Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 10-Q

- ---                                                                     
      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

      For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1997



      For the transition period from_________ to__________

                          Commission File No. 1-5571

                              TANDY CORPORATION
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 Delaware                          75-1047710
      (State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)           Identification No.)

      100 Throckmorton, Suite 1800,  Fort Worth, Texas 76102
      (Address of principal executive offices)     (Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (817) 390-3700

             (Former name,former address and former fiscal year, 
                       if changed since last report.)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No __

The number of shares  outstanding of the issuer's Common Stock, $1 par value, on
July 31, 1997 was 52,982,184.

       Index to Exhibits is on Sequential Page No. 16. Total pages 131.

                        PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                  Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                                       June 30,              June 30,
(In millions, except per share amounts)             1997     1996        1997       1996
                                                  --------  --------   --------  ---------

Net sales and operating revenues                  $1,146.0  $1,352.9   $2,437.7  $ 2,799.9
Cost of products sold                                700.4     878.9    1,540.5    1,834.2
                                                  --------  --------   --------  ---------
Gross profit                                         445.6     474.0      897.2      965.7
                                                  --------  --------   --------  ---------

Selling, general and administrative                  367.9     401.5      747.4      815.4
Depreciation an amortization                          23.6      27.0       47.2       52.4
Provision for restructuring cost                       --       25.5        --        25.5
Impairment of long-lived assets                        --        --         --        26.0
                                                  --------  --------   --------   --------
                                                     391.5     454.0      794.6      919.3
                                                  --------  --------   --------   --------

Income before interest and income taxes               54.1      20.0      102.6       46.4

Interest income                                        2.7       3.7        4.9        7.5
Interest expense                                     (10.2)     (8.9)     (19.2)     (16.0)
                                                  --------   --------  --------    ---------
Net interest expense                                  (7.5)     (5.2)     (14.3)      (8.5)

Income before income taxes                            46.6      14.8       88.3       37.9

Provision for income taxes                            17.9       5.5       34.0       14.1
                                                  --------   --------  --------    ---------

Net income                                            28.7        9.3      54.3       23.8

Preferred dividends                                    1.5        1.6       3.1        3.2
                                                  --------   --------  --------    ---------

Net income available to common shareholders        $  27.2   $    7.7  $   51.2  $    20.6
                                                  ========   ========  ========    =========

Net income available per average common
     and common equivalent share                   $   0.50  $    0.13 $    0.92 $     0.34
                                                   ========  ========= ========= ==========

Average common and common
     equivalent shares outstanding                    54.7       61.0      55.5       61.2
                                                   ========  ========= ========= ==========

Dividends declared per common share               $    0.20  $   0.20  $    0.40 $     0.40                  
                                                   ========  ========= ========= ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                   Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)

                                                           June 30,  December 31,   June 30,
(In millions)                                                1997        1996         1996
- -------------                                             ---------    ---------   ---------

Current assets:
  Cash and short-term investments                         $   71.3    $   121.5   $   140.1
  Accounts and notes receivable, less
    allowance for doubtful accounts                          241.9        227.2       266.6
  Inventories, at lower of cost or market                  1,108.9      1,420.5     1,487.3
  Other current assets                                       151.5        170.6        63.0
                                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

    Total current assets                                   1,573.6      1,939.8     1,957.0

Property, plant and equipment, at cost,
  less accumulated depreciation                              546.3        545.6       603.6

Other assets, net of accumulated amortization                126.9         98.0        87.9
                                                          ---------   ----------   --------
                                                          $2,246.8     $2,583.4    $2,648.5
                                                          =========    =========  =========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Short-term debt, including current
  maturities of long-term debt                            $  469.9     $  245.3    $  358.1
Current portion of capital lease obligations                   0.5          0.4         0.4

Current portion of TESOP guarantee                            12.3         12.3        16.0
Accounts payable                                             222.5        404.9       342.6
Accrued expenses                                             272.5        425.3       235.4
Income taxes payable                                          53.8        105.3        45.6
                                                           --------    ---------  ---------

    Total current liabilities                              1,031.5      1,193.5       998.1
                                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                  15.1         35.1        35.2
Capital lease obligations, excluding current maturities       29.0         29.3        29.5
Guarantee of TESOP indebtedness                               33.8         39.9        42.6
Other non-current liabilities                                 21.8         20.8        19.4
                                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

    Total other liabilities                                   99.7        125.1       126.7
                                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Stockholders' Equity:
 Preferred stock, no par value, 1.0 million 
  shares authorized
  Series A junior participating, 0.1 million
   shares authorized and none issued                         --            --          --
  Series B convertible, 0.1 million shares 
   authorized and issued                                    100.0         100.0       100.0
 Common stock, $1 par value, 250.0 million shares
  authorized with 85.6 million shares issued                 85.6          85.6        85.6
 Additional paid-in-capital                                 107.2         105.3       104.5
 Retained earnings                                        2,219.1       2,188.9     2,329.5
 Foreign currency translation effects                        (2.5)         (1.0)       (3.1)
 Common stock in treasury, at cost, 32.1 million, 
  28.4 million and 25.5 million shares, respectively     (1,351.2)     (1,164.5)   (1,041.9)
 Unearned deferred  compensation related to TESOP           (42.6)        (46.9)      (50.9)
 Unrealized loss on securities available for sale             --           (2.6)        --
                                                         ---------     ---------   ---------
  Total stockholders' equity                              1,115.6       1,264.8     1,523.7                                 
Commitments and contingent liabilities
                                                         ---------     ---------   ---------                                
                                                         $2,246.8      $2,583.4    $2,648.5
                                                         =========     =========   =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

              Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

                                                                           Six Months Ended
                                                                               June 30,
(In millions)                                                             1997         1996
 ------------                                                           --------     --------

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                             $   54.3    $   23.8

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
 provided by operating activities:
    Provision for restructuring cost                                       --          25.5
    Impairment of long-lived assets                                        --          26.0
    Depreciation and amortization                                          47.2        52.4
    Provision for credit losses and bad debt                                1.7         0.6
    Other items                                                             1.0         1.8

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
  Receivables                                                              18.6        57.1
  Inventories                                                             276.7        24.7
  Other current assets                                                     --           1.5
  Accounts payable, accrued expenses and income taxes                    (373.1)     (173.5)
                                                                        --------    --------
  Net cash provided by operating activities                                26.4        39.9
                                                                        --------    --------

Investing activities:
  Additions to property, plant and equipment                              (54.9)      (86.6)
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                       3.4         1.6
  Other investing activities                                               (0.4)       (5.8)
                                                                        --------    --------
  Net cash used by investing activities                                   (51.9)      (90.8)
                                                                        --------    --------

Financing activities:
  Purchase of treasury stock                                             (222.7)     (105.1)
  Sale of treasury stock to employee stock                                 19.6        22.8
   purchase program                                   
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                   6.0         6.8
  Dividends paid, net of taxes                                            (24.7)      (26.7)
  Changes in short-term borrowings, net                                   232.0       150.8
  Additions to long-term borrowings                                        --           1.3
  Repayments of long-term borrowings                                      (34.9)       (2.4)
                                                                        --------    --------
  Net cash provided (used) by financing activities                        (24.7)       47.5
                                                                        --------    --------

Decrease in cash and short-term investments                               (50.2)       (3.4)
Cash and short-term investments, beginning of period                      121.5       143.5
                                                                        --------    --------
Cash and short-term investments, end of period                         $   71.3   $   140.1
                                                                        ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



The accompanying  unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared
in accordance  with the  instructions to Form 10-Q and do not include all of the
information and footnotes required by generally accepted  accounting  principles
for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments
(consisting  of  normal  recurring  accruals)  considered  necessary  for a fair
presentation have been included. Operating results for the six months ended June
30, 1997 are not necessarily  indicative of the results that may be expected for
the year  ending  December  31,  1997.  For  further  information,  refer to the
consolidated  financial  statements and management's  discussion and analysis of
results of operations and financial  condition  included in Tandy  Corporation's
("Tandy" or the  "Company")  1996 Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 1996.


In February  1997, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued
Financial  Accounting Standard No. 128, Earnings per Share ("FAS 128"), which is
effective for financial  statements issued for periods ending after December 15,
1997,  including interim periods.  Effective December 31, 1997, the Company will
adopt FAS 128, which establishes standards for computing and presenting earnings
per share ("EPS"). The statement requires dual presentation of basic and diluted
EPS on the face of the  income  statement  for  entities  with  complex  capital
structures and requires a reconciliation of the numerator and denominator of the
basic EPS  computation  to the  numerator  and  denominator  of the  diluted EPS
computation.  Basic EPS excludes the effect of potentially  dilutive  securities
while  diluted EPS reflects the  potential  dilution that would have occurred if
securities  or  other  contracts  to issue  common  stock  had  been  exercised,
converted,  or  resulted in the  issuance  of common  stock that would have then
shared in the earnings of the entity.

The pro-forma EPS amounts shown below have been calculated  assuming the Company
had already adopted the provisions of this statement:

               Three Months Ended June 30,         Six Months Ended June 30,
               ---------------------------         -------------------------
                    1997        1996                   1997        1996
                 --------    --------                --------    --------
Basic EPS        $   0.50    $   0.13                $   0.93    $   0.34
                 ========    ========                ========    ========
Diluted EPS      $   0.49    $   0.13                $   0.93    $   0.34
                 ========    ========                ========    ========


On June 26, 1997, the Company  organized a new  subsidiary,  Computer City, Inc.
("CCI"), and thereafter conveyed to it certain related assets and liabilities of
the Company's  Computer City division.  On July 17, 1997 Eureka Venture Partners
III LLP, a Texas limited liability partnership ("Eureka"),  entered into a Stock
Purchase  Agreement with the Company to acquire 19.9% of the outstanding  common
stock of CCI for a total purchase price of $24.9 million, payable in cash (1% of
the purchase price) and a note (99% of the purchase price) issued by Eureka. The
note is secured only by the common shares of CCI held by Eureka and  accordingly
a  minority  interest  will  not  be  recognized  in  the  Company's   financial
statements.  The note  accrues  interest  at 8% per annum and is  payable  on or
before July 17,  2002.  Pursuant to the terms of the Stock  Purchase  Agreement,
Eureka and its  principals  will provide a new senior  management  team for CCI.
This new  management  team will consist of Nathan  Morton,  CCI Chief  Executive
Officer and Co-Chairman,  Avery More, CCI Vice Chairman,  and Robert Boutin, CCI
Chief Financial Officer,  all of whom are principals of Eureka.  John V. Roach,
the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, will serve as the other
Co-Chairman  of CCI and as its  President.  Eureka  also  acquired  a warrant to
purchase an additional  20.1% of the  outstanding  common stock of CCI for $31.4
million  payable  in cash (at least 10% of the  purchase  price) and a note (not
more  than  90% of the  purchase  price)  issued  by  Eureka.  This  warrant  is
exercisable upon either the attainment of certain financial performance goals by
CCI or upon the date CCI is established as an independent entity.

In  connection  with the creation of CCI,  the Company  assigned to CCI, and CCI
assumed the  Company's  obligations  under,  a $125  million  subordinated  note
payable  to  Trans  World  Electronics,   Inc.,  a  subsidiary  of  Tandy.  This
subordinated note represents certain liabilities of the Company allocable to its
Computer  City  division  that were assumed by CCI.  Also on July 17, 1997,  the
Company  provided to CCI a $150 million line of credit  expiring on December 31,
1997.  Any  amounts  borrowed  under  such line of credit  are  secured by CCI's
inventories and accounts receivable.

The Company and Eureka are actively  exploring  opportunities that could, over a
period  of time,  result in  establishing  CCI as an  independent  entity in the
future in one or more transactions. There can be no assurance, however, that any
such transaction or transactions will occur.

If  certain  financial  performance  goals  are  met by CCI and a sale of CCI is
effected without the approval of the CCI Board of Directors, then Eureka has the
option to require the Company to  repurchase  all shares owned by Eureka and the
exercisable  but  unexercised  portion of the warrant for  certain  amounts,  as
provided  in the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement.  In  addition,  prior to CCI being
established as an independent entity, the Company has the right to reacquire all
of the shares of CCI owned by Eureka and the exercisable but unexercised portion
of the warrant  upon payment of certain  amounts,  to be  determined  by defined
formulas pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement.


The Company's  credit facility  totals $500 million,  $200 million of which is a
one-year  facility  maturing  June 1998,  with the  remaining  $300 million in a
five-year  facility maturing June 2001. During the second quarter of 1997, Tandy
renewed a portion of its revolving credit facility with a syndicate of 18 banks.
The  revolving  credit  facility  is used as a backup for the  commercial  paper
program and may also be utilized for general corporate purposes.


On March 3, 1997, the Company  announced that its Board of Directors  authorized
management  to purchase an  additional  five million  shares of its common stock
through the  Company's  existing  share  repurchase  program which was initially
authorized in December  1995 and  subsequently  increased in October  1996.  The
share increase brings the total  authorization  to 15 million shares.  The share
repurchase  program  was  undertaken  as a result  of  management's  view of the
economic value of its stock.  Since inception,  approximately 8.2 million shares
(totaling   approximately  $371.0  million)  had  been  repurchased  under  this
authorization  as of June 30, 1997.  Purchases will be made from time to time in
the open market,  and it is expected  that funding of the program will come from
operating cash flow and existing funding sources.  During the quarter ended June
30, 1997, the Company  repurchased  approximately  1.5 million shares  (totaling
approximately  $77.6 million)  under the program.  For the six months ended June
30, 1996, the Company  repurchased  3.6 million shares  (totaling  approximately
$174.7 million) under the program.


In December  1996,  the Company  initiated  certain  restructuring  programs and
announced its plan to exit the Incredible Universe and McDuff businesses and the
closure of 21 Computer  City stores.  The  respective  McDuff and Computer  City
stores have been closed.  At December 31,  1996,  there were 17 open  Incredible
Universe locations and two that had been previously closed. As of July 31, 1997,
the  Company had  concluded  the sale of six  Incredible  Universe  stores,  and
related fixed assets and inventory, to Fry's Electronics, Inc. ("Fry's") and its
affiliates in exchange for approximately $21.5 million in cash and $98.4 million
in notes  receivable.  Approximately  $16.7 million in cash and $62.4 million of
the notes had been paid and  delivered  by June 30,  1997 as a result of four of
the six sales concluding during the first six months of 1997. The interest rates
on the notes range from 5.91% to 6.7% and the maturity dates range from one year
to five years.  Of the  remaining 13 stores at June 30,  1997,  the Company sold
five stores during July 1997 for an aggregate sales price of  approximately  $45
million in cash and $15 million in marketable  securities;  the securities  have
been sold for cash. The Company anticipates that three additional stores will be
sold by October 31, 1997. This expectation is based on an existing agreement for
one store,  as well as agreements  which are  anticipated to be entered into for
two stores for an aggregate sales price of  approximately  $26.6 million payable
in cash, notes and marketable securities.  The Company intends to dispose of the
remaining  five stores by December 31, 1997.  There can be no assurance that any
of the planned sales or dispositions will occur.

In arriving at the charges  related to the  restructuring  plan,  management was
required to make certain estimates, including but not limited to estimates about
expected proceeds from inventory sales in closed units, real estate  valuations,
timing of closed store dispositions,  and an assumption that third parties would
complete the purchase of certain  Incredible  Universe(R) stores pursuant to the
purchase and sale agreements.  Management made these estimates based on the best
information  available  at the time  and  believes  that  these  estimates  were
accurate at the time they were made.  However,  unexpected delays in the closing
of asset sales,  among other  factors,  could result in the charges and reserves
previously estimated being inadequate, and future charges may be required.

Sales and operating  revenues and operating losses of all stores closed pursuant
to the  restructuring  plans are shown below for the three and six months  ended
June 30:

                        Three Months Ended June 30,   Six Months Ended June 30,
                        ---------------------------   -------------------------
(In millions)                 1997      1996               1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales and operating revenue $ 31.2    $ 308.8            $ 158.9    $ 656.9
Operating loss              $(10.8)   $ (27.8)           $ (25.5)   $ (53.6)

Management  anticipates that the future operating losses  associated with closed
stores pursuant to the restructuring plan will be substantially less in the last
six months of 1997 than in the first six months of 1997.

Pre-tax  restructuring  and  other  charges  for 1996  totaled  $366.3  million,
categorized as follows in the 1996 Consolidated Statements of Income:

                                            (In millions)
Impairment of long-lived assets (1)           $   112.8
Lower of cost or market inventory impairment       91.4
Other restructuring (2)                           162.1 
1996 pre-tax restructuring and other charges  $   366.3

(1) Reflects the  adoption of  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards
  No.  121  "Accounting  for  the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets  and for
  Long-Lived   Assets  to  be  Disposed   Of"  ("FAS  121")  and  the  related
  restructuring charges.

(2) The  remaining  reserve at December  31, 1996  related to these  charges was
  $137.7 million.

Following is an analysis of the amounts  charged  against the reserve during the
six months ended June 30, 1997:

                              Balance   1/1/97-    Balance
                              12/31/96  6/30/97    6/30/97
(In millions)                              
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Lease obligations             $   93.5  $  (38.5) $  55.0
Contract termination costs        13.2     (13.2)      --
Termination benefits               4.6      (4.6)      --
Other (1)                         26.4     (10.6)    15.8
                              --------  --------- --------
Total                        $   137.7  $  (66.9) $  70.8
                              ========  ========= ========

(1)  Includes reserves for bad debt write-offs, various taxes, legal fees, and
     other miscellaneous charges.


Cash flows from operating activities included cash payments as follows:

                          Three Months Ended June 30,  Six Months Ended June 30,
                          ---------------------------  -------------------------
(In millions)                  1997      1996                1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest paid               $  13.2    $  9.0             $  20.7   $   15.9
Income taxes paid           $   8.6    $ 25.9             $  52.8   $   49.5

Through June 1997, the Company has received notes approximating $62.4 million as
a partial payment on the sale of Incredible Universe assets.


In June 1997,  FASB issued  Financial  Accounting  Standard  No. 130,  Reporting
Comprehensive  Income ("FAS 130"),  and Financial  Accounting  Standard No. 131,
Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information ("FAS 131"),
which are  effective  for  fiscal  years  beginning  after  December  15,  1997.
Effective January 1, 1998, the Company will adopt FAS130 and FAS131.


Factors That May Affect Future Results

Tandy Corporation  ("Tandy" or "Company")  participates in a highly  competitive
industry that is characterized by aggressive  pricing practices in an attempt to
gain market share. In developing  strategies to achieve  continued  increases in
sales and operating profits, the Company anticipates customer demand in managing
its product transitions, inventory levels, and distribution cycles. Due to rapid
technological   advances  affecting  consumer  electronic  product  cycles,  the
Company's  operating  results could be adversely  affected should the Company be
unable to  anticipate  product  cycle and/or  customer  demand  accurately.  The
Company's  ability to achieve  targeted sales and earnings levels depends upon a
number of competitive and market factors and, accordingly,  are subject to risk.
In addition, see Restructuring Charges and Recent Developments for other factors
that could affect earnings.

The regulatory and trade environment in which the Company operates is subject to
risk and uncertainty. Unfavorable tariffs affecting electronic products imported
from Asia as a result of a change in U.S. trade  agreements or trade  imbalances
could affect the Company. In addition, as a result of the Telecommunications Act
of 1996, the deregulated  telecommunications market in the future is expected to
present both  opportunities and increased  competition to the  telecommunication
industry's historical role of providing  telecommunication equipment and service
to consumers.

With the  exception of  historical  information,  the matters  discussed  herein
contain  forward-looking  statements  (within  the meaning of Section 27A of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section 21E of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended) that involve risks and  uncertainties and are indicated
by words such as "anticipates",  "expects",  "believes",  "plans",  "could", and
similar words and phrases.  These uncertainties include, but are not limited to,
economic conditions including consumer installment debt levels and interest rate
fluctuations,  shifts  in  consumer  electronic  product  cycles,  technological
advances or a lack thereof, consumer demand for products and services,  ultimate
method  and timing of asset  dispositions  as they  relate  to store  closures,
construction schedules being met, competitive products and pricing, availability
of products,  inventory risks due to shifts in market demand, the regulatory and
trade  environment,   strength  of  equity  markets,  maintenance  of  strategic
alliances,  and  other  risks  indicated  in  filings  by the  Company  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

Net Sales and Operating Revenues

Net sales and operating revenues for the periods ended June 30 were:

                               Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                    June 30,     %Increase      June 30,        %Increase
(In millions)                   1997       1996  (Decrease)   1997      1996    (Decrease)
                              --------- ---------  ------   --------  --------    ------

RadioShack                   $  670.9  $ 651.3(1)   3.0%  $1,344.9  $1,323.9(1)   1.6%
Computer City                   412.2    377.1(2)   9.3      883.2     786.1(2)  12.4
                              --------- ---------          --------  --------
Total continuing retail       1,083.1  1,028.4      5.3    2,228.1   2,110.0      5.6

Total closing retail             31.2    308.8    (89.9)     158.9     656.9    (75.8)
Other Sales                      31.7     15.7    101.9       50.7      33.0     53.6
                             --------- ---------           --------- ---------
                             $1,146.0 $1,352.9    (15.3)% $2,437.7  $2,799.9    (12.9)%
                             ========= =========          ========  ========

(1)  Adjusted  to exclude  units  associated  with the 1996  restructuring  plan
     (including Tandy Name Brands and Famous Brands).

(2)  Adjusted  to  exclude  units  associated  with  the  1996   restructuring

Continuing  retail  operations  generated 5.3% and 5.6% sales gain for the three
and  six  month  periods  ended  June  30,  1997.  Tandy  Corporation's  overall
comparable store sales for U.S. and Canadian retail operations were flat for the
quarter and six-month period.

RadioShack's  overall  continuing  sales increased 3.0% for the quarter and 1.6%
year to date. Second quarter  comparable sales rose 1.0% over last year and were
flat for the six month  period  ended  June 30,  1997.  Sales of audio and video
products  were down for the quarter and six month  period  ended June 30,  1997,
which is indicative of the heightened  level of competition  within the industry
and lower consumer  demand which  negatively  impacted the consumer  electronics
industry as a whole. Wireless communications,  direct-to-home satellite systems,
batteries, and telephone products experienced growth on a comparable store basis
during the first six months of 1997.

Computer City's overall  continuing store sales increased 9.3% and 12.4% for the
three and six month  periods ended June 30, 1997.  U.S. and Canadian  comparable
store sales for Computer City declined 2.0% for the quarter and comparable sales
were flat for the six months ended June 30, 1997.  The overall sales increase is
primarily  attributable to 1997 revenues  generated by 12 new stores that opened
since the second quarter of 1996.  Same store sales were impacted by declines in
the average selling price of personal computers and printers,  declines in sales
of  non-MS-DOS  compatible  computers,   and  the  lack  of  new  products  with
significant technological advances offset partially by increased corporate sales
of computers,  printers,  and peripherals.  See Recent  Developments below for a
further discussion regarding Computer City.

- --------------
                                   June 30,  March 31,  December 31,  June 30,
                                     1997      1997       1996 (1)    1996 (1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Company owned                      4,889      4,875       4,942       4,869
 Dealer/Franchise                   1,947      1,919       1,927       1,950
Computer City                          94         93         113         103
Incredible Universe                     3          6          17          16
                                 --------   --------    --------    --------
Total Number of Retail Outlets      6,933      6,893       6,999       6,938
                                 ========   ========    ========    ========

(1)   Includes stores closed under the December 1996 store closure plan.

Gross Profit

Gross profit as a percent of net sales and  operating  revenues was 38.9% during
the  three  months  ended  June  30,  1997  as  compared  to  35.0%  during  the
corresponding  1996 period. For the six months ended June 30, 1997 and 1996, the
gross profit  percentages were 36.8% and 34.5%,  respectively.  This increase in
gross profit is a result of the reduction in sales of Tandy's lower gross margin
retail  formats,  Computer City and  Incredible  Universe,  as compared to total
revenues. Excluding Incredible Universe, the gross profit percent of sales would
have approximated  40.1% and 38.8% for the quarter and six months ended June 30,
1997.  As the  reduction of lower  margin  sales  continues in relation to total
sales,  management  anticipates gross profit will increase slightly for the year
ended  December  31,  1997.  In the second  quarter of 1997,  Computer  City and
Incredible  Universe  accounted for approximately  38.7% of consolidated  sales,
compared to 48.4% in the second  quarter of 1996.  For the six months ended June
30,  1997  and  1996,  Computer  City  and  Incredible  Universe  accounted  for
approximately 42.7% and 49.1% of consolidated sales, respectively.  RadioShack's
gross margin as a percent of sales  increased 1.4% for the quarter and increased
less than 1.0% for the six-month period ended June 30, 1997. The increase is due
to increased sales of higher-margin  core products.  Computer City's  continuing
store gross margin  decreased less than one  percentage  point during the second
quarter and  six-month  period  ended June 30,  1997,  primarily  as a result of
increased corporate merchandise sales.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

Selling,  general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses as a percent of net sales
and operating  revenues for the second quarter of 1997 were 32.1% as compared to
29.7% during the second quarter of 1996 and the respective  percentages  for the
six months  ended June 30, 1997 and 1996 were 30.7% as  compared to 29.1%.  This
increase is primarily a result of the  reduction  in sales of Computer  City and
Incredible  Universe,  as compared to total revenues  (further  described  under
Gross Profit).  Consolidated  advertising expense declined 33.2% for the quarter
and 26.7% for the six months ended June 30, 1997 from the comparable  periods in
the prior  year.  This  decline  is  primarily  the result of  increased  market
development  funds  and  cooperative  vendor  advertising  programs,  as well as
reductions  in  Incredible  Universe  advertising  from  last year due to stores
closed pursuant to the 1996 restructuring plan. In addition, for the 3 month and
6 month  period  ended June 30,  1997,  rent and payroll  costs  increased  as a
percent to sales;  however,  actual dollars  expensed  decreased  primarily as a
result of the 1996 store closure plan. Excluding Incredible Universe,  SG&A as a
percent of sales would have approximated 32.2% and 31.1% for the quarter and six
months ended June 30, 1997, respectively. The Company expects SG&A expenses as a
percent of sales to increase  slightly  over the remainder of the fiscal year as
RadioShack,  which  operates at higher  relative costs than  consolidated  Tandy
Corporation,  continues to increase in its  proportion  of the  Company's  total

Restructuring Charges

In December  1996,  the Company  initiated  certain  restructuring  programs and
announced its plan to exit the Incredible Universe and McDuff businesses and the
closure of 21 Computer  City stores.  The  respective  McDuff and Computer  City
stores have been closed.  At December 31,  1996,  there were 17 open  Incredible
Universe locations and two that had been previously closed. As of July 31, 1997,
the  Company had  concluded  the sale of six  Incredible  Universe  stores,  and
related fixed assets and inventory, to Fry's Electronics, Inc. ("Fry's") and its
affiliates in exchange for approximately $21.5 million in cash and $98.4 million
in notes  receivable.  Approximately  $16.7 million in cash and $62.4 million of
the notes had been paid and  delivered  by June 30,  1997 as a result of four of
the six sales concluding during the first six months of 1997. The interest rates
on the notes range from 5.91% to 6.7% and the maturity dates range from one year
to five years.  Of the  remaining 13 stores at June 30,  1997,  the Company sold
five stores during July 1997 for an aggregate sales price of  approximately  $45
million in cash and $15 million in marketable  securities;  the securities  have
been sold for cash. The Company anticipates that three additional stores will be
sold by October 31, 1997. This expectation is based on an existing agreement for
one store,  as well as agreements  which are  anticipated to be entered into for
two stores for an aggregate sales price of  approximately  $26.6 million payable
in cash, notes and marketable securities.  The Company intends to dispose of the
remaining  five stores by December 31, 1997.  There can be no assurance that any
of the planned sales or dispositions will occur.

In arriving at the charges  related to the  restructuring  plan,  management was
required to make  certain  estimates  including,  but not limited to,  estimates
about  expected  proceeds  from  inventory  sales in closed  units,  real estate
valuations,  timing of closed store  dispositions,  and an assumption that third
parties would  complete the purchase of certain  Incredible  Universe(R)  stores
pursuant to the purchase and sale  agreements.  Management  made these estimates
based on the best  information  available  at the time and  believes  that these
estimates were accurate at the time they were made.  However,  unexpected delays
in the closing of asset sales, among other factors,  could result in the charges
and reserves previously estimated being inadequate,  and future charges would be

Sales and operating  revenues and operating losses of all stores closed pursuant
to the  restructuring  plans are shown below for the three and six months  ended
June 30:

                          Three Months Ended June 30,  Six Months Ended June 30,
                          ---------------------------  -------------------------
                                1997         1996             1997         1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales and operating revenue $   31.2      $ 308.8          $  158.9    $  656.9
Operating loss              $  (10.8)     $ (27.8)         $  (25.5)   $  (53.6)

Management  anticipates that the future operating losses  associated with closed
stores pursuant to the restructuring plan will be substantially less in the last
six months of 1997 than in the first six months of 1997.

Pre-tax  restructuring  and  other  charges  for 1996  totaled  $366.3  million,
categorized as follows in the 1996 Consolidated Statements of Income:

                                                (In millions)
Impairment of long-lived assets(1)                 $ 112.8 
Lower of cost or market inventory impairment          91.4
Other restructuring(2)                               162.1
1996 pre-tax restructuring and other charges      $  366.3  

(1) Reflects the  adoption of  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards
    No.  121  "Accounting  for  the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets  and for
    Long-Lived   Assets  to  be  Disposed   Of"  ("FAS  121")  and  the  related
    restructuring charges.

(2) The  remaining  reserve at December  31, 1996  related to these  charges was
    $137.7 million.

Following is an analysis of the amounts  charged  against the reserve during the
six months ended June 30, 1997:

                                        Balance   1/1/97    Balance
(In millions)                           12/31/96  6/30/97   6/30/97
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lease obligations                       $   93.5  $  (38.5)  $   55.0
Contract termination costs                  13.2     (13.2)       --
Termination benefits                         4.6      (4.6)       --
Other(1)                                    26.4     (10.6)      15.8
                                        --------  ---------  --------
Total                                   $  137.7  $  (66.9) $    70.8
                                        =========  ========= =========

(1)  Includes reserves for bad  debt write-offs, various taxes, legal fees, and
     other miscellaneous charges.

For a further discussion on Computer City, see Recent Developments below.

Net Interest Expense

Net interest  expense for the quarter ended June 30, 1997 was $7.5  million,  an
increase of $2.3 million from $5.2  million in the second  quarter of 1996.  Net
interest  expense for the six months ended June 30, 1997 was $14.3  million,  an
increase of $5.8 million from $8.5 million in the comparable  prior year period.
This  net  increase  in  expense  is  the  result  of  the  Company's  increased
utilization  of its  short-term  facilities  for the  ongoing  share  repurchase
program. Interest expense is expected to continue to increase as short-term debt
is refinanced under the anticipated  long-term debt funding, and short-term debt
funding (other than unsecured medium-term notes) for share repurchases continues
(see Cash Flow and Financial Condition).

Provision for Income Taxes

Provision for income taxes for each quarterly period is based on the estimate of
the annual  effective  tax rate for the fiscal year as  evaluated  at the end of
each quarter. The effective tax rates for the six months ended June 30, 1997 and
1996 were 38.5% and 37.2%,  respectively.  The 1996 tax rate was lower primarily
due to the favorable resolution of a foreign tax issue.

Cash Flow and Financial Condition

Cash flow generated from operating activities  approximated $26.4 million in the
six-month  period ended June 30, 1997 as compared to $39.9  million in the prior
year. This change relates primarily to shifts among working capital  components,
mainly current liabilities,  including charges associated with the restructuring
reserve  which  were  partially  offset by  increases  from the  liquidation  of
inventories  associated  with closed stores.  Management  anticipates the future
cash  expenditures  related  to stores  closed  pursuant  to the  December  1996
restructuring plan will be substantially less in the third and fourth quarter of
1997 as opposed to the six months ended June 30, 1997.

Investing  activities involved capital  expenditures  totaling $54.9 million for
the six month period ended June 30, 1997,  primarily  for retail  expansion  and
upgrading information systems.  Management  anticipates that capital expenditure
requirements  will approximate  $75.0 million to $85.0 million for the remainder
of 1997, primarily to support RadioShack retail expansion and refurbishments and
other capital expenditures including updating additional information systems.

Cash provided by financing  activities  for the six-month  period ended June 30,
1997  includes  the  addition  of $232.0  million of  short-term  debt which was
primarily  utilized for the  repurchase of $222.7  million of common stock.  The
Company  believes  that  its  cash  flows  from  operations,  cash on  hand  and
availability under its existing funding sources are adequate to fund the planned
capital  expenditures and share  repurchase  program.  In addition,  most of the
Company's new stores are leased rather than owned.

Cash and short-term  investments at June 30, 1997 were $71.3 million as compared
to $121.5  million at  December  31, 1996 and $140.1  million at June 30,  1996.
Total debt as a percentage of total  capitalization  was 33.4% at June 30, 1997,
compared to 22.3% at December  31,  1996 and 24.0% at June 30,  1996.  Long-term
debt as a percentage of total  capitalization was 4.6% at June 30, 1997 compared
to  6.4%  at   December   31,   1996   and   5.4%  at   June   30,   1996.   The
debt-to-capitalization  ratios could  increase as Tandy  continues to repurchase
shares under the existing  authorization  and fund new store  fixtures and other
capital expenditures.

The Company's  credit facility  totals $500 million,  $200 million of which is a
one-year  facility  maturing  June 1998,  with the  remaining  $300 million in a
five-year  facility maturing June 2001. During the second quarter of 1997, Tandy
renewed a portion of its revolving credit facility with a syndicate of 18 banks.
The  revolving  credit  facility  is used as a backup for the  commercial  paper
program and may also be utilized for general corporate purposes.

On March 3, 1997, the Company  announced that its Board of Directors  authorized
management  to purchase an  additional  five million  shares of its common stock
through the  Company's  existing  share  repurchase  program which was initially
authorized in December  1995 and  subsequently  increased in October  1996.  The
share increase brings the total  authorization  to 15 million shares.  The share
repurchase  program  was  undertaken  as a result  of  management's  view of the
economic value of its stock.  Since inception,  approximately 8.2 million shares
(totaling   approximately  $371.0  million)  had  been  repurchased  under  this
authorization  as of June 30, 1997.  Purchases will be made from time to time in
the open market,  and it is expected  that funding of the program will come from
operating cash flow and existing funding sources.  During the quarter ended June
30, 1997, the Company  repurchased  approximately  1.5 million shares  (totaling
approximately  $77.6 million)  under the program.  For the six months ended June
30, 1996, the Company  repurchased  3.6 million shares  (totaling  approximately
$174.7 million) under the program.

The  Company  announced  on  March 3,  1997  that the  Board  of  Directors  had
authorized the filing of a $300.0 million Debt  Registration  Statement with the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("S.E.C.").  Unsecured medium-term notes will
be issued under the  Registration  Statement  and the  proceeds  will be used to
refinance existing  short-term  indebtedness and for general corporate purposes.
The Company filed a  Registration  Statement with the S.E.C.  in May 1997 which
was  declared  effective  on August  6,  1997.  It is  expected  that  unsecured
medium-term  notes will be issued under the Registration  Statement in the third
quarter of 1997.


Total  inventories  at June 30,  1997  decreased  $311.6  million  or 21.9% over
December 31, 1996 and $378.4 million or 25.4% over the June 30, 1996 level.  The
decrease in total inventory  levels was primarily  attributable to reductions at
stores  associated  with  the  1996  restructuring  actions  and  reductions  at
continuing retail stores. The reductions in continuing  operations were a result
of  increased  emphasis on all aspects of  inventory  management.  Inventory  is
primarily comprised of finished goods.

Changes in Stockholders' Equity

(In millions)                                                    Common Shares     Dollars
                                                                  -----------     ---------

Balance at December 31, 1996                                         57.2        $  1,264.8
Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of deferred taxes        --              (1.4)
Sale of treasury stock to employee plans                              0.4              19.6
Purchase of treasury stock                                           (4.3)           (212.2)
Exercise of stock options                                             0.2               8.3
Director stock payments                                                --               0.1
Restricted stock awards                                                --               0.7
Repurchase of preferred stock                                          --              (1.7)
Preferred stock dividends, net of tax                                  --              (1.9)
TESOP deferred compensation earned                                     --               4.7
Unrealized loss on AST stock, net of tax                               --               2.6
Common stock dividends                                                 --             (22.3)
Net income                                                             --              54.3
                                                                 ===========     ==========
Balance at June 30, 1997                                             53.5           1,115.6
                                                                 ===========     ==========

Recent Developments

Computer City

On June 26, 1997, the Company  organized a new  subsidiary,  Computer City, Inc.
("CCI"), and thereafter conveyed to it certain related assets and liabilities of
the Company's  Computer City division.  On July 17, 1997 Eureka Venture Partners
III LLP, a Texas limited liability partnership ("Eureka"),  entered into a Stock
Purchase  Agreement with the Company to acquire 19.9% of the outstanding  common
stock of CCI for a total purchase price of $24.9 million, payable in cash (1% of
purchase price) and a note (99% of purchase price) issued by Eureka. The note is
secured  only by the  common  shares of CCI held by  Eureka  and  accordingly  a
minority interest will not be recognized in the Company's financial  statements.
The note  accrues  interest at 8% per annum and is payable on or before July 17,
2002.  Pursuant  to the terms of the Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  Eureka and its
principals  will  provide  a new  senior  management  team  for  CCI.  This  new
management team will consist of Nathan Morton,  CCI Chief Executive  Officer and
Co-Chairman,  Avery  More,  CCI Vice  Chairman,  and  Robert  Boutin,  CCI Chief
Financial  Officer,  all of whom are  principals of Eureka.  John V. Roach,  the
Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,  will serve as the other
Co-Chairman  of CCI and as its  President.  Eureka  also  acquired  a warrant to
purchase an additional  20.1% of the  outstanding  common stock of CCI for $31.4
million  payable in cash (at least 10% of  purchase  price) and a note (not more
than 90% of purchase price) issued by Eureka.  This warrant is exercisable  upon
either the attainment of certain financial  performance goals by CCI or upon the
date CCI is established as an independent entity.

In  connection  with the creation of CCI,  the Company  assigned to CCI, and CCI
assumed the  Company's  obligations  under,  a $125  million  subordinated  note
payable to Trans World Electrics, Inc., a subsidiary of Tandy. This subordinated
note represented  certain  liabilities of the Company  allocable to its Computer
City  division  that were  assumed by CCI.  Also on July 17,  1997,  the Company
provided to CCI a $150 million line of credit expiring on December 31, 1997. Any
amounts borrowed under such line of credit are secured by CCI's  inventories and
accounts receivable.

The Company and Eureka are actively  exploring  opportunities that could, over a
period  of time,  result in  establishing  CCI as an  independent  entity in the
future in one or more transactions. There can be no assurance, however, that any
such transaction or transactions will occur.

If  certain  financial  performance  goals  are  met by CCI and a sale of CCI is
effected without the approval of the CCI Board of Directors, then Eureka has the
option to require the Company to  repurchase  all shares owned by Eureka and the
exercisable  but  unexercised  portion of the warrant for  certain  amounts,  as
provided  in the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement.  In  addition,  prior to CCI being
established as an independent entity, the Company has the right to reacquire all
of the shares of CCI owned by Eureka and the exercisable but unexercised portion
of the  warrant  upon  payment of certain  amounts,  as  described  in the Stock
Purchase Agreement.

Board Appointment

The Company  announced on July 28, 1997 the appointment of Ronald E. Elmquist to
the Board of Directors of Tandy Corporation. Mr. Elmquist is President of Global
Food Service for Campbell Soup Company and Corporate  Vice President of Campbell
Soup Company.

AST Securities Update

As of June 30, 1997,  the Company held  4,413,594  shares of AST Research,  Inc.
("AST")  common stock which was received in July 1996 as a partial  payment on a
note payable from AST. On April 15, 1997, AST and Samsung  Electronics  Co. Ltd.
("Samsung") jointly announced the signing of a definitive merger agreement under
which Samsung commenced a tender offer at a price of $5.40 per share in cash. On
August 4, 1997, Samsung announced that it had received all required approvals to
consummate  its cash  offer.  The  Company  anticipates  receiving  proceeds  of
approximately  $23.8  million in the third quarter of 1997. As of June 30, 1997,
the market price of AST common stock was $5.28 per share.  As of August 5, 1997,
the market price of AST common stock was $5.328 per share.

InterTAN Inc. Update

Notes and other receivables due from InterTAN Inc. ("InterTAN") at June 30, 1997
and 1996 approximated  $22.9 million and $25.6 million,  respectively.  Revenues
generated from operations relating to InterTAN for the six months ended June 30,
1997 and 1996 totaled $7.8 million for both years.

Through July 1997,  InterTAN has met all of its financial  obligations to Tandy.
See the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
1996 for further information.

Canadian tax authorities are reviewing InterTAN's Canadian  subsidiary's 1987-93
tax returns.  The Company cannot  determine  whether the ultimate  resolution of
that review will have an effect on InterTAN's ability to meet its obligations to
Tandy.  See  InterTAN's  quarterly  report on Form 10Q for the quarterly  period
ended March 31, 1997 for more information.

                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


Tandy has various claims, lawsuits, disputes with third parties,  investigations
and pending  actions  involving  allegations  of  negligence,  product  defects,
discrimination,  infringement of intellectual property rights, tax deficiencies,
violations  of permits or  licenses,  and breach of contract  and other  matters
against the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  incident  to the  operation  of its
business.  The  liability,  if  any,  associated  with  these  matters  was  not
determinable  at  June  30,  1997.   While  certain  of  these  matters  involve
substantial  amounts, and although occasional adverse settlements or resolutions
might occur and negatively impact earnings in the year of settlement,  it is the
opinion of management that their ultimate  resolution will not have a materially
adverse effect on Tandy's financial position.


At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders  held on May 15, 1997, the Company elected
directors to serve for the ensuing year and voted to approve the adoption of the
Tandy  Corporation  1997 Incentive  Stock Plan.  Out of the 57,976,875  eligible
votes,  49,974,528 votes were cast at the meeting either by proxies solicited in
accordance with Schedule 14A or by security holders voting in person. There were
4,049,520 broker non-votes which are not included in the following table as they
were not  treated as being  present at the  meeting.  In the case of  directors,
abstentions  are treated as votes  withheld and are  included in the table.  The
tabulation  of votes for each  nominee is set forth  below under Item No. 1, the
adoption of the Tandy  Corporation  1997 Incentive Stock Plan is set forth under
Item No. 2 below:

Item No. 1
- ----------

- ----------------------

                                               VOTES               VOTES
             DIRECTORS                          FOR               WITHHELD

           James I. Cash, Jr.                48,098,100          1,876,428
           Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr.            47,048,420          2,926,108
           Jack L. Messman                   46,032,564          3,941,964
           William G. Morton, Jr.            46,060,183          3,914,345
           Thomas G. Plaskett                45,991,615          3,982,913
           John V. Roach                     43,608,486          6,366,042
           Leonard H. Roberts                48,094,787          1,879,741
           Alfred J. Stein                   44,997,706          4,976,822
           William E. Tucker                 45,961,412          4,013,116
           John A. Wilson                    46,449,438          3,525,090

Item No. 2
- ----------

Adoption of the Tandy Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan:

              FOR             AGAINST        ABSTAIN
           43,931,761        5,532,156       510,611


      a)  Exhibits Required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K.

          A list of  the  exhibits required  by  Item 601 of Regulation S-K and 
          filed as part of this report is set forth in the Index to Exhibits on 
          page 16, which immediately precedes such exhibits.

      b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

        1) On July 17, 1997, the Company  announced a new Computer City strategy
           and named a  management  team for EVP  Colonial,  Inc.,  now Computer
           City, Inc. The Form 8-K was filed on July 21, 1997.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        Tandy Corporation

Date:  August 8, 1997               By   /s/  Richard L. Ramsey
                                              Richard L. Ramsey
                                        Vice President and Controller
                                             (Authorized Officer)

Date:  August 8, 1997                   /s/    Dwain H. Hughes
                                               Dwain H. Hughes
                                          Senior Vice President and
                                           Chief Financial Officer
                                        (Principal Financial Officer)

                              TANDY CORPORATION
                              INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit                                                          Sequential
Number     Description                                             Page No.

2a         Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Assets dated as of June 30, 1993 
           between AST  Research,  Inc., as Purchaser and Tandy  Corporation,  
           TE  Electronics  Inc., and GRiD Systems  Corporation,   as  Sellers
           (without  exhibits)(filed as  Exhibit 2 to Tandy's  July 13,  1993 
           Form 8-K filed    on    July    27,    1993,     Accession    No.
           0000096289-93-000004    and   incorporated   herein   by  reference).

2b         Amended and Restated Stock Exchange  Agreement dated February 1, 1994
           by and among O'Sullivan Industries Holdings, Inc., and TE Electronics
           Inc.  (filed as Exhibit  2b to  Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on March 30,
           1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029  and incorporated herein by

2c         U.S.  Purchase  Agreement  dated  January  26,  1994  by  and  among 
           O'Sullivan   Industries   Holdings,   Inc.,   TE  Electronics  Inc.  
           and  the  U.S. Underwriters  which included  Merrill  Lynch & Co.,
           Wheat  First  Butcher &  Singer,   The  Chicago  Dearborn  Company  
           and Rauscher Pierce  Refsnes,  Inc. (filed as  Exhibit 2c to Tandy's
           Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
           0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

2d         International  Purchase Agreement dated January 26, 1994 by and among
           O'Sullivan  Industries  Holdings,  Inc., TE Electronics  Inc. and the
           U.S.  Underwriters which included Merrill Lynch International Limited
           and UBS  Limited  (filed as Exhibit 2d to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
           March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029  and incorporated
           herein by reference).

2e         Acquisition  Agreement  dated  January 18, 1995 between  Hurley State
           Bank, as purchaser and Tandy Credit  Corporation  as seller  (without
           exhibits)  (filed as Exhibit (c) to Tandy's January 18, 1995 Form 8-K
           filed on February 2, 1995,  Accession  No.  0000096289-95-000008  and
           incorporated herein by reference).

2e(i)      Amendment No. 1 to  Acquisition  Agreement  dated January 18,  1995  
           between   Tandy   Credit   Corporation,   Tandy  National  Bank  and 
           Hurley State Bank (filed as Exhibit 2  to  Tandy's  March 30,  1995 
           Form  8-K   filed   on   April   12,   1995,   Accession   No.
           0000096289-95-000012 and incorporated herein by reference).

2f         Agreement  Plan of Merger  dated  March 30,  1995 by and among  Tandy
           Corporation,  Tandy Credit Corporation,  Hurley State Bank and Hurley
           Receivables Corporation (filed as Exhibit 3 to Tandy's March 30, 1995
           Form 8-K filed on April 12, 1995, Accession No.  0000096289-95-000012
           and incorporated herein by reference).

2g         Stock  Purchase  Agreement  as of  July 17,  1997 by  and among Tandy
           Corporation as Seller, EVP  Colonial,  Inc. as  Company  and  Eureka 
           Venture  Partners III  LLP as Purchaser (without exhibits).   Page 20

3a(i)      Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of Tandy dated December 10,
           1982 (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's  1993 Form  S-8  for the  Tandy 
           Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan,  Reg.  No.  33-51603,  filed on 
           November 12, 1993, Accession No.0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated
           herein by reference).

3a(ii)     Certificate of Amendment of Certificate  of Incorporation  of Tandy  
           Corporation dated November 13, 1986 (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's  
           1993  Form  S-8 for  the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan, 
           Reg. No. 33-51603,  filed  on  November  12,  1993,  Accession  No.
           0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein  by reference).

3a(iii)    Certificate of Amendment of Certificate  of Incorporation,  amending 
           and restating  the  Certificate of  Designation,  Preferences  and  
           Rights  of  Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  dated  
           June 22, 1990  (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's  1993 Form S-8 for
           the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan,  Reg. No.33-51603,  
           filed on November  12,  1993,  Accession  No. 0000096289-93-000017
           and  incorporated  herein  by reference).

3a(iv)     Certificate   of   Designations   of   Series   B  TESOP Convertible 
           Preferred  dated  June 29,  1990  (filed as Exhibit  4A to  Tandy's 
           1993  Form  S-8 for  the  Tandy Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan,  
           Reg. No.  33-51603, filed  on  November  12, 1993,  Accession    No.
           0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(v)      Certificate   of   Designation,   Series  C   Conversion  Preferred 
           Stock  dated  February  13,  1992  (filed  as Exhibit  4A to  Tandy's
           1993  Form  S-8 for  the  Tandy Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan, 
           Reg. No.  33-51603, filed   on   November    12,   1993,    Accession
           No. 0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3b         Tandy  Corporation  Bylaws,  restated  as of  January 1, 1996 (filed
           as  Exhibit 3b  to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on   March 28, 1996, 
           Accession  No. 0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated  herein by 

4a         Amended and restated Rights Agreement with the First National Bank of
           Boston dated June 22, 1990 for Preferred Share Purchase Rights (filed
           as Exhibit 4b to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession
           No. 0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

4b         Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between  Tandy  Corporation  and  Texas
           Commerce  Bank,  individually  and as Agent for sixteen  other banks,
           dated as of May 27, 1994 (without  exhibits)  (filed as Exhibit 4c to
           Tandy's   Form  10Q  filed  on  August  15,   1994,   Accession   No.
           0000096289-94-000039 and incorporated herein by reference).

4c         First  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between  Tandy
           Corporation and Texas Commerce Bank as Agent for sixteen other banks,
           dated as of May 26, 1995 (Facility A) (filed as Exhibit 4c to Tandy's
           Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996, Accession No. 0000096289-96-000004
           and incorporated herein by reference).

4d         First  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between  Tandy
           Corporation and Texas Commerce Bank as Agent for sixteen other banks,
           dated as of May 26, 1995 (Facility B) (filed as Exhibit 4d to Tandy's
           Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996, Accession No. 0000096289-96-000004
           and incorporated herein by reference).

4e         Second  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
           Corporation and Texas Commerce Bank as Agent for sixteen other banks,
           dated as of May 24, 1996 (Facility A) (filed as Exhibit 4e to Tandy's
           Form   10-Q   filed   on   August    14,    1996,    Accession    No.
           0000096289-96-000010 and incorporated herein by reference).

4f         Second  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
           Corporation  and Texas  Commerce  Bank as Agent for  eighteen  banks,
           dated as of June 28,  1996  (Facility  B)  (filed  as  Exhibit  4f to
           Tandy's   Form  10-Q  filed  on  August  14,  1996,   Accession   No.
           0000096289-96-000010 and incorporated herein by reference).

4g         Third  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between  Tandy
           Corporation  and Texas  Commerce  Bank as Agent for  eighteen  banks,
           dated as of June 28, 1996 (Facility A)

4h         Fourth  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
           Corporation  and Texas  Commerce  Bank as Agent for  eighteen  banks,
           dated as of February  18, 1997  (Facility  A) (filed as Exhibit 4h to
           Tandy's   Form  10-K  filed  on  March  27,   1997,   Accession   No.
           0000096289-97-000006 and incorporated herein by reference).

4i         Third  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between  Tandy
           Corporation  and Texas  Commerce  Bank as Agent for  eighteen  banks,
           dated as of February  18, 1997  (Facility  B) (filed as Exhibit 4i to
           Tandy's   Form  10-K  filed  on  March  27,   1997,   Accession   No.
           0000096289-97-000006 and incorporated herein by reference).

4j         Fifth  Amendment  to  the  Revolving  Credit Agreement between Tandy
           Corporation  and  Texas  Commerce  Bank  as Agent for eighteen other 
           banks, dated as of June 26, 1997 (Facility A). Page 40

4k         Fourth  Amendment to the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
           Corporation  and  Texas  Commerce Bank as Agent for eighteen  other
           banks, dated as of June 26, 1997 (Facility B). Page 47

4l         Credit  Agreement  between  Trans  World  Electronics,  Inc. (a
           wholly-owned  subsidiary of  the Company) and Texas  Commerce  Bank  
           individually  and as  agent for four  other  banks  dated as of July 
           15, 1997 (without exhibits). Page 54

4m         Guaranty  Agreement  made by  Tandy  Corporation  in  favor  of Texas
           Commerce Bank as agent for the benefit of Texas  Commerce Bank and
           four other banks named therein, dated July 15, 1997. Page 92

10a*       Salary Continuation Plan for Executive Employees of Tandy Corporation
           and Subsidiaries including amendment dated June 14, 1984 with respect
           to participation by certain executive employees,  as restated October
           4, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10a to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on March 30,
           1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029  and incorporated herein by

10b*       Form  of  Executive  Pay  Plan  Letters  (filed  as  Exhibit  10b to 
           Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  28,  1996,  Accession   No.  
           0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated  herein by reference).

10c*       Post Retirement Death Benefit Plan for Selected  Executive  Employees
           of Tandy  Corporation  and  Subsidiaries  as  restated  June 10, 1991
           (filed as Exhibit 10c to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on March 30,  1994,
           Accession  No.   0000096289-94-000029   and  incorporated  herein  by

10d*       Tandy Corporation Officers Deferred  Compensation Plan as  restated  
           July 10, 1992 (filed as Exhibit  10d to Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on 
           March 30, 1994, Accession No. 0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated  
           herein  by reference).

10e*       Special  Compensation  Plan No. 1 for Tandy  Corporation Executive  
           Officers,  adopted in 1993  (filed as Exhibit 10e to  Tandy's  Form  
           10-K  filed  on March 30, 1994, Accession  No. 0000096289-94-000029  
           and  incorporated  herein by reference).

10f*       Special  Compensation  Plan No. 2 for Tandy  Corporation  Executive  
           Officers,  adopted in 1993  (filed as Exhibit 10f to  Tandy's  Form
           10-K  filed  on March  30, 1994, Accession  No. 0000096289-94-000029
           and  incorporated herein by reference).

10g*       Special  Compensation  Plan for Directors of Tandy  Corporation dated
           November 13, 1986 (filed as Exhibit 10g to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on
           March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029  and incorporated
           herein by reference).

10h*       Director  Fee  Resolution   (filed  as  Exhibit 10h to Tandy's  Form 
           10-K  filed on March 30, 1994, Accession  No.  0000096289-94-000029  
           and  incorporated  herein  by  reference).

10i*       Tandy Corporation 1985 Stock Option Plan as restated effective August
           1990  (filed as Exhibit  10i to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on March 30,
           1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029  and incorporated herein by

10j*       Tandy  Corporation 1993 Incentive Stock Plan as restated May 18, 1995
           (filed as Exhibit 10j to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August 14, 1995,
           Accession  No.   0000096289-95-000016   and  incorporated  herein  by

10k*       Tandy  Corporation  Officers  Life  Insurance  Plan  as  amended  and
           restated  effective  August 22, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10k to Tandy's
           Form 10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No. 0000096289-94-000029
           and incorporated herein by reference).

10l*       First   Restated   Trust   Agreement  Tandy  Employees Supplemental  
           Stock  Program  through  Amendment  No. IV dated  January  1, 1996  
           (filed as Exhibit 4d to Tandy's Form 10-K  filed on March 28, 1996,  
           Accession  No. 0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated   herein   by

10m*       Forms  of  Termination   Protection   Agreements  for  (i)  Corporate
           Executives, (ii) Division Executives, and (iii) Subsidiary Executives
           (filed as Exhibit 10m to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August 14, 1995,
           Accession  No.   0000096289-95-000016   and  incorporated  herein  by

10n*       Tandy   Corporation   Termination   Protection  Plans  for  Executive
           Employees of Tandy  Corporation and its  Subsidiaries (i) the Level I
           and (ii)  Level II Plans  (filed as  Exhibit  10n filed on August 14,
           1995, Accession No. 0000096289-95-000016 to and incorporated
           herein by reference).

10o*       Forms of Bonus Guarantee  Letter  Agreements  with certain  Executive
           Employees of Tandy Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) Formula, (ii)
           Discretionary,  and (iii) Pay Plan  (filed as Exhibit  10o to Tandy's
           Form 10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No. 0000096289-94-000029
           and incorporated herein by reference).

