SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION
                                    Washington, D.C.  20549

                                         FORM 10-K
     (Mark One)
        [X]          ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF
                           THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                       For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999
                           THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the transition period from __________ to __________.

   Commission       Registrant; State of Incorporation;   IRS Employer
   File Number      Address; and Telephone Number         Identification Number
   -----------      ----------------------------------    ---------------------

   1-13739          UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION          86-0786732
                    (An Arizona Corporation)
                    220 West Sixth Street
                    Tucson, AZ  85701
                    (520) 571-4000

   1-5924           TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY         86-0062700
                    (An Arizona Corporation)
                    220 West Sixth Street
                    Tucson, AZ  85701
                    (520) 571-4000

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                        Name of Each Exchange
   Registrant                 Title of Each Class       on Which Registered
   ----------                 -------------------       ---------------------
   UniSource Energy           Common Stock, no par      New York Stock
   Corporation                value and Preferred       Exchange
                              Share Purchase Rights     Pacific Stock

   Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  None

    Indicate by check mark whether each registrant (1) has filed all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934  during  the  preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period  that  the
registrant  was required to file such reports), and (2) has been  subject  to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.    Yes   X    No
                                                      -----     -----

   Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained,  to
the  best  of each registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information
statements  incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form  10-K  or  any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [   ]

    The  aggregate market value of UniSource Energy Corporation voting Common
Stock  held by non-affiliates of the registrant was $430,762,120.88 based  on
the last reported sale price thereof on the consolidated tape on February 24,

    At  February 24, 2000, 32,357,718 shares of UniSource Energy  Corporation
Common  Stock,  no  par  value  (the  only  class  of  Common  Stock),   were

    UniSource Energy Corporation is the sole holder of the 32,139,434  shares
of the outstanding Common Stock of Tucson Electric Power Company.

    Documents  incorporated  by reference: Specified  portions  of  UniSource
Energy  Corporation's Proxy Statement relating to the 2000 Annual Meeting  of
Shareholders are incorporated by reference into PART III.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

This  combined  Form 10-K is separately filed by  UniSource  Energy
Corporation   and  Tucson  Electric  Power  Company.    Information
contained  in  this  document relating  to  Tucson  Electric  Power
Company is filed by UniSource Energy Corporation and separately  by
Tucson  Electric Power Company on its own behalf.  Tucson  Electric
Power Company makes no representation as to information relating to
UniSource Energy Corporation or its subsidiaries, except as it  may
relate to Tucson Electric Power Company.

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS


                            - PART I -

Item 1. - Business
 The Company................................................... 1
 Electric Utility Operations
   Peak Demand................................................. 3
   Customers................................................... 3
   Sales for Resale............................................ 4
   Generating and Other Resources
     TEP Generating Resources.................................. 5
     Power Exchange Agreement.................................. 7
     Other Purchases and Interconnections...................... 7
     Future Generating Resources............................... 7
   Rates and Regulation
     General................................................... 8
     ACC Holding Company Order................................. 8
     TEP's Settlement Agreement and Retail Electric
      Competition Rules........................................ 9
     State and Federal Legislation on Retail Competition.......10
     Transmission Access.......................................10
     Other Rate Matters........................................11
   Fuel Supply
     Springerville Coal Handling Facilities....................13
     Natural Gas...............................................13
   Water Supply................................................13
   Environmental Matters.......................................13
 Millennium Energy Businesses..................................14
 TEP's Utility Operating Statistics............................16

Item 2. - Properties...........................................17
Item 3. - Legal Proceedings
 Tax Assessments...............................................18
 Litigation Related to ACC Orders and Retail Competition.......18
Item 4. - Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders..18

                            - PART II -

Item 5. - Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related
          Stockholder Matters..................................19

Item 6. - Selected Consolidated Financial Data
 UniSource Energy..............................................20

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS


Item 7. - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
          Condition and Results of Operations
 Factors Affecting Results of Operations
   Regulatory Matters..........................................24
   Market Risks................................................25
   Impact of the Year 2000 on Computer Systems and
 Results of Operations.........................................27
   Contribution by Business Segment............................27
   Utility Sales and Revenues..................................28
   Other Income (Deductions)...................................30
     Reversal of Loss Provision................................30
     Interest Income...........................................30
     Income (Losses) from Millennium Energy Businesses.........30
   Interest Expense............................................31
   Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax...........................31
   Results of Millennium Energy Businesses.....................32
 Dividends on Common Stock
   UniSource Energy............................................33
 Income Tax Position...........................................34
 Liquidity and Capital Resources
   Cash Flows
     Overview of UniSource Energy Cash Flows and Liquidity.....34
     TEP Cash Flows and Liquidity..............................35
   Investing and Financing Activities
     TEP - Electric Utility
          Capital Expenditures.................................36
          Bond Issuance and Redemption.........................36
          TEP Bank Credit Agreement............................36
          Springerville Common Facilities Leases...............37
          Tax-Exempt Local Furnishing Bonds....................37
          Restrictive Covenants................................38
     Millennium - Unregulated Energy Businesses
          Sale of NewEnergy, Inc...............................39
          Capital Requirements.................................39
     UniSource Energy - Parent Company Financing Activities
          Promissory Note to TEP...............................40
          Investment Plus Plan.................................40
          Restrictions on Proceeds of Equity Issuance..........40
   Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements..................40

Item 7A. - Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about
           Market Risk.........................................41

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

Item 8. - Consolidated Financial Statements and
          Supplementary Data...................................41
 Independent Auditors' Report..................................42
 Report of Independent Accountants.............................43
 UniSource Energy Corporation
   Consolidated Statements of Income...........................44
   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.......................45
   Consolidated Balance Sheets.................................46
   Consolidated Statements of Capitalization...................47
   Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity..48
 Tucson Electric Power Company
   Consolidated Statements of Income...........................49
   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.......................50
   Consolidated Balance Sheets.................................51
   Consolidated Statements of Capitalization...................52
   Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholder's Equity..53
 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
 Note 1. Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant
  Accounting Policies
   Nature of Operations........................................54
   Basis of Presentation.......................................54
   Use of Accounting Estimates.................................55
   TEP Utility Plant...........................................55
   TEP Utility Plant Under Capital Leases......................55
   Long-Term Debt..............................................56
   Utility Operating Revenues..................................56
   Fuel Costs..................................................56
   Income Taxes................................................57
   Emission Allowances.........................................57
   New Accounting Standards....................................57
 Note 2. Regulatory Matters
   November 1999 ACC Approval of Settlement Agreement..........59
   Accounting Implications.....................................60
 Note 3. Segment and Related Information.......................62
 Note 4. Millennium Energy Businesses..........................64
   International Power Projects - Nations Energy Corporation...64
   Energy Marketing - MEH Corporation..........................65
    Photovoltaic Manufacturing - Advanced Energy
    Technologies, Inc..........................................66
 Note 5. TEP's Utility Plant and Jointly-Owned Facilities
   Utility Plant...............................................66
   Jointly-Owned Facilities....................................67
 Note 6. Long-Term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations
   TEP Long-Term Debt..........................................67
     Bonds -- 1999.............................................67
     Sale and Redemption of Bonds - 1998.......................67
   TEP Other Long-Term Debt and Agreements
   First and Second Mortgage...................................68
   Bank Credit Agreement.......................................68
   Capital Lease Obligations...................................68
   Maturities and Sinking Fund Requirements....................69

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

 Note 7. Fair Value of TEP's Financial Instruments.............69
 Note 8 Dividend Limitations...................................70
 Note 9. Commitments and Contingencies
   TEP Commitments - Fuel Purchase.............................70
   TEP Commitments - Environmental Regulation..................71
     Income Tax Assessments....................................71
     Resolution of Contingency - Arizona Sales Tax
 Note 10. Income Taxes.........................................73
 Note 11. Employee Benefits Plans..............................75
   Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans..............75
   Defined Contribution Plans..................................77
   Stock Option Plans..........................................77
 Note 12. Warrants.............................................79
 Note 13. Shareholder Rights Plan..............................79
 Note 14. Supplemental Cash Flow Information...................80
 Note 15. Earnings Per Share (EPS).............................82
 Note 16. Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited).................83

Item 9. - Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
          Accounting and Financial Disclosure..................85

                           - PART III -

Item 10. - Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrants
 Executive Officers............................................85

Item 11. - Executive Compensation..............................87

Item 12. - Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
           and Management
 Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners...............87
 Security Ownership of Management..............................87

Item 13. - Certain Relationships and Related Transactions......88

                            - PART IV -

Item 14. - Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and
           Reports on Form 8-K   ..............................88
 Exhibit Index.................................................93


The abbreviations and acronyms used in the 1999 Form 10-K are
defined below:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

ACC........................   Arizona Corporation Commission.
AET........................   Advanced Energy Technologies, Inc., a
                               wholly-owned subsidiary of Millennium.
Affected Utilities.........   Electric utilities regulated by the ACC,
                               including TEP, Arizona Public Service,
                               Citizens Utilities Company, and several
                               electric cooperatives.
APS........................   Arizona Public Service Company.
BTU........................   British Thermal Unit(s).
CAAA.......................   Federal Clean Air Act Amendments.
Common Stock...............   UniSource Energy's common stock, without par
Company or UniSource Energy   UniSource Energy Corporation.
Credit Agreement...........   Credit Agreement between TEP and the
                               banks, dated as of December 30, 1997.
Emission Allowance(s)......   An EPA issued allowance which permits
                               emission of one ton of sulfur dioxide. Such
                               allowances can be sold.
EPA........................   The Environmental Protection Agency.
FAS 71.....................   Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
                               No. 71: Accounting for the Effects of
                               Certain Types of Regulation.
FAS 101....................   Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
                               No. 101: Regulated Enterprises-Accounting for
                               the Discontinuation of FASB Statement No. 71.
FERC.......................   Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
First Collateral Trust Bonds  Bonds issued under the First Collateral
                               Trust Indenture.
First Collateral Trust
 Indenture.................   The Indenture, dated as of August 1, 1998,
                               of Tucson Electric Power Company to Bank
                               of Montreal Trust Company of the City of
                               New York, as trustee.
First Mortgage Bonds.......   First mortgage bonds issued under the General
                               First Mortgage.
Four Corners...............   Four Corners Generating Station.
GAAP.......................   Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
General First Mortgage.....   The Indenture, dated as of April 1, 1941,
                               of Tucson Gas, Electric Light and Power
                               Company  to The Chase National Bank of the
                               City of New York, as trustee, as supplemented
                               and amended.
General Second Mortgage....   The Indenture, dated as of December 1,
                               1992, of Tucson Electric Power Company to
                               Bank of Montreal Trust Company of the City of
                               New York, as trustee, as supplemented.
Global Solar...............   Global Solar Energy, L.L.C., a corporation
                               which is 50% owned by AET and 50% owned by
Holding Company Act........   The Public Utility Holding Company Act of
                               1935, as amended.
IDBs.......................   Industrial development revenue or pollution
                               control revenue bonds.
ION........................   ION International, Inc. a wholly-owned
                               subsidiary of Millennium.
IRS........................   Internal Revenue Service.
Irvington..................   Irvington Generating Station.
Irvington  Lease...........   The leveraged lease arrangement relating to
                               Irvington Unit 4.
ISO........................   Independent System Operator.
ITC........................   Investment tax credit.
ITN........................   ITN Energy Systems, Inc., an unaffiliated
                               company which owns 50% of Global Solar.
kW.........................   Kilowatt(s).
kWh........................   Kilowatt-hour(s).
kV.........................   Kilovolt(s).
kVA........................   Kilovoltampere(s).
LOC........................   Letter of Credit.
MEH........................   MEH Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary
                               of Millennium.


Millennium.................   Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc., a wholly-
                               owned subsidiary of UniSource Energy.
MSR........................   Modesto, Santa Clara and Redding Public Power
MW.........................   Megawatt(s).
MWh........................   Megawatt-hour(s).
Nations Energy.............   Nations Energy Corporation, a wholly-owned
                               subsidiary of Millennium.
Navajo.....................   Navajo Generating Station.
NewEnergy..................   NewEnergy, Inc., formerly New Energy
                               Ventures, Inc., a company in which a 50%
                               interest was owned by MEH.
NOL........................   Net Operating Loss carryforward for income tax
NTUA.......................   Navajo Tribal Utility Authority.
PNM........................   Public Service Company of New Mexico.
Rate Settlement............   TEP's Rate Settlement agreement approved
                               by the ACC in August 1998, which provides
                               retail base price decreases over a two-year
Revolving Credit...........   $100 million revolving credit facility
                               entered into under the Credit Agreement
                               between a syndicate of banks and TEP.
RTO........................   Regional Transmission Organization.
Rules......................   Retail Electric Competition Rules.
San Carlos.................   San Carlos Resources Inc., a wholly-owned
                               subsidiary of TEP.
San Juan                      San Juan Generating Station.
Second Mortgage Bonds......   TEP's second mortgage bonds issued under the
                               General Second Mortgage.
SES........................   Southwest Energy Solutions, Inc., a wholly-
                               owned subsidiary of Millennium.
Settlement Agreement.......   TEP's Settlement Agreement approved by the
                               ACC in November 1999 provided for electric
                               retail competition and transition recovery
                               asset recovery.
Springerville..............   Springerville Generating Station.
Springerville Coal Handling
Facilities Leases..........   Leveraged lease arrangements relating to
                               the coal handling facilities serving
Springerville Common
  Facilities...............   Facilities at Springerville used in common
                               with Springerville Unit 1 and Springerville
                               Unit 2.
Springerville Common
  Facilities Leases........   Leveraged lease arrangements relating to
                               an undivided one-half interest in certain
                               Springerville Common Facilities.
Springerville Unit 1.......   Unit 1 of the Springerville Generating
Springerville Unit 1 Leases   Leveraged lease arrangement relating
                               to Springerville Unit 1 and an undivided one-
                               half interest in certain Springerville Common
Springerville Unit 2.......   Unit 2 of the Springerville Generating
SRP........................   Salt  River Project Agricultural Improvement
                               and Power District.
TEP........................   Tucson  Electric Power Company, the
                               principal subsidiary of UniSource Energy.
TEP Warrants...............   Warrants for the purchase of TEP  Common
                               Stock which were issued in 1992.
UniSource Energy...........   UniSource Energy Corporation.
UniSource Energy Warrants..   Warrants for the purchase of UniSource
                               Energy Common Stock which were issued in
                               exchange for TEP Warrants, pursuant to an
                               exchange offer which expired October 23,
WSCC.......................   Western Systems Coordinating Council.

                               PART I

     This  Annual  Report  on  Form 10-K  contains  forward-looking
statements  as  defined by the Private Securities Litigation  Reform
Act of  1995.  You should read forward-looking statements with  the
cautionary statements and important factors included in this Form 10-
K.  (See Item 7. - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations, Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking
Statements.)    Forward-looking   statements   include    statements
concerning  plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future  events  or
performance and underlying assumptions.  Forward-looking  statements
are  not statements of historical facts.  Forward-looking statements
may  be  identified  by  the  use of words  such  as  "anticipates,"
"estimates,"   "expects,"   "intends,"  "plans,"   "predicts,"   and
"projects."  We express our expectations, beliefs and projections in
good faith and believe them to have a reasonable basis.  However, we
cannot  assure  you that these expectations, beliefs or  projections
will be achieved or realized.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------

Overview of Consolidated Business
- ---------------------------------

     UniSource Energy Corporation (UniSource Energy) is  a  holding
company  which  owns all of the outstanding common stock  of  Tucson
Electric  Power  Company (TEP) and Millennium Energy Holdings,  Inc.
(Millennium).   UniSource Energy was incorporated in  the  State  of
Arizona on March 8, 1995 and obtained regulatory approval to form  a
holding  company  in November 1997.  On January  1,  1998,  TEP  and
UniSource  Energy completed a transaction by which  all  outstanding
shares  of  TEP  common stock were exchanged, on  a  share-for-share
basis,  for shares of UniSource Energy common stock.  Following  the
share   exchange,  TEP  transferred  the  stock  of  its  subsidiary
Millennium  (formerly  MEH  Corporation)  to  UniSource  Energy   in
exchange for a $95 million promissory note.  (See Note 1 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements).

     TEP  was incorporated in the State of Arizona on December  16,
1963.  TEP is the successor by merger as of February 20, 1964, to  a
Colorado corporation which was incorporated on January 25, 1902.

     We  conduct  our business in two primary business segments-the
Electric Utility Segment (TEP), and the Millennium Energy Businesses
Segment   comprised  of  the  unregulated  subsidiaries   owned   by

Overview of Electric Utility
- ----------------------------

     TEP is a vertically integrated utility which provides regulated
electric  service  to over 330,000 retail customers  in  its  retail
service  territory.   This service territory  consists  of  a  1,155
square  mile  area  of  Southeastern Arizona with  a  population  of
approximately  840,000 in the greater Tucson  metropolitan  area  in
Pima  County,  as  well as parts of Cochise  County.   TEP  holds  a
franchise  to provide electric service to customers in the  City  of
Tucson.   This  franchise expires in 2001.   TEP  is  negotiating  a
renewal  of  the  franchise.  However, expiration of  the  franchise
would  not  have a material effect on the ability of  TEP  to  serve
customers in the City of Tucson.  (See Customers, Franchise  below).
TEP   also  engages  in  the  wholesale  marketing  of  electricity,
primarily in the Western U. S.

