- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

- ---     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1998



        For the transition period from ____ to ____.

                         Commission File Number: 1-5571

                                TANDY CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                                     75-1047710
(State or other jurisdiction of                     (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                    Identification No.)

100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas    76102
    (Address of principal executive offices)            (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (817) 415-3700

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No __
The number of shares  outstanding of the issuer's Common Stock, $1 par value, on
April 30, 1998 was 101,274,961.

         Index to Exhibits is on Sequential Page No. 17. Total pages 28.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                  Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                 March 31,
(In millions, except per share amounts)                      1998        1997
- --------------------------------------                     --------    --------

Net sales and operating revenues                          $1,258.3    $1,291.7
Cost of products sold                                        784.0       840.1
                                                          --------    --------
Gross profit                                                 474.3       451.6
                                                          --------    --------

  Selling, general and administrative                        379.6       379.5
  Depreciation and amortization                               25.8        23.6
  Interest income                                             (1.7)       (2.2)
  Interest expense                                            10.3         9.0
                                                          --------    --------
                                                             414.0       409.9
                                                          --------    --------

Income before income taxes                                    60.3        41.7
Provision for income taxes                                    23.2        16.1
                                                          --------    --------

Net income                                                    37.1        25.6

Preferred dividends                                            1.5         1.6
                                                          --------    --------

Net income available to common shareholders               $   35.6    $   24.0
                                                          ========    ========

Net income available per common share:
  Basic                                                   $   0.35    $   0.22
                                                          ========    ========

  Diluted                                                 $   0.34    $   0.21
                                                          ========    ========

Shares used computing earnings per common share:
  Basic                                                      101.8       111.8
                                                          ========    ========

  Diluted                                                    106.8       116.4
                                                          ========    ========

Dividends declared per common share                       $   0.10    $   0.10
                                                          ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                           March 31,  December 31,  March 31,
                                                             1998         1997        1997
(In millions, except for share amounts)                   (Unaudited)             (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------                      --------    --------    --------
Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                                 $    77.9    $  105.9    $  101.5
 Accounts and notes receivable, less allowance for
  doubtful accounts                                            223.1       251.3       180.3
 Inventories, at lower of cost or market                     1,182.1     1,205.2     1,282.4
 Other current assets                                          142.2       153.1       173.9
                                                            --------    --------    --------

    Total current assets                                     1,625.3     1,715.5     1,738.1

Property, plant and equipment, at cost, less
 accumulated depreciation                                      523.9       521.9       542.5

Other assets, net of accumulated amortization                   83.3        80.1       105.1
                                                            --------    --------    --------
                                                            $2,232.5    $2,317.5    $2,385.7
                                                            ========    ========    ========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 
Current liabilities:
 Short-term debt, including current maturities
  of long-term debt                                         $  266.5    $  299.5    $  403.0
 Accounts payable                                              287.7       325.2       316.7
 Accrued expenses                                              238.5       273.1       291.6
 Income taxes payable                                           63.9        78.6        76.9
                                                            --------    --------    --------

    Total current liabilities                                  856.6       976.4     1,088.2
                                                            --------    --------    --------

Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                   277.1       236.1       104.2
Other non-current liabilities                                   49.8        46.4        22.2
                                                            --------    --------    --------

    Total other liabilities                                    326.9       282.5       126.4
                                                            --------    --------    --------

Stockholders' equity:
 Preferred stock, no par value, 1,000,000 shares 
 Series A junior participating, 100,000 shares
  authorized and none issued                                    --          --          --
 Series B convertible (TESOP), 100,000 shares
  authorized and issued, 80,000 shares outstanding             100.0       100.0       100.0
 Common stock, $1 par value, 250,000,000 shares
  authorized with 138,332,000, 138,332,000 and
  85,645,000 shares issued, respectively                       138.3       138.3        85.6
 Additional paid-in capital                                     26.7        19.2       106.3
 Retained earnings                                           1,701.9     1,676.3     2,202.4
 Common stock in treasury, at cost, 36,812,000,
  36,023,000 and 30,712,000 shares, respectively              (881.6)     (836.1)   (1,273.7)
 Unearned deferred compensation related to TESOP               (34.8)      (37.4)      (44.9)
 Accumulated other comprehensive income                         (1.5)       (1.7)       (4.6)
                                                            --------    --------    --------
 Total stockholders' equity                                  1,049.0     1,058.6     1,171.1
Commitments and contingent liabilities
                                                            --------    --------    --------
                                                            $2,232.5    $2,317.5    $2,385.7
                                                            ========    ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                 March 31,
(In millions)                                               1998          1997
 -----------                                             --------     --------

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                $   37.1     $   25.6

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash 
 provided (used) by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization                               25.8         23.8
  Provision for credit losses and bad debts                    1.6          0.9
  Other items                                                  5.0          0.2

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
 Receivables                                                  28.0         31.3
 Inventories                                                  23.1        128.2
 Other current assets                                          5.7          1.4
 Accounts payable, accrued expenses and income taxes         (86.9)      (223.1)
                                                          --------     --------
Net cash provided (used) by operating activities              39.4        (11.7)
                                                          --------     --------
Investing activities:
Additions to property, plant and equipment                   (28.2)       (22.7)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment            2.5          0.6
Other investing activities                                    --           (2.3)
                                                          --------     --------
Net cash used by investing activities                        (25.7)       (24.4)
                                                          --------     --------

Financing activities:
Purchase of treasury stock                                   (59.0)      (129.9)
Sales of treasury stock to employee stock 
 purchase program                                             12.5         12.5
Proceeds from exercise of stock options                        8.5          2.4
Dividends paid, net of taxes                                 (11.5)       (12.5)
Changes in short-term borrowings, net                        (36.6)       143.7
Additions to long-term borrowings                             44.8         --
Repayments of long-term borrowings                            (0.4)        (0.1)
                                                          --------     --------
Net cash (used) provided by financing activities             (41.7)        16.1
                                                          --------     --------

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                        (28.0)       (20.0)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period               105.9        121.5
                                                          --------     --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                  $   77.9     $  101.5
                                                          ========     ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


    The  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements  have been
prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q and do not include all
of the  information  and  footnotes  required by generally  accepted  accounting
principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management,  all
adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for a
fair  presentation  have been included.  Operating  results for the three months
ended March 31, 1998 are not  necessarily  indicative of the results that may be
expected for the year ending December 31, 1998. For further  information,  refer
to  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  management's  discussion  and
analysis of results of  operations  and  financial  condition  included in Tandy
Corporation's ("Tandy" or the "Company") 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 1997.

    On August 21, 1997, the Company's Board of Directors  declared a two-for-one
split of Tandy common stock for  stockholders of record at the close of business
on August 29, 1997, payable on September 22, 1997. This resulted in the issuance
of 52.7 million  shares of common stock along with a  corresponding  decrease of
$52.7 million in additional  paid-in  capital.  All  references to the number of
shares of common stock issued or outstanding,  per share prices,  and income per
common share amounts in the consolidated financial statements,  the accompanying
notes and management's discussion and analysis have been adjusted to reflect the
split on a retroactive basis.

    Effective  December 31,  1997,  the Company  adopted  Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards  No.  128,  "Earnings  per  Share"  ("FAS  128").  FAS 128
established  new  standards  for  computing  and  presenting  earnings per share
("EPS").  The statement  requires dual  presentation of basic and diluted EPS on
the face of the income  statement for entities with complex  capital  structures
and requires a reconciliation  of the numerator and denominator of the basic EPS
computation  to the numerator and  denominator  of the diluted EPS  computation.
Basic EPS excludes the effect of potentially  dilutive  securities while diluted
EPS reflects the  potential  dilution  that would have occurred if securities or
other contracts to issue common stock were exercised,  converted, or resulted in
the  issuance of common stock that would have then shared in the earnings of the
entity.  EPS data for the three months ended March 31, 1997 presented herein has
been restated to conform with the  provisions of this  statement.  The following
schedule is a reconciliation  of the numerator and denominator used in the basic
and diluted EPS calculations for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997,

                                               Three Months Ended                    Three Months Ended
                                                  March 31, 1998                        March 31, 1997
                                       ----------------------------------     ----------------------------------
(Dollars and shares in millions,        Income       Shares     Per Share      Income       Shares     Per Share
  except per share amounts)           (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount     (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount
 -------------------------------       --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------

Net income                             $   37.1                               $   25.6
Less: Preferred stock dividends            (1.5)                                  (1.6)
                                       --------                               --------

