90 Taylor Drive
                           North Tonawanda, New York  14120



                    NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN that  the  Annual  Meeting of
          Shareholders of TAYLOR  DEVICES, INC. ("Company") will be held at
          the  Marriott Hotel, 1340 Millersport Highway, Amherst, New York,
          on November 10, 1995, at 10:00 A.M. for the following purposes:

               1.   To elect  five directors of  the Company each  to serve
               for the ensuing  year until the next annual  meeting and the
               election and qualification of his successor.

               2.    To transact such  other business as  may properly come
               before  the  meeting  or  any  adjournment  or  adjournments

                    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the stock transfer books of
          the Company will  not be closed, but only  shareholders of record
          at the close of business on  September 22, 1995 will be  entitled
          to notice of the meeting and to vote at the meeting.


                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /S/Joseph P. Gastel

                                        Joseph P. Gastel, Secretary

          DATED:    September 28, 1995
                    North Tonawanda, New York

                                   PROXY STATEMENT
                                       FOR THE
                            ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                 TAYLOR DEVICES, INC.
                                   90 TAYLOR DRIVE
                           NORTH TONAWANDA, NEW YORK 14120


                                AMHERST, NEW YORK ON
                                  NOVEMBER 10, 1995

               This Proxy  Statement is  furnished to  shareholders by  the
          Board  of Directors  of Taylor  Devices, Inc. (the  "Company") in
          connection with the solicitation of proxies for use at the Annual
          Meeting of Shareholders to be held on November 10, 1995, at 10:00
          A.M., and at any adjournments thereof, for the purposes set forth
          in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  It
          is proposed  first to give or  mail this Proxy  Statement and the
          accompanying form of proxy to  shareholders on or about September
          28, 1995.

               If  the enclosed  form  of proxy  is  properly executed  and
          returned,  the  shares  represented  thereby  will  be  voted  in
          accordance  with the instructions  contained therein.   Any proxy
          given  pursuant  to  this  solicitation  may  be  revoked by  the
          shareholder at any time prior to its use by written notice to the
          Secretary of the Company.

                          RECORD DATE AND VOTING SECURITIES

               The Bylaws of the Company provide that the Annual Meeting of
          Shareholders  shall be  held at  any time  within six  (6) months
          after the end of the fiscal year.  In accordance with the Bylaws,
          the Board of Directors has  established November 10, 1995, as the
          date for this  year's Annual Meeting of Shareholders.   The Board
          of Directors  has fixed  the close of  business on  September 22,
          1995, as  the record date  for determining the holders  of common
          stock entitled  to notice  of and  to vote  at the  meeting.   On
          September 22, 1995, the  Company had outstanding and entitled  to
          vote  a  total  of  2,664,165  shares  of  common  stock.    Each
          outstanding share of common stock is  entitled to one vote on all
          matters to be brought before the meeting.


               The following table  sets forth information as  of September
          22, 1995, as to persons known by the Company to be the beneficial
          owners of more  than five percent of the  Company's common stock,
          as  well  as  shares  owned  by named  executive  officers,  each
          director and all directors and executive officers of  the Company
          as a group:

          Name and                    Amount and           
          Address of                  Nature  of                          
          Beneficial                  Beneficial            Percent (%)
          Owner                       Owner (5)             of Class   

          Tayco Developments, Inc.    697,567(1)            26.2%         
          100 Taylor Drive
          North Tonawanda, NY 14120

          Douglas P. Taylor            54,216(2)(4)          2.0%    
          90 Taylor Drive
          North Tonawanda, NY 14120

          Richard G. Hill              45,556(3)(4)          1.7%       
          90 Taylor Drive
          North Tonawanda, NY 14120

          Joseph P. Gastel             50,473(4)             1.9%      
          722 Ellicott Square Bldg.
          Buffalo, NY 14203

          O. Eugene Hilger             69,172(4)             2.5%      
          90 Taylor Drive
          North Tonawanda, NY 14120

          Donald B. Hofmar             12,233(4)               *         
          365 Brantwood Drive
          Amherst, NY 14226

          All directors and officers
           as a group (six)           232,805                8.7%       

          * less than 1%

          (1)  These  shares are subject to an irrevocable proxy from Tayco
          Developments,   Inc.   ("Developments")  to   the   Company.  The
          irrevocable proxy and related documents were renewed until August
          1, 1997  or until Developments  can pay its portion  of the Tayco
          Technology,  Inc. ("Tech") indebtedness,  whichever event  is the
          earlier to occur.   Tech has been  merged into the Company.   See
          "Transactions with Management and Others".

