175 East 400 South, Suite 900
                            Salt Lake City, UT 84111
                                 (801) 524-1000
                              (801) 524-1098 (Fax)

                                                September 23, 1998

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Judiciary Plaza
Washington, D.C. 20549

              Re:   Gull Laboratories, Inc. (the "Company") (Commission File No.
                    0-16864) - Preliminary Proxy Statement

Sirs or Mesdames:

                  With this letter,  we are filing a preliminary proxy statement
for the Company.  The proxy statement relates to a merger involving the Company,
its majority shareholder, Fresenius AG, Meridian Diagnostics, Inc., and Meridian
Acquisition  Co. It is an all cash merger with the price  arrived at after arms'
length negotiations between unaffiliated parties. The Company would like to mail
its proxy  statement to its  shareholders as soon as possible.  Accordingly,  we
would  appreciate  the Staff  clearing the proxy  statement as soon as possible.
Please contact me at (801) 524-1000 with any comments or questions.


                                                     PRINCE, YEATES & GELDZAHLER

                                                     /s/ Gregory E. Lindley
                                                     Gregory E. Lindley




                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
              Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. _____)

|X|  Filed by the Registrant
|_|  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:     |X|  Preliminary Proxy Statement
                               |_|  Definitive Proxy Statement
                               |_|  Definitive Additional Materials
                               |_|  Soliciting Material Pursuant 
                                    to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                             GULL LABORATORIES, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing:  (Check the appropriate box)
     |_|  No fee required
     |_|  Fee computed on table below per Exchanage Act 
          Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and O-11

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:  
                                          Common stock, $001 par value per share

(2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: 8,016,012

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount of which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

     $2.25 per share; determined after arms' length negotiation between 
     unaffiliated parties

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:  $18,036,027

(5)  Total fee paid:  $3,607.21

     |_|  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

     |_|          Check  box if any part of the fee is  offset  as  provided  by
                  Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
                  the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
                  filing  by  registration  statement  number,  or the  form  or
                  schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:

(2) Form, schedule or registration statement no.:

(3) Filing party:

(4) Date filed:


                             GULL LABORATORIES, INC.

                    Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders
                           to be held October __, 1998

To the Shareholders:

                  A Special Meeting of Shareholders of Gull  Laboratories,  Inc.
(the "Company")  will be held at the offices of O'Melveny & Myers LLP,  Citicorp
Center,  153 East 53rd Street,  New York, NY 10022,  on _________,  October ___,
1998, at
10:00 a.m. for the following purposes:

                  1.  To  approve  the  Merger   Agreement  among  the  Company,
Meridian,  Diagnostics,  Inc., Fresenius AG, and Meridian Acquisition Co., dated
September 15, 1998 (the "Agreement"), and the merger of Meridian Acquisition Co.
into the Company.

                  2. To transact such other business as may properly come before
the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                  Information  regarding  the  matters  to be acted  upon at the
meeting is contained in the Proxy Statement attached to this Notice. The Company
is also  enclosing a copy of its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997,
and a copy of its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998. The text of the
Agreement is contained in Appendix "A" to the Proxy Statement. Only shareholders
of record at the close of business on September  15,  1998,  will be entitled to
notice of and to vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                  Your  vote is  important.  Please  sign and date the  enclosed
Proxy and return it promptly in the enclosed return envelope  whether or not you
expect to attend the meeting.  The envelope requires no postage if mailed in the
United States. You may revoke your Proxy and vote in person should you decide to
attend the meeting.

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors

                                           Silke Humberg, Ph.D.
                                           Chief Executive Officer and President

Salt Lake City, Utah
October ___, 1998


                                                  FOR USE OF THE COMMISSION ONLY

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         Special Meeting of Shareholders
                             Gull Laboratories, Inc.


                  This Proxy Statement is being furnished in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of Gull Laboratories,  Inc., a
Utah corporation ("Gull" or the "Company"), to be used at the Special Meeting of
Shareholders  of the Company to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern  Standard Time on
October __, 1998 at the 53rd Floor Conference Center at the offices of O'Melveny
& Myers,  Citicorp  Center,  153 East  53rd  Street,  New York,  New York  10022
(telephone  number  (212)  326-2000)  and at  any  adjournment  or  postponement

                  The  purpose of the Special  Meeting is to  consider  and vote
upon a proposal to approve a Merger  Agreement,  dated as of September  15, 1998
(the "Merger Agreement"), by and among Gull, Meridian Diagnostics, Inc., an Ohio
corporation   ("Meridian"),   Fresenius   AG,   a   German   stock   corporation
("Fresenius"),   and  Meridian   Acquisition  Co.,  a  Utah  corporation  and  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Meridian  ("Acquisition"),  and  the  transactions
contemplated  by the Merger  Agreement  and such other  business as lawfully may
come before the Special Meeting.

                  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement,  Acquisition will merge into
and with Gull (the "Merger"),  with Gull remaining as the surviving corporation.
As more fully described  herein under "The Merger  Agreement," the result of the
Merger will be that Gull will become a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Meridian and
each issued and outstanding  share of common stock of Gull, par value $0.001 per
share (the "Common  Stock"),  other than dissenters'  shares,  will be converted
into the right to receive a cash payment of $2.25, without interest (the "Merger


                  The close of  business  on  September  15,  1998 (the  "Record
Date")  has  been  fixed  as  the  record  date  for  the  determination  of the
shareholders entitled to notice of, and


to vote at, the Special  Meeting (the  "Shareholders").  On such date there were
outstanding and entitled to vote 8,016,012 shares of Common Stock. Each share of
Common  Stock is  entitled to one vote on each  matter to be  considered  at the
meeting.  The affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the Common Stock
outstanding on the Record Date is required for approval of the Merger Agreement.
Fresenius,  the holder of 62% of the shares of Common Stock,  has  covenanted in
the Merger  Agreement  to vote its shares of Common  Stock for  approval  of the
Merger Agreement.

                  You are requested to sign and date the accompanying proxy card
and promptly return it to Gull in the enclosed postage-paid, addressed envelope,
even if you plan to attend the Special Meeting.


                  The enclosed  proxy card, the  accompanying  Notice of Special
Meeting  of   Shareholders   and  this  Proxy  Statement  are  being  mailed  to
shareholders of Gull on or about October ___, 1998.


                  The following  documents  previously filed by Gull (registrant
0-16864) with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to the Exchange
Act are incorporated by reference in this Proxy Statement:

                  1. Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
1997 (filed April 14, 1998), filing number 000096313-98-000052.

                  2.  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March
31, 1998 (filed May 15, 1998), filing number 000096313-98-000065.

                  3.  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended June
30, 1998 (filed August 14, 1998), filing number 000096313-98-000106.

                  All documents filed by Gull pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c),
14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to the filing of this Proxy Statement
and prior to the date of the  Special  Meeting  are  deemed  to be  incorporated
herein by reference herein, as modified or amended, if applicable.

                  Upon written or oral request,  Gull will send to you,  without
charge,  a copy of any or all of the documents  incorporated  by reference.  The
request  must  be  directed  to  the   attention  of  Michael  B.  Malan,   Vice
President Finance, Gull Laboratories, Inc., 1011 East Murray Holladay Road, Salt
Lake City, UT 84117.


                                Table of Contents

INCORPORATION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS BY REFERENCE..................................................................ii

       General Information........................................................................................1
       The Parties................................................................................................1
       Date and Place of the Special Meeting......................................................................1
       Record Date; Required Vote.................................................................................2
       Appraisal or Dissenters' Rights............................................................................2
       The Merger.................................................................................................2
       Exchange of Certificates...................................................................................3
       Recommendations for the Merger.............................................................................3
       Opinion of Financial Advisor...............................................................................4
       Purposes and Reasons for the Merger........................................................................4
       Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger.................................................................4
       Accounting Treatment of the Merger.........................................................................5
       Federal Income Tax Consequences............................................................................5
       Price Range of Company Common Stock and Dividend History...................................................5

SPECIAL MEETING...................................................................................................6
       Record Date; Voting........................................................................................7
       Vote Required to Approve the Merger........................................................................7
       Proxy Information; Revocation..............................................................................7
       Appraisal Rights and Right to Dissent......................................................................7
       Proxy Solicitation.........................................................................................8

SPECIAL FACTORS...................................................................................................8
       The Merger.................................................................................................8
       Background of Merger and Fresenius's Decision to Divest its Interests in Gull..............................9
       Negotiations Regarding the Merger.........................................................................12
       Recommendation of the Board of Directors; the Company's Purpose
       and Reasons for and Belief as to the Fairness of the Merger...............................................16
                    The Company's Purpose and Reasons for the Merger
                    and the Timing of the Merger.................................................................16
              Market Test........................................................................................17
              Liquidation Value..................................................................................17
              Status Quo.........................................................................................18
              Fairness Opinion...................................................................................18
       Opinion of Financial Advisor Delivered in Connection with the Merger Agreement............................18
              Analysis of Market Multiples of Selected Comparable Public Companies...............................21
              Discounted Cash Flow Analysis......................................................................23
              Selected Comparable Transactions Analysis..........................................................24
              Comparison of Gull's Financial Performance with the Industry.......................................25
              Analysis of Gull's Recent Stock Performance........................................................26

CERTAIN EFFECTS OF THE MERGER....................................................................................28


       Federal Income Tax Consequences...........................................................................28
              Federal Income Tax Consequences to Meridian, Acquisition and Gull..................................29
              Federal Income Tax Consequences to Gull's Shareholders.............................................29
       Accounting Treatment of the Merger........................................................................29
       Regulatory Approvals......................................................................................30
       Expenses of the Merger....................................................................................30

VOTING SECURITIES AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS THEREOF..................................................................30

MERGER  AGREEMENT................................................................................................33
       Description of the Agreement..............................................................................33
       Terms of the Merger.......................................................................................33
       Conditions to the Merger..................................................................................34
       Representations and Warranties............................................................................35
       Conduct of Business Pending Merger........................................................................35
       Additional Agreements.....................................................................................36
       Additional Agreements of Fresenius........................................................................36
       Fees and Expenses.........................................................................................38
       Modification and Waiver...................................................................................38
       Termination of the Merger Agreement.......................................................................38
       Exchange of Certificates..................................................................................39

SELECTED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL DATA OF THE COMPANY..............................................................40

MARKET FOR COMMON EQUITY AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS.........................................................41
       Market Information........................................................................................41
       Security Holders..........................................................................................42

RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND VOTE REQUIRED.......................................................42

INTEREST OF CERTAIN PERSONS IN THE MERGER........................................................................43

SOLICITATION AND VOTE OF PROXIES.................................................................................44

SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS............................................................................................44

       Availability of Information...............................................................................45

Appendix            A Merger  Agreement  dated as of September  15, 1998, by and
                    among Gull,  Meridian,  Fresenius,  and Acquisition (without

Appendix B          Fairness Opinion of Houlihan Valuation Advisors

Appendix C          Dissenters' Rights Notice

Appendix D          Section  16-10a-1301 et seq. of the Utah Revised  Business
                    Corporation Act



                  The  following  is a brief  summary  of  information  included
elsewhere in this Proxy Statement.  The summary is necessarily incomplete and is
qualified  in its  entirety  by the  more  detailed  information  in this  Proxy
Statement,  its  Appendices  and the  documents  incorporated  by reference  and
referred to in this Proxy Statement.  Capitalized  terms used and not defined in
the summary have the meanings as defined elsewhere in this Proxy Statement.


                  General Information

                  This  Proxy  Statement  relates  to  the  proposed  merger  of
Acquisition  with and into Gull  pursuant to the Merger  Agreement  by and among
Gull,  Meridian,  Fresenius,  and Acquisition.  The result of the Merger will be
that each holder of Common  Stock will  receive  $2.25 per share in exchange for
each share of such Common Stock.

                  The Parties

                  Gull  Laboratories,  Inc.,  a Utah  corporation  (Gull  or the
"Company"),  is  engaged  in  the  development,  manufacture  and  marketing  of
high-quality  diagnostic test kits for the detection of infectious  diseases and
autoimmune disorders.  Gull also offers a line of instrumentation for laboratory
automation   and  products  for  blood   grouping  and  HLA  tissue  typing  for
transplantation.  The  mailing  address  of the  Company's  principal  executive
officer is 1011 East Murray-Holladay Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84117.

                  Fresenius   AG,  a  German  stock  company  and  the  majority
shareholder of the Company ("Fresenius"),  is an international operating company
based in Bad Homburg,  Germany,  which  develops,  manufactures  and distributes
pharmaceutical and medical system products.  The mailing address of Fresenius is
Else-Kroner-Strasse 1, D-61352 Bad Homburg, Germany.

                  Meridian Diagnostics,  Inc., an Ohio corporation  ("Meridian")
is a fully integrated medical  diagnostic  company that develops,  manufactures,
and markets a broad range of innovative  diagnostic test kits, purified reagents
and related  products.  Using a variety of technologies,  these products provide
accuracy,  simplicity  and speed and enable  early  diagnosis  and  treatment of
common  medical   conditions  such  as   gastrointestinal,   urinary  tract  and
respiratory   infections.   Meridian   Acquisition   Co.,  a  Utah   corporation
("Acquisition"), has been organized as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Meridian for
the  purpose  of  effecting  the Merger  and has  engaged  in no other  business
activities  other than those  related to the  acquisition  of the  Company.  The
mailing  address of both  Meridian  and  Acquisition  is 3471 River Hills Drive,
Cincinnati,  OH 45244.  See,  "Certain  Information  Pertaining  to Meridian and

                  Date and Place of the Special Meeting

                  The Special Meeting is to be held at the 53rd Floor Conference
Center at the  offices of  O'Melveny  & Myers,  Citicorp  Center,  153 East 53rd
Street, New York, New York 10022, on ______________,  October __, 1998, at 10:00
a.m.,  Eastern  Standard Time. At the Special  Meeting and at any adjournment or
postponement thereof, the Shareholders of


the Company  will be asked to consider and vote upon the proposal to approve the
Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.

                  Record Date; Required Vote

                  As of September 15, 1998, the Record Date, 8,016,012 shares of
Common Stock were issued and outstanding,  each of which is entitled to one vote
on each matter to be acted upon at the Special  Meeting.  Only  Shareholders  of
record at the close of business on the Record Date will be entitled to notice of
and  to  vote  at  the  Special  Meeting.  The  presence  of a  majority  of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock will constitute a quorum for purposes of the
Special Meeting. The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the Common
Stock  outstanding  on the Record  Date is required  for  approval of the Merger
Agreement.  Fresenius,  the  holder of 62% of the  shares of Common  Stock,  has
covenanted  in the  Merger  Agreement  to vote its  shares of  Common  Stock for
approval of the Merger Agreement.

                  The failure to return a properly  executed proxy card, to vote
in person at the Special  Meeting or, with respect to shares held of record by a
broker  or other  nominee,  to  provide  such  broker  or  nominee  with  voting
instructions  (resulting in a broker  non-vote) or abstaining from voting,  will
have the same  effect as a vote  against  the  Merger.  Proxies  may be revoked,
subject to the procedures  described herein, at any time up to and including the
date of the Special  Meeting.  See,  "THE  SPECIAL  MEETING -- Vote  Required to
Approve the Merger."

                  Appraisal or Dissenters' Rights

                  Because the Merger must be approved by the Gull  Shareholders,
the  Shareholders are entitled,  under Sections  16-10a-1301 et seq. of the Utah
Revised Business Corporation Act, to dissent from the proposed Merger and obtain
payment for the fair value of their  shares in the event the Merger is approved.
Fair  value of the  shares is  defined  as the value of the  Shares  immediately
before  the  effective  date  of  the  Merger,  excluding  any  appreciation  or
depreciation in anticipation  of the Merger.  A Notice of Dissenters'  Rights is
being  submitted  to  Shareholders  with this  Notice of  Special  Shareholders'
Meeting and Proxy  Statement.  A  Shareholder  who wishes to assert  dissenters'
rights must (I) deliver to the Company, prior to the voting on the Merger at the
meeting,  written notice of the  Shareholder's  intent to demand payment for the
Shareholder's  shares if the  proposed  Merger is effected and (ii) not vote for
the  Merger.  Within ten (10) days after the  effective  date of approval of the
Merger by Shareholders,  notice will be sent to dissenting  Shareholders stating
when and where written demand for payment must be sent and when certificates for
shares must be deposited by the  Shareholders  to effectuate the purchase of the
Share from the  dissenting  Shareholders.  See,  "SPECIAL  MEETING --  Appraisal
Rights and Right to Dissent."

                  The Merger

                  Gull,  Meridian,  Fresenius and Acquisition  have entered into
the Merger  Agreement  whereby  Acquisition  will merge with and into Gull. Gull
will remain as the surviving corporation.  The result of the Merger will be that
Gull will become a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Meridian.  Each share of Common
Stock,  other than dissenters'  shares,  will be canceled and converted into the
right to receive the Merger Consideration.  Each issued and outstanding share of
Acquisition  will be  converted  into one share of  Common  Stock of Gull at the
Effective Time (as defined below), the separate corporate


existence  of  Acquisition  will  cease and the name of Gull will  remain  "Gull
Laboratories, Inc."

                  A  condition  to  the  closing  of the  Merger  is  that  each
outstanding  option  to  purchase  shares  of  Common  Stock of the  Company  be
canceled. Meridian has agreed to bear the cost of such option cancellations. All
of Gull's  stock  option  plans  will be terminated as of the Effective Time.

                  The  effectiveness  of the  Merger  is  conditioned  upon  the
satisfaction  or waiver of certain  conditions  including,  without  limitation,
approval of the Merger by the holders of a majority  of the  outstanding  Common
Stock, which is being sought pursuant to this Proxy Statement.  If the Merger is
approved  by the  requisite  vote of  Gull's  Shareholders,  and  all  remaining
conditions  are satisfied or waived,  the Merger will become  effective upon the
filing of the  Articles of Merger with the Utah  Division  of  Corporations  and
Commercial  Code or at  such  later  time as the  parties  may  specify  in such
Articles of Merger (the "Effective  Time"). If the Merger is approved,  Gull and
Meridian  expect to file the Articles of Merger on or shortly  after the date of
the Special Meeting. Fresenius, the holder of 62% of the shares of Common Stock,
has  covenanted  in the Merger  Agreement to vote its shares of Common Stock for
approval of the Merger Agreement,  thereby assuring the Merger will be approved.
See, "THE MERGER AGREEMENT -- Description of the Merger Agreement."

                  Exchange of Certificates

                  Upon  consummation  of the Merger,  each share of Common Stock
owned by the  Shareholders  of Gull  other  than  shares  owned by  Shareholders
exercising  their  dissenters'  rights,  will be canceled and converted into the
right to receive  the Merger  Consideration.  See,  "THE MERGER  AGREEMENT"  and
Appendix  A. If the  Merger is  consummated,  the  Shareholders  of Gull will be
required to surrender their stock  certificates in proper form as a condition to
PROXIES.   Promptly  after  the  Merger  occurs,   a  transmittal   letter  with
instructions  will be sent to Shareholders to be used by them to surrender their
share certificates. See, "THE MERGER AGREEMENT -- Exchange of Certificates."

                  Recommendations for the Merger

Board and the Independent  Committee base their  recommendation on the following
factors:  (i) the  terms  and  conditions  of the  Merger  Agreement  that  were
determined  primarily  by  negotiations  between  Meridian,   the  Company,  and
Fresenius,  and  reviewed  by  the  Independent  Committee;   (ii)  the  assets,
obligations,  operations,  earnings and  prospects of Gull and the status of the
medical  diagnostic  products  industry  generally;  (iii) the results of market
solicitation  over an eight month period by Fresenius to determine whether there
were other  parties  interested  in  acquiring  Gull;  (iv) a review of possible
alternatives  to the sale of  Gull;  and (v) the  written  opinion  of  Houlihan
Valuation  Advisors to the effect that, as of September 15, 1998,  the Merger is
fair from a financial point of view. See, "SPECIAL  FACTORS." The negotiation of
the Merger Agreement did not include participation on behalf of the Company by a
representative  of the  minority  Shareholders,  as  such,  although  Anne-Marie
Ricart, a director and a substantial  minority  shareholder in Gull, is a member
of  the   Independent   Committee.   The  Independent   Committee   consists  of
disinterested directors who at all times have been represented by


counsel,  and have been  advised with  respect to certain  financial  matters by
Houlihan Valuation  Advisors.  Because the members of the Independent  Committee
have no relationship  with Meridian,  or  Acquisition,  and are not employees of
Gull, the  Independent  Committee  believes that it had no conflicts of interest
that  would  interfere  with its  ability  to protect  the  interests  of Gull's

                  Opinion of Financial Advisor

                  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors,  the  financial  advisor to the
Independent Committee, rendered a written opinion (the "Fairness Opinion") dated
September  15, 1998 to the  Independent  Committee to the effect that, as of the
date of such opinion,  the Merger is fair from a financial point of view, to the
public Shareholders of Gull (other than Fresenius and its affiliates).  The full
text of the Fairness Opinion,  which sets forth the assumptions made, procedures
followed,  matters  considered  and  limitations  on the review  undertaken,  is
attached as Appendix B to this Proxy Statement.

                  Purposes and Reasons for the Merger

                  The  Company's  purpose and reason for the Merger are to allow
the Shareholders of the Company to sell their shares in Gull at a price that the
Independent  Committee  and Board believe is fair to and in the best interest of
the Shareholders. The timing of the Merger has been determined based on the time
required to review various  alternatives to enhance  shareholder value for Gull,
to solicit  indications  from persons who might be interested in acquiring Gull,
to  negotiate  the terms of the Merger  Agreement,  and to obtain the  requisite
Shareholder and other approvals.

                  Meridian   believes  that  its   acquisition  of  Gull  offers
substantial  growth  opportunities  for  Meridian in products  and  distribution
channels  not  now  being  served  by  Meridian  and  will  enhance   Meridian's
shareholder value.

                  Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger

                  All current officers and directors of Gull will resign as part
of the  closing of the Merger.  Certain  officers  or  employees  of Gull may be
entitled to severance  payments upon the termination of their  employment.  Gull
has been  informed by Meridian that  Meridian  intends to enter into  employment
agreements  with Dr. Fred  Rachford  and John  Turner,  both  current  executive
officers of Gull, and a consulting  agreement with Holly  Scribner,  formerly an
executive  officer of and currently a consultant to Gull.  The execution of such
agreements is a condition to Meridian's obligation to consummate the Merger. All
current  directors  of Gull will be entitled to certain  indemnification  rights
under the Merger Agreement.  Consequently, the interests of Messrs. Rachford and
Turner, by virtue of their employment agreements, and Ms. Scribner, by virtue of
her consulting agreement and the interests of all of the Company's directors, by
virtue of their  indemnification  rights,  may be deemed to be separate  from or
adverse to the  interests  of the  remaining  Shareholders.  Fresenius  has also
agreed to indemnify the directors of Gull, and has entered into  indemnification
agreements  with the  members of the  Independent  Committee  relating  to their
service on that Committee.  As of the Record Date,  Messrs.  Rachford and Turner
and Ms.  Scribner  held of  record or  beneficially  (excluding  138,500  shares
underlying options) 33,017 (30,217 shares owned by Dr. Rachford and 2,800 shares
owned by Ms.  Scribner) shares of Common Stock or less than 1% of the issued and
outstanding  Common Stock.  It is expected that the shares of Common Stock owned
by Dr.  Rachford  and Ms.  Scribner  will be voted in favor of the Merger,  that
Messrs.  Rachford and Turner and Ms.  Scribner will  surrender  their options to
purchase Gull Common Stock, and that their compensation


arrangements under their employment or consulting  agreements with Meridian will
include options to purchase Meridian common stock. See, "INFORMATION  PERTAINING

                  In the Merger  Agreement,  Fresenius  has  agreed,  subject to
certain limitations, to indemnify Meridian for losses arising out of breaches of
the Company's  representations and warranties,  non-performance of the Company's
obligations, shareholder lawsuits, and certain specified contingencies disclosed
by Gull to Meridian. Fresenius has also agreed to contribute certain obligations
due from  Gull to  Gull's  capital  and that  amounts  due from the  Company  to
Fresenius  (approximately  $__________  at  _______________,   1998,  comprising
payments by Fresenius to vendors on behalf of the Company and other advances and
fees) will be reduced by an amount  equal to the  decrease in the  stockholders'
equity of the Company  from  December  31, 1997 to the capital of Gull.  Any net
amount due to  Fresenius  will be  evidenced  by a  promissory  note of Meridian
bearing  interest at 7 1/2% per annum and payable in two equal  installments  on
June 15, 1999 and  December 31, 1999 and certain  additional  amounts may be set
off  against  such note.  Fresenius  has also  agreed to  continue  the lease of
certain  property in Bad  Homburg,  Germany and to  continue  providing  certain
services,  which it has previously  provided and currently does provide to Gull.
Fresenius  will also enter into an  agreement  with  Meridian to make  available
facilities for the manufacture of certain Gull products at Fresenius's  facility
for a period not to exceed two years.

                  Accounting Treatment of the Merger

                  The Merger will be treated,  for financial reporting purposes,
as a sale by Gull's shareholders to Meridian for cash.  Accordingly,  no gain or
loss  will be  recognized  by Gull as a  result  of the  Merger.  As part of the
Merger,  Fresenius  will  contribute  an  obligation of Gull in the amount of DM
856,281.18 and other amounts to Gull's capital. The Merger will be accounted for
by Meridian as a purchase.

                  Federal Income Tax Consequences

                  The receipt of cash by a  Shareholder  of Gull pursuant to the
Merger  Agreement will be a taxable  transaction to such Shareholder for federal
income  tax  purposes  and may also be a taxable  transaction  under  applicable
state,  local or other laws. Each Shareholder is urged to consult his or her own
tax advisor as to the  particular tax  consequences  to such  Shareholder.  See,
"SPECIAL FACTORS -- Federal Income Tax Consequences."

                  Price Range of Company Common Stock and Dividend History

                  The shares of Common  Stock are traded on the  American  Stock
Exchange under the symbol "GUL." The following table sets forth,  for the period
indicated,  the  prices  of  Gull's  common  stock,  based on the  closing  sale
quotation without markup, markdown, commissions or adjustments.


Price Range of Company

Common Stock and Dividend History

                                                        High            Low
1996            First Quarter                          5.500            3.625
                Second Quarter                         5.500            4.250
                Third Quarter                          7.125            4.125
                Fourth Quarter                        12.500            5.875
1997            First Quarter                         11.125            8.625
                Second Quarter                        11.750            9.563
                Third Quarter                         13.375            9.625
                Fourth Quarter                        11.750            10.00
1998            First Quarter                         11.750            9.875
                Second Quarter                        11.875            3.250
                Third Quarter                             --               --

                  On July 10, 1998,  the last trading day prior to Gull's public
announcement that it was engaged in merger negotiations,  the high and low sales
prices  of the  Common  Stock on the  American  Stock  Exchange  were  $4.50 and
$4.438,   respectively. On September 15, 1998, the date the Merger Agreement was
executed,  the closing price of the Common Stock on the American  Stock Exchange
was $2.125.

                  Gull has never paid any cash dividends on its shares of Common
Stock. See, "Price Range of Company Common Stock and Dividend History."



                  This Proxy  Statement is being  furnished to holders of Gull's
Common Stock in  connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies by the Company's
Board of Directors  for use at the Special  Meeting to be held at the 53rd Floor
Conference Center at the offices of O'Melveny & Myers, Citicorp Center, 153 East
53rd Street, New York, New York 10022, on  ______________,  October __, 1998, at
10:00 a.m.,  Eastern  Standard  Time,  and at any  adjournment  or  postponement

                  At the Special  Meeting,  holders of Gull's  Common Stock will
consider and vote upon a proposal to merge Acquisition with and into the Company
pursuant  to the Merger  Agreement.  The result of the Merger  will be that each
holder of Common Stock, other than holders exercising  dissenters'  rights, will
receive $2.25 per share in exchange for such Common Stock.

                  Information  contained in this Proxy Statement with respect to
Meridian,  Acquisition  and plans for Gull after the  consummation of the Merger
has been provided by Meridian.  All other information  contained herein has been
provided by Gull or Fresenius.


                  Record Date; Voting

                  The  Record  Date for  determination  of  Gull's  Shareholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the  Special  Meeting has been fixed as the
close of business on September 15, 1998. Accordingly,  only holders of record of
shares of Common  Stock on the Record  Date will be entitled to notice of and to
vote at the Special  Meeting.  As of the Record  Date,  the  outstanding  voting
securities  of  Gull  consisted  of  8,016,012  shares  of  Common  Stock.  Each
Shareholder  of record as of the  Record  Date is  entitled  to one vote on each
matter for each share then  held.  The  holders of a majority  of the issued and
outstanding  shares of Common Stock  attending the meeting in person or by proxy
will constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at the Special Meeting, and
all adjournments and  postponements  thereof,  notwithstanding  that less than a
quorum may remain after commencement of the Special Meeting.

                  Vote Required to Approve the Merger

                  The  affirmative  vote of the  holders  of a  majority  of the
Common  Stock  outstanding  on the Record Date is required  for  approval of the
Merger Agreement. Fresenius, which owns more than a majority of the Common Stock
outstanding on the Record Date,  has covenanted in the Merger  Agreement to vote
for approval of the Merger Agreement.  Accordingly, the Merger Agreement will be

                  Proxy Information; Revocation

                  Any  Shareholder  has the  power to  revoke  his or her  proxy
before its exercise at the Special  Meeting or any  adjournment or  postponement
by: (i) giving written notice of such revocation to Gull's Secretary, Michael B.
Malan, 1011 East  Murray-Holladay  Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84117,  prior to the
Special  Meeting;  (ii)  giving  written  notice  of such  revocation  to Gull's
Secretary  at the  Special  Meeting;  or (iii)  signing and  delivering  a proxy
bearing a later date.  The dates  contained on the forms of proxy  presumptively
determine  the  order of  execution,  regardless  of the  postmark  dates on the
envelopes in which they are mailed.  The mere presence at the Special Meeting of
a shareholder  who has executed and delivered a valid proxy will not revoke such
proxy.  The  powers  of the  proxy  holders  with  respect  to the  shares  of a
particular  Shareholder will be suspended if the Shareholder executing the proxy
is present at the Special Meeting and elects to vote in person.  Subject to such
revocation or  suspension,  each properly  executed  proxy received by the proxy
holders will be voted at the Special Meeting  (whether or not  instructions  are
specified  thereon).  If instructions are specified thereon,  such proxy will be
voted in accordance  therewith;  and if no  specifications  are made, such proxy
will be voted FOR the Merger Agreement.

                  Appraisal Rights and Right to Dissent

                  The transactions  contemplated by the Merger Agreement require
a shareholder vote. Under 16-10a-1301 et seq of the Utah Revised Business
Corporation  Act, Gull's  shareholders are entitled to dissent from the proposed
Merger,  and obtain  payment of the fair value of their  shares in the event the
Merger is  approved.  Fair  value of the  shares  means the value of the  shares
immediately before the effective date of the Merger,  excluding any appreciation
or depreciation in anticipation of the Merger. The transaction is expected to be
consummated  on or about  October  __,  1998.  The high and low sales  prices of
Gull's  Common  Stock on July 10,  1998,  the day  prior  to the  press  release
announcing that Fresenius and Gull were engaged in negotiations  with an unnamed
third party regarding the merger of Gull, were $4.500 and $4.438 per share,


respectively. On September 15, 1998, the date the Merger Agreement was executed,
the closing price of the Common Stock on the American Stock Exchange was $2.125.
The fair value of Gull's Common Stock  immediately  prior to the consummation of
the Merger may or may not reflect these prices. Gull will determine the value of
Gull's Common Stock by considering  all relevant  factors.  Gull does not expect
that the value of the  Common  Stock  will  exceed  $2.25 per  share.  Notice of
Dissenters'  Rights  is  annexed  as  Appendix  C  to  this  Notice  of  Special
Shareholders'  Meeting and Proxy  Statement.  A Shareholder who wishes to assert
dissenters'  rights must (i) deliver to Gull,  prior to the voting on the Merger
Agreement,  written notice of the Shareholder's intent to demand payment for the
Shareholder's  shares if the  proposed  Merger is effected and (ii) not vote for
the Merger.

                  Within ten (10) days after the effective  date of the approval
of the Merger  Agreement  by  Shareholders,  notice  will be sent to  dissenting
Shareholders  stating when and where written demand for payment must be sent and
when  certificates for shares must be deposited by the Shareholder to effectuate
the  purchase  of shares  from the  dissenting  Shareholder.  The  rights of the
dissenter  to demand  payment  are lost if the  dissenter  fails to give  timely
written  notice of intent to demand  payment,  or fails to timely  make  written
demand for payment after receiving Gull's notice. A COPY OF A DISSENTERS' RIGHTS
NOTICE IS  ATTACHED  HERETO AS  APPENDIX D. The  foregoing  information  and the
statements in the Dissenters' Rights Notice are each qualified in their entirety
by the  provisions  of  Sections  16-10a-1301  through  16-10a-1331  of the Utah
Revised Business Corporation Act, a copy of which is annexed as Appendix D.

                  Proxy Solicitation

                  The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by Gull. Gull may
request  brokers,  fiduciaries,  custodians and nominees to send proxies,  proxy
statements and other material to their  principals at its expense.  In addition,
directors,   officers  or  other  employees  of  Gull  may,  without  additional
compensation therefor, solicit proxies in person or by telephone.


                  The Merger

                  Gull has entered into the Merger  Agreement,  a copy  (without
the  exhibits  thereto)  of which  is  attached  as  Appendix  A, to this  Proxy
Statement,  with Fresenius,  Meridian and Acquisition.  Pursuant to the terms of
the  Merger  Agreement,  Acquisition  will  merge  with and into  Gull with Gull
continuing as the surviving  corporation.  Upon consummation of the Merger, each
outstanding  share of Common Stock will be converted  into the right to receive,
upon  surrender  of such  share  of  Common  Stock,  the  Merger  Consideration.
Shareholders have appraisal or dissenters'  rights under Utah law. See, "SPECIAL
MEETING -- Appraisal  Rights and Right to Dissent"  and "The Merger  Agreement,"
and Appendices C and D. At the same time, each share of the  outstanding  Common
Stock of Acquisition,  all of which is owned by Meridian, will be converted into
one share of Common  Stock of Gull.  Thus,  after  the  Merger,  all of the then
outstanding Common Stock of Gull will be owned by Meridian.


                  Background of Merger and Fresenius's
                  Decision to Divest its Interests in Gull

                  Fresenius's  decision to divest its interest in Gull  resulted
from  changes  in  the  competitive  environment  in  the  healthcare  industry,
including  the  diagnostics  business,  and  Fresenius's  determination  that  a
relatively small  participation  in the diagnostics  business through Gull is no
longer  consistent  with  Fresenius's  long-term  plans.  The  discussion  below
contains a brief  description of these  developments and Fresenius's  responses,
and their relationship to Fresenius's investment in Gull.

                  Until  1992,   Fresenius  conducted  its  healthcare  business
through two primary divisions -- medical systems (primarily  dialysis products),
and pharmaceuticals. Fresenius also conducted a projects business engaged in the
planning and  construction  of hospitals and  pharmaceuticals  plants.  In 1993,
Fresenius   reorganized   its  operations   into  four  divisions  --  Dialysis,
Pharmaceuticals,  Intensive Care and Diagnostics,  ("I+D") and Project Business.
The I+D Division included Fresenius's  extra-corporeal blood treatment business,
including blood cell separator  machines and infusion  pumps,  and a diagnostics
products  business  --  Fresenius   Diagnostik  --  that  was  also  a  European
distributor of Gull products.  In 1993 (the first year of this  reorganization),
I+D Division sales represented approximately 7%, of Fresenius's total sales.

                  Fresenius made its initial  investment in Gull in 1994 when it
purchased  3,492,739  shares of Gull Common Stock from Dr.  Myron Wentz,  Gull's
founder  and former  President,  for  $22,702,803.  Shortly  after that  initial
investment,  Fresenius  purchased  117,954  additional  shares for  $766,701  in
satisfaction of certain obligations to the sellers originally  undertaken by Dr.
Wentz.  As the result of these  purchases,  Fresenius  acquired  55.3% of Gull's
outstanding stock for a total investment of $23,469,504.  The initial investment
in Gull in 1994 was consistent with Fresenius's  then-current strategy to invest
internationally through acquisitions in selected biomedical markets. It was also
expected to be a factor in the growth of the new I+D Division.

                  Subsequent to  Fresenius's  initial  investment  in 1994,  the
healthcare industry underwent rapid change.  Significant  declines in government
reimbursement  rates  and the  growth of  managed  care  necessitated  extensive
efforts  to  contain  costs.  These  cost-  containment  pressures  resulted  in
increased  focus in the  industry  on core  competencies,  and also  produced  a
significant  number of mergers and acquisitions,  as companies sought methods to
function better in this new  environment.  In its Dialysis  Division,  Fresenius
responded to these industry trends by combining its worldwide  products business
with  National  Medical  Care to form  Fresenius  Medical  Care AG, the  world's
largest vertically integrated dialysis company, in September 1996. In June 1998,
Fresenius announced that it had signed an agreement to acquire the international
infusion-nutrition  business of Pharmacia & Upjohn, outside of Germany,  thereby
adding to one of the core elements of its Pharmaceuticals Division.

                  These  trends in health care were  evident in the  diagnostics
industry as well. Government agencies and private payers decreased or eliminated
reimbursements for laboratory tests deemed to be discretionary or non-essential.
Laboratories  have responded by consolidation to achieve larger volumes,  shifts
to less expensive,  automated tests and demands for price concessions. These and
other  pressures from  diagnostic  industry  customers,  in all key markets,  to
increase  quality and develop new  products,  provide a  consistent  operational
platform,  and  offer  a  "one-stop  shopping  platform,"  have  prompted  rapid
consolidation and concentration of resources within the industry.


