Exhibit 4.3a

                                  TIFFANY & CO.

                                    Section 1

     1.1 Purpose. The Tiffany & Co. 2008 Directors Equity Compensation Plan (the
"Plan")  has been  established  by Tiffany & Co., a Delaware  corporation,  (the
"Company")  to advance the  interests  of the Company by enabling the Company to
attract,  retain and motivate  qualified  individuals  to serve on the Company's
Board of Directors and to further link Participants' interests with those of the
Company's  stockholders  through  compensation  that is based  on the  Company's
Common Stock, thereby promoting the long-term financial interests of the Company
and its  Related  Companies,  including  the  growth  in value of the  Company's
stockholders'  equity and the enhancement of long-term  returns to the Company's

     1.2  Participation.  Subject to the terms and  conditions of the Plan,  the
Committee shall, from time to time,  determine and designate from among Eligible
Individuals those persons who will be granted one or more Awards under the Plan.
Eligible  Individuals who are granted Awards become  "Participants" in the Plan.
At the  discretion  of the  Committee,  a  Participant  may be granted any Award
permitted  under  the  provisions  of the  Plan,  and more than one Award may be
granted to a  Participant.  Awards need not be identical but shall be subject to
the  terms  and  conditions  specified  in the  Plan.  Subject  to the  last two
sentences of subsection 2.2 of the Plan,  Awards may be granted as  alternatives
to or in replacement for awards outstanding under the Plan, or any other plan or
arrangement of the Company.

     1.3  Operation,   Administration,   and  Definitions.   The  operation  and
administration  of the Plan,  including the Awards made under the Plan, shall be
subject  to  the   provisions   of  Section  4  (relating   to   operation   and
administration).  Initially  capitalized terms used in the Plan shall be defined
as set forth in the Plan (including in the definitional  provisions of Section 7
of the Plan).

     1.4 Prior Plan.  This Plan is intended to become  effective  on approval by
the Company's  stockholders,  as provided for in Section 4.1 below. This Plan is
intended to replace the  Company's  1998  Directors  Option Plan approved by the
Company's  stockholders  on May 21, 1998 (the "Prior Plan").  In accordance with
the terms of the Prior Plan: (i) no Award may be granted or otherwise made under
the Prior Plan  after May 21,  2008,  but (ii) the Prior  Plan  shall  remain in
effect  as long as any  awards  under  the Prior  Plan are  outstanding.  Shares
subject to the Prior Plan which are not subject to outstanding  awards under the
Prior Plan as of the  Effective  Date of this Plan (see  subsection  4.1 of this
Plan) and which have not been delivered to participants  under the Prior Plan as
of such  Effective Date may not be awarded under the Prior Plan on or after such
Effective  Date and the Prior Plan shall be deemed  amended  accordingly on such
Effective Date.  Shares subject to the Prior Plan, as described in the preceding
sentence, shall not be deemed transferred to this Plan.

                                    Section 2

     2.1  Definition.  The grant of an  "Option"  entitles  the  Participant  to
purchase  Shares at an Exercise  Price  established  by the  Committee.  Options
granted under this Section 2 shall be  Non-Qualified  Options.  A "Non-Qualified
Option" is an Option that is not intended to be an  "incentive  stock option" as
that term is described in section 422(b) of the Code.

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     2.2 Exercise Price.  The per-share  "Exercise Price" of each Option granted
under  this  Section  2 shall  be  established  by the  Committee  or  shall  be
determined by a formula established by the Committee at or prior to the time the
Option is granted; except that the Exercise Price shall not be less than 100% of
the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the Pricing  Date unless the  Participant
has agreed to forgo all or a portion of his or her annual cash retainer or other
fees for service as a director of the  Company in  exchange  for the Option,  in
which case the  difference  between (a) the  aggregate  Fair Market Value of the
Shares  subject  to the  Option  as of the  Pricing  Date and (b) the  aggregate
Exercise Price for the Shares subject to the Option shall be equal to the amount
of the cash retainer or other such fees agreed to be forgone by the Participant.
For purposes of the preceding sentence,  the "Pricing Date" shall be the date on
which the Option is granted  unless the Option is granted on a date on which the
principal  exchange  on which the Stock is then listed or admitted to trading is
closed for trading,  in which case the  "Pricing  Date" shall be the most recent
date on which such  exchange  was open for  trading  prior to such  grant  date.
Except as provided in subsection  4.2(c),  the Exercise  Price of any Option may
not be decreased  after the grant of the Award. An Option may not be surrendered
as consideration in exchange for a new Award with a lower Exercise Price.

