- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

- ---                                                                       
        EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1999


        EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        For the transition period from ______ to ______                

                         Commission File Number: 1-5571

                                TANDY CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                                             75-1047710
(State or other jurisdiction of                            (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                           Identification No.)

100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas          76102
    (Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (817) 415-3700

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No __

The number of shares  outstanding of the issuer's Common Stock, $1 par value, on
April 30, 1999 was 96,769,519.
         Index to Exhibits is on Sequential Page No. 17. Total pages 23.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                  Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                 March 31, 
(In millions, except per share amounts)                      1999        1998
- ---------------------------------------                    --------    --------
Net sales and operating revenues                           $  890.2    $1,258.3
Cost of products sold                                         439.5       784.0
                                                           --------    --------
Gross profit                                                  450.7       474.3
                                                           --------    --------

Expenses (income):
  Selling, general and administrative                         339.4       379.6
  Depreciation and amortization                                21.0        25.8
  Interest income                                              (4.5)       (1.7)
  Interest expense                                              8.3        10.3
  Restricted stock awards                                      (5.1)         --
                                                           --------    --------
                                                              359.1       414.0
                                                           --------    --------

Income before income taxes                                     91.6        60.3
Provision for income taxes                                     35.7        23.2
                                                           --------    --------

Net income                                                     55.9        37.1

Preferred dividends                                             1.4         1.5
                                                           --------    --------

Net income available to common shareholders                $   54.5    $   35.6
                                                           ========    ========

Net income available per common share:

  Basic                                                    $   0.56    $   0.35
                                                           ========    ========

  Diluted                                                  $   0.54    $   0.34
                                                           ========    ========

Shares used in computing earnings per common share:

  Basic                                                        97.2       101.8
                                                           ========    ========

  Diluted                                                     101.9       106.8
                                                           ========    ========

Dividends declared per common share                        $   0.10    $   0.10
                                                           ========    ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                          March 31,    December 31,     March 31,
                                                             1998         1998            1998
(In millions, except for share amounts)                  (Unaudited)                   (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------                   -----------   -----------     -----------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                $   53.9      $   64.5      $   77.9
  Accounts and notes receivable, less allowance for          
   doubtful accounts                                          189.7         215.2         223.1
  Inventories, at lower of cost or market                     878.9         912.1       1,182.1
  Other current assets                                        110.3         106.8         142.2
                                                           --------      --------      --------
    Total current assets                                    1,232.8       1,298.6       1,625.3

Property, plant and equipment, at cost, less 
  accumulated depreciation                                    433.7         433.8         523.9

Other assets, net of accumulated amortization                 265.2         261.2          83.3
                                                           --------      --------      --------
                                                           $1,931.7      $1,993.6      $2,232.5
                                                           ========      ========      ========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 
Current liabilities:
  Short-term debt, including current maturities of         $  297.9      $  233.2      $  266.5
   long-term debt
  Accounts payable                                            148.4         206.4         287.7
  Accrued expenses                                            235.8         334.4         238.5
  Income taxes payable                                         97.7         105.5          63.9
                                                           --------      --------      --------

    Total current liabilities                                 779.8         879.5         856.6
                                                           --------      --------      --------

Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                  266.0         235.1         277.1
Other non-current liabilities                                  33.1          27.5          49.8
                                                           --------      --------      --------

    Total other liabilities                                   299.1         262.6         326.9
                                                           --------      --------      --------

Common stock put options                                       13.3           3.3            --

Stockholders' Equity:
Preferred  stock,  no par value,  1,000,000  shares  
   Series A junior participating; 100,000 
    shares authorized and none issued                            --            --            --
   Series B convertible (TESOP), 100,000 shares
    authorized and issued; 76,000, 77,000 and 78,000 
    shares outstanding respectively                           100.0         100.0         100.0
 Common stock, $1 par value, 250,000,000 shares
  authorized; 139,184,000, 139,184,000 and 138,332,000 
  shares issued, respectively                                 139.2         139.2         138.3
 Additional paid-in capital                                   113.3         109.7          26.7
 Retained earnings                                          1,738.6       1,693.4       1,701.9
 Common stock in treasury, at cost; 42,451,000,                                             
   41,747,000 and 36,812,000 shares,                       
   respectively                                            (1,221.9)     (1,161.6)       (881.6)
 Unearned deferred compensation                               (28.6)        (31.5)        (34.8)
 Accumulated other comprehensive loss                          (1.1)         (1.0)         (1.5)
                                                           --------      --------      --------
    Total stockholders' equity                                839.5         848.2       1,049.0
Commitments and contingent liabilities
                                                           --------      --------      --------
                                                           $1,931.7      $1,993.6      $2,232.5
                                                           ========      ========      ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial statements.

                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

                                                                     Three Months Ended
                                                                          March 31,  
(In millions)                                                        1999          1998
 ------------                                                      --------      --------

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                         $   55.9      $   37.1
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
   (used) by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                                      21.0          25.8
    Restricted stock awards                                            (5.1)           --
    Other items                                                         6.6           6.6
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
    Receivables                                                        28.0          28.0
    Inventories                                                        33.3          23.1
    Other current assets                                               (3.5)          5.7
    Accounts payable, accrued expenses and income taxes              (156.5)        (86.9)
                                                                   --------      --------
Net cash (used) provided by operating activities                      (20.3)         39.4
                                                                   --------      --------

Investing activities:
  Additions to property, plant and equipment                          (21.7)        (28.2)
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                   0.8           2.5
  Other investing activities                                           (4.7)           --
                                                                   --------      --------
Net cash used by investing activities                                 (25.6)        (25.7)
                                                                   --------      --------

Financing activities:
  Purchases of treasury stock                                         (67.7)        (59.0)
  Proceeds from sale of common stock put options                        1.0            --
  Sales of treasury stock to employee stock plans                      13.9          12.5
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options                               3.9           8.5
  Dividends paid                                                      (10.8)        (11.5)
  Changes in short-term borrowings, net                                64.8         (36.6)
  Additions to long-term borrowings                                    31.9          44.8
  Repayments of long-term borrowings                                   (1.7)         (0.4)
                                                                   --------      --------
Net cash provided (used) by financing activities                       35.3         (41.7)
                                                                   --------      --------

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                 (10.6)        (28.0)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                         64.5         105.9
                                                                   --------      --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                           $   53.9      $   77.9
                                                                   ========      ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial statements.


The accompanying  unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared
in accordance  with the  instructions to Form 10-Q and do not include all of the
information and footnotes required by generally accepted  accounting  principles
for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments
(consisting  of  normal  recurring  accruals)  considered  necessary  for a fair
presentation  have been included.  Operating  results for the three months ended
March  31,  1999  are not  necessarily  indicative  of the  results  that may be
expected for the year ending December 31, 1999. For further  information,  refer
to  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  management's  discussion  and
analysis of results of  operations  and  financial  condition  included in Tandy
Corporation's  1998 Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,

Effective  December 31, 1997,  Tandy adopted  Statement of Financial  Accounting
Standards   ("SFAS")  No.  128,  "Earnings  per  Share"  ("FAS  128").  FAS  128
established  new  standards  for  computing  and  presenting  earnings per share
("EPS").  The statement  requires dual  presentation of basic and diluted EPS on
the face of the income  statement for entities with complex  capital  structures
and requires a reconciliation  of the numerator and denominator of the basic EPS
computation  to the numerator and  denominator  of the diluted EPS  computation.
Basic EPS excludes the effect of potentially  dilutive  securities while diluted
EPS reflects the  potential  dilution  that would have occurred if securities or
other contracts to issue common stock were exercised,  converted, or resulted in
the  issuance of common stock that would have then shared in the earnings of the
entity.  The  following  schedule  is a  reconciliation  of the  numerators  and
denominators  used in  computing  the  basic  and  diluted  earnings  per  share
calculations for the three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

                                               Three Months Ended                         Three Months Ended
                                                 March 31, 1999                             March 31, 1998 
                                     -------------------------------------      -------------------------------------
Dollars and shares in millions,       Income        Shares       Per Share        Income        Shares     Per Share  
   except per share amounts)         (Numerator)  (Denominator)    Amount       (Numerator)  (Denominator)   Amount
   ------------------------          -----------  -------------  ----------     -----------  ------------- ----------
Net income                           $   55.9                                    $   37.1
Less: Preferred stock dividends          (1.4)                                       (1.5)
                                     --------                                    --------