10p*       Form of Indemnity  Agreement with  Directors, Corporate Officers and 
           two  Division  Officers  of  Tandy   Corporation   (filed  as  
           Exhibit 10p to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996, Accession
           No. 0000096289-96-000004 and  incorporated herein by reference).

10q*       Tandy Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan.   Page 98     

10r        Management  Agreement,  dated July 17,  1997,  by and among  Eureka
           Venture Partners, III LLP,  EVP  Colonial,  Inc.,  Nathan  Morton,  
           Avery More and Robert Boutin.  Page 114

11         Statement of Computation of Earnings per Share.  Page 130

           Statement of Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed 
           Charges. Page 131

27         Financial Data Schedule.

- -----------------------

*Each  of  these  exhibits  is  a  "management  contract  or compensatory plan, 
contract, or arrangement".

                                                                    EXHIBIT 2G

                           STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

      This Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the 17  day  of
July,  1997,  by and  among  Tandy  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"Seller"),  EVP  Colonial,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  and a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Seller (the "Company"),  and Eureka Venture Partners III, LLP,
a Texas limited liability partnership (the "Purchaser").


      The  following  recitals  are  true  and  constitute  the  basis  for this

      A.   The Company was created to function as the  corporate  embodiment  of
           what is now the Computer City  division of Seller  consisting of U.S.
           and Canadian computer retail stores,  two corporate sales offices and
           such other assets and liabilities of other divisions of Seller as are
           agreed  between  Purchaser and Seller (but excluding the European and
           Scandinavian Computer City stores);
      B.   Immediately  prior to the  execution  of this  Agreement  and the  
           consummation  of the  transaction  contemplated herein,  Seller has 
           by  assignment  contributed  certain  assets of  the  division  and  
           liabilities  of the division to the Company;

      C.   The Company is and will  continue to be in the  business of selling 
           and  distributing  computer  products through retail stores operated 
           under the name Computer City;

      D.   Seller desires to sell to Purchaser and Purchaser desires to purchase
           from Seller shares of common stock of the Company  currently  held by
           Seller  sufficient to provide Purchaser with 19.9% of the outstanding
           common  stock of the  Company  and the  right to  acquire  additional
           shares under certain conditions;

      E.   Seller  desires  for Purchaser (by and  through  Avery More, Nathan  
           Morton, and Robert J. Boutin) to assume the day-to-day management
           of the  Company and operate the  Company's  business  under  the
           direction  of  the Company's Board of Directors; and

      F.   Seller and  Purchaser  presently  desire and intend to establish  the
           Company  as an  independent  operation,  which  is not  dependent  on
           Seller,  through a partial  or total  sale,  spin-off,  offering,  or
           otherwise,  as soon as  possible  following  the  Closing (as defined
           below) and will work together to fulfill the terms and  conditions of
           this Agreement.

      In  consideration  of the mutual  promises,  representations,  warranties,
covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement, and subject to approval of
the  transaction  described  herein by the Board of  Directors  of  Seller,  the
receipt and  sufficiency  of which is hereby  acknowledged,  the parties to this
Agreement mutually agree as follows:

      1.   Purchase and Sale of Securities

           1.1  Purchase  and  Sale of  Securities.  Subject  to the  terms  and
conditions of this Agreement, at the Closing (as defined below) Purchaser agrees
to purchase from Seller for the Purchase Price (as defined in Section 1.2 below)
and Seller agrees to sell to Purchaser for that  Purchase  Price,  (i) 3,980,000
shares (the  "Purchaser's  Shares") of the Company's Class B common stock,  $.01
par value (the "Class B Common Stock"),  such Purchaser's  Shares being equal to
19.9% of the  total  issued  and  outstanding  Class B Common  Stock and Class A
Common  Stock,  $.01 par value of the Company (the "Class A Common  Stock") (the
Class A Common  Stock  together  with  the  Class B  Common  Stock is  hereafter
referred to as the "Common  Stock"),  and (ii) a warrant to purchase from Seller
4,020,000  shares of the Company's  Class B Common Stock (the  "Warrant"),  such
number of shares being equal to 20.1% of the total issued and outstanding Common
Stock of the Company (the "Warrant Shares"). The Warrant shall be in the form of
Exhibit 1.1, and may be exercised by  Purchaser's  delivery of $31,406,250 ( the
"Strike Price" as provided in the Warrant).

           1.2 Purchase Price. The aggregate  purchase price for the Purchaser's
Shares  shall be  $24,875,000  (the "Stock  Purchase  Price") and the  aggregate
purchase  price of the Warrant shall be $1,000 (the "Warrant  Purchase  Price").
The  Stock  Purchase  Price  and the  Warrant  Purchase  Price  are  hereinafter
collectively  referred to as the "Purchase  Price".  The Purchase Price shall be
payable  at the  Closing  (as  defined  below) by the  Purchaser's  delivery  of
$249,750 in cash to Seller and the execution  and delivery of a promissory  note
in the form of Exhibit 1.2 (the "Purchase Note") by the Purchaser payable to the
Seller for the $24,626,250 balance of the Purchase Price.

           1.3  Closing; Post Closing Adjustment.

                (a) The closing (the  "Closing") of the purchase and sale of the
Purchaser's Shares and the Warrant shall take place  contemporaneously  with the
execution and delivery of this  Agreement at such time and place as the Company,
the  Seller  and the  Purchaser  shall  agree  (which  time,  date and place are
referred to in this Agreement as the "Closing  Date").  On the Closing Date, the
parties  shall  deliver to one another such  certificates  and  documents as are
mutually agreed upon,  duly executed and in form reasonably  satisfactory to the
receiving party and the Purchaser shall deliver the cash portion of the Purchase
Price and the Purchase Note to the Seller.

                (b) On or before November 30,1997,  the Company,  in cooperation
with Seller, shall deliver to the Purchaser (the date of such delivery being the
"Adjustment  Date"),  an unaudited balance sheet of the Company dated as of July
31, 1997 (the "July 31 Balance  Sheet"),  which July 31 Balance Sheet shall have
been prepared by the Company using accounting methods and principles  consistent
with those applied in the  preparation  of the Company's Pro Forma Balance Sheet
(as defined in Section 3.7 below.  For purposes of preparing the July 31 Balance
Sheet, equity will be $125,000,000.  In rendering the July 31 Balance Sheet, the
Company shall consult with the Purchaser and the Seller and permit the Purchaser
and the Seller at the earliest practicable date access to and copies of the work
papers and calculations related thereto.  The physical inventory  adjustments to
intercompany  payables  will be made  based on the pro  rata  gain or loss on an
individual  company store basis from the last store physical inventory (July 31,
1997 or  before)  to the  latest  store  physical  inventory  (July  31  through
September  30,  1997).  No  adjustments  of any  nature  (whether  to  payables,
receivables,  or inventory) shall be made to the Purchase Price. All adjustments
will be made by means  of  debits  or  credits  to  Intercompany  (as  hereafter
defined) accounts with corresponding adjustments to the Line of Credit balance.

                (c) Any dispute  which may arise  between the  Purchaser and the
Seller  as to the July 31  Balance  Sheet  shall be  resolved  in the  following

                          (i)  If    either    party    disputes    any   such
calculation,  such party shall notify the other party in writing  within  thirty
(30) days after the  Adjustment  Date,  and shall specify  therein in detail the
basis and reason for such dispute and the amount which is in dispute;

                          (ii) During  the thirty  (30) day  period  following
the receipt of such notice,  the  Purchaser  and the Seller  shall  attempt in
good faith to resolve such dispute; and

                          (iii)If at the end of the  thirty  (30)  day  period
specified in clause (ii) above, the parties shall have failed to reach agreement
with  respect to such  dispute,  the matter shall be referred to the Fort Worth,
Texas,  office of Arthur  Andersen  & Co.,  or such  other  firm of  independent
certified public  accountants as the parties mutually agree,  which shall act as
an arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be instructed to use every reasonable effort
to perform such services  within thirty (30) days of the submission to it of the
July  31  Balance  Sheet  and  related  dispute  and,  in any  case,  as soon as
practicable after such submission.  Each of the parties shall bear all costs and
expenses incurred by it in connection with such arbitration, and the fees of the
arbitrator  shall be  shared  equally  by the  Purchaser  and the  Seller.  This
provision for arbitration  shall be specifically  enforceable by the parties and
the decision of the arbitrator in accordance with the provisions hereof shall be
final and binding and there shall be no right of appeal therefrom.

                (d) Within  ten (10) days after the later of (i) the  Adjustment
Date, (ii) the date of the settlement of any dispute made in accordance with the
provisions  of Section  1.3(c)  above,  or (iii) the date of the decision of the
arbitrator in connection with any dispute made in accordance with the provisions
of Section 1.3(c) above, the Intercompany  payables on the July 31 Balance Sheet
shall be adjusted by amounts  determined  in accordance  with the  provisions of
Section 1.3(c) and (d) and which adjustment shall become an increase or decrease
in the  amount  outstanding  in the Line of Credit  payable  by the  Company  to

           1.4  Certain Excluded Assets.

                (a)  Except  as  provided  in  Section  7.18,   the  assets  and
liabilities of the Company do not include copyrightable  materials,  trademarks,
trade names, or service marks necessary for the ordinary conduct of the business
as it is now conducted,  or assets and  liabilities  associated  with previously
closed  Computer  City stores and related  units  (including  but not limited to
closed store  inventory  reserves,  RMAC  inventory  reserves,  vendor  accounts
payable on closed stores and accrued taxes relating to closed stores),  and also
do not include the European and  Scandinavian  Computer  City stores and the Pro
Forma Balance Sheet does not reflect such assets or liabilities.

                (b) The assets of the Company also do not include assets used in
providing  Transitional  Services as defined  below,  and the Pro Forma  Balance
Sheet does not reflect  such  assets.  The  Company  may acquire  such assets in
accordance with the provisions of Section 6.1(b).

      2.   Subordinated Note; Line of Credit.

           2.1  Subordinated  Note. The Purchaser and Seller  acknowledge  that,
upon the date Seller contributed the assets and liabilities of the Computer City
division  of  Seller  to the  Company,  the  Seller  assigned  to the  Company a
$125,000,000  Subordinated  Unsecured  Promissory Note (the "Subordinated Note")
previously  payable  by the  Seller to Trans  World  Electronics,  Inc.  ("Trans
World").  Upon the assignment of the Subordinated Note by Seller to the Company,
the Company is primarily  liable to repay the  Subordinated  Note to Trans World
and the  Seller  is  released  from all  obligations  thereunder.  A copy of the
Subordinated Note is attached to the Agreement as Exhibit 2.1.

           2.2 Line of Credit . At the  Closing,  the Company  and Seller  shall
execute a revolving line of credit agreement,  security  agreement,  and related
note in  substantially  the form of  Exhibit  2.2  (collectively,  the  "Line of
Credit"),  pursuant  to which  the  Company  will be  permitted  to borrow up to
$150,000,000  from the Seller to be used for working  capital and other  general
corporate  purposes.  All advances to the Company under the Line of Credit shall
be secured by the inventory and accounts receivable of the Company.  The Line of
Credit shall  terminate on December 31, 1997.  Notwithstanding  the terms of the
Line of Credit,  the  Company  and  Purchaser  shall  each use its  commercially
reasonable  efforts to locate  unaffiliated  financing to  eliminate  the Seller
supplied line of credit as soon as practical following the Closing. If necessary
to procure  the Line of Credit,  Seller  agrees to provide a guaranty of payment
(such  guarantee to be secured by the inventory  and accounts  receivable of the
Company) to the lender providing such line of credit to the Company in an amount
not to  exceed  the  amount  of the  Line of  Credit,  on  customary  terms  and
conditions,  provided that such guaranty shall  terminate as to any  replacement
borrowing when Seller's ownership of the Company drops below 50.1% of the issued
and  outstanding  Common  Stock  of the  Company  or the  Company  is no  longer
consolidated  with Seller for GAAP purposes,  provided that Seller  releases any
liens held by it if allowed by Seller's credit  agreement at the time, to secure
any  portion of the Line of Credit in order for the  Company  to  provide  first
liens to a replacement  lender,  and provided further that all indebtedness owed
by Company to Seller under the Line of Credit is paid in full  contemporaneously
with such release of liens.

           2.3 Intercompany Receivables/Payables. Until such time as the Line of
Credit  terminates,  all  Intercompany  payables and  receivables for each month
shall be  settled  within 15 days  following  the end of each  month by means of
debits or credits to Intercompany accounts with corresponding adjustments to the
Line of Credit  balance.  Upon  termination of the Line of Credit,  Intercompany
adjustments to payables and receivables  balances will be paid in cash within 15
days  following the end of each month by either the Company or the Seller as the
case may be. For as long as the  Company and the Seller  share the same  general
ledger  system,  the  adjustment  amount  shall be the amount  appearing  in the
general ledger balance in account number 2701. Thereafter, the parties will each
bill the other for such  charges,  and each party shall have 15 days to pay from
the date of the  invoice  or  statement.  Amounts  not paid when due shall  bear
interest at the rate of 10% per annum.  No adjustments to equity or Intercompany
payables,  receivables  or  inventory  shall  be made if  such  adjustments  are
attributable to future  accounting  changes adopted by the Company or the Seller
either  voluntarily or as required by generally accepted  accounting  principles
("GAAP").  For purposes of this Section 2 and Section 1.3,  "Intercompany" shall
refer to  transactions  and  events  occurring  between  Company  and  Seller or
Seller's  subsidiaries.  The Company and Seller may, by written agreement,  vary
the adjustment method set out in this Section 2.3.

      3.   Representations and Warranties of the Seller.

      The Seller hereby  represents and warrants to the Purchaser subject to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby,
and except as  specifically  disclosed  by the Seller and the Company in, any of
the Schedules to this Agreement, that, as of the Closing Date:

           3.1 Organization and Standing.  Each of the Seller and the Company is
a corporation  duly organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under the
laws of its  state of  incorporation,  has all  requisite  corporate  power  and
authority  to carry on its business as now  conducted,  and is or will be by the
Adjustment Date duly qualified as a foreign corporation and is or will be by the
Adjustment   Date  in  good  standing  in  all   jurisdictions   in  which  such
qualification  is  required,  except  where the failure to so qualify  could not
reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse  effect on the  operations or
financial  condition  of the Seller or the Company,  taken as a whole.  True and
accurate copies of the Certificate of Incorporation,  as amended, of each of the
Seller and the Company,  including  all  amendments  thereto,  and the Company's
Bylaws,  as amended,  as  presently in effect,  have been  delivered to Sayles &
Lidji, counsel for the Purchaser.

           3.2  Authorization.   Except  as  set  forth  in  Schedule  3.2,  the
execution, delivery and performance of all obligations of each of the Seller and
the  Company  under  this  Agreement,  (a) are within  the  corporate  power and
authority  of the  Seller  and the  Company,  respectively,  (b) have  been duly
authorized by all necessary corporate proceedings,  and (c) do not conflict with
or  result  in any  breach  of  any  provision  hereof  or  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  or Bylaws of each of the Seller  and the  Company,  which  could
reasonably  be  expected  to have a  material  adverse  affect on the  business,
operations,  properties  or  financial  condition  of the Seller or the Company,
taken as a whole.

           3.3 Enforceability. The execution and delivery of this Agreement will
result in legal and binding  obligations  of the Seller and will be  enforceable
against it in accordance with the respective terms and provisions hereof, except
to the extent (a) such  enforceability  is  limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or other laws related to or affecting  generally the
enforcement of creditors' rights, and (b) that the availability of the remedy of
specific  performance or injunctive or other equitable  relief is subject to the
discretion of the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

           3.4 Capitalization. The authorized capital of the Company consists of
30,000,000  shares,  15,000,000 of which have been  authorized as Class A Common
Stock,  10,000,000 of which have been  authorized  as Class B Common Stock,  and
5,000,000 of which have been authorized as Preferred Stock,  $.01 par value (the
"Preferred Stock").  As of the date hereof,  12,000,000 shares of Class A Common
Stock and  8,000,000  shares of Class B Common  Stock are  outstanding,  each of
which  was  validly  issued  and is fully  paid  and  nonassessable.  There  are
currently  no  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding.  The  Seller  owns all
outstanding  shares of Common  Stock.  There are  presently  none and, as of the
Closing, there will be no options, warrants, convertible debentures,  conversion
privileges,  preemptive rights or other rights presently outstanding to purchase
or otherwise  acquire any of the  authorized  and unissued  capital stock of the
Company other than as created pursuant to this Agreement. All outstanding shares
of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock have been issued in  compliance
with all applicable federal and state securities laws.

           3.5  Subsidiaries.  The Company does not presently own or control any
other corporation,  association or other business entity, except as disclosed in
Schedule 3.5.

           3.6 Validity of Shares.  The Purchaser's Shares and Warrant Shares to
be  acquired  by the  Purchaser  pursuant  to this  Agreement  and  upon the due
exercise of the Warrant,  respectively,  are or will be duly and validly issued,
fully  paid and  nonassessable  at the time such  shares  are  purchased  by the
Purchaser. The certificates evidencing the Common Stock of the Company comply in
all material respects with the requirements of the Delaware General  Corporation

           3.7 Financial Statements. The Seller has furnished the Purchaser with
a copy of the  unaudited  pro forma  balance sheet of the Company as of June 30,
1997 (the "Pro Forma Balance  Sheet") and the profit and loss statements for the
Computer City  division on a combined  basis.  Each of the  foregoing  financial
statements,  to the best of Seller's  knowledge,  fairly  present the  financial
condition of the Company at the respective dates of and for the periods referred
to in such financial  statements,  consistent  with the books and records of the
Seller  and  Seller's  prior 1997  practices.  Purchaser  acknowledges  that the
Company was created by contribution of assets from a former  operating  division
of Seller and other support  divisions of Seller,  and therefore  GAAP cannot be
strictly applied to Company's books, records and balance sheets and that certain
Pro Forma  Balance  Sheet  items are good  faith  estimates.  Seller  shall also
furnish profit and loss statements for the Computer City Division on a per store
basis prepared in accordance with Seller's prior practices.

           3.8  Absence of  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  The  Company has no known
material  obligations or liabilities  (whether  accrued,  absolute,  contingent,
liquidated, unliquidated, or otherwise, whether due or to become due, or whether
arising out of transactions entered into on or prior to the Closing Date, out of
any action or inaction on or prior to such Closing  Date, or out of any state of
facts existing on or prior to such Closing Date),  including  taxes with respect
to or based upon  transactions  or events  occurring  on or before such  Closing
Date, except:

                (a)  liabilities set forth on the Pro Forma Balance Sheet;

                (b)  liabilities  which have accrued or arisen after the date of
the Pro Forma Balance Sheet in the ordinary course of business (none of which is
a liability for any breach of contract,  breach of warranty, tort, infringement,
claim or lawsuit) and which are not  individually or in the aggregate,  material
to the financial condition or business of the Company, taken as a whole;

                (c)  obligations   under  contracts  or  commitments   (but  not
liabilities for breaches of contracts or commitments) entered into or arising in
the ordinary course of business;

                (d)  liabilities  and  obligations  disclosed  in Schedule  3.8,
provided,  however,  that the  listing of a contract on the  Schedules  does not
constitute the disclosure of any breach of such contract or of any liability not
specifically identified in such contract;

                (e)  claims not yet  asserted  for taxes,  breach of contract,
or breach of warranty or otherwise; and

                (f)  obligations   and   liabilities   contemplated  as  being
transferred to Company under this Agreement.

           3.9 No Material  Adverse  Changes.  Between the date of the Pro Forma
Balance Sheet and the Closing Date,  there have been no material adverse changes
in the financial  condition,  operating results,  assets,  properties,  business
prospects,  material customer  relations,  or employee  relations of the Company
known to Seller which have not been  disclosed to Purchaser in Schedules to this
agreement  and  which,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  have had a material
adverse effect upon the financial condition of the Company, taken as a whole.

           3.10 Absence  of  Certain  Developments.  Between  the  date of the
Pro Forma Balance Sheet and the Closing Date,  except as  contemplated by this
Agreement or as set forth in Schedule 3.10:

                (a) There has been no  damage,  destruction  or  casualty  loss,
whether or not covered by insurance,  affecting any of the  properties or assets
of the Company,  which would have a material  adverse  effect upon its financial
condition, taken as a whole.

                (b) The Company has not: (i) issued any bonds or other corporate
securities;  (ii)  borrowed  any  amount or  incurred  or become  subject to any
material liabilities  (absolute or contingent) other than in the ordinary course
of business;  (iii)  discharged or satisfied any material lien or encumbrance or
paid any material  obligation or liability  (absolute or contingent)  other than
current  liabilities shown on its Pro Forma Balance Sheet or current liabilities
incurred in the normal  course of business;  (iv) declared or made any dividends
or other payment or distribution  of cash or other property to its  stockholders
with  respect to their stock or  purchased  or redeemed any shares of its Common
Stock; (v) mortgaged, pledged or knowingly subjected to material lien, charge or
any other  encumbrance,  any of its assets,  tangible or intangible,  except for
liens  relating  to  taxes  not yet due and  payable;  (vi)  sold,  assigned  or
transferred any of its tangible assets of material value,  except  inventory and
other  property in the  ordinary  course of  business;  (vii) sold,  assigned or
transferred any patents, licenses, permits, trademarks, trade names, copyrights,
trade secrets or other intangible assets of material value;  (viii) suffered any
extraordinary loss or waived any right of material value,  whether or not in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice; (ix) entered into
any material transaction other than in the ordinary course of business; (x) made
any individual or related group of Company  expenditures  except in the ordinary
course of business; (xi) made any material charitable  contributions or pledges;
or (xii) made any commitment to take any of the foregoing actions.

           3.11 Title to Properties and Condition of Assets. Except as disclosed
in Schedule 3.11 and except for Ordinary Store Exceptions (as defined below):

                (a) The Company owns or leases all properties and assets used by
it or located on its premises and which are shown on the Pro Forma Balance Sheet
or acquired after the preparation thereof,  free and clear of all material liens
and  encumbrances,  except (i) as disclosed in the Pro Forma Balance Sheet, (ii)
liens for  current  taxes not yet due and  payable  and (iii)  other  immaterial
liens.  For purposes of this Section  3.11(a),  "material"  shall mean a lien or
encumbrance against a property or asset the foreclosure of which would result in
a material adverse effect on the Company's business or financial condition, each
taken as a whole.

                (b) All  machinery,  equipment,  buildings  and  other  tangible
assets owned or leased by the Company  located on the premises of the Company or
used by the Company and shown on the Pro Forma Balance Sheet or acquired in July
prior to Closing are in  serviceable  condition  and repair  subject to ordinary
wear and tear and obsolescence.

                (c) To the best of its knowledge and belief,  the Company is not
in violation of any  applicable  zoning  ordinance or other law,  regulation  or
requirement  relating  to the  operation  of owned or  leased  properties  which
violation could  reasonably be expected to have a material adverse affect on the
Company's  business or financial  condition,  taken as a whole,  and neither the
Seller nor the Company has received any notice of any such material violation.

                (d)  Schedule  3.11(d)  sets forth the real  property  leased or
owned by the Company and, (i) with respect to each lease, the expiration date of
the lease,  the estimated  monthly base rent,  the  estimated  square feet under
lease, and the location of the property,  and (ii) with respect to real property
owned by the Company,  a brief description of the title insurance carried by the
Company thereon.

      The phrase  "Ordinary Store  Exceptions"  means instances at Company store
locations in which store  management has made  arrangements for the use, barter,
informal  consignment,  or lease of assets  for use at such  store  location  or
contracts terminable upon 90 days notice or less without penalty for services or
goods to be provided at such store.

           3.12 Inventories.  Inventory  recorded on the Pro Forma Balance Sheet
and the July 31 Balance Sheet are or will be valued thereon at the lower of cost
or market based on the most recent  purchase order or invoice price from primary
suppliers net of reserves. The inventories of the Company shown on the Pro Forma
Balance Sheet or acquired in July prior to Closing are usable and salable in the
ordinary course of business, net of certain reserves.

           3.13 Customer Accounts  Receivable.  Unless paid or otherwise settled
on or prior to the Closing Date, the Customer Accounts Receivable of the Company
reflected  in the Pro  Forma  Balance  Sheet  are  collectable  in full,  net of
reserves allocable thereto as shown on the Pro Forma Balance Sheet.

           3.14  Vendor  Receivables.  Vendor  Receivables  represent  estimated
amounts due from vendors pursuant to contractual arrangements (including but not
limited to coop advertising credits, price protection credits,  rebates,  credit
for returned  goods,  etc.).  These Vendor  Receivables  are included in various
balance sheet  categories in the Pro Forma Balance Sheet and are  collectable in
full, net of reserves allocable thereto as shown on the Pro Forma Balance Sheet.

           3.15 Tax Matters. The Company has filed all federal,  foreign, state,
county and local  income,  excise,  sales,  use,  property and other tax returns
which it is  required  to file  and all such  returns  are  materially  true and
correct.  The  Company  has paid all  taxes  which  it owes or is  obligated  to
withhold  from  amounts  owing to any  employee,  creditor or third  party.  The
Company  is not liable for any tax with  respect to any  transaction  not in the
ordinary course of business consummated on or prior to the Closing,  and, to the
Company's knowledge, no such tax liability has been asserted by any governmental
authority.  The  Company has entered  into a Tax Sharing  Agreement  with Seller
dated July 17,1997, a copy of which has been provided to Purchaser.

           3.16 Contracts and Commitments.

                (a) Except as  contemplated  by this  Agreement  or disclosed in
Schedule 3.16(a), the Company is not a party to any material written or oral:

                     (i)  pension,  profit  sharing,  bonus,  stock  option or
other plan providing for deferred or bonus compensation to employees;

                     (ii) agreement  or  indenture  relating to the  borrowing
of  money  or to  mortgaging,  pledging  or  otherwise  placing  a lien on any
assets of the Company;

                     (iii)guarantee of any  obligation  for borrowed  money or
otherwise, other than endorsements made for collection;

                     (iv) lease  or  agreement  under  which  the  Company  is
lessee  of or holds or  operates  any  material  property,  real or  personal,
owned by any other party; or

                     (v)  lease  or  agreement  under  which  the  Company  is
lessor of or permits any third party to hold or operate any  material  property,
real or personal, owned or controlled by it.

                (b) Except as  contemplated  by this  Agreement  or disclosed in
Schedule 3.16(b),  the Company,  to the best of its knowledge and belief, has in
all material respects performed all the obligations  required to be performed by
it as of the  date of  this  Agreement  and is not in  default  of any  material
provisions of any material  lease,  contract,  commitment or other  agreement to
which it is a party.

                (c)  Schedule  3.16(c),  to the best of Seller's  knowledge  and
belief and without  full  investigation,  contains,  under the heading  Material
Contracts, a listing of material contracts to which the Company is a Party.

           3.17  Governmental  Consents.  Except with  respect to state or local
business licenses and permits,  to the best of Seller's knowledge and belief all
consents,   approvals,   orders,   or   authorizations   of,  or  registrations,
qualifications,  designations, declarations or filings with any Federal or state
governmental  authority on the part of the Company  required in connection  with
the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement have been
obtained or will be obtained  prior to, and be effective  as of, the  Adjustment

           3.18 Compliance with Other Instruments. Except as otherwise set forth
in this Agreement or a Schedule, neither the Seller nor the Company, to the best
of their knowledge and belief, is in violation of any material  provision of any
mortgage, indenture,  instrument,  judgment or decree to which it is a party, or
of any  provision  of any  Federal or state  judgment,  writ,  decree,  or order
applicable to the Company. To the best of the Seller's knowledge, the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement will not result in any such violation
or be in conflict with or constitute a default under any such provision.

           3.19 Misleading Statements. To the best of the Seller's knowledge, no
representation  or warranty by the Seller in this  Agreement or in any statement
or  certificate  furnished  or to be  furnished  by the Seller to the  Purchaser
pursuant to this  Agreement,  including  the exhibits  hereto,  contains or will
contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact which would have a material,
adverse  affect on the financial  condition of the Company taken as a whole when
first made.

           3.20 Litigation.  Schedule 3.20 lists,  under the heading Open Claims
and Litigation,  all actions,  proceedings and investigations pending or, to the
best knowledge of the Seller's  officers,  threatened against the Company before
any court or administrative agency, that could reasonably be expected to result,
either  individually or in the aggregate,  in any material adverse change in the
business, prospects, condition, operations, properties or assets of the Company,
taken as a whole, or in any material  liability on the part of the Company.  The
foregoing includes, without limiting the generality thereof, actions pending or,
to the best knowledge of the Seller's officers,  threatened  involving the prior
employment of any of the Company's employees or their use in connection with the
Seller's or the Company's  business of any  information or techniques  allegedly
proprietary  to any of their former  employers,  as well as actions  which could
reasonably  be expected to affect the validity of this  Agreement or any actions
taken or to be taken in connection therewith.

           3.21  Trademarks and  Copyrights.  Except for the items  disclosed in
Schedule 3.20 (described  above), to the best of Seller's  knowledge and belief,
the  Company  owns or  possesses,  has  access  to, or can  become  licensed  on
reasonable terms to use, all trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrights,
licenses,  information,  proprietary  rights,  know-how,  formulas and processes
necessary for the lawful conduct of its business as now  conducted,  without any
infringement  of or conflict  with the rights of others.  Without  limiting  the
generality of the foregoing, the Company owns and possesses all right, title and
interest in its intellectual property,  including all computer software which is
created,  developed or produced by its employees except to the extent agreements
with third  parties  require  assignment  or license of such rights to the third
party.  Seller will license or sublicense to Company,  to the extent  allowed by
law  or  contract,  all  copyrightable  material  (such  as  computer  software)
necessary for the business as now conducted by Seller.

           The license for the trademarks, trade names, and service marks is set
forth in Exhibit 3.21 (the "Trademark License Agreement"). Schedule A of Exhibit
3.21 sets forth a true and correct  listing of all  trademarks,  trade names and
service marks used in the Company's business excluding Norway, Sweden,  Finland,
Denmark and Iceland.  Seller shall grant Company an exclusive worldwide license,
excluding  Norway,  Sweden,  Finland,  Denmark and Iceland,  for all trademarks,
trade  names,  and  service  marks  necessary  for the  ordinary  conduct of the
business as it is now conducted by Seller. The license shall be royalty free. At
such time as the  Subordinated  Note is paid in full the  license for the use of
the trademarks,  trade names or service marks shall be a perpetual, royalty free
license unless terminated by mutual agreement or in accordance with the terms of
the Trademark  License  Agreement.  All use of the trademarks,  tradenames,  and
service  marks  shall inure to the  benefit of Seller.  Nothing in this  section
shall  require  Seller to assign or  transfer  its  rights in any  copyrightable
material, trademarks, trade names, and service marks that are required by Seller
to operate the ongoing business of Seller. The provisions of this section do not
apply with  respect to any product or service  supplied by a third party  vendor
which is sold, leased,  licensed or otherwise  transferred by Company to its end
user retail customers.

           3.22 Employment Contracts.  Other than as disclosed on Schedule 3.22,
the Company does not have any employment contracts with any of its employees not
terminable  at will  and does not  have  any  collective  bargaining  agreements
covering any of its employees.

           3.23  Insurance.  The Company,  a subsidiary of Seller,  is presently
covered  by  Seller's   commercial  and  general  liability  insurance  policies
sufficient in amount  (subject to the  deductibles  and  retention  provided for
therein) to allow it to replace any of its  properties  that might be damaged or

           3.24 Registration  Rights.  Except as provided for in this Agreement,
the Company is not, as of the date of this  Agreement,  under any  obligation to
register under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"),  any of
its  presently  outstanding  securities  or  any  of  its  securities  that  may
subsequently be issued.

           3.25 Interested  Party  Transactions.  Except as contemplated by this
Agreement  or  otherwise  disclosed in filings made or to be made by Seller with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission")  and to the best of
Company's knowledge,  no officer,  director or shareholder of the Company or any
"affiliate" or "associate"  (as these terms are defined in Rule 405  promulgated
under the 1933 Act) of any such  person,  entity or the  Company has or has had,
either directly or indirectly,  (a) a material  interest in any person or entity
which (i) furnished or sells services or products which are furnished or sold or
are proposed to be furnished or sold by the Company,  or (ii)  purchases from or
sells or  furnished  to the  Company  any goods or  services,  or (b) a material
beneficial interest in any contract or agreement to which the Company is a party
or by which it may be bound or affected.  Other than as contemplated  under this
Agreement,  there are no existing  material  arrangements  or proposed  material
transactions  between the Company and any officer,  director,  or holder of more
than 5% of the stock of the Company or any  affiliate  or  associate of any such

      4.   Representations and Warranties of the Purchaser.

           Purchaser represents and warrants to the Seller that:

           4.1  Organization  and  Standing.  The  Purchaser is duly  organized,
validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of its  jurisdiction  of
organization,  has all requisite power and authority to carry on its business as
now conducted,  and is duly qualified as a Limited Liability  Partnership and is
in good standing in all  jurisdictions in which such  qualification is required,
except where the failure to so qualify could not  reasonably be expected to have
a material  adverse  effect on the  operations  or  financial  condition  of the
Purchaser, taken as a whole.

           4.2  Authorization.  The execution,  delivery and  performance of all
obligations  of the Purchaser  under this Agreement (a) are within the power and
authority  of the  Purchaser,  (b) have been duly  authorized  by all  necessary
proceedings,  and (c) do not conflict  with nor will result in any breach of any
provision  hereof or the  creation  of any lien upon any of the  property of the
Purchaser, which conflict, breach or lien could reasonably be expected to have a
material  adverse  affect on the business  operations,  properties  or financial
condition of the Purchaser,  taken as a whole. This Agreement, when executed and
delivered  by the  Purchaser,  shall  constitute  its valid and legally  binding
obligation  enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to laws
of general  application  relating to bankruptcy,  insolvency,  and the relief of

           4.3 Ownership of the  Purchaser.  Rosetta Stone Holdings LLC, a Texas
limited  liability  company  (which is owned 75% by Avery  More and 25% by Morti
Tenenhaus) is the owner and holder of 42.86% of Purchaser,  Nathan Morton is the
owner and holder of 42.86% of  Purchaser,  and Robert J. Boutin is the owner and
holder of 14.28% of Purchaser.  The owners of Purchaser contemplate that a total
of 12.5% of  Purchaser  may be owned  by one or more  other  parties,  including
approximately  2.5% of which may be owned by an as yet  unidentified  charitable

           4.4  Governmental   Consents.   All  consents,   approvals,   orders,
authorizations, or registrations,  qualifications, designations, declarations or
filings  with any  Federal or state  governmental  authority  on the part of the
Purchaser  required in  connection  with the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated  by this Agreement have been obtained or will be obtained prior to,
and be effective as of, the Closing. In particular, Purchaser represents that no
filing  under  the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976,  as
amended, is required.

           4.5 Compliance With Other Instruments.  Purchaser is not in violation
of any provisions of its  partnership or operating  agreement or, to the best of
Purchaser's  knowledge,  of any material  provision of any mortgage,  indenture,
contract, agreement,  instrument,  judgment or decree to which it is a party, or
of any provisions of any Federal or state judgment, writ, decree, or order which
would materially and adversely affect its performance under this Agreement,  and
the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement will not result in any
such  violation or be in conflict  with or  constitute a default  under any such

           4.6 Tax Matters.  The Purchaser and all Purchaser's owners have filed
all federal,  foreign,  state,  county and local  income,  excise,  sales,  use,
property and other tax returns which it is required to file and all such returns
are materially true and correct.  The Purchaser has paid all taxes which it owes
or is obligated  to withhold  from amounts  owing to any  employee,  creditor or
third  party.  The  Purchaser  is not  liable  for any tax with  respect  to any
transaction  not in the  ordinary  course of business  consummated  prior to the
Closing,  and, to the  Purchaser's  knowledge,  no such tax  liability  has been
asserted by any governmental authority.

           4.7 Misleading Statements.  To the best of the Purchaser's knowledge,
no  representation  or warranty by the  Purchaser  in this  Agreement  or in any
statement or  certificate  furnished or to be furnished by the  Purchaser to the
Seller pursuant to this Agreement,  including the exhibits  hereto,  contains or
will contain any untrue statement of a material fact which would have a material
adverse  effect on the condition of the Company taken as a whole when first made
or which would have a material adverse effect on Purchaser's  ability to perform
its obligations hereunder or thereunder.

           4.8  Litigation.  Schedule  4.8 lists all  actions,  proceedings  and
investigations  pending or, to the best knowledge of the  Purchaser's  officers,
threatened  against  Purchaser  or  Purchaser's  owners set forth in Section 4.3
before any court or administrative  agency, that could reasonably be expected to
result, either individually or in the aggregate,  in any material adverse change
in the  business,  prospects,  condition,  operations,  properties  or assets of
Purchaser  or  Purchaser's  owners set forth in Section  4.3, or in any material
liability  on the part of  Purchaser,  the  owners  of  Purchaser  set  forth in
Schedule  4.3,  or the  Company or in any way  questions  the  validity  of this
Agreement or any actions taken or to be taken in connection therewith.

      5.   Federal and Other Securities Laws.

           5.1  Investment Representation.

                (a) This  Agreement is made with the  Purchaser in reliance upon
the  representations  of the  Purchaser to the Seller,  which by its  acceptance
hereof the Purchaser hereby confirms,  that the Purchaser's Shares, the Warrant,
and the Warrant Shares (if received upon exercise of the Warrant) to be received
by it will be acquired for investment  for its own account,  not as a nominee or
agent,  and not with a view to the sale or distribution of any part thereof.  By
executing this Agreement, the Purchaser further represents that it does not have
any contract,  undertaking,  agreement,  or arrangement with any person to sell,
transfer,  or grant  participation to such person, or to any third person,  with
respect to any of the Purchaser's Shares, the Warrant, and the Warrant Shares.

                (b) The Purchaser  understands that the Purchaser's  Shares, the
Warrant,  and the Warrant  Shares are not  registered  under Section 4(2) of the
Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") on the ground that the sale provided for
in this Agreement or the Warrant and the issuance of the Purchaser's Shares, the
Warrant,  and the Warrant Shares is exempt from registration  under the 1933 Act
and  that  the  Company's  reliance  on  such  exemption  is  predicated  on the
Purchaser's  representations  set forth herein.  The Purchaser realizes that the
basis  for  the   exemption  may  not  be  present  if,   notwithstanding   such
representations,  the  Purchaser has in mind merely  acquiring  the  Purchaser's
Shares, the Warrant,  and the Warrant Shares for a fixed or determinable  period
in the future, or for a market rise or for sale if the market does not rise. The
Purchaser hereby confirms and represents that it has no such intention.

                (c) The Purchaser represents that it is an "accredited investor"
within the meaning of Rule 501 under the 1933 Act and that it is  experienced in
evaluating  and  investing  in  companies  such as Company,  is able to fend for
itself in the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  has such knowledge
and experience in financial and business  matters as to be capable of evaluating
the merits and risks of its  investment and has the ability to bear the economic
risks  of its  investment.  The  Purchaser  further  represents  that it has had
access,  during the course of the  transaction  and prior to its purchase of the
Purchaser's Shares and the Warrant to the same kind of information that would be
provided in a registration statement filed by the Company under the 1933 Act and
that it has had,  during the course of the transaction and prior to its purchase
of the  Purchaser's  Shares and the Warrant the opportunity to ask questions of,
and receive answers from, the Company concerning the terms and conditions of the
offering and to obtain additional  information  necessary to verify the accuracy
of any information furnished to it or to which it had access.

                (d) The Purchaser  understands that the Purchaser's  Shares, the
Warrant,  and the  Warrant  Shares  may not be sold,  transferred  or  otherwise
disposed of without  registration under the 1933 Act or an exemption  therefrom,
and that in the absence of an  effective  registration  statement  covering  the
Purchaser's  Shares,  the  Warrant,  and  the  Warrant  Shares  or an  available
exemption from  registration  under the 1933 Act, the  Purchaser's  Shares,  the
Warrant,  and the Warrant Shares must be held indefinitely.  In particular,  the
Purchaser is aware that the  Purchaser's  Shares,  the Warrant,  and the Warrant
Shares  may not be sold  pursuant  to Rule 144  promulgated  under  the 1933 Act
unless all of the  conditions of that Rule are met. Among the conditions for use
of Rule 144 is the  availability of current  information to the public about the
Company.  Such  information  is not now available and the Company has no present
plans to make such information available.  The Purchaser represents that, in the
absence of an effective  registration statement covering the Purchaser's Shares,
the Warrant, and the Warrant Shares, it will sell, transfer or otherwise dispose
of the Purchaser's Shares, the Warrant,  and the Warrant Shares only in a manner
consistent with the  representations of Purchaser set forth herein and then only
in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 hereof.

                (e)  The  Purchaser  agrees  that  in no  event  will  it make a
transfer or disposition of any of the Purchaser's  Shares, the Warrant,  and the
Warrant Shares (other than pursuant to an effective registration statement under
the 1933 Act or pursuant to and in compliance  with the provisions of Section 17
hereof),  unless and until (i) the Purchaser  shall have notified the Company of
the proposed  disposition  and shall have furnished the Company with a statement
of the circumstances surrounding the disposition and assurance that the proposed
disposition  is in compliance  with all  applicable  laws and (ii) if reasonably
requested by the Company, at the expense of the Purchaser or its transferee,  it
shall  have  furnished  to  the  Company  an  opinion  of  counsel,   reasonably
satisfactory  to the  Company,  to the  effect  that such  transfer  may be made
without registration under the 1933 Act.

           5.2  Legends; Stop Transfer.

                (a) All  certificates  for the  Purchaser's  Shares and  Warrant
Shares, as well as the Warrant, shall bear the following legend:

      These  securities  have not been  registered  under the  Securities Act of
      1933. They may not be sold,  offered for sale,  pledged or hypothecated in
      the absence of an effective  registration  statement as to the  securities
      under said Act or an opinion of counsel  satisfactory  to the Company that
      such registration is not required.

      These  securities are subject to certain  transfer and other  restrictions
      set forth in a Stock  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of July 17, 1997 among
      the Company, Tandy Corporation and Eureka Venture Partners, III., LLP (the
      "Stock Purchase  Agreement") and certain related  agreements.  The Company
      will not recognize any transfer of these  securities  except in accordance
      with the Stock Purchase Agreement and related agreements, and any transfer
      which is not in compliance  with the Stock Purchase  Agreement and related
      agreements shall be null and void.

      These Securities have been pledged by Eureka Venture Partners, III, LLP to
      Tandy Corporation under a Pledged Security  Agreement dated July 17, 1997,
      to  secure  Eureka  Venture  Partners,  III,  LLP's  obligations  to Tandy
      Corporation  under a  Purchase  Note  dated  July 17,  1997 and a  Warrant
      Purchase Note. These securities may not be transferred to any other person
      except  upon  release  of  the  securities   from  such  pledge  by  Tandy

                (b) The  certificates for the Purchaser's  Shares,  the Warrant,
and the Warrant  Shares  shall also bear any legend  required by any  applicable
state securities law.

                (c) In addition, the Company shall make a notation regarding the
restrictions  on transfer of the  Purchaser's  Shares and Warrant  Shares in its
stock books and the  Purchaser's  Shares and Warrant Shares shall be transferred
on the books of the Company only if transferred or sold pursuant to an effective
registration  statement  under the 1933 Act covering  such shares or pursuant to
and in compliance with the provisions of Section 17 hereof.

                (d) The share certificates,  the warrant,  and any shares issued
pursuant  to the  warrant,  shall  remain in the  custody  and control of Seller
pursuant to that certain Pledge and Security Agreement of even date herewith.

      6.   Covenants of the Parties

           6.1  Covenants of the Seller.
                (a)  Consents.  On  or  prior  to  the  Adjustment  Date  unless
otherwise  provided  for  herein,  the Seller  will  obtain  such  consents  and
approvals from the Company's  lessors,  lenders and other  persons,  entities or
others  having  business  relations  with the Company as are  necessary  for the
continuation  in full force and effect  after the Closing  (i) of the  Company's
leases,  loan  arrangements  and all material  agreements  set forth on Schedule
3.16(c) and (ii) of the Company's business in the same manner as conducted prior
to the  Closing.  The Seller will take  commercially  reasonable  action in good
faith to obtain all  necessary  consents not  delivered at Closing and listed on
Schedule 6.1(a) by the Adjustment Date.  After the Adjustment  Date,  Seller and
Company  will  cooperate  in good  faith to  resolve  between  them  any  issues
regarding consents and approvals which Seller is required to obtain but which it
is unable to obtain.  With regard to leases for which consents and approvals are
required  but are not  obtained or for which  notice  periods  have not expired,
Seller  will  enter  into a  management  contract  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit  6.1(a) with the Company for those  locations  unless Company and Seller
agree otherwise.  Further, if recapture rights or other issues arise with regard
to leases, Seller and Company shall cooperate in good faith to resolve the issue
in a mutually  beneficial  manner,  which may include  allowing the recapture to

                (b)  Transitional  Services to be Provided by Seller.  Following
the  Closing,  Seller  shall  provide the Company on a temporary  basis with the
administrative  support  services  relating  to  accounting  and tax  functions,
payroll  services,  benefits  administration,  information  and data  processing
services,  corporate office space and legal,  insurance,  security, real estate,
service  support,  human resources  services and other related  services as more
fully described on Exhibit 6.1(b) ("Transitional  Services") in exchange for the
fees listed for each such service on Exhibit 6.1(b) (the "Transitional  Services
Fees").  Such  Transitional  Services  will be  provided  in a manner and to the
extent  consistent with activities of a similar nature provided by Seller to the
Company's  operations  during  the one year  period  prior to the  Closing  Date
(including  the period of time during which such  operations  were a division of
Seller).  As soon as practical following the Closing and after consultation with
the Seller on timing and reasonable  time frames,  the Company will seek to take
over or terminate  all of such  functions in order to operate on an  independent
basis. The Transitional  Services Fees will be reduced by the amounts on Exhibit
6.1(b) as Transitional  Services provided to Company by Seller are taken over by
the Company.  Except as otherwise agreed,  when Transitional  Services are taken
over or terminated by the Company,  except as set forth on Schedule 6.1(b),  the
Company shall acquire all related,  remaining  assets of Seller dedicated to the
provision of the Transitional  Services to Company by Seller including,  but not
limited  to,  Computer  City  forms  in  Seller's  inventory,  spare  parts  and
accessories  in the  inventory of the Tandy Retail  Service  Division of Seller,
inventory  in the  Tandy  Security  Division  of  Seller,  computers,  parts and
accessories in the BTO (Tandy  Systems  Integration  Facility)  operation of the
Seller, computer equipment,  capitalized and other assumed lease commitments and
capitalized  software  in the Tandy  Information  Service of the Seller  (net of
disposal  costs,  if any),  services and materials  furnished by Tandy Signs and
Tandy  Cabinets,  inventory in the Refurb  Center and in all the  Computer  City
Repair Centers,  inventory at RMAC,  computer  equipment,  equipment and related
accessories  in the Tandy  Credit  Division of Seller  and,  all  computers  and
related equipment on the books of any other support division of the Seller.  The
purchase  price of all such  dedicated  assets  shall  be (i)  with  respect  to
inventory,  the current  carrying value as shown on Seller's books and (ii) with
respect to fixed  assets,  the net book value.  The fixed assets of FALCON shall
not be subject to  acquisition  by the  Company,  but shall  remain on  Seller's
books. The Company shall pay Seller in accordance with the methodology set forth
in the Transitional Services Agreement for continuing use of the FALCON service.

                (c) Software Licenses. The Seller shall, upon the request of the
Company and to the extent Seller is able to grant a license,  grant  licenses to
any or all of the software  system  programs used to operate the business of the
Company for no fee other than fees Seller is required to pay to third parties in
order to  grant  such  licenses.  Such  licenses  shall  be  non-assignable  and
perpetual (or equal in duration to the license granted by a third party owner to
the Seller) to the extent permitted by such licenses.  If Seller cannot license,
assign or transfer its rights to use a third party's software,  Seller shall use
commercially reasonable efforts to assist Purchaser to obtain a separate license
from the software  owner at a reasonable  price payable solely by the Company to
allow Company to use the software.  Nothing in this section shall require Seller
to assign or transfer its rights in any  software  that is required by Seller to
operate the ongoing business of Seller. A list of all material software licenses
is included in Schedule 6.1(c).  After the Closing,  Company shall independently
procure the rights to use any copyrightable  material (including but not limited
to  licenses,  manuals,  software,  etc.)  which  Seller is unable to  transfer,
sublicense or assign.

                (d)  Employee  Benefit  Plans   Continuation.   Schedule  6.1(d)
contains  a list of all  employee  benefit  plans as to which  employees  of the
Company,  who were previously  employees of Seller while the Company's  business
was operated as a division,  and Seller shall continue to provide coverage under
such  plans to  employees  of the  Company as set forth on  Schedule  6.1(d) and
charge  Company  for  services  related  thereto  pursuant  to the  Transitional
Services Agreement.

           6.2  Covenants of the Company.

                (a)  Employees.Company  shall  employ  all  individuals  who are
employees of the Computer City division on the Closing Date.

                (b) Employee Stock Option Plan.  Each of the Company,  Purchaser
and the Seller  covenant and agree that it will cause the Company to approve and
adopt an Employee Stock Option Plan of the Company,  pursuant to which employees
of the Company may acquire Class B shares in the Company  through  incentive and
non-incentive stock option. The Employee Stock Option Plan shall be administered
by the Company's Board of Directors or a committee thereof selected by the Board
of  Directors.  Further,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  shall cause to be
reserved an aggregate  number of shares of its Class B Common Stock to be issued
pursuant  to the  exercise of all options  granted  under the Stock  Option Plan
equal to, but not in excess  thereof,  10% of the  authorized  and issued Common
Stock of the Company as of the date hereof.

                (c) Company  Certificates.  The Company shall have  delivered to
Purchaser by the  Adjustment  Date  certificates  from the Secretary of State of
each state where the Company is  qualified  to transact  business as to the good
standing of the Company under the laws of such state.

           6.3  Purchasers Covenants.

                (a) Ownership Changes of Purchaser.  Each owner of Purchaser may
have or may in the future grant rights in a portion of such party's  interest in
Purchaser to family members or  affiliates,  provided that in no event shall the
combined  beneficial  ownership  interests  of Avery More and  Nathan  Morton in
Purchaser,  during their lives and prior to a Resulting Transaction,  fall below
50%  without  the  consent of Seller.  For the  purpose  of this  paragraph  the
beneficial  ownership of Avery More shall include any ownership through entities
in which he holds a controlling interest.

                (b)  Management  Agreements.   Purchaser  and  each  owner  of
Purchaser shall execute the Management Agreement set forth on Exhibit 6.3(b).

      7.   Agreements Between the Company, the Purchaser and the Seller.

           7.1  Definitions.  As used herein,  the following  terms shall have
the following meanings:

                (a) EBITDA Plan and EBITDA Floor. As used herein,  "EBITDA Plan"
shall mean for purposes of this Agreement, the Company's achieving $8,000,000 of
EBITDA for any EBITDA  Period.  The  "EBITDA  Floor"  shall be an EBITDA loss of
$4,000,000 in any EBITDA Period.  "EBITDA",  for the purpose of this  Agreement,
means earnings  before  interest,  taxes,  depreciation,  and  amortization  and
excluding all amounts in account number 5503 (the "Tandy Administrative  Charges
Account"),  determined in  accordance  with Seller's  prior  practices.  "EBITDA
Period" means (i) for purposes of the EBITDA Plan,  any  combined,  trailing two
fiscal quarters ending on any fiscal quarter end between  September 30, 1998 and
March 31,  1999,  inclusive;  and (ii) for  purposes  of the EBITDA  Floor,  any
combined,  trailing two fiscal quarters ending on any fiscal quarter end between
March 31, 1998 and March 31, 1999, inclusive.  The parties may modify the EBITDA
Plan and EBITDA Floor by mutual written agreement.

                (b) Rights  Offering.  As used herein,  "Rights  Offering" shall
mean an offering of the  Company's  Common Stock  registered  under the 1933 Act
pursuant to which the Seller or the Company will grant rights to shareholders of
the Seller to purchase common stock of the Company at a predetermined price (the
"Offering  Price")  or any other  offering  of  Company  securities,  such as an
initial public offering, registered under the 1933 Act. Those rights would allow
a holder thereof to purchase stock at the Offering Price with the Offering Price
proceeds  thereof going to the grantor of the rights  (either the Company or the
Seller, as the case may be) or would allow the holder to sell the rights.

                (c)  Spin-Off.   As  used  herein,   "Spin-Off"   shall  mean  a
transaction  in  which  all or a  substantial  part of the  common  stock of the
Company  held  by  the  Seller,   which  excludes  an  amount  of  common  stock
transferable  upon the exercise of the Warrant by Purchaser,  is  distributed to
the  shareholders  of  Seller  and,  contemporaneously  therewith,  the  Company
registers any class of its  securities  under the Securities and Exchange Act of
1934, as amended.

                (d) Sale of the Company.  As used herein,  "Sale of the Company"
shall  mean a  disposition  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the
Company, or the sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the stock of the
Company in a  transaction  or series of related  transactions,  whether by stock
sale, merger, assignment or otherwise,  excluding a Rights Offering or Spin-Off.
A sale of  substantially  all of Seller's common stock of the Company shall, for
the purpose of this definition, be treated as a Sale of the Company.

                (e)  Resulting   Transaction.   As  used  herein,   "Resulting
Transaction" means a Rights Offering, Spin-Off, or Sale of the Company.

           7.2 EBITDA Plan.  The Seller,  the Purchaser and the Company  jointly
covenant and agree to use all commercially  reasonable  efforts  consistent with
their respective  directors'  business judgment to achieve and exceed the EBITDA
Plan for the Company.

           7.3 Approval of Resulting  Transaction by the Seller.  The Purchaser,
the Seller,  and the Company will, in an effort to increase  shareholder  value,
use commercially reasonable efforts to manage the operations of the Company in a
manner to meet or exceed the EBITDA Plan.  If the Company meets the EBITDA Plan,
the  parties  will then seek to  consummate  a Resulting  Transaction,  unless a
Resulting  Transaction  acceptable  to Seller can be  consummated  prior to that
time. The Seller and the Purchaser shall consult with one another  regarding the
advisability of a particular type of Resulting  Transaction,  but whether or not
to pursue or accomplish any particular  Resulting  Transaction,  or the decision
not to pursue any  Resulting  Transaction,  shall be  determined  by the Seller,
whose decision on that subject shall be final and binding on the parties hereto.
In the event the Seller  determines  to pursue a  Resulting  Transaction  which,
under applicable law,  requires the vote or approval of the Purchaser,  then the
Purchaser  covenants  and agrees to vote as so  directed  by the Seller or grant
Seller a proxy to so vote and shall take any other reasonable steps necessary in
order to consummate the particular Resulting Transaction.

