Exhibit 10.144a
                                                                      Rev. V

                                  TIFFANY & CO.
                             a Delaware Corporation
                                 (the "Company")
                           TERMS OF STOCK OPTION AWARD
                      (Transferable Non-Qualified Option )
                                    under the
                          1998 EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PLAN
                          2005 EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PLAN
                            (either plan, the "Plan")
    Terms Adopted May 21, 1998, Revised January 21, 1999, November 15, 2001,
                         March 7, 2005 and May 19, 2005

1.   Introduction   and  Terms  of  Option.   Participant  has  been  granted  a
Non-Qualified  Stock  Option  Award (the  "Option")  to  purchase  shares of the
Company's  Common Stock under the Plan by the Stock Option  Subcommittee  of the
Company's Board of Directors (the  "Committee").  The name of the "Participant",
the "Grant Date",  the number of "Covered  Shares" and the "Exercise  Price" per
Share  are  stated in the  attached  "Notice  of  Grant".  The  other  terms and
conditions  of the Option are stated in this  document and in the Plan.  Certain
initially  capitalized  words and phrases  used in this  document are defined in
paragraph 10 below and elsewhere in this document.

2. Award and Exercise Price;  Option Not An Incentive  Stock Option.  Subject to
the terms and conditions  stated in this document,  the Option gives Participant
the right to purchase the Covered Shares from the Company at the Exercise Price.
The Option is not intended to  constitute  an  "incentive  stock option" as that
term is used in the Code.

3.  Earliest  Dates for Exercise -  Cumulative  Installments.  Unless  otherwise
provided in  paragraphs  4, 5 or 6 below,  the Option shall  become  exercisable
("mature") in cumulative installments according to the following schedule:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As of the  following  anniversary  of      The Option  shall  mature  with the respect to the  following  percentage
the Grant Date:                            ("installment") of the Covered Shares:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One-year anniversary                       25%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Two-year anniversary                       25%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Three-year anniversary                     25%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Four-year anniversary                      25%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Once an installment of the Option matures, as provided in the above schedule, it
shall continue to be  exercisable  with all prior  installments  on a cumulative
basis until the Option expires.

4. Effect of Termination  of Employment.  An installment of the Option shall not
mature if the Participant's Date of Termination occurs before the anniversary of
the Grant Date on which such  installment  was  scheduled to mature,  unless the
Participant's  Date of Termination  occurs by reason of death or Disability,  in
which case all  installments  of the Option  which have not  previously  matured
shall  mature on said Date of  Termination.  Installments  of the  Option  which
mature on or prior to Participant's Date of Termination will remain exercisable,
subject to expiration as provided in paragraph 6 below.

5. Effect of Change in Control. All installments of the Option shall mature upon
the date of a Change of Control  unless the  Participant's  Date of  Termination
occurs  before the date of the Change of Control.  The  Committee  reserves  the
right to  unilaterally  amend the  definition  of a "Change of Control" so as to
specify additional circumstances which shall be deemed to constitute a Change of

6. Expiration.  The Option, including matured installments thereof, shall not be
exercisable in part or in whole on or after the Expiration Date. The "Expiration
Date" shall be the earliest to occur of:

a.   the ten-year anniversary of the Grant Date;

b.   if the  Participant's  Date of  Termination  occurs  by  reason  of  death,
     Disability  or  Retirement,  the  two-year  anniversary  of  such  Date  of

c.   if the  Participant's  Date of  Termination  occurs for reasons  other than
     death,  Disability,  Retirement or Termination  for Cause,  the three month
     anniversary of such Date of Termination;

d.   if the  Participant's  Date of Termination  occurs by reason of Termination
     for Cause, the Date of Termination.

7. Methods of Option  Exercise.  The Option may be exercised in whole or in part
as to any Shares that have matured by filing a written  notice of exercise  with
the  Secretary  of  the  Company  at its  corporate  headquarters  prior  to the
Expiration  Date.  Such  notice  shall  specify  the number of Shares  which the
Participant  elects  to  purchase  and  shall be  accompanied  by  either of the

a.   a  bank-certified  check  payable to the Company (or other type of check or
     draft payable to the Company and acceptable to the Secretary) in the amount
     of the  Exercise  Price  for  the  Shares  being  exercised  plus  any  tax
     withholding  resulting  from such  exercise  as  computed  by  Tiffany  and
     Company's payroll department; or

b.   a copy of  directions  to, or a written  acknowledgment  from,  an Approved
     Broker that the Approved  Broker has been directed to sell, for the account
     of the owner of the Option,  Shares (or a sufficient portion of the Shares)
     acquired upon exercise of the Option,  together with an  undertaking by the
     Approved  Broker to remit to the Company a  sufficient  portion of the sale
     proceeds to pay the Exercise  Price for the Shares  exercised  plus any tax
     withholding  resulting  from such  exercise  as  computed  by  Tiffany  and
     Company's payroll department.