     Beginning in 2000, the Arizona Corporation Commission's  (ACC)
Retail  Electric Competition Rules (Rules) require TEP  to  unbundle
its  retail electric services into separate generation, transmission
and   distribution  services  with  open  retail   competition   for
generation services.  Pursuant to the Rules, TEP will serve  as  the
local  distribution company providing electric distribution services
to  all  retail customers in its service territory and will  be  the
integrated electric service supplier to customers who cannot  or  do
not choose an alternate electric generation supplier.  See Rates and
Regulation  and Competition, Retail below for additional information
on the implementation of deregulation.

     The  ACC  approved  TEP's Settlement  Agreement  with  certain
customer  groups relating to recovery of transition recovery  assets
and  unbundling  of  tariffs  in  November  1999.   This  Settlement
Agreement  provides  the  framework  for  transition  to   a   fully
competitive  generation market.  In November 1999, TEP  discontinued
the use of regulatory accounting in its financial statements for its
electric generation activities.  In connection with this change, TEP
recognized  $23  million in after-tax extraordinary  net  income  in
1999.   It  also reclassified certain assets as transition  recovery
assets  and  changed  the  method  by  which  certain  expenses  are
recognized.    See  Note  2  of  Notes  to  Consolidated   Financial
Statements,  Regulatory  Matters  and  Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis  of  Financial  Condition and  Results  of  Operations  for
additional information.

     TEP  owns all of the outstanding stock of San Carlos Resources
Inc. (San Carlos), which owns Springerville Unit 2.

     We  describe  our  electric utility business  further  in  the
Electric  Utility  Operations and TEP Utility  Operating  Statistics

Overview of Millennium Energy Businesses
- ----------------------------------------

     Millennium owns 100% of the common stock of five subsidiaries.
We  established  these  subsidiaries to pursue  various  unregulated
energy-related investment opportunities:

     (i)  Advanced Energy Technologies, Inc. (AET) which holds a 50%
          interest in Global Solar Energy, L.L.C. (Global Solar),  a
          manufacturer of thin-film photovoltaic cells.  In November 1999,
          Millennium and ITN Energy Systems, Inc. (ITN), the other 50% owner,
          entered into an agreement in which Millennium's share of Global
          Solar will increase to 67%.  See Note 4 of Notes to Consolidated
          Financial Statements, Millennium Energy Businesses.
    (ii)  ION  International, Inc. (ION) which intends to  provide
          technology applications to commerce, health care and industry
          organizations to help them more efficiently manage their energy
   (iii)  MEH Corporation (MEH) which held a 50% interest in NewEnergy,
          Inc.  Our interest in NewEnergy, a provider of various services
          including the purchase and aggregation of electricity on behalf of
          retail purchasers of electric energy, was sold in 1999.  MEH now
          holds secured notes from NewEnergy in the aggregate amount of $23
    (iv)  Nations Energy Corporation (Nations Energy) which develops
          independent power projects.
     (v)  Southwest Energy Solutions, Inc. (SES) which provides energy
          support services to electric consumers.

     We describe Millennium's unregulated energy businesses in more
detail in the Millennium Energy Businesses  section.

Competition and Response to Regulatory Change
- ---------------------------------------------

     The  electric  utility  industry  is  undergoing  significant
regulatory change designed to encourage competition in the  sale  of
electric  generation  services.  We believe  that  TEP's  Settlement
Agreement resolves a significant amount of uncertainty and  provides
TEP  with  the opportunity to recover 100 percent of its  transition
recovery  assets.  We continually evaluate our position  to  develop
strategies  to remain competitive in this changing environment.   In
November  1998, TEP realigned its utility business into two separate
business   units:   (1)   generation   and  (2)   transmission   and
distribution,  and in January 1999, we formed a third business  unit
which  provides  administrative services  to  the  utility  business
units.  By the terms of its Settlement Agreement, TEP is required to
transfer its generation and competitive electric service assets to a
separate TEP subsidiary by December 31, 2002.  In addition,  we  may
pursue  other strategies in the future which include one or more  of
the following:

   --  creation  of separate affiliates for our  transmission  and
       distribution businesses,
   --  sale of generation assets,
   --  acquisition of transmission assets, and
   --  investments by unaffiliated parties in, or sales of portions of,
       Millennium's unregulated energy businesses.

     We  cannot  predict  whether any  transactions  of  the  types
described  above may actually occur, nor can we predict  what  their
effect on our financial condition or competitive position might  be.
We  discuss  competition in our electric utility  business  in  more
detail  in  Rates  and  Regulation and in  Item  7.  -  Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis  of Financial  Condition  and  Results  of
Operations, Competition.

- ---------------------------


                                     1999    1998    1997    1996    1995
                                     ----    ----    ----    ----    ----
Peak Demand                                         - MW -

Retail Customers-Net One Hour       1,754   1,786   1,659   1,619   1,617
Firm Sales to Other Utilities         178     179     177     177     223
                                    -----   -----   -----   -----   -----
  Non-Coincident Peak Demand (A)    1,932   1,965   1,836   1,796   1,840

Total Generating Resources          1,904   1,896   1,992   1,952   1,952
Other Resources                       235     235     235     133     133
                                    -----   -----   -----   -----   -----
  Total TEP Resources (B)           2,139   2,131   2,227   2,085   2,085

Total Reserves (B) - (A)              207     166     391     289     245
Reserve Margin (% of Non-Coincident
Peak Demand)                          11%      8%     21%     16%     13%

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The peak demand for TEP's retail service area occurs during the
summer  months  due  to  the  cooling  requirements  of  our  retail
customers.   TEP's local peak demand has grown at an average  annual
rate of about 2.0% during the past five years.  The peak demand  for
firm sales to other utilities generally does not coincide with TEP's
retail peak demand.

     The chart above shows the relationship over a five-year period
between TEP's peak demand and its energy resources.  In addition  to
TEP's  generating resources, total resources include  firm  capacity
purchases  and  interruptible retail load.  TEP's reserves  are  the
difference between energy resources and peak demand, and the reserve
margin  is  the  ratio  of reserves to peak  demand.   For  planning
purposes,  TEP   monitors  its reserve  margin  in  accordance  with
guidelines  set by the WSCC equal to its largest single hazard  plus
5%  of  its  non-coincident peak demand.  For  1999,  this  planning
reserve  margin equaled 302 MW or 16% of non-coincident peak demand.
TEP's  actual reserve margin in 1999 was 11%, compared  with  8%  in
1998.   The  higher actual reserve margin in 1999  resulted  from  a
reduction in the peak demand.  TEP purchased additional firm  energy
as  needed  to  ensure  it  had adequate operating  reserve  margins
throughout the year in accordance with the operating requirements of
the Southwest Reserve Sharing Group.

     TEP  expects  to  meet near-term demand growth  with  existing
resources,  purchases,  and  additional resources  as  discussed  in
Future Generating Resources below.  See TEP Generating Resources for
information regarding our need for new resources.


     The average number of TEP's retail customers increased by 2.8%
in   1999  to  329,779.   TEP  expects  the  number  of  its  retail
distribution customers, and the amount of energy consumed  by  those
customers,  each to grow at an average annual rate of  approximately
2.0% through 2004.  Retail peak demand in TEP's service territory is
expected  to grow by about 2.5% annually over the same period.   TEP
expects  energy consumed by its residential, commercial,  non-mining
industrial and mining customers to comprise approximately 36%,  18%,
28%  and 15%, respectively, of total energy consumption during  that

     TEP  uses  population  and  demographic  studies  prepared  by
unrelated  third  parties to forecast the growth in  the  number  of
customers,  peak demand and retail sales.  TEP also uses assumptions
about  the  weather,  the economy and competitive  conditions.   The
forecasts do not take into account the source or price of energy.

     Certain  of  TEP's  retail customers are  eligible  to  choose
alternative  energy providers.  See TEP's Settlement  Agreement  and
Retail  Electric  Competition  Rules  for  a  discussion  of   these
customers and the competition phase-in period.  Even though some  of
TEP's  retail  customers  may  choose other  energy  suppliers,  the
forecasted growth rates in the number of customers referred to above
would continue to apply to TEP's distribution business.


     TEP holds a franchise to provide electric service to customers
in  the City of Tucson.  This franchise expires in 2001.  Under  the
franchise, TEP pays to the city 2% of revenues derived from  service
provided within the city limits.  This payment is passed through  to
customers as a line item on the customer's bill.  TEP is negotiating
a  renewal  of  the  franchise with the City of  Tucson.   Any  such
renewal will have to be approved by vote of the population of Tucson
in  a general or special election.  If the franchise expires and TEP
is  unable to negotiate a renewal, we do not believe it will have  a
material  adverse  impact on the ability of TEP to provide  electric
service within the City of Tucson.

     Sales to Large Industrial Customers

     TEP provides electric utility service to a diversified group of
commercial,   industrial,  and  public  sector   customers.    Major
industries  served  include  copper mining,  defense,  health  care,
education  and  governmental entities.  Two of TEP's largest  retail
customers  are  in the copper mining industry.  In  1999,  sales  to
these  customers  totaled  about 15% of TEP's  total  retail  energy
sales,  and  their contract demands totaled almost 11% of  the  1999
retail  peak  demand.   Revenues  from  sales  to  mining  customers
accounted for approximately 8% of TEP's retail revenues in 1999  and
in  1998.  Sales to mining customers depend on a variety of  factors
including  changes in supply and demand factors in the world  copper
market  and the economics of self-generation.  During 1998  and  the
first  half of 1999, market prices for copper were very low compared
to  historical prices.  During the second half of 1999 market prices
for  copper  increased but still remained low compared to historical
prices.  As a result of low prices for copper, our mining  customers
have  curtailed  operations to reduce costs of electricity.   Should
copper prices return to or fall below the low price levels of  1999,
TEP  may experience lower sales to, and lower revenues from,  mining
customers.  Both of these mining customers merged with other  copper
companies  in 1999.  We cannot predict the effect these mergers  may
have on our mining customers' operations.

     TEP  has contracts with its two principal mining customers  to
provide  them electric power at specified non-tariffed rates.  These
contracts  expire  between  2003 and 2006.   However,  with  advance
notice  to TEP, the mines can cancel all or part of their contracts.
To  date,  TEP  has  not received any termination notices.   Whether
these contracts are extended or terminated will depend, in part,  on
market conditions and available alternatives.


     TEP's  electric  utility  operations  include  the  wholesale
marketing  of  electricity to other utilities and  power  marketers.
These transactions, termed sales for resale, are made on both a firm
basis  and  an  interruptible  basis.   A  firm  basis  means   that
contractually,  TEP  must  supply the power  (except  under  limited
emergency  circumstances), while an interruptible basis  means  that
TEP may stop supplying power under various circumstances.  See Other
Purchases and Interconnections.

     TEP's  sales  for resale consist primarily of three  types  of
sales,   which   are  listed  below,  along  with   the   percentage
contribution to total revenues from sales for resale in 1999:

    --  sales of firm capacity under long-term contracts (26%);
    --  forward contracts to sell energy for periods of up to one year
       (36%); and
    --  sales in the hourly and daily markets (35%).

KWh  sales  for resale increased by 16% in 1999 while revenues  from
these  sales grew by 20%.  This increase in  sales and revenues  was
mainly due to increased trading activity in the forward markets  and
higher market prices in the wholesale energy markets.  See Item 7. -
Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
Results  of  Operations, Market Risks, for  a  discussion  of  TEP's
wholesale marketing activities.

     TEP currently has long-term contracts to sell firm capacity as

Company                      Demand MW           Contract Term
- -------                      ---------           -------------
Salt River Project              100               June 1, 1991 - May 31, 2011
NTUA                           40/50 (1)          June 1, 1999 - December 31, 2009

- ---------------
(1)  TEP will provide 40 MW of firm power in the summer months (May -
     September)50 MW of firm power in the winter months (October - April).

     TEP cannot predict whether the contracts described above will be
replaced when terminated or extended in the future.

     We  expect  strong competition to sell capacity  and  energy  to
continue during the next few years due to:

 --  surplus  generating capacity in the Southwestern United  States
     during non-summer months;
 --  restructuring  of  the  electric utility industry  in  Arizona,
     California and other western states;
 --  an active spot market in the Western United States.

See  Item  7.  - Management's Discussion and Analysis  of  Financial
Condition and Results of Operations, Competition, Wholesale.



     At  December  31, 1999, TEP owned or leased 1,904  MW  of  net
generating capability as set forth in the following table:

                                                                    Net               TEP's  Share
                      Unit                   Fuel      Owned/  Capability  Operating
Generating Source     No.   Location         Type      Leased      MW        Agent    %      MW
- -----------------     ----  --------         ----      ------  ----------  ---------  ------------
Springerville Station   1   Springerville, AZ  Coal     Leased     380        TEP     100.0   380

Springerville Station   2   Springerville, AZ  Coal     Owned      380        TEP     100.0   380

San Juan Station        1   Farmington, NM     Coal     Owned      327        PNM      50.0   164

San Juan Station        2   Farmington, NM     Coal     Owned      316        PNM      50.0   158

Navajo Station          1   Page, AZ           Coal     Owned      750        SRP       7.5    56

Navajo Station          2   Page, AZ           Coal     Owned      750        SRP       7.5    56

Navajo Station          3   Page, AZ           Coal     Owned      750        SRP       7.5    56

Four Corners Station    4   Farmington, NM     Coal     Owned      784        APS       7.0    55

Four Corners Station    5   Farmington, NM     Coal     Owned      784        APS       7.0    55

Irvington Station       1   Tucson, AZ         Gas/Oil  Owned       81        TEP     100.0    81

Irvington Station       2   Tucson, AZ         Gas/Oil  Owned       81        TEP     100.0    81

Irvington Station       3   Tucson, AZ         Gas/Oil  Owned      104        TEP     100.0   104

Irvington Station       4   Tucson, AZ         Coal/Gas Leased     156        TEP     100.0   156

Internal Combustion         Tucson, AZ         Gas/Oil  Owned      122        TEP     100.0   122
 Turbines                                                                                   -----
   Total Company Capacity (1)                                                               1,904
- ---------------
(1)  Excludes  235  MW  of  additional resources,  which  consists  of
     certain  capacity purchases and interruptible  retail  load.   At
     December  31, 1999, total owned capacity was 1,368 MW and  leased
     capacity was 536 MW.

     TEP  is  the  operator  of  the  Springerville  and  Irvington
Generating Stations, which are wholly-owned or leased by  TEP.   TEP
has  ownership  interests in the San Juan, Navajo and  Four  Corners
Generating Stations, which are operated by others.  As a  result  of
pollution  control  capital  improvements,  on  May  1,   1999   the
generation capability increased by 11 MW to 327 MW at San Juan  Unit
1  and  by  4 MW to 316 MW at San Juan Unit 2.  TEP's net generating
capability  increased  by 7.5 MW as a result of  our  50%  ownership
interest in these units.  We provide additional information below on
those  units operated by TEP, including details on the capital lease
obligations   for   Springerville  Unit  1,   Springerville   Common
Facilities, and Irvington Unit 4.

     Under terms of its Settlement Agreement, TEP will transfer its
generation  and  other competitive assets to  a  TEP  subsidiary  by
December 31, 2002.

     During the fourth quarter 1999, TEP's Settlement Agreement with
the ACC resulted in the discontinuation of regulatory accounting for
its  generation  operations under FAS 71.  We now  account  for  our
generation operation as would an unregulated company.   As a result,
certain  financial  statement line items related  to  capital  lease
assets and obligations have changed.

     Springerville Station

     The  Springerville  Station,  located  in  northeast  Arizona,
consists  of  two  coal-fired  units.  Springerville  Unit  1  began
commercial  operation  in 1985 and is leased and  operated  by  TEP.
Springerville Unit 2 started commercial operation in June  1990  and
is  owned by San Carlos and operated by TEP.  These units are  rated
at  380 MW for continuous operation, but may be operated for  up  to
eight hours at a net capacity of 400 MW each.

     The  initial  terms of the Springerville Unit 1 Leases,  which
includes  a  50%  interest in the Springerville  Common  Facilities,
expire on January 1, 2015.  At the end of the initial terms, TEP may
exercise fair market value purchase and renewal options. The  annual
cash cost of lease payments for the Springerville Unit 1 Leases will
range from $33 million to $176 million, averaging approximately  $81

     In  December 1985, TEP sold and leased back a 50% interest  in
the Springerville Common Facilities.  The initial lease term for the
Springerville Common Facilities Leases expires in 2017 for one owner
participant  and 2021 for the other two owner participants,  subject
to  optional fair market value renewal and purchase options.  Annual
lease  payments under these leases vary with changes in the interest
rate on the underlying debt.  These lease payments totaled about $10
million  in  1999 and $12 million per year in 1998  and  1997.   The
secured  notes underlying these leases were refinanced  in  December
1999  to  avoid a special event of loss (see Investing and Financing
Activities). As a result of refinancing at a higher rate of interest,
we recorded an additional  $26 million of capital lease  obligations
and capital lease assets. Based on an assumed interest rate of 8.5%,
annual lease payments will range from $7 million to $20 million  and
average approximately $12 million.