     2.3 Exercise.  Options shall be exercisable  in accordance  with such terms
and  conditions  and during such periods as may be  established by the Committee
provided that no Option shall be exercisable after, and each Option shall become
void no later than,  the tenth (10th )  anniversary  of the date of the grant of
such option.

     2.4 Payment of Option Exercise Price.  The payment of the Exercise Price of
an Option granted under this Section 2 shall be subject to the following:

     (a)  The Exercise Price may be paid by ordinary check or such other form of
          tender as the Committee may specify.

     (b)  If permitted by the Committee, the Exercise Price for Shares purchased
          upon  the  exercise  of an  Option  may be  paid in part or in full by
          tendering   Shares  (by  either  actual   delivery  of  shares  or  by
          attestation,  with such shares  valued at Fair Market  Value as of the
          date of  exercise).  The  Committee  may  refuse to accept  payment in
          Shares if such  payment  would result in an  accounting  charge to the

     (c)  The Committee  may permit a  Participant  to elect to pay the Exercise
          Price upon the  exercise  of an Option by  irrevocably  authorizing  a
          third party to sell Shares  acquired upon exercise of the Option (or a
          sufficient  portion  of  such  shares)  and  remit  to the  Company  a
          sufficient  portion of the sale  proceeds  to pay the entire  Exercise
          Price and any tax withholding resulting from such exercise.

                                    Section 3
                                  Stock Awards

     3.1  Definition.  A "Stock  Award"  is a grant of  Shares  or of a right to
receive Shares.

     3.2 Restrictions on Stock Awards. Each Stock Award shall be subject to such
conditions,  restrictions  and  contingencies,  if any, as the  Committee  shall

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                                    Section 4
                          Operation and Administration

     4.1 Effective Date and Duration. Subject to approval of the stockholders of
the Company at the Company's 2008 annual meeting, the Plan shall be effective as
of the date of such approval (the  "Effective  Date") and shall remain in effect
as long as any Awards under the Plan are outstanding; provided, however, that no
Award may be  granted  or  otherwise  made under the Plan on a date that is more
than ten (10) years from the Effective Date.

     4.2 Shares Subject to Plan.

     (a)  (i) Subject to the following  provisions of this  subsection  4.2, the
          maximum   aggregate   number  of  Shares  that  may  be  delivered  to
          Participants  and  their  beneficiaries  under  the Plan  shall be One
          Million  (1,000,000)  Shares,  provided  that  such  maximum  shall be
          reduced by one and 58 hundredths (1.58) of a Share for each Share that
          is delivered  pursuant to a Stock Award.  Shares issued under the Plan
          may be  authorized  and unissued  Shares or Shares  reacquired  by the

          (ii) Any Shares  granted under the Plan that are forfeited  because of
          the failure to meet a Stock Award contingency or condition shall again
          be available  for delivery  pursuant to new Awards  granted  under the
          Plan.  To the extent any Shares  covered by an Award are not delivered
          to a Participant or a Participant's  beneficiary  because the Award is
          forfeited  or  canceled,  such shares shall not be deemed to have been
          delivered  for purposes of  determining  the maximum  number of Shares
          available for delivery under the Plan.