                  In  August  1997  Gull  acquired  Fresenius  Diagnostik,   the
diagnostics business unit of Fresenius's I+D Division, in exchange for 1,320,000
shares of Gull Common Stock.  Gull believed  that the  acquisition  of Fresenius
Diagnostik  would  enable  it to  eliminate  overlapping  functions  and  costs,
coordinate  and  centralize  its  marketing  efforts in Europe,  and provide the
Company  with sales and  marketing  expertise  that would  assist the Company in
developing its European markets.  Based on a value of $8.29 per share stipulated
in the purchase agreement,  the transfer of Fresenius  Diagnostik to the Company
represented an additional investment by Fresenius in the Company of $10,942,800,
raising  its  total  equity   investment  in  the  Company's   Common  Stock  to
approximately $33.5 million.  Gull's acquisition of Fresenius Diagnostic through
the issuance of common stock to Fresenius  enabled Gull to maintain its cash for

                  Subsequent  to Gull's  acquisition  of  Fresenius  Diagnostik,
Fresenius  has  restructured  its I+D  Division  (which  has  been  renamed  the
Intensive Care and  Hemotechnology  -- "I+H" -- Division) to focus more strongly
on  its  core   competencies  in  hemotherapy   with  transfusion  and  adsorber
technology, immune therapy, and infusion technology. The restructuring was aimed
at increasing competitiveness in order to achieve a leading position in its core
fields of activity -- an approach  consistent  with the  responses  of its other
divisions  to  competitive  changes.  Although,  at the  time  of the  Fresenius
Diagnostik acquisition,  Fresenius and Gull believed that the acquisition was an
appropriate response by Gull to trends in the diagnostics industry, considerable
additional  investment would be required to support Gull's emerging technologies
and to help it  compete  effectively  against  its  newly  consolidated,  larger
competitors.   Fresenius  believes  that  the  additional   investments  in  the
diagnostics  industry  required by Gull would be  inconsistent  with the overall
strategy  of the I+H  Division,  and that the  future of Gull and the  effective
execution of Gull's  business plan would be best served by finding the Company a
partner focused on the diagnostics industry.

                  To implement this decision,  Fresenius management decided that
the options  available  to it for its  investment  in Gull  should be  explored.
Following meetings with several investment banking firms,  Wasserstein Perella &
Co.  ("WP&Co.")  was  selected to represent  Fresenius  in these  efforts and an
engagement  letter with WP&Co.  was signed on September 24, 1997.  Following its
engagement by Fresenius,  WP&Co.  held  discussions with several members of Gull
senior management to gain familiarity with Gull and its business  prospects.  On
October 23, 1997,  Gull and  Fresenius  issued  separate  press  releases,  each
stating  that  Fresenius  had  retained  WP&Co.  to  evaluate  the  alternatives
available  to  Fresenius  with resect to its  interest in Gull.  In a subsequent
filing with the SEC, Fresenius noted that potential  transactions to be explored
by  WP&Co.  might  include  a sale or  exchange  of  capital  stock or a merger,
consolidation or other business combinations, and that any transaction involving
Fresenius's  interest  in Gull  could  be  consummated  as part of a  series  of
transactions  involving  the sale to one or more third parties of all or part of
the ownership  interest in Gull not held by Fresenius.  In conjunction with Gull
and Fresenius  representatives,  WP&Co.  compiled a list of potential  strategic
partners for Gull. Following issuance of the press releases,  WP&Co. transmitted
the Gull press release to these parties.

                  Interested  parties were informed that information  describing
Gull would be  available  in  approximately  two to three  weeks.  In that time,
WP&Co.,  in  conjunction  with Gull  management,  compiled a package of publicly
available  information  that  would be sent to  interested  parties.  The public
information package consisted of (i) an introductory letter describing potential
transaction alternatives, (ii) a confidentiality agreement that, when signed and
returned,  would enable the potential partner to receive non-public  information
regarding  Gull,  (iii) publicly  available  information  including SEC filings,
technical papers, and


product brochures, and (iv) a brief summary of Gull and its products prepared by
WP&Co. in conjunction with Gull  management.  A small number of firms not on the
primary  contact list also  contacted  WP&Co.,  Gull,  or  Fresenius  expressing

                  On October 23, 1997,  Meridian  President and Chief  Operating
Officer  John  Kraeutler  contacted  WP&Co.  to express  interest  in a possible
transaction  with Gull.  WP&Co.  sent Meridian a public  information  package on
November  7,  1997.  Meanwhile,  WP&Co.  sent  public  information  packages  to
approximately  30 other  potential  partners  during the period October  through
November 1997. During that time 14 parties signed the confidentiality agreement,
including Meridian,  who signed and returned its  confidentiality  agreement the
week of November 18, 1997. Meridian and the other interested parties were sent a
confidential  information package consisting of (i) new product development time
lines, (ii) a discussion of past events and trends, (iii) financial  projections
for 1998-2000,  (iv) current  staffing levels and plans,  and (v) an overview of
key information items regarding Gull. Following further conversations with these
parties,  WP&Co.  requested that they submit a nonbinding indication of interest
by December 22, 1997,  stating their expected value for the Company,  sources of
financing,  and other information relevant to any possible  transactions.  Those
who  submitted  acceptable  indications  would  be  permitted  to  visit  Gull's
facilities,  participate in a management presentation in which Gull's management
described the  operations and finances of the Company,  and permitted  access to
selected documents regarding Gull's operations and finances.

                  By  the  December  22,  1997  deadline,  no  indications  were
submitted to WP&Co regarding an interest in acquiring Fresenius's Gull shares or
any of the publicly-held  shares of Gull.  Preliminary interest was expressed in
certain assets of Gull,  however,  these interests were not pursued as Fresenius
remained  interested  in selling its  ownership  position  rather  than  selling
individual pieces of Gull.  Meridian declined to submit an indication letter due
to a desire to  acquire  only the  domestic  portion  of the  business.  Further
discussions  with potential  buyers  indicated  that several  concerns about the
Company existed,  including concerns related to valuation,  ownership structure,
recent and future  financial  performance,  market  position of new and existing
products, and technical  capabilities of new and existing products.  Although no
formal bids were received,  discussions with potential  bidders indicated that a
significant  disparity existed between the valuation placed on Gull by potential
partners and the market value of Gull Common Stock.  Bidders generally indicated
that they  attributed  a value to Gull equal to  approximately  its then current
sales levels -- $21.7 million for 1997 -- as opposed to the then current  market
value of Gull Common Stock of  approximately  $83 million.  This indicated value
for Gull  based on sales  was also  considerably  less  than  Fresenius's  $33.5
million total equity investment for its 62% interest in the Company.

                  For the  remainder  of  December  1997 and during the month of
January 1998, WP&Co.  contacted  interested parties to tell them that management
and facility visits and review of selected  company  documents could be achieved
without submitting an indication letter. Following this procedural modification,
six companies  visited the Company  during January  through May 1998.  Following
these  visits,   follow-up  conversations  were  conducted  with  the  potential
partners.  Despite  Fresenius's  willingness  to  receive  a price  equal to its
investment cost,  which was below the  then-current  market value of Fresenius's
Gull  shares  (approximately  $49.9  million  at March  31,  1998),  none of the
companies  that  had  proceeded  with  their  investigation  of  Gull  submitted
indications  of interest.  The reasons  cited were the same  concerns  regarding
value and other issues raised in December 1997.


                  Following these efforts to seek potential  partners,  WP&Co.'s
contact with potential bidders ceased for  approximately one month.  During this
time, the Gull stock price on the American Stock Exchange  declined by more than
50%. The Company  attributes  this decline to, among other  matters,  lower than
anticipated  results of  operations  for 1997 and the first  quarter of 1998 and
selling pressure in the thin market for Gull Common Stock from short selling and
the exercise of stock options  (including  options  exercised by certain  former
members of Gull's senior  management whose employment was terminated),  followed
by the sale of the option shares. After a 56% decline from $8.00 on May 27, 1998
to $3.50 on June 2,  1998,  during  the month of June  1998,  Gull  traded at an
average  price of $3.66 as opposed to a trading  average  during the period from
May 1 through May 27, 1998 of $8.66. At that time,  Fresenius determined that it
was  willing to accept a value of Gull  below  Fresenius's  investment  cost and
instructed  WP&Co.  to renew contacts with potential  bidders with revised price
expectations.  With price expectations  determined by reference to the now lower
market price, several companies expressed interest in exploring Gull further.

                  In April  1998,  Mr.  William  Motto,  Chairman  of  Meridian,
contacted  Gull Chief  Executive  Officer  Silke  Humberg  to renew  discussions
regarding  a  possible   transaction   with  Gull.   Further   meetings  between
representatives of Fresenius,  Gull, Meridian,  WP&Co., and Meridian's financial
advisor followed during the month of June,  including visits by Meridian to Gull
facilities in Salt Lake City,  Maine,  and Germany.  Following  these visits and
continuous  discussions  between the  companies'  management  and  research  and
development  teams,  Meridian  indicated that it hoped to complete a preliminary
definitive agreement by June 30. During these discussions, Meridian indicated to
Fresenius that it was interested only in a transaction in which it would acquire
100% of the  Company,  and did not wish to acquire  only  Fresenius's  interest.
Meanwhile,   Gull,  Fresenius,  and  WP&Co.  continued  discussions  with  other
interested  parties.  After  comparing the initial bids,  suggested  transaction
structures,  and  overall  compatibility  with Gull  offered by other  potential
partners,  Fresenius ultimately decided to negotiate a definitive agreement with

                  On July 2, 1998, at a Special Meeting of the Board,  Fresenius
informed the Gull Board that Fresenius was  negotiating the terms of a letter of
intent with  Meridian  providing  for a merger  between  Gull and  Meridian or a
subsidiary of Meridian at a merger price of $3.00 per share, in cash.

                   On July 13, 1998 Gull  issued a press  release  stating  that
Gull and Fresenius were in negotiations with an unnamed potential merger partner
for a cash  merger of Gull at $3.00 per share.  On July 27,  1998 Gull  issued a
press release announcing the execution of agreements in principle with Fresenius
and Meridian providing for a merger of Gull with Meridian for cash consideration
of $3.00 per share,  subject to the  execution  of a  definitive  agreement  and
various consents and approvals  including  receipt of a fairness opinion from an
investment bank selected by the independent committee of the Company.

                  Negotiations Regarding the Merger

                  At the  meeting on July 2, 1998 at which  Fresenius  disclosed
the  merger  negotiations  with  Meridian  to the Gull  Board,  the  Gull  Board
discussed  the  specific  terms  of the  transaction  with a  representative  of
Fresenius for an extended  period of time.  The Fresenius  representative  noted
that as of June 30, 1998 Fresenius had advanced approximately  $5,012,450 to the
Company  in the form of loans  and  payment  of  amounts  owed to the  Company's
vendors.  The Fresenius  representative  advised the Board that the terms of the
transaction being negotiated with Meridian would require that Fresenius continue
to finance the


Company's  operations  until  consummation of a merger.  He stated that although
Fresenius  was  willing to  continue  such  financing  to enable the  Company to
complete a merger,  Fresenius had made a strategic decision to withdraw from the
diagnostic  testing business,  and it was unlikely that Fresenius would continue
to finance  Gull to  continue  its  operations  in the  absence of a merger.  He
indicated  that  Fresenius  anticipated  signing the letter of intent within the
next 24 to 48 hours.

                  The Board then appointed a committee of independent directors,
Dr.  Myron  Wentz,  Peter  Gladkin,  and  Anne-Marie  Ricart  (the  "Independent
Committee") to review the  transaction  and assure that the transaction was fair
to all of the Shareholders.  The Fresenius representative stated that the letter
of intent would provide that the transaction must be approved unanimously by the
Independent Committee and would require that the Independent Committee receive a
fairness opinion from an investment banking firm. The Independent  Committee was
authorized to take all actions  necessary to perform its  designated  functions,
including engaging a reputable  investment banking firm and retention of counsel
to represent the interests of the minority  Shareholders  in the  negotiation of
the  transaction.   In  connection  with  the  appointment  of  the  Independent
Committee, Fresenius AG entered into indemnification agreements with each member
of the  Independent  Committee.  Dr.  Wentz was  appointed  as  chairman  of the
Independent Committee.

                  Copies  of  the  letter  of  intent  were  distributed  to the
directors, each of whom reviewed the letter of intent and provided comments.

                  At a  regular  board  meeting  held on July  9,  1998,  Gull's
president,  Dr. Silke  Humberg,  reported that Fresenius and Meridian had signed
the  letter of intent on July 7, 1998 and that Gull had  received  the first due
diligence  request from Meridian.  She also reported that Fresenius and Meridian
were  scheduled to meet in Germany  during the week of July 20 to negotiate  the
terms of a merger agreement. It was understood by the Gull Board that Fresenius,
rather than Gull, would be the primary party conducting the merger  negotiations
with Meridian since Fresenius, as the Company's majority shareholder, would have
a major economic stake in the outcome of the negotiations and the  determinative
vote with  respect  to any  transaction.  It was also noted  that  unlike  other
shareholders,   Fresenius  would  effectively  retain  a  substantial  financial
interest in the company following the Merger because Meridian would require that
Fresenius provide the primary  indemnities and other financial  assurances under
the  Merger  Agreement.  However,  Gullis  directors,  through  the  Independent
Committee,  retained  control over approval of the outcome of the  negotiations.
Copies of drafts of the Merger  Agreement  were  provided  to each member of the
Independent Committee.  The members reviewed each draft and received advice from
Gull's legal counsel as to the terms and conditions of the Merger  Agreement and
other legal matters.

                  The Independent  Committee  solicited  indications of interest
from investment  banking firms.  After  carefully  reviewing and discussing each
proposal,  the Independent  Committee  selected Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors to
provide the fairness  opinion.  On July 23, 1998,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
began its evaluation of Gull for purposes of preparing the fairness opinion.

                  On August 7,  1998,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  issued its
opinion  to the  Independent  Committee  that the  Merger  was  fair to,  from a
financial  point of view, the public  Shareholders of Gull. At the time Houlihan
Valuation  Advisors delivered this opinion,  the Merger  Consideration was $3.00
per share.  A copy of the fairness  opinion was  delivered to each member of the
Independent Committee.


                  On August 12, 1998, the  Independent  Committee met to discuss
the fairness  opinion.  Each member had carefully  reviewed the fairness opinion
and a  thorough  and  exhaustive  discussion  was  had.  After  careful  and due
consideration and in reliance on the fairness opinion, the Independent Committee
unanimously  determined  that the terms of the  Merger  were fair to, and in the
best interests of, Gull's  Shareholders  and recommended  that the  Shareholders
approve and adopt the Merger Agreement and the Merger.

                  A Board  meeting was also held on August 12,  1998,  in which,
among other things, the Independent  Committee reported on its  recommendations.
The Board reviewed the status of the negotiations  and discussed  certain issues
in the  Merger  Agreement.  After  a  discussion  of the  recommendation  of the
Independent  Committee,  the Board unanimously  determined that the terms of the
Merger  were fair to, and in the best  interests  of,  Gull's  Shareholders  and
recommended that Gull's Shareholders  approve and adopt the Merger Agreement and
the Merger.

                  The negotiation of the Merger  Agreement  continued  following
the Company's board meeting,  with several drafts of the Merger  Agreement being
exchanged. Meridian continued its due diligence of the Company.

                  On August  13,  1998,  while  the  negotiation  of the  Merger
Agreement was pending,  the Company  extended the maturity date of its bank line
of credit and obtained  waivers of the Company's  failure to comply with certain
financial  covenants in its long-term debt with two of its banks. As a condition
to the banks' agreement to such extensions and waivers, Fresenius guaranteed the
Company's  obligations  to the banks.  The line of credit matures and Fresenius'
guarantees  terminate  upon the  earlier to occur of  November  15,  1998 or the
Closing of the Merger with one bank and upon the earlier to occur of December 1,
1998 or the closing of the Merger for the other bank.

                  On August 14,  1998,  the Company  filed its Form 10-Q for the
quarter  ended  June 30,  1998,  in which the  Company  reported  a larger  than
anticipated  loss,  primarily as a result of decreased  gross profit  margins in
Gull's European  business and significant  severance  payments and other charges
resulting from the termination of two Gull senior executives.  See "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in the
Company's Form 10-Q delivered to the Shareholders with this Proxy Statement.

                  Subsequent to Gull's  release of its second  quarter  results,
Meridian   expressed  concern  to  Fresenius  that  the   then-proposed   Merger
Consideration  of $3.00 per share was excessive in light of the Company's second
quarter results and Meridian's view of the Company's  prospects.  At Fresenius's
request,  Gull  prepared  an analysis of the  fluctuations  in its gross  profit
margins for the first six months of 1998,  including Gull's  assessment of which
factors affecting gross margins appeared to be one-time events and which factors
appeared to be likely to have continuing impact. Gull also provided Meridian the
five-year  forecast  that had been  provided to Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors in
connection  with  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors'  preparation  of  its  original
fairness  opinion.  At a meeting of the board of directors  of Meridian  held on
August 26, 1998,  Meridian  determined that after reviewing the Company's second
quarter  results,  and the  additional  information  provided to Meridian by the
Company,  as well as  additional  information  obtained  by  Meridian in its due
diligence  investigation,  Meridian was  unwilling to consummate a merger at the
previously discussed merger price of $3.00 per share. Meridian communicated that
determination  to  Fresenius.  On August 28, 1998,  Gull issued a press  release
announcing   that   Meridian   was   unwilling   to   effect  a  merger  at  the
previously-announced  price of $3.00  per  share,  but that  Meridian  was still
committed to a merger with Gull and was continuing


to negotiate  with  Fresenius and Gull. On August 28, 1998, the closing price of
the Common Stock was $2.375 per share.

                  In their discussions, Meridian advised Fresenius that while it
continued  to believe  that a merger with Gull was in the best  interest of both
Gull and Meridian, the Meridian board had limited the merger consideration to be
offered to $2.00 per share.  Fresenius advised Meridian that Fresenius  believed
that price to be inadequate, and the parties continued to negotiate the terms of
a definitive merger agreement, other than the price. Representatives of Gull and
Fresenius  traveled  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio on the  weekend  of  August  29-30 to
negotiate in person. In those meetings,  Meridian provided to Fresenius and Gull
Meridian's  own financial  analysis for the Merger.  Meridian also reviewed with
Fresenius and Gull its analysis of Gull's year-to-date  results for 1998 and how
Gull's lower-  than-anticipated  results had adversely  impacted the assumptions
underlying Meridian's merger analysis.  Representatives of Gull, Fresenius,  and
Meridian  continued to negotiate and on September 1, 1998,  Meridian revised the
proposed  Merger  Consideration  to $2.25  per  share.  On  September  2,  1998,
Fresenius accepted Meridian's offer of $2.25 per share, subject to the unanimous
approval of the Gull Independent  Committee,  receipt of a fairness opinion with
respect to the Merger, and completion of the definitive Merger Agreement.

                  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  delivered  an updated  fairness
opinion on September  2, 1998 that the revised  Merger was fair from a financial
point of view, the public  Shareholders of Gull. A copy of the fairness  opinion
was delivered to each member of the Independent Committee.

                  On September 3, 1998, the Independent Committee met to discuss
the revised  offer and the  fairness  opinion.  Each  member of the  Independent
Committee had carefully reviewed the fairness opinion. The Independent Committee
discussed the revised offer,  the reasons for the revised offer,  the results of
operations and financial condition of the Company, and the fairness opinion. The
Independent  Committee  determined  that prior to voting on the  revised  Merger
terms, it would be appropriate to conduct direct discussions with Fresenius. The
Independent  Committee  met with  representatives  of Fresenius  and Gull in the
afternoon of September 3. In that  meeting,  the  Committee  discussed in detail
with Fresenius the  negotiations  with  Meridian,  including  whether  Fresenius
believed  a higher  price  could be  obtained  from  Meridian.  The  Independent
Committee also  discussed  with Fresenius the activities of WP&Co.  on behalf of
Fresenius and Fresenius's belief as to the likelihood that another company would
be  willing  to  acquire  Gull at a higher  price.  Fresenius  confirmed  to the
Independent  Committee that the Meridian  proposal was the best available offer.
The Independent Committee also inquired as to Fresenius's and Gull's outlook for
the Company's  prospects in the event the Company did not consummate a merger or
similar  transaction  with  Meridian  or any  other  party.  Fresenius  and Gull
responded that they believed that Gull would need a significant capital infusion
to continue in its operations as currently  conducted.  Fresenius indicated that
it had agreed to finance  Gull until  December 31, 1998 in order to avoid a bank
default and to facilitate a merger or similar  transaction  but was unwilling to
provide any additional  financing after that date.  After  consideration  of its
discussions with Fresenius and after careful and exhaustive consideration and in
reliance  on  the  fairness  opinion,  the  Independent   Committee  unanimously
determined  that the  revised  terms of the Merger were fair to, and in the best
interests of, Gull's Shareholders and recommended that the Shareholders  approve
and adopt the Merger Agreement and the Merger.

                  A board  meeting was also held on September 3, 1998, in which,
among other things, the Independent  Committee reported on its  recommendations.
The board  received a status  report on the Merger  Agreement  and discussed the
revised  offer and the  recommendation  of the  Independent  Committee.  After a
thorough discussion of the


recommendation of the Independent  Committee,  the board unanimously  determined
that the terms of the Merger were fair to, and in the best  interests of, Gull's
Shareholders  and  recommended  that Gull's  Shareholders  approve the adopt the
Merger Agreement and the Merger.

                  Following this Board meeting,  representatives of the Company,
Fresenius and Meridian  continued to negotiate  terms of the  definitive  Merger
Agreement. Negotiations and Meridian's due diligence continued through September
15, 1998. These  negotiations  primarily  involved certain matters  disclosed by
Meridian's  due  diligence  and related  indemnities  requested by Meridian from
Fresenius and, for the reasons  described  above,  were  conducted  primarily by
Fresenius. Houlihan Valuation Advisors delivered a revised fairness opinion with
respect to the Merger, reflecting their review of drafts of the Merger Agreement
and other matters through  September 15, 1998. The definitive  Merger  Agreement
was signed on September 15, 1998.

                  Recommendation of the Board of Directors; the
                  Company's Purpose and Reasons for and Belief
                  as to the Fairness of the Merger

                  A.     Recommendation

                  The   Independent   Committee  and  the  Board  of  Gull  have
considered  the terms and  structure of the Merger,  have reviewed the financial
and  legal  aspects  of the  Merger  with  financial  and legal  advisors,  have
considered the financial and operational  considerations  related to the Merger,
and  believe  that the  Merger  is fair to and in the best  interest  of  Gull's
Shareholders  and recommend that  Shareholders  vote for the proposal to approve
the Merger Agreement.  Ms. Ricart, the only director to own any shares of Common
Stock on the Record  Date,  has advised Gull that she intends to vote her shares
in favor of the  adoption  of the Merger  Agreement  at the  Special  Meeting of
Shareholders.  She owns 852,155 shares.

                  B.     The Company's Purpose and Reasons for
                         the Merger and the Timing of the Merger

                  The Company's  purpose and reason for the Merger are to permit
the Shareholders to receive a price for their shares believed by the Board to be
the best available price.  Gull has been relying on loans from Fresenius to fund
its  operations.  Gull has also had to utilize other credit support  provided by
Fresenius,  including  guarantees  of Gull's  bank line of credit and  long-term
debt.  Fresenius  has made a strategic  decision to focus on health care markets
other than the  diagnostic  testing  market and, if the Merger is not  completed
does not intend to continue to finance Gull's operations.  Without the loans and
other credit support from  Fresenius,  Gull could not continue its operations at
current  levels and would be required to reduce the extent of its  operations in
order  to  avoid  the  necessity  to seek  relief  under  Federal  and  European
bankruptcy   laws.  The  anticipated   reductions  in  funds  for  research  and
development in the event of continued  operations without support from Fresenius
would  seriously  hinder  Gull's  ability to retain  qualified  employees and to
develop new technologies and products for the market.  Competition has increased
and  governmentally  mandated health care cost containment  measures have become
more  prevalent,  emphasizing  the  importance of new  products.  The Board also
believes that Gull's access to additional  capital will be severely  restricted,
making  continued  operations more and more difficult.  The timing of the Merger
has been  determined  by the time  required to review  various  alternatives  to
enhance shareholder


value for Gull, to solicit  indications  from persons who might be interested in
acquiring  Gull, to negotiate the terms of the Merger  Agreement,  and to obtain
the requisite Shareholders and other approvals.

                  C.     Fairness

                  After  considering  all of the factors  described  below,  the
Board and the Independent  Committee  determined that the Merger was fair to and
in the best  interest  of Gull's  Shareholders  who  would  receive  the  Merger

                  D.     Market Test

                  WP&Co.  conducted extensive testing of the market to determine
whether there were buyers for Gull.  For a description  of the efforts of WP&Co.
on behalf of  Fresenius,  see  "SPECIAL  FACTORS  --  Background  of Merger  and
Fresenius'   Decision  to  Divest  its   Interests   in  Gull."   Based  on  the
market-testing  activities conducted by WP&Co., Fresenius has informed the Board
and the Independent Committee that Fresenius believes that the Merger represents
the best transaction that would be available for Gull in the foreseeable future.
The Board,  the  Independent  Committee  and Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  have
reviewed the activities of WP&Co.  and the Board and the  Independent  Committee
believe the market test was conducted fairly and thoroughly. The marketplace was
aware that  Fresenius  and Gull would be  receptive  to offers for more than ten
months prior to the execution of the Merger  Agreement,  and Fresenius,  through
WP&Co., initially provided information to thirty (30) potential partners for the
Company.   Fourteen  of  such  companies  executed  confidentiality   agreements
entitling  them to receive  additional,  non-public  information  concerning the
Company,  and six  companies  conducted  on-site  visits and met  members of the
Company's management.  Subsequent to the public announcement of the negotiations
with Meridian,  Fresenius and the Company received  indications of interest from
parties in addition to Meridian. None of such indications of interest included a
definitive  acquisition  proposal  and all were  conditioned  on the  conduct of
extensive due diligence by the parties indicating an interest. After considering
the indications of interest and taking into account:  (i) the time that would be
required for such parties to conduct due diligence;  (ii) the  uncertainty as to
whether any of such parties would  ultimately  present a proposal to the Company
and, if presented,  whether any such  proposal  would be superior to the Merger;
(iii) the erosion of the Company's gross margins,  as discussed in the Company's
Annual  Report on Form 10-K for 1997 and its  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for
the six  months  ended  June 30,  1998,  each of which  accompanies  this  Proxy
Statement,  and other indicia of the  deterioration  of the Company's  financial
condition,  (iv) the  unfavorable  prospects for the Company  without  continued
financial support from Fresenius;  and (v) the other factors discussed herein in
support of the Board's  recommendation,  the Independent Committee and the Board
concluded  that  the  Merger  represents  the best  opportunity  to  complete  a
transaction at a price that is fair to the Shareholders of the Company.

                  E.     Liquidation Value

                  The   Independent   Committee  did  not  believe  that  Gull's
Shareholders   would   receive  an  amount  per  share   exceeding   the  Merger
Consideration if Gull were liquidated. The Independent Committee determined that
liquidation  would be less  favorable  to Gull's  Shareholders  than the  Merger
Consideration because of taxes that would be payable at the Company level before
distributions  to  Shareholders  could be paid and the fact  that the  Company's
assets were not separately as valuable as the Company as a going concern.


                  F.     Status Quo

                  The  Independent  Committee  considered  continuing to operate
Gull without any specific  transaction and determined that a transaction for the
Merger  Consideration was advisable.  The medical diagnostic market is extremely
competitive  and  without  a  significant  infusion  of  cash,  the  Independent
Committee  does not believe Gull can continue  operations at present  levels for
the long  term.  Gull  does not  presently  have any  commitments  for or likely
sources of any such cash infusion, as a result of which its continued operations
would require significant reductions in Gull's operations,  including reductions
in research and development, without any assurance that such restructuring would
eventually produce a return to profitable operations.

                  G.     Fairness Opinion

                  On September 15, 1998 Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  delivered
its opinion to the effect that, as of the date of such  opinion,  the Merger was
fair,  from a financial  point of view,  to the Company's  public  shareholders.
Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors'  confirmation  of the opinion at the closing is a
condition to the closing of the Merger.

                  The Independent  Committee and the Board of Directors have not
assigned relative weights to the factors described above.

                  Opinion of Financial Advisor Delivered in
                  Connection with the Merger Agreement

                  The full text of the  opinion of Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
dated  September 15, 1998,  which sets forth the  assumptions  made,  procedures
followed,  matters  considered  and  limitations  on the review  undertaken,  is
attached as Appendix B to this Proxy Statement.  Houlihan Valuation Advisors has
consented to the inclusion of the opinion in this Proxy Statement.  Shareholders
of the Company are urged to read such  opinion  carefully in its  entirety.  The
summary  of the  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  opinion  set forth in this Proxy
Statement  is  qualified  in its  entirety by  reference to the full text of the

                  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors has delivered to the Independent
Committee its written  opinion to the effect that, as of September 15, 1998, and
based on its review and assumptions  and subject to the  limitations  summarized
below,  that the  Merger is fair from a  financial  point of view to the  public
shareholders of Gull.

                  The  complete  text of the opinion,  which sets forth  certain
assumptions  made,  factors  considered  and limits on the review  undertaken by
Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors is attached to this Proxy  Statement as Appendix B
and is incorporated herein by reference. The summary of the opinion set forth in
this Proxy  Statement is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text
of the  opinion.  The  Company's  Shareholders  are urged to read  such  opinion
carefully and in its entirety.  The opinion of Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors was
directed to the Company's  Independent  Committee in connection with and for the
purpose  of  their   evaluation  of  the  Merger  and  does  not   constitute  a
recommendation  to the Board of  Directors  with  respect to the approval of the
Merger nor does it constitute a recommendation to any Shareholder of the Company
as to how such Shareholder should vote with respect to the Merger.

                  In  arriving  at  its  opinion,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
completed, among other things:


                  (a) Reviewed the draft Merger Agreement among Gull,  Meridian,
Fresenius and Acquisition, revised as of September 15, 1998;

                  (b)  Reviewed  the  annual  reports  of Gull for the  years of

                  (c) Reviewed the Proxy  Statement for the 1997 Annual  Meeting
of Shareholders of Gull;

                  (d)  Reviewed  various  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission
filings of Gull,  including  Forms 10-K for years  ended  December  31, 1996 and
1997, Forms 10-Q for Gull for quarters ended June 10, 1996,  September 30, 1996,
March 31, 1997, June 30, 1997,  September 30, 1997, March 31, 1998, and June 30,

                  (e) Reviewed Gull's  unaudited draft financial  statements for
the three months ending June 30, 1998;

                  (f) Reviewed Gull's projected income statements for continuing
operations for calendar years ending December 31, 1998 through 2003;

                  (g) Reviewed the reported  market prices and trading  activity
for Gull Common Stock for the period of January 1996 through July 1998;

                  (h) Reviewed  transaction  premium  data  prepared by Houlihan
Lokey Howard & Zukin as presented in Mergerstat Review 1998;

                  (i) Discussed the financial condition,  results of operations,
business and prospects of Gull with Company management;

                  (j) Compared the results of operations and financial condition
of Gull with those of certain other  publicly-traded  medical diagnostic product
firms that Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  deemed to be reasonably  comparable to
Gull; and

                  (k) Reviewed Company product information and the status of new
product development.

                  In addition to a review of the above-described  documents, the
following analytical procedures were conducted by Houlihan Valuation Advisors in
arriving at the fairness opinion:

                  (a) Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors met with  representatives of
the Company at the Company's  headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah and conducted
discussions  regarding  matters  pertinent to its analysis.  Inquiries were made
with  certain  officers  of the  Company  who  have  senior  responsibility  for
operating matters regarding:  (i) the operations,  financial  condition,  future
prospects and projected operations and performance of the Company;  (ii) whether
management  is aware of any events or  conditions  which  might cause any of the
assumptions set forth in the fairness opinion to be incorrect; and (iii) whether
management is aware of any material  change in the Company's  assets,  financial
condition  or business  outlook  since June 30, 1998 (the date of the  Company's
most recent unaudited financial statement;


                  (b) Certain financial  forecasts and accompanying  assumptions
prepared by Company  management for the calendar years ending  December 31, 1998
through  December 31, 2003 were reviewed,  and the  assumptions  underlying such
forecasts were discussed with Company management;

                  (c)  Generally  recognized  financial  analysis and  valuation
procedures were  undertaken to ascertain the financial  condition of the Company
as well as to estimate its fair market value;

                  (d)  Discussed  valuation of the  Company,  efforts to solicit
bids, and negotiations  regarding offering price with representatives of WP&Co.,
investment  bankers  retained by Fresenius  to advise  Fresenius as to strategic
alternatives regarding the Company; and

                  (e)  Performed  such other  analyses and reviewed and analyzed
such other information as it deemed appropriate.

                  In connection with its opinion,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
neither  attempted  independently to verify nor assumed any  responsibility  for
independent  verification of any information  publicly  available or supplied or
otherwise  made  available  to it regarding  the Company and Houlihan  Valuation
Advisors assumed and relied on such  information  being accurate and complete in
all respects.  Houlihan Valuation Advisors has not made or obtained,  or assumed
any  responsibility  for making or  obtaining,  any  independent  evaluation  or
appraisal of the assets or liabilities  (contingent or otherwise) of the Company
other than  evaluations of Gull's  headquarters  in Salt Lake City, Utah nor has
Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  been  furnished  with  any  such  evaluations  or
appraisals. With respect to the financial projections of the Company referred to
above,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  assumed  that they  have been  reasonably
prepared on bases  reflecting the best available  estimates and judgments of the
management of the Company as to the future financial  performance of the Company
and  that the  Company  will  perform  substantially  in  accordance  with  such
projections.  Houlihan Valuation Advisors is unaware of and has not received any
information  which would lead it to believe that it was  unreasonable to utilize
the  aforementioned  projections as part of its analysis related to the opinion.
Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors,   however,  assumes  no  responsibility  for  and
expresses no view as to such forecasts or the assumptions  under which they were

                  Houlihan Valuation Advisors has assumed that there has been no
material change in Gull's assets,  financial  condition,  results of operations,
business  or  prospects  since  June  30,  1998.  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors'
conclusions  and opinion are necessarily  based upon economic,  market and other
conditions and the information made available to Houlihan  Valuation Advisors as
of the date of this opinion. Houlihan Valuation Advisors expresses no opinion on
matters of legal, regulatory, tax or accounting nature related to the Merger.

                  Houlihan Valuation Advisors has not been requested to, and did
not solicit, third party indications of interest in acquiring all or any part of
the Common Stock of the Company. Furthermore, it has not negotiated the terms of
the Merger  nor  advised  Gull with  respect  to  alternatives  to it, at Gull's

                  The summary set forth in this section does not purport to be a
complete description of the analyses performed by Houlihan Valuation Advisors in
arriving at its  opinion.  The  preparation  of a fairness  opinion is a complex
process that involves  various  determinations  as to the most  appropriate  and
relevant methods of financial and


comparative  analysis and the  application  of those  methods to the  particular
circumstances  and,  therefore,  such an opinion is not readily  susceptible  to
partial analysis or summary  description.  In arriving at its opinion,  Houlihan
Valuation  Advisors  considered  the results of all  analyses  taken as a whole.
Furthermore,  in arriving at its opinion,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors did not
attribute any particular  weight to any analysis or factor considered by it, but
rather made its  determination  on the basis of qualitative  judgments as to the
significance  and  relevance  of each  analysis  and  factor  taken  as a whole.
Accordingly,  Houlihan Valuation Advisors believes that considering any portions
of such analyses and the factors  considered,  without  considering all analyses
and  factors,  could  create a  misleading  or  incomplete  view of the  process
underlying its opinion.  With respect to the comparable  publicly traded company
analysis and comparable transaction analysis summarized below, no public company
or  transaction  utilized as a comparison  is identical to the Company or to the
Merger  and  such  analyses  necessarily  involve  complex   considerations  and
judgments concerning the differences in financial and operating  characteristics
of the companies and other  factors and could affect the  acquisition  or public
trading values of the companies concerned.  In its analyses,  Houlihan Valuation
Advisors made numerous assumptions with respect to industry performance, general
business,  economic,  market and financial conditions and other matters, many of
which are beyond the  control of the Company  and  involve  the  application  of
complex  methodologies  and judgments.  Any estimates and financial  projections
used in  these  analyses  are  inherently  uncertain  and  are,  therefore,  not
necessarily  indicative  of actual  value or  predictive  of future  results  or
values, which may be significantly more or less favorable than suggested by such
analyses.  Accordingly,   because  such  estimates  are  inherently  subject  to
uncertainty,  being based on numerous  factors and events  beyond the control of
the Company or Houlihan Valuation Advisors,  Houlihan Valuation Advisors assumes
no  responsibility  for their  accuracy.  The analyses were prepared  solely for
purposes of Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors providing its opinion to the Company's
Board of  Directors  and the  Independent  Committee  and do not  purport  to be
appraisals  or to  reflect  the  prices at which the  businesses  or  securities
actually may be sold. As described above,  Houlihan Valuation  Advisors' opinion
to the Company's  Board of Directors  was one of many factors  considered by the
Company's  Board of  Directors  and the  Independent  Committee  in making their
determination  to approve  the  Merger.  Although  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
evaluated  the  fairness  of  the  Merger,  the  actual  amount  of  the  Merger
Consideration was determined by negotiations between the Company,  Fresenius and
Meridian.  Houlihan Valuation Advisors neither determined nor recommended to the
Independent Committee the amount of the Merger Consideration.

                  The  following  is a summary  of the  material  financial  and
comparative analyses performed by Houlihan Valuation Advisors in arriving at its
fairness opinion.

                  A.     Analysis of Market Multiples of
                         Selected Comparable Public Companies

                  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors examined Gull's market valuation
as compared to the  valuation in the public  market of other  selected  publicly
traded  medical  diagnostic  product  companies,   Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
compared certain financial information relating to Gull to certain corresponding
information  from a group ("Sample  Group") of seven (7) publicly traded medical
diagnostic  product  companies  (consisting  of  Biopool  International,   Inc.;
Diagnostic  Products  Corporation;  Gamma  Biologicals,  Inc.; Hycor Biomedical,
Inc.; Immucor, Inc.; Meridian Diagnostics,  Inc.; and Quidel Corporation).  Such
financial  information  included,  among other things common  equity  valuation,
capitalization ratios, operating performance, and ratios of common equity prices
per share to earnings, sales and book value per share. The financial information
used in connection with the


multiples  with  respect  to Gull and the  Sample  Group was based on the latest
reported   twelve  (12)  month  period  as  derived  from   publicly   available

                  Houlihan Valuation Advisors compared financial  information of
the  Sample  Group  based on  public  market  valuation  with the  corresponding
financial  multiples  for the  Merger  based on the Merger  Consideration  to be
received of $2.25 per share.  The  analysis  was based on Gull's  reported  book
value as of June 30, 1998 (the latest  available  financial  information for the
Company) and trailing twelve (12) month period ended June 30, 1998.

                  Application    of   price   to    earnings    and   price   to
earnings-before-interest-and-  taxes  ("EBIT")  multiples  to  Gull's  financial
results was not  meaningful.  For the  trailing  twelve (12) month  period,  the
Company had a loss of $2.8  million  (13.7% of sales)  compared to the  industry
median net margin of $1.9 million  (5.2%) of sales.  The Company's EBIT was also
negative for the trailing twelve (12) month period.