     See  Fuel Supply, Springerville Coal Handling Facilities,  for
information  regarding  the Springerville Coal  Handling  Facilities


     Irvington is a four-unit generating station located in Tucson,
AZ.   Units  1, 2, and 3 are gas or oil burning units.   In  January
1988, TEP began coal-fired commercial operation of Irvington Unit 4.
The unit was initially sold and then leased back under the Irvington
Lease. Annual lease payments range from approximately $11 million to
$14  million and average about $13 million.  The initial lease  term
expires  in  2011,  but  the lease has optional  fair  market  value
renewal and purchase provisions.

     Irvington  Unit 4 (156 MW capability) has the  flexibility  to
operate  on coal or gas.  Coal has been the primary fuel and natural
gas  the  secondary  fuel.  In 1999 this unit  began  burning  small
amounts of land fill gas.

     The  Irvington  Station,  along with the  internal  combustion
turbines  located in Tucson, are designated as "must-run generation"
facilities.  Must-run generating units are those which are  required
to  run  in  certain circumstances in order to maintain distribution
system reliability and meet load requirements.


     As  part  of  a 1992 litigation settlement, TEP  and  Southern
California  Edison  (SCE)  agreed  to  a  ten-year  power   exchange
agreement.   The  agreement began in May 1995 and  requires  SCE  to
provide  firm system capacity of 110 MW to TEP during summer months.
TEP  pays  an annual charge of approximately $1 million,  increasing
annually  after  the  year 2000, to a maximum  of  approximately  $2
million  annually for this agreement.  TEP is entitled  to  schedule
firm  energy  deliveries  from SCE during  the  summer  (May  15  to
September  15)  of up to 36,300 MWh per month, and is  obligated  to
return  to  SCE on an interruptible basis the same amount of  energy
the following winter season (November 1 to February 28).  The energy
provided under the exchange is expensed based on the estimated  cost
of  interruptible energy to be provided to SCE.  Under this exchange
agreement,  TEP received 119,525 MWh from SCE in 1999, and  returned
93,462 MWh to SCE as of December 31, 1999.


     TEP participates in a number of interchange agreements by which
it  can  purchase  additional electric energy from other  utilities.
The  amount  of  energy  purchased from other  utilities  and  power
marketers varies substantially from time to time depending on demand
for  energy,  cost of purchased energy compared with TEP's  cost  of
generating energy, and the availability of such energy. TEP may also
sell its surplus electric energy through these agreements.  See also
Item   7.  -  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial
Condition and Results of Operations, Market Risks.

     TEP has transmission access and power transaction arrangements
with   over  180  electric  systems  or  suppliers,  including   the
California  Power  Exchange.   TEP is  a  member  of  the  following

- --Southwest  Reserve Sharing Group - A group of utilities  serving
  customers in portions of the southwestern United States.  The group
  provides emergency assistance and reserve sharing among members to
  enhance system reliability in the Southwest region;
- --Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) - A group of western
  electric systems and suppliers working cooperatively to assure the
  reliability   of   the  region's  interconnected  generation   and
  transmission systems; and
- --Western  Systems  Power  Pool  -  A  voluntary  power   pooling
  arrangement  designed to achieve more efficient  use  of  electric
  generation and transmission facilities among its members.

     See Rates and Regulation, Transmission Access for a discussion
of possible changes in transmission issues.


     In  the  past,  TEP  assessed its need for  future  generating
resources based on the premise of a continued regulatory requirement
to  serve  customers  in TEP's retail service  area.   However,  the
obligation to provide generation services to all customers has  been
modified by the ACC's electric competition rules.  Further, the need
for  future  resources  will be affected by these  rules  and  TEP's
ability   to  retain  and  attract  customers.   Under  the   Retail
Competition  Rules  as adopted, some of TEP's retail  customers  are
eligible   to  choose  alternative  energy  providers.   For   those
customers  who  do not or cannot choose other energy providers,  TEP
remains  obligated to supply energy.  However, TEP is not  obligated
to  supply this energy from TEP-owned generating assets.  The energy
may  be  acquired  from  other  sources  through  purchases  in  the
wholesale  markets.   See  Rates  and Regulation,  TEP's  Settlement
Agreement and Retail Electric Competition Rules below and Item 7.  -
Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
Results of Operations, Competition.

     To  improve  local system reliability TEP believes  additional
peaking  resources are needed in Tucson by 2001.   To  address  this
need, in the third quarter of 1999, TEP entered into an agreement to
purchase  a 75 MW gas turbine.  This peaking unit will be designated
as  a  must-run generation facility. We expect this unit will be  in
operation by the third quarter of 2001.

- --------------------


     TEP  is  regulated  by  the FERC and by  the  ACC.   The  FERC
regulates the terms and prices of TEP's sales to other utilities and
resellers.   The  ACC has authority over certain  rates  charged  to
retail  customers, accounting classifications, and the  issuance  of
securities.   The  ACC  also  has  authority  to  approve  affiliate
transactions   and  the  establishment  of  holding  companies   and
subsidiaries under its Affiliated Interest Rules.

     The  ACC consists of three commissioners, each serving a  six-
year  term.   One of the three is elected at each general  election.
Commissioners cannot serve consecutive terms and can be  elected  to
another  term only after the passing of six years after the  end  of
their  previous  term  as commissioners.  The present  commissioners

    -- Carl J. Kunasek (Republican), Chairman, began his term in 1995.
       His term expires in 2001.
    -- Jim  Irvin (Republican) started his term in 1997.  His term
       expires in 2003.
    -- William A. Mundell (Republican) started his term in 1999.  Since
       he was appointed by the governor his term expires in 2001.  Mr.
       Mundell may stand for election for the remaining four years of the
       original six-year term at the expiration of his current term.

     Historically,  the ACC has determined TEP's rates  for  retail
sales  of  electric energy on a "cost of service" basis,  which  was
designed to provide, after recovery of allowable operating expenses,
an  opportunity to earn a reasonable rate of return on  "fair  value
rate  base".   Fair  value  rate base was  generally  determined  by
reference  to the original cost and the reproduction cost  (in  each
case, net of depreciation) of utility plant in service to the extent
deemed  used  and  useful, and to various adjustments  for  deferred
taxes and other items, plus a working capital component.  Over time,
rate base was increased by additions to utility plant in service and
reduced by depreciation and retirements of utility plant.

     With  the introduction of retail electric competition in TEP's
service  territory in 2000, the Rules and TEP's Settlement Agreement
require the unbundling of electric services, with separate rates for
generation,  transmission, distribution,  metering,  meter  reading,
billing and collection, and ancillary services.  Generation services
at  market prices may be provided by Energy Service Providers (ESPs)
licensed  by  the ACC.  Transmission and distribution services  will
remain  subject to regulation on a cost of service basis.   However,
certain  conditions must be met before competitive electricity  will
be  sold  in TEP's service territory, such as ACC approval of  TEP's
direct  access  tariffs,  certification  of  ESPs  by  the  ACC  and
execution of direct access service agreements by ESPs and TEP.

     The  FERC regulates TEP's rates for wholesale power sales  and
transmission services.  In general, these rates may not exceed rates
determined on a cost of service basis.  In the fall of 1997, TEP was
granted  a  tariff  to  sell at market based rates.   The  FERC  has
historically set rates in formal rate application proceedings.  With
respect  to  new  wholesale power sales, TEP's wholesale  rates  are
generally  substantially below rates determined on a fully allocated
cost of service basis, but, in all instances, rates exceed the level
necessary to recover fuel and other variable costs.


     In  November  1997,  the ACC allowed TEP  to  form  a  holding
company.   The ACC order approving the holding company  contained  a
number  of  conditions  which  impact the  activities  of  UniSource
Energy,  TEP,  and TEP's "sister companies" (i.e.,  other  companies
owned  by  UniSource  Energy  or its  affiliates).   Some  of  these
conditions were waived or modified by the Settlement Agreement.  Key
conditions, as modified include:

    -- UniSource Energy and its subsidiaries will only conduct business
       activities that are part of the electric energy business (as
       defined in the order).
    -- During its first five years of operations, UniSource Energy must
       provide to TEP 30% of the proceeds of any public equity issuance by
       UniSource Energy.  TEP will use the proceeds to reduce debt or add
       to its equity accounts.
    -- TEP may not pay dividends to UniSource Energy in excess of 75% of
       its earnings until TEP's equity ratio equals 37.5% of total capital
       (excluding capital lease obligations).


     In  December  1996,  the ACC adopted  Rules  that  provided  a
framework  for  the introduction of retail electric  competition  in
Arizona.  The Rules, as well as other ACC orders, contain references
to  the  "Affected  Utilities".  These are the utilities,  including
TEP,  which  are regulated by the ACC.  These Rules, as amended  and
modified, were approved by the ACC in September 1999.

     In  November  1999, the ACC approved the Settlement  Agreement
that  was  entered  into  between TEP and  certain  customer  groups
relating  to  recovery  of  TEP's  transition  recovery  assets  and
unbundling  of  tariffs.   For TEP, the Rules  became  effective  in
January  2000,  60 days after the effective date of  the  Settlement
Agreement.   However,  certain  conditions  must   be   met   before
competitive  electricity  will be sold in TEP's  service  territory,
such  as  ACC approval of TEP's direct access tariffs, certification
of ESPs by the ACC and execution of direct access service agreements
by ESPs and TEP.

     The  major provisions of the Settlement Agreement, as approved,

- --Consumer  choice for energy supply beginning  in  2000  will  be
  phased  in  as  required  by the ACC's retail  competition  rules.
  Initially, 377 megawatts of load, representing over 20 percent  of
  TEP's  retail  customers, will be eligible to  choose  competitive
  energy suppliers.  Customers initially eligible for choice include:

 --  Large customers whose average usage/load is 1 megawatt (MW)  or
     above, such as mines, refineries, factories and resorts;
 --  Smaller  commercial customers that can aggregate  with  similar
     sized entities to reach a total load of one MW also are eligible.
     Examples include convenience stores, small fast-food restaurants and
     large retail stores; and
 --  A percentage of TEP's residential customers.  Every three months,
     an additional one and one-quarter percent of residential customers
     will have the opportunity to choose.

     By  January 1, 2001, consumer choice will be available  to  all
   customers.  Under the ACC's electric competition rules, TEP  will
   be  required  to provide energy to any distribution customer  who
   does not choose another energy service provider.

- --In accordance with the Rate Settlement Agreement approved by the
  ACC in 1998, TEP decreased rates to retail customers by 1.1% on July
  1, 1998, 1% on July 1, 1999 and will decrease rates an additional 1%
  on  July  1, 2000.  These reductions apply to all retail customers
  except  for  certain  customers that have negotiated  non-standard
  rates.   The  Settlement approved in November 1999 provides  that,
  after  these  reductions, TEP's retail rates will be frozen  until
  December  31, 2008, except under certain circumstances.  TEP  will
  recover the costs of transmission and distribution under regulated
  unbundled rates.

- --TEP's frozen rates will include two Competition Transition Charge
  (CTC)  components  which are designated for the  recovery  of  its
  transition recovery assets.

 --  A Fixed CTC component will equal a fixed charge per kilowatt-hour
     sold.  It will terminate when $450 million has been recovered, or on
     December 31, 2008, whichever occurs first.  When the Fixed  CTC
     terminates, TEP's  retail rates will decrease by the Fixed  CTC

 --  A  Floating  CTC component will equal the amount of the  frozen
     retail  rate less the estimated market price of retail electric
     service.  The estimated market price of retail electric service will
     include TEP's transmission and distribution charge and an energy
     component based on the Palo Verde Futures Index for electric energy.
     Because TEP's total retail rate will be frozen, the Floating CTC is
     expected to allow TEP to recoup the balance of transition recovery
     assets not otherwise recovered through the Fixed CTC.  The Floating
     CTC will terminate no later than December 31, 2008.

- -- By June 1, 2004, TEP will be required to file a general rate case
   including  an  updated cost-of-service study.   Any  rate  change
   resulting from this rate case would be effective no sooner than June
   1, 2005 and would not result in a net rate increase.

- -- By  December 31, 2002, TEP will transfer its generation and other
   competitive  assets to a subsidiary of TEP.  TEP,  as  a  utility
   distribution company (UDC), will acquire energy in the  wholesale
   market  for  its  retail customer energy requirements  through  a
   competitive bidding process.  TEP's generation subsidiary will sell
   energy into the wholesale market.

- -- TEP  will  dismiss all pending litigation brought by TEP  against
   the ACC once the ACC order approving the Settlement Agreement is no
   longer subject to appeal.

     Approval of the Settlement Agreement caused TEP to discontinue
regulatory accounting for its generation operations using FAS 71  in
November  1999.   See  Note  2  of Notes to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements, Regulatory Matters.

     A  consumer group has filed a lawsuit challenging  the  ACC's
order  approving TEP's Settlement Agreement and also filed an appeal
of the competition rules.  The consumer group contends that allowing
marketplace  competition  to  determine  rates  violates  the  ACC's
constitutional duty to set rates.  We cannot predict the outcome  of
these actions.

See  Item  7.  - Management's Discussion and Analysis  of  Financial
Condition  and  Results of Operations, Tax Exempt  Local  Furnishing
Bonds  for  a  discussion of the possible effect of the transfer  of
TEP's  generating  assets,  referred  to  above,  on  TEP's  capital
structure and refinancing requirements.


     In May 1999 the Arizona State Legislature approved legislation
regulating   retail   electric  competition  for    public   service
corporations.  The Governor vetoed the legislation.  We  expect  the
Arizona  Legislature  will propose new retail  electric  competition
legislation in the 2000 legislative session.

     Additionally,  federal legislators introduced  several  retail
competition  initiatives in Congress which, if passed, could  modify
the  actions taken by the ACC or the Arizona Legislature.   Congress
has  yet  to enact any legislation at this time.  We are  unable  to
predict  when  Congress  will act or the  ultimate  impact  of  such
federal legislative initiatives.


     In  April  1996,  the  FERC  issued two  orders  pertaining  to
wholesale  transmission access.  FERC Order  No.  888  requires  all
public   utilities   that  own,  control,  or   operate   interstate
transmission  facilities  to offer transmission  service  to  others
under a single tariff.  This tariff must incorporate certain minimum
terms and conditions of transmission service established by the FERC
and  must  also be used by public utilities for their own  wholesale
market  transactions.  Transmission and generation services for  new
wholesale  service are to be unbundled and priced separately.   FERC
Order  No.  889 requires transmission service providers to establish
or  participate  in  an  Open  Access Same-time  Information  System
(OASIS)   that   provides  information  on   the   availability   of
transmission capacity to wholesale market participants.   The  order
also  establishes  standards of conduct to prevent  employees  of  a
public   utility  engaged  in  marketing  functions  from  obtaining
preferential access to OASIS-related information or from engaging in
discriminatory  business practices.  TEP is in compliance  with  the
requirements of FERC Orders 888 and 889.

     In  December 1999, the FERC issued FERC Order No.  2000.   This
requires all public utilities that are transmission owners  to  file
by   October  15,  2000  a  proposal  for  a  Regional  Transmission
Organization  (RTO),  an  organization  or  institution   which   is
envisioned by FERC to operate an electric transmission system  on  a
regional  basis,  enhance operational transmission efficiencies  and
reliability   and   remove  remaining  discriminatory   transmission
practices.   FERC has not dictated a specific structure for  an  RTO
but  has instead adopted a flexible approach to considering proposed
organizational   structures,  including   the   possibility   of   a
transmission  company  which  would  own  and  operate  all  of  the
transmission assets in a particular region.  As an alternative to an
RTO  proposal,  transmission-owning public  utilities  must  file  a
description of any efforts made by the utility to participate in  an
RTO,  the  reasons  for  not  participating  and  any  obstacles  to
participation,  and any plans for further work toward participation.
This  order  is  a  culmination of FERC's  efforts  to  promote  the
regional   development   of  transmission   system   operation   and
contemplates  that  RTOs will be operational by December  15,  2001.
While FERC Order 2000 takes a voluntary approach to participation in
RTOs,  FERC has indicated that it will take any action it  considers
necessary, including requiring RTO formation, to address  any  undue
market power that may exist on the part of transmission owners.

     TEP, along with other transmission owners and users located  in
the  southwestern  United States, is continuing to  investigate  the
feasibility of forming an Independent System Operator (ISO) for  the
region.  An ISO, which could potentially satisfy the requirements of
an  RTO,  would be responsible for ensuring transmission reliability
and  nondiscriminatory  access to the  regional  transmission  grid.
Over   50  parties  participated  in  a  Development  Agreement   to
investigate the feasibility of an ISO in this region.  As  a  result
of this development effort, a non-profit corporation has been formed
to move this effort forward.  Over 125 entities have paid membership
dues  and  become members of Desert STAR, Inc.  Work is underway  to
determine   the   operational   and  financial   aspects   of   this
organization.  The formation of an ISO would be subject to  approval
by  the  FERC  and state regulatory authorities in the region.   The
financial aspects of forming an ISO, including the potential effects
on  TEP's future results of operations, will be examined as part  of
the developmental work.

