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     WHITE PLAINS,  N.Y. -- October  25,  1999 -- Texaco  reported  today  third
quarter 1999 income before  special items of $453 million ($.83 per share).  Net
income for the period was $387 million ($.71 per share).

                                EARNINGS SUMMARY

                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                       -------------    -------------
                                       1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before special
 items (millions)                    $  453   $  208  $  844    $ 802
                  Per share          $ 0.83   $ 0.37  $ 1.53    $1.44
Net income (millions)                $  387   $  215  $  859    $ 791
                  Per share          $ 0.71   $ 0.38  $ 1.56    $1.42
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

     Texaco Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Peter I. Bijur stated, "Boosted
by significantly higher crude oil and natural gas prices, Texaco's third quarter
results improved  dramatically  from the first half of the year to their highest
quarterly  level since  1997.  Cutbacks in OPEC and  non-OPEC  production,  plus
improving  global economies pushed benchmark crude oil prices over $20 a barrel.
But, as we've seen in recent weeks,  prices remain volatile.  Operationally,  we
had strong production during September in the North Sea led by record production
in the Captain field. In addition, we are benefiting  significantly from synergy
capture  and  expense  reductions  as our $650  million  global  target  will be
realized  by year end, a full year ahead of  schedule.  In the  downstream,  our
refineries  ran well and sales volumes  increased.  However,  these  businesses,
already burdened by generally low refining margins, were further hampered by the
higher crude costs which could not be fully recovered in product prices."
     Bijur continued,  "Looking ahead, our recent announcement on acquiring a 45
percent  interest  in the  Malampaya  Deep  Water  Natural  Gas  Project  in the
Philippines  exemplifies Texaco's strategy of pursuing projects that provide for
long-term growth and strong  near-term  earnings and cash flow. We also continue
to execute our  long-term  strategy of reducing  refining  exposure  through the
completion  of

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Caltex's sale of its interest in Koa Oil Co. Ltd. and the  anticipated  sales by
Equilon of its Wood River and El Dorado refineries."

                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                      --------------    -------------
Texaco Inc. (Millions of dollars):     1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before special items           $ 453    $ 208   $ 844    $ 802
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
Inventory valuation adjustments          14        -     152        -
Write-down of assets                      -        -     (76)       -
Tax issues                                -       25      65       44
Gains (losses) on major asset sales     (80)       -     (59)      20
Reorganization, restructuring and
  employee separation costs               -      (18)    (67)     (50)
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
                                        (66)       7      15       14
Cumulative effect of
  accounting change                       -        -       -      (25)
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
Total special items                     (66)       7      15      (11)
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
Net income                            $ 387    $ 215   $ 859    $ 791
                                      =====    =====   =====    =====

Effective  January 1, 1998,  Texaco's Caltex affiliate  adopted a new accounting
standard,  SOP 98-5,  resulting in a change in accounting  for start-up costs at
its Thailand  refinery.  Texaco's  first  quarter  1998  results  included a $25
million charge associated with this accounting change.

Details on special items are included in the following segment information.



                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                      --------------   --------------
United States (Millions of dollars):   1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income before special items $ 258    $  93   $ 423    $ 301
Special items                             -        -      21        -
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
Total operating income                $ 258    $  93   $ 444    $ 301
                                      =====    =====   =====    =====

     U.S.  Exploration  and  Production  earnings for the third quarter and nine
months of 1999 were above last year's levels due to higher crude oil and natural
gas prices and lower expenses.  Prices continued to rise in the third quarter as
production  cutbacks  by OPEC  and  several  non-OPEC  countries,  coupled  with
increasing demand in improving global  economies,  led to a decline in worldwide

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levels.  Average realized crude oil prices for the third quarter and nine months
of 1999 were $16.65 and $12.81 per barrel, 66 percent and 18 percent higher than
the 1998 levels.  For the third quarter and nine months of 1999, average natural
gas prices were $2.44 and $2.09 per MCF, 29 percent and three percent above last
year's periods.
     Production  decreased 11 percent for both the third quarter and nine months
of 1999 due to natural field declines and asset sales.  Capital expenditures for
developmental  activities such as infill drilling,  recompletions  and secondary
recovery  projects,  normally  undertaken to offset  production  declines within
mature fields were reduced as Texaco and its operating partners  concentrated on
maximizing capital efficiency.
     Operating expenses declined significantly for the first nine months of 1999
as a result of cost savings from the  restructuring  of our  worldwide  upstream
organization.  Exploratory  expenses for the third quarter and first nine months
of 1999 were $12  million  and $104  million  before  tax,  $36  million and $91
million below the same periods of 1998.
     Results for 1999  included a first quarter  special  benefit of $11 million
for a production tax refund,  a second  quarter  special gain of $21 million for
the sale of our interest in six California  onshore and offshore  fields,  and a
second quarter special charge of $11 million for employee separation costs.

