Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                         Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                 May 13, 1999 (Date of earliest event reported)

                          May 14, 1999 (Date of Report)

                                TANDY CORPORATION

               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

Delaware                  1-5571                      75-1047710
(State or other           (Commission                 (IRS Employer
Jurisdiction of           File Number                 Identification No.)

    100 Throckmorton Street Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas         76102
    (Address of principal executive offices)                      (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (817) 415-3700


         The text of a press release issued by Tandy Corporation (the "Company")
on May 13, 1999 is set forth below:

                          ANNOUNCE AUDIO/VIDEO ALLIANCE
        Partnership Forms RCA Digital Entertainment Center at RadioShack

         NEW YORK, May 13, 1999 -- RadioShack,  the retail  operating  format of
Tandy Corporation (NYSE: TAN), and Thomson Consumer Electronics  announced today
a new strategic  alliance that will allow  consumers to purchase a full range of
RCA-branded  audio/video  products through  RadioShack  stores and participating
dealers   across   the   U.S.   The   two   companies   will   develop   a   new
store-within-a-store  concept in RadioShack that will be branded the RCA Digital
Entertainment Center at RadioShack.
         "This is a powerful  strategic  alliance  that  solidifies  yet another
piece of our home connectivity  strategy,  giving RadioShack the clear advantage
in deploying digital entertainment devices to the 80 million living rooms across
America,"  said  Leonard  Roberts,  Chairman-elect,  President  and CEO of Tandy
Corporation/RadioShack.  "As the pre-eminent  manufacturer of digital convergent
devices, RCA has the brand recognition and leadership position to further propel
RadioShack as we lead the way in connecting  America's homes to state-of-the-art
digital  audio/video  products and services,  the latest  computer  advances and
high-speed bandwidth  technology.  Our ubiquitous market presence and ability to
demystify  technology  for the  mass  market,  coupled  with  RCA's  name  brand
products,  will give us unparalleled  strength to aggressively grow this segment
of our business in the near term."
         Thomson's  ability  to  provide  the  latest  digital  products  to its
customers in a convenient,  familiar  RadioShack store in their own neighborhood
will also be enhanced.  Today,  consumers can already find digital products like
DVD and RCA DIRECTV systems in RadioShack stores throughout the country.  Within
12-18 months, consumers will also be able to purchase High-Definition Television
and  a  complete  line  of  RCA-branded   audio  products  through  their  local
neighborhood store.
         "Thomson  and  the RCA  brand  are  committed  to the  success  of this
strategic  alliance  with  Tandy/RadioShack  and are  prepared to  dedicate  the
resources  and  energy  necessary  to  ensure  the  success  of the RCA  Digital
Entertainment  Center  at  RadioShack,"  said  James E.  Meyer,  Executive  Vice
President  and Chief  Operating  Officer.  "We believe  that this  venture  will
significantly  strengthen  both  companies  in terms of consumer  awareness  and
retail leadership as well as future growth and shareholder value."
         Both Tandy Corporation/RadioShack and Thomson Consumer Electronics have
a long and rich  heritage,  and each company has, in recent  years,  re-invented
itself to take advantage of the convergence of digital  technologies and the new
demands of the marketplace for hardware,  high-speed communications and superior
quality home entertainment.
         RadioShack's  newest  alliance is the latest in a series that  includes
The Sprint Store at RadioShack and the Compaq Creative Learning Center.  Both of
these  partnerships  have boosted sales and further  positioned  RadioShack as a
leader in the consumer electronics market place.
         Design of the RCA Digital  Entertainment  Center at RadioShack  will be
completed  later this year, and the store build-out will begin in early 2000. By
the second  quarter of 2000,  there  will be an RCA  store-within-a-store  in at
least 4,000  company-owned  stores,  with additional stores added throughout the
remainder of next year. RadioShack and Thomson also plan an aggressive marketing
and    advertising    program   to    support    the   store    launch.    Tandy
         Tandy   Corporation/RadioShack   is  the  nation's   largest   consumer
electronics  chain  and one of the most  trusted  electronics  retailers  in the
United States.  RadioShack  sells more wireless  telephones,  telecommunications
products and electronic  parts and accessories  than any other  retailer.  It is
estimated  that 94 percent of  Americans  live or work within five  minutes of a
RadioShack   store   or   dealer.    For   more    information,    visit   Tandy
Corporation/RadioShack   web  sites  at  and
Thomson Consumer Electronics
         Thomson  Consumer  Electronics  is a subsidiary  of Thomson  Multimedia
which  ranks  first in the U.S.  and  fourth in the  world in sales of  consumer
electronics  products.  With the flagship RCA and THOMSON  brand names,  Thomson
manufactures and markets color TVs, VCRs,  digital satellite  receiver/decoders,
digital cable modems, DVD players,  camcorders, home audio systems,  telephones,
and a myriad of accessories. Thomson also markets under the popular GE, PROSCAN,
TELEFUNKEN, and SABA brands in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
         Thomson  Multimedia is the world's  largest  supplier of large and very
large  color  TV  picture   tubes  and  is  actively   developing   new  digital
entertainment  products  that will allow  consumers  to interact  with new media
through the Internet and other digital systems.  For more information  about RCA
consumer electronics products, visit our website at

                          END OF TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE

         In the press  release  set  forth  above,  the  Company  makes  certain
forward-looking statements.  These statements are based on the Company's current
expectations and are subject to a number of risks and  uncertainties  that could
cause  actual  results  in the  future  to  differ  significantly  from  results
expressed or implied in any  forward-looking  statements made by or on behalf of
the Company.  These risks and uncertainties include uncertainties  regarding the
extent of consumer demand for digital  audio/visual  products and services,  and
the risks  associated with  newly-established  strategic  alliances.  Additional
risks are set forth in more detail in the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 1998 and the Company's  Quarterly Report on Form
10-Q for the calendar quarter ended March 31, 1999.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized this 14th day of May, 1999.

                                    TANDY CORPORATION

Date May 14, 1999                    Mark C. Hill
                                     Senior Vice President, Corporate Secretary
                                     and General Counsel