     The ACC Retail Electric Competition Rules require the formation
and    implementation   of   an   Arizona   Independent   Scheduling
Administrator Association (AISA).  The purpose of the AISA, which is
anticipated to be a temporary organization until the formation of an
ISO or RTO, is to:

 --  calculate   available   transmission   capacity   for   Arizona
     transmission facilities that belong to the Affected Utilities or
     other participants;
 --  develop  and  operate an OASIS which covers  all  participants'
     transmission systems;
 --  implement  and  oversee  the nondiscriminatory  application  of
     protocols to ensure statewide consistency for transmission access;
 --  provide dispute resolution processes and receive all requests for
     reservation and scheduling of Arizona transmission facilities.

     TEP,  as an Affected Utility, participated in the creation  of
the  AISA.   This  includes its incorporation  as  a  not-for-profit
entity, the filing (when complete) at the FERC for approval  of  its
proposed  structure,  rates  and procedures,  and  drafting  of  its
protocols   for   operation.   Currently,  AISA   participants   are
attempting  to reach a consensus on operating protocols  that,  once
finalized and filed with the ACC, will then be filed with the  FERC.
TEP  continues to participate with the other Affected  Utilities  in
developing the AISA's structure and protocols in response to  retail
competition.   See  TEP's Settlement Agreement and  Retail  Electric
Competition Rules.

See  Item  7.  - Management's Discussion and Analysis  of  Financial
Condition  and  Results of Operations, Tax Exempt  Local  Furnishing
Bonds  for  a discussion of the possible effect of the establishment
of  a  RTO,  ISO  and/or  an  AISA on TEP's  capital  structure  and
refinancing requirements.


     See  Electric  Utility Operations, Customers  and  Item  7.  -
Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
Results of Operations, Competition, Retail for a discussion of TEP's
contracts and negotiations with certain of its mining customers.

- -----------

     TEP's  principal  fuel for electric generation  is  low-sulfur
coal.   Fuel  cost information for the years 1999 -1997 is  provided

       Cost Per Million BTU Consumed    Percentage of Total BTU Consumed
       -----------------------------    --------------------------------

           1999     1998     1997            1999     1998     1997
           ----     ----     ----            ----     ----     ----
Coal (A)   $1.66    1.65    $1.66             96%      97%      97%

Gas         2.94    2.67     2.74              4        3        3
                                             ----     ----     ----
All Fuels   1.73    1.69     1.68            100%     100%     100%

- --------------------
(A)  The average cost per ton of coal for each of the last three
     years (1999 - 1997) was $31.64, $31.33 and $31.33 respectively.


     Information concerning TEP's coal contracts is detailed below:

                                                     Year        Average
                                                   Contract      Sulfur      Coal Obtained
  Station           Coal Supplier                 Terminates     Content        From (A)
  -------           -------------                 ----------     -------     -------------
Four Corners    BHP Minerals International, Inc.     2005          0.8%    Navajo Indian Tribe

San Juan        San Juan Coal Company                2017          0.8%    Federal and State Agencies

Navajo          Peabody Western Coal Company         2011          0.6%    Navajo and Hopi Indian Tribes

Springeville    Peabody Coalsales Company            2010          0.7%    Lee Ranch Coal Company

Irvington       The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining   2015          0.4%    Federal and State Agencies
- --------------------

 (A)  Substantially all of the suppliers' leases extend at least  as
      long as coal is being mined in economic quantities.

     TEP-Operated Generating Facilities

     TEP  is  the  sole  owner  (or lessee)  and  operator  of  the
Springerville and Irvington Generating Stations.  The coal  supplies
for  these  plants are transported from northwestern New Mexico  and
Colorado by railroad.

     In June 1997, TEP terminated its existing coal supply contract
for  the Springerville Generating Station for a $50 million fee  and
entered  into a new contract with the same supplier.  The  new  coal
contract ends in 2010, with an option to extend the term for another
ten  years.  The Springerville rail contract expires in  2009.   See
Notes  2  and  9  of  Notes  to Consolidated  Financial  Statements,
Deferred   Springerville  Generation  Costs  and   Commitments   and
Contingencies, TEP Commitments - Fuel Purchase.  The coal supply and
rail  contracts  termination date for the Irvington station  is  the
earlier of 2015 or the remaining life of Unit 4.

     The   Springerville  and  Irvington  contracts  have  various
adjustment  clauses  that  will  affect  the  future  cost  of  coal
delivered.   We expect coal reserves to be sufficient to supply  the
estimated  requirements  of Springerville and  Irvington  for  their
presently estimated remaining lives.

     The Springerville and Irvington coal contracts combined require
TEP  to  take 2.1 million tons of coal per year through 2009  at  an
estimated  annual cost of $49 million for the next five years.   The
Springerville and Irvington rail contracts combined require  TEP  to
transport  1.9  million tons of coal per year  through  2015  at  an
estimated  cost  of $13 million for the next five years.   The  coal
supply  contracts require TEP to pay a take-or-pay charge if minimum
quantities   of  coal  are  not  purchased.   TEP's   present   fuel
requirements  are  in excess of the take-or-pay minimums.   However,
TEP  has  purchased  coal and natural gas in the  spot  market,  and
switches  fuel burn from one generating station to another in  order
to  reduce overall fuel costs, despite incurring take-or-pay minimum
charges.  TEP incurred take-or-pay charges of $3.6 million in  1999,
$3.5 million in 1998 and none in 1997.

     Generating Facilities Operated by Others

     TEP  also  participates in jointly owned generating facilities
where  coal supplies are under long-term contracts entered  into  by
the  operating agents.  Coal supplies are surface-mined in  northern
Arizona  and northwestern New Mexico.  The coal supply for  the  San
Juan  Station,  a  mine-mouth  operation,  is  partially  contracted
through the year 2017. The coal contract for Four Corners terminates
in  2005.   The coal quantities under contract for the Navajo  mine-
mouth  coal  fired generating station are expected to be  sufficient
for  the  remaining life of the station.  The contracts to  purchase
coal,  including  rail transportation, for use at the  jointly-owned
facilities  require TEP to take 1.5 million tons of  coal  per  year
through 2005 at an estimated annual cost of $45 million for the next
five years.


     TEP  is  the  lessee  of  the  coal-handling  facilities   at
Springerville  under  a  capital  lease.   The  Springerville   Coal
Handling  Facilities  Leases  have a remaining  initial  lease  term
through  2015  with fair market value renewal and purchase  options.
Annual  rental payments range from approximately $10 million to  $28
million but average $20 million.

     Through October 31, 1999, TEP allocated portions of the  costs
of  its  Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Leases  to  deferred
expense  for future recovery through rates.  See Note 2 of Notes  to
Consolidated  Financial Statements, Deferred Lease  Expense,  for  a
description  of the accounting for the Springerville  Coal  Handling
Facilities Leases.  Approximately half of the expenses of  the  coal
handling  facilities, including lease costs and other operating  and
maintenance expenses, were charged to fuel expense in 1999, 1998 and
1997  and  amounted to $12 million, $13 million,  and  $13  million,
respectively.  Effective November 1, 1999, lease interest expense is
no longer charged to fuel expense.


     In June 1998, TEP entered into a one-year agreement to purchase
gas  from  Southwest Gas for power generation.  This  agreement  was
renewed  for an additional one-year term in 1999.  During 1999,  TEP
received natural gas sufficient to meet all of its needs.  TEP  also
burns small amounts of land fill gas at Irvington Unit 4.


     TEP  believes  there will be sufficient water  to  supply  the
requirements of existing and planned electric generating stations in
which  TEP  has  an interest for their estimated lives.   A  federal
contract  for water at San Juan expires in 2005, and Public  Service
Company of New Mexico is overseeing negotiations for an extension of
the contract.


     TEP  is subject to environmental regulation by federal,  state
and  local  authorities.  Air and water quality are under  the  most
stringent   regulations.    Resource  extraction,   waste   disposal
operations and land use are also regulated.  TEP spent $3 million in
1999  and $14 million in 1998 for construction costs to comply  with
environmental   requirements.   TEP  believes  that   all   existing
generating facilities are or will be in compliance with all existing
or expected environmental regulations, except as described below.

     Clean Air

     Arizona  and  New  Mexico  have adopted  emission  regulations
restricting  the emissions from both existing and future  coal,  oil
and  gas-fired plants.  These regulations are in some instances more
stringent  than those adopted by the EPA.  The principal  generating
units  of  TEP  are  located  relatively close  to  national  parks,
monuments,  wilderness areas and Indian reservations.   Since  these
areas  have  relatively high air quality, TEP could  be  subject  to
control  standards  that  relate to the "prevention  of  significant
deterioration" of visibility and tall stack limitation rules.

     The  1990  Federal  Clean  Air Act Amendments  (CAAA)  require
reductions  of  sulfur  dioxide  (SO2)  and  nitrogen  oxide   (NOx)
emissions  in  two phases, more complex facility permits  and  other
requirements.  TEP is subject only to Phase II of the  SO2  and  NOx
emission  reductions which was effective January 1,  2000.   All  of
TEP's  generating  facilities (except existing  internal  combustion
turbines) are affected.  TEP spent approximately $1 million in  each
of 1999, 1998 and 1997 and expects to spend approximately $1 million
annually in 2000 and 2001 complying with these requirements.

     In  1993,  TEP's generating units affected by  Phase  II  were
allocated SO2 Emission Allowances based on past operational history.
Beginning  in  the year 2000, Phase II generating  units  must  hold
Emission  Allowances  equal  to  the  level  of  emissions  in   the
compliance  year  or  pay penalties and offset excess  emissions  in
future  years.   Due to increased energy output,  TEP  may  have  to
purchase additional Emission Allowances to comply with the Phase  II
SO2  regulations.  Based on current estimates, TEP believes that  it
will purchase additional Emission Allowances and that such purchases
will not have a material effect on TEP.

     In 1991, the EPA adopted a rule to reduce SO2 emissions at the
Navajo Station by 90% to improve visibility at Grand Canyon National
Park.  TEP's share of the required capital expenditures remaining as
of December 31, 1999 is approximately $1 million.

     Title  V  of  the  CAAA requires that all of TEP's  generating
facilities  obtain  more  complex  air  quality  permits.   All  TEP
facilities  (including those jointly owned and operated  by  others)
have  applied  for  these permits and TEP does  not  anticipate  any
material  problems in obtaining the required permits.  In  1999  TEP
received  Title  V  permits  for  the  Springerville  and  Irvington
generating  stations.  These permits are valid for five years.   TEP
must  pay  an annual emission-based fee for each generating facility
subject to a Title V permit.  These emission-based fees are included
in the CAAA compliance expenses discussed above.

     The  CAAA  also  require  multi-year  studies  of  visibility
impairment   in  specified  areas  and  studies  of  hazardous   air
pollutants.    The  results  of  these  studies  will   impact   the
development  of  future regulations of electric  utility  generating
units.   Since these activities involve the gathering of information
not  currently  available, TEP cannot predict the outcome  of  these

     TEP may incur additional costs to comply with recent and future
changes  in  federal and state environmental laws,  regulations  and
permit  requirements  at  existing electric  generating  facilities.
Compliance with these changes may result in a reduction in operating
efficiency.   Failure  to comply with any EPA  or  state  compliance
requirements may result in substantial penalties or fines.


     Millennium owns 100% of the common stock of five  subsidiaries,
AET, ION, MEH, Nations Energy, and SES (described below).

     Millennium's  assets  comprise  approximately   4%   of   the
consolidated  assets of UniSource Energy.  Millennium  recorded  net
income  of $10.9 million for the year ended December 31,1999 related
to  these  investments.   These results are included  in  the  Other
Income  (Deductions) section on UniSource Energy's income statement.
We  discuss  these  results in Item 7. Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis  of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,  Results
of Operations, Results of Millennium Energy Businesses.

     AET and Global Solar

     Advanced Energy Technologies, Inc. was established in May 1996.
This   subsidiary  of  Millennium  develops  renewable  energy   and
distributed generation technologies.  In 1996 AET acquired from  ITN
a  50% ownership interest in Global Solar Energy, L.L.C., an Arizona
corporation  which  develops  and  manufactures  flexible  thin-film
photovoltaic  cells.  In November 1999, Millennium and  ITN  entered
into  an agreement in which Millennium's share of Global Solar  will
increase  to  67%.  Under the agreement, ITN agreed to transfer  its
rights  to certain assets and proprietary and intellectual property,
including  thin-film  battery  technology,  to  Global  Solar.    In
addition,  Millennium  will contribute to Global  Solar  up  to  $14
million  in additional equity upon the occurrence of certain agreed-
upon  production  and  business  milestones.    Millennium  and  ITN
are  in  the process  of  finalizing  the   structure  of  the
transaction.   As  of December 31, 1999, Millennium  had  funded  $2
million under this agreement.

     Global   Solar   began  limited  commercial   production   of
photovoltaic cells in 1999.  Target markets for its products include
military,  space  and home applications.  We expect  Global  Solar's
manufacturing  facility to produce approximately 1.5 MW  or  255,000
square feet of the product in 2000.


     ION  International,  Inc.,  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary   of
Millennium, was established in January 2000.  ION intends to provide
technology  applications  to  commerce,  health  care  and  industry
organizations  to  help them more efficiently  manage  their  energy

     MEH and NewEnergy

     MEH sold its 50% ownership interest in NewEnergy (formerly New
Energy  Ventures,  Inc.) to The AES Corporation on  July  23,  1999.
NewEnergy  is  a provider of electricity, energy products,  services
and  technology based energy solutions to customers in  deregulating
energy markets.  MEH recorded an after-tax gain of $20.8 million  on
the  sale  of NewEnergy in the third quarter of 1999.  MEH  received
$50  million  in  consideration for the sale,  consisting  of  $27.2
million in AES common stock, and secured promissory notes issued  by
NewEnergy totaling $22.8 million, payable over two years.   MEH  has
sold  the  AES  common stock and still retains the promissory  notes
which are secured by AES common stock.

     Nations Energy

     Nations Energy Corporation was established in 1995 to  develop
and  invest in independent power projects worldwide.  Nations Energy
is involved in the following projects:

- --In  1996, Nations Energy acquired an interest in the development
  of a 340 MW power project in the Czech Republic, consisting of the
  upgrade and expansion of a cogeneration facility located in the city
  of  Kladno.  In January 2000, Nations Energy sold its interest  in
  this  project to another partner of the project resulting in a  $3
  million pre-tax gain.
- --In  1996, Nations Energy acquired an interest in the development
  of  a  167  MW  power  plant on the Island of Curacao,  Venezuela.
  Customers will be the ISLA refinery and the Island of Curacao.  This
  project is scheduled for completion in 2002.
- --In  the second quarter 1998, Nations Energy agreed to develop  a
  110  MW  cogeneration  plant with Chalmette  Refining,  L.L.C.,  a
  Louisiana refinery located near New Orleans.  The on-site facility
  will be 50% owned and managed by Nations Energy.  This project  is
  scheduled for completion in late 2001.
- --In  the  third  quarter  1998, Nations Energy  purchased  a  39%
  interest in Corporation Panamena de Energia, S.A. (COPESA) for $7.6
  million.   COPESA is an independent power producer which owns  and
  operates a 43 MW power plant near Panama City.

     Currently, we do not intend to make any material investments in
new  projects  through  Nations Energy and  we  continue  to  review
options for the sale of Nations Energy's remaining assets.


     Southwest Energy Solutions, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Millennium,  was  established in January 1997.  SES provides  energy
support  services  to retail electric consumers  including  lighting
equipment,   service  restoration,  and  design,   engineering   and
construction services.


     As  of  December  31, 1999, TEP had 1,142  employees  and  the
subsidiaries  of  Millennium had 60  employees.   The  International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) 1116 represents  about  60%
of  TEP's employees.  A new collective bargaining agreement  between
the  IBEW  and  TEP  was ratified in March 1999  and  extends  until
January 2003.  The new agreement resulted in a wage increase  of  3%
for 1999 and an additional 3% increase for 2000.