Basic EPS
Net income available to common
 shareholders                            54.5           97.2     $   0.56            35.6         101.8    $   0.35
                                                                 ========                                  ========

Effect of dilutive securities:
Plus dividends on Series B              
 preferred stock                          1.4                                         1.5
Additional contribution required
 for TESOP if preferred stock had                                           
 been converted                          (1.1)           3.3                         (1.0)          3.5

Stock options                                            1.4                                        1.5
                                     --------       --------                     --------      --------

Diluted EPS
Net income available to common
 shareholders plus assumed          
 conversions                         $   54.8          101.9     $   0.54        $   36.1         106.8    $   0.34
                                     ========       ========     ========        ========      ========    ========

On August 31, 1998,  Tandy completed the sale of 100% of the outstanding  common
stock of its Computer  City,  Inc.  subsidiary  to CompUSA Inc.  Tandy  received
approximately  $36.5  million  in cash and an  unsecured  subordinated  note for
$136.0 million as consideration  for the sale. Tandy recognized a loss of $108.2
million  from  the  sale  of  Computer  City in  1998,  which  included  certain
liabilities  and  contractual  obligations  incurred by Tandy.  Computer  City's
results from operations through August 31, 1998 are included in the accompanying
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Below is a summary of net sales and operating  revenues and net losses,  both in
total and per share, for Computer City for the three months ended March 31, 1999
and 1998, respectively.

                                           Three Months Ended
                                                March 31,          
(In millions, except                    ---------------------
 per share amounts)                       1999         1998
 -----------------                      --------     --------
Net sales and operating revenues        $   --       $  479.7
Net loss                                    --           (6.0)
Loss per share                          $   --       $  (0.05)

On  February  1, 1998,  Tandy  granted,  under the 1997  Incentive  Stock  Plan,
approximately  324,750  restricted stock awards consisting of 250 shares each to
1,299  RadioShack store managers not included in the February 1, 1997 restricted
stock grant to over 5,000 store  managers.  The  restricted  stock  awards had a
weighted  average  fair  market  value of $39.22  per share when  granted.  This
restricted  stock will vest at the end of five  years on  February  2, 2003,  if
managers receiving the grants are employed by Tandy at a store manager or higher
position at that time.  However,  the grants provide that the restricted  shares
could  vest  early if Tandy  common  stock  closes at $58 1/8 or more for any 20
consecutive trading days after February 1, 2000.  Compensation expense, equal to
the fair  market  value of the shares,  will be  recognized  over the  remaining
vesting period when it becomes  probable that the  performance  criteria will be
met or upon actual  vesting.  At March 31, 1999,  there were 202,000  restricted
stock awards  outstanding  and eligible  for ultimate  vesting  pursuant to this
restricted stock award.

Comprehensive  income for the three  months  ended  March 31,  1999 and 1998 was
$55.8 million and $37.3 million, respectively.

The table below  summarizes net sales and operating  revenues,  operating profit
(loss) and assets for Tandy's reportable segments. Consolidated operating profit
(loss) is reconciled to Tandy's income before income taxes.

                                                 Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,  
(In millions)                                     1999        1998
- -------------                                   --------    --------
Net sales and operating revenues:
  RadioShack                                    $  890.2    $  778.5
  Computer City (1)                                   --       479.7
  Closed units                                        --         0.1
                                                --------    --------
                                                $  890.2    $1,258.3
                                                ========    ========
Operating profit (loss):
  RadioShack                                    $  106.4    $   84.7
  Computer City (1)                                   --        (9.8)
  Closed units                                        --          --
  Corporate administration and other               (11.0)       (6.0)
                                                --------    --------
                                                    95.4        68.9
Interest income (2)                                  4.5         1.7
Interest expense (2)                                (8.3)      (10.3)
                                                --------    --------
Income before income taxes                      $   91.6    $   60.3
                                                ========    ========

                                                     At March 31,
Assets:                                           1999        1998
                                                --------    --------
  RadioShack                                    $1,370.8    $1,315.9
  Computer City (1)                                   --       493.5
  Corporate administration and other               560.9       423.1
                                                --------    --------
                                                $1,931.7    $2,232.5
                                                ========    ========

(1)  Computer City was sold to CompUSA on August 31, 1998.
(2)  Tandy  does not  allocate  interest  income  or  expense  to its  operating


Factors That May Affect Future Results

With the  exception of  historical  information,  the matters  discussed in MD&A
contain forward-looking  statements that involve various risks and uncertainties
and are  indicated  by  words  such  as  "anticipates,"  "expects,"  "believes,"
"plans," "could," and similar words and phrases.  Factors that could cause Tandy
Corporation's actual results to differ materially from management's projections,
forecasts,  estimates  and  expectations  include,  but are not  limited to, the

o   changes in the amount and degree of promotional intensity exerted by current
    competitors  and  potential  new  competition  from both  retail  stores and
    alternative  methods or channels of  distribution,  such as  electronic  and
    telephone shopping services and mail order;
o   changes in general U.S. or regional U.S. economic conditions including,  but
    not limited to, consumer credit  availability,  interest  rates,  inflation,
    personal  discretionary  spending  levels  and  consumer sentiment about the
    economy in general;
o   the  presence  or  absence  of  new  products  or  product  features  in the
    merchandise categories Tandy sells and changes in Tandy's actual merchandise
    sales mix;
o   the inability to negotiate  profitable  contracts or execute  business plans
    with providers of such services as cellular, PCS,  direct-to-home  satellite
    and home connectivity;
o   the inability to collect the level of anticipated residuals and commissions
    for products and services sold by RadioShack;
o   lack of  availability  or access to sources of supply  inventory (as a large
    importer  of  consumer  electronic  products  from Asia,  unfavorable  trade
    imbalances could negatively affect Tandy);
o   the inability to retain and grow an effective  management  team in a dynamic
    environment or changes in the cost or  availability of a suitable work force
    to manage and support RadioShack's service-driven operating strategies;
o   the potential negative impact of year 2000 issues; or
o   the  imposition of new  restrictions  or  regulations  regarding the sale of
    products and/or services Tandy sells or changes in tax rules and regulations
    applicable to Tandy.

Additionally, as a result of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the deregulated
telecommunications  market  will  continue  to present  both  opportunities  and
increased  competition  for the  provision of  telecommunication  equipment  and
services to consumers.

Segment Reporting Disclosures

All  references  to  RadioShack  and  Computer  City in MD&A  refer  to  Tandy's
reportable segments, unless otherwise noted. The RadioShack segment includes the
RadioShack  retail  division  and its related  retail  support  operations.  The
Computer City segment  includes  Computer City,  Inc., which was sold to CompUSA
Inc. on August 31, 1998. The closed units segment  includes all Tandy stores and
non-retail units which were part of the store closure plan announced in December
1996. The corporate  administration  and other segment includes  corporate units
which  serve all areas of Tandy and,  also,  income or  expenses  which were not
allocated to the RadioShack  and Computer City  segments.  See "Note 6 - Segment
Disclosures"  for additional  information on operating  profit (loss) and assets
for each reportable segment.

Net Sales and Operating Revenues

Net sales and operating revenues for the periods ended March 31 were:

                                   Three Months Ended
                                        March 31,   
                                  --------------------   % Increase
(In millions)                       1999        1998     (Decrease)
- -------------                     --------    --------    --------
RadioShack                        $  890.2    $  778.5      14.3%
Computer City                           --       479.7    (100.0)
                                  --------    --------
  Retail segments                    890.2     1,258.2     (29.2)
Closed units                            --         0.1    (100.0)
                                  --------    --------
                                  $  890.2    $1,258.3     (29.3)%
                                  ========    ========

Consolidated  net sales and  operating  revenues  decreased  29.3% from $1,258.3
million for the three  months  ended  March 31,  1998 to $890.2  million for the
three months ended March 31, 1999,  due to the sale of Computer  City to CompUSA
on August 31, 1998. Consolidated comparable store sales for the first quarter of
1999 are not meaningful due to this sale.

RadioShack's  overall sales increased 14.3% for the three months ended March 31,
1999,  compared to the corresponding  prior year period.  RadioShack  comparable
store sales  increased  12.6% for the quarter,  compared to the first quarter in
the prior year.  This sales  increase  was driven  primarily  by strong sales of
communications  products and prepaid  wireless  airtime and, to a lesser extent,
increases in sales of "direct-to-home"  satellite systems and services,  as well
as personal computers.

