- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

- ---                                                                       
        EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1998



        For the transition period from                 to                

                         Commission File Number: 1-5571

                                TANDY CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                                        75-1047710
(State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas      76102
  (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (817) 415-3700

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No __
The number of shares  outstanding of the issuer's Common Stock, $1 par value, on
October 31, 1998 was 98,977,681.

         Index to Exhibits is on Sequential Page No. 19. Total pages 24.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                  Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                            Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                                               September 30,           September 30,
                                                           --------------------    --------------------
(In millions, except per share amounts)                      1998        1997        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------                    --------    --------    --------    --------

Net sales and operating revenues                           $1,128.6    $1,227.5    $3,579.7    $3,665.2
Cost of products sold                                         676.3       759.5     2,187.4     2,300.0
                                                           --------    --------    --------    --------
Gross profit                                                  452.3       468.0     1,392.3     1,365.2
                                                           --------    --------    --------    --------

Expenses (income):
  Selling, general and administrative                         394.9       376.4     1,162.9     1,123.8
  Depreciation and amortization                                25.0        24.2        77.3        71.4
  Interest income                                              (2.5)       (3.5)       (5.7)       (8.4)
  Interest expense                                             11.5        11.8        33.6        31.0
  Provision for loss on sale of Computer City, Inc.            30.0         --        103.2         --
                                                           --------    --------    --------    --------
                                                              458.9       408.9     1,371.3     1,217.8
                                                           --------    --------    --------    --------

Income (loss) before income taxes                              (6.6)       59.1        21.0       147.4
Provision (benefit) for income taxes                           (2.5)       22.7         8.1        56.7
                                                           --------    --------    --------    --------

Net income (loss)                                              (4.1)       36.4        12.9        90.7

Preferred dividends                                             1.5         1.5         4.4         4.6
                                                           --------    --------    --------    --------

Net income (loss) available to common shareholders         $   (5.6)   $   34.9    $    8.5    $   86.1
                                                           ========    ========    ========    ========

Net income (loss) available per common share:
  Basic                                                    $  (0.06)   $   0.33    $   0.08    $   0.79
                                                           ========    ========    ========    ========

  Diluted                                                  $  (0.06)   $   0.32    $   0.08    $   0.77
                                                           ========    ========    ========    ========

Shares used in computing earnings (loss) per 
common share:
  Basic                                                       100.3       105.7       101.0       108.6
                                                           ========    ========    ========    ========  

  Diluted                                                     100.3       110.8       102.9       113.5
                                                           ========    ========    ========    ========

Dividends declared per common share                        $   0.10    $   0.10    $   0.30    $   0.30
                                                           ========    ========    ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                        September 30, December 31, September 30,
                                                            1998         1997         1997
(In millions, except for share amounts)                  (Unaudited)               (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------                    ----------  ----------    ----------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                $   47.4    $  105.9     $   64.0
  Accounts and notes receivable, less allowance for                                          
    doubtful accounts                                         166.5       251.3        262.9
  Inventories, at lower of cost or market                     974.9     1,205.2      1,279.7
  Other current assets                                        129.5       153.1        106.0
                                                           --------    --------     --------
    Total current assets                                    1,318.3     1,715.5      1,712.6

Property, plant and equipment, at cost, less                                                 
  accumulated depreciation                                    435.5       521.9        550.0

Other assets, net of accumulated amortization                 213.7        80.1        141.5
                                                           --------    --------     --------
                                                           $1,967.5    $2,317.5     $2,404.1
                                                           ========    ========     ========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 
Current liabilities:
  Short-term debt, including current maturities
    of long-term debt                                      $  289.0    $  299.5     $  447.1
  Accounts payable                                            227.6       325.2        365.9
  Accrued expenses                                            236.3       273.1        235.5
  Income taxes payable                                          2.9        78.6         52.6
                                                           --------    --------     --------

    Total current liabilities                                 755.8       976.4      1,101.1
                                                           --------    --------     --------

Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                  241.2       236.1        235.7
Other non-current liabilities                                  52.3        46.4         20.2
                                                           --------    --------     --------

    Total other liabilities                                   293.5       282.5        255.9
                                                           --------    --------     --------

Stockholders' equity:                                                                        
  Preferred stock, no par value, 1,000,000 shares
    Series A junior participating, 100,000 shares                                            
      authorized and none issued                                --          --           --
    Series B convertible (TESOP), 100,000 shares                                             
      authorized and issued, 78,000 shares outstanding        100.0       100.0        100.0
  Common stock, $1 par value, 250,000,000 shares
    authorized with 138,332,000 shares issued                 138.3       138.3        138.3
  Additional paid-in capital                                   37.6        19.2         15.2
  Retained earnings                                         1,655.7     1,676.3      1,591.6
  Common stock in treasury, at cost, 38,223,000,                                             
    36,023,000 and 34,101,000 shares, respectively           (982.3)     (836.1)      (755.2)
  Unearned deferred compensation related to TESOP             (29.8)      (37.4)       (39.9)
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss                         (1.3)       (1.7)        (2.9)
                                                           --------    --------     --------
    Total stockholders' equity                                918.2     1,058.6      1,047.1
Commitments and contingent liabilities
                                                           --------    --------     --------
                                                           $1,967.5    $2,317.5     $2,404.1
                                                           ========    ========     ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

                                                            Nine Months Ended
                                                               September 30,  
(In millions)                                                1998        1997
 ------------                                              --------    --------

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                 $   12.9    $   90.7 

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net 
 cash provided by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization                                77.3        71.4
  Provision for loss on sale of Computer City, Inc.           103.2         --
  Other items                                                  35.6         1.4

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
  Receivables                                                  17.0        (5.3)
  Inventories                                                  22.3        89.0
  Other current assets                                          9.9        (7.8)
  Accounts payable, accrued expenses (including                                 
   restructuring charges) and income taxes                   (157.0)     (219.1)
                                                           --------    --------
Net cash provided by operating activities                     121.2        20.3
                                                           --------    --------

Investing activities:
Additions to property, plant and equipment                   (107.3)      (87.3)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment             5.1        17.6
Proceeds from sale of Computer City, Inc.                      75.0         --
Proceeds from sale of AST common stock                          --         23.8
Other investing activities                                     (5.0)       (0.6)
                                                           --------    --------
Net cash used by investing activities                         (32.2)      (46.5)
                                                           --------    --------

Financing activities:
Purchases of treasury stock                                  (185.1)     (331.9)
Sales of treasury stock to employee stock 
 purchase program                                              27.1        27.2
Proceeds from exercise of stock options                        21.7        10.7
Dividends paid, net of taxes                                  (33.8)      (36.6)
Changes in short-term borrowings, net                          11.3       190.8
Additions to long-term borrowings                              44.7       143.6
Repayments of long-term borrowings                            (33.4)      (35.1)
                                                           --------    --------
Net cash used by financing activities                        (147.5)      (31.3)
                                                           --------    --------

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                         (58.5)      (57.5)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                105.9       121.5
                                                           --------     --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                   $   47.4     $  64.0
                                                           ========     ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


    The  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements  have been
prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q and do not include all
of the  information  and  footnotes  required by generally  accepted  accounting
principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management,  all
adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for a
fair  presentation  have been  included.  Operating  results for the nine months
ended September 30, 1998 are not necessarily  indicative of the results that may
be expected  for the year ending  December 31,  1998.  For further  information,
refer to the consolidated  financial statements and management's  discussion and
analysis of results of  operations  and  financial  condition  included in Tandy
Corporation's ("Tandy" or the "Company") 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 1997.

    On August 21, 1997, the Company's Board of Directors  declared a two-for-one
split of Tandy common stock, payable on September 22, 1997. This resulted in the
issuance  of 52.7  million  shares of common  stock  along with a  corresponding
decrease of $52.7 million in additional  paid-in capital.  All references to the
number of shares of common stock issued or outstanding, per share prices, income
per common  share  amounts,  and cash  dividends in the  consolidated  financial
statements, the accompanying notes and management's discussion and analysis have
been adjusted to reflect the split on a retroactive basis.