          (2)  Includes 2,307  shares held  beneficially and  of record  by
          Sandra Taylor, wife to Douglas  Taylor, and 10,042 shares held by
          her as  custodian for their minor children.  Also included are 38
          shares held by Mr. Taylor  as custodian for their minor children.
          As  to  all  such  shares, Mr.  Taylor  disclaims  any beneficial
          ownership.   Members of Douglas P. Taylor's  immediate family own
          12,349 shares,  which represent  less than  1%  of the  Company's
          stock, as  to which  shares Mr.  Taylor disclaims  any beneficial

               Paul H. Taylor, father of Douglas  P. Taylor, and father-in-
          law of Richard  G. Hill, also owns 212,240 shares or 21.4% of the
          equity   securities  of   Developments,  the   Company's  largest
          shareholder.   This ownership interest in  Developments, together
          with 8,624  shares of  stock which  Paul  H. Taylor  owns in  the
          Company,  results in approximately  26.8% control in  the Company
          attributable to Paul H. Taylor.  Consequently, not including  the
          ownership interests of Messrs.  Douglas P. Taylor and Richard  G.
          Hill, shares of Developments' stock  which the Taylor family own,
          together with the shares which they own in the Company, result in
          the family  owning or controlling  260,181 shares or 9.9%  of the
          Company's stock.  As  to all such shares,  Douglas P. Taylor  and
          Richard G. Hill disclaim any beneficial interest.

          (3)  Includes 4,288 shares held by Joyce Taylor Hill, wife of Mr.
          Hill and sister of  Douglas Taylor, as well as  2,201 shares held
          by Mrs. Hill  as custodian for their  minor children.  As  to all
          such shares  Mr. Hill  disclaims any  beneficial ownership.   See
          also footnote 2 above.

          (4)  Includes   options  granted   to  directors   and  officers,
          exercisable within 60 days, which have not been exercised.  These
          options  were granted  pursuant  to  the  Company's  1994  Taylor
          Devices, Inc. Stock Option Plan  (the "1994 Stock Option  Plan"),
          and  the 1982  Non-Statutory and  Incentive  Stock Option  Plans,
          which  have  expired  (the  "1982  Stock  Option  Plans").    See
          "Executive Compensation".

          (5)  Information presented in this table has been supplied by the
          respective shareholders or by the Company as transfer agent.

                                ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

               Five  directors of  the Company  are to  be elected  to hold
          office until the  election and qualification of  their successors
          at the  next Annual  Meeting of Shareholders.   Unless  the proxy
          directs  otherwise, the  persons  named in  the enclosed  form of
          proxy  will vote  for the  election  of the  five nominees  named
          below.  In the event that any of the nominees should be unable to
          serve, or for good reason will not serve, the proxy will be voted
          in accordance  with the  best judgment of  the person  or persons
          acting under it.  It is not  anticipated that any of the proposed
          nominees will be unable to serve.

               All nominees have  been members  of the  Board of  Directors
          since  the  dates   indicated.    The  last  Annual  Meeting   of
          Shareholders was held on October 28, 1994, at which time each  of
          the named directors was elected to membership on the Board.

          Nominees and Directors

               The   nominees   for   director,   their   ages,   principal
          occupations,  positions with  the  Company,  and  the  date  each
          nominee was elected a director ofthe Company are set forth below:

          DOUGLAS  P. TAYLOR  (47), President  of the  Company  since April
          1991, was Executive Vice President  since 1979, and has served as
          a director  since 1976.  Since 1972 and  1977, he has also served
          as  director of Developments and Tayco Realty Corporation ("Tayco
          Realty"),  respectively.    Mr.  Taylor became President  of both
          companies in April of 1991.  Mr. Taylor is  the brother-in-law of
          Richard G. Hill.

          RICHARD G. HILL (45), has served as Vice President of the Company
          since 1978, and as a  director and Executive Vice President since
          1991.   In 1991,  Mr. Hill also  became a  director and Executive
          Vice President of  Tayco Realty.  Mr. Hill  is the brother-in-law
          of Douglas P. Taylor.