                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                      --------------   --------------
International (Millions of dollars):   1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income before special items $ 129     $ 53   $ 191    $ 166
Special items                             -        -      (2)       -
                                      -----     ----   -----    -----
Total operating income                $ 129     $ 53   $ 189    $ 166
                                      =====     ====   =====    =====

     International  Exploration and Production  operating  results for the third
quarter and nine months of 1999  improved  over last year's  levels as crude oil
prices  continued  to  rise  throughout  the  third  quarter  due  to  worldwide
production cutbacks and improving demand.  Average realized crude oil prices for
the third quarter and nine months of 1999 were $16.96 and $13.36 per barrel,  53
percent and 16 percent above the 1998  periods.  For the third quarter and first
nine  months of 1999,  average  natural gas prices were $1.35 and $1.36 per MCF,
nine percent and 13 percent below last year.
     Daily  production  in the third  quarter  and first nine months of 1999 was
slightly below last year's levels. Third quarter production declines in the U.K.
North  Sea due to  temporary  operating  problems  early in the  quarter  and in
Indonesia  due to lower  volumes  as a result of higher  prices  were  offset by

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increased  production in the  Partitioned  Neutral Zone as a result of increased
drilling activity.  Year-to-date  production  declines in the U.K. North Sea and
lower gas production in Latin America were offset by increased production in the
Partitioned Neutral Zone.
     Expenses  were lower for the third quarter of 1999 as a result of continued
cost savings from the  restructuring  of our  worldwide  upstream  organization.
Exploratory  expenses  for the third  quarter  of 1999 were $60  million  before
taxes,  $15 million  higher than last year.  Exploratory  expenses for the first
nine months of 1999 were $178 million before taxes, $49 million higher than last
     Results for 1999 included a second quarter special charge of $2 million for
employee separation costs.

                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                      --------------   --------------
United States (Millions of dollars):   1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income before special items $ 118    $  99   $ 283    $ 240
Special items                             -       25     (79)      (7)
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
Total operating income                $ 118    $ 124   $ 204    $ 233
                                      =====    =====   =====    =====

     U.S.  Refining,  Marketing and  Distribution  earnings before special items
were higher than last year for the third  quarter  and nine  months  1999.  U.S.
downstream  activities are primarily  conducted through Equilon Enterprises LLC,
Texaco's  western alliance with Shell Oil Company,  and Motiva  Enterprises LLC,
Texaco's eastern alliance with Shell Oil Company and Saudi Refining, Inc.
     During the third quarter and nine months 1999, Equilon's earnings benefited
from  improved  West Coast  refining  margins and  improved  utilization  at the
Martinez  refinery,  although  operational  problems at the Puget Sound refinery
earlier  this year had a negative  impact on earnings.  Refining  margins on the
West Coast benefited from industry  refinery  outages which caused market supply
disruptions. Marketing margins were weak for the quarter as gasoline pump prices
lagged increases in spot prices.
     Motiva's  earnings  for the nine  months  were  affected  by weak  refining
margins on the East and Gulf Coasts due to high  industry-wide  refined  product
inventory levels.  These effects were mitigated by higher gasoline sales volumes
and improved refinery utilization in 1999.
     The third quarter and nine months 1999 also benefited from the  realization
of synergies for Equilon and Motiva, including re-engineering of work processes,
leveraging economies of scale to

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reduce supply costs,  sharing best practices and  capitalizing on logistical and
trading opportunities  including higher utilization of proprietary pipelines and
other assets.
     Results for 1999 included second quarter special charges of $76 million for
asset  write-downs  on the  pending  sales  of  the El  Dorado  and  Wood  River
refineries  and $11  million  for  reorganization,  restructuring  and  employee
separation costs. Results for 1999 also included a first quarter special benefit
of $8 million for inventory  valuation  adjustments to reflect higher prices for
crude oil and  refined  products.  Third  quarter  1998  results  included a net
special gain of $25 million associated with the formation of the U.S. alliances,
which  included  gains on asset sales,  asset  write-downs  and other  formation
charges.  The second  quarter of 1998 included a special  charge of $32 million,
mainly for alliance employee separation costs.