                                                             For Years Ended December 31,
                                                1999        1998        1997         1996       1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Generation and Purchased  Power-kWh (000)
  Remote Generation (Coal)                  10,000,401  10,002,250   9,694,152   9,784,918   8,716,513
  Local Generation (Oil, Gas & Coal)         1,115,277     720,515     806,819     723,232     500,958
  Purchased Power                            2,712,570   2,227,773   1,222,970     925,394     692,769
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Generation and Purchased Power    13,828,248  12,950,538  11,723,941  11,433,544   9,910,240
  Less Losses and Company Use                  814,945     810,117     824,072     776,436     661,901
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Energy Sold                       13,013,303  12,140,421  10,899,869  10,657,108   9,248,339

Sales-kWh (000)
  Residential                                2,736,837   2,662,598   2,608,515   2,516,282   2,330,191
  Commercial                                 1,383,756   1,355,319   1,316,360   1,306,826   1,280,752
  Industrial                                 2,220,900   2,139,464   2,115,332   2,080,763   1,979,317
  Mining                                     1,200,214   1,230,259   1,193,094   1,164,140   1,147,281
  Public Authorities                           247,361     242,845     237,113     228,800     204,746
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total - Retail Customers                 7,789,068   7,630,485   7,470,414   7,296,811   6,942,287
  Sales for Resale                           5,224,235   4,509,936   3,429,455   3,360,297   2,306,052
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Sales                             13,013,303  12,140,421  10,899,869  10,657,108   9,248,339

Operating Revenues (000)
  Residential                                 $253,352    $248,821    $246,251    $237,569    $218,208
  Commercial                                   148,039     146,269     146,377     143,623     138,294
  Industrial                                   160,963     157,735     158,266     154,547     146,409
  Mining                                        49,399      51,965      53,231      56,240      54,948
  Public Authorities                            18,148      17,950      17,531      16,949      14,952
  Other                                          2,963       2,981       2,565       2,636       2,114
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total - Retail Customers                   632,864     625,721     624,221     611,564     574,925
  Amortization of MSR Option Gain
    Regulatory Liability                             -           -       8,105      20,053      20,053
  Sales for Resale                             171,219     143,269      97,567      84,256      75,591
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Operating Revenues                  $804,083    $768,990    $729,893    $715,873    $670,569

Customers (End of Period)
  Residential                                  303,653     295,469     287,857     282,060     273,976
  Commercial                                    29,714      28,648      28,309      28,199      27,858
  Industrial                                       705         684         664         626         620
  Mining                                             4           4           4           4           4
  Public Authorities                                61          61          61          61          59
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Retail Customers                     334,137     324,866     316,895     310,950     302,517

Average Revenue per kWh Sold (cents)
  Residential                                      9.3         9.3         9.4         9.4         9.4
  Commercial                                      10.7        10.8        11.1        11.0        10.8
  Industrial and Mining                            6.1         6.2         6.4         6.5         6.4
    Average Retail Revenue per kWh Sold            8.1         8.2         8.4         8.4         8.3

Average Revenue per Residential Customer          $845        $855        $865        $854        $809
Average kWh Sales per Residential Customer       9,132       9,144       9,159       9,050       8,641

- --------------------------------------------------------------------

     TEP's  transmission facilities, located  in  Arizona  and  New
Mexico,  transmit electricity from TEP's remote electric  generating
stations at Four Corners, Navajo, San Juan and Springerville to  the
Tucson area for use by TEP's retail customers (see Item 1, Business,
Generating  and  Other Resources for the location of TEP's  plants).
The  transmission  system  is directly interconnected  with  systems
operated by the following utilities:

         Utility                                    Location
         -------                                    --------
         Arizona Public Service Co.                 Arizona
         Arizona Electric Power Cooperative         Arizona
         El Paso Electric Co.                       New Mexico, Texas
         Public Service Co. of New Mexico           New Mexico
         Salt River Project                         Arizona

     TEP   has  arrangements  with  approximately  180  companies,
including the five listed above, to interchange generation  capacity
and transmission of energy.

     As  of  December 31, 1999, TEP owned, or participated  in,  an
overhead  electric  transmission and distribution system  consisting

       --  511 circuit-miles of 500 kV lines;
       --  1,122 circuit-miles of 345 kV lines;
       --  363 circuit-miles of 138 kV lines;
       --  435 circuit-miles of 46 kV lines; and
       --  10,466 circuit-miles of lower voltage primary lines.

The  underground transmission and distribution system was  comprised
of  5,593  cable-miles.  TEP owns approximately 77% of the poles  on
which  the  lower  voltage lines are located.   Electric  substation
capacity  consisted  of  179  substations  with  a  total  installed
transformer capacity of 5,433,105 kVA.

     The electric generating stations (except as noted below), TEP's
general  office building, operating headquarters and  warehouse  and
service  center  are  located on land owned by  TEP.   The  electric
distribution and transmission facilities owned by TEP are located:

       --  on property owned by TEP;
       --  under or over streets, alleys, highways and other public places,
           the public domain and national forests and state lands under
           franchises, easements or other rights which are generally subject
           to termination;
       --  under or over private property as a result of easements obtained
           primarily from the record holder of title; and
       --  over Indian reservations under grant of easement by the Secretary
           of Interior or lease by Indian tribes.

It  is  possible that some of the easements, and the  property  over
which  the easements were granted, may have title defects or may  be
subject  to  mortgages or liens existing at the time  the  easements
were acquired.

     Springerville is located on land parcels held by TEP  under  a
long-term surface ownership agreement with the State of Arizona.

     Four  Corners and Navajo are located on properties held  under
easements  from the United States and under leases from  the  Navajo
Indian  Tribe.   TEP, individually and in conjunction  with  PNM  in
connection  with  San Juan, has acquired easements  and  leases  for
transmission  lines and a water diversion facility  located  on  the
Navajo  Indian  Reservation.  TEP has also  acquired  easements  for
transmission facilities, related to San Juan and Navajo, across  the
Zuni, Navajo and Tohono O'odham Indian Reservations.

     TEP's  rights under these various easements and leases may  be
subject to defects such as:

    --  possible conflicting grants or encumbrances due to the absence of
        or inadequacies in the recording laws or record systems of the
        Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian tribes;
    --  possible inability of TEP to legally enforce its rights against
        adverse claimants and the Indian tribes without Congressional
        consent; and
    --  failure or inability of the Indian tribes to protect TEP's
        interests in the easements and leases from disruption by the U.S
        Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or other adverse claimants.

However,  these  possible defects have not and are not  expected  to
materially  interfere with TEP's interest in and  operation  of  its

     TEP, under separate sale and leaseback arrangements, leases the
following generation facilities (which do not include land):

     --  coal handling facilities at Springerville;
     --  a 50% undivided interest in the Springerville Common Facilities;
     --  Springerville Unit 1 and the remaining 50% undivided interest in
         Springerville Common Facilities; and
     --  Irvington Unit 4 and related common facilities.

See  Note 6 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Long-Term
Debt  and  Capital Lease Obligations for additional  information  on
TEP's capital lease obligations.

     Substantially  all  of the utility assets  owned  by  TEP  are
subject  to  the lien of the General First Mortgage and the  General
Second  Mortgage.   Springerville Unit 2,  which  is  owned  by  San
Carlos, is not subject to those liens.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------


     See Contingencies in Note 9 of Notes to Consolidated Financial



- --------------------------------------------------------------------

     Not Applicable.

                               PART II

- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

     The common stock of UniSource Energy is listed on the New York
and  Pacific Stock Exchanges, and began trading under the symbol  of
UNS  on  January 2, 1998.  The closing price of the common stock  on
February 24, 2000 was $13.3125, with 23,389 shareholders of  record.
The  table  below  lists the high and low sale prices  of  UniSource
Energy's  common stock on the consolidated tape as reported  by  Dow
Jones.   No  dividends  were paid on UniSource Energy  common  stock
during these periods.

                                         Market Price per
                    Quarter           Share of Common Stock
                    -------           ---------------------

                     1999                 High      Low
                     ----                 ----      ---
                     First               $13.94   $10.38
                     Second               12.75    10.38
                     Third                12.44    11.56
                     Fourth               12.69    10.88

                                         Market Price per
                    Quarter           Share of Common Stock
                    -------           ---------------------

                     1998                 High      Low
                     ----                 ----      ---
                     First               $18.69   $16.56
                     Second               18.94    15.31
                     Third                16.06    12.25
                     Fourth               17.50    12.50

     On  December 3, 1999 UniSource Energy declared a cash dividend
in  the amount of $0.08 per share on its common stock.  The dividend
is  the first declared by UniSource Energy and is payable March  10,
2000 to shareholders of record at the close of business February 15,

     TEP  declared and paid cash dividends to its sole shareholder,
UniSource  Energy,  of $34 million and $30 million   in  the  fourth
quarters of 1999 and 1998, respectively.

     See Item 7. - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations, Dividends on Common Stock.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UniSource Energy
(In thousands - except per share       1999        1998        1997        1996        1995
   data and ratios)                    ----        ----        ----        ----        ----

Summary of Operations
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues                   $803,812    $768,676    $729,893    $715,873    $670,569
Income Tax Benefit Recognition
 Related to Prior Period NOLs -
 Part of Income Taxes                       -           -     $43,443     $88,638     $23,282
Gain on Sale of New Energy            $34,651           -           -           -           -
Net Losses of Millennium
 Energy Businesses                   $(11,276)   $(11,884)    $(8,182)    $(2,218)    $(1,327)
Income from Continuing Operations     $56,510     $28,032     $83,572    $120,852     $54,905
Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax     $22,597           -           -           -           -
Net Income                            $79,107     $28,032     $83,572    $120,852     $54,905

Basic Earnings per Share
 from Continuing Operations             $1.75       $0.87       $2.60       $3.76       $1.71
Diluted Earnings per Share
 from Continuing Operations             $1.74       $0.87       $2.59       $3.75       $1.70

Shares of Common Stock Outstanding
 Average                               32,321      32,177      32,138      32,136      32,138
 End of Year                           32,349      32,258      32,139      32,139      32,138

Book Value per Share                   $10.02       $7.65       $6.75       $4.15       $0.39
Cash Dividends Declared per share       $0.08           -           -           -           -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financial Position
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Utility Plant - Net          $1,729,856  $1,915,590  $1,935,513  $1,953,904  $1,978,126
Investments and Other Property        114,483     110,289      79,471      69,289      52,116
Total Assets                        2,656,255   2,634,049   2,634,409   2,568,541   2,563,461

Long-Term Debt                      1,135,820   1,184,423   1,215,120   1,223,025   1,207,460
Non-Current Capital
 Lease Obligations                    880,427     889,543     890,257     895,867     897,958
Common Stock Equity                   324,248     246,646     216,878     133,288      12,488
Total Capitalization               $2,340,495   2,320,612  $2,322,255  $2,252,180  $2,117,906
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Selected Cash Flow Data
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Flows from Operating
 Activities                          $113,228    $160,933    $126,283    $152,932    $119,390
Capital Expenditures                   92,808      81,147      72,475      68,272      59,097
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -- Net Losses from Millennium Energy Businesses are before income
   taxes and do not include the 1999 Gain on Sale of NewEnergy.
- -- For years prior to 1998, UniSource Energy's operations and those
   of TEP are the same.

See Item 7, Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                         1999        1998        1997        1996        1995
                                       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
Summary of Operations
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues                   $804,083    $768,990    $729,893    $715,873    $670,569
Income Tax Benefit Recognition
 Related to Prior Period NOLs -
 Part of Income Taxes                       -           -     $43,443     $88,638     $23,282
Net Losses of Millennium
 Energy Businesses                          -           -     $(8,182)    $(2,218)    $(1,327)
Income from Continuing Operations     $50,878     $41,676     $83,572    $120,852     $54,905
Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax     $22,597           -           -           -           -
Net Income                            $73,475     $41,676     $83,572    $120,852     $54,905
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financial Position
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Utility Plant - Net          $1,729,856  $1,915,590  $1,935,513  $1,953,904  $1,978,126
Investments and Other Property         67,838      62,978      79,471      69,289      52,116
Total Assets                        2,600,508   2,628,588   2,634,409   2,568,541   2,563,461

Long-Term Debt                      1,135,820   1,184,423   1,215,120   1,223,025   1,207,460
Non-Current Capital
 Lease Obligations                    880,111     889,543     890,257     895,867     897,958
Common Stock Equity                   270,134     229,861     216,878     133,288      12,488
Total Capitalization               $2,286,065  $2,303,827  $2,322,255  $2,252,180  $2,117,906
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Selected Cash Flow Data
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Flows from Operating
 Activities                          $139,957    $180,487    $126,283    $152,932    $119,390
Capital Expenditures                   90,940      81,011      72,475      68,272      59,097
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges       1.45        1.35        1.39        1.25        1.21
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -- For years prior to 1998, UniSource Energy's operations and those
   of TEP are the same.
- -- Disclosure of earnings per share information for TEP is not
   presented as TEP has only debt securities outstanding.

See Item 7, Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

     Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  explains  the  general
financial  condition  and  the results of operations  for  UniSource
Energy  and  its two primary business segments-the electric  utility
business of TEP and the unregulated energy businesses of Millennium,
and includes the following:

 --  operating  results  during 1999 compared  with  1998  and  1998
     compared with 1997,
 --  changes in liquidity and capital resources during 1999, and
 --  expectations of identifiable material trends which may affect our
     business in the future.

     TEP  is the principal operating subsidiary of UniSource Energy
and  accounts  for  substantially all of its  assets  and  revenues.
Income  and losses from Millennium's energy-related businesses  have
had  a  significant impact on earnings reported by UniSource  Energy
for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.

- --------

     UniSource Energy recorded net income of $79.1 million in 1999,
compared with $28.0 million in 1998 and $83.6 million in 1997.   The
primary factors contributing to the higher net income in 1999 were:

    --  improved operating performance at TEP;
    --  $22.6 million after-tax extraordinary income from changes in
        accounting for TEP's generation operations;
    --  $20.8 million net gain on the sale of NewEnergy, one of our
        unregulated energy subsidiaries; and
    --  $9.0  million in tax benefits attributable to the  improved
        likelihood of favorable resolution of tax matters.

     The reduction in reported income tax benefits related to prior
period  net operating losses from $43.4 million in 1997 to  zero  in
1998 contributed to the decline in earnings in 1998.  See Results of
Operations,  Other Income (Deductions) below.  Common  stock  equity
was $324 million as of December 31, 1999, compared with $247 million
as of December 31, 1998.

     In  addition  to  the  items described  above,  other  factors
impacting results for 1999 were:

    --  $5.8 million lower long-term debt interest expense as a result of
        refinancings and prepayments;
    --  $3.0  million  write-off of investments at  Nations  Energy
        subsidiaries in 1999;
    --  increase in capital lease depreciation and interest expense
        related to the change in accounting for our generation operations;
    --  a 1.0% retail rate decrease effective July 1, 1999.

     Our financial prospects are subject to significant competitive,
regulatory, economic and other uncertainties.  The approval of TEP's
Settlement  Agreement  resolved a significant amount  of  regulatory
uncertainty  and  provides  TEP with  a  reasonable  opportunity  to
recover 100 percent of its transition recovery assets.  However,  we
cannot  predict with certainty the full impact of retail competition
on  TEP's future operating results or financial condition.  Some  of
the  factors  which may affect our future financial results  include
weather variations which may affect customer usage, load growth  and
demand  levels  in  the  current TEP service territory,  and  market
prices  for  wholesale and retail energy.  See  Competition,  Retail

     Other uncertainties include the extent to which, in response to
industry changes or unanticipated economic downturns, TEP can  alter
operations  and  reduce  costs, which may be  limited  due  to  high
financial  and operating leverage.   Future results will depend,  in
part,  on our ability to contain and/or reduce the costs of  serving
retail customers and the level of sales to such customers.

     We  are  addressing  the  uncertainties  discussed  above  by
positioning our subsidiaries to benefit from the changing regulatory
and  energy market environment.  In November 1998, TEP organized its
utility  business activities into two separate business  units:  (1)
generation  and  (2) transmission and distribution, and  in  January
1999,  formed  a  third business unit which provides  administrative
services  to  the  utility business units.  We  are  improving  cost
measurement and management techniques at TEP.  We have also extended
contracts,  where  appropriate,  for  large  wholesale  and   retail
customers.   We  are  investing  in our  unregulated  affiliates  to
provide  energy  products and services to markets  both  within  and
beyond  TEP's  retail  service territory.  See Competition,  Retail;
Results  of  Millennium Energy Businesses; and Results of Operations

     Our financial prospects are also subject to uncertainties relating
to the  start-up  and  developmental  activities  of  the Millennium
Energy  Businesses segment.   At  December  31,  1999,  Millennium's
unregulated energy-related affiliates comprised approximately 4%  of
total  assets,  but at times have had a significant  impact  on  our
consolidated  net  income and cash flows.  We continue  to  evaluate
these  affiliates  for  opportunities  to  realize  value  from  our
investments.   In the third quarter of 1999, we sold  our  ownership
interest  in  affiliate  NewEnergy  and  recorded  a  gain  on   the
transaction.   In  January 2000, we sold our  interest  in  a  power
project  in which Nations Energy had invested, recording a  gain  on
the transaction.  See Results of Millennium Energy Businesses.

     Our  consolidated  capital structure remains highly  leveraged.
Since April 1997, however, we have made significant progress in  our
financial   strategy  to  reduce  refinancing  risk   by   extending
maturities  of long-term debt and letters of credit and by  reducing
exposure to variable interest rates by refinancing over $475 million
in  variable rate debt with fixed interest rate securities.  With  a
more stabilized regulatory outlook and with ongoing improvements  in
our  capital structure, UniSource Energy declared its first dividend
to  common  shareholders in December 1999.  TEP, now  the  principal
operating  subsidiary of UniSource Energy, had  not  paid  a  common
dividend to public shareholders since 1989.  See Dividends on Common
Stock  and  Investing and Financing Activities,  Bond  Issuance  and
Redemption, below.

     TEP's  capital requirements include construction expenditures
and  scheduled  maturities  of debt and capital  lease  obligations.
During  the  next  twelve months, TEP expects to  be  able  to  fund
operating  activities  and construction expenditures  with  internal
cash  flows,  existing cash balances, and, if necessary,  borrowings
under  the  Revolving Credit Facility.  While some  of  Millennium's
unregulated energy businesses have required significant  amounts  of
capital  and  credit, management currently expects to  make  limited
investments  in  these businesses.  We expect to use  existing  cash
balances  to  fulfill  these needs, or if  necessary,  we  may  seek
investments  by  unaffiliated parties to meet  the  ongoing  capital
requirements of some of these businesses.  See Liquidity and Capital
Resources, Investing and Financing Activities, below.