          JOSEPH P.  GASTEL (70), is a  patent attorney and a  director and
          Secretary of the Company and of Developments since 1984.

          O.  EUGENE HILGER (89),  served as Vice  President of Procurement
          and Sub-Contracting and  business consultant to the  Company from
          1975 to June 1991, and has served as a director since 1974.

          DONALD B.  HOFMAR  (66), who  has  served as  a director  of  the
          Company  since 1991,  is  the  President  of  Bell-Mar,  Inc.,  a
          corporation  which  serves  as  a  sales  contractor  for  Thomas
          Publishing Company.   Mr. Hofmar has  been employed by  Bell-Mar,
          Inc. since 1965.   Bell-Mar, Inc. is a vendor to the Company, but
          the business transacted is $27,000 or less per year.  

               For each director's ownership of the Company's common stock,
          see "Certain Beneficial Owners and Management".

               The  Board of Directors  recommends a vote  FOR management's
          slate of nominees  for director, which is  Item 1 on the  form of

          Board of Directors and Committee Meetings

               In fiscal 1995,  the Board of Directors met  four times with
          100% of the directors in attendance.

               The  Executive Committee, between  meetings of the  Board of
          Directors and  to the extent  permitted by law, exercises  all of
          the  powers and authority  of the Board in  the management of the
          business of the  Company.  The Executive Committee,  comprised of
          Messrs. Taylor, Hill, and Gastel, did not meet in fiscal 1995.

               The  Audit Committee is  comprised of the  Company's outside
          directors, Messrs. Gastel  and Hofmar, and  has as its  function,
          the  review and implementation of accounting and audit procedures
          utilized by  the Company  internally, and  as recommended  to the
          Company by the Company's certified public accountants.  The Audit
          Committee  also  makes  recommendations  to  the Board  regarding
          selection of the Company's accountants for the forthcoming fiscal
          year.   The  Audit Committee  met once in  fiscal 1995,  with all
          members in attendance.  

               The  Stock  Option  Committee, formed  in  December  1994 to
          administer the  1994 Stock Option  Plan, is comprised  of Messrs.
          Gastel and Hofmar and met once in fiscal 1995, with both  members
          in attendance.  The 1982 Stock  Option Plans are  administered by
          Mesdames  Janice Nicely  and  Kathleen  King,  employees  of  the
          Company.  No further stock options  may be granted under the 1982
          Stock Option Plan. 

               The  Company  does  not  have  a  standing  nominating  or a
          compensation committee of the Board of Directors.  

               In  fiscal  1995,  each member  of  the  Board of  Directors
          received a  fee of $1,000  for each Board meeting  attended.  The
          fee is  paid either  in cash or,  if requested  by the  director,
          credited toward future exercise of options held by such director.
          In addition, the  Secretary of the meeting received  a $2,000 fee
          per meeting for services rendered in that  capacity. In addition,
          pursuant to a formula under the Company's 1994 Stock Option Plan,
          each director  received a  grant of options  for 5,000  shares of
          common stock.   The option price was $4.00,  which is the mean of
          the bid/ask price  of the Company's common  stock on the  date of
          grant.   The present value of  such options as  of  September 13,
          1995, for each individual, is $23,437.50. 

               All directors may  be considered to be  "control persons" as
          that term is defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

          Current Directors and Officers

               For information on  Messrs.  Douglas  P. Taylor, Richard  G.
          Hill, Joseph  P. Gastel, O.  Eugene Hilger and Donald  B. Hofmar,
          see "Nominees and Directors" above.

               KENNETH G. BERNSTEIN (48),   Controller of the Company since
          November 1992, was appointed Treasurer of the Company in December
          1994.    From August  1981  to July  1992  he was  employed  as a
          Management Accountant and Internal  Auditor by British Petroleum.

                                EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

                The   following  table   sets  forth   certain  information
          concerning   compensation  of  and  stock  options  held  by  the
          Company's Chief Executive  Officer and Vice President.   No other
          current  executive officers earn  more than $100,000  annually in
          salary and bonus.