                  Based on a  proposed  transaction  price of $2.25  per  share,
Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  determined that Gull's price to sales multiple of
 .09 times is lower than the Sample Group median of 1.5 times. However,  Houlihan
Valuation  Advisors noted that all of the Sample Group companies  except one had
positive  net  income,  with a  median  net  income  of 5% of  sales.  With  the
elimination  of the one  company  in the  Sample  Group  that did not report net
income,  the median net income  for the Sample  Group of the  remaining  six (6)
companies was 6.1% of revenue.  It was also noted by Houlihan Valuation Advisors
that the Sample Group of companies  experienced an average  increase in sales of
11.1%  over the past  three (3) years  compared  to a decline  in sales for Gull
between  1995 and June 30, 1998.  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  state that when
compared to the Sample Group,  Gull's  declining sales and lack of profitability
justify a  significant  discount  from the price to revenue  ratio of the Sample
Group. The 40% discount represented by the difference between a price to revenue
ratio of 1.5 times for the  Sample  Group and .09 times for Gull  based on a per
share  sale  price  of  $2.25  is,  in  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors'  opinion,
reasonable.  It is noted that the one  company in the Sample  Group that did not
report  positive  earnings  had a price to revenue  multiple  of only 0.7 times,
indicating that the market significantly discounts the price to revenue ratio of
unprofitable  companies.  It was also noted by Houlihan  Valuation Advisors that
Gull does not project to be  profitable  until 1999,  with  profits in that year
projected to be only 1.3% of sales.  In addition,  Gull is projecting a decrease
in  sales  in 1998 of 5.8%  from  1997.  Both of  these  factors  would  further
substantiate  a substantial  discount of the price to revenue  multiple from the
Sample Group multiples applicable to Gull.

                  Gull's  price to book  multiple  of 5.2 based on the  proposed
$2.25 per share transaction price is substantially greater than the median price
to book  multiple for the Sample Group of 1.9 times.  Gull's equity as a percent
of total  assets is 19.3%  compared  to the median  equity as a percent of total
assets of the Sample Group of 75.2%.  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  stated that
Gull's financial risk is  substantially  greater than the Sample Group median by
virtue of its much greater leverage.

                  Houlihan   Valuation  Advisors  also  examined  Gull's  market
valuation as compared to the  valuation in the public  market of a broader range
of larger publicly traded companies in the medical  diagnostic product industry.
Houlihan Valuation Advisors compared certain financial  information  relating to
Gull to certain  corresponding  information from a group  ("Supplemental  Sample
Group")  of nine  (9)  publicly  traded  medical  diagnostic  product  companies
(consisting of Acuson Corporation;  Bio-Rad Laboratories,  Inc.; Coherent, Inc.;
Diagnostic Products Corporation;  Esterline Technologies;  Meridian Diagnostics,
Inc.; MTS Systems Corporation;  Quidel Corporation;  and Tektronis,  Inc.). Such


information   included,   among   other   things,   common   equity   valuation,
capitalization ratios, operating performance, and ratios of common equity prices
per share to earnings, sales and book value per share. The financial information
used in connection with the multiples with respect to Gull and the  Supplemental
Sample  Group was based on the  latest  reported  twelve  (12)  month  period as
derived from publicly available information.

                  Based on a  proposed  transaction  price of $2.25  per  share,
Gull's  price to sales  multiple  of 0.9 times was the same as the Sample  Group
median. All of the Supplemental  Sample Group companies had positive net income,
with a median net income  6.6% of sales  compared  to Gull's  substantial  loss.
Houlihan Valuation Advisors stated that although the proposed  transaction price
is representative  of a controlling  interest value compared to the Supplemental
Sample Group, which represents minority  interests,  Houlihan Valuation Advisors
noted that Gull is a substantially smaller company, generated substantial losses
in 1997 and the first half of 1998, and has  experienced  declines in sales over
the  past  three  and a half  (3  1/2)  years.  These  factors  indicate  that a
substantial  discount is applicable to Gull compared to the Supplemental  Sample
Group for valuation or comparable purposes (i.e., minority and/or control).

                  Gull's  price to book  multiple  of 5.2 based on the  proposed
$2.25 per share transaction price is substantially greater than the median price
to book multiple for the Supplemental Sample Group of 1.9 times. Gull's proposed
transaction   price  to  the  projected  1999  earnings   multiple  of  60.8  is
substantially  greater than the median of the Supplemental  Sample Group of 12.7
times  projected 1999  earnings.  Also,  Gull's  proposed  transaction  price to
projected  1999  EBIT  multiple  of  17.2  is  substantially  greater  than  the
Supplemental Sample Group price to projected 1999 EBIT median multiple of 9.8.

                  Houlihan Valuation  Advisors' analysis of selected  comparable
company  multiples  indicates that the proposed  transaction  price of $2.25 per
share for the Common Stock of Gull is fair from a financial point of view to the
minority shareholders of Gull.

                  B.     Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

                  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors performed a discounted cash flow
analysis for Gull. The discounted  cash flow approach values a business based on
the current  value of the future cash flow that the business  will generate plus
the estimated  value of the business at some future date. To establish a current
value under this approach, future cash flow must be estimated and an appropriate
discount  rate  determined.   Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  used  estimates  of
projected financial  performance for Gull for the years ending December 31, 1998
through 2003 prepared by Gull management. Management's projections were prepared
assuming that Gull was a stand-alone entity,  reliant upon internally  generated
cash flow to fund its  on-going  activities.  Management  also  assumed that the
current bank debt of the Company  would be  refinanced on terms that would allow
the Company to continue as an  economically  viable entity.  Houlihan  Valuation
Advisors  aggregated  the present value of the leveraged cash flows through 2003
with the present value of the terminal  value.  The terminal  value was computed
based on  projected  net income in the calendar  year 2004,  to which a terminal
capitalization  rate was applied.  Houlihan Valuation Advisors  discounted these
cash  flows  using a variety of  discount  rates to reflect  both  minority  and
controlling  interest  required  rates of return.  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
arrived at such discount and  capitalization  rates based on its judgment of the
estimated  cost of equity  capital  of Gull,  which  included  consideration  of
historical rates of return for publicly held common stock, risks inherent in the
industry and specific risks  associated  with the  continuing  operations of the
Company on a  stand-along  basis.  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  noted that its
analysis, which was based on projections


prepared by Company management, indicated a value estimate in the range of $1.73
per share on a minority interest basis as of July 31, 1998.

                  C.     Selected Comparable Transactions Analysis

                  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors reviewed eight (8) recent merger
and acquisition transactions occurring since 1988 involving diagnostic companies
considered by Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors to be  reasonably  comparable to the
Company  and  for  which  information  was  publicly  available.  The  following
transactions were included by Houlihan Valuation Advisors in the analysis:  Imes
Medical   Systems,   Inc./Thermo   Electron  Corp.;   Nellcor  Puritan  Bennett,
Inc./Mallinckrodt,  Inc.; Fiat SpA (INCSTAR  Corp.)/American Standard Cos. Inc.;
Medex,  Inc./Furon  Co.;  Ventrex  Laboratories,  Inc./Hycor  Biomedical,  Inc.;
Bioteck Research  Laboratories/Cambridge  BioScience Corp.;  INCSTAR  Corp./Fiat
SpA;  and  Electro  Nucleonics,  Inc/Pharmacia  AB.  For each of the  comparable
transactions,  Houlihan Valuation Advisors calculated, among other things, total
transaction  value as a multiple  of sales,  book value and  earnings;  analyzed
premiums paid for acquisition of controlling  interests over the market price of
minority interests prior to the announcement of the sale of the subject company;
analyzed those  transactions  of companies in the comparable  transaction  group
that  were  unprofitable  at the  time  of the  transaction;  and  adjusted  the
indicated transaction multiples for valuation on a minority interest basis.

                  On a  controlling  interest  basis,  multiples of  transaction
price to revenue  ranged from 0.8 times to 2.45 times with median  multiples  of
transaction  price to revenue  ranging from 1.58 times for all  companies in the
comparable  group  to 0.94  times  for  unprofitable  companies.  On a  minority
interest basis, the median  transaction price to revenue multiple was 1.15 times
for all  companies of the  comparable  group and 0.8 times for the  unprofitable
segment of the comparable group.

                  On a  controlling  interest  basis,  multiples of  transaction
price to book value ranged from 1.0 times to 8.2 times for all  companies in the
comparable  group with median  multiples of  transaction  price to book value of
2.56  times  for all  companies  in the  comparable  group and 2.3 times for the
unprofitable  segment of the group.  On a minority  interest  basis,  the median
transaction  price to book value was 1.86 times for all  companies  in the group
and 1.97 times for the unprofitable companies in the comparable group.

                  The  multiples  derived  from this  analysis  were  applied to
similar  financial  data for the Company to determine a range of implied  equity
values  for  Gull on both a  controlling  and a  minority  interest  basis.  The
analysis of comparable transactions yielded a range of implied equity values for
the Company of $6.4  million to $23.62  million or from $0.80 per share to $2.95
per share on a minority  interest  basis,  based on 8,016,012  shares issued and
outstanding as of the date of the Opinion. The indicated minority interest value
of Gull based on the price to revenue  multiple  derived  from the  unprofitable
companies  in the  sample  group was $2.06 per  share.  The  indicated  minority
interest  value of Gull  based on the price to book  multiple  derived  from the
unprofitable companies in the sample group was $0.86 per share.

                  Houlihan Valuation Advisors noted,  however,  that the reasons
for and the circumstances  surrounding the comparable transactions were specific
to each transaction.  Because of the inherent  differences between the business,
operations  and  prospects  of the Company and the  businesses,  operations  and
prospects of the companies in the comparable  transactions group, it is Houlihan
Valuation  Advisors'  opinion  that it was  inappropriate  to rely solely on the
quantitative results on the analysis.  Accordingly,  Houlihan Valuation Advisors
also made qualitative judgments concerning differences


between the  characteristics of the comparable  transactions and the Merger that
would affect the acquisition values of the Company and such acquired  companies.
As  previously  discussed,   Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  stated  that  Gull's
declining  sales,  financial risk, and substantial  operating losses warrant the
application of significant discounts to comparable company multiples.

                  D.     Comparison of Gull's Financial
                         Performance with the Industry

                  To help Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors better understand Gull's
1997  performance,  Gull's  record was compared  with the average  experience of
other medical diagnostic product companies. Houlihan Valuation Advisors included
data for the  following  companies  ("Sample  Group") in its  analysis:  Biopool
International,  Inc.; Diagnostic Products Corporation;  Gamma Biologicals, Inc.;
Hycor Biomedical,  Inc.; Immucor,  Inc.; Meridian Diagnostics,  Inc.; and Quidel
Corporation.  Although the  activities  of the companies in the Sample Group may
not be  totally  consistent  with  those of Gull,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors
considered  the  information to be  representative  of firms engaged in the same
types of  activities  as the Company.  As such,  the data  provided a reasonable
backdrop for a comparative analysis of the Company's performance.

                  Gull is a  somewhat  smaller  company  than the  median of the
Sample  Group with last twelve (12) month  sales $20.5  million  compared to the
median of $36.3  million  for the  Sample  Group.  Between  1995 and 1997,  Gull
experienced  a decline in sales of 9.1% on an annual basis  compared to a median
increase in sales over the period for the Sample Group of 11.1% annually.

                  Median net income  for the  Sample  Group for the last  twelve
(12)  month  period  was $1.9  million  compared  to a net loss for Gull of $2.8
million (or a net loss of approximately $1.3 million after adjustments for costs
associated with the acquisition of Fresenius Diagnostics). Median net margin for
the Sample Group for the last twelve (12) months was 5.3%  compared to a loss as
a percent of sales for Gull of 13.7%.

                  Based  on  a  Merger   price  of  $2.25  per   share,   Gull's
price-to-revenue  multiple  was 0.9 times  compared  to the median of the Sample
Group of 1.5 times.  However,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  noted that the one
company in the Sample Group with negative  earnings had a price to revenue ratio
of only 0.7 times. Gull's price to book ratio was substantially  higher based on
a $2.25 Merger price than the median of the industry Sample Group (5.2 times vs.
1.9 times).

                  Gull's   costs,   as   measured   by   selling,   general  and
administrative  expenses as a percent of revenue, were significantly higher than
the industry Sample Group median (50.2% vs. 34.0%).  The Company's  research and
development costs as a percent of total revenues,  however,  were similar to the
median of the Sample Group (7.2% vs. 7.0%).

                  Gull's asset  turnover  ratios,  which measure the  efficiency
with which the assets of the firm are utilized,  were  somewhat  better than the
Sample Group median.  The  Company's  total asset  turnover  ratio was 1.1 times
compared  to the  Sample  Group  median of 0.8  times  and its net  fixed  asset
turnover  ratio was 4.6 times  compared to the Sample Group median of 3.7 times.
The Company's  receivable  turnover  ratio was also higher than the Sample Group
median (6.2) times vs. 4.1 times).


                  On an adjusted basis (net losses adjusted for costs associated
with the acquisition of Fresenius Diagnostics), Gull had a net loss as a percent
of sales of 2.8%  compared  to the Sample  Group  median  profit as a percent of
sales of 5.0%. Likewise,  Gull's loss as a percent of assets and equity was 4.0%
and 12.5% respectively, compared to the Sample Group median return on assets and
equity of 6.0% and 7.0%, respectively.

                  The  financial  risk  of  Gull  appeared  to be  substantially
greater than that of the Sample Group of companies.  The Company's liquidity, as
measured by the current and quick ratios was substantially  less than the median
of the  Sample  Group  (0.9  times and 0.3 times  vs.  3.6 times and 2.3  times,
respectively).  Gull is also substantially more leveraged than the median of the
Sample Group as measured by total debt to equity  (416.8% vs. 27.8%) and current
debt as a percent of equity (384.6% vs. 4.0%). The Company's  interest  coverage
ratio, on an adjusted basis,  was 0.1 times compared to the median of the Sample
Group of 6.4 times.

                  In summary,  Houlihan  Valuation Advisors stated Gull appeared
to represent a substantially  inferior  investment  opportunity  compared to the
median of the Sample Group companies.  Gull has experienced declining sales over
the past three and one-half (3 1/2) years  compared to a median annual  increase
in sales of the Sample  Group of  companies  of 11.1%.  Gull's  operations  have
generated a substantial  loss in 1997, with losses  continuing in the first half
of 1998. By contrast,  the Sample Group of companies generated median net income
as a percent  of sales of 5.3% for the last  twelve  (12) month  period.  Gull's
financial risk also appears to be  substantially  greater than the median of the
Sample Group of companies as measured by the current and quick ratios as well as
total  debt as a percent  of equity,  current  debt as a percent of equity,  and
interest coverage ratios.

                  E.     Analysis of Gull's Recent Stock Performance

                         1.    Public Market for Gull Common Stock

                  Commencing in May 1993,  the  Company's  common stock has been
traded on the  American  Stock  Exchange.  On  September  15,  1998,  there were
8,016,012 shares of Gull's common stock issued and outstanding. Of these shares,
Fresenius, the majority shareholder, owned approximately 62% as of that date.

                  Of the common shares issued and outstanding,  available market
data  indicate  that only  approximately  1.8 million  shares are  available for
trading. As a result, there has been a limited amount of trading activity in the
public market for the Company's  common stock.  In addition,  no cash  dividends
have been  paid on the  Company's  common  stock  and it is not  anticipated  by
management that dividends will be paid in the foreseeable future.

                         2.    Stock Performance Relative to S&P 
                               Composite Average

                  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  reviewed and analyzed the daily
closing per share market prices and trading  volume for Gull's common stock from
January 1996 to July 31, 1998.  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  also reviewed the
daily  closing per share  market  price of Gull common  stock and  compared  the
movement of such daily closing prices with the movement of the S&P 500 composite
average over the period from January 1996 through July 1998.  Houlihan Valuation
Advisors  noted that,  on a relative  basis,  Gull  performed  below the S&P 500
composite  average for most of 1996,  performed above the composite  average for
the first half of 1997,  performed on a relatively  similar basis to the S&P 500
composite for the second half of 1997 and the first quarter of 1998, and then


experienced a significant  drop in the second quarter of 1998,  performing  well
below the composite average.

                         3.    Stock Performance Relative to Gull Public
                               Announcement Regarding Technology and
                               Operating Results

                  Houlihan  Valuation Advisors reviewed and analyzed the trading
activity in Gull's  Common  Stock for the period  between  January 1996 and July
1998.  The analysis  indicated  that Gull's stock was thinly  traded  during the
period,  with less than 0.5% of the  issued  and  outstanding  stock  trading on
average  each week  during  the  January  1996 - July 1998  period.  Immediately
following the announcement of Gull's intention to acquire Fresenius Diagnostics,
trading volume  increased to 56,800 shares in the week of the  announcement  and
108,200 shares in the week immediately  following the announcement,  driving the
price of the stock from 65/8 to 121/8 in a two (2) week period.

                  On May 6, 1998,  the Company  announced a first  quarter  1998
operating  loss of $580,000.  For the period of January 1997 through April 1998,
average weekly trading volume of the Company's  stock was  approximately  23,000
shares.  Following  the  announcement  for the first  quarter 1998 loss,  weekly
volume  increased  to 63,800  shares in the week  ending  May 29 and to  240,900
shares in the week ending June 5. The stock  price  declined  from 9 1/4 for the
week ending May 8, 1998 to 3 3/4 for the week  ending June 5, 1998.  On July 13,
1998, the Company  announced an expected  second quarter loss and that it was in
discussions  for a cash merger at a price of $3.00 per share.  That week trading
volume was 86,300 shares and the stock price dipped to 27/8 per share.

                  In  summary,  most of the news about Gull in 1996 and 1997 was
positive.  Announcements  regarding  GeneSTAR(R) were relatively  frequent,  the
merger  with  Fresenius  Diagnostics  was  viewed  favorably  by the  investment
community,  and  earnings  were  positive.  In late  1997 and  early  1998,  the
performance  of the Company  faltered as a result of higher than expected  costs
associated with the  acquisition of Fresenius  Diagnostics,  declining  sales, a
substantial  loss for 1997, and continuing  substantial  losses in the first two
quarters of 1998.  The stock price held  reasonably  well despite the March 1998
announcement  of  1997  losses.   However,   following  the  announcement  of  a
substantial  loss  in the  first  quarter  of  1998,  downward  pressure  on the
Company's  stock price was evident,  with the price  declining to a low of 3 1/2
prior  to  the  announcement  of  expected  second  quarter  losses  and  merger

                  F.  Conclusion

                  Based on Houlihan Valuation Advisors evaluation of the various
information and materials it considered,  including the various  assumptions and
limitations set forth herein, and based upon such other matters as it considered
relevant,  Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  rendered  its  written  opinion to the
Independent Committee and Board of Directors of the Company that as of September
15, 1998, the date of such opinion,  the Merger is fair to the Company's  public
shareholders from a financial point of view. The Merger Agreement  provides that
it is a condition to the  obligations  of all parties to  consummate  the Merger
that Houlihan Valuation Advisors confirm that its opinion is still in full force
and effect as of the closing date.


                  Houlihan  Valuation   Advisors  is  a  nationally   recognized
investment banking firm and, as a customary part of its business,  is engaged in
the valuation of businesses and their  securities in connection with mergers and
acquisitions,  negotiated  underwritings,  private  placements and corporate and
other purposes.  The Company selected Houlihan  Valuation Advisors to act as its
financial advisor on the basis of its  qualifications,  reputation,  experience,
and expertise.

                  Pursuant to an engagement letter dated July 28, 1998,  between
the Company and Houlihan Valuation Advisors,  the Company agreed to pay Houlihan
Valuation  Advisors a fee of $44,000 for the  rendering of its  opinion,  all of
which has been paid. In addition,  the Company has agreed to reimburse  Houlihan
Valuation  Advisors for its reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses and to indemnify
Houlihan Valuation Advisors and its directors,  officers,  agents, employees and
controlling persons against certain liabilities arising out of its engagement as
financial advisor, including liabilities under the Federal securities laws.


                  As a result of the  Merger,  Gull will  become a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of  Meridian.  Current  Shareholders  of Gull will no longer own any
interest in Gull.  Such  Shareholders  will not share in any future  earnings or
growth of Gull.  The  Common  Stock  will no longer be traded on AMEX or another
securities exchange or registered under the Exchange Act. Gull will no longer be
subject to the reporting and other requirements of the Exchange Act.

                  Federal Income Tax Consequences

                  The discussion of federal tax  consequences set forth below is
directed primarily toward individual  taxpayers who are citizens or residents of
the United States.  However,  because of the complexities of federal,  state and
local income tax laws it is recommended that Gull's  Shareholders  consult their
own tax advisors concerning the federal, state and local tax consequences of the
Merger.  Persons who are trusts,  tax-exempt  entities,  corporations subject to
specialized  income tax rules (i.e.,  insurance  companies) or Non-United States
citizens or residents are  particularly  cautioned to consult their tax advisors
in considering the tax consequences of the Merger.

                  A.    General

                  The following is a summary of the material  federal income tax
consequences of the Merger to Gull and its  Shareholders.  This summary is based
upon the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder,  current administrative  interpretations and
court decisions. No assurance can be given that future legislation, regulations,
administrative  interpretations or court decisions will not significantly change
these  authorities,  possibly  with a retroactive  effect.  No rulings have been
requested or received  from the Internal  Revenue  Service (the "IRS") as to the
matters  discussed  herein  and  there is no  intent  to seek  any such  ruling.
Accordingly,  no assurance  can be given that the IRS will not challenge the tax
treatment of certain matters  discussed in this summary or, if it does challenge
the tax treatment, that it will not be successful.


                  B.    Federal Income Tax Consequences
                        to Meridian, Acquisition and Gull

                  The merger  into Gull,  with Gull  surviving  and with  Gull's
Shareholders  receiving  solely cash in the  transaction,  constitutes a taxable
reverse  subsidiary merger which will be treated for federal income tax purposes
as a direct purchase by Meridian of the Common Stock from Gull's Shareholders in
exchange for cash and as such the  transitory  existence of  Acquisition  as the
wholly-owned  subsidiary  will be  disregarded  for federal income tax purposes.
Because  Meridian will be treated as purchasing  the Common Stock  directly from
Gull's  Shareholders,  unless a Code  Section 338  election is made to treat the
purchase  by  Meridian of Gull's  Common  Stock as a purchase  of Gull's  assets
resulting  in a  stepped  up basis in  Gull's  assets,  no gain or loss  will be
recognized by Gull as a result of the Merger.  Further,  no gain or loss will be
recognized  by Meridian  upon the receipt of the shares of Gull's  Common  Stock
from Gull's  Shareholders  in exchange for cash.  The payment by Meridian of the
Merger  Consideration,  which will be  transferred to Gull's  Shareholders  upon
surrender  by them of  their  shares  of  Common  Stock,  will be  treated  as a
contribution  by Meridian to Gull's capital and as such  Meridian's tax basis in
the Common Stock will equal the amount of such capital contribution.

                  C.    Federal Income Tax Consequences to Gull's Shareholders

                  Consistent  with  the  analysis  described  in  the  preceding
paragraph,  a  Shareholder  of Gull  (other  than a  tax-exempt  trust  or other
tax-exempt organization which owns shares of Gull's Common Stock) will recognize
gain or loss as a result of the Merger,  measured by the difference between such
Shareholder's amount realized and its basis in the Common Stock.

                  For noncorporate Shareholders of Gull who hold Common Stock as
a capital  asset,  gain or loss  recognized  as a result of the  Merger  will be
treated as a capital gain or loss, provided that Gull is not treated for federal
income tax  purposes as a  "collapsible  corporation."  In the opinion of Gull's
management,  Gull  is not a  collapsible  corporation  for  federal  income  tax
purposes.  Under the current  provisions  in effect as of the date  hereof,  net
capital gains (i.e.,  the excess of net  long-term  capital gain for the taxable
year  over  net  short-term  capital  loss  for  such  year)  of  an  individual
Shareholder  will be taxed at a maximum rate of 20% in contrast to items taxable
as ordinary income which are subject to rates of up to 39.6%.

                  In the case of a  corporate  Shareholder,  capital  losses are
allowed  only to the  extent of  capital  gains.  In the case of a  noncorporate
Shareholder, capital losses are allowed only to the extent of capital gains plus
the lessor of: (i) $3,000 ($1,500 in the case of a married  individual  filing a
separate  return);  or (ii) the excess of losses over such gains.  Generally,  a
corporation  may carry its excess  capital  loss back three (3) years or forward
five (5) years, subject to certain limitations in the Code. Generally,  the case
of a  noncorporate  taxpayer,  excess  capital  losses  may be  carried  forward
indefinitely and used each year, subject to the $3,000 limitation ($1,500 in the
case of a  married  individual  filing a  separate  return),  until  the loss is

                  Accounting Treatment of the Merger

                  The Merger will be treated,  for financial statement purposes,
as a sale by Gull's Shareholders to Meridian for cash.  Accordingly,  no gain or
loss  will be  recognized  by Gull as a  result  of the  Merger.  As part of the
Merger, Fresenius will contribute an


obligation of Gull in the amount of DM  856,281.18  and certain other amounts to
Gull's capital. The Merger will be accounted for by Meridian as a purchase.

                  Regulatory Approvals

                  The Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements Act of 1976 and
the rules and  regulations  thereunder  (the "HSR Act"),  provide  that  certain
acquisitions  may  not  be  consummated  unless  certain  information  has  been
furnished to the Antitrust  Division of the United States  Department of Justice
and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  and  certain  waiting  periods  have  been
satisfied.  The Company is not required to make any filings under the HSR Act in
connection  with the Merger.  Fresenius and Meridian each filed  information and
materials with the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade  Commission  with
respect to the Merger on September __, 1998. Unless extended, the waiting period
under the HSR Act is scheduled to expire on October__,  1998. At any time before
or after  consummation  of the Merger,  the  Department of Justice,  the Federal
Trade Commission or some other person could seek to enjoin or rescind the Merger
on antitrust grounds.

                  There are no other  federal or state  regulatory  requirements
that must be  complied  with or  remaining  approvals  that must be  obtained in
connection with the Merger other than the approval of the Company's Shareholders
as required by the Utah Revised Business Corporation Act.

                  Expenses of the Merger

                  It is estimated  by the Company that the expenses  incurred by
the   Company   in   connection   with   the   Merger   will  be   approximately
$__________________  in the  aggregate.  See,  THE MERGER  AGREEMENT -- Fees and
Expenses." Such fees and expenses include the fees and expenses of the Company's
financial  advisors,  counsel to the  Independent  Committee and the expenses of
that Committee,  and the expenses  incurred in connection with the  preparation,
filing and distribution of this Proxy Statement.  Such fees and expenses will be
effectively  borne by Fresenius  pursuant to its agreement to bear reductions in
the Company's shareholders' equity subsequent to December 31, 1997.


                  As of the close of business on September  15,  1998,  Gull has
issued and  outstanding  8,016,012  shares of Common Stock,  par value $.001 per
share.  Each  share  is  entitled  to one vote on  matters  brought  before  the
Shareholders of Gull.  Shareholders  are not allowed to cumulate their shares in
voting for directors.

                  The following  table sets forth, as of September 15, 1998, the
name and share  holdings of any person known by the Company to be the beneficial
owner of more  than 5% of the  Company's  Common  Stock  and the name and  share
holdings of: (i) each  director of the Company and certain  specified  officers,
and (ii) all officers and directors of the Company as a group:


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

                                                            Amount and Nature of                   Percentage
                  Name/Address                           Beneficial Ownership (1, 2)              of Class (2)
Principal Shareholders:

   Fresenius AG                                                 4,930,693 (3)                          62%
   Else Kroner Strasse 1
   61346 Bad Homburg, Germany

   Anne-Marie Ricart                                              852,155                              11%
   La Grande Buissiere 25
   1380 Ohain

Officers, Directors:

   Myron W. Wentz                                                  10,000 (4)                           *
   c/o Gull Laboratories, Inc.
   1011 East Murray Holladay Road
   Salt Lake City, UT 84117

   Rainer Baule                                                       -0-                               *
   Fresenius AG
   Else Kroner Strasse 1
   61346 Bad Homburg, Germany

   Anne-Marie Ricart
   Director  (see above)

    Ulrich Wagner                                                     -0-                               *
   O'Melveny & Myers LLP
   153 East 53rd Street
   New York, NY 10022

   Peter Gladkin                                                      -0-                               *
   Apache Medical Systems
   1650 Tysons Boulevard, Suite 300
   McLean, VA 22102

   Silke Humberg                                                      -0-                               *
   Gull Laboratories, Inc.
   1011 East Murray Holladay Road
   Salt Lake City, UT 84117

   Andrew Taylor                                                    6,778                               *
   Vice President-Sales/Marketing
   Gull Laboratories, Inc.
   1011 East Murray Holladay Road
   Salt Lake City, UT 84117

   Lin Wu                                                             -0-                               *
   Vice President
   Gull Laboratories, Inc.
   1011 East Murray Holladay Road
   Salt Lake City, UT 84117

   John Turner                                                        -0-                               *
   Vice President
   Gull Laboratories, Inc.
   1011 East Murray Holladay Road
   Salt Lake City, UT 84117

   Fred Rachford                                                   30,217                               *   
   Vice President
   Gull Laboratories, Inc.
   1011 East Murray Holladay Road
   Salt Lake City, UT 84117

All officers and directors as a group
(13 persons) (5)                                               1,021,590                              13%


*    Less than 1%.

(1)  Except as provided  below,  each person  listed  exercises  sole voting and
     investment  power over the shares of common stock listed for such person in
     this table.

(2)  Number of shares and  percentages  include shares issuable upon exercise of
     all options to  purchase  common  stock  exercisable  within  sixty days of
     September   15,  1998  held  by  each   listed   person.   See   "Executive
     Compensation."  All  percentages  have been  rounded to the  nearest  whole
     percentage point.

(3)  The  share  capital  of  Fresenius  AG  consists  of  ordinary  shares  and
     non-voting preference shares ("Fresenius AG Ordinary Shares" and "Fresenius
     AG  Preference  Shares,"  respectively),  both of which are issued  only in
     bearer form.  Accordingly,  Fresenius AG has no way of determining  who its
     shareholders  are or how  many  shares  any  particular  shareholder  owns.
     However,  under the  German  Securities  Trading  Acts,  holders  of voting
     securities of a German  company listed on a stock exchange are obligated to
     notify the company of the level of their holding  whenever their holding or
     ordinary shares reaches or exceeds thresholds of 5%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 75%.
     In addition,  under the German Stock  Corporation  Law,  notification  to a
     company  is  required  upon  acquisition  of 25%  and  50%  of  the  voting
     securities of that company.

     The Dresdner Bank of AG has informed Fresenius AG that it owns 11.2% of the
     Fresenius AG Ordinary Shares, and the Else  Kroner-Fresenius-Stiftung  (the
     "Foundation")  has informed  Fresenius AG that it owns more than 50% of the
     Fresenius AG Ordinary  Shares.  The  Foundation  serves to promote  medical
     science,  primarily in the fields of research and  treatment of  illnesses,
     including the development of apparatuses and preparations,  e.g. artificial
     kidneys.  The  Foundation  may promote  only those  research  projects  the
     results of which will be generally accessible to the public. The Foundation
     further  serves  to  promote  the  education  of  physicians  or of  others
     concerned  with the  treatment and care of sick  persons,  primarily  those
     working in the field of  dialysis,  as well as to promote the  education of
     particularly  gifted pupils and students.  The administrative  board of the
     Foundation consists of Professor Dr. Volker Lang, Gauting, Mr. Hans Kroner,
     Professor Dr. Heinz H. Edel,  Munich and Dr. Manfred  Specker,  Blaubeuren.
     Pursuant to the terms of the will of the late Mrs. Else Kroner, under which
     the  Foundation  acquired  most  of its  shares,  Mrs.  Kroner's  executors
     exercise  voting  and  dispositive  power  over  the  shares  held  by  the
     Foundation.  The executors  under Mrs.  Kroner's will are Mr.  Kroner,  Dr.
     Schneider,  and Dr.  Alfred  Stiefenhofer.  Mr.  Kroner's  address is Dipl.
     Volkswirt Hans Kroner,  Postfach 1852,  61288 Bad Homburg v.d.H.,  Germany.
     Dr. Schneider's address is Werderstrasse 42, 68165 Mannheim,  Germany.  Dr.
     Stiefenhofer's  address is Postfach  101121,  80085  Munich,  Germany.  Mr.
     Kroner is the Honorary Chairman of the Fresenius AG Supervisory  Board. Dr.
     Schneider is a Chairman of the Fresenius AG Supervisory Board. In addition,
     on March 28, 1995, AW  Beteiligungs-GmbH  ("AW") informed Fresenius AG that
     it owns 9% of the  Fresenius  AG  Ordinary  Shares.  Pursuant  to a pooling
     agreement  relating  to the  shares  held by the  Foundation  and  AW,  the
     Foundation  has  voting  power  over the  shares  held by AW.  Accordingly,
     through (i) their dispositive power over the shares of Fresenius AG held by
     the  Foundation  and (ii) their power to direct the vote of the shares held
     by the Foundation  (including the shares subject to the pooling agreement),
     Dr.  Stiefenhofer,  Dr. Schneider,  and Mr. Kroner may be deemed, under the
     rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission (as distinguished from the
     German concept of beneficial ownership),  to beneficially own more than 70%
     of the voting shares of Fresenius AG.

(4)  Represents  10,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options as described in
     note (2) above.

(5)  Includes all shares subject to exercisable  options referred to in note (2)
     above, and 134,750 additional shares held or subject to options exercisable
     by officers and directors of the Company not named in the table.

Except for the Merger,  the Company is not aware of any arrangement which may at
a subsequent date result in any change of control of the Company.



                  Description of the Agreement


                  Terms of the Merger

                  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement,  Acquisition will merge into
and with the Company, with the Company continuing as the surviving  corporation.
The Merger will occur immediately upon the filing of the Articles of Merger with
the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code (the date and time of such
filing  referred to herein as "Effective  Time"),  unless a subsequent  date and
time are specified as the Effective Time in the Articles of Merger.  The name of
the Company  will remain Gull  Laboratories,  Inc. At the  Effective  Time,  the
Articles of  Incorporation  and Bylaws of Acquisition  as in effect  immediately
prior to the Effective Time until  thereafter  amended,  will be the Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws of the Company,  except that Meridian has covenanted to
cause the Company to retain in effect the  provision  of the  Company's  By-laws
relating to the  indemnification  of directors and officers for a period of five
(5)  years   following  the  Effective  Time.  The  officers  and  directors  of
Acquisition immediately prior to the Effective Time will be the initial officers
and directors of the Company until their  successors  are elected and qualified,
as the case may be. At the Effective Time, all issued and outstanding  shares of
Common  Stock owned by the  Shareholders  of the  Company,  other than  treasury
shares,  will be canceled and extinguished  and, except for dissenters'  shares,
will be converted into the right to receive the Merger  Consideration.  Payments
of cash to Shareholders of the Company will be made promptly after the Effective
Time  upon  surrender  by  holders  of  their  certificates,  together  with the
appropriate transmittal form, to the Exchange Agent referred to below. See, "THE
MERGER  AGREEMENT  -- Exchange of  Certificates."  Any  treasury  shares will be
canceled.  In the  Merger,  each  share of  Common  Stock  without  par value of
Acquisition  which is issued and outstanding  immediately prior to the Effective
Time will be converted into and become one share of Common Stock of the Company.
As a result of the Merger, the separate corporate  existence of Acquisition will
cease and the Company will continue to operate as a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of

                  All  properties  and assets of every kind held by the  Company
and  Acquisition  at the Effective  Time will become  property and assets of the
Company,  and the Company will continue to be liable for all of its obligations,
debts and other liabilities, as well as those, if any, of Acquisition.

                  The   Company   expects  the   Effective   Time  to  occur  on
____________,  1998. The Effective Time cannot occur until all conditions to the
Merger have been satisfied or waived.  See, "THE MERGER  AGREEMENT -- Conditions
to the Merger."

                  The Merger Agreement provides for the exercise of appraisal or
other rights as may be available under Utah law.


                  Conditions to the Merger

                  The  obligations of Meridian,  Acquisition  and the Company to
effect  the  Merger are  conditioned  on,  among  other  things:  (i) the Merger
Agreement receiving the requisite approval of the Company's Shareholders and the
Fresenius  Supervisory  Board (See,  "THE  SPECIAL  MEETING -- Vote  Required to
Approve  the  Merger");  (ii) the  waiting  period  under the HSR Act shall have
expired or been  terminated  and no  objections  to the  Merger  shall have been
raised; (iii) no statute, rule, regulation,  executive order, decree,  temporary
restraining order,  preliminary or permanent injunction or order shall have been
issued by any court or governmental  entity  preventing the  consummation of the
Merger and shall be in effect;  (iv) there shall not have been  instituted or be
pending or threatened, any suit, action or proceeding by any person or entity as
a result of the Merger  Agreement  or the Merger,  which if the person or entity
were to prevail, would reasonably be expected to prevent the consummation of the
Merger or have a material adverse effect on the business,  financial  conditions
or results of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries,  taken as a whole;
and (v) Houlihan Valuation Advisors shall have delivered a letter to the Company
as of the  Closing  Date that its  fairness  opinion  is still in full force and

                  The   obligations   of  the   Company  to  effect  the  Merger
additionally are conditioned on, among other things:  (i) the performance in all
material respects by Meridian and Acquisition of the obligations to be performed
by them at or prior to the Effective Time; (ii) the truth and correctness in all
material  respects of the  representations  and warranties of the parent and the
purchaser  contained  in the Merger  Agreement;  and (iii)  delivery  of certain
closing certificates and opinions by Meridian.