           [7.4 Seller's Right to Reacquire  Shares from Purchaser.  At any time
prior to the completion of a Resulting Transaction, Seller shall have the right,
upon written  notice to Purchaser  within 45 days after EBITDA is  determined by
Company for the applicable  EBITDA  Period,  to reacquire all, but not less than
all, of the shares of the Common Stock owned by the  Purchaser,  and the Warrant
to  the  extent  it  is  exercisable  but  unexercised,   upon  payment  of  the
Reacquisition  Price (as defined  below) less the sum of: (i) the  principal and
interest  amount then owed by Purchaser  to Seller on the Purchase  Note and the
Warrant  Purchase  Note by Purchaser to Seller,  and (ii) an amount equal to the
Strike Price multiplied by the percentage of the Warrant that is exercisable but
remains  unexercised,  if any,  provided that the result of Reacquisition  Price
less  (i) and  (ii)  above  is a  positive  number.  As used  herein,  the  term
"Reacquisition Price" shall mean:

           (a) If (i) prior to March 31,  1999 and  actual  EBITDA  exceeds  the
EBITDA Floor, or (ii) on or after April 1, 1999 and the EBITDA Plan has been met
by Company, the greater of:

                          (x)  the  amount  which  is  equal  to  150%  of the
Purchase Price paid by the Purchaser for the Purchaser's Shares plus 120% of the
cash and principal  amount of the notes  delivered to Seller for shares acquired
by the Purchaser upon the exercise of the Warrant, plus 120% of the Strike Price
multiplied  by the  percentage  of the Warrant that is  exercisable  but remains
unexercised, if any;

                          (y)  the  product  of the  Company's  EBITDA for the
twelve  (12)  month  period  ending on the date of  Seller's  written  notice to
reacquire, or such EBITDA on an annualized basis for such prior period beginning
August 1, 1997,  and ending on the date of Seller's  notice to reacquire if such
notice occurs prior to July 31, 1998 (in each case,  excluding  partial  months)
times ten (10) times Purchaser's  ownership percentage including any unexercised
yet exercisable Warrants; or
                          (z)  the  Sales  Price.   As  used  herein,   "Sales
Price" means,  if a Sale of the Company occurs prior to or within one year after
the date on which the Reacquisition Price is calculated,  the price per share of
Purchaser's shares assuming  conversion of all Warrants and options  outstanding
and any other convertible security or debt;

                (b) If (i) prior to March 31, 1999 and the Company's EBITDA does
not exceed the EBITDA  Floor,  or (ii) on or after April 1, 1999 and Company has
not  achieved  the EBITDA Plan,  the  Reacquisition  Price shall be equal to the
amount of outstanding principal and interest due by Purchaser to Seller pursuant
to the Purchase Note and the Warrant Purchase Note.

           The date of the  Reacquisition  Price shall be the date of the notice
or other event giving rise to its determination.  The Reacquisition  Price shall
be payable by the Seller to the Purchaser  within 20 days of the  calculation of
the Price as provided in Section 7.8 and shall bear  interest at the rate of 12%
commencing  30  days  thereafter;   provided,   however,  that  if  the  initial
determination of the  Reacquisition  Price is adjusted by reason of a subsequent
Sale of the Company, the adjustment to such Reacquisition Price shall not accrue
interest, except from the date of such Sale.

                [7.5 The Purchaser's  Put Option.  Conditioned on the occurrence
of the Seller effecting a Sale of the Company,  as defined above,  which has not
been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company,  prior to March 31, 1999
and  provided  that the EBITDA  Floor has been met or exceeded by the Company (a
"Put Event") and further  provided that Purchaser is not in material  default or
material breach of any term, condition or covenant under this Agreement,  Seller
hereby grants to the Purchaser the right (the "Put Option") to require Seller to
purchase  all (but not less than all) of the shares of the Common Stock owned by
the Purchaser and the Warrant (to the extent it is exercisable but  unexercised)
in exchange for payment to Purchaser of the Put Price as defined  below less the
sum of (i) the principal and interest  amount then owed on the Purchase Note and
Warrant  Purchase  Note by  Purchaser  to Seller and (ii) an amount equal to the
Strike Price multiplied by the percentage of the Warrant that is exercisable but
remains unexercised,  if any, provided that the result of the Put Price less (i)
and (ii) is a positive number.

           "Put Price" means the greater of:

                          (x)  the  amount  which  is  equal  to  150%  of the
Purchase Price paid by the Purchaser for the Purchaser's Shares plus 120% of the
cash and principal  amount of the notes  delivered to Seller for shares acquired
by the Purchaser upon the exercise of the Warrant, plus 120% of the Strike Price
multiplied  by the  percentage  of the Warrant that is  exercisable  but remains
unexercised, if any;

                          (y)  the  product  of the  Company's  EBITDA for the
twelve  (12)  month  period  ending on the date of  Seller's  written  notice to
reacquire, or such EBITDA on an annualized basis for such prior period beginning
August 1, 1997,  and ending on the date of Seller's  notice to reacquire if such
notice occurs prior to July 31, 1998 (in each case,  excluding  partial  months)
times ten (10) times Purchaser's  ownership percentage including any unexercised
yet exercisable Warrants; or

                          (z)  the  Sales  Price.   As  used  herein,   "Sales
Price" means,  if a Sale of the Company occurs prior to or within one year after
the date on which the Reacquisition Price is calculated,  the price per share of
Purchaser's shares assuming  conversion of all Warrants and options  outstanding
and any other convertible security or debt;

           The  Purchaser's  exercise of the Put Option shall be irrevocable and
shall bind the Seller to purchase  and the  Purchaser  to sell all the shares of
the  Company's  Common  Stock owned by the  Purchaser  as of the date of the Put

                7.6  Company's   Bylaws.   The  Company   shall  adopt  bylaws
substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 7.6.

                7.7  Restrictions  on  Purchaser's  Sale of  Shares.  Except  as
provided  in  this  Section,  prior  to the  earlier  of July  1,  2000,  or the
completion of a Resulting Transaction,  Purchaser shall not sell or transfer any
of its Purchaser's Shares or Warrant Shares without the prior written consent of
Seller. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Purchaser and its
owners may sell or otherwise  assign for  consideration  or gift Common Stock to
any or all of their lineal ancestors,  descendants,  spouses, or to a custodian,
trustee  (including a trustee of a voting trust),  executor,  or other fiduciary
for the account or benefit of their ancestors,  descendants or spouse,  provided
that each such  transferee  or assignee,  prior to the  completion  of the sale,
transfer,  gift or  assignment,  shall  have  executed  documents  assuming  the
obligations  of the respective  transferor  under this Agreement with respect to
the transferred securities and provided further that such transfer complies with
applicable federal and state securities laws, to the reasonable  satisfaction of
the Company.  For purposes of this Section 7.7, the term  "Transfer"  shall mean
any sale,  assignment  or  transaction  which  results in a change of beneficial
ownership (as defined in Rule 13d-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934),
including,  without limitation,  the sale, assignment or transfer of shares of a
corporation  or ownership  interests in a limited  liability  company which is a
shareholder hereunder.

                7.8  Procedure  for  Purchases  and  Sales  Hereunder.   If  the
Purchaser  decides to exercise  its Put Option  pursuant to Section  7.5, or the
Seller  decides to exercise  its right to reacquire  shares  pursuant to Section
7.4,  the  Purchaser or Seller,  as the case may be, shall  provide to the other
party written  notice of its intent to exercise the Put Option or  reacquisition
right.  This notice  shall set forth the  Reacquisition  Price less any required
adjustments.  The closing of the exercise of the Put Option or the reacquisition
right shall occur on the twentieth calendar day following delivery of the notice
(or the next  succeeding  business  day, if the  twentieth day is not a business
day) at such time and place as is agreed to by the  parties.  The party  that is
exercising  its  rights  shall pay the  Reacquisition  Price  less any  required
adjustments,  plus any required  interest,  in immediately  available funds. The
party that is selling its securities  shall deliver the securities  that are the
subject of the Put Option or  reacquisition  right,  together with duly executed
stock  powers  or a  power  of  attorney  providing  for  the  transfer.  If the
Reacquisition  Price is subject to adjustment  pursuant to Section  7.4(a)(iii),
the  selling  party shall  provide  notice to the other party of the size of the
adjustment  and the basis  therefor.  The other party shall make the  adjustment
payment within five business days of receiving such notice.  Any dispute between
the parties  regarding  Sections 7.4, 7.5, and 7.8 shall be resolved in the same
manner as set forth in subsections (i), (ii) and (iii) of Section 1.3(c) above.

                7.9  Prohibition of Lease Renewal by Company . Without the prior
written consent of Seller, the Company shall at no time extend the lease term in
any manner or exercise  any renewal  option  under any lease on which Seller was
the original tenant.

                7.10  Notification of Certain Matters.  Seller shall give prompt
notice to Purchaser,  and Purchaser  shall give prompt notice to Seller,  of (i)
the occurrence,  or failure to occur,  of any event which  occurrence or failure
would be likely to cause any  representation or warranty of such party contained
in this Agreement to be untrue or inaccurate in any material respect at any time
prior to delivery of the  Closing  Date  Balance  Sheet;  and (ii) any  material
failure or  inability of Seller or of  Purchaser,  as the case may be, or of any
officer,  director,  employee  or agent  thereof,  to comply with or satisfy any
covenant,  condition or  agreement to be complied  with or satisfied by it under
this  Agreement.  If, at any time prior to delivery of the Closing  Date Balance
Sheet,  a party  learns  of facts or  circumstances  which  the  party  knows or
believes  are unknown to the other party and which would make the other  party's
representations  and  warranties  herein  incomplete  or  inaccurate,  the party
learning of such facts or  circumstances  shall promptly  notify the other party
who  shall  have a  reasonable  time  to cure  such  deficiency  or  inaccuracy.
Otherwise,  failure  of the party  learning  of such facts or  circumstances  to
notify the other  shall be deemed a waiver of any claim of breach of warranty or
representation based thereon.

                7.11.   Indemnification  by  the  Seller.   Notwithstanding  the
Closing, the Seller shall indemnify and defend, save and hold the Purchaser, the
Company  and its  directors,  officers,  employees,  agents and  attorneys  (the
"Purchaser  Indemnitees") harmless if any Purchaser Indemnitee shall at any time
or from  time  to  time  suffer  any  damage,  liability,  loss,  cost,  expense
(including  all  reasonable  attorneys',  experts'  and  consultants'  fees  for
attorneys,  experts and  consultants  who were not employees of the Purchaser or
the Company when said services were rendered),  deficiency,  interest,  penalty,
impositions,  assessments or fines  (collectively,  "Losses")  arising out of or
resulting  from or shall pay or become obliged to pay any sum on account of, any
Seller's Event of Breach.  As used herein,  "Seller's  Event of Breach" shall be
and mean any one or more of the following:

                     (a)  Except as  limited  by Section  7.10,  any  material
untruth or  inaccuracy  in any  representation  of the Seller or the  material
breach of any warranty of the Seller contained in this Agreement,

                     (b)  any  material  failure of the Seller duly to perform
or observe any term,  provision,  covenant,  agreement or condition  contained
in this Agreement on the part of the Seller to be performed or observed, and

                     (c)  any  claim or cause of  action  by any  third  party
against any Purchaser  Indemnitee with respect to the conduct of the business of
the Computer City division of Seller on or prior to the Closing Date whether any
such claims or causes of action are  asserted  prior to, on or after the Closing
Date;  provided,  however,  that (i) the Seller shall have no obligation to make
any payment  under Section 7.11 with respect to any  representation  or warranty
made in good faith  without  actual  knowledge  or notice of falsity  unless the
aggregate  amount to which all Purchaser  Indemnitees  are entitled by reason of
all such claims exceeds  $1,000,000 (the "Seller  Threshold  Amount"),  it being
agreed that once such amount is  exceeded,  the  aggregate of all such claims in
excess of the Seller  Threshold  Amount  shall be payable by Seller on demand by
the  Purchaser;  and (ii) the  aggregate  liability of Seller under Section 7.11
shall not exceed $5,000,000.

                7.12.  Procedures  for  Indemnification  by  the  Seller.  If  a
Seller's Event of Breach occurs or is alleged and a Purchaser Indemnitee asserts
that the Seller has become  obligated to such Purchaser  Indemnitee  pursuant to
Section 7, or if any suit, action, investigation,  claim or proceeding is begun,
made or  instituted  as a result of which the Seller may become  obligated  to a
Purchaser  Indemnitee  hereunder,  such Purchaser  Indemnitee  shall give prompt
written notice to the Seller.  The Purchaser  Indemnitee shall permit the Seller
(at the expense of the  Seller) to assume the defense of any such suit,  action,
investigation, claim or proceeding; providing, however, that (a) the counsel for
the Seller who shall conduct the defense shall be reasonably satisfactory to the
Purchaser  Indemnitee,  (b) the Purchaser  Indemnitee  may  participate  in such
defense at its expense, and (c) the omission by the Purchaser Indemnitee to give
notice as provided  herein  shall not relieve the Seller of its  indemnification
obligation  expect to the  extent  that such  omission  results  in a failure of
actual notice to the Seller and the Seller is materially  damaged as a result of
such  failure  to give  notice.  Except  with the prior  written  consent of the
Purchaser  Indemnitee,  the Seller  shall not,  in the defense of any such suit,
action, investigation,  claim or proceeding, consent to entry of any judgment or
enter into any settlement that provides for monetary relief or for injunctive or
other  nonmonetary  relief  affecting the Purchaser  Indemnitee or that does not
include  as an  unconditional  term  thereof  the  giving  by each  claimant  or
plaintiff to such  Purchaser  Indemnitee  of a release from all  liability  with
respect to such claim or litigation.  In the event that the Purchaser Indemnitee
shall in good  faith  determine  that the  conduct  of the  defense of any claim
subject to  indemnification  hereunder  or any proposed  settlement  of any such
claim  by the  Seller  might be  expected  to  affect  adversely  the  Purchaser
Indemnitee's  tax  liability  or the  ability  of the  Company  to  conduct  its
business,  or that the Purchaser Indemnitee may have available to it one or more
defenses or counterclaims  that are inconsistent  with one or more of those that
may be available to the Seller in respect of such suit,  action,  investigation,
claim or proceeding  relating thereto,  the Purchaser  Indemnitee shall have the
right at all times to take over and assume control over the defense, settlement,
negotiations  or  litigation  relating to any such claim at the sole cost of the
Seller   (including   without   limitation   reasonable   attorneys'   fees  and
disbursements  and  other  amounts  paid as the  result  of such  suit,  action,
investigation,  claim or proceeding;  provided,  however,  that if the Purchaser
Indemnitee does so take over and assume control,  the Purchaser Indemnitee shall
not settle such suit,  action,  investigation,  claim or proceeding  without the
prior  written  consent  of the  Seller,  such  consent  not to be  unreasonably
withheld.  In the event that the Seller does not accept and continue the defense
of any matter as provided above,  the Purchaser  Indemnitee  shall have the full
right  to  defend  against  any  such  suit,  action,  investigation,  claim  or
proceeding and shall be entitled to settle or agree to pay in full such claim or
demand. In any event, the Seller and the Purchaser Indemnitee shall cooperate in
the defense of any suit, action,  investigation,  claim or proceeding subject to
this  Section  7.12 and the records of each shall be available to the other with
respect to such defense.

                7.13.  Indemnification  by the  Purchaser.  Notwithstanding  the
Closing,  the Purchaser shall  indemnify and agree to defend,  save and hold the
Seller, any Affiliate of the Seller other than the Company, and the directors of
the Company, and Seller's officers, employees, agents and attorneys (the "Seller
Indemnitees"),  harmless if any Seller Indemnitee shall at any time or from time
to time suffer any Losses  arising  out of or  resulting  from,  or shall pay or
become obligated to pay any sum on account of, any Purchaser's  Event of Breach.
As used herein,  "Purchaser's Event of Breach" shall be and mean any one or more
of the following:

                     (a)  Except as  limited  by Section  7.10,  any  material
untruth or inaccuracy in any  representation  of the Purchaser or the material
breach of  any warranty of the Purchaser contained in this Agreement,

                     (b)  any  material  failure  of  the  Purchaser  duly  to
perform  or  observe  any term,  provision,  covenant,  agreement  or  condition
contained  in this  Agreement  on the part of the  Purchaser  to be performed or
observed, and

                     (c)  any  claim or cause of  action  by any  third  party
against any Seller Indemnitee with respect to the conduct of the business of the
Company  arising  after  the  Closing  Date;  provided,  however,  that  (i) the
Purchaser  shall have no  obligation to make any payment under Section 7.13 with
respect to any  representation  or warranty  made in good faith  without  actual
knowledge or notice of falsity  unless the aggregate  amount to which all Seller
Indemnitees  are entitled by reason of all such claims exceeds  $1,000,000  (the
"Purchaser  Threshold  Amount"),  it being  agreed  that  once  such  amount  is
exceeded,  the aggregate of all such claims in excess of the Purchaser Threshold
Amount  shall be  payable by  Purchaser  on demand by the  Seller;  and (ii) the
aggregate  liability  of the  Purchaser  under  Section  7.13  shall not  exceed

                7.14.  Procedures for  Indemnification  by the  Purchaser.  If a
Purchaser's Event of Breach occurs or is alleged and a Seller Indemnitee asserts
that the Purchaser  has become  obligated to it pursuant to Section 7, or if any
suit, action, investigation, claim or proceeding is begun, made or instituted as
a result of which the  Purchaser  may become  obligated  to a Seller  Indemnitee
hereunder,  such  Seller  Indemnitee  shall give  prompt  written  notice to the
Purchaser.  The Seller  Indemnitee shall permit the Purchaser (at the expense of
the  Purchaser) to assume the defense of any such suit,  action,  investigation,
claim or proceeding;  providing, however, that (a) the counsel for the Purchaser
who shall  conduct the defense shall be  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Seller
Indemnitee,  (b) the Seller  Indemnitee  may  participate in such defense at its
expense,  and (c) the  omission  by the  Seller  Indemnitee  to give  notice  as
provided  herein  shall  not  relieve  the  Purchaser  of  its   indemnification
obligation  expect to the  extent  that such  omission  results  in a failure of
actual notice to the  Purchaser  and the  Purchaser is  materially  damaged as a
result of such failure to give notice.  Except with the prior written consent of
the Seller Indemnitee, the Purchaser shall not, in the defense of any such suit,
action, investigation,  claim or proceeding, consent to entry of any judgment or
enter into any settlement that provides for monetary relief or for injunctive or
other  nonmonetary  relief  affecting  the  Seller  Indemnitee  or that does not
include  as an  unconditional  term  thereof  the  giving  by each  claimant  or
plaintiff to such Seller Indemnitee of a release from all liability with respect
to such claim or litigation.  In the event that the Seller  Indemnitee  shall in
good faith  determine  that the conduct of the  defense of any claim  subject to
indemnification  hereunder or any proposed  settlement  of any such claim by the
Purchaser  might be expected to affect  adversely  the Seller  Indemnitee's  tax
liability  or the ability of the Company to conduct  its  business,  or that the
Seller Indemnitee may have available to it one or more defenses or counterclaims
that are  inconsistent  with one or more of those that may be  available  to the
Purchaser in respect of such suit,  action,  investigation,  claim or proceeding
relating  thereto,  the Seller  Indemnitee  shall have the right at all times to
take over and assume  control  over the  defense,  settlement,  negotiations  or
litigation  relating  to any  such  claim  at the  sole  cost  of the  Purchaser
(including without limitation  reasonable  attorneys' fees and disbursements and
other amounts paid as the result of such suit, action,  investigation,  claim or
proceeding;  provided,  however, that if the Seller Indemnitee does so take over
and assume control,  the Seller  Indemnitee shall not settle such suit,  action,
investigation,  claim or  proceeding  without the prior  written  consent of the
Purchaser,  such consent not to be unreasonably  withheld. In the event that the
Purchaser  does not accept and  continue  the  defense of any matter as provided
above,  the Seller  Indemnitee  shall have the full right to defend  against any
such suit, action,  investigation,  claim or proceeding and shall be entitled to
settle or agree to pay in full such claim or demand. In any event, the Purchaser
and the Seller  Indemnitee  shall cooperate in the defense of any suit,  action,
investigation,  claim or proceeding subject to this Section 7.14 and the records
of each shall be available to the other with respect to such defense.

                7.15  EDS  Contract.  The  Company  shall  continue  to use  the
services of EDS provided for in the Master Service  Agreement between Seller and
EDS, provided,  however,  that beginning on September 30, 1997 the Company shall
have the right to terminate the EDS contract on prior  written  notice of 3 full
calendar months, with notice to be received by Seller on or before the first day
whereupon,  Seller will  indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any claims
for amounts due by EDS as a result of such termination.

                7.16 Execution of Leases

                     (a)  Orlando  Lease.  Shortly  after  the  date  of  this
Agreement  the  parties  shall  negotiate  in good faith and  execute a lease to
Company on customary  terms and  conditions  concerning the Computer City leased
store  location  in Orlando  on a triple  net lease and at an annual  rent to be

                     (b)  Corporate   Offices.   Corporate   office  space  is
being provided to Company by Seller under the terms of the Transitional Services
Agreement.  Shortly after the date of this Agreement the parties shall negotiate
in good faith to agree upon and  execute a lease to Company on  customary  terms
and conditions  concerning  Computer City's corporate offices in Fort Worth at a
rent to be negotiated.

                     (c)  Other  Arrangements.  The Company  and Seller  shall
enter  into such  other  leases  and  subleases  and other  arrangements  as are
mutually  agreed upon as  necessary  to effect the  purposes  of this  Agreement
including,  but not limited to,  arrangements  for the three  RadioShack  stores
listed on Schedule 3.16 (a)(v) and for store #29-4330.

                7.17 Seller will retain all  reserves  allocated  to medical and
dental claims of employees of the Company and all reserves allocated to casualty
(including workmen's compensation reserves) and property insurance claims of the
Company,  and will be responsible  for all such claims,  up to and including the
date which is the last day of the month prior to the closing date of a Resulting
Transaction or such other date as is agreed upon by the company and Seller.

                7.18 The Pro Forma  Balance  Sheet and the July 31 Balance Sheet
shall  include  fixed  asset  balances  related  to the  fixed  assets of closed
Computer  City  stores,  such  fixed  assets  being held for use in stores to be
opened in the future. Such fixed assets include,  but are not limited to, signs,
furniture,  displays,  store shelving and related store fixtures.  All costs of,
and  responsibility  for  disposal or handling of such fixed assets shall be the

                7.19 Audit  Rights.  The Company  covenants and agrees that at
all times at which Purchaser and Seller  maintain an interest in Company,  the

                     (i)  will keep and  maintain  the books  and  records  of
Company in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

                     (ii) will  provide  full  and  fair   disclosure  of  all
corporate   transactions  of  Company  to  the  independent  certified  public
accountant of Company;

                     (iii)will upon  reasonable  request provide access to the
books and records of Company to the independent  certified public accountants of
Company, Seller, or Purchaser, as well as the Internal Audit division of Seller,
for the purpose of examination and audit; and

                     (iv) will  permit  the   independent   certified   public
accountant  of Company to observe all  physical  inventories  conducted of the
assets of Company.

                7.20 Agreement  Relating to Delegation of Authority.  Purchaser,
Seller and Company shall execute at closing the Agreement Relating to Delegation
of Authority in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 7.1(e).

           8. Registration Rights.  Concurrently with the execution and delivery
of this  agreement,  Company,  the Seller,  and the  Purchaser  are  executing a
registration   rights   agreement   which  provides  for  unlimited   piggy-back
registration  rights to the  Purchaser  and the Seller  (during the term of this
Agreement  and  for a  period  of two  (2)  years  thereafter),  subject  to any
underwriting  discounts or reductions;  and one (1) demand registration right to
Purchaser  and  Seller at any time that is 180 days after the  Company's  common
stock is registered under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

           9.   Miscellaneous.

                9.1  Duration and Termination.

                     (a)  This  Agreement  shall  continue  in full  force and
effect until the earlier of the following events:

                          (i)  Seller  and  Purchaser   agree  in  writing  to
terminate this Agreement, with or without the consent of the Company;

                          (ii) Purchaser   or  Seller   acquires  all  of  the
shares of Company's Common Stock then outstanding; or

                          (iii)Purchaser   no  longer   holds  any  shares  of
Company's Common Stock.
                          (iv) a Resulting Transaction has been accomplished.

                     (b)  Upon the  happening of any of the  following  events
(each an "Event of Default"),  and upon the failure to cure such default  within
the specified  time, if any,  stated below the party which is not in default may
terminate  this  Agreement  and  pursue  all  remedies  available  to  it  under
applicable law:

                          (i)  Either   Seller  or   Purchaser   breach  their
respective representations,  warranties or obligations set out in this Agreement
or in any certificate, instrument, or agreement delivered in connection with the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and such breach could reasonably be
expected  to have a material  adverse  affect on the  Company or the  ability of
either party to perform its obligations hereunder,  and such breach is not cured
within 30 days after  delivery of written  notice to the breaching  party by the
nonbreaching party.

                          (ii) Purchaser or Seller  voluntarily  commences any
proceeding seeking relief under the bankruptcy,  insolvency, or liquidation laws
of any country,  or consents to the  institution  of or fails to contravene in a
timely and appropriate  manner any such proceeding  filed against it, or applies
for or consents to the appointment of a receiver,  trustee or similar  official,
or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becomes unable or
fails generally to pay its debts as they become due.

                9.2 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement and the documents referred
to herein  constitute the entire  agreement among the parties and no party shall
be  liable  or  bound  to any  other  party  in any  manner  by any  warranties,
representations or covenants except as specifically set forth herein or therein.
The warranties and representations set forth herein or therein shall survive the
closing of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  The terms and conditions of
this Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective
successors  and assigns of the  parties,  except as  otherwise  provided in this
Agreement.  Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer
upon any third party any rights,  remedies,  obligations or liabilities under or
by reason of this Agreement, except as expressly provided in this Agreement.

                9.3  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be  governed by and
construed in accordance  with the law of the State of Texas,  without  regard to
choice of law  provisions,  statutes,  regulations  or principles of this or any
other jurisdiction.

                9.4 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                9.5 Titles and Subtitles.  The titles and subtitles used in this
Agreement  are  used  for  convenience  only  and  are not to be  considered  in
construing or interpreting this Agreement.

                9.6  Notices.  Any  notice or other  communication  required  or
permitted  hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered
personally or sent by overnight  courier,  registered or certified  mail (return
receipt requested), or by telecopy (receipt confirmed):

           if to Purchaser:
                          Eureka Venture Partners III
                          Attention: Avery More
                          10000 N. Central Expressway
                          Suite 1460
                          Dallas, Texas  75231
                          Telecopy No. (214) 373-9994
           with a copy  to:
                          Sayles & Lidji
                          Attention: Brian M. Lidji
                          4400 Renaissance Tower
                          1201 Elm Street
                          Dallas, Texas 75270
                          Telecopy No. (214) 939-8787

          and if to Seller :
                          Tandy Corporation
                          Attention:  Dwain H. Hughes
                          100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1900
                          Fort Worth, Texas  76102
                          Telecopy No. (817) 390-2647    

          with a copy   to:
                          Tandy Corporation
                          Attention:  General Counsel
                          100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1900
                          Fort Worth, Texas  76102
                          Telecopy No. (817) 878-6593

or such other  address as shall be  furnished  in writing by any of the parties,
and any such  notice or  communication  shall be deemed to have been given as of
the date so delivered  personally,  3 days after so mailed, or the next business
day  following  transmission  by  telecopy  (except  that a notice  of change of
address shall not be deemed to have been given until received by the addressee).

                9.7 Finders' Fees. Each party represents that it neither is, nor
will be,  obligated for any finders' fee or  commission in connection  with this
transaction.  Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Purchaser and Seller
from any  liability  for any  commission  or  compensation  in the  nature  of a
finders' fee (and the costs and expenses of defending  against such liability or
asserted  liability)  for which  Company or any of its  officers,  employees  or
representatives is responsible.

                9.8 Expenses.  Unless  otherwise  specifically  provided herein,
each party shall pay all costs and  expenses  that it incurs with respect to the
negotiation, execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement.

                9.9  Amendments.  This  Agreement may not be amended except by
an instrument signed on behalf of each of the parties.

                9.10 Remedies.  The parties hereby  acknowledge that irreparable
injury will result in the event of a breach of this  Agreement by any party.  It
is  therefore  agreed that in the event that any party  breaches or threatens to
breach this  Agreement,  the other party shall be  entitled,  in addition to any
other  remedies  and damages  available:  (a) to an  injunction  to restrain the
violation thereof by such party, or partners,  agents,  servants,  employers and
employees of such party,  and all persons acting for or with such party, and (b)
to compel  specific  performance of the terms and conditions of this  Agreement.
Nothing  herein shall be  construed  to prohibit  the parties from  pursuing any
other  legal or  equitable  remedy  available  for such  breach,  including  the
recovery of damages.

           IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this  Agreement as of
the date first above written.

EVP COLONIAL, INC.                               TANDY CORPORATION
   ("COMPANY")                                       ("SELLER")

By:/S/ Robert S. Boutin            By:/s/ John V. Roach
Title: Chief Financial Officer     Title: Chairman of the Board and CEO
Date:  July 17, 1997               Date:  July 17, 1997

A Texas Limited Liability Partnership

By: /s/ Avery More
Title:  Managing Director
Date:   July 17, 1997

                                                                    EXHIBIT 4J

                               FIFTH AMENDMENT

"Amendment")  dated as of June 26, 1997 is among TANDY  CORPORATION,  a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"),  the banks and other financial  institutions listed
on the signature pages under the heading Banks (collectively,  the "Banks"), the
New Bank (as defined  below),  the Retiring Bank (as defined  below),  and TEXAS
COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as agent (in such capacity, the "Agent") for
the Banks.
                            PRELIMINARY STATEMENT
      (a) The Company, certain of the Banks, BARCLAYS BANK PLC ("Barclays"), THE
CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, formerly The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. ("Chase"), and the
Agent  entered into a Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility A) (the  "Original
Credit Agreement") dated as of May 27, 1994.
      (b) The Company,  certain of the Banks, the Retiring Bank, Barclays, Chase
and the Agent entered into the Agreement and First Amendment To Revolving Credit
Agreement  (Facility  A)  (the  "First  Amendment")  dated  as of May  26,  1995
modifying the Original Credit Agreement by inter alia adding CITICORP USA, INC.,
under the Credit Agreement and retiring Barclays as a Bank thereunder.
      (c) The Company,  certain of the Banks,  the Retiring Bank,  Chase and the
Agent entered into the Second Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility
A) (the  "Second  Amendment")  dated as of May 24, 1996  modifying  the Original
Credit Agreement, as amended by the First Amendment.
      (d) The Company, the Banks, the Retiring Bank, Chase and the Agent entered
into a Third Amendment to Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility A) (the "Third
Amendment") dated as of June 28, 1996 modifying the Original Credit Agreement as
amended by the First  Amendment  and the Second  Amendment  by inter alia adding
retiring Chase as a Bank thereunder.
      (e) The Company,  the Banks, the Retiring Bank, and the Agent entered into
a Fourth  Amendment  to  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility A) (the "Fourth
Amendment")  dated  as of  February  18,  1997  modifying  the  Original  Credit
Agreement as amended by the First Amendment,  the Second Amendment and the Third
Amendment (the Original Credit Agreement as amended by the First Amendment,  the
Second Amendment, the Third Amendment and the Fourth Amendment being the "Credit
      (f) The  Retiring  Bank no  longer  wishes  to be a  party  to the  Credit
Agreement and CoreStates  Bank, N.A. (the "New Bank"),  wishes to become a party
to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby with a Commitment of $9,000,000.
      (g) The Company has requested  that the Banks amend (i) the  definition of
"Maturity  Date"  contained  in Section  1.01 of the Credit  Agreement  and (ii)
Section 6.10 of the Credit Agreement.
      (h)  All  capitalized  terms  defined  in the  Credit  Agreement  and  not
otherwise  defined  herein shall have the same meanings  herein as in the Credit
      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and other  good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged by the parties hereto,  the Company,  the Banks, the Retiring Bank,
the New Bank and the Agent hereby agree as follows:
      SECTION  1.  Amendment  to  Section  1.01  of the  Credit  Agreement.  The
definition of the term "Maturity  Date"  contained in Section 1.01 of the Credit
Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows:
      "`Maturity Date' means June 25, 1998, or the earlier  termination of the
      Commitment pursuant to Section 7.01.".
      SECTION 2.     Amendment  to  Section  6.10  of  the  Credit  Agreement.
Section 6.10 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby  amended in its entirety to read
as follows:
           "Section  6.10.  Tangible  Net Worth of the  Company.  The  Company
      will not  permit  its  Consolidated  Tangible  Net Worth to be less than
      SECTION  3.  Commitment  of the  New  Bank.  Effective  as of  the  date
hereof, the New Bank shall have a Commitment equal to $9,000,000.
      SECTION  4.   Conditions  to Effectiveness.  This Amendment shall become
effective when, and only when, the following conditions have been fulfilled:
           (a)  the Company,  the Banks,  the  Retiring  Bank and the New Bank
shall have executed a counterpart of this Amendment;
           (b) the Agent shall have executed a counterpart of this Amendment and
shall have received  counterparts of this Amendment executed by the Company, the
Banks, the Retiring Bank and the New Bank;
           (c) the Agent shall have  received a Note dated of even date herewith
executed by the Company and payable to the order of the New Bank; and
           (d) the Agent shall have received  from the Company a certificate  of
the  Secretary or Assistant  Secretary of the Company  certifying  that attached
thereto is (i) a true and complete copy of the general borrowing  resolutions of
the Board of Directors of the Company  authorizing  the execution,  delivery and
performance of the Credit Agreement,  as amended hereby, and (ii) the incumbency
and specimen signature of each officer of the Company executing this Amendment.
      SECTION 5.  Representations  and  Warranties  True; No Default or Event of
Default. The Company hereby represents and warrants to the Agent, the Banks, the
Retiring  Bank and the New Bank that after giving  effect to the  execution  and
delivery of this Amendment (a) the  representations  and warranties set forth in
the Credit  Agreement  are true and correct on the date hereof as though made on
and as of such date and (b) no Default or Event of Default has  occurred  and is
      SECTION 6.   Reference to the Credit Agreement and Effect on the Notes.
      (a)  Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  each reference in the
Credit  Agreement to "this  Agreement,"  "hereunder,"  "herein" or words of like
import  shall mean and be a reference  to the Credit  Agreement,  as amended and
affected hereby.
      (b) Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment,  each reference in the Notes
to the Credit  Agreement shall mean and be a reference to the Credit  Agreement,
as amended and affected hereby.
      (c) Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, each reference in the Credit
Agreement and the Notes to the "Maturity  Date" shall mean and be a reference to
such term as modified pursuant to Section 1.
      (d) Upon the  effectiveness  of this  Amendment,  the Retiring  Bank shall
cease to be a Bank and to have any  obligation  to the Company  under the Credit
Agreement  and under the Credit  Agreement  as amended  hereby,  and the Company
shall  have no  further  obligations  to the  Retiring  Bank  under  the  Credit
Agreement  and under the Credit  Agreement as amended  hereby,  except under any
indemnities  contained in the Credit  Agreement as amended hereby that expressly
provide that they survive the termination of the Credit Agreement.
      (e) The Credit  Agreement and the Notes,  as amended and affected  hereby,
shall remain in full force and effect and are hereby ratified and confirmed.
      SECTION 8. Descriptive  Headings.  The section headings  appearing in this
Amendment  have  been  inserted  for  convenience  only  and  shall  be given no
substantive  meaning  or  significance  whatever  in  construing  the  terms and
provisions of this Amendment.
      SECTION 10. Execution in  Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed in
any  number  of  counterparts  and  by  different  parties  hereto  in  separate
counterparts,  each of which when so executed  shall be deemed to be an original
and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement.
      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Amendment to be
executed  effective  as of the date first  stated  herein,  by their  respective
officers thereunto duly authorized.

                               TANDY CORPORATION

                               By:/s/ Loren K. Jensen
                               Name:  Loren K. Jensen
                               Title: VP-Treasurer

                               TEXAS COMMERCE BANK
                               NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Agent

                               By:/s/ Buddy Wuthrich
                               Name:  Buddy Wuthrich
                               Title: Vice President

                               BANK OF AMERICA ILLINOIS, as successor to
                               Bank of America National Trust and Savings

                               By:/s/ Thomas Barnett
                               Name:  Thomas Barnett
                               Title: Managing Director

                               THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                               By:/s/ Charlotte Sohn
                               Name:  Charlotte Sohn
                               Title: Vice President

                               BANK ONE, TEXAS, N.A.

                               By:/s/ John D. Hudgens
                               Name:  John D. Hudgens
                               Title: Vice President

                              BANK OF TOKYO - MITSUBISHI TRUST COMPANY, 
                              SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO THE BANK OF TOKYO 
                              TRUST COMPANY

                               By:/s/ Jean K. Reilly
                               Name:  Jean K. Reilly
                               Title: Vice President

                               CREDIT LYONNAIS NEW YORK BRANCH

                               By:/s/ Robert Ivosevich
                               Name:  Robert Ivosevich
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               BANKBOSTON, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Judith C. E. Kelly
                               Name:  Judith C. E. Kelly
                               Title: Vice-President

                               FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF
                               NORTH CAROLINA

                               By:/s/ Jane W. Workman
                               Name:  Jane W. Workman
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               MELLON BANK, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Marc T. Kennedy
                               Name:  Marc T. Kennedy
                               Title: Assistant Vice President

                               NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK, Plc

                               By:/s/ David Rowley
                               Name:  David Rowley
                               Title: Vice President

                               NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK, Plc
                               Nassau Branch

                               By:/s/ David Rowley
                               Name:  David Rowley
                               Title: Vice President

                               NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Dan Killian
                               Name:  Dan Killian
                               Title: Vice President

                               SOCIETE GENERALE, SOUTHWEST AGENCY

                               By:/s/ Louis P. Laville, III
                               Name:  Louis P. Laville, III
                               Title: Vice President

                               THE SUMITOMO BANK, LIMITED

                               By:/s/ Harumitsu Seki
                               Name:  Harumitsu Seki
                               Title: General Manager

                               TEXAS COMMERCE BANK
                               NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                               By:/s/ Buddy Wuthrich
                               Name:  Buddy Wuthrich
                               Title: Vice President

                               TORONTO DOMINION (TEXAS), INC.

                               By:/s/ Lisa Allison
                               Name:  Lisa Allison
                               Title: Vice President

                               CITICORP USA, INC.

                               By:/s/ Allen Fisher
                               Name:  Allen Fisher
                               Title: Vice President - Attorney In Fact

                               UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND

                               By:/s/ Dieter Hoeppli
                               Name:  Dieter Hoeppli
                               Title  Vice President

                               THE SAKURA BANK, LIMITED

                               By:/s/ Yasumasa Kikuchi
                               Name:  Yasumasa Kikuchi
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               New Bank

                               CORESTATES BANK, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Thomas J. McDonnell
                               Name:  Thomas J. McDonnell
                               Title: Vice President

                               Retiring Bank

                               COMMERZBANK, AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT,
                               ATLANTA AGENCY

                               By:/s/ Andreas K. Bremer
                               Name:  Andreas K. Bremer
                               Title: SVP & Manager

                                                                    EXHIBIT 4K

                               FOURTH AMENDMENT

"Amendment")  dated as of June 26, 1997 is among TANDY  CORPORATION,  a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"),  the banks and other financial  institutions listed
on the signature pages under the heading Banks (collectively,  the "Banks"), the
New Bank (as defined  below),  the  Retiring  Bank (as defined  below) and TEXAS
COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as agent (in such capacity, the "Agent") for
the Banks.
                            PRELIMINARY STATEMENT
           (a)  The   Company,   certain  of  the  Banks,   BARCLAYS   BANK  PLC
("Barclays"),  THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, formerly The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
("Chase"),  and the Agent entered into a Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B)
(the "Original Credit Agreement") dated as of May 27, 1994.
           (b) The Company,  certain of the Banks, the Retiring Bank,  Barclays,
Chase and the Agent entered into an Agreement  and First  Amendment To Revolving
Credit Agreement  (Facility B) (the "First  Amendment") dated as of May 26, 1995
modifying the Original Credit Agreement by inter alia adding CITICORP USA, INC.,
under the Credit Agreement and retiring Barclays as a Bank thereunder.
           (c) The Company,  certain of the Banks,  the Retiring Bank, Chase and
the Agent  entered into an Agreement  and Second  Amendment to Revolving  Credit
Agreement  (Facility  B) (the  "Second  Amendment")  dated  as of May  24,  1996
modifying the Original  Credit  Agreement,  as amended by the First Amendment by
Banks thereunder and retiring Chase as a Bank thereunder.
           (d) The Company,  the Banks, the Retiring Bank, and the Agent entered
into a Third Amendment to Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility B) (the "Third
Amendment")  dated  as of  February  18,  1997  modifying  the  Original  Credit
Agreement  as  amended by the First  Amendment  and the  Second  Amendment  (the
Original  Credit  Agreement  as  amended  by the  First  Amendment,  the  Second
Amendment and the Third Amendment being the "Credit Agreement").
           (e) The  Retiring  Bank no longer  wishes to be a party to the Credit
Agreement and CoreStates  Bank, N.A. (the "New Bank"),  wishes to become a party
to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby with a Commitment of $13,500,000.
           (f) The Company has  requested  that the Banks amend  Section 6.10 of
the Credit Agreement.
           (g) All  capitalized  terms  defined in the Credit  Agreement and not
otherwise  defined  herein shall have the same meanings  herein as in the Credit
      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and other  good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged by the parties hereto,  the Company,  the Banks, the Retiring Bank,
the New Bank, and the Agent hereby agree as follows:
      SECTION 1. Amendment to Section 6.10 of the Credit Agreement. Section 6.10
of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows:
           "Section  6.10.  Tangible  Net Worth of the  Company.  The  Company
      will not  permit  its  Consolidated  Tangible  Net Worth to be less than
      SECTION  2.  Commitment  of the  New  Bank.  Effective  as of  the  date
hereof, the New Bank shall have a Commitment equal to $13,500,000.
      SECTION  3.   Conditions  to Effectiveness.  This Amendment shall become
effective when, and only when, the following conditions have been fulfilled:
           (a)  the Company,  the Banks,  the  Retiring  Bank and the New Bank
shall have executed a counterpart of this Amendment;
           (b) the Agent shall have executed a counterpart of this Amendment and
shall have received  counterparts of this Amendment executed by the Company, the
Banks, the Retiring Bank and the New Bank;
           (c) the Agent shall have  received a Note dated of even date herewith
executed by the Company and payable to the order of the New Bank; and
           (d) the Agent shall have received  from the Company a certificate  of
the  Secretary or Assistant  Secretary of the Company  certifying  that attached
thereto is (i) a true and complete copy of the general borrowing  resolutions of
the Board of Directors of the Company  authorizing  the execution,  delivery and
performance of the Credit Agreement,  as amended hereby, and (ii) the incumbency
and specimen signature of each officer of the Company executing this Amendment.
      SECTION 4.  Representations  and  Warranties  True; No Default or Event of
Default. The Company hereby represents and warrants to the Agent, the Banks, the
Retiring  Bank and the New Bank that after giving  effect to the  execution  and
delivery of this Amendment (a) the  representations  and warranties set forth in
the Credit  Agreement  are true and correct on the date hereof as though made on
and as of such date and (b) no Default or Event of Default has  occurred  and is
      SECTION 5.   Reference to the Credit Agreement and Effect on the Notes.
           (a)  Upon the  effectiveness  of this Amendment,  each reference in
the Credit Agreement to "this Agreement," "hereunder," "herein" or words of like
import  shall mean and be a reference  to the Credit  Agreement,  as amended and
affected hereby.
           (b) Upon the  effectiveness of this Amendment,  each reference in the
Notes to the  Credit  Agreement  shall  mean and be a  reference  to the  Credit
Agreement, as amended and affected hereby.
           (c) Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, the Retiring Bank shall
cease to be a Bank and to have any  obligation  to the Company  under the Credit
Agreement  and under the Credit  Agreement  as amended  hereby,  and the Company
shall  have no  further  obligations  to the  Retiring  Bank  under  the  Credit
Agreement  and under the Credit  Agreement as amended  hereby,  except under any
indemnities  contained in the Credit  Agreement as amended hereby that expressly
provide that they survive the termination of the Credit Agreement.
           (d) The Credit  Agreement  and the Notes,  as  amended  and  affected
hereby,  shall  remain in full  force and effect  and are  hereby  ratified  and
      SECTION 7. Descriptive  Headings.  The section headings  appearing in this
Amendment  have  been  inserted  for  convenience  only  and  shall  be given no
substantive  meaning  or  significance  whatever  in  construing  the  terms and
provisions of this Amendment.
      SECTION 9.  Execution in  Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed in
any  number  of  counterparts  and  by  different  parties  hereto  in  separate
counterparts,  each of which when so executed  shall be deemed to be an original
and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Amendment to be
executed  effective  as of the date first  stated  herein,  by their  respective
officers thereunto duly authorized.

                               TANDY CORPORATION

                               By:/s/ Loren K. Jensen
                               Name:  Loren K. Jensen
                               Title: VP - Treasurer

                               TEXAS COMMERCE BANK
                               NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Agent

                               By:/s/ Buddy Wuthrich
                               Name:  Buddy Wuthrich
                               Title: Vice President


                               BANK OF AMERICA ILLINOIS, as successor to
                               Bank of America National Trust and Savings

                               By:/s/ Thomas Barnett
                               Name:  Thomas Barnett
                               Title: Managing Director

                               THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                               By:/s/ Charlotte Sohn
                               Name:  Charlotte Sohn
                               Title: Vice President

                               BANK ONE, TEXAS, N.A.

                               By:/s/ John D. Hudgens
                               Name:  John D. Hudgens
                               Title: Vice President

                               BANK OF TOKYO - MITSUBISHI TRUST COMPANY, 
                               SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO THE BANK OF 
                               TOKYO TRUST COMPANY

                               By:/s/ Jean K. Reilly
                               Name:  Jean K. Reilly
                               Title: Vice President

                               CREDIT LYONNAIS NEW YORK BRANCH

                               By:/s/ Robert Ivosevich
                               Name:  Robert Ivosevich 
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               BANKBOSTON, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Judith C. E. Kelly
                               Name:  Judith C. E. Kelly
                               Title: Vice - President

                               FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF
                               NORTH CAROLINA

                               By:/s/ Jane W. Workman
                               Name:  Jane W. Workman
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               MELLON BANK, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Marc T. Kennedy
                               Name:  Marc T. Kennedy
                               Title: Assistant Vice President

                               NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK, Plc

                               By:/s/ David Rowley
                               Name:  David Rowley
                               Title: Vice President

                               NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK, Plc
                               Nassau Branch

                               By:/s/ David Rowley
                               Name:  David Rowley
                               Title: Vice President

                               NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Dan Killian
                               Name:  Dan Killian
                               Title: Vice President

                               SOCIETE GENERALE, SOUTHWEST AGENCY

                               By:/s/ Louis P. Laville, III
                               Name:  Louis P. Laville, III
                               Title: Vice President

                               THE SUMITOMO BANK, LIMITED

                               By:/s/ Harumitsu Seki
                               Name:  Harumitsu Seki
                               Title: General Manager

                               TEXAS COMMERCE BANK
                               NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                               By:/s/ Buddy Wuthrich
                               Name:  Buddy Wuthrich
                               Title: Vice President

                               TORONTO DOMINION (TEXAS), INC.

                               By:/s/ Lisa Allison
                               Name:  Lisa Allison
                               Title: Vice President

                               CITICORP USA, INC.

                               By:/s/ Allen Fisher
                               Name:  Allen Fisher
                               Title: Vice President - Attorney In Fact

                               UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND

                               By:/s/ Dieter Hoeppli
                               Name:  Dieter Hoeppli
                               Title  Vice President

                               THE SAKURA BANK, LIMITED

                               By:/s/ Yasumasa Kikuchi
                               Name:  Yasumasa Kikuchi
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               New Bank

                               CORESTATES BANK, N.A.

                               By:/s/ Thomas J. McDonnell
                               Name:  Thomas J. McDonnell
                               Title: Vice President

                               Retiring Bank

                               COMMERZBANK, AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT,
                               ATLANTA AGENCY

                               By:/s/ Andreas K. Bremer
                               Name:  Andreas K. Bremer
                               Title: SVP & Manager

                                                                    EXHIBIT 4L

                               CREDIT AGREEMENT

                                 Dated as of

                                July 15, 1997


                        Trans World Electronics, Inc.,

           Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association,

                             Citicorp USA, Inc.,

                       Credit Lyonnais New York Branch,


                  Texas Commerce Bank National Association,

                          Individually and as Agent.

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS


      SECTION 1.01.  Certain Defined Terms..............................1
      SECTION 1.02.  Accounting Terms..................................10
      SECTION 1.03.  Interpretation....................................11

ARTICLE II:  THE LOANS..................................................1
      SECTION 2.01.  Term Loans.........................................1
      SECTION 2.02.  Conversion and Continuation of Interest Periods....1
      SECTION 2.03.  Notes, Repayment of Loans..........................2
      SECTION 2.04.  Interest on Loans..................................3
      SECTION 2.05.  Interest on Overdue Amounts........................3
      SECTION 2.06.  Fees...............................................3
      SECTION 2.07.  Prepayment of Loans................................3
      SECTION 2.08.  Reserve Requirements: Change in Circumstances......3
      SECTION 2.09.  Change in Legality.................................5
      SECTION 2.10.  Indemnity..........................................6
      SECTION 2.11.  Pro Rata Treatment.................................7
      SECTION 2.12.  Payments...........................................7
      SECTION 2.13.  Sharing of Setoffs.................................7
      SECTION 2.14.  Payments Free of Taxes.............................8
      SECTION 2.15.  Alternate Rate of Interest........................10

      SECTION 3.01.  Organization, Corporate Powers.....................1
      SECTION 3.02.  Authorization......................................1
      SECTION 3.03.  Governmental Approval..............................1
      SECTION 3.04.  Enforceability.....................................1
      SECTION 3.05.  Financial Statements...............................1
      SECTION 3.06.  No Material Adverse Change.........................2
      SECTION 3.07.  Title to Properties................................2
      SECTION 3.08.  Litigation; Compliance with Laws; Etc..............2
      SECTION 3.09.  Agreements, No Default.............................2
      SECTION 3.10.  Federal Reserve Regulations........................3
      SECTION 3.11.  Taxes..............................................3
      SECTION 3.12.  Pension and Welfare Plans..........................3
      SECTION 3.13.  No Material Misstatements..........................3
      SECTION 3.14.  Investment  Company Act,  Public Utility Holding 
                     Company Act........................................4
      SECTION 3.15.  Compliance with Laws...............................4
      SECTION 3.16.  Maintenance of Insurance...........................4
      SECTION 3.17.  Existing Liens.....................................4
      SECTION 3.18.  Environmental Matters..............................4
      SECTION 3.19.  Subsidiaries.......................................5
      SECTION 3.20.  Solvency...........................................5

ARTICLE IV:  CONDITIONS OF LENDING......................................1
      SECTION 4.01.  Conditions Precedent to the Loans..................1
      SECTION 4.02.  Conditions Precedent to Conversions and 

ARTICLE V:  AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS.......................................1
      SECTION 5.01.  Existence..........................................1
      SECTION 5.02.  Repair.............................................1
      SECTION 5.03.  Insurance..........................................1
      SECTION 5.04.  Obligations and Taxes..............................1
      SECTION 5.05.  Litigation and Other Notices.......................2
      SECTION 5.06.  ERISA..............................................2
      SECTION 5.07.  Books, Records, and Access.........................3
      SECTION 5.08.  Use of Proceeds....................................3
      SECTION 5.09.  Nature of Business.................................3
      SECTION 5.10.  Compliance.........................................3

ARTICLE VI:  NEGATIVE COVENANTS.........................................1
      SECTION 6.01.  Liens..............................................1
      SECTION 6.02.  Merger, Purchase, and Sale.........................1
      SECTION 6.03.  Investments........................................3
      SECTION 6.04.  Transactions with Affiliates.......................3
      SECTION 6.05.  Other Agreements...................................3
      SECTION 6.06.  Fiscal Year; Accounting............................3
      SECTION 6.07.  Credit Standards...................................4
      SECTION 6.08.  Pension Plans......................................4
      SECTION 6.09.  Guaranties.........................................4
      SECTION 6.10.  Leases.............................................4

ARTICLE VII:  EVENTS OF DEFAULT.........................................1
      SECTION 7.01.  Events of Default..................................1

ARTICLE VIII:  THE AGENT................................................1
      SECTION 8.01.  Authorization and Action...........................1
      SECTION 8.02.  Agent's Reliance, Etc..............................1
      SECTION 8.03.  Agent and Affiliates, TCB and Affiliates...........2
      SECTION 8.04.  Agent's Indemnity..................................3
      SECTION 8.05.  Bank Credit Decision...............................3
      SECTION 8.06.  Successor Agent....................................4
      SECTION 8.07.  Notice of Default..................................4

ARTICLE IX:  MISCELLANEOUS..............................................1
      SECTION 9.01.  Notices, Etc.......................................1
      SECTION 9.02.  Survival of Agreement..............................1
      SECTION 9.03.  Successors and Assigns; Participations.............2
      SECTION 9.04.  Expenses of the Banks; Indemnity...................4
      SECTION 9.05.  Right of Setoff....................................5
      SECTION 9.06.  Governing Law......................................5
      SECTION 9.07.  Waivers, Amendments................................6
      SECTION 9.08.  Interest...........................................7
      SECTION 9.09.  Severability.......................................8
      SECTION 9.10.  Counterparts.......................................8
      SECTION 9.11.  Binding Effect.....................................8
      SECTION 9.12.  FINAL AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES.....................8
      SECTION 9.13.  WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL...............................8

      Form of Administrative Questionnaire.................Exhibit 1.01-A
      Form of Note...........................................Exhibit 2.03
      Pension and Welfare Plans..............................Exhibit 3.12
      Existing Liens.........................................Exhibit 3.17
      Form of Opinion Letter of Counsel to the Company.......Exhibit 4.01
      Investments............................................Exhibit 6.03
      Form of Assignment and Acceptance......................Exhibit 9.03

      CREDIT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement")  dated as of July 15, 1997, among TRANS
WORLD  ELECTRONICS,  INC., a Texas corporation (the "Company"),  BANK OF AMERICA
("Citicorp"),  CREDIT  LYONNAIS NEW YORK BRANCH ("Credit  Lyonnais"),  and TEXAS
COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ("TCB"), both in its individual capacity as a
Bank under this agreement and as Agent for the Banks (in such capacity  together
with any successor Agent pursuant to Section 8.06, the "Agent").

                                  ARTICLE I


      SECTION  1.01.  Certain  Defined  Terms.  As used  in  this  Agreement,  
the  following  terms  shall  have  the following meanings:

      "Accounts" means any and all rights of the Company and the Subsidiaries of
the Company to payment for goods and services sold or leased, including any such
right evidenced by chattel paper,  whether due or to become due,  whether or not
it has been earned by  performance,  and whether  now or  hereafter  acquired or
arising in the future, including accounts receivable from Affiliates.

      "Administrative  Questionnaire"  means an Administrative  Questionnaire in
the form of Exhibit 1.01-A hereto, which each Bank shall complete and provide to
the Agent.

      "Affiliate" means any Person (including any member of the immediate family
of any such natural  person) who  directly or  indirectly  beneficially  owns or
controls 5% or more of the total voting power of shares of capital  stock of the
Company having the right to vote for directors under ordinary circumstances, any
person controlling,  controlled by, or under common control with any such person
(within  the  meaning  of Rule 405  under  the  Securities  Act of 1933) and any
director or executive officer of such person.

      "Agency Fee" means the fee in such amount as agreed to between the Company
      and the Agent pursuant to the certain letter  agreement  between the Agent
      and  the  Company  of  even  date  herewith  (the  "Agent's  Letter"),  as
      referenced in Section 2.06

      "Agent" has the meaning specified in the introduction to this Agreement.
      "Agent's Letter" has the meaning  specified in the definition of "Agency
      "Agreement" means this Credit Agreement.

      "Applicable  Margin"  means,  on any date,  the  applicable  spreads set
forth  below  based  upon  the  ratings   applicable   on  such  date  to  the
Guarantor's  senior,  unsecured,   non-credit-enhanced  long  term  indebtedness
("Index Debt").