                              SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                 ANNUAL COMPENSATION     LONG-TERM COMPENSA-
                                                             TION AWARDS       
                             __________________________  ___________________
                                (1)                (2)      (3)       (4)   
          NAME/                                   OTHER  UNDERLYING   ALL 
          PRINCIPAL   FISCAL                      ANNUAL  OPTIONS/   OTHER
          POSITION     YEAR  SALARY($)  BONUS($)  COMP($) SARS(#)    COMP($)

          Douglas P.   1995  $107,620    $  -    $18,715   5,000    $20,081
          Taylor,      1994  $ 94,710    $  -        -       -      $16,653
          Chairman/    1993  $ 91,669    $  -        -       -      $14,540
          Chief Executive

          Richard G.   1995  $ 80,181    $  -    $12,361   5,000    $19,948
          Hill,        1994  $ 68,585    $  -    $ 9,062     -      $16,534
          Vice         1993  $ 66,765    $  -        -       -      $14,540

          (1)  Automotive vehicles owned  by the Company are made available
          to CEO  and Vice President.   The use  of these vehicles  are not
          limited to business purposes.  The value of any personal economic
          benefit  associated  with  this  use  of  these  vehicles  cannot
          reasonably be determined by the Company.

          (2)  Pursuant  to the 1982  Stock Option Plans,  on November  18,
          1994 during  fiscal year 1995,  Mr. Taylor  exercised 7,717  SARs
          accompanying non-statutory  options, to  acquire 3,187  shares of
          common stock and for payment of personal income taxes, at a value
          per  SAR on the date of exercise of $2.39.  On November 29, 1994,
          Mr. Hill exercised 5,512 SARs accompanying non-statutory options,
          to  acquire 2,150  shares  of  common stock  and  for payment  of
          personal income taxes, at a value per SAR on the date of exercise
          of $2.21.  On December 8, 1993 during fiscal year 1994,  Mr. Hill
          exercised  2,600 non-statutory options to acquire 2,600 shares of
          common stock and 1,500 SARs for payment of personal income taxes,
          at a value per SAR on the date of exercise of $2.08.

          The value of a SAR per share of common stock is the difference on
          the date of  exercise between the fair market value  per share of
          common stock  and the option exercise price.   Only non-statutory
          options are accompanied by SARs.

          (3)   Incentive options were  granted pursuant to the  1994 Stock
          Option Plan on April 18, 1995, at an option price of $4.00, which
          is the mean of the bid/ask price of the Company's common stock on
          the  date of  grant.   The  present value  of the  options  as of
          September 13, 1995  to each individual is $23,437.50.   See table


                         DIRECTOR'S  MNGMNT    AUTO     401K 
                             FEES     FEES  ALLOWANCE  CONTRIB.  TOTAL
          Douglas Taylor:
          FYE 5/31/95     $ 4,600  $13,283  $ 1,800   $  398    $20,081
          FYE 5/31/94     $ 4,950  $ 9,550  $ 1,800   $  353    $16,653
          FYE 5/31/93     $ 4,800  $ 7,850  $ 1,890   $   -     $14,540

          Richard Hill:
          FYE 5/31/95     $ 4,600  $13,283  $ 1,800   $  265    $19,948
          FYE 5/31/94     $ 4,950  $ 9,550  $ 1,800   $  235    $16,535
          FYE 5/31/93     $ 4,800  $ 7,850  $ 1,890   $   -     $14,540

                                  OPTION/SAR GRANTS
                                IN FISCAL YEAR 5/31/95
                                                             POTENTIAL REALIZ-
                                                              ABLE VALUE AT  
                                                              ASSUMED ANNUAL  
                                                              RATES OF STOCK  
                                                            PRICE APPRECIATION 
                           INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                  FOR OPTION TERM  
                    _________________________________________  ________________
                    NUMBER OF   % OF
                   SECURITIES   TOTAL
                   UNDERLYING  OPTIONS
                     OPTIONS  GRANTED TO    EXERCISE    EXPIR-
                   GRANTED(#) EMPLOYEES IN  OR BASE     ATION
          NAME         (1)    FISCAL YEAR  PRICE($ SH)  DATE       5%      10%
          Douglas P.  5,000     50.00%       $4.00     4/18/05  $12,578  $31,875
           and CEO

          Richard G.  5,000     50.00%       $4.00     4/18/05  $12,578  $31,875
           Vice President

          (1)    The incentive  options  were  granted  on April  18,  1995
          pursuant to the 1994 Stock Option  Plan.  No SARs can be  granted
          with  incentive options.   The options are  not exercisable until
          the date six months after the date of grant.

