YOUR PROXY CARD IS BELOW

To control the cost and excess distribution of our annual report and proxy 
materials, you may have shares from multiple sources combined on this proxy 
card. Here is a key to assist you in understanding which sources are
represented by this proxy card.

     COM - Shares held in your shareholder account at Bank of Boston

Employee shareholders may also have:

 RES - Restricted shares held in your restricted stock account at Bank of Boston
 TSP - Shares held in the Tandy Stock Plan
 Note: A separate proxy card will be sent for shares you hold in the Tandy Fund.

Please follow these steps:

     1.  Clearly mark your voting selection on the reverse side.
     2.  Sign and date your card on the reverse side.
     3.  Detach and return in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

                                TANDY CORPORATION

                     FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING ON MAY 15, 1997

     The undersigned hereby appoints John V. Roach, Jack L. Messman, Thomas G. 
Plaskett and John A. Wilson, and each or any of them, attorneys and proxies of 
the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote all the shares of 
common stock of the Corporation held by the undersigned at the Annual Meeting 
of Stockholders of Tandy Corporation at Fort Worth, Texas on May 15, 1997, or 
any adjournment thereof, as indicated on this proxy, and in their discretion on
any other matters which may properly come before the meeting.  if no directions 
are given, this Proxy will be voted 'FOR' Items 1 and 2.




[  x  ] Please mark
        votes as in
        the example.

RECOMMENDS A VOTE FOR:                       
1.  Election of Directors                        2.  Adoption of the Tandy
Nominees:  James I. Cash,                        Corporation 1997 Incentive
Jr., Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr.,                     Stock Plan.
Jack L. Messman, William G.
Morton, Jr., Thomas G.
Plaskett, John V. Roach,
Leonard H. Roberts, Alfred J.
Stein, William E. Tucker,
John A. Wilson

[    ]  FOR       [    ]  WITHHELD           [ ] FOR  [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN
        ALL               FROM ALL
        NOMINEES          NOMINEES

[    ]                                                     
        For all nominees except those written on line above


Please Sign Exactly an Your Name Appears on This Proxy,
Date and Promptly Return This Proxy in the Enclosed

Signature:                 Date:         Signature:                 Date:       

                                TANDY CORPORATION
                              1800 One Tandy Center
                             Fort Worth, Texas 76102


                           To Be Held On May 15, 1997

   NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of Tandy
Corporation will be held at the Worthington Hotel, 200 West Second Street,  Fort
Worth,  Texas 76102, on Thursday,  May 15, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. for the following

   (1)To elect  directors  to serve  for the  ensuing  year  and  until  their
      respective successors are elected;

   (2)To adopt the Tandy Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan; and

   (3)To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
      any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

   The  transfer  books  will  not be  closed.  The date  fixed by the  Board of
Directors as the record date for the determination of the stockholders  entitled
to  notice  of,  and to vote at,  said  Annual  Meeting  or any  adjournment  or
adjournments thereof is the close of business on March 18, 1997.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          HERSCHEL C. WINN
                                        Senior Vice President
Fort Worth, Texas                           and Secretary
March 28, 1997




                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                TANDY CORPORATION
                              1800 One Tandy Center
                             Fort Worth, Texas 76102

                      TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1997

   This Proxy Statement is being furnished to stockholders of Tandy Corporation,
a Delaware  corporation (the "Company"),  in connection with the solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors of the Company (the  "Board")  from holders of
record of the Company's  voting  securities as of the close of business on March
18, 1997 (the "Annual  Meeting Record  Date"),  for use at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of the Company (the "Annual  Meeting") to be held on Thursday,  May
15, 1997,  at 10:00 a.m.  (Central  Daylight  Savings  Time) at the  Worthington
Hotel, 200 West Second Street,  Fort Worth,  Texas 76102, and at any adjournment
or  postponement  thereof.  This Proxy  Statement  is first being  mailed to the
holders of the Company's voting securities on or about March 28, 1997.

                         PURPOSES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING

   At the Annual Meeting,  holders of shares of Company  securities  entitled to
vote at the  Annual  Meeting  will be asked  to  consider  and to vote  upon the
following matters:

   (i)  the  election  of 10  directors  of the  Company to serve until the next
        annual meeting of stockholders or until their successors are elected;

   (ii) the adoption of the Tandy  Corporation  1997  Incentive  Stock Plan (see
        "Tandy Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan"); and

   (iii) such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

   The Board  unanimously  recommends  a vote FOR the  Election  of the  Board's
nominees for election as directors of the Company and has  unanimously  approved
and  determined  to be  advisable  the  adoption of the Tandy  Corporation  1997
Incentive  Stock Plan and  unanimously  recommends that holders of the Company's
voting  securities vote FOR the Tandy  Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan. As
of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the Board  knows of no other  business to
come before the Annual Meeting.


   Only  holders  of  record of shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock and the
Company's Series B TESOP  Convertible  Preferred Stock (the "TESOP Stock") as of
the Annual  Meeting  Record  Date will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at,
the Annual Meeting or any  adjournment or postponement  thereof.  The holders of
shares of Company  Common  Stock are  entitled  to one vote per share (a "Common
Stock Vote") on any matter which may  properly  come before the Annual  Meeting.
The holders of TESOP Stock are entitled to 21.768 Common Stock Votes per share.

   As of the Annual  Meeting Record Date, the total number of Common Stock Votes
represented  by the  voting  securities  of the  Company  entitled  to vote were
57,976,875.  Specifically,  there were 56,166,586 shares of Company Common Stock
outstanding,  representing  56,166,586  Common Stock Votes; and 83,162 shares of
TESOP Stock outstanding, representing 1,810,289 Common Stock

   As of the Annual Meeting Record Date, a total of 83,162 shares of TESOP Stock
were held in the Tandy Fund.  Each  participant in the Tandy Fund is entitled to
direct  the Tandy Fund  Trustee  with  respect to the voting of the TESOP  Stock
allocated to his or her account. If a participant does not direct the Tandy Fund
Trustee  with  respect to the voting of the TESOP  Stock,  the Trustee will vote
such securities,  in the same proportion as other participants who have directed
the Trustee  with respect to  allocated  shares.  The Trustee will also vote all
unallocated  TESOP Stock held by the Tandy Fund in such proportion.  Also, as of
the Annual Meeting Record Date a total of 1,006,000 shares of Restricted Company
Common Stock were held by  RadioShack  and Computer  City Store  Managers.  Each
holder is entitled to vote each share of Restricted Company Common Stock.

   The presence,  either in person or by properly executed proxy, of the holders
of a majority of the Common Stock Votes as of the Annual  Meeting Record Date is
necessary to constitute a quorum at the Annual  Meeting.  Shares held by holders
who are either  present in person or  represented  by proxy who abstain  will be
treated as present for quorum purposes on all matters.

   The  affirmative  vote of at  least a  majority  of the  Common  Stock  Votes
entitled to vote and represented in person or by properly  executed proxy at the
Annual Meeting is required to approve the adoption of the Tandy Corporation 1997
Incentive Stock Plan.

   The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the Common  Stock Votes  entitled to
vote and  represented  in person or by  properly  executed  proxy at the  Annual
Meeting is required to approve the  election of each of the  Company's  nominees
for election as a director.  With respect to the election of  directors,  shares
that  abstain  will be  included  in the vote total as  withholds  (i.e.,  votes
against the Company's nominees for election).

   The affirmative vote of a majority of the Common Stock Votes entitled to vote
and represented in person or by properly executed proxy at the Annual Meeting is
required, for all matters other than the election of directors.  For purposes of
determining whether a proposal has received a majority vote, abstentions will be
included in the vote total,  with the result  that an  abstention  will have the
same effect as a negative vote.  For purposes of determining  whether a proposal
has received a majority  vote, in instances  where brokers are  prohibited  from
exercising  discretionary  authority for  beneficial  holders of Company  Common
Stock who have not returned a proxy (so-called "broker non-votes"), those shares
will not be included in the vote totals and,  therefore,  will have no effect on
the outcome of the vote.

   All voting  securities that are represented at the Annual Meeting by properly
executed proxies  received by the Corporate  Secretary prior to or at the Annual
Meeting and not revoked will be voted at the Annual  Meeting in accordance  with
the  instructions  indicated in such proxies.  If no instructions are indicated,
such proxies will be voted FOR the election of the Board's nominees for election
as  directors of the Company,  and FOR  approval of the Tandy  Corporation  1997
Incentive Stock Plan.

   Any proxy given  pursuant to this  solicitation  may be revoked by the person
giving it at any time  before it is voted.  Proxies may be revoked by (i) filing
with the  Company,  at or  before  the  Annual  Meeting,  a  written  notice  of
revocation bearing a later date than the proxy; (ii) duly executing a subsequent
proxy relating to the same voting securities and delivering it to the Company at
or before the Annual Meeting;  or (iii)  attending the Annual Meeting,  filing a
written  revocation  of proxy and  voting in person  (attendance  at the  Annual
Meeting  and  voting  will not in and of itself  constitute  a  revocation  of a
proxy).  Any written  notice  revoking a proxy or subsequent  proxies  should be
received by mail or hand  delivered to Tandy  Corporation,  Attention:  Ms. Jana
Freundlich,  Assistant  Secretary,  100  Throckmorton  Street,  Suite 1700, Fort
Worth, Texas 76102-2818.

   The  Company  will  bear  the  cost  of  the  solicitation.  In  addition  to
solicitation  by mail,  the  Company  will  request  banks,  brokers  and  other
custodian  nominees and  fiduciaries  to supply proxy material to the beneficial
owners of Company Common Stock, Restricted Company Common Stock and TESOP Stock,
and will reimburse them for their expenses in so doing. In addition, the Company
may engage D.F. King & Co.,  Inc.,  for a fee  anticipated  not to exceed $2,800
plus out-of-pocket  expenses,  to provide proxy solicitation  services.  Certain
directors,  officers and other employees of the Company,  not specially employed
for this purpose, may solicit proxies, without additional remuneration therefor,
by personal interview, mail, telephone, facsimile or other electronic means.

                               NO APPRAISAL RIGHTS

   Stockholders  of the Company will not be entitled to  appraisal  rights under
Delaware  corporation  law in  connection  with  the  vote on the  nominees  for
directors or the vote on the Tandy Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan.


   Ten persons have been  nominated  for election as directors of the Company at
the Annual  Meeting.  All of these nominees are now serving on the Board and all
were previously elected by the stockholders except Mr. Roberts,  who was elected
by the Board of  Directors  March 1, 1997.  It is the  intention  of the persons
named in the  accompanying  form of  proxy  card to vote  for the  nominees  for
election as directors of the Company listed below unless authority to so vote is
withheld. All nominees have indicated their willingness to serve for the ensuing
term.  If any nominee is unable or should  decline to serve as a director at the
date of the Annual  Meeting,  it is the  intention  of the persons  named in the
proxy card to vote for such other person or persons as they in their  discretion
shall determine.

   The nominees for directors of the Company are listed below:
                                                                 A Director
  Name, Age, and Business Experience                            Continuously
        During the Last Five Years                                  Since

James I. Cash, Jr. (49)                                                 1989
Professor, Harvard University Graduate School
of Business Administration.

Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr. (80)                                             1975
Retired Vice Chairman, Tandy Corporation,
and Retired President, RadioShack Division.

Jack L. Messman (57)                                                    1993
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Union
Pacific Resources Group Inc. (Independent oil and
gas producer), since October 1996; President and
Chief Executive Officer of Union Pacific Resources
Group Inc. (independent oil and gas producer) since
May 1995 and President and Chief Executive Officer,
Union Pacific Resources Company since 1991.

William G. Morton, Jr. (60)                                             1987
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Boston Stock Exchange, Inc.

Thomas G. Plaskett (53)                                                 1986
Chairman, NeoStar Retail Group , Inc. (a consumer
software retailer),  since September 1996; Chairman,
Greyhound Lines, Inc. (transportation company), since
March 1995;  Business  Consultant,  since 
November 1991;  interim President and Chief Executive
Officer,  Greyhound Lines,  Inc., August 1994 to 
November 1994; Chairman, Pan Am Corporation 
(a holding company for aviation business),  January
1988 to January 1992.

John V. Roach (58)                                                      1980
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Tandy Corporation; President, Tandy
 Corporation until January 1996.

Leonard H. Roberts (48)                                                 1997
President, Tandy Corporation since January 1996;
President, RadioShack Division since July 1993;
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Shoney's Inc.
(restaurant chain) July 1989  to January 1993.

Alfred J. Stein (64)                                                    1981
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
VLSI Technology, Inc. (manufacturer
of semiconductors).

William E. Tucker (64)                                                  1985
Chancellor, Texas Christian University

John A. Wilson (75)                                                     1974
Retired Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer, Color Tile, Inc.
(home improvement company).


  The Board held five meetings during 1996.

  The current Audit Committee  members are Messrs.  Cash,  Plaskett  (Chairman),
Tucker and Wilson.  The  functions  of this  Committee  include:  reviewing  the
engagement of the independent accountants, the scope and timing of the audit and
certain  non-audit  services  to be  rendered  by the  independent  accountants;
reviewing with the independent accountants and management the Company's policies
and  procedures  with respect to internal  auditing,  accounting  and  financial
controls;  and  reviewing  the  report  of  the  independent   accountants  upon
completion of its audit. This Committee met three times during 1996.

  The current Executive Committee members are Messrs. Kornfeld,  Messman, Roach,
Stein, and Wilson  (Chairman).  This Committee has the authority to exercise all
of the  powers of the full  Board  with  certain  exceptions  relating  to major
corporate  matters.  This  Committee  is  available  to review  with  members of
management certain areas of the Company's  operations and to act in an emergency
or on routine  matters when it is impractical to assemble the entire Board for a
meeting. This Committee met five times during 1996.

  The current Organization and Compensation  Committee members are Messrs. Cash,
Messman  (Chairman),  Morton  and  Plaskett.  The  principal  functions  of this
Committee  are to  review  and  make  recommendations  to the  Board  concerning
compensation  plans,  appointments  and  promotions to official  positions,  and
corporate  structure.  This  Committee  also  makes  grants of stock  options to
Executive  Officers and other  employees.  This  Committee met five times during

  The current Nominating Committee members are Messrs.  Kornfeld,  Morton, Stein
(Chairman) and Tucker.  This Committee reviews and makes  recommendations to the
Board with respect to candidates for directors of the Company,  compensation  of
Board members and  assignment  of directors to committees of the Board.  It also
reviews and approves or denies  requests by  corporate  officers to serve on the
boards of  outside  companies.  This  Committee  met three  times  during  1996.
Stockholders  who wish to nominate persons for election as directors at the 1998
Annual  Meeting,  which is now  scheduled to be held on May 21, 1998,  must give
notice of their  intention to make a nomination  in writing to the  Secretary of
the Company on or before February 14, 1998. Each notice shall set forth: (a) the
name and address of the  stockholder  who intends to make the nomination and the
name and address of the person or persons to be nominated;  (b) a representation
that the stockholder is a holder of record of stock of the Corporation  entitled
to vote at such  meeting  and  intends  to  appear  in person or by proxy at the
meeting to  nominate  the  person or  persons  specified  in the  notice;  (c) a
description of all  arrangements or  understandings  between the stockholder and
each  nominee and any other  person or persons  (naming  such person or persons)
pursuant  to  which  the  nomination  or  nominations  are  to be  made  by  the
stockholder;  (d) such other information regarding each nominee proposed by such
stockholder  as would be  required to be  included  in a proxy  statement  filed
pursuant to the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission as then in
effect;  and (e) the  consent  of each  nominee  to  serve  as  director  of the
Corporation if so elected.

  Mrs. Donna R. Ecton served on the Audit and Nominating  Committees until her
resignation  from the  Board of  Directors  on August 6,  1996.  Mr.  Jesse L.
Upchurch  served  on  the   Organization   and   Compensation  and  Nominating
Committees  until his  resignation  from the Board of Directors on January 15,
1997.  All  nominees for  director  attended  more than 75% of the meetings of
the Board and committees, collectively, of which they were a member.

  Certain of the Company's  directors  serve on the boards of directors of other
publicly held  companies as follows:  Mr. Cash serves on the boards of Cambridge
Technology Partners, Inc.; Knight Ridder, Inc.; State Street Boston Corporation;
Chubb  Corporation and WinStar  Communications,  Inc.; Mr. Messman serves on the
boards of Novell,  Inc.;  Safeguard  Scientifics,  Inc.; Union Pacific Resources
Group Inc.; US Data  Corporation and Cambridge  Technology  Partners,  Inc.; Mr.
Morton  serves  on the  boards  of 13 funds  managed  by  Morgan  Stanley  Asset
Management,  Inc.; Mr. Plaskett serves on the boards of Greyhound  Lines,  Inc.;
Smart & Final Inc. and NeoStar  Retail  Group,  Inc.;  Messrs.  Roach and Tucker
serve on the board of Justin Industries, Inc.; Mr. Stein serves on the boards of
VLSI Technology, Inc. and Applied Materials, Inc. On September 16, 1996, NeoStar
Retail Group Inc.  ("NeoStar") filed for protection under the Federal bankruptcy
laws.  In  connection  with a plan of  reorganization,  Mr.  Plaskett  was named
Chairman of NeoStar.

                             DIRECTORS COMPENSATION

  Under the Tandy  Corporation  1993  Incentive  Stock  Plan (the  "1993  ISP"),
directors of the Company who are not  full-time  employees of the Company or its
subsidiaries  are paid an annual retainer of $24,000,  payable  quarterly.  Each
non-employee  director  also  has  the  right  to file a six  month  irrevocable
election  to have 50% or 100% of this  annual  retainer  fee paid in  shares  of
Company Common Stock. Each committee  chairman receives an additional $2,500 per
year.  Expenses of attendance at meetings are paid by the Company.  Non-employee
directors  receive an additional $750 for each Board meeting  attended in person
and $500 for each  committee  meeting  attended  in  person if held more than 24
hours before or after a board meeting.  When  attendance is by telephone,  these
meeting fees are reduced to $250.