                                Loan Spread

           Category 1

    A+ or higher by S&P; and        .25%
    A3 or higher by Moody's

           Category 2

    Lower than A+ and equal         .3%
    to or greater than BBB+
    S&P; and

    Lower than A3 and equal
    to or greater than Baa1
    by Moody's

           Category 3

    BBB by S&P; and                 .4%
    Baa2 by Moody's

           Category 4

    BBB+ or lower by S&P; or       .625%
    Baa3 or lower by Moody's

For  purposes  of the  foregoing,  (a) if neither  Moody's nor S&P shall have in
effect a rating for Index Debt, then both such rating agencies will be deemed to
have  established  ratings  for  Index  Debt in  Category  4; (b) if only one of
Moody's  and S&P shall have in effect a rating for Index  Debt,  the Company and
the Banks will negotiate in good faith to agree upon another rating agency to be
substituted  by an amendment to this Agreement for the rating agency which shall
not have a rating in effect, and pending the effectiveness of such amendment the
Applicable Margin will be determined by reference to the available  rating;  (c)
if the ratings established or deemed to have been established by Moody's and S&P
shall  fall  within  different  Categories,   the  Applicable  Margin  shall  be
determined by reference to the superior (or numerically lower) Category; and (d)
if any rating  established or deemed to have been  established by Moody's or S&P
shall be changed  (other  than as a result of a change in the  rating  system of
either  Moody's or S&P),  such change shall be effective as of the date on which
such change is first  announced by the rating  agency  making such change.  Each
change in the Applicable Margin shall apply to all Loans that are outstanding at
any time during the period  commencing on the effective  date of such change and
ending on the date  immediately  preceding the  effective  date of the next such
change.  If the rating system of either Moody's or S&P shall change prior to the
Maturity Date, the Company and the Banks shall  negotiate in good faith to amend
the  references to specific  ratings in this  definition to reflect such changed
rating system.

      "Assignment and Acceptance" has the meaning specified in Section 9.03.

      "Bank of  America"  means the Bank of America  National  Trust and Savings
Association, as herein undersigned.

      "Banks"  means the  financial  institutions  signatory  to this  Agreement
herein, namely Bank of America, Citicorp, Credit Lyonnais, and TCB.

      "Board"  means the Board of Governors of the Federal  Reserve  System of
the United States.

      "Business  Day"  means a day when  the  Agent  and  each  Bank is open for
business and on which dealings are carried on in the London interbank market and
commercial  banks are open for  domestic  or  international  business in London,
England, in New York City, New York, and in Houston, Texas.

      "Capital  Lease" means any lease required to be accounted for as a capital
lease under generally accepted accounting principles.

      "Change of Control"  means any of (a) the failure of the  Guarantor to own
100% of the  outstanding  shares of voting stock of the  Company,  or (b) all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company are sold in a single  transaction
or series of related transactions to any Person.

      "Citicorp" means Citicorp USA, Inc., as herein undersigned.

      "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986 and any successor  statute
of similar import, together with the regulations thereunder,  in each case as in
effect from time to time.  References to sections of the Code shall be construed
to also refer to any successor sections.

      "Commitment"  means,  with  respect  to each  Bank,  the  amount set forth
beneath  the name of such Bank on the  signature  pages  hereof  (or,  as to any
Person who becomes a Bank after the Execution Date, on the signature page of the
Assignment  and  Acceptance  executed  by such  Person),  as such  amount may be
permanently  terminated or reduced from time to time pursuant to Section 2.07 or
Section 7.01, and as such amount may be increased or decreased from time to time
by  assignment or assumption  pursuant to Section 9.03.  The  Commitment of each
Bank shall automatically and permanently terminate on the Maturity Date.

      "Communications" has the meaning specified in Section 9.01.

      "Company"  has  the  meaning  specified  in  the  introduction  to  this

      "Consolidated  Tangible Net Worth" means, with respect to the Company,  at
any time, the total Stockholders' Equity less the total amount of any intangible
assets and plus the total amount of any Subordinated Indebtedness unless already
included in Stockholders' Equity, with all such amounts being calculated for the
Company and its consolidated  Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis in accordance
with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  applied on a consistent basis.
Intangible   assets  shall  include   unamortized  debt  discount  and  expense,
unamortized deferred charges, and goodwill.

      "Credit  Lyonnais"  means  Credit  Lyonnais  New York  Branch,  as  herein

      "Default"  means any event or condition  which,  with the lapse of time or
giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default.

      "Dollars"  and the  symbol "$" mean the  lawful  currency  of the United
States of America.

      "Effective  Date" means the date on which the conditions for the Loans set
forth in Article IV are first met.

      "Eligible Assignee" means (a) any Bank or any Affiliate of any Bank; (b) a
commercial  bank  organized  under the laws of the United  States,  or any state
thereof, and having total assets in excess of $1,000,000,000 and having deposits
that  rated in  either  of the two  highest  generic  letter  rating  categories
(without regard to subcategories)  from either S&P or Moody's;  (c) a commercial
bank  organized  under  the laws of any other  country  which is a member of the
OECD, or a political subdivision of any such country, and having total assets in
excess of $1,000,000,000,  provided that such bank is acting through a branch or
agency located in the country in which it is organized or another  country which
is also a member of the OECD;  (d) the central  bank of any  country  which is a
member  of the OECD;  or (e) any other  financial  institution  approved  by the
Company and the Agent (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld).

      "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and any
successor statute of similar import,  together with the regulations  thereunder,
in each case as in effect  from time to time.  References  to  sections of ERISA
shall be construed to also refer to any successor sections.

      "ERISA Affiliate" means any corporation, trade, or business that is, along
with the Company, a member of a controlled group of corporations or a controlled
group of trades or  businesses,  as  described  in  sections  414(b) and 414(c),
respectively, of the Code or section 4001 of ERISA.

      "Eurodollar Lending Office" means, with respect to each Bank, the branches
or  Affiliates of such Bank which such Bank has  designated  as its  "Eurodollar
Lending  Office" on such Bank's  signature  page to this Agreement or, as to any
Person who becomes a Bank after the Execution Date, on the signature page of the
Assignment and  Acceptance  executed by such Person or such other office of such
Bank as such Bank may hereafter  designate from time to time as its  "Eurodollar
Lending Office" by notice to the Company and the Agent.

      "Event of Default" has the meaning specified in Article VII.

      "Execution  Date" means the earliest date upon which  counterparts of this
Agreement  shall have been executed by the Company and each Bank,  and the Agent
shall  have  received  counterparts  hereof  which  taken  together,   bear  the
signatures of the Company and each Bank.

      "Facility  Fee"  means the fee in such  amount as  agreed to  between  the
Company and the Banks pursuant to the certain letter agreement between the Banks
and the Company of even date herewith (the "Facility Letter"),  as referenced in
Section 2.06

      "Facility  Letter" has the meaning  specified in the  definition  of the
term "Facility Fee."

      "Guaranties" by any Person means all obligations  (other than endorsements
in the  ordinary  course of business of  negotiable  instruments  for deposit or
collection)  of  such  Person   guaranteeing  or  in  effect   guaranteeing  any
Indebtedness,  dividend,  or other  obligation of any other Person (the "primary
obligor")  in  any  manner,  whether  directly  or  indirectly,   including  all
obligations  incurred  through an agreement,  contingent  or otherwise,  by such

           (a)  to purchase  such  Indebtedness  or obligation or any property
      or assets constituting security therefor,

           (b) to advance  or supply  funds (i) for the  purchase  or payment of
      such Indebtedness or obligation, (ii) to maintain working capital or other
      balance sheet  condition or otherwise to advance or make  available  funds
      for the purchase or payment of such Indebtedness or obligation,

           (c) to lease property or to purchase  securities or other property or
      services  primarily  for  the  purpose  of  assuring  the  owner  of  such
      Indebtedness  or obligation of the ability of the primary  obligor to make
      payment of such Indebtedness or such obligation, or

           (d)  otherwise  to  assure  the  owner  of  the  Indebtedness  or the
      obligation of the primary obligor against loss in respect thereof.

For the purposes of all  computations  made under this Agreement,  a Guaranty in
respect  of  any   Indebtedness  for  borrowed  money  shall  be  deemed  to  be
Indebtedness  equal to the principal  amount of such  Indebtedness  for borrowed
money  which  has been  guaranteed,  and a  Guaranty  in  respect  of any  other
obligation or liability or any dividend shall be deemed to be Indebtedness equal
to the maximum aggregate amount of such obligation, liability, or dividend.

      "Guarantor" means Tandy corporation, a Delaware corporation, and the owner
of 100% of the outstanding shares of voting stock of the Company.

      "Guaranty" means that certain Guaranty Agreement dated as of the Execution
Date  executed by the  Guarantor  unconditionally  guaranteeing  the payment and
satisfaction of all of the Company's  obligations  hereunder and under the Notes
and other Loan Documents.

      "Highest  Lawful Rate" means,  as to any Bank, at the  particular  time in
question,  the maximum nonusurious rate of interest which, under applicable law,
such Bank is then  permitted to charge the Company on the Loans.  If the maximum
rate of interest which,  under applicable law, the Banks are permitted to charge
the Company on the Loans shall change after the date hereof,  the Highest Lawful
Rate shall be  automatically  increased or decreased,  as the case may be, as of
the effective time of such change without notice to the Company.

      "Indebtedness" of any Person means, without duplication:

      (a)  any obligation of such Person for borrowed money, including:

           (i)  any obligation of such Person evidenced by bonds,
                debentures, notes or other similar debt instruments, and

           (ii) any obligation for borrowed money which is  non-recourse  to the
                credit of such  Person but which is secured by any asset of such

      (b)  any obligation of such Person on account of deposits or advances,

      (c)  all obligations of such Person under  conditional sale or other title
           retention agreements relating to property purchased by such Person,

      (d)  any obligation of such Person for the deferred  purchase price of any
           property or services, except accounts payable arising in the ordinary
           course of such Person's business,

      (e)  rentals in respect of Capital Leases of such Person,

      (f)  Guaranties  by such Person to the extent  required  pursuant to the
           definition thereof,

      (g)  any  Indebtedness of another Person secured by a Lien on any asset of
           such first  Person,  whether or not such  Indebtedness  is assumed by
           such first Person, and

      (h)  any Indirect Indebtedness of such Person.

      "Indemnitee" has the meaning specified in Section 9.04.

      "Index Debt" has the meaning set forth in the  definition of "Applicable

      "Indirect  Indebtedness"  of a  Person  means  (a) the  Indebtedness  of a
partnership in which such Person is a general  partner and (b) the amount of any
liability of such Person created by the Indebtedness of a joint venture in which
such Person is a joint venturer.

      "Initial Conversion" has the meaning specified in Section 2.01(d).

      "Initial    Conversion    Notice"   has   the   meaning   specified   in
Section 2.01(d).

      "Insignificant Foreign Subsidiary" means a Subsidiary of the Company which
is not organized under the laws of a state of the United States and which is not
a Significant Subsidiary of the Company.

      "Interest  Payment  Date"  means,  as to any  Loan,  the  last  day of the
Interest  Period  applicable to such Loan (and, in addition,  in the case of any
Interest  Period of six months' or 180 days'  duration,  the day that would have
been the Interest  Payment Date of such Interest  Period if such Interest Period
had been of three months' or 90 days' duration).

      "Interest  Period"  means as to any Loan,  the  period  commencing  on the
Initial Conversion and subsequent dates specified in notices pursuant to Section
2.02  and  ending  on the  numerically  corresponding  day  (or,  if there is no
numerically corresponding day, on the last day) in the calendar month that is 1,
2, 3, or 6 months thereafter, as the Company may elect; provided,  however, that
(i) if any Interest  Period would end on a day that shall not be a Business Day,
such  Interest  Period  shall be extended to the next  succeeding  Business  Day
unless, with respect to Loans only, such next succeeding Business Day would fall
in the next calendar  month, in which case such Interest Period shall end on the
next  preceding  Business Day, (ii) no Interest  Period shall end later than the
Maturity  Date, and (iii) interest shall accrue from and including the first day
of an Interest Period to but excluding the last day of such Interest Period.

      "Investment"  means, as to any Person,  any investment so classified under
generally  accepted  accounting  principles  made  by  stock  purchase,  capital
contribution,  loan, or advance or by purchase of property or otherwise,  but in
any event shall  include as an  investment in any other Person the amount of all
Indebtedness  owed by such other Person and all Accounts  from such other Person
which are not current assets or did not arise from services rendered or sales to
such other Person in the ordinary course of business.

      "LIBO Rate" means the rate  (rounded to the nearest 1/8 of 1% or, if there
is no nearest  1/8 of 1%, the next  higher 1/8 of 1%) at which  dollar  deposits
approximately  equal in principal  amount to the Agent's portion of the Loan and
for  a  maturity  equal  to  the  applicable  Interest  Period  are  offered  in
immediately  available  funds to the  principal  office of the Agent in  London,
England  (or if the Agent does not at the time any such  determination  is made,
maintain an office in London,  England, the principal office of any Affiliate of
the Agent in London,  England) by leading banks in the London  interbank  market
for Eurodollars at approximately 11:00 a.m., London,  England time, two Business
Days prior to the commencement of such Interest Period.
      "Lien"  means any  mortgage,  pledge,  hypothecation,  judgment  lien,  or
similar legal process, title retention lien, or other lien or security interest,
including  the  interest of a vendor under any  conditional  sale or other title
retention agreement and the interest of a lessor under any Capital Lease.

      "Loan"  means a loan with an interest  rate based on the LIBO Rate,  Prime
Rate or Highest Lawful Rate in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

      "Loan Documents"  means this Agreement,  the Notes, the Agent's Letter and
the Facility  Letter,  and all other documents and  instruments  executed by the
Company or any other Person in connection with this Agreement and the Loans.

      "Margin Stock" has the meaning specified in Regulation U.

      "Maturity  Date" means July 14, 1998, or the earlier  acceleration  of the
Loans pursuant to Section 7.01 herein.

      "Maximum Permissible Rate" has the meaning specified in Section 9.08.
      "Moody's" means Moody's Investors Service.
      "Note" and "Notes" have the meaning specified in Section 2.03.
      "OECD" means the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

      "Other Activities" has the meaning specified in Section 8.03.

      "Other Financings" has the meaning specified in Section 8.03.

      "Other Taxes" has the meaning specified in Section 2.14.

      "PBG"  means the  Pension  Benefit  Guaranty  Corporation  and any  entity
succeeding to any or all of its functions under ERISA.

      "Person"  means  any  natural   person,   corporation,   business   trust,
association,  company, limited liability company, joint venture, partnership, or
government or any agency or political subdivision thereof.

      "Plan"  means  a  "pension  plan,"  as  such  term is  defined  in  ERISA,
established  or maintained by the Company or any ERISA  Affiliate or as to which
the Company or any ERISA  Affiliate  contributes or is a member or otherwise may
have any liability.

      "Prime Rate" means, as of a particular  date, the prime rate most recently
announced  by TCB and  thereafter  entered  in the  minutes  of  TCB's  Loan and
Discount  Committee,  automatically  fluctuating upward and downward with and at
the time  specified in each such  announcement  without notice to the Company or
any other Person,  which prime rate may not necessarily  represent the lowest or
best rate actually  charged to a customer and computed on the basis of a 365 day

      "Register" has the meaning specified in Section 9.03(d).

      "Regulation G" means  Regulation G of the Board,  as the same is from time
to time in effect,  and all official rulings and  interpretations  thereunder or

      "Regulation T" means  Regulation T of the Board,  as the same is from time
to time in effect,  and all official rulings and  interpretations  thereunder or

      "Regulation U" means  Regulation U of the Board,  as the same is from time
to time in effect,  and all official rulings and  interpretations  thereunder or

      "Regulation X" means  Regulation X of the Board,  as the same is from time
to time in effect,  and all official rulings and  interpretations  thereunder or

      "Reportable  Event"  means a  Reportable  Event as  defined  in  Section
4043(b) of ERISA.

      "Required  Banks"  means,  at any time Banks  holding 75% of the aggregate
principal amount of the Loans at the time outstanding.

      "Short-term  Indebtedness" means, at any date,  Indebtedness which matures
one  year or less  from  such  date  and  which is not  directly  or  indirectly
renewable or extendible, at the option of the obligor, by its terms or the terms
of any instrument or agreement  relating  thereto,  to a date more than one year
from such date.

      "Significant Subsidiary" means, as to the Company or any Subsidiary of the
Company,  any Subsidiary of such Person who either (a) has a net worth in excess
of 5% of the consolidated  net worth of the Company and its other  Subsidiaries,
or (b) has gross revenues in excess of 5% of the consolidated  gross revenues of
the Company and its other  Subsidiaries  based, in each case, on the most recent
financial statements of the Company.

      "S&P" means  Standard & Poor's  Ratings  Group,  a Division of McGrawHill,

      "Stockholders' Equity" means, with respect to the Company at any date, the
sum of (a) its capital stock taken at par value, (b) its capital surplus and (c)
its retained  earnings less  treasury  stock,  all computed in  accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis.

      "Subordinated  Indebtedness"  means  Indebtedness  of the  Company  having
maturities  and terms,  and which is  subordinated  to payment of the Notes in a
manner, approved in writing by the Agent and the Required Banks.

      "Subsidiary"  means any Person,  either  existing before or created during
the period in which this Agreement is in effect,  of which or in which any other
Person (the "parent") and the other  Subsidiaries  of the parent own directly or
indirectly 50% or more of:

           (a) the combined  voting power of all classes of stock having general
      voting power under ordinary circumstances to elect a majority of the board
      of directors of such Person, if it is a corporation;

           (b)  the capital  interest or profits  interest of such Person,  if
      it is a partnership, joint venture, or similar entity; or

           (c)  the  beneficial  interest  of such  Person,  if it is a trust,
      association, or other unincorporated organization.

      "Taxes" has the meaning specified in Section 2.14.

      "TCB" means Texas Commerce Bank National Association.

      "Total  Commitment"  means,  at any time,  the aggregate  amounts of the

      "Transferee" has the meaning specified in Section 2.14.

      "Wholly-owned  Subsidiary"  means any  Person of which the  Company or its
other Wholly-owned Subsidiaries own directly or indirectly 100% of:

           (a) the  issued  and  outstanding  shares  of  stock  (except  shares
      required as directors' qualifying shares and shares constituting less than
      2% of the issued and outstanding shares) and all Indebtedness for borrowed

           (b)  the capital  interest or profits  interest of such Person,  if
      it is a partnership, joint venture, or similar entity; or

           (c)  the  beneficial  interest  of such  Person,  if it is a trust,
      association, or other unincorporated organization.

          SECTION   1.02.   Accounting   Terms.   Except  as  otherwise   herein
specifically  provided,  each accounting term used herein shall have the meaning
given it under generally accepted  accounting  principles as in effect from time
to time as set forth in the  opinions,  statements,  and  pronouncements  of the
Accounting  Principles  Board of the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public
Accountants  and the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board and  applied  on a
consistent basis;  provided,  however,  that each reference in Article VI and in
the definition of any term used in Article VI to generally  accepted  accounting
principles shall mean generally accepted accounting  principles in effect on the
date hereof.

      SECTION  1.03.   Interpretation. (a) In this Agreement, unless a clear 
contrary intention appears:

      (i)  the singular number includes the plural number and vice versa;

      (ii) reference to any gender includes each other gender;

      (iii)the words  "herein,"  "hereof,"  and  "hereunder"  and other words of
           similar  import  refer to this  Agreement  as a whole  and not to any
           particular Article, Section, or other subdivision;

      (iv) reference to any Person includes such Person's successors and assigns
           but, if applicable, only if such successors and assigns are permitted
           by this Agreement, and reference to a Person in a particular capacity
           excludes such Person in any other capacity or individually,  provided
           that  nothing  in this  clause  (iv) is  intended  to  authorize  any
           assignment not otherwise permitted by this Agreement;

      (v)  reference to any agreement (including this Agreement),  document,  or
           instrument means such agreement,  document, or instrument as amended,
           supplemented,  or  modified  and in  effect  from  time  to  time  in
           accordance  with the terms  thereof  and,  if  applicable,  the terms
           hereof,  and reference to any Note includes any note issued  pursuant
           hereto  in  extension  or  renewal  thereof  and in  substitution  or
           replacement therefor;

      (vi) unless the context  indicates  otherwise,  reference  to any Article,
           Section, Schedule, or Exhibit means such Article or Section hereof or
           such Schedule or Exhibit hereto;

      (vii)the words "including" (and with correlative  meaning "include") means
           including,   without  limiting  the  generality  of  any  description
           preceding such term;

      (viii) with respect to the  determination  of any period of time, the word
           "from"  means  "from and  including"  and the word "to" means "to but
           excluding"; and

      (ix) reference to any law means such as amended,  modified,  codified,  or
           reenacted, in whole or in part, and in effect from time to time.

      (b) The Article and Section  headings herein and the Table of Contents are
for convenience only and shall not affect the construction hereof.
      (c) No  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  interpreted  or construed
against  any  Person  solely  because  that  Person or its legal  representative
drafted such provision.

                                  ARTICLE II
                                  THE LOANS
          SECTION 2.01. Term Loans.  (a) Subject to the terms and conditions and
relying upon the  representations  and warranties  herein set forth,  each Bank,
severally and not jointly, agrees to make and maintain a term loan (a "Loan") in
the amount of such Bank's  Commitment to the Company upon the Effective  Date in
accordance with the terms hereof. The aggregate principal amount of all Loans of
a Bank at any time outstanding  shall not exceed such Bank's  Commitment and the
aggregate  principal  amount  of all  Loans  made  by  all  Banks  at  any  time
outstanding  shall not exceed  the Total  Commitment.  The Loans  shall be fully
advanced on the  Effective  Date and no Bank shall have any  obligation  to make
additional  advances after such date. All amounts repaid on the Loans may not be
reborrowed. The failure of any Bank to make any Loan shall not relieve any other
Bank of its obligation to lend  hereunder.  The Loan by each Bank to the Company
on the  Effective  Date shall be made  against  delivery to such Bank of a Note,
payable to the order of such Bank,  executed by the  Company,  as referred to in
Section 2.03.

      (b) Each Bank may  fulfill  its  Commitment  with  respect  to any Loan by
causing, at its option, any domestic or foreign branch or Affiliate of such Bank
to make such Loan,  provided  that the  exercise of such option shall not affect
the obligation of the Company,  to repay such Loan in accordance  with the terms
of the applicable Note.

      (c) Each Bank shall  make its pro rata  portion of the amount of the Loans
to the Company  hereunder  on the  Effective  Date  thereof by paying the amount
required  to the Agent in Houston,  Texas,  in U.S.  Dollars and in  immediately
available funds not later than 1:00 p.m.,  Houston,  Texas, time, and subject to
satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Article IV, the Agent shall promptly
and in any event on the same day,  credit the amounts so received to the general
deposit account of the Company with the Agent.

      (d) The Loans  shall bear  interest  from the  Effective  Date until their
conversion (the "Initial  Conversion") pursuant to the Initial Conversion Notice
at the  lesser of the Prime Rate or  Highest  Lawful  Rate.  The  Borrower  will
deliver  on the  Effective  Date a  Notice  (the  "Initial  Conversion  Notice")
instructing  the Agent to convert the interest  rate on the Loans from the Prime
Rate to the LIBO Rate (the  "Initial  Conversion  Notice")  three  Business Days
after the  Effective  Date.  The Initial  Conversion  Notice shall set forth the
Interest Period or Interest Periods desired by the Company. All Interest Periods
shall  relate  to Loan  amounts  of not less  than  $5,000,000  and  shall be in
integral multiples of $1,000,000.

      SECTION 2.02. Conversion and Continuation of Interest Periods. The Company
shall have the right at any time upon prior irrevocable  notice to the Agent not
later than 10:00 a.m., Houston, Texas time, three Business Days prior to the end
of an Interest Period,  to convert the Interest Period with respect to any Loans
to another permissible Interest Period subject to the following:

           (i) each conversion or continuation  shall be made pro rata among the
      Banks in accordance  with the  respective  principal  amounts of the Loans
      comprising the converted or continued Loans;

           (ii) the aggregate  principal  amount  converted or continued shall
      be an integral multiple of $1,000,000 and not less than $5,000,000;

           (vii)no Interest  Period may be selected  that would end later than
      the Maturity Date; and

           (viii)  accrued  interest  on  a  Loan  (or  portion  thereof)  being
      converted  or  continued  shall  be paid  by the  Company  at the  time of
      conversion or continuation.

      Each notice  pursuant to this Section 2.02 shall be irrevocable  and shall
refer to this Agreement and specify (w) the identity and amount of the Loan that
the Company requests to be converted or continued, (y) if such notice requests a
conversion, the date of such conversion (which shall be a Business Day), and (z)
the Interest Period with respect thereto.  If no Interest Period is specified in
any such notice, the Company shall be deemed to have selected an Interest Period
of one month's duration.  The Agent shall promptly advise the other Banks of any
notice given  pursuant to this  Section  2.02 and of each Bank's  portion of any
converted  or  continued  Loan.  If the Company  shall not have given  notice in
accordance  with  this  Section  2.02 to  continue  any Loan  into a  subsequent
Interest  Period (and shall not otherwise  have given notice in accordance  with
this  Loan),  such Loan  shall,  at the end of the  Interest  Period  applicable
thereto  (unless repaid  pursuant to the terms hereof),  automatically  become a
Loan with a duration of one month.

      SECTION 2.03. Notes,  Repayment of Loans. (a) The Loans made by each Bank
to the Company  shall be  evidenced  by a note (a "Note" and  collectively,  the
"Notes")  duly executed on behalf of the Company,  dated the Execution  Date, in
substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2.03,  payable to such Bank in
a principal  amount equal to its  Commitment on such date. The Company agrees to
pay the outstanding principal balance of each Loan, as evidenced by the Note, on
the  Maturity  Date.  Each  Note  shall  bear  interest  from  its  date  on the
outstanding principal balance thereof as provided in Section 2.04.

      (b) Each Bank shall,  and is hereby  authorized by the Company to, endorse
on the schedule  attached to the Note  delivered to such Bank (or a continuation
of such schedule  attached to such Note and made a part  thereof),  or otherwise
record in such Bank's internal records,  an appropriate  notation evidencing the
date and amount of each Loan,  as from such Bank to the Company,  as well as the
date and amount of each payment and prepayment with respect  thereto;  provided,
however,  that the  failure of any Bank to make such a notation  or any error in
such a notation  shall not affect the  obligation  of the Company  hereunder  or
under the Note of such Bank to repay  the  principal  amount of the Loan made by
such Bank  hereunder and under such Note to such Bank together with all interest
accruing thereon.

      SECTION 2.04.  Interest on Loans. (a) From the Effective Date until the 
Initial Conversion the Loans shall bear interest at the lesser of the Prime Rate
or the  Highest  Lawful  Rate.  After the  Initial  Conversion,  subject  to the
provisions  of Section  2.05,  each Loan shall bear interest at a rate per annum
(computed  on the basis of the actual  number of days elapsed over a year of 360
days) equal to the lesser of (i) the LIBO Rate for the Interest Period in effect
for such Loan plus the Applicable Margin and (ii) the Highest Lawful Rate.

      (b)  Interest  on each Loan shall be  payable in arrears on each  Interest
Payment  Date  applicable  to such Loan  except as  otherwise  provided  in this
Agreement.  The applicable LIBO Rate shall be determined by the Agent,  and such
determination  shall be conclusive  absent  demonstrable  error. The Agent shall
promptly advise the Company and each Bank of each such determination.

      SECTION 2.05. Interest on Overdue Amounts.  If the Company  shall  default
in the payment of the  principal  of or interest on any Loan or any other amount
due hereunder,  by acceleration  or otherwise,  the Company shall on demand from
time to time pay  interest,  to the extent  permitted by law, on such  defaulted
amount up to (but not  including)  the date of actual  payment (after as well as
before judgment) at a rate per annum (computed on the basis of the actual number
of days  elapsed  over a period  of 360  days)  equal to the  lesser  of (a) the
Highest Lawful Rate and (b) the Prime Rate plus 3% per annum.

      SECTION 2.06. Fees. The Company  shall pay to the Banks on the Effective
Date, in  immediately  available  funds,  the Agency Fee and the Facility Fee as
outlined in the Agent's Letter and the Facility Letter.

      SECTION 2.07.  Prepayment of Loans. (a) The Loans may be prepaid at any
time and from time to time, in whole or in part,  subject to the requirements of
Section  2.10 but  otherwise  without  premium  or  penalty,  upon at least five
Business  Days' prior written or telex notice to the Agent;  provided,  however,
that  each  such  partial  pre-payment  shall  be in  an  integral  multiple  of
$1,000,000 and a minimum aggregate principal amount of $5,000,000.

      (b) Each notice of prepayment  shall specify the  prepayment  date and the
principal  amount to be  prepaid,  shall be  irrevocable,  and shall  commit the
Company  to  prepay  such  amount  stated  therein.  All  prepayments  shall  be
accompanied  by accrued  interest on the  principal  amount being prepaid to the
date of prepayment.

      SECTION 2.08. Reserve Requirements:  Change in Circumstances. (a) It is 
understood  that the cost to each Bank of making or maintaining any of the Loans
may fluctuate as a result of the applicability of reserve  requirements  imposed
by the Board at the ratios provided for in Regulation D on the date hereof.  The
Company  agrees to pay to each of the Banks  from time to time such  amounts  as
shall be necessary to compensate such Bank for the portion of the cost of making
or maintaining Loans resulting from any such reserve  requirements  provided for
in Regulation D as in effect on the date hereof,  it being  understood  that the
rates of interest  applicable to Loans have been  determined  on the  assumption
that no such reserve requirements exist or will exist and that such rates do not
reflect costs imposed on the Banks in connection with such reserve requirements.

      (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision herein, if after the date of this
Agreement  any adoption of or change in  applicable  law or regulation or in the
interpretation or administration  thereof by any governmental  authority charged
with the  interpretation  or  administration  thereof (whether or not having the
force of law) shall  change the basis of taxation of payments to any Bank of the
principal  of or  interest  on any Loan made by such  Bank or any other  fees or
amounts payable hereunder (other than taxes imposed on the overall net income of
such Bank by the  jurisdiction in which such Bank has its principal office or is
located or by any political  subdivision or taxing authority therein),  or shall
impose,  modify,  or deem applicable any reserve,  special  deposit,  or similar
requirement  against assets of,  deposits with, or for the account of, or credit
extended  by,  such Bank or shall  impose on such Bank or the  London  interbank
market any other  condition  affecting  this Agreement or the Loans made by such
Bank and the result of any of the  foregoing  shall be to  increase  the cost to
such Bank of making or  maintaining  any Loan or to reduce the amount of any sum
received or receivable by such Bank hereunder  (whether of principal,  interest,
or otherwise) in respect  thereof,  by an amount deemed by such Bank in its sole
discretion  to be  material,  then such  additional  amount or  amounts  as will
compensate such Bank for such additional costs or reduction will be paid to such
Bank by the Company with respect to the Loans.

      (c) If any Bank shall have determined that the  applicability  of any law,
rule,  regulation,  or guideline  adopted pursuant to or arising out of the July
1988  report of the Basle  Committee  on  Banking  Regulations  and  Supervisory
Practices entitled "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital
Standards,"  or the  adoption  after the date  hereof of any  other  law,  rule,
regulation, or guideline regarding capital adequacy, or any change in any of the
foregoing or in the  interpretation or administration of any of the foregoing by
any governmental authority,  central bank, or comparable agency charged with the
interpretation  or  administration  thereof,  or  compliance by any Bank (or any
lending office of such Bank) or any Bank's  holding  company with any request or
directive regarding capital adequacy (whether or not having the force of law) of
any such authority,  central bank, or comparable  agency,  has or would have the
effect of reducing  the rate of return on such Bank's  capital or on the capital
of such Bank's  holding  company,  if any, as a consequence of this Agreement or
the Loans  made by such Bank  pursuant  hereto to a level  below that which such
Bank or such Bank's  holding  company could have achieved but for such adoption,
change, or compliance  (taking into  consideration  such Bank's policies and the
policies of such Bank's holding company with respect to capital  adequacy) by an
amount  deemed by such Bank to be  material,  then from time to time the Company
shall pay to such Bank such additional amount or amounts as will compensate such
Bank or such Bank's  holding  company  for any such  reduction  suffered.  It is
agreed that the interest rates and fees provided for in this Agreement have been
determined on the understanding  that the Banks will not be required to maintain
capital against their Commitments under currently applicable laws,  regulations,
and  regulatory  guidelines,  and that the Banks will be entitled to make claims
under this paragraph in the event such understanding proves to be incorrect.

      (d) A  certificate  of each Bank  setting  forth such amount or amounts as
shall be  necessary to  compensate  such Bank (or  participating  banks or other
entities  pursuant to Article IX) as  specified in  paragraph  (a),  (b), or (c)
above shall be delivered to the Company obligated with respect thereto and shall
be rebuttably  presumptive  evidence of the amount or amounts which such Bank is
entitled to receive.  The  Company  shall pay each Bank the amount  shown as due
from it on any such certificate within 10 days after its receipt of the same.

      (e)  Failure  on the  part of any  Bank  to  demand  compensation  for any
increased  costs or reduction in amounts  received or receivable with respect to
any  Interest  Period  shall not  constitute  a waiver of such Bank's  rights to
demand  compensation for any increased costs or reduction in amounts received or
receivable  in  such  Interest  Period  or in any  other  Interest  Period.  The
protection  of this Section 2.08 shall be available to each Bank  regardless  of
any  possible  contention  of the  invalidity  or  inapplicability  of any  law,
regulation,  or other condition which shall give rise to any demand by such Bank
for compensation.

      (f)  Nothing  in this  Section  2.08  shall  entitle  any Bank to  receive
interest at a rate per annum in excess of the Highest Lawful Rate.

      SECTION 2.09.  Change in  Legality.  (a) Notwithstanding anything to the 
contrary herein contained, if any adoption of or change in any law or regulation
or in the interpretation  thereof by any governmental authority charged with the
administration or interpretation  thereof shall make it unlawful for any Bank to
make or maintain any Loan or to give effect to its  obligations as  contemplated
hereby, then, by written notice to the Company and to the Agent, such Bank may:

           (i)  declare  that  Loans  will not  thereafter  be made by such Bank
      hereunder,  whereupon  any request by the Company for Loans  shall,  as to
      such Bank only,  be deemed a request  for a loan  bearing  interest at the
      Prime Rate; and

           (ii)  require that all  outstanding  Loans made by it be converted to
      loans  bearing  interest at the Prime Rate,  in which event all such Loans
      shall be automatically converted to such loans as of the effective date of
      such notice as provided in paragraph (b) below.

In the event any Bank shall  exercise  its rights  under (i) or (ii) above,  all
payments and prepayments of principal which would otherwise have been applied to
repay the Loans that would have been made by such Bank or the converted Loans of
such Bank shall  instead be applied to repay the loans  bearing  interest at the
Prime Rate made by such Bank in lieu of, or resulting  from the  conversion  of,
such Loans;  provided,  however,  the loans  bearing  interest at the Prime Rate
resulting  from the  conversion  of such Loans shall be  prepayable  only at the
times the  converted  Loans  would  have been  prepayable,  notwithstanding  the
provisions of Section 2.07(a).

      (b) For purposes of Section  2.09(a),  a notice to the Company by any Bank
shall be  effective  as to each  Loan,  if  lawful,  on the last day of the then
current  Interest  Period  or,  if there are then two or more  current  Interest
Periods, on the last day of each such Interest Period, respectively;  otherwise,
such notice shall be effective on the date of receipt by the Company.

      (c) If any Bank (or  Transferee)  requests  compensation  pursuant to this
Section  2.09,  the  Company  may give  notice to such Bank  (with a copy to the
Agent) that it wishes to seek one or more Eligible  Assignees  (which may be one
or more of the Banks) to assume the Commitments of such Bank and to purchase its
outstanding Loans and Notes. Each Bank (or Transferee)  requesting  compensation
pursuant to this Section 2.09 hereto agrees to sell all of its Commitments,  its
Loans,  and its Note pursuant to Section 9.03 to any such Eligible  Assignee for
an amount equal to the sum of the  outstanding  unpaid  principal of and accrued
interest  on such  Loans and Note plus all  Commitment  Fees and other  fees and
amounts due such Bank (or Transferee) hereunder calculated, in each case, to the
date such  Commitment,  Loans,  and Note are purchased,  whereupon such Bank (or
Transferee) shall thereafter have no further  Commitments or other obligation to
the Company hereunder or under any Note.

      SECTION  2.10.  Indemnity.  (a) The Company shall indemnify  each Bank 
against  any  loss or  expense  which  such  Bank  may  sustain  or  incur  as a
consequence  of (i) any failure by the Company to fulfill on the Effective  Date
hereunder the applicable conditions set forth in Article IV, (ii) any failure by
the  Company to convert or  continue  hereunder  after  Delivery  of a notice of
conversion or  continuation  has been given pursuant to Section 2.02,  (iii) any
default in payment or prepayment of the principal amount of any Loan or any part
thereof or  interest  accrued  thereon,  as and when due and payable (at the due
date  thereof,  by  irrevocable  notice of prepayment  or  otherwise),  (iv) the
occurrence of any Event of Default,  including,  but not limited to, any loss or
reasonable  expense  sustained  or  incurred or to be  sustained  or incurred in
liquidating  or  employing  deposits  from third  parties  acquired to effect or
maintain  such Loan or any part thereof or (v) the payment or  prepayment by the
Company of any Loan on a day other than the last day of an Interest Period. Such
loss or reasonable  expense shall include an amount equal to the excess, if any,
as reasonably determined by each Bank of (A) its cost of obtaining the funds for
the Loan being paid,  prepaid,  or converted or not borrowed for the period from
the date of such payment,  prepayment, or conversion or failure to borrow to the
last day of the  Interest  Period for such Loan (or, in the case of a failure to
borrow, the Interest Period for such Loan which would have commenced on the date
of such  failure  to  borrow)  over (B) the amount of  interest  (as  reasonably
determined  by such  Bank) that could be  realized  by such Bank in  reemploying
during such period the funds so paid, prepaid,  or converted or not borrowed.  A
certificate of each Bank setting forth any amount, or amounts which such Bank is
entitled to receive  pursuant to this  Section  2.10 shall be  delivered  to the
Company and shall be rebuttably  presumptive  evidence of the amount, or amounts
which such Bank is  entitled  to  receive.  Nothing in this  Section  2.10 shall
entitle  any Bank to  receive  interest  at a rate per  annum in  excess  of the
Highest Lawful Rate.

      (b) The provisions of this Section 2.10 shall remain operative and in full
force and effect regardless of the expiration of the term of this Agreement, the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  the repayment of any of
the Loans, the invalidity, or unenforceability of any term, or provision of this
Agreement, or any Note,, or any investigation made by, or on behalf of any Bank.
All  amounts  due under this  Section  2.10  shall be payable on written  demand

      SECTION 2.11. Pro Rata Treatment.  Except as permitted under Section 2.08,
Section  2.09,  and Section  2.10,  the Loans,  each  payment,  or prepayment of
principal  of the Notes,  each  payment of interest  on such  Notes,  each other
reduction of the principal,  or interest  outstanding under such Notes,  however
achieved,  each  reduction of the  Commitments  shall be made pro rata among the
Banks in the proportions  that their  respective  Commitments  bear to the Total
       SECTION 2.12.  Payments.  (a) The Company shall make all payments  
(including principal of, or interest on the Loans, or any fees or other amounts)
hereunder and under any other Loan  Document not later than 1:00 p.m.,  Houston,
Texas time,  on the date when due in dollars to the Agent at its offices at 1111
Fannin, Houston, Texas, in immediately available funds.

      (b) Whenever any payment (including  principal of or interest on the Loans
or any fees or other  amounts)  hereunder or under any other Loan Document shall
become due, or otherwise  would occur, on a day that is not a Business Day, such
payment may be made on the next  succeeding  Business Day, and such extension of
time shall in such case be included in the  computation  of interest or fees, if

      SECTION 2.13.  Sharing of Setoffs.  Each Bank agrees that if it shall, in 
any manner,  including through the exercise of a right of banker's lien, setoff,
or  counterclaim  against the  Company,  or  pursuant  to a secured  claim under
Section 506 of Title 11 of the United States Code or other  security or interest
arising from, or in lieu of, such secured claim, received by such Bank under any
applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  or other similar law or otherwise,  obtain
payment (voluntary or involuntary) in respect of the Note held by it as a result
of which the unpaid  principal  of the Note held by it shall be  proportionately
less than the unpaid  principal and interest of the Note held by any other Bank,
it shall be deemed to have  simultaneously  purchased  from  such  other  Bank a
participation  in the Note held by such other Bank, so that the aggregate unpaid
principal and interest of the Note and participations in Notes held by each Bank
shall be in the same proportion to the aggregate  unpaid  principal and interest
of all Notes then  outstanding as the principal and interest of the Note held by
it prior to such exercise of banker's lien,  setoff,  or counterclaim was to the
principal  and  interest  of all Notes  outstanding  prior to such  exercise  of
banker's lien,  setoff,  or counterclaim;  provided,  however,  that if any such
purchase or purchases or adjustments shall be made pursuant to this Section 2.13
and the payment giving rise thereto shall thereafter be recovered, such purchase
or purchases or  adjustments  shall be rescinded to the extent of such  recovery
and the purchase price or prices or adjustment  restored without  interest.  The
Company  expressly  consents to the foregoing  arrangements  and agrees that any
Person  holding a  participation  in a Note deemed to have been so purchased may
exercise  any and all rights of banker's  lien,  setoff,  or  counterclaim  with
respect to any and all moneys  owing by the  Company to such Bank as fully as if
such  Bank  had  made a Loan  directly  to the  Company  in the  amount  of such

      SECTION 2.14.  Payments Free of Taxes. (a) Any and all payments by the 
Company  hereunder shall be made free and clear of and without deduction for any
and all  present or future  taxes,  levies,  imposts,  deductions,  charges,  or
withholdings,  and all liabilities with respect thereto, excluding taxes imposed
on the Agent's or any Bank's (or any  transferee's  or  assignee's,  including a
participation  holder's  (any  such  entity  a  "Transferee"))  net  income  and
franchise  taxes imposed on the Agent or any Bank (or  Transferee) by the United
States  or any  jurisdiction  under  the laws of which  it is  organized  or any
political  subdivision  thereof (all such nonexcluded  taxes,  levies,  imposts,
deductions,  charges, withholdings, and liabilities being hereinafter referrered
to as "Taxes").

      (b) In addition,  the Company agrees to pay any present or future stamp or
documentary  taxes or any other excise or property  taxes,  charges,  or similar
levies  which  arise from any  payment  made  hereunder  or from the  execution,
delivery,  or  registration  of, or otherwise with respect to, this Agreement or
any other Loan Document (hereinafter referred to as "Other Taxes").

      (c) The Company will indemnify each Bank (or  Transferee) or the Agent for
the full  amount of Taxes and Other  Taxes  (including  any Taxes or Other Taxes
imposed by any  jurisdiction on amounts payable under this Section 2.14) paid by
such Bank (or  Transferee)  or the Agent,  as the case may be, and any liability
(including penalties,  interest, and expenses) arising therefrom or with respect
thereto,  whether or not such Taxes or Other  Taxes  were  correctly  or legally
asserted by the relevant taxing authority or other governmental authority.  Such
indemnification  shall  be made  within  30 days  after  the  date  any Bank (or
Transferee) or the Agent, as the case may be, makes written demand therefor.  If
a Bank (or  Transferee)  or the Agent shall  become aware that it is entitled to
receive a refund in respect of Taxes or Other Taxes,  it shall  promptly  notify
the Company of the  availability of such refund and shall,  within 30 days after
receipt  of a request by the  Company,  apply for such  refund at the  Company's
expense.  If any Bank (or  Transferee) or the Agent receives a refund in respect
of any Taxes or Other Taxes for which such Bank (or Transferee) or the Agent has
received payment from the Company hereunder it shall promptly notify the Company
of such  refund  and  shall,  within 30 days  after  receipt of a request by the
Company (or promptly upon receipt, if the Company has requested  application for
such  refund  pursuant  hereto),  repay such refund to the  Company,  net of all
out-of-pocket  expenses  of such Bank (or  Transferee)  or the Agent and without
interest;  provided  that  the  Company,  upon  the  request  of such  Bank  (or
Transferee)  or the  Agent,  agrees  to  return  such  refund  (plus  penalties,
interest,  or other  charges) to such Bank (or  Transferee)  or the Agent in the
event such Bank (or Transferee) or the Agent is required to repay such refund.

      (d) Within 30 days after the date of any  payment of Taxes or Other  Taxes
withheld by the Company in respect of any payment to any Bank (or Transferee) or
the Agent,  the Company will furnish to the Agent, at its address referred to in
Section 9.01, the original or a certified copy of a receipt  evidencing  payment

      (e) Without  prejudice  to the survival of any other  agreement  contained
herein,  the  agreements  and  obligations  contained in this Section 2.14 shall
survive the payment in full of the  principal  of and interest on all Loans made

      (f) Each Bank (or Transferee) which is organized outside the United States
shall promptly  notify the Company of any changes in its funding office and upon
written  request of the Company shall,  prior to the  immediately  following due
date of any  payment  by the  Company  hereunder,  deliver to the  Company  such
certificates,  documents, or other evidence, as required by the Code or Treasury
Regulations  issued pursuant  thereto,  including  Internal Revenue Service Form
1001 or Form 4224 and any other  certificate or statement of exemption  required
by  Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.144-1(a)  or  Section  1.1441-6(c)  or  any
subsequent  version thereof,  properly  completed and duly executed by such Bank
(or Transferee) establishing that such payment is (i) not subject to withholding
under the Code because such payment is effectively connected with the conduct by
such Bank (or  Transferee)  of a trade or business in the United  States or (ii)
totally  exempt from United  States tax under a provision of an  applicable  tax
treaty.  Unless the Company and the Agent have received forms or other documents
satisfactory to them  indicating that payments  hereunder or under the Notes are
not  subject to United  States  withholding  tax or are subject to such tax at a
rate  reduced by an  applicable  tax  treaty,  the  Company  or the Agent  shall
withhold taxes from such payments at the  applicable  statutory rate in the case
of payments to or for any Bank (or  Transferee) or assignee  organized under the
laws of a jurisdiction outside the United States.

      (g) The Company shall not be required to pay any additional amounts to any
Bank (or  Transferee)  in respect of United States  withholding  tax pursuant to
paragraph (a) above if the obligation to pay such  additional  amounts would not
have  arisen but for a failure by such Bank (or  Transferee)  to comply with the
provisions of paragraph (f) above unless such failure  results from (i) a change
in applicable law,  regulation,  or official  interpretation  thereof or (ii) an
amendment,  modification, or revocation of any applicable tax treaty or a change
in official  position  regarding the application or interpretation  thereof,  in
each case after the Execution Date (and, in the case of a Transferee,  after the
date of assignment or transfer).

      (h) Any Bank (or  Transferee)  claiming  any  additional  amounts  payable
pursuant to this  Section 2.14 shall use  reasonable  efforts  (consistent  with
legal and regulatory restrictions) to file any certificate or document requested
by the Company or to change the jurisdiction of its applicable lending office if
the  making of such a filing or change  would  avoid the need for or reduce  the
amount of any such additional amounts which may thereafter accrue and would not,
in the sole  determination  of such Bank, be otherwise  disadvantageous  to such
Bank (or Transferee).

      (i) If any Bank (or  Transferee)  requests  compensation  pursuant to this
Section  2.14,  the  Company  may give  notice to such Bank  (with a copy to the
Agent) that it wishes to seek one or more Eligible  Assignees  (which may be one
or more of the Banks) to assume the Commitments of such Bank and to purchase its
outstanding Loans and Notes. Each Bank (or Transferee)  requesting  compensation
pursuant to this Section 2.14 hereto agrees to sell all of its Commitments,  its
Loans,  and its Note pursuant to Section 9.03 to any such Eligible  Assignee for
an amount equal to the sum of the  outstanding  unpaid  principal of and accrued
interest  on such  Loans and Note plus all  Commitment  Fees and other  fees and
amounts due such Bank (or Transferee) hereunder calculated, in each case, to the
date such  Commitment,  Loans,  and Note are purchased,  whereupon such Bank (or
Transferee) shall thereafter have no further  Commitments or other obligation to
the Company hereunder or under any Note.

           SECTION 2.15. Alternate Rate of  Interest.  In the event, and on each
occasion,  that on the day two Business  Days prior to the  commencement  of any
Interest Period for a Loan, the Agent shall have determined (which determination
shall be conclusive  and binding upon the Company)  that dollar  deposits in the
amount of the  requested  principal  amount of such  Borrowing are not generally
available  in the  London  interbank  market,  or that the rate at which  dollar
deposits are being offered will not  adequately  and fairly  reflect the cost to
any Bank of making or maintaining  the principal  amount of its Loan during such
Interest  Period,  or reasonable  means do not exist for  ascertaining  the LIBO
Rate,  the Agent shall as soon as practicable  thereafter  give written or telex
notice of such  determination  to the Company and the Banks,  and any request by
the Company for the making of a Loan shall, until the circumstances  giving rise
to such  notice no longer  exist,  be deemed to be a request  for loans  bearing
interest at the Prime Rate. Each  determination  of the Agent hereunder shall be
conclusive absent demonstrable error.

                                 ARTICLE III


      The Company represents and warrants to Agent and the Banks as follows:

      SECTION 3.01.  Organization,  Corporate Powerss. The Company is duly 
organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the state of
its  respective  incorporation  or  organization,  has the  requisite  power and
authority  to own its  property  and assets and to carry on its  business as now
conducted  and is  qualified  to do  business in every  jurisdiction  where such
qualification is required, except where the failure so to quality would not have
a material  adverse effect on the  condition,  financial,  or otherwise,  of the
Company.  The Company has the corporate power to execute,  deliver,  and perform
its  obligations  under this Agreement,  to borrow  hereunder and to execute and
deliver the Notes.

      SECTION 3.02.  Authorization.  The execution, delivery,  and  performance
of this Agreement,  the Loans  hereunder,  and the execution and delivery of the
Notes by the Company (a) have been duly  authorized by all  requisite  corporate
and, if required, stockholder action on the part of the Company and (b) will not
(i) violate (A) any  provision  of law,  statute,  rule,  or  regulation  or the
certificate of incorporation or the bylaws of the Company,  (B) any order of any
court.  or any  rule,  regulation,  or order of any other  agency of  government
binding upon the Company, or (C) any provisions of any indenture,  agreement, or
other instrument to which the Company is a party, or by which the Company or any
of its  properties  or assets  are or may be bound,  (ii) be in  conflict  with,
result in a breach of, or  constitute  (alone or with notice or lapse of time or
both) a default under any indenture,  agreement, or other instrument referred to
in (b)(i)(C)  above,  or (iii) result in the creation or imposition of any lien,
charge,  or encumbrance of any nature  whatsoever upon any property or assets of
the Company.

      SECTION 3.03. Governmental Approval. No registration  with or consent or 
approval  of, or other  action by, any  federal,  state,  or other  governmental
agency,  authority, or regulatory body is or will be required in connection with
the execution,  delivery,  and performance of this Agreement,  the execution and
delivery of the Notes or the Loans hereunder.
     SECTION 3.04.  Enforceability.  This Agreement has been duly  executed and
delivered by the Company and constitutes legal,  valid, and binding  obligations
of the Company and the Notes,  when duly  executed and delivered by the Company,
will constitute legal,  valid, and binding  obligations of the Company,  in each
case enforceable in accordance with their  respective terms (subject,  as to the
enforcement of remedies, to applicable bankruptcy,  reorganization,  insolvency,
moratorium, and similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally).

      SECTION 3.05. Financial Statements. The consolidated  financial statements
of the Company,  as at December 31, 1996, a copy of which has been  furnished to
the Banks, have been prepared in conformity with generally  accepted  accounting
principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding fiscal year,
and present fairly the financial conditions of the Company and its Subsidiaries,
as at such date and the  consolidated  results of the  operations of the Company
and its Subsidiaries for the period then ended.

      SECTION  3.06.  No Material  Adverse  Change. There  has been no  material
adverse change in the businesses,  assets, operations,  prospects, or condition,
financial or otherwise, of the Company since December 31, 1996.

      SECTION 3.07. Title to  Properties.  The Company has good and marketable 
title to, or valid leasehold interests in, all its properties and assets, except
for such  properties  as are no  longer  used or useful  in the  conduct  of its
business or as have been  disposed  of in the  ordinary  course of business  and
except for minor defects in title that do not interfere  with the ability of the
Company to conduct its business as now conducted.

      SECTION  3.08.   Litigation;   Compliance  with  Laws;   Etc. (a) There 
are not any actions,  suits,  or proceedings at law or in equity or by or before
any  governmental  instrumentality  or other agency or regulatory  authority now
pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened against or affecting the
Company or the  business,  assets or rights of the Company or any  Subsidiary of
the  Company  (i)  which  involve  this  Agreement  or any  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby or (ii) as to which there is a reasonable  possibility of an
adverse determination and which, if adversely determined, could, individually or
in the  aggregate,  materially  impair  the  ability  of the  Company to conduct
business substantially as now conducted,  or materially and adversely affect the
business, assets,  operations,  prospects, or condition (financial or otherwise)
of the Company,  or impair the validity or  enforceability  of or the ability of
the Company to perform its obligations  under this Agreement,  the Notes, or any
of the other Loan Documents.

      (b) The Company is not in violation of any law, the breach or  consequence
of which would  materially  and  adversely  affect the ability of the Company to
carry on its business, or in default under any material order, writ, injunction,
award,  or  decree  of any  court,  arbitrator,  administrative  agency or other
governmental  authority binding upon it or its assets or any material indenture,
mortgage, contract, agreement, or other undertaking or instrument to which it is
a party or by which any of its properties may be bound, and nothing has occurred
which would  materially and adversely affect the ability of the Company to carry
on its  business  or  perform  its  obligations  under  any  such  order,  writ,
injunction, award, or decree or any such material indenture, mortgage, contract,
agreement, or other undertaking or instrument.

      SECTION  3.09.  Agreements,  No  Default.  (a) The Company is not a party 
to any agreement or instrument or subject to any corporate  restriction that has
a present  material  and adverse  effect on the  business,  properties,  assets,
operations, prospects, or condition (financial or otherwise), of the Company.

      (b) The Company is not in default in any manner that would  materially and
adversely affect the business,  properties,  assets,  operations,  prospects, or
condition   (financial  or  otherwise)  of  the  Company  or  the   performance,
observance,  or fulfillment of any of the obligations,  covenants, or conditions
contained in any material agreement or instrument to which it is a party.

      (c) The Company is not in default  under any  agreement or  instrument  to
which the Company is a party or by which any of their  respective  properties or
assets is bound or affected, which default might materially and adversely affect
the financial  condition or operations of the Company taken as a whole. No Event
of Default has occurred and is continuing.

      SECTION 3.10.  Federal Reserve Regulations.  (a)   The  Company  is  not
engaged principally,  or as one of its important  activities,  in the business
of extending credit for the purpose of purchasing or carrying Margin Stock.

      (b) No part of the proceeds of the Loans will be used, whether directly or
indirectly, and whether immediately, incidentally or ultimately, (i) to purchase
or carry  Margin  Stock  or to  extend  credit  to  others  for the  purpose  of
purchasing  or  carrying  Margin  Stock  or to  refund  indebtedness  originally
incurred for such purpose or (ii) for any purpose  which entails a violation of,
or which is  inconsistent  with, the provisions of the Regulations of the Board,
including Regulations G, T, U, or X; provided,  however, the Company may acquire
Margin Stock if, upon the  acquisition of such Margin Stock,  25% or less of the
Company's total assets subject to the  restrictions set forth in Section 6.01 or
Section 6.02(b) would then be composed of Margin Stock, and furnish to the Agent
upon its request,  a statement in conformity  with the  requirements  of Federal
Reserve Form U-1 referred to in Regulation U.

      SECTION  3.11.  Taxes.  The Company has filed all tax returns  which are 
required to have been filed and has paid,  or made adequate  provisions  for the
payment of, all of its taxes which are due and  payable,  except such taxes,  if
any, as are being contested in good faith and by appropriate  proceedings and as
to which such  reserves or other  appropriate  provisions  as may be required by
generally  accepted  accounting  principles  have been  maintained.  The federal
income tax  liability of the Company has been  audited by the  Internal  Revenue
Service and has been finally determined and satisfied (or the time for audit has
expired) for all tax years up to and including the tax year ended June 30, 1986.
The Company deems the amounts and maximum final judgments from such action to be
immaterial to the Company.  The Company is not aware of any proposed  assessment
against it or any of its Subsidiaries for additional taxes (or any basis for any
such assessment) which might be material to the Company taken as a whole.

      SECTION  3.12.  Pension  and  Welfare  Plans. As of the Execution Date, 
the Company has no Plans.