Basic EPS
Net income available to common
  shareholders                             35.6        101.8     $   0.35         24.0        111.8     $   0.22
                                                                 ========                               ========

Effect of dilutive securities:
Plus dividends on Series B               
 preferred stock                            1.5                                    1.6
Additional contribution required
 for TESOP if preferred stock                             
 had been converted                        (1.0)         3.5                      (1.0)         3.6
Stock options                                            1.5                                    1.0
                                       --------     --------                  --------     --------

Diluted EPS
Net income available to common
 shareholders plus assumed          
 conversions                           $   36.1        106.8     $   0.34     $   24.6        116.4     $   0.21
                                       ========     ========     ========     ========     ========     ========

    On June 26, 1997,  the Company  organized a new  subsidiary,  Computer City,
Inc. ("CCI" or "Computer City"),  and thereafter  conveyed to it certain related
assets and  liabilities  of the Company's  Computer City  division.  On July 17,
1997,  Eureka Venture  Partners III LLP, a Texas limited  liability  partnership
("Eureka")  entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement with the Company (the "Stock
Purchase Agreement") to acquire 19.9% of the outstanding common stock of CCI for
a total  purchase  price of $24.9  million,  payable in cash (1% of the purchase
price) and a note (99% of the  purchase  price)  issued by  Eureka.  The note is
secured  only by the  common  shares of CCI held by  Eureka.  Accordingly,  this
transaction has not been recognized as a sale for accounting  purposes and Tandy
continues to  consolidate  100% of CCI's results of  operations.  The note bears
interest at 8% per annum and is payable on or before July 17, 2002.  Eureka,  on
July 17, 1997,  also acquired a warrant to purchase an  additional  20.1% of the
outstanding  common stock of CCI for $31.4 million payable in cash (at least 10%
of the  purchase  price)  and a note (not more than 90% of the  purchase  price)
issued by Eureka.  This warrant is  exercisable  upon either the  attainment  of
certain  financial  performance goals by CCI or upon the date CCI is established
as an independent entity as defined pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement.

    Eureka has the option to require the Company to repurchase  all shares owned
by Eureka and the warrant,  in the event that it is exercisable but unexercised,
upon payment of certain amounts as provided in the Stock Purchase Agreement,  if
certain  financial  performance  goals  are  met by CCI and  the  CCI  Board  of
Directors does not approve the establishment of CCI as an independent  entity by
means of one or more transactions.  Additionally, prior to CCI being established
as an  independent  entity,  the Company has the right to  reacquire  all of the
shares  of CCI  owned  by  Eureka  and  the  warrant,  in the  event  that it is
exercisable but unexercised,  upon payment of certain amounts,  as determined by
defined formulas pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement.

    See  Note 7 for  Computer  City's  net  sales  and  operating  revenues  and
operating profit (loss) for the first quarters of the current and prior years.

    In 1996,  Tandy  initiated  certain  restructuring  programs  affecting  its
Incredible  Universe and  Computer  City stores and its  remaining  McDuff store
operations.  These  restructuring  programs  were  undertaken as a result of the
highly competitive  environment in the electronics  industry.  See the Company's
1997  Annual  Report  for  a  discussion  of  the  1996  restructuring   reserve

    The McDuff and Computer City stores affected by the 1996  restructuring plan
were all  closed by the end of the first  quarter  of 1997.  At March 31,  1998,
three  Incredible  Universe  locations  remained.  The  lease  on one  of  these
locations was  terminated in April 1998 and another was sold in May 1998.  Based
on  negotiations  currently  in process,  management  anticipates  that the last
Incredible  Universe  location will be disposed of in the near future.  However,
there can be no assurance that the final planned disposal will occur.

    Net sales and operating  revenues and operating  losses of the stores closed
pursuant to the  restructuring  plans are shown below for the three months ended
March 31:

                                         Three Months Ended March 31,
(In millions)                              1998                1997
- -------------                            --------            --------

Net sales and operating revenues            $ 0.1              $128.7
Operating loss                                --                (14.7)

    Although no additional  material provisions are expected in 1998 relating to
the 1996  restructuring,  unexpected  delays  in the  final  disposition  of the
remaining property and leases,  among other factors,  could result in additional

    The  following  schedule is an analysis of the amounts  charged  against the
reserve  during the three months ended March 31, 1998.  Real estate  obligations
shown below primarily  represent estimated amounts to be incurred in terminating
remaining leases.

                           Balance   Additional   1/1/98 -   Balance
(In millions)              12/31/97   Reserves    3/31/98    3/31/98
- ------------               --------   --------   --------   --------
Real estate obligations        27.0      --         (5.2)   $   21.8
Other                           1.6      --         (0.1)        1.5
                           --------   --------   --------   --------
                               28.6      --         (5.3)   $   23.3
                           ========   ========   ========   ========

    Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards  No. 130,  "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income" ("FAS 130").
Comprehensive  income is  defined  as the  change in equity  (net  assets)  of a
business  enterprise  during a period  from  transactions  and other  events and
circumstances from non-owner sources. It includes all changes in equity during a
period except those resulting from  investments by owners and  distributions  to
owners.  Comprehensive income for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997
was $37.2 million and $24.4 million, respectively.

    Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 131,  "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related  Information"  ("FAS  131").  The table below  summarizes  net sales and
operating  revenues,  operating  profit and assets for the Company's  reportable
segments.  Consolidated  operating  profit is reconciled to the Company's income
before income taxes.

                                              Three Months Ended March 31,
(In millions)                                     1998            1997
- -------------                                   --------        --------
Net sales and operating revenues:
 RadioShack                                     $  778.5        $  688.2
 Computer City                                     479.7           474.8
 Closed units - restructuring                        0.1           128.7
                                                --------        --------
                                                $1,258.3        $1,291.7
                                                ========        ========

Operating profit:
 RadioShack                                     $   84.7        $   62.4
 Computer City                                      (9.8)            3.5
 Closed units - restructuring                       --             (14.7)
 Corporate administration and other                 (6.0)           (2.7)
                                                --------        --------
                                                    68.9            48.5
Interest income                                      1.7             2.2
Interest expense                                   (10.3)           (9.0)
                                                --------        --------
Income before income taxes                      $   60.3        $   41.7
                                                ========        ========

 RadioShack                                     $1,315.9        $1,214.8
 Computer City                                     493.5           550.3
 Closed units - restructuring                       --              28.8
 Corporate administration and other                423.1           591.8
                                                --------        --------
                                                $2,232.5        $2,385.7
                                                ========        ========


Factors That May Affect Future Results

    Tandy   Corporation   ("Tandy"  or  "Company")   participates  in  a  highly
competitive  industry that is characterized by aggressive pricing practices.  In
developing  strategies  to achieve  continued  increases in sales and  operating
profits,  the  Company  anticipates  customer  demand in  managing  its  product
transitions,   inventory  levels,   and  distribution   cycles.   Due  to  rapid
technological  advances  affecting  personal  computer and  consumer  electronic
product  cycles,  the Company's  operating  results could be adversely  affected
should the Company be unable to anticipate  product cycle and/or customer demand
accurately.  The Company's ability to achieve targeted sales and earnings levels
depends  upon a number of  competitive  and market  factors  including,  without
limitation,  real  estate  market  fluctuations,   interest  rate  fluctuations,
dependence on  manufacturers'  product  development and changes in tax rules and
regulations applicable to the Company.

    The  regulatory  and trade  environment  in which the  Company  operates  is
subject to risk and  uncertainty.  As a large  importer of  consumer  electronic
products from Asia,  unfavorable  trade imbalances or the failure of Congress to
approve a "Most Favored Nations" status to The People's  Republic of China could
negatively  affect the  Company.  As a result of the  Telecommunications  Act of
1996, the  deregulated  telecommunications  market will continue to present both
opportunities and increased  competition for the provision of  telecommunication
equipment and service to consumers.

    With the exception of historical  information,  the matters discussed herein
contain forward-looking  statements that involve risks and uncertainties and are
indicated  by  words  such as  "anticipates",  "expects",  "believes",  "plans",
"could", and similar words and phrases. These uncertainties include, but are not
limited to, economic conditions  including consumer  installment debt levels and
interest  rate  fluctuations,  shifts in  consumer  electronic  product  cycles,
technological  advances or a lack  thereof,  consumer  demand for  products  and
services,  competitive products and pricing, availability of products, inventory
risks due to shifts in market demand,  the regulatory and trade  environment and
other risks indicated in filings by the Company with the Securities and Exchange

Segment Reporting Disclosures

    Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 131,  "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related Information" ("FAS 131"). All references to RadioShack and Computer City
in  management's  discussion  and  analysis  refer to the  Company's  reportable
segments, unless otherwise noted.