    Effective  December 31,  1997,  the Company  adopted  Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards  No.  128,  "Earnings  per  Share"  ("FAS  128").  FAS 128
established  new  standards  for  computing  and  presenting  earnings per share
("EPS").  The statement  requires dual  presentation of basic and diluted EPS on
the face of the income  statement for entities with complex  capital  structures
and requires a reconciliation  of the numerator and denominator of the basic EPS
computation  to the numerator and  denominator  of the diluted EPS  computation.
Basic EPS excludes the effect of potentially  dilutive  securities while diluted
EPS reflects the  potential  dilution  that would have occurred if securities or
other contracts to issue common stock were exercised,  converted, or resulted in
the  issuance of common stock that would have then shared in the earnings of the
entity.  EPS data for the three and nine month periods ended  September 30, 1997
presented  herein have been  restated  to conform  with the  provisions  of this
statement.  The  following  schedule is a  reconciliation  of the  numerator and
denominator  used in the basic and  diluted EPS  calculations  for the three and
nine month periods ended September 30, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

                                           Three  Months Ended                      Three  Months Ended
                                            September 30, 1998                       September 30, 1997
                                  --------------------------------------    ------------------------------------  
Dollars and shares in millions,  Income (Loss)   Shares      Per Share     Income (Loss)  Shares       Per Share
  except per share amounts)        (Numerator) (Denominator)    Amount       (Numerator) (Denominator)    Amount
                                   ----------   ----------    ----------     ----------   ----------    ----------

Net income (loss)                   $  (4.1)                                  $  36.4
Less: Preferred stock dividends        (1.5)                                     (1.5)
                                    --------                                  --------

Basic EPS
Net income (loss) available to
common shareholders                    (5.6)       100.3      $ (0.06)           34.9       105.7     $   0.33
                                                              ========                                ========

Effect of dilutive securities:
Plus dividends on Series B              (1)                                       1.5
preferred stock
Additional contribution required
 for TESOP if preferred stock                               
 had been converted                     (1)         (1)                          (1.0)        3.5
Stock options                                       (1)                                       1.6
                                   --------     --------                      --------    --------

Diluted EPS
Net income (loss) available to
 common shareholders plus                              
 assumed conversions                $  (5.6)       100.3      $ (0.06)        $  35.4       110.8     $   0.32
                                    ========    ========      ========        ========    ========     ========

(1) Not included in the  calculation of diluted EPS because  inclusion  would be antidilutive.

                                            Nine Months Ended                        Nine Months Ended
                                            September 30, 1998                       September 30, 1997
                                  --------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
Dollars and shares in millions,   Income (Loss)   Shares      Per Share     Income (Loss)  Shares       Per Share
  except per share amounts)        (Numerator) (Denominator)    Amount       (Numerator) (Denominator)    Amount
  ------------------------         ----------   ----------    ----------     ----------   ----------    ----------

Net Income (loss)                   $  12.9                                   $  90.7
Less: Preferred stock dividends        (4.4)                                     (4.6)
                                    --------                                  --------

Basic EPS
Net income (loss) available to
 common shareholders                    8.5       101.0       $  0.08            86.1       108.6      $  0.79
                                                              ========                                 ========

Effect of dilutive securities:
Plus dividends on Series B              (1)                                       4.6
 preferred stock
Additional contribution required
 for TESOP if preferred stock             
 had been converted                     (1)         (1)                          (3.0)        3.6
Stock options                                       1.9                                       1.3
                                    --------    --------                      --------    --------

Diluted EPS
Net income (loss) available to
 common shareholders plus           
 assumed conversions                $   8.5       102.9       $  0.08         $  87.7       113.5      $  0.77
                                    ========    ========      ========        ========    ========    =========

(1) Not included in the calculation of diluted EPS because inclusion would be antidilutive.

    On June 22,  1998,  the Company  announced  that it had signed a  definitive
agreement with CompUSA Inc.  ("CompUSA") for the sale of 100% of the outstanding
common stock of the Company's Computer City, Inc. subsidiary ("CCI" or "Computer
City").  On August  31,  1998,  the sale was  completed.  The  Company  received
approximately  $75.0 million in cash and an unsecured note for $136.0 million as
consideration  for  the  sale.  The  amount  of  cash  retained  is  subject  to
adjustment,  dependent upon the finalization of CCI's closing balance sheet. The
note,  which is of equal priority with  CompUSA's  existing  subordinated  debt,
bears  interest  at 9.48%  per  annum  and is  payable  over a ten year  period.
Interest will be payable on June 30 and December 31 of each year,  commencing on
December 31, 1998.  Beginning on December 31, 2001,  principal  payments will be
due semiannually until the note matures on June 30, 2008.

    The Company has  recognized an after-tax  loss of $63.5 million for the sale
of CCI, which includes certain contractual  obligations incurred by the Company.
The Company  recorded  $45.0  million of the loss in the second  quarter of 1998
when the sale was  announced,  and an  additional  $18.5  million  in the  third
quarter of 1998 upon the  completion  of due  diligence  and other  adjustments.
CCI's  results  of  operations  through  August  31,  1998 are  included  in the
financial statements of the Company.

    In connection  with the sale,  the Company  reacquired the 19.9% interest of
CCI from Eureka Venture Partners III LLP ("EVP"), which was acquired by EVP from
the Company in July 1997.  Related to the  reacquisition  of EVP's  ownership in
CCI,  the  management  agreement  with  the  three  principals  of EVP has  been
terminated.  In addition, the warrant that EVP purchased for an additional 20.1%
interest in CCI was canceled.

    Below is a summary of net sales and operating revenues and net losses,  both
in total  and per  share,  for CCI for the three and nine  month  periods  ended
September 30, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

                                    Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                       September 30,          September 30,  
(In millions, except              --------------------    --------------------
 per share amounts)                1998 (1)      1997      1998 (1)      1997
 -----------------                 --------    --------    --------    --------
Net sales and operating 
 revenues                          $  285.7    $  450.5    $1,196.7    $1,301.1
Net loss                              (30.3)       (4.9)      (58.7)       (8.4)
Loss per share                     $  (0.30)   $  (0.05)   $  (0.57)   $  (0.07)

(1) Includes operations for only two and eight months, respectively,  due to the
    sale to CompUSA on August 31, 1998.

    In 1996,  Tandy  initiated  certain  restructuring  programs  affecting  its
Incredible  Universe and  Computer  City stores and its  remaining  McDuff store
operations.  These  restructuring  programs  were  undertaken as a result of the
highly competitive  environment in the electronics  industry.  See the Company's
1997  Annual  Report  for  a  discussion  of  the  1996  restructuring   reserve
transactions.  The following schedule is an analysis of additional  reserves and
amounts  charged  against the reserve during the nine months ended September 30,
1998. Real estate obligations shown below primarily  represent estimated amounts
to be incurred in terminating remaining leases.
                                   Balance    Additional    1/1/98-   Balance
(In millions)                      12/31/97    Reserves     9/30/98   9/30/98
                                   --------    --------    --------   --------
Real estate obligations            $   27.0         6.0      (13.2)   $   19.8
Other                                   1.6         --        (0.6)        1.0
                                   --------    --------    --------   --------
                                   $   28.6         6.0      (13.8)   $   20.8
                                   ========    ========    ========   ========

    Additional  reserves recorded during the third quarter of 1998 were due to a
few  remaining  Computer City  locations  which were not included in the sale to
CompUSA  and, to a lesser  extent,  the  reassumption  of certain  McDuff  lease
obligations.  Although no additional  material  provisions  are expected in 1998
relating to the 1996  restructuring,  unexpected delays in the final disposition
of the  remaining  McDuff and  Computer  City  leases and one closed  Incredible
Universe  property and lease,  among other  factors,  could result in additional
charges.  Management  does not anticipate any  significant  revenue or operating
loss  during the  remainder  of 1998 from  stores  closed  pursuant  to the 1996
restructuring plan.

    Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards  No. 130,  "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income" ("FAS 130").
Comprehensive  income is  defined  as the  change in equity  (net  assets)  of a
business  enterprise  during a period  from  transactions  and other  events and
circumstances from non-owner sources. It includes all changes in equity during a
period except those resulting from  investments by owners and  distributions  to
owners.  Comprehensive  (loss)  income for the three months ended  September 30,
1998  and  1997  was  ($3.8)  million  and  $36.0  million,   respectively,  and
comprehensive  income for the nine months ended  September 30, 1998 and 1997 was
$13.1 million and $91.8 million, respectively.