Sales of communications  products increased approximately 23% during the quarter
ended March 31, 1999  compared to the same period ended March 31,  1998,  due to
strong sales of PCS and cellular telephones.

Sales of personal computers  increased  approximately 16% over the first quarter
of 1998. The average selling price of personal computers in the first quarter of
1999 was 7% higher  than in the first  quarter  of 1998,  due  primarily  to the
liquidation  of IBM computer products in the first quarter of 1998 as RadioShack
transitioned  to Compaq  computers.  Despite the increase in the average selling
price during the first quarter of 1999,  management  expects the average selling
price of personal  computers  to decrease for the  remainder of the year,  which
will result in the average selling price in 1999 to be less than in 1998.

The audio and video  category  experienced a sales decrease in the first quarter
of 1999 compared to the first quarter of 1998, despite a significant increase in
sales of direct-to-home  satellite systems and services.  On May 13, 1999, Tandy
announced  that it had  entered  into a  multi-year  retail  sales  and  service
agreement  with  Thomson  Consumer  Electronics,  Inc.  ("Thomson").  Under this
agreement,  Thomson will supply  RadioShack  with various RCA branded  audio and
video   components  such  as  receivers,   amplifiers,   camcorders,   speakers,
televisions,  digital  video discs  (DVD) and VCRs.  RCA  products  will be sold
through   RCA   Digital    Entertainment    Centers   at   RadioShack    via   a
"store-within-a-store"  concept  similar  to the  Sprint  Store  at  RadioShack.
Management  believes this agreement will allow RadioShack to be more competitive
in the evolution of digital technology which will enhance sales in the audio and
video category.

- --------------
                               March 31,  December 31,   March 31,  December 31,
                                 1999         1998         1998         1997
                               --------     --------     --------     --------
 Company-owned                    5,037        5,039        4,978        4,972
 Dealer/Franchise                 1,989        1,991        1,946        1,934
                               --------     --------     --------     --------
                                  7,026        7,030        6,924        6,906
Computer City                      --(1)        --(1)          96           96
                               --------     --------     --------     --------
Total number of retail outlets    7,026        7,030        7,020        7,002
                               ========     ========     ========     ========

(1) Computer City was sold on August 31, 1998.

Gross Profit

Tandy's gross profit as a percent of net sales and operating  revenues was 50.6%
for  the  three  months  ended  March  31,  1999,  compared  to  37.7%  for  the
corresponding  1998  period.  This  increase in gross profit was  primarily  the
result of RadioShack sales accounting for all of Tandy's  consolidated net sales
and  operating  revenues  during the first  quarter of 1999,  due to the sale of
Computer City in 1998.  Computer City had an inherently  lower gross margin than

RadioShack's  gross profit increased 10.4% in dollars for the three months ended
March 31, 1999 versus 1998, but decreased as a percentage of RadioShack's  total
sales by 1.8 percentage points during the same period.  This percentage decrease
was partly due to a shift  within  RadioShack's  product  offerings to increased
sales of prepaid wireless airtime,  which has a significantly lower gross margin
than the overall RadioShack  average gross margin.  The percentage  decrease was
also  impacted  by  a  percentage   point   decrease  in  the  gross  margin  of
communication  products.  This decrease at RadioShack was partially offset by an
increase in residual income which has 100% gross margin.

Selling, General and Administrative Expense

Selling,  general and administrative  ("SG&A") expense for Tandy as a percent of
net sales  and  operating  revenues  for the first  quarter  of 1999 was  38.1%,
compared to 30.2% during the first quarter of 1998.  The higher SG&A  percentage
was due primarily to the sale of Computer City, which operated at lower relative
SG&A expense levels than consolidated Tandy Corporation. Excluding Computer City
and other closed units pursuant to the 1996 restructuring plan,  comparable SG&A
expense as a  percentage  of sales for Tandy would have  approximated  38.1% and
39.8% for the three  months  ended March 31, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  This
decrease  was due  primarily  to an  increase  in  sales at  RadioShack,  offset
slightly by an increase in corporate  overhead  expense  related to  information
systems, legal and tax related expenses, and employee benefit plans.

RadioShack's  SG&A  expense as a percent of their sales and  operating  revenues
decreased 2.1 percentage  points for the three months ended March 31, 1999, when
compared to the same  period in the prior year,  due  primarily  to  significant
increases in comparable  store sales. For the three months ended March 31, 1999,
RadioShack's  advertising  expense and rent expense  increased  in dollars,  but
decreased as a percent of sales and operating revenues when compared to the same
period in the prior year. Advertising expense increased in dollars due primarily
to increased television  advertising and print media during the first quarter of
1999.  Rent expense  increased  in dollars for the quarter  ended March 31, 1999
compared to the quarter  ended March 31,  1998,  due to new store  openings  and
lease renewals at slightly higher rates. Salary expense increased in dollars and
increased  slightly as a percent of  RadioShack's  sales and operating  revenues
during the first quarter of 1999 due to retail store expansions and increases in
commissions, bonuses and other incentives resulting from strong comparable store
sales and profits.

Restricted Stock Awards

In the fourth quarter of 1998, Tandy recorded estimated  compensation expense of
$82.6 million  related to the early vesting of restricted  stock awards that had
been granted to its store  managers on February 1, 1997.  These awards vested on
March 1, 1999 and the actual price of the stock and the number of shares  vested
differed  slightly  from the 1998 fourth  quarter  estimate.  The amount of this
difference,  $5.1  million,  was  recorded  as a credit to  expense in the first
quarter of 1999.

On  February  1, 1998,  Tandy  granted,  under the 1997  Incentive  Stock  Plan,
approximately  324,750  restricted stock awards consisting of 250 shares each to
1,299  RadioShack store managers not included in the February 1, 1997 restricted
stock grant to over 5,000 store  managers.  The  restricted  stock  awards had a
weighted  average  fair  market  value of $39.22  per share when  granted.  This
restricted  stock will vest at the end of five  years on  February  2, 2003,  if
Tandy employs the managers at a store manager or higher position,  at that time.
However, the grants provide that the restricted shares could vest early if Tandy
common stock closes at $58 1/8 or more for any 20 consecutive trading days after
February 1, 2000.  Compensation  expense,  equal to the fair market value of the
shares,  will be recognized  over the remaining  vesting  period when it becomes
probable that the performance  criteria will be met or upon actual  vesting.  At
March 31, 1999,  there were 202,000  restricted  stock  awards  outstanding  and
eligible for ultimate vesting pursuant to this restricted stock award.

Tandy does not plan to continue  granting  restricted stock awards to RadioShack
store  managers.  See "1999  Incentive  Stock Plan" below regarding the February
1999 grant of stock options to RadioShack store managers.

Sale of Computer City, Inc.

On August 31, 1998,  Tandy completed the sale of 100% of the outstanding  common
stock of its Computer City subsidiary to CompUSA.  Tandy received  approximately
$36.5 million in cash and an unsecured  subordinated  note for $136.0 million as
consideration  for the sale. The note, which is of equal priority with CompUSA's
existing  subordinated  debt,  bears  interest at 9.48% per annum and is payable
over a ten year  period.  Interest is payable on June 30 and December 31 of each
year; the first payment was made on December 31, 1998. Beginning on December 31,
2001, principal payments will be due semiannually until the note matures on June
30, 2008.  Tandy  recognized a loss of $108.2  million from the sale of Computer
City in 1998,  which included  certain  liabilities and contractual  obligations
incurred by Tandy. Although no significant additional provisions are expected in
1999 relating to the sale of Computer City, unexpected contractual  requirements
associated  with the sale,  among  other  factors,  could  result in  additional

Net Interest Expense

Net interest  expense for the three months ended March 31, 1999 was $3.8 million
versus $8.6 for the comparable three months in 1998.  Interest expense decreased
$2.0  million for the three  months  ended March 31, 1999 versus  March 31, 1998
due, in part, because Tandy no longer incurred interest expense on Computer City
capital  lease  obligations,  after  the sale of this  subsidiary.  Also,  Tandy
reduced  its  average  debt  outstanding  during the first  quarter of 1999 when
compared to the first quarter in the prior year.  Interest income increased $2.8
million for the three  months  ended  March 31, 1999  compared to the prior year
period,  due to interest from the CompUSA note receivable.  Net interest expense
is expected to decrease moderately during the remainder of 1999.