          (iii) If the Exercise Price and/or tax withholding  obligation for any
          Option or Award  granted  under  the Plan is  satisfied  by  tendering
          Shares to the Company (by either actual delivery or attestation) or by
          the Company  withholding  Shares,  the number of Shares issued on such
          exercise or Award without  offset for the number of Shares so tendered
          shall be deemed  delivered  for  purposes of  determining  the maximum
          number of  Shares  available  for  delivery  under  the  Plan;  if the
          Exercise  Price and/or tax  withholding  obligation  for any Option or
          Award granted  under the Plan is satisfied by the Company  withholding
          Shares,  the full number of Shares for which such Option was exercised
          or such Award was granted,  without reduction for the number of Shares
          withheld,  shall be deemed  delivered for purposes of determining  the
          maximum number of Shares available for delivery under the Plan.

     (b)  Subject to adjustment under paragraph 4.2(c), the following additional
          limitation is imposed under the Plan: the maximum  aggregate number of
          Shares that may be awarded to any one Participant in any single fiscal
          year of the Company, either as Shares subject to Options, Stock Awards
          or any  combination  of Options and Stock Awards shall be  Twenty-five
          Thousand (25,000) Shares.

     (c)  If the outstanding  Shares are increased or decreased,  or are changed
          into or exchanged for cash, property, or a different number or kind of
          shares  or  securities,  or if  cash,  property  or  Shares  or  other
          securities are distributed in respect of such outstanding  Shares,  in
          either  case  as a  result  of one or more  mergers,  reorganizations,
          reclassifications,  recapitalizations,  stock  splits,  reverse  stock
          splits,  stock  dividends,  dividends  (other than regular,  quarterly
          dividends),  or other  distributions,  spin-offs  or the  like,  or if

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          substantially  all of the property and assets of the Company are sold,
          then,  unless the terms of the  transaction  shall provide  otherwise,
          appropriate  adjustments  shall be made in the number  and/or  type of
          shares or securities  for which Awards may thereafter be granted under
          the Plan and for  which  Awards  then  outstanding  under the Plan may
          thereafter be exercised.  Any such  adjustments in outstanding  Awards
          shall be made without changing the aggregate Exercise Price applicable
          to the  unexercised  portions of  outstanding  Options.  The Committee
          shall make such  adjustments  to preserve  the  benefits or  potential
          benefits of the Plan and the Awards; such adjustments may include, but
          shall not be  limited  to,  adjustment  of: (i) the number and kind of
          shares which may be delivered under the Plan; (ii) the number and kind
          of shares subject to outstanding  Awards;  (iii) the Exercise Price of
          outstanding  Options;  (iv) the limit  specified in subsection  4.2(b)
          above; and (v) any other adjustments that the Committee  determines to
          be equitable.  No right to purchase or receive fractional shares shall
          result from any adjustment in Options or Stock Awards pursuant to this
          paragraph  4.2(c).  In case of any such adjustment,  Shares subject to
          the Option or Stock  Award  shall be rounded up to the  nearest  whole

     4.3 Limit on  Distribution.  Distribution  of Shares or other amounts under
the Plan shall be subject to the following:

     (a)  Notwithstanding  any other  provision of the Plan,  the Company  shall
          have no  obligation  to deliver any Shares  under the Plan or make any
          other  distribution of benefits under the Plan unless such delivery or
          distribution would comply with all applicable laws (including, without
          limitation,  the  requirements  of the Securities Act of 1933) and the
          applicable  requirements of any securities  exchange or similar entity
          and the Committee may impose such  restrictions on any Shares acquired
          pursuant to the Plan as the Committee may deem  advisable,  including,
          without  limitation,  restrictions under applicable federal securities
          laws,  under the  requirements  of any stock  exchange  or market upon
          which such Shares are then listed  and/or  traded,  and under any blue
          sky or state  securities laws applicable to such Shares.  In the event
          that the Committee determines in its discretion that the registration,
          listing or  qualification of the Shares issuable under the Plan on any
          securities  exchange  or  under  any  applicable  law or  governmental
          regulation  is necessary as a condition to the issuance of such Shares
          under an Option or Stock  Award,  such Option or Stock Award shall not
          be   exercisable  or  exercised  in  whole  or  in  part  unless  such
          registration, listing and qualification, and any necessary consents or
          approvals have been unconditionally obtained.