    In the second quarter of 1998,  Tandy  replaced its existing  $500.0 million
credit facilities with new credit facilities,  also totaling $500.0 million. The
new  facilities  were granted by a syndicate of 19 banks,  including a new agent
bank, and consist of a $200.0 million 364-day revolving credit facility maturing
June 1999 and a $300.0 million five-year revolving credit facility maturing June
2003.  The revolving  credit  facilities  are used as backup for the  commercial
paper program and may also be utilized for general corporate purposes.

    Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 131,  "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related  Information"  ("FAS  131").  The table below  summarizes  net sales and
operating  revenues,  operating  profit  (loss)  and  assets  for the  Company's
reportable segments.  Consolidated  operating profit (loss) is reconciled to the
Company's income (loss) before income taxes.

                                        Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                           September 30,                September 30,
                                        ----------------------     -----------------------               
(In millions)                             1998          1997          1998       1997
- -------------                           --------      --------      --------      --------

Net sales and operating revenues:
  RadioShack                            $  842.8      $  760.7      $2,382.7      $2,147.4
  Computer City                            285.7(1)      462.1       1,196.7(1)    1,353.2
  Closed units - restructuring               0.1           4.7           0.3         164.6
                                        --------      --------      --------      --------
                                        $1,128.6      $1,227.5      $3,579.7      $3,665.2
                                        ========      ========      ========      ========
Operating profit (loss):
  RadioShack                            $   94.6      $   79.9      $  273.2      $  224.0
  Computer City                            (49.3)(1)      (8.9)        (95.6)(1)     (14.9)
  Closed units - restructuring              (6.1)         (4.3)         (6.4)        (29.8)
  Corporate administration and other        (6.8)          0.7         (19.1)         (9.3)
  Provision for loss on sale of           
   Computer City                           (30.0)          --         (103.2)          --
                                        --------      --------      --------      --------
                                             2.4          67.4          48.9         170.0
Interest income                              2.5           3.5           5.7           8.4
Interest expense                           (11.5)        (11.8)        (33.6)        (31.0)
                                        --------      --------      --------      --------
Income (loss) before income taxes       $   (6.6)     $   59.1      $   21.0      $  147.4
                                        ========      ========      ========      ========

                                                                        At September 30,
                                                                      1998          1997
 Assets:                                                            --------      --------
  RadioShack                                                        $1,449.6      $1,415.6
  Computer City                                                          -- (2)      486.9
  Closed units - restructuring                                           --            5.0
  Corporate administration and other                                   517.9         496.6
                                                                    --------      --------
                                                                    $1,967.5      $2,404.1
                                                                    ========      ========

(1) Includes operations for only two and eight months, respectively,  due to the
    sale to CompUSA on August 31, 1998.
(2) Computer City was sold to CompUSA on August 31, 1998.


Factors That May Affect Future Results

    Tandy   Corporation   ("Tandy"  or  "Company")   participates  in  a  highly
competitive  industry that is characterized by aggressive pricing practices.  In
developing  strategies  to achieve  continued  increases in sales and  operating
profits,  the  Company  anticipates  customer  demand in  managing  its  product
transitions,   inventory  levels,   and  distribution   cycles.   Due  to  rapid
technological   advances  affecting  consumer  electronic  product  cycles,  the
Company's  operating  results could be adversely  affected should the Company be
unable to  anticipate  product  cycle and/or  customer  demand  accurately.  The
Company's  ability to achieve  targeted sales and earnings levels depends upon a
number of competitive and market factors  including,  without  limitation,  real
estate  market   fluctuations,   interest  rate   fluctuations,   dependence  on
manufacturers'  product  development  and  changes in tax rules and  regulations
applicable to the Company.

    The  regulatory  and trade  environment  in which the  Company  operates  is
subject to risk and  uncertainty.  As a large  importer of  consumer  electronic
products from Asia,  unfavorable  trade imbalances  could negatively  affect the
Company.  As a result of the  Telecommunications  Act of 1996,  the  deregulated
telecommunications  market  will  continue  to present  both  opportunities  and
increased  competition  for the  provision of  telecommunication  equipment  and
service to consumers.

    With the exception of historical  information,  the matters discussed herein
contain forward-looking  statements that involve risks and uncertainties and are
indicated  by  words  such as  "anticipates",  "expects",  "believes",  "plans",
"could", and similar words and phrases. These uncertainties include, but are not
limited to, economic conditions  including consumer  installment debt levels and
interest  rate  fluctuations,  shifts in  consumer  electronic  product  cycles,
technological  advances or a lack  thereof,  consumer  demand for  products  and
services,  competitive products and pricing, availability of products, inventory
risks due to shifts in market demand,  timely  resolution of the Year 2000 issue
by the Company,  its key suppliers and  customers,  and the regulatory and trade
environment.  Certain events or  circumstances  could cause the Company's actual
performance and financial  results to differ  materially from those estimated or

Segment Reporting Disclosures

    Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 131,  "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related Information" ("FAS 131"). All references to RadioShack and Computer City
in  management's  discussion  and  analysis  refer to the  Company's  reportable
segments, unless otherwise noted.

    The  RadioShack  segment  includes the  RadioShack  retail  division and its
related retail support  operations.  The Computer City segment includes Computer
City,  Inc.  ("CCI"  or  "Computer  City"),  which  was  sold  to  CompUSA  Inc.
("CompUSA")  on August 31, 1998,  and, in the prior year  information,  the five
Computer City Europe  stores sold by the Company in the fourth  quarter of 1997.
The closed units segment  includes all Tandy stores and  non-retail  units which
were part of the store closure plan  announced in December  1996.  The corporate
administration  and other segment includes corporate units which serve all areas
of the Company  and,  also,  income or expenses  which are not  allocated to the
RadioShack  and Computer City  segments.  See "Note 8 Segment  Disclosures"  for
additional information on operating profit (loss) and assets for each reportable

Net Sales and Operating Revenues

    Net sales and operating revenues for the periods ended September 30 were:

                                 Three Months Ended                         Nine Months Ended
                                    September 30,                              September 30,  
                                ----------------------    % Increase      ----------------------    % Increase
(In millions)                     1998          1997       (Decrease)       1998          1997       (Decrease)
- -------------                   --------      --------      --------      --------      --------      --------

RadioShack                      $  842.8      $  760.7        10.8%       $2,382.7      $2,147.4         11.0%
Computer City                      285.7(1)      462.1       (38.2)        1,196.7(1)    1,353.2        (11.6)
                                --------      --------                    --------      --------
  Retail segments                1,128.5       1,222.8        (7.7)        3,579.4       3,500.6          2.3
Closed units - restructuring         0.1           4.7       (97.9)            0.3         164.6        (99.8)
                                --------      --------                    --------      --------
                                $1,128.6      $1,227.5        (8.1)%      $3,579.7      $3,665.2         (2.3)%
                                ========      ========                    ========      ========

(1) Includes operations for only two and eight months, respectively,  due to the
    sale to CompUSA on August 31, 1998.

    Retail  segments  generated  a 7.7% sales loss and a 2.3% sales gain for the
three and nine month periods ended  September 30, 1998,  respectively;  however,
these sales include only two and eight months of results,  respectively, for CCI
due to the sale of this subsidiary to CompUSA on August 31, 1998.

    RadioShack's  overall sales increased 10.8% and 11.0% for the three and nine
months ended  September 30, 1998,  respectively,  compared to the  corresponding
prior year three and nine month periods.  RadioShack  comparable sales increased
10.3% and 9.6% for the  third  quarter  and nine  month  periods,  respectively,
compared  to the prior year third  quarter and nine month  periods.  These sales
increases   were   driven   primarily   by   three   categories   -   computers,
telecommunications and the services and other category,  which includes sales of
prepaid  wireless airtime and residual income received from  RadioShack's  third
party providers of  communications  and  direct-to-home  satellite  programming.
Sales of computers  increased  approximately  25.0% and 13.0% during the quarter
and nine months ended  September  30, 1998,  respectively,  when compared to the
quarter  and nine  months  ended  September  30,  1997.  These  sales gains were
achieved  primarily  due to the  successful  "back to school"  Compaq  promotion
launched in August 1998,  despite a 16.0% reduction in the average selling price
of personal computers in the third quarter. Sales of telecommunications products
increased approximately 11.0% and 13.0% during the quarter and nine months ended
September 30, 1998,  respectively,  compared to the same periods ended September
30, 1997, due to strong sales of PCS and cellular telephones.