  Also under 1993 ISP, which commenced in September 1993 and was amended May 18,
1995,  each director  automatically  is granted  non-qualified  stock options to
purchase  4,000  shares of  Company  Common  Stock on the first  trading  day in
September  of each year that he or she serves as a director.  Each new  director
also receives a one time grant of an option to purchase Company Common Stock for
5,000 shares on the date they attend their first Board  meeting.  In 1996,  each
non-employee  director  received an option grant of 4,000 shares on September 1,
1996.  The option  exercise price is set at the fair market value (as defined in
the 1993  ISP) of a share of  Company  Common  Stock on the  first  trading  day
immediately  preceding  the date of  grant.  The  options  vest in  three  equal
increments on the first,  second and third annual  anniversaries  of the date of

  Under the proposed  Tandy  Corporation  1997  Incentive  Stock Plan (the "1997
ISP") if approved by the  stockholders,  each director  will receive  options to
purchase  4,000 shares of Company  Common Stock during every year that he or she
serves as director.  Each new director will also receive a one-time  grant of an
option to purchase  Company  Common Stock for 5,000 shares on the date he or she
attends his or her first Board meeting. The option exercise price will be set at
the fair market value (as defined in the 1997 ISP) of a share of Company  Common
Stock on the first  trading day  immediately  preceding  the date of grant.  The
options  will vest in three  equal  increments  on the  first,  second and third
annual anniversaries of the date of grant. These new option grants will commence
upon the decision of the Organization  and Compensation  Committee of the Board.
No annual  grant of 4,000  shares or one time grant of 5,000 shares will be made
under both the 1993 ISP and 1997 ISP in the same  year,  but the  Committee  may
elect from which of the plans (1993 ISP or 1997 ISP) to issue options.

  Directors   Special   Compensation   Plan.  The  Company  has   established  a
compensation  plan for  non-employee  directors  providing  for the  payment  of
benefits  following  retirement,  death or total  disability  while serving as a
director (the "Directors  Plan").  To qualify for these  benefits,  the director
must have attained 60 years of age and served as a non-employee  director for 60
consecutive months immediately preceding retirement,  death or total disability.
A retired  director  agrees to perform  consulting  services  to the Board,  its
committees and the Company without additional  compensation during the period in
which benefits are received.

  The Directors  Plan provides that,  upon  retirement or total  disability,  an
eligible director is paid two-thirds of the annual director's fee for the lesser
of 10 years or the number of years (or partial  years) a  non-employee  director
has  continuously  served  as a  non-employee  director  preceding  his  or  her
retirement,  death or  disability.  For  retirement,  death or total  disability
occurring at ages 73, 74 and 75, the benefit is reduced by 33-1/3%,  66-2/3% and
100%,  respectively.  For retirement,  death or total disability occurring after
age 72, but before age 73, or between  ages 73 and 74 or between ages 74 and 75,
the director  will receive a  proportionate  amount of the reduced  payment that
would be due on his or her next birthday. Upon death, the director's beneficiary
is paid the aggregate amount remaining due in a lump sum.

  Directors agree that during the time they are receiving benefits,  and for one
year after the  cessation of payment of  benefits,  they shall not engage in any
activity that is in competition with the Company.  A non-employee  director who,
by reason of past employment with the Company,  is receiving  benefits under the
Salary  Continuation  Plan for  Executive  Employees  of Tandy  Corporation  and
Subsidiaries  or  the  Officers  Deferred  Compensation  Plan  (see  "Retirement
Compensation")  does not receive any payments under the Directors Plan until all
benefits under such other plans have been paid in full.

  The  Directors  Plan  may be  terminated  by the  Company  at any  time in its
entirety  or as  to  any  director.  Notwithstanding  any  such  termination,  a
non-employee   director  qualified  to  receive  benefits  as  of  the  date  of
termination  is  entitled  to  receive   benefits  earned  as  of  the  date  of
termination,  unless  the  non-employee  ceased  to be a  director  for  reasons
involving  fraudulent  or  dishonest  conduct  or an  indictment  for  a  felony
involving moral turpitude.

  Deferred  Compensation  Plan  for  Directors.   The  Company  has  a  deferred
compensation plan for non-employee directors whereby such directors may elect to
defer  payment  of all or a  specified  part of the fees  payable  for  services
rendered to or on behalf of the Company.  Under the plan,  all deferred fees and
interest  are held in the general  funds of the Company and are credited to such
director's account. Interest is credited at the end of each quarter based on the
balance  in the  account  at the end of the  quarter at the rate of 1% below the
prime rate as published by The Chase  Manhattan Bank in effect from time to time
during the quarter.  The director may elect to receive deferred fees either in a
lump  sum on a date  specified  by him or her,  in  substantially  equal  annual
installments  not  exceeding  ten  payments  or if no  election  is  made by the
director,  then in a lump sum  payment  60 days  after he or she  ceases to be a
director.  Upon a change in control of the Company,  a director will receive any
deferred fees in a lump sum.

                          OF COMPANY VOTING SECURITIES

  The following table sets forth, as of the Annual Meeting Record Date,  certain
information  with respect to the  beneficial  ownership of the Company's  voting
securities  by (i) each current  director of the Company,  (ii) each of the five
most highly  compensated  current Executive Officers of the Company for the year
ended December 31, 1996, (iii) the Company's current directors and officers as a
group and (iv) persons known to the Company to own beneficially  more than 5% of
any class of the Company's voting securities, except for the Tandy Fund Trustee,
which  holds 100% of the  outstanding  TESOP Stock for the benefit of Tandy Fund

                                                    Beneficially     Percent
Title of         Name and Title                        Owned        of Class
Class                                                                  (8)
- -------------    ---------------------------        -------------   -----------
Common Stock     James I. Cash, Jr., Director          10,205(1)      .0176
Common Stock     Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr.,Director       17,999(1)      .0310
Common Stock     Jack L. Messman, Director              8,261(1)      .0142
Common Stock     William G. Morton, Jr., Director       9,999(1)      .0172
Common Stock     Thomas G. Plaskett,Director            9,999(1)      .0172
Common Stock     John V. Roach, Chairman              506,847(2)      .8742
                    and Chief Executive Officer
Common Stock     Leonard H. Roberts,                   88,131(2)      .1520
                    President and President,
                    RadioShack Division
Common Stock     Alfred J. Stein, Director              9,705(1)      .0167
Common Stock     William E. Tucker,Director            15,705(1)      .0271
Common Stock     John A. Wilson, Director             157,999(1)(3)   .2725
Common Stock     Dwain H. Hughes, Senior               44,710(2)      .0771
                    Vice President and Chief
                    Financial Officer
Common Stock     Robert M. McClure, Senior             90,918(2)      .1568
                     Vice President - Tandy
                    Retail Services
Common Stock     Herschel C. Winn, Senior             161,880(2)      .2792
                    Vice President and Secretary
Common Stock     Directors and Executive            1,292,263(3)(4)  2.2289
                    Officers as a group(20 people)
Common Stock     Trimark Financial Corporation      2,883,000(5)     4.8864(5)
Common Stock     Mellon Bank Corporation            2,819,000(6)     4.8623(6)
Common Stock     FMR Corp.                          5,213,894(7)     8.9931(7)

 (1)  Included  in the shares  beneficially  owned for each of the  non-employee
directors indicated are 7,999 shares of Company Common Stock, except for Messrs.
Kornfeld,  Morton  and Wilson who hold  6,999  shares of Company  Common  Stock,
subject  to  currently  exercisable  options  under the Tandy  Corporation  1993
Incentive Stock Plan. Each director disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares
of Company Common Stock subject to currently exercisable options.

(2) The amount  beneficially  owned includes the following shares and the listed
individuals  have sole voting and investment  power over the shares shown except
as follows:  (a) Mr. Roach  disclaims  beneficial  ownership of 40.770 shares of
TESOP  Stock held by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,  16,042  shares of Company  Common
Stock held in the Tandy  Employees  Supplemental  Stock Program  ("SUP"),  9,053
shares of Company  Common Stock held by the Tandy Fund Trustee,  8,000 shares of
restricted Company Common Stock,  which are forfeitable,  granted under the 1993
ISP, and 371,950 shares of Company Common Stock subject to currently exercisable
options; (b) Mr. Roberts disclaims beneficial ownership of 8.504 shares of TESOP
Stock held by the Tandy Fund Trustee,  3,882 shares of Company Common Stock held
in the SUP, 237 shares of Company  Common Stock held by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,
5,334 shares of restricted Company Common Stock, which are forfeitable,  granted
under the 1993 ISP,  and  61,470  shares of  Company  Common  Stock  subject  to
currently  exercisable options; (c) Mr. Hughes disclaims beneficial ownership of
15.140  shares of TESOP Stock held by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,  2,040  shares of
Company  Common Stock held in the SUP, 2,203 shares of Company Common Stock held
by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,  2,334 shares of  restricted  Company  Common Stock,
which are  forfeitable,  granted  under the 1993 ISP,  30,953  shares of Company
Common Stock subject to currently exercisable options, and 200 shares of Company
Common  Stock held for the benefit of his  children  under the Uniform  Gifts to
Minors Act; (d) Mr. McClure disclaims  beneficial  ownership of 31.196 shares of
TESOP Stock held by the Tandy Fund Trustee, 4,121 shares of Company Common Stock
held in the SUP,  3,317  shares of Company  Common  Stock held by the Tandy Fund
Trustee, 1,000 shares of restricted Company Common Stock, which are forfeitable,
granted under the 1993 ISP, and 74,022 shares of Company Common Stock subject to
currently  exercisable  options; and (e) Mr. Winn disclaims beneficial ownership
of 31.787 shares of TESOP Stock held by the Tandy Fund Trustee,  4,813 shares of
Company  Common Stock held in the SUP, 6,088 shares of Company Common Stock held
by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,  1,000 shares of  restricted  Company  Common Stock,
which are forfeitable, granted under the 1993 ISP, and 112,963 shares of Company
Common Stock subject to currently  exercisable  options.  All shares held in the
SUP are held for the  benefit of the  participants  and such shares are voted by
the SUP trustee pursuant to the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") rules.

(3) All non  employee  directors  have sole voting and  investment  power over
the  shares  shown  except  for  Messrs. Kornfeld  and  Wilson.  Mr.  Kornfeld
disclaims  beneficial  ownership of 5,900 shares of Company Common Stock owned
by a  trust  of  which  he is  the  sole  beneficiary.  Mr.  Wilson  disclaims
beneficial  ownership  of  150,000  shares of Company  Common  Stock held in a
trust of which he is the trustee.

(4) Includes shares  beneficially  owned by the 12 persons  currently serving as
Executive  Officers of the Company as of the Annual Meeting Record Date: 818,291
shares of Company Common Stock subject to currently  exercisable options;  1,523
shares of Company  Common Stock held in the Tandy Stock Plan (formerly the Tandy
Corporation Stock Purchase Program ("SPP"));  201.843 shares of TESOP Stock held
in the Tandy Fund; 26,827 shares of Company Common Stock held in the Tandy Fund;
38,753  shares of Common Stock held in the SUP which shares are voted by the SUP
trustee  pursuant to NYSE rules; and 200 shares of Company Common Stock owned by
relatives over which an Executive Officer disclaims  beneficial  ownership.  The
aggregate  share  numbers   contained  in  this  footnote  include  the  numbers
identified  in Footnote (1) above.  This number also  includes  60,992 shares of
Company  Common  Stock  subject to  currently  exercisable  options  held by the
Directors  indicated  in footnote  (1) and the shares  indicated in Footnote (3)
above.  (5)  According to Amendment  No. 3 to Form 13G dated  February 12, 1996,
Trimark Financial  Corporation,  an investment management company located at One
First Canadian Place,  Suite 5600, P.O. Box 487,  Toronto,  Ontario,  Canada M5X
1E5, holds sole voting and  dispositive  power over 2,833,000  shares of Company
Common Stock.

(6) According to Amendment No. 2 to Form 13G dated January 18, 1996, Mellon Bank
Corporation,  a  holding  corporation  organized  under  the laws of the  United
States, located at One Mellon Bank Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15258, holds
sole voting power over 2,193,000 shares, shared voting power over 89,000 shares,
sole dispositive  power over 2,505,000 shares and shared  dispositive power over
295,000 shares of Company Common Stock.

(7) According to Amendment No. 2 to Form 13G dated February 13, 1997, FMR Corp.,
an  investment   management   corporation   organized  under  the  laws  of  the
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,   located  at  82  Devonshire  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts  02109,  holds  sole  voting  power over  562,084  shares and sole
dispositive power over 5,213,894 shares of Company Common Stock.

(8) No director or Executive  Officer  beneficially owns Company Common Stock or
TESOP  Stock in  excess  of 1% of all of such  class of  securities  issued  and


   Under the  securities  laws of the United  States,  the Company's  directors,
Executive  Officers and all persons  holding 10% or more of Company Common Stock
are  required to report  their  ownership of the  Company's  securities  and any
changes in that  ownership to the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  and the
NYSE. Specific due dates for these reports have been established and the Company
is required to report in this Proxy Statement any failure to file by these dates
during the year ended December 31, 1996. All of these filing  requirements  were
satisfied by the Company's present directors and Executive Officers.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

   The following table reflects the cash and non-cash compensation  attributable
to the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company  and the four other most highly
compensated  Executive  Officers of the Company for the year ending December 31,

                        Annual Compensation        Long-Term Compensation

       (a)         (b)      (c)       (d)         (e)        (g)       (i)
Name and                                     Other Annual   Stock   All Other
Principal         Fiscal   Salary    Bonus   Compensation  Options Compensation
Position          Year      ($)        ($)      ($)(2)     ($)(4)     (#)(3)

John V. Roach       1996    770,000         0            0  75,000      115,919
CEO, and            1995    735,000   183,339      498,000  85,000      132,603
Chairman            1994    700,000   350,028            0  65,000      158,858

Leonard H. Roberts  1996    550,000         0            0  60,000       69,135
President, and      1995    500,000   197,693      332,000  50,000       63,309
President,          1994    500,000   314,291            0  36,000       35,265
RadioShack Division

Dwain H. Hughes     1996    240,000         0            0  15,950       33,616
Senior Vice         1995    200,000    49,888      145,250  14,500       28,250
President and CFO   1994    124,900    50,061            0   5,000       28,051

Robert M. McClure   1996    309,000                      0  13,200       31,141
Senior Vice         1995    300,000    43,200       62,250  12,000       42,602
President           1994    300,000    60,023            0  12,000       55,875

Herschel C. Winn    1996    321,000         0            0  20,000       52,988
Sr. V.P. and        1995    300,500   131,249       62,250  19,000       50,001
Secretary           1994    278,300   111,370            0  17,000       62,719

(1) Other than restricted  stock awards (see #2 below) for the years shown,  the
named Executive  Officers did not receive any annual  compensation  not properly
categorized  as  salary or  bonus,  except  for  certain  perquisites  and other
personal  benefits.  The amounts for perquisites and other personal benefits for
the named Executive  Officers are not shown because the aggregate amount of such
compensation, if any, for each of the named Executive Officers during the fiscal
year shown  does not  exceed  the  lesser of $50,000 or 10% of total  salary and
bonus reported for such officer.

(2) Messrs.  Roach,  Roberts,  Hughes,  McClure and Winn were granted  awards of
restricted  stock on January 2, 1996  attributable  to their  calendar year 1995
performance.  Therefore  the awards are reported as  compensation  in 1995.  The
closing  price  of a share  of  Company  Common  Stock  at the  end of the  last
completed  fiscal year  (1995)  prior to the date of grant was $41.50 per share.
The awards,  granted under the 1993 ISP, were 12,000 shares to Mr. Roach,  8,000
shares to Mr.  Roberts,  3,500  shares to Mr.  Hughes,  and 1,500 shares each to
Messrs. McClure and Winn.

(3) Includes all options granted during the year under the 1993 ISP,  regardless
of whether the options are  incentive  stock options  ("ISOs") or  non-statutory
stock options  ("NSOs").  No stock  appreciation  rights were granted with these
options in 1996.

(4)  Includes  the  Company's  contributions  allocated  to the  accounts of the
Executive  Officers  participating in the following  employee benefit plans: the
Tandy Stock Plan, Tandy Fund, and the SUP. The applicable  amounts  allocated in
1996 to the named Executive Officers in the Tandy Stock Plan, Tandy Fund and SUP
are $54,970,  $5,726 and $55,223 for Mr. Roach; $21,736,  $5,319 and $42,081 for
Mr. Roberts;  $17,188,  $4,385 and $12,043 for Mr. Hughes;  $20,893,  $2,193 and
$8,055  for  Mr.  McClure;  and  $25,973,  $4,941  and  $22,084  for  Mr.  Winn,
respectively. Amounts do not include amounts payable in the event of a change in
control of the Company. See "Change in Control Protections."

                         OPTION GRANTS IN THE LAST YEAR

      During the year ended  December  31,  1996,  options  were  granted to the
following  Executive  Officers named in the Executive  Compensation  table.  The
potential  value of such options at the specified rates of appreciation is shown
in the table below.  The  Company's  1985 Stock Option Plan (the "1985 SOP") did
not provide for the grant of stock  appreciation  rights.  The 1993 ISP provides
for the grant of restricted stock awards and stock appreciation rights; however,
no stock appreciation rights were granted in 1996.  Restricted stock awards were
authorized in 1995 and granted on January 2, 1996.

                                                  Potential realizable Value
                                                  at Assumed Annual Rates (2)
     (a)       (b)         (c)           (d)         (e)       (f)        (g)
                        % of Total     Exercise
Name and     Options  Options Granted  or Base
Type of      Granted   to Employees     Price    Expiration     5%        10%
Option (1)     (#)    During the Year ($/Share)    Date        ($)        ($)
- ----------     ---    --------------- ---------    ----        ---        ---

John V.      75,000      17.93       $40.1875  10/18/2006 $1,895,528 $4,803,638

Leonard H.   60,000      14.35        40.1875  10/18/2006  1,516,422  3,842,910

Dwain H.     15,950       3.81        40.1875  10/18/2006    403,116  1,021,574

Robert M.    13,200       3.15        40.1875  10/18/2006    333,613    845,440

Herschel C.  20,000       4.78        40.1875 10/18/2006     505,474  1,280,970

(1) All options shown were granted under the 1993 ISP. Generally, no options can
be exercised during the 12-month period following the date of grant. ISOs become
exercisable  as to  one-third  of the  amount  of shares on each of the next two
annual  anniversaries  after the date of grant  with full  vesting  on the third
annual  anniversary date. NSOs become  exercisable as to one-fifth of the amount
of shares  subject to the options on each of the next four annual  anniversaries
after the date of grant with full vesting on the fifth annual  anniversary date.
For persons who continue to serve as  employees  of the  Company,  ISOs and NSOs
expire 10 years  from the date of grant  under the 1993 ISP.  All  options  were
granted at fair market value on the date of grant.  The  exercise  price and any
tax  withholding  may be paid by cash or  delivery of already  owned  shares and

(2) The potential gains reported above are net of the option exercise price, but
before taxes  associated  with the exercise.  If these gains are  achieved,  the
value of the  Company's  Common  Stock would  likewise be  increased  5% or 10%,
respectively.  These gains are  calculated  based on the stated assumed rates of
appreciation  each year over the life of the option.  Actual  gains,  if any, on
stock option exercises are dependent on the future performance of Company Common
Stock,  overall  market  conditions,  as well as the  option-holder's  continued
employment  through the option  expiration  date.  The amounts  reflected in the
table may not necessarily be achieved.