- ---------------------------------------



     The  electric  utility  industry  is  undergoing  significant
regulatory change designed to encourage competition in the  sale  of
electricity  and  related  services.  When  retail  competition  for
electric  generation supply begins in TEP's retail service territory
approximately 20% of TEP's retail customers will become eligible  to
choose  an  alternate energy supplier.  However, no competitors  are
currently  providing  electric service to customers  in  our  retail
service  area  nor has TEP lost any significant customers  to  self-
generation.   It  is  likely that, with open access  in  our  retail
service  territory,  some  customers will elect  to  purchase  their
energy requirements from other energy suppliers when available.  TEP
competes against gas service suppliers and others who provide energy
services and also markets customized energy-related services.

     Certain  large retail customers will continue to be served  by
TEP  under  contracts negotiated by TEP.  During 1999,  TEP  entered
into  a new contract with a major mining customer which extends  the
term to 2006.  The contract includes reduced pricing that will lower
TEP's annual revenues by approximately $4 - $5 million depending  on
the  price  of  copper during the next four years  but  will  assure
continued revenues from this customer through the contract's term.

     Retail   Electric  Competition  Rules  and  TEP's  Settlement

     In  December  1996,  the  ACC  adopted  the  Retail  Electric
Competition Rules that provided a framework for the introduction  of
retail electric competition in Arizona.  The Rules, as well as other
ACC  orders, contain references to the "Affected Utilities."   These
are  the  utilities, including TEP, which are regulated by the  ACC.
These  Rules, as amended and modified, were approved by the  ACC  in
September 1999.

     In  November  1999, the ACC approved the Settlement  Agreement
that  was  entered  into  between TEP and  certain  customer  groups
relating  to TEP's transition recovery assets and unbundled tariffs.
For  TEP, the Rules became effective in January 2000, 60 days  after
the  effective  date of the Settlement Agreement.  However,  certain
conditions must be met before competitive electricity will  be  sold
in  TEP's  service territory, such as ACC approval of  TEP's  direct
access  tariffs, certification of ESPs by the ACC and  execution  of
direct access service agreements by ESPs and TEP.

     At  that time, consumer choice for energy supply will be phased
in  as  required  by the ACC's Rules.  By January 1, 2001,  consumer
choice  will be available to all customers.  See Item 1. - Business,
Rates  and  Regulation and Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements, Regulatory Matters.


     TEP   competes  with  other  utilities,  power  marketers   and
independent  power  producers in the sale of electric  capacity  and
energy  in  the  wholesale market.  FERC generally does  not  permit
TEP's  prices for wholesale sales of capacity and energy  to  exceed
rates  determined on a cost of service basis.  However, in the  Fall
of  1997,  FERC granted TEP a tariff to sell at market-based  rates.
In  the current market, wholesale prices are typically substantially
below TEP's total cost of service.  However, we make wholesale sales
only  at  prices  which exceed fuel and other  variable  costs.   We
expect competition to sell capacity to remain vigorous.  Prices  may
remain  depressed for at least the next few years due to the surplus
of  capacity  during  non-summer months in the  southwestern  United
States.   Competition  for  the  sale  of  capacity  and  energy  is
influenced by the following factors:

 --  availability of capacity in the southwestern United States;
 --  restructuring  of  the  electric utility industry  in  Arizona,
     California and other western states;
 --  the availability and prices of natural gas, oil and coal;
 --  spot energy prices;
 --  precipitation; and
 --  transmission access.

See  also  Item 1. Business, Electric Utility Operations, Sales  for


     TEP  generally uses the same accounting policies and practices
used  by  unregulated companies for financial reporting under  GAAP.
However, sometimes these principles, such as FAS 71, require special
accounting treatment for regulated companies to show the  effect  of
regulation.  For example, in setting TEP's retail rates, the ACC may
not  allow TEP to currently charge its customers to recover  certain
expenses,  but  instead requires that these expenses be  charged  to
customers in the future. In this situation, FAS 71 requires that TEP
defer  these items and show them as regulatory assets on the balance
sheet  until  TEP  is  allowed to charge  its  customers.  TEP  then
amortizes  these items as expense to the income statement  as  those
charges  are  recovered from customers. Similarly,  certain  revenue
items  may  be  deferred as regulatory liabilities, which  are  also
eventually amortized to the income statement.

     The conditions a  regulated company must satisfy  to apply  the
accounting policies and practices of FAS 71 include:

- -- an independent regulator sets rates;
- -- the  regulator  sets  the  rates  to  cover  specific  costs  of
   delivering service; and
- -- the service territory lacks competitive pressures to reduce rates
   below the rates set by the regulator.

     In  1997,  the  Emerging  Issues Task Force  of  the  Financial
Accounting  Standards  Board concluded that application  of  FAS  71
should  be  discontinued  once  sufficiently  detailed  deregulation
guidance  is issued for a separable portion of a business.  However,
a  company  may  continue  to recognize regulatory  assets  formerly
associated  with  the deregulated portion of the  business,  to  the
extent  the transition plan provides for their recovery through  the
regulated transmission and distribution portion of the business.

     Effective November 1, 1999, we stopped applying FAS 71  to  our
generation  operations  because the Settlement  provided  sufficient
details  regarding the deregulation of TEP's generation  operations.
As a result, we changed certain accounts in our financial statements.
These included:

- --Increasing accumulated capital lease depreciation by $197 million
  to reflect the depreciation that would have accumulated had we not
  applied FAS 71;
- --Reclassifying  $175  million  of  generation-related  regulatory
  assets  to  the Transition Recovery Asset, a distribution  related
  regulatory asset, because we believe we will recover these  assets
  through  the  Fixed  CTC component of our standard  rates  in  our
  distribution business; and
- --Recording $23 million of  extraordinary income for balances that
  needed to be eliminated to reflect discontinuance of FAS 71 but that
  could not be reclassified as part of the Transition Recovery Asset.

     We   continue  to  apply  FAS  71  in  accounting  for  the
distribution  and  transmission  portions  of  TEP's  business,  our
regulated  operations.   We  periodically  assess  whether  we   can
continue  to apply FAS 71.  If we stopped applying FAS 71  to  TEP's
remaining  regulated  operations, we would  write  off  the  related
balances  of  TEP's  regulatory assets as a  charge  in  our  income
statement.   Based  on  the balances of TEP's regulatory  assets  at
December  31,  1999,  if we had stopped applying  FAS  71  to  TEP's
remaining   regulated  operations,  we  would   have   recorded   an
extraordinary loss of approximately $275 million, after the  related
income  tax  benefit of $183 million.  While regulatory  orders  and
market  conditions may affect our cash flows, our cash  flows  would
not be affected if we stopped applying FAS 71.

See Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Regulatory


     We  are  potentially exposed to various forms of market  risk.
Changes in interest rates, returns on marketable securities, changes
in  foreign currency exchange rates, and changes in commodity prices
may  affect  our  future  financial  results.   TEP  currently  uses
derivative commodity instruments such as forward contracts to buy or
sell  energy,  but does not use derivative commodity  or  derivative
financial  instruments  for either trading or speculative  purposes.
TEP  continues  to  evaluate to what extent,  if  any,  it  may  use
derivative financial and commodity instruments in the normal  course
of its future business.

     For  additional information concerning risk factors, including
market risks, see Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements below.

     Interest Rate Risk

     TEP is exposed to risk resulting from changes in interest rates
on  certain  of  its long-term debt obligations.   TEP  manages  its
exposure to interest rate risk by balancing the proportions of fixed
and  variable rate debt on the balance sheet.  During 1997 and 1998,
TEP  refinanced over $475 million in variable rate debt  with  fixed
rate debt, and reduced the proportion of variable rate debt to long-
term debt from 68% at December 31, 1996 to 29% at December 31, 1999.

     At  December 31, 1999 and 1998, TEP's long-term debt  included
$329 million of tax-exempt variable rate debt.  The average interest
rates on TEP's variable rate debt were 3.33% and 3.51% for 1999  and
1998,  respectively.  A one percent increase (decrease)  in  average
interest rates would result in a decrease (increase) in pre-tax  net
income  of  approximately $3.3 million.  See  Note  7  of  Notes  to
Consolidated  Financial Statements, Fair Value  of  TEP's  Financial

     Marketable Securities Risk

     TEP  is  exposed to fluctuations in the return  on  marketable
securities  which are investments in debt securities.   At  December
31,  1999  and  1998,  TEP had marketable debt  securities  with  an
estimated fair value of $45 million and $22 million, which  exceeded
the carrying value by zero and $4 million, respectively.  These debt
securities  represent  TEP's investments in  lease  debt  underlying
certain  of  its  capital  lease obligations.   The  fair  value  of
marketable  debt  securities increased in  1999  due  to  additional
investments in lease debt made by TEP.  Changes in the fair value of
such  debt securities do not present a material risk to TEP, as  TEP
intends to hold these investments to maturity.

     Foreign Currency Exchange Risk

     We  are exposed to foreign currency exchange risk arising from
equity   investments  by  our  unregulated  businesses  in   foreign
countries.   Nations Energy's investment in a power project  in  the
Czech  Republic,  which  was sold in January  2000  was  subject  to
foreign currency exchange risk. The impact of recording the exchange
rate  fluctuations on UniSource Energy's income statement  for  1999
and  for  1998 was not material.  Foreign currency risk  related  to
current  investments  made by Nations Energy  and  other  Millennium
businesses  is  not  material  due  to  the  small  amount  of  such

     Commodity Price Risk

     TEP  competes  with  other  utilities,  power  marketers  and
independent  power  producers in the sale of electric  capacity  and
energy  in  the wholesale market.  The participants in  this  market
trade not only electricity and natural gas as commodities, but  also
derivative  commodity instruments such as futures, forwards,  swaps,
options  and  other instruments.  This market is largely unregulated
and  most transactions are conducted on an "over-the-counter" basis,
there  being  no central clearing mechanism (except in the  case  of
specific  instruments  traded  on the commodity  exchanges).   Power
marketers, whether or not affiliated with other entities,  generally
do  not  own  production  facilities and  obtain  orders  from  FERC
permitting sales at market based rates.

     TEP  is exposed to commodity price risk primarily relating  to
changes  in  the market price of electricity, as well as changes  in
fuel  costs  incurred  to  generate electricity.   TEP  enters  into
forward  contracts to buy or sell energy at a specified price  at  a
future  date.   These  contracts are  considered  to  be  derivative
commodity instruments.  Generally, TEP commits to future sales based
on  expected  excess  generating capability.  However,  rather  than
producing  additional power, TEP may enter into a  forward  purchase
contract to satisfy the forward sales contract if the market  prices
are  favorable.  The forward sales contracts that are satisfied with
forward  purchase contracts do not require any physical delivery  of
energy  by  TEP.   However, to take advantage of anticipated  market
opportunities,  TEP is at various times in a net open  position.   A
net  open  position  means  it has either  committed  to  sell  more
electricity  than  it has purchase contracts  to  cover  or  it  has
committed  to  purchase  more power than it needs  for  its  selling
commitments.   To  limit  exposure to price risk,  TEP  has  trading
policies  with  limits as to total open positions.  TEP  continually
reviews its trading policies and limits to respond to the constantly
changing market conditions.

     TEP uses the deferral method of accounting for energy sales and
purchases  and  recognizes gains and losses in the income  statement
upon  settlement  of the contracts.  TEP measures  its  market  risk
related  to its commodity exposure by using a sensitivity  analysis.
The  market prices used to determine fair value are estimated  based
on  various  factors  including broker quotes,  exchange,  over  the
counter  prices  and  time  value.  As of  December  31,  1999,  the
estimated  potential  unfavorable impact on pre-tax  earnings  of  a
hypothetical  10%  adverse  shift in quoted  market  prices  was  $2
million.   However,  because TEP's derivative commodity  instruments
are  primarily  hedges  of forward long generation  positions  which
could generally be settled with TEP generation and are not used  for
trading  purposes, we do not believe that this commodity price  risk
is material to our financial position.

     TEP is exposed to credit risk in its energy trading activities
related  to  potential  nonperformance by counterparties  under  the
terms  of  their contractual agreements.  TEP manages  the  risk  of
counterparty  default by following an approved credit  policy  which
includes  performing financial credit reviews of its  counterparties
and  the  use of standardized agreements which allow for the netting
of  current period exposures to and from a single counterparty.   In
addition,  TEP  may require collateral to support trading  positions
from   certain   counterparties.   TEP  does  not   anticipate   any
nonperformance  by any of its counterparties and did not  experience
any  material  counterparty default during the years ended  December
31, 1999 and 1998.

     TEP also purchases coal and small amounts of natural gas in the
normal  course  of  business  for fuel for  its  generating  plants.
Purchases  of  gas  provide fuel for only 4%  of  total  generation.
Changes  in gas prices do not present a material risk to  TEP.   TEP
acquires  its coal under long-term coal supply contracts.  See  Fuel
Supply  for additional information on TEP's coal contracts  and  gas

     TEP  is potentially exposed to changes in the price of  copper
because  the contract with one of its major retail mining  customers
is tied to the price of copper.   However, TEP's price risk exposure
related to copper prices is not material to TEP.


     Our  Year  2000 (Y2K) efforts began in 1996 and  involved  the
inventory,  assessment, remediation and testing of  our  operational
and  business  systems.  TEP did not experience any significant  Y2K
related  problems  with its operational and  business  systems.   We
cannot  predict whether we will experience any residual Y2K  related
problems.   However,  if  we  were to  experience  any  Y2K  related
problems, we do not believe they would have a material effect on our

     From  1996  through  January 31, 2000, we have  expensed  $2.1
million  addressing  the Y2K issue.  This amount  does  not  include
major  system  replacement costs that, along with  other  functional
changes, addressed Y2K issues.

- ---------------------

     In  1999, UniSource Energy's consolidated net income was $79.1
million  or  $2.45 per average share of common stock  compared  with
$28.0  million or $0.87 per average share of common stock  in  1998,
and  $83.6  million or $2.60 per average share of  common  stock  in

     The  increase  in  earnings in 1999  resulted  primarily  from
improved  operating  results  of  both  our  utility  business   and
Millennium's  unregulated energy businesses, the sale  of  UniSource
Energy's interest in NewEnergy and extraordinary income due  to  the
change   in  the  application  of  accounting  standards  from   the
deregulation  of our generating operations.  While operating  losses
from   Millennium's  unregulated  energy  businesses   reduced   our
consolidated net income in both 1998 and 1997, such operating losses
were  lower  in  1999  than  in 1998.   Earnings  in  1997  included
significant non-cash income tax benefits related to prior period net
operating losses for income tax.

   Contribution by Business Segment

     The  table  below shows the contributions to our  consolidated
after-tax  earnings by our two business segments, as well as  parent
company expenses and inter-company eliminations.

                                          Amount in $ Millions
                                      1999         1998          1997
Electric Utility                      $73.5       $41.7         $88.9
Millennium Energy Businesses           10.9        (8.1)         (5.3)
Parent Company and Inter-Company
 Eliminations                          (5.3)       (5.6)           --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Consolidated Net Income           $79.1       $28.0         $83.6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     TEP's electric utility business accounts for substantially all
of UniSource Energy's assets and revenues.  The following discussion
is related to TEP's utility operations, unless otherwise noted.  The
results  of Millennium's unregulated energy businesses are discussed
in  Results  of Millennium Energy Businesses below.  Parent  company
results in 1999 and 1998 are due primarily to the after-tax interest
expense  on a note payable from UniSource Energy to TEP.  This  note
was issued to TEP in exchange for the stock of Millennium in January
1998.   See  Interest Income, below.  Prior to 1998, the unregulated
energy   businesses  now  held  by  Millennium  were  held  by   and
consolidated with TEP.

     During  the  fourth  quarter of 1999, the ACC  approved  TEP's
Settlement  Agreement  which  resulted  in  the  discontinuation  of
regulatory  accounting for its generation operations under  FAS  71.
The  effects of this change in accounting for generation  operations
were  recorded in accordance with FAS 101.  The changes resulted  in
the $22.6 million of extraordinary income mentioned in Extraordinary
Income-Net  of  Tax,  below  and  reclassification  and  changes  in
presentation of certain financial statement line items.

     Future  earnings will be reduced due to the changes in expense
recognition as a result of ceasing to apply FAS 71 to our generation
operations.   However,  TEP  expects that  the  changes  in  expense
recognition  may be offset, and earnings provided by, the  following

 --customer  growth  in  TEP's service territory  is  expected  to
   continue at approximately 2% annually;
 --margins  on wholesale sales are expected to increase as  market
   prices in the region increase over time; and
 --a  portion of free cash flow may be used to reduce TEP's  debt,
   thereby lowering interest expense.

   Utility Sales and Revenues

     Retail  sales of electricity are affected by customer  growth,
weather  and  other  consumption  factors.   In  addition  to  these
factors,  price  changes contribute to changes in  retail  revenues.
Sales  for  resale  are impacted by market prices in  the  wholesale
energy  market,  competing sources of energy  and  capacity  in  the

     1999 compared with 1998

     In  1999,  kWh  sales to retail customers  increased  by  2.1%
compared  with 1998.  This sales increase resulted from an  increase
in  the  average number of retail customers.  The average number  of
retail  customers grew by 2.8% to 329,779 in 1999.  Usage by  mining
customers decreased in 1999 reflecting changes in the operations  of
the  mines due to continued weakness in worldwide demand for copper.
Revenues  from sales to retail customers increased by 1.1%  in  1999
compared  with  1998.   The increase in kWh sales  noted  above  was
partially  offset  by  the  effect of a 1.0%  across-the-board  rate
reduction effective July 1, 1999.