    Computer City's overall sales decreased 38.2% and 11.6% and comparable store
sales decreased 13.7% and 3.1% for the three and nine months ended September 30,
1998,  respectively,  when compared to the three and nine months ended September
30,  1997.  In  addition to having one less month of sales in 1998 than in 1997,
both  overall and  comparable  store sales for the quarter and nine months ended
September  30, 1998 were  negatively  impacted by the  announced  sale of CCI to
CompUSA on June 22, 1998, at which time CCI took promotional  mark-downs to sell
both its third-party and private-label  inventory in preparation for the sale to
CompUSA on August 31, 1998. Additionally,  sales of personal computers decreased
in dollars  for the three and nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998 due to a
reduction of  approximately  25.0% in the average  selling  price of desktop and
notebook  computers  from the same periods in 1997.  See "Sale of Computer City,
Inc." below for further information on the sale of Computer City.

- --------------

                                September 30,   June 30,   March 31,   December 31,   September 30,
                                    1998          1998       1998         1997            1997
                                 ----------    ----------  ----------  ---------       ----------

  Company-owned                     5,006         4,992         4,978         4,972         4,921
  Dealer/Franchise                  1,978         1,963         1,946         1,934         1,992
                                 --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
                                    6,984         6,955         6,924         6,906         6,913

Computer City                         --(1)         101            96            96            96
Incredible Universe(2)                --            --            --            --            --
                                 --------      --------      --------      --------      --------

Total number of retail outlets      6,984         7,056         7,020         7,002         7,009
                                 ========      ========      ========      ========      ========

(1) Computer  City was sold to CompUSA on August 31, 1998 (see "Sale of Computer
    City, Inc." below). 
(2) Incredible Universe division ceased operations in 1997.

Gross Profit

    Gross  profit  for the  Company  as a percent  of net  sales  and  operating
revenues was 40.1% and 38.9% for the three and nine months ended  September  30,
1998,  respectively,  compared to 38.1% and 37.2% during the corresponding  1997
periods.  These  increases in the gross profit  percentages  are  primarily  the
result  of the sale of  Computer  City on August  31,  1998 and the  closing  of
Incredible  Universe and other units pursuant to the 1996  restructuring;  these
units  operated at a lower gross  margin  than Tandy as a whole.  Computer  City
accounted for 25.3% and 33.4% of Tandy's consolidated sales during the three and
nine months ended September 30, 1998 versus 37.6% and 36.9% for the same periods
in 1997. Without Computer City and other closed units, consolidated gross margin
for the  Company  would have been 51.9% and 52.8% for the three and nine  months
ended September 30, 1998 versus 53.3% and 54.3% for the same periods in 1997.

    RadioShack's  gross margin dollars increased 8.0% and 8.1% for the three and
nine months ended  September 30, 1998,  respectively,  when compared to the same
periods  in  1997.   However,   RadioShack's   gross  margin  percent  decreased
approximately  1.3 and 1.4 percentage  points in the three and nine months ended
September  30, 1998,  respectively,  when  compared to the same periods in 1997.
These  decreases  were the  result of a mix shift  within  RadioShack's  product
offerings, primarily due to increased sales of prepaid wireless airtime, as well
as computers and wireless telephones, such as PCS and cellular. These categories
have lower gross  margin  percentages  than  RadioShack's  overall  gross margin
percentage; however, increased sales yielded higher gross margin dollars.

    Computer City's gross profit as a percent of sales  decreased  approximately
8.8 and 2.6  percentage  points  during the three and nine month  periods  ended
September 30, 1998, compared to the three and nine month periods ended September
30, 1997,  due to aggressive  marketing of inventory,  especially  private-label
branded  inventory,  in preparation for the sale of the subsidiary to CompUSA on
August 31, 1998.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

    Selling,  general and administrative  ("SG&A") expenses for the Company as a
percent of net sales and  operating  revenues for the third quarter of 1998 were
35.0%,  compared  to 30.7%  during  the third  quarter of 1997;  the  respective
percentages for the nine months ended September 30, 1998 and 1997 were 32.5% and
30.7%.  The overall  increases  in SG&A  expenses  for the three and nine months
ended  September  30,  1998  were  impacted  by a 6.0 and 4.0  percentage  point
increase,  respectively,  in Computer  City's SG&A expense  percentage  over the
prior year periods. Without Computer City and other closed units pursuant to the
1996 restructuring  plan, SG&A expense for the Company would have been 39.0% and
39.6% for the three and nine months ended  September  30, 1998 compared to 40.1%
and 41.6% for the three and nine months ended September 30, 1997.

    Computer  City's SG&A expense  decreased  13.2% for the  quarter,  primarily
attributable to the sale of CCI. However,  rent expense related to stores opened
since  October 1, 1997 and  advertising  costs  increased  in  dollars  and as a
percentage of CCI's sales and operating revenues for the quarter.  This increase
was offset by payroll  which  decreased  in dollars  due to the sale of Computer
City,  but  increased  as a percent  of  Computer  City's  sales  and  operating
revenues. Computer City's SG&A expense increased 13.6% for the nine months ended
September  30, 1998,  compared to the nine months ended  September  30, 1997 due
primarily    to   an   increase   in   payroll    expense,    attributable    to
infrastructure-building  by Computer City prior to the  announcement of the sale
to CompUSA on June 22,  1998.  Advertising  expense  also  increased  during the
second and third quarters of 1998, compared to the prior year.

    RadioShack's SG&A expense as a percent of their sales and operating revenues
decreased  2.0 and 2.5  percentage  points for the three and nine  months  ended
September  30, 1998,  when  compared to the same periods in the prior year,  due
primarily to significant  increases in comparable store sales. For the three and
nine months ended September 30, 1998, RadioShack's advertising expense decreased
in dollars and as a percent of sales and operating revenues when compared to the
same  periods in the prior year due to higher  advertising  expense in the third
quarter of 1997  associated  with the launch of the Sprint  store-within-a-store
concept in September  1997.  Both rent and salary expense  increased in dollars;
but  decreased  as a percent of sales and  operating  revenues for the three and
nine months ended September 30, 1998 compared to the three and nine months ended
September 30, 1997, due to retail store  expansions and strong  comparable store

Provision for Business Restructuring

    In 1996,  Tandy  initiated  certain  restructuring  programs  affecting  its
Incredible  Universe and  Computer  City stores and its  remaining  McDuff store
operations.  These  restructuring  programs  were  undertaken as a result of the
highly competitive  environment in the electronics  industry.  See the Company's
1997  Annual  Report  for  a  discussion  of  the  1996  restructuring   reserve

   Net sales and operating  revenues and  operating  losses of the stores closed
pursuant  to the  restructuring  plans  are  shown  below for the three and nine
months ended  September  30, 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  Management  does not
anticipate  any  significant  revenue or operating  loss during the remainder of
1998 from stores closed pursuant to the 1996 restructuring plan.

                                    Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                       September 30,           September 30,  
                                   --------------------    --------------------
(In millions)                        1998        1997        1998        1997
- -------------                      --------    --------    --------    --------
Sales and operating revenue        $    0.1    $    4.7    $    0.3    $  164.6
Operating loss                         (6.1)       (4.3)       (6.4)      (29.8)

   The  following  schedule is an analysis of  additional  reserves  and amounts
charged  against the reserve  during the nine months ended  September  30, 1998.
Real estate obligations shown below primarily  represent estimated amounts to be
incurred in terminating remaining leases.
                                   Balance    Additional    1/1/98-   Balance
(In millions)                      12/31/97    Reserves     9/30/98   9/30/98
                                   --------    --------    --------   --------
Real estate obligations            $   27.0         6.0      (13.2)   $   19.8
Other                                   1.6         --        (0.6)        1.0
                                   --------    --------    --------   --------
                                   $   28.6         6.0      (13.8)   $   20.8
                                   ========    ========    ========   ========

    Additional  reserves recorded during the third quarter of 1998 were due to a
few  remaining  Computer City  locations  which were not included in the sale to
CompUSA  and, to a lesser  extent,  the  reassumption  of certain  McDuff  lease
obligations.  Although no additional  material  provisions  are expected in 1998
relating to the 1996  restructuring,  unexpected delays in the final disposition
of the  remaining  McDuff and  Computer  City  leases and one closed  Incredible
Universe  property and lease,  among other  factors,  could result in additional

Net Interest Expense

    Net interest  expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 1998
was $9.0 million and $27.9 million, an increase of $0.7 million and $5.3 million
over the comparable three and nine months in 1997.  Interest  expense  increased
approximately  $2.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 1998, versus
the  nine  months  ended  1997,  as the  Company  refinanced  a  portion  of its
short-term  indebtedness  by issuing $45.0 million of  medium-term  notes during
January  1998 and $150.0  million of 10 year  unsecured  senior notes (see "Cash
Flow and Financial  Condition"  below) during August 1997. These term notes bear
slightly higher interest rates than the short-term financing used by the Company
for the majority of the nine months  ended  September  30,  1997.  Additionally,
interest  income  decreased $2.7 million for the nine months ended September 30,
1998,  compared to the prior year period,  primarily due to the repayment of the
Company's note receivable from InterTAN, Inc. on December 30, 1997. Net interest
expense is  expected to decrease  moderately  during the fourth  quarter of 1998
when compared to the fourth quarter of 1997.