   The following table  summarizes  individual  option exercises during the year
ended  December  31,  1996,  by each of the  named  Executive  Officers  and the
year-end  value of the  unexercised  options.  These  options were  periodically
granted between 1985 and 1996.

(a)                      (b)         (c)                    (d)                         (e)
                                                         Number of                    Value of
                                                        Unexercised                  Unexercised
                        Shares                          Options at                  In-The-Money
                       Acquired                          Year End                    Options at
                          on         Value                  (#)                       Year-End
Name                   Exercise    Realized                                            ($)(1)
                          (#)         ($)       Exercisable  Unexercisable    Exercisable  Unexercisable
- --------------         ---------  -----------   --------------------------   -----------------------------

John V. Roach            27,538    $  87,437     371,950         200,050        $3,229,223     $527,649
Leonard H.Roberts             0            0      61,470         134,530           347,773      430,582
Dwain H.Hughes                0            0      30,953          28,497           255,282       71,596
Robert M.McClure         83,741    1,795,808      74,022          32,450           304,052      115,653
Herschel C.Winn           8,915       26,867     112,963          48,050         1,048,620      144,541

(1) For purposes of calculating whether an option was "In-The-Money", this chart
uses the  December  31,  1996,  fair market  value for Company  Common  Stock of

                             RETIREMENT COMPENSATION

  The Plans. Under the Salary Continuation Plan for Executive Employees of Tandy
Corporation  and  Subsidiaries  ("SCP")  established  in 1979  and the  Officers
Deferred Compensation Plan ("DCP") established in 1986 (hereinafter collectively
the  "Plans"),  the  Insurance  Committee  of the  Board  may  select  full-time
executive employees for participation  therein. As of December 31, 1996, a total
of 38 executive employees of the Company were participants in one or both of the
Plans. The Plans generally provide for the payment of reduced benefits following
a participant's  early  retirement  between the ages of 55 and 65, full benefits
between the ages of 65 and 70, reduced  benefits  between the ages of 70 and 75,
or for payment of a death benefit to the participant's designated beneficiary in
the event of death prior to age 75 during employment.  One Executive Officer was
a participant  under a plan called the Special  Compensation Plan No. 1 ("SPC1")
and is similar to the DCP except that the SPC1  provides  for vesting at 100% at
age 65.  Another  Executive  employee was a participant  under a plan called the
Special  Compensation  Plan No. 2 ("SPC2") and is similar to the DCP except that
the SPC2  provides  for vesting at the 75% level at age 60 and early  retirement
commencing  at age 60 instead  of age 55 as  provided  in the DCP.  All sums due
under the Plans are payable in 120 equal monthly installments to the participant
or,  in the  event of  death,  to his  beneficiary.  The  payments  are  general
obligations  of the Company that are funded in part by life  insurance  policies
owned by the Company which name the Company as beneficiary.

  Under the Plans,  the  Insurance  Committee  determines  an amount  designated
herein as the "Retirement Compensation Amount" for each participant.  The amount
established  by  the  Insurance   Committee  does  not   necessarily   bear  any
relationship to the participant's  present  compensation,  final compensation or
years of service.  As of December 31, 1996, the benefit  payable to participants
upon  retirement  or death during  employment  is a function of the  "Retirement
Compensation  Amount" and the age of the participant at death or retirement,  as
set out in the following table:

 RetirementCompensation                  Annual Benefit
       Amount                  Age at Date of Retirement or Death
 --------------------    ----------------------------------------------
                         55 (1)        65 to 70      71 (2)      75 (2)
                         ------        --------      ------      ------
     $ 212,500          $106,250       $212,500      $170,000       $0
       225,000           112,500        225,000       180,000        0
       237,500           118,750        237,500       190,000        0
       487,500           243,750        487,500       390,000        0
       650,000           325,000        650,000       520,000        0

(1)Proportionately increases from 50% to 100% between age 55 and age 65.
(2)Proportionately decreases from 100% to 0% between age 70 and age 75.

   The Retirement  Compensation Amount at death, during employment or retirement
at age 65 for the Executive Officers listed in the Executive  Compensation table
at December 31, 1996, would have been as follows:

                               SCP           DCP                     Total
                               ---           ---                     -----
John V. Roach               $ 300,000     $350,000                 $650,000
Leonard H.Roberts                0         487,500                  487,500
Dwain H. Hughes                  0         212,500                  212,500
Robert M.McClure              75,000       150,000                  225,000
Herschel C. Winn             125,000       112,500                  237,500

      Special Provisions of the SCP. The SCP provides for payments to be made to
certain  executive  employees  in the event of their  voluntary  or  involuntary
termination  of employment  following a Change of Control,  as defined in a 1984
letter of  amendment  to the SCP.  In the event that the Company  experiences  a
Change of  Control,  each  executive  employee  who is  subject  to such  letter
amendment becomes immediately vested at the age 65 benefit level for a period of
three  years  and if his or her  employment  with the  Company  ceases,  whether
voluntarily  or  involuntarily,  during this three year  period,  he or she will
receive  payments equal to the annual  retirement  benefit at age 65. Payment is
made in 120  equal  monthly  installments  to the  participant  or to his or her

   Special  Provisions of the DCP. The DCP provides that for one year  following
the  occurrence  of a Change in Control,  as defined in the DCP, it shall not be
terminated  or  amended  in any way,  nor shall  the  manner in which the DCP is
administered  be  changed  in any way  which  adversely  affects  the  rights of
participants  or  beneficiaries  in  the  DCP.  Upon a  Change  in  Control  the
provisions  of the DCP  provide  that any benefit due under the DCP shall be (1)
offset by any  outstanding  loan of the  participant,  and (2)  forfeited if the
participant  engages in any activity  that is in  competition  with the Company.
Additionally,  in the event of a Change in Control,  each participant in the DCP
becomes  immediately vested at the age 65 benefit level and if the participant's
employment  is  terminated  for any reason  following a Change in  Control,  the
Company must make a lump-sum  payment  equal to the present  value of the age 65
benefit  level  discounted  for interest  only at the Pension  Benefit  Guaranty
Company's  Immediate  Annuity Rate used to value  benefits  for  single-employer
plans terminating on the date that the participant's employment was terminated.

                          CHANGE IN CONTROL PROTECTIONS

   In addition  to the change in control  protections  contained  in the DCP and
SCP,  as  described  above  in  "Retirement   Compensation,"   the  Company  has
implemented the following additional change in control protections.

   Bonus  Guarantee  Letter   Agreements.   The  Company  currently  has  letter
agreements (the "Bonus Guarantee Letter  Agreements")  with all of the Executive
Officers named in the Executive  Compensation table, which provide that, if they
are  employed by the Company on the date of a "Change in Control" (as defined in
the Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements),  then for the fiscal year during which a
Change in Control  occurs (the  "Change in Control  Year") they will  receive an
annual bonus  following a Change in Control at least equal to the highest annual
bonus paid or payable to them in respect of any of the three full  fiscal  years
ended prior to a Change in Control (i) for the Change in Control Year,  provided
the Executive  Officer  remains in the employment of the Company on the last day
of the Change in Control  Year,  and (ii) for the fiscal  year ended  prior to a
Change in Control if the amount of their  annual bonus for such year has not yet
been determined at the time of the Change in Control. The Bonus Guarantee Letter
Agreements  have an initial term of 24 months,  subject to automatic  successive
one-year  extensions unless written notice not to extend is given by the Company
within 90 days prior to any  extension.  At December 31,  1996,  the Company had
issued similar bonus guarantee  letters to approximately  176 other officers and
employees  of the  Company  providing  that in the event of a Change in Control,
each such employee  would receive a minimum  annual bonus  following a Change in
Control as provided for in such bonus  guarantee  letters.  Assuming a Change in
Control  occurred  on the date of this  Proxy  Statement;  that all of the named
Executive  Officers  were  still  employed  on that  date;  and that  the  named
Executive Officers' employment had terminated on that date, it is estimated that
the minimum bonuses payable under the Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements would be
$350,028  for Mr.  Roach,  $314,291  for Mr.  Roberts,  $50,061 for Mr.  Hughes,
$60,023 for Mr. McClure, and $131,249 for Mr. Winn.

   Benefit Protections.  The Board has included change in control protections in
the Tandy Fund, SUP, Tandy Stock Plan,  DCP, Post Retirement  Death Benefit Plan
("DBP"),  1985 SOP, 1993 ISP and several other plans.  The DCP and SCP change in
control  provisions  are  described  above.  The Tandy Fund  provides that for a
period of one year following a "Change in Control," as defined in such plan, the
plan may not be terminated or amended in any way that would adversely affect the
computation  or amount of, or  entitlement  to, the benefits under the plan. The
SUP and Tandy Stock Plan contain similar  protections,  and also provide that in
the event of a "Change in  Control,"  as defined in such plans,  the Company may
not reduce  the level of its  contributions  to the SUP and Tandy  Stock Plan in
effect  immediately  prior to the  Change  in  Control.  The  Tandy  Stock  Plan
additionally  provides  that in the  event of a Change  in  Control  or a tender
offer,  other than an issuer tender offer,  the Company shall distribute to each
participant in the Tandy Stock Plan all Company Common Stock held by the Company
which was credited to the participant's  account under the Tandy Stock Plan. The
change  in  control  provisions  of the 1985 SOP and 1993 ISP  provide  that all
outstanding  options become immediately vested and exercisable in the event of a
"Change in Control", as defined in such plans. All of the foregoing are referred
to herein as the "Benefit Protections."

   Termination Protection  Agreements.  As of December 31, 1996, the Company has
entered into Termination  Protection  Agreements  ("Agreements") with all of the
Executive  Officers  named in the  Executive  Compensation  table and four other
employees  (collectively,  the  "Executives").  The Agreements (all of which are
substantially  similar) have an initial term of two years which is automatically
extended for successive  one-year periods unless  terminated by either party. If
the employment of any of the Executives is terminated (with certain  exceptions)
within 24 months following a "Change in Control",  as defined in the Agreements,
or in certain  other  instances  in  connection  with a Change in  Control,  the
Executives will be entitled to receive  certain cash payments  (amounts equal to
two times current annual salary and the amount of the bonus  guarantee under the
Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreement and an amount equal to the  contributions  that
the Company  would have made to the Tandy Stock Plan,  Tandy Fund and SUP over a
24-month period  assuming the foregoing  salary and bonus guarantee were used to
calculate the Company's  contributions),  as well as the  continuation of fringe
benefits   (including   life   insurance,   disability,   medical,   dental  and
hospitalization  benefits)  for a period of up to 24 months.  Additionally,  all
restrictions on any outstanding incentive awards will lapse and such awards will
become fully vested,  all outstanding stock options will become fully vested and
immediately exercisable,  and the Company will be required to purchase for cash,
on  demand,  any shares of  unrestricted  stock and  shares  purchased  upon the
exercise of options at the then per-share fair market value.

   The  Agreements  also  provide  that the  Company  shall  make an  additional
"Gross-Up  Payment" (as defined in the  Agreements)  to the Executives to offset
fully the effect of any excise tax imposed  under  Section  4999 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), on any payment made to any of the
Executives  arising out of or in  connection  with the  employment of any of the
Executives.  In  addition,  the  Company  will pay all  legal  fees and  related
expenses  incurred by any of the Executives  arising out of employment of any of
the Executives or termination of employment under certain circumstances.

   Payments Upon A Change In Control.  Assuming a Change in Control  occurred on
the date of this Proxy Statement;  that all of the named Executive Officers were
still employed on that date; and that the named Executive  Officers'  employment
had terminated on that date, the  approximate  cash payment that would have been
made by virtue of all change in control  protections  implemented by the Company
(not including the Gross-Up Payments) to Messrs. Roach, Roberts, Hughes, McClure
and Winn  would  have  been  $2,240,000,  $1,936,071,  $709,253,  $814,657,  and
$1,011,274 respectively.  The amount of the Gross-Up Payment, if any, to be paid
may be substantial  and will depend upon numerous  factors,  including the price
per share of Company  Common  Stock and the  extent,  if any,  that  payments or
benefits made to the Executives  constitute  "excess parachute  payments" within
the meaning of Section 280G of the Code.

   Rabbi Trust.  In connection  with the Benefit  Protections,  Bonus  Guarantee
Letter Agreements,  the Agreements,  and several other plans and agreements, the
Company is  authorized  to enter into a Rabbi  Trust,  which is intended to be a
grantor  trust under  Section 671 of the Code.  The Rabbi Trust may be funded by
the Company at any time but is required to be funded upon a  "Threatened  Change
in  Control"  or upon a "Change in  Control"  (as such terms are  defined in the
Rabbi Trust) in an amount  sufficient to provide for the payment of all benefits
provided under the Agreements,  the Bonus Guarantee Letter  Agreements,  the DCP
and the DBP. The Rabbi Trust will also provide funds for litigation on behalf of
the  participants  in such plans to the extent  necessary to ensure their rights
thereunder.  The  Rabbi  Trust  will be a trust of which  the  Company,  for tax
purposes,  is the  beneficiary  and the trust assets,  as assets of the Company,
will be  subject to the claims of the  Company's  creditors  in the event of the
Company's bankruptcy or insolvency.


   The members of the  Organization and  Compensation  Committee  (hereafter the
"Committee")  at December 31, 1996,  were Jack L. Messman  (Chairman),  James I.
Cash,  Jr.,  William G. Morton,  Thomas G. Plaskett,  and Jesse L. Upchurch.  No
member of the  Committee  was an  officer  or  employee  of the  Company  or its
subsidiaries  during the year ended  December 31, 1996, and none was formerly an
officer of the Company or any of its  subsidiaries,  except that Mr.  Wilson was
President of the Company  from 1974 to 1975 and a Vice  President of the Company
from 1969 until 1974.  Mr.  Wilson  resigned in 1975 upon the  completion of the
spin-off by the Company of Tandycrafts,  Inc. In addition,  no Executive Officer
of the Company serves on the board of directors or the compensation committee of
another  entity where a Committee  member is  employed.  During 1996 the Company
purchased software in the amount of approximately $526,000 from Novell, Inc., of
which Mr.  Messman is currently a director,  and was the  President and CEO from
1981 to 1983. Mr. Jesse L. Upchurch served on the  Organization and Compensation
Committee until his resignation from the Board of Directors on January 15, 1997.

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

   The graph below compares the cumulative total  stockholder  return on Company
Common Stock against the cumulative total return on the S&P Corporate-500  Stock
Index and the S&P Retail  Composite  Stock Index  (assuming $100 was invested on
December 31, 1991, in Company Common Stock and in the stocks  comprising the S&P
Corporate-500  Stock  Index and the S&P Retail  Composite  Stock  Index and also
assuming the  reinvestment  of all  dividends).  The S&P Retail  Composite Stock
Index includes the Company.

   The historical  stock price  performance of Company Common Stock shown on the
graph below is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.

   Any general  statement  incorporating  by reference this proxy statement into
any filing under the Securities  Act of 1933 or the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934 shall not be deemed to  incorporate  by reference this graph and this graph
shall not otherwise be deemed filed under such acts.  The Company may,  however,
specifically incorporate this graph by reference in filings under such acts.

Proxy Graph Coordinates - EDGAR Filer

                 Dec. 91   Dec. 92   Dec. 93    Dec. 94    Dec. 95    Dec. 96
                 -------   -------   -------    -------    -------    -------
Tandy Corp.      $100.00  $105.288   $178.208   $182.827   $154.039   $166.285

S&P 500          $100.00  $107.608   $118.405   $120.013   $164.951   $202.724

S&P Retail
Composite Index  $100.00  $118.466   $112.879   $103.568   $117.367   $138.307


   The Organization and Compensation Committee (the "Committee") is appointed by
the Board of  Directors  and is  composed  entirely  of outside  directors.  The
Committee is responsible for reviewing and  recommending  compensation  policies
and  programs  to the  Company's  Board of  Directors,  as well as  recommending
compensation  awards for the Company's  senior  executives,  including the Chief
Executive  Officer.  It makes  decisions with respect to and grants awards under
the Company's  1993 ISP. It will also be responsible  for granting  awards under
the 1997 ISP if this plan is approved by the stockholders.  The following report
outlines the Committee's  recent action, its philosophy and policies relative to
executive  compensation,  and the basis for specific  compensation awards to the
Chief Executive Officer attributable to 1996.

   Changes in  Compensation  Policies.  In 1995 and again in 1996, the Committee
reviewed  compensation  practices at similar  companies to determine  what would
constitute competitive levels of compensation for officers and key employees. It
took into account the relative size of the other companies as well as the nature
of their  businesses.  The Committee  continues to move the base salaries toward
the competitive median. The list of similar retailing and electronics  companies
that were  surveyed by the  Committee  was reviewed by a  nationally  recognized
compensation and benefits firm in conjunction  with the Committee.  The basis of
the selection was a subjective  determination  of the public  companies that are
similar to the Company (the "Peer Group"). Some, but not all, of these companies
are  included  in  the  S&P  Retail  Composite  Index  that  is  charted  in the
Performance Graph included in this Proxy Statement.

   Compensation  Philosophy and Overall Objectives.  The Committee believes that
the  overall  objective  of the  executive  compensation  program  should  be to
encourage  and  reward   enhancement  of  stockholder   value,   which  is  best
accomplished by linking the financial  interests of the Company's key executives
closely to the financial interests of the Company's  stockholders.  Further, the
Committee  believes that the Company's  overall executive  compensation  program
should be a balanced plan that will: (1) motivate  executives  toward  effective
long-term  management of the Company  through prudent use of stock programs that
focus management attention on increasing stockholder value; (2) reward effective
ongoing management of Company  operations through annual performance  incentives
tied to  increased  levels of Company and  business  unit  performance;  and (3)
attract  and retain key  executives  through  competitive  salary and  incentive

   Base Salary.  The  Company's  executive  compensation  program is designed to
include a  competitive  base  salary  and an annual  bonus  tied to  appropriate
performance  goals and  objectives.  The  amounts of base  salary  increases  in
January  1996 and 1997,  were  based on a review  of pay  practices  of  similar
companies, as well as the Executive Officers' past performance and an assessment
of his or her ability to  contribute to the  Company's  progress.  The Committee
expects  that  increases  in  future  years  will be based on the same  factors.
Following  the  review of base  salaries  in  similar  Companies  the  Committee
continued to increase executive salaries to competitive levels.