     (b)  Distribution   of  Shares   under  the  Plan  may  be  effected  on  a
          non-certificated basis, to the extent not prohibited by applicable law
          or the applicable rules of any stock exchange.

     4.4 Tax  Withholding.  Before  distribution  of Shares under the Plan,  the
Company may require the  recipient to remit to the Company an amount  sufficient
to satisfy  any  federal,  state or local tax  withholding  requirements  or, if
agreed  by the  Committee,  the  Company  may  withhold  from the  Shares  to be
delivered and/or otherwise issued Shares  sufficient to satisfy all or a portion
of such tax withholding requirements. Whenever under the Plan payments are to be
made in cash,  such  payments  shall be in an amount  sufficient  to satisfy any
federal,  state or local tax  withholding  requirements as well as the amount of
the cash payment otherwise required. Neither the Company nor any Related Company
shall be liable to a Participant  or any other person as to any tax  consequence
expected,  but not  realized,  by any  Participant  or other  person  due to the
receipt or exercise of any Award hereunder.

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     4.5 Reserved  Rights.  Subject to the  limitations of subsection 4.2 on the
number of Shares that may be delivered  under the Plan,  the Plan does not limit
the right of the  Company to use  available  Shares,  including  authorized  but
un-issued Shares and treasury Shares,  as the form of payment for  compensation,
grants  or  rights  earned  or  due  under  any  other   compensation  plans  or
arrangements  of the  Company  or a  Related  Company,  including  the  plans or
arrangements  of the  Company  or a  Related  Company,  including  the  plans or
arrangements of the Company or a Related Company acquiring another entity (or an
interest in another  entity).  The Committee may provide in the Award  Agreement
that the Shares to be issued  upon  exercise  of an Option or receipt of a Stock
Award shall be subject to such further conditions, restrictions or agreements as
the  Committee in its  discretion  may specify,  including  without  limitation,
conditions  on  vesting  or  transferability,   and  forfeiture  and  repurchase

     4.6  Dividends  and  Dividend   Equivalents.   An  Award  may  provide  the
Participant with the right to receive dividends or dividend  equivalent payments
with respect to Shares which may be paid currently or credited to an account for
the Participant, and which may be settled in cash or Shares as determined by the
Committee. Any such settlements, and any such crediting of dividends or dividend
equivalents  or  reinvestment  in  Shares  may be  subject  to such  conditions,
restrictions  and  contingencies  as the Committee  shall  establish,  including
reinvestment of such credited amounts in Stock equivalents.

     4.7  Settlements;  Deferred  Delivery.  Awards may be settled  through cash
payments,  the  delivery of Shares,  the  granting  of  replacement  Awards,  or
combinations   thereof,  all  subject  to  such  conditions,   restrictions  and
contingencies  as the  Committee  shall  determine.  The Committee may establish
provisions for the deferred delivery of Shares upon the exercise of an Option or
receipt of a Stock Award with the deferral evidenced by use of Stock Units equal
in number to the number of Shares whose delivery is so deferred.  A "Stock Unit"
is a  bookkeeping  entry  representing  an amount  equivalent to the Fair Market
Value of one Share.  Stock Units represent an unfunded and unsecured  obligation
of the Company  except as otherwise  provided by the  Committee.  Settlement  of
Stock Units upon  expiration  of the deferral  period shall be made in Shares or
otherwise  as  determined  by the  Committee.  The  amount of  Shares,  or other
settlement  medium,  to be so distributed may be increased by an interest factor
or by dividend equivalents.  Until a Stock Unit is settled, the number of Shares
represented by a Stock Unit shall be subject to adjustment pursuant to paragraph
4.2(c).  Unless otherwise  specified by the Committee,  any deferred delivery of
Shares  pursuant to an Award shall be settled by the delivery of Shares no later
than the 60th day following  the date the person to whom such deferred  delivery
must be made ceases to be a director of the Company.