                           AGGREGATED OPTION/SAR EXERCISES
                               IN LAST FISCAL YEAR AND
                              YEAR-END OPTION/SAR VALUES
                                           Number of             
                                           Securities               (3)
                                           Underlying           Value of Unexer-
                                           Unexercised          cised In-The-
                                           Options/SARs         Money Options/
                       Shares      (1)     At FYE               SARs At FYE 
                    Acquired on   Value    Exercisable(E)/      Exercisable (E)/
          Name      Exercise(#)  Realized  Unexercisable(U)     Unexercisable(U)
          Douglas P.   3,187     $11,950     21,555 (E)           $58,678 (E)
          Chief Executive

          Richard G.   2,150       $ 7,673      6,103 (E)            $4,482 (E)

          (1)  Value realized is the difference between the market value of
          the Company's common  stock on the dates of  exercise (11/18/94 &
          11/29/94) and the exercise price for the SARs.

          (2)  The exercisable options  include SARs granted in tandem with
          17,658 options; the exercise of SARs reduces the number of shares
          subject to the related option.

          (3)   Value is  the difference between  the market  value of  the
          Company's common stock on May 31, 1995 of $4.25, and the exercise
          price for the options.

          Employee Stock Purchase   

                In  1994, Shareholders of the Company approved an amendment
          to  the  Company's  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan  (The  "Stock
          Purchase Plan"), which  is available generally to  all employees,
          increasing to  a total of  200,000 the  number of  shares of  the
          Company's common  stock available  for purchase.   The  Company's
          matching  contribution   to  each   employee  depends  upon   the
          percentage  of gross compensation  which such employee  elects to
          contribute.   The  Company also  provides a  401(k) plan  for its

          Directors and Officers Indemnification Insurance

               On July  26, 1995,  the Company  renewed  its directors  and
          officers indemnification  insurance policy  written by  the Royal
          Indemnity Company.   The renewal is for  a one year period  at an
          annual   premium  of   $8,800.      The   policy   provides   for
          indemnification benefits and  the payment of expenses  in actions
          instituted against  any director  or officer  of the Company  for
          claimed liability  arising out of  his conduct in  such capacity.
          No  payments or claims  of indemnification or  expenses have been
          made under any such policy.

          Exchange Act Compliance

               Under Section 16 of the  Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
          amended, directors, executive officers, and certain other persons
          are required  to report their  ownership of equity  securities of
          the Company, and any changes in that ownership, to the Securities
          and  Exchange   Commission  and   the  National   Association  of
          Securities Dealers, Inc.   Based solely upon a  review of reports
          furnished  to  the Company  by  such  persons, to  the  Company's
          knowledge,  Kenneth  G.   Bernstein,  the  Company's   Treasurer,
          reported a March  31, 1995 purchase of the  Company's stock under
          the Employee Stock Purchase Plan reported two days late. 


                The Company leases  a portion of both the  building and the
          property  on which  it  is  located from  Tayco  Realty.   Rental
          payments for fiscal 1995 totaled $78,000.  The term of  the lease
          expires  on October  31, 1995.   Prior to  this date,  the annual
          rental   amount  will  be  renegotiated  by  management  of  both
          companies.   Other terms and conditions will remain substantially
          the  same.  The total rent paid by the Company is determined by a
          base rate  and is subject  to adjustment for increases  in taxes,
          maintenance costs and for utilization of additional space by  the
          Company.  The Company also pays for certain expenses incurred for
          the operation of the facilities.

                The  Company, Developments,  and Tayco Realty  share common
          management and a close business relationship.  Particularly as it
          relates to the Company and Developments, as separate corporations
          responsible  to their own  shareholders, corporate  interests may
          from time to time diverge regarding various  aspects of business,
          including  development and  licensing  of future  inventions  and
          patents.    In  that case,  Developments  would  be  permitted to
          license future patents and inventions to licensees other than the
          Company, which may render the Company's present License Agreement
          only minimally beneficial.

                Developments  is  the  largest  single  shareholder  of the
          Company,  owning approximately  26.5% of  its outstanding  common
          stock.    Paul H.  Taylor,  father  to  Douglas P.  Taylor,  owns
          approximately 21.4% of the common stock of Developments, with the
          Taylor family  owning an additional  3%, as to which  shares Paul
          Taylor  disclaims   beneficial  ownership.     Developments  owns
          approximately  42%  of   Tayco  Realty,  an  affiliate   of  both
          corporations, with 58% owned by the Company.