    The  RadioShack  segment  includes the  RadioShack  retail  division and its
related retail support  operations.  The Computer City segment includes Computer
City, Inc. ("CCI" or "Computer City"),  which is comprised of the North American
operations,  and, in the prior year  information,  the five Computer City Europe
stores  sold by the  Company in the fourth  quarter  of 1997.  The closed  units
segment  includes all Tandy stores and  non-retail  units which were part of the
store closure plan  announced in December  1996.  The  corporate  administration
segment includes corporate units which serve all areas of the Company and, also,
income  (expense)  which is not  allocated to the  RadioShack  and Computer City

Net Sales and Operating Revenues

    Net sales and operating revenues for the periods ended March 31 were:

                                          Three Months Ended
                                               March 31,        % Increase
(In millions)                             1998         1997      (Decrease)
- -------------                           --------     --------    ---------
RadioShack                              $  778.5     $  688.2       13.1%
Computer City                              479.7        474.8        1.0
                                        --------     --------
 Retail segments                         1,258.2      1,163.0        8.2
Closed units - restructuring                 0.1        128.7      (99.9)
                                        --------     --------
                                        $1,258.3     $1,291.7       (2.6)%
                                        ========     ========

    Retail  segments  generated  an 8.2% sales gain for the three  month  period
ended March 31, 1998. The Company's overall  comparable store sales for U.S. and
Canadian retail operations increased 6.6% over the first quarter of 1997.

    RadioShack's overall sales increased 13.1% during the first quarter of 1998,
while  comparable  retail  store sales  increased  11.2%,  compared to the first
quarter   of  1997.   Sales   increases   were   particularly   strong   in  the
telecommunications   and   personal   computer   categories.    Sales   of   all
telecommunications  products were up more than 25% during this quarter, compared
to the quarter ended March 31, 1997.  Sales of cellular  telephones  represented
approximately  two-thirds of total wireless revenue for this three month period.
In addition,  approximately 3,500 company-owned stores were selling PCS hardware
and  services at March 31,  1998,  compared to 1,300  stores at March 31,  1997.
Sales of residential  telephone  products  increased  approximately 25% over the
first quarter of 1997,  driven by increased  assortments and the introduction of
the Sprint Store at RadioShack in September 1997.

    Computer  sales  were up over 25% in  dollars  and up over 85% in  number of
units,  due to  aggressive  pricing  strategies  put into  place  as  RadioShack
transitioned from IBM to Compaq branded computer products. Of RadioShack's major
product  categories,  only the audio/video  category had a slight sales decrease
for the quarter ended March 31, 1998.

    Overall sales for the Computer City segment  increased 1.0% during the first
quarter of 1998. However, excluding the five Computer City Europe stores sold in
the fourth quarter of 1997,  Computer  City's overall sales  increased 6.1% over
the prior year first  quarter,  primarily due to the opening of eight new stores
since March 31, 1997. Retail merchandise sales accounted for the majority of the
overall sales increase for the quarter,  with  increased  sales in the software,
printers,  and  accessory  and  supplies  categories.  Sales in the computer CPU
category, however, decreased in both dollars and as a percent of sales, compared
to the prior year first quarter, as the average CPU price decreased.  Comparable
U.S. and Canadian  store sales were flat for the quarter,  compared to the three
months  ended March 31, 1997.  Computer  City plans to open  approximately  five
additional stores in the second quarter.


                                 March 31,  December 31,  March 31, December 31,
                                    1998        1997        1997        1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Company-Owned                     4,978       4,972       4,875       4,942(1)
  Dealer/Franchise                  1,946       1,934       1,919       1,927
                                 --------    --------    --------    --------
                                    6,924       6,906       6,794       6,869

Computer City                          96          96          93         113(2)
Incredible Universe (3)                --          --           6          17
                                 --------    --------    --------    --------

Total Number of Retail Outlets      7,020       7,002       6,893       6,999
                                 ========    ========    ========    ========

(1)Includes  53 McDuff stores that were part of the store closure plan announced
   in December 1996. 
(2)Includes 21 stores that were part of the store closure plan announced in 
   December 1996.
(3)Incredible Universe division ceased operations in 1997.

Gross Profit

    Gross  profit  for the  Company  as a percent  of net  sales  and  operating
revenues was 37.7%  during the three  months  ended March 31, 1998,  compared to
35.0% during the  corresponding  1997 period.  This increase in the gross profit
percentage is the result of the closing of  Incredible  Universe and other units
pursuant to the 1996 restructuring;  these units operated at lower gross margins
than Tandy as a whole. Closed units accounted for 10.0% of Tandy's  consolidated
sales during the three months ended March 31, 1997.  Excluding closed units, the
gross  profit  percent  of  sales  for the  first  quarter  of 1997  would  have
approximated 37.4%.

    RadioShack's  gross margin decreased  approximately  1.0 percentage point in
the first quarter of 1998,  compared to the first quarter of 1997. This decrease
was due to increases in computer and telecommunications  products sales, both of
which have lower gross margins than the overall RadioShack  average.  RadioShack
also  experienced  a large  increase  during the  quarter in the sale of prepaid
wireless airtime, which has a significantly lower gross margin than RadioShack's
core categories.  All other major  RadioShack  categories had increases in gross
margin dollars.

    Computer  City's gross profit as a percent of sales decreased 0.3 percentage
points for the three months ended March 31, 1998,  compared to the 1997 quarter,
although  gross  profit  increased  in  dollars  during  this time  period.  The
increased  utilization of mail in rebates  contributed to gross profit decreases
in both  dollars  and as a percent  of sales in the  computer,  peripherals  and
software categories. In addition, gross profits for technical services were down
in both dollars and as a percent of sales for the quarter, compared to the three
months ended March 31, 1997.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

    Selling,  general and  administrative  ("SG&A")  expense as a percent of net
sales and operating  revenues for the first quarter of 1998 was 30.2%,  compared
to 29.4% during the first quarter of 1997. This 0.8 percentage point increase is
primarily  the result of the  closing of  Incredible  Universe  and other  units
pursuant to the 1996  restructuring;  these units had a lower SG&A expense level
than Tandy as a whole. Closed units accounted for 10.0% of Tandy's  consolidated
sales  during the three months ended March 31,  1997.  Excluding  closed  units,
Tandy's SG&A expense as a percent of sales would have been 30.0% for the quarter
ended March 31, 1997.  The Company's SG&A expense as a percent of sales was also
affected by a 2.2 percentage  point increase in Computer  City's SG&A percentage
from transitional costs and duplication of overhead  expenses,  as CCI continues
to build the  infrastructure  necessary to move toward  independence from Tandy.
Consolidated Company advertising and rent expenses were down in both dollars and
as a percent of sales,  while payroll  expenses were slightly up for the quarter
ended March 31, 1998.

    RadioShack's  SG&A  expense  as percent of sales  decreased  2.9  percentage
points when compared to the first 1997 quarter, due in part to lower advertising
costs. In addition, significant increases in comparable stores sales contributed
to the decrease in  RadioShack's  SG&A  expense as a percent of sales.  Computer
City's  higher  SG&A  expense as a percent of sales  this  quarter is  primarily
attributable  to higher  payroll costs  associated  with the new  infrastructure
expenses described above and, also, to higher advertising costs.

Provision for Business Restructuring

    In 1996,  Tandy  initiated  certain  restructuring  programs  affecting  its
Incredible  Universe and  Computer  City stores and its  remaining  McDuff store
operations.  These  restructuring  programs  were  undertaken as a result of the
highly competitive  environment in the electronics  industry.  See the Company's
1997  Annual  Report  for  a  discussion  of  the  1996  restructuring   reserve

    The McDuff and Computer City stores affected by the 1996  restructuring plan
were all  closed by the end of the first  quarter  of 1997.  At March 31,  1998,
three  Incredible  Universe  locations  remained.  The  lease  on one  of  these
locations was  terminated in April 1998 and another was sold in May 1998.  Based
on  negotiations  currently  in process,  management  anticipates  that the last
Incredible  Universe  location will be disposed of in the near future.  However,
there can be no assurance that the final planned disposal will occur.

