YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tandy Corporation's 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held at the 
Worthington Hotel, 200 West Second Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, on Thursday,
May 21, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. To ensure that your shares are voted at the meeting,
please compete the proxy card, detach at the perforation and return to the 
tabulating agent in the enclosed envelope.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   DETACH HERE


                                TANDY CORPORATION

                     FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING ON MAY 21, 1998

         The undersigned hereby appoints John V. Roach, Jack L. Messman,  Thomas
G. Plaskett and John A. Wilson,  and each or any of them,  attorneys and proxies
of the undersigned,  with full power of substitution,  to vote all the shares of
common stock of the Corporation held by the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Tandy  Corporation at Fort Worth,  Texas on May 21, 1998, or any
resumption of the Annual Meeting after any adjournment  thereof, as indicated on
this proxy, and in their discretion on any other matters which may properly come
before the meeting.  If no directions are given,  the Proxy will be voted "FOR "
Item 1.


- ------------                                                  --------------
      SIDE                                                        SIDE
- ------------                                                  --------------

                                   DETACH HERE

- -------
X       Please mark
        votes as in
        this example
- -------

         1.  Election of Directors
         Nominees:  James I Cash, Jr., Ronald E. Elmquist,
         Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr., Jack L. Messman, William G. Morton, Jr.,
         Thomas G. Plaskett, John V. Roach, Leonard Roberts,
         Alfred J. Stein, William E. Tucker, John A. Wilson

                                -------                      -------
                                                FOR                  WITHHELD
                                           ALL NOMINEES              FROM ALL
                                -------                      -------

- -------

- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
         For all nominees except as noted above


                   Please Sign Exactly as Your Name Appears on This Proxy.  Date
                   And Promptly Return This Proxy In The Enclosed Envelope.

Signature: _________________Date: _____ Signature: _________________ Date: ____


                               TANDY CORPORATION
                       100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800
                             Fort Worth, Texas 76102


                           To Be Held On May 21, 1998

    NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of Tandy
Corporation will be held at the Worthington Hotel, 200 West Second Street,  Fort
Worth,  Texas 76102, on Thursday,  May 21, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. for the following

    (1) To elect  directors  to serve  for the  ensuing  year  and  until  their
respective successors are elected; and

    (2)  To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
         and at any resumption of the meeting after  adjournment or postponement

    The  transfer  books  will not be  closed.  The date  fixed by the  Board of
Directors as the record date for the determination of the stockholders  entitled
to notice of, and to vote at, said Annual  Meeting and at any  resumption of the
meeting after  adjournment or  postponement  thereof is the close of business on
March 24, 1998.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       Mark C. Hill
                                       Vice President, Corporate
Fort Worth, Texas                      Secretary and General Counsel
April 7, 1998



                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                TANDY CORPORATION
                       100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800
                             Fort Worth, Texas 76102

                      TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1998

    This  Proxy   Statement  is  being   furnished  to   stockholders  of  Tandy
Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  in connection with the
solicitation  of proxies by the Board of Directors of the Company (the  "Board")
from holders of record of the  Company's  voting  securities  as of the close of
business on March 24, 1998 (the "Annual  Meeting Record  Date"),  for use at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company (the "Annual  Meeting") to be held
on Thursday,  May 21, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. (Central Daylight Savings Time) at the
Worthington  Hotel, 200 West Second Street,  Fort Worth, Texas 76102, and at any
resumption of the meeting after adjournment or postponement  thereof. This Proxy
Statement  is  first  being  mailed  to  the  holders  of the  Company's  voting
securities on or about April 7, 1998.

                         PURPOSES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING

    At the Annual Meeting,  holders of shares of Company securities  entitled to
vote at the  Annual  Meeting  will be asked  to  consider  and to vote  upon the
following matters:

    (i)    the  election of 11  directors of the Company to serve until the next
           annual meeting of stockholders or until their successors are elected;

    (ii) such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

    The Board  unanimously  recommends  a vote FOR the  election  of the Board's
nominees for election as directors of the Company.  As of the date of this Proxy
Statement,  the Board  knows of no other  business  to come  before  the  Annual


    Only  holders  of record of shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock and the
Company's Series B TESOP  Convertible  Preferred Stock (the "TESOP Stock") as of
the Annual  Meeting  Record  Date will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at,
the Annual Meeting and at any resumption of the Annual Meeting after adjournment
or  postponement  thereof.  The  holders of shares of Company  Common  Stock are
entitled to one vote per share (a "Common  Stock  Vote") on any matter which may
properly come before the Annual Meeting. The holders of TESOP Stock are entitled
to 43.536 Common Stock Votes per share.

    As of the Annual Meeting Record Date, the total number of Common Stock Votes
represented  by the  voting  securities  of the  Company  entitled  to vote were
106,629,620. Specifically, there were 103,167,986 shares of Company Common Stock
outstanding,  representing  103,167,986 Common Stock Votes; and 79,512 shares of
TESOP Stock  outstanding,  representing  3,461,634 Common Stock Votes. On August
21, 1997,  the  Company's  Board of Directors  declared a  two-for-one  split of
Company  Common  Stock for  stockholders  of record at the close of  business on
August 29, 1997. Unless otherwise  specifically  stated in this Proxy Statement,
all  references  related to  Company  Common  Stock,  previously  awarded  stock
options,  restricted stock awards,  and any other agreements  payable in Company
Common Stock reflect the split.

    As of the Annual  Meeting  Record  Date,  a total of 79,512  shares of TESOP
Stock  were held in the  Tandy  Fund.  Each  participant  in the  Tandy  Fund is
entitled  to direct the Tandy  Fund  Trustee  with  respect to the voting of the
TESOP Stock  allocated to his or her account.  If a participant  does not direct
the Tandy  Fund  Trustee  with  respect to the  voting of the TESOP  Stock,  the
Trustee will vote such securities in the same  proportion as other  participants
who have directed the Trustee with respect to allocated shares. The Trustee will
also vote all unallocated TESOP Stock held by the Tandy Fund in such proportion.
Also,  as of the  Annual  Meeting  Record  Date a total of  1,838,552  shares of
Restricted  Company Common Stock were held by Executive  Officers of the Company
and RadioShack and Computer City Store Managers. Each holder is entitled to vote
each share of Restricted Company Common Stock.

    The presence, either in person or by properly executed proxy, of the holders
of a majority of the Common Stock Votes as of the Annual  Meeting Record Date is
necessary to constitute a quorum at the Annual  Meeting.  Shares held by holders
who are either  present in person or  represented  by proxy who abstain  will be
treated as present for quorum purposes on all matters.

    The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the Common Stock Votes  entitled to
vote and  represented  in person or by  properly  executed  proxy at the  Annual
Meeting is required to approve the  election of each of the  Company's  nominees
for election as a director.  With respect to the election of  directors,  shares
that  abstain  will be  included  in the vote total as  withholds  (i.e.,  votes
against the Company's nominees for election).

    The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the Common  Stock Votes  entitled to
vote and  represented  in person or by  properly  executed  proxy at the  Annual
Meeting is required to approve all matters other than the election of directors.
For purposes of  determining  whether a proposal  has received a majority  vote,
abstentions  will be  included  in the  vote  total,  with  the  result  that an
abstention  will have the same  effect  as a  negative  vote.  For  purposes  of
determining  whether a proposal has received a majority vote, in instances where
brokers are prohibited  from exercising  discretionary  authority for beneficial
holders of Company Common Stock who have not returned a proxy (so-called "broker
non-votes"),  those  shares  will  not be  included  in  the  vote  totals  and,
therefore, will have no effect on the outcome of the vote.

    All voting securities that are represented at the Annual Meeting by properly
executed proxies  received by the Corporate  Secretary prior to or at the Annual
Meeting and not revoked will be voted at the Annual  Meeting in accordance  with
the  instructions  indicated in such proxies.  If no instructions are indicated,
such proxies will be voted FOR the election of the Board's nominees for election
as directors of the Company.

    Any proxy given pursuant to this  solicitation  may be revoked by the person
giving it at any time  before it is voted.  Proxies may be revoked by (i) filing
with the  Company,  at or  before  the  Annual  Meeting,  a  written  notice  of
revocation bearing a later date than the proxy; (ii) duly executing a subsequent
proxy relating to the same voting securities and delivering it to the Company at
or before the Annual Meeting;  or (iii)  attending the Annual Meeting,  filing a
written  revocation  of proxy and  voting in person  (attendance  at the  Annual
Meeting  and  voting  will not in and of itself  constitute  a  revocation  of a
proxy).  Any written  notice  revoking a proxy or subsequent  proxies  should be
received  by mail or  other  method  of  delivery  or hand  delivered  to  Tandy
Corporation,   Attention:   Ms.  Jana  Freundlich,   Assistant  Secretary,   100
Throckmorton Street, Suite 1700, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-2818.

