected to be liquidated by the Company during
the six months ended June 30, 1997.

Property, plant and equipment, at cost, less accumulated depreciation.  Includes
fixed assets relating to sale of six Incredible  Universe locations and reserves
required to write down remaining  fixed assets to their estimated net realizable
value pursuant to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121 (FAS 121),
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
Be Disposed Of."

Other assets,  net of accumulated  amortization.  Includes  notes  receivable of
$40,000,000  relating to  disposition  of real estate,  and notes  receivable of
$5,000,000   relating  to  non-inventory   assets  of  six  Incredible  Universe
locations.  The real  estate  notes are due in four years at an annual  interest
rate of 6.57%. Interest is due quarterly with the principal balance due in 2001.
The  non-inventory  notes are due in equal annual  installments over a period of
five years at an annual interest rate of 6.70%. Also includes  long-term portion
of deferred taxes on restructuring reserves relating to the exit plan.

Accrued  expenses.   Represents   restructuring  reserves  associated  with  the
Incredible Universe, Computer City and Specialty Retail Group, primarily McDuff,
operations.  These reserves represent  obligations such as lease commitments and
severance payments.

Income taxes payable.  Represents current portion of the estimated tax effect of
the exit plan.

Retained  earnings.  Includes reserves for losses  (consisting of charges to the
restructuring reserve, FAS 121 long lived asset impairment write downs and lower
of cost or market  write  downs of  inventory)  associated  with the  Incredible
Universe, Computer City and Specialty Retail Group, primarily McDuff, operations
being exited, net of estimated income taxes.