    Net sales and operating  revenues and operating  losses of the stores closed
pursuant to the  restructuring  plans are shown below for the three months ended
March 31:

                                         Three Months Ended March 31,
(In millions)                                1998           1997
- -------------                              --------       --------

Net sales and operating revenues           $    0.1       $  128.7
Operating loss                                  --           (14.7)

    Although no additional  material provisions are expected in 1998 relating to
the 1996  restructuring,  unexpected  delays  in the  final  disposition  of the
remaining property and leases,  among other factors,  could result in additional

    The  following  schedule is an analysis of the amounts  charged  against the
reserve  during the three months ended March 31, 1998.  Real estate  obligations
shown below primarily  represent estimated amounts to be incurred in terminating
remaining leases.
                                     Balance   Additional    1/1/98-     Balance
(In millions)                       12/31/97    Reserves     3/31/98     3/31/98
- ------------                        --------    --------    --------    --------
Real estate obligations                 27.0        --          (5.2)   $   21.8
Other                                    1.6        --          (0.1)        1.5
                                    --------    --------    --------    --------
                                        28.6        --          (5.3)   $   23.3
                                    ========    ========    ========    ========

Net Interest Expense

    Net interest  expense for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 was $8.6 million,
an increase of $1.8 million from $6.8 million in the first quarter of 1997. This
net increase in expense is the result of several  factors.  First, the Company's
average debt outstanding for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 was  approximately
$42.1  million  higher than the average debt  outstanding  for the quarter ended
March 31, 1997. Secondly, the Company has refinanced a portion of its short-term
indebtedness  by issuing $199.0 million of medium and long-term  unsecured notes
since March 31, 1997.  These  longer term notes bear  slightly  higher  interest
rates than the short-term  financing used by the Company during the three months
ended March 31, 1997.  Also,  principal  reductions  in  interest-bearing  notes
receivable have resulted in a decline in interest  income.  Net interest expense
is expected to increase moderately during 1998.

Provision for Income Taxes

    Provision  for  income  taxes  for  each  quarterly  period  is based on the
estimate of the annual  effective  tax rate for the fiscal year as  evaluated at
the end of each quarter. The effective tax rate was 38.5% for the first quarters
of both 1998 and 1997.

Restricted Stock Awards

    The  Company  granted,  under the 1993  Incentive  Stock Plan on February 1,
1997, an aggregate of  approximately  2,041,200  restricted  stock awards of 400
shares  each to  4,907  RadioShack  store  managers  and 800  shares  each to 98
Computer City store managers. The restricted stock awards had a weighted average
fair value of $22.59 per share when  granted.  Vesting of the  restricted  stock
occurs at the earlier of the following:  (1) if managers are employed as a store
manager or higher position by the Company after February 1, 1999 and the Company
common stock closes at $33 13/16 or more for 20  consecutive  trading days,  the
stock  will  vest at that  time,  and  otherwise,  (2) the  shares  will vest on
February 1, 2002 if the  managers  are  employed  as store  managers or a higher
position of the Company, at that time.  Compensation expense,  equal to the fair
market  value of the shares upon  vesting,  will be  recognized  when it becomes
probable that the performance criteria will be met or upon actual vesting. As of
March 31, 1998,  there were 1,470,600 stock awards  outstanding and eligible for
ultimate vesting pursuant to this restricted stock award.

Computer City Strategy

    On June 26, 1997,  the Company  organized a new  subsidiary,  Computer City,
Inc. ("CCI" or "Computer City"),  and thereafter  conveyed to it certain related
assets and  liabilities  of the Company's  Computer City  division.  On July 17,
1997,  Eureka Venture  Partners III LLP, a Texas limited  liability  partnership
("Eureka")  entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement with the Company (the "Stock
Purchase Agreement") to acquire 19.9% of the outstanding common stock of CCI for
a total  purchase  price of $24.9  million,  payable in cash (1% of the purchase
price) and a note (99% of the  purchase  price)  issued by  Eureka.  The note is
secured  only by the  common  shares of CCI held by  Eureka.  Accordingly,  this
transaction has not been recognized as a sale for accounting  purposes and Tandy
continues to  consolidate  100% of CCI's results of  operations.  The note bears
interest at 8% per annum and is payable on or before July 17, 2002.  Eureka,  on
July 17, 1997,  also acquired a warrant to purchase an  additional  20.1% of the
outstanding  common stock of CCI for $31.4 million payable in cash (at least 10%
of the  purchase  price)  and a note (not more than 90% of the  purchase  price)
issued by Eureka.  This warrant is  exercisable  upon either the  attainment  of
certain  financial  performance goals by CCI or upon the date CCI is established
as an independent entity as defined pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement.

    Eureka has the option to require the Company to repurchase  all shares owned
by Eureka and the warrant,  in the event that it is exercisable but unexercised,
upon payment of certain amounts as provided in the Stock Purchase Agreement,  if
certain  financial  performance  goals  are  met by CCI and  the  CCI  Board  of
Directors does not approve the establishment of CCI as an independent  entity by
means of one or more transactions.  Additionally, prior to CCI being established
as an  independent  entity,  the Company has the right to  reacquire  all of the
shares  of CCI  owned  by  Eureka  and  the  warrant,  in the  event  that it is
exercisable but unexercised,  upon payment of certain amounts,  as determined by
defined formulas pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement.

    As of May 8, 1998,  CCI is working with  investment  banks to raise  private
investments  of  approximately  $50 million.  Capital raised as a result of this
process would be used primarily for capital expenditures. CCI and the investment
banks are in the process of meeting with  potential  investors.  There can be no
assurance,  however,  that CCI will be able to raise  any such  capital  or that
independent status will occur.

    See  Segment  Data by  Business  Unit for  Computer  City's  net  sales  and
operating  revenues and operating  profit  (loss) for the first  quarters of the
current  and  prior  years.  The new  management  team at CCI has taken and will
continue  to take  certain  actions  planned to  increase  revenues  and achieve
profitability.  These plans include  increasing service revenues which typically
have a higher gross margin than merchandise  sales,  increasing  direct sales to
corporations,  government and education customers, and creating a build-to-order
program which allows customers to order  custom-configured  personal  computers.
Management of CCI believes that these actions could result in improved operating
performance;  however,  there  can be no  assurance  that  increased  sales  and
profitability will be achieved.  Should these actions fail to increase sales and
achieve  operating  profit,  CCI management may be required to close  additional
stores,  sell certain assets or take other measures deemed  necessary to achieve
improved operating performance.

Cash Flow and Financial Condition

    Cash flow provided by operating activities approximated $39.4 million in the
three month  period  ended March 31,  1998,  compared to cash used by  operating
activities of $11.7 million in the prior year first quarter. This change relates
primarily to shifts among working capital components.  Inventory cash flows were
generated during the first quarter of 1998 by a RadioShack inventory decrease of
$53.5  million,  which was  partially  offset  by a $30.4  million  increase  in
Computer  City  inventory.  In the first  quarter of 1997,  inventory  generated
$128.2  million in cash flows,  primarily  from the  liquidation of closed store
inventories.  Decreases  in accounts  payable and accrued  expenses in the three
months ended  March 31, 1998,  accounted for $74.7 million of the $86.9  million
decrease  in  operating  cash  flows, while decreases  in these accounts and the
restructuring  reserve  were  responsible  for  a  $223.1  million  decrease  in
operating cash flows for the three months ended March 31, 1997.

    Investing  activities for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 included  capital
expenditures totaling $28.2 million, primarily for retail expansion,  upgrade of
information  systems and Computer City infrastructure  enhancements.  Management
anticipates that capital expenditure requirements, excluding Computer City, will
approximate  $75.0 to $85.0  million for the  remainder  of 1998,  primarily  to
support  RadioShack  future store  expansions and  refurbishments  and to update
additional   information  systems.  CCI's  first  quarter  capital  expenditures
included  a  store  telephone  upgrade,   retail  expansion  and  remodels,  and
information  system  enhancements.   CCI  management  anticipates  that  capital
expenditure  requirements  for the remainder of 1998 will  approximate  $45.0 to
$55.0 million,  related primarily to information systems, new store openings and
store remodels.  The CCI capital expenditures are planned to be primarily funded
by existing bank lines or new capital.

