Exhibit 99.1

                                 Tiffany & Co.
                  Share Ownership Policy for Executive Officers

This Policy was adopted on July 20, 2006 (the  "Adoption  Date") by the Board of
Directors (the "Board") of Tiffany & Co. (the  "Corporation") for those who have
been or  subsequently  are designated  "executive  officers" by the Board.  This
Policy applies to the ownership of the common stock of the Corporation  ("Common

Defined Terms:

"beneficial  ownership" shall have the same meaning as under Rule 16a-1(a)(2) of
the Securities  Exchange Act,  provided  that:  (a) Qualifying  Options shall be
deemed  beneficially  owned but shall be valued only as provided for below;  and
(b)restricted   stock  units  awarded  under  the  Corporation's  2005  Employee
Incentive Plan will not be deemed beneficially owned until vested;

"Disposition"  means any transaction  which would cause the executive officer to
cease to be the beneficial owner of Common Stock, provided, however, that any of
the following  transactions  will not be deemed a  Disposition:  (i) any sale of
Common Stock  acquired on vesting of a  restricted  stock unit or exercise of an
employee  stock option to the extent  necessary  to satisfy the tax  withholding
obligations of the employer of the executive  officer in respect of such vesting
or exercise; (ii) any sale of Common Stock made under circumstances constituting
a  Financial  Hardship;  and  (iii)  any sale or  transfer  made  pursuant  to a
Qualified Domestic Relations Order;

"Financial  Hardship"  means  an  immediate  and  heavy  financial  need  of the
executive  officer  (including  that  of his  spouse  or any  dependent),  as so
determined by the Board on application from the executive officer, not in excess
of the amount  required to relieve such financial  need, and only if, and to the
extent, such need cannot be satisfied from other resources  reasonably available
to the  executive  officer  (including  assets  of his or her  spouse  and minor
children reasonably available to him or her);

"Non-Compliance  Date" means,  with respect to an  executive  officer,  the most
recent  date  on or  after  the  Adoption  Date  on  which  that  person  was in
non-compliance with this Policy;

"Option  Stock"  means Common  Stock  acquired on exercise of an employee  stock
option in excess of stock sold to satisfy the tax withholding obligations of the
employer of the executive officer in respect of such exercise;

"Performance Stock" means Common Stock acquired on vesting of a restricted stock
unit in excess of stock sold to satisfy the tax  withholding  obligations of the
employer of the executive officer in respect of such vesting;


"Qualified  Domestic  Relations  Order"  means  a  judgment,   decree  or  order
(including approval of a property settlement agreement) made pursuant to a state
domestic  relations law (including  community  property law) that relates to the
provision of child support,  alimony  payments or marital  property  rights to a
spouse,  former  spouse,  child or other  dependent of a  Participant  and which
requires the executive officer to make a transfer or sale of Common Stock;

"Qualifying  Options" mean vested options to purchase  Common Stock issued under
one of the  Corporation's  employee stock option plans and having a strike price
below the market value of the Common Stock; and

"Significant Portfolio" means, for the executive officer in question,  shares of
Common Stock and/or  Qualifying  Options having a value equal to or greater than
the  multiple of annual  salary set forth below,  provided  that at least 25% of
such value shall be attributable to Common Stock:

         Chief Executive Officer - five times;
         President - four times;
         Executive Vice Presidents - three times; and
         Senior Vice Presidents - two times.

Basic Policy

It is the policy of the Board that each executive  officer will beneficially own
and maintain beneficial  ownership of a Significant  Portfolio for so long as he
or she remains an executive officer.


For purposes of this Policy, shares of Common Stock will be valued at market and
Qualifying  Options will be valued at one-half  the  difference  between  strike
price and market price of the underlying Common Stock.

Extended Time for Compliance

Each executive  officer shall achieve  compliance  within five years of becoming
subject to this Policy.

Changes  in the  market  value of the Common  Stock,  changes  in  salary,  or a
Disposition  pursuant  to a  Financial  Hardship  and/or  a  Qualified  Domestic
Relations Order may cause an executive officer who has complied with this Policy
to fall out of compliance.  Such an executive  officer shall achieve  compliance
within two years after falling from compliance.


Restrictions on Disposition

An executive officer who does not beneficially own a Significant Portfolio shall
not engage in any Disposition provided, however, that up to fifty percent of the
aggregate  of  Option  Stock and  Performance  Stock  acquired  after his or her
Non-Compliance Date may be sold or otherwise  transferred without violating this

Annual Review

The   Nominating/Corporate   Governance  Committee  of  the  Board  will  review
compliance and progress towards compliance with the Policy each year in May.

Other Matters

Nothing  contained  in this  Policy  shall  compel  any  transaction  or  excuse
compliance with applicable law or with the Corporation-s policies, including the
Corporation's  policies  with  respect  to trading  on  insider  information  or
engaging in  speculative  transactions  in the Common Stock.  Nothing  contained
herein  shall be deemed to alter the terms of any stock  option or other  equity
award grant made under the Corporation's equity award plans.