   Annual Incentive Bonus. In general, the Company's 1996 bonus program for five
named Executive  Officers were based on the following  objective  criteria.  The
1996 bonus program for the Chief  Executive  Officer ("CEO") and all other named
Executive Officers were based on a formula that relied on objective  performance
measures:  the increase in the Company's  operating income (before income taxes)
over the previous  year;  the increase in the Company's  earnings per share over
the previous  year;  the increase in the Company's  share price during 1996 over
1995's share price;  and the Company's stock price  performance in relation to a
peer group of other  companies.  Under the  formula,  improvements  in operating
income  (before  income  taxes)  receive the most weight and  earnings per share
receives  more  weight than stock  price  performance.  This peer group of other
companies  is the same  group of retail  companies  previously  selected  by the
Committee whose common stock  performance is included in the  performance  graph
included in this Proxy  Statement.  See  "Performance  Graph".  One of the named
Executive  Officers  other  than  CEO  had  one  additional  objective  and  one
subjective measure which qualified him for an additional bonus if the department
which  reported to him attained  certain  targeted  levels of  performance.  The
fourth and fifth named Executive Officers had one additional performance measure
that took into account operating income (before income taxes) of the division(s)
for which they were responsible.

   The bonus  formulas for four named  Executive  Officers  including the CEO is
subject to a maximum equal to 100% of the Officer's base salary, while the bonus
formula for the other named Executive  Officer is 80% of his base salary.  Under
this formula program, there are no guaranteed bonuses. In the case of all of the
named Executive  Officers,  the objective  measures in the formula bonus program
were  required  to exceed  specified  thresholds  before any  formula  bonus was
payable. This did not occur, therefore no 1996 bonuses were awarded,  earned by,
or paid to any of the named Executive Officers.

   Long Term Incentives.  In 1996 the Committee  granted an aggregate of 418,250
stock  options to 61 employees  under the 1993 ISP,  including  all of the named
Executive  Officers.  The amount of options  granted to particular  officers was
determined  by the  Committee  based  on  its  evaluation  of  the  individual's
performance following consultation with the Chief Executive Officer.  Restricted
stock  awards  relating  to 1995 for  26,500  shares  were  granted to the named
Executive  Officers under the 1993 ISP and vest as to one-third of the shares on
each of the first three annual  anniversary  dates following the January 2, 1996
grant date.

   The 1993 ISP also permits the Company to grant other stock-based awards, such
as performance  shares and stock  appreciation  rights, in amounts determined by
the  Committee,  subject to the  restrictions  under the 1993 ISP. The Committee
believes that stock options and other awards,  such as restricted  stock grants,
are very important in motivating and rewarding creation of long-term shareholder

   The  Committee  has in the  past  and  intends  to award  stock  options  and
restricted stock awards periodically based on continuing progress of the Company
and improvements in individual performance.

   In an effort to continue to strengthen  the close  alignment of the interests
of the Company's  management and employees with those of the  stockholders,  the
Committee and the full Board have  recommended  that the Company's  stockholders
approve  and adopt the 1997 ISP.  Under this plan,  which is similar to the 1993
ISP,  the  Company  would be able to grant  various  types of awards,  including
options,  performance  units and restricted  stock, to eligible  participants in
amounts to be determined by the Committee, subject to the restrictions set forth
in the plan. See "Tandy Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan."

   Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer. For the year ending December 31,
1996, the  compensation of the Chief Executive  Officer was determined under the
compensation plan approved by the Board of Directors in December 1995 and by the
shareholders  on May 18, 1995.  The bonus  factors  utilized  were  increases in
earnings per share over the prior year,  stock price  performance  exceeding the
stock price  performance of the peer group, the average stock price  performance
for 1996  exceeding  the  average  stock  price  performance  for 1995,  and the
Company's 1996 income before taxes exceeding the prior year income before taxes.
Mr. Roach was not paid any bonus attributable to 1996 based on these factors and
has not been awarded any additional restricted stock in 1997. Mr. Roach was paid
a base  salary  of  $770,000  for the year  1996 and will be paid the same  base
salary in 1997.  The  Committee  awarded a total of 75,000 stock  options to Mr.
Roach in October 1996 at the same time other executives  received stock options,
which  amount  was  less  than  awarded  in 1995.  The  award  was  based on the
Committee's  subjective  assessment  of  the  Company's  performance  and  after
reviewing competitive data from the outside compensation consultant.

   Compliance with Section 162(m). In general,  it is the Committee's  policy to
structure the compensation  paid to the Chairman and CEO so that it will qualify
for  deductibility  under Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue  Code.  Also,
subject to stockholder  approval,  the Committee  designated a maximum number of
options and awards that may be awarded to any one individual under the 1997 ISP,
in order to qualify for  deductibility  under  Section  162(m).  In  appropriate
circumstances,  however,  when  necessary  to achieve its overall  objective  of
rewarding effective management,  the Committee may approve compensation packages
which include payments that may not be deductible under Section 162(m).

                   Organization and Compensation Committee

           Jack L. Messman, Chairman                    James I. Cash, Jr.
           William G. Morton                            Thomas G. Plaskett


    During the year ended  December  31, 1996,  the Company  paid  approximately
$345,022  to Texas  Christian  University  ("TCU"),  of which Dr.  Tucker is the
Chancellor,  for  administering the Tandy Technology  Scholars Program,  and for
various  seminars,  advertisements,   tickets,  and  contributions  through  the
Company's matching gifts program and donations. Dr. Cash resigned from the Board
of Trustees of TCU in March 1996. Mr. Roach is Chairman of the Board of Trustees
of TCU. During the year ended December 31, 1996, the Company purchased  software
in the amount of approximately  $526,000 from Novell, Inc., of which Mr. Messman
is a director.

   It is the  opinion of  management  that the terms  obtained by the Company in
each of the above  transactions  are as favorable as those which might have been
obtained by other parties.


   The Board  believes that the adoption of a 1997 Incentive  Stock Plan,  which
would provide stock options,  stock appreciation  rights, and other awards plans
will enable the Company to continue to provide eligible  employees and directors
an incentive and reward for exceptional  managerial talent and encourage them to
promote the best interest of the Company. On February 28, 1997 the Board adopted
the 1997 ISP, subject to the approval of the 1997 ISP by the stockholders at the
Annual  Meeting.  The  1997 ISP is  similar  to the  1993  ISP  approved  by the
stockholders  of the  Company  in 1993  and  1995.  A  summary  of the  material
provisions of the 1997 ISP is provided below; however, it does not purport to be
complete  and is  qualified  in its  entirety by the terms of the 1997 ISP,  the
complete text of which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Annex A.

   The  adoption of the 1997 ISP is  necessary  because in an effort to increase
retail store managers  compensation and to retain well trained store management,
the Company  granted as of February 1, 1997,  under the 1993 ISP an aggregate of
approximately   1,020,600   restricted  stock  awards  of  200  shares  each  to
approximately 4,907 RadioShack Store Managers and 400 shares each to 98 Computer
City Store  Managers.  These  shares vest on  February  1, 2002,  and earlier if
certain  events occur.  The vesting terms are: (i) If managers are employed as a
store manager or higher  position by the Company after  February 1, 1999 and the
Company Common Stock for 20  consecutive  trading days closes at $67 5/8 or more
(which would  represent an  approximately  50% increase in Company  Common Stock
value from its value on January 31, 1997) the stock will vest at that time,  and
otherwise,  (ii) the shares will vest on February  1, 2002 if the  managers  are
employed as store managers or a higher position of the Company at that time. The
Company,  as of February 1, 1997,  also granted an  aggregate  of 185,250  stock
options of 750 shares each to RadioShack  District Sales Managers,  1,500 shares
each to RadioShack  Regional Sales  Managers,  and 1,000 shares each to Computer
City Sales  Managers.  These grants will, in the Company's  judgment,  leave the
1993 ISP with an  insufficient  number of shares  for  future  awards to provide
incentive  for key  employees.  The adoption of the 1997 ISP is also in the best
interest of the Company in order that the interests of the key employees  remain
aligned with the interests of the stockholders.

   The 1997 ISP provides for the  administration  of its provisions by the Board
of Directors  through the Organization  and Compensation  Committee of the Board
(the  "Committee").  The Committee  consists  solely of directors who constitute
both "Non  Employee  Directors"  within the  meaning of Rule 16b-3 and  "Outside
Directors"  within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986. A total of 2,750,000 shares of Company Common Stock or approximately 4.90%
of the total number of shares of Company  Common Stock  entitled to vote will be
reserved  for  issuance  pursuant  to Awards (as  hereinafter  defined),  or the
exercise of options  granted  under the 1997 ISP.  One of the  requirements,  in
order to secure a federal  income  tax  deduction  under  Section  162(m) of the
Internal  Revenue Code,  specifies that  limitations as to the maximum number of
Options and Awards be placed in the 1997 ISP. The 1997 ISP provides that (i) the
maximum number of shares of Company  Common Stock that an Eligible  Employee may
receive in any calendar year in respect of Options and Awards (other than Awards
described  in clause (ii)  below) may not exceed  250,000  shares,  and (ii) the
maximum  dollar  amount of cash or the fair  market  value of shares of  Company
Common  Stock that any Eligible  Employee  may receive in any  calendar  year in
respect of Performance Units  denominated in dollars may not exceed  $1,500,000.
Such  shares  may be either  authorized  and  unissued  shares or issued  shares
reacquired  by the Company and held in  treasury.  It is  contemplated  that the
shares authorized for issuance under the 1997 ISP either as an Award or upon the
exercise of any option  will be  registered  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  shortly  after  stockholder  approval has been received for the 1997

   Awards made under the 1997 ISP are made at the  discretion of the  Committee,
and future grants are not yet determinable.  Thus, it is not possible to predict
the  benefits or amounts  that will be received by or  allocated  to  particular
individuals or groups of employees in 1997 or thereafter.  However, according to
present estimates  approximately 70 officers,  key employees and directors might
be considered for grants. All of the Company's officers, including the Executive
Officers  named  in the  Summary  Compensation  Table,  will be  eligible  to be
considered for grants. In addition,  employees at the retail store manager level
and retail field management might also be considered for grants.

   The 1997 ISP permits the grant of either  incentive stock options pursuant to
Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("ISOs") or options
which are not ISOs,  nonstatutory  stock  options  ("NSOs")(sometimes  hereafter
collectively  referred to as "Options"),  to the category of persons  identified

   On the  first  business  day in  September  of each  year,  each  nonemployee
director of the Company will, unless a grant is made at that time under the 1993
ISP,  receive  an NSO for  4,000  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock  ("Director
Option").  New directors,  upon election or appointment  will, unless a grant is
made at the that  time  under the 1993 ISP,  receive a  one-time  grant of 5,000
shares.  The exercise price for each Director  Option is 100% of the fair market
value of the Company  Common Stock on the day preceding  the date of grant.  The
Director  Option will vest as to one-third of the shares of Company Common Stock
granted on each of the first three  annual  anniversary  dates after the date of
grant. If a director retires, dies, or becomes disabled,  Director Options, will
be fully vested for all shares of Company  Common Stock  covered by the Director
Option. The fully vested Director Option must be exercised within three years of
the director's  termination on account of  retirement,  death or disability. An
unexercised Director Option expires 10 years after the date of grant.

   The 1997 ISP also provides that Directors may elect to receive 50% or 100% of
their annual  retainer fee in Company  Common Stock payable in advance on June 1
of each year at its fair market value on the date immediately preceding the date
of payment.

   The first grant of Director Options will be made on the first business day of
September  of each  year,  as  provided  for in the 1997 ISP.  These  grants and
retainer fee payments in Company Common Stock under the 1997 ISP will be subject
to  approval  of the 1997  ISP by  stockholders  at the  Annual  Meeting.  It is
anticipated  that these  option  grants will be issued  annually  commencing  on
September 1, 1998.  However,  no annual grant of 4,000 shares, one time grant of
5,000 shares or retainer fee payments  will be made under both the 1993 and 1997
ISP in the same year.

   No ISO shall be granted by the  Committee to anyone who is not an employee of
the  Company  or one of its  subsidiaries  on the date of  grant.  An NSO may be
granted  to key  employees,  officers,  executive  officers  and other  eligible
persons,  as  described  in the 1997 ISP.  No Option may be  transferred  by the
person to whom the  Option is  granted  (the  "Optionee")  except by the laws of
descent and distribution.  During the life of the Optionee an Option may only be
exercised by the Optionee or his or her legal representative. The exercise price
of shares under an Option (other than a Director  Option) shall be determined by
the Committee and set forth in the Option agreement with the Optionee,  provided
however  that the  exercise  price for an ISO shall not be less than 100% of the
fair market value of a share of Company  Common Stock on the date of grant (110%
in the case of a 10% or more stockholder of Company Common Stock) and for an NSO
shall  not be less  than  100% of the fair  market  value of a share of  Company
Common Stock on the date of grant.

   Subject to the terms of the 1997 ISP, the  Committee  may modify  outstanding
employee options or accept  surrender of outstanding  employee options and grant
new options;  however,  no  modification  or  substitution  of new options to an
employee  may result in an option  price that is lower than the option  price of
the originally issued option.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no modification of
an employee  Option shall  adversely  alter or impair any rights or  obligations
under  the  Option  agreement  without  the  Grantee's  consent.   Similarly  no
modification of an outstanding Director Option or substitution of a new Director
Option to a Director may result in an option price that is lower than the option
price of the originally issued Director Option.

   Options  shall be for such  terms as  shall be  specified  by the  Committee,
except that the  termination  date for any Option shall not exceed 10 years from
the date of grant  (five  years in the case of an ISO  granted  to a 10% or more
stockholder  of Company Common  Stock).  Options  (other than Director  Options)
shall become exercisable in such  installments,  which need not be equal, and at
such times as may be  designated  by the  Committee  and set forth in the Option
agreement.  Subject to the  discretion  of the  Committee in the case of Options
other than Director  Options,  payments for shares issuable upon the exercise of
an Option may be made in the form of cash,  common stock at fair market value on
the date preceding the date of exercise or any  combination  thereof.  Unless an
agreement  evidencing options provides  otherwise,  in the event of a "Change in
Control",  as  defined  in the  1997  ISP,  all  Options  outstanding  shall  be
immediately  and fully  exercisable,  and within 60 days  after  such  Change in
Control any Option or any portion  thereof not yet exercised may be  surrendered
to the  Company  for  cancellation  and a cash  payment  if  such  agreement  so

   The Committee may, either alone or in connection with the grant of an Option,
grant to  Eligible  Employees  (as  defined in the 1997 ISP) Stock  Appreciation
Rights  ("SARs") in  accordance  with the 1997 ISP, the terms and  conditions of
which shall be set forth in the applicable  grant agreement  between the Company
and the grantee. If granted in connection with an Option, an SAR shall cover the
same shares of Company Common Stock covered by the Option (or such lesser number
of shares as the Committee may determine) and shall be subject to the same terms
and conditions as the related Option.

   An SAR granted in connection with an Option shall be exercisable at such time
or times and only to the extent that the related Option is exercisable, and will
not be transferable except to the extent the related Option may be transferable.
An SAR granted in connection  with an ISO shall be exercisable  only if the fair
market value of a share of Company Common Stock on the date of exercise  exceeds
the purchase price specified in the related ISO agreement.  Upon the exercise of
an SAR related to an Option,  the Grantee shall be entitled to receive an amount
determined by multiplying  (A) the excess of the fair market value of a share of
Company Common Stock on the date preceding the date of exercise of such SAR over
the per share  purchase  price  under the related  Option,  by (B) the number of
shares as to which such SAR is being exercised.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,
the Committee may limit in any manner the amount payable with respect to any SAR
by including such a limit in the agreement  evidencing the SAR at the time it is

   Upon the exercise of an SAR granted in connection with an Option,  the Option
shall be  canceled  to the extent of the number of shares as to which the SAR is
exercised,  and upon the exercise of an Option granted in connection with an SAR
or the surrender of such Option,  the SAR shall be canceled to the extent of the
number of shares as to which the Option is exercised or surrendered.

   The Committee may grant to Eligible Employees SARs unrelated to Options. SARs
unrelated  to  Options   shall   contain  such  terms  and   conditions   as  to
exercisability vesting and duration as the Committee shall determine,  but in no
event shall they have a term of greater than ten (10) years. Upon exercise of an
SAR  unrelated to an Option,  the Grantee shall be entitled to receive an amount
determined by multiplying  (A) the excess of the fair market value of a share of
Company Common Stock on the date preceding the date of exercise of such SAR over
the fair  market  value of a share on the date the SAR was  granted,  by (B) the
number of shares as to which  the SAR is being  exercised.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing, the Committee may limit in any manner the amount payable with respect
to any SAR by including such a limit in the agreement  evidencing the SAR at the
time it is granted.

   The amount  payable upon exercise of an SAR may be made in the  discretion of
the  Committee,  solely in whole  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock in a number
determined at their fair market value on the date preceding the date of exercise
of the SAR, or solely in cash,  or in a combination  of cash and shares.  If the
Committee  decides to make full payment in shares and the amount payable results
in a fractional share, payment for the fractional share will be made in cash.

   Subject to the terms of the 1997 ISP, the  Committee  may modify  outstanding
grants of SARs or accept the  surrender  of  outstanding  grants of SARs (to the
extent not exercised) and grant new SARs in  substitution  for them,  however no
surrender or  modification of an SAR,  whether or not related to an option,  may
result in the fair market value of the underlying security (either the per share
purchase  price under the related  Option or the per share fair market  value of
Company  Common Stock under the  unrelated  Options) that is lower than the fair
market  value of same at the time of the grant of the SAR.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  no modification of an SAR shall adversely alter or impair any rights
or obligations under the SAR agreement without the Grantee's consent.

   Unless an agreement  evidencing an SAR provides otherwise,  in the event of a
Change in Control, subject to the foregoing restrictions,  all SARs shall become
immediately and fully  exercisable  within 60 days after a Change in Control and
SARs  unrelated  to an  Option  may be  exercised  for a cash  payment  if  such
agreement so provides.

   Awards under the 1997 ISP may also be in the form of restricted  stock grants
or performance units or performing shares (hereafter collectively referred to as
"Awards").  Each agreement related to an Award shall contain such  restrictions,
terms and  conditions as the Committee may, in its sole  discretion,  determine.
The Committee may require that an appropriate legend be placed on any restricted
securities issued.