    Cash used by financing activities for the three month period ended March 31,
1998  includes  the  addition  of $44.8  million  of  long-term  debt,  which is
offset by a decrease  in  short-term  debt of  $36.6 million  and  purchases  of
treasury stock of $59.0 million. The  Company believes  that its  cash flow from
operations, cash on hand and availability under its existing debt facilities are
adequate to fund the planned expansion of its store formats and share repurchase
program.  In addition,  most of the  Company's new stores are leased rather than

    Cash and cash equivalents at March 31, 1998 were $77.9 million,  compared to
$105.9 million at December 31, 1997 and $101.5 million at March 31, 1997.  Total
debt as a  percentage  of total  capitalization  was  34.1% at March  31,  1998,
compared to 33.6% at December  31, 1997 and 30.2% at March 31,  1997.  Long-term
debt as a  percentage  of total  capitalization  was  17.4% at March  31,  1998,
compared to 14.8% at December 31, 1997 and 6.2% at March 31, 1997.

    The Company's credit facility totals $500 million,  $200 million of which is
a one-year  facility  maturing June 1998,  with the remaining  $300 million in a
five-year  facility  maturing  June  2001.  The  Company  expects  to extend the
maturity  date of the  one-year  facility  to June 1999.  The  revolving  credit
facility is used as a backup for the  commercial  paper  program and may also be
utilized for general corporate purposes.

    On March 3, 1997,  the Company  announced  that its Board of  Directors  had
authorized  management to purchase up to 10.0 million  additional  shares of its
common stock through the Company's existing share repurchase program.  The share
repurchase  program was  initially  authorized in December 1995 and increased in
October 1996. The share increase brings the total  authorization to 30.0 million
shares of which approximately 22.0 million shares,  totaling $568.9 million, had
been  purchased as of March 31, 1998.  During the quarter  ended March 31, 1998,
the Company repurchased approximately 1.0 million shares for $39.7 million under
the program. These purchases are in addition to the shares required for employee
plans, which are purchased throughout the year.

    On March 3, 1997, the Company's Board of Directors  authorized the filing of
a  $300.0  million  Debt  Shelf   Registration   Statement  (the   "Registration
Statement') with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("S.E.C.").  On August
19, 1997, the Company  issued $150.0  million of 10 year unsecured  senior notes
under the  Registration  Statement,  which was  effective  August 6,  1997.  The
interest rate on the notes is 6.95% per annum with interest payable on September
1 and  March 1 of each  year,  commencing  on March 1,  1998.  The notes are due
September 1, 2007.

    In December 1997, the Company issued $4.0 million in medium-term notes under
the remaining $150.0 million of the Registration  Statement. An additional $45.0
million in  medium-term  notes were issued in January 1998.  Tandy's  medium and
long-term  notes  outstanding  at March 31,  1998  under the 1991 and 1997 shelf
registrations  totaled  $225.0  million  compared to $54.5  million at March 31,


    Total  inventories  at March  31,  1998  decreased  $23.1  million  or 1.9%,
compared to December 31, 1997, and $100.3 million or 7.8%, compared to the March
31,  1997 level.  These  decreases  in total  inventory  levels  since the first
quarter of 1997 are primarily attributable to reductions from 1996 restructuring
actions,  offset by RadioShack  inventory  increases  from store  expansions and
increased  telephony  inventory.  The  decrease in  inventory  since year end is
partially due to a $53.5 million reduction at RadioShack because of strong sales
overall and the liquidation of computer inventory during the first quarter. This
decrease is partially  offset by a $30.4  million  increase in  inventory  since
December 31, 1997 at Computer City due to a seasonal buildup following increased
sales at year end. Inventory is primarily comprised of finished goods.

Changes in Stockholders' Equity
(In millions)                                      Common Shares      Dollars
- ------------                                       -------------   -------------
Balance at December 31, 1997                           102.3        $   1,058.6
Foreign currency translation adjustments,
 net of deferred taxes                                  --                  0.3
Sale of treasury stock to Tandy Stock Plan               0.3               12.5
Purchase of treasury stock                              (1.6)             (62.7)
Exercise of stock options and grant of 
 stock awards                                            0.5               12.9
Repurchase of preferred stock                           --                 (0.7)
Preferred stock dividends, net of tax                   --                 (1.0)
TESOP deferred compensation earned                      --                  2.5
Common stock dividends declared                         --                (10.5)
Net income                                              --                 37.1
                                                    --------           --------
Balance at March 31, 1998                              101.5           $1,049.0
                                                    ========           ========

Segment Data by Business Unit

     Effective  January 1, 1998,  the Company  adopted FAS 131.  The table below
summarizes net sales and operating revenues, operating profit and assets for the
Company's  reportable segments.  Consolidated  operating profit is reconciled to
the Company's income before income taxes.

                                            Three Months Ended March 31,
(In millions)                                   1998            1997
- -------------                                 --------        --------
Net sales and operating revenues:
 RadioShack                                   $  778.5        $  688.2
 Computer City                                   479.7           474.8
 Closed units - restructuring                      0.1           128.7
                                              --------        --------
                                              $1,258.3        $1,291.7
                                              ========        ========

Operating profit:
 RadioShack                                   $   84.7        $   62.4
 Computer City                                    (9.8)            3.5
 Closed units - restructuring                     --             (14.7)
 Corporate administration and other               (6.0)           (2.7)
                                              --------        --------
                                                  68.9            48.5
 Interest income                                   1.7             2.2
 Interest expense                                (10.3)           (9.0)
                                              --------        --------
 Income before income taxes                   $   60.3        $   41.7
                                              ========        ========

 RadioShack                                   $1,315.9        $1,214.8
 Computer City                                   493.5           550.3
 Closed units - restructuring                     --              28.8
 Corporate administration and other              423.1           591.8
                                              --------        --------
                                              $2,232.5        $2,385.7
                                              ========        ========

    See Segment  Reporting  Disclosures  above for  discussion of components for
each reportable segment. The Company's accounting policy treatment is consistent
among reportable segments.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


    Tandy  has  various   claims,   lawsuits,   disputes  with  third   parties,
investigations and pending actions involving allegations of negligence,  product
defects,  discrimination,  infringement of  intellectual  property  rights,  tax
deficiencies,  violations  of permits or  licenses,  and breach of contract  and
other matters against the Company and its subsidiaries incident to the operation
of its business.  The liability,  if any,  associated with these matters was not
determinable  at  March  31,  1998.  While  certain  of  these  matters  involve
substantial  amounts, and although occasional adverse settlements or resolutions
might occur and negatively impact earnings in the year of settlement,  it is the
opinion of management that their ultimate  resolution will not have a materially
adverse effect on Tandy's financial position.


    The mailing  address of the Company's  principal  executive  offices and its
telephone  number have  changed to 100  Throckmorton  Street,  Suite 1800,  Fort
Worth, Texas 76102 and (817) 415-3700, respectively.


        a) Exhibits Required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K.

           A list of the  exhibits  required by Item 601 of  Regulation  S-K and
           filed as part of this report is set forth in the Index to Exhibits on
           page 17, which immediately precedes such exhibits.

        b) Reports on Form 8-K.

           1) On January 28, 1998,  the Company  announced  that its  RadioShack
              division and Compaq  Computer  Corporation  had signed a Letter of
              Intent to sell Compaq computer products through  RadioShack retail
              sites. The Form 8-K was filed on February 2, 1998.

           2) On April 6,  1998,  the  Company  announced  that  John V.  Roach,
              Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer,  would step down as Chief
              Executive  Officer  at the end of 1998.  The Form 8-K was filed on
              April 7, 1998.


    Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                    Tandy Corporation

Date:  May 13, 1998                           By   /s/  Richard L. Ramsey
                                                        Richard L. Ramsey
                                                  Vice President and Controller
                                                      (Authorized Officer)

Date:  May 13, 1998                                /s/   Dwain H. Hughes
                                                         Dwain H. Hughes
                                                    Senior Vice President and
                                                     Chief Financial Officer
                                                   (Principal Financial Officer)

                                TANDY CORPORATION
                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit                                                               Sequential
Number         Description                                              Page No.