     KWh  sales  for resale increased by 16% in 1999 compared  with
1998, while revenues from sales for resale increased by 20% for  the
same  period.  KWH sales increased as a result of increased  trading
activity  in  the forward, daily and hourly markets  while  revenues
were  driven by higher market prices in the wholesale energy market.
Factors  contributing  to the higher market  prices  include  higher
natural  gas  prices and the tightening of excess  capacity  in  the

     1998 compared with 1997

     Total operating revenues from retail sales and sales for resale
were  7% higher in 1998.  KWh sales to retail customers grew by 2.1%
in  1998 compared with 1997.  The average number of retail customers
increased  by 2.2% in 1998.  Revenues from sales to retail customers
increased  by  less  than  1.0% in 1998  compared  with  1997.   The
increase in kWh sales noted above was partially offset by the effect
of  a  1.1% across-the-board rate reduction retroactive to  July  1,
1998.   In  addition,  TEP  recorded a  $4.4  million  reduction  in
revenues  resulting  from  a  change in  the  method  of  estimating
unbilled revenues.

     In  1998,  kWh  sales for resale increased by  32%  while  the
related revenues increased by 47% over 1997.  KWH sales increased as
a  result  of increased trading activity in the forward,  daily  and
hourly  markets while revenues increased due to higher market prices
in the wholesale energy market.

     TEP's non-cash revenue from the Amortization of the MSR Option
Gain Regulatory Liability was zero in 1998 and $8.1 million in 1997.
This regulatory liability was fully amortized as of May 1997.


     1999 Compared with 1998

     Fuel  and  Purchased Power expense increased by  12%  in  1999
compared  with  1998.   Fuel  expense  at  TEP's  generating  plants
increased  primarily  due  to  higher energy  requirements  to  meet
increased kWh sales.  Purchased Power Expense also increased because
of  increased  purchases  in  response  to  the  large  increase  in
wholesale  energy sales made by TEP in 1999.  The  average  cost  of
fuel  per  kWh generated was 1.75 cents and 1.70 cents for 1999  and
1998,  respectively.  In 1999 and 1998, fuel expense  included  $3.2
million  and  $3.8 million related to the amortization  of  the  $50
million  contract termination fee paid to TEP's major coal supplier.
As  of  November 1999 this regulatory asset was reclassified to  the
Transition  Recovery  Asset.  See Note 2 of  Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial Statements, Deferred Springerville Generation Costs.

     Capital Lease Expense decreased in 1999 from 1998 due to lease
expense not being recorded in this line item after October 1999.
Through October 1999, in accordance with FAS 71, we recorded lease
expense consistent with our rate-making treatment.  For rate-making
purposes, our leases have been treated as operating leases with equal
annual expense amounts over the lease term.  We stopped applying FAS
71 to our generation operations effective November 1, 1999 and we
began to account for our leases as an unregulated company would.
This caused our lease expense for the last two months of 1999 to be
$3.1 million (before tax) greater than it would have been if we
continued to apply FAS 71.  Our lease expense recognized after
October 31, 1999 is presented in the following expense line items on
the income statement:

- --Depreciation and Amortization:  reflects depreciation of the
  capital lease asset on a straight-line basis over the remaining
  lease term.
- --Interest on Capital Leases:  reflects interest expense calculated
  on a mortgage basis.  See Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
  Statements, Regulatory Matters.

     Other Operations Expense was lower in 1999 compared with  1998
due to lower general and administrative expenses.

     The Amortization of Springerville Unit 1 Allowance contra-asset
was  discontinued in November 1999 due to the accounting effects  of
ceasing to use FAS 71 for generation operations.

     Depreciation and Amortization expense increased in  1999  over
1998  due  to the accounting effects of ceasing to use  FAS  71  for
generation  operations.  Absent this accounting change, Depreciation
and Amortization expense would have declined year to year.

     Taxes  Other Than Income Taxes decreased in 1999  versus  1998
primarily due to lower property taxes resulting from a lower average
assessment ratio on utility plant in 1999 than in 1998.

     Amortization  of Transition Recovery Asset is  a  new  expense
category  as  of November 1999 and is the result of  the  change  in
accounting  for  generation  operations.   This  item  reflects  the
recovery   of  transition  recovery  assets  which  were  previously
regulatory  assets  of  the  generation business.   Based  on  TEP's
forecasted  sales  levels for the next three years,  we  expect  the
amount  of  the  Amortization of Transition  Recovery  Asset  to  be
approximately $15 million, $20 million and $25 million in 2000, 2001
and 2002, respectively.

     Income Tax Expense for 1999 includes the benefit of a reversal
of  income  tax reserves related to NOL recognition.  This  reversal
reflects  the improved likelihood of a favorable resolution  of  tax
items.   The  total amount of the adjustment was $9.0 million,  with
approximately $7.2 million recorded in Income Tax Expense  and  $1.8
million recorded in Income Taxes under Other Income.

     1998 Compared with 1997

     Fuel  and  Purchased Power expense increased by  18%  in  1998
relative  to  1997 due primarily to the large increase in  wholesale
energy  sales.  In 1998 and 1997, fuel expense included $3.8 million
and  $1.9  million related to the amortization of  the  $50  million
contract  termination fee paid to TEP's major  coal  supplier.   The
average cost of fuel per kWh generated was 1.70 cents and 1.77 cents
for   1998  and  1997,  respectively.   See  Note  2  of  Notes   to
Consolidated    Financial   Statements,    Deferred    Springerville
Generation Costs.

     Depreciation and Amortization expense increased in  1998  over
1997 due to depreciation on additions to property in 1998.

   Other Income (Deductions)

     Income Tax reported within Other Income (Deductions) relates to
income  tax  expense  or  benefits which are related  to  nonutility
businesses  and  other income tax effects not  directly  related  to
utility  operations.  The decrease in Income Tax benefits from  1998
to  1999 is due to the tax expense associated with the $34.7 million
gain  on  sale  of  NewEnergy in 1999 and  the  elimination  of  ITC
amortization  after October 31, 1999.  In 1998, Income Tax  benefits
resulted primarily from losses at Millennium subsidiaries, including

     UniSource Energy and TEP recognized $1.2 million of NOL benefit
in Other Income and $6.8 million in Income Tax Expense in 1999, zero
in  1998, and $43.4 million of NOL benefit in Other Income in  1997.
This  reduced  NOL benefit recognition and changes  in  tax  expense
resulting  from  changes  in income before taxes,  caused  the  1998
income  tax  benefits  included  in  Other  Income  (Deductions)  to
decrease by $34.0 million and $40.6 million for UniSource Energy and
TEP, respectively, from 1997 levels.

     UniSource  Energy  and  TEP recognize NOL  benefits  based  on
changes in the estimated amount of prior period NOLs that are likely
to  be  used on future tax returns. In future periods when the  NOLs
are  used on tax returns to reduce income taxes paid, the income tax
expense shown on the income statements will not be reduced.  At  the
present time, we are not able to estimate additional amounts of  NOL
benefit  that  we may recognize in the income statements  of  either
UniSource Energy or TEP.  This is because there are still  open  tax
years  for  which  additional assessments may be  made  and  because
federal and state NOL carryforwards expire at various dates.  We  do
not  expect  to  recognize additional amounts of NOL  benefit  until
these items are resolved or estimates of probable additional benefit
can be made.

   Reversal of Loss Provision

     TEP recorded a $10.2 million Reversal of Loss Provision in the
second quarter of 1997 when it dissolved certain subsidiaries  which
were part of TEP's former investment operations.

   Interest Income

     Interest  Income decreased in 1999 compared with 1998  due  to
lower average cash balances during the year.

     TEP's income statement for 1999 and 1998 includes $9.9 million
and $9.3 million, respectively, of interest income on the promissory
note TEP received from UniSource Energy in exchange for the transfer
of its stock in Millennium.  See Note 1 of Notes to the Consolidated
Financial   Statements,  Nature  of  Operations   and   Summary   of
Significant   Accounting  Policies,  Basis  of   Presentation.    On
UniSource Energy's income statement, this income is eliminated as an
inter-company transaction.

   Income (Losses) from Millennium Energy Businesses

     The Millennium Energy Businesses Segment contributed net income
of  $10.9 million in 1999, compared with net losses of $8.1  million
in  1998  and $5.3 million in 1997.  Results for 1999 include  $20.8
million from the after-tax gain on sale of NewEnergy and the  write-
off   of  certain  of  Nations  Energy's  projects.   Excluding  the
NewEnergy  gain  and the Nations Energy write-offs,  the  Millennium
Energy  Businesses Segment would have realized a net  loss  of  $6.1
million in 1999, an improvement in their operating results over 1998
losses   of   $8.1  million.   See  Results  of  Millennium   Energy
Businesses,  below  for  more information on  the  results  of  this
business segment.

     Interest Expense

     1999 Compared with 1998

     Total Interest Expense increased in 1999 compared with 1998 as
a  portion  of Capital Lease Expense was reclassified from Operating
Expense  to Interest Expense due to ceasing to apply FAS 71  to  our
generation operations.  This occurred in the fourth quarter of  1999
as accounting for capital leases changed from the 'levelized method'
to the 'interest method'.

     Interest Expense on Long-Term Debt decreased in 1999 from 1998
as TEP redeemed $30 million of its 8.50% First Mortgage Bonds due in
2009  in  December 1998.  Also contributing to lower Long-Term  Debt
interest  expense were refinancings of higher rate debt in 1998  and
lower   average   interest  rates  on  TEP's  variable   rate   debt
obligations.  The weighted average interest rate on TEP's tax-exempt
variable  rate debt obligations was 3.3% in 1999 compared with  3.5%
in 1998, excluding letter of credit fees.

     In  November  1999,  Interest Imputed on  Losses  Recorded  at
Present  Value  was  discontinued  when we  ceased  to  account  for
generation  operations according to FAS 71.   The  imputed  interest
expense  relates  to  the  Springerville Unit  1  Allowance  and  is
eliminated going forward because the Springerville Unit 1  Allowance
has  been offset against the cost basis of the Springerville Unit  1
Lease asset.

     1998 Compared with 1997

     Interest  Expense increased in 1998 relative to  1997.   Higher
letter  of  credit fees for a new TEP Credit Agreement, as  well  as
higher interest rates from the refinancing of certain variable  rate
debt  obligations with fixed rate debt obligations accounted  for  a
substantial part of the increase.  TEP also incurred higher interest
expense in 1998 when new bonds were issued and interest expense  was
accrued  for  periods  up to 75 days before the  redemption  of  old
bonds.   This  increased interest was partially offset  by  interest
income  on the funds held prior to the redemption of the old  bonds.
These  refinancings  benefit TEP by extending  debt  maturities  and
reducing  the  risk  of  changes  in  variable  interest  rates   by
refinancing on a fixed rate basis.

     See  Investing  and Financing Activities,  Bond  Issuance  and
Redemption,  and  Note  6  of  Notes to the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements, Long-Term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations.

   Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax

     When  TEP ceased applying FAS 71 for its generation operations
in  November  1999,  it recorded $22.6 million of extraordinary  net
income consisting of the following after-tax items:

   --  $31.4 million in income from recognizing all remaining usable
       investment tax credit benefits;
   --  $1.9 million of expense from a change in accounting related to
       certain emission allowance transactions, and
   --  $6.9 million expense true-up from recording generation-related
       property-tax expense on an accrual basis rather than the regulatory

     TEP recognized the $31.4 million in income from recognition of
its  remaining  usable ITC benefits in 1999.  Prior to  November  1,
1999,  all  ITC  was  recognized  as  income  in  Other  Income  and
Deductions as the ITC was amortized to income over the tax  life  of
the  property  generating the ITC for ACC ratemaking purposes.   The
recognition of this one-time benefit will reduce future earnings  by
the amount that would have amortized to income.

See Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Regulatory


     The table below provides a breakdown by subsidiary of the  net
income  and losses recorded by the Millennium Energy Businesses  for
the three years ended December 31, 1999.

                                          Amounts in $ Millions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Subsidiary                       1999       1998       1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    AET                               $(1.0)     $(0.3)     $(0.6)
    MEH                                20.9       (9.2)      (4.5)
    Nations Energy                     (9.2)       1.4        0.2
    Other                               0.2        0.0       (0.4)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Consolidated Millennium Net
     Income                           $10.9      $(8.1)     $(5.3)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     AET and Global Solar

     AET's  net  losses in the period 1997 through  1999  represent
ongoing  developmental costs at Global Solar.  In 1996, AET acquired
from  ITN  a  50% ownership interest in Global Solar.   In  November
1999,  Millennium  and  ITN  entered  into  an  agreement  in  which
Millennium's share of Global Solar will increase to 67%. Small-scale
manufacturing  of  thin-film photovoltaic cells began  in  1999  and
commercial production is expected in 2000.

     MEH and NewEnergy

     MEH  recorded net income in 1999 as a result of the July  1999
sale  of  its equity investment in NewEnergy to The AES Corporation.
MEH  received $50 million in consideration from the sale  consisting
of  $27.2  million in AES common stock and secured promissory  notes
issued  by NewEnergy totaling $22.8 million, payable over two years.
MEH   recognized  an  after-tax  gain  of  $20.8  million   on   the
transaction.  The AES common stock was sold in 1999 at a small gain.

     As  part of the sale agreement, AES repaid a $10 million  loan
NewEnergy  obtained from an unrelated party that was  guaranteed  by
UniSource  Energy.  Previously, UniSource Energy provided guarantees
of  up  to  $56 million of certain performance bonds and contractual
obligations   relating  to  NewEnergy's  purchases  and   sales   of
electricity.  On October 1, 1999, termination notices were  sent  on
all  guarantees  and the master surety agreement so  that  UniSource
Energy   will  not  incur  any  additional  liability  under   these
agreements.  All obligations incurred prior to the terminations have
been extinguished, except for one in the amount of up to $1 million,
which is scheduled to expire in March 2000.

     Net losses from MEH's equity investment in NewEnergy were  the
primary contributors to net losses at Millennium in 1998 and 1997 of
$8.1 million and $5.3 million, respectively.  NewEnergy's losses  in
1998 resulted from:

 --  narrow margins on energy sales;
 --  gross  margin  that  did not yet support administrative  costs,
     including start-up costs associated with expansion into additional
     regions of the country; and
 --  recognition  of one-time losses from adverse sales  commitments
     resulting from contracts made prior to the start of operations.

     NewEnergy's  losses in 1997 resulted primarily  from  start-up
costs for business development in anticipation of the opening of the
California  electricity market to competition in 1998.  In  addition
to  amounts recorded as losses from unregulated businesses in  1997,
TEP  recorded  an  additional $6.3 million (pre-tax)  in  consulting
expenses  related to NewEnergy.  These funds were paid to  NewEnergy
during the first eight months of 1997, prior to the exercise of  the
option to acquire a 50% interest in NewEnergy.

     MEH  originally  acquired its 50% ownership  in  NewEnergy  in
September  1997 with an $0.8 million capital contribution.   In  the
first  quarter of 1999, MEH transferred its ownership  in  NewEnergy
Ventures  Southwest (NEV SW) to NewEnergy.  In 1999, 1998 and  1997,
MEH  recorded pre-tax losses related to NewEnergy, including NEV SW,
of $1 million, $16 million and $8 million, respectively.  These pre-
tax  losses  were approximately 1%, 42% and 13% in  1999,  1998  and
1997, respectively, of UniSource Energy's pre-tax income.

     Because we have no continuing involvement with NewEnergy, other
than  the collateralized promissory notes from NewEnergy, we do  not
believe  that the results of NewEnergy's operations will affect  our
continuing  operations.  At December 31, 1999, the market  value  of
the  collateral supporting the promissory notes exceeded the  amount
of the promissory notes by 57%.  The promissory notes represent less
than 1% of UniSource Energy's total assets at December 31, 1999.

     Nations Energy

     Nations Energy reported a net loss of $9.2 million in 1999 due
to  development costs, expenses related to the exercise of an option
to invest in a power project in the Czech Republic and the write-off
of  investments  in   certain projects. In  early  2000,  the  power
project  in  the  Czech Republic was sold for a $3  million  pre-tax
gain.   The net loss from 1999 compares with reported net income  of
$1.4 million in 1998 resulting from a $5.8 million after-tax gain on
the  sale  of  a 48% investment in the partnership which  owned  and
operated  the Coors Brewing Company power plant in Golden, Colorado.
This gain was largely offset by expenses for new project development
in 1998.  In 1997, Nations Energy reported a small profit, primarily
due  to  its share of partnership income from its investment in  the
Coors  Brewing Company power plant, which exceeded expenses recorded
for new project development.

- -------------------------

   UniSource Energy

     On  December 3, 1999 UniSource Energy declared a cash dividend
in  the amount of $0.08 per share on its common stock.  The dividend
is  payable March 10, 2000 to shareholders of record at the close of
business February 15, 2000.