Provision for Income Taxes

Provision for income taxes for each quarterly period is based on the estimate of
the annual  effective  tax rate for the fiscal year,  as evaluated at the end of
each  quarter.  The  effective  tax rates for the first quarter of 1999 and 1998
were 39.0% and 38.5%, respectively.  The increase in the effective tax rate over
the prior year is due primarily to an increase in the effective  state tax rate,
which  results  from a higher  percentage  of income being earned in states with
higher tax rates.

Cash Flow and Financial Condition

Cash flow used by operating  activities  approximated $20.3 million in the three
month  period  ended March 31, 1999 as  compared to cash  provided by  operating
activities of $39.4 million in the prior year.  This change  related mainly to a
$68.6 million shift among working capital components,  primarily attributable to
a decrease  in  accounts  payable  and  accrued  expenses at March 31, 1999 from
December 31, 1998. This decrease  resulted,  for the most part, from the payment
of accrued  payroll taxes related to the restricted  stock grant and the payment
of accrued bonuses in the first quarter of 1999.

Investing  activities  used $25.6 million in cash flow in the three months ended
March 31, 1999,  compared to $25.7  million  during the same period of the prior
year.  Investing  activities  for the three months ended March 31, 1999 included
capital expenditures totaling $21.7 million,  primarily for retail expansion and
upgrade of information systems.  Management anticipates that capital expenditure
requirements  will approximate  $78.0 million to $88.0 million for the remainder
of  1999,   primarily  to  support   RadioShack   future  store  expansions  and
refurbishments, and to update additional information systems.

Cash provided by financing  activities for the three months ended March 31, 1999
was $35.3  million,  compared  to cash  used by  financing  activities  of $41.7
million in the previous year. Purchases of treasury stock required $67.7 million
for the three months ended March 31, 1999,  compared to $59.0 million during the
same period of 1998. The current year's stock  repurchases were partially funded
by $17.8 million  received from stock option  exercises and the sale of treasury
stock to employee stock plans, as well as by a net increase in debt. Medium-term
notes  issued  by  Tandy  under  its  1997  Debt  Shelf  Registration   provided
approximately $32.0 million for the three months ended March 31, 1999.

Cash and cash  equivalents  at March 31,  1999 were $53.9  million,  compared to
$64.5  million at December 31, 1998 and $77.9  million at March 31, 1998.  Total
debt as a  percentage  of total  capitalization  was  40.2% at March  31,  1999,
compared  to 35.6% at  December  31,  1998 and  34.1% at March 31,  1998.  These
increases  in  the  debt-to-capitalization  ratios  resulted  primarily  from  a
reduction in stockholders'  equity from share repurchases,  the sale of Computer
City and an  increase  in  borrowings  at March 31,  1999.  Long-term  debt as a
percentage  of total  capitalization  was 19.0% at March 31,  1998,  compared to
17.9% at December 31, 1998 and 17.4% at March 31, 1998.

In March 1997, Tandy announced its Board of Directors had authorized  management
to purchase up to 10.0 million additional shares of its common stock through its
existing share repurchase  program.  The share repurchase  program was initially
authorized in December 1995 and increased in October 1996 and was  undertaken as
a result of management's  view of the economic value of its stock. This increase
brought the total  authorization to 30.0 million shares, of which  approximately
26.6 million shares, totaling $781.4 million, had been purchased as of March 31,
1999. During the quarter ended March 31, 1999, Tandy  repurchased  approximately
0.7 million shares for $35.6 million under the program. Additionally, on October
26, 1998,  Tandy  announced its Board of Directors had authorized the repurchase
of up to 5.0 million  shares of Tandy common stock for an  indefinite  period of
time to be used to offset the  dilution of stock  option  grants  under  Tandy's
incentive stock plans. As of March 31, 1999,  Tandy had purchased  approximately
1.7 million  shares for $81.5  million under this  program,  which  included the
repurchase of  approximately  0.3 million  shares for $17.7  million  during the
first quarter of 1999.  Purchases  will continue to be made from time to time in
the open  market and it is expected  that  funding of these  programs  will come
primarily from operating cash flow and existing funding sources.

In connection  with the share  repurchase  program,  the Board of Directors,  at
their October 23, 1998 meeting,  authorized management to sell up to one million
put options on Tandy common stock. Such options grant the purchaser the right to
sell shares of Tandy's  common stock to Tandy at specified  prices upon exercise
of the options.  These put options are  exercisable  only at maturity and can be
settled in cash at Tandy's option, in lieu of repurchasing the stock. The issued
put options have a maturity of six months. Since inception,  280,000 options had
been sold as of March 31, 1999;  80,000 of these  options have a strike price of
$40.71 and were sold in 1998. The remaining  200,000  options have strike prices
ranging from $45.08 to $55.20 and were sold during the first quarter of 1999. At
March 31, 1999, all 280,000 options remained outstanding and the full redemption
value  of the  options  was  classified  as  common  stock  put  options  in the
accompanying  Consolidated  Balance  Sheet.  The related  offset was recorded in
common  stock in  treasury,  net of  premiums  received.  Additionally,  100,000
options were sold in April 1999 with a strike price of $65.89.  Put options will
continue to be sold from time to time in order to take  advantage of  attractive
share price levels,  as determined  by  management.  The timing and terms of the
transactions,   including  maturities,  depend  on  market  conditions,  Tandy's
liquidity and other considerations.

In May 1997,  Tandy filed a $300.0  million  Debt Shelf  Registration  Statement
("Shelf  Registration") with the S.E.C.,  which was declared effective in August
1997. On August 19, 1997, Tandy issued $150.0 million of 10 year unsecured notes
under the Shelf Registration.  The interest rate on the notes is 6.95% per annum
with interest payable on September 1 and March 1 of each year,  commencing March
1, 1998. The notes are due September 1, 2007. In December 1997 and January 1998,
Tandy issued $4.0 million and $45.0 million,  respectively, in medium-term notes
under the remaining  $150.0  million  Shelf  Registration.  An additional  $32.0
million of  medium-term  notes were issued in January 1999.  Tandy's  medium and
long-term  notes  outstanding  at March 31,  1999  under the 1991 and 1997 shelf
registrations  totaled $232.0,  compared to $225.0 million  outstanding at March
31, 1998. The interest rates at March 31, 1999 for the outstanding $81.8 million
in medium-term  notes ranged from 6.09% to 7.25% with a weighted  average coupon
rate of 6.2%.  As of May 10, 1999,  Tandy had  remaining  availability  of $69.0
million under the Shelf Registration.


Total  inventories  at March 31,  1999  decreased  $33.2  million  or 3.6% since
December 31, 1998 and  decreased  $303.2  million or 25.6% since March 31, 1998.
The decrease in inventory since year end was due to normal seasonal fluctuations
and strong sales at RadioShack. The decrease since the first quarter of 1998 was
due primarily to the sale of Computer  City,  offset  slightly by an increase in
inventory at RadioShack  related to wireless  communication  products,  personal
computers and satellite systems.

Accrual for 1996 Business Restructuring

In the fourth quarter of 1996, Tandy initiated certain restructuring programs to
exit its  Incredible  Universe  business,  close 21  unprofitable  Computer City
stores and close its 53 remaining McDuff stores.  These  restructuring  programs
were  undertaken  as a  result  of the  highly  competitive  environment  in the
electronics  industry.  See Tandy's 1998 Annual  Report for a discussion  of the
1996 restructuring reserve  transactions.  The following schedule is an analysis
of additional  reserves and amounts charged against the reserve during the three
months  ended March 31,  1999.  Real estate  obligations  shown below  primarily
represent estimated amounts to be incurred in terminating remaining leases.

                                 Balance    Additional    1/1/99-     Balance
(In millions)                    12/31/98    Reserves     3/31/99     3/31/99
- -------------                    --------    --------    --------    --------
Real estate obligations          $   19.4          --        (1.6)   $   17.8
Other                                 0.8          --          --         0.8
                                 --------    --------    --------    --------
                                 $   20.2          --        (1.6)   $   18.6
                                 ========    ========    ========    ========

Although no significant  additional  provisions are expected in 1999 relating to
the 1996 restructuring, unexpected delays in closing of real estate sales, among
other factors, could result in additional charges.