2a             Agreement  for  Purchase  and Sale of Assets dated as of June 30,
               1993  between  AST   Research,   Inc.,  as  Purchaser  and  Tandy
               Corporation,  TE Electronics Inc., and GRiD Systems  Corporation,
               as Sellers (without exhibits) (filed as Exhibit 2 to Tandy's July
               13,  1993  Form  8-K  filed  on  July  27,  1993,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-93-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

2b             Amended and Restated Stock Exchange  Agreement  dated February 1,
               1994 by and among O'Sullivan  Industries  Holdings,  Inc., and TE
               Electronics  Inc. (filed as Exhibit 2b to Tandy's Form 10-K filed
               on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.   0000096289-94-000029  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

2c             U.S.  Purchase  Agreement  dated  January  26,  1994 by and among
               O'Sullivan Industries Holdings, Inc., TE Electronics Inc. and the
               U.S. Underwriters which included Merrill Lynch & Co., Wheat First
               Butcher & Singer,  The  Chicago  Dearborn  Company  and  Rauscher
               Pierce  Refsnes,  Inc.  (filed as Exhibit 2c to Tandy's Form 10-K
               filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

2d             International  Purchase  Agreement  dated January 26, 1994 by and
               among O'Sullivan  Industries Holdings,  Inc., TE Electronics Inc.
               and  the  U.S.   Underwriters   which   included   Merrill  Lynch
               International  Limited  and UBS  Limited  (filed as Exhibit 2d to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

2e             Acquisition Agreement dated January 18, 1995 between Hurley State
               Bank,  as  purchaser  and  Tandy  Credit  Corporation  as  seller
               (without  exhibits)  (filed as Exhibit (c) to Tandy's January 18,
               1995  Form  8-K  filed  on  February  2,  1995,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-95-000008 and incorporated herein by reference).

2e(i)          Amendment No. 1 to Acquisition  Agreement  dated January 18, 1995
               between Tandy Credit Corporation,  Tandy National Bank and Hurley
               State Bank (filed as Exhibit 2 to Tandy's March 30, 1995 Form 8-K
               filed on April 12, 1995, Accession No.  0000096289-95-000012  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

2f             Agreement  Plan of Merger dated March 30, 1995 by and among Tandy
               Corporation,  Tandy  Credit  Corporation,  Hurley  State Bank and
               Hurley  Receivables  Corporation  (filed as  Exhibit 3 to Tandy's
               March 30, 1995 Form 8-K filed on April 12,  1995,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-95-000012 and incorporated herein by reference).

2g             Stock  Purchase  Agreement as of July 17, 1997 by and among Tandy
               Corporation as Seller,  EVP Colonial,  Inc. as Company and Eureka
               Venture Partners III LLP as Purchaser (without exhibits),  (filed
               as  Exhibit  2g to  Tandy's  Form 10-Q  filed on August 8,  1997,
               Accession No.  0000096289-97-000023  and  incorporated  herein by

3a(i)          Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Tandy dated December 10,
               1982 (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's  1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy
               Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan, Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on
               November  12,  1993,  Accession  No.   0000096289-93-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

3a(ii)         Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of Tandy
               Corporation  dated  November  13,  1986  (filed as  Exhibit 4A to
               Tandy's 1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive Stock
               Plan, Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on November 12, 1993,  Accession
               No. 0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(iii)        Certificate  of  Amendment  of   Certificate  of   Incorporation,
               amending  and   restating   the   Certificate   of   Designation,
               Preferences and Rights of Series A Junior Participating Preferred
               Stock dated June 22,  1990  (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's  1993
               Form S-8 for the Tandy Corporation Incentive Stock Plan, Reg. No.
               33-51603,   filed   on   November   12,   1993,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(iv)         Certificate  of  Designations  of  Series  B  TESOP   Convertible
               Preferred  dated  June 29,  1990  (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's
               1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock  Plan,
               Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on November 12,  1993,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(v)          Certificate of Designation,  Series C Conversion  Preferred Stock
               dated February 13, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's 1993 Form
               S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan,  Reg.  No.
               33-51603,   filed   on   November   12,   1993,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3b             Tandy Corporation  Bylaws,  restated as of January 1, 1996 (filed
               as  Exhibit  3B to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 28,  1996,
               Accession No.  0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated  herein by

4a             Amended and restated  Rights  Agreement  with the First  National
               Bank of Boston dated June 22, 1990 for Preferred  Share  Purchase
               Rights  (filed as Exhibit 4b to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on March
               30, 1994,  Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029  and  incorporated
               herein by reference).

4b             Revolving  Credit Agreement  between Tandy  Corporation and Texas
               Commerce Bank, individually and as Agent for sixteen other banks,
               dated as of May 27, 1994 (without  exhibits) (filed as Exhibit 4c
               to  Tandy's  Form 10Q filed on August  15,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000039 and incorporated herein by reference).

4c             First Amendment to the Revolving Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas  Commerce  Bank as Agent for sixteen other
               banks, dated as of May 26, 1995 (Facility A) (filed as Exhibit 4c
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 28,  1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

4d             First Amendment to the Revolving Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas  Commerce  Bank as Agent for sixteen other
               banks, dated as of May 26, 1995 (Facility B) (filed as Exhibit 4d
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 28,  1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

4e             Second Amendment to the Revolving Credit Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas  Commerce  Bank as Agent for sixteen other
               banks, dated as of May 24, 1996 (Facility A) (filed as Exhibit 4e
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August 14,  1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000010 and incorporated herein by reference).

4f             Second Amendment to the Revolving Credit Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas Commerce Bank as Agent for eighteen banks,
               dated as of June 28,  1996  (Facility  B) (filed as Exhibit 4f to
               Tandy's  Form  10-Q  filed on  August  14,  1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000010 and incorporated herein by reference).

4g             Third Amendment to the Revolving Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas Commerce Bank as Agent for eighteen banks,
               dated as of June 28,  1996  (Facility  A) (filed as Exhibit 4g to
               Tandy's   Form   10-Q  on  August   14,   1996,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-96-000010 and incorporated herein by reference).

4h             Fourth Amendment to the Revolving Credit Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas Commerce Bank as Agent for eighteen banks,
               dated as of February  18, 1997  (Facility A) (filed as Exhibit 4h
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 27,  1997,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-97-000006 and incorporated herein by reference).

4i             Third Amendment to the Revolving Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas Commerce Bank as Agent for eighteen banks,
               dated as of February  18, 1997  (Facility B) (filed as Exhibit 4i
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 27,  1997,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-97-000006 and incorporated herein by reference).

4j             Fifth Amendment to the Revolving Credit  Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas  Commerce Bank as Agent for eighteen other
               banks,  dated as of June 26, 1997 (Facility A), (filed as Exhibit
               4j to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August 8, 1997,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

4k             Fourth Amendment to the Revolving Credit Agreement  between Tandy
               Corporation  and Texas  Commerce Bank as Agent for eighteen other
               banks,  dated as of June 26, 1997 (Facility B), (filed as Exhibit
               4k to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August 8, 1997,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

4l             Credit  Agreement  between  Trans  World  Electronics,   Inc.  (a
               wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company) and Texas  Commerce Bank
               individually  and as agent for four other  banks dated as of July
               15, 1997 (without exhibits), (filed as Exhibit 4l to Tandy's Form
               10-Q filed on August 8, 1997, Accession No.  0000096289-97-000023
               and incorporated herein by reference).

4m             Guaranty  Agreement  made by Tandy  Corporation in favor of Texas
               Commerce Bank as agent for the benefit of Texas Commerce Bank and
               four other banks named  therein,  dated July 15, 1997,  (filed as
               Exhibit  4m to  Tandy's  Form  10-Q  filed  on  August  8,  1997,
               Accession No.  0000096289-97-000023  and  incorporated  herein by

10a*           Salary   Continuation  Plan  for  Executive  Employees  of  Tandy
               Corporation and Subsidiaries  including  amendment dated June 14,
               1984  with  respect  to   participation   by  certain   executive
               employees,  as restated  October 4, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10a to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10b*           Form of  Executive  Pay Plan  Letters  (filed as  Exhibit  10b to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  28,  1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

10c*           Post  Retirement  Death  Benefit  Plan  for  Selected   Executive
               Employees of Tandy  Corporation and Subsidiaries as restated June
               10,  1991  (filed as Exhibit  10c to  Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10d*           Tandy Corporation Officers Deferred Compensation Plan as restated
               July 10, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 10d to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10e*           Special Compensation Plan No. 1 for Tandy Corporation   Executive
               Officers, adopted in 1993 (filed as  Exhibit 10e to  Tandy's Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession  No. 0000096289-94-000029
               and incorporated herein by reference).

10f*           Special Compensation  Plan No. 2 for Tandy Corporation  Executive
               Officers, adopted  in 1993 (filed as  Exhibit 10f to Tandy's Form
               10-K filed on March 30,  1994, Accession No. 0000096289-94-000029
               and incorporated herein by reference).

10g*           Special  Compensation  Plan for  Directors  of Tandy  Corporation
               dated  November  13, 1986  (filed as Exhibit 10g to Tandy's  Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029
               and incorporated herein by reference).

10h*           Director  Fee  Resolution  (filed as Exhibit 10h to Tandy's  Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029
               and incorporated herein by reference).