    The  Company  will  bear  the  cost  of the  solicitation.  In  addition  to
solicitation  by mail,  the  Company  will  request  banks,  brokers  and  other
custodian  nominees and  fiduciaries  to supply proxy material to the beneficial
owners of Company Common Stock, Restricted Company Common Stock and TESOP Stock,
and will reimburse them for their expenses in so doing. In addition, the Company
may engage D.F. King & Co.,  Inc.,  for a fee  anticipated  not to exceed $3,000
plus  out-of-pocket  expenses,  to provide proxy  services.  Certain  directors,
officers  and other  employees  of the  Company  may  solicit  proxies,  without
additional  remuneration  therefor,  by  personal  interview,  mail,  telephone,
facsimile or other electronic means.

                               NO APPRAISAL RIGHTS

    Stockholders  of the Company will not be entitled to appraisal  rights under
Delaware  corporation  law in  connection  with  the  vote on the  nominees  for


     Eleven persons have been nominated for election as directors of the Company
at the Annual  Meeting.  All  nominees are now serving on the Board and all were
previously elected by the stockholders  except Mr. Elmquist,  who was elected by
the Board of Directors at its meeting on July 25, 1997.  It is the  intention of
the  persons  named  in the  accompanying  form of  proxy  card to vote  for the
nominees listed below for election as directors of the Company unless  authority
to so vote is withheld.  All nominees have indicated their  willingness to serve
for the ensuing term.  If any nominee is unable or should  decline to serve as a
director at the date of the Annual  Meeting,  it is the intention of the persons
named in the proxy  card to vote for such  other  person or  persons  as they in
their discretion shall determine.

     The nominees for directors of the Company are listed below:
                                                                A Director   
   Name, Age, and Business Experience                          Continuously
         During the Last Five Years                            Since

James I. Cash, Jr. (50)                                         1989
Professor, Harvard University Graduate School
of Business Administration.

Ronald E. Elmquist (51)                                         1997
President, Global Food Service - Campbell Soup
Company and Corporate Vice President, Campbell
Soup Company since January, 1994 and Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, White Swan, Inc. 
(food service company)from 1989 to January, 1994.

Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr. (81)                                     1975
Retired Vice Chairman, Tandy Corporation
and Retired President, RadioShack Division.

Jack L. Messman (58)                                            1993
Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer,  
Union  Pacific  Resources  Group  Inc.
(independent  oil and gas producer),  
since October,  1996;  President and Chief
Executive Officer of Union Pacific Resources 
Group Inc. (independent oil and gas producer)  
from May, 1995 to October,  1996 and  President  
and Chief  Executive Officer, Union Pacific Resources 
Company from 1991 through May, 1995.

                                                                A Director   
   Name, Age, and Business Experience                          Continuously
         During the Last Five Years                            Since

William G. Morton, Jr. (61)                                     1987
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Boston Stock Exchange, Inc.

Thomas G. Plaskett (54)                                         1986
Chairman,  Greyhound Lines,  Inc.  (transportation  
company),  since March 1995; Managing  Director,  
Fox Run Capital Associates since November,  1991;  
Business Consultant,  since  November  1991 and  
Interim  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer, Greyhound Lines, Inc., August 1994 to November 1994.

John V. Roach (59)                                              1980
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Tandy Corporation; President, Tandy Corporation
until January, 1996.

Leonard H. Roberts (49)                                         1997
President, Tandy Corporation since January, 1996;
President, RadioShack Division since July, 1993 and
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Shoney's , Inc.
(restaurant  company) from 1990 to July, 1993.

Alfred J. Stein (65)                                            1981
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
VLSI Technology, Inc. (manufacturer
of semiconductors).

William E. Tucker (65)                                          1985
Chancellor, Texas Christian University.

John A. Wilson (76)                                             1974
Retired Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer, Color Tile, Inc.
(home improvement company).


   The Board held eight meetings during 1997.

   The  current  Audit  and  Compliance  Committee  members  are  Messrs.  Cash,
Elmquist,  Plaskett  (Chairman),  Tucker  and  Wilson.  The  functions  of  this
Committee include: reviewing the engagement of the independent accountants;  the
scope and timing of the audit and certain  non-audit  services to be rendered by
the  independent  accountants;  reviewing with the  independent  accountants and
management  the  Company's  policies  and  procedures  with  respect to internal
auditing,  accounting  and financial  controls;  and reviewing the report of the
independent  accountants upon completion of its audit.  This Committee met three
times during 1997.

   The current Executive Committee members are Messrs. Kornfeld, Messman, Roach,
Roberts,  Stein and Wilson  (Chairman).  This  Committee  has the  authority  to
exercise all of the powers of the full Board with certain exceptions relating to
major corporate  matters.  This Committee is available to review with members of
management certain areas of the Company's  operations and to act in an emergency
or on routine  matters when it is impractical to assemble the entire Board for a
meeting. This Committee met four times during 1997.

     The current  Organization  and Compensation  Committee  members are Messrs.
Cash, Messman (Chairman),  Morton and Plaskett.  The principal functions of this
Committee  are to  review  and  make  recommendations  to the  Board  concerning
compensation  plans,  appointments  and  promotions to official  positions,  and
corporate  structure.  This  Committee  also makes  grants of stock  options and
restricted stock to Executive Officers and other employees.
This Committee met eight times during 1997.

   The  current  Corporate   Governance   Committee   (formerly  the  Nominating
Committee)  members are Messrs.  Elmquist,  Kornfeld,  Morton,  Tucker and Stein
(Chairman).  This Committee reviews and makes  recommendations to the Board with
respect to  candidates  for  directors  of the  Company,  compensation  of Board
members and  assignment of directors to  committees of the Board.  The Committee
administers formal corporate governance policies as promulgated and practiced by
the Board. It also reviews and approves or denies requests by corporate officers
to serve on the  boards of  outside  companies.  This  Committee  met four times
during 1997. Stockholders who wish to nominate persons for election as directors
at the 1999 Annual  Meeting,  which is now scheduled to be held on May 20, 1999,
must give  notice of their  intention  to make a  nomination  in  writing to the
Corporate  Secretary of the Company on or before  February 20, 1999. Each notice
shall set forth: (a) the name and address of the stockholder who intends to make
the  nomination  and the  name  and  address  of the  person  or  persons  to be
nominated;  (b) a  representation  that the stockholder is a holder of record of
stock of the Corporation  entitled to vote at such meeting and intends to appear
in person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate the person or persons specified
in the notice;  (c) a description of all arrangements or understandings  between
the  stockholder  and each nominee and any other person or persons  (naming such
person or persons)  pursuant to which the  nomination or  nominations  are to be
made by the  stockholder;  (d) such other  information  regarding  each  nominee
proposed  by such  stockholder  as would be  required  to be included in a proxy
statement  filed  pursuant to the proxy  rules of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  as then in effect;  and (e) the consent of each  nominee to serve as
director of the Company if so elected.

   All nominees for director,  after being  elected to office in 1997,  attended
more than 75% of the  meetings  of the Board and  committees,  collectively,  of
which they were a member.

   Certain of the Company's  directors serve on the boards of directors of other
publicly held  companies as follows:  Mr. Cash serves on the boards of Cambridge
Technology Partners,  Inc.; General Electric Company; Knight Ridder, Inc.; State
Street Boston Corporation;  Chubb Corporation and WinStar Communications,  Inc.;
Mr. Messman serves on the boards of Novell, Inc.; Safeguard  Scientifics,  Inc.;
Union Pacific Resources Group Inc.; US Data Corporation and Cambridge Technology
Partners,  Inc.;  Mr.  Morton serves on the boards of 12 funds managed by Morgan
Stanley Asset  Management,  Inc.; Mr. Plaskett serves on the boards of Greyhound
Lines, Inc.; and Smart & Final Inc.; Messrs. Roach and Tucker serve on the board
of  Justin  Industries,  Inc.;  and  Mr.  Stein  serves  on the  boards  of VLSI
Technology, Inc. and Applied Materials, Inc.


   The  Board  of  Directors  has for  many  years  followed  specific  policies
regarding  corporate  governance.  Consistent with its practice,  these policies
have been  reviewed  and revised and  updates and  amendments  have been made to
Board  policies  and  procedures  when  desirable.  The Board of  Directors  has
recently  determined it to be in the best interest of the Company to incorporate
these  concepts,  policies  and  procedures  into  its  Statement  on  Corporate
Governance.  The material  provisions of this Statement on Corporate  Governance
are included  below.  To obtain a complete  Statement  on Corporate  Governance,
please  contact Ms.  Jana  Freundlich,  Assistant  Secretary,  100  Throckmorton
Street, Suite 1700, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-2818, Telephone (817) 415-3022.

Board Structure and Independence

   The Board of Directors presently consists of eleven members, of whom nine are
independent directors.  Each of the independent directors, in the opinion of the
Board,  is independent of management and free from any  relationship  that would
interfere with the exercise of independent judgment, and is eligible to serve as
a  member  of  the  Audit  and  Compliance   Committee,   the  Organization  and
Compensation  Committee,  and  the  Corporate  Governance  Committee  under  the
applicable  rules and regulations of the Securities & Exchange  Commission,  the
New York Stock  Exchange  and the Internal  Revenue  Service.  Only  independent
directors may serve on these three committees.