In the case of exercise via method (a), the exercise shall be deemed complete on
the  Company's  receipt of such  notice and said check or draft.  In the case of
exercise via method (b), the exercise shall be deemed complete on the trade date
of the sale.  The Committee  may approve other methods of exercise,  as provided
for in the Plan, before the Option is exercised.

8.  Withholding.  All distributions on the exercise of the Option are subject to
withholding  of all applicable  taxes.  The method for  withholding  shall be as
provided in paragraph 7 above,  unless the Committee  approves  other methods of
withholding, as provided for in the Plan, before the Option is exercised.

9. Transferability. The Option is not transferable otherwise than by will or the
laws of descent and distribution or pursuant to a "domestic relations order", as
defined in the Code or Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act or
the rules thereunder, and shall not be otherwise transferred, assigned, pledged,
hypothecated or otherwise disposed of in any way, whether by operation of law or
otherwise, nor shall it be subject to execution,  attachment or similar process.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Option may

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be transferred by the Participant to (i) the spouse,  children or  grandchildren
of the Participant (each an "Immediate  Family Member"),  (ii) a trust or trusts
for the exclusive  benefit of any or all Immediate  Family  Members,  or (iii) a
partnership in which any or all Immediate  Family Members are the only partners,
provided that (x) there may be no consideration  paid or otherwise given for any
such transfer, and (y) subsequent transfer of the Option is prohibited otherwise
than by will,  the laws of descent  and  distribution  or pursuant to a domestic
relations order.  Following transfer, the Option shall continue to be subject to
the same terms and conditions as were applicable  immediately prior to transfer.
The provisions of paragraph 4 above shall continue to be applied with respect to
the original Participant  following transfer and the Option shall be exercisable
by the transferee  only to the extent,  and for the periods  specified,  herein.
Upon any attempt to transfer the Option otherwise than as permitted herein or to
assign, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise dispose of the Option otherwise than as
permitted  herein,  or upon the levy of any  execution,  attachment  or  similar
process upon the Option, the Option shall immediately  terminate and become null
and void.

10.  Definitions.  For the purposes of the Option,  the words and phrases listed
below shall be defined as follows:

a.   Approved Broker. Means one or more securities brokerage firms designated by
     the Secretary of the Company from time to time.

b.   Change of Control.  A "Change of Control"  shall be deemed to have occurred
     if :

     (i)  any person (as used herein, the word "person" shall mean an individual
          or an  entity)  or group of persons  acting in  concert  has  acquired
          thirty-five  percent  (35%) in voting  power or  amount of the  equity
          securities of the Company  (including  the  acquisition  of any right,
          option  warrant or other right to obtain such voting  power or amount,
          whether or not presently exercisable);

     (ii) individuals  who  constituted the Board of Directors of the Company on
          May 1, 1998 (the "Incumbent Board") cease for any reason to constitute
          at least a majority  of such  Board of  Directors,  provided  that any
          individual  becoming  a  director  subsequent  to  May 1,  1988  whose
          election,  or nomination  for election by the Company's  stockholders,
          was  approved by a vote of at least  three-quarters  of the  directors
          comprising  the  Incumbent  Board  (either  by a  specific  vote or by
          approval  of  the  proxy  statement  of  the  Company  in  which  such
          individual  is named as a nominee  for  director)  shall  be,  for the
          purposes of this paragraph 10(b), considered as though such individual
          were a member of the Incumbent Board; or

     (iii)any other  circumstance  with  respect  to a change in  control of the
          Company occurs which the Committee  deems to be a Change in Control of
          the Company.