1999 Incentive Stock Plan

In  February  1999,  Tandy,  based upon the Board of  Directors'  authorization,
adopted the Tandy  Corporation  1999  Incentive  Stock Plan ("1999 ISP"),  which
authorizes  the grants of  non-qualified  stock  options and stock  appreciation
rights to broad based employee  groups and other eligible  employees.  Grants of
restricted  stock,  performance  awards  and  options  intended  to  qualify  as
incentive stock options under the Internal Revenue Code are not authorized under
the 1999 ISP. In addition,  repricing of  outstanding  options is not  permitted
under the plan. The 1999 ISP will be administered by an independent committee of
the Board as a broadly based plan to provide stock option  incentives  primarily
to  RadioShack's  5,000 plus store managers and to other  eligible  employees of
Tandy.  A total of 4.75  million  shares of Tandy  common stock was reserved for
issuance under the 1999 ISP.

The Organization and Compensation  Committee of the Board granted  approximately
1,087,500  stock options under the 1999 ISP at fair market value on February 24,
1999 to over 5,000 RadioShack store managers employed as of that date.

Changes in Stockholders' Equity
(In millions)                                    Common Shares        Dollars
- -------------                                    -------------     ------------
Balance at December 31, 1998                            97.4         $  848.2
Foreign currency translation  adjustments,  
 net of deferred taxes                                    --             (0.1)
Sale of treasury stock to employee 
 stock plans                                             0.3             13.8
Purchases of treasury stock                             (1.3)           (66.5)
Common stock put options                                  --             (9.0)
Exercise of stock options and grant 
 of stock awards                                         0.3              6.7
Repurchase of preferred stock                             --             (1.7)
Preferred stock dividends, net of tax                     --             (0.9)
TESOP and restricted stock deferred 
 compensation earned                                      --              2.9
Common stock dividends declared                           --             (9.8)
Net income                                                --             55.9
                                                    --------         -------- 
Balance at March 31, 1999                               96.7         $  839.5
                                                    ========         ========

Recent Events

On April 21, 1999,  Tandy  announced  it had entered into a strategic  agreement
with  NorthPoint  Communications,  Inc.  ("NorthPoint"),  a leading  provider of
Digital Subscriber Line ("DSL")  technology.  DSL technology  transports data at
guaranteed speeds up to 25 times faster than common dial-up modems, allowing for
high-speed  Internet access and other  data-intensive  applications.  Management
anticipates this alliance will accelerate the adoption rate of these services at
an affordable  price to the mass market.  Additionally,  NorthPoint will provide
RadioShack with DSL services for consumer display purposes in many of its retail
stores as well as for internal use. NorthPoint  currently operates in 17 markets
in the U.S. and expects to expand its service territory to 28 markets by the end
of 1999.

Management  believes  this  agreement is a  significant  step towards  achieving
Tandy's  strategic plan for RadioShack to become  America's  "Home  Connectivity
Store,"  similar to its existing  concept of America's  "Telephone  Store." Home
connectivity will provide  solutions for connecting to and utilizing  high-speed
bandwidth.  Bandwidth  refers to volume at which  data can be  transmitted  and,
depending  on  the  volume   delivered,   may  enable  consumers  to  have  such
capabilities  as  instant  and/or  high  speed  Internet,  movies on demand  and
multiple phone/fax connections through a single phone line.

Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure

Tandy's management recognizes the need to take action to reach its goal that its
operations and relationships with key vendors, service providers,  customers and
other third parties will not be adversely impacted by software processing errors
arising from calculations using the year 2000 and beyond. Like many companies, a
significant  number  of  Tandy's  computer   applications  and  systems  require
modifications  in order for these  systems  to be ready for the year  2000.  All
statements made and referred to here are year 2000 Readiness  Disclosures  under
the "Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act."

State of  Readiness:  Tandy is using a  combination  of  internal  and  external
resources to identify, assess, remediate and test its many different information
technology  ("IT")  systems  such as point of sale,  payroll,  credit,  purchase
ordering,   merchandise  distribution,   management  reporting,   manufacturing,
mainframe, and client/server  applications,  as well as its non-IT systems (e.g.
heating,  ventilating and air conditioning  systems,  building security systems,

Since  beginning  the  project  in 1995,  Tandy has  completed  identifying  and
assessing 100% of its internal  mid-range and mainframe IT  applications as well
as its data communication and telecommunication systems for year 2000 readiness.
An inventory and assessment of Tandy's workstations,  which includes desktop and
notebook computers, will be completed in the second quarter of 1999. As of March
31,  1999,  remediation  and unit  testing was  approximately  94%  complete for
mid-range and mainframe  applications.  Unit testing ensures the accuracy of the
programming  changes to the code. For data  communication and  telecommunication
systems,  verification of year 2000 readiness was  approximately 77% complete as
of March 31, 1999 and is expected to be 100%  complete by  September  30,  1999.
Remediation and testing to determine if all of Tandy's mission  critical systems
will  interface  and  operate  effectively  to  process  data  containing  dates
subsequent to January 1, 2000 are expected to be completed by the end of 1999.

Third-party  software systems,  including  financial systems,  point-of-sale and
manufacturing,  have been or will be  implemented  during  1999.  The vendors of
these  third-party  software packages have stated that they are year 2000 ready;
however,  Tandy will conduct its own testing in 1999.  This testing is estimated
to be completed by year end.

With respect to non-IT system issues, Tandy is in the process of identifying and
assessing its  significant  building and process and production  control systems
for  any  year  2000  issues  relating  to the  operations  of  its  facilities.
Identification  and assessment of security access,  building control systems and
elevators in the buildings which serve as Tandy's  corporate  headquarters  have
been completed and  approximately  80% have been certified as year 2000 ready by
the  vendors  at March 31,  1999.  Tandy is in the  process of  identifying  and
assessing  non-IT  year  2000  issues  of  its  remote  locations,  such  as its
distribution centers, manufacturing plants, and administrative offices, and does
not expect any  significant  issues to arise from this  process.  All of Tandy's
significant  non-IT  systems are  expected to be year 2000 ready or  appropriate
workarounds and contingency plans in place by October 1999.

Although  unforeseen  circumstances may arise, the year 2000 remediation program
is  presently  on  schedule.  Tandy  will  continue  communicating  with its key
suppliers, utilities, financial institutions,  customers and others to determine
their state of year 2000 readiness,  to coordinate year 2000  conversions  where
appropriate and to determine the extent to which Tandy's  interface  systems are

Costs: In management's opinion, the financial impact of being year 2000 ready is
not expected to be material to Tandy's consolidated financial position,  results
of  operations or cash flows.  Management  anticipates  that total  expenditures
associated  with the year 2000  internal  modifications  will  range  from $12.0
million to $15.0  million,  which has been and will  continue  to be funded from
operating  cash  flow.  As  of  March  31,  1999,   approximately  $7.6  million
representing  internal  payroll  and  related  benefits,  depreciation  expense,
machine time and incentive  bonuses,  among other costs, has been spent on these
internal  modifications.  An  additional  $0.9 million has been paid to external
parties for consulting and professional  fees. As required by generally accepted
accounting  principles,  all these  costs are  expensed as  incurred.  Combined,
internal  and  external  costs  related  to the year 2000  project  account  for
approximately  7.0%  of  Tandy's  annual  IT  budget.  Additionally,  Tandy  has
purchased and is installing third party financial  software packages and related
hardware totaling  approximately  $20.0 million to $25.0 million in light of the
year 2000 issue.  These  purchases are in addition to other capital  investments
made in the normal course of business for certain third party  software  systems
and  applications  which  address the ongoing  retail and  operational  needs of

The Risks of Year 2000 Issues:  With respect to the risks associated with its IT
and non-IT systems,  Tandy believes that the most  reasonably  likely worst case
scenario  is that some of  Tandy's  store  operating  and  inventory  management
systems could fail in one or more  geographic  areas of the United  States.  The
consequence  of such  failure  could  include the  inability  of those  affected
RadioShack  stores to  electronically  record  sales  transactions.  This  could
further  result  in a  breakdown  in  Tandy's  supply  chain as Tandy  relies on
electronic  information to replenish its stores. Such an occurrence would result
in a loss of revenue;  however, due to the variables involved it is not possible
to quantify the possible range of such loss.