      SECTION   3.13.  No  Material   Misstatements.  Neither this Agreement,  
the other Loan  Documents,  nor any other document  delivered by or on behalf of
the Company or any of its  Affiliates  in  connection  with any Loan Document or
included  therein  contained or contains any  material  misstatement  of fact or
omitted or omits to state any material  fact  necessary  to make the  statements
therein,  in the light of the  circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not

      SECTION 3.14.  Investment  Company Act,  Public  Utility  Holding  Company
Act. The Company is neither an "investment company"  nor a company "controlled"
by an  investment  company as defined in, nor subject to regulation  under,  the
Investment  Company  Act of 1940.  The  Company  is not a "holding  company"  as
defined in, or subject to regulation  under,  the Public Utility Holding Company
Act of 1935.

      SECTION 3.15.  Compliance with Laws. To the best knowledge of the Company,
after  due  investigation,  the  Company  are in  material  compliance  with all
statutes and governmental rules and regulations applicable to them.

      SECTION 3.16.  Maintenance  of  Insurance.  The Company  maintains  
insurance to such extent and against such hazards and liabilities as is commonly
maintained by companies similarly situated.

      SECTION  3.17.  Existing  Liens.  None of the assets of the Company are 
subject to any Lien, except:

      (a) Liens for current  taxes not  delinquent  or taxes being  contested in
good faith and by appropriate proceedings and as to which such reserves or other
appropriate  provisions  as may be required  by  generally  accepted  accounting
principles are being maintained;

      (b) carriers', warehousemen's,  mechanics',  materialmen's, and other like
statutory Liens arising in the ordinary course of business securing  obligations
which  are not  overdue  for a period  of more  than 90 days or which  are being
contested  in good  faith and by  appropriate  proceedings  and as to which such
reserves  or  other  appropriate  provisions  as may be  required  by  generally
accepted accounting principles are being maintained;

      (c)  pledges or  deposits  in  connection  with  workers'  compensation,
unemployment insurance, and other social security legislation;

      (d) deposits to secure the performance of bids, trade  contracts,  leases,
statutory  obligations,  and other  obligations of a like nature incurred in the
ordinary  course of  business,  and  Liens  securing  reimbursement  obligations
created by open letters of credit for the purchase of inventory;

      (e)  Liens, if any,  disclosed in the financial  statements  referred to
in Section 3.05; and

      (f)  Liens listed on Exhibit 3.17.

      SECTION 3.18.  Environmental  Matters. The Company has complied in all 
material respects with all applicable federal, state, local, and other statutes,
ordinances,   orders,   judgments,   rulings,   and   regulations   relating  to
environmental  pollution or to environmental  regulation or control. The Company
received  notice of any failure so to comply  which  alone or together  with any
other such failure  could result in a material  adverse  effect on the business,
assets,  operations,  prospects,  or condition  (financial  or otherwise) of the
Company. None of the facilities of the Company has managed any hazardous wastes,
hazardous   substances,   hazardous  materials,   toxic  substances,   or  toxic
pollutants,  as those terms are used in the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery
Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation, and Liability Act,
the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, the Toxic Substance Control Act, the
Clean  Air  Act,  or the  Clean  Water  Act,  in  violation  of any  regulations
promulgated pursuant thereto or in any other applicable law where such violation
could  result,  individually  or together with other  violations,  in a material
adverse  effect on the business,  assets,  operations,  prospects,  or condition
(financial or otherwise) of the Company or such Subsidiary.

      SECTION  3.19   Subsidiaries.   As  of  the Effective Date the Company has
 no Subsidiaries.

      SECTION 3.20 Solvency.  The fair value of the assets of the Company (both
 at fair  valuation and at present fair saleable  value) is,
on the Effective  Date greater than the total amount of  liabilities  (including
contingent and unliquidated  liabilities) of the Company and the Company is able
to pay all liabilities as such liabilities mature and does not have unreasonably
small capital with which to carry on its business.

                                  ARTICLE IV

                            CONDITIONS OF LENDING

      SECTION 4.01.  Conditions  Precedent to the Loans. The obligation of each
Bank to make its Loan is subject to the condition precedent that the Agent shall
have  received  on or  before  the  Effective  Date  the  following  in form and
substance satisfactory to the Agent, each dated (unless otherwise indicated) the
Execution  Date and, with respect to all such  documents  referred to in Section
4.01(a) Section 4.01(c),  Section 4.01(d),  Section 4.01(e), Section 4.01(f) and
Section 4.01(g), in sufficient copies for each Bank:

      (a) A  counterpart  of this  Agreement  (to which all of the  Exhibits and
Schedules have been attached) executed by the Company, the Agent, and the Banks;

      (b)  Notes  of  the  Company  dated  of  even  date  herewith,  properly
executed by the Company to the order of the Banks, respectively;

      (c)  The Guaranty properly executed by the Guarantor.

      (d)  The  Banks  shall  have  received  (i) a copy of the  certificate  of
incorporation,  as amended,  of the Company and the Guarantor,  certified by the
Secretaries of State of Texas and Delaware, respectively and a certificate as to
the  good  standing  of and  charter  documents  filed  by the  Company  and the
Guarantor  from  such  Secretaries  of State,  respectively;  (ii) a copy of the
certificate of authority to do business in the State of Texas,  certified by the
Secretary  of State of Texas and a  certificate  as to the good  standing of the
Guarantor from the Comptroller of the State of Texas; (iii) a certificate of the
Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Company and the Guarantor,  dated the
Effective Date and  certifying (A) that attached  thereto is a true and complete
copy of the bylaws of the Company and the Guarantor,  respectively, as in effect
on the date of such  certificate and at all times since a date prior to the date
of the resolutions  described in (B) below,  (B) that attached thereto is a true
and complete copy of  resolutions  duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the
Company and the Guarantor,  respectively,  authorizing the execution,  delivery,
and  performance of this  Agreement,  the Notes and the Loans by the Company and
the Guaranty by the Guarantor and that such  resolutions have not been modified,
rescinded, or amended and are in full force and effect, (C) that the certificate
of incorporation of the Company and the Guarantor has not been amended since the
date of the  last  amendment  thereto  shown on the  good  standing  certificate
furnished  pursuant  to (i) above,  and (D) as to the  incumbency  and  specimen
signature  of each  officer of the  Company  and the  Guarantor  executing  this
Agreement,  the Notes in the case of the Company and the Guaranty in the case of
the  Guarantor,  and in each case any other  document  delivered  in  connection
herewith or therewith; (iii) a certificate of another officer of the Company and
the Guarantor as to the  incumbency  and specimen  signature of the Secretary or
such Assistant  Secretary of the Company and the Guarantor;  and (iv) such other
documents as any Bank or Andrews & Kurth L.L.P.,  special counsel for the Agent,
may reasonably request;

      (e) A certificate of a Senior Vice President, an Executive Vice President,
or a Vice President of the Company dated the Effective  Date  certifying (i) the
truth  of the  representations  and  warranties  made  by the  Company  in  this
Agreement and (ii) the absence of the occurrence and  continuance of any Default
or Event of Default;

      (f) The Agent  shall have  received  the Agent's  Letter and the  Facility
Letter duly executed by the Company,  and shall have  received  payment from the
Company both of the fees referenced by those letters.

      (g) The  opinion of counsel to the Company  and the  Guarantor,  dated the
Effective Date,  addressed to the Agent and the Banks and in the form of Exhibit
4.01 hereto;

      (h)  An Administrative Questionnaire completed by each Bank;

      (i)  The Initial Conversion Notice; and

      (j) The fees and disbursements  required to be paid by Section 9.04 on the
Effective Date shall have been paid or provision therefore shall have been made.

Furthermore,  by accepting the proceeds of the Loans, the Company represents and
warrants that on the Effective Date, the following statements are true:

      (y) The  representations  and  warranties  contained  in  Article  III are
correct on and as of the Effective  Date,  before and after giving effect to the
Loans and to the application of the proceeds therefrom, as though made on and as
of such date; and

      (z) No event has  occurred  and is  continuing,  or would  result from the
Loans or from the  application  of the  proceeds  therefrom,  which  constitutes
either a Default or an Event of Default.

      SECTION 4.02. Conditions Precedent to Conversions and Continuations.  The
obligation of the Banks to convert or continue any Interest  Period with respect
to any Loan,  according  to Section  2.02  herein,  is subject to the  condition
precedent  that on the date of such  conversion  or  continuation  no Default or
Event of Default  shall have occurred and be continuing or would result from the
making of such conversion or  continuation.  In the event that at the end of any
Interest Period there is in existence a Default or Event of Default, any request
by the Company for a  conversion  or  continuance  of any Loan  relating to such
Interest  Period shall be deemed a request for a loan at the lesser of the Prime
Rate or the Highest  Lawful  Rate and in the absence of any such  request by the
Company  such  Loans,  subject to the  provisions  of Section  2.05,  shall bear
interest  at the  lesser of the  Prime  Rate or the  Highest  Lawful  Rate.  The
acceptance  of the  benefits  of each such  conversion  and  continuation  shall
constitute  a  representation  and  warranty by the Company to each of the Banks
that no Default or Event of Default  shall have  occurred and be  continuing  or
would result from the making of such conversion or continuation.

                                  ARTICLE V

                            AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS

      So long as this  Agreement  shall remain in effect or the  principal of or
interest on any Note or any other expense or amount payable  hereunder  shall be
unpaid,  unless the  Required  Banks shall  otherwise  consent in  writing,  the
Company covenants and agrees with the Agent and each Bank that:

SECTION 5.01.  Existence.  The Company will maintain and preserve, and, subject
to the provisions of clauses (w), (x), and (y) of Section 6.02 , will cause each
Significant  Subsidiary to maintain and preserve,  its respective existence as a
corporation or other form of business organization,  as the case may be, and all
rights, privileges,  licenses,  patents, patent rights, copyrights,  trademarks,
trade  names,  franchises,  and  other  authority  to the  extent  material  and
necessary for the conduct of its respective businesses in the ordinary course as
conducted  from time to time,  including,  in the case of the Company,  its good
standing and qualification to do business in the State of Texas.

      SECTION  5.02.  Repair.  The Company will  maintain, preserve,  and keep,
and will cause each of its Significant  Subsidiaries to maintain,  preserve, and
keep, all of its properties in good repair,  working order,  and condition,  and
from time to time make,  and the Company  will make,  and will cause each of the
Significant  Subsidiaries to make, all necessary and proper  repairs,  renewals,
replacements,  additions,  betterments,  and improvements thereto so that at all
times the  efficiency  thereof  shall be fully  preserved  and  maintained;  the
Company  will at all  times  do or  cause to be done  all  things  necessary  to
preserve,  renew,  and  keep in full  force  and  effect,  and will  cause  each
Significant  Subsidiary  to do or  cause  to be done  all  things  necessary  to
preserve,  renew,  and keep in full  force and  effect,  the  rights,  licenses,
permits, franchises,  patents, copyrights,  trademarks, and trade names material
to the conduct of its  businesses;  maintain  and  operate  such  businesses  in
substantially  the manner in which they are  presently  conducted  and  operated
(subject to changes in the ordinary course of business);  comply in all material
respects  with all laws and  regulations  applicable  to the  operation  of such
businesses  whether  now in  effect  or  hereafter  enacted  and with all  other
applicable  laws and  regulations;  and take all action which may be required to
obtain,   preserve,   renew,  and  extend  all  licenses,   permits,  and  other
authorizations which may be material to the operation of such businesses.

      SECTION 5.03. Insurance. The Company will maintain, on a consolidated  
basis,  insurance to such extent and against such hazards and  liabilities as is
commonly  maintained  by  companies  similarly  situated  or as the Agent or the
Required Banks may reasonably request from time to time.

      SECTION 5.04.  Obligations and Taxes. The Company will pay and  discharge
and will cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to pay and  discharge,  when due,  all
taxes,  assessments and governmental  charges or levies imposed upon the Company
or such Subsidiary,  as the case may be, as well as all lawful claims for labor,
materials,  and  supplies  or  otherwise  unless and only to the extent that the
Company  or such  Subsidiary,  as the case may be,  is  contesting  such  taxes,
assessments,  and governmental  charges,  levies, or claims in good faith and by
appropriate  proceedings and the Company or such Subsidiary has set aside on its
books such reserves or other appropriate  provisions therefor as may be required
by generally accepted accounting principles.

      SECTION 5.05.  Litigation and Other  Notices. The Company will notify the
Agent and the Banks in writing of any of the following immediately upon learning
of the occurrence  thereof,  describing  the same and, if applicable,  the steps
being taken by the Person(s) affected with respect thereto:

      (a) Judgment.  The entry of any judgment or decree against the Company and
its other  Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole,  if the amount of such  judgment  or
decree exceeds $10,000,000 (after deducting the amount with respect to which the
Company or such  Subsidiary is insured and with respect to which the insurer has
assumed responsibility in writing);

      (b) Suits and Proceedings. The filing or commencement of any action, suit,
or  proceeding,  whether  at law or in equity  or by or before  any court or any
federal, state, municipal, or other governmental agency or authority as to which
there is a reasonable  possibility  of an adverse  determination  and which,  if
adversely  determined,  could materially  impair the right of the Company or any
Significant  Subsidiary to carry on business  substantially as then conducted or
materially and adversely affect the business, assets, operations,  prospects, or
condition (financial or otherwise) of the Company or any Significant Subsidiary;

      (c)  Default.  The occurrence of any Event of Default or Default;

      (d)  Material  Adverse  Change.  The  occurrence  of a material  adverse
change in the business,  operations,  or condition (financial or otherwise) of
the Company and the Significant Subsidiaries, taken as a whole;

      (e) Pension and Welfare Plans.  The occurrence of a Reportable  Event with
respect to any Plan;  the  institution  of any steps by the Company,  any of its
Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate,  the PBGC, or any other Person to terminate
any  Plan;  the  institution  of  any  steps  by  the  Company,  or  any  of its
Subsidiaries  or any ERMA Affiliate to withdraw from any Plan; or the incurrence
of any material  increase in the  contingent  liability of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries with respect to any post-retirement welfare benefits; and

      (f)  Other  Events.  The  occurrence  of such other  events as the Agent
or the Required Banks may reasonably from time to time specify.

      SECTION 5.06.  ERISA. The Company will comply,  and
will cause each of its Subsidiaries to comply,  in all material  respects with
the applicable provisions of ERISA.

      SECTION 5.07. Books,  Records, and Access. The Company will maintain, and
will cause each Significant Subsidiary to maintain,  complete and accurate books
and  records in which full and  correct  entries in  conformity  with  generally
accepted accounting principles shall be made of all dealings and transactions in
relation to the  business  and  activities  of the Company and each  Significant
Subsidiary.  The Company will permit, and will cause each Significant Subsidiary
to  permit,  reasonable  access  by the  Agent and each  Bank,  upon  reasonable
request,  to the books and records  relating to the Company and the  Significant
Subsidiary during normal business hours, to permit or cause to be permitted, the
Agent and each Bank to make extracts from such books and records and permit,  or
cause to be permitted,  upon reasonable request,  any authorized  representative
designated  by any Bank to discuss the affairs,  finances,  and condition of the
Company or any  Significant  Subsidiary with such Person's  principal  financial
officers  and  principal  accounting  officers  and such other  officers  as the
Company shall deem appropriate.

      SECTION  5.08.  Use  of  Proceeds.  The Company  will  use the  proceeds 
of the Loans only for general corporate purposes including the funding of a loan
to the Guarantor.

      SECTION 5.09.  Nature of  Business.  The Company will engage in, and will
cause each Significant  Subsidiary to engage in, substantially the same field of
business as they are engaged in on the date hereof.

      SECTION 5.10. Compliance. The Company will comply, and will cause each of
its  Subsidiaries  to comply,  in all  material  respects  with all statutes and
governmental rules and regulations  applicable to it including all such statutes
and government rules and regulations  relating to environmental  pollution or to
environmental regulation and control.

                                  ARTICLE VI

                              NEGATIVE COVENANTS

      So long as this  Agreement  shall remain in effect or the  principal of or
interest on any Note or any other expense or amount payable  hereunder  shall be
unpaid,  unless the  Required  Banks shall  otherwise  consent in  writing,  the
Company covenants and agrees with the Agent and each Bank that:

      SECTION 6.01. Liens. The Company will not, and will not
permit any of its Subsidiaries to, incur, create, assume, or permit to exist any
Lien on any of its  property  or  assets,  whether  owned at the date  hereof or
hereafter  acquired,  or assign or convey any rights to or security interests in
any future revenues, except:

      (a)  Liens in  connection  with the  acquisition  by the  Company  or such
Subsidiary of property after the date hereof by way of purchase money, mortgage,
conditional  sale, or other title  retention  agreement,  capitalized  lease, or
other  deferred  payment  contract,  and  attaching  only to the property  being
acquired,  if the Indebtedness  secured thereby does not exceed 80% (100% in the
case of a  capitalized  lease) of the fair market value of such  property at the
time of acquisition thereof nor $10,000,000 in the aggregate for the Company and
all Subsidiaries at any one time outstanding;

      (b)  Liens referred to in Section 3.17;

      (c) other Liens securing  obligations of the Company and its  Subsidiaries
not to exceed  $10,000,000  in the  aggregate  and  attaching to property of the
Company or such other  Subsidiary  whose  aggregate  fair market  value does not
exceed $10,000,000; and

      (d)  extensions,  renewals,  and  replacements  of  liens  referred  to in
paragraphs  (a)  through  (c) of this  Section  6.01;  provided,  that  any such
extension,  renewal,  or  replacement  lien shall be limited to the  property or
assets  covered  by the  Lien  extended,  renewed,  or  replaced  and  that  the
obligations secured by any such extension, renewal, or replacement lien shall be
in an amount not greater than the amount of the obligations  secured by the Lien
extended, renewed, or replaced.

      SECTION  6.02.  Merger,   Purchase,   and  Sale.  The  Company  will not,
and will not  permit any of its Subsidiaries to:

      (a)  be a party to any merger or consolidation;

      (b)  sell, transfer,  convey,  lease, or otherwise dispose of all or any
substantial part of its assets;

      (c)  sell or assign,  with or without recourse,  any accounts receivable
or chattel paper; or

      (d)  purchase or otherwise  acquire all or substantially  all the assets
of any Person.

Notwithstanding the foregoing:

      (v) the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  may sell or  transfer  real
property  including  improvements  located thereon and thereafter the Company or
any of its  Subsidiaries  may rent or lease such property in a sale or leaseback
transaction  so  long  as  after  giving  effect  to  such  sale  and  leaseback
transaction the Company and its Subsidiaries would be in compliance with Section

      (w) any  Subsidiary  of the  Company may merge into the Company or into or
with any  Wholly-owned  Subsidiary  so long as the Company or such  Wholly-owned
Subsidiary, as the case may be, shall be the surviving entity;

      (x)  any Subsidiary of the Company may sell,  transfer,  convey,  lease,
or  assign  all or a  substantial  part of its  assets to the  Company  or any
Wholly-owned Subsidiary;

      (y)  any Person may merge into the  Company  and the Company may acquire
all or substantially all the assets of any Person; and

      (z) the Company and any of its  Subsidiaries may in the ordinary course of
their business sell, transfer, convey, lease, or otherwise dispose of all or any
substantial  part of the assets of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a

provided, in each of the cases described in the preceding clauses (v), (w), (x),
(y), and (z), that immediately thereafter and after giving effect thereto:

      (i)  no  Event  of  Default  or  Default  shall  have  occurred  and  be

      (ii) the  Company is a  surviving  entity,  except as provided in clause
      (w); and

      (iii)the surviving  officers of the Company shall be  substantially  the

      For  purposes of this Section  6.02 only,  a sale,  transfer,  conveyance,
lease, or other disposition of assets shall be deemed to be a "substantial part"
of the  assets of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  only if the value of such
assets, when added to the value of all other assets sold, transferred, conveyed,
leased, or otherwise disposed of by the Company and its Subsidiaries (other than
pursuant to clauses  (v),  (x),  and (z) of this  Section  6.02) during the same
fiscal year, exceeds 100% of the Company's  consolidated total assets determined
as of the end of the immediately preceding fiscal year. As used in the preceding
sentence,  the term "value" shall mean,  with respect to any asset  disposed of,
the  greater  of such  asset's  book  or fair  market  value  as of the  date of
disposition,  with "book  value"  being the value of such asset as would  appear
immediately  prior to such  disposition  on a balance sheet of the owner of such
asset prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

      SECTION 6.03.  Investments.  The Company will not,  and will not  permit
any of its respective Subsidiaries to, make or permit to exist any Investment in
any Person, except for:

      (a)  extensions  of credit in the nature of accounts  receivable  or notes
receivable arising from the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of

      (b)  shares of  stock,  obligations,  or other  securities  received  in
settlement of claims arising in the ordinary course of business;

      (c)  Investments  in securities,  maturing  within two years and issued or
fully  guaranteed  or  insured  by the  United  States of  America or any agency

      (d) Investments in commercial paper, maturing in 270 days or less from the
date of issuance,  rated in the highest or second  highest grade by a nationally
recognized credit rating agency;

      (e)  Investments  in  United  States  dollar  denominated  and  Eurodollar
denominated  time  deposits,  maturing  within  two years  from the date of such
Investment and issued by a bank or trust company having  capital,  surplus,  and
undivided profits aggregating at least $500,000,000;

      (f)  Investments  outstanding on the date hereof in  Subsidiaries by the
Company and its Subsidiaries;

      (g)  other  Investments  outstanding  on the date  hereof  and listed on
Exhibit 6.03;

      (h)  other   Investments  of  the  Company  and  its   Subsidiaries  not
exceeding 10% of Consolidated Tangible Net Worth at any time; and

      (j)  endorsements of negotiable instruments for deposit or collection
in the ordinary course of business.

     SECTION 6.04. Transactions with Affiliates. The Company will not enter into
any transaction with any Affiliate except in the ordinary course of business and
upon fair and  reasonable  terms no less favorable than the Company could obtain
or could  become  entitled  to in an  arms-length  transaction  with a person or
entity which was not an Affiliate.

      SECTION 6.05. Other Agreements. The Company will  not, and will not permit
any of its  Subsidiaries  to, enter into any agreement  containing any provision
which  would  be  violated  or  breached  by the  Company's  performance  of its
obligations  hereunder or under any  instrument  or document  delivered or to be
delivered by the Company hereunder or in connection herewith.

      SECTION  6.06.   Fiscal  Year;   Accounting.  The Company will not change
its fiscal  year or method of  accounting  (other  than  immaterial  changes and
methods and changes authorized by generally accepted accounting principles).

      SECTION 6.07. Credit Standards.  The Company will not modify in any way
the credit  standards  and  procedures,  the  collection  policies,  or the loss
recognition procedures with respect to the creation or collection of Accounts if
the modification would have a material adverse effect on the financial condition
of the Company.

      SECTION 6.08.  Pension  Plans.  The Company will not permit, and will not
permit any of its  Subsidiaries to permit,  any condition to exist in connection
with  any  Plan  which  might  constitute  grounds  for the  PBGC  to  institute
proceedings  to have such Plan  terminated or a trustee  appointed to administer
such Plan,  and not engage in, or permit to exist or occur,  and will not permit
any of its  Subsidiaries  to engage  in, or permit to exist or occur,  any other
condition,  event, or transaction with respect to any Plan which could result in
the incurrence by the Company or any such Subsidiary of any material  liability,
fine, or penalty.

      SECTION 6.09.  Guaranties.  The Company will not, and will not permit any
of its Subsidiaries to, become or be liable under any Guaranty except Guaranties
(a) which (x) in the case of  Guaranties  of  Indebtedness  for borrowed  money,
guarantee  Indebtedness with a maximum  principal  amount,  and (y) in all other
cases are limited in amount to a stated maximum dollar  exposure,  (b) which are
included in Indebtedness, and (c) which are:

           (i)  Guaranties  by the  Company or a  Wholly-owned  Subsidiary  of
      the Indebtedness of a Subsidiary of Company;

           (ii) Guaranties by a Subsidiary of the Company of  Indebtedness  of
      the Company;

           (iii)other  Guaranties  not  exceeding   $10,000,000  in  aggregate
      principal amount at any time outstanding.

      SECTION 6.10. Leases. The Company will not at any time enter into or 
permit to exist,  and will not permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to enter into or
permit to exist,  any  arrangements for the leasing by the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries,  as lessee,  of any real or  personal  property  (or any  interest
therein) under leases (other than capitalized  leases);  provided,  however, the
Company  and its  Subsidiaries  may enter into and  permit to exist such  leases
which require the payment by the Company and such Subsidiaries on a consolidated
basis of minimum  rental  amounts in the aggregate in any one fiscal year not in
excess of $10,000,000.00.

                                 ARTICLE VII

                              EVENTS OF DEFAULT

      SECTION  7.01.  Events of Default.  In case of the happening of any of the
following events (herein called "Events of Default"):

      (a) any representation or warranty made or deemed made in or in connection
with this  Agreement,  the  Notes,  or the  Loans  hereunder  or in any  report,
certificate,  financial  statement,  or other instrument furnished in connection
with this  Agreement  or the  execution  and  delivery of the Notes or the Loans
hereunder  shall prove to have been false or misleading in any material  respect
when made or deemed made;

      (b)  default  shall be made in the  payment  of any  principal  of, or any
installment  of principal of, any Note when and as the same shall become due and
payable,  whether  at the due date  thereof  or at a date  fixed for  prepayment
thereof or by acceleration thereof or otherwise;

      (c) default  shall be made in the  payment of any  interest on any Note or
any other amount due under this Agreement, when and as the same shall become due
and payable,  and such default shall  continue  unremedied  for a period of five

      (d) default  shall be made in the due  observance  or  performance  of any
covenant,  condition, or agreement contained in Sections 5.01, 5.05, or 5.06, or
Article VI;

      (e) default  shall be made in the due  observance  or  performance  of any
other covenant,  condition, or agreement to be observed or performed pursuant to
this Agreement and such default shall continue unremedied for 15 days;

      (f) the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  (other than an  Insignificant
Foreign  Subsidiary)  shall (i) voluntarily  commence any proceeding or file any
petition  seeking  relief under Title 11 of the United  States Code or any other
federal or state  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  liquidation,  or similar  law,  (ii)
consent to the institution of, or fail to contravene in a timely and appropriate
manner, any such proceeding or the filing of any such petition,  (iii) apply for
or consent to the appointment of a receiver, trustee,  custodian,  sequestrator,
or similar official for the Company or such Subsidiary or for a substantial part
of either the Company's or such  Subsidiary's  property or assets,  (iv) file an
answer admitting the material  allegations of a petition filed against it in any
such  proceeding,  (v) make a general  assignment  for the benefit of creditors,
(vi) become unable, admit in writing its inability, or fail generally to pay its
debts as they become due, or (vii) take any  corporate  or other  action for the
purpose of effecting any of the foregoing;

      (g)  an  involuntary  proceeding  shall  be  commenced  or an  involuntary
petition shall be filed in a court of competent  jurisdiction seeking (i) relief
in  respect  of  the  Company  or  any  of  its  Subsidiaries   (other  than  an
Insignificant  Foreign Subsidiary),  or of a substantial part of the property or
assets of the Company or such  Subsidiary,  under Title 11 of the United  States
Code or any other  federal or state  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  receivership,  or
similar  law,  (ii)  the   appointment  of  a  receiver,   trustee,   custodian,
sequestrator,  or similar  official for the Company or such  Subsidiary or for a
substantial part of the property of the Company or such Subsidiary, or (iii) the
winding-up or liquidation of the Company or such Subsidiary; and such proceeding
or  petition  shall  continue  undismissed  for 60 days or an  order  or  decree
approving or ordering any of the foregoing shall continue unstayed and in effect
for 60 days;

      (h) default or defaults  (other than  defaults in the payment of principal
or interest) shall be made with respect to any  Indebtedness of the Company,  if
the total  Indebtedness  in default  exceeds in the aggregate for the Company an
amount equal to $10,000,000  and if the effect of such default or defaults shall
be to accelerate, or to permit the holder or obligee of any Indebtedness (or any
trustee on behalf of such  holder or  obligee)  to  accelerate  (with or without
notice or lapse of time or  both),  the  maturity  of any  Indebtedness;  or any
payment of principal or interest,  regardless of amount,  on any Indebtedness of
the Company shall not be paid when due, whether at maturity,  by acceleration or
otherwise  (after  giving  effect  to any  period of grace as  specified  in the
instrument evidencing or governing such Indebtedness);

      (i)  a Change of Control shall occur;

      (j) a  Reportable  Event or  Reportable  Events shall have  occurred  with
respect  to any Plan or Plans that  reasonably  could be  expected  to result in
liability of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries to the PBGC in an aggregate
amount in excess of  $1,000,000  and within 30 days after the  reporting of such
Reportable  Event or  Reportable  Events  to the  Banks,  the Agent  shall  have
notified the Company in writing that (i) it has determined  that on the basis of
such  Reportable  Event or Reportable  Events there are  reasonable  grounds for
termination of the Plan by the PBGC or for the  appointment  by the  appropriate
United States  District Court of a trustee to administer such Plan and (ii) as a
result of such determination,  an Event of Default exists hereunder; or the PBGC
shall have  instituted  proceedings to terminate any Plan or Plans, or a trustee
shall have been  appointed by a United States  District  Court to administer any
Plan or  Plans,  with  vested  unfunded  liabilities  aggregating  in  excess of

      (k) there shall be entered against the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries
one or more  judgments or decrees in excess of  $10,000,000  in the aggregate at
any one time outstanding for the Company and all such  Subsidiaries and all such
judgments or decrees in the amount of such excess  shall not have been  vacated,
discharged,  stayed,  or  bonded  pending  appeal  within 30 days from the entry
thereof,  excluding  those  judgments or decrees for and to the extent which the
Company or any such  Subsidiary is insured and with respect to which the insurer
has assumed responsibility in writing or for and to the extent which the Company
or  any  such  Subsidiary  is  otherwise   indemnified  if  the  terms  of  such
indemnification are satisfactory to the Required Banks; or

      (l) there  shall be any  Default or Event of Default  under the  Revolving
Credit  Agreement Dated as of May 27, 1994, among Tandy  Corporation,  the Banks
listed therein,  and Texas Commerce Bank National  Association as Agent (as same
is amended and  restated  from time to time),  such  Default or Event of Default
defined in Section 1.01 and Article VII therein;

      (m) the Guarantor shall fail to observe or perform any of its obligations,
covenants or agreements  contained in the Guaranty (or  incorporated  therein by
reference)  or any  representation  or warranty  made  therein (or  incorporated
therein  by  reference)  shall  prove to have been  false or  misleading  in any
material respect when made or any material  provision of the Guaranty shall, for
any reason,  not be, or shall be asserted in writing by the Guarantor not to be,
in full force and effect,  or otherwise valid,  binding and enforceable  against
the Guarantor.

then,  and in any such event  (other  than an event with  respect to the Company
described in paragraph (f) or (g) above),  and at any time thereafter during the
continuance  of such event,  the Agent may,  and at the request of the  Required
Banks shall, by written or telegraphic notice to the Company,  declare the Notes
then outstanding to be forthwith due and payable, whereupon the principal of the
Notes,  together with accrued interest thereon and all other  liabilities of the
Company  accrued  hereunder,  shall become  forthwith due and payable both as to
principal and interest, without presentment, demand, protest, notice of protest,
notice of intent to accelerate,  notice of acceleration,  or any other notice of
any kind,  all of which are hereby  expressly  waived by the  Company,  anything
contained  herein  or in any  Note  or  other  Loan  Document  to  the  contrary
notwithstanding;  and in any event with  respect  to the  Company  described  in
paragraph  (f) or (g)  above,  the  Notes  shall  automatically  become  due and
payable,  both  as to  principal  and  interest,  without  presentment,  demand,
protest, notice of intent to accelerate, notice of acceleration, or other notice
of any kind, all of which are hereby expressly  waived by the Company,  anything
contained  herein  or in any  Note  or  other  Loan  Document  to  the  contrary

                                 ARTICLE VIII

                                  THE AGENT

      SECTION 8.01.  Authorization  and  Action.  In order to expedite the
various   transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement,   each  Bank  hereby
irrevocably  appoints and authorizes TCB to act as Agent on its behalf.  Each of
the Banks,  and each  subsequent  holder of any Note by its acceptance  thereof,
hereby  irrevocably  authorizes  and  directs  the Agent to take such  action on
behalf of such Bank or holder under the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement
and to exercise  such  powers  hereunder  as are  specifically  delegated  to or
required of the Agent by the terms and  provisions  hereof,  together  with such
powers as are reasonably  incidental  thereto.  The Agent may perform any of its
duties hereunder by or through its agents and employees. The duties of the Agent
shall be mechanical and  administrative  in nature;  the Agent shall not have by
reason of this Agreement or any other Loan Document a fiduciary  relationship in
respect of any Bank;  and nothing in this  Agreement or any other Loan Document,
expressed or implied,  is intended  to, or shall be so  construed as to,  impose
upon the Agent any  obligations  in respect of this  Agreement or any other Loan
Document  except as expressly  set forth herein or therein.  The Agent is hereby
expressly authorized on behalf of the Banks, without hereby limiting any implied
authority,  (a) to  receive  on  behalf  of each of the  Banks  any  payment  of
principal  of or  interest  on the  Notes  outstanding  hereunder  and all other
amounts accrued  hereunder paid to the Agent, and promptly to distribute to each
Bank its proper share of all payments so received;  (b) to give notice  within a
reasonable  time on behalf of each of the Banks to the Company of any Default or
Event of  Default  specified  in this  Agreement  of which the Agent has  actual
knowledge as provided in Section 8.07;  (c) to distribute to each Bank copies of
all notices, agreements, and other material as provided for in this Agreement as
received  by the  Agent;  and  (d) to  distribute  to the  Company  any  and all
requests,  demands, and approvals received by the Agent or from the Banks. As to
any matters not  expressly  provided for by this  Agreement,  the Notes,  or the
other Loan Documents  (including  enforcement  or collection of the Notes),  the
Agent shall not be required to exercise any  discretion or take any action,  but
shall be required to act or to refrain from acting (and shall be fully protected
in so acting or refraining  from acting) upon the  instructions  of the Required
Banks, and such instructions  shall be binding upon all Banks and all holders of
Notes and the Loans; provided,  however, that the Agent shall not be required to
take any  action  which  exposes  the Agent to  personal  liability  or which is
contrary to this Agreement or applicable law.

      SECTION 8.02. Agent's Reliance, Etc. (a) Neither the Agent nor any of its
directors,  officers,  agents, or employees shall be liable for any action taken
or omitted to be taken by it or them under or in connection with this Agreement,
the Notes,  or any of the other Loan  Documents  (i) with the  consent or at the
request of the  Required  Banks or (ii) in the absence of its or their own gross
negligence or willful  misconduct (it being the express intention of the parties
hereto that the Agent and its directors,  officers,  agents, and employees shall
have no liability  for actions and omissions  under this Section 8.02  resulting
from their sole ordinary or contributory negligence).

      (b) Without limitation of the generality of the foregoing,  the Agent: (i)
may treat the payee of each Note and the obligations of the Company hereunder as
the holder thereof until the Agent receives  written notice of the assignment or
transfer  thereof  signed by such payee and in form  satisfactory  to the Agent;
(ii) may  consult  with  legal  counsel  (including  counsel  for the  Company),
independent public  accountants,  and other experts selected by it and shall not
be liable  for any  action  taken or  omitted to be taken in good faith by it in
accordance with the advice of such counsel, accountants, or experts; (iii) makes
no warranty or  representation  to any Bank and shall not be  responsible to any
Bank for any statements, warranties, or representations made in or in connection
with this  Agreement,  any Note,  or any other  Loan  Document;  (iv)  except as
otherwise expressly provided herein,  shall not have any duty to ascertain or to
inquire as to the performance or observance of any of the terms,  covenants,  or
conditions of this Agreement, any Note, or any other Loan Document or to inspect
the property (including the books and records) of the Company;  (v) shall not be
responsible   to  any  Bank   for  the  due   execution,   legality,   validity,
enforceability,  collectibility,  genuineness,  sufficiency,  or  value  of this
Agreement,  any Note,  any other  Loan  Document,  or any  other  instrument  or
document furnished pursuant hereto or thereto;  (vi) shall not be responsible to
any Bank for the  perfection  or priority of any Lien  securing  the Loans;  and
(vii) shall incur no liability under or in respect of this Agreement,  any Note,
or any other Loan Document by acting upon any notice, consent,  certificate,  or
other  instrument or writing (which may be by telegram,  telecopier,  cable,  or
telex) reasonably  believed by it to be genuine and signed or sent by the proper
party or parties.

      SECTION 8.03. Agent and Affiliates,  TCB and Affiliates.  Without limiting
the right of any other  Bank to engage  in any  business  transactions  with the
Company or any of its  Affiliates,  with respect to the Loans,  if any,  made by
them and the Notes,  if any,  issued to them, TCB shall have the same rights and
powers under this Agreement, any Note, or any of the other Loan Documents as any
other Bank and may  exercise  the same as though it were not the Agent;  and the
term "Bank" or "Banks" shall, unless otherwise expressly indicated,  include TCB
in its  individual  capacity.  TCB and its  Affiliates may be engaged in, or may
hereafter  engage  in,  one or more  loan,  letter of  credit,  leasing or other
financing  activities not the subject of the Loan Documents  (collectively,  the
"Other  Financings")  with the Company or any of its  Affiliates,  or may act as
trustee on behalf of, or depositary  for, or otherwise  engage in other business
transactions with the Company or any of its Affiliates (all Other Financings and
other such business  transactions being  collectively,  the "Other  Activities")
with no  responsibility  to account therefor to the Banks.  Without limiting the
rights and remedies of the Banks  specifically  set forth in the Loan Documents,
no other Bank  shall  have any  interest  in (a) any Other  Activities,  (b) any
present  or  future  guarantee  by  or  for  the  account  of  the  Company  not
contemplated or included in the Loan Documents, (c) any present or future offset
exercised by the Agent in respect of any such Other Activities,  (d) any present
or future property taken as security for any such Other  Activities,  or (e) any
property now or hereafter in the possession or control of the Agent which may be
or become  security for the  obligations of the Company under the Loan Documents
by reason of the general  description of  indebtedness  secured,  or of property
contained  in any other  agreements,  documents or  instruments  related to such
Other  Activities;  provided  however,  that if any  payment  in respect of such
guarantees  or such  property  or the  proceeds  thereof  shall  be  applied  to
reduction of the  obligations  evidenced  hereunder and by the Notes,  then each
Bank shall be entitled to share in such  application  according  to its pro rata
portion of such obligations.

      SECTION 8.04. Agent's  Indemnity.  (a) The Agent shall not be  required to
take any action  hereunder or to prosecute or defend any suit in respect of this
Agreement,  the Notes,  or any other Loan  Document  unless  indemnified  to the
Agent's satisfaction by the Banks against loss, cost, liability, and expense. If
any  indemnity  furnished  to the Agent shall become  impaired,  it may call for
additional  indemnity  and cease to do the acts  indemnified  against until such
additional  indemnity is given.  In addition,  the Banks agree to indemnify  the
Agent (to the extent not  reimbursed by the Company),  ratably  according to the
respective  aggregate  principal  amounts of the Notes then held by each of them
(or if no Notes are at the time outstanding, ratably according to the respective
amounts  of the  Notes  immediately  prior to the time the  Notes  ceased  to be
outstanding),  from and against any and all  liabilities,  obligations,  losses,
damages, penalties,  actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses or disbursements
of any kind or  nature  whatsoever  which may be  imposed  on,  incurred  by, or
asserted against the Agent (or either of them) in any way relating to or arising
out of this  Agreement  or any action  taken or omitted by the Agent  under this
Agreement, the Notes and the other Loan Documents (including any action taken or
omitted  under  Article  II  of  this  Agreement).  Without  limitation  of  the
foregoing,  each Bank agrees to reimburse the Agent promptly upon demand for its
ratable share of any out-of-pocket  expenses (including reasonable counsel fees)
incurred  by  the  Agent  in  connection   with  the   preparation,   execution,
administration,  or  enforcement  of, or legal  advice in  respect  of rights or
responsibilities  under, this Agreement,  the Notes and the other Loan Documents
to the extent that the Agent is not reimbursed for such expenses by the Company.
The  provisions  of this  Section  8.04 shall  survive the  termination  of this
Agreement, the payment of the Loans and/or the assignment of any of the Notes.

      (b)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no Bank shall be liable  under this
Section  8.04 to the Agent for any  portion  of such  liabilities,  obligations,
losses,  damages,  penalties,  actions,  judgments,  suits, costs,  expenses, or
disbursements  due to the Agent  resulting from the Agent's gross  negligence or
willful misconduct.  Each Bank agrees, however, that it expressly intends, under
this Section  8.04,  to indemnify  the Agent  ratably as aforesaid  for all such
liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits,
costs,  expenses, and disbursements arising out of or resulting from the Agent's
sole ordinary or contributory negligence.

      SECTION 8.05. Bank Credit Decision. Each Bank acknowledges that it has, 
independently and without reliance upon the Agent or any other Bank and based on
the financial  statements  referred to in Section 3.05 and Section 5.05 and such
other  documents  and  information  as it has deemed  appropriate,  made its own
credit  analysis  and  decision  to enter  into this  Agreement.  Each Bank also
acknowledges that it will,  independently and without reliance upon the Agent or
any other  Bank and based on such  documents  and  information  as it shall deem
appropriate  at the time,  continue to make its own  decisions  in taking or not
taking action under or based upon this Agreement,  the other Loan Documents, any
related agreement, or any document furnished hereunder.

      SECTION 8.06. Successor Agent. Subject to the appointment and acceptance 
of a  successor  Agent as provided  herein,  the Agent may resign at any time by
giving  written  notice  thereof  to the  Banks and the  Company.  Upon any such
resignation,  the  Required  Banks  shall have the right to appoint a  successor
Agent,  subject to the  approval of the  Company,  which  approval  shall not be
unreasonably withheld. If no successor Agent shall have been so appointed by the
Required  Banks,   approved  by  the  Company,  and  shall  have  accepted  such
appointment,  all within 30 calendar days after the retiring  Agent's  giving of
notice of  resignation,  then the  retiring  Agent may,  on behalf of the Banks,
appoint a  successor  Agent,  which  shall be a  commercial  bank  organized  or
licensed  under the laws of the United States or of any state thereof and having
a combined capital and surplus of at least $500,000,000.  Upon the acceptance of
any  appointment  as Agent  hereunder and under the Notes by a successor  Agent,
such successor Agent shall  thereupon  succeed to and become vested with all the
rights, powers,  privileges,  and duties of the retiring Agent, and the retiring
Agent shall be discharged from its duties and  obligations  under this Agreement
and the Notes. After any retiring Agent's resignation as the Agent hereunder and
under the Notes,  the  provisions  of this  Article  VIII and Section 9.04 shall
inure to its benefit as to any actions  taken or omitted to be taken by it while
it was Agent under this Agreement and the Notes.

      SECTION 8.07. Notice of Default. The Agent shall not be deemed to have 
knowledge  or  notice  of the  occurrence  of any  Default  or Event of  Default
hereunder unless the Agent shall have received notice from a Bank or the Company
referring  to this  Agreement,  describing  such Default or Event of Default and
stating  that such  notice is a  "notice  of  default"  or  "notice  of event of
default," as applicable.  If the Agent  receives such a notice,  the Agent shall
give notice  thereof to the Banks and,  if such notice is received  from a Bank,
the Agent shall give  notice  thereof to the other  Banks and the  Company.  The
Agent  shall be  entitled  to take  action or refrain  from  taking  action with
respect to such  Default or Event of Default  as  provided  in Section  8.01 and
Section 8.02.

                                  ARTICLE IX

      SECTION 9.01. Notices, Etc. The Agent, any Bank, or the holder of any of 
the Notes or Loans,  giving  consent  or notice  or making  any  request  of the
Company provided for hereunder,  shall notify each holder of any Note (including
any Bank)  and the  Agent  thereof.  In the  event  that the  holder of any Note
(including  any Bank) shall  transfer such Note, it shall promptly so advise all
other  holders  of any Note  (including  any Bank) and the  Agent,  who shall be
entitled  to assume  conclusively  that no transfer of any Note has been made by
any  holder  (including  any Bank)  unless  and until the  holder (or the Agent)
receives  written  notice to the  contrary.  All  notices,  consents,  requests,
approvals,  demands, and other communications  (collectively,  "Communications")
provided for herein shall be in writing (including telecopy  Communications) and
mailed, telecopied, or delivered:

      (a)  if to the Company,  at 100  Throckmorton  Street,  Suite 1800, Fort
Worth,  Texas  76102,  Attention  of  Dwain  H.  Hughes  (Telecopy  No.  (817)
390-2647); and

      (b)  if to the Agent,  at 201 Main  Street,  Fort  Worth,  Texas  76102,
Attention:  Buddy Wuthrich (Telecopy No.  (817) 878-7591) with a copy to Texas
Commerce  Bank  National  Association,  1111  Fannin,  Houston,  Texas  77002,
Attention of Gale Manning,  Investment  Officer (Telecopy No. (713) 750-2784);

      (c) if to any  Bank,  as  specified  on the  signature  page for such Bank
hereto or, in the case of any Person who  becomes a Bank after the date  hereof,
as specified on the Assignment and Acceptance  executed by such Person or in the
Administrative  Questionnaire  delivered  by such  Person or, in the case of any
party hereto,  such other address or telecopy number as such party may hereafter
specify for such purpose by notice to the other parties.

All Communications shall, when mailed,  telecopied,  or delivered,  be effective
when mailed by  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested to any party at its
address  specified above, on the signature page hereof, or on the signature page
of such Assignment and Acceptance (or other address  designated by such party in
a Communication to the other parties hereto),  or telecopied to any party to the
telecopy  number  set forth  above,  on the  signature  page  hereof,  or on the
signature page of such  Assignment  and  Acceptance  (or other  telecopy  number
designated by such party in a  Communication  to the other parties  hereto),  or
delivered  personally  to any  party  at its  address  specified  above,  on the
signature  page  hereof,  or on  the  signature  page  of  such  Assignment  and
Acceptance (or other address  designated by such party in a Communication to the
other parties hereto); provided,  however,  Communications to the Agent pursuant
to Article II or Article VII shall not be effective until received by the Agent.

      SECTION 9.02.  Survival of  Agreement.  All covenants, agreements,  
representations, and warranties made by the Company herein and in the other Loan
Documents and in the certificates or other instruments  prepared or delivered in
connection  with this Agreement  shall be considered to have been relied upon by
the  Banks  and  shall  survive  the  making  by the  Banks of the Loans and the
execution and delivery to the Banks of the Notes evidencing such Loans and shall
continue  in full force and effect as long as the  principal  of or any  accrued
interest on any Note or any other fee or amount  payable under the Notes or this
Agreement is outstanding and unpaid.

      SECTION  9.03.   Successors  and  Assigns;   Participations. (a) Whenever
in this Agreement any of the parties hereto is referred to, such reference shall
be  deemed  to  include  the  successors  and  assigns  of such  party;  and all
covenants,  promises,  and agreements that are contained in this Agreement by or
on behalf of the  Company,  the Agent,  or the Banks shall bind and inure to the
benefit of their respective  successors and assigns.  The Company may not assign
or transfer any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written
consent of all the Banks.

      (b) Each  Bank  may  assign  to one or more  Eligible  Assignees  all or a
portion  of  its  interests,   rights,  and  obligations  under  this  Agreement
(including  a portion  of the Loan at the time  owing to it and the Note held by
it); provided,  however,  that (i) except in the case of an assignment to a Bank
or an  Affiliate  of a Bank,  the  Company  and the Agent must give their  prior
written consent by  countersigning  the Assignment and Acceptance (which consent
shall not be unreasonably  withheld),  (ii) each such  assignment  shall be of a
constant,  and not a varying,  percentage of all the assigning Bank's rights and
obligations to this Agreement,  (iii) the parties to each such assignment  shall
execute  and  deliver to the Agent,  for its  acceptance  and  recording  in the
Register, an Assignment and Acceptance substantially in the form of Exhibit 9.03
hereto (an "Assignment and Acceptance"),  together with any Note subject to such
assignment  and  a  process  fee  of  $2,000  payable  by  the  Bank's  assignor
thereunder,  and (iv) the assignee shall deliver to the Agent an  Administrative
Questionnaire.  Upon such execution,  delivery,  acceptance, and recording, from
and after the effective date specified in each Assignment and Acceptance,  which
effective date shall be at least five Business Days after the execution  thereof
unless  otherwise  agreed  to by  the  assigning  Bank,  the  Eligible  Assignee
thereunder and the Agent,  (x) the assignee  thereunder  shall be a party hereto
and  under  the  other  Loan  Documents  and,  to the  extent  provided  in such
Assignment and  Acceptance,  have the rights and obligations of a Bank hereunder
and under the other Loan  Documents and (y) the Bank  thereunder  shall,  to the
extent provided in such assignment,  be released from its obligations under this

      (c)  By  executing  and  delivering  an  Assignment  and  Acceptance,  the
assigning Bank thereunder and the assignee  thereunder confirm to and agree with
each  other  and the  other  parties  hereto  as  follows:  (i)  other  than the
representation  and warranty  that it is the legal and  beneficial  owner of the
interest  being  assigned  thereby  free and clear of any  adverse  claim,  such
assigning Bank makes no representation or warranty and assumes no responsibility
with respect to any statements,  warranties,  or  representations  made in or in
connection   with  the   Agreement  or  the   execution,   legality,   validity,
enforceability,  genuineness, sufficiency, or value of this Agreement, any other
Loan Document or any other  instrument or document  furnished  pursuant  hereto;
(ii) such  assigning  Bank makes no  representation  or warranty  and assumes no
responsibility  with  respect to the  financial  condition of the Company or the
performance  or observance by the Company of any of its  obligations  under this
Agreement,  the other  Loan  Documents,  or any  other  instrument  or  document
furnished  pursuant hereto or thereto;  (iii) such assignee confirms that it has
received  a copy  of this  Agreement,  together  with  copies  of the  financial
statements referred to in Section 3.05 and Section 5.05 and such other documents
and information as it has deemed appropriate to make its own credit analysis and
decision to enter into such Assignment and Acceptance;  (iv) such assignee will,
independently  and without  reliance upon its assignor,  the Agent, or any other
Bank and based on such documents and information as it shall deem appropriate at
the time,  continue  to make its own  credit  decisions  in taking or not taking
action under this Agreement;  (v) such assignee  confirms that it is an Eligible
Assignee;  (vi) such  assignee  appoints and  authorizes  the Agent to take such
action as agent on its behalf and to exercise  such powers under this  Agreement
as are delegated to the Agent by the terms hereof,  together with such powers as
are reasonably  incidental thereto;  and (vii) such assignee agrees that it will
perform in accordance with their terms all of the obligations which by the terms
of this Agreement are required to be performed by it as a Bank.

      (d) The Agent shall maintain at its address  referred to in Section 9.01 a
copy of each  Assignment and  Acceptance  delivered to it and a register for the
recordation of the names and addresses of the Banks and the principal  amount of
the Loans owing to each Bank from time to time (the "Register").  The entries in
the Register shall be conclusive,  in the absence of demonstrable error, and the
Company  and the Banks may treat  each  Person  whose  name is  recorded  in the
Register as a Bank  hereunder for all purposes of this  Agreement.  The Register
shall be available for  inspection by the Company or any Bank at any  reasonable
time and from time to time upon reasonable prior notice.

      (e) Upon its  receipt  of an  Assignment  and  Acceptance  executed  by an
assigning Bank and an Eligible  Assignee  together with the Note subject to such
assignment,  the  processing  and  recordation  fee referred to in paragraph (b)
above and, if required,  the Company's  written consent to such assignment,  the
Agent  shall  (subject  to the  consent of the  Company to such  assignment,  if
required),  if such  Assignment  and Acceptance has been completed and is in the
form of Exhibit 9.03, (i) accept such Assignment and Acceptance, (ii) record the
information  contained  therein in the  Register,  and (iii) give prompt  notice
thereof to the Company and the Banks. Within five Business Days after receipt of
notice, the Company, at its own expense,  shall execute and deliver to the Agent
in exchange for the  surrendered  Note a new Note to the order of such  Eligible
Assignee in an amount equal to the assigning  Bank's Loan assumed by it pursuant
to such Assignment and Acceptance,  and a new Note to the order of the assigning
Bank in an amount  equal to the portion of its Loan  retained  by the  assigning
Bank hereunder.  Such new Notes shall be in an aggregate  principal amount equal
to the aggregate  principal amount of such surrendered  Note, shall be dated the
effective date of such  Assignment  and  Acceptance,  and shall  otherwise be in
substantially  the form of Exhibit 2.04 hereto,  as  applicable.  Each cancelled
Note shall be returned to the Company.

      (f) Each Bank may  without  the  consent of the  Company or the Agent sell
participations to one or more banks or other entities in all or a portion of its
rights and obligations  under this Agreement  (including all or a portion of the
Loans  owing to it and the Note held by it);  provided,  however,  that (i) such
Bank's  obligations under this Agreement shall remain unchanged,  (ii) such Bank
shall remain solely  responsible to the other parties hereto for the performance
of such obligations,  (iii) the  participating  banks or other entities shall be
entitled to the cost  protection  provisions  contained in Sections 2.08 through
2.10 to the same  extent  that the Bank from  which such  participating  bank or
other entity acquired its participation would be entitled to the benefit of such
cost protection provisions, and (iv) the Company, the Agent, and the other Banks
shall  continue to deal solely and directly  with such Bank in  connection  with
such Bank's rights and  obligations  under this  Agreement,  and such Bank shall
retain the sole right to enforce the obligations of the Company  relating to the
Loans and to approve any amendment,  modification, or waiver of any provision of
this Agreement (other than amendments, modifications, or waivers with respect to
any fees  payable  hereunder  or the amount of principal of or the rate at which
interest is payable on the Loans,  or the dates fixed for  payments of principal
of or interest on the Loans).

      (g) Any Bank or  participant  may, in  connection  with any  assignment or
participation or proposed  assignment or participation  pursuant to this Section
9.03,   disclose  to  the  assignee  or  participant  or  proposed  assignee  or
participant,  any information  relating to the Company furnished to such Bank by
or on behalf of the Company;  provided that prior to any such  disclosure,  each
such assignee or  participant or proposed  assignee or  participant  shall agree
(subject  to  customary  exceptions)  to  preserve  the  confidentiality  of any
confidential information relating to the Company received from such Bank.

      (h) Anything in this Section  9.03 to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  any
Bank may at any time,  without the  consent of the Company or the Agent,  assign
and pledge all or any portion of the Loans  owing to it to any  Federal  Reserve
Bank (and its  transferees) as collateral  security  pursuant to Regulation A of
the Board and any  Operating  Circular  issued by such Federal  Reserve Bank. No
such assignment shall release the assigning Bank from its obligations hereunder.

      (i) All  transfers  of any  interest  in any  Note  hereunder  shall be in
compliance  with  all  federal  and  state   securities   laws,  if  applicable.
Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence,  however,  the parties to this Agreement
do not intend  that any  transfer  under this  Section  9.03 be  construed  as a
"purchase"  or "sale" of a  "security"  within  the  meaning  of any  applicable
federal or state securities laws.

      SECTION 9.04.  Expenses of the Banks;  Indemnity. (a) The Company agrees
to pay all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by the Agent in
connection with the preparation of this Agreement, the Notes, and the other Loan
Documents or with any  amendments,  modifications,  or waivers of the provisions
hereof  (whether  or  not  the  transactions   hereby   contemplated   shall  be
consummated) or reasonably  incurred by the Agent or any Bank in connection with
the  enforcement or protection of their rights in connection with this Agreement
or with the Loans made or the Notes issued  hereunder,  including the reasonable
fees and disbursements of Andrews & Kurth L.L.P., special counsel for the Agent,
and, in connection with such enforcement or protection,  the reasonable fees and
disbursements of other counsel for any Bank,  including  allocated staff counsel
costs for any Bank that elects to use the  services of staff  counsel in lieu of
outside  counsel.  The Company  agrees to indemnify the Banks from and hold them
harmless  against any  documentary  taxes,  assessments,  or charges made by any
governmental authority by reason of the execution and delivery of this Agreement
or any of the Notes or other Loan Documents.