     The Company's corporate governance process is the subject of regular review
     by the Board. Current policies cover a broad range of governance issues.

     The Board conducts an annual  evaluation of its structure and  performance,
     including an assessment of the  appropriateness  and  effectiveness  of its
     governance practices.

     Executive  sessions  are held at the  beginning  of each  Board  meeting to
     permit frank and unstructured  discussions concerning governance procedures
     and  items for the  Board's  agenda  between  the  directors  and the Chief
     Executive Officer.

     The  independent  directors  meet twice annually to evaluate and assess the
     performance of the Company and its  management,  including an evaluation of
     the Chief Executive Officer.

     The Board has established specific selection criteria for membership on the
     Board  and has  determined  prospective  board  members  should  not have a
     material: conflict of interest,  commercial relationship,  nor professional
     services  relationship,  or potential  for any such  relationship  with the

     The Board, in conjunction with the Corporate Governance Committee, conducts
     an annual  self-assessment of its performance  focusing on those areas that
     the Board and the executive management of the Company believe would improve
     the Board's effectiveness.

Board Oversight of Management

   The principal  functions of the Board include  evaluating the  performance of
the Chief  Executive  Officer  and other  Executive  Officers.  This  evaluation
process occurs regularly throughout the year in formal and informal ways.

   Additionally,  the Board is charged with the  responsibility of reviewing and
approving the broad strategic and financial  objectives of the Company through a
collaborative  process with executive  management.  As part of this undertaking,
the Board meets annually with executive and operational personnel in an extended
meeting to review the long-term strategic goals and plans of the Company.

   All  compensation  plans of any employee of the Company who is paid in excess
of $100,000 per year are reviewed and approved by the Board.  The Board believes
that  compensation  plans  should be  incentive-based  and tied  directly to the
Company's performance. By implementing such incentive-based pay plans, the Board
believes that the best interest of all stockholders is being advanced.

   The Board further requires  management to annually present formal  succession
plans so that  continuity  in the  operation of the Company can be maintained in
the event of untimely displacement of key management members.

   In fulfilling  its role of  overseeing  management,  the Board  considers the
potential impact of all decisions, first on the Company's stockholders, and then
on the Company's employees,  customers,  suppliers, lenders, and the communities
in which the Company operates.

                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION

   Directors  of the Company who are not  full-time  employees of the Company or
its  subsidiaries  are paid an annual  retainer of $24,000,  payable  quarterly.
Under the Tandy  Corporation  1993 Incentive  Stock Plan (the "1993 ISP"),  each
non-employee  director  also has the right to file prior to May 1 of any year an
election  to have 50% or 100% of this  annual  retainer  fee paid in  shares  of
Company Common Stock. Each committee  chairman receives an additional $2,500 per
year.  Expenses of attendance at meetings are paid by the Company.  Non-employee
directors receive an additional $1,000 for each Board meeting attended in person
and $500 for each  committee  meeting  attended  in  person if held more than 24
hours before or after a board meeting.  When  attendance is by telephone,  these
meeting fees are reduced to $250.

   Also under the 1993 ISP,  which  commenced in September  1993 and was amended
May 18, 1995,  and February 24, 1998,  each  director  automatically  is granted
non-qualified  stock options to purchase 8,000 shares of Company Common Stock on
the first  business  day in  September  of each year that he or she  serves as a
director.  Each new  director  also  receives  a one time  grant of an option to
purchase  10,000  shares of Company  Common  Stock on the date they attend their
first Board meeting.  On September 1, 1997, each non-employee  director received
an option grant of 8,000 shares under the 1993 ISP. The option exercise price of
all options granted directors is set at the fair market value (as defined in the
1993  ISP)  of a  share  of  Company  Common  Stock  on the  first  trading  day
immediately  preceding  the date of  grant.  The  options  vest in  three  equal
increments on the first,  second and third annual  anniversaries  of the date of

   Under the Tandy  Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan (the "1997 ISP"), each
director will receive  options to purchase  8,000 shares of Company Common Stock
during every year that he or she serves as director. Each new director will also
receive a  one-time  grant of an option to  purchase  10,000  shares of  Company
Common  Stock on the date he or she attends his or her first Board  meeting.  No
annual grant of 8,000 shares or one time grant of 10,000  shares will be made to
directors  under  both the 1993  ISP and  1997  ISP in the  same  year,  but the
Committee  may elect  from  which of the  plans  (1993 ISP or 1997 ISP) to issue
options.  The option  exercise  price will be set at the fair  market  value (as
defined in the 1997 ISP) of a share of Company Common Stock on the first trading
day  immediately  preceding  the date of grant.  The options  will vest in three
equal increments on the first, second and third annual anniversaries of the date
of grant.  All options  granted to  directors to purchase  Company  Common Stock
under the 1993 ISP and 1997 ISP will be non-qualified stock options.

   Directors' Special Compensation Plan. The Company had previously  established
a special compensation plan for non-employee directors providing for the payment
of benefits following  retirement,  death or total disability while serving as a
director (the  "Directors'  Plan").  As discussed below, the Directors' Plan was
terminated  by the Company on December 31, 1997.  To qualify for  benefits,  the
Directors'  Plan  provided  that the director must have attained 60 years of age
and served as a  non-employee  director for 60  consecutive  months  immediately
preceding  retirement,  death or total disability.  A retired director agreed to
perform consulting services to the Board, its committees and the Company without
additional compensation during the period in which benefits are received.

   The  Directors'  Plan was  terminated  by the Company on December  31,  1997.
Non-employee directors serving as of December 31, 1997, who have attained age 72
years but less than 75 years of age or  participants  who may  otherwise  retire
under  the  terms of the  Directors'  Plan may now  elect  to  receive  benefits
otherwise  payable to them under the terms of the  Directors'  Plan or receive a
lump sum payment in the form of stock units. Participants in the Directors' Plan
who are currently receiving benefits will continue to do so subject to the terms
of  the  Directors'  Plan.  Excluding  two  current  non-employee  directors,  a
memorandum stock account was established for bookkeeping  purposes only for each
director/participant serving on the Board on December 31, 1997. This account was
thereafter  credited with a number of stock units based upon a formula utilizing
years of  service,  66 2/3% of each of the  directors  retainer  fee, a discount
factor and the average calendar year 1997 closing price of Company Common stock.
These stock accounts were contributed in each director/participant's name to the
existing Tandy Corporation Unfunded Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors.

   Unfunded  Deferred   Compensation   Plan  for  Directors.   The  Company  has
established  the  Tandy  Corporation  Unfunded  Deferred  Compensation  Plan for
Directors (the "Deferred  Compensation Plan") for non-employee directors whereby
such directors may elect to defer payment of all or a specified part of the fees
payable for services  rendered to or on behalf of the Company.  Annual  retainer
fees paid in cash or Company  Common Stock and meeting fees may be deferred.  In
addition,  the  memorandum  pension  plan  stock  account  established  upon the
termination of the Directors' Plan shall constitute a separate account under the
Deferred  Compensation  Plan.  Under the  plan,  all  deferred  fees in cash and
interest  thereon are held in the general  funds of the Company and are credited
to such  director's  account.  Interest is  credited at the end of each  quarter
based on the  balance in the cash  account at the end of the quarter at the rate
of 1% below the prime rate as  published by The Chase  Manhattan  Bank in effect
from time to time during the quarter.  If a director  elects to defer payment of
retainer fees payable in Company Common Stock in excess of 3 years,  the Company
will make an  additional  contribution  of 25% in  Company  Common  Stock of the
amount  deferred.  With  respect to  deferrals  and the 25%  additional  Company
contribution,  the director may elect to receive  deferred fees either in a lump
sum  on  a  date  specified  by  him  or  her,  in  substantially  equal  annual
installments  not  exceeding  ten  payments  or if no  election  is  made by the
director,  then in a lump sum  payment  60 days  after he or she  ceases to be a
director.  Upon a change in control of the Company,  a director will receive any
deferred fees and the additional Company contribution in a lump sum.