   The  Committee in its  discretion  may grant Awards of  restricted  shares of
Company  Common  Stock to an employee.  Restricted  shares may either be held in
escrow in the name of the  employee or credited to a book account in the name of
the  employee  until  such  time  as all  restrictions  lapse  or the  Award  is
terminated.  Until all restrictions on restricted shares of Company Common Stock
issued  under  the  1997  ISP  have  lapsed,  such  shares  shall  not be  sold,
transferred  or  otherwise  disposed  of and shall not be pledged  or  otherwise
hypothecated, nor shall they be delivered to the employee. At the time of grant,
the  Committee  shall  determine  whether  or not,  in the  event of a Change in
Control all restrictions  should  immediately  lapse, and if so the shares would
then  become  immediately  vested  in the  employee  upon a Change  in  Control.
Dividends  paid on  restricted  stock  shall be either  paid to the  employee or
deferred  and  retained  in  escrow  or  book  account  until  such  time as all
restrictions  on the shares  lapse.  The Committee may provide that any deferred
dividends be reinvested in additional restricted shares of Company Common Stock.
Upon the lapse of all restrictions,  such shares and any dividends accrued, with
interest on said  dividends,  shall be  delivered  to the  employee  free of all

   The  Committee in its  discretion  may grant Awards of  performance  units or
performance  shares to an employee  which will be payable upon the attainment of
specified  performance  objectives  dureing  a  specified  period  of time.  The
specified  objectives  may be  expressed  in terms of (i)  earnings per share of
Company  Common Stock,  (ii) pre-tax  profits,  (iii) net earnings or net worth,
(iv) return on equity or assets,  (v) stock  price,  or any  combination  of the
foregoing  for  the  Company,  a  subsidiary  or a  division  thereof  as may be
applicable.  Performance  units  may be  denominated  in  shares  of  stock or a
specified  dollar  amount and are  contingent  upon  attainment of the specified
performance objective(s) within the specified period of time. A performance unit
represents  the right to receive  payment of (i) the specified  dollar amount in
the case of a cash Award,  (ii) in the case of a  share-denominated  performance
unit the fair market  value of a share of Company  Common  Stock on the date the
performance unit was granted, the date the performance unit became vested or any
other date  specified  by the  Committee,  or (iii) a  percentage  of the amount
described in clauses (i) or (ii) depending on the level of performance objective
attainment (which may be greater than 100% of such amount but may not exceed any
maximum  amount placed on the Award by the  Committee).  Payment of  performance
unit  Awards  will be made  within 60 days of the last  date of the  performance
cycle (the period over which the  performance  objectives  are  designated to be
met) in which the Award vested  (because the  performance  objectives were met).
Payment of a  performance  unit Award may be made  entirely in shares of Company
Common Stock valued at their market value as of the last day of the  performance
cycle,  or such other date specified by the  Committee,  entirely in cash, or in
such  combination  of  shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock  and cash as the
Committee  may  in  its  discretion  determine  at  the  time  of  payment.  Any
performance  unit payment in the form of shares may be in the form of restricted
shares in which case the  provisions  relating to  restricted  shares  described
above shall be complied with and an appropriate  agreement  entered into between
the employee and the Company.

   Performance shares are awarded in the form of shares of Company Common Stock.
The Committee will  determine the total number of performance  shares subject to
an Award and the time or times at which the performance shares will be issued to
the  grantee at the time the Award is made.  In  addition,  the  Committee  will
determine (a) the time or times at which the awarded but not issued  performance
shares shall be issued to the grantee and (b) the time or times at which awarded
and  issued  performance  shares  shall  become  vested in or  forfeited  by the
grantee,  in either  case  based  upon the  Company's  attainment  of  specified
performance  objectives  within the  specified  period of time.  At the time the
award of performance  shares is made, the Committee may determine that dividends
be paid or deferred on the issued performance  shares and, if deferred,  whether
such dividends  will be reinvested in shares of Company  Common Stock.  Deferred
dividends  (together  with any interest  accrued  thereon) will be paid upon the
lapsing of restrictions  on performance  shares or forfeited upon the forfeiture
of performance shares.

   Upon  a  Change  in  Control,  (x) a  percentage  of  performance  units,  as
determined by the Committee at the time of grant of the performance  units, will
become  vested and the Grantee  will be entitled to receive  cash  payment in an
amount that was  determined  by the  Committee  at the time of the grant of such
performance  units and as set forth in the  agreement,  and (y) with  respect to
performance  shares,  all  restrictions  shall  lapse  on a  percentage  of  the
performance  shares,  as determined by the Committee at the time the performance
shares  are  granted.  In  addition,  the  agreements  evidencing  the  grant of
performance  shares and  performance  units  shall  contain  provisions  for the
treatment of such Awards (or portions  thereof)  which do not become vested as a
result of a Change in Control, including, without limitation,  provision for the
adjustment of applicable performance objectives.

   The 1997 ISP provides that the Company may deduct from any  distribution  the
amount  equal to all federal,  state and local income taxes or other  amounts as
may be required by law to be withheld with respect to any Option,  SAR or Award.
If an Optionee or employee will  experience a taxable  event in connection  with
the receipt of shares pursuant to an Option and/or SAR exercise or payment of an
Award, the Optionee or employee shall pay the amount of the withholding taxes to
the Company prior to the issuance or release from escrow of such shares. Subject
to the consent of the  Committee,  an Optionee or an employee  may elect to have
shares  withheld  from  any  distribution  in  satisfaction  of his  withholding

   For Federal  income tax purposes,  an Optionee will not be subject to the tax
at the  time an  Option  or SAR is  granted.  Generally,  an  Optionee  will not
recognize  income upon the exercise of an ISO. If the Common Stock is held for a
period of more than one year after the date of exercise,  and two years from the
date of grant, the gain, if any, on the sale is a long term capital gain. If the
stock is sold within one year after the date of exercise  and two years from the
date of grant, the lesser of the excess of (a) the fair market value at the date
of sale over the  exercise  price,  or (b) the fair market  value at the date of
exercise over the exercise  price,  is ordinary  income at the date of sale. The
remainder of the gain,  if any,  will be capital  gain at the date of sale.  The
Company  will be  entitled  to a business  expense  deduction  to the extent the
Optionee recognizes ordinary income.

   The exercise of an NSO or SAR increases an Optionee's ordinary taxable income
and such  income  will be  reported  by the  Company on a Form W-2 for  Eligible
Employees and on a Form 1099 for non employee  directors.  Income recognition is
the  difference  between the  exercise  price and the fair  market  value of the
shares at the date of exercise.  This income is ordinary income and the employee
Optionee is required to remit FICA or Federal  income taxes to the Company prior
to the receipt of shares.  Non employee  director  Optionees are not required to
remit FICA to the Company.  If the Company  complies with the applicable  income
reporting  requirements,  it will be entitled to a business expense deduction in
the same amount and at the same time as an Optionee  recognizes  ordinary income
in connection with the exercise of an NSO or SAR.

               Certain Federal income Tax Consequences Relating
                          to Awards Under the 1997 ISP

   Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code  generally  disallows a federal
income tax deduction to any  publicly-held  corporation for compensation paid in
excess of $1 million in any taxable year to the chief  executive  officer or any
of the four other most highly compensated executive officers who are employed by
the  Company  on the last day of the  taxable  year,  but  does not  disallow  a
deduction for qualified "performance-based  compensation," the material terms of
which are disclosed to and approved by stockholders.  The Company has structured
the 1997 ISP with the  intention  that  compensation  resulting  from  awards of
Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Performance Shares and Performance Units may
qualify as "performance-based compensation" and would be deductible. To qualify,
the Company is seeking  stockholder  approval of the 1997 ISP and will not grant
Options or Awards thereunder if such stockholder approval is not obtained.

   The 1997 ISP  provides  for the  adjustment  of the  Options or Awards in the
event of a Change in  Capitalization,  as defined in the 1997 ISP. The amount of
said adjustment is to be determined conclusively by the Committee.  Likewise, in
the event of certain liquidations, dissolutions or mergers, the 1997 ISP and the
Options and Awards issued  thereunder  shall  continue in effect with respect to
the terms of the  individual  agreements and each Optionee and employee shall be
entitled to receive in respect to each share subject to any  outstanding  Option
or Award,  upon exercise of the Option or payment of the Award,  the same number
and kind of stock,  securities,  cash, property or other consideration that each
holder of a share was  entitled to receive in the  dissolution,  liquidation  or

   The 1997 ISP also provided for  individual  limits as to the maximum  number,
and dollar  amount of Options and Awards that may be granted to any  employee in
any one calendar year.

   The 1997 ISP shall  terminate  on the  tenth  annual  anniversary  of the day
preceding  the date of its adoption by the Board and no Option or Award shall be
granted  under  the  1997  ISP  thereafter.  The  Board  may in  its  discretion
terminate,  amend,  modify or suspend the 1997 ISP,  except that any such action
shall have no effect on an Award or Option already outstanding,  and provided to
the extent necessary under applicable law no amendment shall be effective unless
approved by the  stockholders  of the Company in accordance  with applicable law
and regulations.

      The per share  closing  price of the  Company's  Common Stock on March 18,
1997, as reported on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Tape, was $51.875.

   The affirmative vote of a majority of the Common Stock votes entitled to vote
and  present  in person  or proxy at the  Annual  Meeting  is  required  for the
adoption of the 1997 ISP.

   The Board recommends a vote FOR the adoption of the 1997 ISP.

                             INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS

   The Board has  selected  Price  Waterhouse,  which has audited the  Company's
books annually since 1899, as independent accountants for 1997.  Representatives
of Price  Waterhouse  are  expected to be present at the Annual  Meeting with an
opportunity to make a statement and/or respond to appropriate questions.


   In order for proposals of  stockholders to be considered for inclusion in the
proxy  statement  for the 1998 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company,
which  is now  scheduled  to be held on May 21,  1998,  such  proposals  must be
received by the Secretary of the Company by November 26, 1997.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

   A copy of the Company's  Annual Report for the year ended  December 31, 1996,
is being mailed to stockholders  with this Proxy Statement.  Stockholders who do
not receive a copy of such  Annual  Report may obtain a copy  without  charge by
writing or calling  Shareholder  Services,  Tandy Corporation,  100 Throckmorton
Street, Suite 1700, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-2818, telephone number

                                  OTHER MATTERS

   As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  management  of the  Company  has no
knowledge  of any  other  business  to be  presented  to the  meeting.  If other
business is properly brought before the meeting,  the persons named in the Proxy
will vote according to their discretion.

                                                    TANDY CORPORATION

                                                    Fort Worth, Texas
March 28, 1997

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                                     ANNEX A
                                TANDY CORPORATION
                            1997 INCENTIVE STOCK PLAN
                              (includes Directors)

      1.    Purpose.

      The  purpose  of  this  Plan  is  to  strengthen  Tandy  Corporation  (the
"Company") by providing an incentive to its Eligible  Employees (as  hereinafter
defined),  and directors and thereby  encouraging them to devote their abilities
and industry to the success of the Company's business enterprise. It is intended
that this purpose be achieved by extending to, Eligible Employees of the Company
and its subsidiaries and to Eligible Directors an added long-term  incentive for
high levels of performance  and unusual  efforts  through the grant of Incentive
Stock Options, Nonqualified Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted
Stock,  Performance  Units and  Performance  Shares (as each term is hereinafter

      2.    Definitions.

      For purposes of the Plan:

      2.1  "Adjusted  Fair  Market  Value"  means,  in the  event of a Change in
Control,  the greater of (i) the highest  price per Share paid to holders of the
Shares in any transaction (or series of transactions)  constituting or resulting
in a Change in Control or (ii) the highest  Fair Market  Value of a Share during
the ninety (90) day period ending on the date of a Change in Control.

      2.2  "Agreement"  means the written  agreement  between the Company and an
Optionee or Grantee evidencing the grant of an Option or Award and setting forth
the terms and conditions thereof.

      2.3 "Award" means a grant of Restricted Stock, a Stock Appreciation Right,
a Performance Award or any or all of them.

      2.4   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      2.5  "Cause"  means  the  commission  of an act of  fraud  or  intentional
misrepresentation  or an act of embezzlement,  misappropriation or conversion of
assets or opportunities of the Company or any Subsidiary.

      2.6 "Change in  Capitalization"  means any  increase or  reduction  in the
number of Shares,  or any change  (including,  but not  limited  to, a change in
value) in the Shares or  exchange  of Shares for a  different  number or kind of
shares or other  securities  of the  Company,  by reason of a  reclassification,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  spin-off, split-up,
issuance of warrants or rights or  debentures,  stock  dividend,  stock split or
reverse stock split, cash dividend,  property dividend,  combination or exchange
of shares, repurchase of shares, change in corporate structure or otherwise.

      2.7 A "Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence during the term of the
Plan and during the term of any Option issued under the Plan of:
                  (a) An  acquisition  (other than directly from the Company) of
      any voting  securities  of the Company  (the "Voting  Securities")  by any
      "Person"  (as the term  person is used for  purposes  of Section  13(d) or
      14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"))
      immediately after which such Person has "Beneficial Ownership" (within the
      meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the 1934 Act) of fifteen percent
      (15%)  or  more  of  the  combined  voting  power  of the  Company's  then
      outstanding Voting Securities; provided, however, in determining whether a
      Change in Control has occurred,  Voting Securities which are acquired in a
      "Non-Control Acquisition" (as hereinafter defined) shall not constitute an
      acquisition  which  would  cause  a  Change  in  Control.  A  "Non-Control
      Acquisition" shall mean an acquisition by (i) an employee benefit plan (or
      a trust forming a part  thereof)  maintained by (A) the Company or (B) any
      corporation or other Person of which a majority of its voting power or its
      voting  equity  securities  or  equity  interest  is  owned,  directly  or
      indirectly,   by  the  Company  (for  purposes  of  this   definition,   a
      "Subsidiary"),  (ii) the Company or its Subsidiaries,  or (iii) any Person
      in connection with a "Non-Control Transaction" (as hereinafter defined).

                  (b) The  individuals  who, as of March 1, 1997, are members of
      the Board (the "Incumbent  Board"),  cease for any reason to constitute at
      least two-thirds of the Board; provided, however, that if the election, or
      nomination for election by the Company's stockholders, of any new director
      was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the Incumbent Board, such
      new director  shall,  for purposes of this Plan, be considered as a member
      of the Incumbent  Board;  provided  further,  however,  that no individual
      shall be  considered a member of the  Incumbent  Board if such  individual
      initially  assumed  office as a result  of either an actual or  threatened
      "Election Contest" (as described in Rule 14a-11 promulgated under the 1934
      Act) or other actual or threatened  solicitation of proxies or consents by
      or on  behalf  of a Person  other  than  the  Board  (a  "Proxy  Contest")
      including  by  reason of any  agreement  intended  to avoid or settle  any
      Election Contest or Proxy Contest; or

                  (c)  Approval by stockholders of the Company of:

                  (i)   A merger,  consolidation or  reorganization  involving
      the Company, unless

                        (A) the stockholders of the Company,  immediately before
            such  merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization,  own,  directly or
            indirectly  immediately  following  such  merger,  consolidation  or
            reorganization,  at least sixty percent (60%) of the combined voting
            power  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of  the  corporation
            resulting from such merger or consolidation or  reorganization  (the
            "Surviving  Corporation")  in  substantially  the same proportion as
            their  ownership of the Voting  Securities  immediately  before such
            merger, consolidation or reorganization,

                        (B) the  individuals  who were members of the  Incumbent
            Board immediately prior to the execution of the agreement  providing
            for such merger, consolidation or reorganization constitute at least
            two-thirds of the members of the board of directors of the Surviving

                        (C) no Person  other than the Company,  any  Subsidiary,
            any  employee  benefit  plan (or any trust  forming a part  thereof)
            maintained  by  the  Company,  the  Surviving  Corporation,  or  any
            Subsidiary,  or any Person who,  immediately  prior to such  merger,
            consolidation or reorganization had Beneficial  Ownership of fifteen
            percent (15%) or more of the then outstanding  Voting Securities has
            Beneficial  Ownership  of  fifteen  percent  (15%)  or  more  of the
            combined   voting  power  of  the   Surviving   Corporation's   then
            outstanding voting securities, and

                        (D) a  transaction  described in clauses (A) through (C)
            shall herein be referred to as a "Non-Control Transaction";

                  (ii) A complete  liquidation  or dissolution of the Company;

                  (iii) An agreement for the sale or other disposition of all or
      substantially all of the assets of the Company to any Person (other than a
      transfer to a Subsidiary).

      Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a Change in Control shall not be deemed to
occur  solely  because any Person (the  "Subject  Person")  acquired  Beneficial
Ownership of more than the permitted amount of the outstanding Voting Securities
as a result of the  acquisition of Voting  Securities by the Company  which,  by
reducing the number of Voting Securities outstanding, increases the proportional
number of shares  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject Person,  provided that if a
Change in Control  would occur (but for the  operation  of this  sentence)  as a
result of the  acquisition of Voting  Securities by the Company,  and after such
share  acquisition  by the Company,  the Subject  Person  becomes the Beneficial
Owner of any additional  Voting Securities which increases the percentage of the
then outstanding  Voting  Securities  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject Person,
then a Change in Control shall occur.

      2.8   "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

      2.9 "Committee"  means a committee of the Board consisting of at least two
(2) members,  all of who are Disinterested  Directors  appointed by the Board to
administer the Plan and to perform the functions set forth herein.

      2.10  "Company" means Tandy Corporation, a Delaware Corporation.

      2.11  "Director Option" means an Option granted pursuant to Section 5.

      2.12  "Disability"  means a physical or mental  infirmity  which impairs
the Optionee's  ability to perform  substantially his or her duties for a period
of one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days.

      2.13 "Disinterested  Director" means a director of the Company who is both
a  "Non-Employee  Director"  within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange
Act, and a "Outside Director" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.

      2.14  "Division"  means any of the  operating  units or divisions of the

      2.15  "Eligible  Employee"  means any  officer  or other key  employee  or
consultant or advisor of the Company or a Subsidiary designated by the Committee
as eligible to receive  Options or Awards  subject to the  conditions  set forth

      2.16  "Eligible  Director"  means a director  of the Company who is not an
employee at the time of grant of the Company or any Subsidiary.

      2.17  "Employee Option" means an Option granted pursuant to Section 6.