     4.8 Transferability. Unless otherwise provided by the Committee, any Option
granted under the Plan,  and,  until  vested,  any Stock Award granted under the
Plan, shall by its terms be nontransferable by the Participant otherwise than by
will,  the laws of descent and  distribution,  and shall be  exercisable  by, or
become vested in, during the Participant's lifetime, only the Participant.

     4.9 Form and Time of Elections.  Unless otherwise  specified  herein,  each
election  required or  permitted to be made by any  Participant  or other person
entitled  to  benefits  under  the  Plan,  and any  permitted  modification,  or
revocation thereof,  shall be in writing filed with the secretary of the Company
at such times, in such form, and subject to such  restrictions  and limitations,
not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan, as the Committee shall require.

     4.10 Award Agreements with Company;  Vesting and Acceleration of Vesting of
Awards. At the time of an Award to a Participant,  the Committee may require the
Participant to enter into an agreement  with the Company (an "Award  Agreement")
in a form  specified by the  Committee,  agreeing to the terms and conditions of
the Plan and to such additional terms and conditions,  not inconsistent with the
Plan, as the Committee may, in its sole discretion,  prescribe,  including,  but
not limited  to,  conditions  to the  vesting or  exercise of an Award,  such as
continued  service as a director of the Company for a specified  period of time.
The Committee may waive such conditions to and/or  accelerate  exercisability or
vesting of an Option or Stock Award, either automatically upon the occurrence of
specified  events  (including  in  connection  with a change of  control  of the
Company) or otherwise in its discretion.

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     4.11 Limitation of Implied Rights.

     (a)  Neither a  Participant  nor any other person  shall,  by reason of the
          Plan or any  Award  Agreement,  acquire  any  right in or title to any
          assets,  funds or  property  of the  Company  or any  Related  Company
          whatsoever, including, without limitation, any specific funds, assets,
          or other property which the Company or any Related  Company,  in their
          sole  discretion,  may set aside in  anticipation of a liability under
          the Plan. A  Participant  shall have only a  contractual  right to the
          Shares or amounts,  if any,  payable under the Plan,  unsecured by the
          assets of the Company or of any Related Company.  Nothing contained in
          the Plan or any Award Agreement shall  constitute a guarantee that the
          assets of such  companies  shall be  sufficient to pay any benefits to
          any person.

     (b)  Neither the Plan nor any Award Agreement  shall  constitute a contract
          of employment, and selection as a Participant will not confer upon any
          Participant  any right to serve as a director of the Company,  nor any
          right or claim to any  benefit  under the Plan,  unless  such right or
          claim  has  specifically  accrued  under  the  terms of the Plan or an
          Award.  Except as otherwise  provided in the Plan,  no Award under the
          Plan shall confer upon the holder  thereof any right as a  stockholder
          of the Company prior to the date on which the individual  fulfills all
          conditions for receipt of such rights.

     4.12  Evidence.  Evidence  required  of  anyone  under  the  Plan may be by
certificate,  affidavit,  document or other  information which an officer of the
Company  acting on it considers  pertinent  and  reliable,  and signed,  made or
presented by the proper party or parties.

     4.13 Action by Company. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the
Company shall be by resolution of the Board, or by action of one or more members
of such Board  (including a committee of such board) who are duly  authorized to
act for such Board,  or (except to the extent  prohibited by  applicable  law or
applicable  rules of any stock  exchange)  by a duly  authorized  officer of the

     4.14 Gender and Number. Where the context admits, words in any gender shall
include any other gender, words in the singular shall include the plural and the
plural shall include the singular.

     4.15  Non-exclusivity  of the Plan. Neither the adoption of the Plan by the
Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  nor  the  submission  of the  Plan to the
stockholders  of the Company for  approval  shall be  construed  as creating any
limitations on the power of such Board of Directors or a committee of such Board
to adopt such other  incentive  arrangements  as it or they may deem  desirable,
including without limitation, the granting of restricted stock, stock options or
cash  bonuses  otherwise  than  under the  Plan,  and such  arrangements  may be
generally applicable or applicable only in specific cases.