                  The  obligations  of Meridian  and  Acquisition  to effect the
Merger  additionally are conditioned on, among other things: (i) the performance
in all material  respects by the Company and Fresenius of the  obligations to be
performed by them under the Merger Agreement;  (ii) the truth and correctness in
all  material  respects of the  representations  and  warranties  of the Company
contained in the Merger  Agreement;  (iii) absence of material adverse change in
Gull's  business,  financial  condition,  cash flows,  results of  operations or
prospects,  other than  reductions in Gull's  shareholders'  equity to be offset
against Gull's  obligations to Fresenius,  as described below under  "Additional
Agreements  of  Fresenius"  and other than changes  relating to the  diagnostics
industry or the economy in general;  (iv) the execution of employment agreements
between the Company and Dr. Fred  Rachford  and John  Turner,  and a  consulting
agreement with Holly Scribner;  (iv) cancellation of all outstanding  options to
purchase  the  Company's  Common  Stock  on terms  acceptable  to  Meridian  and
acquisition  by  Gull  or  Meridian  of the  minority  shares  of  certain  Gull
subsidiaries  held by two executive  officers of Gull;  (vi) delivery of certain
closing opinions and  certificates by the Company and Fresenius;  (vii) Meridian
and  Fresenius  shall have  entered a mutually  satisfactory  agreement  for the
continued   manufacture  of  blood  group  and  HLA  products   currently  being
manufactured  in  Fresenius'  facility;  (viii)  satisfactory  completion of due
diligence;  and  (ix)  receipt  of  the  consent  of  the  College  of  American
Pathologists  ("CAP")  to the  change of  control of Gull that will occur in the
Merger  and to the  transfer  of the  location  of  production  of the  products
manufactured   by  Gull  for  CAP.   During  1997,   sales  to  CAP  constituted
approximately 11% of Gull's sales.

                  The terms of the Merger  Agreement  may be modified or waived,
subject to certain  restrictions.  See, THE MERGER AGREEMENT -- Modification and
Waiver" and  "SPECIAL  FACTORS --  Background  and  Negotiations  Regarding  the


                  Representations and Warranties

                  The  Company,  Meridian  and  Acquisition  have  made  certain
representations and warranties to each other in the Merger Agreement, including,
among other things,  representations and warranties relating to their respective
organizations, qualifications and capitalizations,  authorizations to enter into
the Merger  Agreement,  that the Merger and Merger  Agreement do not conflict or
fail to comply with certain other  agreements or  instruments,  the consents and
approvals  that  must  be  obtained  in  connection   with  the  Merger,   their
organizational documents, and the absence of brokers' or finders' fees.

                  The Company has made certain  additional  representations  and
warranties (which  representations and warranties are subject, in certain cases,
to specified  exceptions),  including  representations  and warranties as to the
following:  (i) the accuracy of the  Company's  filings  with the United  States
Securities and Exchange Commission and the financial  statements of the Company;
(ii) the  absence  of any  material  adverse  change to the  Company  before the
Effective  Time;  (iii) the  absence  of  undisclosed  material  liabilities  or
litigation;  (iv) the  existence and status of material  contracts,  proprietary
rights,  properties  and  environmental  matters,  (v)  existence  and status of
employee benefit plans; and (vi) the payment of taxes.

                  Fresenius has made certain  representations  and warranties in
the Merger  Agreement  regarding,  among other  matters,  its  organization  and
authorization to enter into the Merger  Agreement,  the ownership of Gull Common
Stock, and the accuracy of information in the Company's filings with the SEC and
otherwise  provided to Gull  regarding  transactions  between  Fresenius and its
subsidiaries  and the  Company  and its  subsidiaries.  Fresenius  has also made
representations  as  to  the  accuracy  of  the  Company's  representations  and
warranties in the Merger Agreement.

                  Conduct of Business Pending Merger

                  In the Merger  Agreement,  the  Company  covenants  and agrees
that, prior to the Effective Time, unless Meridian  otherwise agrees in writing,
or except as disclosed in the Disclosure Schedules to the Merger Agreement or as
otherwise  expressly  contemplated by the Merger Agreement,  neither the Company
nor any of its  subsidiaries  will take any action except in the ordinary course
of business and  consistent  with past  practices,  and the Company will use its
best  efforts to  maintain  and  preserve  its  business  organization,  assets,
prospects, employees and advantageous business relationships.

                  The Company has also agreed that,  unless  Meridian  otherwise
agrees  in  writing,  neither  the  Company  nor any of its  subsidiaries  will,
directly  or  indirectly,  do any of the  following:  (i) amend its  Articles of
Incorporation or Bylaws or similar organization documents; (ii) set aside or pay
any  dividend  or make any  distribution,  payable in cash,  stock,  property or
otherwise  with respect to its capital stock or redeem,  repurchase or otherwise
acquire any of its capital  stock (other than options  which may be purchased at
Meridian's expense to satisfy the Company's obligation to assure that no options
to purchase Common Stock are outstanding at the Effective Time); (iii) grant any
options, warrants or other rights to purchase or obtain any of its capital stock
or issue,  sell or dispose of any of its capital  stock except upon the exercise
of options,  warrants or other rights to purchase  currently  outstanding;  (iv)
issue any note, bond or debt security,  or, other than in the ordinary course of
business,  incur any indebtedness except for financing provided by Fresenius and
extensions or refinancings of existing indebtedness;  (v) impose or permit to be
imposed any lien,  encumbrance or other security  interest upon its assets other
than in the ordinary  course of business;  (vi) make any capital  investment in,


any loan to or  acquire  the  securities  or assets of any other  individual  or
entity other than  purchasers  of inventory in the ordinary  course of business;
(vii)  make any  change in  employment  terms,  policies  or  practices  for any
directors  or  officers  or make any change in  employment  terms,  policies  or
practices for its non-officer employees outside the ordinary course of business;
or (viii)  commit to do any of the  foregoing.  The  Company  has also agreed to
disclose to Meridian the  Company's  manufacturing  processes  and trade secrets
relating to its products, to preserve all manufacturing  instructions,  formulas
and other  documentation  and available  information  concerning  products under
development,  and  to  have  available  at the  closing,  inventory  of  certain
specified products,  representing approximately 80% of the Company's recent unit
sales,  sufficient to meet normal sales demand for such products during the four
months following the closing.

                  The Company and Fresenius have agreed that each of the Company
and Fresenius and their respective  directors,  officers,  and authorized agents
will not,  and will not  authorize  or direct any other  person to,  directly or
indirectly  solicit,  initiate or encourage  the  submission  of any proposal or
offer from any  individual or entity  relating to a tender or exchange  offer, a
merger,  consolidation or other business  combination  involving the Company and
its  subsidiaries or any proposal to acquire in any manner a substantial  equity
interest in, or  substantial  portion of the assets of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries  (a "Third Party Offer").  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if the
Board of  Directors of the Company,  in the  exercise of its  fiduciary  duties,
makes a good faith  determination that the Board of Directors' failure to permit
the Company to take any such action would  constitute a breach of its  fiduciary
duties (based as to the legal issues involved on advice of legal  counsel),  the
Company shall so advise Meridian and, thereafter,  the taking of any such action
shall not be a violation of the above prohibition.

                  In the  event  the  Company  engages  in such  discussions  or
receives a Third Party Offer, it shall notify Meridian and provide Meridian with
a summary of the material terms and the identity of the offeror.  Meridian shall
have two (2)  business  days to respond with a  counteroffer  to the Third Party
Offer.  Should this process result in a substantial amount of assets or stock of
the Company being sold to another party,  the Company and Fresenius agree to pay
Meridian $350,000 to compensate  Meridian for its time and costs involved in the

                  Additional Agreements

                  In the Merger Agreement, the Company, Meridian and Acquisition
have agreed to certain other matters, including the preparation of all documents
required to be submitted under federal and state law to Shareholders and federal
or state agencies;  to submit the proposed Merger to a vote of the  Shareholders
of the Company,  subject to the right of the Independent Committee and the Board
of Directors to withdraw their  recommendations  in accordance with the exercise
of their fiduciary responsibilities; the cancellation of all outstanding options
as well as  termination  of all plans pursuant to which such Options are granted
or  issued;  the  payment  of  certain  fees as set forth  below and to  provide
indemnification  to certain directors and officers of the Company and any of its

                  Additional Agreements of Fresenius

                  In addition to the obligations set forth above,  Fresenius has
agreed to do the following: (i) indemnify Meridian for loss incurred as a result
of any inaccuracy of any  representation  or warranty made by Gull or Fresenius,
Shareholder  lawsuits (other than appraisal  proceedings) and certain  specified
contingencies disclosed by Gull to Meridian


                  pursuant  to  the  Merger  Agreement,  subject  to  a  maximum
indemnity  obligation  of  $3,000,000  except  in the  case of  certain  knowing
misrepresentations  or  omissions  and  certain  specified  contingencies;  (ii)
continue the service  arrangements and lease that it currently has with Gull for
the benefit of Meridian; (iii) vote its shares in favor of the Merger; (iv) if a
third party offer results in consummation of a transaction  involving payment to
Shareholders  of more than $2.25 per share,  to pay  Meridian  the excess of any
Merger  Consideration  to which Fresenius may otherwise be entitled in excess of
$2.25 per share (but such obligation will not bind any other Shareholders);  (v)
continue  its  financial  support of Gull until the closing of the Merger;  (vi)
contribute  any  reductions  in the  shareholders'  equity of Gull which  occurs
subsequent to December 31, 1997 against any amounts owed by Gull to Fresenius to
the capital of Gull;  (vii) enter into a covenant to not initiate a new business
venture  or  acquire  any  business  which  is  predominately   engaged  in  the
manufacture  and sale of diagnostic  testing kits and reagents in the same field
of application  as existing  Meridian or Gull products for a period of three (3)
years;  and (viii) forgive an invoice in the amount of DM 856,281.18 to Gull for
restructuring costs through the contribution of such obligation to the Company's
capital.  Fresenius has also agreed to accept Meridian's note in satisfaction of
the Company's  indebtedness  to Fresenius (as such  indebtedness  may be reduced
pursuant  to clause  (vi)  above)  and that  amounts  due under such note may be
reduced  by the  acquisition  cost of  certain  equipment  remaining  unsold  at
December  31,  1999 and by  certain  deferred  tax  assets and income tax refund
receivables  of the  Company  which  may not be  available  for  utilization  by
Meridian or any of its subsidiaries at that date.


                  Fresenius has agreed to indemnify Meridian with respect to and
hold Meridian  harmless from any  liability,  cost or expense which  Meridian or
Gull may directly or  indirectly  incur or suffer by reason of, or which results
from,  arises out of or is based upon the inaccuracy of any  representations  or
warranties of and failures to comply with covenants made by Fresenius or Gull in
the Merger Agreement,  Shareholders lawsuits (other than appraisal  proceedings)
and certain specified contingencies identified by Gull to Meridian. No claim for
indemnification  may be made  until  the  aggregate  of all such  claims  exceed
$500,000.  The indemnification  obligations of Fresenius are limited to: (i) the
amount of Merger  Consideration  received by Fresenius for  representations  and
warranties  concerning taxation;  (ii) the entire aggregate amount of the Merger
Consideration   received  by  all  Shareholders  for  material  and  undisclosed
liabilities  of which  Fresenius had  knowledge;  (iii) the amount of the Merger
Consideration  received by Fresenius  for material  undisclosed  liabilities  of
which Gull, but not Fresenius,  had knowledge or Shareholders'  lawsuits brought
against Meridian or Gull; (iv) for certain specified contingencies,  $4,000,000;
and (v) for all other matters, $3,000,000.

                  Meridian has agreed to indemnify Fresenius with respect to and
hold Fresenius harmless from any liability,  cost or expense which Fresenius may
directly or indirectly incur, suffer by reason of, or which results from, arises
out of or is based upon (i) the inaccuracy of any  representation or warranty or
failure to comply with any  covenant  made by Meridian in the Merger  Agreement;
(ii)  failure of Gull to pay when due any  indebtedness  of Gull  guaranteed  by
Fresenius;  (iii) failure of Meridian to pay any  installment  of interest on or
principal  of the note  executed by Meridian and payable to  Fresenius;  (iv) or
failure  to  comply  with  a  covenant  regarding  compliance  with  the  Worker
Adjustment and Restraining Notification Act of 1988 and the payment of severance
obligations  of  Gull.  No  claim  for  indemnification  may be made  until  the
aggregate of all such claims exceed $500,000. The indemnification  obligation of
Meridian with respect to


representations,  warranties,  and covenants  other than those described in (ii)
through (iv) above is limited to $3,000,000.

                  Fees and Expenses

                  All costs and expenses, incurred in connection with the Merger
are to be paid by the party incurring such expenses. The Company's expenses will
effectively be born by Fresenius pursuant to its agreement to bear reductions in
the Company's shareholders' equity subsequent to December 31, 1997.

                  Modification and Waiver

                  The Merger Agreement may be amended by the Company  (including
the Independent Committee),  Fresenius, Meridian and Acquisition if set forth in
an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each or the time for performance of
any  obligation  or act or  compliance  with any  agreement or condition  may be
extended  or  waived  by  a  party,   provided   that  any  decrease  in  Merger
Consideration shall be submitted to the Company's Shareholders for approval.

                  Termination of the Merger Agreement

                  The Merger  Agreement  may be  terminated at any time prior to
the Effective Time,  notwithstanding  approval of the Merger by the Shareholders
of the  Company,  by mutual  written  consent  of the  parties.  The  Company or
Meridian  may  terminate  the Merger  Agreement  if the  Effective  Time has not
occurred  by  December  1, 1998,  provided  that the right to  terminate  is not
available to a party whose  failure to fulfill any  obligation  under the Merger
Agreement has caused or resulted in the failure of the Effective Time to occur.

                  The Company may terminate the Merger  Agreement for failure by
Meridian to perform in any  material  respect any of its  obligations  under the
Merger  Agreement,   if  the  representations  and  warranties  of  Meridian  or
Acquisition  set forth in the Merger  Agreement  are not true and correct in all
material  respects  prior  to the  Effective  Time,  if the  Company's  Board of
Directors,  in the  exercise  of its  fiduciary  duty  under  the  circumstances
described above, withdraws its recommendation to the Shareholders of the Company
to adopt and approve  the Merger or changes  such  recommendation  in any manner
adverse to Meridian and Acquisition in which case Fresenius and the Company will
pay Meridian the sum of $350,000 as liquidated damages.

                  Meridian and Acquisition may terminate the Merger Agreement if
the Company  accepts a Third  Party  Offer as  described  above,  regardless  of
whether the taking of such action is permitted in the exercise of the  fiduciary
duties of the  Company's  Board of  Directors  in which case  Fresenius  and the
Company will pay Meridian $350,000 as liquidated  damages.  If the Company fails
to perform in any material  respects its obligations  under the Merger Agreement
or the  representations  and  warranties  of the Company set forth in the Merger
Agreement  are not  true  and  correct  in all  material  respects  prior to the
Effective Time; or if Fresenius's  Management Board does not approve the actions
of its officer executing this Agreement.  If the Merger Agreement is terminated,
it will become void and have no effect except with respect to obligations of the
parties to maintain  confidentiality  of information and with respect to payment
of certain fees and expenses.  See, "THE MERGER AGREEMENT -- Fees and Expenses."
However, a party will remain liable for willful default of its obligations under
the Merger Agreement.


                  Exchange of Certificates

                  Promptly  after the Effective Time  ____________  (the "Paying
Agent" as defined in the Merger  Agreement),  will mail to each record holder of
certificates  representing  shares of Common  Stock  ("Certificates")  that were
converted into the right to receive cash, a letter of  transmittal  advising the
holders of the procedure for surrendering Certificates for payment of the Merger
Consideration.  Until  surrendered  with the letter of transmittal duly executed
and  completed,  the  Certificates  will represent only the right to receive the
amount of Merger  Consideration,  without  interest,  applicable to those shares
represented by the Certificates. If payment of the Merger Consideration is to be
made to a person other than the person in whose name the Certificate surrendered
for  payment is  registered,  that  person will be  responsible  for paying,  or
establishing  the payment or non-  applicability  of any transfer or other taxes
required.  After one hundred eighty (180) days  following the Effective  Time, a
holder of Certificates  may surrender the Certificates for payment of the Merger
Consideration  only to the Company  (subject to abandoned  property,  escheat or
similar  laws),  but will  have no  greater  rights  to  payment  than a general
unsecured  creditor of the Company.  After the  Effective  Time, no transfers of
Common  Stock on the transfer  books of the Company  will be made.  Certificates
presented  after the Effective  Time will be canceled and exchanged only for the
applicable Merger  Consideration.  From and after the Effective Time, holders of
Certificates   will  cease  to  have  any  other  rights  with  respect  to  the
Certificates other than the right to receive the Merger Consideration.


Statement of Operations Data

                                          Year Ended December 31

                                  (in thousands except share information)
                         1997*          1996*          1995*          1994*          1993*

Revenue,               21,706         24,444         26,261         23,652         15,406

Income (Loss)
Before                 (2,008)           117          1,589          1,443            267

for                      (193)           226          1,130          1,177           (668)

Income                 (1,815)          (109)           459            266           (401)


Income                   (.23)          (.01)          (.06)           .03           (.06)

Shares              7,926,775      7,883,934      7,899,199      7,858,176      7,738,692

Statement of Operations Data

                      Six Months Ended
                           June 30
                    (in thousands except
                     share information)

                              1998            1997
Revenue,                    10,050          11,225

Before                      (2,030)            587

for                           (107)            411

Income                      (1,923)            176


Income                        (.24)            .02

Shares                   8,000,662       8,077,341

*  Financial  information for 1994 through 1997 has been restated to reflect the
   merger with Fresenius Diagnostics,  which occurred in August 1997. The merger
   was  accounted  for as a combination  of entities  under common  control in a
   manner  similar to a pooling of interests.  Statement of operations  data for
   1993  has not been  restated  because  financial  information  for  Fresenius
   Diagnostics is not available for years prior to 1994.


Balance Sheet Data

                                                As of December 31             Quarter Ended June 30
                                                 (in thousands)                   (in thousands)
                            1997             1996             1995            1998              1997

Current Assets             9,109            9,080           10,245            11,786            10,701
Total Assets              15,301           15,290           16,209            18,064            16,566
Current Liabilities        9,266            4,895            7,773            13,445             5,865
Long-Term Debt &
Capital Lease                733            3,001              210               749             3,462
Obligations, Net
of Current Portion
Other Long-Term              362              666            1,193               375               937
Shareholder's              4,940            6,728            7,032             3,495             6,302

*   Information  for  1994 is not  presented  because  balance  sheet  data  for
    Fresenius Diagnostics is not available for years prior to 1995.


                  Market Information

                  The  Company's  common stock is listed on the  American  Stock
Exchange where it is traded under the symbol "GUL."

                  The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the
prices of the  Company's  common  stock,  based on the  closing  sale  quotation
without markup, markdown, commissions or adjustments.


Prices of Common Stock

          Quarter Ended                 Low             High
        March 31,                      3.625            5.500
        June 30,                       4.250            5.500
        September 30,                  4.125            7.125
        December 31                    5.875           12.000
        March 31,                      8.625           11.125
        June 30,                       9.563           11.750
        September 30,                  9.625           13.375
        December 31,                  10.000           11.750
        March 31,                      9.875           11.750   
        June 30,                       3.250           11.875
        September 30,                     --               --

                  Security Holders

                  On  September   15,  1998  there  were   approximately   1,000
beneficial owners of the Company's common stock.


                  No cash  dividends  have  been paid by the  Company  since its
inception.  If the Merger is not consummated,  the Company intends to use future
earnings to repay debt and finance  additional growth and,  therefore,  does not
anticipate paying dividends in the foreseeable future.


                  The Agreement requires the approval of a majority of the votes
cast by the holders of the shares of Common Stock present at the annual  meeting
of the  Company's  shareholders.  Proxies  will be  voted  for or  against  such
approval  in  accordance  with the  specifications  marked  thereon,  and, if no
specification  is made,  will be voted in favor of such  approval.  Fresenius AG
intends  to vote  all  shares  of  Common  Stock  owned by it for  approval  and
ratification  of the  Agreement.  Accordingly,  the Agreement  will be approved.
Anne-Marie  Ricart,  a director of the  Company and a member of the  Independent
Committee  and the owner of  852,155  shares of Common  Stock has  informed  the
Company that she intends to vote in favor of the Agreement.

                  The Board of Directors of the Company,  including  all members
of the Independent  Committee recommends a vote FOR approval and ratification of
the Agreement.



                  All current officers and directors of Gull will resign as part
of the  closing of the Merger.  Certain  officers  or  employees  of Gull may be
entitled to severance  payments upon the termination of their  employment.  Gull
has been  informed by Meridian that  Meridian  intends to enter into  employment
agreements  with Dr. Fred  Rachford  and John  Turner,  both  current  executive
officers of Gull, and a consulting  agreement with Holly  Scribner,  formerly an
executive  officer of and currently a consultant to Gull.  The execution of such
agreements is a condition to Meridian's Obligation to consummate the Merger. All
current  directors  of Gull will be entitled to certain  indemnification  rights
under the Merger Agreement.  Consequently, the interests of Messrs. Rachford and
Turner, by virtue of their employment agreements, and Ms. Scribner, by virtue of
her consulting agreement and the interests of all of the Company's directors, by
virtue of their  indemnification  rights,  may be deemed to be separate  from or
adverse to the  interests  of the  remaining  Shareholders.  Fresenius  has also
agreed to indemnify the directors of Gull, and has entered into  indemnification
agreements  with the  members of the  Independent  Committee  relating  to their
service on that Committee.  As of the Record Date,  Messrs.  Rachford and Turner
and Ms.  Scribner  held of  record or  beneficially  (excluding  138,500  shares
underlying options) 33,017 (30,217 shares owned by Dr. Rachford and 2,800 shares
owned by Ms.  Scribner) shares of Common Stock or less than 1% of the issued and
outstanding  Common Stock.  It is expected that the shares of Common Stock owned
by Dr.  Rachford  and Ms.  Scribner  will be voted in favor of the Merger,  that
Messrs.  Rachford and Turner and Ms.  Scribner will  surrender  their options to
purchase Gull common stock, and that their compensation arrangements under their
employment  or  consulting  agreements  with  Meridian  will include  options to
purchase  Meridian common stock.  See,  "INFORMATION  PERTAINING TO MERIDIAN AND

                  In the Merger  Agreement,  Fresenius  has  agreed,  subject to
certain limitations, to indemnify Meridian for losses arising out of breaches of
the  Company's   representations  and  warranties  and  non-performance  of  the
Company's obligations.  Fresenius has also agreed to forgive certain obligations
due from the  Company  and that  amounts  due  from  the  Company  to  Fresenius
(approximately  $__________ at  _______________,  1998,  comprising  payments by
Fresenius to vendors on behalf of the Company and other  advances and fees) will
be reduced by an amount equal to the decrease in the stockholders' equity of the
Company  from  December  31,  1997 to the  Closing  Date.  The net amount due to
Fresenius will be evidenced by a promissory note of Meridian bearing interest at
7 1/2% per annum and  payable  in two equal  installments  on June 15,  1999 and
December  31,  1999.  The note will be subject to certain  offsets.  See "MERGER
AGREEMENT - - Additional  Agreements of Fresenius." Fresenius has also agreed to
continue the lease of certain  property in Bad Homburg,  Germany and to continue
providing certain services,  which it has previously provided and currently does
provide to Gull.  Fresenius  will also enter into an agreement  with Meridian to
make  available  facilities  for the  manufacture  of certain  Gull  products at
Fresenius's facility for a period not to exceed two years.

              See also "MERGER AGREEMENT -- Additional Agreements of Fresenius."



                  All shares  represented by duly executed proxies will be voted
as specified  therein.  If no specification  is made,  proxies will be voted FOR
approval and ratification of the Merger.  If any other matter should come before
the  meeting,  then the persons  named in the  enclosed  form of proxy will have
discretionary  authority to vote all proxies with respect  thereto in accordance
with their best judgment.

                  Consistent  with state law and under the Company's  bylaws,  a
majority of the shares  entitled to be cast on the Merger,  present in person or
represented  by proxy,  constitutes  a quorum as to such  matter.  Votes cast by
proxy or in person at the Annual  Meeting will be counted by one or more persons
appointed by the Company to act as Inspectors  of Election for the meeting.  The
vote of a majority  of the shares  entitled  to vote at the  Special  Meeting is
required for approval of the Merger. Failure to attend the meeting or abstention
will  not  be  counted  as a  vote  against  approval  and  ratification  of the

                  By virtue of its  ownership  of a  majority  of the  Company's
outstanding  common stock,  an affirmative  vote by Fresenius will result in the
approval of the Merger, even if all shares of Common Stock currently outstanding
that are not held by Fresenius vote against the Merger

                  The  Inspectors  of  Election  will count the total  number of
votes  cast FOR the  Merger  for  purposes  of  determining  whether  sufficient
affirmative  votes have been cast.  The Inspectors of Election will count shares
represented  by  proxies  that  withhold  authority  to vote for a  nominee  for
election  as a director or that  reflect  abstentions  and  "broker  non- votes"
(i.e.,  shares  represented at the Annual Meeting held by brokers or nominees as
to which: (i) instructions  have not been received from the beneficial owners or
persons  entitled  to vote,  and (ii) the  broker or  nominee  does not have the
discretionary  voting  power on a  particular  matter)  only as shares  that are
present and  entitled  to vote on the matter for  purposes  of  determining  the
presence of a quorum,  but neither  abstentions or "broker  non-votes" will have
any effect on the outcome of voting on the matter.

                  The expenses of preparing,  printing and mailing the materials
used in the solicitation of proxies will be borne by the Company. In addition to
the  solicitation  of proxies by use of the mails,  the  Company may utilize the
services of some of its officers and employees (who will receive no compensation
therefor in addition to their regular  salaries) to solicit  proxies  personally
and by telephone and facsimile  from  brokerage  houses and other  shareholders.
Services will be provided by Progressive  Transfer  Company in soliciting  banks
and brokers holding stock in their names or custody, or in the names of nominees
for others.  The Company does not anticipate  paying any additional fee for such


                  It is currently  anticipated  that the  Company's  next annual
meeting of  Shareholders  will occur after the Closing Date and  accordingly the
Company's  existing  shareholders  will not be entitled to  participate  in such
meeting unless the Merger is not consummated.  If the Merger is not consummated,
proposals of Shareholders intended to be presented at the next annual meeting of
the Company's  Shareholders  must be received by the Company within a reasonable
time prior to the mailing of the proxy statement for


such meeting but not later than February 29, 1999. Such proposals must otherwise
be in  compliance  with  applicable  laws  and  regulations  and  the  governing
provisions of the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the Company.  The form
of Proxy for the Company's  Special Meeting of shareholders  grants authority to
the  designated  proxies to vote in their  discretion  on any matters  that come
before  the  Special  Meeting  except  those  set forth in the  Company's  Proxy
Statement  and except for matters as to which  adequate  notice is received.  In
order for a notice  to be  deemed  adequate  for the 1999  Annual  Shareholder's
Meeting, it must be received prior to February 29, 1999.


                  Availability of Information


                                             GULL LABORATORIES, INC.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors
                                             Silke Humberg, Ph.D., CEO/President

_____________________, 1998

May___, 1997, 2:47 pm


                             GULL LABORATORIES, INC.
                         Special Meeting of Stockholders
                                October ___, 1998


              The undersigned constitutes and appoints Silke Humberg and Michael
B. Malan and each of them  (acting  jointly or, if one be present,  then by that
one alone),  his  attorneys  and proxies,  with full power of  substitution  and
revocation to each, for and in the name, place, and stead of the undersigned, to
vote,  and act with respect to all shares of Common  Stock,  par value $.001 per
share of Gull  Laboratories,  Inc. (the "Company"),  standing in the name of the
undersigned  or with  respect to which the  undersigned  is entitled to vote and
act,  at the  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  to be held at the  53rd  Floor
Conference Center at the offices of O'Melveny & Myers, 153 East 53rd Street, New
York, New York 10022 on October ___, 1998 at 10 a.m.  Eastern Standard Time, and
at any adjournment(s) thereof, and especially to vote as follows:

            1.   With respect to the approval of the Merger  Agreement among the
                 Company, Meridian Diagnostics, Inc., Fresenius AG, and Meridian
                 Acquisition Co. and the merger of Meridian Acquisition Co. into
                 the Corporation.

|_| FOR                      |_| AGAINST                        |_| ABSTAIN

            2.   In their  discretion,  any other  matters as may properly  come
                 before the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.


Dated:  ___________________, 1998       ________________________________________

                                        Signature if held jointly

Please  date this proxy and sign your name  exactly as it appears  hereon.  When
there is more than one owner,  each owner should sign. When signing as an agent,
attorney,  administrator,  executor,  guardian or trustee,  please indicate your
title as such. If executed as a  corporation,  the proxy should be signed in the
corporate  name by a duly  authorized  officer  who should  indicate  his title.
Please date, sign, and mail this proxy in the enclosed envelope.


                                   APPENDIX A

                                MERGER AGREEMENT


                             GULL LABORATORIES, INC.
                           MERIDIAN DIAGNOSTICS, INC.,
                                  FRESENIUS AG
                            MERIDIAN ACQUISITION CO.

                         Dated as of September 15, 1998

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.       Definitions............................................................................................ 1

2.       Basic Transaction...................................................................................... 4
         2.1      The Merger.................................................................................... 4
         2.2      The Closing................................................................................... 4
         2.3      Actions at the Closing........................................................................ 4
         2.4      Effect of Merger.............................................................................. 4
         2.5      Procedure for Payment......................................................................... 5
         2.6      Closing of Transfer Records................................................................... 6

3.       Representations and Warranties of Gull and Fresenius................................................... 6
         3.1      Organization, Qualification, and Corporate Power.............................................. 6
         3.2      Capitalization................................................................................ 7
         3.3      Authorization of Transaction.................................................................. 7
         3.4      Noncontravention.............................................................................. 7
         3.5      Filings with the SEC.......................................................................... 8
         3.6      Events After December 31, 1997................................................................ 8
         3.7      Undisclosed Liabilities....................................................................... 9
         3.8      Brokers' Fees................................................................................. 9
         3.9      Insurance..................................................................................... 9
         3.10     Litigation................................................................................... 10
         3.11     Product Warranty............................................................................. 10
         3.12     Product Liability............................................................................ 11
         3.13     Employees.................................................................................... 11
         3.14     Employee Benefits............................................................................ 11
         3.15     Guaranties................................................................................... 13
         3.16     Environment, Health and Safety............................................................... 13
         3.17     Intellectual Property........................................................................ 15
         3.18     Disclosure................................................................................... 18
         3.19     Opinion of Financial Advisor................................................................. 18
         3.20     Proficiency Surveys.......................................................................... 18
         3.21     Products, Inventories and Operations......................................................... 18
         3.22     Formulae, Etc., for Products................................................................. 20
         3.23     Expiration Dates.  .......................................................................... 20
         3.24     Subsidiaries and Other Capital Stock......................................................... 20
         3.25     Real Property................................................................................ 20
         3.26     Equipment.................................................................................... 21
         3.27     Contracts and Agreements..................................................................... 21
         3.28     Accounts Receivable.......................................................................... 21
         3.29     Licenses and Permits......................................................................... 22
         3.30     Taxes and Tax Returns........................................................................ 22
         3.31     Transactions With Affiliates................................................................. 23
         3.32     Compliance with Applicable Law............................................................... 23

         3.33     General Disclosure Matters................................................................... 23
         3.34     Other Disclosures............................................................................ 23

4.       Representations and Warranties of Meridian and the Transitory Subsidiary.............................. 23
         4.1      Organization................................................................................. 24
         4.2      Authorization of Transaction................................................................. 24
         4.3      Noncontravention............................................................................. 24
         4.4      Brokers' Fees................................................................................ 24
         4.5      Disclosure................................................................................... 25
         4.6      Litigation................................................................................... 25
         4.7      Available Funds.............................................................................. 25

5.       Representations and Warranties of Fresenius........................................................... 25
         5.1      Organization................................................................................. 25
         5.2      Authorization of Transaction................................................................. 25
         5.3      Brokers' Fees................................................................................ 26
         5.4      Disclosure................................................................................... 26
         5.5      Ownership of Stock of Gull Shares............................................................ 26
         5.6      Transactions with Gull....................................................................... 26

6.       Covenants............................................................................................. 26
         6.1      General...................................................................................... 26
         6.2      Notices and Consents......................................................................... 26
         6.3      Regulatory Matters and Approvals............................................................. 26
         6.4      Operation of Business........................................................................ 27
         6.5      Continuance of Operations.................................................................... 28
         6.6      Due Diligence................................................................................ 29
         6.7      Notice of Developments....................................................................... 30
         6.8      Exclusivity.................................................................................. 30
         6.9      Bylaw Indemnification........................................................................ 30
         6.10     Closing Balance Sheet........................................................................ 31
         6.11     Value of Certain Gull Assets................................................................. 31
         6.12     WARN Act Compliance; Severence Obligations................................................... 32
         6.13     Service and Other Arrangements............................................................... 32
         6.14     Closing Deliveries........................................................................... 33
         6.15     Further Meridian Obligations................................................................. 33

7.       Covenants of Fresenius; Indemnification............................................................... 33
         7.1      Voting of Shares............................................................................. 33
         7.2      Indebtedness of Gull to Fresenius............................................................ 33
         7.3      Indemnification for Shareholder Actions...................................................... 34
         7.4      Indemnification by Fresenius................................................................. 34
         7.5      Indemnifications by Meridian................................................................. 35
         7.6      Zoning Interruptions......................................................................... 36
         7.7      Indemnification Procedures................................................................... 36
         7.8      Transition................................................................................... 37
         7.9      Confidentiality.............................................................................. 37

         7.10     Noncompetition and NonSolicitation Covenants................................................. 37
         7.11     Contribution to Capital...................................................................... 38

8.       Conditions to Obligations to Close.................................................................... 38
         8.1      Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect the Merger................................... 38
         8.2      Conditions to Obligation of Meridian and the Transitory Subsidiary........................... 39
         8.3      Conditions to Obligation of Gull and Fresenius............................................... 41

9.       Termination........................................................................................... 41
         9.1      Termination of Agreement..................................................................... 41
         9.2      Effect of Termination........................................................................ 42

10.      Miscellaneous......................................................................................... 43
         10.1     Survival..................................................................................... 43
         10.2     Press Releases and Public Announcements...................................................... 43
         10.3     No Obligations Upon Fresenius Medical Care AG................................................ 43
         10.4     No Third Party Beneficiaries................................................................. 43
         10.5     Entire Agreement............................................................................. 44
         10.6     Successors and Assignment.................................................................... 44
         10.7     Counterparts................................................................................. 44
         10.8     Headings..................................................................................... 44
         10.9     Notices...................................................................................... 44
         10.10    Governing Law................................................................................ 45
         10.11    Amendments and Waivers....................................................................... 45
         10.12    Severability................................................................................. 46
         10.13    Expenses..................................................................................... 46
         10.14    Construction................................................................................. 46
         10.15    Incorporation of Exhibits and Schedules...................................................... 46
         10.16    Jurisdiction.  .............................................................................. 46

                                LIST OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit A - Articles of Merger
Exhibit B - Legal Opinion of Counsel to Gull
Exhibit C - Legal Opinion of Counsel to Fresenius
Exhibit D - Legal Opinion of Counsel to Meridian
Exhibit E - Fairness Opinion

                              DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES

                                MERGER AGREEMENT

                  THIS  MERGER  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is entered  into as of
September 15, 1998, among GULL LABORATORIES,  INC., a Utah corporation ("Gull"),
MERIDIAN DIAGNOSTICS,  INC., an Ohio corporation  ("Meridian"),  FRESENIUS AG, a
German stock  corporation  ("Fresenius")  and MERIDIAN  ACQUISITION  CO., a Utah
corporation wholly-owned by Meridian ("Transitory Subsidiary").

                                R E C I T A L S:

                  This  Agreement  contemplates  a transaction in which Meridian
will acquire Gull for cash through a reverse subsidiary merger of the Transitory
Subsidiary into Gull.

                  Now,  therefore,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and the
mutual covenants and undertakings  contained  hereinafter,  the Parties agree as

                  1.0    Definitions.

                  Unless the context otherwise requires,  capitalized terms used
in this Agreement  shall have the respective  meanings  ascribed to them in this

                  "Affiliate"  has the  meaning  set forth in Rule  12b-2 of the
regulations promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act.

                  "Closing Date" has the meaning set forth in ss.2.2.

                  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                  "Confidential  Information"  means any information  concerning
the  businesses  and  affairs of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  that is not already
available to the public or generally  known in the  businesses in which Gull and
its Subsidiaries are engaged.

                  "Controlled  Group of Corporations"  has the meaning set forth
inss.1563 of the Code.

                  "Disclosure  Schedule"  has the  meaning  set  forth  in ss.3.
Information set forth in any section of the Disclosure  Schedule shall be deemed
to qualify each  section of this  Agreement  without the  necessity of expressed
reference to such section.

                  "Dissenting  Share"  means any Gull  Share held of record by a
stockholder  who or which has exercised  his or its  appraisal  rights under the
Utah Revised Business Corporation Act.

                  "Effective Time" has the meaning set forth in ss.2.4.1.

                                      - 1 -

                  "Employee  Benefit Plan" means any (a)  nonqualified  deferred
compensation  or retirement  plan or  arrangement  which is an Employee  Pension
Benefit Plan, (b) qualified defined contribution  retirement plan or arrangement
which is an  Employee  Pension  Benefit  Plan,  (c)  qualified  defined  benefit
retirement  plan or  arrangement  which  is an  Employee  Pension  Benefit  Plan
(including any  multiemployer  plan),  or (d) Employee  Welfare  Benefit Plan or
material fringe benefit plan or program.

                  "Employee  Pension  Benefit Plan" has the meaning set forth in
ERISA ss.3(2).

                  "Employee  Welfare  Benefit Plan" has the meaning set forth in
ERISA ss.3(1).

                  "ERISA" means the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
1974, as amended.

                  "Fairness Opinion" has the meaning set forth in ss.3.19.

                  "Fresenius" has the meaning set forth in the preface.

                  "GAAP"  means  United  States  generally  accepted  accounting
principles as in effect from time to time.

                  "Gull" has the meaning  set forth in the preface and  includes
its Subsidiaries unless the context requires otherwise.

                  "Gull Share" means any share of the Common  Stock,  $0.001 par
value per share, of Gull.

                  "Gull  Stockholder"  means any Person who or which is a holder
of record of any Gull Shares.

                  "Hart-Scott-Rodino Act" means the Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.

                  "Intellectual  Property  Assets"  has the meaning set forth in

                  "Knowledge"  or "to the  Knowledge  of"  means  in the case of
Gull, the actual knowledge after reasonable  investigation of Dr. Silke Humberg,
Michael B. Malan,  Dr. Fred Rachford,  Holly  Scribner,  Frank J. Simon,  Andrew
Taylor,  John Turner,  Dr.  Martina Vogel or Dr.  Linxian Wu, and in the case of
Fresenius, has the meaning set forth in ss.5.

                  "Meridian" has the meaning set forth in the preface.

                  "Meridian  Note" The promissory  note of Meridian to be issued
to Fresenius at the Closing pursuant to ss.7.2.