There can be no  assurance  that the systems of third  parties on which  Tandy's
systems  rely will be  converted  timely and that the  systems  will not have an
adverse effect on Tandy's systems or ongoing operations. However, concerning the
risks  associated  with third parties,  Tandy believes that the most  reasonably
likely worst case scenario is that some of Tandy's  merchandise vendors will not
be compliant and will have difficulty filling and distributing  orders.  Failure
of one or more third party  service  providers  on whom Tandy  relies to address
year 2000 issues could also result,  in a worst case scenario,  in some business
interruption.  The lost  revenues,  if any,  resulting  from such failures would
depend on the time  period  in which the  failure  goes  uncorrected  and on how
widespread the impact was.

Tandy is also in the process of  assessing  the  implications  of possible  year
2000-related  claims  regarding  products  it has  manufactured  or sold,  or is
currently manufacturing or selling. The outcomes of any year 2000 claims and the
impact of such claims  cannot be  determined  at this time;  such  outcomes will
depend on the facts and circumstances of each situation and an evolving state of
law as these types of claims are addressed by legal systems in the United States
and worldwide.

Tandy has limited the scope of its risk  assessment  to those factors upon which
it can reasonably be expected to have an influence.  For example, Tandy has made
the assumption  that financial  institutions  and the Federal  Reserve System as
well as most utility  companies and national  telecommunications  providers will
continue to operate.  Obviously, the lack of such services could have a material
effect on Tandy's ability to operate,  but Tandy has little,  if any, ability to
influence such an outcome,  or to reasonably  make  alternative  arrangements in
advance for such services in the event they are unavailable.

Contingency  Plans:  Tandy has completed a prioritization of year 2000 issues in
order to develop and document year 2000 contingency  plans. Tandy has identified
its critical  applications to be its merchandising and inventory systems,  which
include  purchasing,  receiving and distribution and store replenishment and its
point-of-sale  store operating  system as well as its financial  systems,  which
includes payroll,  accounts payable and receivable,  banking and other financial
applications.  Should any or all of the  critical  applications  fail to perform
properly  subsequent to January 1, 2000,  Tandy will resort to temporary  manual
processing for recording  sales,  ordering  product and  replenishing its retail
stores,  which  is  not  expected  to  have a  material  adverse  impact  on its
operations in the short-term.  Management anticipates having a formal documented
contingency plan to deal with this scenario and others by November 1999. Tandy's
11 distribution  centers are located in various  geographic  areas of the United
States.  Should one or more of these distribution centers fail to operate due to
regional  power  outages  or  other  unforeseen  circumstances,   Tandy's  other
distribution  centers which may be operating  could replenish  stores  typically
serviced by those  distribution  centers for a relatively  short period of time.
Management  anticipates having a formal documented contingency plan to deal with
this  scenario by  November  1999.  Although  no single  internal or third party
supplier  accounts  for a  material  portion  of  Tandy's  sales  and  operating
revenues,  management  is evaluating  the need for a formal list of  alternative
suppliers should some existing suppliers be unable to provide product beyond the
end of  calendar  year 1999.  Should the  decision  be made that such a list and
agreements with alternate  suppliers be necessary,  they will be developed prior
to November 1999.

All statements  concerning  year 2000 issues other than  historical  statements,
including,  without  limitation,  estimated costs and the projected timetable of
year 2000 compliance, constitute "forward-looking statements," as defined in the
Private  Securities   Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995.  Such   forward-looking
statements  should be read in  conjunction  with Tandy's  disclosures  under the
heading "Factors That May Affect Future Results."

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


Tandy has various claims, lawsuits, disputes with third parties,  investigations
and pending  actions  involving  allegations  of  negligence,  product  defects,
discrimination,  infringement of intellectual property rights, tax deficiencies,
violations  of permits or  licenses,  and breach of contract  and other  matters
against  Tandy and its  subsidiaries  incident to the operation of its business.
The liability,  if any,  associated  with these matters was not  determinable at
March 31, 1999. Although occasional adverse settlements or resolutions may occur
and negatively  impact earnings in the year of settlement,  it is the opinion of
management  that their ultimate  resolution  will not have a materially  adverse
effect on Tandy's financial position.


        a) Exhibits Required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K.

           A list of the  exhibits  required by Item 601 of  Regulation  S-K and
           filed as part of this report is set forth in the Index to Exhibits on
           page 17, which immediately precedes such exhibits.

        b) Reports on Form 8-K.

           There were no Form 8-K reports  filed  during the quarter ended March
           31, 1999.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          Tandy Corporation

Date:  May 13, 1999                By   /s/ Richard L. Ramsey     
                                            Richard L. Ramsey
                                       Vice President and Controller
                                           (Authorized Officer)

Date:  May 13, 1999                     /s/ Dwain H. Hughes                     
                                            Dwain H. Hughes
                                        Senior Vice President and
                                         Chief Financial Officer
                                      (Principal Financial Officer)

                                TANDY CORPORATION
                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit                                                               Sequential
Number         Description                                             Page No.

2c             Stock  Purchase  Agreement as of July 17, 1997 by and among Tandy
               Corporation as Seller,  EVP Colonial,  Inc. as Company and Eureka
               Venture Partners III LLP as Purchaser (without exhibits),  (filed
               as  Exhibit  2g to  Tandy's  Form 10-Q  filed on August 8,  1997,
               Accession No.  0000096289-97-000023  and  incorporated  herein by

3a(i)          Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Tandy dated December 10,
               1982 (filed as Exhibit 4a to Tandy's  1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy
               Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan, Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on
               November  12,  1993,  Accession  No.   0000096289-93-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

3a(ii)         Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of Tandy
               Corporation  dated  November  13,  1986  (filed as  Exhibit 4a to
               Tandy's 1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive Stock
               Plan, Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on November 12, 1993,  Accession
               No. 0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(iii)        Certificate  of  Amendment  of   Certificate  of   Incorporation,
               amending  and   restating   the   Certificate   of   Designation,
               Preferences and Rights of Series A Junior Participating Preferred
               Stock dated June 22,  1990  (filed as Exhibit 4a to Tandy's  1993
               Form S-8 for the Tandy Corporation Incentive Stock Plan, Reg. No.
               33-51603,   filed   on   November   12,   1993,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(iv)         Certificate  of   Designation  of  Series  B  TESOP   Convertible
               Preferred  dated  June 29,  1990  (filed as Exhibit 4a to Tandy's
               1993 Form S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock  Plan,
               Reg. No.  33-51603,  filed on November 12,  1993,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(v)          Certificate of Designation,  Series C Conversion  Preferred Stock
               dated February 13, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 4a to Tandy's 1993 Form
               S-8 for the Tandy  Corporation  Incentive  Stock Plan,  Reg.  No.
               33-51603,   filed   on   November   12,   1993,   Accession   No.
               0000096289-93-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

3b             Tandy Corporation Bylaws, restated as of December 16, 1998 (filed
               as  Exhibit  3b to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 29,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-99-000008  and  incorporated  herein by

4a             Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility A) dated as of June 25, 1998
               among Tandy Corporation, NationsBank,  N.A., as Agent and Lender,
               Citibank, N.A., as Syndication Agent and Lender,  Bank of America
               National Trust & Savings Association,  as Documentation Agent and
               Lender, BankBoston, N.A.,  Co-Agent  and Lender, The Bank  of New
               York, Co-Agent and Lender, First  Union National  Bank,  Co-Agent
               and Lender, Fleet National Bank, Co-Agent and  Lender, and twelve
               other banks as Lenders (filed as Exhibit 4n to Tandy's  Form 10-Q
               filed on August 13, 1998,  Accession No. 0000096289-98-000039 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

4b             Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B) dated as of June 25, 1998
               among Tandy Corporation, NationsBank, N.A., as Agent  and Lender,
               Citibank, N.A., as Syndication Agent and Lender, Bank  of America
               National Trust & Savings Association, as  Documentation Agent and
               Lender, BankBoston, N.A., Co-Agent and Lender, The  Bank  of  New
               York, Co-Agent  and  Lender, First  Union National Bank, Co-Agent
               and Lender, Fleet National Bank, Co-Agent and Lender, and  twelve
               other banks as Lenders (filed as Exhibit 4o to Tandy's Form  10-Q
               filed on August 13, 1998, Accession No. 0000096289-98-000039  and
               incorporated herein by reference).           