      2.18  "Exchange  Act"  means the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

      2.19 "Fair Market Value" on any date means the average of the high and low
sales  prices of the Shares on such date on the  principal  national  securities
exchange on which such  Shares are listed or  admitted  to  trading,  or if such
Shares are not so listed or admitted to trading,  the arithmetic mean of the per
Share closing bid price and per Share closing asked price on such date as quoted
on the National  Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System or
such other market in which such prices are regularly  quoted,  or, if there have
been no published bid or asked  quotations  with respect to Shares on such date,
the Fair Market Value shall be the value  established by the Board in good faith
and, in the case of an Incentive Stock Option, in accordance with Section 422 of
the Code.

      2.20 "Grantee"  means a person to whom an Award has been granted under the

      2.21 "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option  satisfying the requirements
of Section 422 of the Code and designated by the Committee as an Incentive Stock

      2.22  "93  ISP"  means  the  Tandy   Corporation  1993  Incentive  Stock

      2.23 "Nonqualified Stock Option" means an Option which is not an Incentive
Stock Option.

      2.24 "Option" means a Employee  Option,  a Director  Option,  or either or
both of them.

      2.25  "Optionee"  means a person to whom an Option has been granted under
the Plan.

      2.26 "Parent" means any corporation which is a parent corporation (within
the meaning of Section 424(e) of the Code) with respect to the Company.

      2.27 "Performance  Awards" means Performance Units,  Performance Shares or
either or both of them.

      2.28 "Performance  Cycle" means the time period specified by the Committee
at the time a Performance  Award is granted during which the  performance of the
Company, a Subsidiary or a Division will be measured.

      2.29  "Performance  Shares"  means  Shares  issued  or  transferred  to an
Eligible Employee under Section 10.

      2.30  "Performance  Unit" means  Performance  Units granted to an Eligible
Employee under Section 10.

      2.31  "Plan or 97 ISP" means the Tandy  Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock

      2.32 "Restricted  Stock" means Shares issued or transferred to an Eligible
Employee pursuant to Section 9.

      2.33  "Retirement"  means  termination  of  service  as a  Director  under
circumstances entitling the Director to a retirement benefit under the Company's
Directors Special Compensation Plan.

      2.34  "Stock  Appreciation  Right"  means a right to  receive  all or some
portion of the increase in the value of the Shares as provided in Section 8.

      2.35  "Shares"  means the common  stock,  par value $1.00 per share,  of
the Company.

      2.36 "Subsidiary" means any corporation which is a subsidiary  corporation
(within the meaning of Section 424(f) of the Code) with respect to the Company.

      2.37  "Successor  Corporation"  means  a  corporation,   or  a  parent  or
subsidiary  thereof  within the  meaning of  Section  424(a) of the Code,  which
issues or assumes a stock option in a transaction to which Section 424(a) of the
Code applies.

      2.38 "Ten-Percent  Stockholder"  means an Eligible  Employee,  who, at the
time an Incentive  Stock Option is to be granted to him or her, owns (within the
meaning of Section 422(b)(6) of the Code) stock possessing more than ten percent
(10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,
or of a Parent or a Subsidiary.

      3.    Administration.

      3.1 The Plan  shall be  administered  by the  Committee  which  shall hold
meetings at such times as may be necessary for the proper  administration of the
Plan. No member of the Committee shall be liable for any action, failure to act,
determination or interpretation  made in good faith with respect to this Plan or
any  transaction  hereunder,  except for  liability  arising from his or her own
willful  misfeasance,  gross  negligence  or  reckless  disregard  of his or her
duties.  The Company hereby agrees to indemnify each member of the Committee for
all costs and  expenses  and, to the extent  permitted  by  applicable  law, any
liability  incurred  in  connection  with  defending  against,   responding  to,
negotiation for the settlement of or otherwise dealing with any claim,  cause of
action  or  dispute  of any kind  arising  in  connection  with any  actions  in
administering  this  Plan or in  authorizing  or  denying  authorization  to any
transaction hereunder.

      3.2 Subject to the express  terms and  conditions  set forth  herein,  the
Committee shall have the power from time to time to:

            (a) determine  those  individuals to whom Employee  Options shall be
granted  under  the  Plan and the  number  of  Incentive  Stock  Options  and/or
Nonqualified  Stock  Options  to be  granted to each  Eligible  Employee  and to
prescribe  the  terms  and  conditions  (which  need not be  identical)  of each
Employee Option, including the purchase price per Share subject to each Employee
Option, and make any amendment or modification to any Agreement  consistent with
the terms of the Plan; and

            (b) select those Eligible  Employees to whom Awards shall be granted
under  the Plan and to  determine  the  number  of  Stock  Appreciation  Rights,
Performance Units,  Performance Shares,  and/or Shares of Restricted Stock to be
granted  pursuant  to each  Award,  the  terms  and  conditions  of each  Award,
including the restrictions or performance  criteria relating to such Performance
Units or  Performance  Shares,  the maximum value of each  Performance  Unit and
Performance  Share  and make any  amendment  or  modification  to any  Agreement
consistent with the terms of the Plan.

      3.3 Subject to the express  terms and  conditions  set forth  herein,  the
Committee shall have the power from time to time:

            (a) to construe  and  interpret  the Plan and the Options and Awards
granted thereunder and to establish,  amend and revoke rules and regulations for
the  administration of the Plan,  including,  but not limited to, correcting any
defect or supplying any omission,  or reconciling any  inconsistency in the Plan
or in any Agreement,  in the manner and to the extent it shall deem necessary or
advisable to make the Plan fully effective, and all decisions and determinations
by the  Committee  in the  exercise  of this power  shall be final,  binding and
conclusive upon the Company,  its  Subsidiaries,  the Optionees and Grantees and
all other persons having any interest therein;

            (b) to  determine  the  duration  and purposes for leaves of absence
which may be granted to an Optionee or Grantee on an  individual  basis  without
constituting a termination of employment or service for purposes of the Plan;

            (c)   to exercise  its  discretion  with respect to the powers and
rights granted to it as set forth in the Plan; and

            (d)  generally,  to exercise such powers and to perform such acts as
are deemed  necessary or advisable to promote the best  interests of the Company
with respect to the Plan.

      3.4 During any  calendar  year,  (i) no Eligible  Employee  may be granted
Options and Awards  (other than  Awards  described  in clause (ii) below) in the
aggregate  in respect of more than  250,000  Shares and (ii) the maximum  dollar
amount of cash or the Fair Market Value of Shares that any Eligible Employee may
receive in any calendar  year in respect of  Performance  Units  denominated  in
dollars may not exceed $1,500,000.

      4.    Stock Subject to the Plan.

      4.1 The  maximum  number of Shares that may be made the subject of Options
and Awards granted under the Plan is 2,750,000.  Upon a Change in Capitalization
the maximum  number of Shares  shall be adjusted in number and kind  pursuant to
Section 12. The Company shall  reserve for the purposes of the Plan,  out of its
authorized but unissued Shares or out of Shares held in the Company's  treasury,
or partly  out of each,  such  number of  Shares as shall be  determined  by the

      4.2 Upon the  granting  of an  Option or an  Award,  the  number of Shares
available under Section 4.1 for the granting of further Options and Awards shall
be reduced as follows:

            (a) In connection  with the granting of an Option or an Award (other
than the granting of a Performance Unit  denominated in dollars),  the number of
Shares  shall be  reduced by the number of Shares in respect of which the Option
or Award is granted or denominated.

            (b)  In  connection   with  the  granting  of  a  Performance   Unit
denominated in dollars, the number of Shares shall be reduced by an amount equal
to the  quotient  of (i) the  dollar  amount  in which the  Performance  Unit is
denominated,  divided by (ii) the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date the
Performance Unit is granted.

      4.3 Whenever any outstanding  Option or Award or portion thereof  expires,
is  canceled  or is  otherwise  terminated  for any reason  without  having been
exercised or payment  having been made in respect of the entire Option or Award,
the Shares allocable to the expired, canceled or otherwise terminated portion of
the  Option or Award may  again be the  subject  of  Options  or Awards  granted

      5.    Director Plans.

      5A.   Option Grants to Eligible Directors.

      5A.1  Annual  Grant.  Subject to the  provisions  of Section  5C.  hereof,
Director Options shall be granted to each Eligible Director on the first trading
day of September of each year the Plan is in effect and Director  options  under
the 93 ISP are no longer  available  for grant to such  Directors  or any one of
them,  as the case maybe.  Each Director  Option  granted shall be in respect of
4,000 Shares. The purchase price of each Director Option shall be as provided in
Section 5A.3 and such Options shall be evidenced by an Agreement containing such
other terms and conditions not inconsistent  with the provisions of this Plan as
determined by the Board;  provided,  however, that such terms shall not vary the
timing  of  awards  of  Director  Options,  including  provisions  dealing  with
forfeiture or termination of such Director  Options,  and further such terms may
not  provide  for a  modification  of a  Director  Option  and the  grant of new
Director Option in  substitution  for them which results in a Purchase Price (as
defined in Section 5A.3  hereof)  that is lower than the  Purchase  Price of the
originally  issued Director Option until  authorized by the  shareholders of the

      5A.2 One Time Grant. Subject to the Provisions of Section 5C. hereof, each
newly appointed or elected Eligible  Director who has not previously  received a
one-time grant under the 93 ISP or hereunder,  shall be granted an option on the
date the Eligible Director attends his or her first Company Board meeting.  Each
Director  Option granted under this section shall be in respect of 5,000 Shares.
The purchase price of each Director  Option shall be as provided in Section 5A.3
and such Options shall be evidenced by an Agreement  containing such other terms
and conditions not  inconsistent  with the provisions of this Plan as determined
by the Board;  provided,  however,  that such terms shall not vary the timing of
awards of Director  Options,  including  provisions  dealing with  forfeiture or
termination of such Director Options.

      5A.3  Purchase  Price.  The purchase  price for Shares under each Director
Option  shall be equal to 100% of the Fair  Market  Value of such  Shares on the
trading date immediately preceding the date of grant.

      5A.4 Vesting.  Subject to Section 7.4,  each Director  Option shall become
exercisable  with  respect  to one third  (1/3) of the  Shares  subject  thereto
effective as of each of the first, second and third annual  anniversaries of the
grant  date;  provided,  however,  that  the  Optionee  continues  to serve as a
Director  as of such  dates.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if a  Director's
service  terminates  by reason  of his  death,  Disability  or  Retirement,  all
Director Options then held by the Director shall be fully vested.

      5A.5 Duration.  Each Director  Option shall terminate on the date which is
the tenth annual  anniversary of the grant date,  unless  terminated  earlier as

            (a) If an Optionee's service as a Director terminates for any reason
other than  Retirement,  Disability,  death or Cause,  the  Optionee  may, for a
period of three (3) months after such termination, exercise his or her Option to
the  extent,  and only to the extent,  that such  Option or portion  thereof was
vested  and  exercisable  as of the date the  Optionee's  service  as a Director
terminated, after which time the Option shall automatically terminate in full.

            (b) If an Optionee's  service as a Director  terminates by reason of
the  Optionee's  Retirement or by  resignation  or removal from the Board due to
Disability,  the  Optionee  may,  for a period  of three (3)  years  after  such
termination,  exercise  his or her Option to the extent,  and only to the extent
that such Option or portion thereof was vested and  exercisable,  as of the date
the  Optionee's  service as a Director  terminated,  after which time the Option
shall automatically terminate in full.

            (c) If an Optionee's service as a Director terminates for Cause, the
Option granted to the Optionee hereunder shall immediately terminate in full and
no rights thereunder may be exercised.

            (d) If an Optionee  dies while a Director or within three (3) months
after  termination  of service as a Director as  described in clause (a) of this
Section  5A.5,  or within  three (3) years  after  termination  of  service as a
Director as described in clause (b) of this Section 5A.5,  the Option granted to
the Optionee may be exercised at any time within 12 months after the  Optionee's
death by the person or persons to whom such rights  under the Option  shall pass
by will, or by the laws of descent or distribution,  after which time the Option
shall terminate in full.

      5B.   Stock Purchase for Director Retainer Fees.

      5B.1  Election to Participate.

            (a) Initial Year Election. Each Eligible Director may participate in
this Section 5B by filing an election to participate with the Company  Secretary
(the "Initial Year  Election") at any time  following his or her  appointment or
election.  An Initial Year Election  shall become  effective with respect to the
Eligible  Director's  retainer  fees  payable  to him or her under the  Eligible
Director compensation plan in respect of each calendar month commencing with the
first calendar month  commencing  after the receipt of the Initial Year Election
by the Company  Secretary and ending the subsequent May 31. An Eligible Director
may,  pursuant to an Initial Year Election,  participate in this Section 5B only
at  either  a 50% or  100%  level  and  may  not  change  his or  her  level  of
participation except as provided in Section 5B.1 (b) below.

            (b) Annual Election.  Each Eligible  Director may, prior to May 1 of
any year,  elect to participate  (or cease to participate ) or change his or her
level of  participation  in this  Section 5B (an "Annual  Election").  An Annual
Election shall become effective with respect to the Eligible Director's retainer
fees  payable to him or her under the  Eligible  Director  compensation  plan in
respect of the year  commencing on June 1 next  subsequent to the receipt of the
Annual Election by the Company Secretary and shall continue for subsequent years
unless  changed  pursuant to this  Section 5B.1 (b). An Eligible  Director  may,
pursuant to an Annual Election,  participate in this Section 5B only at either a
50% or 100% level and may not change his or her level of participation except as
provided in this Section 5B.1(b).

      5B.2  Payment in Stock.

            (a) For the period  commencing on the  effective  date of a Eligible
Director's  Initial Year Election through the next subsequent May 31, (i) Shares
will be issued to each Eligible Director  participating at the 100% level having
a Fair Market Value (as of the first trading day immediately  preceding the date
of issuance) equal to the Eligible  Director's annual retainer divided by twelve
(12),  then  multiplied by the number of calendar months from the effective date
of the Initial Year Election through the next subsequent May 31; and (ii) Shares
will be  issued  to  each  Eligible  Director  participating  at the  50%  level
according to the  calculation in clause (i) of this Section 5B.2 (a) but reduced
by one-half.  Shares will be issued as of the effective date of the Initial Year

            (b) For  each  year  commencing  on June 1 in  respect  of  which an
Eligible  Director has elected to  participate in this Section 5B pursuant to an
Annual  Election,   (i)  Shares  will  be  issued  to  each  Eligible   Director
participating  at the 100%  level  having a Fair  Market  Value (as of the first
trading day  immediately  preceding the date of issuance)  equal to the Eligible
Director's  annual  retainer;  and (ii) Shares  will be issued to each  Eligible
Director  participating  in this  section 5B at the 50% level  according  to the
calculation in clause (i) of this Section 5B.2(b) but reduced by one-half.
Shares will be issued as of June 1.

            (c) The issuance of Shares to an Eligible director  participating in
this Section 5B shall represent  payment in advance of, and shall be in lieu of,
50% or 100%, as applicable,  of the Eligible  Director's annual retainer for the
period in respect of which the Initial Year  Election or the Annual  Election is
in effect.

      5B.3 Distribution.  Shares will be distributed to the Eligible Director as
soon as practicable  after issuance.  No fractional  Share will be issued to any
Eligible  Director.  Any amount not used for the  acquisition of a Share will be
paid to the Eligible Director in cash.

      5C.   Director Option Grants under the 93 ISP and the Plan

      5C.1 No  Duplication.  Notwithstanding  any  provision in this Plan to the
contrary,  no Director Option shall be granted to any Eligible Director pursuant
to  Section  5A of this Plan on any day if such  Director  is  granted an option
pursuant to Section 5A of the 93 ISP on such day. In  addition,  no Shares shall
be  issued  pursuant  to  Section  5B of this  Plan in  respect  of an  Eligible
Director's  retainer fees if Shares are or will be issued pursuant to Section 5B
of the 93 ISP in respect of such retainer fees.

      6.    Option Grants for Eligible Employees.

      6.1 Authority of Committee.  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan and to
Section 4.1 above,  the Committee  shall have full and final authority to select
those Eligible  Employees who will receive Options (each an "Employee  Option"),
the terms and conditions of which shall be set forth in an Agreement;  provided,
however,  that no person shall receive any Incentive  Stock Options unless he or
she is an  employee of the  Company,  a Parent or a  Subsidiary  at the time the
Incentive Stock Option is granted.

      6.2 Purchase Price. The purchase price or the manner in which the purchase
price is to be  determined  for  Shares  under  each  Employee  Option  shall be
determined by the Committee and set forth in the Agreement;  provided,  however,
that the purchase price per Share under each Incentive Stock Option shall not be
less than  100% of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date the  Incentive
Stock Option is granted (110% in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option  granted
to a  Ten-Percent  Stockholder)  and the  purchase  price per Share  under  each
Nonqualified  Stock  Option  shall not be less than the Fair  Market  Value of a
Share on the date the Nonqualified Stock Option is granted.

      6.3 Maximum Duration. Employee Options granted hereunder shall be for such
term as the Committee shall  determine,  provided that an Incentive Stock Option
shall not be exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it
is granted (five (5) years in the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to a
Ten-Percent   Stockholder)  and  a  Nonqualified   Stock  Option  shall  not  be
exercisable  after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it is granted.
The Committee may, subsequent to the granting of any Employee Option, extend the
term  thereof but in no event  shall the term as so extended  exceed the maximum
term provided for in the preceding sentence.

      6.4 Vesting.  Subject to Section 7.4 hereof,  each  Employee  Option shall
become  exercisable in such  installments  (which need not be equal) and at such
times as may be designated by the Committee and set forth in the  Agreement.  To
the extent not exercised,  installments shall accumulate and be exercisable,  in
whole or in part, at any time after becoming exercisable, but not later than the
date  the  Employee   Option   expires.   The  Committee  may   accelerate   the
exercisability of any Option or portion thereof at any time.

      6.5  Modification or  Substitution.  The Committee may, in its discretion,
modify  outstanding  Employee  Options or accept the  surrender  of  outstanding
Employee  Options  (to the  extent  not  exercised)  and  grant new  Options  in
substitution for them.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) no modification of an
Employee Option shall adversely alter or impair any rights or obligations  under
the Employee Option without the Optionee's consent,  and (ii) no modification or
surrender of an outstanding  option and the grant of new options in substitution
for them which  results in a purchase  price (as  defined in Section 6.2 hereof)
that is lower than the purchase price of the  originally  issued Option shall be
effective until authorized by the shareholders of the Corporation.