                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                       -------------   --------------
International (Millions of dollars):   1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income before special items  $ 72     $ 81   $ 293    $ 457
Special items                           (66)     (43)     84      (43)
                                       ----     ----   -----    -----
Total operating income                 $  6     $ 38   $ 377    $ 414
                                       ====     ====   =====    =====

     Lower  international  refining and marketing  results in 1999 reflected the
squeeze  on margins as  escalating  crude  costs  have  outpaced  product  price
increases. This pressure on refining margins impacted all major operating areas.
Results were also adversely  impacted by depressed  marketing  margins and lower
volumes  in  Brazil  due  to  poor  economic  conditions  and  related  currency
devaluation.  In the Caltex  region,  results  benefited  from reduced  currency
volatility  as economic  conditions  improved.  The third  quarter also included
gains from the sales of marketable securities.
     Results for the third quarter of 1999  included net special  charges of $66
million.  Special  charges  included  $32  million  for our 50 percent  share of
Caltex's  loss on the sale of its equity  interest in Koa Oil Co.  Ltd.  and $48
million for related deferred currency translation  amounts.  Other special items
for the  quarter  included  favorable  inventory  valuation  adjustments  of $14
million. Additionally, results for 1999 included second quarter special benefits
of $55 million for favorable inventory valuation adjustments and $54 million for
a Korean tax benefit, partially offset by restructuring charges in Caltex of $25
million and employee separation costs in Europe and Latin America of $9 million.
First  quarter  1999  results  included  a special  benefit of $75  million  for
inventory valuation  adjustments.  Results for 1998 included a third quarter net
special charge of $43 million for a reorganization program in Caltex.

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                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                      --------------   --------------
(Millions of dollars):                 1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income (loss) before
 special items                         $  6     $ (8)  $  16    $ (29)
Special items                             -        -      (3)      20
                                       ----     ----   -----    -----
Total operating income (loss)          $  6     $ (8)  $  13    $  (9)
                                       ====     ====   =====    =====

     During the third quarter 1999,  responsibility for the Global Gas Marketing
segment and the company's  cogeneration,  gasification,  hydrocarbons-to-liquids
and fuel cell  technology  units was combined  under a single senior  executive,
creating the Global Gas and Power  segment.  Prior period  information  has been
restated to reflect this change.
     Gas  marketing  operating  results for the third quarter and nine months of
1999  benefited from the continued  improvement of natural gas margins.  Results
for the nine months of 1999 reflected gains on normal asset sales, including our
interest in a U.K.  retail gas  marketing  operation  and the sale of a U.S. gas
gathering pipeline as well as lower operating expenses.
     Operating results for the power related activities in the third quarter and
nine months of 1999 reflect lower margins from Indonesian geothermal activities,
due to higher  costs  and lower  revenues  caused by the  currency  devaluation,
nonrecurring  recoupment  of  development  costs in 1998 and lower  gasification
licensing revenues.
     Results for 1999 included a second quarter special charge of $3 million for
employee  separation  costs.  Results for 1998 included a second quarter special
gain of $20 million from the sale of a partial interest in a pipeline.


                                       Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                      --------------   --------------
(Millions of dollars):                 1999     1998    1999     1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Results before special items          $(129)   $(109)  $(359)   $(332)
Special items                             -       25      (6)      44
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
Total corporate/non-operating         $(129)   $ (84)  $(365)   $(288)
                                      =====    =====   =====    =====

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     Corporate/Non-operating  results  for the third  quarter and nine months of
1999 reflected higher interest expense from increases in interest rates and debt
levels. Additionally, third quarter 1998 results included gains from the sale of
securities by a subsidiary.
     Results for 1999 included a second quarter special charge of $6 million for
employee  separation  costs.  Results for 1998 included a third quarter  special
benefit of $25 million to adjust for prior years' tax  liabilities  and a second
quarter  special  tax  benefit  of $19  million  attributable  to the sale of an
interest in a subsidiary.