                          OF COMPANY VOTING SECURITIES

   The following table sets forth, as of February 28, 1998, certain  information
with respect to the beneficial  ownership of the Company's voting  securities by
(i) each current director of the Company,  (ii) the Chief Executive  Officer and
each of the four most  highly  compensated  current  Executive  Officers  of the
Company for the year ended December 31, 1997, (iii) one former Executive Officer
of the Company who was classified as a highly  compensated  Executive Officer at
the time of his retirement, (iv) the Company's current directors and officers as
a group and (v) persons known to the Company to own beneficially more than 5% of
any class of the Company's voting securities, except for the Tandy Fund Trustee,
which  holds 100% of the  outstanding  TESOP Stock for the benefit of Tandy Fund

                                                                               Beneficially             Percent
Title of Class            Name and Title                                          Owned              of Class (8)
- ------------------ ------ -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------- --- ----------------
Common Stock              James I. Cash, Jr., Director                               35,667(1)          0.0334

Common Stock              Ronald E. Elmquist, Director                               505(1)(2)          0.0005

Common Stock              Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr., Director                        36,665(1)(4)          0.0344

Common Stock              Jack L. Messman, Director                                  32,271(1)          0.0303

Common Stock              William G. Morton, Jr., Director                           34,367(1)          0.0322

Common Stock              Thomas G. Plaskett, Director                                6,155(1)          0.0058

Common Stock              John V. Roach, Chairman and                               960,314(3)          0.8068
                            Chief Executive Officer

Common Stock              Leonard H. Roberts, President and                         268,394(3)          0.2517
                            President, RadioShack Division

Common Stock              Alfred J. Stein, Director                                  34,667(1)          0.0325

Common Stock              William E. Tucker, Director                                46,667(1)          0.0438

Common Stock              John A. Wilson, Director                               281,665(1)(4)          0.2642

Common Stock              Dwain H. Hughes, Senior Vice                              112,702(3)          0.1057
                            President and Chief Financial

                                                                               Beneficially             Percent
Title of Class            Name and Title                                          Owned              of Class (8)
- ------------------ ------ -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------- --- ----------------

Common Stock              Robert M. McClure, Senior Vice                            128,404(3)          0.1204
                            President - Tandy Retail Services

Common Stock              Mark C. Hill, Vice President,                               5,659(3)          0.0053
                            Secretary and General Counsel

Common Stock              Herschel C. Winn, Senior Vice                             247,427(3)          0.2320
                            and Secretary

Common Stock              Directors and Executive                              2,486,471(4)(5)          2.3319
                             Officers as a group (21 people)

Common Stock              Mellon Bank Corporation                                 5,638,000(6)         5.2875(6)

Common Stock              FMR Corp.                                               8,196,675(7)         7.6871(7)

Common Stock              The Prudential Insurance Company of                     6,494,007(8)         6.0902(8)
(1)  Included  in the  shares  beneficially  owned for each of the  non-employee
directors  indicated are 26,665  shares of Company  Common Stock held by Messrs.
Cash, Messman,  Stein, and Tucker, 24,665 shares of Company Common Stock held by
Messrs.  Morton and Wilson,  14,665  shares of Company  Common Stock held by Mr.
Kornfeld and one share of Company Common Stock held by Mr. Plaskett,  subject to
currently  exercisable  options under the Tandy Corporation 1993 Incentive Stock
Plan.  Each  director  disclaims  beneficial  ownership of the shares of Company
Common Stock  subject to currently  exercisable  options.  Also  included in the
shares beneficially owned by Messrs. Cash, Elmquist,  Messman, Morton, Plaskett,
Stein and  Tucker  are  3,702,  505,  5,802,  3,702,  2,154,  3,702  and  3,702,
respectively,  of stock  units  representing  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock
deferred under the terms of the Company's  Unfunded  Deferred  Compensation Plan
for Directors.  Each of these directors also disclaims  beneficial  ownership of
the shares of Company Common Stock represented by such stock units.
(2) Mr.  Elmquist,  appointed to the Board of  Directors  on July 25, 1997,  and
Messrs.  Cash,  Messman and Stein, have elected to receive (on a deferred basis)
their director retainer fees in Company Common Stock.
(3) The amount  beneficially  owned includes the following shares and the listed
individuals  have sole voting and investment  power over the shares shown except
as follows:  (a) Mr. Roach disclaims  beneficial  ownership of 45.9280 shares of
TESOP  Stock held by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,  35,003  shares of Company  Common
Stock held in the Tandy Employees  Supplemental  Stock Program  ("SUP"),  83,880
shares of Company Common Stock held by the Tandy Fund Trustee, 8,616 stock units
representing  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock  under  deferred   compensation
agreements,  and 612,500  shares of Company  Common  Stock  subject to currently
exercisable  options;  (b) Mr. Roberts disclaims beneficial ownership of 11.7510
shares of TESOP Stock held by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,  10,128 shares of Company
Common  Stock held in the SUP,  492 shares of Company  Common  Stock held by the
Tandy Fund  Trustee,  5,348 stock units  representing  shares of Company  Common
Stock under  deferred  compensation  agreements,  and 202,040  shares of Company
Common Stock subject to currently  exercisable options; (c) Mr. Hughes disclaims
beneficial  ownership  of 8.8400  shares of TESOP  Stock  held by the Tandy Fund
Trustee,  1,905  shares of Company  Common  Stock held in the SUP, 890 shares of
Company  Common  Stock  held  by the  Tandy  Fund  Trustee,  3,264  stock  units
representing  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock  under  deferred   compensation
agreements,  and 72,850  shares of Company  Common  Stock  subject to  currently
exercisable  options,  (d) Mr. McClure disclaims beneficial ownership of 36.4810
shares of TESOP Stock held by the Tandy Fund  Trustee,  9,353  shares of Company
Common Stock held in the SUP,  7,085 shares of Company  Common Stock held by the
Tandy Fund  Trustee,  1,518 stock units  representing  shares of Company  Common
Stock  under  deferred  compensation  agreements,  and 95,160  shares of Company
Common Stock subject to currently  exercisable  options,  (e) Mr. Hill disclaims
beneficial  ownership of 2,000 shares of restricted  Company Common Stock, which
are  forfeitable,  granted  under the 1993 ISP and 659 stock units  representing
shares of Company Common Stock under a deferred compensation agreement,  and (f)
Mr. Winn, who retired as an executive officer effective July 1, 1997,  disclaims
beneficial  ownership  of 36.7990  shares of TESOP  Stock held by the Tandy Fund
Trustee,  70,343 shares of Company  Common Stock held by the Tandy Fund Trustee,
and 87,474  shares of Company  Common  Stock  subject to  currently  exercisable
options. All shares held in the SUP are held for the benefit of the participants
and such  shares  are voted by the SUP  trustee  pursuant  to the New York Stock
Exchange ("NYSE") rules.

(4) All non employee  directors have sole voting and  investment  power over the
shares shown  except for Messrs.  Kornfeld and Wilson.  Mr.  Kornfeld  disclaims
beneficial  ownership of 11,800 shares of Company  Common Stock owned by a trust
of which he is the sole beneficiary.  Mr. Wilson disclaims  beneficial ownership
of  255,000  shares of Company  Common  Stock held in a trust of which he is the
(5)  Includes  shares  beneficially  owned by the 12  Executive  Officers of the
Company as of  February  28,  1998;  1,405,988  shares of Company  Common  Stock
subject to currently  exercisable options;  3,637 shares of Company Common Stock
held in the Tandy Stock Plan  (formerly  the Tandy  Corporation  Stock  Purchase
Program ("SPP"));  216.759 shares of TESOP Stock held in the Tandy Fund; 174,124
shares of Company  Common  Stock held in the Tandy  Fund;  and 70,439  shares of
Common Stock held in the SUP which shares are voted by the SUP trustee  pursuant
to NYSE rules.  The aggregate share numbers  contained in this footnote  include
the numbers  identified in Footnote (1) above.  This number also includes shares
of Company  Common Stock  subject to currently  exercisable  options held by the
Directors  indicated  in footnote  (1) and the shares  indicated in Footnote (3)
(6) According to Amendment No. 2 to Form 13G dated January 18, 1996, Mellon Bank
Corporation,  a  holding  corporation  organized  under  the laws of the  United
States, located at One Mellon Bank Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15258, holds
sole voting power over 2,193,000 shares, shared voting power over 89,000 shares,
sole dispositive  power over 2,505,000 shares and shared  dispositive power over
295,000 shares of Company Common Stock.
(7) According to Amendment No. 3 to Form 13G dated February 14, 1998, FMR Corp.,
an  investment   management   corporation   organized  under  the  laws  of  the
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,   located  at  82  Devonshire  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts  02109,  holds  sole  voting  power over  382,075  shares and sole
dispositive power over 8,196,675 shares of Company Common Stock.
(8)  According to Form 13G dated  February 10, 1998,  The  Prudential  Insurance
Company of America,  a mutual insurance  company organized under the laws of the
state of New Jersey,  located at Prudential Plaza, 751 Broad Street, Newark, New
Jersey  07102-3777,  holds sole voting power over 107,066 shares,  shared voting
power over  6,360,307  shares,  sole  dispositive  power over 107,066 and shared
dispositive power over 6,494,007 shares.
(9) No director or Executive  Officer  beneficially owns Company Common Stock or
TESOP  Stock in  excess  of 1% of all of such  class of  securities  issued  and


    Under the  securities  laws of the United States,  the Company's  directors,
Executive  Officers and all persons  holding 10% or more of Company Common Stock
are  required to report  their  ownership of the  Company's  securities  and any
changes in that  ownership to the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  and the
NYSE. Specific due dates for these reports have been established and the Company
is required to report in this Proxy Statement any failure to file by these dates
during the year ended December 31, 1997. All of these filing  requirements  were
satisfied by the Company's present  directors and Executive  Officers except Mr.
Stein,  who  inadvertently  failed  to  report  the  automatic  reinvestment  of
dividends  paid on Company Common Stock by his broker into 105 shares of Company
Common Stock.  A report  reflecting  this  reinvestment  has been filed with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission and the NYSE and he is now current with his
reporting obligations.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

    The following table reflects the cash and non-cash compensation attributable
to the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,  the four  other  most  highly
compensated  Executive  Officers of the Company for the year ending December 31,
1997,  and one former  Executive  Officer of the Company who was classified as a
highly compensated Executive Officer at the time of his retirement.


