TEXACO AND SHELL ANNOUNCE

- ------------------------------------------------------
LONDON,  U.K.,  September  3rd - Texaco  and Shell  Europe  Oil  Products  today
announced the signing of a non-binding  Memorandum Of  Understanding  (MOU) with
the  intention  of  establishing  an alliance  for their  European  oil products
marketing and manufacturing activities.  This MOU culminates talks that began in
The proposed venture would draw upon the combined strengths of Shell and Texaco,
with the aim of  improving  shareholder  returns and value for  customers in the
highly competitive European market. The proposed venture would market using both
the Shell and Texaco brands.
The two  companies  will now  undertake  detailed  discussions  with the goal of
finalising  agreement  on the  formation  of a new  joint  venture  as  soon  as
possible.  Subject to final definitive agreements,  regulatory reviews and staff
consultation procedures, the new venture could be operational by mid-1999.
Under the terms of the MOU,  Shell  companies  will have an  interest of 88% and
Texaco 12% of the new venture,  with certain  governance matters requiring joint
The proposed  alliance  would not involve the  companies'  other  activities  in
Europe or their  LPG,  coolants,  international  aviation  and  marine  products
businesses.  The new  venture  would be in addition  to the  Shell-Texaco  joint
ventures in the United States.

                                    - xxx -

(This press release contains  projections and other  forward-looking  statements
within the meaning of section 21E of the U.S.  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.
These projections and statements  reflect Texaco's current views with respect to
future revenues.  No assurances can be given,  however,  that these  projections
will be  achieved,  and  actual  results  could  differ  materially  from  those
projected as a result of certain  factors,  such as market  conditions and other
factors  included in Texaco's  periodic  reports filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission.)

Note to Editors:  The attached fact sheet  outlines  significant  details of the
assets anticipated to be included in the proposed joint venture.

For more information contact:
Texaco:             New York Public Relations
                    Kelly McAndrew          001 914 253 6295
                    Chris Gidez             001 914 253 4042
                    London Press Office
                    Paul Bray               0171 719 4452
                    Rachel Moore            0171 719 4459 or 4477
Shell:              London Press Office
                    Eric Nickson            0171 934 4488

Additional Texaco information is available on the World Wide Web at
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                                  FACT SHEET:
                             PROPOSED SHELL/TEXACO

(Note:  All Numbers as of end 1997)

EMPLOYEES (including subsidiaries)

                            SHELL                        TEXACO 

                            25,000                       4,300

REFINERIES (figures in brackets are: % equity interest and capacity 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
in 1,000 barrels per day)
- -------------------------

         SHELL                                    TEXACO 
         -----                                    ------
Stanlow, UK (100%, 260)               Pembroke, United Kingdom (100% 190)
Shell Haven, UK (100%, 92) 
Eastham, UK (50%, 20)

Pernis, Netherlands (100%, 374)       Rotterdam, The Netherlands (35%, 140)

Godorf, Germany (100%, 170)
Harburg, Germany (100%, 102)

Petit-Couronne, France (100%, 141) 
Berre-l-Etang, France (100%, 127)
Vendenheim, France (65%, 80)

Fredericia, Denmark (100%, 70)

Gothenburg, Sweden (100%, 81)

Cressier, Switzerland (100%, 60)

Sola, Norway (100%, 53)

Mersin, Turkey (27%, 100 - for sale)

Pantano di Grano (20%, 85)

Litvinov, Czech Republic (16%, 110)
Kralupy, Czech Republic (16%, 68)

MARKETING (BY COUNTRY) - Branded outlets
- ----------------------------------------

       COUNTRY                    SHELL                         TEXACO
       -------                    -----                         ------
Austria                             431 
Belgium/Luxembourg                  448                            483
Central and Eastern Europe          365                        19 Poland
Denmark                             276                    (See notes, below)
Finland                             434 
France                            1,406
Germany                           1,715
Greece                              780                           373
Italy                             1,759 
Rep. Of Ireland                     340                           432
Netherlands                         800                           557
Norway                              449                    (See notes, below)
Portugal                            250
Spain                               285                            55
Sweden                              602
Switzerland                         547
Turkey                              608
                                 (for sale)
United Kingdom                    1,459                         1,065
                           (Excluding 382 Gulf sites
                            acquired Dec. 8, 1997)
                                 ------                         -----
TOTAL:                           12,954                         2,984

NOTE: Hydro-Texaco Holdings is a joint venture of Texaco and Norsk Hydro, formed
in December  1994,  that sells  petroleum  products  in Norway,  Denmark and the
Baltic  states.  Altogether,  Hydro Texaco  operates  approximately  990 branded

- ------------

          SHELL                                 TEXACO
          -----                                 ------
           13                                      3


   SHELL (including refinery terminals)         TEXACO 
   ------------------------------------         ------

   78 - 100% owned                             11 - 100% owned 
   255 - JVs, Equity interest or throughput    23 - JVs, Equity 
                                               interest or throughput