     A Change of Control which  constitutes a  Terminating  Transaction  will be
     deemed to have occurred as of fourteen days prior to the date scheduled for
     the  Terminating  Transaction  if  provisions  shall  not have been made in
     writing in connection with such Terminating  Transaction for the assumption
     of the Option or the  substitution  for the Option of a new option covering
     the stock of a successor  employer  corporation,  or a parent or subsidiary
     thereof or of the Company,  with  appropriate  adjustments as to the number
     and kind of shares and prices.

c.   Code. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

d.   Date of Termination.  The Participant's  "Date of Termination" shall be the
     first  day  occurring  on or after the  Grant  Date on which  Participant's
     employment  with the Company and all Related  Companies  terminates for any
     reason;  provided that a termination  of employment  shall not be

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     deemed to occur by reason of a  transfer  of the  Participant  between  the
     Company and a Related Company or between two Related Companies; and further
     provided  that  the  Participant's   employment  shall  not  be  considered
     terminated  while the Participant is on a leave of absence from the Company
     or a Related Company approved by the Participant's  employer or required by
     applicable  law.  If,  as a  result  of a sale or  other  transaction,  the
     Participant's   employer   ceases  to  be  a  Related   Company   (and  the
     Participant's  employer is or becomes an entity  that is separate  from the
     Company),  the  occurrence  of such  transaction  shall be  treated  as the
     Participant's   Date  of  Termination   caused  by  the  Participant  being
     discharged by the employer.

e.   Disability.  Except as otherwise provided by the Committee, the Participant
     shall be considered to have a "Disability" if he or she is unable to engage
     in any substantial  gainful activity by reason of a medically  determinable
     physical  or mental  impairment,  which  impairment,  in the  opinion  of a
     physician  selected by the Secretary of the Company,  is expected to have a
     duration of not less than 120 days.

f.   Plan Definitions. Except where the context clearly implies or indicates the
     contrary,  a word,  term,  or phrase  used in the Plan  shall have the same
     meaning in this document.

g.   Retirement.  "Retirement" of the  Participant  shall mean the occurrence of
     the Participant's Date of Termination after age 65 or the occurrence of the
     Participant's  Date of Termination  after age 55 pursuant to the retirement
     practices of the Participant's employer.

h.   Terminating   Transaction.   As  used  herein,   the  phrase   "Terminating
     Transaction" shall mean any one of the following:

     (i)  the dissolution or liquidation of the Company;

     (ii) a reorganization, merger or consolidation of the Company; or

     (iii)a  reorganization,  merger or consolidation of the Company with one or
          more  corporations  as a  result  of  which  the  Company  goes out of
          existence or becomes a subsidiary of another corporation,  or upon the
          acquisition of  substantially  all of the property or more than eighty
          percent (80%) of the then outstanding  stock of the Company by another

i.   Termination  for  Cause.  "Termination  for  Cause"  means  termination  of
     employment  pursuant  to the  conduct-based  provisions  of the  employer's
     policy  on   involuntary   termination   of   employment  by  reason  of  a
     Participant's action or willful omission, including without limitation, the
     commission of a crime, fraud, willful misconduct or the unauthorized use or
     disclosure of confidential  information  which has resulted or is likely to
     result in damage to the Company or any of its subsidiaries.

     11. Heirs and  Successors.  The terms of the Option shall be binding  upon,
     and inure to the benefit of, the Company and its  successors  and  assigns,
     and upon any person acquiring, whether by merger,  consolidation,  purchase
     of assets or otherwise,  all or  substantially  all of the Company's assets
     and business.  Participant  may designate a beneficiary  of his/her  rights
     under  the  Option by  filing  written  notice  with the  Secretary  of the
     Company. In the event of the Participant's death prior to the full exercise
     of the  Option,  the Option may be  exercised  by such  Beneficiary  to the
     extent that it was exercisable on the Participant's Termination Date and up
     until  its  Expiration  Date.  If the  Participant  fails  to  designate  a
     Beneficiary,  or if the designated  Beneficiary dies before the Participant
     or before  full  exercise  of the Option,  the Option may be  exercised  by
     Participant's  estate  to  the  extent  that  it  was  exercisable  on  the
     Participant's Termination Date and up until its Expiration Date.

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12.  Administration.  The  authority  to manage and  control the  operation  and
administration of the Option shall be vested in the Committee, and the Committee
shall have all powers with  respect to the Option as it has with  respect to the
Plan. Any interpretation of the Option by the Committee and any decision made by
it with respect to the Option is final and binding.

13. Plan Governs.  Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement to the contrary,
the terms of the Option  shall be  subject  to the terms of the Plan,  a copy of
which may be obtained by the Participant from the office of the Secretary of the

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