                                  Annual Compensation (1)                    Long-Term Compensation

                   (a)              (b)        (c)        (d)           (f)         (g)          (i)
                 Name and                                           Restricted     Stock      All Other
                Principal          Fiscal    Salary      Bonus      Stock Award   Options    Compensation
                 Position           Year       ($)        ($)        ($)(2)(3)     (#)(4)       ($)(5)
          ----------------------- --------- ---------- ----------- -------------- --------- ---------------
          John V. Roach             1997    $ 770,000  $ 770,000               0  135,000      $64,381
          CEO and                   1996      770,000                          0  150,000      115,919
          Chairman                  1995      735,000    183,339         498,000  170,000      132,603

          Leonard H. Roberts        1997      577,500    306,520         771,250   90,000       57,606
          President, and            1996      550,000                          0  120,000       69,135
          President, RadioShack     1995      500,000   197,693          332,000  100,000       63,309

          Dwain H. Hughes           1997      280,000   222,252          231,375   33,000       30,462
          Senior Vice               1996      240,000                          0   31,900       33,616
          President and CFO         1995      200,000    49,888          145,250   29,000       28,250

          Robert M. McClure         1997      318,300   188,758                0   30,000       35,311
          Senior Vice               1996      309,000                          0   26,400       31,141
          President                 1995      300,000    43,200           62,250   24,000       42,602

          Herschel C. Winn          1997      191,649    84,275                0               191,814
          Senior Vice President     1996      321,000                          0   40,000       52,998
          and Secretary (6)         1995      300,500   131,249           62,250   38,000       50,001

          Mark C. Hill              1997      94,492     76,935           77,125   25,000             0
          Vice President,
          Corporate Secretary
          and General Counsel

(1) Other than restricted  stock awards (see #2 below) for the years shown,  the
named Executive  Officers did not receive any annual  compensation  not properly
categorized  as  salary or  bonus,  except  for  certain  perquisites  and other
personal  benefits.  The amounts for perquisites and other personal benefits for
the named Executive  Officers are not shown because the aggregate amount of such
compensation, if any, for each of the named Executive Officers during the fiscal
year shown  does not  exceed  the  lesser of $50,000 or 10% of total  salary and
bonus reported for such officer.
(2) Messrs.  Roach,  Roberts,  Hughes,  McClure and Winn were granted  awards of
restricted  stock on January 2, 1996  attributable  to their  calendar year 1995
performance.  Therefore the awards were reported as  compensation  in 1995.  The
closing  price  of a share  of  Company  Common  Stock  at the  end of the  last
completed  fiscal year  (1995)  prior to the date of grant was $41.50 per share.
The awards,  granted under the 1993 ISP, were 12,000 shares to Mr. Roach,  8,000
shares to Mr.  Roberts,  3,500  shares to Mr.  Hughes,  and 1,500 shares each to
Messrs.  McClure and Winn.  These  shares do not  reflect  the August 21,  1997,
two-for-one  split of Company Common Stock. On January 2, 1998,  Messrs.  Roach,
Roberts,  Hughes and McClure  relinquished  the shares of restricted  stock that
would have vested under this award on January 2, 1998, in exchange for the grant
of stock units under separate Deferred Compensation Agreements with the Company.
(3) Messrs.  Roberts and Hughes were granted  awards of restricted  stock on May
15, 1997 attributable to their performance. The awards were 20,000 shares to Mr.
Roberts and 6,000 shares to Mr. Hughes.  Upon employment  with the Company,  Mr.
Hill was granted an award of 2,000 shares of restricted  stock on July 25, 1997.
The awards of restricted stock vest in equal increments  annually on the date of
grant over a three year period,  provided the named  Executive  Officer is still
employed by the Company. The closing price of a share of Company Common Stock at
the end of 1997 was $38.5625
(4) Includes all options granted during the year under the 1993 ISP,  regardless
of whether the options are  incentive  stock options  ("ISOs") or  non-statutory
stock options  ("NSOs").  No stock  appreciation  rights were granted with these
options in 1997.
(5)  Includes  the  Company's  contributions  allocated  to the  accounts of the
Executive  Officers  participating in the following  employee benefit plans: the
Tandy Stock Plan;  Tandy Fund and the SUP. The applicable  amounts  allocated in
1997 to the named  Executive  Officers in the Tandy  Stock Plan,  Tandy Fund and
SUP, respectively, are: $32,313, $2,760, $29,308 for Mr. Roach; $24,644, $3,025,
$29,936 for Mr.  Roberts;  $16,189,  $3,377,  $10,896 for Mr.  Hughes;  $18,341,
$3,622,  $13,347 for Mr. McClure; and $15,445,  $3,270,  $9,964 for Mr. Winn. No
Company  contributions were allocated to the account of Mr. Hill. Amounts do not
include amounts payable in the event of a change in control of the Company.  See
"Change in  Control  Protections."  In the case of Mr.  Winn,  the  amount  also
includes for 1997 $108,669 paid under the "Plans" as hereafter defined,  $50,026
paid for  consulting  fees and $4,440 for  individual  and group life  insurance
policies and for health and accident benefits.
(6) Mr. Winn retired on July 1, 1997,  and received  salary and pro-rated  bonus
payment through that date.
(7) Mr. Hill was  appointed  by the Board on July 25, 1997,  as Vice  President,
Corporate   Secretary  and  General  Counsel  of  the  Company.   Prior  to  his
appointment,  Mr.  Hill was a partner at the law firm of Haynes and Boone,  LLP,
which has and will represent the Company in certain matters in the normal course
of business.

                         OPTION GRANTS IN THE LAST YEAR

         During  the year ended  December  31,  1997,  options  were  granted on
October 17, 1997, to the  following  Executive  Officers  named in the Executive
Compensation  table.  The potential value of such options at the specified rates
of appreciation is shown in the table below. The 1993 ISP provides for the grant
of restricted  stock awards and stock  appreciation  rights;  however,  no stock
appreciation  rights  were  granted  in  1997.   Restricted  stock  awards  were
authorized in 1997 and granted on May 15, 1997, to two named Executive  Officers
and July 25, 1997, to one named Executive Officer.

                                                                               Potential realizable
                                                                        Value at Assumed Annual Rates (2)

        (a)               (b)            (c)             (d)             (e)              (f)              (g)
                                     % of Total       Exercise
Name and                Options    Options Granted     or Base
Type of                 Granted(#)  to Employees        Price         Expiration          5%               10%
Option (1)                         During the Year    ($/Share)          Date             ($)              ($)
- -------------------- -- --------- ------------------ ------------ -- ------------- -- ------------ --- -------------
John V. Roach            135,000        13.89          $ 35.1250       10/17/2007      $2,982,141        $7,557,325

Leonard H. Roberts        90,000        9.26             35.1250       10/17/2007       1,988,094         5,038,217

Dwain H. Hughes           33,000        3.39             35.1250       10/17/2007         728,968         1,847,346

Robert M. McClure         30,000        3.09             35.1250       10/17/2007         662,698         1,679,406

Herschel C. Winn               0            0                  0                0               0                 0

Mark C. Hill              20,000        2.06             28.3906       07/25/2007         357,094           904,946
                           5,000        0.51             35.1250       10/17/2007         110,450           279,901
(1) All options shown were granted under the 1993 ISP. Generally, no options can
be exercised during the 12-month period following the date of grant. ISOs become
exercisable  as to  one-third  of the  amount  of shares on each of the next two
annual  anniversaries  after the date of grant  with full  vesting  on the third
annual  anniversary date. NSOs become  exercisable as to one-fifth of the amount
of shares  subject to the options on each of the next four annual  anniversaries
after the date of grant with full vesting on the fifth annual  anniversary date.
For persons who continue to serve as  employees  of the  Company,  ISOs and NSOs
expire 10 years  from the date of grant  under the 1993 ISP.  All  options  were
granted at fair market value on the date of grant.  The  exercise  price and any
tax  withholding  may be paid by cash or  delivery of already  owned  shares and
(2) The potential gains reported above are net of the option exercise price, but
before taxes  associated  with the exercise.  If these gains are  achieved,  the
value of the  Company's  Common  Stock would  likewise be  increased  5% or 10%,
respectively.  These gains are  calculated  based on the stated assumed rates of
appreciation  each year over the life of the option.  Actual  gains,  if any, on
stock option exercises are dependent on the future performance of Company Common
Stock,  overall  market  conditions,  as well as the  option-holder's  continued
employment  through the option  expiration  date.  The amounts  reflected in the
table may not necessarily be achieved.


    The following table summarizes  individual  option exercises during the year
ended  December  31,  1997,  by each of the  named  Executive  Officers  and the
year-end  value of the  unexercised  options.  These  options were  periodically
granted between 1985 and 1997.