                                      - 2 -

                  "Merger" has the meaning set forth in ss.2.1.

                  "1997 10-K" has the meaning set forth in ss.3.5.

                  "1998 10-Q" has the meaning set forth in ss.3.5.

                  "Ordinary  Course of Business"  means the  ordinary  course of
business  consistent  with past custom and practice  (including  with respect to
quantity and frequency).

                  "Paying Agent" has the meaning set forth in ss.2.5.

                  "Person" means an individual, a partnership,  a corporation, a
limited liability  company,  an association,  a joint stock company,  a trust, a
joint venture,  an unincorporated  organization or a governmental entity (or any
department, agency or political subdivision thereof).

                  "Products" means all of the products manufactured, produced or
distributed by Gull and its Subsidiaries,  including,  without  limitation,  the
products identified in the Disclosure Schedule.

                  "Proxy  Materials"  means the proxy materials  relating to the
special meeting.

                  "Public Reports" has the meaning set forth in ss.3.5.

                  "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                  "SEC Filings" has the meaning set forth in ss.6.3.1.

                  "Securities Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended.

                  "Security   Interest"  means  any  mortgage,   pledge,   lien,
encumbrance,  charge or other security interest,  excepting only (a) mechanic's,
materialman's  and similar liens, (b) liens for taxes not yet due and payable or
for taxes that the  taxpayer is  contesting  in good faith  through  appropriate
proceedings,  (c) purchase  money liens securing  rental  payments under capital
lease  arrangements,  and (d) other  liens  arising  in the  Ordinary  Course of
Business and not incurred in connection with the borrowing of money.

                  "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation  with  respect to which a
specified  Person (or a Subsidiary  thereof) owns a majority of the common stock
or has the power to vote or direct the  voting of  securities  entitled  to vote
generally  in the election of  directors  sufficient  to elect a majority of the
directors.  In the case of Gull,  Subsidiaries includes non-corporate  entities,
all or a  majority  of the  equity  interest  of  which  are  owned by Gull or a
Subsidiary of Gull, with the Subsidiaries being Gull Laboratories International,
Inc.,  Gull  Laboratories  GmbH,  Gull  Europe  S.A.,   Biodesign,   Inc.,  Gull
Laboratories S.A., Gull Laboratories N.V.

                  "Third Party Offer" has the meaning set forth in ss.6.8.

                                      - 3 -

                  "Transitory  Subsidiary"  has the  meaning  set  forth  in the

                  2.0      Basic Transaction.

                  2.1 The Merger.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement, the Transitory Subsidiary shall merge into Gull at the Effective Time
(the "Merger"). Gull shall be the corporation surviving the Merger.

                  2.2 The Closing. The closing of the Merger shall take place at
the  offices of Keating,  Muething & Klekamp,  P.L.L.,  One East Fourth  Street,
Cincinnati,  Ohio 45202,  commencing  at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern  time on the second
business day following the satisfaction or waiver of all conditions set forth in
ss.8 (other than conditions with respect to actions the respective  Parties will
take at the  closing  itself) or such other  date and place as the  Parties  may
mutually determine in writing (the "Closing Date").

                  2.3 Actions at the Closing. At the closing,  Gull will deliver
to Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary  the  certificates,  instruments  and
documents  referred to in ss.8.2.  Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary  will
deliver to Gull the  certificates,  instruments  and  documents  referred  to in
ss.8.3.  On the Closing Date, Gull and the Transitory  Subsidiary will file with
the Utah Division of Corporations  and Commercial Code Articles of Merger in the
form  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  A, and  Meridian  will  deliver  the  Merger
consideration to the Paying Agent in the manner provided in this ss.2.

                  2.4      Effect of Merger.

                  2.4.1 General.  The Merger shall become  effective at the time
Gull and the  Transitory  Subsidiary  file the properly  executed and  certified
Articles of Merger with the Utah Division of Corporations  and Commercial  Code,
or at such later time as the parties  shall agree and specify in the Articles of
Merger (the  "Effective  Time").  The Merger shall have the effects set forth in
the Utah Revised  Business  Corporation  Act. From and after the Effective Time,
Gull,  as the  surviving  corporation  in the Merger,  shall  possess all of the
rights,  privileges,  powers  and  franchises  of a public  as well as a private
nature,  and be subject to all of the  restrictions,  disabilities and duties of
each of Gull and the Transitory Subsidiary,  as the constituent  corporations in
the Merger,  all as set forth in  ss.16-10a-1101,  et seq.,  of the Utah Revised
Business Corporation Act.

                  2.4.2 Gull Corporate Documents.  The Articles of Incorporation
and Bylaws of Gull shall be  amended at the  Effective  Time as set forth in the
Articles of Merger to be identical to the Articles of  Incorporation  and Bylaws
of the Transitory Subsidiary  immediately prior to the Effective Time, except as
provided in ss.6.9.

                  2.4.3  Directors and  Officers.  The directors and officers of
the Transitory Subsidiary shall become the directors and officers of Gull at the
Effective Time.

                                      - 4 -

                  2.4.4  Conversion of Gull Shares.  At the  Effective  Time, by
virtue of the Merger and without any further action by Gull, Meridian, Fresenius
or the Transitory Subsidiary, each Gull Share then issued and outstanding, other
than any  Dissenting  Share,  shall be  converted  into the right to receive Two
Dollars  and  Twenty-Five  Cents  ($2.25)  in cash  without  interest,  and each
Dissenting  Share shall be converted into the right to receive payment from Gull
with respect  thereto to the extent  provided by, and in  accordance  with,  the
provisions of the Utah Revised Business Corporation Act, provided, however, that
the Merger consideration per Gull Share shall be subject to equitable adjustment
in the event of any stock split,  stock dividend,  reverse stock split, or other
change in the number of Gull  Shares  outstanding  other than an increase in the
number of  outstanding  Gull Shares  resulting  from the  exercise of options to
purchase Gull Shares  outstanding on the date hereof.  After the Effective Time,
no Gull Share shall be deemed to be  outstanding,  other than Gull Shares issued
pursuant to  ss.2.4.5,or  to have any rights  other than those set forth in this

                  2.4.5   Conversion   of  Capital   Stock  of  the   Transitory
Subsidiary.  At and as of the Effective  Time, each share of Common Stock of the
Transitory  Subsidiary shall be converted into one share of Common Stock, $0.001
par value per share, of Gull.

                  2.5      Procedure for Payment.

                  2.5.1.  Immediately  after the Effective  Time,  Meridian will
deposit with a commercial bank (the "Paying Agent") a payment fund consisting of
cash  sufficient  for the  Paying  Agent  to make  full  payment  of the  Merger
consideration to the holders of record  immediately  prior to the Effective Time
of all of the  outstanding  Gull  Shares  (other  than any  Dissenting  Shares).
Meridian  will  cause  the  Paying  Agent to mail a  letter  of  transmittal  in
customary  form  which  shall  contain  instructions  for use in  effecting  the
surrender  of such  certificates  evidencing  the  outstanding  Gull  Shares  in
exchange for the Merger  consideration.  Upon  surrender of a certificate to the
Paying  Agent  for  cancellation,  together  with  a  duly  executed  letter  of
transmittal  and such other  documents  as may be  reasonably  requested  by the
Paying  Agent,  the holder of such  certificate  shall be entitled to receive in
exchange therefor the amount of cash,  without interest,  into which Gull Shares
theretofore  represented  by such  certificate  shall have been converted at the
Effective  Time; and the  certificate so surrendered  shall be canceled.  In the
event of a transfer of  ownership of Gull Shares that is not  registered  in the
transfer records of Gull,  payment may be made to a Person other than the Person
in whose name the  certificate so surrendered is registered if such  certificate
shall be properly  endorsed or  otherwise be in proper form for transfer and the
Person requesting such payment shall pay any transfer or other taxes required by
reason of the  payment  to a Person  other  than the  registered  holder of such
certificate  or  establish  to  the  satisfaction  of  Gull,  as  the  surviving
corporation,  that  such  tax has  been  paid  or is not  applicable.  Until  so
surrendered,  each  certificate  shall be deemed at any time after the Effective
Time to  represent  only the  right  to  receive  the  amount  of cash,  without
interest,  into which Gull Shares  theretofore  represented by such  certificate
shall have been converted at the Effective Time pursuant to this Section.

                  If a  certificate  shall have been lost,  stolen or destroyed,
upon the  making  of an  affidavit  of that  fact by the  Person  claiming  such
certificate to be lost, stolen or destroyed and,

                                      - 5 -

if required  by  Meridian or Gull,  upon the posting by such Person of a bond in
such amount as Meridian or Gull may reasonably  direct as indemnity  against any
claim that may be made against it with respect to such certificate and upon such
Person's  compliance with the other  requirements  set forth herein,  the Paying
Agent will issue in respect of such lost, stolen or destroyed  certificate,  the
Merger consideration to be received by virtue of the Merger with respect to Gull
Shares represented thereby.

                  2.5.2  Meridian  may cause  the  Paying  Agent to  invest  the
payment  fund  in  securities  of a  United  States  commercial  bank  or of the
government of the United States or any state thereof,  provided,  that the terms
and conditions of the investments shall be such as to permit the Paying Agent to
make prompt payment of the Merger consideration as necessary. Meridian may cause
the  Paying  Agent to pay  over to Gull any net  earnings  with  respect  to the
investments,  and  Meridian  will  deposit  promptly  with the Paying  Agent any
portion of the payment fund which is lost through investments.

                  2.5.3  Meridian may cause the Paying Agent to pay over to Gull
any portion of the payment fund  including  any earnings  thereon  remaining 180
days after the Effective Time, and thereafter all former Gull Stockholders shall
be entitled to look to Gull, subject to abandoned property,  escheat,  and other
similar  laws,  as  general   creditors  thereof  with  respect  to  the  Merger
consideration payable upon surrender of their certificates.

                  2.5.4  Meridian  shall pay all  charges  and  expenses  of the
Paying Agent.

                  2.6 Closing of Transfer  Records.  After the close of business
on the Closing Date, transfers of Gull Shares outstanding prior to the Effective
Time shall not be made on the stock transfer books of Gull.

                  3.0 Representations and Warranties of Gull and Fresenius. Gull
represents  and  warrants to Meridian  and the  Transitory  Subsidiary  that the
statements  contained in this ss.3 and the accompanying  Disclosure Schedule are
correct and complete as of the date of this Agreement.

                  3.1 Organization,  Qualification, and Corporate Power. Each of
Gull and its Subsidiaries is a corporation duly organized,  validly existing and
in good standing  under the laws of the  jurisdiction  of its  incorporation  or
organization.  Each of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  is duly authorized to conduct
business and is in good standing under the laws of each jurisdiction  where such
qualification is required except where the lack of such qualification  would not
have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  financial  condition  of Gull and its
Subsidiaries taken as a whole or on the ability of the parties to consummate the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.  Each of Gull and its Subsidiaries
has full corporate power and authority to carry on the businesses in which it is
engaged and to own and use the properties owned and used by it. The minute books
containing records of meetings of Gull Stockholders, directors and committees of
directors,  Gull stock  certificate books and stock records are each correct and
complete. Neither any of Gull nor any of its Subsidiaries is in default under or
in violation of any provision of its charter or Bylaws.

                                      - 6 -

                  3.2  Capitalization.  The entire  authorized  capital stock of
Gull  consists  of  50,000,000  Gull  Shares,  $0.001 par value per  share,  and
5,000,000 shares of Preferred  Stock,  $0.01 par value per share. As of the date
hereof,  8,016,012 Gull Shares are issued and outstanding and no Gull Shares are
held in treasury. No shares of Gull Preferred Stock are outstanding.  All of the
issued and  outstanding  Gull Shares have been duly  authorized  and are validly
issued,  fully paid and  non-assessable.  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure
Schedule,  there are no outstanding or authorized  options,  warrants,  purchase
rights,  subscription  rights,  conversion  rights,  exchange  rights,  or other
contracts or commitments  that could require Gull or any of its  Subsidiaries to
issue,  sell, or otherwise cause to become outstanding any of its capital stock.
There are no outstanding or authorized stock appreciation, phantom stock, profit
participation,   or  similar   rights  with  respect  to  Gull  or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries.  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule,  all issued and
outstanding  shares of capital  stock of each  Subsidiary of Gull have been duly
authorized and are validly issued and fully paid and  non-assessable  and all of
such  shares  are owned of record  and  beneficially  by Gull,  free,  clear and
unencumbered,  and Gull or a wholly-owned  Subsidiary has sole voting power with
respect to all of such shares.

                  3.3  Authorization  of Transaction.  The Board of Directors of
Gull, at a meeting duly called and held, has duly adopted resolutions  approving
this Agreement and the Merger, determining that the terms of the Merger are fair
to, and in the best  interests of, Gull's  Stockholders  and  recommending  that
Gull's  Stockholders  approve and adopt this Agreement and the Merger.  Gull has
full power and  authority to execute and deliver this  Agreement  and to perform
its  obligations  hereunder,  subject to approval and adoption of this Agreement
and the Merger by the requisite  majority-in-interest  of Gull  Stockholders  as
provided by the Utah Revised Business  Corporation Act. The execution,  delivery
and performance of this Agreement and the consummation by Gull of the Merger and
of the other transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized by the
Board of Directors  of Gull and no other  corporate  proceedings  on the part of
Gull are necessary to authorize this Agreement or to consummate the transactions
so contemplated other than the requisite  stockholder  approval.  This Agreement
has been duly  executed  and  delivered  by Gull and,  assuming  this  Agreement
constitutes  a valid and  binding  obligation  of  Meridian  and the  Transitory
Subsidiary,  constitutes  a valid and  binding  obligation  of Gull  enforceable
against Gull in accordance  with its terms,  subject to  applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  moratorium  or other  similar laws  relating to  creditors'  rights
generally and to general principles of equity.

                  3.4  Noncontravention.  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure
Schedule  and,  except  for  filings,  permits,  authorizations,   consents  and
approvals as may be required  under  applicable  requirements  of the Securities
Exchange  Act, the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Act, the laws of Utah,  the laws of other
states  in which  Gull and its  Subsidiaries  are  qualified  to do or are doing
business and state  takeover  laws,  and except for requisite  Gull  Stockholder
approval  and the  filing  of  Articles  of  Merger  with the Utah  Division  of
Corporations and Commercial Code, neither the execution and the delivery of this
Agreement nor the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  will
violate any  constitution,  statute,  regulation,  rule,  injunction,  judgment,
order,  decree,   ruling,  charge,  or  other  restriction  of  any  government,
governmental  agency,  or  court to which  any of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  is
subject  or any  provision  of the  charter  or  Bylaws  of any of Gull  and its
Subsidiaries or conflict with, result in a breach of, constitute a default

                                      - 7 -

under,  result  in the  acceleration  of,  create  in any  party  the  right  to
accelerate,  terminate,  modify,  or  cancel,  or require  any notice  under any
agreement,  contract, lease, license,  instrument, or other arrangement to which
any of Gull and its  Subsidiaries is a party or by which it is bound or to which
any of its  assets  is  subject  or  result in the  imposition  of any  Security
Interest upon any of its assets, except where the violation,  conflict,  breach,
default, acceleration, termination, modification,  cancellation, failure to give
notice,  or Security  Interest  would not have a material  adverse effect on the
financial  condition  of Gull  and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole or on the
ability of the  Parties to  consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by this

                  3.5 Filings  with the SEC.  Gull has made all filings with the
SEC that it has  been  required  to make  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act,
including,  without  limitation,  Gull's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended  December 31, 1997 (the "1997 10-K") and Gull's  Quarterly  Report on Form
10-Q for the quarter  ended June 30,  1998 (the "1998  10-Q") (the 1997 10-K and
1998 10-Q being referred to collectively as the "Public  Reports").  At the time
filed with the SEC, each of the Public Reports complied in all material respects
with the Securities Exchange Act and the applicable rules and regulations of the
SEC thereunder.  At the time filed with the SEC, the Public Reports, as of their
respective  filing dates, did not include an untrue statement of a material fact
or omit to state a  material  fact  necessary  in  order to make the  statements
therein,  in the light of the  circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not
misleading.  Gull has  delivered to Meridian a correct and complete copy of each
Public Report.

                  3.6      Events After December 31, 1997.

                  3.6.1  Except as  disclosed  in the  Public  Reports or in the
Disclosure  Schedule,  since  December  31, 1997 there has not been any material
adverse change in the business,  financial  condition,  cash flows,  operations,
results of  operations  or  prospects of Gull and its  Subsidiaries,  taken as a

                  3.6.2 Except as set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule,  since
December 31, 1997, neither Gull nor any of its Subsidiaries:

                   has  transferred  or  encumbered  assets  or
entered into any  agreement  outside the Ordinary  Course of Business or granted
any  license or  sublicense  of any  rights  with  respect  to any  Intellectual
Property Assets; or

                   granted  any  Security  Interest or made any
loan or entered  into any other  transaction  with any  directors,  officers  or
employees outside the Ordinary Course of Business; or

                    entered  into  any  employment   agreement,
modified the terms of any existing employment agreement; or

                  granted any increase in base  compensation to
any director, officer or employee; or

                                      - 8 -

                   adopted,  amended or modified  any  Employee
Benefit Plan; or

                  made any capital expenditures or committed to
make such expenditures in excess of $10,000; or

                   reduced or limited the  insurance  coverages
maintained  on its behalf or the manner in which it uses,  operates or maintains
its property; or

                  made any investments or  contributions to any
other  Person  other  than in the  Ordinary  Course  of  Business,  in excess of
$10,000, individually or in the aggregate.

                  3.7  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except  as  set  forth  in the
Disclosure  Schedule,  none  of  Gull  and its  Subsidiaries  has  any  material
liability,  whether  asserted or  unasserted,  whether  absolute or  contingent,
whether accrued or unaccrued, whether liquidated or unliquidated and whether due
or to become  due,  including  any  material  liability  for  taxes,  except for
liabilities set forth in the Public Reports or for which reasonable reserves are
maintained,  and  liabilities  which  have  arisen  after  June 30,  1998 in the
Ordinary Course of Business.

                  3.8  Brokers'  Fees.  Except  as set  forth in the  Disclosure
Schedule,  none of Gull and its  Subsidiaries has any liability or obligation to
pay any fees or commissions  to any broker,  finder or agent with respect to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  3.9  Insurance.   The  Disclosure   Schedule  sets  forth  the
following  information with respect to each insurance policy,  including without
limitation  policies  providing  medical,  directors' and  officers',  property,
casualty,  liability  and  workers'  compensation  coverage  and bond and surety
arrangements,  to which  any of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  is a party,  a named
insured or otherwise the beneficiary of coverage:

                  3.9.1    the name, address and telephone number of the agent;

                  3.9.2 the name of the  insurer,  the name of the  policyholder
and the name of each covered insured;

                  3.9.3    the policy number and the period of coverage;

                  3.9.4 the  scope,  including  an  indication  of  whether  the
coverage was on a claims made, occurrence or other basis, and amount,  including
a description of how  deductibles  and ceilings are  calculated and operate,  of
coverage; and

                  3.9.5 a description of any retroactive  premium adjustments or
other loss-sharing arrangements.

With respect to each such insurance policy, to Gull's Knowledge:  (a) the policy
is legal,  valid,  binding,  enforceable  and in full force and effect;  (b) the
policy will continue to be legal, valid, binding,  enforceable and in full force
and effect on identical terms following the consummation

                                      - 9 -

of the Merger except that,  subject to ss.6.9,  coverage of Gull under  policies
maintained by Fresenius will  terminate at the Effective  Time; (c) none of Gull
and its  Subsidiaries nor any other party to the policy is in material breach or
default  (including  with  respect to the  payment of  premiums or the giving of
notices)  and no event has  occurred  which,  with  notice or the lapse of time,
would constitute such a breach or default, or permit  termination,  modification
or acceleration, under the policy; and (d) no party to the policy has repudiated
any provision thereof.  Each of Gull and its Subsidiaries has been covered since
January 1, 1995 by insurance in scope and amount  customary and  reasonable  for
the businesses in which it has engaged  during the  aforementioned  period.  The
Disclosure Schedule describes any self-insurance  arrangements  affecting any of
Gull and its Subsidiaries.

                  3.10  Litigation.  The  Disclosure  Schedule  sets  forth each
instance in which any of Gull and its Subsidiaries is subject to any outstanding
injunction,  judgment,  order,  decree,  ruling  or  charge or is a party or, to
Gull's  Knowledge  is  threatened  in writing to be made a party to any  action,
suit, proceeding, hearing or investigation of, in, or before any court or quasi-
judicial  or  administrative  agency of any  federal,  state,  local or  foreign
jurisdiction or before any arbitrator,  an adverse  determination of which could
reasonably be expected to result in any material adverse change in the business,
financial condition, cash flows, operations,  results of operations or prospects
of Gull and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole.

                  3.11 Product  Warranty.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure
Schedule,  to Gull's Knowledge,  each product manufactured,  distributed,  sold,
leased or delivered by Gull or any of its Subsidiaries has been in conformity in
all  material  respects  with all  applicable  contractual  commitments  and all
expressed  and  implied  warranties.  Except  as set  forth  in  the  Disclosure
Schedule, none of Gull and its Subsidiaries has any liabilities in excess of the
liabilities set forth in the Public Reports or for which reasonable reserves are
maintained for any guaranty,  warranty or other indemnity  arising from products
manufactured,  sold,  leased or delivered  by any of Gull and its  Subsidiaries,
except  for  liabilities  which  are not  reasonably  expected  to result in any
material  adverse  change in the  business,  financial  condition,  cash  flows,
operations,  results of  operations  or prospects of Gull and its  Subsidiaries,
taken as a whole,  and liabilities  which have arisen after June 30, 1998 in the
Ordinary Course of Business.

                  3.12  Product  Liability.   Except  as  reserved  for  in  the
consolidated  financial statements contained in the 1997 10-K or as set forth in
the Disclosure Schedule, to Gull's Knowledge,  none of Gull and its Subsidiaries
has any  liability  arising  out of any  injury to any Person or  property  as a
result  of  the  ownership,  possession  or use  of  any  Product  manufactured,
distributed,  sold,  leased  or  delivered  by any of Gull and its  Subsidiaries
except for any such liabilities  which are not reasonably  expected to result in
any material adverse change in the business,  financial  condition,  cash flows,
operations,  results of  operations  or prospects of Gull and its  Subsidiaries,
taken as a whole.

                  3.13  Employees.   Except  as  set  forth  in  the  Disclosure
Schedule, to Gull's Knowledge, no executive,  key employee or group of employees
has any  plans to  terminate  employment  with any of Gull and its  Subsidiaries
other than routine  terminations which are not reasonably  expected to result in
any material adverse change in the business, financial condition,

                                     - 10 -

cash flows,  operations,  results of  operations  or  prospects  of Gull and its
Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole. Except as set forth in the Public Reports, none
of the  employees  of Gull or its  Subsidiaries  are  subject to any  collective
bargaining  agreement.  Since January 1, 1998, none of Gull or its  Subsidiaries
have committed an unfair labor practice as such term is defined in federal labor
law or similar action under  non-United  States labor laws, or  experienced  any
strikes,  charges  of unfair  labor  practices  or other  collective  bargaining
disputes,  except for any such practices,  strikes, claims or disputes which are
not  reasonably  expected  to  result  in any  material  adverse  change  in the
business, financial condition, cash flows, operations,  results of operations or
prospects of Gull and its Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole. Gull has no Knowledge
of any organizational  effort presently being made or threatened by or on behalf
of  any  labor  union  with  respect  to  employees  of  any  of  Gull  and  its

                  3.14     Employee Benefits.

                  3.14.1 The  Disclosure  Schedule  lists each Employee  Benefit
Plan that any of Gull and its Subsidiaries maintains or to which any of Gull and
its Subsidiaries contributes.

                   Each such  Employee  Benefit Plan (and each
related  trust,  insurance  contract  or fund)  subject  to ERISA  substantially
complies in form and in operation in all material  respects with the  applicable
requirements  of ERISA,  the Code and other  applicable laws of United States or
non-United States jurisdictions. All required reports and descriptions,
including Form 5500 Annual Reports,  Summary Annual Reports, PBGC-1s and Summary
Plan Descriptions,  have been filed or distributed appropriately with respect to
each Employee Benefit Plan subject to Title I of ERISA. The requirements of Part
6 of Subtitle B of Title 1 of ERISA and of Code  ss.4980B have  materially  been
met with respect to each such Employee Benefit Plan which is an Employee Welfare
Benefit Plan.

                  All  contributions,  including  all employer
contributions and employee salary reduction  contributions,  which are due prior
to the date of this Agreement have been paid to each such Employee  Benefit Plan
which is an Employee  Pension Benefit Plan and all  contributions  which are due
for any period  ending on or before the  Closing  Date will have been paid on or
before the Closing Date to each such Employee  Pension Benefit Plan or will have
been  accrued in  accordance  with the past custom and  practice of Gull and its
Subsidiaries.  All  premiums  or other  payments  which are due for all  periods
ending  on or before  the  Closing  Date  will  have been paid on or before  the
Closing  Date  with  respect  to each such  Employee  Benefit  Plan  which is an
Employee Welfare Benefit Plan.

                  Each such Employee  Benefit Plan which is an
Employee  Pension Benefit Plan covering  employees in the United States which is
intended to be a "qualified plan" under Code ss.401(a)  substantially  meets the
requirements of Code ss.401(a) and has received a favorable determination letter
form  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  or  has  pending  an  application  for  a
determination letter which was timely filed.

                                     - 11 -

                   The market  value of assets under each such
Employee  Benefit  Plan  which is an  Employee  Pension  Benefit  Plan  covering
employees in the United States,  other than any  multiemployer  plan,  equals or
exceeds  (or does not fail by an amount  which is  material  to Gull to equal or
exceed) the present  value of all vested and  nonvested  liabilities  thereunder
determined in accordance with PBGC methods,  factors and assumptions  applicable
to an Employee Pension Benefit Plan terminating on the date for determination.

                  Gull has  delivered to Meridian  correct and
complete  copies of the plan  documents and summary plan  description,  the most
recent determination letter received from the Internal Revenue Service (for each
Employee  Pension  Benefit Plan),  the most recent Form 5500 Annual  Report,  if
applicable,  and all related  trust  agreements,  insurance  contracts and other
funding  agreements or other  documents  which  implement each Employee  Benefit

                  3.14.2 With respect to each Employee  Benefit Plan that any of
Gull, its Subsidiaries  and the Controlled Group of Corporations  which includes
Gull and its  Subsidiaries  maintains or ever has  maintained,  within the seven
years  ending  on  the  Closing  Date,  or to  which  any of  them  contributes,
contributed  within the seven years ending on the Closing Date, or ever has been
required to contribute, within the seven years ending on the Closing Date:

                  No such Employee Benefit Plan is an Employee
Pension Benefit Plan that is subject to Title IV of ERISA.

                   To  Gull's  Knowledge,  there  have been no
prohibited  transactions  (as  defined in ERISA  ss.406 and Code  ss.4975)  with
respect  to any such  Employee  Benefit  Plan  subject  to Title I of ERISA.  No
Fiduciary  (as  defined  in ERISA  ss.3(21))  has any  liability  for  breach of
fiduciary  duty or any other  failure  to act or comply in  connection  with the
administration or investment of the assets of any such Employee Benefit Plan. No
action,  suit,  proceeding,   hearing  or  investigation  with  respect  to  the
administration or the investment of the assets of any such Employee Benefit Plan
(other than routine  claims for  benefits)  is pending or, to Gull's  Knowledge,
threatened.  Gull has no  Knowledge  of any  basis  for any such  action,  suit,
proceeding, hearing or investigation.

                  3.14.3 None of Gull, its Subsidiaries and the other members of
the Controlled  Group of  Corporations  that includes Gull and its  Subsidiaries
contributes  to,  has,  within  the  seven  years  ending on the  Closing  Date,
contributed to, or been required to contribute to any multiemployer  plan or has
any liability,  including withdrawal liability,  under any multiemployer plan as
defined in ss.4001(a)(3) of ERISA.

                  3.14.4  None of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  contributes  or is
required to contribute to any Employee  Welfare Benefit Plan providing  medical,
health or life  insurance or other  welfare- type benefits for current or future
retired or terminated employees,  their spouses or their dependents,  other than
in accordance with Code ss.4980B.

                                     - 12 -

                  3.15  Guaranties.  Except  as  set  forth  in  the  Disclosure
Schedule or the Public Reports, none of Gull and its Subsidiaries is a guarantor
or  otherwise  is liable for any material  liability  or  obligation,  including
indebtedness, of any other Person.

                  3.16     Environment, Health and Safety.

                  3.16.1 Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule,  to the
Knowledge of Gull, all real property owned, leased or controlled by Gull and the
improvements thereon and the soil and groundwater thereunder ("Properties"): (i)
do not contain and are not contaminated by any Hazardous Substance;  (ii) do not
contain and have not previously contained  underground storage tanks; (iii) have
never  been used for the  generation,  treatment,  storage  or  disposal  of any
Hazardous  Substance  (other than  routine  storage,  use and sale of  Hazardous
Substances  from  time  to  time  in the  Ordinary  Course  of  Business  and in
compliance,  in all material  respects,  with  Environmental,  Health and Safety
Laws), or for mining,  landfilling,  dumping,  gasoline station, dry cleaning or
commercial petroleum product storage purposes;  (iv) have never been the subject
of any activities  representing a violation or alleged violation of, and are not
currently under investigation  pursuant to, any Environmental,  Health or Safety
Laws or any  obligation  to  report to or  action  by a  governmental  authority
pursuant to any Environmental, Health or Safety Laws, and are in full compliance
with all Environmental,  Health or Safety Laws; (v) have not been subject to any
release of any Hazardous  Substance  from any nearby  property;  (vi) have never
been the subject of an environmental audit or assessment,  or remedial action or
a lien or encumbrance  for an  environmental  problem;  and (vii) do not contain
asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or nuclear fuels or wastes.

                  3.16.2  Gull:  (i) is,  and has  been,  to its  Knowledge,  in
compliance in all material respects with all applicable Environmental, Health or
Safety Laws;  (ii) has not received any notices,  demand letters or requests for
information from any governmental entity or any third party that assert Gull may
be in violation of, or liable under, any  Environmental,  Health or Safety Laws;
(iii)  is not  subject  to  any  notice,  order  or  decree  of  any  court,  or
governmental  entity  arising  under any  Environmental,  Health or Safety Laws,
except for such  matters as do not,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  have a
material adverse effect on Gull, its business,  or its Properties;  (iv) has not
transported or arranged for the  transportation  of any Hazardous  Substances to
any site listed on EPA's National  Priorities List of Hazardous  Substance Sites
or comparable state Hazardous Substance Site List; and (v) is not liable for any
Hazardous  Substance  contamination  at any  other  site or  location  under any
Environmental,  Health and Safety Laws.  To its  Knowledge,  Gull has timely and
accurately  filed every  report or  notification  required to be filed,  and has
acquired, maintained and timely submitted renewal applications for all necessary
certificates and permits and has and is in compliance with such certificates and
permits (all of which are listed in the Disclosure Schedule),  and has generated
and  maintained  all  data,   documentation   and  records  required  under  all
Environmental,  Health or Safety Laws. Copies of all documents  received by Gull
from, or submitted by Gull to, any governmental authority, court, or third party
concerning any matters arising under any Environmental,  Health and Safety Laws,
and all reviews, audits, assessments,  analyses or other documents pertaining to
Environmental, Health and Safety Laws, have been furnished by Gull to Meridian.

                                     - 13 -

                  3.16.3 Except as set forth in the Disclosure  Schedule,  there
are not now  pending  or,  to  Gull's  Knowledge,  threatened,  and  during  the
preceding  five (5) years,  there has not occurred any  Occupational  Safety and
Health Act ("OSHA") inspections, complaints, and/or citations relating to Gull's
business operations or the places where it conducts its business operations.  To
Gull's Knowledge,  no modifications or changes in or to any of the Properties or
the manner in which  Gull  conducts  its  business  are  necessary  to  continue
operations in accordance with applicable OSHA requirements.

                  3.16.4                Definitions.

                   "Environmental,  Health  and  Safety  Laws"
means all foreign,  federal, state and local laws, statutes,  codes, ordinances,
regulations,  rules,  policies,  consent  decrees,  judicial  or  administrative
orders, permits,  approvals, or other requirements relating to the protection of
human health or the  environment,  all as amended or modified from time to time,
including  without  limitation,   the  Comprehensive   Environmental   Response,
Compensation,  and  Liability  Act of 1980,  as amended (42 U.S.C.  ss.9601,  et
seq.),  the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended (42 U.S.C.  ss.6901,  et seq.),
the Hazardous Waste Materials Transportation Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. ss.1801,
et seq.),  the Clean Air Act,  as amended  (42  U.S.C.  ss.7401,  et seq.),  the
Federal Water Pollution  Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C.  ss.1251,  et seq.),
the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended (15 U.S.C.  ss.2601,  et seq.), the
Safe Drinking  Water Act, as amended (42 U.S.C.  ss.300f,  et seq.),  the Atomic
Energy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C.  ss.2014,  et seq.),  the Federal  Insecticide
Fungicide and Rodenticide  Act, as amended (7 U.S.C.  ss.136,  et seq.), the Oil
Pollution Act of 1990, as amended (33 U.S.C.  ss.2701,  et seq.),  the Emergency
Planning  and  Community  Right-to-Know  Act of  1986,  as  amended  (42  U.S.C.
ss.11001,  et seq.),  the  Occupational  Safety and Health  Act,  as amended (29
U.S.C.   ss.651,  et  seq.),  and  the  regulations   adopted  and  publications
promulgated pursuant thereto, and shall also include any common law theory based
on nuisance, trespass, negligence or other tortious conduct.

                   "Hazardous  Substance" means any substance,
material  or  waste  (a)  the  presence  of  which  requires   investigation  or
remediation  under any  Environmental,  Health and Safety Laws;  or (b) which is
defined,  characterized,  identified,  or listed as a hazardous waste, hazardous
substance,  toxic substance,  infectious waste,  solid waste,  industrial waste,
mixed (hazardous and radioactive) waste, pollutant,  contaminant or similar term
under  any  Environmental,  Health  and  Safety  Laws;  or (c)  which is  toxic,
explosive, corrosive, reactive, ignitable, flammable,  infectious,  radioactive,
toxic,  carcinogenic,  mutagenic,  or  otherwise  hazardous  and  is or  becomes
regulated by any governmental authority as a threat to human health or safety or
the  environment;  or (d) the  presence  of  which  on the  property  causes  or
threatens to cause a nuisance upon the property or to adjacent property or poses
or threatens to pose a hazard to the health or safety of Persons on or about the
property;  or (e) the release of which on adjacent properties could constitute a
trespass;  or (f) which is  asbestos or asbestos  containing  materials;  or (g)
which is  polychlorinated  biphenyls;  or (h) which  contains  petroleum  or any
petroleum- derived products or fractions thereof; or (i) which is dioxin; or (j)
which  may  give  rise  to  liability  or  is  otherwise   regulated  under  any
Environmental, Health and Safety Laws.

                                     - 14 -

                  3.17     Intellectual Property.

                  3.17.1 For purposes of thisss.3.17,  the following terms shall
have the following meanings:

                    "Marks"  means  names   "Gull,"   "Seagull
Design,"  "Protectoral,"  "Sportstaff,"  ":XTrax,"  "ONLi" or "GeneSTAR" and all
fictional business names, trading names, registered and unregistered trademarks,
service marks and applications  used in the business or owned,  used or licensed
by Gull;

                    "Patents"   means  the   patents,   patent
applications,  and inventions and  discoveries  that may be patentable  that are
used in the business and are owned, used or licensed by Gull;

                   "Copyrights"  means all  copyrights in both
published works and unpublished works owned, used or licensed by Gull;

                   "Trade  Secrets" means all know-how,  trade
secrets, confidential information,  customer lists, internally derived or custom
software, technical information,  data, process technology, plans, drawings, and
blue prints owned, used, or licensed by Gull as licensee or licensor;

                   "Software" means the computer  software and
all computer software code documentation  commentaries,  owned, licensed or used
by Gull in the conduct of the business; and

                    "Intellectual   Property   Assets"   means
collectively the Marks, Patents, Copyrights, Trade Secrets and Software.

                  3.17.2  The  Disclosure   Schedule  contains  a  complete  and
accurate list and summary description,  including any royalties paid or received
by Gull, of all agreements relating to its Intellectual Property Assets to which
Gull is a party or by which Gull is bound except for any license  applied by the
sale of a  product  and  perpetual,  paid-up  licenses  for  commonly  available
software  programs  with a value  of less  than  $2,000  under  which  Gull is a
licensee.  There are no  outstanding  and, to Gull's  Knowledge,  no  threatened
disputes or disagreements with respect to any such agreement.

                  3.17.3  The  Disclosure   Schedule  contains  a  complete  and
accurate list and summary  description of all Marks.  Except as set forth in the
Disclosure  Schedule,  all Marks that have been  registered  with the applicable
Trademark  Office  are  valid  and  enforceable,  and  are  not  subject  to any
maintenance  fees or taxes or  actions  falling  due  within  90 days  after the
Closing Date. Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, Gull has taken all
necessary actions in accordance with applicable law to maintain and protect each
Mark. Except as set for in the Disclosure  Schedule,  no Mark has been or is now
involved  in any  opposition,  invalidation,  or  cancellation  and,  to  Gull's
Knowledge, no such action is threatened with respect to any of the Marks, nor is
there any  potentially  interfering  trademark or trademark  application  of any
third party.

                                     - 15 -

                  3.17.4 With respect to the Trade Secrets taken as a whole, the
documentation relating to such Trade Secret is current, accurate, and sufficient
in detail  and  content  to  identify  and  explain it and to allow its full and
proper use without  reliance on the Knowledge or memory of any individual.  Gull
has taken all reasonable precautions to protect the secrecy, confidentiality and
value of its Trade Secrets.

                  3.17.5 Except as listed on the Disclosure Schedule,  no action
is pending  or, to the  Knowledge  of Gull,  threatened  with  respect to Gull's
ownership  of, or potential  infringements  of or any other claims of any nature
relating  to or arising  from its  Intellectual  Property  Assets or the current
products of Gull. None of Gull's Intellectual Property Assets, including current
products   manufactured   by   Gull,   infringe,   violate   or   constitute   a
misappropriation, or to the Knowledge of Gull in the past infringed, violated or
constituted a misappropriation, of any intellectual property rights of any other
Person or entity.  Neither Fresenius nor Gull has received any complaint,  claim
or notice and, to Gull's  Knowledge,  there is no basis for any such  complaint,
claim or  notice.  Gull  has  taken  all  reasonable  measures  to  protect  the
proprietary nature and value of each of the Intellectual Property Assets, and to
maintain in  confidence  all Trade Secrets that it owns or uses. No other Person
or entity has any rights to any of the  Intellectual  Property  Assets  owned or
used by Gull,  except for licensors of  Intellectual  Property Assets to Gull or
other  licensees  of  Intellectual  Property  Assets to which  Gull has not been
granted an exclusive license, and to Gull's Knowledge, no other Person or entity
is infringing,  violating or misappropriating  any of the Intellectual  Property
Assets of Gull.