      (b) The  Company  agrees  to  indemnify  the Agent and the Banks and their
directors,  officers,  employees,  and agents  (each such Person being called an
"Indemnitee")  against, and to hold the Banks and such other Indemnitee harmless
from, any and all losses, claims,  damages,  liabilities,  and related expenses,
including reasonable counsel fees and expenses,  incurred by or asserted against
any Indemnitee  arising out of, in any way connected with, or as a result of (i)
the  execution  and  delivery  of  this   Agreement  and  the  other   documents
contemplated  hereby, the performance by the parties hereto and thereto of their
respective  obligations  hereunder  and  thereunder,  and  consummation  of  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby,  (ii) the use of proceeds of the
Loans or (iii) any claim, litigation,  investigation,  or proceeding relating to
any of the foregoing, whether or not any Indemnitee is a party thereto; provided
that such indemnity shall not, as to any Bank, apply to any such losses, claims,
damages,  liabilities,  or related  expenses  that are  determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction by final and nonappealable judgment to have resulted from
the gross  negligence  or willful  misconduct  of such  Indemnitee.  The Company
agrees, however, that it expressly intends to indemnify each Indemnitee from and
hold each of them  harmless  against  any and all losses,  liabilities,  claims,
damages, or expenses arising out of the ordinary sole or contributory negligence
of such Indemnitee,  but not the gross negligence or willful  misconduct of such

      (c) The provisions of this Section 9.04 shall remain operative and in full
force and effect regardless of the expiration of the term of this Agreement, the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  the repayment of any of
the Loans, the invalidity or  unenforceability  of any term or provision of this
Agreement or any Note,  or any  investigation  made by or on behalf of any Bank.
All  amounts  due under this  Section  9.04  shall be payable on written  demand

      SECTION 9.05. Right of Setoff. If an Event of Default shall have occurred
and be continuing,  each Bank is hereby  authorized at any time and from time to
time, to the fullest  extent  permitted by law, to set off and apply any and all
deposits (general or special, time or demand,  provisional or final) at any time
held and  other  indebtedness  at any  time  owing  by such  Bank or any  branch
Subsidiary  or Affiliate of such Bank to or for the credit or the account of the
Company  against any of and all the  obligations of the Company now or hereafter
existing  under this Agreement and the Note held by such Bank,  irrespective  of
whether or not such Bank shall have made any demand under this Agreement or such
Note and although such  obligations may be unmatured.  Each Bank agrees promptly
to notify the Company after any such setoff and  application  made by such Bank,
but the failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of such setoff
and application. The rights of each Bank under this Section 9.05 are in addition
to other rights and remedies  (including other rights of setoff) which such Bank
may have under applicable law.

      SECTION 9.06.  Governing  Law. This Agreement, the  Notes,  the other Loan
Documents,  and all other documents  executed in connection  herewith,  shall be
deemed to be contracts and agreements  executed by the Company,  the Agent,  and
the  Banks  under the laws of the  State of Texas  and of the  United  States of
America and for all purposes shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted
in  accordance  with,  the laws of said state  (without  regard to principles of
conflicts of law) and of the United States of America. Without limitation of the
foregoing,  nothing in this  Agreement,  the Notes,  or the other Loan Documents
shall be deemed to  constitute  a waiver of any  rights  which any Bank may have
under applicable  federal  legislation  relating to the amount of interest which
such Bank may contract for,  take,  receive,  or charge in respect of any Loans,
including any right to take, receive,  reserve,  and charge interest at the rate
allowed by the law of the state  where  such Bank is  located.  The  Agent,  the
Banks,  and the Company  further agree that insofar as the provisions of Article
1.04,  Subtitle 1, Title 79, of the Revised  Civil  Statutes of Texas,  1925, as
amended,  are at any time applicable to the  determination of the Highest Lawful
Rate with respect to the Notes, the indicated rate ceiling computed from time to
time pursuant to Section (a) of such Article shall apply to the Notes; provided,
however,  that to the extent permitted by such Article,  the Agent may from time
to time by notice  from the Agent to the  Company  revise the  election  of such
interest  rate  ceiling  as such  ceiling  affects  the then  current  or future
balances of the Loans outstanding  hereunder and under the Notes. The provisions
of Chapter 15 of Subtitle 3 of the said Title 79 do not apply to this  Agreement
or any Note issued hereunder.

      SECTION 9.07. Waivers, Amendments. (a) No failure  or delay of the  Agent
or any Bank in exercising any power or right hereunder shall operate as a waiver
thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or power, or
any  abandonment  or  discontinuance  of steps to enforce such a right or power,
preclude  any other or further  exercise  thereof or the  exercise  of any other
right or power. The rights and remedies of the Agent and the Banks hereunder are
cumulative  and not  exclusive  of any  rights  or  remedies  which  they  would
otherwise have. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement,  the Notes, or the
other Loan Documents or consent to any departure by the Company  therefrom shall
in any event be  effective  unless the same shall be  authorized  as provided in
paragraph (b) below,  and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in
the specific  instance and for the purpose for which given.  No notice or demand
on the  Company in any case shall  entitle  the  Company to any other or further
notice or demand in  similar  or other  circumstances.  Each  holder of any Note
shall be bound by any amendment,  modification, waiver, or consent authorized as
provided  herein,  whether or not such Note shall have been  marked to  indicate
such amendment, modification, waiver, or consent.

      (b)  Neither  this  Agreement  nor any  provision  hereof  may be  waived,
amended,  or modified  except  pursuant to an agreement or agreements in writing
entered into by the Company and the Required Banks;  provided,  however, that no
such  agreement  shall (i) change the principal  amount of, or extend or advance
the maturity of or any date for the payment of any  principal of or interest on,
any Loan, or waive or excuse any such payment or any part thereof, or change the
rate of interest on any Loan, or release the Guarantor from any liability  under
the Guaranty  without the written consent of each Bank affected  thereby or (ii)
amend or modify the provisions of this Section 9.07, Section 2.05, Sections 2.07
through 2.11, Section 2.13, Section 2.14, Section 9.03, or the definition of the
"Required Banks," without the written consent of each Bank; and provided further
that no such  agreement  shall amend,  modify,  waive,  or otherwise  affect the
rights or duties of the Agent  hereunder  without  the  written  consent  of the
Agent.  Each Bank and each holder of any Note shall be bound by any modification
or amendment  authorized  by this Section  9.07  regardless  of whether its Note
shall be marked to make reference thereto, and any consent by any Bank or holder
of a Note  pursuant  to this  Section  9.07 shall  bind any Person  subsequently
acquiring a Note from it, whether or not such Note shall be so marked.

      SECTION  9.08.  Interest.  Each  provision in this Agreement and each 
other Loan Document is expressly  limited so that in no event  whatsoever  shall
the amount paid,  or otherwise  agreed to be paid,  to the Agent or any Bank for
the use,  forbearance,  or  detention  of the  money  to be  loaned  under  this
Agreement or any Loan Document or otherwise (including any sums paid as required
by any covenant or  obligation  contained  herein or in any other Loan  Document
which is for the use,  forbearance,  or detention  of such  money),  exceed that
amount of money which would cause the  effective  rate of interest to exceed the
Highest  Lawful Rate,  and all amounts owed under this  Agreement and each other
Loan  Document  shall be held to be subject to reduction to the effect that such
amounts  so paid or agreed to be paid  which  are for the use,  forbearance,  or
detention of money under this  Agreement or such Loan Document shall in no event
exceed that amount of money which would cause the effective  rate of interest to
exceed the Highest  Lawful Rate.  Anything in this  Agreement or any Note or any
other Loan Document to the contrary notwithstanding,  the Company shall never be
required to pay unearned interest on any Note and shall never be required to pay
interest on such Note at a rate in excess of the Highest Lawful Rate, and if the
effective  rate  of  interest  which  would  otherwise  be  payable  under  this
Agreement,  such Note and the other Loan  Documents  would  exceed  the  Highest
Lawful Rate, or if the holder of such Note shall  receive any unearned  interest
or shall  receive  monies  that are deemed to  constitute  interest  which would
increase  the  effective  rate of  interest  payable by the  Company  under this
Agreement and such Note to a rate in excess of the Highest Lawful Rate, then (a)
the amount of interest  which would  otherwise  be payable by the Company  under
this  Agreement  and such Note  shall be reduced  to the  amount  allowed  under
applicable  law,  and (b) any  unearned  interest  paid  by the  Company  or any
interest  paid by the  Company  in excess of the  Highest  Lawful  Rate shall be
credited on the principal of such Note (or, if the principal amount of such Note
shall have been paid in full,  refunded to the  Company).  It is further  agreed
that,  without  limitation of the  foregoing,  all  calculations  of the rate of
interest  contracted for, charged,  or received by any Bank under the Notes held
by it, or under this Agreement,  are made for the purpose of determining whether
such rate exceeds the Highest Lawful Rate  applicable to such Bank (such Highest
Lawful Rate being such Bank's "Maximum Permissible Rate"), and shall be made, to
the extent  permitted  by usury laws  applicable  to such Bank (now or hereafter
enacted),  by  amortizing,  prorating,  and  spreading in equal parts during the
period of the full stated term of the Loans evidenced by said Notes all interest
at any time  contracted  for,  charged,  or received by such Bank in  connection
therewith.  If at any time and from  time to time  (i) the  amount  of  interest
payable  to any  Bank on any date  shall  be  computed  at such  Bank's  Maximum
Permissible  Rate  pursuant  to this  Section  9.08 and (ii) in  respect  of any
subsequent interest  computation period the amount of interest otherwise payable
to such Bank  would be less than the  amount of  interest  payable  to such Bank
computed at such Bank's Maximum  Permissible  Rate,  then the amount of interest
payable to such Bank in respect of such subsequent  interest  computation period
shall continue to be computed at such Bank's Maximum  Permissible Rate until the
total  amount of interest  payable to such Bank shall equal the total  amount of
interest  which  would  have been  payable  to such Bank if the total  amount of
interest had been computed without giving effect to this Section 9.08.

      SECTION 9.09. Severability. In the event any one or more of the provisions
contained in this  Agreement,  the Notes,  or any other Loan Document  should be
held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, the validity,  legality,
and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein or therein shall
not in any way be affected or impaired  thereby.  The parties shall  endeavor in
good faith  negotiations  to replace  the  invalid,  illegal,  or  unenforceable
provisions with valid provisions, the economic effect of which comes as close as
possible to that of the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable  provisions. 

     SECTION 9.10. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  each of which shall  constitute an original but all of which when
taken together shall constitute but one contract,  and shall become effective as
provided in Section 9.11.

      SECTION 9.11. Binding  Effect. This Agreement shall become  effective on
the  Execution  Date,  and  thereafter  shall be  binding  upon and inure to the
benefit of the Company, the Agent, and each Bank and their respective successors
and  assigns,  except  that the  Company  shall not have the right to assign its
rights hereunder or any interest herein except as provided in Section 9.03(a).

HEREOF AND THEREOF. Any previous agreement among the parties with respect to the
subject  matter  hereof  is  superseded  by  this  Agreement.  Nothing  in  this
Agreement, expressed or implied, is intended to confer upon any party other than
the parties hereto any rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities under or by
reason of this Agreement.


      IN WITNESS  HEREOF,  the Company,  the Agent,  and the Banks listed on the
signature  pages hereto have caused this  Agreement to be duly executed by their
respective authorized officers as of the day and year first above written.

                                    TRANS WORLD ELECTRONICS, INC.

                                    By:/s/ Dwain H. Hughes
                                    Name:  Dwain H. Hughes
                                    Title: Vice President and Treasurer

                                    TEXAS COMMERCE BANK
                                    NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Agent

                                    By:/s/ Buddy Wuthrich
                                    Name:  Buddy Wuthrich
                                    Title: Senior Vice President



                               BANK OF  AMERICA  NATIONAL  TRUST  AND  SAVINGS

                               By:/s/ W. Thomas Barnett
                               Name:  W. Thomas Barnett
                               Title: Managing Director

                               Address:   333 Clay Street, Suite 4550
                                          Houston, Texas 77002

                               Telecopy:  (713) 651-4841

                               Eurodollar Lending Office
                               Bank of America National Trust and
                                 Savings Association
                               231 South LaSalle
                               Chicago, IL 60697

                               Commitment: $40,000,000.00

                               CITICORP USA, INC.

                               By:/s/ Allen Fisher
                               Name:  Allen Fisher
                               Title: Vice President

                               Address: 399 Park Avenue
                                        12th Floor, Zone 19
                                        New York, New York 10043

                               Telecopy No.:(212) 793-7585

                               Eurodollar Lending Office
                               Citicorp USA, Inc.
                               399 Park Avenue
                               12th Floor, Zone 19
                               New York, New York 10043

                               Commitment: $40,000,000.00

                               CREDIT LYONNAIS NEW YORK BRANCH

                               By:/s/ Jacques - Yves Mulliez
                               Name:  Jacques - Yves Mulliez
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               Address: 1301 Avenue of the Americas
                                        New York, NY 10019

                               Telecopy No.: (212) 459-3187

                               Copy to: Credit Lyonnais New York Branch
                                        2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 4400W
                                        Dallas, Texas 75201

                               Eurodollar Lending Office
                               Credit Lyonnais New York Branch
                               1301 Avenue of the Americas
                               New York, NY 10019

                               Commitment:  $25,000,000.00


                               By:/s/ Buddy Wuthrich
                               Name:  Buddy Wuthrich
                               Title: Senior Vice President

                               Address: 201 Main Street
                                        Fort Worth, Texas 76102

                               Telecopy: (817) 878-7591

                               Eurodollar Lending Office
                               Texas Commerce Bank National Association
                               201 Main Street
                               Fort Worth, Texas 76102

                               Commitment: $20,000,000.00

                                                                EXHIBIT 1.01-A

                         Trans World Electronics, Inc.

 Susan Cummins: FAX (713) 216-2339

                                        Texas Commerce Bank National Association
                                        1111 Fannin, 9th Floor MS 46
                                        Houston, Texas 77002

 Telex:                                 166-350 TCB HOU

 Telecopier:                            (713) 750-3810

 Syndications Contacts:                 Howard Schramm   (713) 216-5863
 Ann Baumgartner                        (713) 216-7582
 Susan Cummins                          (713) 216-4037

 Operations:                            Gale Manning     (713) 750-2784

 Letters of Credit:                     Gale Manning     (713) 750-2784

 Full Legal Name of your Institution:

 Hard-copy documents, notices, and periodic financial statements of the Borrower
 should be sent to the following account officer designated by your bank:

 Officer's Name:
 Street Address
 (No P.O.  Boxes please):
 City, State, Zip
 Phone Number:
 Telecopy Number:


We will send all  telecopies  regarding  time-critical  information  (drawdowns,
 option  changes,  payments,  etc.) to the Primary or  Alternate  Contact at the
 banking location you designate.

1.    Your  bank's  primary  contact  for  telecopies  concerning  borrowings,
      options on interest rates, etc:

                                     Primary              Alternate
Primary Name/            Primary     Telex                Telex
  Phone No.    DepartmentTelefax      No. &    Alternate   No. &
                           No.     Answerback   Telefax
                                                  No.    Answerback

                                     Primary              Alternate
   Primary               Primary     Telex                Telex
    Name/                Telefax      No. &    Alternate   No. &
  Phone No.   Department   No.     Answerback   Telefax
                                                  No.    Answerback

 If at any time any of the above information changes, please advise.

 Publicity:Under what name would you prefer  your  institution  to appear in any
           future advertisements?

 Movement of Funds:        TO US:    Wire Fed Funds to:
                      Texas Commerce Bank National Association
                      ABA # 113000609
                      for account number #001-00924217
                      Attention: Loan Syndication Services/Gale Manning
                      Reference:Trans World Electronics, Inc.

                      TO YOU:   Wire Fed Funds to:
                      ABA #
                      For Credit To:


                                                                    EXHIBIT 4M


           This GUARANTY (this  "Guaranty"),  dated as of July 15, 1997, is made
by TANDY  CORPORATION,  a Delaware  corporation (the  "Guarantor"),  in favor of
TEXAS  COMMERCE  BANK  NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION,  in its capacity as agent (in such
capacity,  the "Agent") for the benefit of the lenders (the "Lenders")  party to
the Credit Agreement (as defined below).

                       Preliminary Statement.

           The Lenders and the Agent have entered into a Credit  Agreement dated
this date (said Credit  Agreement,  as it may  hereafter be amended or otherwise
modified  from  time  to  time,  the  "Credit   Agreement")   with  Trans  World
Electronics,  Inc., a Texas  corporation  and a wholly owned  subsidiary  of the
Guarantor  (the  "Company"),  pursuant to which the Lenders  have  agreed,  upon
certain terms and conditions stated in the Credit  Agreement,  to make a loan to
the Company.  It is a condition to the effectiveness of the Credit Agreement for
the making of such loan that the  Guarantor  execute and deliver  this  Guaranty
guaranteeing the Company's  repayment of such loan. The Guarantor has determined
that it will  receive a  substantial  benefit  if the loan to be made  under the
Credit  Agreement  is made to the  Company  and has thus  agreed to execute  and
deliver  this  Guaranty.  All  capitalized  terms used herein and not  otherwise
defined  in this  Guaranty,  shall  have  the  meanings  defined  in the  Credit

           Therefore, in order to comply with the terms of the Credit Agreement,
to induce the Lenders to make the Loan and extend  credit to the Company and for
other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, the Guarantor hereby agrees as follows:

           SECTION  1.   Guaranty.   (a)  The   Guarantor   hereby   absolutely,
unconditionally and irrevocably,  jointly and severally  guarantees the punctual
payment and performance when due, whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or
otherwise,  of all  obligations  and  covenants  of the Company now or hereafter
existing under the Credit  Agreement,  the Notes,  or the other Loan  Documents,
whether for principal,  interest  (including interest accruing or becoming owing
both prior to and subsequent to the  commencement  of any proceeding  against or
with respect to the Company  under any chapter of the  Bankruptcy  Code),  fees,
commissions,  expenses (including reasonable counsel fees and expenses), and all
reasonable  costs and expenses,  if any,  incurred by the Agent or any Lender in
connection  with  enforcing  any rights under this  Guaranty  (collectively  the
"Obligations").  The  obligations  of the Guarantor to the Agent and each Lender
under this Guaranty are hereinafter referred to as the "Guaranteed Obligations".

           (b) No payment made by the Company, the Guarantor or any other Person
or received or collected  by the Agent and/or the Lenders from the Company,  the
Guarantor  or any other  Person by virtue  of any  action or  proceeding  or any
set-off or  appropriation  or application at any time resulting in reductions of
or in payment of the Obligations shall be deemed to modify,  reduce,  release or
otherwise affect the liability of the Guarantor under this Guaranty.
           (c) Interest shall be due and payable and the Guarantor agrees to pay
interest to any Lender under this  Guaranty  from the date demand is made by the
Agent or any Lender to the date of payment to the Agent or such Lender at a rate
per annum equal to the lesser of (a) the  Highest  Lawful Rate and (b) the Prime
Rate plus 3% per annum.

           (d)  This  Guaranty  is  an  absolute,  unconditional,   present  and
continuing  guaranty  of  payment  and  not of  collectibility  and is in no way
conditioned  upon any attempt to collect  from the Company or any other  action,
occurrence or circumstance whatsoever.

           SECTION 2.  Continuing  Guaranty.  The Guarantor  guarantees that the
Guaranteed  Obligations  will be paid  promptly  upon demand by the Agent or any
Lender  strictly in accordance  with the terms of this  Guaranty.  The Guarantor
agrees that the  Obligations  and the Loan Documents may be extended or renewed,
any Loan repaid in whole or in part, or any collateral for any Loan released, in
each case without notice to or assent by the  Guarantor,  and that the Guarantor
will remain bound upon this Guaranty  notwithstanding any extension,  renewal or
other alteration of any Obligation or any Loan Documents or any repayment of any
Loan or any release of any  collateral.  The  obligations of the Guarantor under
this Guaranty shall be absolute,  unconditional  and  irrevocable,  and shall be
performed  strictly in accordance with the terms hereof under any  circumstances
whatsoever, including:

           (a)  any    extension,    renewal,    modification,     settlement,
compromise, waiver or release in respect of any Obligation;

           (b)  any extension, renewal, amendment,  modification,  rescission,
waiver or release in respect of any Loan Document;

           (c) any release, exchange, substitution, non-perfection or invalidity
of, or,  failure to exercise  rights or remedies  with respect to, any direct or
indirect  security for any  Obligation,  including the release of the Company or
any Person liable on the Obligations;

           (d) any  change  in the  existence,  structure  or  ownership  of the
Company  or  any  insolvency,   bankruptcy,   reorganization  or  other  similar
proceeding affecting the Company or its assets;

           (e) the existence of any claim,  defense,  set-off or other rights or
remedies  which the  Guarantor at any time may have against the Company,  or the
Company  may have at any time  against  the  Agent or any  Lender  or any  other
Person,  whether in  connection  with this  Guaranty,  the Loan  Documents,  the
transactions contemplated thereby or any other transaction;

           (f)  any  invalidity  or  unenforceability  for  any  reason  of this
Guaranty or the other Loan  Documents,  or any  provision of law  purporting  to
prohibit the payment or  performance  by the Company of the  Obligations  or the
Loan Documents, or of any other obligation to any Lender;

           (g)  any  failure  to give  notice to the  Guarantor  (or any other
Person) of the occurrence of an Event of Default; or

           (h)  any other  circumstances or happening  whatsoever,  whether or
not similar to any of the foregoing.

           SECTION 3.  Effect of Debtor  Relief  Laws.  If after  receipt of any
payment of, or proceeds of any  security  applied (or intended to be applied) to
the payment of all or any part of the Guaranteed Obligations,  any Lender is for
any reason  compelled to surrender or  voluntarily  surrenders,  such payment or
proceeds to any person (a) because such payment or application of proceeds is or
may be avoided,  invalidated,  declared fraudulent,  set aside, determined to be
void or voidable as a preference,  fraudulent  conveyance,  fraudulent transfer,
impermissible  set-off  or a  diversion  of trust  funds,  or (b) for any  other
reason,   including  (i)  any  judgment,   decree  or  order  of  any  court  or
administrative  body  having  jurisdiction  over  such  Lender  or  any  of  its
properties,  or (ii) any  settlement or compromise of any such claim effected by
such Lender with any such claimant (including the Company),  then the Guaranteed
Obligations  or part thereof  intended to be satisfied  shall be reinstated  and
continue,  and this Guaranty  shall continue in full force as if such payment or
proceeds have not been received,  notwithstanding  any revocation thereof or the
cancellation  of any Note or any other  instrument  evidencing any Obligation or
otherwise; and the Guarantor shall be liable to pay such Lender, and hereby does
indemnify  such  Lender  and hold such  Lender  harmless  for the amount of such
payment or  proceeds  so  surrendered  and all  expenses  (including  reasonable
attorneys' fees, court costs and expenses attributable thereto) incurred by such
Lender in the defense of any claim made  against it that any payment or proceeds
received by such Lender in respect of all or part of the Guaranteed  Obligations
must  be  surrendered.   The  provisions  of  this  section  shall  survive  the
termination of this Guaranty,  and any satisfaction and discharge of the Company
by virtue of any  payment,  court order or any federal or state law. If an Event
of Default shall at any time have occurred and be continuing and  declaration of
such Event of Default  shall at such time be prevented by reason of the pendency
against the Company of a case or  proceeding  under a bankruptcy  or  insolvency
law,  the  Guarantor  agrees  that,  for  purposes  of  this  Guaranty  and  its
obligations  hereunder,  the Notes  shall be deemed  to have  been  declared  in
default  with the same  effect as if the Notes has been  declared  in default in
accordance  with the terms thereof,  and the Guarantor  shall  forthwith pay the
amounts specified by the Lenders to be paid thereunder, any interest thereon and
any other amounts guaranteed hereunder without further notice or demand.

      SECTION 4. Subrogation.  Notwithstanding any payment or payments made by
the  Guarantor  hereunder,  or any  set-off or  application  by the Agent or any
Lender of any  security  or of any  credits or claims,  the  Guarantor  will not
assert or  exercise  any rights of the Agent or any  Lender or of the  Guarantor
against the Company to recover the amount of any payment  made by the  Guarantor
to the Agent or any Lender hereunder by way of any claim, remedy or subrogation,
reimbursement,  exoneration, contribution, indemnity, participation or otherwise
arising  by  contract,  by  statute,  under  common  law or  otherwise,  and the
Guarantor shall not have any right of recourse to or any claim against assets or
property  of the  Company,  all of such  rights  being  expressly  waived by the
Guarantor.  If any amount  shall  nevertheless  be paid to the  Guarantor by the
Company  prior to payment in full of the  Guaranteed  Obligations,  such  amount
shall be held in trust for the  benefit of the Agent and the  Lenders  and shall
forthwith  be paid to the Agent to be  credited  and  applied to the  Guaranteed
Obligations,  whether  matured or unmatured.  The  provisions of this  paragraph
shall  survive  the  termination  of this  Guaranty,  and any  satisfaction  and
discharge of the Company by virtue of any payment, court order or any federal or
state law.

           SECTION 5.  Subordination.  The  Guarantor  hereby  subordinates  all
indebtedness  owing to it from the Company to all indebtedness of the Company to
the Lenders and agrees that upon the occurrence  and  continuance of an Event of
Default, the Guarantor shall not accept any payment on the same until payment in
full of the  Obligations  and shall in no  circumstance  whatsoever  attempt  to
set-off  or  reduce  any  of  the   Guaranteed   Obligations   because  of  such
indebtedness.  If any amount shall  nevertheless be paid to the Guarantor by the
Company  prior to payment in full of the  Guaranteed  Obligations,  such  amount
shall be held in trust for the  benefit  of the  Lenders  and,  on demand by the
Lenders,  shall  forthwith  be paid to the Lenders to be credited and applied to
the Guaranteed Obligations, whether matured or unmatured.

           SECTION 6. Waiver. The Guarantor hereby waives promptness, diligence,
notice of acceptance  and any other notice with respect to any of the Guaranteed
Obligations and this Guaranty and waives presentment,  demand of payment, notice
of intent to accelerate,  notice of dishonor or nonpayment  and any  requirement
that the Lenders, or any of them, institute suit, collection proceedings or take
any  other  action  to  collect  the  Guaranteed   Obligations,   including  any
requirement that the Lenders, or any of them, protect, secure, perfect or insure
any lien against any property  subject  thereto or exhaust any right or take any
action  against the Company or any other person or any  collateral (it being the
intention of the Lenders  that this  Guaranty is to be a guaranty of payment and
not of  collection).  It shall  not be  necessary  for any  Lender,  in order to
enforce any payment by the Guarantor hereunder, to institute suit or exhaust its
rights and remedies  against the Company or any other person,  including  others
liable to pay any Guaranteed  Obligations,  or to enforce its rights against any
security ever given to secure payment thereof.  The Guarantor hereby waives each
and  every  right to which  the  Guarantor  may be  entitled  by  virtue  of the
suretyship laws of the State of Texas,  including,  without limitation,  any and
all rights he may have  pursuant  to Rule 31,  Texas  Rules of Civil  Procedure,
Section  17.001 of the Texas Civil  Practice and Remedies Code and Chapter 34 of
the Texas Business and Commerce Code. The Guarantor hereby waives  marshaling of
assets and liabilities, notice by any Lender of any indebtedness or liability to
which such Lender applies or may apply any amounts received by such Lender,  and
of  the  creation,   advancement,   increase,  existence,   extension,  renewal,
rearrangement and/or modification of the Guaranteed Obligations.

           SECTION 7. Full  Force and  Effect.  This  Guaranty  is a  continuing
guaranty and shall remain in full force and effect until  payment in full of the
Guaranteed Obligations.

           SECTION 8.  Representations  and  Warranties.  The  Guarantor  hereby
represents and warrants as follows:
           (a) that the  Guarantor  has full and  complete  access to the Credit
Agreement,  the Notes and the other Loan Documents and all other instruments and
documents executed by the Company, or any other Person in connection  therewith,
has fully reviewed same and is fully aware of their contents.

           (b) that the  Guarantor  is a  corporation  duly  organized,  legally
existing and in good standing  under the laws of Delaware and is duly  qualified
as a  foreign  corporation  to do  business  and is in good  standing  in  every
jurisdiction  in which the  ownership  of its  properties  or the conduct of its
business requires such qualification.

           (c)  that  the  Guaranty  has  been  duly  authorized,  executed  and
delivered  by the  Guarantor  and  constitutes  the  valid and  legally  binding
agreement of the Guarantor enforceable in accordance with its terms.

           (d) that no authorization, consent, approval, license or exception of
or filing or registration with any court or government  department,  commission,
board, bureau, agency or instrumentality,  is necessary for the valid execution,
delivery or performance by the Guarantor of this Guaranty.

           (e) that the  Guarantor  has (i) capital  sufficient  to carry on its
business and transactions and is now solvent, (ii) assets, the fair market value
of which exceeds its liabilities (including its liabilities hereunder) and (iii)
sufficient cash flow to pay its existing debts as they mature.

           (f)  there has been no  material  adverse  change in the  businesses,
assets,  operations,  prospects,  or condition,  financial or otherwise,  of the
Guarantor since December 31, 1996.

           SECTION 9. Affirmative Covenants.  The Guarantor covenants and agrees
to promptly  execute and  deliver to the Agent and the Lenders  upon  reasonable
notice and request  all such other  documents,  agreements  and  instruments  in
compliance  with or to accomplish  the covenants and agreements of the Guarantor
herein as the Agent or any Lender may reasonably request from time to time.

           SECTION   10.   Incorporation   by   Reference,   Republication   and
Ratification  of  Additional  Representations,  Warranties  and  Covenants.  The
Guarantor is party to that certain Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility A) dated
as of May 27, 1994 with Texas  Commerce Bank National  Association  as Agent for
itself and the other banks listed  therein,  (said  Revolving  Credit  Agreement
(Facility A) as same has been  amended and as same is further  amended from time
to time, the "Guarantor  Credit  Agreement").  Guarantor hereby  incorporates by
reference,  republishes  and  ratifies all of the  representations,  warranties,
negative covenants,  affirmative covenants and agreements of Guarantor set forth
in  the  Guarantor  Credit  Agreement  in  Article  III   "Representations   and
Warranties",   Article  V  "Affirmative  Covenants"  and  Article  VI  "Negative
Covenants",  as if same  were  fully  set  forth  herein.  Said  provisions  are
incorporated  by  reference,   mutatis  mutandis,  and  shall  be  appropriately
interpreted to apply to this Agreement,  the Notes, the other Loan Documents and
the  transaction  contemplated  thereby.  Guarantor  confirms and agrees that it
shall be fully bound by the provisions of such  representations,  warranties and
covenants so incorporated,  republished and ratified to the fullest extent as if
said provisions were set forth  completely in this Guaranty.  Any  modification,
amendment or restatement of the Guarantor  Credit  Agreement in accordance  with
the procedures required therein which modifies the  representations,  warranties
and  covenants  incorporated  herein  by this  section  of this  Guaranty  shall
likewise  modify the  representations,  warranties and covenants so incorporated
herein; provided, however, if the Guarantor Credit Agreement is ever canceled or
otherwise  terminated,  the  representations,  warranties,  covenants  and other
agreements contained therein at the time of such termination or cancellation, as
the case may be,  shall,  for the purposes of this  Guaranty,  survive and shall
continue  to  be  incorporated  herein  verbatim,   and  such   representations,
warranties and covenants shall continue to be binding upon the Guarantor..

           SECTION 11.  Amendments.  No amendment or waiver of any  provision of
this Guaranty nor consent to any departure by the Guarantor  therefrom  shall in
any event be  effective  unless the same  shall be in writing  and signed by the
Agent,  the Lenders and the Guarantor,  and then such waiver or consent shall be
effective only in the specific  instance and for the specific  purpose for which

           SECTION   12.   Addresses   for   Notices.   All  notices  and  other
communications  provided for hereunder shall be in writing  (including  telecopy
communication) and mailed,  telecopied,  sent by overnight courier or delivered,
if to the  Guarantor,  addressed  to it at the  address  provided  for it on the
signature pages of this Guaranty, if to the Agent or any Lender, addressed to it
at the address  provided  in Section  9.01 of the Credit  Agreement,  or at such
other address as shall be  designated  by such party in a written  notice to the
other party  complying as to delivery with the terms of this  section.  All such
notices and other communications shall, when mailed, telecopied or delivered, be
effective when mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested,  to any party
at its address  specified  herein,  or telecopied to the number provided in this
Guaranty or the Credit Agreement, as appropriate, or delivered personally to any
party at its address specified in this Guaranty or in the Credit  Agreement,  as
appropriate, respectively, addressed as aforesaid.

           SECTION 13. No Waiver,  Remedies. No failure on the part of the Agent
or any Lender to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder shall
operate as a waiver  thereof,  nor shall any single or partial  exercise  of any
right hereunder  preclude any other or further  exercise thereof or the exercise
of any  other  right.  The  remedies  herein  provided  are  cumulative  and not
exclusive of any remedies provided by law.

           SECTION 14.  Right of  Set-off.  Upon the  occurrence  and during the
continuance  of any Event of Default,  each Lender and its Affiliates are hereby
authorized at any time and from time to time, to the fullest extent permitted by
law, to set off and apply any and all  deposits  (general  or  special,  time or
demand,  provisional  or final) at any time held and other  indebtedness  at any
time owing by such Lender or such Affiliates to or for the credit or the account
of the Guarantor  against any and all of the obligations of the Guarantor now or
hereafter  existing  under this  Guaranty,  irrespective  of whether or not such
Lender  shall  have made any  demand  under  this  Guaranty  and  although  such
obligations  may be contingent  and  unmatured.  Each Lender agrees  promptly to
notify the  Guarantor  after any such  set-off  and  application,  provided  the
failure to give such notice  shall not affect the  validity of such  set-off and
application.  The rights of each  Lender  under this  section are in addition to
other  rights and  remedies  (including,  without  limitation,  other  rights of
set-off or banker's lien) which any Lender may have.

           SECTION 15. Continuing Guaranty;  Transfer of Notes. This Guaranty is
a  continuing  guaranty  and shall (a)  remain in full  force and  effect  until
payment  in  full  of the  Guaranteed  Obligations,  (b)  be  binding  upon  the
Guarantor, its successors, transferees and assigns, and (c) inure to the benefit
of and be  enforceable  by each  Lender  and  its  successors,  transferees  and
assigns. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing clause (c), any Lender
may assign or otherwise  transfer all or a portion of its interests,  rights and
obligations  under the Notes or the other Loan  Documents to which it is a party
as permitted under Section 10.10 of the Credit Agreement.

           SECTION 16.  Separability.  Should any clause,  sentence,  paragraph,
subsection  or section of this  Guaranty be  judicially  declared to be invalid,
unenforceable or void, such decision will not have the effect of invalidating or
voiding the remainder of this  Guaranty,  and the parties  hereto agree that the
part or parts of this Guaranty so held to be invalid, unenforceable or void will
be  deemed  to have  been  stricken  herefrom  by the  parties  hereto,  and the
remainder will have the same force and effectiveness as if such stricken part or
parts had never been included herein.

           SECTION  17.  Captions.  The  captions  in this  Guaranty  have  been
inserted  for  convenience  only and shall be given no  substantive  meaning  or
significance whatever in construing the terms and provisions of this Guaranty.

           SECTION  18.  Usury.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions  herein
contained,  no provision of this Guaranty shall require or permit the collection
from the Guarantor of interest in excess of the Highest Lawful Rate.

           SECTION 19. Survival.  All warranties,  representations and covenants
made by the Guarantor herein or in any certificate or other instrument delivered
by the  Guarantor  under this  Guaranty  shall be considered to have been relied
upon by the  Lenders  and shall  survive  the  execution  and  delivery  of this
Guaranty,  regardless of any investigation  made by or on behalf of any thereof.
All statements in any such  certificate  or other  instrument  shall  constitute
warranties and representations by the Guarantor hereunder.

           SECTION 20. Indemnity.  The Guarantor shall indemnify each Lender and
its  directors,  officers,  employees  and  agents  from,  and hold each of them
harmless against, any and all losses, liabilities,  claims or damages (including
reasonable  legal fees and  expenses)  to which any of them may become  subject,
insofar as such losses,  liabilities,  claims or damages  arise out of or result
from  (i)  this  Guaranty  or  any of the  other  Loan  Documents  or  (ii)  any
investigation,   litigation  or  other  proceeding   (including  any  threatened
investigation or proceeding) relating to the foregoing, and the Guarantor shall,
upon receipt of written  demand for payment  setting forth in reasonable  detail
the basis for such payment,  reimburse each Lender and its directors,  officers,
employees  and  agents,  upon  demand for any  expenses  (including  legal fees)
reasonably incurred in connection with any such investigation or proceeding, but
excluding any such losses, liabilities,  claims, damages or expenses incurred by
reason  of the  gross  negligence  or  wilful  misconduct  of the  Person  to be
OF SUCH PERSON.  Without  prejudice to the survival of any other  obligations of
the Guarantor  hereunder and under the other Loan Documents,  the obligations of
the Guarantor  under this section shall survive the termination of this Guaranty
and the payment or assignment of the Notes.






           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guarantor has caused this Guaranty to be duly
executed  and  delivered  by their  respective  duly  authorized  officers to be
effective as of the date first above written.

Address:                            TANDY CORPORATION

100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800       By:/s/ Dwain H. Hughes
Fort Worth, TX 76102                      Name:  Dwain H. Hughes
                                          Title: Senior Vice President and
                                                 Chief Financial Officer

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10Q

                              TANDY CORPORATION
                          1997 INCENTIVE STOCK PLAN
                             (includes Directors)
                          (as amended May 15, 1997)

      1.   Purpose.

      The  purpose  of  this  Plan  is  to  strengthen  Tandy  Corporation  (the
"Company") by providing an incentive to its Eligible  Employees (as  hereinafter
defined),  and directors and thereby  encouraging them to devote their abilities
and industry to the success of the Company's business enterprise. It is intended
that this purpose be achieved by extending to, Eligible Employees of the Company
and its subsidiaries and to Eligible Directors an added long-term  incentive for
high levels of performance  and unusual  efforts  through the grant of Incentive
Stock Options, Nonqualified Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted
Stock,  Performance  Units and  Performance  Shares (as each term is hereinafter

      2.   Definitions.

      For purposes of the Plan:

      2.1  "Adjusted  Fair  Market  Value"  means,  in the  event of a Change in
Control,  the greater of (i) the highest  price per Share paid to holders of the
Shares in any transaction (or series of transactions)  constituting or resulting
in a Change in Control or (ii) the highest  Fair Market  Value of a Share during
the ninety (90) day period ending on the date of a Change in Control.

      2.2  "Agreement"  means the written  agreement  between the Company and an
Optionee or Grantee evidencing the grant of an Option or Award and setting forth
the terms and conditions thereof.

      2.3 "Award" means a grant of Restricted Stock, a Stock Appreciation Right,
a Performance Award or any or all of them.

      2.4  "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      2.5  "Cause"  means  the  commission  of an act of  fraud  or  intentional
misrepresentation  or an act of embezzlement,  misappropriation or conversion of
assets or opportunities of the Company or any Subsidiary.

      2.6 "Change in  Capitalization"  means any  increase or  reduction  in the
number of Shares,  or any change  (including,  but not  limited  to, a change in
value) in the Shares or  exchange  of Shares for a  different  number or kind of
shares or other  securities  of the  Company,  by reason of a  reclassification,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  spin-off, split-up,
issuance of warrants or rights or  debentures,  stock  dividend,  stock split or
reverse stock split, cash dividend,  property dividend,  combination or exchange
of shares, repurchase of shares, change in corporate structure or otherwise.

      2.7 A "Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence during the term of the
Plan and during the term of any Option issued under the Plan of:

                (a) An acquisition (other than directly from the Company) of any
      voting securities of the Company (the "Voting Securities") by any "Person"
      (as the term person is used for purposes of Section  13(d) or 14(d) of the
      Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act")) immediately
      after which such Person has "Beneficial  Ownership" (within the meaning of
      Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the 1934 Act) of fifteen  percent  (15%) or
      more of the combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding Voting
      Securities;  provided, however, in determining whether a Change in Control
      has  occurred,  Voting  Securities  which are  acquired in a  "Non-Control
      Acquisition" (as hereinafter  defined) shall not constitute an acquisition
      which would cause a Change in Control.  A "Non-Control  Acquisition" shall
      mean an acquisition by (i) an employee  benefit plan (or a trust forming a
      part  thereof)  maintained  by (A) the Company or (B) any  corporation  or
      other Person of which a majority of its voting power or its voting  equity
      securities or equity  interest is owned,  directly or  indirectly,  by the
      Company  (for  purposes  of this  definition,  a  "Subsidiary"),  (ii) the
      Company  or its  Subsidiaries,  or (iii) any Person in  connection  with a
      "Non-Control Transaction" (as hereinafter defined).

                (b) The individuals who, as of March 1, 1997, are members of the
      Board (the "Incumbent Board"), cease for any reason to constitute at least
      two-thirds  of the Board;  provided,  however,  that if the  election,  or
      nomination for election by the Company's stockholders, of any new director
      was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the Incumbent Board, such
      new director  shall,  for purposes of this Plan, be considered as a member
      of the Incumbent  Board;  provided  further,  however,  that no individual
      shall be  considered a member of the  Incumbent  Board if such  individual
      initially  assumed  office as a result  of either an actual or  threatened
      "Election Contest" (as described in Rule 14a-11 promulgated under the 1934
      Act) or other actual or threatened  solicitation of proxies or consents by
      or on  behalf  of a Person  other  than  the  Board  (a  "Proxy  Contest")
      including  by  reason of any  agreement  intended  to avoid or settle  any
      Election Contest or Proxy Contest; or

                (c)  Approval by stockholders of the Company of:

                  (i)     A   merger,    consolidation    or    reorganization
      involving the Company, unless

                     (A) the  stockholders  of the Company,  immediately  before
           such  merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization,  own,  directly  or
           indirectly  immediately  following  such  merger,   consolidation  or
           reorganization,  at least sixty percent (60%) of the combined  voting
           power  of  the  outstanding  voting  securities  of  the  corporation
           resulting from such merger or  consolidation or  reorganization  (the
           "Surviving  Corporation")  in  substantially  the same  proportion as
           their  ownership  of the Voting  Securities  immediately  before such
           merger, consolidation or reorganization,
                     (B) the individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board
           immediately  prior to the  execution of the  agreement  providing for
           such merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  constitute  at least
           two-thirds  of the members of the board of directors of the Surviving

                     (C) no Person other than the Company,  any Subsidiary,  any
           employee   benefit  plan  (or  any  trust  forming  a  part  thereof)
           maintained  by  the  Company,  the  Surviving  Corporation,   or  any
           Subsidiary,  or any Person  who,  immediately  prior to such  merger,
           consolidation or reorganization  had Beneficial  Ownership of fifteen
           percent (15%) or more of the then outstanding  Voting  Securities has
           Beneficial Ownership of fifteen percent (15%) or more of the combined
           voting power of the Surviving  Corporation's  then outstanding voting
           securities, and

                     (D) a  transaction  described  in clauses  (A)  through (C)
           shall herein be referred to as a "Non-Control Transaction";

                        (ii)   A complete liquidation or dissolution of the
      Company; or

                        (iii) An agreement for the sale or other  disposition of
           all or  substantially  all of the assets of the Company to any Person
           (other than a transfer to a Subsidiary).

      Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a Change in Control shall not be deemed to
occur  solely  because any Person (the  "Subject  Person")  acquired  Beneficial
Ownership of more than the permitted amount of the outstanding Voting Securities
as a result of the  acquisition of Voting  Securities by the Company  which,  by
reducing the number of Voting Securities outstanding, increases the proportional
number of shares  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject Person,  provided that if a
Change in Control  would occur (but for the  operation  of this  sentence)  as a
result of the  acquisition of Voting  Securities by the Company,  and after such
share  acquisition  by the Company,  the Subject  Person  becomes the Beneficial
Owner of any additional  Voting Securities which increases the percentage of the
then outstanding  Voting  Securities  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject Person,
then a Change in Control shall occur.

      2.8  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

      2.9 "Committee"  means a committee of the Board consisting of at least two
(2) members,  all of who are Disinterested  Directors  appointed by the Board to
administer the Plan and to perform the functions set forth herein.

      2.10 "Company" means Tandy Corporation, a Delaware Corporation.

      2.11 "Director Option" means an Option granted pursuant to Section 5.
      2.12 "Disability"  means a physical or mental  infirmity  which  impairs
the Optionee's  ability to perform  substantially his or her duties for a period
of one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days.

      2.13 "Disinterested  Director" means a director of the Company who is both
a  "Non-Employee  Director"  within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange
Act, and a "Outside Director" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.

      2.14 "Division"  means any of the  operating  units or  divisions of the

      2.15  "Eligible  Employee"  means any  officer  or other key  employee  or
consultant or advisor of the Company or a Subsidiary designated by the Committee
as eligible to receive  Options or Awards  subject to the  conditions  set forth

      2.16  "Eligible  Director"  means a director  of the Company who is not an
employee at the time of grant of the Company or any Subsidiary.

      2.17 "Employee Option" means an Option granted pursuant to Section 6.

      2.18 "Exchange  Act"  means  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

      2.19 "Fair Market Value" on any date means the average of the high and low
sales  prices of the Shares on such date on the  principal  national  securities
exchange on which such  Shares are listed or  admitted  to  trading,  or if such
Shares are not so listed or admitted to trading,  the arithmetic mean of the per
Share closing bid price and per Share closing asked price on such date as quoted
on the National  Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System or
such other market in which such prices are regularly  quoted,  or, if there have
been no published bid or asked  quotations  with respect to Shares on such date,
the Fair Market Value shall be the value  established by the Board in good faith
and, in the case of an Incentive Stock Option, in accordance with Section 422 of
the Code.

      2.20 "Grantee"  means a person to whom an Award has been granted under the

      2.21 "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option  satisfying the requirements
of Section 422 of the Code and designated by the Committee as an Incentive Stock

      2.22 "93  ISP"  means  the  Tandy   Corporation   1993  Incentive  Stock

      2.23 "Nonqualified Stock Option" means an Option which is not an Incentive
Stock Option.

      2.24 "Option" means a Employee  Option,  a Director  Option,  or either or
both of them.

      2.25  "Optionee"  means a person to whom an Option has been granted  under
the Plan.

      2.26 "Parent" means any corporation which is a parent corporation  (within
the meaning of Section 424(e) of the Code) with respect to the Company.

      2.27 "Performance  Awards" means Performance Units,  Performance Shares or
either or both of them.

      2.28 "Performance  Cycle" means the time period specified by the Committee
at the time a Performance  Award is granted during which the  performance of the
Company, a Subsidiary or a Division will be measured.

      2.29  "Performance  Shares"  means  Shares  issued  or  transferred  to an
Eligible Employee under Section 10.

      2.30  "Performance  Unit" means  Performance  Units granted to an Eligible
Employee under Section 10.

      2.31 "Plan or 97 ISP" means the Tandy  Corporation  1997 Incentive Stock

      2.32 "Restricted  Stock" means Shares issued or transferred to an Eligible
Employee pursuant to Section 9.

      2.33  "Retirement"  means  termination  of  service  as a  Director  under
circumstances entitling the Director to a retirement benefit under the Company's
Directors Special Compensation Plan.

      2.34  "Stock  Appreciation  Right"  means a right to  receive  all or some
portion of the increase in the value of the Shares as provided in Section 8.

      2.35 "Shares"  means the common  stock,  par value  $1.00 per share,  of
the Company.

      2.36 "Subsidiary" means any corporation which is a subsidiary  corporation
(within the meaning of Section 424(f) of the Code) with respect to the Company.

      2.37  "Successor  Corporation"  means  a  corporation,   or  a  parent  or
subsidiary  thereof  within the  meaning of  Section  424(a) of the Code,  which
issues or assumes a stock option in a transaction to which Section 424(a) of the
Code applies.

      2.38 "Ten-Percent  Stockholder"  means an Eligible  Employee,  who, at the
time an Incentive  Stock Option is to be granted to him or her, owns (within the
meaning of Section 422(b)(6) of the Code) stock possessing more than ten percent
(10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,
or of a Parent or a Subsidiary.

      3.   Administration.

      3.1 The Plan  shall be  administered  by the  Committee  which  shall hold
meetings at such times as may be necessary for the proper  administration of the
Plan. No member of the Committee shall be liable for any action, failure to act,
determination or interpretation  made in good faith with respect to this Plan or
any  transaction  hereunder,  except for  liability  arising from his or her own
willful  misfeasance,  gross  negligence  or  reckless  disregard  of his or her
duties.  The Company hereby agrees to indemnify each member of the Committee for
all costs and  expenses  and, to the extent  permitted  by  applicable  law, any
liability  incurred  in  connection  with  defending  against,   responding  to,
negotiation for the settlement of or otherwise dealing with any claim,  cause of
action  or  dispute  of any kind  arising  in  connection  with any  actions  in
administering  this  Plan or in  authorizing  or  denying  authorization  to any
transaction hereunder.

      3.2 Subject to the express  terms and  conditions  set forth  herein,  the
Committee shall have the power from time to time to:

           (a) determine  those  individuals  to whom Employee  Options shall be
granted  under  the  Plan and the  number  of  Incentive  Stock  Options  and/or
Nonqualified  Stock  Options  to be  granted to each  Eligible  Employee  and to
prescribe  the  terms  and  conditions  (which  need not be  identical)  of each
Employee Option, including the purchase price per Share subject to each Employee
Option, and make any amendment or modification to any Agreement  consistent with
the terms of the Plan; and

           (b) select those  Eligible  Employees to whom Awards shall be granted
under  the Plan and to  determine  the  number  of  Stock  Appreciation  Rights,
Performance Units,  Performance Shares,  and/or Shares of Restricted Stock to be
granted  pursuant  to each  Award,  the  terms  and  conditions  of each  Award,
including the restrictions or performance  criteria relating to such Performance
Units or  Performance  Shares,  the maximum value of each  Performance  Unit and
Performance  Share  and make any  amendment  or  modification  to any  Agreement
consistent with the terms of the Plan.

           (c) grant,  notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  Section  9.4 to the
contrary,  Shares to  Eligible  Employees,  that are the  subject of Options and
Awards  that  in the  aggregate  do not  exceed  250,000  upon  such  terms  and
conditions  as may be  determined  by the  Committee  in its sole  and  absolute

      3.3 Subject to the express  terms and  conditions  set forth  herein,  the
Committee shall have the power from time to time:

           (a) to  construe  and  interpret  the Plan and the Options and Awards
granted thereunder and to establish,  amend and revoke rules and regulations for
the  administration of the Plan,  including,  but not limited to, correcting any
defect or supplying any omission,  or reconciling any  inconsistency in the Plan
or in any Agreement,  in the manner and to the extent it shall deem necessary or
advisable to make the Plan fully effective, and all decisions and determinations
by the  Committee  in the  exercise  of this power  shall be final,  binding and
conclusive upon the Company,  its  Subsidiaries,  the Optionees and Grantees and
all other persons having any interest therein;

           (b) to  determine  the  duration  and  purposes for leaves of absence
which may be granted to an Optionee or Grantee on an  individual  basis  without
constituting a termination of employment or service for purposes of the Plan;

           (c)  to  exercise  its  discretion  with  respect to the powers and
rights granted to it as set forth in the Plan; and

           (d)  generally,  to exercise  such powers and to perform such acts as
are deemed  necessary or advisable to promote the best  interests of the Company
with respect to the Plan.

      3.4 During any  calendar  year,  (i) no Eligible  Employee  may be granted
Options and Awards  (other than  Awards  described  in clause (ii) below) in the
aggregate  in respect of more than  250,000  Shares and (ii) the maximum  dollar
amount of cash or the Fair Market Value of Shares that any Eligible Employee may
receive in any calendar  year in respect of  Performance  Units  denominated  in
dollars may not exceed $1,500,000.

      4.   Stock Subject to the Plan.

      4.1 The  maximum  number of Shares that may be made the subject of Options
and Awards granted under the Plan is 2,750,000.  Upon a Change in Capitalization
the maximum  number of Shares  shall be adjusted in number and kind  pursuant to
Section 12. The Company shall  reserve for the purposes of the Plan,  out of its
authorized but unissued Shares or out of Shares held in the Company's  treasury,
or partly  out of each,  such  number of  Shares as shall be  determined  by the

      4.2 Upon the  granting  of an  Option or an  Award,  the  number of Shares
available under Section 4.1 for the granting of further Options and Awards shall
be reduced as follows:

           (a) In  connection  with the granting of an Option or an Award (other
than the granting of a Performance Unit  denominated in dollars),  the number of
Shares  shall be  reduced by the number of Shares in respect of which the Option
or Award is granted or denominated.

           (b) In connection with the granting of a Performance Unit denominated
in  dollars,  the number of Shares  shall be  reduced by an amount  equal to the
quotient of (i) the dollar amount in which the Performance  Unit is denominated,
divided  by (ii) the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date the  Performance
Unit is granted.

      4.3 Whenever any outstanding  Option or Award or portion thereof  expires,
is  canceled  or is  otherwise  terminated  for any reason  without  having been
exercised or payment  having been made in respect of the entire Option or Award,
the Shares allocable to the expired, canceled or otherwise terminated portion of
the  Option or Award may  again be the  subject  of  Options  or Awards  granted

      5.   Director Plans.

      5A.  Option Grants to Eligible Directors.

      5A.1  Annual  Grant.  Subject to the  provisions  of Section  5C.  hereof,
Director Options shall be granted to each Eligible Director on the first trading
day of September of each year the Plan is in effect and Director  options  under
the 93 ISP are no longer  available  for grant to such  Directors  or any one of
them,  as the case maybe.  Each Director  Option  granted shall be in respect of
4,000 Shares. The purchase price of each Director Option shall be as provided in
Section 5A.3 and such Options shall be evidenced by an Agreement containing such
other terms and conditions not inconsistent  with the provisions of this Plan as
determined by the Board;  provided,  however, that such terms shall not vary the
timing  of  awards  of  Director  Options,  including  provisions  dealing  with
forfeiture or termination of such Director  Options,  and further such terms may
not  provide  for a  modification  of a  Director  Option  and the  grant of new
Director Option in  substitution  for them which results in a Purchase Price (as
defined in Section 5A.3  hereof)  that is lower than the  Purchase  Price of the
originally  issued Director Option until  authorized by the  shareholders of the

      5A.2 One Time Grant. Subject to the Provisions of Section 5C. hereof, each
newly appointed or elected Eligible  Director who has not previously  received a
one-time grant under the 93 ISP or hereunder,  shall be granted an option on the
date the Eligible Director attends his or her first Company Board meeting.  Each
Director  Option granted under this section shall be in respect of 5,000 Shares.
The purchase price of each Director  Option shall be as provided in Section 5A.3
and such Options shall be evidenced by an Agreement  containing such other terms
and conditions not  inconsistent  with the provisions of this Plan as determined
by the Board;  provided,  however,  that such terms shall not vary the timing of
awards of Director  Options,  including  provisions  dealing with  forfeiture or
termination of such Director Options.

      5A.3  Purchase  Price.  The purchase  price for Shares under each Director
Option  shall be equal to 100% of the Fair  Market  Value of such  Shares on the
trading date immediately preceding the date of grant.

      5A.4 Vesting.  Subject to Section 7.4,  each Director  Option shall become
exercisable  with  respect  to one third  (1/3) of the  Shares  subject  thereto
effective as of each of the first, second and third annual  anniversaries of the
grant  date;  provided,  however,  that  the  Optionee  continues  to serve as a
Director  as of such  dates.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if a  Director's
service  terminates  by reason  of his  death,  Disability  or  Retirement,  all
Director Options then held by the Director shall be fully vested.