               Under  a  License  Agreement  ("License  Agreement"),  dated
          November  1,  1959,  Developments  granted  the  Company  certain
          preferential rights to market in the United States and Canada all
          existing and future inventions and patents owned by Developments.
          Certain of  these patents  have been assigned  to the  Company in
          connection with the Company's assumption of Developments' portion
          of the  indebtedness of Tech  under certain guarantees  to Tech's
          lenders.  The term  of this License Agreement is the  life of the
          last-to-expire patent on  which the Company is  paying royalties,
          which is  2010.  The Company pays a  five percent (5%) royalty to
          Developments on sales  of items sold and shipped.   During fiscal
          1995, the Company  accrued royalties to Developments  of $65,482,
          and all payments are current.

               The  License Agreement also provides for Developments to pay
          the  Company  10% of  the  gross  royalties received  from  third
          parties who  are permitted  to make, use  and sell  machinery and
          equipment under patents not subject to the License Agreement, and
          apparatus and  equipment subject  to the  License Agreement,  but
          modified  by the Company, the  rights to such modification having
          been assigned  to Developments.   No  royalties were  received in
          fiscal 1995.

               In 1987,  the Company guaranteed 40% and Developments 60% of
          certain  obligations  of  their former  affiliate,  Tech,  in the
          approximate amount  of $850,000.   In March 1991, certain  of the
          lenders called their loans.   Since Tech was unable  to repay the
          loans and  Developments was unable  to assume its portion  of the
          obligations   under  the  guaranties,  the  Company  assumed  all
          obligations and continued to make  all payments as they came due.
          In  January 1992, the  Company acquired approximately  23% of the
          restricted common stock of Developments at its fair market  value
          in  consideration   of  the  Company's  discharging   certain  of
          Developments'   obligations   as   a   guarantor   on   the  Tech
          indebtedness.  In  addition, Developments granted the  Company an
          irrevocable proxy to  vote the 697,567 shares  which Developments
          owns  in the  Company.   This  proxy and  related documents  were
          renewed until August 1, 1997, or until the indebtedness is repaid
          in full, whichever  is the earlier to  occur.  See footnote  1 to
          "Certain Beneficial Owners and Management."  

               In July  1994, Tech was  merged into the Company,  and in so
          doing, the Company formally agreed to assume all its obligations,
          including the  obligations of  Developments under its  guarantee.
          As of June 30, 1995, approximately $72,205 remains outstanding on
          these  loans, of  which  $43,323 is  Developments' portion.   The
          merger  also  permitted  the  Company  to  utilize  approximately
          $876,000  of  the net  tax  operating losses  generated  by Tech,
          assuming the Company's operations continue to be profitable.  See
          "Financial Statements" to  the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form
          10-KSB, accompanying  this Proxy Statement.  

               All transactions described above are on as favorable a basis
          to the Company as if entered into with an unaffiliated party.

                                 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

               A representative of J.D. Elliott & Co., P.C., the  Company's
          auditors for  fiscal 1995, and the accounting firm recommended by
          the Audit  Committee to serve  as the Company's  certified public
          accountants for fiscal  1996, will attend  the Annual Meeting  of
          Shareholders.   A representative will be  available to respond to
          questions raised  orally, and  will be given  the opportunity  to
          make a statement, if desired.

                              PROPOSALS OF SHAREHOLDERS

               Proposals  of shareholders intended  to be presented  to the
          1996  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  must be  received  by the
          Secretary of the Company prior to  June 1, 1996, for inclusion in
          the Proxy Statement and form of proxy.

                                 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

               This Proxy Statement incorporates by reference the financial
          statements contained  in the  1995 Annual  Report on  Form 10-KSB
          which is being mailed to shareholders of record together with the
          proxy materials.

                                    OTHER MATTERS


               Under the New York Business  Corporation law ("BCL") and the
          Company's  Bylaws, the  presence, in  person  or by  proxy, of  a
          majority  of  the  outstanding  common  shares  is  necessary  to
          constitute a  quorum of  the shareholders to  take action  at the
          Annual Meeting.  The shares which are present or represented by a
          proxy will be  counted for quorum purposes  regardless of whether
          or  not a broker  with discretionary authority  fails to exercise
          discretionary  voting authority  with  respect to  any particular

               Once  a  quorum  is  established,  under  the  BCL  and  the
          Company's Bylaws,  the directors  standing for  election must  be
          elected by a plurality of the votes cast.    For voting purposes,
          all  votes   cast  "for",  "against",   "abstain",  or  "withhold
          authority" will be counted in accordance with such instruction as
          to each item.  No broker non-votes will be counted for any item.