Provision for Income Taxes

    Provision  for  income  taxes  for  each  quarterly  period  is based on the
estimate of the annual  effective  tax rate for the fiscal year as  evaluated at
the end of each quarter.  The effective tax rates for the third quarters of 1998
and 1997 were 37.9% and 38.4%, respectively. The effective tax rate year to date
is 38.5%.

Restricted Stock Awards

    The  Company  granted,  under the 1993  Incentive  Stock Plan on February 1,
1997, an aggregate of approximately 2,041,200 restricted stock awards consisting
of 400 shares each to 4,907  RadioShack store managers and 800 shares each to 98
Computer City store managers. The restricted stock awards had a weighted average
fair market value of $22.59 per share when  granted.  Vesting of the  restricted
stock for the RadioShack  store managers occurs at the earlier of the following:
(1) if  managers  are  employed  as a store  manager or higher  position  by the
Company after  February 1, 1999 and the Company common stock closes at $33 13/16
or more for 20  consecutive  trading days, the stock will vest at that time, and
otherwise,  (2) the shares  will vest on February  1, 2002 if the  managers  are
employed as store  managers or a higher  position of the  Company.  Compensation
expense, equal to the fair market value of the shares upon vesting, has not been
recognized, but will be recognized when it becomes probable that the performance
criteria  will be met and such  expense  can be  reasonably  determined  or upon
actual vesting. As of September 30, 1998, there were 1,318,800  RadioShack store
manager stock awards  outstanding and eligible for ultimate vesting  pursuant to
this restricted stock award.  The 43,200  stock  awards  for  the  53  remaining
Computer  City  store  managers  were  replaced by cash awards subsequent to the
closing date of the sale of Computer City to CompUSA.

    The Company also granted, under the 1997 Incentive Stock Plan on February 1,
1998, an aggregate of approximately  324,750  restricted stock awards consisting
of 250 shares  each to 1,299  RadioShack  store  managers  not  included  in the
February  1, 1997 grant  described  above.  The  restricted  stock  awards had a
weighted average fair market value of $39.22 per share when granted.  Vesting of
the restricted stock occurs at the earlier of the following: (1) if managers are
employed as a store manager or higher  position by the Company after February 1,
2000 and the Company  common stock closes at $58 1/8 or more for 20  consecutive
trading days, the stock will vest at that time,  and  otherwise,  (2) the shares
will vest on February 1, 2003 if the managers are employed as a store manager or
a higher position of the Company. Compensation expense, equal to the fair market
value  of the  shares  upon  vesting,  has  not  been  recognized,  but  will be
recognized when it becomes  probable that the  performance  criteria will be met
and such  expense  can be  reasonably  determined  or upon  actual  vesting.  At
September 30, 1998, there were 237,750  restricted stock awards  outstanding and
eligible for ultimate vesting pursuant to this restricted stock award.

Sale of Computer City, Inc.

    On June 22,  1998,  the Company  announced  that it had signed a  definitive
agreement with CompUSA for the sale of 100% of the  outstanding  common stock of
the  Company's  Computer  City  subsidiary.  On August  31,  1998,  the sale was
completed.  The  Company  received  approximately  $75.0  million in cash and an
unsecured note for $136.0 million as  consideration  for the sale. The amount of
cash retained is subject to adjustment, dependent upon the finalization of CCI's
closing  balance  sheet.  The note,  which is of equal  priority with  CompUSA's
existing  subordinated  debt,  bears  interest at 9.48% per annum and is payable
over a ten year period.  Interest  will be payable on June 30 and December 31 of
each year,  commencing  on December  31,  1998.  Beginning on December 31, 2001,
principal  payments will be due semiannually  until the note matures on June 30,

    The Company has  recognized an after-tax  loss of $63.5 million for the sale
of CCI, which includes certain contractual  obligations incurred by the Company.
The Company  recorded  $45.0  million of the loss in the second  quarter of 1998
when the sale was  announced,  and an  additional  $18.5  million  in the  third
quarter of 1998 upon the  completion  of due  diligence  and other  adjustments.
CCI's  results  of  operations  through  August  31,  1998 are  included  in the
financial statements of the Company.

    In connection  with the sale,  the Company  reacquired the 19.9% interest of
CCI from Eureka Venture Partners III LLP ("EVP"), which was acquired by EVP from
the Company in July 1997.  Related to the  reacquisition  of EVP's  ownership in
CCI,  the  management  agreement  with  the  three  principals  of EVP has  been
terminated.  In addition, the warrant that EVP purchased for an additional 20.1%
interest in CCI was canceled.

    Below is a summary of net sales and operating revenues and net losses,  both
in total  and per  share,  for CCI for the three and nine  month  periods  ended
September 30, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

                                    Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                       September 30,           September 30, 
(In millions, except               --------------------    --------------------
 per share amounts)                1998 (1)      1997      1998 (1)      1997
 -----------------                 --------    --------    --------    --------
Net sales and operating revenues   $  285.7    $  450.5    $1,196.7    $1,301.1
Net loss                              (30.3)       (4.9)      (58.7)       (8.4)
Loss per share                     $  (0.30)   $  (0.05)   $  (0.57)   $  (0.07)

(1) Includes operations for only two and eight months, respectively, due to the
    sale to CompUSA on August 31, 1998.

Cash Flow and Financial Condition

    Cash flow provided by operating  activities  approximated  $121.2 million in
the nine month period ended September 30,1998,  compared to $20.3 million in the
nine month period ended September 30, 1997, due in part to $193.4 million of net
income  in 1998  before  the  loss  on the  sale  of CCI  and  depreciation  and
amortization  expense  compared to $162.1 million of net income in 1997,  before
depreciation and amortization  expense.  For the nine months ended September 30,
1998,  $49.2  million  of cash flow was  generated  from the  change in  working
capital assets, offset by a $157.0 million decrease in current liabilities.  For
the nine months ended September 30, 1997, the Company generated $75.9 million in
cash flow from working capital assets, primarily attributable to the liquidation
of inventories  associated with closed stores under the 1996 restructuring plan,
offset by a $219.1  million  decrease  in  current  liabilities,  which  related
primarily to accrued expenses associated with the 1996 restructuring activity.