10a*           Salary   Continuation  Plan  for  Executive  Employees  of  Tandy
               Corporation and Subsidiaries  including  amendment dated June 14,
               1984  with  respect  to   participation   by  certain   executive
               employees,  as restated  October 4, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10a to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10b*           Post  Retirement  Death  Benefit  Plan  for  Selected   Executive
               Employees of Tandy  Corporation and Subsidiaries as restated June
               10,  1991  (filed as Exhibit  10c to  Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10c*           Tandy Corporation Officers Deferred Compensation Plan as restated
               July 10, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 10d to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10d*           Director  Fee  Resolution  (filed as Exhibit 10h to Tandy's  Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994, Accession No.  0000096289-94-000029
               and incorporated herein by reference).

10e*           Tandy  Corporation  1985 Stock Option Plan as restated  effective
               August 1990  (filed as Exhibit 10i to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  30,   1994,   Accession   No.   0000096289-94-000029   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10f*           Tandy  Corporation  1993 Incentive Stock Plan as restated May 18,
               1995 (filed as Exhibit  10j to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on August
               14, 1995,  Accession No.  0000096289-95-000016  and  incorporated
               herein by reference).

10g*           Tandy  Corporation  Officers Life  Insurance  Plan as amended and
               restated  effective  August 22,  1990  (filed as  Exhibit  10k to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10h*           First Restated Trust Agreement Tandy Employees Supplemental Stock
               Program through  Amendment No. IV dated January 1, 1996 (filed as
               exhibit  4d to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  28,  1996,
               Accession No.  0000096289-96-000004  and  incorporated  herein by

10i*           Forms of  Termination  Protection  Agreements  for (i)  Corporate
               Executives,   (ii)  Division  Executives,  and  (iii)  Subsidiary
               Executives  (filed as Exhibit  10m to Tandy's  Form 10-Q filed on
               August  14,  1995,   Accession   No.   0000096289-95-000016   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10j*           Tandy  Corporation  Termination  Protection  Plans for  Executive
               Employees of Tandy Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) the Level
               I and (ii) Level II Plans  (filed as Exhibit  10n filed on August
               14, 1995, Accession No.  0000096289-95-000016 to and incorporated
               herein by reference).

10k*           Forms of Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements with certain Executive
               Employees of Tandy  Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) Formula,
               (ii)  Discretionary,  and (iii) Pay Plan (filed as Exhibit 10o to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  30,  1994,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-94-000029 and incorporated herein by reference).

10l*           Form of Indemnity  Agreement with Directors,  Corporate  Officers
               and two Division Officers of Tandy Corporation  (filed as Exhibit
               10p to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-96-000004 and incorporated herein by reference).

10m*           Tandy  Corporation  1997 Incentive Stock Plan,  (filed as Exhibit
               10q to Tandy's Form 10-Q filed on August 8, 1997,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

10n*           Management  Agreement,  dated July 17, 1997,  by and among Eureka
               Venture  Partners,  III LLP, EVP Colonial,  Inc.,  Nathan Morton,
               Avery More and Robert  Boutin,  (filed as Exhibit  10r to Tandy's
               Form   10-Q   filed   on   August   8,   1997,    Accession   No.
               0000096289-97-000023 and incorporated herein by reference).

10o*           Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with selected Executive Employees of Tandy Corporation, (filed as
               Exhibit  10s to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10p*           Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with selected Executive Employees of Tandy Corporation, (filed as
               Exhibit  10t to  Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on March  26,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000017  and  incorporated  herein by

10q*           Form of December 1997 Deferred Salary and Bonus Agreement  (Stock
               Investment)   with   selected   Executive   Employees   of  Tandy
               Corporation,  (filed as Exhibit 10u to Tandy's Form 10-K filed on
               March  26,   1998,   Accession   No.   0000096289-98-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10r*           Form of December  1997 Salary and Bonus  Agreement  with selected
               Executive  Employees of Tandy Corporation,  (filed as Exhibit 10v
               to  Tandy's  Form 10-K  filed on March 26,  1998,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-98-000017 and incorporated herein by reference).

10s*           Tandy Corporation Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, effective
               April 1, 1998,  (filed as Exhibit 10w to Tandy's  Form 10-K filed
               on  March  26,  1998,  Accession  No.   0000096289-98-000017  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10t*           Tandy Corporation  Executive Deferred Stock Plan, effective April
               1,  1998,  (filed as Exhibit  10x to  Tandy's  Form 10-K filed on
               March  26,   1998,   Accession   No.   0000096289-98-000017   and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10u*           Form  of  September  30,  1997  Deferred  Compensation  Agreement
               between Tandy Corporation and John V. Roach (filed as Exhibit 10z
               to  Tandy's  Form  10-Q  filed  on May 13,  1998,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-98-000025 and incorporated herein by reference).

10v*           Form  of  September  30,  1997  Deferred  Compensation  Agreement
               between  Tandy  Corporation  and  Leonard  H.  Roberts  (filed as
               Exhibit  10aa  to  Tandy's  Form  10-Q  filed  on May  13,  1998,
               Accession No.  0000096289-98-000025  and  incorporated  herein by

10w*           Form of  Executive  Pay Plan  Letters  (filed as  Exhibit  10b to
               Tandy's  Form  10-K  filed  on  March  29,  1999,  Accession  No.
               0000096289-99-000008 and incorporated herein by reference).

10x*           Severance  Agreement  dated  October 23, 1998 between  Leonard H.
               Roberts  and Tandy  Corporation  (filed as Exhibit 10z to Tandy's
               Form   10-K   filed   on   March   29,   1999,    Accession   No.
               0000096289-99-000008 and incorporated herein by reference).

10y*           Tandy Corporation Unfunded Deferred Compensation Plan 
               for Directors as amended and restated June 1, 1998.            20

11             Statement of Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed 
               Charges.                                                       23

27             Financial Data Schedule.
- -----------------------

*         Each of these exhibits is a "management contract or compensatory plan,
          contract, or arrangement."

                                                                    EXHIBIT 10y
                                TANDY CORPORATION
                                  FOR DIRECTORS
                     (AS AMENDED AND RESTATED JUNE 1, 1998)


        The purposes of the unfunded Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Plan") are
to enable  Tandy  Corporation  (the  "Company")  to attract  and retain the best
qualified  members of the Board of  Directors of the Company (a  "Director")  by
providing them with a Plan to defer the payment of all or a specified portion of
the fees payable to the Director for services rendered on behalf of the Company.


        a) A Director may elect on or before  December 31 of any year,  to defer
        payment of all or a specified  part of either all his/her  retainer fees
        or  meeting  fees or both  (cash  or  Common  Stock  of the  Company  or
        dividends  attributable  thereto),  for services and meetings during the
        succeeding  calendar year following such election.  Any person who shall
        become a Director  during any calendar  year, and who was not a Director
        of the Company on the preceding  December 31, may elect,  not later than
        the 30th day after his or her term begins,  to defer payment of all or a
        specified part of such fees for the  succeeding  calendar year. Any such
        elections  shall be made by written  notice  delivered to the  Corporate
        Secretary of the Company. Any such elections shall only be effective for
        the  succeeding  calendar  year.  Notwithstanding  the  above,  for  the
        calendar year 1998, any such election must be made prior to February 28,
        1998 for  director  retainer  fees and prior to July 1, 1998 for meeting

        b) Amounts deferred under this Plan will be distributed  based on one of
        the two following elections made by each participating Director:

               (1) consecutive  substantially  equal annual installments up to a
               maximum of ten in advance  beginning on January 15 of a specified
               year; or

               (2) a lump sum payment on a  specified  date not in excess of ten
               years from the date Director ceases to be a Director.


        a)     Cash Account

               All  deferred  cash fees  shall be  recorded  on the books of the
        Company  and a  memorandum  cash  account of the fees  deferred  by each
        participating Director will be maintained.

        b)     Stock Account

               All deferred retainer fees payable in Common Stock of the Company
        ("Company  Common  Stock") shall be recorded on the books of the Company
        and a  memorandum  stock  account  of the fees in Company  Common  Stock
        deferred  by  each  participating  Director  will  be  maintained.   The
        Director's  stock account shall be credited with the number of shares of
        Company Common Stock otherwise  payable to each  participating  Director
        under  the terms  and in the  amounts  and on the dates set forth in the
        Company's 1993 Incentive Stock Plan, as amended,  and the Company's 1997
        Incentive Stock Plan, as amended,  as the case may be, providing for the
        compensation  of Directors,  if they so elect,  in Company Common Stock.
        All deferred  meeting fees payable in Company Common Stock shall also be
        recorded  on the books of the  Company in the  participating  Director's
        stock account under the terms, in the amounts and on the dates as set by
        the Board of  Directors  for the payment of meeting  fees.  Meeting fees
        elected to be  deferred  by a Director  in Company  Common  Stock on and
        after June 1, 1998 shall be converted  to that amount of Company  Common
        Stock equal to the closing price of Company  Common Stock as of the date
        of the applicable director or committee meeting and if not a trading day
        then the first trading day prior to the meeting.