10i*           Tandy  Corporation  1985 Stock Option Plan as restated  effective
               August 1990  (filed as Exhibit 10i to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10j*           Tandy  Corporation  1993 Incentive Stock Plan as restated May 18,
               1995 (filed as Exhibit  10j to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August
               14, 1995,  Accession No.  0000096289-95-000016  and  incorporated
               herein by reference).

10k*           Tandy  Corporation  Officers Life  Insurance  Plan as amended and
               restated  effective  August 22,  1990  (filed as  Exhibit  10k to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10l*           First Restated Trust Agreement Tandy Employees Supplemental Stock
               Program through  Amendment No. IV dated January 1, 1996 (filed as
               exhibit  4d to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  28,  1996,
               Accession No.  0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated  herein by

10m*           Forms of  Termination  Protection  Agreements  for (i)  Corporate
               Executives,   (ii)  Division  Executives,  and  (iii)  Subsidiary
               Executives  (filed as Exhibit  10m to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on
               August  14,  1995,   Accession   No.   0000096289-95-000016   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10n*           Tandy  Corporation  Termination  Protection  Plans for  Executive
               Employees of Tandy Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) the Level
               I and (ii) Level II Plans  (filed as Exhibit  10n filed on August
               14, 1995, Accession No.  0000096289-95-000016 to and incorporated
               herein by reference).

10o*           Forms of Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements with certain Executive
               Employees of Tandy  Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) Formula,
               (ii)  Discretionary,  and (iii) Pay Plan (filed as Exhibit 10o to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10p*           Form of Indemnity  Agreement with Directors,  Corporate  Officers
               and two Division Officers of Tandy Corporation  (filed as Exhibit
               10p to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

10q*           Tandy  Corporation  1997 Incentive Stock Plan,  (filed as Exhibit
               10q to Tandy's Form 10-Q filed on August 8, 1997,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

10r*           Management  Agreement,  dated July 17, 1997,  by and among Eureka
               Venture  Partners,  III LLP, EVP Colonial,  Inc.,  Nathan Morton,
               Avery More and Robert  Boutin,  (filed as Exhibit  10r to Tandy's
               Form   10-Q   filed   on   August   8,   1997,    Accession   No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

10s*           Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with selected Executive Employees of Tandy Corporation, (filed as
               Exhibit  10s to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10t*           Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with selected Executive Employees of Tandy Corporation, (filed as
               Exhibit  10t to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10u*           Form of December 1997 Deferred Salary and Bonus Agreement  (Stock
               Investment)   with   selected   Executive   Employees   of  Tandy
               Corporation,  (filed as Exhibit 10u to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on
               March  26,   1998,   Accession   No.   0000096289-98-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10v*           Form of December  1997 Salary and Bonus  Agreement  with selected
               Executive  Employees of Tandy Corporation,  (filed as Exhibit 10v
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 26,  1998,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-98-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

10w*           Tandy Corporation Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, effective
               April 1, 1998,  (filed as Exhibit 10w to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed
               on  March  26,  1998,  Accession  No.   0000096289-98-000017  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10x*           Tandy Corporation  Executive Deferred Stock Plan, effective April
               1,  1998,  (filed as Exhibit  10x to  Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  26,   1998,   Accession   No.   0000096289-98-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10y*           Tandy  Corporation   Unfunded  Deferred   Compensation  Plan  for
               Directors  as amended  and  restated  January 1, 1998,  (filed as
               Exhibit  10y to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10z*           Form of September 30, 1997 Deferred Compensation Agreement 
               between Tandy Corporation and John V. Roach.                   22

10aa*          Form of September 30, 1997 Deferred Compensation Agreement 
               between Tandy Corporation and Leonard H. Roberts.              25

11             Statement of Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed 
               Charges.                                                       27

27             Financial Data Schedule.

- -----------------------

* Each of  these  exhibits  is a  "management  contract  or  compensatory  plan,
  contract, or arrangement".

                                                                     Exhibit 10z

                              TANDY CORPORATION AND

THIS  AGREEMENT  made this 30th day of  September,  1997,  by and between  Tandy
Corporation,  a corporation  duly  organized and existing  under the laws of the
State of Delaware,  with its principal place of business at Fort Worth,  Tarrant
County, Texas ("Tandy") and  ________________,  a resident of the State of Texas


THAT WHEREAS, Executive is the ___________________ of Tandy and receives certain
compensation from Tandy;

WHEREAS,   Executive   desires  to  defer  the  receipt  of  a  portion  of  his
compensation; and

WHEREAS,  Tandy agrees to defer the payment of a portion of certain compensation
of the Executive:

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and of the  promises  and
covenants  hereinafter contained and for the purposes herein stated, the parties
hereto do hereby agree as follows:

Deferral of  Compensation.  Executive  hereby agrees to defer the receipt of the
following  cash  compensation,  subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of this

1.    Executive's  Biweekly  Net Salary to be paid from  October 1, 1997 through
      December 31, 1997.  "Biweekly Net Salary" shall mean the Executive's gross
      biweekly salary less ________ for each biweekly payroll period.

2.    Executive's Net Bonus (if any) to be paid at the end of January 1998. "Net
      Bonus" shall mean the  Executive's  bonus which,  if earned and due, would
      otherwise be paid in January 1998 less ________.

Deferred Compensation Account.

1. Tandy shall establish a book reserve (the "Deferred Compensation Account").

2. Tandy shall credit to the Deferred Compensation Account:

      a.   On the Thursday  following  each pay period end, from the date hereof
           through December 31, 1997, the applicable  Biweekly Net Salary,  plus
           an amount  equal to 12% of the  applicable  Biweekly  Net Salary (the
           "Salary Matching Contribution"); and

      b.   On the last day of  January  1998,  the Net  Bonus,  if any,  plus an
           amount   equal  to  12%  of  the  Net  Bonus  (the  "Bonus   Matching

Investment of Deferred Compensation Account.

1.    Tandy  shall  invest  an amount  of its  assets  equal to the value of the
      Deferred  Compensation  Account  in  such  mutual  funds,  stocks,  bonds,
      securities,  or other  investments  as may be selected by the Executive in
      his sole  discretion.  Notwithstanding  the  above,  the  Salary  Matching
      Contribution and the Bonus Matching  Contribution shall remain invested in
      Tandy common stock for the duration of this Agreement.

2.    Any earnings,  gains, or losses  (realized or unrealized)  associated with
      the   investment  of  such  assets  shall  be  credited  to  the  Deferred
      Compensation Account.

3.    Executive  agrees on behalf of himself and his  beneficiary  to assume all
      risk in connection with any decrease in the value of the assets associated
      with the Deferred Compensation Account.

4.    Executive and his beneficiary shall have no property  interest  whatsoever
      in any specific assets of Tandy.

Payment of Deferred Compensation.

1.    Except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  Tandy shall pay to Executive in a
      single sum the amount  credited to the  Deferred  Compensation  Account on
      January 2, 2004.

      Executive  may, on or before  December 31,  2002,  elect,  in writing,  to
      receive the amount credited to the Deferred  Compensation  Account in more
      than one annual  installment,  provided  that payment of benefits does not
      begin prior to January 2, 2004. After Executive dies, any amount remaining
      in the Deferred  Compensation Account shall be paid in a single sum to his

2.    Any time prior to January  2,  2004,  Executive  may elect to receive in a
      single sum 94% of the Deferred  Compensation Account. Upon receipt of this
      amount,   Executive  shall  forfeit  the  remaining  6%  of  the  Deferred
      Compensation Account.

Beneficiary.  The beneficiary under this Agreement shall be Executive's  spouse.
If Executive's  spouse  predeceases  Executive,  then the beneficiary under this
Agreement  shall be  Executive's  estate.  Executive may change the  beneficiary
under this Agreement by notifying Tandy's general counsel in writing.


1.    Nothing contained in this Agreement  and no  action  taken pursuant to the
      provisions of this  Agreement shall  create  or be  construed to  create a
      trust  of  any  kind,  or a fiduciary  relationship  between  Tandy    and
      Executive, his beneficiary  or any  other  person. Any  funds which may be
      invested under the provisions  of this  Agreement  shall  continue for all
      purposes to be a part of the  general  assets of Tandy and no person other
      than Tandy shall by virtue of the  provisions  of this  Agreement have any
      interest in such funds. To the  extent that any person acquires a right to
      receive payments from Tandy under  this  Agreement, such right shall be no
      greater than the right of any unsecured general creditor of Tandy.