     Capital  and  Exploratory  Expenditures  were  $2,176  million for the nine
months of 1999 and $2,769  million for the same  period in 1998.  In response to
the difficult market  conditions  existing in the downstream and depressed crude
oil prices during the first half of 1999, spending declined in most segments.
     In the U.S.  upstream,  expenditures for developmental  activities  dropped
significantly and platform construction activity slowed in the deepwater Gulf of
Mexico.  Spending  increased  for enhanced oil recovery  projects in  California
which continues to be an area of focus. Internationally,  spending rose slightly
as compared to the prior year as  development  work  continued  on the Captain B
project in the U.K.  North Sea. Also,  1999 levels  reflect higher  spending for
lease  acquisitions  offshore Nigeria and increased  ownership in the Venezuelan
Hamaca project.  Project  completions during 1998 in other U.K. North Sea fields
led to comparatively lower spending in 1999.
     In the downstream,  spending  declines  reflect the completion last year of
refinery upgrade  projects in the United States and abroad.  Also, poor economic
conditions in  international  areas and globally  depressed  downstream  returns
resulted in deferrals of selected refinery and marketing expansion projects.
     Global  Gas and  Power  continues  to invest in  cogeneration  projects  in
California  and in Indonesia,  while spending on natural gas  transportation  is
down due to pipeline completions last year.

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     CONTACTS: Kelly McAndrew    914-253-6295
               Faye Cox          914-253-7745


               Elizabeth Smith   914-253-4478

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     Listen in live to Texaco's  third  quarter 1999  earnings  discussion  with
financial analysts on Tuesday, October 26, at 11:30 am EDT at:


For technical assistance, call Sheila Lujan at 800-366-9831

Note:  This press release  contains  forward-looking  statements  about Texaco's
expectations for cost and expense  reductions in 1999. Our actual results may be
different as a result of worldwide and industry  economic  conditions,  or if we
fail to achieve the  re-engineering of our processes or reductions in the number
of our employees that we expect.  For a further discussion of additional factors
that  could  cause  actual  results  to  materially  differ  from  those  in the
forward-looking statement, please refer to the section entitled "Forward-Looking
Statements  and Factors That May Affect Our  Business"  in Texaco's  1998 Annual
Report on Form 10-K.

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Income (loss)                          Third Quarter(a)      Nine Months(a)
(Millions of dollars)                 ----------------      --------------
                                       1999       1998       1999     1998
                                      -----      -----      -----    -----
Exploration and production
     United States                    $ 258      $  93      $ 444    $ 301
     International                      129         53        189      166
                                      -----      -----      -----    -----
           Total                        387        146        633      467

Refining, marketing and distribution
     United States                      118        124        204      233
     International                        6         38        377      414
                                      -----      -----      -----    -----
           Total                        124        162        581      647

Global gas and power                      6         (8)        13       (9)
                                      -----      -----      -----    -----
           Total operating segments     517        300      1,227    1,105
                                      -----      -----      -----    -----

Other business units                     (1)        (1)        (3)      (1)

Corporate/Non-operating                (129)       (84)      (365)    (288)
                                      -----      -----      -----    -----
Income before cumulative effect
 of accounting change                   387        215        859      816

Cumulative effect of
 accounting change (b)                    -          -          -      (25)
                                      -----      -----      -----    -----
          Net income                  $ 387      $ 215      $ 859    $ 791
                                      =====      =====      =====    =====
Net income per common share
 (dollars) - diluted                  $ .71      $ .38      $1.56    $1.42

Average number of common
 shares outstanding for
 computation of earnings per
 share (millions) - diluted           546.3      526.4      535.2    548.6

Provision for income taxes
 included in net income               $ 386      $  34      $ 493    $ 258

(a) Includes special items indicated in this release.

(b)  Caltex  adoption  of SOP  98-5 of the  AICPA,  "Reporting  on the  Costs of
     Start-Up Activities".