(a)                         (b)              (c)                       (d)                          (e)
                                                                    Number of                    Value of
                                                                   Unexercised                  Unexercised
                          Shares                                   Options at                  In-The-Money
                        Acquired on                                 Year End                Options at Year-End
                         Exercise           Value                      (#)                        ($)(1)
Name                        (#)           Realized                 Exercisable                  Exercisable
                                             ($)                  Unexercisable                Unexercisable
- -------------------- -- ------------ -- -------------- --- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
John V. Roach               251,020       $ 3,713,626           612,500        415,480   $ 11,986,755   $ 4,673,974
Leonard H. Roberts                0                 0           202,040        279,960      3,466,868     3,280,694
Dwain H. Hughes               8,000            94,719            72,850         71,050      1,337,669       680,581
Robert M. McClure            32,584           347,218           143,160         67,200      2,419,573       674,018
Mark C. Hill                      0                 0                 0         25,000              0       212,031
Herschel C. Winn            169,162         2,932,301           152,864              0      2,412,822             0

(1) For purposes of calculating whether an option was "In-The-Money", this chart
uses the  December  31,  1997  average of the high and low  trading  price (fair
market value) for Company Common Stock of $38.22.

                             RETIREMENT COMPENSATION

   The Plans.  Under the Salary  Continuation  Plan for  Executive  Employees of
Tandy Corporation and Subsidiaries  ("SCP") established in 1979 and the Officers
Deferred Compensation Plan ("DCP") established in 1986 (hereinafter collectively
the  "Plans"),  the  Insurance  Committee  of the  Board  may  select  full-time
executive employees for participation  therein. As of December 31, 1997, a total
of 37 executive employees of the Company were participants in one or both of the
Plans. The Plans generally provide for the payment of reduced benefits following
a participant's  early  retirement  between the ages of 55 and 65, full benefits
between the ages of 65 and 70, reduced  benefits  between the ages of 70 and 75,
and for payment of a death benefit to the participant's  designated  beneficiary
in the event of death prior to age 75 during  employment.  One Executive Officer
was a  participant  under a plan  called  the  Special  Compensation  Plan No. 1
("SCP1")  which is similar to the DCP except that the SPC1  provides for vesting
at 100% at age 65.  Another  executive  employee was a participant  under a plan
called the Special  Compensation Plan No. 2 ("SCP2") which is similar to the DCP
except that the SPC2  provides  for vesting at the 75% level at age 60 and early
retirement  commencing  at age 60 instead of age 55 as provided in the DCP.  Two
executive  employees  participating  under  the SCP1 and SCP2  retired  from the
Company during calendar year 1997 and are no longer employed by the Company. All
sums due under the Plans are payable in 120 equal  monthly  installments  to the
participant or, in the event of death, to his or her  beneficiary.  The payments
are general obligations of the Company that are funded in part by life insurance
policies owned by the Company which name the Company as beneficiary.

   Under the Plans,  the Insurance  Committee  determines  an amount  designated
herein as the "Retirement Compensation Amount" for each participant.  The amount
established  by  the  Insurance   Committee  does  not   necessarily   bear  any
relationship to the participant's  present  compensation,  final compensation or
years of service.  As of December 31, 1997, the benefit  payable to participants
upon  retirement  or death during  employment  is a function of the  "Retirement
Compensation  Amount" and the age of the participant at death or retirement,  as
set out in the following table:

  Retirement Compensation                                     Annual Benefit
           Amount                                            Age at Date of Retirement or Death
- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      55 (1)               65 to 70               71 (2)           75 (2)
                                      ------               --------        -      ------           ------

       $  100,000                  $  50,000             $ 100,000           $    80,000            $ 0
          212,500                    106,250               212,500               170,000              0
          225,000                    112,500               225,000               180,000              0
          487,500                    243,750               487,500               390,000              0
          650,000                    325,000               650,000               520,000              0
(1)  Proportionately  increases  from 50% to 100% between age 55 and age 65. (2)
Proportionately decreases from 100% to 0% between age 70 and age 75.

    The Retirement  Compensation Amount at death during employment or retirement
at age 65 for the Executive Officers listed in the Executive  Compensation table
at December 31, 1997, would have been as follows:

                                                   SCP                  DCP                 Total
                                       ---------------- -------------------- ---------------------
John V. Roach                                 $ 300,000            $ 350,000            $ 650,000
Leonard H. Roberts                                    0              487,500              487,500
Dwain H. Hughes                                       0              212,500              212,500
Robert M. McClure                                75,000              150,000              225,000
Mark C. Hill                                          0              100,000              100,000
Herschel C. Winn(1)

(1) No amounts are  furnished  for Mr. Winn who retired from the Company on July
1, 1997.

         Special Provisions of the SCP. The SCP provides for payments to be made
to certain  executive  employees in the event of their  voluntary or involuntary
termination  of employment  following a Change in Control,  as defined in a 1984
letter of  amendment  to the SCP.  In the event that the Company  experiences  a
Change in  Control,  each  executive  employee  who is  subject  to such  letter
amendment becomes immediately vested at the age 65 benefit level for a period of
three  years  and if his or her  employment  with the  Company  ceases,  whether
voluntarily  or  involuntarily,  during this three year  period,  he or she will
receive  payments equal to the annual  retirement  benefit at age 65. Payment is
made in 120  equal  monthly  installments  to the  participant  or to his or her

    Special  Provisions of the DCP. The DCP provides that for one year following
the  occurrence  of a Change in Control,  as defined in the DCP, it shall not be
terminated  or  amended  in any way,  nor shall  the  manner in which the DCP is
administered  be  changed  in any way  which  adversely  affects  the  rights of
participants  or  beneficiaries  in  the  DCP.  Upon a  Change  in  Control  the
provisions  of the DCP  provide  that any benefit due under the DCP shall be (1)
offset by any  outstanding  loan of the  participant,  and (2)  forfeited if the
participant  engages in any activity  that is in  competition  with the Company.
Additionally,  in the event of a Change in Control,  each participant in the DCP
becomes  immediately vested at the age 65 benefit level and if the participant's
employment  is  terminated  for any reason  following a Change in  Control,  the
Company must make a lump-sum  payment  equal to the present  value of the age 65
benefit  level  discounted  for interest  only at the Pension  Benefit  Guaranty
Company's  Immediate  Annuity Rate used to value  benefits  for  single-employer
plans terminating on the date that the participant's employment was terminated.

    Retirement  Arrangements  with Mr.  Winn.  Mr. Winn  retired as an Executive
Officer  and  employee of the Company on July 1, 1997.  In  connection  with his
retirement,  the  Company  paid  Mr.  Winn  salary  in the  amount  of  $191,641
attributed to the period  January 1, 1997,  through July 1, 1997, and a bonus of
$84,275. In addition, the Company agreed to pay Mr. Winn a total of $200,000 for
the two year period commencing July 2, 1997 and ending July 1,1999 in return for
his  agreement to provide  consulting  services to the Company.  The Company has
increased  the annual  payments due to Mr. Winn under the DCP by $25,000.  Under
the DCP and SCP Mr. Winn will be entitled to receive  $262,500  annually  for 10
years of which  $108,669 was paid under these plans in 1997.  In  addition,  the
Company will continue paying premiums under  individual and group life insurance
policies until December 14, 2001 in exchange for Mr. Winn's waiving payment that
may be  otherwise  due under the Post  Retirement  Death  Benefit  Plan prior to
December  15, 2001.  The Company will  continue to include him and his family in
the  Company's  health and accident  insurance  plans until July 1, 1999.  As is
permitted under the 1985 SOP and 1993 ISP, the Company decided to accelerate the
exercisability  of 48,050 options to acquire  Company Common Stock that were not
exercisable at the time of his retirement and provide 1,000 shares of previously
awarded Company Common Stock free of restrictions.

                          CHANGE IN CONTROL PROTECTIONS

    In addition to the change in control  protections  contained  in the DCP and
SCP,  as  described  above  in  "Retirement   Compensation,"   the  Company  has
implemented the following additional change in control protections.