2.    Notwithstanding  the above,  Executive in his sole  discretion may require
      that Tandy create a grantor trust (commonly referred to as a rabbi trust).
      If a grantor trust is created,  Tandy shall  deposit the assets  earmarked
      for the Deferred  Compensation  Account into the trust.  The assets of the
      grantor  trust shall be subject  solely to the  bankruptcy  or  insolvency
      creditors of Tandy.

Assignment or Alienation of Benefits. The right of Executive or any other person
to the  payment  of  benefits  under  this  Agreement  shall  not  be  assigned,
alienated,  transferred,  pledged or encumbered except by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution.


1.    Nothing  contained  herein shall be construed as conferring upon Executive
      the right to continue in the employ of Tandy in any capacity.

2.    Tandy shall have full power and  authority  to  interpret,  construe,  and
      administer  this Agreement and Tandy's  interpretations  and  construction
      thereof,  and actions thereunder,  including any valuation of the Deferred
      Compensation Account, or the amount or recipient of the payment to be made
      therefrom,  shall  be  binding  and  conclusive  on all  persons  for  all
      purposes.  No  employee  of Tandy or member of the board of  directors  of
      Tandy  shall be liable to any person  for any  action  taken or omitted in
      connection with the  interpretation  and  administration of this Agreement
      unless attributable to his own willful misconduct or lack of good faith.

3.    This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of Tandy,
      its  successors  and  assigns,  and  Executive  and his heirs,  executors,
      administrators, and legal representatives.

4. This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the law
of the State of Texas.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Tandy has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly
authorized  officer and Executive has hereunto set his hand as of the date first
above written.

                                         TANDY CORPORATION

_____________________________            By: _____________________________



                                                                    Exhibit 10aa

                              TANDY CORPORATION AND

THIS  AGREEMENT  made this 30th day of  September,  1997,  by and between  Tandy
Corporation,  a corporation  duly  organized and existing  under the laws of the
State of Delaware,  with its principal place of business at Fort Worth,  Tarrant
County,  Texas ("Tandy") and  _______________,  a resident of the State of Texas


THAT  WHEREAS,   Executive  is  ____________  of  Tandy  and  receives   certain
compensation  from Tandy;  

WHEREAS,   Executive   desires  to  defer  the  receipt  of  a  portion  of  his
compensation; and

WHEREAS,  Tandy agrees to defer the payment of a portion of certain compensation
of the Executive:

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and of the  promises  and
covenants  hereinafter contained and for the purposes herein stated, the parties
hereto do hereby agree as follows:

Deferral of  Compensation.  Executive  hereby agrees to defer the receipt of the
following  cash  compensation,  subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of this

1.    An amount equal to ___________ % of the Executive's  bonus (if any) which,
      if earned and due,  would  otherwise  be paid in January  1998  (hereafter
      called the "Deferred Bonus").

Deferred Compensation Account.

1. Tandy shall establish a book reserve (the "Deferred Compensation Account").

2.    Tandy shall credit to the Deferred  Compensation  Account, on the last day
      of January 1998, the Deferred Bonus (if any),  plus an amount equal to 12%
      of the Deferred Bonus (the "Matching Contribution").

Investment of Deferred Compensation Account.

1.    Tandy  shall  invest  an amount  of its  assets  equal to the value of the
      Deferred  Compensation  Account  in  such  mutual  funds,  stocks,  bonds,
      securities,  or other  investments  as may be selected by the Executive in
      his sole discretion.  Notwithstanding the above, the Matching Contribution
      shall  remain  invested  in Tandy  common  stock for the  duration of this

2.    Any earnings,  gains, or losses  (realized or unrealized)  associated with
      the   investment  of  such  assets  shall  be  credited  to  the  Deferred
      Compensation Account.

3.    Executive  agrees on behalf of himself and his  beneficiary  to assume all
      risk in connection with any decrease in the value of the assets associated
      with the Deferred Compensation Account.

4.    Executive and his beneficiary shall have no property  interest  whatsoever
      in any specific assets of Tandy.

Payment of Deferred Compensation.

1.    Except as otherwise  provided herein,  on January 2, 2003, Tandy shall pay
      to  Executive  in a  single  sum  the  amount  credited  to  the  Deferred
      Compensation Account on such day. Executive may, on or before December 31,
      2001,  elect,  in writing,  to receive the amount credited to the Deferred
      Compensation  Account in more than one annual  installment,  provided that
      payment  of  benefits  does not begin  prior to  January  2,  2003.  After
      Executive dies, any amount remaining in the Deferred  Compensation Account
      shall be distributed to his beneficiary.

2.    Any time prior to January  2,  2003,  Executive  may elect to receive in a
      single   distribution   94%  of  the  amount   credited  to  the  Deferred
      Compensation  Account.  Upon  receipt  of this  payment,  Executive  shall
      forfeit  the  remaining  6%  of  the  amount   credited  to  the  Deferred
      Compensation Account.

Beneficiary.  The beneficiary under this Agreement shall be Executive's  spouse.
If Executive's  spouse  predeceases  Executive,  then the beneficiary under this
Agreement shall be Executive's estate.


1.    Nothing  contained in this  Agreement and no action taken pursuant to  the
      provisions  of  this Agreement shall  create or  be construed to create  a
      trust  of  any  kind,  or  a  fiduciary  relationship  between  Tandy  and
      Executive, his beneficiary  or any  other  person. Any  funds which may be
      invested under the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall continue for all
      purposes to be a part  of the  general assets of Tandy and no person other
      than Tandy shall  by virtue of  the  provisions of this Agreement have any
      interest in such funds.  To the extent that any person acquires a right to
      receive payments from Tandy  under  this Agreement, such right shall be no
      greater than the right of any unsecured general creditor of Tandy.

2.    Notwithstanding  the above,  Executive in his sole  discretion may require
      that Tandy create a grantor trust (commonly referred to as a rabbi trust).
      If a grantor trust is created,  Tandy shall  deposit the assets  earmarked
      for the Deferred  Compensation  Account into the trust.  The assets of the
      grantor  trust shall be subject  solely to the  bankruptcy  or  insolvency
      creditors of Tandy.

Assignment or Alienation of Benefits. The right of Executive or any other person
to the  payment  of  benefits  under  this  Agreement  shall  not  be  assigned,
alienated,  transferred,  pledged or encumbered except by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution.


1.    Nothing  contained  herein shall be construed as conferring upon Executive
      the right to continue in the employ of Tandy in any capacity.

2.    Tandy shall have full power and  authority  to  interpret,  construe,  and
      administer  this Agreement and Tandy's  interpretations  and  construction
      thereof,  and actions thereunder,  including any valuation of the Deferred
      Compensation Account, or the amount or recipient of the payment to be made
      therefrom,  shall  be  binding  and  conclusive  on all  persons  for  all
      purposes.  No  employee  of Tandy or member of the board of  directors  of
      Tandy  shall be liable to any person  for any  action  taken or omitted in
      connection with the  interpretation  and  administration of this Agreement
      unless attributable to his own willful misconduct or lack of good faith.

3.    This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of Tandy,
      its  successors  and  assigns,  and  Executive  and his heirs,  executors,
      administrators, and legal representatives.

4. This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the law
of the State of Texas.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Tandy has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly
authorized  officer and Executive has hereunto set his hand as of the date first
above written.

                                     TANDY CORPORATION

___________________________          By: ____________________________


                                                                      EXHIBIT 11

                                TANDY CORPORATION


                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                  March 31,
(In millions, except ratios)                                 1998         1997
- ----------------------------                               --------     --------
Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:

Net income                                                 $   37.1     $   25.6
Plus provision for income taxes                                23.2         16.1
                                                           --------     --------
Income before income taxes                                     60.3         41.7
                                                           --------     --------

Fixed charges:
Interest expense and amortization of
    debt discount                                              10.3          9.0
Amortization of issuance expense                                0.2          0.1
Appropriate portion (33 1/3%) of rentals                       18.5         19.3
                                                           --------     --------
    Total fixed charges                                        29.0         28.4
                                                           --------     --------

Earnings before income taxes and
    fixed charges                                          $   89.3     $   70.1
                                                           ========     ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                             3.08         2.47
                                                           ========     ========

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
    Preferred Dividends:

Total fixed charges, as above                              $   29.0     $   28.4
Preferred dividends                                             1.5          1.6
                                                           --------     --------
Total fixed charges and preferred dividends                $   30.5     $   30.0
                                                           ========     ========

Earnings before income taxes, fixed
    charges and preferred dividends                        $   89.3     $   70.1
                                                           ========     ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges and
    preferred dividends                                        2.93         2.34
                                                           ========     ========