      5A.5 Duration.  Each Director  Option shall terminate on the date which is
the tenth annual  anniversary of the grant date,  unless  terminated  earlier as

           (a) If an Optionee's service as a Director  terminates for any reason
other than  Retirement,  Disability,  death or Cause,  the  Optionee  may, for a
period of three (3) months after such termination, exercise his or her Option to
the  extent,  and only to the extent,  that such  Option or portion  thereof was
vested  and  exercisable  as of the date the  Optionee's  service  as a Director
terminated, after which time the Option shall automatically terminate in full.

           (b) If an  Optionee's  service as a Director  terminates by reason of
the  Optionee's  Retirement or by  resignation  or removal from the Board due to
Disability,  the  Optionee  may,  for a period  of three (3)  years  after  such
termination,  exercise  his or her Option to the extent,  and only to the extent
that such Option or portion thereof was vested and  exercisable,  as of the date
the  Optionee's  service as a Director  terminated,  after which time the Option
shall automatically terminate in full.

           (c) If an Optionee's service as a Director  terminates for Cause, the
Option granted to the Optionee hereunder shall immediately terminate in full and
no rights thereunder may be exercised.

           (d) If an Optionee  dies while a Director or within  three (3) months
after  termination  of service as a Director as  described in clause (a) of this
Section  5A.5,  or within  three (3) years  after  termination  of  service as a
Director as described in clause (b) of this Section 5A.5,  the Option granted to
the Optionee may be exercised at any time within 12 months after the  Optionee's
death by the person or persons to whom such rights  under the Option  shall pass
by will, or by the laws of descent or distribution,  after which time the Option
shall terminate in full.

      5B.  Stock Purchase for Director Retainer Fees.

      5B.1 Election to Participate.

           (a) Initial Year Election.  Each Eligible Director may participate in
this Section 5B by filing an election to participate with the Company  Secretary
(the "Initial Year  Election") at any time  following his or her  appointment or
election.  An Initial Year Election  shall become  effective with respect to the
Eligible  Director's  retainer  fees  payable  to him or her under the  Eligible
Director compensation plan in respect of each calendar month commencing with the
first calendar month  commencing  after the receipt of the Initial Year Election
by the Company  Secretary and ending the subsequent May 31. An Eligible Director
may,  pursuant to an Initial Year Election,  participate in this Section 5B only
at  either  a 50% or  100%  level  and  may  not  change  his or  her  level  of
participation except as provided in Section 5B.1 (b) below.

           (b) Annual  Election.  Each Eligible  Director may, prior to May 1 of
any year,  elect to participate  (or cease to participate ) or change his or her
level of  participation  in this  Section 5B (an "Annual  Election").  An Annual
Election shall become effective with respect to the Eligible Director's retainer
fees  payable to him or her under the  Eligible  Director  compensation  plan in
respect of the year  commencing on June 1 next  subsequent to the receipt of the
Annual Election by the Company Secretary and shall continue for subsequent years
unless  changed  pursuant to this  Section 5B.1 (b). An Eligible  Director  may,
pursuant to an Annual Election,  participate in this Section 5B only at either a
50% or 100% level and may not change his or her level of participation except as
provided in this Section 5B.1(b).

      5B.2 Payment in Stock.

           (a) For the period  commencing  on the  effective  date of a Eligible
Director's  Initial Year Election through the next subsequent May 31, (i) Shares
will be issued to each Eligible Director  participating at the 100% level having
a Fair Market Value (as of the first trading day immediately  preceding the date
of issuance) equal to the Eligible  Director's annual retainer divided by twelve
(12),  then  multiplied by the number of calendar months from the effective date
of the Initial Year Election through the next subsequent May 31; and (ii) Shares
will be  issued  to  each  Eligible  Director  participating  at the  50%  level
according to the  calculation in clause (i) of this Section 5B.2 (a) but reduced
by one-half.  Shares will be issued as of the effective date of the Initial Year

           (b) For  each  year  commencing  on June 1 in  respect  of  which  an
Eligible  Director has elected to  participate in this Section 5B pursuant to an
Annual  Election,   (i)  Shares  will  be  issued  to  each  Eligible   Director
participating  at the 100%  level  having a Fair  Market  Value (as of the first
trading day  immediately  preceding the date of issuance)  equal to the Eligible
Director's  annual  retainer;  and (ii) Shares  will be issued to each  Eligible
Director  participating  in this  section 5B at the 50% level  according  to the
calculation  in clause (i) of this  Section  5B.2(b)  but  reduced by  one-half.
Shares will be issued as of June 1.

           (c) The issuance of Shares to an Eligible  director  participating in
this Section 5B shall represent  payment in advance of, and shall be in lieu of,
50% or 100%, as applicable,  of the Eligible  Director's annual retainer for the
period in respect of which the Initial Year  Election or the Annual  Election is
in effect.

      5B.3 Distribution.  Shares will be distributed to the Eligible Director as
soon as practicable  after issuance.  No fractional  Share will be issued to any
Eligible  Director.  Any amount not used for the  acquisition of a Share will be
paid to the Eligible Director in cash.

      5C.  Director Option Grants under the 93 ISP and the Plan

      5C.1 No  Duplication.  Notwithstanding  any  provision in this Plan to the
contrary,  no Director Option shall be granted to any Eligible Director pursuant
to  Section  5A of this Plan on any day if such  Director  is  granted an option
pursuant to Section 5A of the 93 ISP on such day. In  addition,  no Shares shall
be  issued  pursuant  to  Section  5B of this  Plan in  respect  of an  Eligible
Director's  retainer fees if Shares are or will be issued pursuant to Section 5B
of the 93 ISP in respect of such retainer fees.

      6.   Option Grants for Eligible Employees.

      6.1 Authority of Committee.  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan and to
Section 4.1 above,  the Committee  shall have full and final authority to select
those Eligible  Employees who will receive Options (each an "Employee  Option"),
the terms and conditions of which shall be set forth in an Agreement;  provided,
however,  that no person shall receive any Incentive  Stock Options unless he or
she is an  employee of the  Company,  a Parent or a  Subsidiary  at the time the
Incentive Stock Option is granted.

      6.2 Purchase Price. The purchase price or the manner in which the purchase
price is to be  determined  for  Shares  under  each  Employee  Option  shall be
determined by the Committee and set forth in the Agreement;  provided,  however,
that the purchase price per Share under each Incentive Stock Option shall not be
less than  100% of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date the  Incentive
Stock Option is granted (110% in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option  granted
to a  Ten-Percent  Stockholder)  and the  purchase  price per Share  under  each
Nonqualified  Stock  Option  shall not be less than the Fair  Market  Value of a
Share on the date the Nonqualified Stock Option is granted.

      6.3 Maximum Duration. Employee Options granted hereunder shall be for such
term as the Committee shall  determine,  provided that an Incentive Stock Option
shall not be exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it
is granted (five (5) years in the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to a
Ten-Percent   Stockholder)  and  a  Nonqualified   Stock  Option  shall  not  be
exercisable  after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it is granted.
The Committee may, subsequent to the granting of any Employee Option, extend the
term  thereof but in no event  shall the term as so extended  exceed the maximum
term provided for in the preceding sentence.

      6.4 Vesting.  Subject to Section 7.4 hereof,  each  Employee  Option shall
become  exercisable in such  installments  (which need not be equal) and at such
times as may be designated by the Committee and set forth in the  Agreement.  To
the extent not exercised,  installments shall accumulate and be exercisable,  in
whole or in part, at any time after becoming exercisable, but not later than the
date  the  Employee   Option   expires.   The  Committee  may   accelerate   the
exercisability of any Option or portion thereof at any time.

      6.5  Modification or  Substitution.  The Committee may, in its discretion,
modify  outstanding  Employee  Options or accept the  surrender  of  outstanding
Employee  Options  (to the  extent  not  exercised)  and  grant new  Options  in
substitution for them.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) no modification of an
Employee Option shall adversely alter or impair any rights or obligations  under
the Employee Option without the Optionee's consent,  and (ii) no modification or
surrender of an outstanding  option and the grant of new options in substitution
for them which  results in a purchase  price (as  defined in Section 6.2 hereof)
that is lower than the purchase price of the  originally  issued Option shall be
effective until authorized by the shareholders of the Corporation.

      7.   Terms and Conditions Applicable to All Options.

      7.1 Transferability. Unless otherwise provided by the Committee, no Option
granted  hereunder  shall  be  transferable  by the  Optionee  to  whom  granted
otherwise  than by will or the laws of descent and  distribution,  and an Option
may be exercised  during the lifetime of such  Optionee  only by the Optionee or
his or her guardian or legal  representative.  The terms of such Option shall be
final, binding and conclusive upon the beneficiaries, executors, administrators,
heirs and successors of the Optionee.

      7.2 Method of Exercise.  The exercise of an Option shall be made only by a
written notice delivered in person or by mail to the Secretary of the Company at
the Company's principal executive office,  specifying the number of Shares to be
purchased and  accompanied by payment  therefor and otherwise in accordance with
the Agreement  pursuant to which the Option was granted.  The purchase price for
any Shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of an Option shall be paid in full
upon such exercise by any one or a  combination  of the  following:  (i) cash or
(ii)  transferring  Shares to the  Company  upon such  terms and  conditions  as
determined by the Committee.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee shall
have  discretion to determine at the time of grant of each Employee Option or at
any later date (up to and  including  the date of exercise)  the form of payment
acceptable  in respect of the  exercise  of such  Employee  Option.  The written
notice  pursuant to this  Section  7.2 may also  provide  instructions  from the
Optionee to the Company that upon receipt of the purchase price in cash from the
Optionee's broker or dealer,  that has been approved by the Company,  designated
as such on the written notice,  in payment for any Shares purchased  pursuant to
the exercise of an Option,  the Company shall issue such Shares  directly to the
designated  broker or dealer that has been  approved by the Company.  Any Shares
transferred  to the  Company as payment of the  purchase  price  under an Option
shall be valued at their  Fair  Market  Value on the day  preceding  the date of
exercise of such  Option.  If  requested by the  Committee,  the Optionee  shall
deliver the Agreement  evidencing the Option to the Secretary of the Company who
shall endorse  thereon a notation of such exercise and return such  Agreement to
the  Optionee.  No fractional  Shares (or cash in lieu thereof)  shall be issued
upon  exercise of an Option and the number of Shares that may be purchased  upon
exercise shall be rounded to the nearest number of whole Shares.

      7.3 Rights of Optionees. No Optionee shall be deemed for any purpose to be
the owner of any Shares  subject  to any Option  unless and until (i) the Option
shall have been exercised pursuant to the terms thereof,  (ii) the Company shall
have issued and delivered the Shares to the Optionee or his designated broker or
dealer that has been  approved by the Company and (iii) the  Optionee's  name or
the name of his  designated  broker  or  dealer  that has been  approved  by the
Company shall have been entered as a  stockholder  of record on the books of the
Company.  Thereupon,  the Optionee  shall have full  voting,  dividend and other
ownership rights with respect to such Shares.

      7.4 Effect of Change in Control. Notwithstanding anything contained in the
Plan  to the  contrary,  unless  an  Agreement  evidencing  an  Option  provides
otherwise,  in the  event  of a  Change  in  control  the  Option  shall  become
immediately  and fully  exercisable.  In addition,  an Agreement  evidencing  an
Option  may  provide  that the  Optionee  will be  permitted  to  surrender  for
cancellation within sixty (60) days after such Change in Control,  the Option or
portion of the Option to the extent not yet  exercised  and the Optionee will be
entitled to receive a cash payment in an amount equal to the excess,  if any, of
(x) (A) in the case of a Nonqualified  Stock Option, the greater of (1) the Fair
Market Value, on the date preceding the date of surrender, of the Shares subject
to the Option or portion  thereof  surrendered  or (2) the Adjusted  Fair Market
Value of the Shares subject to the Option or portion thereof  surrendered or (B)
in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option,  the Fair Market  Value,  on the date
preceding the date of surrender,  of the Shares subject to the Option or portion
thereof surrendered, over (y) the aggregate purchase price for such Shares under
the Option or portion thereof surrendered. In the event an Optionee's employment
with, or service as a Director of, the Company terminates  following a Change in
Control, each Option held by the Optionee that was exercisable as of the date of
termination of the Optionee's employment or service shall remain exercisable for
a period  ending not before the earlier of (A) the first annual  anniversary  of
the termination of the Optionee's employment or service or (B) the expiration of
the stated term of the Option.

      8. Stock Appreciation Rights. The Committee may, in its discretion, either
alone or in connection with the grant of an Option, grant to Eligible Employees,
Stock  Appreciation  Rights  in  accordance  with  the Plan  and the  terms  and
conditions of which shall be set forth in an Agreement. If granted in connection
with an Option, a Stock  Appreciation  Right shall cover the same Shares covered
by the Option (or such lesser number of Shares as the  Committee may  determine)
and shall,  except as provided  in this  Section 8, be subject to the same terms
and conditions as the related Option.

      8.1 Time of Grant.  A Stock  Appreciation  Right may be granted (i) at any
time if unrelated to an Option,  or (ii) if related to an Option,  either at the
time of grant, or at any time thereafter during the term of the Option.

      8.2  Stock Appreciation Right Related to an Option.

           (a)  Exercise.  Subject to Section  8.6, a Stock  Appreciation  Right
granted in connection  with an Option shall be exercisable at such time or times
and only to the extent that the related Option is  exercisable,  and will not be
transferable  except to the extent the  related  Option may be  transferable.  A
Stock  Appreciation  Right granted in connection  with an Incentive Stock Option
shall be  exercisable  only if the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date of
exercise  exceeds the purchase price  specified in the related  Incentive  Stock
Option Agreement.

           (b) Amount Payable.  Upon the exercise of a Stock  Appreciation Right
related  to an  Option,  the  Grantee  shall be  entitled  to  receive an amount
determined by multiplying  (A) the excess of the Fair Market Value of a Share on
the date  preceding the date of exercise of such Stock  Appreciation  Right over
the per Share  purchase  price  under the related  Option,  by (B) the number of
Shares  as  to  which  such  Stock   Appreciation   Right  is  being  exercised.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Committee may limit in any manner the amount
payable with respect to any Stock  Appreciation  Right by including such a limit
in the  Agreement  evidencing  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right at the time it is

           (c) Treatment of Related Options and Stock  Appreciation  Rights Upon
Exercise.  Upon the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right granted in connection
with an Option,  the  Option  shall be  canceled  to the extent of the number of
Shares as to which  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right is  exercised,  and upon the
exercise of an Option granted in connection with a Stock  Appreciation  Right or
the surrender of such Option,  the Stock Appreciation Right shall be canceled to
the  extent of the  number of Shares  as to which  the  Option is  exercised  or

      8.3 Stock  Appreciation  Right  Unrelated to an Option.  The Committee may
grant to Eligible  Employees  Stock  Appreciation  Rights  unrelated to Options.
Stock  Appreciation  Rights  unrelated to Options  shall  contain such terms and
conditions as to  exercisability,  vesting and duration as the  Committee  shall
determine,  but in no event  shall  they  have a term of  greater  than ten (10)
years. Upon exercise of a Stock  Appreciation  Right unrelated to an Option, the
Grantee shall be entitled to receive an amount determined by multiplying (A) the
excess of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date  preceding  the date of
exercise of such Stock  Appreciation Right over the Fair Market Value of a Share
on the date the Stock Appreciation Right was granted (the "Base Price") , by (B)
the  number  of  Shares  as to  which  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right  is being
exercised.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may limit in any manner
the amount  payable  with respect to any Stock  Appreciation  Right by including
such a limit in the Agreement  evidencing  the Stock  Appreciation  Right at the
time it is granted.

      8.4 Method of Exercise.  Stock Appreciation Rights shall be exercised by a
Grantee only by a written notice delivered in person or by mail to the Corporate
Secretary or the President of the Company at the Company's  principal  executive
office,  specifying  the  number  of  Shares  with  respect  to which  the Stock
Appreciation  Right is being  exercised.  If  requested  by the  Committee,  the
Grantee shall  deliver the Agreement  evidencing  the Stock  Appreciation  Right
being exercised and the Agreement evidencing any related Option to the Corporate
Secretary or President  of the Company who shall  endorse  thereon a notation of
such exercise and return such Agreement to the Grantee.

      8.5 Form of  Payment.  Payment of the  amount  determined  under  Sections
8.2(b) or 8.3 may be made in the  discretion of the  Committee,  solely in whole
Shares in a number  determined at their Fair Market Value on the date  preceding
the date of exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right, or solely in cash, or in a
combination of cash and Shares. If the Committee decides to make full payment in
Shares and the amount  payable  results in a fractional  Share,  payment for the
fractional Share will be made in cash.

      8.6  Modification or  Substitution.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee may modify outstanding  Awards of Stock Appreciation  Rights or accept
the surrender of outstanding Awards of Stock Appreciation  Rights (to the extent
not exercised) and grant new Awards in  substitution  for them.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing,  (i) no  modification of an Award shall adversely alter or impair
any rights or obligations under the Agreement without the Grantee's consent, and
(ii) no modification or surrender of an outstanding Award of Stock  Appreciation
Rights and the grant of new Awards in substitution  for them,  which results (in
the case of Stock Appreciation Right related to Option) in a purchase price that
is lower than the purchase price specified in the related Incentive Stock Option
Agreement,  and (in the case of Stock Appreciation  Rights unrelated to Options)
results in a lower Base Price of a Share than that which existed on the date the
Stock  Appreciation  Right  unrelated to Options was granted  shall be effective
until authorized by the shareholders of the Corporation.

      8.7 Effect of Change in Control.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in
this Plan to the contrary,  unless an Agreement  evidencing a Stock Appreciation
Right  provides  otherwise,  in the  event of a Change  in  Control,  all  Stock
Appreciation   Rights   shall   become   immediately   and  fully   exercisable.
Notwithstanding   Sections  8.3  and  8.5,  an  Agreement   evidencing  a  Stock
Appreciation  Right may provide that upon the  exercise of a Stock  Appreciation
Right  unrelated to an Option or any portion  thereof  during the sixty (60) day
period  following a Change in Control,  the amount  payable shall be in cash and
shall be an amount  equal to the  excess,  if any, of (A) the greater of (x) the
Fair Market Value,  on the date  preceding  the date of exercise,  of the Shares
subject to Stock  Appreciation  Right or portion  thereof  exercised and (y) the
Adjusted Fair Market Value,  on the date preceding the date of exercise,  of the
Shares  over  (B) the  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value,  on the  date  the  Stock
Appreciation Right was granted,  of the Shares subject to the Stock Appreciation
Right or portion thereof exercised. In the event a Grantee's employment with the
Company terminates following a Change in Control,  each Stock Appreciation Right
held by the Grantee that was  exercisable  as of the date of  termination of the
Grantee's employment shall remain exercisable for a period ending not before the
earlier of the first annual  anniversary of (A) the termination of the Grantee's
employment or (B) the  expiration  of the stated term of the Stock  Appreciation

      9.   Restricted Stock.

      9.1 Grant.  The Committee may grant to Eligible  Employees and  Directors,
Awards of Restricted  Stock, and may issue Shares of Restricted Stock in payment
in respect  of vested  Performance  Units (as  hereinafter  provided  in Section
10.2),  which shall be  evidenced  by an  Agreement  between the Company and the
Grantee. Each Agreement shall contain such restrictions, terms and conditions as
the Committee may, in its discretion,  determine in accordance with this Section
9, and such Agreements may require that an appropriate legend be placed on Share
certificates.  Awards of  Restricted  Stock  shall be  subject  to the terms and
provisions set forth below in this Section 9.

      9.2 Rights of Grantee.  Shares of Restricted  Stock granted pursuant to an
Award  hereunder  may  either be issued  in the name of the  Grantee  as soon as
reasonably practicable after the Award is granted or credited in a separate book
account in the  Grantee's  name  maintained  for that purpose  provided that the
Grantee has executed an Agreement  evidencing the Award,  and, in the discretion
of the Committee,  appropriate  blank stock powers,  an escrow agreement and any
other  documents  which the Committee may require as a condition to the issuance
of such Shares.  If a Grantee shall fail to execute the  Agreement  evidencing a
Restricted  Stock Award,  and, in the discretion of the  Committee,  appropriate
blank  stock  powers,  an escrow  agreement  and any other  documents  which the
Committee may require within the time period  prescribed by the Committee at the
time the Award is granted,  the Award shall be null and void. At the  discretion
of the  Committee,  Shares  issued in connection  with a Restricted  Stock Award
shall be  deposited  together  with the stock powers with an escrow agent (which
may be the Company)  designated by the Committee.  The Committee  shall have the
full and final authority to determine, upon delivery of the Shares to the escrow
agent, or the establishment of a book account in the name of the Grantee, as the
case may be,  whether  or not the  Grantee  shall  have all of the  rights  of a
stockholder with respect to such Shares,  including the right to vote the Shares
and to receive all dividends or other distributions paid or made with respect to
the Shares.

      9.3 Transferability. Unless otherwise provided by the Committee, until any
restrictions upon the Shares of Restricted Stock awarded to a Grantee shall have
lapsed in the manner set forth in Section  9.4,  such Shares  shall not be sold,
transferred  or  otherwise  disposed  of and shall not be pledged  or  otherwise
hypothecated, nor shall they be delivered to the Grantee.

      9.4  Lapse of Restrictions.

           (a)  Generally.During the period of three (3) years commencing on the
date of grant of the Shares of Restricted Stock, or such longer period as may be
set by the Committee, restrictions upon the shares shall not lapse. Within these
limits the Committee may, in its sole discretion,  provide for the lapse of such
restrictions in installments and may also accelerate such  restrictions (for any
period not less that one (1) year) in whole or in part  based  upon  performance
factors as the Committee may determine, in its sole discretion.

           (b)  Effect  of  Change  in  Control  or a Sale or  Disposition  of a
Subsidiary or Division.  Notwithstanding  anything contained in the plan, unless
the Agreement  evidencing the Award provides to the contrary,  in the event of a
Change in Control,  all  restrictions  upon any Shares of Restricted Stock shall
lapse  immediately and all such Shares shall become fully vested in the Grantee.
In the event of the sale or other  disposition of substantially all of the stock
or assets of a Subsidiary or a Division, the Committee shall have the discretion
to determine  whether all restrictions upon any Shares of Restricted Stock (held
by a Grantee  employed by such Division or Subsidiary)  shall lapse  immediately
and that all such Shares shall become fully vested in the Grantee.

           (c) Employment,  Disability,  Retirement or Death.  Restrictions upon
Shares of Restricted  Stock awarded  hereunder shall lapse at such time or times
and on such terms and  conditions  as the  Committee may determine in connection
with the initial employment, Disability, retirement, or death of the Grantee.

      9.5  Modification or  Substitution.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee  may  modify  outstanding  Awards of  Restricted  Stock or accept  the
surrender  of  outstanding  Shares  of  Restricted  Stock  (to  the  extent  the
restrictions  on such  Shares  have not yet  lapsed)  and  grant  new  Awards in
substitution  for them.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  no  modification of an
Award  shall  adversely  alter or impair  any  rights or  obligations  under the
Agreement without the Grantee's consent.

      9.6 Treatment of Dividends.  At the time the Award of Shares of Restricted
Stock is granted,  the  Committee  may, in its  discretion,  determine  that the
payment to the Grantee of dividends, or a specified portion thereof, declared or
paid on such Shares by the Company  shall be (i)  deferred  until the lapsing of
the  restrictions  imposed upon such Shares and (ii) held by the Company for the
account of the Grantee  until such time.  In the event that  dividends are to be
deferred,  the  Committee  shall  determine  whether  such  dividends  are to be
reinvested  in  shares of Stock  (which  shall be held as  additional  Shares of
Restricted Stock) or held in cash. If deferred dividends are to be held in cash,
there may be credited at the end of each year (or portion  thereof)  interest on
the amount of the  account at the  beginning  of the year at a rate per annum as
the Committee, in its discretion,  may determine.  Payment of deferred dividends
in respect of Shares of Restricted  Stock (whether held in cash or as additional
Shares of Restricted  Stock),  together with interest accrued  thereon,  if any,
shall be made upon the lapsing of restrictions  imposed on the Shares in respect
of which deferred dividends were paid, and any dividends deferred (together with
any interest accrued thereon) in respect of any Shares of Restricted Stock shall
be forfeited upon the forfeiture of such Shares.

      9.7 Delivery of Shares.  Upon the lapse of the  restrictions  on Shares of
Restricted  Stock, the Committee shall cause a stock certificate to be delivered
to the Grantee with respect to such Shares, free of all restrictions hereunder.

      10.  Performance Awards.

      10.1 (a) Performance  Objectives.  Performance  objectives for Performance
Awards  shall be  expressed  in terms of (i)  earnings  per Share,  (ii) pre-tax
profits,  (iii) net earnings or net worth, (iv) return on equity or assets,  (v)
price of Shares,  or (vi) any  combination  of the  foregoing,  for the Company,
Subsidiary or Division thereof, as may be applicable. Performance objectives may
be in respect of the performance of the Company and its Subsidiaries  (which may
be on a consolidated basis), a Subsidiary or a Division.  Performance objectives
may be absolute  or  relative  and may be  expressed  in terms of a  progression
within  a  specified  range.  The  performance  objectives  with  respect  to  a
Performance  Cycle  shall be  established  in  writing by the  Committee  by the
earlier of (i) the date on which a quarter of the Performance  Cycle has elapsed
or (ii) the date  which is  ninety  (90)  days  after  the  commencement  of the
Performance  Cycle,  and in any event  while  the  performance  relating  to the
performance objectives remains substantially uncertain.

           (b)  Determination  of  Performance.  Prior to the vesting,  payment,
settlement or lapsing of any restrictions  with respect to any Performance Award
made to a Grantee who is subject to Section  162(m) of the Code,  the  Committee
shall certify in writing that the applicable  performance  objectives  have been

      10.2 Performance Units. The Committee, in its discretion, may grant Awards
of Performance  Units to Eligible  Employees,  the terms and conditions of which
shall  be set  forth  in an  Agreement  between  the  Company  and the  Grantee.
Performance Units may be denominated in Shares or a specified dollar amount and,
contingent upon the attainment of specified  performance  objectives  within the
Performance Cycle, represent the right to receive payment as provided in Section
10.2(b)  of (i) in the case of  Share-denominated  Performance  Units,  the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the date the Performance  Unit was granted,  the date
the Performance Unit became vested or any other date specified by the Committee,
(ii) in the case of  dollar-denominated  Performance Units, the specified dollar
amount  or (iii) a  percentage  (which  may be more  than  100%)  of the  amount
described in clause (i) or (ii) depending on the level of performance  objective
attainment;  provided, however, that the Committee may at the time a Performance
Unit is  granted,  specify a  maximum  amount  payable  in  respect  of a vested
Performance  Unit.  Each Agreement  shall specify the number of the  Performance
Units to which it relates, the performance objectives which must be satisfied in
order for the Performance  Units to vest and the Performance  Cycle within which
such objectives must be satisfied.

           (a) Vesting and  Forfeiture.  Subject to Sections  10.1 (b) and 10.4,
Grantee shall become vested with respect to the Performance  Units to the extent
that the performance objectives set forth in the Agreement are satisfied for the
Performance Cycle.

           (b)  Payment of  Awards.  Subject  to  Section  10.1 (b),  payment to
Grantees in respect of vested  Performance Units shall be made within sixty (60)
days after the last day of the  Performance  Cycle to which  such Award  relates
unless the Agreement  evidencing the Award provides for the deferral of payment,
in which event the terms and  conditions  of the deferral  shall be set forth in
the  Agreement.  Subject to Section 10.4,  such payments may be made entirely in
Shares  valued at their Fair Market  Value as of the last day of the  applicable
Performance  Cycle or such other date  specified by the  Committee,  entirely in
cash,  or in  such  combination  of  Shares  and  cash as the  Committee  in its
discretion,  shall  determine  at any  time  prior  to such  payment;  provided,
however, that if the Committee in its discretion determines to make such payment
entirely  or  partially  in Shares  of  Restricted  Stock,  the  Committee  must
determine the extent to which such payment will be in Shares of Restricted Stock
and the terms of such Restricted Stock at the time the Award is granted.

      10.3  Performance  Shares.  The Committee,  in its  discretion,  may grant
Awards of Performance Shares to Eligible Employees,  the terms and conditions of
which shall be set forth in an  Agreement  between the Company and the  Grantee.
Each  Agreement  may  require  that an  appropriate  legend  be  placed on Share
certificates.  Awards of  Performance  Shares shall be subject to the  following
terms and provisions:

           (a) Rights of Grantee.  The  Committee  shall  provide at the time an
Award of  Performance  Shares  is made,  either  the time or times at which  the
actual  Shares  represented  by such  Award  shall be  issued in the name of the
Grantee or whether a separate book account in the name of the Grantee  should be
maintained and credited with the Performance  Shares  represented by such Award;
provided, however, that no Performance Shares shall be issued or credited to any
such book account  until the Grantee has executed an  Agreement  evidencing  the
Award,  and, in the discretion of the  Committee,  the  appropriate  blank stock
powers,  an escrow  agreement  and any other  documents  which the Committee may
require as a condition to the issuance of such Performance  Shares. If a Grantee
shall fail to execute the Agreement  evidencing an Award of Performance  Shares,
and, in the discretion of the Committee,  the appropriate blank stock powers, an
escrow  agreement and any other documents which the Committee may require within
the time period  prescribed  by the  Committee at the time the Award is granted,
the Award shall be null and void.  At the  discretion of the  Committee,  Shares
issued in  connection  with an Award of  Performance  Shares  shall be deposited
together  with the stock  powers with an escrow agent (which may be the Company)
designated by the Committee. Except as restricted by the terms of the Agreement,
upon delivery of the Shares to the escrow agent, or the  establishment of a book
account in the name of Grantee,  as the case may be, the Grantee  shall have, in
the discretion of the Committee, all of the rights of a stockholder with respect
to such  Shares,  including  the right to vote the  Shares  and to  receive  all
dividends or other distributions paid or made with respect to the Shares.

           (b) Transferability. Unless otherwise provided by the Committee until
any  restrictions  upon the  Performance  Shares awarded to a Grantee shall have
lapsed in the manner set forth in  Sections  10.3(c) or 10.4,  such  Performance
Shares shall not be sold,  transferred or otherwise disposed of and shall not be
pledged or otherwise  hypothecated,  nor shall they be delivered to the Grantee.
The  Committee  may also impose such other  restrictions  and  conditions on the
Performance Shares, if any, as it deems appropriate.

           (c) Lapse of Restrictions. Subject to Section 10.4, restrictions upon
Performance  Shares awarded  hereunder shall lapse and such  Performance  Shares
shall  become  vested at such time or times and on such  terms,  conditions  and
satisfaction of performance  objectives as the Committee may, in its discretion,
determine at the time an Award is granted.

           (d)  Treatment  of  Dividends.  At the time the Award of  Performance
Shares is granted,  the Committee  may, in its  discretion,  determine  that the
payment to the Grantee of dividends, or a specified portion thereof, declared or
paid on actual  Shares  represented  by such Award which have been issued by the
Company  to  the  Grantee  shall  be  (i)  deferred  until  the  lapsing  of the
restrictions  imposed upon such Performance  Shares and (ii) held by the Company
for the account of the Grantee until such time. In the event that  dividends are
to be deferred,  the Committee shall determine  whether such dividends are to be
reinvested  in shares of Stock  (which shall be held as  additional  Performance
Shares) or held in cash. If deferred dividends are to be held in cash, there may
be credited at the end of each year (or portion thereof)  interest on the amount
of the  account  at the  beginning  of the  year  at a  rate  per  annum  as the
Committee,  in its discretion,  may determine.  Payment of deferred dividends in
respect of Performance Shares (whether held in cash or in additional Performance
Shares),  together with interest accrued thereon, if any, shall be made upon the
lapsing of restrictions  imposed on the  Performance  Shares in respect of which
the deferred  dividends were paid, and any dividends deferred (together with any
interest  accrued  thereon)  in  respect  of any  Performance  Shares  shall  be
forfeited upon the forfeiture of such Performance Shares.

           (e)  Delivery  of  Shares.  Upon  the  lapse of the  restrictions  on
Performance  Shares  awarded  hereunder,  the  Committee  shall  cause  a  stock
certificate to be delivered to the Grantee with respect to such Shares,  free of
all restrictions hereunder.

      10.4 Effect of Change in  Control.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained
in the Plan or any  Agreement  to the  contrary,  in the  event of a Change in

           (a) With  respect to the  Performance  Units,  the Grantee  shall (i)
become  vested  in a  percentage  of  Performance  Units  as  determined  by the
Committee at the time of the Award of such Performance Units and as set forth in
the  Agreement  and (ii) be  entitled  to receive in respect of all  Performance
Units which  become  vested as a result of a Change in Control,  a cash  payment
within ten (10) days after such Change in Control in an amount as  determined by
the Committee at the time of the Award of such Performance Unit and as set forth
in the Agreement.

           (b) With respect to the Performance  Shares,  all restrictions  shall
lapse immediately on all or a portion of the Performance Shares as determined by
the  Committee  at the time of the Award of such  Performance  Shares and as set
forth in the Agreement.

           (c) The  Agreements  evidencing  Performance  Shares and  Performance
Units shall provide for the treatment of such Awards (or portions thereof) which
do not become  vested as the result of a Change in Control,  including,  but not
limited to, provisions for the adjustment of applicable performance objectives.

      10.5  Transferability.  Unless  otherwise  provided  by the  Committee  no
Performance  Awards shall be transferable by the Grantee  otherwise than by will
or the laws of descent and distribution.

      10.6  Modification or Substitution.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee may modify  outstanding  Performance Awards or accept the surrender of
outstanding  Performance Awards and grant new Performance Awards in substitution
for them.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  (i) no modification of a Performance
Award  shall  adversely  alter or impair  any  rights or  obligations  under the
Agreement without the Grantee's  consent,  and (ii) no modification or surrender
of an  outstanding  Performance  Award  and grant of new  Performance  Awards in
substitution  for them can have the effect of increasing the value to be granted
to an Eligible Employee for comparable  performance  unless and until authorized
by the shareholders of the Corporation.

      11. Effect of a Termination  of Employment.  The Agreement  evidencing the
grant of each  Employee  Option  and each  Award  shall  set forth the terms and
conditions  applicable  to such Employee  Option or Award upon a termination  or
change  in the  status of the  employment  of the  Optionee  or  Grantee  by the
Company, a Subsidiary or a Division (including a termination or change by reason
of the  sale of a  Subsidiary  or a  Division),  as the  Committee  may,  in its
discretion,  determine  at the time the  Employee  Option or Award is granted or

      12.  Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.

           (a) In the event of a Change in  Capitalization,  the Committee shall
conclusively determine the appropriate  adjustments,  if any, to the (i) maximum
number and class of Shares or other stock or  securities  with  respect to which
Options or Awards may be  granted  under the Plan,  (ii) the number and class of
Shares or other  stock or  securities  which are  subject  to  Director  Options
issuable  under  Section  5; and (iii) the  number  and class of Shares or other
stock or securities  which are subject to outstanding  Options or Awards granted
under the Plan, and the purchase  price  therefor,  if applicable;  and (iv) the
maximum number and class of Shares or other stock or securities  with respect to
which Options or Awards may be granted to any Eligible Employee.

           (b) Any such  adjustment  in the Shares or other stock or  securities
subject to outstanding Incentive Stock Options (including any adjustments in the
purchase price) shall be made in such manner as not to constitute a modification
as  defined by Section  424(h)(3)  of the Code and only to the extent  otherwise
permitted by Sections 422 and 424 of the Code.

           (c) Any stock  adjustment  in the Shares or other stock or securities
subject to  outstanding  Director  Options  (including  any  adjustments  in the
purchase  price)  shall be made only to the extent  necessary  to  maintain  the
proportionate  interest of the Optionee and  preserve,  without  exceeding,  the
value of such Director Option.

           (d) If,  by reason of a Change  in  Capitalization,  a Grantee  of an
Award  shall be  entitled  to, or an  Optionee  shall be entitled to exercise an
Option  with  respect  to,  new,  additional  or  different  shares  of stock or
securities,  such new additional or different  shares shall thereupon be subject
to all of the  conditions,  restrictions  and  performance  criteria  which were
applicable  to the Shares  subject  to the Award or Option,  as the case may be,
prior to such Change in Capitalization.

      13. Effect of Certain  Transactions.  Subject to Sections 7.4, 8.7, 9.4(b)
and 10.4, in the event of (i) the  liquidation  or dissolution of the Company or
(ii) a merger or  consolidation of the Company (a  "Transaction"),  the Plan and
the Options and Awards issued  hereunder  shall continue in effect in accordance
with their  respective  terms and each Optionee and Grantee shall be entitled to
receive in respect of each Share subject to any  outstanding  Options or Awards,
as the case may be,  upon  exercise  of any  Option or payment  or  transfer  in
respect  of any Award,  the same  number  and kind of stock,  securities,  cash,
property,  or other  consideration  that each holder of a Share was  entitled to
receive in the Transaction in respect of a Share.

      14. Termination and Amendment of the Plan. The Plan shall terminate on the
day  preceding the tenth annual  anniversary  of the date of its adoption by the
Board and no Option or Award may be  granted  thereafter.  The Board may  sooner
terminate  the Plan and the Board  may at any time and from time to time  amend,
modify or suspend the Plan; provided, however, that:

           (a) No such amendment, modification,  suspension or termination shall
impair or  adversely  alter any Options or Awards  therefore  granted  under the
Plan,  except  with the  consent  of the  Optionee  or  Grantee,  nor  shall any
amendment,  modification,  suspension  or  termination  deprive any  Optionee or
Grantee of any Shares which he or she may have  acquired  through or as a result
of the Plan;

           (b) To the extent  necessary under applicable law, no amendment shall
be effective  unless  approved by the  stockholders of the Company in accordance
with applicable law and regulations.

           (c) The  provisions of Section 5 shall not be amended more often than
once every six (6) months,  other than to comport with changes in the Code,  the
Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,  or the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder.

      15.  Non-Exclusivity  of the Plan.  The  adoption of the Plan by the Board
shall not be construed  as amending,  modifying  or  rescinding  any  previously
approved  incentive  arrangements or as creating any limitations on the power of
the Board to adopt such other  incentive  arrangements as it may deem desirable,
including,  without  limitation,  the granting of stock options  otherwise  than
under the Plan, and such arrangements may be either applicable generally or only
in specific cases.

      16.  Limitation of Liability.  As  illustrative  of the  limitations  of
liability of the Company,  but not intended to be exhaustive thereof,  nothing
in the Plan shall be construed to:

                (i)  give any  person  any  right to be  granted  an Option or
                Award other than at the sole discretion of the Committee;

                (ii) give any  person any rights  whatsoever  with  respect to
                Shares except as specifically provided in the Plan;

                (iii)limit  in  any  way  the  right  of  the  Company  or any
                Subsidiary  to terminate  the  employment of any person at any
                time; or

                (iv) be evidence of any agreement or understanding, expressed or
                implied,  that  the  Company  will  employ  any  person  at  any
                particular rate of compensation or for any particular  period of

      17.  Regulations and Other Approvals; Governing Law.

      17.1 Except as to matters of federal law,  this Plan and the rights of all
persons claiming  hereunder shall be construed and determined in accordance with
the  laws of the  State of Texas  without  giving  effect  to  conflict  of laws

      17.2 The  obligation of the Company to sell or deliver Shares with respect
to Options and Awards  granted under the Plan shall be subject to all applicable
laws,  rules  and  regulations,  including  all  applicable  federal  and  state
securities  laws,  and the  obtaining  of all  such  approvals  by  governmental
agencies as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee.

      17.3 The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3  promulgated under the
Exchange Act and Section 162 (m) of the Code, and the Committee  shall interpret
and  administer  the  provisions  of the  Plan  or  any  Agreement  in a  manner
consistent  therewith.  Any provisions  inconsistent  with such Rule and Section
162(m) of the Code shall be inoperative and shall not affect the validity of the

      17.4 The Board may make such changes as may be necessary or appropriate to
comply with the rules and regulations of any government authority,  or to obtain
for Eligible  Employees  granted  Incentive Stock Options the tax benefits under
the applicable provisions of the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder.

      17.5 Each Option and Award is subject to the  requirement  that, if at any
time the Committee determines, in its discretion, that the listing, registration
or  qualification  of Shares  issuable  pursuant  to the Plan is required by any
securities  exchange  or under any  state or  federal  law,  or the  consent  or
approval of any  governmental  regulatory  body is  necessary  or desirable as a
condition  of,  or in  connection  with,  the grant of an Option or Award or the
issuance  of Shares,  no Options or Awards  shall be granted or payment  made or
Shares issued, in whole or in part, unless listing, registration, qualification,
consent or approval  has been  effected or obtained  free of any  conditions  as
acceptable to the Committee.

      17.6  Notwithstanding  anything  contained in the Plan or any Agreement to
the contrary,  in the event that the disposition of Shares acquired  pursuant to
the Plan is not  covered  by a then  current  registration  statement  under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended,  and is not  otherwise  exempt  from such
registration,  such Shares shall be  restricted  against  transfer to the extent
required  by the  Securities  Act of  1933,  as  amended,  and Rule 144 or other
regulations  thereunder.  The  Committee  may require any  individual  receiving
Shares  pursuant to an Option or Award  granted  under the Plan,  as a condition
precedent to receipt of such Shares,  to represent and warrant to the Company in
writing that the Shares acquired by such individual are acquired  without a view
to any  distribution  thereof  and will not be sold or  transferred  other  than
pursuant to an effective  registration  thereof under said Act or pursuant to an
exemption  applicable under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder.  The certificates evidencing any of such
Shares shall be  appropriately  amended to reflect  their  status as  restricted
securities as aforesaid.

      18. Pooling Transactions.  Notwithstanding  anything contained in the Plan
or any Agreement to the  contrary,  in the event of a Change in Control which is
also intended to constitute a pooling  transaction under the Code, the Committee
shall  take  such  actions,  if  any,  as  are  specifically  recommended  by an
independent  accounting  firm  retained by the Company to the extent  reasonable
necessary in order to assure that the pooling  transaction will qualify as such,
including  but not limited to (i)  deferring  the  vesting,  exercise,  payment,
settlement or lapsing of restrictions  with respect to any Option or Award, (ii)
providing  that the payment or  settlement  in respect of any Option or Award be
made in the form of cash, Shares or securities of a successor or acquirer of the
Company,  or a  combination  of the  foregoing,  and  (iii)  providing  for  the
extension  of the  term of any  Option  or  Award  to the  extent  necessary  to
accommodate  the  foregoing,  but not beyond the maximum term  permitted for any
Option or Award.

      19.  Miscellaneous.

      19.1  Multiple  Agreements.  The terms of each  Option or Award may differ
from other Options or Awards granted under the Plan at the same time, or at some
other  time.  The  Committee  may also  grant more than one Option or Award to a
given Eligible  Employee during the term of the Plan,  either in addition to, or
in substitution  for, one or more Options or Awards  previously  granted to that
Eligible Employee.

      19.2  Withholding of Taxes. (a) The Company shall have the right to deduct
from any  distribution of cash to any Director,  Optionee or Grantee,  an amount
equal to the federal,  state and local income taxes and other  amounts as may be
required by law to be withheld  (the  "Withholding  Taxes")  with respect to the
receipt of any retainer fee, Option or Award. If a Director, Optionee or Grantee
is to  experience  a taxable  event in  connection  with the  receipt  of Shares
pursuant  to a payment  in stock,  Option  exercise  or  payment  of an Award (a
"Taxable  Event"),  the Director,  Optionee or Grantee shall pay the Withholding
Taxes to the Company  prior to the  issuance,  or release from  escrow,  of such
Shares.  In  satisfaction  of the  obligation  to pay  Withholding  Taxes to the
Company, the Director, Optionee or Grantee may make a written election (the "Tax
Election"), which may be accepted or rejected in the discretion of the Committee
or Company  Secretary,  as applicable,  to have withheld a portion of the Shares
then issuable to him or her having an aggregate  Fair Market Value,  on the date
preceding  the  date of such  issuance,  equal  to the  Withholding  Taxes.  The
Committee may, by the adoption of rules or otherwise,  (i) modify the provisions
of this  Section  19.2 (other than as regards  Director  Options) or impose such
other restrictions or limitations on Tax Elections as may be necessary to ensure
that the Tax Elections  will be exempt  transactions  under Section 16(b) of the
Exchange  Act, and (ii) permit Tax  Elections to be made at such other times and
subject to such other  conditions as the Committee  determines  will  constitute
exempt transactions under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act.

           (b) If an Optionee makes a disposition, within the meaning of Section
424(c)  of the Code and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder,  of any  Share or
Shares  issued to such Optionee  pursuant to the exercise of an Incentive  Stock
Option  within the two-year  period  commencing on the day after the date of the
grant or within  the  one-year  period  commencing  on the day after the date of
transfer of such Share or Shares to the Optionee pursuant to such exercise,  the
Optionee  shall,  within ten (10) days of such  disposition,  notify the Company
thereof, by delivery of written notice to the Company at its principal executive

           (c) The Committee  shall have the authority,  at the time of grant of
an Employee Option or Award under the Plan or at any time  thereafter,  to award
tax bonuses to designated Optionees or Grantees,  to be paid upon their exercise
of  Employee  Options or payment in  respect of Awards  granted  hereunder.  The
amount of any such payments shall be determined by the Committee.  The Committee
shall have full authority in its absolute  discretion to determine the amount of
any such tax bonus  and the  terms and  conditions  affecting  the  vesting  and
payment thereof.

      20.  Effective Date. The effective date of the Plan shall be May 31, 1997,
after the date of its adoption by the Board, and the approval by the affirmative
vote of the holders of a majority of the securities of the Company  present,  or
represented,  and  entitled  to vote at a meeting of  stockholders  duly held in
accordance with the applicable laws of the State of Delaware within 12 months of
such adoption.

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10R

                             MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

      This Management Agreement, dated as of July 17, 1997 (the "Agreement"), is
entered  into by and  among  Eureka  Venture  Partners,  III,  a  Texas  limited
liability  partnership  ("Eureka"),  EVP Colonial,  Inc., a Delaware corporation
("Colonial"),  Nathan  Morton,  an individual  residing in Texas,  Avery More, a
individual  residing in Texas, and Robert Boutin, a individual residing in Texas
(Messrs.  Morton,  More and Boutin  sometimes  collectively  referred  to as the
"Executives," and individually as the "Executive").


      WHEREAS,  Eureka and Colonial are parties to a Stock Purchase Agreement of
even date herewith,  (the "Stock Purchase  Agreement")  pursuant to which Eureka
will purchase nineteen and nine tenths percent (19.9%) of the outstanding Common
Stock of Colonial,  par value $.01 per share (the "Common  Stock") and a warrant
to acquire an  additional  twenty  and one tenth  percent  (20.1%) of the Common

      WHEREAS,  the Stock Purchase Agreement provides that Eureka, as Purchaser,
will manage and operate  Colonial  under the  direction of  Colonial's  Board of
Directors  (the  "Board"),  and  that  Messrs.  Morton,  More  and  Boutin  will
participate in the management of Colonial;

      WHEREAS,  Colonial  wishes to appoint  Eureka as manager of Colonial,  and
Messrs.  Morton,  More and  Boutin  as the  Co-Chairman  of the Board and CEO of
Colonial,  Vice Chairman of the Board, and Chief Financial  Officer of Colonial,
respectively and Eureka and Messrs.  More, Boutin and Morton wish to accept such

      NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  premises,   obligations,  and
agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,  the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,  and subject to and on
the terms and conditions set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

      1.   Definitions.   The  following  capitalized  terms  shall  have  the
meanings   specified  herein.  All  capitalized  terms  used  herein  and  not
otherwise  defined  shall  have the  meanings  ascribed  to them in the  Stock
Purchase Agreement.

           "Affiliate"  -  Any  Person   directly  or  indirectly   controlling,
      controlled by or under common control with the Person in question;  if the
      Person in question is a corporation,  any executive officer or director of
      the  Person in  question  or of any  corporation  directly  or  indirectly
      controlling  the  Person  in  question.  As  used in  this  definition  of
      "Affiliate,"  the  term  "control"  means  the  possession,   directly  or
      indirectly,  of  the  power  to  direct  or  cause  the  direction  of the
      management  and  policies of a Person,  whether  through the  ownership of
      voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

           "Agreement  Period" - With  respect  to  Eureka,  the  period of time
      during  which  Eureka is a holder of Common  Stock;  with  respect  to any
      Executive,  the period of time during which the Executives are employed by
      Colonial or a successor  in  interest  which,  in the event of a Resulting
      Transaction,  shall be for a  minimum  period  of one year  following  the
      completion  of  a  Resulting  Transaction  unless  the  employment  of  an
      Executive is earlier terminated by the Board, provided however that unless
      extended by the Board,  the  appointment  and  compensation  provisions of
      Sections 2, 3, 4 and 4 of this Agreement  shall not extend beyond June 30,
      2000 with respect to Eureka or any Executive

           "Confidential Information" - any and all:

           (a) trade  secrets  concerning  the business and affairs of Colonial,
      product specifications, data, know-how, formulae, compositions, processes,
      designs, sketches, photographs,  graphs, drawings, samples, inventions and
      ideas,  past,  current and planned research and  development,  current and
      planned  manufacturing  or  distribution  methods and processes,  customer
      lists, price lists, market studies,  business plans, computer software and
      programs  (including  object code and source code),  computer software and
      database technologies,  systems, structures and architectures (and related
      formulae,  compositions,   processes,  improvements,   devices,  know-how,
      inventions,   discoveries,   concepts,   ideas,   designs,   methods   and
      information),  and any other information,  however  documented,  that is a
      trade secret within the meaning of applicable state trade secret law; and

           (b)  information  concerning  the  business  and  affairs of Colonial
      (which includes historical financial statements, financial projections and
      budgets,  historical and projected  sales,  capital  spending  budgets and
      plans,  targeted  markets,  strategic plans,  offers to and from potential
      buy-out   candidates,   information   concerning  merger  and  acquisition
      activity,  information  concerning  a Resulting  Transaction,  information
      concerning  financing obtained by Colonial,  financing sources or attempts
      to obtain financing, the names and backgrounds of key personnel, personnel
      training and techniques and materials, however documented); and

           (c)  notes,  analyses,  compilations,  studies,  summaries  and other
      material  prepared by or for Colonial  containing or based, in whole or in
      part, on any information included in the foregoing.

           (d) None of the foregoing obligations and restrictions applies to any
      part of the Confidential  Information  that became generally  available to
      the  public  other  than as a result  of a  disclosure  in  breach of this
      Agreement.  Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement,  Eureka or an
      Executive  shall not be prevented from  disclosing  information  which (i)
      becomes publicly known through no unauthorized act of Eureka, an Executive
      or  their  agents;  or  (ii) is  independently  developed  without  use of
      Confidential  Information.  In addition,  Confidential  Information may be
      disclosed to the extent,  and only to the extent,  required by  applicable
      law,  regulation,   or  judicial  or  regulatory  process,   provided  the
      disclosing  party  (unless  prohibited  by  law or  regulations)  promptly
      notifies the Board of Colonial of each such  disclosure  prior to it being

           "Executive Invention" - any idea, invention, technique, modification,
      process or improvement  (whether patentable or not), any industrial design
      (whether  registerable or not), and any work of authorship (whether or not
      copyright  protection  may be  obtained  for  it)  created,  conceived  or
      developed by an Executive,  either solely or in  conjunction  with others,
      during the period in which he or she is employed by Colonial,  or a period
      that  includes a portion of the period in which he or she is  employed  by
      Colonial,  that  relates in any way to, or is useful in any manner in, the
      business then being conducted or proposed to be conducted by Colonial, and
      any such item created by Colonial,  either solely or in  conjunction  with
      others, that is based upon or uses Confidential Information.

           "Person" - Any  individual,  corporation,  association,  partnership,
      limited liability company or partnership,  joint venture, trust, estate or
      other entity or organization.

           "Post-Agreement  Period"  - The  Post-Agreement  Period  as  to  each
      Executive shall be the period  beginning on the date of the termination of
      the  Agreement  Period  for  Eureka or each  Executive  and  ending on the
      seventh (7th) day following such termination  unless,  as to an Executive,
      Colonial has advised such Executive  within such seven (7) day period that
      it elects to extend the Post-Agreement  Period which Colonial may do for a
      period ending 6 months  following the termination of the Agreement  Period
      provided  that  such  extension   shall   obligate   Colonial  to  pay  as
      consideration  for such  extension  an amount  equal to the annual  salary
      provided for such Executive in this Agreement  payable ratable over such 6
      month period. As to Eureka, the Post-Agreement  Period shall be six months
      for employees of Eureka other than Executives.

           "Agreement  Relating to  Delegation  of  Authority"  - The  Agreement
      Relating  to  Delegation  of  Authority,  dated as of July __, 1997 by and
      between Eureka and Tandy Corporation
      2.   Appointment  of Eureka.  Eureka is hereby  appointed  by  Colonial,
and Eureka hereby  accepts the  appointment,  as manager of Colonial to manage
the day-to-day operations of Colonial.

      3 Appointment of Mr. Morton.  Mr. Morton is hereby  appointed by Colonial,
and Mr. Morton hereby accepts the  appointment,  to the office of Co-Chairman of
the  Board and CEO of  Colonial.  Mr.  Morton  will  undertake  and  assume  the
responsibilities which would ordinarily or customarily be associated with such a
position with a comparable employer and will use his best efforts in performing,
for and on behalf of and at the sole cost and expense of  Colonial,  any and all
such responsibilities and such additional and related responsibilities as may be
from time to time reasonably  designated by the Board.  Mr. Morton shall receive
an  initial  annual  salary  of  $400,000,  payable  bi-weekly  at the  rate  of
$15,384.61,   as  reviewed  and  adjusted  upward  from  time  to  time  by  the
compensation committee of the Board (the "Compensation  Committee").  Mr. Morton
shall also receive such bonuses and other employee  benefits as the Compensation
Committee, in its sole discretion,  shall determine. Mr. Morton shall devote all
of his business time and attention to his duties as Co-Chairman of the Board and
CEO of Colonial,  provided  that Mr. Morton may spend time managing his personal
investments  provided that such activities do not interfere with his obligations
to Colonial hereunder.

      Mr. Morton shall serve as Co-Chairman of the Board and CEO until such time
as he resigns,  retires,  dies,  becomes disabled or is removed by the Board or,
with  respect to his  service as a director  of  Colonial,  is  replaced  by the
shareholders.  If Mr.  Morton or any  successor  officer  resigns,  retires,  is
removed,  dies or becomes  disabled,  his or her successor shall be appointed by
the Board.

      4.   Appointment  of Mr.  Boutin.  Mr.  Boutin  is hereby  appointed  by
Colonial,  and Mr. Boutin  hereby  accepts the  appointment,  to the office of
Chief  Financial  Officer of Colonial.  Mr.  Boutin will  undertake and assume
the  responsibilities  which would  ordinarily  or  customarily  be associated
with  such a  position  with a  comparable  employer  and  will  use his  best
efforts in  performing,  for and on behalf of and at the sole cost and expense
of  Colonial,  any and all  such  responsibilities  and  such  additional  and
related  responsibilities  as may be from time to time  reasonably  designated
by  the  Board.   Mr.  Boutin  shall  receive  an  initial  annual  salary  of
$200,000,  payable  bi-weekly  at the  rate  of  $7,692.31,  as  reviewed  and
adjusted upward from time to time by the  Compensation  Committee of the Board
(the  "Compensation  Committee").  Mr.  Boutin  shall also  receive such other
employee  benefits  as the  Compensation  Committee,  in its sole  discretion,
shall  determine.  Mr.  Boutin  shall  devote  all of his  business  time  and
attention  to his  duties as Chief  Financial  Officer of  Colonial,  provided
that Mr.  Boutin may spend time  managing  his personal  investments  provided
that  such  activities  do not  interfere  with his  obligations  to  Colonial

      Mr.  Boutin shall serve as Chief  Financial  Officer until such time as he
resigns,  retires,  dies,  becomes  disabled or is removed by the Board or, with
respect  to  his  service  as  a  director  of  Colonial,  is  replaced  by  the
shareholders.  If Mr.  Boutin or any  successor  officer  resigns,  retires,  is
removed,  dies or becomes  disabled,  his or her successor shall be appointed by
the Board.