    Investing  activities  used $32.2  million  in cash flow in the nine  months
ended  September 30, 1998,  compared to $46.5 million  during the same period of
the prior year.  Investing  activities  for the nine months ended  September 30,
1998 included capital expenditures totaling $107.3 million, primarily for retail
expansion,  upgrade of  information  systems and  Computer  City  infrastructure
enhancements  prior to the announced sale of CCI on June 22, 1998. Cash proceeds
from the sale of CCI generated $75.0 million in cash flow in 1998. The amount of
cash  actually  retained is dependent  upon the  finalization  of CCI's  closing
balance sheet.  For the nine months ended  September 30, 1997,  cash proceeds of
$41.4 million were received from the sale of the Company's  remaining  shares of
AST Research,  Inc. common stock,  the sale of various  corporate assets and one
Incredible  Universe location.  Management  anticipates that capital expenditure
requirements  will approximate  $15.0 million to $20.0 million for the remainder
of  1998,   primarily  to  support   RadioShack   future  store  expansions  and
refurbishments,  and to update additional information systems. It is anticipated
that capital  expenditures  for 1999 will  approximate  $115.0 million to $120.0

    Cash used by financing  activities  for the nine months ended  September 30,
1998 was  $147.5  million,  compared  to $31.3  million  in the  previous  year.
Purchases of treasury  stock  required  $185.1 million for the nine months ended
September 30, 1998,  compared to $331.9  million during the same period of 1997.
The current  year's  repurchase was partially  funded by $48.8 million  received
from stock option exercises and the sale of treasury stock to the employee stock
purchase program, as well as a net increase in debt. Medium-term notes issued by
the Company under its 1997 Debt Shelf Registration provided  approximately $45.0
million in cash for the nine months ended September 30, 1998, a portion of which
was used to repay current  maturities of long-term  debt.  The Company  believes
that its cash  flow from  operations,  cash on hand and  availability  under its
existing debt facilities are adequate to fund the planned expansion of its store
formats and share  repurchase  program.  In addition,  most of the Company's new
stores are leased rather than owned.

    Cash and cash equivalents at September 30, 1998 were $47.4 million, compared
to $105.9  million at December 31, 1997 and $64.0 million at September 30, 1997.
Total debt as a percentage  of total  capitalization  was 36.6% at September 30,
1998,  compared to 33.6% at December 31, 1997 and 39.5% at  September  30, 1997.
Long-term  debt as a percentage of total  capitalization  was 16.6% at September
30,  1998,  compared to 14.8% at December  31, 1997 and 13.6% at  September  30,

    The Company's  revolving  credit  facilities  total $500.0  million,  $200.0
million of which is a 364-day facility maturing June 1999, with the other $300.0
million maturing June 2003. The revolving credit facilities are used as a backup
for the commercial paper program and may also be utilized for general  corporate

    In March  1997,  the  Company  announced  that its  Board of  Directors  had
authorized  management to purchase up to 10.0 million  additional  shares of its
common stock through the Company's existing share repurchase program.  The share
repurchase  program was  initially  authorized in December 1995 and increased in
October 1996. The share increase brings the total  authorization to 30.0 million
shares of which approximately 23.8 million shares,  totaling $658.2 million, had
been purchased as of September 30, 1998. The stock  repurchase  program is being
undertaken as a result of management's  view of the economic value of its stock.
Purchases  will  continue to be made from time to time in the open market and it
is expected that funding of the program will come  primarily from operating cash
flow and existing funding sources.  During the quarter ended September 30, 1998,
the Company repurchased approximately 0.7 million shares for $40.2 million under
the  program and for the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998,  the Company
repurchased  2.8 million  shares  totaling  $129.1  million  under the  program.
Additionally,  on October  26,  1998,  the Company  announced  that its Board of
Directors authorized the repurchase of up to 5.0 million shares of the Company's
common stock for an indefinite  period of time to be used to offset the dilution
of stock option grants under Tandy's Incentive Stock Plans.  These purchases are
in addition to the shares  required  for  employee  plans,  which are  purchased
throughout the year.

    In March 1997, the Company's  Board of Directors  authorized the filing of a
$300.0 million Debt Shelf Registration Statement (the "Registration  Statement")
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  In August 1997, the Company issued
$150.0  million  of 10  year  unsecured  senior  notes  under  the  Registration
Statement, which was effective August 6, 1997. The interest rate on the notes is
6.95% per annum with  interest  payable on September 1 and March 1 of each year,
commencing  on March 1, 1998.  The notes are due  September 1, 2007. In December
1997, the Company  issued $4.0 million in medium-term  notes under the remaining
$150.0 million of the  Registration  Statement.  An additional  $45.0 million in
medium-term  notes was issued in January 1998 with a weighted  average  interest
rate of approximately 6.1% per annum.  Tandy's  medium-term notes outstanding at
September  30, 1998 under the 1991 and 1997 shelf  registrations  totaled  $50.0
million,  compared to $30.0  million at December  31, 1997 and $26.0  million at
September 30, 1997.


    Total  inventories at September 30, 1998  decreased  $230.3 million or 19.1%
since December 31, 1997 and decreased  $304.8  million or 23.8% since  September
30, 1997. The decrease in inventory  since year end is primarily due to a $207.9
million reduction relating to the sale of Computer City to CompUSA on August 31,
1998,  offset  slightly by an increase in inventory at RadioShack  due to normal
seasonal fluctuations. The decrease in inventory since the third quarter of 1997
is also attributable to the sale of Computer City mentioned above, as well as to
a $105.9  million  reduction in inventory at Computer  City due to sales made in
the normal  course of  business  through  August 31,  1998.  The  Computer  City
inventory  decrease  since the third  quarter of 1997 was offset  slightly by an
increase in inventory in RadioShack's growth categories.

Changes in Stockholders' Equity
(In millions)                                   Common Shares       Dollars
 -----------                                    -------------    -------------
Balance at December 31, 1997                        102.3           $1,058.6
Foreign currency translation  adjustments,            
 net of deferred taxes                                --                 0.4
Sale of treasury stock to Tandy Stock Plan            0.6               27.1
Purchases of treasury stock                          (4.0)            (184.8)
Exercise of stock options and grant of                   
 stock awards                                         1.2               34.3
Repurchase of preferred stock                         --                (4.3)
Preferred stock dividends, net of tax                 --                (2.9)
TESOP deferred compensation earned                    --                 7.6
Common stock dividends declared                       --               (30.7)
Net income                                            --                12.9
                                                 --------           --------
Balance at September 30, 1998                       100.1           $  918.2
                                                 ========           ========

Impact of the Year 2000 Issue

    The Company's  management  recognizes the need to ensure that its operations
and relationships  with key vendors,  customers and other third parties will not
be adversely  impacted by software  processing  errors arising from calculations
using the year 2000 and beyond.  Like many  companies,  a significant  number of
Tandy's  computer  applications  and systems require  modifications  in order to
ascertain that these systems will be ready for the year 2000 ("Year 2000").

The Company's State of Readiness

    Tandy is using a combination of internal and external resources to identify,
assess,  remediate and test its many  different  information  technology  ("IT")
systems such as credit,  point of sale, payroll,  purchase ordering,  importing,
merchandise distribution,  management reporting,  manufacturing,  mainframe, and
client/server applications,  as well as its non-IT systems (e.g. heating and air
conditioning systems, building security systems, etc.).

    Since  beginning the project in 1995, the Company has completed  identifying
and  assessing  100%  of  its  internal  IT  programs,  data  communication  and
telecommunication  systems for Year 2000  readiness.  Remediation and testing is
approximately  80%  complete for  applications  and IT programs and 53% for data
communication  and  telecommunication  systems.  Remediation and testing for all
remaining programs,  as well as systems  integration  testing, is expected to be
completed by the third quarter of 1999.  The Company is and will continue to use
outside consultants to assist with the validating and testing phases.

    With  respect to non-IT  system  issues,  the  Company is in the  process of
identifying,  assessing and remediating,  if necessary, its building and utility
systems  for  any  Year  2000  issues  relating  to  the  functionality  of  its
facilities.  Non-IT  systems  are  expected  to be Year 2000  ready by the third
quarter of 1999.

    Although  unforeseen   circumstances  may  or  will  arise,  the  Year  2000
remediation program is presently on schedule.

                                    Percent of Applications Year 2000 Ready
                                   Actual as of       Planned          Planned
  Year 2000 Initiative            September 1998    December 1998      Q3 1999
  --------------------            --------------    -------------      -------

Applications and information 
 technology                             80%              90%             100%
Data communications and 
 telecommunications                     53%              85%             100%
Non-IT systems                          40%              60%             100%

    The  Company  plans  to  continue  communicating  with  its  key  suppliers,
financial  institutions,  customers and others to determine  their state of Year
2000 readiness,  to coordinate Year 2000 conversions and to determine the extent
to which  the  Company's  interface  systems  are  vulnerable.  There  can be no
assurance  that the systems of other  companies on which the  Company's  systems
rely  will be  timely  converted  and  will not have an  adverse  effect  on the
Company's systems or ongoing operations.