    Bonus  Guarantee  Letter  Agreements.   The  Company  currently  has  letter
agreements (the "Bonus Guarantee Letter  Agreements")  with all of the currently
serving  Executive  Officers named in the Executive  Compensation  table,  which
provide  that,  if they are  employed by the Company on the date of a "Change in
Control" (as defined in the Bonus  Guarantee  Letter  Agreements),  then for the
fiscal year  during  which a Change in Control  occurs  (the  "Change in Control
Year") they will receive an annual bonus  following a Change in Control at least
equal to the highest  annual  bonus paid or payable to them in respect of any of
the three full  fiscal  years  ended  prior to a Change in  Control  (i) for the
Change in Control Year, provided the Executive Officer remains in the employment
of the Company on the last day of the Change in Control  Year,  and (ii) for the
fiscal  year ended  prior to a Change in  Control if the amount of their  annual
bonus for such  year has not yet been  determined  at the time of the  Change in
Control.  The Bonus  Guarantee  Letter  Agreements  have an  initial  term of 24
months,  subject to automatic  successive  one-year  extensions  unless  written
notice  not to  extend  is given by the  Company  at least 90 days  prior to any
extension.  At December 31, 1997, the Company had issued similar bonus guarantee
letters  to  approximately  38  other  officers  and  employees  of the  Company
providing  that in the event of a Change in Control,  each such  employee  would
receive a minimum annual bonus  following a Change in Control as provided for in
such bonus guarantee letters.  Assuming a Change in Control occurred on the date
of this Proxy  Statement;  that all of the  currently  serving  named  Executive
Officers were still employed on that date; and that the currently  serving named
Executive Officers' employment had terminated on that date, it is estimated that
the minimum bonuses payable under the Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements would be
$770,000 for Mr.  Roach,  $306,500  for Mr.  Roberts,  $222,252 for Mr.  Hughes,
$188,758 for Mr. McClure, and $76,935 for Mr. Hill.

    Benefit Protections. The Board has included change in control protections in
the Tandy Fund, SUP, Tandy Stock Plan,  DCP, Post Retirement  Death Benefit Plan
("DBP"), 1985 Stock Option Plan, 1993 ISP, 1997 ISP and several other plans. The
DCP and SCP change in control  provisions  are described  above.  The Tandy Fund
provides  that for a period of one year  following  a "Change  in  Control,"  as
defined in such plan,  the plan may not be terminated or amended in any way that
would  adversely  affect the  computation or amount of, or  entitlement  to, the
benefits  under  the  plan.  The  SUP  and  Tandy  Stock  Plan  contain  similar
protections,  and also  provide  that in the event of a "Change in  Control," as
defined in such plans, the Company may not reduce the level of its contributions
to the SUP and Tandy  Stock  Plan in effect  immediately  prior to the Change in
Control.  The Tandy  Stock  Plan  additionally  provides  that in the event of a
Change in Control or a tender  offer,  other than an issuer  tender  offer,  the
Company shall distribute to each participant in the Tandy Stock Plan all Company
Common Stock held by the Company which was credited to the participant's account
under the Tandy Stock Plan.  The change in control  provisions  of the 1985 SOP,
1993 ISP and 1997 ISP provide that all  outstanding  options become  immediately
vested and exercisable in the event of a "Change in Control", as defined in such
plans. All of the foregoing are referred to herein as the "Benefit Protections."

    Termination Protection Agreements.  As of December 31, 1997, the Company has
entered into Termination  Protection  Agreements  ("Agreements") with all of the
currently serving Executive  Officers named in the Executive  Compensation table
and four other employees (collectively,  the "Executives").  The Agreements (all
of which are  substantially  similar) have an initial term of two years which is
automatically  extended for successive  one-year  periods  unless  terminated by
either party.  If the  employment of any of the  Executives is terminated  (with
certain exceptions) within 24 months following a "Change in Control", as defined
in the Agreements,  or in certain other instances in connection with a Change in
Control,  the  Executives  will be entitled  to receive  certain  cash  payments
(amounts  equal to two times  current  annual salary and the amount of the bonus
guarantee under the Bonus Guarantee  Letter Agreement and an amount equal to the
contributions  that the Company  would have made to the Tandy Stock Plan,  Tandy
Fund and SUP over a 24-month  period  assuming  the  foregoing  salary and bonus
guarantee  were used to calculate the Company's  contributions),  as well as the
continuation of fringe benefits (including life insurance,  disability, medical,
dental  and  hospitalization  benefits)  for  a  period  of  up  to  24  months.
Additionally,  all restrictions on any outstanding  incentive awards,  including
restricted  stock will lapse and such  awards  will  become  fully  vested,  all
outstanding stock options will become fully vested and immediately  exercisable,
and the Company will be required to purchase for cash, on demand,  any shares of
unrestricted stock and shares purchased upon the exercise of options at the then
per-share fair market value.

    The  Agreements  also  provide  that the  Company  shall make an  additional
"Gross-Up  Payment" (as defined in the  Agreements)  to the Executives to offset
fully the effect of any excise tax imposed  under  Section  4999 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), on any payment made to any of the
Executives  arising out of or in  connection  with the  employment of any of the
Executives.  In  addition,  the  Company  will pay all  legal  fees and  related
expenses  incurred by any of the Executives  arising out of employment of any of
the Executives or termination of employment under certain circumstances.

    Payments Upon A Change In Control.  Assuming a Change in Control occurred on
the date of this  Proxy  Statement;  that  all of the  currently  serving  named
Executive  Officers  were  still  employed  on that  date;  and  that all of the
currently  serving named Executive  Officers'  employment had terminated on that
date,  the  approximate  cash payment that would have been made by virtue of all
change in control  protections  implemented  by the Company (not  including  the
Gross-Up Payments) to Messrs.  Roach,  Roberts,  Hughes,  McClure and Hill would
have been approximately  $3,557,850;  $2,071,655;  $1,233,294;  $1,189,628;  and
$750,984  respectively.  The amount of the Gross-Up Payment,  if any, to be paid
may be substantial  and will depend upon numerous  factors,  including the price
per share of Company  Common  Stock and the  extent,  if any,  that  payments or
benefits made to the Executives  constitute  "excess parachute  payments" within
the meaning of Section 280G of the Code.

    Rabbi Trust.  In connection  with the Benefit  Protections,  Bonus Guarantee
Letter  Agreements,  the Termination  Protection  Agreements,  and several other
plans and  agreements,  the Company is  authorized  to enter into a Rabbi Trust,
which is intended to be a grantor trust under Section 671 of the Code. The Rabbi
Trust may be funded by the Company at any time but is required to be funded upon
a  "Threatened  Change in Control" or upon a "Change in Control"  (as such terms
are  defined in the Rabbi  Trust) in an amount  sufficient  to  provide  for the
payment of all  benefits  provided  under the  Agreements,  the Bonus  Guarantee
Letter Agreements,  the DCP and the DBP. The Rabbi Trust will also provide funds
for  litigation  on  behalf  of the  participants  in such  plans to the  extent
necessary to ensure their rights thereunder.  The Rabbi Trust will be a trust of
which the Company, for tax purposes, is the beneficiary and the trust assets, as
assets of the Company,  will be subject to the claims of the Company's creditors
in the event of the Company's bankruptcy or insolvency.


     The members of the Organization and Compensation  Committee  (hereafter the
"Committee")  at December 31,  1997,  were James I. Cash,  Jr.,  Jack L. Messman
(Chairman), William G. Morton and Thomas G. Plaskett. No member of the Committee
was an officer or employee of the  Company or its  subsidiaries  during the year
ended  December 31, 1997, and none was formerly an officer of the Company or any
of its subsidiaries.  In addition, no Executive Officer of the Company serves on
the board of directors or the  compensation  committee of another entity where a
Committee member is employed.

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

    The following  graph compares the  cumulative  total  stockholder  return on
Company   Common  Stock  against  the   cumulative   total  return  on  the  S&P
Corporate-500  Stock Index and the S&P Retail  Composite  Stock Index  (assuming
$100 was  invested on December  31,  1992,  in Company  Common  Stock and in the
stocks comprising the S&P Corporate-500 Stock Index and the S&P Retail Composite
Stock Index and also assuming the reinvestment of all dividends). The S&P Retail
Composite Stock Index, as well as the S&P  Corporate-500  Stock Index,  includes
the Company.

    The historical stock price  performance of Company Common Stock shown on the
graph below is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.

    Any general  statement  incorporating by reference this Proxy Statement into
any filing under the Securities  Act of 1933 or the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934 shall not be deemed to  incorporate  by reference this graph and this graph
shall not otherwise be deemed filed under such Acts.  The Company may,  however,
specifically incorporate this graph by reference in filings under such Acts.

Proxy Graph Coordiantes - EDGAR Filer

                   Dec. 92   Dec. 93   Dec. 94   Dec. 95   Dec. 96   Dec. 97

Tandy Corp.        100.00    169.353   173.662   146.330   157.943   280.500

S&P 500 Index      100.000   110.092   111.545   153.470   188.711   251.676

S&P Retail Stores 
Composite Index    100.000    96.261    87.866    98.164   115.865   167.749 


    The Organization and Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee") is appointed
by the Board of Directors and is composed entirely of independent directors. The
Committee is responsible for reviewing and  recommending  compensation  policies
and  programs  to the  Company's  Board of  Directors,  as well as  recommending
compensation  awards for the Company's  senior  executives,  including the Chief
Executive  Officer.  It makes  decisions with respect to grants and awards under
the  Company's  1993  ISP and  1997  ISP.  The  following  report  outlines  the
Committee's  recent action,  its  philosophy and policies  relative to executive
compensation,  and the  basis  for  specific  compensation  awards  to the Chief
Executive Officer attributable to 1997.