      7.    Terms and Conditions Applicable to All Options.

      7.1 Transferability. Unless otherwise provided by the Committee, no Option
granted  hereunder  shall  be  transferable  by the  Optionee  to  whom  granted
otherwise  than by will or the laws of descent and  distribution,  and an Option
may be exercised  during the lifetime of such  Optionee  only by the Optionee or
his or her guardian or legal  representative.  The terms of such Option shall be
final, binding and conclusive upon the beneficiaries, executors, administrators,
heirs and successors of the Optionee.

      7.2 Method of Exercise.  The exercise of an Option shall be made only by a
written notice delivered in person or by mail to the Secretary of the Company at
the Company's principal executive office,  specifying the number of Shares to be
purchased and  accompanied by payment  therefor and otherwise in accordance with
the Agreement  pursuant to which the Option was granted.  The purchase price for
any Shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of an Option shall be paid in full
upon such exercise by any one or a  combination  of the  following:  (i) cash or
(ii)  transferring  Shares to the  Company  upon such  terms and  conditions  as
determined by the Committee.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee shall
have  discretion to determine at the time of grant of each Employee Option or at
any later date (up to and  including  the date of exercise)  the form of payment
acceptable  in respect of the  exercise  of such  Employee  Option.  The written
notice  pursuant to this  Section  7.2 may also  provide  instructions  from the
Optionee to the Company that upon receipt of the purchase price in cash from the
Optionee's broker or dealer,  that has been approved by the Company,  designated
as such on the written notice,  in payment for any Shares purchased  pursuant to
the exercise of an Option,  the Company shall issue such Shares  directly to the
designated  broker or dealer that has been  approved by the Company.  Any Shares
transferred  to the  Company as payment of the  purchase  price  under an Option
shall be valued at their  Fair  Market  Value on the day  preceding  the date of
exercise of such  Option.  If  requested by the  Committee,  the Optionee  shall
deliver the Agreement  evidencing the Option to the Secretary of the Company who
shall endorse  thereon a notation of such exercise and return such  Agreement to
the  Optionee.  No fractional  Shares (or cash in lieu thereof)  shall be issued
upon  exercise of an Option and the number of Shares that may be purchased  upon
exercise shall be rounded to the nearest number of whole Shares.

      7.3 Rights of Optionees. No Optionee shall be deemed for any purpose to be
the owner of any Shares  subject  to any Option  unless and until (i) the Option
shall have been exercised pursuant to the terms thereof,  (ii) the Company shall
have issued and delivered the Shares to the Optionee or his designated broker or
dealer that has been  approved by the Company and (iii) the  Optionee's  name or
the name of his  designated  broker  or  dealer  that has been  approved  by the
Company shall have been entered as a  stockholder  of record on the books of the
Company.  Thereupon,  the Optionee  shall have full  voting,  dividend and other
ownership rights with respect to such Shares.

      7.4 Effect of Change in Control. Notwithstanding anything contained in the
Plan  to the  contrary,  unless  an  Agreement  evidencing  an  Option  provides
otherwise,  in the  event  of a  Change  in  control  the  Option  shall  become
immediately  and fully  exercisable.  In addition,  an Agreement  evidencing  an
Option  may  provide  that the  Optionee  will be  permitted  to  surrender  for
cancellation within sixty (60) days after such Change in Control,  the Option or
portion of the Option to the extent not yet  exercised  and the Optionee will be
entitled to receive a cash payment in an amount equal to the excess,  if any, of
(x) (A) in the case of a Nonqualified  Stock Option, the greater of (1) the Fair
Market Value, on the date preceding the date of surrender, of the Shares subject
to the Option or portion  thereof  surrendered  or (2) the Adjusted  Fair Market
Value of the Shares subject to the Option or portion thereof  surrendered or (B)
in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option,  the Fair Market  Value,  on the date
preceding the date of surrender,  of the Shares subject to the Option or portion
thereof surrendered, over (y) the aggregate purchase price for such Shares under
the Option or portion thereof surrendered. In the event an Optionee's employment
with, or service as a Director of, the Company terminates  following a Change in
Control, each Option held by the Optionee that was exercisable as of the date of
termination of the Optionee's employment or service shall remain exercisable for
a period  ending not before the earlier of (A) the first annual  anniversary  of
the termination of the Optionee's employment or service or (B) the expiration of
the stated term of the Option.

      8. Stock Appreciation Rights. The Committee may, in its discretion, either
alone or in connection with the grant of an Option, grant to Eligible Employees,
Stock  Appreciation  Rights  in  accordance  with  the Plan  and the  terms  and
conditions of which shall be set forth in an Agreement. If granted in connection
with an Option, a Stock  Appreciation  Right shall cover the same Shares covered
by the Option (or such lesser number of Shares as the  Committee may  determine)
and shall,  except as provided  in this  Section 8, be subject to the same terms
and conditions as the related Option.

      8.1 Time of Grant.  A Stock  Appreciation  Right may be granted (i) at any
time if unrelated to an Option,  or (ii) if related to an Option,  either at the
time of grant, or at any time thereafter during the term of the Option.

      8.2   Stock Appreciation Right Related to an Option.

           (a)  Exercise.  Subject to Section  8.6, a Stock  Appreciation  Right
granted in connection  with an Option shall be exercisable at such time or times
and only to the extent that the related Option is  exercisable,  and will not be
transferable  except to the extent the  related  Option may be  transferable.  A
Stock  Appreciation  Right granted in connection  with an Incentive Stock Option
shall be  exercisable  only if the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date of
exercise  exceeds the purchase price  specified in the related  Incentive  Stock
Option Agreement.

           (b) Amount Payable.  Upon the exercise of a Stock  Appreciation Right
related  to an  Option,  the  Grantee  shall be  entitled  to  receive an amount
determined by multiplying  (A) the excess of the Fair Market Value of a Share on
the date  preceding the date of exercise of such Stock  Appreciation  Right over
the per Share  purchase  price  under the related  Option,  by (B) the number of
Shares  as  to  which  such  Stock   Appreciation   Right  is  being  exercised.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Committee may limit in any manner the amount
payable with respect to any Stock  Appreciation  Right by including such a limit
in the  Agreement  evidencing  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right at the time it is

           (c) Treatment of Related Options and Stock  Appreciation  Rights Upon
Exercise.  Upon the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right granted in connection
with an Option,  the  Option  shall be  canceled  to the extent of the number of
Shares as to which  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right is  exercised,  and upon the
exercise of an Option granted in connection with a Stock  Appreciation  Right or
the surrender of such Option,  the Stock Appreciation Right shall be canceled to
the  extent of the  number of Shares  as to which  the  Option is  exercised  or

      8.3 Stock  Appreciation  Right  Unrelated to an Option.  The Committee may
grant to Eligible  Employees  Stock  Appreciation  Rights  unrelated to Options.
Stock  Appreciation  Rights  unrelated to Options  shall  contain such terms and
conditions as to  exercisability,  vesting and duration as the  Committee  shall
determine,  but in no event  shall  they  have a term of  greater  than ten (10)
years. Upon exercise of a Stock  Appreciation  Right unrelated to an Option, the
Grantee shall be entitled to receive an amount determined by multiplying (A) the
excess of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date  preceding  the date of
exercise of such Stock  Appreciation Right over the Fair Market Value of a Share
on the date the Stock Appreciation Right was granted (the "Base Price") , by (B)
the  number  of  Shares  as to  which  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right  is being
exercised.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may limit in any manner
the amount  payable  with respect to any Stock  Appreciation  Right by including
such a limit in the Agreement  evidencing  the Stock  Appreciation  Right at the
time it is granted.

      8.4 Method of Exercise.  Stock Appreciation Rights shall be exercised by a
Grantee only by a written notice delivered in person or by mail to the Corporate
Secretary or the President of the Company at the Company's  principal  executive
office,  specifying  the  number  of  Shares  with  respect  to which  the Stock
Appreciation  Right is being  exercised.  If  requested  by the  Committee,  the
Grantee shall  deliver the Agreement  evidencing  the Stock  Appreciation  Right
being exercised and the Agreement evidencing any related Option to the Corporate
Secretary or President  of the Company who shall  endorse  thereon a notation of
such exercise and return such Agreement to the Grantee.

      8.5 Form of  Payment.  Payment of the  amount  determined  under  Sections
8.2(b) or 8.3 may be made in the  discretion of the  Committee,  solely in whole
Shares in a number  determined at their Fair Market Value on the date  preceding
the date of exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right, or solely in cash, or in a
combination of cash and Shares. If the Committee decides to make full payment in
Shares and the amount  payable  results in a fractional  Share,  payment for the
fractional Share will be made in cash.

      8.6  Modification or  Substitution.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee may modify outstanding  Awards of Stock Appreciation  Rights or accept
the surrender of outstanding Awards of Stock Appreciation  Rights (to the extent
not exercised) and grant new Awards in  substitution  for them.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing,  (i) no  modification of an Award shall adversely alter or impair
any rights or obligations under the Agreement without the Grantee's consent, and
(ii) no modification or surrender of an outstanding Award of Stock  Appreciation
Rights and the grant of new Awards in substitution  for them,  which results (in
the case of Stock Appreciation Right related to Option) in a purchase price that
is lower than the purchase price specified in the related Incentive Stock Option
Agreement,  and (in the case of Stock Appreciation  Rights unrelated to Options)
results in a lower Base Price of a Share than that which existed on the date the
Stock  Appreciation  Right  unrelated to Options was granted  shall be effective
until authorized by the shareholders of the Corporation.

      8.7 Effect of Change in Control.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in
this Plan to the contrary,  unless an Agreement  evidencing a Stock Appreciation
Right  provides  otherwise,  in the  event of a Change  in  Control,  all  Stock
Appreciation   Rights   shall   become   immediately   and  fully   exercisable.
Notwithstanding   Sections  8.3  and  8.5,  an  Agreement   evidencing  a  Stock
Appreciation  Right may provide that upon the  exercise of a Stock  Appreciation
Right  unrelated to an Option or any portion  thereof  during the sixty (60) day
period  following a Change in Control,  the amount  payable shall be in cash and
shall be an amount  equal to the  excess,  if any, of (A) the greater of (x) the
Fair Market Value,  on the date  preceding  the date of exercise,  of the Shares
subject to Stock  Appreciation  Right or portion  thereof  exercised and (y) the
Adjusted Fair Market Value,  on the date preceding the date of exercise,  of the
Shares  over  (B) the  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value,  on the  date  the  Stock
Appreciation Right was granted,  of the Shares subject to the Stock Appreciation
Right or portion thereof exercised. In the event a Grantee's employment with the
Company terminates following a Change in Control,  each Stock Appreciation Right
held by the Grantee that was  exercisable  as of the date of  termination of the
Grantee's employment shall remain exercisable for a period ending not before the
earlier of the first annual  anniversary of (A) the termination of the Grantee's
employment or (B) the  expiration  of the stated term of the Stock  Appreciation

      9.    Restricted Stock.

      9.1 Grant.  The Committee may grant to Eligible  Employees and  Directors,
Awards of Restricted  Stock, and may issue Shares of Restricted Stock in payment
in respect  of vested  Performance  Units (as  hereinafter  provided  in Section
10.2),  which shall be  evidenced  by an  Agreement  between the Company and the
Grantee. Each Agreement shall contain such restrictions, terms and conditions as
the  Committee  may, in its  discretion,  determine  and  (without  limiting the
generality of the  foregoing)  such  Agreements  may require that an appropriate
legend be placed on Share  certificates.  Awards of  Restricted  Stock  shall be
subject to the terms and provisions set forth below in this Section 9.

      9.2 Rights of Grantee.  Shares of Restricted  Stock granted pursuant to an
Award  hereunder  may  either be issued  in the name of the  Grantee  as soon as
reasonably practicable after the Award is granted or credited in a separate book
account in the  Grantee's  name  maintained  for that purpose  provided that the
Grantee has executed an Agreement  evidencing the Award,  and, in the discretion
of the Committee,  appropriate  blank stock powers,  an escrow agreement and any
other  documents  which the Committee may require as a condition to the issuance
of such Shares.  If a Grantee shall fail to execute the  Agreement  evidencing a
Restricted  Stock Award,  and, in the discretion of the  Committee,  appropriate
blank  stock  powers,  an escrow  agreement  and any other  documents  which the
Committee may require within the time period  prescribed by the Committee at the
time the Award is granted,  the Award shall be null and void. At the  discretion
of the  Committee,  Shares  issued in connection  with a Restricted  Stock Award
shall be  deposited  together  with the stock powers with an escrow agent (which
may be the Company)  designated by the Committee.  The Committee  shall have the
full and final authority to determine, upon delivery of the Shares to the escrow
agent, or the establishment of a book account in the name of the Grantee, as the
case may be,  whether  or not the  Grantee  shall  have all of the  rights  of a
stockholder with respect to such Shares,  including the right to vote the Shares
and to receive all dividends or other distributions paid or made with respect to
the Shares.

      9.3 Transferability. Unless otherwise provided by the Committee, until any
restrictions upon the Shares of Restricted Stock awarded to a Grantee shall have
lapsed in the manner set forth in Section  9.4,  such Shares  shall not be sold,
transferred  or  otherwise  disposed  of and shall not be pledged  or  otherwise
hypothecated, nor shall they be delivered to the Grantee.

      9.4   Lapse of Restrictions.

            (a) Generally.  Restrictions upon Shares of Restricted Stock awarded
hereunder  shall lapse at such time or times and on such terms and conditions as
the  Committee  may  determine,  which  restrictions  shall be set  forth in the
Agreement evidencing the Award.

            (b) Effect of Change in Control.  Notwithstanding anything contained
in the Plan, unless the Agreement evidencing the Award provides to the contrary,
in the  event of a Change  in  Control,  all  restrictions  upon any  Shares  of
Restricted Stock shall lapse  immediately and all such Shares shall become fully
vested in the Grantee.

      9.5  Modification or  Substitution.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee  may  modify  outstanding  Awards of  Restricted  Stock or accept  the
surrender  of  outstanding  Shares  of  Restricted  Stock  (to  the  extent  the
restrictions  on such  Shares  have not yet  lapsed)  and  grant  new  Awards in
substitution  for them.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  no  modification of an
Award  shall  adversely  alter or impair  any  rights or  obligations  under the
Agreement without the Grantee's consent.

      9.6 Treatment of Dividends.  At the time the Award of Shares of Restricted
Stock is granted,  the  Committee  may, in its  discretion,  determine  that the
payment to the Grantee of dividends, or a specified portion thereof, declared or
paid on such Shares by the Company  shall be (i)  deferred  until the lapsing of
the  restrictions  imposed upon such Shares and (ii) held by the Company for the
account of the Grantee  until such time.  In the event that  dividends are to be
deferred,  the  Committee  shall  determine  whether  such  dividends  are to be
reinvested  in  shares of Stock  (which  shall be held as  additional  Shares of
Restricted Stock) or held in cash. If deferred dividends are to be held in cash,
there may be credited at the end of each year (or portion  thereof)  interest on
the amount of the  account at the  beginning  of the year at a rate per annum as
the Committee, in its discretion,  may determine.  Payment of deferred dividends
in respect of Shares of Restricted  Stock (whether held in cash or as additional
Shares of Restricted  Stock),  together with interest accrued  thereon,  if any,
shall be made upon the lapsing of restrictions  imposed on the Shares in respect
of which deferred dividends were paid, and any dividends deferred (together with
any interest accrued thereon) in respect of any Shares of Restricted Stock shall
be forfeited upon the forfeiture of such Shares.

      9.7 Delivery of Shares.  Upon the lapse of the  restrictions  on Shares of
Restricted  Stock, the Committee shall cause a stock certificate to be delivered
to the Grantee with respect to such Shares, free of all restrictions hereunder.

      10.   Performance Awards.

      10.1  Performance Objectives.

            (a) Performance  objectives for Performance  Awards may be expressed
in terms of (i) earnings per Share, (ii) pre-tax profits,  (iii) net earnings or
net worth,  (iv)  return on equity or assets,  (v) price of Shares,  or (vi) any
combination of the foregoing,  for the Company,  Subsidiary or Division thereof,
as  may  be  applicable.  Performance  objectives  may  be  in  respect  of  the
performance of the Company and its Subsidiaries  (which may be on a consolidated
basis),  a Subsidiary or a Division.  Performance  objectives may be absolute or
relative  and may be  expressed  in terms of a  progression  within a  specified
range. The performance  objectives with respect to a Performance  Cycle shall be
established  in writing by the Committee by the earlier of (i) the date on which
a quarter of the Performance  Cycle has elapsed or (ii) the date which is ninety
(90) days after the  commencement  of the  Performance  Cycle,  and in any event
while  the   performance   relating  to  the  performance   objectives   remains
substantially uncertain.

            (b)  Determination  of Performance.  Prior to the vesting,  payment,
settlement or lapsing of any restrictions  with respect to any Performance Award
made to a Grantee who is subject to Section  162(m) of the Code,  the  Committee
shall certify in writing that the applicable  performance  objectives  have been

      10.2 Performance Units. The Committee, in its discretion, may grant Awards
of Performance  Units to Eligible  Employees,  the terms and conditions of which
shall  be set  forth  in an  Agreement  between  the  Company  and the  Grantee.
Performance Units may be denominated in Shares or a specified dollar amount and,
contingent upon the attainment of specified  performance  objectives  within the
Performance Cycle, represent the right to receive payment as provided in Section
10.2(b)  of (i) in the case of  Share-denominated  Performance  Units,  the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the date the Performance  Unit was granted,  the date
the Performance Unit became vested or any other date specified by the Committee,
(ii) in the case of  dollar-denominated  Performance Units, the specified dollar
amount  or (iii) a  percentage  (which  may be more  than  100%)  of the  amount
described in clause (i) or (ii) depending on the level of performance  objective
attainment;  provided, however, that the Committee may at the time a Performance
Unit is  granted,  specify a  maximum  amount  payable  in  respect  of a vested
Performance  Unit.  Each Agreement  shall specify the number of the  Performance
Units to which it relates, the performance objectives which must be satisfied in
order for the Performance  Units to vest and the Performance  Cycle within which
such objectives must be satisfied.

            (a) Vesting and  Forfeiture.  Subject to Sections 10.1 (b) and 10.4,
Grantee shall become vested with respect to the Performance  Units to the extent
that the performance objectives set forth in the Agreement are satisfied for the
Performance Cycle.