    In management's  opinion,  the financial  impact of being Year 2000 ready is
not expected to be material to the Company's  consolidated  financial  position,
results  of  operations  or  cash  flows.   Management  anticipates  that  total
expenditures  associated  with the Year 2000 internal  modifications  will range
from $10.0 million to $14.0  million,  which will be funded from  operating cash
flow.  As of September  30, 1998,  approximately  $4.7 million has been spent on
these  internal  modifications.  As required by  generally  accepted  accounting
principles,  these costs are  expensed as  incurred.  Additionally,  the Company
expects to spend  approximately  $20.0  million to $25.0 million on the purchase
and installation of third party financial software packages and related hardware
in light of the Year 2000 issue. Combined, these costs account for 20% to 25% of
the Company's 1998 and 1999 IT budget.  These purchases are in addition to other
capital  investments  made in the normal  course of business  for certain  third
party  software  systems and  applications  which address the ongoing retail and
operational  needs  of  the  Company.  These  software  systems,  which  include
point-of-sale, manufacturing and importing packages, are in the process of being
installed. All of these third-party software packages have been certified by the
vendors to the Company as being Year 2000 ready.

The Risks of the Company's Year 2000 Issues

    With respect to the risks  associated  with its IT and non-IT  systems,  the
Company believes that the most reasonably likely worst case scenario is that the
Company will experience a number of minor system  malfunctions and errors in the
early  days and  weeks of the year  2000  that  were  not  detected  during  its
remediation and testing  efforts.  The Company also believes that these problems
will not be  overwhelming  and will not have a material  effect on the Company's
operations or financial results.

    Concerning the risks  associated  with third parties,  the Company  believes
that  the  most  reasonably  likely  worst  case  scenario  is that  some of the
Company's  merchandise  vendors will not be compliant  and will have  difficulty
filling and distributing orders. Presently, however, no single internal or third
party  supplier  accounts for a significant  portion of the Company's  sales and
operating  revenues.  Additionally,  a large  quantity of  products  sold by the
Company are available from alternate electronics vendors.

    As a  manufacturer,  distributor  and  retailer  of  computer  and  consumer
electronics,  the Company is in the process of assessing the implications of the
Year 2000 on products it has manufactured or sold, or is currently manufacturing
or selling.  The Company is uncertain  whether it will be subject to  litigation
and whether certain of its products will operate error free or not.

    The Company has limited the scope of its risk  assessment  to those  factors
which it can reasonably be expected to have an influence upon. For example,  the
Company has made the assumption that financial institutions,  utility companies,
and national  telecommunications  providers will continue to operate. Obviously,
the lack of such services could have a material effect on the Company's  ability
to operate,  but the Company has little,  if any,  ability to influence  such an
outcome,  or to reasonably  make  alternative  arrangements  in advance for such
services in the event they are unavailable.

Contingency Plans

    The  Company's  critical  applications  include  its  merchandising  system,
point-of-sale  system and financial  system,  which includes  payroll,  accounts
payable and receivable,  and other financial applications.  Should any or all of
the critical  applications  fail to perform  properly  subsequent  to January 1,
2000,  the Company  will resort to  temporary  manual  processing,  which is not
expected to have a material  adverse impact on its operations in the short-term.
Failure of one or more third party service  providers on whom the Company relies
to address Year 2000 issues could also result, in a worst case scenario, in some
business  interruption.  The lost revenues, if any, resulting from such failures
would depend on the time period in which the failure goes uncorrected and on how
widespread the impact.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


    Tandy  has  various   claims,   lawsuits,   disputes  with  third   parties,
investigations and pending actions involving allegations of negligence,  product
defects,  discrimination,  infringement of  intellectual  property  rights,  tax
deficiencies,  violations  of permits or  licenses,  and breach of contract  and
other matters against the Company and its subsidiaries incident to the operation
of its business.  The liability,  if any,  associated with these matters was not
determinable  at September  30, 1998.  While  certain of these  matters  involve
substantial  amounts, and although occasional adverse settlements or resolutions
might occur and negatively impact earnings in the year of settlement,  it is the
opinion of management that their ultimate  resolution will not have a materially
adverse effect on Tandy's financial position.


    The Company  announced on July 27, 1998 the appointment of Frank J. Belatti
to the Board of  Directors  of Tandy  Corporation.  Mr.  Belatti is Chairman and
Chief  Executive  Officer of AFC  Enterprises  Inc.,  parent company of Popeye's
Chicken & Biscuits, Church's Chicken, Chesapeake Bagel Bakery and Seattle Coffee


        a) Exhibits Required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K.

           A list of the  exhibits  required by Item 601 of  Regulation  S-K and
           filed as part of this report is set forth in the Index to Exhibits on
           page 19, which immediately precedes such exhibits.

        b) Reports on Form 8-K.

           1) On August 31, 1998,  the Company  announced  that it had completed
              the sale of 100% of the Company's  Computer City, Inc.  subsidiary
              to CompUSA Inc. The Form 8-K was filed on September 14, 1998.


    Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                           Tandy Corporation

Date:  November 10, 1998                By   /s/     Richard L. Ramsey     
                                                     Richard L. Ramsey
                                               Vice President and Controller
                                                    (Authorized Officer)

Date:  November 10, 1998                     /s/     Dwain H. Hughes      
                                                     Dwain H. Hughes
                                               Senior Vice President and
                                                Chief Financial Officer
                                             (Principal Financial Officer)

                                TANDY CORPORATION
                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit                                                               Sequential
Number         Description                                             Page No.

2a             Acquisition Agreement dated January 18, 1995 between Hurley State
               Bank,  as  purchaser  and  Tandy  Credit  Corporation  as  seller
               (without  exhibits)  (filed as Exhibit (c) to Tandy's January 18,
               1995  Form  8-K  filed  on  February  2,  1995,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-95-000008 and incorporated herein by reference).

2a(i)          Amendment No. 1 to Acquisition  Agreement  dated January 18, 1995
               between Tandy Credit Corporation,  Tandy National Bank and Hurley
               State Bank (filed as Exhibit 2 to Tandy's March 30, 1995 Form 8-K
               filed on April 12, 1995, Accession No.  0000096289-95-000012  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

2b             Agreement  Plan of Merger dated March 30, 1995 by and among Tandy
               Corporation,  Tandy  Credit  Corporation,  Hurley  State Bank and
               Hurley  Receivables  Corporation  (filed as  Exhibit 3 to Tandy's
               March 30, 1995 Form 8-K filed on April 12,  1995,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-95-000012 and incorporated herein by reference).

2c             Stock  Purchase  Agreement as of July 17, 1997 by and among Tandy
               Corporation as Seller,  EVP Colonial,  Inc. as Company and Eureka
               Venture Partners III LLP as Purchaser (without exhibits),  (filed
               as  Exhibit  2g to  Tandy's  Form 10-Q  filed on August 8,  1997,
               Accession No.  0000096289-97-000023  and  incorporated  herein by

3a(i)          Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Tandy dated December 10,
               1982 (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's  1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy
               Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan, Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on
               November  12,  1993,  Accession  No.   0000096289-93-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

3a(ii)         Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of Tandy
               Corporation  dated  November  13,  1986  (filed as  Exhibit 4A to
               Tandy's 1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive Stock
               Plan, Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on November 12, 1993,  Accession
               No. 0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(iii)        Certificate  of  Amendment  of   Certificate  of   Incorporation,
               amending  and   restating   the   Certificate   of   Designation,
               Preferences and Rights of Series A Junior Participating Preferred
               Stock dated June 22,  1990  (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's  1993
               Form S-8 for the Tandy Corporation Incentive Stock Plan, Reg. No.
               33-51603,   filed   on   November   12,   1993,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(iv)         Certificate  of   Designation  of  Series  B  TESOP   Convertible
               Preferred  dated  June 29,  1990  (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's
               1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock  Plan,
               Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on November 12,  1993,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(v)          Certificate of Designation,  Series C Conversion  Preferred Stock
               dated February 13, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 4A to Tandy's 1993 Form
               S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan,  Reg.  No.
               33-51603,   filed   on   November   12,   1993,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3b             Tandy Corporation  Bylaws,  restated as of January 1, 1996 (filed
               as  Exhibit  3B to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 28,  1996,
               Accession No.  0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated  herein by

4a             Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility A) dated as of June 25, 1998
               among Tandy Corporation, NationsBank,  N.A., as Agent and Lender,
               Citibank,   N.A.,  as Syndication  Agent  and  Lender,  Bank   of
               America  National Trust & Savings Association,  as  Documentation
               Agent and Lender, BankBoston, N.A., Co-Agent and Lender, The Bank
               of New York,  Co-Agent and Lender,  First  Union  National  Bank,
               Co-Agent and Lender,  Fleet National Bank, Co-Agent  and  Lender,
               and twelve other banks as Lenders (filed as Exhibit 4n to Tandy's
               Form 10-Q filed on August 13, 1998, Accession No.  0000096289-98-
               000039 and incorporated herein by reference).