               The  expenses of this  solicitation, including the  costs of
          preparing  and  mailing  this Proxy  Statement  and  accompanying
          material will be borne by the Company.  The Company has  retained
          the  services  of Regan  &  Associates,  Inc.  to assist  in  the
          solicitation of proxies under a contract providing for payment of
          $2,827 plus reimbursement  of reasonable out-of-pocket  expenses.
          In addition  to solicitations by  mail, Regan &  Associates, Inc.
          and regular  employees  of the  Company  may solicit  proxies  in
          person, by mail or  by telephone, but no employee  of the Company
          will  receive any  compensation  for solicitation  activities  in
          addition  to their  regular  compensation.    Expenses  may  also
          include the charges  and expenses of brokerage  houses, nominees,
          custodians  and  fiduciaries  for  forwarding proxies  and  proxy
          materials to beneficial owners of shares. 

               The Board of Directors knows of no other matters to be voted
          upon at the  Annual Meeting.  If any other  matters properly come
          before the  Annual Meeting,  it is the  intention of  the persons
          named in the  enclosed form of proxy  to vote on such  matters in
          accordance with their judgment.

          Annual Report

               In addition to  the Annual Report on Form  10-KSB, copies of
          the 1995 Annual Report to  Shareholders, together with copies  of
          this Notice of Annual Meeting, Proxy Statement, and form of proxy
          are being mailed to shareholders of record.  Additional copies of
          the Company's Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB may  be obtained from
          Joseph  P. Gastel,  Secretary, Taylor  Devices,  Inc., 90  Taylor
          Drive, North Tonawanda, New York 14120-0748.


                                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                       /S/Joseph P. Gastel

                                       Joseph P. Gastel, Secretary

          DATED:   September 28, 1995
                   North Tonawanda, New York

                                 TAYLOR DEVICES, INC.
                           PROXY SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE
                                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                            ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                     TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 10, 1995, AT 10:00 A.M.

               The undersigned hereby appoints Douglas P. Taylor and Joseph
          P. Gastel,  and each of them  with full power  of substitution as
          proxies for  the  undersigned to  attend  the Annual  Meeting  of
          Shareholders of TAYLOR  DEVICES, INC. to be held  at the Marriott
          Hotel, 1340 Millersport Highway, Amherst,  New York at 10:00 A.M.
          on November 10, 1995, and at any adjournment thereof, to vote and
          act  with respect to all  common shares of  the Company which the
          undersigned would  be entitled  to vote, with  all the  power the
          undersigned would possess if present in person, as follows:

                 The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR:


                                                         Douglas P. Taylor
                                                         Richard G. Hill
                        Withhold          Withhold       O. Eugene Hilger
          FOR all   Authority for all    Authority       Joseph P. Gastel,
          Nominees      Nominees        as indicated     Donald B. Hofmar    
            [  ]          [  ]             [  ]            

                                                  (Withhold authority for
                                                   nominees whose names are
                                                   written above)    

          2.   In their discretion,  the proxies ARE AUTHORIZED TO  VOTE on
          any other business that may properly come before the Meeting.


          This  proxy will  be voted as  directed, but  if no  direction is
          indicated,  it will be voted - FOR the nominees described in Item
          1  above, and  in the  discretion of  the proxies, on  such other
          matters as  may properly  come before the  Annual Meeting  of any
          adjournment or postponements thereof.

          Receipt  of the  Notice  of Annual  Meeting  of Shareholders  and
          accompanying Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.

          [   ] Please check ( ) this box if  you plan to attend the Annual

                               Dated _________________, 1995



                               Please sign exactly  as your name appears on
                               this  proxy. Joint  owners should  each sign
                               personally.    If   signing   as   attorney,
                               executor,    administrator,    trustee    or
                               guardian,  please include  your full  title.
                               Corporate proxies  should  be  signed by  an
                               authorized officer.
                               PLEASE  SIGN,  DATE  AND  RETURN  THIS  CARD
                               PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.