Exhibit 23.1

            Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on
Form S-8 (Nos. 33-00182, 33-8993, 33-8973, 33-16460, 33-16466, 33-25052,
33-37865, 33-37867, 33-36223, 33-52826, 33-52804, 33-52806, 33-52800, 33-37868,
33-51187, 33-51189, 33-54347, 33-54453, 33-65237, 33-61561, 33-58487, 333-19535,
333-14265, 333-90761, 333-90823, 333-94627, 333-48432, 333-46408, 333-43702,
333-43698, 333-40578, 333-40576, 333-33070, 333-33062, 333-33068, 333-33064,
333-33058, 333-33066, 333-33060, 333-33074, 333-33072, 333-62004, 333-76670, and
333-83470) of Thermo Electron Corporation of our report dated July 22, 2005
(which report expresses an unqualified opinion and includes explanatory
paragraphs relating to the preparation of the Kendro Laboratory Products
combined financial statements covered by our report as described in Note 1, and
disclaiming an opinion on the combined balance sheet as of March 31, 2005 and
the combined statements of income, comprehensive income and parent's investment,
and cash flows for the three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2005 of Kendro
Laboratory Products) relating to the combined financial statements of Kendro
Laboratory Products which appear in this Form 8-K/A.

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Charlotte, North Carolina
July 22, 2005