                                    Section 5

     5.1  Administration.  The authority to control and manage the operation and
administration  of the Plan shall be vested in the Board  and/or a committee  of
the Board  (either the Board or such  committee  the  "Committee"  hereunder) in
accordance with this Section 5.

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     5.2 Selection of Committee. If consisting of less than the full
membership of the Board, the Committee shall be selected by the Board and shall
consist of two or more members of the Board.

     5.3 Powers of Committee.  The authority to manage and control the operation
and administration of the Plan shall be vested in the Committee,  subject to the

     (a)  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the  Committee  will have the
          authority and discretion to select from amongst  Eligible  Individuals
          those  persons  who  shall  receive  Awards,  to  determine  who is an
          Eligible  Individual,  to determine  the time or times of receipt,  to
          determine the types of Awards and the number of Shares  covered by the
          Awards, to establish the terms,  conditions,  restrictions,  and other
          provisions  of such Awards and Award  Agreements,  and (subject to the
          restrictions imposed by Section 6) to cancel, amend or suspend Awards.
          In making  such  Award  determinations,  the  Committee  may take into
          account such factors as the Committee deems relevant.

     (b)  The  Committee  will have the  authority  and  discretion to establish
          terms  and  conditions  of Awards as the  Committee  determines  to be
          necessary or  appropriate  to conform to  applicable  requirements  or
          practices of jurisdictions outside the United States.

     (c)  The Committee  will have the authority and discretion to interpret the
          Plan,  to  establish,  amend and  rescind  any  rules and  regulations
          relating to the Plan,  to determine  the terms and  provisions  of any
          Award  Agreements,  and to make all other  determinations  that may be
          necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.

     (d)  Interpretations of the Plan by the Committee and decisions made by the
          Committee under the Plan are final and binding.

     (e)  In controlling  and managing the operation and  administration  of the
          Plan,  the Committee  shall act by a majority of its then members,  by
          meeting or by writing  filed without a meeting.  The  Committee  shall
          maintain  adequate  records  concerning  the Plan and  concerning  its
          proceedings  and acts in such  form and  detail as the  Committee  may

     5.4 Delegation by Committee.  Except to the extent prohibited by applicable
law or the applicable rules of a stock exchange,  the Committee may allocate all
or any  portion  of its powers  and  responsibilities  to any one or more of its
members and may delegate all or part of its  responsibilities  and powers to any
person or persons  selected  by it. Any such  allocation  or  delegation  may be
revoked by the Committee at any time.

     5.5 Information to be furnished to Committee. The Company shall furnish the
Committee with such data and information as may be requested by the Committee to
discharge its duties. The records of the Company as to an Eligible  Individual's
or a  Participant's  service as a director  shall be  conclusive  on all persons
unless  determined  to be incorrect  by the  Committee.  Participants  and other
persons  entitled to benefits  under the Plan must  furnish the  Committee  such
evidence,  data or information as the Committee considers necessary or desirable
to carry out the terms of the Plan.

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                                    Section 6
                            Amendment and Termination

     6.1 Board's Right to Amend or  Terminate.  Subject to the  limitations  set
forth in this  Section 6, the Board may,  at any time,  amend or  terminate  the

     6.2 Amendments Requiring  Stockholder  Approval.  Other than as provided in
subsection 4.2 (c) (relating to certain adjustments to Shares),  the approval of
the  Company's  stockholders  shall be required  for any  amendment  which:  (i)
increases  the maximum  number of Shares that may be delivered  to  Participants
under  the Plan set forth in  subsection  4.2(a);  (ii)  increases  the  maximum
limitation  contained in Section  4.2(b);  (iii) decreases the Exercise Price of
any Option  below the  minimum  provided in  subsection  2.2;  (iv)  modifies or
eliminates the prohibitions stated in the final two sentences of subsection 2.2;
or (v)  increases  the  maximum  term of any Option  set forth in  Section  2.3.
Whenever the approval of the Company's stockholders is required pursuant to this
subsection 6.2, such approval shall be sufficient if obtained by a majority vote
of those  stockholders  present or represented and actually voting on the matter
at a meeting of  stockholders  duly called,  at which  meeting a majority of the
outstanding shares actually vote on such matter.