    Changes in Compensation  Policies.  In 1996 and again in 1997, the Committee
reviewed  compensation  practices at similar  companies to determine  what would
constitute competitive levels of compensation for officers and key employees. It
took into account the relative size of the other companies as well as the nature
of their  businesses.  The Committee in 1996 also undertook a three year plan to
adjust the base  salaries of officers and key  employees to  competitive  market
levels.  The list of  similar  retailing  and  electronics  companies  that were
surveyed by the  Committee was reviewed by the Company in  conjunction  with the
Committee. The basis of the selection continues to be a subjective determination
of the public  companies  that are  similar to the Company  (the "Peer  Group").
Some,  but not all, of the  companies in this Peer Group are included in the S&P
Retail Composite Index that is charted in the Performance Graph included in this
Proxy Statement.

    Compensation Philosophy and Overall Objectives. The overall objective of the
executive  compensation  program of the  Committee  is to  encourage  and reward
enhancement  of stockholder  value,  which is best  accomplished  by linking the
financial  interests of the  Company's key  executives  closely to the financial
interests of the Company's  stockholders.  Further,  the Committee believes that
the Company's  overall  executive  compensation  program should continue to be a
balanced plan that will:  (i) motivate  executives  toward  effective  long-term
management  of the  Company  through  prudent use of stock  programs  that focus
management  attention on increasing  stockholder  value;  (ii) reward  effective
ongoing management of Company  operations through annual performance  incentives
tied to increased  levels of Company and business  unit  performance;  and (iii)
attract  and retain key  executives  through  competitive  salary and  incentive

    Base Salary.  The Company's  executive  compensation  program is designed to
include a  competitive  base  salary  and an annual  bonus  tied to  appropriate
performance  goals and  objectives.  The  amounts of base  salary  increases  in
January  1997 and 1998,  were  based on a review  of pay  practices  of  similar
companies, as well as the Executive Officers' past performance and an assessment
of his or her ability to contribute to the Company's progress. In addition,  the
base  salary  increases  continue  the  Committee's  three  year  plan to adjust
officers and key employees  salaries to competitive market levels. The Committee
expects that increases in future years will be based on these same factors.

    Annual Incentive Bonus. In general, the Company's 1997 bonus program for the
Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and all other named Executive Officers was based
on a formula that relied on the following objective  performance  measures:  the
increase  in the  Company's  operating  income  (before  income  taxes) over the
previous  year;  the  increase  in the  Company's  earnings  per share  over the
previous year; the increase in the Company's share price during 1997 over 1996's
share price; and the Company's stock price  performance in relation to a similar
group of other  companies.  Under the formula,  improvements in operating income
(before  income taxes)  receive the most weight and earnings per share  receives
more weight than stock price performance.  This similar group of other companies
selected by the  Committee  includes all  companies in the S&P Retail  Composite
Index that is charted in this Proxy Statement.  (See "Performance  Graph").  Two
named  Executive  Officers  (other than the CEO) had an  additional  performance
measure related to the income for the division for which each was responsible.

    The bonus formulas for five of the named  Executive  Officers  including the
CEO are subject to a maximum equal to 100% of the Officer's  base salary,  while
the bonus formula for a sixth named Executive Officer is subject to a maximum of
80% of his base salary.  Under this  formula  program,  there are no  guaranteed
bonuses.  In the case of all of the  named  Executive  Officers,  the  objective
measures  in the  formula  bonus  program  were  required  to  exceed  specified
thresholds before any formula bonus was payable.  Since this did occur,  bonuses
for 1997 were awarded and paid in 1998 to the named Executive Officers.

    Long Term Incentives. In 1997, the Committee granted an aggregate of 962,200
stock  options  to 280  employees  under  the  1993  ISP,  including  all of the
currently  serving named  Executive  Officers.  The amount of options granted to
particular  officers was determined by the Committee  based on its evaluation of
the individual's  performance  following  consultation  with the Chief Executive
Officer. Two named Executive Officers received 26,000 shares of restricted stock
under the 1993 ISP, such awards being related to  performance,  and 2,000 shares
were granted to one named Executive  Officer relating to his initial  employment
by the Company. These restricted stock awards vest as to one-third of the shares
on each of the first three annual  anniversary  dates following the May 15, 1997
grant date for the two named Executive Officers and the July 25, 1997 grant date
for one named Executive Officer who is a new employee.  In an effort to increase
retail store manager  compensation and to retain well trained store  management,
the Company granted as of February 1, 1997,  under the 1993 ISP, an aggregate of
approximately 2,041,200 restricted stock awards of 400 shares each to RadioShack
store managers and  restricted  stock awards of 800 shares each to Computer City
store  managers.  In order to complete the February 1, 1997 award of  restricted
stock to RadioShack store managers,  an additional  324,750 shares of restricted
stock were granted as of February 1, 1998,  under the 1997 ISP, to approximately
1,299  RadioShack  store managers who did not receive in 1997  restricted  stock
awards under the 1993 ISP.

    The 1993 ISP also  permits the Company to grant  other  stock-based  awards,
such as performance shares and stock appreciation  rights, in amounts determined
by the Committee, subject to the restrictions under the 1993 ISP. Under the 1997
ISP plan approved by stockholders in 1997, which is similar to the 1993 ISP, the
Company may also grant  various  types of other  stock-based  awards,  including
options,  performance shares and performance units, to eligible  participants in
amounts to be determined by the Committee, subject to the restrictions set forth
in the plan.

    The  Committee  believes  that  stock  options  and  other  awards,  such as
restricted stock grants, are very
important in motivating and rewarding  creation of long-term  shareholder value.
The Committee  periodically  has awarded in the past, and plans to award now and
in the future,  stock  options and  restricted  stock awards based on continuing
progress of the Company and improvements in individual performance.

     Compensation of the Chief Executive  Officer.  For the year ending December
31, 1997, the  compensation of the Chief Executive  Officer was determined under
the compensation plan approved by the Board of Directors in December 1996 and by
the  stockholders on May 18, 1995. The bonus factors  utilized were increases in
the Company's  operating  income  (before  income taxes) over the previous year;
increases in the Company's  earning per share over the previous year;  increases
in the  Company's  share  price  during  1997 over  1996's  share  price and the
Company's  stock  price  performance  in  relation  to a similar  group of other
companies. Mr. Roach was paid bonus attributable to 1997 based on these factors;
however he was not awarded any  additional  restricted  stock in 1997. Mr. Roach
was paid a base salary of $770,000  for the years 1996 and 1997 and will be paid
a base salary of $810,000 in 1998.  Mr. Roach was paid a bonus of $770,000 based
on the objective  measures in his formula bonus program for 1997.  The Committee
awarded a total of 135,000  stock  options to Mr.  Roach in October  1997 at the
same time other  executives  received stock options.  The award was based on the
Committee's  subjective  assessment  of  the  Company's  performance  and  after
reviewing competitive data.

    Compliance with Section 162(m). In general,  it is the Committee's policy to
structure the compensation  paid to the Chairman and CEO so that it will qualify
for  deductibility  under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. Also, the
Committee  designated a maximum number of options and awards that may be awarded
to any one individual under the 1997 ISP, in order to qualify for  deductibility
under Section 162(m). In appropriate  circumstances,  however, when necessary to
achieve its overall objective of rewarding effective  management,  the Committee
may  approve  compensation  packages  which  include  payments  that  may not be
deductible under Section 162(m).

                     Organization and Compensation Committee

        Jack L. Messman, Chairman                            James I. Cash, Jr.
        William G. Morton                                    Thomas G. Plaskett


     During the year ended  December  31, 1997,  the Company paid  approximately
$363,064  to Texas  Christian  University  ("TCU"),  of which Dr.  Tucker is the
Chancellor,  for  administering  the Tandy  Technology  Scholars Program and for
various  TCU  scholarship   funds,   the  English   Language   Learning  Center,
advertisements,  tickets, seminars, contributions through the Company's matching
gift  program and amounts paid for TCU  promotional  items sold though the "Fort
Worth Store" in the Fort Worth Outlet Mall, which is operated by the Company.

                             INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS

    The Board has selected  Price  Waterhouse,  which has audited the  Company's
books annually since 1899, as independent accountants for 1998.  Representatives
of Price  Waterhouse  are  expected to be present at the Annual  Meeting with an
opportunity to make a statement and/or respond to appropriate questions.


   In order for proposals of  stockholders to be considered for inclusion in the
proxy  statement  for the 1999 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company,
which  is now  scheduled  to be held on May 20,  1999,  such  proposals  must be
received by the Corporate Secretary of the Company by December 8, 1998.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     A copy of the Company's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 1997,
is being mailed to stockholders  with this Proxy Statement.  Stockholders who do
not receive a copy of such  Annual  Report may obtain a copy  without  charge by
writing or calling  Shareholder  Services,  Tandy Corporation,  100 Throckmorton
Street, Suite 1700, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-2818, telephone number 817-415-3022.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

    As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  management  of the  Company has no
knowledge  of any  other  business  to be  presented  to the  meeting.  If other
business is properly brought before the meeting,  the persons named in the Proxy
will vote according to their discretion.

                                                            TANDY CORPORATION

                                                             Fort Worth, Texas
April 7, 1998