               If a Director's  stock account is credited with shares of Company
        Common Stock by reason of a deferral of either  retainer fees or meeting
        fees or both on or after  January  1,  1998,  and  payment of all of the
        Company  Common Stock (earned by virtue of retainer fees or meeting fees
        or both) is deferred (a) until after December 31st of the third calendar
        year which  follows the calendar  year during which such  deferrals  are
        initially  made or (b) until after the earlier of (i)  December  31st of
        such third  calendar  year or (ii) the day the  Director  ceases to be a
        director,  the  Director's  stock  account  shall  be  credited  with an
        additional number of shares of Company Common Stock (including fractions
        thereof)  equal to  twenty-five  percent of the shares of Company Common
        Stock initially credited.

        c)     Pension Plan Stock Account

               Effective  December 31, 1997, the Special  Compensation  Plan for
        Directors (the "Pension  Plan") was  terminated  and in terminating  the
        Pension Plan the Company calculated the single sum present value of each
        Pension Plan participant's  benefit and converted that amount to Company
        Common  Stock  based on the  average  of the  closing  prices of Company
        Common Stock for 1997.  The amount of the Company  Common Stock shall be
        recorded on the books of the Company and a memorandum account reflecting
        such amounts for each  Director  formerly  participating  in the Pension
        Plan will be maintained (the "Pension Plan Stock Account").


        a) Payment of the amount of deferred  fees of a Director's  cash account
        shall be made in cash.  Payment  of the  amount  of  deferred  fees of a
        Director's  stock account or Pension Plan Stock Account shall be made in
        Company Common Stock. Fractional Company Common Stock interests, if any,
        and dividends  attributable  to Company Common Stock shall be payable in
        cash.  Each  participating  Director  holding a stock account or Pension
        Plan Stock Account,  upon his or her election,  shall either be directly
        paid in cash or have his or her cash account  credited as of the payment
        date  for  dividends  on  Company  Common  Stock in an  amount  equal to
        dividends  attributable  to the number of shares of Company Common Stock
        credited to each Director's  stock account or Pension Plan Stock Account
        as of the record date set by the Board of Directors of the Company.

        b) The aggregate amount of deferred fees, together with interest accrued
        thereon, credited to the account of any Director, at the election of the
        Director, shall be paid to the Director, either (i) in a lump sum on the
        date specified by the Director , or (ii) in  substantially  equal annual
        installments  not exceeding ten or (iii) in a lump sum, upon a Change in
        Control or  threatened  Change in Control (as hereafter  defined),  on a
        date specified by the Board of Directors prior to any Change in Control,
        or (iv) if no election is made, on 60 days following the date a Director
        ceases  to be a  Director.  The first  installment  shall be paid (i) in
        advance  on  January  15 of the  following  calendar  year in which  the
        Director  ceases  to  be  a  Director  of  the  Company  and  subsequent
        installments  (not exceeding  nine) shall be paid promptly on January 15
        of each of the succeeding  calendar years, or (ii) on the date specified
        by the Director.

        c) Any Director  with a Pension Plan Stock  Account shall be entitled to
        make an  election  as to the method of payment of Company  Common  Stock
        from his or her Pension Plan Stock  Account.  Such election must be made
        prior to April 1, 1998. In such election,  each Director shall elect the
        method  of  payment   (either  single  payment  or  10  or  less  annual
        installments)  and the  date  such  payment  will be made or begin to be
        made.  If any  Director  does not elect a method of payment or a date of
        such  payment,  then the amount of such  Director's  Pension  Plan Stock
        Account  shall be  distributed  to him or her,  in a single sum, 60 days
        following the day the individual ceases to be a Director.

               For  purposes  of the Plan a "Change in  Control"  shall have the
        same meaning as set forth in the Tandy  Corporation 1993 Incentive Stock
        Plan as amended.

5.      INTEREST

        On the last day of each calendar  quarter  interest shall be credited to
each  Director's  cash  account  calculated  on the unpaid  balance in such cash
account as calculated from time to time during the quarter. The rate of interest
to be credited  will be 1% per annum less than the  announced  prime rate of The
Chase  Manhattan  Bank as the same  shall  exist  from time to time  during  the


        If a Director  should die before all  deferred  amounts  credited to the
Director's  cash account,  stock account or Pension Plan Stock Account have been
distributed,  the balance of any deferred  fees,  dividends if any, and interest
then  in the  Director's  account  shall  be  paid  promptly  to the  Director's
designated  beneficiary in the manner designated by the Director or if no method
is selected within 60 days after the Director's  death. If such Director did not
designate a beneficiary or in the event that the  beneficiary  or  beneficiaries
designated by such Director shall have predeceased the Director,  the balance in
the Director's account shall be paid promptly to the Director's estate.


        A  Director  may  terminate  his  election  to defer  payment  of either
retainer  fees  or  meeting  fees or both by  written  notice  delivered  to the
Corporate  Secretary of the Company.  Such termination shall become effective as
of the end of the  calendar  year in which notice of  termination  is given with
respect to retainer or meeting fees or both payable during  subsequent  calendar
years. Amounts credited to the account of a Director prior to the effective date
of  termination  shall  not be  affected  thereby  and  shall  be  paid  only in
accordance with Sections 4 and 6 above.


        The right of any Director to receive  payment of deferred  amounts under
the  provisions  of the Plan shall be an  unsecured  claim  against  the general
assets of the Company.  The maintenance of individual  Director  accounts is for
bookkeeping  purposes only. The Company is not obligated to acquire or set aside
any  particular  assets  for the  discharge  of its  obligations,  nor shall any
Director have any property rights in any particular  assets held by the Company,
whether  or not  held for the  purpose  of  funding  the  Company's  obligations


        During  the  Director's  lifetime,  the  right  to  any  deferred  fees,
dividends  if  any,  and  interest  thereon  may not be  transferred,  assigned,
hypothecated or pledged.  Any such attempt to transfer,  assign,  hypothecate or
pledge the account shall be void.


        The Plan shall be administered by the Corporate  Governance Committee of
the  Company.  The  decision of such  Committee  with  respect to any  questions
arising as to the interpretation of this Plan, including the severability of any
and all of the provisions thereof,  shall be final,  conclusive and binding. The
Company  reserves  the right to modify  this Plan from time to time or to repeal
the Plan entirely,  provided,  however,  that no modification of this Plan shall
operate to annul an election  already in effect for the current calendar year or
any preceding calendar year.


        The  effective  date of this Plan will be December  15, 1995 when it was

                                                                     EXHIBIT 11
                                TANDY CORPORATION


                                                       Three Months Ended
                                                             March 31, 
(In millions, except per share amounts)                  1999        1998      
- ---------------------------------------                --------    --------
Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:

Net income                                             $   55.9    $   37.1
Plus provision for income taxes                            35.7        23.2
                                                       --------    --------
Income before income taxes                                 91.6        60.3
                                                       --------    --------

Fixed charges:

Interest expense and amortization of debt discount          8.3        10.3
Amortization of issuance expense                            0.2         0.2
Appropriate portion (33 1/3%) of rentals                   16.8        18.5
                                                       --------    --------
    Total fixed charges                                    25.3        29.0
                                                       --------    --------

Earnings before income taxes and fixed charges         $  116.9    $   89.3
                                                       ========    ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                         4.62        3.08
                                                       ========    ========

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and 
 Preferred Dividends:

Total fixed charges, as above                          $   25.3    $   29.0
Preferred dividends                                         1.4         1.5
                                                       --------    --------
Total fixed charges and preferred dividends            $   26.7    $   30.5
                                                       ========    ========

Earnings before income taxes and fixed charges         $  116.9    $   89.3
                                                       ========    ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges and 
 preferred dividends                                       4.38        2.93
                                                       ========    ========