4b             Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility  B) dated  as of June 25,
               1998  among  Tandy  Corporation,   NationsBank,  N.A.,  as  Agent
               and  Lender, Citibank,  N.A., as Syndication  Agent  and  Lender,
               Bank  of  America   National  Trust  &  Savings  Association,  as
               Documentation Agent and Lender,  BankBoston,  N.A., Co-Agent  and
               Lender,  The Bank of New York,  Co-Agent and Lender,  First Union
               National Bank, Co-Agent and Lender, Fleet National Bank, Co-Agent
               and Lender, and twelve other banks as Lenders  (filed as  Exhibit
               4o to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August 13, 1998, Accession  No.
               0000096289-98-000039 and incorporated herein by reference). 

10a*           Salary   Continuation  Plan  for  Executive  Employees  of  Tandy
               Corporation and Subsidiaries  including  amendment dated June 14,
               1984  with  respect  to   participation   by  certain   executive
               employees,  as restated  October 4, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10a to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10b*           Form of  Executive  Pay Plan  Letters  (filed as  Exhibit  10b to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  28,  1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

10c*           Post  Retirement  Death  Benefit  Plan  for  Selected   Executive
               Employees of Tandy  Corporation and Subsidiaries as restated June
               10,  1991  (filed as Exhibit  10c to  Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10d*           Tandy Corporation Officers Deferred Compensation Plan as restated
               July 10, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 10d to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10e*           Special  Compensation  Plan for  Directors  of Tandy  Corporation
               dated  November  13, 1986  (filed as Exhibit 10g to Tandy's  Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029
               and incorporated herein by reference).

10f*           Director  Fee  Resolution  (filed as Exhibit 10h to Tandy's  Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029
               and incorporated herein by reference).

10g*           Tandy  Corporation  1985 Stock Option Plan as restated  effective
               August 1990  (filed as Exhibit 10i to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10h*           Tandy  Corporation  1993 Incentive Stock Plan as restated May 18,
               1995 (filed as Exhibit  10j to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August
               14, 1995,  Accession No.  0000096289-95-000016  and  incorporated
               herein by reference).

10i*           Tandy  Corporation  Officers Life  Insurance  Plan as amended and
               restated  effective  August 22,  1990  (filed as  Exhibit  10k to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10j*           First Restated Trust Agreement Tandy Employees Supplemental Stock
               Program through  Amendment No. IV dated January 1, 1996 (filed as
               exhibit  4d to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  28,  1996,
               Accession No.  0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated  herein by

10k*           Forms of  Termination  Protection  Agreements  for (i)  Corporate
               Executives,   (ii)  Division  Executives,  and  (iii)  Subsidiary
               Executives  (filed as Exhibit  10m to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on
               August  14,  1995,   Accession   No.   0000096289-95-000016   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10l*           Tandy  Corporation  Termination  Protection  Plans for  Executive
               Employees of Tandy Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) the Level
               I and (ii) Level II Plans  (filed as Exhibit  10n filed on August
               14, 1995, Accession No.  0000096289-95-000016 to and incorporated
               herein by reference).

10m*           Forms of Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements with certain Executive
               Employees of Tandy  Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) Formula,
               (ii)  Discretionary,  and (iii) Pay Plan (filed as Exhibit 10o to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10n*           Form of Indemnity  Agreement with Directors,  Corporate  Officers
               and two Division Officers of Tandy Corporation  (filed as Exhibit
               10p to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

10o*           Tandy  Corporation  1997 Incentive Stock Plan,  (filed as Exhibit
               10q to Tandy's Form 10-Q filed on August 8, 1997,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

10p*           Management  Agreement,  dated July 17, 1997,  by and among Eureka
               Venture  Partners,  III LLP, EVP Colonial,  Inc.,  Nathan Morton,
               Avery More and Robert  Boutin,  (filed as Exhibit  10r to Tandy's
               Form   10-Q   filed   on   August   8,   1997,    Accession   No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

10q*           Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with selected Executive Employees of Tandy Corporation, (filed as
               Exhibit  10s to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10r*           Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with selected Executive Employees of Tandy Corporation, (filed as
               Exhibit  10t to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10s*           Form of December 1997 Deferred Salary and Bonus Agreement  (Stock
               Investment)   with   selected   Executive   Employees   of  Tandy
               Corporation,  (filed as Exhibit 10u to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on
               March  26,   1998,   Accession   No.   0000096289-98-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10t*           Form of December  1997 Salary and Bonus  Agreement  with selected
               Executive  Employees of Tandy Corporation,  (filed as Exhibit 10v
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 26,  1998,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-98-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

10u*           Tandy Corporation Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, effective
               April 1, 1998,  (filed as Exhibit 10w to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed
               on  March  26,  1998,  Accession  No.   0000096289-98-000017  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10v*           Tandy Corporation  Executive Deferred Stock Plan, effective April
               1,  1998,  (filed as Exhibit  10x to  Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  26,   1998,   Accession   No.   0000096289-98-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10w*           Tandy  Corporation   Unfunded  Deferred   Compensation  Plan  for
               Directors  as amended  and  restated  January 1, 1998,  (filed as
               Exhibit  10y to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10x*           Form  of  September  30,  1997  Deferred  Compensation  Agreement
               between Tandy Corporation and John V. Roach (filed as Exhibit 10z
               to  Tandy's  Form  10-Q  filed  on May 13,  1998,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-98-000025 and incorporated herein by reference).

10y*           Form  of  September  30,  1997  Deferred  Compensation  Agreement
               between  Tandy  Corporation  and  Leonard  H.  Roberts  (filed as
               Exhibit  10aa  to  Tandy's  Form  10-Q  filed  on May  13,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000025  and  incorporated  herein by

11             Statement of Computation of Ratios of Earnings to 
               Fixed Charges.                                                 23

27             Financial Data Schedule.                                       24

- ----------------------

*              Each of these exhibits is a "management  contract or compensatory
               plan, contract, or arrangement".

                                                                      EXHIBIT 11
                                TANDY CORPORATION


                                                   Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                                      September 30,          September 30,
                                                   -------------------    --------------------   
(In millions, except per share amounts)              1998       1997        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------            -------    --------    --------    --------

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:

Net income (loss)                                  $  (4.1)   $   36.4    $   12.9    $   90.7
Plus provision (benefit) for income taxes             (2.5)       22.7         8.1        56.7
                                                   -------    --------    --------    --------
Income (loss) before income taxes                     (6.6)       59.1        21.0       147.4
                                                   -------    --------    --------    --------

Fixed charges:
Interest expense and amortization of
 debt discount                                        11.5        11.8        33.6        31.0
Amortization of issuance expense                       0.1         0.1         0.5         0.2
Appropriate portion (33 1/3%) of rentals              18.0        18.0        55.2        55.3
                                                   -------    --------    --------    --------
    Total fixed charges                               29.6        29.9        89.3        86.5
                                                   -------    --------    --------    --------

Earnings before income taxes and
 fixed charges                                     $  23.0    $   89.0    $  110.3    $  233.9
                                                   =======    ========    ========    ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                    0.78        2.98        1.24        2.70
                                                   =======    ========    ========    ========

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
 Preferred Dividends:

Total fixed charges, as above                      $  29.6    $   29.9    $   89.3    $   86.5
Preferred dividends                                    1.5         1.5         4.4         4.6
                                                   -------    --------    --------    --------
Total fixed charges and preferred dividends        $  31.1    $   31.4    $   93.7    $   91.1
                                                   =======    ========    ========    ========

Earnings before income taxes, fixed
 charges and preferred dividends                   $  23.0    $   89.0    $  110.3    $  233.9
                                                   =======    ========    ========    ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges
 and preferred dividends                              0.74        2.83        1.18        2.57
                                                   =======    ========    ========    ========