                  3.17.6  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule  with
respect to "GeneSTAR," Gull does not own or operate any Software developed by it
or developed by others exclusively for its use.

                  3.17.7 The  Software  included  in the  Intellectual  Property
Assets performs in accordance with the documentation and other written materials
used in connection  with the Software and is free of defects in programming  and
operation,  is  in  machine-readable  form,  contains  all  currently  available
computer  programs,  materials,  tapes,  object and source codes,  other written
materials,  know-how  and  processes  related  to the  Software.  Gull  has made
available to Meridian for its review complete and correct copies of all user and
technical documentation related to the Software.

                  3.17.8  Fresenius  and Gull have each kept  secret and neither
has  disclosed  the source code for the  Software to any Person or entity  other
than certain  employees of Fresenius  and Gull who are subject to the terms of a
binding confidentiality agreement with respect thereto.  Fresenius and Gull have
each taken all appropriate  measures to protect the confidential and proprietary
nature of the Software,  including without limitation the use of confidentiality
agreements  with all of its employees  having access to the Software  source and
object code. There have been no Patents applied for and no Copyrights registered
for any part of the  Software.  There are no  trademark  rights of any Person or
entity in the  names  "Gull,"  "Seagull  Design,"  "Protectoral,"  "Sportstaff,"
":XTrax," "ONLi" or "GeneSTAR."

                                     - 16 -

                  3.17.9 The Software includes acceptable design and performance
specifications  so that the Software will not abruptly end or provide invalid or
incorrect results during the operation of Gull's business on or after January 1,
2000. The Software is designed to ensure year 2000  compatibility  and includes,
but  is not  limited  to,  date  data  century  recognition,  calculations  that
accommodate same century and multi-century  formulas and date values,  date data
interface  values that  reflect the century,  and  includes  year 2000 leap year

                  3.18  Disclosure.  The  Proxy  Materials  will  comply  in all
material respects with the Securities  Exchange Act and the applicable rules and
regulations  thereunder.  None of the information  that Gull will supply that is
included in the Proxy  Materials will, at the time the Proxy Materials are first
mailed  to  Gull's   Stockholders  or  at  the  time  of  the  meeting  of  Gull
Stockholders,  include an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of
the  circumstances  under  which they will be made,  not  misleading;  provided,
however,  that Gull makes no  representation  or  warranty  with  respect to any
information that Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary supply that is included
in the Proxy Materials.

                  3.19  Opinion of  Financial  Advisor.  Gull has  received  the
opinion of Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors,  a true and  correct  copy of which is
attached  as  Exhibit  E,  dated  the  date of  this  Agreement  (the  "Fairness

                  3.20  Proficiency   Surveys.   Except  as  set  forth  in  the
Disclosure  Schedule,  the supply contract  pursuant to which Gull provides test
specimens to the College of American Pathologists'  Proficiency Surveys will not
be adversely affected by completion of the Merger.

                  3.21     Products, Inventories and Operations.

                  3.21.1  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule,  the
Products  manufactured by Gull have at all times been manufactured in compliance
in all material  respects  with all rules and  regulations  with respect to Good
Manufacturing  Practices as such may be  determined by the Federal Food and Drug
Administration  ("FDA") or in compliance with all other  applicable laws of both
the United States and non-United States governments ("GMP  Requirements") and in
compliance  in all  material  respects  with  all  representations  made  in any
submissions to the FDA or similar  non-United States  authorities  concerning or
relating to such Products,  including  submissions to obtain marketing approval.
Gull has maintained its registration of its manufacturing facilities with FDA at
all times.

                  3.21.2  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule,  the
finished goods inventories, net of reserves for excess and obsolete inventories,
of the Products at the Closing are in good, usable and salable  condition,  free
from any defect, whether latent or patent, and currently of a quality,  strength
and purity which are in conformity  with  applicable FDA  regulations or similar
non-United  States laws and  regulations.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure
Schedule, no article in such inventories is adulterated or misbranded within the
meaning of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act or similar  non-United States
laws or regulations nor is any finished article contained in such inventories an
article which may not, under the provisions of Sections

                                     - 17 -

404 or 505 of the said Act, be introduced into interstate  commerce for the uses
thereof previously made by Gull and all written  representations with respect to
the Products  made by Gull to its customers  have been in all material  respects
true,  correct and complete.  The  inventories of finished goods of the Products
are packaged for resale in customary packaging used for those products by Gull.

                  3.21.3  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule,  the
manufacture,  use,  distribution  and  sale  by  Gull  of  the  Products  are in
accordance  in all  material  respects  with the  provisions  of the  applicable
authorizations,  comply in all material  respects with all  applicable  laws and
regulations and do not interfere with the rights of any Person to know-how or to
any property right the existence of which would materially  adversely affect the
value of the Products.

                  3.21.4 Except as set forth in the Disclosure  Schedule,  since
June  30,  1998,  Gull  has not  failed  to file  any  report,  data,  or  other
information  with respect to the  Products,  the  materials or the  operation of
Gull's plants where the Products are  manufactured  that is required to be filed
with  the  FDA or any  other  federal,  state  or  local  government  agency  or
non-United  States  government  agency,  which failure to file would  materially
adversely affect the Products,  the materials or the operations of Gull's plants
where the Products are  manufactured.  Except as disclosed in the Public Reports
or the Disclosure Schedule,  Gull is in all material respects in compliance with
current federal, state, state agency and local government and other governmental
and non-United States government reporting requirements, if any, relating to the
Products,  the  materials  and  the  plant  operation  where  the  Products  are

                  3.21.5 All information  concerning the Products, the materials
and the  operation  of  Gull's  plants  where  the  Products  are  manufactured,
including published and unpublished data, relating to the safety and efficacy of
the  Products,  coming to the  attention of Gull or  Fresenius  within two years
prior to the Closing Date not already listed on other Disclosure  Schedules will
be promptly disclosed to Meridian prior to Closing.

                  3.21.6   Schedule   3.21.6   sets   forth  all  FDA  Form  483
inspectional observations delivered by the FDA to Gull since June 28, 1994. Gull
is currently in full compliance with all FDA Form 483 inspectional  observations
delivered by the FDA to Gull, or Gull has  delivered  plans of correction to the
FDA  for  compliance  in  all  material   respects  with  all   observations  of
objectionable  conditions and practices  listed on such FDA Form 483 to the FDA,
and such plans of correction have been completed or are being diligently pursued
in accordance  with the terms and conditions  agreed between the FDA and Gull to
correct such objectionable  practices identified by the FDA on all such FDA Form
483 inspectional reports.

                  3.22     Formulae, Etc., for Products.

                  3.22.1 The  Disclosure  Schedule  contains a true and  correct
list of the Products in inventory, those being manufactured and those being sold
or distributed by Gull and other products or technology related to the Products.

                                     - 18 -

                  3.22.2  With   respect  to  the   Products   currently   being
manufactured,  Gull has a sufficient  combination of  manufacturing  and testing
instructions, formulae and other documentation sufficient for the manufacture of
such Products in accordance with Gull's current manufacturing practices.

                  3.23 Expiration  Dates.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure
Schedule,  all of the Products bear an expiration  date suitable for sale of the
Products in the Ordinary Course of Business which is based upon Gull's available
                  3.24  Subsidiaries  and Other Capital Stock.  The Subsidiaries
are listed in the  Disclosure  Schedule.  Except as set forth in the  Disclosure
Schedule,  Gull owns all outstanding securities of each of the Subsidiaries.  No
Subsidiary has outstanding or authorized  options,  warrants,  purchase  rights,
subscription  rights,  conversion rights,  exchange rights or other contracts or
commitments  that could  require such  Subsidiary  to issue,  sell, or otherwise
cause to become outstanding any of its capital stock.

                  3.25 Real  Property.  The  Disclosure  Schedule  sets  forth a
description of all real property of Gull owned,  leased or subject to a purchase
contract or lease commitment, detailing which properties are owned and which are
leased,  with a  brief  description  of all  buildings  and  structures  thereon
(sometimes  collectively  the  "Real  Property").  A list of all  such  purchase
contracts or leases is contained in the Disclosure Schedule. With respect to the
Real Property that is owned by Gull and identified on the  Disclosure  Schedule,
title to such Real  Property is, and at the  Effective  Time shall be, except to
the extent  identified in the  Disclosure  Schedule,  good and  marketable,  fee
simple,  free and clear of all  liens,  encumbrances,  adverse  claims and other
matters  affecting  Gull's  title  to  or  possession  of  such  Real  Property,
including, but not limited to, all encroachments,  boundary disputes, covenants,
restrictions,  easements, rights of way, mortgages,  security interests, leases,
encumbrances  and title  objections,  excepting  only (i) liens for real  estate
taxes  not yet  due and  payable  and  (ii)  such  easements,  restrictions  and
covenants presently of record which will not, in Meridian's sole judgment (which
judgment  will be  exercised  prior to  Closing to the  extent  such  easements,
restrictions  and covenants  have been  disclosed in the  Disclosure  Schedule),
interfere with or impair Meridian's  intended use of any of the Real Property or
reduce the value of any of the Real Property, which easements,  restrictions and
covenants  are listed on the  Disclosure  Schedule  in a manner so that the Real
Property  to  which  they  relate  is  readily  identifiable  (collectively  the
"Permitted Encumbrances").  At Closing, title to the Real Property owned by Gull
shall  be  insurable  by  Meridian  by  a  title  insurance  company  reasonably
satisfactory  to Meridian,  at such company's  regular rates pursuant to an ALTA
1987  owner's  form of  policy,  free of all  exceptions  except  the  aforesaid
easements,  restrictions  and  covenants  to the  extent  not  objectionable  to
Meridian.  A list of  existing  title  insurance  policies is  contained  in the
Disclosure Schedule.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure  Schedule,  all Real
Property and the  buildings  located  thereon are in  compliance in all material
respects  with  applicable  zoning  laws  and  regulations.  All  buildings  and
structures  owned or leased by Gull,  and the mechanical  components  (including
HVAC systems),  roofs,  fixtures and equipment  located therein or thereon,  are
now, and at the Closing Date will be, in good  operating  condition  and repair,
subject only to normal  maintenance and repair,  fit for the uses for which they
are  intended,  and no material  repairs  will need to be made as of the Closing
Date to continue the use of such buildings and structures as presently used.

                                     - 19 -

                  3.26  Equipment.  Gull  shall  deliver  to  Meridian  prior to
Closing a computer  generated  asset register which will list all material items
of machinery,  equipment and similar property, including vehicles, owned by Gull
on the  Closing  Date.  All such  machinery,  equipment  and  similar  property,
including  vehicles,  shall be in good working order on the Closing Date. Except
as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule,  all equipment owned by Gull and placed
with  customers has been  validated for the specific Gull tests that run on that

                  3.27 Contracts and  Agreements.  The Disclosure  Schedule sets
forth a description of all contracts and  agreements,  whether  written or oral,
and all amendments thereto or modifications  thereof to which Gull is a party or
by which it is bound,  which involve future payments by or to Gull of $25,000 or
more, other than contracts which are terminable by Gull upon thirty days or less
notice without cost or expense to Gull, and all notes, mortgages, pledges, deeds
of trust,  security,  loan or  credit  agreements  and  similar  instruments  or
arrangements to which Gull is a party or by which it is bound and all amendments
or modifications thereof  (collectively the "Contracts"),  together in each case
with copies of all such agreements,  contracts and other instruments as Meridian
may reasonably request. Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule:

                  3.27.1 Each Contract is a valid and binding  agreement of Gull
and, to the best of Gull's  Knowledge,  is a valid and binding  agreement of the
other parties thereto;

                  3.27.2 Gull has fulfilled all obligations required pursuant to
each  Contract  to have  been  performed  by Gull on its part  prior to the date
hereof,  and Gull has no reason to believe  that it will not be able to fulfill,
when  due,  all of Gull's  obligations  under the  Contracts  that  remain to be
performed after the date hereof; and

                  3.27.3 There has not  occurred any default  under any Contract
on the part of Gull; Gull does not have any Knowledge that any default under any
Contract on the part of the other parties  thereto has  occurred;  and Gull does
not have any  Knowledge  that any event has  occurred  which  with the giving of
notice or the lapse of time, or both,  would constitute any default under any of
the Contracts.

                  3.28 Accounts Receivable. All accounts receivable of Gull that
are reflected in the financial  statements  contained in the 1998 10-Q are valid
obligations  arising from sales actually made or services actually  performed in
the ordinary  course of business of Gull.  Except as set forth on the Disclosure
Schedule,  there is no contest, claim or right of set-off, other than returns in
the ordinary course of business of Gull,  under any contract or arrangement with
any obligor of an accounts receivable relating to the amount or validity of such
accounts receivable.

                  3.29 Licenses and Permits.  The Disclosure Schedule sets forth
a list  of,  and  Gull  is in  possession  of,  all  licenses,  permits  for the
development, manufacture and marketing of products pursuant to such licenses and
permits of Gull,  other than any  permit,  the  absence of which does not have a
material adverse effect upon the business, financial condition or prospects, and
states that the  permits  are valid and in full force and effect.  Except as set
forth in the Disclosure Schedule, Gull is in compliance in all material respects
with all conditions or

                                     - 20 -

requirements  imposed by or in  connection  with the permits and with respect to
the conduct of its business. Gull has received no notice of, and there is not to
the  Knowledge  of Gull,  any reason to believe  that any  authority  intends to
cancel,  terminate  or modify any of the  permits  or adopt or modify  rules and
regulations which would adversely affect the permits.

                  3.30 Taxes and Tax Returns. Gull will, between the date hereof
and the  Closing  Date,  and through the date of this  Agreement  has,  duly and
timely  filed all  federal,  state  and local  (United  States  and all  foreign
jurisdictions)  tax returns required to be filed by it (unless a valid extension
therefore  has been  granted),  and all such returns are, or will be when filed,
true,  complete  and correct in all  material  respects.  Gull has, or will have
prior to the Closing Date,  duly and timely paid or made adequate  provision for
the payment of all taxes,  assessments and other governmental charges which have
been  incurred as set forth in the  aforementioned  tax returns or are otherwise
due and payable with respect to periods  ending on or prior to the Closing Date.
All sales taxes required  through the date of this Agreement to be collected and
remitted by Gull have been properly collected and remitted. All sales taxes will
continue to be properly collected and remitted to the extent required, up to and
through the Closing Date. All necessary  sales tax exemption  certificates  have
been obtained by Gull and all such certificates have been properly completed and
maintained. No tax return, except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, filed
by Gull is under audit or examination  by any taxing  authority and there are no
applications  or agreements  for the extension of the time for the filing of any
tax return or for the  assessment  of any  amounts of tax nor any  consent to an
extension of the period of limitations  applicable to such  assessment or to the
collection of any tax. No issues have been raised in  connection  with any prior
or  pending  inquiry  into,  or audit of,  any tax  filings of Gull which may be
expected  to be raised in the  future by such  taxing  authorities  and no facts
exist or have existed which would  constitute  grounds for the assessment of any
further tax  liabilities,  which  individually  or in the aggregate are material
with respect to the periods which have not been examined by the taxing authority
of the  relevant  jurisdiction.  Gull has made  available  to Meridian  true and
complete copies of all United States federal, state and local income tax returns
and similar tax returns filed with non-United States  jurisdictions which it has
filed for each of the past three years as set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule
together with copies of all schedules,  work papers, elections, tax depreciation
schedules and other  documents  which were used in the  preparation of each such
tax  return.  There are no liens for taxes  upon the  assets of Gull  except for
liens for taxes not yet due. As used herein,  "taxes" mean all net income, gross
income, gross receipts, value added, sales, use, transfer,  franchise,  profits,
withholding,  payroll,  employment,  excise,  severance,  property  or  windfall
profits taxes, or other taxes of any kind whatsoever, together with any interest
and any penalties,  additions to tax or additional amounts imposed by any taxing
authority,  domestic or non-United States, upon Gull with respect to all periods
or portions  thereof ending on or before the Effective Time and/or any liability
of Gull for the payment of any amounts of the type described in the  immediately
preceding  clause  as a result of being a member of an  affiliated  or  combined
group or a Controlled Group of Corporations.

                  3.31 Transactions With Affiliates.  Except as set forth in the
Public Reports or the Disclosure  Schedule and except for  compensation or other
customary  employee benefits provided in the Ordinary Course of Business,  since
December  31,  1997,  Gull  has  not  entered  into,  or been a  party  to,  any
transaction with a value in excess of $5,000 which provided for payment

                                     - 21 -

to or  from,  or the  transfer  of,  any  property  of Gull to or from  any Gull
Stockholders,  any director, officer or other employee of Gull, to any member of
the family of any such Person or to any corporation, partnership, trust or other
entity in which any such  Person has an  ownership  interest  or is an  officer,
director, partner or trustee.

                  3.32  Compliance  with  Applicable Law. Except as set forth in
the Disclosure Schedule, Gull is conducting and has conducted its business so as
to comply,  in all  material  respects  with all  applicable  laws,  ordinances,
regulations,  decrees  and  orders,  of any govern  mental  entity,  domestic or
non-United  States,  including without  limitation  compliance with the National
Labor Relations Act, as amended,  the Welfare and Pension Plans  Disclosure Act,
the Fair Labor  Standards Act and Equal Pay Act, Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964,  the Age  Discrimination  in Employment Act of 1967, and any other law,
ordinance, regulation, decree or order, except, in each case, for any failure to
comply which is not reasonably  likely to have a material  adverse effect on the
financial condition, business, properties,  reputation, results of operations or
prospects of Gull, Meridian and the Transitory Subsidiary.

                  3.33 General Disclosure Matters. No representation or warranty
by Gull contained in this Agreement,  the Disclosure Schedule attached hereto or
in any  statement  or  certification  furnished  or to be  furnished to Meridian
pursuant  hereto or in connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,
contains or will  contain any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omits or
will omit to state a material fact  necessary to make the  statements  contained
herein or therein not misleading.

                  3.34 Other Disclosures.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing ss.3.1
through  ss.3.33,  if Meridian  has  actually  received  notice of or has actual
knowledge of a fact or matter,  such fact or matter shall be deemed to have been
disclosed to Meridian as required by this Agreement.

                  4.0   Representations  and  Warranties  of  Meridian  and  the
Transitory Subsidiary. Each of Meridian and the Transitory Subsidiary represents
and warrants to Gull and Fresenius that the statements contained in this Section
are correct and complete as of the date of this Agreement.

                  4.1 Organization.  Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary are
corporations each duly organized,  validly existing,  and in good standing under
the laws of Ohio and Utah,  respectively.  The Transitory  Subsidiary was formed
solely for the purpose of engaging in the transactions  contemplated hereby, has
engaged in no other business activities and has conducted its operations only as
contemplated hereby. Meridian has full corporate power and authority to carry on
the business in which it is engaged and to own and use the properties  owned and
used by it.

                  4.2  Authorization  of  Transaction.  Each of Meridian and the
Transitory  Subsidiary  has full power and authority to execute and deliver this
Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. The execution,  delivery and
performance of this Agreement by Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary and the
consummation by Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary of the Merger and of the
other transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all

                                     - 22 -

necessary   corporate  action  on  the  part  of  Meridian  and  the  Transitory
Subsidiary.  No vote of  Meridian's  stockholders  is required  to approve  this
Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly
executed and delivered by Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary and,  assuming
this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Gull and Fresenius,
constitutes  a  valid  and  binding  obligation  of  each  of  Meridian  and the
Transitory Subsidiary enforceable against Meridian and the Transitory Subsidiary
in  accordance  with its terms,  subject to applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
moratorium or other similar laws relating to creditors'  rights generally and to
general principles of equity.

                  4.3   Noncontravention.    Except   for   filings,    permits,
authorizations,  consents  and  approvals  as may be required  under,  and other
applicable  requirements of, the Securities Exchange Act, the  Hart-Scott-Rodino
Act, the laws of Utah, the laws of other states in which Gull is qualified to do
or is doing  business  and state  takeover  laws,  and  except for the filing of
Articles of Merger with the Utah Division of Corporations  and Commercial  Code,
neither the execution and the delivery of this Agreement,  nor the  consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby, will violate any constitution, statute,
regulation, rule, injunction,  judgment, order, decree, ruling, charge, or other
restriction of any  government,  governmental  agency,  or court to which either
Meridian or the Transitory Subsidiary is subject or any provision of the charter
or Bylaws of either  Meridian or the  Transitory  Subsidiary  or conflict  with,
result in a breach of,  constitute a default under,  result in the  acceleration
of, create in any party the right to accelerate,  terminate,  modify, or cancel,
or require any notice under any agreement,  contract, lease, license, instrument
or other arrangement to which either Meridian or the Transitory  Subsidiary is a
party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is  subject,  except
where the  violation,  conflict,  breach,  default,  acceleration,  termination,
modification,  cancellation, or failure to give notice would not have a material
adverse  effect on the ability of the  Parties to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

                  4.4  Brokers'  Fees.   Neither  Meridian  nor  the  Transitory
Subsidiary has any liability or obligation to pay any fees or commissions to any
broker,  finder or agent with respect to the  transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement for which any of Gull,  Fresenius or their  Subsidiaries  could become
liable or obligated.

                  4.5 Disclosure.  None of the information that Meridian and the
Transitory  Subsidiary will supply  specifically  for use in the Proxy Materials
will contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
fact necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in the light of the
circumstances under which they will be made, not misleading.

                  4.6 Litigation. As of the date of this Agreement,  there is no
suit, claim, action, proceeding or investigation pending or, to the Knowledge of
Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary,  threatened  against Meridian or any of
its  Subsidiaries  that could  reasonably  be expected to prevent or  materially
delay the consummation of the Merger. As of the date of this Agreement,  neither
Meridian nor any of its Subsidiaries is subject to any outstanding  order, writ,
injunction or decree that could  reasonably be expected to prevent or materially
delay the consummation of the Merger.

                                     - 23 -

                  4.7  Available  Funds.  At the  closing,  Meridian  will  have
sufficient  funds available to pay the Merger  consideration  and to fulfill and
satisfy its other obligations to Fresenius under this Agreement.

                  5.0  Representations  and  Warranties of Fresenius.  Fresenius
represents  and  warrants  to Meridian  that the  statements  contained  in this
Section and the representations and warranties of Gull set forth in ss.3 and the
accompanying Disclosure Schedule are correct and complete as of the date of this
Agreement  provided that matters  represented to Knowledge of Gull shall in this
respect  be  represented  to the  Knowledge  of  Fresenius  based on the  actual
Knowledge  of Rainer  Baule or Yorck  Schmidt.  Nothing in this  Section 5 shall
constitute a representation by Fresenius as to the Knowledge of Gull.

                  5.1  Organization.  Fresenius is a corporation  duly organized
and validly existing under the laws of Germany.

                  5.2 Authorization of Transaction. Fresenius has full corporate
power and  authority  to execute and deliver this  Agreement  and to perform its
obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
by  Fresenius  and the  consummation  by  Fresenius  of the  other  transactions
contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action
on the part of  Fresenius  and no  other  corporate  proceedings  on the part of
Fresenius  are  necessary  to authorize  this  Agreement  or to  consummate  the
transactions so  contemplated,  subject to approval by the Supervisory  Board of
Fresenius.  No vote of  Fresenius'  stockholders  is  required  to approve  this
Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly
executed and delivered by Fresenius and,  assuming this Agreement  constitutes a
valid and binding  obligation of Gull,  Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary,
constitutes  a valid and binding  obligation  of Fresenius  enforceable  against
Fresenius  in  accordance  with its  terms,  subject to  applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  moratorium  or other  similar laws  relating to  creditors'  rights
generally and to general principles of equity.

                  5.3 Brokers' Fees. Fresenius has no liability or obligation to
pay any fees or commissions  to any broker,  finder or agent with respect to the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  for  which  any of Gull  and its
Subsidiaries could become liable or obligated.

                  5.4 Disclosure.  None of the  information  that Fresenius will
supply  specifically  for use in the Proxy  Materials  will  contain  any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order
to make the statements  made therein,  in the light of the  circumstances  under
which they will be made, not misleading.

                  5.5 Ownership of Stock of Gull Shares. Fresenius warrants that
it owns 4,930,693 Gull Shares free,  clear and  unencumbered and has sole voting
power with respect to all of such Gull Shares.

                  5.6  Transactions   with  Gull.  The  Public  Reports  or  the
Disclosure   Schedule  sets  forth  all  material   business   arrangements   or
relationships  that Fresenius or any of its Affiliates have had with Gull or any
of its Subsidiaries since January 1, 1997. Except as set forth in the

                                     - 24 -

Disclosure Schedule,  neither Fresenius nor any of its Affiliates owns any asset
used in the business of Gull and its Subsidiaries.

                  6.0  Covenants.  The Parties  agree as follows with respect to
the period from and after the execution of this Agreement.

                  6.1 General.  Each Party will use its reasonable  best efforts
to take all actions and to do all things  necessary,  proper,  or  advisable  in
order to consummate and make  effective the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement including satisfaction,  but not waiver, of the closing conditions set
forth in ss.8.

                  6.2 Notices and Consents. Gull will give any notices, and will
cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to give any notices,  to third parties and will
use  its  reasonable  best  efforts  to  obtain,  and  will  cause  each  of its
Subsidiaries  to use its  reasonable  best  efforts to obtain,  any third  party
consents,  that Meridian  reasonably may request in connection  with the matters
referred to in ss.3.4.

                  6.3  Regulatory  Matters  and  Approvals.  Each of the Parties
will, and Gull will cause each of its Subsidiaries to, give any notices to, make
any  filings  with,  and  use  its   reasonable   best  efforts  to  obtain  any
authorizations, consents, and approvals of governments and governmental agencies
in  connection  with the  matters  referred  to in  3.4 and 4.3.  Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing:

                  6.3.1  Securities  Exchange Act. Gull will promptly  after the
execution  of this  Agreement  prepare and file with the SEC  preliminary  proxy
materials and any other  statements  or filings  required  under the  Securities
Exchange Act relating to the special meeting and the  transactions  contemplated
hereunder  (the "SEC  Filings").  Gull will use its  reasonable  best efforts to
respond to the comments of the SEC thereon and will make any further  filings in
connection therewith that may be necessary,  proper or advisable.  Meridian, the
Transitory  Subsidiary and Fresenius will provide Gull with whatever information
and assistance in connection with the foregoing filings that Gull reasonably may
request.  Each of Gull, Meridian,  the Transitory Subsidiary and Fresenius shall
correct  promptly any such information  specifically  provided by it which shall
have become false or  misleading  in any material  respect.  Gull shall take all
steps necessary to file or to cause to be filed with the SEC and have cleared by
the SEC any amendment or supplement to the preliminary  proxy statement so as to
correct  the  same  and to cause  the  Proxy  Statement  as so  corrected  to be
disseminated to Gull Stockholders, in each case as and to the extent required by
applicable law.

                  6.3.2  Special  Meeting.  Gull will call a special  meeting of
Gull  Stockholders,  as  soon as  reasonably  practicable  in  order  that  Gull
Stockholders  may consider and vote upon the adoption of this  Agreement and the
approval of the Merger in accordance with the Utah Revised Business  Corporation
Act.  Gull  will  mail  the  Proxy  Materials  to its  Stockholders  as  soon as
reasonably  practicable after clearance thereof by the SEC. Gull shall,  through
its Board of Directors, recommend to its Stockholders adoption of this Agreement
and approval of the Merger and shall not withdraw such recommendation; provided,
however, that Gull's Board of Directors

                                     - 25 -

shall  not  be  required  to  make  and  shall  be  entitled  to  withdraw  such
recommendation  if the Fairness Opinion shall be withdrawn or if Gull's Board of
Directors  reasonably  concludes,  for any other  reason,  in good  faith  after
consultation  with,  and based on the advice of, its outside  counsel,  that the
making of or the failure to withdraw,  such recommendation would be inconsistent
with the fiduciary  obligations  of Gull's Board of Directors  under  applicable

                  6.3.3  Hart-Scott-Rodino Act. Meridian and Fresenius will file
Notification  and Report  Forms and  related  material  with the  Federal  Trade
Commission and the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice
under the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Act, and each will use its reasonable best efforts
to obtain, an early termination of the applicable  waiting period, and will make
any  further  filings  pursuant  thereto  that  may  be  necessary,  proper,  or

                  6.4  Operation  of  Business.  Gull  will,  and will cause its
Subsidiaries to, engage only in practices,  and only take actions, or enter into
transactions in the Ordinary Course of Business. In addition,  during the period
from the date of this Agreement  through the Effective  Time,  Gull will not and
will not  cause or permit  any of its  Subsidiaries  to do any of the  following
without, in each instance, the prior written consent of Meridian,  which consent
shall not be withheld unreasonably:

                  6.4.1  none of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  will  authorize  or
effect any change in its Articles of Incorporation, Charter or Bylaws;

                  6.4.2  none  of Gull  and  its  Subsidiaries  will  grant  any
options,  warrants,  or other  rights to  purchase  or obtain any of its capital
stock or issue,  sell,  or otherwise  dispose of any of its capital stock except
upon the exercise of options, warrants, and other rights currently outstanding;

                  6.4.3  none of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  will  declare,  set
aside,  or pay any dividend or  distribution  with respect to its capital stock,
whether in cash or in kind, or redeem,  repurchase,  or otherwise acquire any of
its capital stock other than repurchases of outstanding options to purchase Gull

                  6.4.4 none of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  will issue any note,
bond, or other debt security or, other than in the Ordinary  Course of Business,
create,  incur,  assume or guarantee  any  indebtedness  for  borrowed  money or
capitalized  lease  obligation  except for  financing  provided by Fresenius and
except for extensions or refinancings of existing indebtedness;

                  6.4.5 none of Gull and its Subsidiaries  will impose or permit
or cause to be imposed any Security  Interest upon any of its assets outside the
Ordinary Course of Business;

                  6.4.6 other than purchases of inventory in the Ordinary Course
of Business,  none of Gull and its Subsidiaries will make any capital investment
in, make any loan to, or acquire the securities or assets of any other Person in
amounts exceeding $10,000 in any one or related group of transactions;

                                     - 26 -

                  6.4.7 none of Gull and its  Subsidiaries  will make any change
in employment terms,  policies or practices for any of its directors or officers
or  make  any  change  in  employment  terms,  policies  or  practices  for  its
non-officer employees outside the Ordinary Course of Business;

                  6.4.8 none of Gull and its Subsidiaries  will commit to do any
of the foregoing; and

                  6.4.9  Gull shall  preserve  all  manufacturing  instructions,
formulae and other  documentation and all available  information  concerning the
Products  under  development  and shall  disclose to Meridian all  manufacturing
processes and Trade Secrets possessed by Gull relating to the Products.

                  6.5 Continuance of Operations.  Gull will, and will cause each
of its  Subsidiaries  to, use its  reasonable  efforts to keep its  business and
property  substantially intact,  including its present operations,  its physical
facilities,  working  conditions  and  relationships  with  lessors,  licensors,
suppliers,  customers  and employees and operate so as to maintain the levels of
finished  and raw  goods  inventory  and  sales  activity  consistent  with  its
practices during the preceding twelve months.  Gull shall take such steps as are
appropriate so at the closing it will have on hand finished  goods  inventory of
the Products listed below, which represent  approximately 80% of Gull's sales on
a unit basis,  during the six months ended  September 9, 1998, and which will be
sufficient  to meet normal sales demand for the next four months  following  the
Closing Date. The listing of products is:

ANALYTE                                                   H2E150-E/EIA HSV 2 IgM
XX715-E/GULLSORB                                          EA101-E/IFA EBV-EA
EBE150/EIA EBV IgM PEMA                                   EB211-E/IFA EBV IgG
4870311/EIA EBV IgG PEMA                                  RBE100-E/EIA RBOLA IgG
EBE150-E/EIA EBV IgM                                      XX710-E/GULLSORB
4870011/IFA EBV IgG PEMA                                  LDE150/EIA LYME IgM
EB100-E/IFA EBV IgG                                       EB251-E/IFA EBV M PCK
4870031/IFA EBV IgM PEMA                                  RUE100-E/EIARBELA IgG
EBE100/EIA EBV IgG                                        H2I101-E/EIA HSVTS IgG
EB150-E/IFA EBV IgM                                       EN100-E/IFA EBNA
XX71AN/GULLSORB PEMA                                      VZE101-E/EIA VZV QQ
4870331/EIA EBNA PEMA                                     CME150-E/EIA CMV IgM
TCE100-E/EIA CHAGAS                                       H2E100-E/EIA HSV IgG

                                     - 27 -

4870321/EIA EBV IgM PEMA                                   CME100/EIA CMV IgG
H1E150-E/EIA HSV 1 IgM

                  6.6 Due  Diligence.  Fresenius  and Gull will  each,  and will
cause  Gull's  Subsidiaries  to,  permit  representatives  of  Meridian  to have
reasonable  access at reasonable  times upon reasonable  notice to all premises,
properties,  personnel,  books,  records including tax records,  contracts,  and
documents of or  pertaining to each of Gull and its  Subsidiaries.  Such parties
will also furnish Meridian and its representatives with all such information and
data  concerning the affairs of Gull as Meridian  reasonably may request for the
purpose of verifying the  representations and warranties made herein and further
investigating  the business and affairs of Gull. In  furtherance  thereof,  Gull
will permit  Meridian,  in a manner  approved by Gull,  to make contact with all
members of management  of Gull and its  Subsidiaries,  with their  customers and
with such  other  Persons  with  which Gull has been  conducting  business.  The
performance of this due diligence by Meridian will be conducted as expeditiously
as practical.  Meridian's  performance  of due diligence of the  acquisition  of
information   by  Meridian   shall  not  relieve  Gull  or  Fresenius  from  any
representation,  warranty or covenant made by either of them in this  Agreement.
Fresenius or Gull will provide  Meridian  with the  appropriate  occupancy  upon
commercially  reasonable  terms in the German  facilities  of  Fresenius or Gull
until the  closing.  All  information  obtained by  Meridian  or the  Transitory
Subsidiary  pursuant to this Agreement shall be kept  confidential in accordance
with the  Confidentiality  Agreement  dated  November  18, 1997 between Gull and
Meridian  (the  "Confidentiality  Agreement").  Each of Gull,  Meridian  and the
Transitory  Subsidiary  hereby expressly  affirms the terms of, and acknowledges
that it is bound by, such Confidentiality  Agreement and agrees and acknowledges
that such terms and the Confidentiality  Agreement shall survive the termination
of this Agreement.

                  6.7  Notice of  Developments.  Each  Party  will  give  prompt
written  notice to the  others of any  material  adverse  development  causing a
breach of any of its own representations and warranties in 3, 4 and 5. No
disclosure by any Party  pursuant to this Section,  however,  shall be deemed to
amend  or  supplement  the  Disclosure  Schedule  or  to  prevent  or  cure  any
misrepresentation,  breach of warranty,  or breach of covenant  unless the Party
closes the transaction after receipt of such written disclosure.

                  6.8 Exclusivity. Each of Fresenius and Gull will not, and will
not cause or permit any of its  employees or agents to,  solicit,  initiate,  or
encourage the submission of any proposal or offer from any Person  relating to a
tender or exchange offer, a merger,  consolidation or other business combination
involving  Gull or any of its  Subsidiaries  or any  proposal  to acquire in any
manner a substantial  equity  interest in, or substantial  portion of the assets
of, Gull or any of its Subsidiaries (a "Third Party Offer"); provided,  however,
that Fresenius,  Gull and their respective  directors and officers may engage in
discussions or negotiations with, or furnish information concerning Gull and its
properties, assets and business to any Person which makes a Third Party Offer if
the  Board  of  Directors  of Gull  reasonably  concludes  in good  faith  after
consultation  with,  and based on the advice of, its outside  counsel,  that the
failure to take such action would be inconsistent with the fiduciary obligations
of such Board of Directors under

                                     - 28 -

applicable  law;  and provided  further,  that  notwithstanding  anything to the
contrary herein contained,  the Board of Directors of Gull may take and disclose
to Gull Stockholders a position contemplated by Rule 14e-2 promulgated under the
Securities  Exchange  Act,  comply  with  Rule  14d-9  thereunder  and  make all
disclosures  required by applicable law in connection therewith and such actions
shall not be considered a breach of this Section of this  Agreement.  Gull shall
promptly,  but in no case later than 48 hours,  notify Meridian of a decision by
Gull to engage in  discussions  or  negotiations  with,  or furnish  information
concerning Gull or its  properties,  assets or business to, any Person or of the
receipt  of any Third  Party  Offer  providing  Meridian  with a summary  of the
material  terms  thereof and the  identity  of the  offeror.  Gull shall  afford
Meridian two business  days to respond  with a  counteroffer  to any Third Party
Offer.  Should this process result in a substantial amount of assets or stock of
Gull  being sold to  another  party,  Gull and  Fresenius  will be  jointly  and
severally obligated to pay Meridian $350,000 to compensate Meridian for its time
and costs involved in the transaction  contemplated by this Agreement.  Any such
payment will be made promptly in immediately available United States funds.

                  6.9  Bylaw  Indemnification.   The  Bylaws  of  Gull,  as  the
surviving   corporation,   shall   contain  the   provisions   with  respect  to
indemnification set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Gull on
the date of this Agreement,  which provisions shall not be amended,  repealed or
otherwise  modified for a period of five years after the  Effective  Time in any
manner that would adversely  affect the rights  thereunder of Persons who at any
time prior to the Effective Time were prospective indemnitees under the Articles
of Incorporation or Bylaws of Gull in respect of actions or omissions  occurring
at  or  prior  to  the  Effective  Time,  including,   without  limitation,  the
transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  unless  such  modification  is
required by law. For a period of five years after the Effective  Time,  Meridian
will reimburse Fresenius for its actual  out-of-pocket costs for the maintenance
of "tail  coverage" of Gull's  officers  and  directors  pursuant to  Fresenius'
existing insurance policy covering such matters to the extent that such coverage
may be purchased with premium payments for such tail coverage  established as of
the Closing Date or Meridian  may, at its option,  maintain such coverage with a
United States nationally-recognized insurer.