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Other Financial Data                   Third Quarter          Nine Months
(Millions of dollars)                  -------------         -------------
                                       1999     1998         1999     1998
                                       ----     ----         ----     ----
Revenues                            $ 9,677  $ 7,707      $25,136  $23,898

Total assets as of September 30                        (c)$28,900  $28,495

Stockholders' equity as of
 September 30                                          (c)$11,960  $12,325

Total debt as of September 30                          (c)$ 7,300  $ 6,960

Capital and exploratory
Exploration and production
  United States                     $   162  $   328      $   623  $ 1,142
  International                         304      276          865      812
                                    -------  -------      -------   ------
     Total                              466      604        1,488    1,954

Refining, marketing and
  United States                          85      116          243      298
  International                         118      127          294      355
                                    -------  -------      -------   ------
     Total                              203      243          537      653
Global gas and power                     43       39          129      141
                                    -------  -------      -------   ------
     Total operating segments           712      886        2,154    2,748

Other business units                      6        2           22       21
                                    -------   ------      -------   ------
     Total                          $   718   $  888      $ 2,176  $ 2,769
                                    =======   ======      =======  =======
Exploratory expenses included
  United States                     $    12   $   48      $   104  $   195
  International                          60       45          178      129
                                    -------   ------      -------  -------
     Total                          $    72   $   93      $   282  $   324
                                    =======   ======      =======  =======

Dividends paid to common
 stockholders                       $   245   $  237      $   719  $   716

Dividends per common share
 (dollars)                          $   .45   $  .45      $  1.35  $  1.35

Dividend requirements for
 preferred stockholders             $     3   $   13      $    26  $    40

(c)  Preliminary

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Operating Data                         Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                       -------------    -------------
                                       1999     1998    1999     1998
                                       ----     ----    ----     ----
Exploration and production

  United States
    Net production of crude oil and
     natural gas liquids (MBPD)         395      432     400      443

    Net production of natural
     gas available
     for sale (MMCFPD)                1,416    1,641   1,460    1,694
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
       Total net production (MBOEPD)    631      706     643      726

    Natural gas sales (MMCFPD)        3,263    3,963   3,284    3,926

    Average U.S. crude (per bbl.)    $16.65   $10.06  $12.81   $10.87
    Average U.S. natural gas
    (per mcf)                        $ 2.44   $ 1.89  $ 2.09   $ 2.03
    Average WTI (Spot) (per bbl.)    $21.71   $14.16  $17.58   $14.89
    Average Kern (Spot) (per bbl.)   $15.38   $ 8.65  $11.49   $ 8.43

    Net production of crude oil and
     natural gas liquids (MBPD)
      Europe                            152      163     142      157
      Indonesia                         141      168     156      159
      Partitioned Neutral Zone          127      104     122      106
      Other                              60       59      65       66
                                      -----   ------  ------   ------
       Total                            480      494     485      488

    Net production of natural
     gas available for sale
      Europe                            252      261     261      255
      Colombia                          161      165     158      185
      Other                              91       87     105      108
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
       Total                            504      513     524      548
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
       Total net production (MBOEPD)    564      580     573      579

    Natural gas sales (MMCFPD)          539      633     551      692

    Average International crude
     (per bbl.)                      $16.96   $11.05  $13.36   $11.55
    Average International
     natural gas (per mcf)           $ 1.35   $ 1.49  $ 1.36   $ 1.57
    Average U.K. natural gas
     (per mcf)                       $ 2.34   $ 2.34  $ 2.37   $ 2.53
    Average Colombia
     natural gas (per mcf)           $  .67   $  .79  $  .64   $  .88

       Total worldwide net
        production (MBOEPD)           1,195    1,286   1,216    1,305

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Operating Data                         Third Quarter     Nine Months
                                       -------------    -------------
                                       1999     1998    1999     1998
                                       ----     ----    ----     ----
Refining, marketing and distribution

  United States
    Refinery input (MBPD)
     Equilon area                       390      410     376      388
     Motiva area                        307      301     307      316
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
      Total                             697      711     683      704

    Refined product sales (MBPD)
     Equilon area                       752      616     697      579
     Motiva area                        371      421     376      366
     Other                              290      216     296      228
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
      Total                           1,413    1,253   1,369    1,173

    Refinery input (MBPD)
     Europe                             331      326     356      356
     Caltex area                        381      397     411      417
     Latin America/West Africa           68       66      71       64
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
      Total                             780      789     838      837

    Refined product sales (MBPD)
     Europe                             585      547     609      567
     Caltex area                        654      563     663      580
     Latin America/West Africa          479      474     485      455
     Other                               86       56      90       53
                                      -----    -----   -----    -----
      Total                           1,804    1,640   1,847    1,655