     6.3 Consent of Affected Participants. No amendment to or termination of the
Plan  shall,  in the  absence of written  consent to the change by the  affected
Participant  (or, if the Participant is not then living or if the Award has been
transferred pursuant to a right of transfer contained in an Award Agreement, the
affected  beneficiary  or affected  transferee,  as the case may be),  adversely
affect the rights of any Participant,  beneficiary or permitted transferee under
any Award granted under the Plan prior to the date such amendment or termination
is adopted by the Board.

                                    Section 7
                                  Defined Terms

For the  purposes  of the Plan,  the terms  listed  below  shall be  defined  as

Award. The term "Award" shall mean, individually and collectively, any award or
benefit granted to any Participant under the Plan, including, without
limitation, the grant of Options and Stock Awards.

Award Agreement. The term "Award Agreement" is defined in subsection 4.10.

Board. The term "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

Code. The term "Code" shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
A  reference  to any  provision  of the  Code  shall  include  reference  to any
successor  provision  of the Code or of any law that is enacted  to replace  the

Eligible  Individual.  The term "Eligible  Individual" shall mean a Non-Employee
Director.  The term  "Non-Employee  Director" means a member of the Board who is
not at the  time of an  Award  also an  employee  of the  Company  or a  Related

Fair Market  Value.  For purposes of  determining  the "Fair Market  Value" of a
share of Stock, the following rules shall apply:

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          (i) If the Stock is at the time  listed or  admitted to trading on any
          stock exchange,  then the Fair Market Value shall be the higher of (a)
          the simple  arithmetic  mean of the lowest  and the  highest  reported
          sales  prices of the Stock on the date in  question  on the  principal
          exchange  on which the Stock is then listed or admitted to trading and
          (b) the closing  price on such  exchange on such date.  If no reported
          sale of Stock takes  place on the date in  question  on the  principal
          exchange,  then the reported  closing asked price of the Stock on such
          date on the principal  exchange shall be  determinative of Fair Market

          (ii) If the Stock is not at the time  listed or admitted to trading on
          a stock exchange,  the Fair Market Value shall be the mean between the
          lowest reported bid price and the highest  reported asked price of the
          Stock on the date in question in the over-the-counter  market, as such
          prices are reported in a publication of general  circulation  selected
          by the Committee and regularly reporting the market price of the Stock
          in such market.

          (iii) If the Stock is not listed or  admitted  to trading on any stock
          exchange  or traded in the  over-the-counter  market,  the Fair Market
          Value shall be as determined by the Committee, acting in good faith.

Related Companies. The term "Related Company" means:

          (i) any corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity during
          any period in which such  corporation,  partnership,  joint venture or
          other  entity owns,  directly or  indirectly,  at least fifty  percent
          (50%)  of the  voting  power of all  classes  of  voting  stock of the
          Company  (or any  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture  or other
          entity which is a successor to the Company);

          (ii) any  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture  or other  entity
          during  any  period  in  which  the  Company   (or  any   corporation,
          partnership, joint venture or other entity which is a successor to the
          Company  or any entity  that is a Related  Company by reason of clause
          (i) next above) owns, directly or indirectly, at least a fifty percent
          (50%) voting or profits interest; or

          (iii) any  business  venture in which the  Company  has a  significant
          interest, as determined at the discretion of the Committee.

Shares.  The term "Shares" shall mean shares of the Common Stock of the Company,
$.01 par value, as presently  constituted,  subject to adjustment as provided in
paragraph 4.2(c) above.

                                    Section 8

     All  obligations of the Company under the Plan with respect to Awards shall
be binding on any  successor  to the  Company,  whether  the  existence  of such
successor is the result of a direct or indirect purchase, merger,  consolidation
or otherwise,  of all or substantially  all of the business and/or assets of the

2008 Directors Equity Compensation Plan                                   Page 9
May 15, 2008