            (b)  Payment of Awards.  Subject  to  Section  10.1 (b),  payment to
Grantees in respect of vested  Performance Units shall be made within sixty (60)
days after the last day of the  Performance  Cycle to which  such Award  relates
unless the Agreement  evidencing the Award provides for the deferral of payment,
in which event the terms and  conditions  of the deferral  shall be set forth in
the  Agreement.  Subject to Section 10.4,  such payments may be made entirely in
Shares  valued at their Fair Market  Value as of the last day of the  applicable
Performance  Cycle or such other date  specified by the  Committee,  entirely in
cash,  or in  such  combination  of  Shares  and  cash as the  Committee  in its
discretion,  shall  determine  at any  time  prior  to such  payment;  provided,
however, that if the Committee in its discretion determines to make such payment
entirely  or  partially  in Shares  of  Restricted  Stock,  the  Committee  must
determine the extent to which such payment will be in Shares of Restricted Stock
and the terms of such Restricted Stock at the time the Award is granted.

      10.3  Performance  Shares.  The Committee,  in its  discretion,  may grant
Awards of Performance Shares to Eligible Employees,  the terms and conditions of
which shall be set forth in an  Agreement  between the Company and the  Grantee.
Each  Agreement  may  require  that an  appropriate  legend  be  placed on Share
certificates.  Awards of  Performance  Shares shall be subject to the  following
terms and provisions:

            (a) Rights of Grantee.  The  Committee  shall provide at the time an
Award of  Performance  Shares  is made,  either  the time or times at which  the
actual  Shares  represented  by such  Award  shall be  issued in the name of the
Grantee or whether a separate book account in the name of the Grantee  should be
maintained and credited with the Performance  Shares  represented by such Award;
provided, however, that no Performance Shares shall be issued or credited to any
such book account  until the Grantee has executed an  Agreement  evidencing  the
Award,  and, in the discretion of the  Committee,  the  appropriate  blank stock
powers,  an escrow  agreement  and any other  documents  which the Committee may
require as a condition to the issuance of such Performance  Shares. If a Grantee
shall fail to execute the Agreement  evidencing an Award of Performance  Shares,
and, in the discretion of the Committee,  the appropriate blank stock powers, an
escrow  agreement and any other documents which the Committee may require within
the time period  prescribed  by the  Committee at the time the Award is granted,
the Award shall be null and void.  At the  discretion of the  Committee,  Shares
issued in  connection  with an Award of  Performance  Shares  shall be deposited
together  with the stock  powers with an escrow agent (which may be the Company)
designated by the Committee. Except as restricted by the terms of the Agreement,
upon delivery of the Shares to the escrow agent, or the  establishment of a book
account in the name of Grantee,  as the case may be, the Grantee  shall have, in
the discretion of the Committee, all of the rights of a stockholder with respect
to such  Shares,  including  the right to vote the  Shares  and to  receive  all
dividends or other distributions paid or made with respect to the Shares.

            (b)  Transferability.  Unless  otherwise  provided by the  Committee
until any  restrictions  upon the Performance  Shares awarded to a Grantee shall
have  lapsed  in the  manner  set  forth  in  Sections  10.3(c)  or  10.4,  such
Performance  Shares shall not be sold,  transferred or otherwise disposed of and
shall not be pledged or otherwise  hypothecated,  nor shall they be delivered to
the  Grantee.  The  Committee  may  also  impose  such  other  restrictions  and
conditions on the Performance Shares, if any, as it deems appropriate.

            (c) Lapse of  Restrictions.  Subject to Section  10.4,  restrictions
upon  Performance  Shares  awarded  hereunder  shall lapse and such  Performance
Shares shall become  vested at such time or times and on such terms,  conditions
and  satisfaction  of  performance  objectives  as  the  Committee  may,  in its
discretion, determine at the time an Award is granted.

            (d)  Treatment of  Dividends.  At the time the Award of  Performance
Shares is granted,  the Committee  may, in its  discretion,  determine  that the
payment to the Grantee of dividends, or a specified portion thereof, declared or
paid on actual  Shares  represented  by such Award which have been issued by the
Company  to  the  Grantee  shall  be  (i)  deferred  until  the  lapsing  of the
restrictions  imposed upon such Performance  Shares and (ii) held by the Company
for the account of the Grantee until such time. In the event that  dividends are
to be deferred,  the Committee shall determine  whether such dividends are to be
reinvested  in shares of Stock  (which shall be held as  additional  Performance
Shares) or held in cash. If deferred dividends are to be held in cash, there may
be credited at the end of each year (or portion thereof)  interest on the amount
of the  account  at the  beginning  of the  year  at a  rate  per  annum  as the
Committee,  in its discretion,  may determine.  Payment of deferred dividends in
respect of Performance Shares (whether held in cash or in additional Performance
Shares),  together with interest accrued thereon, if any, shall be made upon the
lapsing of restrictions  imposed on the  Performance  Shares in respect of which
the deferred  dividends were paid, and any dividends deferred (together with any
interest  accrued  thereon)  in  respect  of any  Performance  Shares  shall  be
forfeited upon the forfeiture of such Performance Shares.

            (e)  Delivery  of  Shares.  Upon the  lapse of the  restrictions  on
Performance  Shares  awarded  hereunder,  the  Committee  shall  cause  a  stock
certificate to be delivered to the Grantee with respect to such Shares,  free of
all restrictions hereunder.

      10.4  Effect of Change in Control.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained
in the Plan or any  Agreement  to the  contrary,  in the  event of a Change in

            (a) With respect to the  Performance  Units,  the Grantee  shall (i)
become  vested  in a  percentage  of  Performance  Units  as  determined  by the
Committee at the time of the Award of such Performance Units and as set forth in
the  Agreement  and (ii) be  entitled  to receive in respect of all  Performance
Units which  become  vested as a result of a Change in Control,  a cash  payment
within ten (10) days after such Change in Control in an amount as  determined by
the Committee at the time of the Award of such Performance Unit and as set forth
in the Agreement.

            (b) With respect to the Performance  Shares,  all restrictions shall
lapse immediately on all or a portion of the Performance Shares as determined by
the  Committee  at the time of the Award of such  Performance  Shares and as set
forth in the Agreement.

            (c) The Agreements  evidencing  Performance  Shares and  Performance
Units shall provide for the treatment of such Awards (or portions thereof) which
do not become  vested as the result of a Change in Control,  including,  but not
limited to, provisions for the adjustment of applicable performance objectives.

      10.5  Transferability.  Unless  otherwise  provided  by the  Committee  no
Performance  Awards shall be transferable by the Grantee  otherwise than by will
or the laws of descent and distribution.

      10.6  Modification or Substitution.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee may modify  outstanding  Performance Awards or accept the surrender of
outstanding  Performance Awards and grant new Performance Awards in substitution
for them.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  (i) no modification of a Performance
Award  shall  adversely  alter or impair  any  rights or  obligations  under the
Agreement without the Grantee's  consent,  and (ii) no modification or surrender
of an  outstanding  Performance  Award  and grant of new  Performance  Awards in
substitution  for them can have the effect of increasing the value to be granted
to an Eligible Employee for comparable  performance  unless and until authorized
by the shareholders of the Corporation.

      11. Effect of a Termination  of Employment.  The Agreement  evidencing the
grant of each  Employee  Option  and each  Award  shall  set forth the terms and
conditions  applicable  to such Employee  Option or Award upon a termination  or
change  in the  status of the  employment  of the  Optionee  or  Grantee  by the
Company, a Subsidiary or a Division (including a termination or change by reason
of the  sale of a  Subsidiary  or a  Division),  as the  Committee  may,  in its
discretion,  determine  at the time the  Employee  Option or Award is granted or

       12.   Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.

            (a) In the event of a Change in Capitalization,  the Committee shall
conclusively determine the appropriate  adjustments,  if any, to the (i) maximum
number and class of Shares or other stock or  securities  with  respect to which
Options or Awards may be  granted  under the Plan,  (ii) the number and class of
Shares or other  stock or  securities  which are  subject  to  Director  Options
issuable  under  Section  5; and (iii) the  number  and class of Shares or other
stock or securities  which are subject to outstanding  Options or Awards granted
under the Plan, and the purchase  price  therefor,  if applicable;  and (iv) the
maximum number and class of Shares or other stock or securities  with respect to
which Options or Awards may be granted to any Eligible Employee.

            (b) Any such  adjustment  in the Shares or other stock or securities
subject to outstanding Incentive Stock Options (including any adjustments in the
purchase price) shall be made in such manner as not to constitute a modification
as  defined by Section  424(h)(3)  of the Code and only to the extent  otherwise
permitted by Sections 422 and 424 of the Code.

            (c) Any stock  adjustment in the Shares or other stock or securities
subject to  outstanding  Director  Options  (including  any  adjustments  in the
purchase  price)  shall be made only to the extent  necessary  to  maintain  the
proportionate  interest of the Optionee and  preserve,  without  exceeding,  the
value of such Director Option.

            (d) If, by reason of a Change  in  Capitalization,  a Grantee  of an
Award  shall be  entitled  to, or an  Optionee  shall be entitled to exercise an
Option  with  respect  to,  new,  additional  or  different  shares  of stock or
securities,  such new additional or different  shares shall thereupon be subject
to all of the  conditions,  restrictions  and  performance  criteria  which were
applicable  to the Shares  subject  to the Award or Option,  as the case may be,
prior to such Change in Capitalization.

      13. Effect of Certain  Transactions.  Subject to Sections 7.4, 8.7, 9.4(b)
and 10.4, in the event of (i) the  liquidation  or dissolution of the Company or
(ii) a merger or  consolidation of the Company (a  "Transaction"),  the Plan and
the Options and Awards issued  hereunder  shall continue in effect in accordance
with their  respective  terms and each Optionee and Grantee shall be entitled to
receive in respect of each Share subject to any  outstanding  Options or Awards,
as the case may be,  upon  exercise  of any  Option or payment  or  transfer  in
respect  of any Award,  the same  number  and kind of stock,  securities,  cash,
property,  or other  consideration  that each holder of a Share was  entitled to
receive in the Transaction in respect of a Share.

      14. Termination and Amendment of the Plan. The Plan shall terminate on the
day  preceding the tenth annual  anniversary  of the date of its adoption by the
Board and no Option or Award may be  granted  thereafter.  The Board may  sooner
terminate  the Plan and the Board  may at any time and from time to time  amend,
modify or suspend the Plan; provided, however, that:

            (a) No such amendment, modification, suspension or termination shall
impair or  adversely  alter any Options or Awards  therefore  granted  under the
Plan,  except  with the  consent  of the  Optionee  or  Grantee,  nor  shall any
amendment,  modification,  suspension  or  termination  deprive any  Optionee or
Grantee of any Shares which he or she may have  acquired  through or as a result
of the Plan;

            (b) To the extent necessary under applicable law, no amendment shall
be effective  unless  approved by the  stockholders of the Company in accordance
with applicable law and regulations.

            (c) The provisions of Section 5 shall not be amended more often than
once every six (6) months,  other than to comport with changes in the Code,  the
Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,  or the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder.

      15.  Non-Exclusivity  of the Plan.  The  adoption of the Plan by the Board
shall not be construed  as amending,  modifying  or  rescinding  any  previously
approved  incentive  arrangements or as creating any limitations on the power of
the Board to adopt such other  incentive  arrangements as it may deem desirable,
including,  without  limitation,  the granting of stock options  otherwise  than
under the Plan, and such arrangements may be either applicable generally or only
in specific cases.

      16.   Limitation of Liability.  As  illustrative  of the  limitations of
liability of the Company,  but not intended to be exhaustive thereof,  nothing
in the Plan shall be construed to:

      (i)   give any person  any right to be granted an Option or Award  other
than at the sole discretion of the Committee;

      (ii)  give any  person  any  rights  whatsoever  with  respect to Shares
except as specifically provided in the Plan;

      (iii) limit in any way the right of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  to
terminate the employment of any person at any time; or

      (iv) be evidence of any agreement or understanding,  expressed or implied,
that the Company will employ any person at any particular  rate of  compensation
or for any particular period of time.

      17.   Regulations and Other Approvals; Governing Law.

      17.1 Except as to matters of federal law,  this Plan and the rights of all
persons claiming  hereunder shall be construed and determined in accordance with
the  laws of the  State of Texas  without  giving  effect  to  conflict  of laws

      17.2 The  obligation of the Company to sell or deliver Shares with respect
to Options and Awards  granted under the Plan shall be subject to all applicable
laws,  rules  and  regulations,  including  all  applicable  federal  and  state
securities  laws,  and the  obtaining  of all  such  approvals  by  governmental
agencies as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee.

      17.3 The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3  promulgated under the
Exchange Act and Section 162 (m) of the Code, and the Committee  shall interpret
and  administer  the  provisions  of the  Plan  or  any  Agreement  in a  manner
consistent  therewith.  Any provisions  inconsistent  with such Rule and Section
162(m) of the Code shall be inoperative and shall not affect the validity of the

      17.4 The Board may make such changes as may be necessary or appropriate to
comply with the rules and regulations of any government authority,  or to obtain
for Eligible  Employees  granted  Incentive Stock Options the tax benefits under
the applicable provisions of the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder.

      17.5 Each Option and Award is subject to the  requirement  that, if at any
time the Committee determines, in its discretion, that the listing, registration
or  qualification  of Shares  issuable  pursuant  to the Plan is required by any
securities  exchange  or under any  state or  federal  law,  or the  consent  or
approval of any  governmental  regulatory  body is  necessary  or desirable as a
condition  of,  or in  connection  with,  the grant of an Option or Award or the
issuance  of Shares,  no Options or Awards  shall be granted or payment  made or
Shares issued, in whole or in part, unless listing, registration, qualification,
consent or approval  has been  effected or obtained  free of any  conditions  as
acceptable to the Committee.

      17.6  Notwithstanding  anything  contained in the Plan or any Agreement to
the contrary,  in the event that the disposition of Shares acquired  pursuant to
the Plan is not  covered  by a then  current  registration  statement  under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended,  and is not  otherwise  exempt  from such
registration,  such Shares shall be  restricted  against  transfer to the extent
required  by the  Securities  Act of  1933,  as  amended,  and Rule 144 or other
regulations  thereunder.  The  Committee  may require any  individual  receiving
Shares  pursuant to an Option or Award  granted  under the Plan,  as a condition
precedent to receipt of such Shares,  to represent and warrant to the Company in
writing that the Shares acquired by such individual are acquired  without a view
to any  distribution  thereof  and will not be sold or  transferred  other  than
pursuant to an effective  registration  thereof under said Act or pursuant to an
exemption  applicable under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder.  The certificates evidencing any of such
Shares shall be  appropriately  amended to reflect  their  status as  restricted
securities as aforesaid.

      18. Pooling Transactions.  Notwithstanding  anything contained in the Plan
or any Agreement to the  contrary,  in the event of a Change in Control which is
also intended to constitute a pooling  transaction under the Code, the Committee
shall  take  such  actions,  if  any,  as  are  specifically  recommended  by an
independent  accounting  firm  retained by the Company to the extent  reasonable
necessary in order to assure that the pooling  transaction will qualify as such,
including  but not limited to (i)  deferring  the  vesting,  exercise,  payment,
settlement or lapsing of restrictions  with respect to any Option or Award, (ii)
providing  that the payment or  settlement  in respect of any Option or Award be
made in the form of cash, Shares or securities of a successor or acquirer of the
Company,  or a  combination  of the  foregoing,  and  (iii)  providing  for  the
extension  of the  term of any  Option  or  Award  to the  extent  necessary  to
accommodate  the  foregoing,  but not beyond the maximum term  permitted for any
Option or Award.

      19.   Miscellaneous.

      19.1  Multiple  Agreements.  The terms of each  Option or Award may differ
from other Options or Awards granted under the Plan at the same time, or at some
other  time.  The  Committee  may also  grant more than one Option or Award to a
given Eligible  Employee during the term of the Plan,  either in addition to, or
in substitution  for, one or more Options or Awards  previously  granted to that
Eligible Employee.

      19.2  Withholding of Taxes. (a) The Company shall have the right to deduct
from any  distribution of cash to any Director,  Optionee or Grantee,  an amount
equal to the federal,  state and local income taxes and other  amounts as may be
required by law to be withheld  (the  "Withholding  Taxes")  with respect to the
receipt of any retainer fee, Option or Award. If a Director, Optionee or Grantee
is to  experience  a taxable  event in  connection  with the  receipt  of Shares
pursuant  to a payment  in stock,  Option  exercise  or  payment  of an Award (a
"Taxable  Event"),  the Director,  Optionee or Grantee shall pay the Withholding
Taxes to the Company  prior to the  issuance,  or release from  escrow,  of such
Shares.  In  satisfaction  of the  obligation  to pay  Withholding  Taxes to the
Company, the Director, Optionee or Grantee may make a written election (the "Tax
Election"), which may be accepted or rejected in the discretion of the Committee
or Company  Secretary,  as applicable,  to have withheld a portion of the Shares
then issuable to him or her having an aggregate  Fair Market Value,  on the date
preceding  the  date of such  issuance,  equal  to the  Withholding  Taxes.  The
Committee may, by the adoption of rules or otherwise,  (i) modify the provisions
of this  Section  19.2 (other than as regards  Director  Options) or impose such
other restrictions or limitations on Tax Elections as may be necessary to ensure
that the Tax Elections  will be exempt  transactions  under Section 16(b) of the
Exchange  Act, and (ii) permit Tax  Elections to be made at such other times and
subject to such other  conditions as the Committee  determines  will  constitute
exempt transactions under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act.

            (b) If an  Optionee  makes a  disposition,  within  the  meaning  of
Section 424(c) of the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder,  of any Share
or Shares issued to such Optionee pursuant to the exercise of an Incentive Stock
Option  within the two-year  period  commencing on the day after the date of the
grant or within  the  one-year  period  commencing  on the day after the date of
transfer of such Share or Shares to the Optionee pursuant to such exercise,  the
Optionee  shall,  within ten (10) days of such  disposition,  notify the Company
thereof, by delivery of written notice to the Company at its principal executive

            (c) The Committee shall have the authority,  at the time of grant of
an Employee Option or Award under the Plan or at any time  thereafter,  to award
tax bonuses to designated Optionees or Grantees,  to be paid upon their exercise
of  Employee  Options or payment in  respect of Awards  granted  hereunder.  The
amount of any such payments shall be determined by the Committee.  The Committee
shall have full authority in its absolute  discretion to determine the amount of
any such tax bonus  and the  terms and  conditions  affecting  the  vesting  and
payment thereof.

      20.  Effective Date. The effective date of the Plan shall be May 31, 1997,
after the date of its adoption by the Board, and the approval by the affirmative
vote of the holders of a majority of the securities of the Company  present,  or
represented,  and  entitled  to vote at a meeting of  stockholders  duly held in
accordance with the applicable laws of the State of Delaware within 12 months of
such adoption.