      5.   Appointment  of  Mr.  More.   Mr.  More  is  hereby   appointed  by
Colonial,  and Mr. More hereby accepts the appointment,  to the office of Vice
Chairman  of the Board of  Colonial.  Mr. More will  undertake  and assume the
responsibilities  which would  ordinarily or  customarily  be associated  with
such a position  with a  comparable  employer and will use his best efforts in
performing,  for  and on  behalf  of  and at the  sole  cost  and  expense  of
Colonial,  any and all such  responsibilities  and such additional and related
responsibilities  as may be from  time to time  reasonably  designated  by the
Board.  Mr. More shall receive an initial  annual salary of $300,000,  payable
bi-weekly at the rate of  $11,538.46,  as reviewed  and  adjusted  upward from
time to time by the  Compensation  Committee  of the Board (the  "Compensation
Committee").  Mr. More shall also  receive  such  bonuses  and other  employee
benefits  as  the  Compensation  Committee,  in  its  sole  discretion,  shall
determine.  Mr.  More  shall  devote  three-quarters  of all  of his  business
time and  attention  to his duties as  Co-Chairman  of the Board of  Colonial,
provided  that Mr.  More may spend  time  managing  his  personal  investments
provided  that  such  activities  do not  interfere  with his  obligations  to
Colonial hereunder.

      Mr. More shall  serve as Vice  Chairman of the Board until such time as he
resigns,  retires,  dies,  becomes disabled or is removed by the Board, or, with
respect  to  his  service  as  a  director  of  Colonial,  is  replaced  by  the
shareholders. If Mr. More or any successor officer resigns, retires, is removed,
dies or becomes disabled, his or her successor shall be appointed by the Board.

      6.   Covenants of Eureka.

           a.  Management.  Eureka will manage  Colonial in accordance  with the
best  interests  of the  shareholders,  the  EBITDA  Plan and  otherwise  in its
discretion,  subject to the review of the Board. Eureka may not take any actions
requiring Board approval,  as set forth in the Agreement  Relating to Delegation
of Authority of even date herewith.  In the event Eureka exercises its Put under
the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  or Tandy  Corporation  as a party to the  Stock
Purchase Agreement exercises its right to reacquire the Common Stock of Colonial
held by Eureka,  Eureka shall resign its appointment as manager of Colonial.  In
the event any of the Executives resigns,  retires,  dies, becomes disabled or is
removed by the Board,  Eureka shall  undertake to locate a suitable  replacement
for any such Executive for election by the Board.

           b.   Confidentiality.

                (i) During and following the  Agreement  Period,  Eureka and its
officers,  employees  and  Affiliates  performing  this  Agreement  or providing
services hereunder will hold in confidence the Confidential Information and will
not disclose it to any person except with the specific prior written  consent of
the Board.

                (ii) Any trade  secrets of  Colonial  will be entitled to all of
the  protections  and benefits under  applicable  state trade secret law and any
other  applicable  law.  If any  information  that the Board deems to be a trade
secret is found by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  not to be a trade secret
for  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  such  information  will,  nevertheless,  be
considered  Confidential  Information  for  purposes of this  Agreement.  Eureka
waives any requirement  that the Board submit proof of the economic value of any
trade secret or post a bond or other security.

                (iii)None of the foregoing  obligations and restrictions applies
to any  part  of the  Confidential  Information  that  was or  became  generally
available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure in breach of this
Agreement.  Notwithstanding any provision of this agreement, Eureka shall not be
prevented from disclosing  information  which (i) becomes publicly known through
no unauthorized act of Eureka or its agents; or (ii) is independently  developed
without use of Confidential Information.  In addition,  Confidential Information
may be disclosed to the extent,  and only to the extent,  required by applicable
law,  regulation,  or judicial or regulatory  process,  provided the  disclosing
party (unless  prohibited by law or regulations)  promptly  notifies Colonial of
each such disclosure prior to it being made.

                (iv) Eureka will not remove from Colonial's  premises (except to
the extent such removal is for  purposes of the  performance  of its duties,  or
except as otherwise specifically authorized by the Board) any document,  record,
notebook,  plan, model, component,  device or computer software or code, whether
embodied in a disk or in any other form (collectively, the "Proprietary Items").
Eureka  recognizes that, as between itself and Colonial,  all of the Proprietary
Items,  whether  or not  developed  by Eureka,  are the  exclusive  property  of
Colonial.  Upon the  termination  of this  Agreement  or upon the request of the
Board,  Eureka will return to Colonial all of the Proprietary  Items in Eureka's
possession  or subject to its  control,  and Eureka shall not retain any copies,
abstracts,  sketches  or other  physical  embodiment  of any of the  Proprietary

           c. Disputes or Controversies. Eureka recognizes that should a dispute
or  controversy  arising from or relating to this  Agreement  be  submitted  for
adjudication  to  any  court,  arbitration  panel  or  other  third  party,  the
preservation of the secrecy of Confidential Information may be jeopardized.  All
pleadings,  documents,  testimony and records relating to any such  adjudication
will be  maintained  in secrecy  and will be  available  for  inspection  by the
relevant parties and their respective  attorneys and experts, who will agree, in
advance and in writing, to receive and maintain all such information in secrecy,
except as may be limited by them in writing.

           d.   Non-Compete.   Eureka   and  its   officers,   employees   and
Affiliates  performing  services to Colonial under this  Agreement,  will not,
directly or indirectly:

                (i) during the Agreement  Period,  except in connection with its
responsibilities  hereunder,  and during the Post-Agreement  Period,  engage in,
manage, operate, control or participate in the management, operation, or control
of, be employed by,  associated  with, or in any manner connected with, lend its
or any  Affiliate's  name or any similar  name to,  lend its or any  Affiliate's
credit to or render  services  or advice  to, any  business  whose  products  or
activities compete in whole or in part with the products, services or activities
of Colonial anywhere within the United States or any foreign jurisdiction except
that Eureka's owners may continue to engage in the following existing businesses
described  for each  Executive  below,  provided  that  such  activities  do not
interfere  with  Eureka's  management  obligations  under  this  Agreement  (the
"Existing Businesses"):

                     (x)  PC  Service  Source,   Inc.  and  its   subsidiaries
engaged  in  activities  relating  to the sale and  distribution  of spare and
replacement  parts for the  repair  and  service  of  personal  computers  and
peripherals; and

                     (y)  TeKnowlogy,  Inc.  and its  subsidiaries  engaged in
computer  network  application   training  through  its  TeKnowlogy  Education

provided,  further however, that Eureka or any Affiliate thereof may purchase or
otherwise  acquire up to (but not more  than)  five (5)  percent of any class of
securities  of  any  enterprise  (but  without  otherwise  participating  in the
activities of such  enterprise) if such securities are listed on any national or
regional  securities exchange or have been registered under Section 12(g) of the
Securities Exchange Act, as amended;

                (ii)  whether  for  Eureka's  own  account or the account of any
other  Person,  at any time during the Agreement  Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit  business  of the same or  similar  type  being  carried  on by
Colonial, from any Person known by Eureka to be a customer of Colonial;

                (iii)whether  for  Eureka's  own  account or the  account of any
other Person (A) at any time during the Agreement Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit,  employ or otherwise  engage as an employee or otherwise,  any
person who is or was an employee  of  Colonial at any time during the  Agreement
Period or in any manner induce or attempt to induce any such person to terminate
his or her  association  with Colonial;  or (B) at any time during the Agreement
Period and the  Post-Agreement  Period,  interfere with Colonial's  relationship
with any  person,  including  any  person who at any time  during the  Agreement
Period was an employee, contractor, supplier or customer of Colonial; or

                (iv) at any time during or after the Agreement Period, disparage
Colonial or any of its stockholders, directors, officers, employees or agents.

                (v)  if  Eureka  and  its  officers,  employees  and  Affiliates
performing this Agreement or providing  services  hereunder  becomes aware of an
opportunity to have any direct or indirect  ownership  interest in any person or
entity  that is  engaged  in, or  proposes  to engage in, or an  opportunity  to
participate in any other manner,  in any business  which is arguably  within the
scope of both (i) the businesses in which Colonial engages or proposes to engage
and (ii) the  businesses  in which any of the  Existing  Businesses  engages  or
proposes to engage (the "Business Opportunity"),  Eureka must fully disclose the
terms of such Business  Opportunity  to the Board and offer  Colonial a right of
first offer to pursue  such  Business  Opportunity  itself or through any one or
more of its subsidiaries. The decision to pursue a Business Opportunity shall be
made by approval of a majority of the Board. Any such disclosure by Eureka shall
be  accompanied  by all  information  in the  possession  of  Eureka  reasonably
necessary  to enable  the Board to make an  informed  decision  as to whether to
pursue such Business Opportunity,  and shall not contain any untrue statement of
a  material  fact  or omit  to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make  the
statements  therein not misleading.  It is understood and agreed that a decision
by the Board not to pursue any such Business  Opportunity  after having received
information  complying  with this  Section  6(d) shall  apply to all present and
future  products or  services  within such  Business  Opportunity,  and that the
provisions  of this Section 6(d) shall not require  Eureka,  from and after such
time as the Board has elected not to pursue a proposed Business Opportunity,  to
present any additional products or services within such Business  Opportunity to
the Board for potential pursuit by Colonial and/or its subsidiaries.

If any covenant of this Section  6(d) is held to be  unreasonable,  arbitrary or
against  public  policy,  such covenant will be considered to be divisible  with
respect to scope,  time and  geographic  area,  and such lesser  scope,  time or
geographic  area,  or all of them,  as a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  may
determine to be reasonable, not arbitrary and not against public policy, will be
effective, binding and enforceable against Eureka or any Affiliate thereof.

The period of time  applicable  to any  covenant  in this  Section  6(d) will be
extended by the duration of any violation by Eureka of such covenant.

           e.   Accounting.    During  the  Agreement  Period,  Eureka and its
officers,   employees  and  affiliates  performing  under  this  Agreement  or
providing services hereunder:
                (i) will keep and  maintain the books and records of Colonial in
accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles  consistent with past
practices of Tandy Corporation ("Tandy");

                (ii) will  provide  full and fair  disclosure  of all  corporate
transactions  of Colonial to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial and the internal audit staff of Tandy;

                (iii)will upon  reasonable  request  provide access to the books
and  records of Colonial  to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial  and the internal  audit staff of Tandy for the purpose of  examination
and audit; and

                (iv) will permit the independent  certified public accountant of
Colonial  and the  internal  audit  staff  of  Tandy  to  observe  all  physical
inventories conducted of the assets of Colonial.

      7.   Covenants of Mr. Morton.

           a.  Management.  In performing his duties as Co-Chairman of the Board
and CEO,  Mr.  Morton  will act in  accordance  with the best  interests  of the
shareholders and the EBITDA Plan. In the event Eureka exercises its right to put
the  Common  Stock of  Colonial  under the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  or Tandy
exercises  its right to reacquire  the Common Stock of Colonial  held by Eureka,
Mr.  Morton will  immediately  tender his  resignation  as a director  and as an
officer of Colonial  effective at the time of the  consummation of such purchase
or sale.

           b.   Confidentiality.

                (i) During and following the Agreement  Period,  Mr. Morton will
hold in confidence the Confidential  Information and will not disclose it to any
person except with the specific prior written consent of the Board.

                (ii) Any trade  secrets of  Colonial  will be entitled to all of
the  protections  and benefits under  applicable  state trade secret law and any
other  applicable  law.  If any  information  that the Board deems to be a trade
secret is found by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  not to be a trade secret
for  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  such  information  will,  nevertheless,  be
considered Confidential  Information for purposes of this Agreement.  Mr. Morton
waives any requirement  that the Board submit proof of the economic value of any
trade secret or post a bond or other security.

                (iii)None of the foregoing  obligations and restrictions applies
to any  part  of the  Confidential  Information  that  was or  became  generally
available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure in breach of this
Agreement. Notwithstanding any provision of this agreement, Mr. Morton shall not
be  prevented  from  disclosing  information  which (i) becomes  publicly  known
through no unauthorized  act of the Executive,  Eureka,  or its agents;  or (ii)
independently  developed without use of Confidential  Information.  In addition,
confidential information may be disclosed to the extent, and only to the extent,
required by  applicable  law,  regulation,  or judicial or  regulatory  process,
provided the disclosing party (unless prohibited by law or regulations) promptly
notifies Colonial of each such disclosure prior to it being made.

                (iv) Mr. Morton will not remove from Colonial's premises (except
to the extent such removal is for purposes of the  performance  of his duties at
home or while traveling,  or except as otherwise specifically  authorized by the
Board) any Proprietary Items. Mr. Morton recognizes that, as between himself and
Colonial, all of the Proprietary Items, whether or not developed by him, are the
exclusive  property of Colonial.  Upon the termination of this Agreement or upon
the  request  of the  Board,  Mr.  Morton  will  return to  Colonial  all of the
Proprietary Items in his possession or subject to its control,  and he shall not
retain any copies,  abstracts,  sketches or other physical  embodiment of any of
the Proprietary Items.

           c. Disputes or  Controversies.  Mr. Morton  recognizes  that should a
dispute or  controversy  arising from or relating to this Agreement be submitted
for  adjudication  to any court,  arbitration  panel or other third  party,  the
preservation of the secrecy of Confidential Information may be jeopardized.  All
pleadings,  documents,  testimony and records relating to any such  adjudication
will be  maintained  in secrecy  and will be  available  for  inspection  by the
relevant parties and their respective  attorneys and experts, who will agree, in
advance and in writing, to receive and maintain all such information in secrecy,
except as may be limited by them in writing.

           d.   Non-Compete.  Mr. Morton will not, directly or indirectly:

                (i) during the Agreement  Period,  except in connection with his
responsibilities  hereunder,  and during the Post-Agreement  Period,  engage in,
manage, operate, control or participate in the management,  operation or control
of, be employed by,  associated  with, or in any manner connected with, lend his
or any  Affiliate's  name or any similar  name to,  lend his or any  Affiliate's
credit to or render  services  or advice  to, any  business  whose  products  or
activities  compete  in whole or in part  with the  products  or  activities  of
Colonial,  or the proposed products and activities of Colonial,  anywhere within
the  United  States or any  foreign  jurisdiction,  except  that Mr.  Morton may
continue to engage in the following existing businesses:

                     (x)  Communication  Expo as a director  and  chairman for
a reasonably  necessary  period (not to exceed 9 months) from the date of this
Agreement; and

                     (y)  Service  as  a  board  member  and  in  an  advisory
capacity  to  corporations  and  other  business  with  which  Mr.  Morton  is
presently involved

provided that such activities do not interfere with Mr.  Morton's  obligations
to Colonial hereunder;

provided  further,  however,  notwithstanding  Section 7(d)(v) hereof,  that Mr.
Morton or any  Affiliate  may purchase or otherwise  acquire up to (but not more
than) five (5) percent of any class of securities of any enterprise (but without
otherwise participating in the activities of such enterprise) if such securities
are  listed  on any  national  or  regional  securities  exchange  or have  been
registered under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended;

                (ii) whether for Mr.  Morton's own account or the account of any
other  Person,  at any time during the Agreement  Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit  business  of the same or  similar  type  being  carried  on by
Colonial, from any Person known by him to be a customer of Colonial,  whether or
not he had  personal  contact  with  such  Person  during  and by  reason of his
position with Colonial;

                (iii)whether  for Mr. Morton's own account or the account of any
other Person (A) at any time during the Agreement Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit,  employ or otherwise  engage as an employee or otherwise,  any
person who is or was an employee  of  Colonial at any time during the  Agreement
Period or in any manner induce or attempt to induce any such person to terminate
his or her  association  with Colonial;  or (B) at any time during the Agreement
Period and the  Post-Agreement  Period,  interfere with Colonial's  relationship
with any  person,  including  any  person who at any time  during the  Agreement
Period was an employee, contractor, supplier or customer of Colonial; or

                (iv) at any time during or after the Agreement Period, disparage
Colonial or any of its stockholders, directors, officers, employees or agents.

                (v) if Mr. Morton  becomes aware of a Business  Opportunity,  he
must fully  disclose  the terms of such  Business  Opportunity  to the Board and
offer Colonial a right of first offer to pursue such Business Opportunity itself
or  through  any one or more of its  subsidiaries.  The  decision  to  pursue  a
Business  Opportunity  shall be made by approval of a majority of the Board (and
Mr. Morton will abstain from voting on the Business  Opportunity  as a member of
the Board).  Any such  disclosure  by Mr.  Morton  shall be  accompanied  by all
information in his possession  reasonably  necessary to enable the Board to make
an  informed  decision as to whether to pursue such  Business  Opportunity,  and
shall not contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a
material fact necessary to make the  statements  therein not  misleading.  It is
understood  and  agreed  that a  decision  by the Board  not to pursue  any such
Business  Opportunity  after having  received  information  complying  with this
Section 7(d) shall apply to all present and future  products or services  within
such Business  Opportunity,  and that the  provisions of this Section 7(d) shall
not require Mr. Morton, from and after such time as the Board has elected not to
pursue a proposed Business  Opportunity,  to present any additional  products or
services within such Business  Opportunity to the Board for potential pursuit by
Colonial and/or its subsidiaries.

If any covenant of this Section  7(d) is held to be  unreasonable,  arbitrary or
against  public  policy,  such covenant will be considered to be divisible  with
respect to scope,  time and  geographic  area,  and such lesser  scope,  time or
geographic  area,  or all of them,  as a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  may
determine to be reasonable, not arbitrary and not against public policy, will be
effective, binding and enforceable against Mr. Morton or any Affiliate.

The period of time  applicable  to any  covenant  in this  Section  7(d) will be
extended by the duration of any violation by Mr. Morton of such covenant

           e.   Executive  Inventions.  Each  Executive  Invention will belong
exclusively  to  Colonial.   Mr.  Morton   acknowledges   that  all  Executive
Inventions  are works made for hire and the  property of  Colonial,  including
any  copyrights,  patents or other  intellectual  property  rights  pertaining
thereto.  If it is  determined  that any such  works  are not  works  made for
hire Mr.  Morton  hereby  assigns  to  Colonial  all of his  right,  title and
interest,  including  all rights of copyright,  patent and other  intellectual
property  rights,  to  or  in  such  Executive  Inventions.  Mr.  Morton  will

                (i)  disclose   to  the  Board  in   writing   any   Executive

                (ii) assign to Colonial or to a party  designated  by the Board,
at the Board's request and without additional compensation,  all of his right to
the Executive Invention for the United States and all foreign jurisdictions;

                (iii)execute  and  deliver  to  the  Board  such   applications,
assignments  and other  documents as the Board may request in order to apply for
and  obtain  patents  or  other  registrations  with  respect  to any  Executive
Invention in the United States and any foreign jurisdictions;

                (iv) sign all other  papers  necessary  to carry out the above
obligations; and

                (v) give  testimony and render any other  assistance but without
expense to himself in support of Colonial's rights to any Executive Invention.

           f.   Accounting.    During the Agreement Period, Mr. Morton:

                (i) will keep and  maintain the books and records of Colonial in
accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles  consistent with past
practices of Tandy;

                (ii) will  provide  full and fair  disclosure  of all  corporate
transactions  of Colonial to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial and the internal audit staff of Tandy;

                (iii)will upon  reasonable  request  provide access to the books
and  records of Colonial  to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial for the purpose of examination and audit; and

                (iv) will permit the independent  certified public accountant of
Colonial  and the  internal  audit  staff  of  Tandy  to  observe  all  physical
inventories conducted of the assets of Colonial.

      8.   Covenants of Mr. Boutin.

           a. Management.  In performing his duties as Chief Financial  Officer,
Mr. Boutin will act in accordance  with the best  interests of the  shareholders
and the EBITDA Plan.  In the event Eureka  exercises its right to put the Common
Stock of Colonial  under the Stock  Purchase  Agreement or Tandy  exercises  its
right to reacquire the Common Stock of Colonial held by Eureka,  Mr. Boutin will
immediately  tender his  resignation as a director and as an officer of Colonial
effective upon consummation of such purchase or sale.

           b.   Confidentiality.

                (i) During and following the Agreement  Period,  Mr. Boutin will
hold in confidence the Confidential  Information and will not disclose it to any
person except with the specific prior written consent of the Board.

                (ii) Any trade  secrets of  Colonial  will be entitled to all of
the  protections  and benefits under  applicable  state trade secret law and any
other  applicable  law.  If any  information  that the Board deems to be a trade
secret is found by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  not to be a trade secret
for  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  such  information  will,  nevertheless,  be
considered Confidential  Information for purposes of this Agreement.  Mr. Boutin
waives any requirement  that the Board submit proof of the economic value of any
trade secret or post a bond or other security.

                (iii)None of the foregoing  obligations and restrictions applies
to any  part  of the  Confidential  Information  that  was or  became  generally
available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure in breach of this
Agreement. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, Mr. Boutin shall not
be  prevented  from  disclosing  information  which (i) becomes  publicly  known
through no unauthorized act of the Executive,  Eureka, or its agents; or (ii) is
independently  developed without use of Confidential  Information.  In addition,
confidential information may be disclosed to the extent, and only to the extent,
required by  applicable  law,  regulation,  or judicial or  regulatory  process,
provided the disclosing party (unless prohibited by law or regulations) promptly
notifies Colonial of each such disclosure prior to it being made.

                (iv) Mr. Boutin will not remove from Colonial's premises (except
to the extent such removal is for purposes of the  performance  of his duties at
home or while traveling,  or except as otherwise specifically  authorized by the
Board) any Proprietary Items. Mr. Boutin recognizes that, as between himself and
Colonial, all of the Proprietary Items, whether or not developed by him, are the
exclusive  property of Colonial.  Upon the termination of this Agreement or upon
the  request  of the  Board,  Mr.  Boutin  will  return to  Colonial  all of the
Proprietary Items in his possession or subject to his control,  and he shall not
retain any copies,  abstracts,  sketches or other physical  embodiment of any of
the Proprietary Items.

           c. Disputes or  Controversies.  Mr. Boutin  recognizes  that should a
dispute or  controversy  arising from or relating to this Agreement be submitted
for  adjudication  to any court,  arbitration  panel or other third  party,  the
preservation of the secrecy of Confidential Information may be jeopardized.  All
pleadings,  documents,  testimony and records relating to any such  adjudication
will be  maintained  in secrecy  and will be  available  for  inspection  by the
relevant parties and their respective  attorneys and experts, who will agree, in
advance and in writing, to receive and maintain all such information in secrecy,
except as may be limited by them in writing.

           d.   Non-Compete.  Mr. Boutin will not, directly or indirectly:

                (i) during the Agreement  Period,  except in connection with his
responsibilities  hereunder,  and during the Post-Agreement  Period,  engage in,
manage, operate, control or participate in the management,  operation or control
of, be employed by,  associated  with, or in any manner connected with, lend his
or any  Affiliate's  name or any similar  name to,  lend his or any  Affiliate's
credit to or render  services  or advice  to, any  business  whose  products  or
activities  compete  in whole or in part  with the  products  or  activities  of
Colonial,  or the proposed products and activities of Colonial,  anywhere within
the  United  States or any  foreign  jurisdiction,  except  that Mr.  Boutin may
continue to engage in the following existing businesses:

                     (x)  Mr.  Boutin may  continue  to serve as a director of
TeKnowlogy,  Inc.,  provided that such  activities  do not interfere  with his
obligations to Colonial hereunder;

provided  further,  however,  notwithstanding  Section 8(d)(v) hereof,  that Mr.
Boutin or any  Affiliate  may purchase or otherwise  acquire up to (but not more
than) five (5) percent of any class of securities of any enterprise (but without
otherwise participating in the activities of such enterprise) if such securities
are  listed  on any  national  or  regional  securities  exchange  or have  been
registered under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended;

                (ii) whether for Mr.  Boutin's own account or the account of any
other  Person,  at any time during the Agreement  Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit  business  of the same or  similar  type  being  carried  on by
Colonial, from any Person known by him to be a customer of Colonial,  whether or
not he had  personal  contact  with  such  Person  during  and by  reason of his
position with Colonial;

                (iii)whether  for Mr. Boutin's own account or the account of any
other Person (A) at any time during the Agreement Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit,  employ or otherwise  engage as an employee or otherwise,  any
person who is or was an employee  of  Colonial at any time during the  Agreement
Period or in any manner induce or attempt to induce any such person to terminate
his or her  association  with Colonial;  or (B) at any time during the Agreement
Period and the  Post-Agreement  Period,  interfere with Colonial's  relationship
with any  person,  including  any  person who at any time  during the  Agreement
Period was an employee, contractor, supplier or customer of Colonial; or
                (iv) at any time during or after the Agreement Period, disparage
Colonial or any of its stockholders, directors, officers, employees or agents.

                (v) If Mr. Boutin  becomes aware of a Business  Opportunity,  he
must fully  disclose  the terms of such  Business  Opportunity  to the Board and
offer Colonial a right of first offer to pursue such Business Opportunity itself
or  through  any one or more of its  subsidiaries.  The  decision  to  pursue  a
Business  Opportunity  shall be made by approval of a majority of the Board (and
if Mr.  Boutin is a member of the  Board,  he will  abstain  from  voting on the
Business Opportunity). Any such disclosure by Mr. Boutin shall be accompanied by
all  information in his possession  reasonably  necessary to enable the Board to
make an informed decision as to whether to pursue such Business Opportunity, and
shall not contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a
material fact necessary to make the  statements  therein not  misleading.  It is
understood  and  agreed  that a  decision  by the Board  not to pursue  any such
Business  Opportunity  after having  received  information  complying  with this
Section 8(d) shall apply to all present and future  products or services  within
such Business  Opportunity,  and that the  provisions of this Section 8(d) shall
not require Mr. Boutin, from and after such time as the Board has elected not to
pursue a proposed Business  Opportunity,  to present any additional  products or
services within such Business  Opportunity to the Board for potential pursuit by
Colonial and/or its subsidiaries.

If any covenant of this Section  8(d) is held to be  unreasonable,  arbitrary or
against  public  policy,  such covenant will be considered to be divisible  with
respect to scope,  time and  geographic  area,  and such lesser  scope,  time or
geographic  area,  or all of them,  as a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  may
determine to be reasonable, not arbitrary and not against public policy, will be
effective, binding and enforceable against Mr. Boutin or any Affiliate.

The period of time  applicable  to any  covenant  in this  Section  8(d) will be
extended by the duration of any violation by Mr. Boutin of such covenant.

           e.   Executive  Inventions.  Each  Executive  Invention will belong
exclusively  to  Colonial.   Mr.  Boutin   acknowledges   that  all  Executive
Inventions  are works made for hire and the  property of  Colonial,  including
any  copyrights,  patents or other  intellectual  property  rights  pertaining
thereto.  If it is  determined  that any such  works  are not  works  made for
hire,  Mr.  Boutin  hereby  assigns to  Colonial  all of his right,  title and
interest,  including  all rights of copyright,  patent and other  intellectual
property  rights,  to  or  in  such  Executive  Inventions.  Mr.  Boutin  will

                (i)  disclose   to  the  Board  in   writing   any   Executive

                (ii) assign to Colonial or to a party  designated  by the Board,
at the Board's request and without additional compensation,  all of his right to
the Executive Invention for the United States and all foreign jurisdictions;

                (iii)execute  and  deliver  to  the  Board  such   applications,
assignments  and other  documents as the Board may request in order to apply for
and  obtain  patents  or  other  registrations  with  respect  to any  Executive
Invention in the United States and any foreign jurisdictions;

                (iv) sign all other  papers  necessary  to carry out the above
obligations; and

                (v) give  testimony and render any other  assistance but without
expense to himself in support of Colonial's rights to any Executive Invention.

           f.   Accounting.    During the Agreement Period, Mr. Boutin:

                (i) will keep and  maintain the books and records of Colonial in
accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles  consistent with past
practices of Tandy;

                (ii) will  provide  full and fair  disclosure  of all  corporate
transactions  of Colonial to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial and the internal audit staff of Tandy;

                (iii)will upon  reasonable  request  provide access to the books
and  records of Colonial  to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial  and the internal  audit staff of Tandy for the purpose of  examination
and audit; and

                (iv) will permit the independent  certified public accountant of
Colonial  and the  internal  audit  staff  of  Tandy  to  observe  all  physical
inventories conducted of the assets of Colonial.

      9.   Covenants of Mr. More.

           a.  Management.  In  performing  his duties as Vice  Chairman  of the
Board,  Mr.  More  will  act  in  accordance  with  the  best  interests  of the
shareholders and the EBITDA Plan. In the event Eureka exercises its right to put
the  Common  Stock of  Colonial  under the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  or Tandy
exercises  its right to reacquire  the Common Stock of Colonial  held by Eureka,
Mr. More will immediately tender his resignation as a director and as an officer
of Colonial effective upon consummation of such purchase or sale.

           b.   Confidentiality.

                (i) During and  following the  Agreement  Period,  Mr. More will
hold in confidence the Confidential  Information and will not disclose it to any
person except with the specific prior written consent of the Board.

                (ii) Any trade  secrets of  Colonial  will be entitled to all of
the  protections  and benefits under  applicable  state trade secret law and any
other  applicable  law.  If any  information  that the Board deems to be a trade
secret is found by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  not to be a trade secret
for  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  such  information  will,  nevertheless,  be
considered  Confidential  Information for purposes of this  Agreement.  Mr. More
waives any requirement  that the Board submit proof of the economic value of any
trade secret or post a bond or other security.

                (iii)None of the foregoing  obligations and restrictions applies
to any part of the Confidential Information was or became generally available to
the public other than as a result of a disclosure  in breach of this  Agreement.
Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, Mr. More shall not be prevented
from  disclosing  information  which  (i)  becomes  publicly  known  through  no
unauthorized  act  of  the  Executive,   Eureka,  or  its  agents;  or  (ii)  is
independently  developed without use of Confidential  Information.  In addition,
confidential information may be disclosed to the extent, and only to the extent,
required by  applicable  law,  regulation,  or judicial or  regulatory  process,
provided the disclosing party (unless prohibited by law or regulations) promptly
notifies Colonial of each such disclosure prior to it being made.

                (iv) Mr. More will not remove from Colonial's  premises  (except
to the extent such removal is for purposes of the  performance  of his duties at
home or while traveling,  or except as otherwise specifically  authorized by the
Board) any Proprietary  Items.  Mr. More recognizes that, as between himself and
Colonial, all of the Proprietary Items, whether or not developed by him, are the
exclusive  property of Colonial.  Upon the termination of this Agreement or upon
the  request  of  the  Board,  Mr.  More  will  return  to  Colonial  all of the
Proprietary  Items in his  possession  or subject to his  control,  and Mr. More
shall not retain any copies, abstracts, sketches or other physical embodiment of
any of the Proprietary Items.

           c.  Disputes  or  Controversies.  Mr. More  recognizes  that should a
dispute or  controversy  arising from or relating to this Agreement be submitted
for  adjudication  to any court,  arbitration  panel or other third  party,  the
preservation of the secrecy of Confidential Information may be jeopardized.  All
pleadings,  documents,  testimony and records relating to any such  adjudication
will be  maintained  in secrecy  and will be  available  for  inspection  by the
relevant parties and their respective  attorneys and experts, who will agree, in
advance and in writing, to receive and maintain all such information in secrecy,
except as may be limited by them in writing.

           d.   Non-Compete.  Mr. More will not, directly or indirectly:

                (i) during the Agreement  Period,  except in connection with his
responsibilities  hereunder,  and during the Post-Agreement  Period,  engage in,
manage, operate, control or participate in the management, operation, or control
of, be employed by,  associated  with, or in any manner connected with, lend his
or any  Affiliate's  name or any similar  name to,  lend his or any  Affiliate's
credit to or render  services  or advice  to, any  business  whose  products  or
activities  compete  in whole or in part  with the  products  or  activities  of
Colonial,  or the proposed products and activities of Colonial,  anywhere within
the United States or any foreign jurisdiction, except that Mr. More may continue
to engage in the following existing businesses:

                          (w)  PC Service  Source,  Inc. and its  subsidiaries
engaged in  activities  relating to the sale,  distribution,  and  processing of
spare and  replacement  parts for the repair and service of  personal  computers
(and   peripherals)   and  handling  various  aspects  of  warranty  claims  and
remanufacturing operations related thereto, and as to which Mr. More is chairman
of the board, a director, and indirectly beneficially owns approximately 27%;

                          (x)  TeKnowlogy,  Inc. and its subsidiaries  engaged
in computer  network  application  training  through its TeKnowlogy  Education
Centers,  and as to which Mr. More is chairman of the board,  a director,  and
indirectly beneficially owns approximately 98%;

                          (y)  Intellis  Solutions,  Inc.  engaged in computer
software  development,  and as to which Mr. More is  chairman of the board,  a
director, and indirectly beneficially owns approximately 100%;

                          (z)  Rosetta   Stone   corporation,   Rosetta  Stone
Holdings,  and Eureka  Ventures,  all of which are engaged in venture  capital
investment,  including the above referenced  investments in PC Service Source,
TeKnowlogy,  and  Intellis  Solutions.  Mr.  More  beneficially  owns  75%  of
Rosetta Stone Corporation, Rosetta Stone Holdings, and Eureka Ventures;

provided that such  activities do not  interfere  with Mr. More's  obligations
to Colonial hereunder;

provided further, however, notwithstanding Section 9(e)(v) hereof, that Mr. More
or any Affiliate may purchase or otherwise acquire up to (but not more than) one
(1) percent of any class of securities of any enterprise (but without  otherwise
participating  in the  activities of such  enterprise)  if such  securities  are
listed on any national or regional  securities  exchange or have been registered
under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended;

                (ii)  whether  for Mr.  More's own account or the account of any
other  Person,  at any time during the Agreement  Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit  business  of the same or  similar  type  being  carried  on by
Colonial, from any Person known by him to be a customer of Colonial,  whether or
not he had  personal  contact  with  such  Person  during  and by  reason of his
position with Colonial;

                (iii)whether  for Mr.  More's own  account or the account of any
other Person (A) at any time during the Agreement Period and the  Post-Agreement
Period,  solicit,  employ or otherwise  engage as an employee or otherwise,  any
person who is or was an employee  of  Colonial at any time during the  Agreement
Period or in any manner induce or attempt to induce any such person to terminate
his or her  association  with Colonial;  or (B) at any time during the Agreement
Period and the  Post-Agreement  Period,  interfere with Colonial's  relationship
with any  person,  including  any  person who at any time  during the  Agreement
Period was an employee, contractor, supplier or customer of Colonial; or

                (iv) at any time during or after the Agreement Period, disparage
Colonial or any of its stockholders, directors, officers, employees or agents.

                (v) If Mr. More becomes aware of a Business Opportunity, he must
fully  disclose the terms of such  Business  Opportunity  to the Board and offer
Colonial a right of first offer to pursue such  Business  Opportunity  itself or
through any one or more of its  subsidiaries.  The decision to pursue a Business
Opportunity  shall be made by  approval  of a majority  of the Board (and if Mr.
More is a member of the  Board,  he will  abstain  from  voting on the  Business
Opportunity).  Any such  disclosure  by Mr.  More  shall be  accompanied  by all
information in his possession  reasonably  necessary to enable the Board to make
an  informed  decision as to whether to pursue such  Business  Opportunity,  and
shall not contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a
material fact necessary to make the  statements  therein not  misleading.  It is
understood  and  agreed  that a  decision  by the Board  not to pursue  any such
Business  Opportunity  after having  received  information  complying  with this
Section 9(d) shall apply to all present and future  products or services  within
such Business  Opportunity,  and that the  provisions of this Section 9(d) shall
not require Mr.  More,  from and after such time as the Board has elected not to
pursue a proposed Business  Opportunity,  to present any additional  products or
services within such Business  Opportunity to the Board for potential pursuit by
Colonial and/or its subsidiaries.

If any covenant of this Section  9(d) is held to be  unreasonable,  arbitrary or
against  public  policy,  such covenant will be considered to be divisible  with
respect to scope,  time and  geographic  area,  and such lesser  scope,  time or
geographic  area,  or all of them,  as a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  may
determine to be reasonable, not arbitrary and not against public policy, will be
effective, binding and enforceable against Mr. More or any Affiliate.

The period of time  applicable  to any  covenant  in this  Section  9(e) will be
extended by the duration of any violation by Mr. More of such covenant

           e.   Executive  Inventions.  Each  Executive  Invention will belong
exclusively   to  Colonial.   Mr.  More   acknowledges   that  all   Executive
Inventions  are works made for hire and the  property of  Colonial,  including
any  copyrights,  patents or other  intellectual  property  rights  pertaining
thereto.  If it is  determined  that any such  works  are not  works  made for
hire,  Mr.  More  hereby  assigns  to  Colonial  all of his  right,  title and
interest,  including  all rights of copyright,  patent and other  intellectual
property rights, to or in such Executive Inventions.  Mr. More will promptly:

                (i)  disclose   to  the  Board  in   writing   any   Executive

                (ii) assign to Colonial or to a party  designated  by the Board,
at the Board's request and without additional compensation,  all of his right to
the Executive Invention for the United States and all foreign jurisdictions;

                (iii)execute  and  deliver  to  the  Board  such   applications,
assignments  and other  documents as the Board may request in order to apply for
and  obtain  patents  or  other  registrations  with  respect  to any  Executive
Invention in the United States and any foreign jurisdictions;

                (iv) sign all other  papers  necessary  to carry out the above
obligations; and

                (v) give  testimony and render any other  assistance but without
expense to himself in support of Colonial's rights to any Executive Invention.

           f.   Accounting.    During the Agreement Period, Mr. More:

                (i) will keep and  maintain the books and records of Colonial in
accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles  consistent with past
practices of Tandy;

                (ii) will  provide  full and fair  disclosure  of all  corporate
transactions  of Colonial to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial and the internal audit staff of Tandy;

                (iii)will upon  reasonable  request  provide access to the books
and  records of Colonial  to the  independent  certified  public  accountant  of
Colonial  and the internal  audit staff of Tandy for the purpose of  examination
and audit; and

                (iv) will permit the independent  certified public accountant of
Colonial  and the  internal  audit  staff  of  Tandy  to  observe  all  physical
inventories conducted of the assets of Colonial.

      10.  Injunctive Relief and Additional Remedy.

      Each of the  parties  hereto  acknowledges  that the injury  that would be
suffered by Colonial as a result of a breach of the  provisions  of Sections 6-9
hereof would be  irreparable  and that an award of monetary  damages to Colonial
for such a breach would be an  inadequate  remedy.  Consequently,  Colonial will
have the  right,  in  addition  to any  other  rights  it may  have,  to  obtain
injunctive  relief to restrain any breach or  threatened  breach or otherwise to
specifically enforce any provision of Sections 6-9 hereof, and Colonial will not
be obligated to post bond or other security in seeking such relief.

      11.  Covenants of Sections 6-9 are Essential and Independent Covenants.

      The  covenants  by each of the parties  hereto in Sections  6-9 hereof are
essential  elements of this  Agreement,  and without each  party's  agreement to
comply with such  covenants,  the other parties would not have entered into this
Agreement.  The  parties  have each  independently  consulted  their  respective
counsel and have been advised in all respects  concerning the reasonableness and
propriety of such covenants,  with specific regard to the nature of the business
conducted by Colonial.

The parties' covenants in Sections 6-9 hereof are independent  covenants and the
existence of any claim by a party  against any other party under this  Agreement
or otherwise, will not excuse the party's breach of any covenant in Sections 6-9

If an  Executive  is no longer  employed by  Colonial,  or Eureka is no longer a
stockholder of Colonial,  this Agreement will nonetheless continue in full force
and  effect  as is  necessary  or  appropriate  to  enforce  the  covenants  and
agreements of Section 6-9 hereof.

      12.  Representations and Warranties of Eureka.

           Eureka  represents  and  warrants  to the  other  parties  hereto  as

           (i) It has full power and  authority to execute,  deliver and perform
its obligations under this Agreement.

           (ii) This  Agreement has been duly and validly  authorized,  executed
and  delivered  by it, and  constitutes  a valid and binding  obligation  of it,
enforceable  against it in  accordance  with its terms except to the extent that
enforceability  may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other similar laws
affecting creditors' rights generally.

           (iii) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by it
does not (x) violate,  conflict with, or constitute a breach of or default under
its organizational  documents,  or any material agreement to which it is a party
or by which  it is  bound or (y)  violate  any  law,  regulation,  order,  writ,
judgment, injunction or decree applicable to it.

           (iv) It is not a party to any agreement  which is  inconsistent  with
the rights of any party  hereunder or otherwise  conflicts  with the  provisions

      13.  Representations and Warranties of Mr. Morton.

           Mr. Morton  represents  and warrants to the other parties hereto as

           (i) He has full power and  authority to execute,  deliver and perform
his obligations under this Agreement.

           (ii) This  Agreement has been duly and validly  authorized,  executed
and  delivered  by him,  and  constitutes  his  valid  and  binding  obligation,
enforceable  against him in accordance  with its terms except to the extent that
enforceability  may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other similar laws
affecting creditors' rights generally.

           (iii) The  execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement by
him does not (x) violate,  conflict  with,  or constitute a breach of or default
under any  material  agreement to which he is a party or by which he is bound or
(y) violate any law,  regulation,  order, writ,  judgment,  injunction or decree
applicable to him.

            (iv)He is not a party to any agreement  which is  inconsistent  with
the rights of any party  hereunder or otherwise  conflicts  with the  provisions

      14.  Representations and Warranties of Mr. Boutin.

           Mr. Boutin  represents  and warrants to the other parties hereto as

           (i) He has full power and  authority to execute,  deliver and perform
his obligations under this Agreement.

           (ii) This  Agreement has been duly and validly  authorized,  executed
and  delivered  by him,  and  constitutes  his  valid  and  binding  obligation,
enforceable  against him in accordance  with its terms except to the extent that
enforceability  may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other similar laws
affecting creditors' rights generally.

           (iii) The  execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement by
him does not (x) violate,  conflict  with,  or constitute a breach of or default
under any  material  agreement to which he is a party or by which he is bound or
(y) violate any law,  regulation,  order, writ,  judgment,  injunction or decree
applicable to him.

            (iv)He is not a party to any agreement  which is  inconsistent  with
the rights of any party  hereunder or otherwise  conflicts  with the  provisions

      15.  Representations and Warranties of Mr. More.

           Mr. More  represents  and warrants to the other  parties  hereto as

           (i) He has full power and  authority to execute,  deliver and perform
his obligations under this Agreement.

           (ii) This  Agreement has been duly and validly  authorized,  executed
and  delivered  by him,  and  constitutes  his  valid  and  binding  obligation,
enforceable  against him in accordance  with its terms except to the extent that
enforceability  may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other similar laws
affecting creditors' rights generally.

           (iii) The  execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement by
him does not (x) violate,  conflict  with,  or constitute a breach of or default
under any  material  agreement to which he is a party or by which he is bound or
(y) violate any law,  regulation,  order, writ,  judgment,  injunction or decree
applicable to him.

            (iv)He is not a party to any agreement  which is  inconsistent  with
the rights of any party  hereunder or otherwise  conflicts  with the  provisions

      16. Management of Colonial by the Executives. None of the executives shall
cause Colonial to take any of the actions listed in the Stockholders'  Agreement
as requiring  special Board  approval  without  receiving the prior consent of a
majority of the Board (and not merely a majority of the directors constituting a
quorum) to such action.

      17.  Indemnification of the Executives.

           a. Right of  Indemnification.  In accordance  with Section 145 of the
Delaware  General  Corporation  Act,  Colonial shall indemnify and hold harmless
each  Executive  (individually,  in each case, an  "Indemnitee")  to the fullest
extent  permitted by law from and against any and all losses,  claims,  demands,
costs, damages,  liabilities joint or several, expenses of any nature (including
attorneys'  fees and  disbursements),  judgments,  fines,  settlements and other
amounts arising from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits or proceedings,
whether  civil,  criminal,   administrative  or  investigative,   in  which  the
Indemnitee  may  be  involved  or  threatened  to be  involved,  as a  party  or
otherwise,  arising out of or  incidental  to the business or  activities  of or
relating to  Colonial,  regardless  of whether the  Indemnitee  continues  to be
employed  by  Colonial  at the time any such  liability  or  expense  is paid or
incurred;  provided,  however,  that this provision shall not eliminate or limit
the liability of an Indemnitee  (i) for any breach of the  Indemnitee's  duty of
loyalty  to  Colonial  or its  stockholders,  (ii) for acts or  omissions  which
involve  intentional  misconduct or a knowing violation of law, or (iii) for any
transaction from which the Indemnitee received any improper personal benefit, or
(iv)  for any  breach  of this  Agreement  or any  covenant,  representation  or
warranty contained herein.

           b.  Advances  of  Expenses.  Expenses  incurred by an  Indemnitee  in
defending any claim, demand,  action, suit or proceeding subject to this Section
16 shall,  from time to time,  upon  request by the  Indemnitee,  be advanced by
Colonial prior to the final disposition of such claim,  demand,  action, suit or
proceeding  upon  receipt by Colonial of an  undertaking  by or on behalf of the
Indemnitee  to  repay  such  amount  if it  shall be  determined  in a  judicial
proceeding or a binding  arbitration  that such Indemnitee is not entitled to be
indemnified as authorized in this Section 16.

           c. Procedures for Defense. Promptly after receipt by an Indemnitee of
notice of the commencement of any action against the Indemnitee,  the Indemnitee
shall  give  notice to  Colonial  pursuant  to the  express  provisions  of this
Agreement.  Colonial  shall be  entitled  to  participate  in the defense of the
actions and, to the extent that it may elect in its discretion by written notice
to the Indemnitee,  to assume the control and defense and/or  settlement of such
action;  provided,  however,  that both Colonial and the Indemnitee must consent
and agree to any  settlement  of any such  action,  except that if Colonial  has
reached a bona  fide  settlement  agreement  with the  plaintiff(s)  in any such
action and the Indemnitee  does not consent to such settlement  agreement,  then
the dollar amount specified in the settlement agreement shall act as an absolute
maximum limit on the indemnification obligation of Colonial.

           d. Other  Rights.  The  indemnification  provided by this  Section 16
shall be in addition to any other rights to which an Indemnitee  may be entitled
under  any  agreement,  vote  of the  Board  as a  matter  of law or  equity  or
otherwise,  and shall continue as to an Indemnitee who has ceased to serve as an
officer of Colonial  and shall  inure to the  benefit of the heirs,  successors,
assigns and administrators of the Indemnitee.

           e. Insurance.  Colonial may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf
of the  Executives and such other Persons as the Board shall  determine  against
any  liability  that may be asserted  against or expense that may be incurred by
such  Persons  in  connection  with the  business  or  activities  of  Colonial,
regardless of whether  Colonial  would have the power to indemnify  such Persons
against such liability under the provisions of this Agreement.

           f. Effect of  Interest in  Transaction.  An  Indemnitee  shall not be
denied indemnification in whole or in part under this Section 16 or otherwise by
reason of the fact that the Indemnitee had an interest in the  transaction  with
respect to which the  indemnification  applies if the  transaction was otherwise
permitted or not expressly prohibited by the terms of this Agreement.

           g.   No  Third-Party  Rights.  The  provisions  of this  Section 16
are for the benefit of the Indemnitee,  their heirs,  successors,  assigns and
administrators  and shall not be deemed to create any  rights for the  benefit
of any other Persons.

      18.  Miscellaneous.

           a. Severability.  The invalidity of any one or more provisions hereof
shall not affect the  remaining  portions  of this  Agreement,  all of which are
included  subject to the  condition  that they are held valid in law; and in the
event that one or more of the provisions  contained herein should be invalid, or
should  operate  to render  this  Agreement  invalid,  this  Agreement  shall be
construed as if such invalid provisions had not been inserted.

           b.   Survival.  It is the express  intention  and  agreement of the
parties hereto that all covenants,  agreements,  statements,  representations,
warranties  and   indemnities   made  in  this  Agreement  shall  survive  the
execution and delivery of this Agreement.

           c. Waivers.  Neither the waiver by a party hereto of a breach of or a
default  under any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement,  nor the failure of a
party hereto, on one or more occasions, to enforce any of the provisions of this
Agreement  or to  exercise  any  right,  remedy or  privilege  hereunder,  shall
thereafter  be  construed as a waiver of any  subsequent  breach or default of a
similar  nature,  or as a waiver of any such  provisions,  rights,  remedies  or
privileges hereunder.

           d.   Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and
shall  inure  to the  benefit  of the  parties  and  their  respective  heirs,
devises,  executors,  administrators,  legal  representatives,  successors and

           e. Limitation on Benefits of this  Agreement.  Subject to Section 16,
it is the  explicit  intention  of the  parties  hereto that no person or entity
other than the  parties  hereto is or shall be  entitled  to bring any action to
enforce any provision of this Agreement  against any party hereto,  and that the
covenants,  undertakings  and agreements  set forth in this  Agreement  shall be
solely for the benefit of, and shall be enforceable  only by, the parties hereto
(or their respective successors and assigns as permitted hereunder).

           f.   Amendment  Procedure.  This  Agreement may only be modified or
amended by the unanimous written consent of the parties hereto.

           g.   Entire   Agreement.   This   Agreement   contains  the  entire
agreement  between the parties with respect to the  transactions  contemplated
herein,  and supersedes all prior oral or written  agreements,  commitments or
understandings with respect to the matters provided for herein and therein.

           h.   Headings.  Section and subsection  headings  contained in this
Agreement  are  inserted  for  convenience  of  reference  only,  shall not be
deemed to be a part of this  Agreement  for any purpose,  and shall not in any
way  define  or  affect  the  meaning,  construction  or  scope  of any of the
provisions hereof.

           i.   Governing  Law.  This  Agreement,  the rights and  obligations
of the parties hereto,  and any claims or disputes relating thereto,  shall be
governed by and  construed in  accordance  with the laws of the State of Texas
(but not including the choice of law rules thereof).

           j. Execution in Counterparts. To facilitate execution, this Agreement
may be executed in as many counterparts as may be required;  and it shall not be
necessary  that the  signatures  of, or on behalf of,  each  party,  or that the
signatures  of  all  persons  required  to  bind  any  party,   appear  on  each
counterpart;  but it shall be sufficient that the signature of, or on behalf of,
each party,  or that the  signatures of the persons  required to bind any party,
appear on one or more of the counterparts.  All counterparts  shall collectively
constitute a single agreement. It shall not be necessary in making proof of this
Agreement  to  produce  or  account  for  more  than a  number  of  counterparts
containing  the  respective  signatures  of, or on behalf of, all of the parties

           IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,   the  undersigned  have  duly  executed  this
Management  Agreement  or  have  caused  this  Management  Agreement  to be duly
executed on their behalf as of the day and year first set forth above.


/s/ John V. Roach               /s/ Robert Boutin
By: John V. Roach               By: Robert Boutin
Title:President and Co-chairman Title:


/s/ Avery More                  /s/ Nathan Morton
By: Avery More                  By: Nathan Morton
Title: Managing Director        Title: 


/s/ Avery More
By: Avery More

                               TANDY CORPORATION                    EXHIBIT 11

                                                                 Three Months Ended June 30,    Six Months Ended June 30,
(In millions, except per share amounts)                                1997          1996           1997        1996
- ---------------------------------------                                ----          ----           ----        ----

Primary Earnings Per Share

Reconciliation of net income per statements of income to  
 amounts used in computation of primary earnings per share:

  Net income, as reported                                             $ 28.7       $  9.3         $  54.3      $ 23.8
  Less dividends on preferred stock:
    Series B                                                            (1.5)        (1.6)           (3.1)       (3.2)
                                                                      -------      -------        --------     -------
  Net income available to common
   shareholders for primary earnings per share                        $ 27.2       $  7.7         $  51.2      $ 20.6
                                                                      =======      =======        ========     =======

  Weighted average number of common shares outstanding                  54.2         60.6            55.0        60.9
  Weighted average number of common shares issuable
    under stock option plans, net of assumed treasury stock
    repurchases at average market prices                                0.5           0.4             0.5         0.3
                                                                      -------       ------        --------     -------
  Weighted average number of common and common
   equivalent shares outstanding                                       54.7          61.0            55.5        61.2
                                                                      =======      =======        ========     =======
  Net income available per average
   common and common equivalent share                                $  0.50       $  0.13        $   0.92     $  0.34
                                                                      =======      =======         ========    =======

Fully Diluted Earnings Per Share(a)

Reconciliation of net income per statements of income to
 amounts used in computation of fully diluted earnings per share:

  Net income available to common shareholders                         $ 27.2       $  7.7         $  51.2     $ 20.6
  Adjustments for assumed conversion of Series B preferred stock
    to common stock as of the beginning of the period:
    Plus dividends on Series B preferred stock                           1.5          (b)             3.1        (b)
    Less additional contribution that would have been required
     for the TESOP if Series B preferred stock had been converted       (1.0)         (b)            (2.0)       (b)
                                                                       -------    -------         --------   -------
Net income available per common and
 common equivalent share, as adjusted                                 $ 27.7      $  7.7          $  52.3     $ 20.6
                                                                       =======   =======          ========   =======

Reconciliation of weighted average number of shares outstanding
 to amount used in computation of fully diluted earnings per share:

  Weighted average number of shares outstanding                         54.7        61.0             55.5       61.2
  Adjusted to reflect assumed exercise of stock
   options as of the beginning of the period                             0.2         (b)              0.2        0.2
  Adjustment to reflect assumed conversion of Series B preferred
   stock to common stock as of the beginning of the period               1.8         (b)              1.8        (b)
                                                                       -------   -------          --------    -------
  Weighted average number of common and common
   equivalent shares outstanding, as adjusted                           56.7        61.0             57.5       61.4
                                                                       =======   =======          ========    =======
Fully diluted net income available per average
 common and common equivalent share                                   $  0.49     $  0.13         $   0.91   $  0.34
                                                                       =======    =======         ========    =======

(a)This  calculation  is submitted  in  accordance  with  Regulation  S-K,  Item
   601(b)(11) although not required by footnote 2 to paragraph 14 of APB Opinion
   No. 15 because it results in dilution of less than 3%.
(b)For  the  three  and  six  months  ended  June  30,  1996,  these  items  are
   anti-dilutive and thus are omitted from the calculation.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 12
                              TANDY CORPORATION


                                                                  Three Months Ended June 30,      Six Months Ended June 30,
(In millions, except ratios)                                            1997       1996               1997         1996
- ----------------------------                                         ---------   --------           --------     -------

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:

Net income                                                              $28.7    $   9.3             $  54.3    $  23.8
Plus provision for income taxes                                          17.9        5.5                34.0       14.1
                                                                      --------   --------            --------  ---------
Income before income taxes                                               46.6       14.8                88.3       37.9
                                                                      --------   --------            --------  ---------

Fixed charges:
Interest expense and amortization of
 debt discount                                                           10.2        8.9                19.2       16.0
Amortization of issuance expense                                          --         --                  0.1        0.1
Appropriate portion (33 1/3%) of rentals                                 18.0       19.4                37.3       39.2
                                                                      --------  --------            --------  ---------
 Total fixed charges                                                     28.2       28.3                56.6       55.3
                                                                      --------  --------            --------  ---------
Earnings before income taxes and
fixed charges                                                         $  74.8    $  43.1             $ 144.9    $  93.2
                                                                      ========  ========            ========  =========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                                        2.65      1.52                2.56       1.69
                                                                      ========  ========            ========  =========

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
 Preferred Dividends:

Total fixed charges, as above                                         $  28.2    $  28.3            $   56.6    $  55.3
Preferred dividends                                                       1.5        1.6                 3.1        3.2
                                                                      --------  ---------           --------   --------
Total fixed charges and preferred dividends                           $  29.7    $  29.9            $   59.7    $  58.5
                                                                      ========  =========           ========   ========

Earnings before income taxes, fixed
 charges and preferred dividends                                      $  74.8    $  43.1            $  144.9    $  93.2
                                                                      ========  ========            ========   ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges and
 preferred dividends                                                     2.52       1.44                2.43       1.59
                                                                      ========  ========            ========   ========