                  6.10 Closing Balance Sheet. At Meridian's  expense,  Gull will
prepare a balance sheet as of the Closing Date in accordance  with GAAP,  except
as  provided  in  ss.6.11,  which  will be  audited  by Arthur  Andersen  LLP in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Matters which are subject
to  judgment  will be  treated in a manner  consistent  with  Gull's  historical
accounting practices provided such practices are in accordance with GAAP.

                  6.11     Value of Certain Gull Assets.

                  6.11.1 Subject to and 6.11.3,  Fresenius and Gull
represent and covenant  that the balance  sheet  prepared as of the Closing Date
will contain the values shown for the following  assets  adjusted to reflect the
proceeds  from any  realization  of such assets since May 31, 1998 recorded in a
manner consistent with Gull's historical accounting practices:

                                     - 29 -

    ASSETS                                                     VALUE
Hodges Accounts Receivable                                 0 - Gull to write off
Dental Protocol Patent Corp.                               0 - Gull to write off
Standard Engineering Purchase Deposit                      0 - Gull to write off
Hypreps                                                    0
MRX's                                                      0
Omni's and Components                                      0 - Gull to write off
Duets Instruments                                          $1,091,000
Duet Components and Miscellaneous                          $146,000
Equipment, Inventory and Certifications
Bio Lab 300 -200                                           $320,000
Instrumentation Classed as fixed asset                     $472,000
Notes Receivable - Instruments                             $900,000
Bartels Accounts Receivable                                $180,000
Inventory                                                  To be based on
                                                           physical inventory in
                                                           the audited balance 
                                                           sheet specified in 
Deferred Tax Assets and Income Tax                         1,000,000
Refund Receivable

                  6.11.2 Duet Instrument  Sales.  Commencing on the Closing Date
and continuing  through  December 30, 1999,  Meridian shall use, and shall cause
Gull to use, its and Gull's  respective best commercial  efforts to effect sales
and  rental  placements  of  Duet  Instruments.  Provided  Meridian  shall  have
satisfied its obligations  under this  ss.6.11.2,  Meridian shall be entitled to
offset  against the principal  installment of the Meridian Note due December 31,
1999 an amount equal to $1,091,000 minus the historical  acquisition cost of all
Duet  Instruments sold or placed under rental  agreements by Gull,  Meridian and
their  Subsidiaries  during such  period,  provided,  however,  that the maximum
amount of such offset shall be $545,000.

                  6.11.3  Deferred  Tax  Assets;  Income Tax Refund  Receivable.
Meridian shall be entitled to offset against the installment of principal of the
Meridian  Note  due  December  31,  1999 a sum  equal  to the  amount  by  which
$1,000,000  exceeds  the  portion of Gull's  deferred  tax assets and income tax
refund receivable which, in accordance with the advice of Arthur Andersen Europe
is, was or will be in the future available for utilization by Meridian or any of
its Subsidiaries prior to December 31, 1999, provided, however, that the maximum
amount of any

                                     - 30 -

such offset shall be  $500,000.  As a condition  to  Meridian's  right of offset
pursuant to this  ss.6.11.3,  Meridian shall deliver to Fresenius,  on or before
December  30,  1999,  an  opinion of Arthur  Andersen  Europe  stating  that the
deferred tax assets and income tax refund  receivable are not, were not and will
not be  technically  available in the future for  utilization by Meridian or its

                  6.12  WARN Act  Compliance;  Severence  Obligations.  Meridian
shall comply with the Worker Adjustment and Retraining  Notification Act of 1988
or it shall pay all wages,  benefits and fines and other amounts due as a result
of its failure to do so. Gull shall use its best efforts to cause commitments to
be made by such employees of Gull as Meridian deems necessary to remain employed
by Gull.  Meridian shall be  responsible  for all severance pay, costs to cancel
outstanding  options to purchase Gull Common Stock held by Gull employees and by
Eugene  Malone or other  payments  in lieu of  compensation  due and payable and
required to be paid with respect to any employees of Gull  terminated  after the

                  6.13 Service and Other  Arrangements.  All service agreements,
leases,  licenses and other agreements  similar in nature between  Fresenius and
its Subsidiaries  and Gull and its Subsidiaries  will continue in full force and
effect subject to the right, after the Closing Date, of Gull or its Subsidiaries
to cancel any or all such  agreements  from time to time prior to termination by
their terms upon 30 days written notice to Fresenius.  Any inventory of Gull not
relabeled by the Closing Date may continue to be sold with a Fresenius  label or
relabeled at Fresenius' expense.
                  6.14 Closing Deliveries. The Share Pledge Agreement dated July
17,  1997 by and  between  Gull  Laboratories,  Inc.  and  Fresenius  AG will be
released  at the  closing  upon  Fresenius's  receipt of any  Meridian  Note due
pursuant to this Agreement.

                  6.15 Further  Meridian  Obligations.  Meridian  shall take all
reasonable steps at its expense to provide the College of American  Pathologists
with the  information  necessary  for the  College of American  Pathologists  to
determine  whether to give its  written  consents  called for in  ss.8.2.13  for
Meridian's  assumption of control of Gull and to the transfer of the location of
production specified therein.

                  7.0      Covenants of Fresenius; Indemnification.

                  7.1 Voting of Shares.  Subject to the receipt by  directors of
Gull of the Fairness  Opinion and compliance with the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Act as
stated in  ss.6.3,  Fresenius  will vote all of the Gull  Shares  owned by it as
stated in ss.5 in favor of the Merger at the special  meeting of Stockholders of
Gull called to vote upon the Merger.  Fresenius  shall not be  obligated to vote
such  shares in favor of the Merger if the  Fairness  Opinion is  withdrawn  for
reasons other than the appearance of a Third Party Offer. In addition, Fresenius
shall  not be  obligated  to vote  such  shares  in favor of the  Merger  if the
Fairness Opinion is withdrawn  because of the appearance of a Third Party Offer,
but  in  such  case  Fresenius  will  pay  to  Meridian  the  entire  amount  of
consideration  received  by  Fresenius  in excess  of  $11,094,059  through  the
consummation of a transaction pursuant to such Third Party Offer. Fresenius will
retain  ownership  and all voting  rights to the Gull Shares owned by it through
the closing.

                                     - 31 -

                  7.2 Indebtedness of Gull to Fresenius. Upon the closing of the
Merger  all  amounts  then  owed by  Gull to  Fresenius  will  be  reduced  by a
contribution by Fresenius to the capital of Gull to the extent of any reductions
in the  shareholders'  equity of Gull that occurs from December 31, 1997 through
the Closing  Date.  Any remaining  amounts owed by Gull to Fresenius,  including
accrued interest, will be represented by a note of Meridian payable to Fresenius
to the  extent  of 50% of the  principal  on June 15,  1999 and the  balance  on
December 31, 1999 together in each case with interest on the unpaid balance at 7
1/2% per annum. Should the reduction in shareholders' equity,  including without
limitation  reductions  established through and 6.11.3,  exceed the
aforesaid  amounts  owed by  Gull  to  Fresenius,  the  balance  will be paid to
Meridian by Fresenius at the closing and at the time of  determination  provided
in and 6.11.3.  Fresenius will continue to finance Gull through the
closing of the Merger in amounts  and to the extent and on terms and  conditions
consistent  with  Fresenius' past practices in financing Gull. The amount of any
such reduction in the shareholder's equity shall be as determined by the balance
sheet  prepared  as of the  Closing  Date as called for in  ss.6.10.  Should the
parties not agree on the closing balance sheet, any areas of disagreement  shall
be resolved by an accounting  firm jointly picked by the  accounting  firms that
audited Gull's and Meridian's last annual financial statements.

                  7.3  Indemnification for Shareholder  Actions.  Fresenius will
indemnify and hold harmless  Meridian and Gull, and their  officers,  directors,
employees,  agents  and  Subsidiaries  from and  against  any and all claims and
demands brought by Gull  Stockholders or Fresenius  shareholders  against any of
them with  respect to  matters  arising  prior to the  Closing  Date  including,
without  limitation,  the matters  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  other than
amounts paid by Meridian or Gull to dissenting  Gull  Stockholders  and expenses
incurred in related appraisal proceedings.  The obligations of Fresenius will be
limited to $11,094,059.  Meridian will indemnify and hold harmless Fresenius and
Gull, and their officers, directors, employees, agents and Subsidiaries from and
against any and all claims and demands brought by Meridian  shareholders against
any of  them  with  respect  to  the  matters  contemplated  by  this  Agreement
including,  without limitation, with respect to information provided by Meridian
in writing for inclusion in the proxy  statement of Gull for  submission to Gull
Stockholders  to vote upon the  Merger.  The  obligations  of  Meridian  will be
limited to $3 million.

                  7.3.1  Promptly  after  receipt  by an  indemnified  party  of
written  notice of the  commencement  of any action or proceeding  threatened or
initiated  with  respect  to  which a claim  for  indemnification  is to be made
pursuant to this Section,  the indemnified party will give written notice to the
indemnitor  of the  commencement  of such  action;  provided the failure to give
notice shall not relieve the indemnitor of its obligations  hereunder  except to
the extent that the  indemnitor  is actually  prejudiced by such failure to give
notice.  Unless in the  indemnified  party's  reasonable  judgment a conflict of
interest between the Persons indemnified and the indemnitor may exist in respect
of the claim,  the indemnitor shall be entitled to participate and to assume the
defense of such claim,  jointly  with any other such claim to the extent that it
may desire with counsel reasonably  satisfactory to the indemnified party as the
case may be.  After  notice from the  indemnitor  of its  election to assume the
defense  thereof,  the indemnitor will not be liable to the Persons  indemnified
for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by them in connection with
the  defense  thereof.  The  indemnitor  will not  consent  to the  entry of any

                                     - 32 -

or enter into any  settlement  which does not include as an  unconditional  term
given by the claimant or plaintiff  to the Persons  indemnified,  a release from
all liability with respect to such claim or litigation. The indemnitor shall not
be liable for any  settlement of any such claim or action  effected  without its
written consent.

                  7.3.2 If the  matters  giving rise to  indemnification  stated
above become  subject to a final  judgment of a court of competent  jurisdiction
which allocates the relative liability for payment of any such claims or demands
by  shareholders  of  Fresenius,  Gull or  Meridian,  the  liability  that would
otherwise be that of an indemnitor  shall instead be allocated among  Fresenius,
Gull or Meridian.  The allocation will be in such  proportions as is appropriate
to reflect the relative fault of the particular  parties in connection  with the
statements or omissions or actions or inactions which resulted in such claims or
damages of third parties, as determined in such final judgment.

                  7.4  Indemnification  by Fresenius.  Fresenius shall indemnify
Meridian with respect to and hold Meridian harmless from any liability,  cost or
expense  which Gull or Meridian  may directly or  indirectly  incur or suffer by
reason of, or which results from,  arises out of or is based upon the inaccuracy
of any representation,  warranties of and failures to comply with covenants made
by Fresenius or Gull herein.  Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,
the indemnity  obligation of Fresenius  with respect to the  representations  of
Gull  contained in ss.3 shall extend to all  representations  and  warranties of
Gull as stated in ss.3 and not be limited to those of which Fresenius has actual
Knowledge.  This indemnity shall also cover any  liabilities,  costs or expenses
reasonably  incurred which Gull or Meridian may directly or indirectly  incur or
suffer by reason of, or which result from,  or arise out of, or are based upon a
bankruptcy  matter  pending in Germany  entitled  Gull GmbH v. Bamphi,  a notice
given Gull by INCSTAR  Corporation  on June 5, 1996 relating to patents  dealing
with  Epstein  Barr  Virus and with  respect  to  certain  validation  questions
described in ss.3.26 of the Disclosure Schedule, in each case to the extent that
such  liability,  cost or expense  exceeds  the amount  accrued  therefor on the
closing balance sheet called for by ss.6.10.

                  7.4.1 The indemnification granted by Fresenius with respect to
representations  and  warranties  and failures to comply with covenants made by,
Gull,  is not  intended  to be a  guarantee  or surety but  rather  the  direct,
unqualified and continuing obligation of Fresenius in its capacity as a majority
shareholder  of Gull extended to Meridian as an inducement for Meridian to enter
into and perform this  Agreement  in reliance in part upon the  representations,
warranties and covenants of Gull and in consideration of the representations and
covenants  made by  Meridian  herein.  The  parties  recognize  that it would be
inequitable  if the obligation of Fresenius,  as set forth in this ss.7.4,  were
construed  as a  guarantee  or surety so as to limit the  ability of Meridian to
proceed  directly  against  Fresenius as provided  hereafter.  Accordingly,  the
parties  acknowledge  that Meridian may proceed against  Fresenius in accordance
with this ss.7.4 as provided below, with or without  proceeding  against Gull or
any of its Subsidiaries.  Fresenius shall not assert or exercise any, and hereby
waives and disclaims all, rights of subrogation, indemnification or contribution
by Gull or Meridian with respect to any payments made by it to Meridian pursuant
to this Section.  Fresenius  agrees not to raise as a defense in any  proceeding
pursuant to this ss.7.4 as  provided  hereafter  or in any other court or forum,
any defense to the actions of Meridian based

                                     - 33 -

upon a theory that the indemnifications  provided herein by Fresenius are in the
nature of a guarantee or surety.

                  7.4.2 The indemnification  obligations of Fresenius under this
ss.7.4  shall  be  limited  as  follows:   (a)  a  limit  of   $11,094,059   for
representations and warranties  concerning taxation contained in ss.3.30,  (b) a
limit of $18,036,027 for material undisclosed liabilities of which Fresenius had
Knowledge,  (c) a limit  of  $11,094,059  received  by  Fresenius  for  material
undisclosed liabilities of which Gull, but not Fresenius, had Knowledge, and (d)
for all other matters covered by this ss.7.4, $3 million.

                  7.5  Indemnifications  by Meridian.  Meridian shall  indemnify
Fresenius with respect to and hold Fresenius  harmless from any liability,  cost
or expense which  Fresenius may directly or indirectly  incur,  suffer by reason
of, or which results from,  arises out of or is based upon (i) the inaccuracy of
any  representation  or warranty or failure to comply with any  covenant,  other
than in Section 6.12, made by Meridian  herein,  (ii) any failure by Gull to pay
when due on or after the Closing Date any  indebtedness  of Gull  guaranteed  by
Fresenius,  (iii) any  failure by Meridian  to pay when due any  installment  of
interest on or principal of the Meridian  Note, and (iv) any failure by Meridian
to comply with its covenant in ss.6.12.  The amount of any such liability on the
part of  Meridian  pursuant  to clause  (i) of this  ss.7.5  shall be limited to

                  7.6 Zoning Interruptions. If the operations of Gull's facility
in  Salt  Lake  County,  Utah  in  the  manner  presently  being  conducted  are
interrupted  during the twelve  months  following  the Closing  Date for reasons
related to non-compliance with applicable zoning laws and regulations, Fresenius
will indemnify Meridian and hold it harmless,  subject to a limit of $4 million,
from  all  liabilities,   costs  and  expenses  including,  without  limitation,
consequential  damages  resulting from  interruption of production which Gull or
Meridian may incur as a result of any such interruption except costs of physical
relocation of the facility.  All contacts  with zoning  authorities  relating to
this  matter  shall be made by Gull and  Fresenius  prior to the  closing and by
Fresenius  during such twelve month period  following the closing  except as may
otherwise be authorized by Fresenius in writing.

                  7.7 Indemnification  Procedures. The rights of indemnification
provided  in  ss.7.4,  ss.7.5  and  ss.7.6  shall be  subject  to the  following

                  7.7.1 No claim  for  indemnification  pursuant  to  ss.7.4  or
clause (i) of ss.7.5 may be made until the aggregate of all such claims  exceeds

                  7.7.2 The indemnified party shall notify the indemnitor of any
such  liability  specifying  the nature of the  liability  and the amount or the
estimated amount thereof to the extent then feasible to estimate but an estimate
shall  not be  conclusive  of  the  final  amount  of any  such  liability.  The
indemnitor shall have 10 business days from receipt of such notice to notify the
indemnified  party  whether or not the  indemnitor  disputes its  obligation  to
indemnify the indemnified  party with respect to such liability.  If such notice
is not given by the  indemnitor,  the  indemnitor  shall pay the amount  claimed

                                     - 34 -

                  7.7.3 Nothing shall prevent the indemnified  party from making
a claim  with  respect to a  potential  or  contingent  liability  provided  the
indemnified party's notice sets forth a specific basis for any such potential or
contingent  liability  and the  estimated  amount  thereto  to the  extent  then
feasible and the indemnified party has reasonable grounds to believe that such a
liability  or  impairment  will be  incurred  or  suffered.  Any  payment  to an
indemnified  party with respect to any such  potential or  contingent  liability
shall be final and binding upon the indemnified party,  regardless of the actual
losses  incurred  by the  indemnified  party in respect of such  liability  when
actually asserted or incurred.

                  7.7.4 The indemnified  party and the indemnitor  shall attempt
in good faith to resolve any dispute  between  them with  respect to the matters
covered by this Section  promptly by negotiations  between  executives that have
the  authority  to settle the dispute.  Either party may give the other  written
notice of any dispute not resolved in the normal course. Within 10 business days
following delivery of any such notice,  executives of both parties shall meet at
a  mutually  acceptable  time  and  place  thereafter  for as long as they  deem
necessary  to  exchange  relevant  information  and to attempt  to  resolve  the
dispute.  If the matter has not been resolved  within 20 business days following
delivery of such notice or if the parties fail to meet within 10 business  days,
either party may initiate  mediation of the dispute.  Mediation shall take place
under the then current model procedure for mediation of business disputes at the
American Arbitration Association,  140 W. 51st Street, New York, New York 10020.
A neutral third party will be selected from the  Association's  panel. The place
of mediation shall be New York City.

                  7.7.5 Any dispute not  resolved  by  mediation  within 45 days
after the initiation shall be settled by arbitration conducted  expeditiously in
accordance with the rules for arbitration of business disputes  conducted by the
American  Arbitration  Association  by a  sole  arbitrator.  If  one  party  has
requested to the other to participate  in the procedures  outlined above and the
other has failed, the other may initiate arbitration before expiration of the 45
day period.  Arbitration shall be governed by the United States  Arbitration Act
and judgment  upon the award  rendered by the  arbitrator  may be entered by any
court having jurisdiction.

                  7.8  Transition.   Fresenius  will  not  take  any  action  to
discourage any lessor, licensor, customer, supplier, or other business associate
of any  of  Gull  and  its  Subsidiaries  from  maintaining  the  same  business
relationships  with  Gull and its  Subsidiaries  after  the  Closing  Date as it
maintained  with  them  prior to the  Closing  Date.  Fresenius  will  refer all
customer  inquiries  relating to the businesses of Gull and its  Subsidiaries to
Meridian from and after the Closing Date. Fresenius will perform in all material
respects  all  agreements  now  in  force  between  it  and  Gull  or any of its
Subsidiaries  until and after the Closing Date in  accordance  with the terms of
any such agreements.  Fresenius will transmit to Meridian any adverse  reaction,
adverse  experience or quality  complaints  pertaining to the Products coming to
Fresenius'  attention after the Closing addressed to Meridian at the address set
forth hereafter.

                  7.9 Confidentiality. Fresenius will treat and hold as such all
of the  Confidential  Information,  refrain  from using any of the  Confidential
Information  except in connection with this Agreement,  and deliver  promptly to
Meridian or destroy, at the request of Meridian, all tangible embodiments of the
Confidential Information which are in its possession. If Fresenius is

                                     - 35 -

requested or required to disclose any Confidential  Information,  Fresenius will
notify Meridian promptly at the request or requirement so that Meridian may seek
an appropriate  protective order or waive compliance with the provisions of this
Section.  If, in the  absence of a  protective  order or the receipt of a waiver
hereunder,  Fresenius  is, on the advice of counsel,  compelled  to disclose any
Confidential   Information   to  any   tribunal,   Fresenius  may  disclose  the
Confidential  Information;  provided,  however,  that  Fresenius  shall  use its
reasonable efforts to obtain, at the reasonable request of Meridian, an order or
other assurance that confidential  treatment will be accorded to such portion of
the  Confidential  Information  required  to  be  disclosed  as  Meridian  shall
designate.  The  foregoing  provisions  shall  not  apply  to  any  Confidential
Information which is generally  available to the public immediately prior to the
time of disclosure.

                  7.10  Noncompetition  and  Non-Solicitation  Covenants.  For a
period of three years after the Closing Date,  Fresenius will not initiate a new
business venture or acquire any business which is  predominantly  engaged in the
manufacture  and sale of diagnostic  testing kits and reagents in the same field
of application as existing Gull or Meridian products (hereinafter referred to as
"Prohibited Business") in any geographic area in which Gull and its Subsidiaries
or Meridian and its Subsidiaries  conducts that business as of the Closing Date,
or solicit  directly or indirectly  or encourage any person  employed by Gull or
any  Subsidiary  or  Meridian  to leave such  employment  when Gull or  Meridian
desires to retain that employee.  However,  notwithstanding the foregoing,  this
ss.7.10 shall not prevent or prohibit Fresenius from any of the following:

                  7.10.1                acquiring another  business  that is not
                                        predominantly engaged in the  Prohibited
                                        Business; and

                  7.10.2                distributing  any products  which are or
                                        may   be   competitive   with   products
                                        manufactured   or   sold   by   Gull  or

                  If Fresenius  acquires another business pursuant to subsection
(i) above which is also engaged in the Prohibited Business,  Fresenius shall use
its best  efforts  to notify  Meridian  of such  acquisition  and to enter  into
discussions with Meridian regarding possible business  arrangements with respect
thereto acceptable to both Fresenius and Meridian.

                  If the final  judgment  of a court of  competent  jurisdiction
declares that any term or provision of this Section is invalid or unenforceable,
the Parties  agree that the court  making the  determination  of  invalidity  or
unenforceability  shall have the power to reduce the scope,  duration or area of
the term or provision,  to delete  specific words or phrases,  or to replace any
invalid or  unenforceable  term or provision  with a term or  provision  that is
valid and  enforceable and that comes closest to expressing the intention of the
invalid  or  unenforceable  term or  provision,  and  this  Agreement  shall  be
enforceable  as so modified  after the  expiration  of the time within which the
judgment may be appealed.

                  7.11  Contribution  to Capital.  Fresenius  shall  release its
invoice dated June 30, 1998 in an amount of 856,281.18  German Marks  evidencing
its claim  against  Gull for the  reimbursement  of certain  costs and  expenses
incurred by Fresenius on behalf of Gull by  contributing  such obligation to the
capital of Gull prior to the closing.

                                     - 36 -

                  8.0      Conditions to Obligations to Close.

                  8.1  Conditions  to Each  Party's  Obligation  to  Effect  the
Merger.  The  respective  obligation of each Party to effect the Merger shall be
subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions:

                  8.1.1  The  approval  of  Gull's   Stockholders   and  of  the
Supervisory Board of Fresenius shall have been obtained;

                  8.1.2 The waiting period applicable to the consummation of the
Merger under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act shall have expired or been terminated and
no  objections  to the Merger  shall have been  raised in  connection  with such

                  8.1.3 No statute, rule,  regulation,  executive order, decree,
temporary restraining order,  preliminary or permanent injunction or other order
issued by any court of competent  jurisdiction or other  governmental  entity or
other legal restraint or prohibition  preventing the  consummation of the Merger
shall be in effect; provided,  however, that each of the Parties shall have used
reasonable  efforts to prevent the entry of any such  injunction  or other order
and to appeal as promptly as possible any  injunction or other order that may be

                  8.1.4 There shall not have been  instituted or be pending,  or
threatened,  any suit,  action or proceeding by any Person or entity as a result
of this Agreement or any of the transactions  contemplated hereby which, if such
Person or entity were to prevail,  would  reasonably  be expected to prevent the
consummation  of the Merger or have a material  adverse  effect on the business,
financial condition or results of operations of Gull and its Subsidiaries, taken
as a whole; and

                  8.1.5  Gull shall have  received a letter  from its  financial
advisor,  dated the Closing Date,  stating that the Fairness  Opinion is in full
force and effect.

                  8.2  Conditions to  Obligation of Meridian and the  Transitory
Subsidiary.  The obligation of each of Meridian and the Transitory Subsidiary to
consummate the Merger is subject to satisfaction of the following conditions:

                  8.2.1 Gull and its Subsidiaries shall have procured all of the
third party consents specified on the date of this Agreement pursuant to ss.6.2;

                  8.2.2 The  representations and warranties set forth in
and 5 shall  be true  and  correct  in all  material  respects  at and as of the
Closing Date other than to the extent that any such  representation and warranty
is, by its  terms,  expressly  limited to a  specific  date,  in which case such
representation  and warranty  shall be true and correct as of such date and Gull
and Fresenius  shall each  represent and warrant to Meridian and the  Transitory
Subsidiary that the statements contained in and 5, respectively,  and in
the accompanying Disclosure Schedule are correct

                                     - 37 -

and  complete  as of the  Closing  Date and as  though  the  Closing  Date  were
substituted for the date of this Agreement throughout those sections;

                  8.2.3  Gull  and  Fresenius  shall  each  have  performed  and
complied  with  all of its  covenants  hereunder  required  to be  performed  or
complied with on or prior to the Closing Date in all material respects;

                  8.2.4 Since the date of this  Agreement,  there shall not have
been  or  occurred  any  material  adverse  change  in the  business,  financial
condition,  cash flows,  results of operations or prospects for the  manufacture
and sale of Products and products in development  of Gull and its  Subsidiaries,
taken as a whole,  other than changes relating to Gull's industry or the economy
in general and not  specifically  related to Gull and its Subsidiaries and other
than reductions in shareholders' equity contemplated by ss.7.2;

                  8.2.5 Gull shall have  delivered to Meridian a certificate  to
the  effect  that each of the  conditions  specified  in  8.2.1-8.2.4  is
satisfied in all respects;

                  8.2.6  Meridian  shall have  received from counsel to Gull and
Fresenius opinions in form and substance  substantially as set forth in Exhibits
B and C attached  hereto,  addressed to Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary,
and dated as of the Closing Date;

                  8.2.7 Meridian shall have received the resignations, effective
as of the  closing,  of  each  director  and  officer  of Gull  and  each of its

                  8.2.8 All  outstanding  options to purchase  Gull Shares shall
have been  canceled on terms  satisfactory  to  Meridian  and all shares of Gull
Deutschland  GmbH and Gull  Europe  S.A.  owned by Michael  Malan or John Turner
shall have been acquired by Meridian or Gull;

                  8.2.9 Gull and Fresenius  shall have furnished to Meridian and
the  Transitory  Subsidiary  such other  customary  documents,  certificates  or
instruments as Meridian may  reasonably  request  evidencing  compliance by Gull
with the terms of this Agreement;

                  8.2.10 Meridian shall have entered into employment  agreements
with Dr. Fred Rachford and John Turner providing for their employment for a term
of at least two years after the closing, containing confidentiality and two year
noncompetition  provisions following  termination of employment and otherwise on
terms  reasonably  satisfactory to Meridian.  Meridian shall have entered into a
consulting  agreement with Holly  Scribner  providing for a term of at least two
years of consultation after the closing, containing confidentiality and two-year
noncompetition  provisions following termination of the consulting  relationship
and otherwise on terms reasonably satisfactory to Meridian;

                  8.2.11  Meridian  and  Fresenius  shall  have  entered  into a
mutually  satisfactory  agreement  for the  continued  manufacture  for  Gull or
Meridian of the blood group and HLA Products  currently  being  manufactured  in
Fresenius'  facility  and with such  agreement  expiring  no more than two years
after the Closing Date;

                                     - 38 -

                  8.2.12 The due  diligence of Meridian  contemplated  in ss.6.6
shall have been completed and not have revealed  anything of a material  adverse
nature as to the  assets,  liabilities,  businesses,  operations  and  financial
condition  of Gull which is not the  subject  of a  representation  or  warranty
contained herein; and

                  8.2.13 Meridian shall have obtained the written consent of the
College of American  Pathologists  for the  assumption by Meridian of control of
Gull and to the  transfer  of the  location of the  production  called for in an
agreement  dated  January  1, 1998  between  Gull and the  College  of  American
Pathologists  from  Gull's  facility  in Salt Lake  County,  Utah to  Meridian's
facility in Cincinnati, Ohio.

                  Meridian  may waive any  condition  specified  in a writing so
stating at or prior to the closing.

                  8.3  Conditions  to  Obligation  of Gull  and  Fresenius.  The
obligations  of Gull and  Fresenius  to  consummate  the Merger  are  subject to
satisfaction of the following conditions:

                  8.3.1 The  representations  and  warranties  set forth in ss.4
shall be true and  correct in all  material  respects,  at and as of the Closing
Date other than to the extent that any such  representation  and warranty is, by
its  terms,   expressly   limited  to  a  specific  date,  in  which  case  such
representation  and  warranty  shall be true  and  correct  as of such  date and
Meridian  shall  represent and warrant to Gull and Fresenius that the statements
contained  in ss.4 are correct and complete as of the Closing Date and as though
the Closing  Date were  substituted  for the date of this  Agreement  throughout
those sections;

                  8.3.2 Each of Meridian  and the  Transitory  Subsidiary  shall
have performed and complied with all of its covenants  hereunder  required to be
performed  or  complied  with on or prior to the  Closing  Date in all  material
respects through the closing;

                  8.3.3 Each of Meridian  and the  Transitory  Subsidiary  shall
have  delivered to Gull a certificate  to the effect that each of the conditions
specified in ss. 8.3 is satisfied in all respects;

                  8.3.4    The Fairness Opinion shall not have been withdrawn;

                  8.3.5 Gull and  Fresenius  shall have received from counsel to
Meridian  and  the  Transitory  Subsidiary  an  opinion  in form  and  substance
substantially  as set forth in Exhibit D attached  hereto,  addressed to each of
them; and

                  8.3.6  Meridian  and  the  Transitory  Subsidiary  shall  have
furnished to Gull such other customary documents, certificates or instruments as
Gull may reasonably request evidencing compliance by Meridian and the Transitory
Subsidiary with the terms of this Agreement.

                  Gull and  Fresenius  may waive any  condition  specified  in a
writing so stating at or prior to the closing.

                                     - 39 -

                  9.0      Termination.

                  9.1 Termination of Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated
at any time prior to the Effective Time by:

                  9.1.1    The Parties by mutual written consent;

                  9.1.2 Meridian and the Transitory Subsidiary by giving written
notice to Gull and Fresenius if the  conditions  set forth in ss.8.2.12 have not
been met or if  Fresenius  or Gull has  breached  any  material  representation,
warranty,  or covenant  contained in this  Agreement  in any  material  respect,
Meridian or the  Transitory  Subsidiary  has  notified  Fresenius or Gull of the
breach,  and the breach has continued without cure for a period of 30 days after
the  notice of breach or if the  closing  shall not have  occurred  on or before
December 1, 1998,  unless the failure to close  results from the failure of Gull
or Fresenius to satisfy conditions set forth in and 8.2.3;

                  9.1.3  Gull by  giving  written  notice  to  Meridian  and the
Transitory  Subsidiary if Meridian or the Transitory Subsidiary has breached any
material  representation,  warranty,  or covenant contained in this Agreement in
any material respect,  Gull has notified Meridian and the Transitory  Subsidiary
of the breach, and the breach has continued without cure for a period of 30 days
after  the  notice of breach or if the  closing  shall not have  occurred  on or
before December 1, 1998, unless the failure to close results from the failure of
Meridian to satisfy the conditions set forth in and 8.3.2;

                  9.1.4 Gull, if notwithstanding  Gull's compliance with ss.6.8,
Gull  receives  and  accepts  prior to the  Closing  Date a Third  Party  Offer;
provided,  however, that, in the event of such acceptance of a Third Party Offer
Gull shall  immediately  pay to  Meridian  as called  for in ss.6.8,  the sum of
$350,000 as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, any such payment to be made
in immediately available United States funds;

                  9.1.5 Gull or Meridian  notwithstanding Gull's compliance with
ss.6.8,  if Gull's Board of Directors  prior to the Closing Date  withdraws  its
recommendation to Gull Stockholders of this Agreement and the Merger;  provided,
however,  that in the event of such  withdrawal  Gull shall  immediately  pay to
Meridian its out-of-pocket expenses incurred in relation to the transaction.  In
addition, if within twelve months after such termination,  Gull shall consummate
a Third Party Offer, Gull and Fresenius shall be jointly and severally obligated
to pay Meridian the additional sum of $350,000, as liquidated damages and not as
a penalty, any such payment to be made promptly in immediately  available United
States funds;

                  9.1.6 Any Party by giving  written notice to the other Parties
if this  Agreement  and the  Merger  fail to  receive  the  approval  of  Gull's
Stockholders or if any governmental entity shall have issued an order, decree or
ruling or taken any other action permanently enjoining, restraining or otherwise
prohibiting the  consummation of the Merger and such order,  decree or ruling or
other action shall have become final and nonappealable; or

                                     - 40 -

                  9.1.7 Meridian, if Fresenius' Supervisory Board shall not have
duly approved the actions of its officer executing this Agreement.

                  9.2  Effect  of  Termination.  If any  Party  terminates  this
Agreement  pursuant  to  ss.9.1,  all  rights  and  obligations  of the  Parties
hereunder shall terminate  without any liability of any Party to any other Party
except for any  liability of any Party then in breach or as set forth in ss.9.1;
subject to, 4.4, 5.3 and 7.9, the confidentiality provisions contained
in  ss.6.6,  this  ss.9.2  and  ss.10,  each of  which  shall  survive  any such

                  10.0     Miscellaneous.

                  10.1 Survival.  The representations,  warranties and covenants
of the Parties  will  survive the closing of the Merger for a period of one year
following the delivery to Meridian of audited financial  statements for Meridian
and Gull covering the year ended  September 30, 1998,  but such date of delivery
shall be deemed to be no later than December 30, 1998. This time period shall be
one year following the delivery of audited  financial  statements  from Meridian
and Gull  covering the year ended  September  30, 1999 but such date of delivery
shall be deemed to be no later  than  December  30,  1999  with  respect  to the
matters covered by the following  sections of this Agreement:  ss.3.5 - "Filings
with the SEC," ss.3.7 - "Undisclosed Liabilities," ss.3.10 "Litigation," ss.3.11
- -  "Product  Warranty,"  ss.3.12 -  "Product  Liability,"  ss.3.14  -  "Employee
Benefits,"  ss.3.27  -  "Contracts  and  Agreements,"  ss.3.28 -  "Licenses  and
Permits,"  ss.3.30 - "Taxes and Tax Returns," ss.6.8 -  "Exclusivity,"  ss.7.3 -
"Indemnification  for  Shareholder  Actions,"  and  except  that the  period  of
survival  shall  be five  years  after  the  Closing  Date  for  ss.6.9 - "Bylaw
Indemnification," and three years after the Closing Date for ss.7.10 - "Covenant
Not  to  Compete"  and  twelve  months  after  a  termination  for  the  matters
contemplated by ss.9.1.5. ss.7.4, ss.7.5 and ss.7.6 shall survive subject to the
various periods of limitations set forth above.  Any claim brought under ss.7.4,
ss.7.5 and ss.7.6  shall be  presented  within 60 days after  expiration  of the
relevant period of survival with respect to each such claim.

                  10.2 Press Releases and Public  Announcements.  No Party shall
issue any press release or make any public announcement  relating to the subject
matter  of this  Agreement  without  the  prior  written  approval  of the other
Parties;  provided,  however,  that any Party may make any public  disclosure it
believes  in good  faith is  required  by  applicable  law or by any  listing or
trading agreement  concerning its  publicly-traded  securities in which case the
disclosing  Party will use its reasonable best efforts to advise the other Party
prior to making the disclosure.

                  10.3 No  Obligations  Upon  Fresenius  Medical  Care AG. It is
expressly understood among the parties to this Agreement that no representation,
warranty,  covenant or any other  provision  contained in this  Agreement  shall
apply  to  or  be  binding  upon  Fresenius  Medical  Care  AG  or  any  of  its

                  10.4 No Third Party  Beneficiaries.  This Agreement  shall not
confer any rights or remedies  upon any Person  other than the Parties and their
respective  successors  and  permitted  assigns;  provided,  however,  that  the
provisions in ss.2 concerning  payment of the Merger  consideration are intended
for the benefit of, and shall be enforceable by Gull Stockholders, their

                                     - 41 -

heirs and their  respective legal  representatives  and the provisions in ss.6.9
are intended  for the benefit of, and shall be  enforceable  by the  individuals
specified therein and their heirs and their respective legal representatives and
shall be  binding  on  Meridian,  the  Transitory  Subsidiary  and  Gull,  their
respective Subsidiaries and their respective successors and assigns.

                  10.5 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement including the documents
referred  to herein  constitutes  the entire  agreement  among the  parties  and
supersedes   any  prior  or   contemporaneous   understandings,   agreements  or
representations  by or among the  parties,  written or oral,  to the extent they
related in any way to the subject matter hereof.

                  10.6  Successors  and  Assignment.  This  Agreement  shall  be
binding  upon and inure to the  benefit of the  Parties  named  herein and their
respective  successors  and permitted  assigns.  No Party may assign either this
Agreement or any of its rights,  interests, or obligations hereunder without the
prior written approval of the other Parties provided, however, that Meridian may
assign its rights  hereunder to an affiliated  entity  without the prior written
consent of Gull and Fresenius  provided Meridian executes a written guarantee of
the obligations of any such assignee in a form reasonably acceptable to Gull and

                  10.7   Counterparts.   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in
counterparts,  each of  which  shall  be  deemed  an  original  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  10.8  Headings.   The  section  headings   contained  in  this
Agreement are inserted for convenience  only and shall not affect in any way the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

                  10.9 Notices. All notices, requests, demands, claims and other
communications  hereunder will be in writing. Any notice, request, demand, claim
or other communication hereunder shall be addressed to the intended recipient as
set forth:

               If to Gull:                   GULL LABORATORIES, INC.
                                             1011 East Murray Holladay Road
                                             Salt Lake City, UT  84117
                                             Attention:  Silke Humberg Ph.D.
                                             Fax:  801-269-8251

               With a required               PRINCE, YEATES & GELDZAHLER
               copy to:                      City Centre I, Suite 900
                                             175 East 400 South
                                             Salt Lake City, UT   84111
                                             Attention: Gregory E. Lindley, Esq.
                                             Fax:  801-524-1099

                                     - 42 -

               If to Fresenius               FRESENIUS AG
                                             Else-Kroner Str. 1
                                             61346 Bad Homburg, Germany
                                             Attention:  Rainer Baule
                                             Fax:  011-49-6172-608-2386

               With a required               O'MELVENY & MYERS LLP
               copy to:                      Citicorp Center
                                             153 East 53rd Street
                                             New York, NY 10022-4461
                                             Attention:  Robert A. Grauman, Esq.
                                             Fax:  212-326-2061

               If to Meridian                MERIDIAN DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
               or the Transitory             3471 River Hills Drive
               Subsidiary:                   Cincinnati, OH  45244
                                             Attention:  Mr. John A. Kraeutler
                                             Fax:  513-271-3762

               Copy to:                      KEATING, MUETHING & KLEKAMP
                                             1800 Provident Tower
                                             One East Fourth Street
                                             Cincinnati, OH  45202
                                             Attention:  Gary P. Kreider, Esq.
                                             Fax:  513-579-6956

                  Any Party may send any  notice,  request,  demand,  claim,  or
other communication hereunder to the intended recipient at the address set forth
above by any commercially reasonable means, but no such notice, request, demand,
claim, or other communication shall be deemed to have been duly given unless and
until it actually is received by the  intended  recipient.  Any Party may change
the  address  to  which   notices,   requests,   demands,   claims,   and  other
communications  hereunder are to be delivered by giving the other Parties notice
in the manner provided herein.

                  10.10  Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and
construed  in  accordance  with the  internal  substantive  laws of Ohio without
giving  effect to any choice or conflict of law  provision  or rule,  whether of
Ohio or any other jurisdiction, that would cause or result in the application of
the laws of any jurisdiction other than Ohio.

                  10.11  Amendments and Waivers.  The Parties may mutually amend
any provision of this Agreement at any time prior to the Effective Time with the
prior authorization of their respective Boards of Directors;  provided, however,
that any amendment effected after obtaining

                                                      - 43 -

the approval of Gull Stockholders will be subject to the restrictions  contained
in the Utah  Revised  Business  Corporation  Act.  Any  decrease  in the  Merger
consideration  per Gull Share  shall be  submitted  to Gull's  Stockholders  for
approval.  No amendment of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless
it is in writing and signed by all of the Parties. No waiver by any Party of any
default,  misrepresentation or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether
intentional  or not,  shall be  deemed  to  extend  to any  prior or  subsequent
default, misrepresentation or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect
in any way any  rights  arising  by  virtue  of any  prior  or  subsequent  such

                  10.12  Severability.  Any term or provision of this  Agreement
that is invalid or unenforceable in any situation in any jurisdiction  shall not
affect the validity or  enforceability  of the  remaining  terms and  provisions
hereof or the validity or  enforceability  of the offending term or provision in
any other situation or in any other jurisdiction.

                  10.13  Expenses.  Each of the Parties  will bear its own costs
and expenses  including legal fees and expenses incurred in connection with this
Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Meridian shall pay filing
fees under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act.

                  10.14 Construction.  The Parties have participated  jointly in
the  negotiation  and drafting of this  Agreement.  In the event an ambiguity or
question of intent or interpretation  arises,  this Agreement shall be construed
as if drafted jointly by the Parties and no presumption or burden of proof shall
arise  favoring or  disfavoring  any Party by virtue of the authorship of any of
the provisions of this Agreement. Any reference to any federal, state, local, or
foreign  statute  or law  shall  be  deemed  also  to  refer  to all  rules  and
regulations promulgated  thereunder,  unless the context otherwise requires. The
word "including" shall mean including without limitation.

                  10.15  Incorporation  of Exhibits and Schedules.  The Exhibits
and Schedules  identified  in this  Agreement  and the  Disclosure  Schedule are
incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.

                  10.16  Jurisdiction.  All within the meaning of  ss.2307.39 of
the Ohio Revised Code, any lawsuit to enforce or interpret this Agreement can be
brought and  maintained  only in the Court of Common  Pleas of Hamilton  County,
Ohio or the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio at Cincinnati,
and the substantive law of the State of Ohio will govern and control every issue
or dispute relating to the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties  hereto have  executed  this
Merger Agreement on September 15, 1998.

                                            GULL LABORATORIES, INC.


                                     - 44 -


                                            MERIDIAN DIAGNOSTICS, INC.


                                            FRESENIUS AG


                                            MERIDIAN ACQUISITION CO.



                                     - 45 -

                               September 15, 1998

Independent Committee, Board of Directors
Gull Laboratories, Inc.
c/o Mr. Gregory E. Lindley, Attorney at Law
Prince, Yeates & Geldzahler
175 East Fourth South, Suite 900
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

         Re: Fairness  Opinion - Proposed Merger of Gull Laboratories, Inc. with
             Meridian Diagnostics, Inc. - Revised September 15, 1998


Houlihan  Valuation  Advisors  ("HVA")  has  been  retained  by the  Independent
Committee of the Board of Directors of Gull  Laboratories,  Inc. ("Gull" or "the
Company") to issue a fairness  opinion for the proposed  merger  ("Transaction")
between Gull and Meridian Diagnostics,  Inc. ("Meridian").  The fairness opinion
("the Opinion") is issued from a financial point of view from the perspective of
the minority  shareholders of Gull. It is anticipated by Company management that
the  Transaction  will close in October 1998. The Opinion is as of September 15,
1998 and is valid as of that date. Circumstances could change which would render
this  opinion  invalid  as of the  actual  closing  date.  To be valid as of the
closing date, the Opinion will have to be reviewed and updated by HVA.

The Draft Merger Agreement of September 15, 1998 ("the  Agreement")  among Gull,
Meridian,  Fresenius AG ("Fresenius") and Meridian  Acquisition Co. provides for
the acquisition of the Company by Meridian in an all-cash transaction  providing
for  payment of $2.25 per share of issued and  outstanding  common  stock  ("the
Transaction").  Under the terms of the  Agreement,  Meridian will acquire all of
the outstanding shares of the Company  (8,016,012) for a total purchase price of
$18,036,027.  At the close of the transaction,  each  outstanding  share of Gull
common stock,  other than any Dissenting Share, will be converted into the right
to receive $2.25 in cash without  interest,  and each Dissenting  Share shall be
converted  into the right to receive  payment from Gull with respect  thereto to
the extent  provided by, and in  accordance  with,  the  provisions  of the Utah
Revised Business Corporation Act.

Upon the closing of the Transaction,  all amounts then owed by Gull to Fresenius
will be reduced to the extent of any reductions in the  shareholders'  equity of
Gull that occur from December 31,

1997 through the closing of the Transaction. However, minority shareholders will
receive  $2.25  per  share  regardless  of any  reductions  in  amounts  owed to
Fresenius by Gull.

In  delivering  this opinion,  HVA has  completed,  among others,  the following
               Reviewed  the Draft  Merger  Agreement  among Gull  Laboratories,
              Inc.,  Meridian  Diagnostics,  Inc.,  Fresenius  AG, and  Meridian
              Acquisition Company, dated August 6, 1998, revised as of September
              15, 1998

               Reviewed the annual reports of Gull for the years of 1993-1995

               Reviewed  the Proxy  Statement  for the 1997  Annual  Meeting  of
              Shareholders of Gull

               Reviewed various  Securities and Exchange  Commission  filings of
              Gull,  including  Form 10-Ks for years ended December 31, 1996 and
              1997,  Form  10-Qs  for Gull for  quarters  ended  June 30,  1996,
              September 30, 1996,  March 31, 1997, June 30, 1997,  September 30,
              1997, March 31, 1998, and June 30, 1998.

               Reviewed  Gull's  unaudited  draft  financial  statements for the
              three months ending June 30, 1998

               Reviewed  Gull's  projected  income   statements  for  continuing
              operations  for calendar  years  ending  December 31, 1998 through

               Reviewed the reported market prices and trading activity for Gull
              common stock for the period of January 1996 through July 1998

               Reviewed  transaction  premium  data  prepared by Houlihan  Lokey
              Howard & Zukin as presented in Mergerstat Review 1998

               Discussed  the  financial   condition,   results  of  operations,
              business and prospects of Gull with Company management

               Compared the results of  operations  and  financial  condition of
              Gull with  those of certain  other  publicly-traded  data  medical
              diagnostic   product  firms  that  HVA  deemed  to  be  reasonably
              comparable to Gull

               Reviewed  Company  product  information and status of new product

In  addition  to a  review  of the  above  described  documents,  the  following
analytical procedures were conducted in arriving at our Opinion:

               HVA met with  representatives  of the  Company  at the  Company's
              headquarters  in Salt Lake City,  Utah and  conducted  discussions
              regarding matters  pertinent to our analysis.  Inquiries were made
              with   certain   officers   of  the   Company   who  have   senior
              responsibility   for   operating   matters   regarding:   (i)  the
              operations,  financial  condition,  future prospects and projected
              operations and performance of the Company; (ii) whether management
              is aware of any events or conditions  which might cause any of the
              assumptions  set forth in this Opinion to be incorrect;  and (iii)
              whether  management  is  aware  of  any  material  change  in  the
              Company's  assets,  financial  condition or business outlook since
              June 30, 1998 (the date of the  Company's  most  recent  financial

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fairness Opinion - Gull Laboratories, Inc. as of September 15, 1998       Page 2

               Certain  financial   projections  and  accompanying   assumptions
              prepared  by Company  management  for the  calendar  years  ending
              December 31, 1998 through December 31, 2003 were reviewed, and the
              assumptions  underlying such forecasts were discussed with Company

               Generally  recognized financial analysis and valuation procedures
              were  undertaken  to  ascertain  the  financial  condition  of the
              Company as well as to estimate its fair market value

               Discussed valuation of the Company,  efforts to solicit bids, and
              negotiations  regarding  offering  price with  representatives  of
              Wasserstein   Perella  &  Co.,   investment  bankers  retained  by
              Fresenius  to  advise  Fresenius  as  to  strategic   alternatives
              relating to the Company

               Performed  such other  analyses and  reviewed  and analyzed  such
              other information as HVA deemed appropriate

In rendering this opinion,  HVA did not assume  responsibility for independently
verifying,  and did not independently verify, any financial or other information
concerning Gull furnished to it by Gull, or the publicly-available financial and
other information regarding Gull and other medical diagnostic product firms. HVA
has assumed that all such information is accurate and complete.  HVA has further
relied on  assurances  of  management  of Gull that it is not aware of any facts
that would make such  financial or other  information  relating to such entities
inaccurate or misleading.

With respect to financial forecasts for Gull provided to HVA by Gull management,
HVA has assumed, for the purposes of this opinion,  that the forecasts have been
reasonably  prepared  on bases  reflecting  the  best  available  estimates  and
judgments  of its  management  at  the  time  of  preparation  as to the  future
financial  performance  of Gull.  We are  unaware of and have not  received  any
information  which would lead us to believe that it was  unreasonable to utilize
the  aforementioned  projections as part of our analysis related to the Opinion.
HVA,  however,  assumes no  responsibility  for and expresses no view as to such
forecasts or the assumptions under which they were prepared.

HVA has  assumed  that  there has been no  material  change  in  Gull's  assets,
financial condition, results of operations, business or prospects since June 30,
1998. HVA's conclusions and opinion are necessarily based upon economic,  market
and other conditions and the information made available to HVA as of the date of
this opinion. HVA expresses no opinion on matters of legal,  regulatory,  tax or
accounting nature related to the Merger.

We have not been requested to, and did not solicit,  third party  indications of
interest  in  acquiring  all or any part of the  common  stock  of the  Company.
Furthermore, at your request, we have not negotiated the Transaction nor advised
you with respect to alternatives to it.

Limiting Conditions
The Opinion is subject to the following limiting conditions:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fairness Opinion - Gull Laboratories, Inc. as of September 15, 1998       Page 3

     1.  Neither HVA nor its principals have any present or intended interest in
         Gull, Meridian,  Fresenius, or in any related entities.  HVA's fees for
         the  Opinion  are  based on  professional  time  and a  charge  for the
         Opinion,  and  are in no way  contingent  upon  the  final  conclusions

     2.  The Opinion is intended  only for the specific  use and purpose  stated
         herein.  It is  intended  for no other uses and is not to be copied nor
         given to unauthorized persons without the direct written consent of HVA
         except as set forth below. The Opinion and information contained herein
         are valid only for the stated purpose and date of the study, and should
         in no way be construed to be investment advice.

     3.  It is beyond the scope of the Opinion to render any opinion relative to
         the  solvency  or  insolvency  of Gull or Meridian  either  prior to or
         following the Transaction. HVA has not been requested to render such an
         opinion, and nothing in the Opinion should be construed as such.

     4.  This  engagement  is limited to the  production  of the Opinion and the
         conclusions  and opinions  contained  herein.  HVA has no obligation to
         provide  future  services  (e.g.,  expert  testimony in court or before
         governmental  agencies)  related to the contents of the Opinion  unless
         prior  arrangements  for such services have been made. HVA  understands
         that Gull will require confirmation that the opinion is still in effect
         as of the closing  date of the  transaction,  which is  anticipated  to
         occur by October 31, 1998.

It is our  understanding  that Gull's Board of Directors  either has had or will
have  the  opportunity  to  make  their  own  independent  investigation  of the
Transaction,  and their  decision to participate  in the  Transaction  should be
based primarily on such  investigation.  Delivery of the Opinion to Gull's Board
of Directors and the Independent  Committee of the Board of Directors is subject
to the conditions, limitations and assumptions set forth in the Opinion.

This  opinion is for the benefit of the Board of Directors of Gull and shall not
be relied upon by others and shall not be published or otherwise used, nor shall
any public  references  to HVA be made  without  our written  consent.  However,
notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  HVA  consents  to a  description  of  and  the
inclusion  of the text of its  written  Opinion  and its  accompanying  Fairness
Memorandum in the proxy to be issued in connection  with the special  meeting of
the  Company's  Stockholders.  This  opinion is not  intended to be and does not
constitute a recommendation to any Stockholder as to how such Stockholder should
vote with respect to the Merger.

Based upon and subject to the foregoing,  including the various  assumptions and
limitations  set forth herein,  and based upon such other matters as we consider
relevant,  it is our  opinion  that the  proposed  Transaction,  assuming  it is
consummated as proposed,  is fair from a financial point of view to the minority
shareholders  of Gull based on the  circumstances  existing as of September  15,
1998.  HVA reserves the right,  in the event that events or facts  subsequent to
the date of the Opinion  become known which have a material  impact on the value
of the Company,  to supplement or withdraw the Opinion prior to the closing date
of the Transaction.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fairness Opinion - Gull Laboratories, Inc. as of September 15, 1998       Page 4

This Opinion is delivered to you subject to the conditions, scope of engagement,
limitations,  indemnification  and  understandings set forth in this Opinion and
the engagement  letter between HVA, Gull, and the  Independent  Committee of the
Board of  Directors  of Gull dated July 28,  1998 and  executed  by Gull and the
Independent  Committee of the Board of Directors on July 29, 1998.  This Opinion
is subject to the  understanding  that the obligations of HVA in the Transaction
are solely corporate obligations,  and no officer,  director,  employee,  agent,
shareholder  or  controlling  person of HVA shall be  subjected  to any personal
liability whatsoever to any person, nor will any such claim be asserted by or on
behalf of you or your affiliates.


- -----------------------------
Frederic L. Jones, ASA

                                   APPENDIX C

                          NOTICE OF DISSENTERS' RIGHTS
    (Under Section 16-10a-1301 et seq. Utah Revised Business Corporation Act)

Proposed Action

                  The Board of  Directors  of Gull  Laboratories,  Inc.,  a Utah
corporation,  ("Gull") has adopted and approved a Merger Agreement,  among Gull,
Fresenius AG,  Meridian  Diagnostics,  Inc., and Meridian  Acquisition  Co. (the
"Merger  Agreement").  The Merger Agreement subject to shareholder  approval.  A
copy of the Merger  Agreement is being furnished to you  contemporaneously  with
the delivery of this Notice.  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement,  Gull will merge
into Meridian  Acquisition  Co., with Gull as the  surviving  corporation.  Each
issued and  outstanding  share of Gull  common  stock,  other  than  dissenters'
shares,  will be  converted  into the right to receive a cash  payment of $2.25,
without interest.  The Board of Directors has recommended that Shareholders vote
"FOR" approval of the Merger Agreement.

Shareholder Approval

                  Under  Section   16-10a-1103  of  the  Utah  Revised  Business
Corporation Act (the "Act"),  the Merger Agreement requires the affirmative vote
of a majority of the shares  entitled  to vote to approve  the merger.  Attached
hereto  is a Notice of  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and Proxy  Statement
relating to the Special Meeting for the purpose of approving the merger.

Dissenters' Rights

                  Under Part 13 of the Act, Shareholders of Gull are entitled to
assert  "dissenters  rights'" in connection with the proposed  merger. A copy of
Part 13 of the Act is attached hereto.

                  Generally,  a Shareholder may dissent from the proposed merger
transaction  and obtain cash payment of the fair value of his/her  shares in the
event the merger transaction is effectuated.  Fair value of the shares means the
value  of the  shares  immediately  before  the  effective  date of the  merger,
excluding any appreciation or depreciation in anticipation of the merger.

                  A Shareholder  who desires to exercise his or her  dissenters'
right, must:


                  1.    Cause Gull to receive,  before the  Shareholder  vote is
                        taken,  written  notice  of  his/her  intent  to  demand
                        payment   for   shares   if  the   proposed   Merger  is
                        effectuated; and

                  2. Not vote any of  his/her  shares  in favor of the  proposed

                  Notice must be sent in writing, postage prepaid, and addressed
to the Secretary of Gull at Gull's offices located at 1011 East  Murray-Holladay
Road, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117.


                  If  the  merger  is   effectuated   over  the   dissent  of  a
Shareholder, a notice will be sent to the Shareholder within ten (10) days after
the  effective  date of the merger  approval by  Shareholders.  That notice will
state  when  and  where  written  demand  for  payment  must  be sent  and  when
certificates  for shares must be deposited by the  Shareholder to effectuate the
purchase of shares from the dissenting Shareholder.




                                   APPENDIX D

                                 PART 13 OF THE

16-10a-1301.  Definitions.

                  For purposes of Part 13:

                  (1)  "Beneficial  shareholder"  means  the  person  who  is  a
beneficial  owner of shares held in a voting trust or by a nominee as the record

                  (2)  "Corporation  means the  issuer of the  shares  held by a
dissenter before the corporate action, or the surviving or acquiring corporation
by merger or share exchange of that issuer.

                  (3) "Dissenter" means a shareholder who is entitled to dissent
from  corporate  action under Section  16-10a-1302  and who exercises that right
when and in the manner required by Sections 16-10a-1320 through 16-10a-1328.

                  (4) "Fair value" with respect to a dissenter's  shares,  means
the value of the shares  immediately  before the  effectuation  of the corporate
action  to  which  the  dissenter   objects,   excluding  any   appreciation  or
depreciation in anticipation of the corporate action.

                  (5)  "Interest"  means interest from the effective date of the
corporate  action until the date of payment,  at the statutory rate set forth in
Section 15-1-1, compounded annually.

                  (6) "Record shareholder" means the person in whose name shares
are registered in the records of a corporation or the beneficial owner of shares
that are registered in the name of a nominee to the extent the beneficial  owner
is  recognized  by the  corporation  as the  shareholder  as provided in Section

                  (7)  "Shareholder"   means  the  record   shareholder  or  the
beneficial shareholder.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1301,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277,138.    249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.


16-10a-1302.  Right to dissent.

                  (1) A  Shareholder,  whether  or  not  entitled  to  vote,  is
entitled to dissent from, and obtain payment of the fair value of shares held by
him in the event of, any of the following corporate actions:

                      (a)  consummation  of  a  plan  of  merger  to  which  the
corporation is a party if:

                            (i) shareholder  approval is required for the merger
by Section 16-10a-1103 or the articles of incorporation; or

                            (ii) the  corporation is a subsidiary that is merged
with its parent under Section 16-10a-1104;

                      (b)  consummation of a plan of share exchange to which the
corporation is a party as the corporation whose shares will be acquired.

                      (c)  consummation of a sales,  lease,  exchange,  or other
disposition of all, or substantially all, of the property of the corporation for
which a shareholder  vote is required under Subsection  16-10a-1202(1),  but not
including a sale for cash pursuant to a plan by which all or  substantially  all
of the net proceeds of the sale will be distributed to the  shareholders  within
one year after the date of sale; and

                      (d)  consummation  of a sale,  lease,  exchange,  or other
disposition  of  all,  or  substantially  all,  of  the  property  of an  entity
controlled  by the  corporation  if the  shareholders  of the  corporation  were
entitled to vote upon the consent of the corporation to the disposition pursuant
to Subsection 16-10a-1202(2).

                  (2) A shareholder is entitled to dissent and obtain payment of
the fair value of his shares in the event of any other  corporate  action to the
extent the articles of  incorporation,  bylaws,  or a resolution of the board of
directors so provides.

                  (3)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this part, except
to the extent otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation,  bylaws, or a
resolution of the board of directors,  and subject to the  limitations set forth
in Subsection  (4), a shareholder  is not entitled to dissent and obtain payment
under  Subsection  (1) of the fair value of the shares of any class or series of
shares which  either were listed on a national  securities  exchange  registered
under  the  federal  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,  or on the
National  Market  System  of the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers
Automated  Quotation  System,  or  were  held  of  record  by  more  than  2,000
shareholders, at the time of:


                      (a) the record  date fixed  under  Section  16-10a-707  to
determine  the  shareholders  entitled  to receive  notice of the  shareholders'
meeting at which the corporate action is submitted to a vote;

                      (b) the record  date fixed  under  Section  16-10a-704  to
determine  shareholders  entitled to sign  writings  consenting  to the proposed
corporate action; or

                      (c) the  effective  date of the  corporate  action  if the
corporate action is
authorized other than by a vote of shareholders.

                  (4) The  limitation set forth in Subsection (3) does not apply
if the  shareholder  will  receive  for his shares,  pursuant  to the  corporate
action, anything except:

                      (a) shares of the corporation  surviving the  consummation
of the plan of merger or share exchange;

                      (b) shares of a corporation which at the effective date of
the plan of  merger  or share  exchange  either  will be  listed  on a  national
securities  exchange  registered  under the federal  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended,  or on the National Market System of the National  Association
of Securities  Dealers Automated  Quotation System, or will be held of record by
more than 2,000 shareholders;

                      (c)  cash in lieu of fractional shares; or

                      (d) any combination of the shares  described in Subsection
(4), or cash in lieu of fractional shares.

                  (5) A shareholder  entitled to dissent and obtain  payment for
his shares under this part may not challenge the corporate  action  creating the
entitlement  unless the action is unlawful or fraudulent  with respect to him or
to the corporation.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1302,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 139.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1303.  Dissent by nominees and beneficial owners.

                  (1) A record  shareholder may assert  dissenters' rights as to
fewer  than  all the  shares  registered  in his  name  only if the  shareholder
dissents  with  respect to all shares  beneficially  owned by any one person and
causes the  corporation  to receive  written notice which states the dissent and
the name and address of each person on whose behalf dissenters' rights are being
asserted. The rights of a partial dissenter under this subsection are determined


as if the shares as to which the shareholder  dissents and the other shares held
of record by him were registered in the names of different shareholders.

                  (2) A beneficial  shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as
to shares held on his behalf only if:

                      (a) the beneficial  shareholder  causes the corporation to
receive the record  shareholder's  written consent tot he dissent not later than
the time the beneficial shareholder asserts dissenters' rights; and

                      (b) the  beneficial  shareholder  dissents with respect to
all shares of which he is the beneficial shareholder.

                  (3)  The   corporation   may  require  that,   when  a  record
shareholder  dissents  with  respect  to the  shares  held  by any  one or  more
beneficial  shareholders,  each  beneficial  shareholder  must  certify  to  the
corporation  that  both he and  the  record  shareholders  of all  shares  owned
beneficially by him have asserted, or will timely assert,  dissenters' rights as
to all the shares unlimited on the ability to exercise  dissenters'  rights. The
certification  requirement  must  be  stated  in the  dissenters'  notice  given
pursuant to Section 16-10a-1322.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1303,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.277, 140.     249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1320.  Notice of dissenters' rights.

                  (1) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights
under Section 16-10a-1302 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting, the
meeting  notice must be sent to all  shareholders  of the  corporation as of the
applicable record date, whether or not they are entitled to vote at the meeting.
The  notice  shall  state that  shareholders  are or may be  entitled  to assert
dissenters'  rights under this part. The notice must be accompanied by a copy of
this part and the materials,  if any, that under this chapter are required to be
given the  shareholders  entitled to vote on the proposed action at the meeting.
Failure to give notice as required by this subsection does not affect any action
taken at the shareholders' meeting for which the notice was to have been given.

                  (2) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights
under  Section  16-10a-1302  is  authorized  without a meeting  of  shareholders
pursuant  to  Section  16-10a-704,   any  written  or  oral  solicitation  of  a
shareholder to execute a written  consent to the action  contemplated by Section
16-10a-704  must be  accompanied  or preceded by a written  notice  stating that
shareholders  are or may be entitled  to assert  dissenters'  rights  under this
part,  by a copy of this part,  and by the  materials,  if any,  that under this
chapter would have been


required to be given to shareholders  entitled to vote on the proposed action if
the proposed action were submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting. Failure
to give written notice as provided by this subsection does not affect any action
taken  pursuant  to  Section  16-10a-704  for which the  notice was to have been

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1320,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 141.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1321.  Demand for payment - Eligibility and notice of intent.

                  (1) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights
under Section  16-10a-1302 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders'  meeting, a
shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights:

                      (a) must cause the corporation to receive, before the vote
is taken,  written  notice of his  intent to demand  payment  for  shares if the
proposed action is effectuated; and

                      (b)  may  not  vote  any of his  shares  in  favor  of the
proposed action.

                  (2) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights
under  Section  16-10a-1302  is  authorized  without a meeting  of  shareholders
pursuant to Section  16-10a-704,  a shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters'
rights may not execute a writing consenting to the proposed corporate action.

                  (3) In order to be entitled  to payment for shares  under this
part, unless otherwise  provided in the articles of incorporation,  bylaws, or a
resolution  adopted by the board of directors,  a  shareholder  must have been a
shareholder  with respect to the shares for which  payment is demanded as of the
date the proposed  corporate  action creating  dissenters'  rights under Section
16-10a-1302  is  approved  by  the  shareholders,  if  shareholder  approval  is
required,  or as of the effective date of the corporate  action if the corporate
action is authorized other than by a vote of shareholders.

                  (4) A  shareholder  who does not satisfy the  requirements  of
Subsections  (1)  through (3) is not  entitled to payment for shares  under this

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1321,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 142.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.


16-10a-1322.  Dissenters' notice.

                  (1) If proposed  corporate action creating  dissenters' rights
under Section  16-10a-1302 is authorized,  the corporation  shall give a written
dissenters'  notice to all  shareholders  who are entitled to demand payment for
their shares under this part.

                  (2) The dissenters'  notice required by Subsection (1) must be
sent no later than ten days after the  effective  date of the  corporate  action
creating dissenters' rights under Section 16-10a-1302, and shall:

                      (a) state that the corporate action was authorized and the
effective date or proposed effective date of the corporate action;

                      (b) state an address at which the corporation will receive
payment demands and an address at which  certificates  for  certificated  shares
must be deposited;

                      (c) inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extent
transfer of the shares will be restricted after the payment demand is received;

                      (d)  supply  a form  for  demanding  payment,  which  form
requests a dissenter to state an address to which payment is to be made;

                      (e) set a date by which the  corporation  must receive the
payment  demand  and by  which  certificates  for  certificated  shares  must be
deposited at the address  indicated in the dissenters'  notice,  which dates may
not be fewer than 30 nor more than 70 days after the date the dissenters' notice
required by Subsection (1) is given;

                      (f)  state  the  requirement  contemplated  by  Subsection
16-10a-1303(3), if the requirement is imposed; and

                      (g) be accompanied by a copy of this part.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1322,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 143.    249 makes the act effective on July 1,1992.

16-10a-1323.  Procedure to demand payment.

                  (1) A shareholder who is given a dissenters'  notice described
in Section 16-10a-1322,  who meets the requirements of Section 16-10a-1321,  and
wishes to assert  dissenters'  rights must, in accordance  with the terms of the
dissenters' notice:


                      (a) cause the  corporation  to  receive a payment  demand,
which may be the payment demand form  contemplated  in Section  16-10a-1322  (2)
(d), duly completed, or may be stated in another writing;

                      (b) deposit  certificates for his  certificated  shares in
accordance with the terms of the dissenters' notice; and

                      (c) if  required  by the  corporation  in the  dissenters'
notice described in Section 16-10a-1322, as contemplated by Section 16-10a-1327,
certify in  writing,  in or with the  payment  demand,  whether or not he or the
person  on whose  behalf  he  asserts  dissenters'  rights  acquired  beneficial
ownership of the shares before the date of the first  announcement to news media
or to  shareholders  of the  terms of the  proposed  corporate  action  creating
dissenters' rights under Section 16-10a-1302.

                  (2) A  shareholder  who  demands  payment in  accordance  with
Subsection (1) retains all rights of a shareholder  except the right to transfer
the shares until the effective date of the proposed corporate action giving rise
to the exercise of dissenters'  rights and has only the right to receive payment
for the shares after the effective date of the corporate action.

                  (3) A  shareholder  who does not demand  payment  and  deposit
share  certificates  as  required,  by the date or dates set in the  dissenters'
notice, is not entitled to payment for shares under this part.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1323,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 144.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1324.  Uncertificated shares.

                  (1)  Upon  receipt  of a  demand  for  payment  under  Section
16-10a-1323 from a shareholder holding uncertificated shares, and in lieu of the
deposit of certificates  representing  the shares,  the corporation may restrict
the transfer of the shares until the proposed  corporate  action is taken or the
restrictions are released under Section 16-10a-1326.

                  (2)  In  all  other   respects,   the  provisions  of  Section
16-10a-1323 apply to shareholders who own uncertificated shares.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1324,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by, L.1992 ch.  277, 145.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.


16-10a-1325.  Payment.

                  (1) Except as provided in Section 16-10a-1327,  upon the later
of the effective date of the corporate action creating  dissenters' rights under
Section  16-10a-1302,  and receipt by the  corporation  of each  payment  demand
pursuant  to  Section  16-10a-1323,  the  corporation  shall pay the  amount the
corporation  estimates  to be the fair  value of the  dissenter's  shares,  plus
interest to each  dissenter who has complied with Section  16-10a-1323,  and who
meets the  requirements  of Section  16-10a-1321,  and who has not yet  received

                  (2)  Each  payment  made  pursuant  to  Subsection (1) must be
accompanied by:

                      (a) (i)(A) the  corporation's  balance sheet as of the end
of its most recent  fiscal year, or if not  available,  a fiscal year ending not
more than 16 months before the date of payment;

                             (B) an income statement for that year;

                             (C) a statement of changes in shareholders'  equity
for that year and a  statement  of cash flow for that year,  if the  corporation
customarily provides such statements to shareholders; and

                             (D)  the   latest   available   interim   financial
statements, if any;

                        (ii) the  balance  sheet and  statements  referred to in
Subsection (i) must be audited if the corporation  customarily  provides audited
financial statements to shareholders;

                      (b) a statement of the corporation's  estimate of the fair
value of the shares  and the  amount of  interest  payable  with  respect to the

                      (c) a statement of the dissenter's right to demand payment
under Section 16-10a-1328; and

                      (d) a copy of this part.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1325,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 146.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1326.  Failure to take action.

                  (1) If the  effective  date of the corporate  action  creating
dissenters' rights under Section 16-10a-1302 does not occur within 60 days after
the date set by the corporation as the


date by which the  corporation  must  receive  payment  demands as  provided  in
Section 16-10a-1322, the corporation shall return all deposited certificates and
release the transfer  restrictions  imposed on  uncertificated  shares,  and all
shareholders who submitted a demand for payment pursuant to Section  16-10a-1323
shall  thereafter  have all rights of a shareholder  as if no demand for payment
had been made.

                  (2) If the  effective  date of the corporate  action  creating
dissenters' rights under Section  16-10a-1302 occurs more than 60 days after the
date set by the  corporation as the date by which the  corporation  must receive
payment demands as provided in Section  16-10a-1322,  then the corporation shall
send a new  dissenters'  notice,  as  provided in Section  16-10a-1322,  and the
provisions  of  Sections   16-10a-1323   through   16-10a-1328  shall  again  be

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1326,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 147.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1327.  Special provisions relating to shares acquired after
announcement of proposed corporate action.

                  (1) A  corporation  may,  with the  dissenters'  notice  given
pursuant to Section  16-10a-1322,  state the date of the first  announcement  to
news media or to  shareholders  of the terms of the  proposed  corporate  action
creating   dissenters'  rights  under  Section  16-10a-1302  and  state  that  a
shareholder who asserts  dissenters' rights must certify in writing,  in or with
the payment  demand,  whether or not he or the person on whose behalf he asserts
dissenters' rights acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before that date.
With respect to any  dissenter  who does not certify in writing,  in or with the
payment demand that he or the person on whose behalf the dissenters'  rights are
being asserted,  acquired  beneficial  ownership of the shares before that date,
the  corporation  may,  in  lieu of  making  the  payment  provided  in  Section
16-10a-1325,  offer to make payment if the dissenter agrees to accept it in full
satisfaction of his demand.

                  (2) An  offer  to make  payment  under  Subsection  (1)  shall
include  or  be   accompanied   by  the   information   required  by  Subsection

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1327,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 148.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1328.  Procedure for shareholder dissatisfied with payment or


                  (1) A  dissenter  who  has not  accepted  an  offer  made by a
corporation  under Section  16-10a-1327 may notify the corporation in writing of
his own  estimate  of the fair value of his  shares  and  demand  payment of the
estimated   amount,   plus  interest,   less  any  payment  made  under  Section
16-10a-1325, if:

                      (a) the  dissenter  believes  that the  amount  paid under
Section  16-10a-1325 or offered under Section  16-10a-1327 is less than the fair
value of the shares;

                      (b) the  corporation  fails to make payment  under Section
16-10a-1325  within 60 days after the date set by the corporation as the date by
which it must receive the payment demand; or

                      (c) the  corporation,  having failing to take the proposed
corporate  action  creating  dissenter's  rights,  does not return the deposited
certificates  or release the  transfer  restrictions  imposed on  uncertificated
shares as required by Section 16-10a-1326.

                  (2) A dissenter  waives the right to demand payment under this
section  unless he causes the  corporation  to receive  the notice  required  by
Subsection (1) within 30 days after the corporation  made or offered payment for
his shares.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1328,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 149.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1330.  Judicial appraisal of shares - Court action.

                  (1) If a demand for payment under Section  16-10a-1328 remains
unresolved,  the  corporation  shall commence a proceeding  within 60 days after
receiving the payment demand contemplated by Section  16-10a-1328,  and petition
the court to determine  the fair value of the shares and the amount of interest.
If the corporation does not commence the proceeding within the 60-day period, it
shall pay each dissenter whose demand remains unresolved the amount demanded.

                  (2) The corporation shall commence the proceeding described in
Subsection  (1) in the  district  court of the  county in this  state  where the
corporation's  principal office, or if it has no principal office in this state,
the county  where its  registered  office is located.  If the  corporation  is a
foreign corporation without a registered office in this state, it shall commence
the  proceeding in the county in this state where the  registered  office of the
domestic  corporation merged with, or whose shares were acquired by, the foreign
corporation was located.

                  (3)  The  corporation  shall  make  all  dissenters  who  have
satisfied  the   requirements   of  Sections   16-10a-1321,   16-10a-1323,   and
16-10a-1328, whether or not they are


residents  of  this  state  whose  demands  remain  unresolved,  parties  to the
proceeding commenced under Subsection (2) as an action against their shares. All
such  dissenters  who are named as  parties  must be  served  with a copy of the
petition.  Service on each  dissenter may be by registered or certified  mail to
the address stated in his payment  demand made pursuant to Section  16-10a-1328.
If no  address  is  stated in the  payment  demand,  service  may be made at the
address stated in the payment demand given pursuant to Section  16-10a-1323.  If
no address is stated in the payment  demand,  service may be made at the address
shown  on the  corporation's  current  record  of  shareholders  for the  record
shareholder holding the dissenter's shares.

                  Service may also be made otherwise as provided by law.

                  (4) The  jurisdiction of the court in which the proceedings is
commenced under  Subsection (2) is plenary and exclusive.  The court may appoint
one or more persons as appraisers to receive evidence and recommend  decision on
the  question of fair value.  The  appraisers  have the powers  described in the
order appointing them, or in any amendment to it. The dissenters are entitled to
the same discovery rights as parties in other civil proceedings.

                  (5) Each dissenter  made a party to the  proceeding  commenced
under Subsection (2) is entitled to judgment:

                      (a) for the amount,  if any, by which the court finds that
the fair value of his  shares,  plus  interest,  exceeds  the amount paid by the
corporation pursuant to Section 16-10a-1325; or

                      (b) for the fair value, plus interest,  of the dissenter's
after-acquired  shares for which the  corporation  elected to  withhold  payment
under Section 16-10a-1327.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1330,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 150.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

16-10a-1331.  Court costs and counsel fees.

                      (1) The court in an appraisal  proceedings commenced under
Section 16-10a-1330 shall determine all costs of the proceedings,  including the
reasonable  compensation and expenses of appraisers  appointed by the court. The
court shall assess the costs against the corporation,  except that the court may
assess costs against all or some of the  dissenters,  in amounts the court finds
equitable,  to the extent the court finds that the dissenters acted arbitrarily,
vexatiously,   or  not  in  good  faith  in  demanding   payment  under  Section


                  (2) The court may also assess the fees and expenses of counsel
and experts for the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:

                      (a)  against  the  corporation  and in favor of any or all
dissenters if the court finds the corporation did not substantially  comply with
the requirements of Sections 16-10a-1320 through 16-10a-1328; or

                      (b)  against  either  the   corporation  or  one  or  more
dissenters,  in favor of any  other  party,  if the court  finds  that the party
against whom the fees and expenses are assessed acted arbitrarily,  vexatiously,
or not in good faith with respect to the rights provided by this part.

                  (3) If the court  finds that the  services  of counsel for any
dissenter were of substantial  benefit to other dissenters  similarly  situated,
and  that the fees  for  those  services  should  not be  assessed  against  the
corporation, the court may award to those counsel reasonable fees to be paid out
of the amounts awarded the dissenters who were benefited.

History:  C.1953, 16-10a-1331,            Effective Dates.  - Laws 1992, ch 277,
enacted by L.1992, ch.  277, 151.   249 makes the act effective on July 1, 1992.