     UniSource Energy's Board of Directors will review our dividend
policy on a continuing basis, taking into consideration a number  of
factors including our results of operations and financial condition,
general  economic and competitive conditions and the cash flow  from
our subsidiary companies, TEP and Millennium.


     In December 1999 and 1998, TEP declared and paid dividends  of
$34  million and $30 million, respectively, to UniSource Energy, its
sole  shareholder.   TEP declared the dividends  from  current  year
earnings  since TEP has an accumulated deficit, rather than positive
retained earnings.

     TEP  had  not  paid a dividend since 1989.  TEP suspended  its
dividend  in  1989 due to financial difficulties which  led  to  the
Financial Restructuring in 1992.  After the Financial Restructuring,
TEP did not pay a dividend due, in part, to various restrictions  in
its  debt  agreements.  During 1998, TEP redeemed or exchanged   the
series  of  First  Mortgage  Bonds that contained  restrictions  and
modified  restrictions  contained in other credit  agreements.   See
Investing and Financing Activities, below.

     TEP can pay dividends if it maintains compliance with the  TEP
Credit  Agreement  and  certain  financial  covenants,  including  a
covenant that requires TEP to maintain a minimum level of net worth.
As  of  December 31, 1999, the required minimum net worth  was  $212
million.   TEP's  actual net worth at December  31,  1999  was  $270
million.   See Investing and Financing Activities, TEP  Bank  Credit
Agreement,  below.  As of December 31, 1999, TEP was  in  compliance
with the terms of the Credit Agreement.

     The  ACC  Holding Company Order states that TEP  may  not  pay
dividends to UniSource Energy in excess of 75% of its earnings until
TEP's  equity ratio equals 37.5% of total capital (excluding capital
lease obligations).  As of December 31, 1999, TEP's equity ratio  on
that basis was 19.2%.

     In addition to these limitations, the Federal Power Act states
that  dividends shall not be paid out of funds properly included  in
the  capital account.  Although the terms of the Federal  Power  Act
are  unclear,  we believe that there is a reasonable  basis  to  pay
dividends from current year earnings.


     In  the  third quarter of 1999, Millennium paid a $10  million
cash  dividend  to UniSource Energy.  Millennium used  some  of  the
proceeds  of  the sale of AES Corporation common stock  received  in
consideration  for the sale of NewEnergy to pay this  dividend.   We
cannot  predict,  however, the amount or timing of future  dividends
from Millennium.

- -------------------

     At  December  31,  1999, UniSource Energy and  TEP  had,  for
federal income tax purposes:

  --  $320 million of NOL carryforwards expiring in 2006 through 2009;
  --  $20 million of unused ITC expiring in 2002 through 2005; and
  --  $33 million of AMT credit which will carry forward to future

     Due to the issuance of common stock to various creditors of
TEP  in  1992, a change in TEP ownership was deemed to have occurred
for  tax purposes in December 1991.  As a result, our use of the NOL
and  ITC  generated before 1992 may be limited under the  tax  code.
The  IRS  is  challenging our calculation of  this  limitation.  See
Income  Tax Assessments in Note 9 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements.   At  December 31, 1999, pre-1992 federal  NOL  and  ITC
carryforwards which are subject to the limitation were approximately
$153  million  and $20 million, respectively.  The $167  million  of
post-1992  federal NOL at December 31, 1999, is not subject  to  the

- -------------------------------


     Overview of UniSource Energy Cash Flows and Liquidity

     Net cash flows from operating activities decreased in aggregate
by  $48  million  in  1999  compared with 1998.   The  decrease  was
principally due to the transfer of cash to an escrow account related
to  a  tax  settlement  (see  See Note 9 of  Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial Statements, Commitments and Contingencies), higher  income
tax payments and purchases of emission allowance credits.

     Net cash used for investing activities totaled $93 million  in
1999  compared with $109 million in 1998.  Capital expenditures were
$12  million higher in 1999.  Other significant investing activities
in 1999 included TEP's $27 million purchase of Springerville Unit  1
lease debt and $28 million in proceeds from Millennium's sale of AES
Corporation  stock  received  as  consideration  from  the  sale  of
NewEnergy.   In  1998, Nations Energy received $21 million  in  cash
proceeds  from  the sale of its partnership interest  in  the  Coors
Brewing  Company  power plant and $51 million  was  invested  in  or
loaned  to  other Millennium energy businesses.  See  Investing  and
Financing  Activities,  below  for a discussion  of  historical  and
forecasted construction expenditures and investments in Millennium's
energy businesses.

     Net cash used for financing activities totaled $20 million  in
1999  compared with $53 million in 1998.  In 1999, the major use  of
cash  for  financing activities was $24 million  to  retire  capital
lease obligations.  In 1998 $17 million of capital lease obligations
were  retired.   Also, in 1998 TEP completed several  bond  issuance
transactions and used the proceeds to redeem First Mortgage Bonds  .
In addition, in December 1998, TEP redeemed $30 million of its 8.50%
First  Mortgage  Bonds  due in 2009.   See Investing  and  Financing
Activities below.

     As  a  result  of activities described above,  cash  and  cash
equivalents  increased slightly from the 1998  year-end  balance  of
$145.1 million to the 1999 year-end balance of $145.2 million.   Our
consolidated cash balance, including cash equivalents,  at  February
24,  2000, was approximately $112 million.  We invest cash  balances
in high-grade money market securities with an emphasis on preserving
the principal amounts invested.

     During 2000, UniSource Energy will use cash to fund investments
in   Millennium's  energy  businesses  and  to  pay   dividends   to
shareholders.  At year-end 1999 UniSource Energy had cash and  short
term  investments  of  approximately $53  million.   We  expect  our
sources  of  cash  to be dividends from our subsidiaries,  primarily
TEP.   Although  no  specific offerings are currently  contemplated,
UniSource  Energy may also issue debt and/or equity securities  from
time  to time.  If cash flows were to fall short of expectation,  we
would  reevaluate the investment requirements of Millennium's energy
businesses  and/or seek additional financing for or  investments  in
those businesses by unrelated parties.

     TEP Cash Flows and Liquidity

     TEP's  net  cash flows from operating activities decreased  in
aggregate  by $40 million in 1999 compared with 1998.  The  decrease
was  principally  due to the transfer of cash to an  escrow  account
related to a tax settlement (see See Note 9 of Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements, Commitments and Contingencies), higher  income
tax payments and purchases of emission allowance credits.

     Net cash used for investing activities totaled $115 million in
1999  compared with $125 million in 1998.  Capital Expenditures were
$10  million  higher in 1999.  Other investing activities  for  1999
included  the  $27 million purchase of Springerville  Unit  1  lease
debt.  In 1998, net cash outflows from investing activities included
the transfer of Millennium and its $45.4 million of cash from TEP to
UniSource Energy on January 1, 1998.  The subsidiaries holding  that
cash   were  subsidiaries  of  TEP  at  year-end  1997,  and  became
subsidiaries of UniSource Energy on January 1, 1998.  See  Investing
and  Financing Activities, below for a discussion of historical  and
forecasted construction expenditures.

     Net cash used for financing activities totaled $54 million  in
1999 compared with $84 million in 1998.  In 1999, the major uses  of
cash  for financing activities were a $34 million cash dividend paid
by  TEP  to UniSource Energy in the fourth quarter of 1999  and  $24
million  to retire capital lease obligations. In 1998 TEP  completed
several  bond issuance transactions and used the proceeds to  redeem
First  Mortgage Bonds that prohibited the payment of dividends.   In
1998,  TEP paid a $30 million cash dividend to UniSource Energy  and
$17 million of capital lease obligations were retired.  In addition,
in  December  1998,  TEP redeemed $30 million  of  its  8.50%  First
Mortgage  Bonds  due in 2009 to reduce interest  expense  in  future
periods.  See Investing and Financing Activities below.

     As a result of activities described above, TEP's cash and cash
equivalents decreased by $30 million from the 1998 year-end  balance
of  $118 million to the 1999 year-end balance of $88 million.  TEP's
consolidated cash balance, including cash equivalents,  at  February
24, 2000, was approximately $65 million.

     After  capital  expenditures, scheduled  debt  maturities  and
payments  to retire capital lease obligations, TEP's net cash  flows
available  for other investing and financing activities  were  $23.7
million  in 1999, $81.7 million in 1998, and $40.1 million in  1997.
During 2000, TEP expects to generate sufficient internal cash  flows
to  fund  its  operating activities, capital expenditures,  required
debt maturities, and to pay dividends to UniSource Energy.  However,
TEP's  cash  flows  may vary due to changes in  wholesale  revenues,
changes  in short-term interest rates, and other factors.   If  cash
flows  were  to  fall  short  of expectations  or  if  monthly  cash
requirements temporarily exceeded available cash balances, TEP would
borrow from its Revolving Credit Facility.



   Capital Expenditures

     TEP's  capital expenditures for the years 1997 through  1999,
along  with estimated amounts for the years 2000 through  2004,  are
shown below:

                             ($ in millions)
                        Actual              Estimated
              1997      $ 72        2000     $ 95
              1998        81        2001       96
              1999        91        2002       91
                                    2003       86
                                    2004       74
                               TOTAL         $442

     The estimated capital expenditures for the five years 2000-2004
break down in the following categories:

  -- $292 million for transmission, distribution and other facilities
     in the Tucson area;
  -- $64 million in new production facilities.  Beginning in 2000
     production facilities are considered an unregulated component of our
     electric utility operations; and
  -- $86 million for existing other production facilities.

     These  estimated expenditures include costs for TEP to  comply
with  current federal and state environmental regulations.   All  of
these  estimates  are subject to continuing review  and  adjustment.
Actual  construction  expenditures  may  be  different  from   these
estimates  due  to  changes  in  business  conditions,  construction
schedules,  environmental requirements, and changes to our  business
arising   from  retail  competition.   TEP  plans  to   fund   these
expenditures through internally generated cash flow.

   Bond Issuance and Redemption

     During 1999, TEP did not issue any new bonds or redeem any
existing bonds, other than required sinking fund payments of $1.7

     During  1998,  TEP issued $386.9 million  in  new  bonds  and
redeemed  $416.4  million  of  bonds.  TEP  achieved  the  following
objectives with this refinancing activity:

    --  extended maturities;
    --  replaced variable rate debt with fixed rate debt; and
    --  eliminated restrictive covenants contained in existing First
        Mortgage Bonds.

     Bond  redemptions  during 1998 included  all  of  TEP's  First
Mortgage  Bonds due in 1999, 2001, 2002, and 2003, as  well  as  the
$31.9  million of 12.22% First Mortgage Bonds due 2000 not  tendered
for  exchange.  By redeeming these bonds, covenants that  prohibited
the   payment  of  common  stock  dividends  were  eliminated.   See
Dividends on Common Stock.

   TEP Bank Credit Agreement

     TEP has a $441 million Credit Agreement with a number of banks
which  matures  on December 30, 2002.  The agreement consists  of  a
$100 million Revolving Credit Facility and a $341 million Letter  of
Credit  Facility.  The Revolving Credit Facility is used to  provide
liquidity  for  general corporate purposes.  The  Letter  of  Credit
Facility  supports $329 million aggregate principal amount  of  tax-
exempt  variable  rate debt.  The facilities  are  secured  by  $441
million  in  aggregate  principal amount of Second  Mortgage  Bonds.
The Credit Agreement contains several financial covenants, including
interest coverage, leverage and net worth tests.  As of December 31,
1999,  TEP  was  in compliance with these financial covenants.   See
Restrictive Covenants below.

     If  TEP  borrows  under  the Revolving  Credit  Facility,  the
borrowing costs would be at a variable interest rate consisting of a
spread  over LIBOR or an alternate base rate.  The spread  is  based
upon  a  pricing  grid  tied to the credit rating  on  TEP's  senior
secured debt.  Also, TEP pays a commitment fee on the unused portion
of  the Revolving Credit Facility, and a fee on the Letter of Credit
Facility.   These  fees are also dependent on TEP's credit  ratings.
At  December 31, 1999, the commitment fee was 0.375% per  year,  and
the  letter of credit fee (excluding letter of credit fronting  fees
of  0.125%) was 1.375% per year.   In late December 1999  and  early
January  2000,  TEP's  bond ratings were upgraded  by  three  credit
rating  agencies.  As a result, on January 3, 2000,  the  commitment
fee  decreased  to  0.250% per year, and the letter  of  credit  fee
(excluding  letter of credit fronting fees of 0.125%)  decreased  to
1.125%  per  year.   TEP  had no borrowings  outstanding  under  the
Revolving Credit Facility at December 31, 1999 or January 3, 2000.

   Springerville Common Facilities Leases

     The   secured  notes  underlying  the  Springerville   Common
Facilities  lease  agreement  were refunded  in  December  1999  and
replaced by new secured notes.   The lease agreement was amended  to
provide  that  the new secured notes underlying the  lease  must  be
refunded or refinanced by June 30, 2003 to avoid a special event  of
loss under the lease.  If a special event of loss were to occur, TEP
would  be required to repurchase the facilities for an amount  equal
to  the  higher of the stipulated loss value of $125 million or  the
fair  market value of the facilities.  Upon such purchase, the lease
would be terminated.

     The  principal amount of the notes at the refunding  date  was
approximately  $70  million.  Interest on the  new  lease  notes  is
currently  paid at a variable rate of interest equal to  LIBOR  plus
2.50%.  The secured notes underlying these leases were refinanced in
December  1999  to avoid a special event of loss.  As  a  result  of
refinancing at a higher rate, we recorded an additional $26  million
of capital lease obligations and capital lease assets.

   Tax-Exempt Local Furnishing Bonds

     TEP has financed a substantial portion of utility plant assets
with  industrial development revenue bonds issued by the  Industrial
Development  Authorities  of Pima County  and  Apache  County.   The
interest  on these bonds is excluded from gross income of  the  bond
holder  for federal tax purposes.  This exclusion is allowed because
the  facilities qualify as "facilities for the local  furnishing  of
electric  energy"  as defined by the Internal Revenue  Code.   These
bonds  are  sometimes  referred to as "tax-exempt  local  furnishing
bonds."  To qualify for this exclusion, the facilities must be  part
of  a system providing electric service to customers within not more
than  two  contiguous  counties.  TEP provides electric  service  to
retail customers in the City of Tucson and certain other portions of
Pima  County,  Arizona  and to Fort Huachuca in  contiguous  Cochise
County, Arizona.

     As  of December 31, 1999, TEP had approximately $580 million of
tax-exempt   local  furnishing  bonds  outstanding.   In   addition,
approximately  $98 million of debt related to the Irvington  Unit  4
lease  obligation  was issued as tax-exempt local furnishing  bonds.
TEP has financed the following facilities, in whole or in part, with
the  proceeds  of  tax-exempt local furnishing bonds:  Springerville
Unit  2, Irvington Unit 4, a dedicated 345-kV transmission line from
Springerville  Unit  2 to TEP's retail service  area  (the  "Express
Line"),  and  a portion of TEP's local transmission and distribution
system  in the Tucson metropolitan area.  Approximately $325 million
in  principal amount of such bonds financed Springerville Unit 2 and
the Express Line.

     Any  of  the following events might cause TEP to have to redeem
or defease some or all of these bonds:

    --  formation of an RTO or ISO;
    --  transfer of generating assets to a separate subsidiary;
    --  asset divestiture;
    --  changes in tax laws; or
    --  changes in system operations.

As  discussed elsewhere in this report, it is likely that an RTO  or
ISO  will  be  formed  in  Arizona.   In  addition,  the  Settlement
Agreement  provides that TEP's generating facilities be  transferred
to  a subsidiary by December 31, 2002.  However, at the date of this
report, no plans relating to the formation or operation of an RTO or
ISO,  or  to  the  transfer  of  generating  facilities,  have  been
developed  to a degree of certainty that would allow a determination
as  to whether or not either of such actions would cause TEP's local
generation,  transmission  and  distribution  system  to  lose   its
qualification as a local furnishing system.  TEP believes that  such
qualification should not be lost so long as (1) the RTO or ISO would
not  change  the  operation of the Express Line or the  transmission
facilities  within TEP's local service area and (2) energy  produced
by  Springerville  Unit  2  and  by  TEP's  local  generating  units
continues  to  be  consumed in TEP's local service  area.   However,
there  is  no  assurance that such qualification can be  maintained.
Any  redemption  or defeasance of tax-exempt local furnishing  bonds
would  likely  require the issuance and sale of higher cost  taxable
debt securities in the same or a greater principal amount.

   Restrictive Covenants

     General First Mortgage Covenants

     TEP's General First Mortgage creates a first mortgage lien  on
and  security  interest  in  most of  TEP's  utility  plant  assets.
Springerville Unit 2, which is owned by San Carlos, is  not  subject
to  this  lien  and  security interest.   Under  the  General  First
Mortgage TEP may issue additional First Mortgage Bonds on the  basis

     (1)  up to 60% of net utility property additions; and
     (2)  the principal amount of retired First Mortgage Bonds.

In general, the amount of First Mortgage Bonds that TEP can issue is
also  subject to a net earnings test.  The test must show that TEP's
net  earnings  for  12 consecutive months within  the  preceding  15
months are at least two (2.0) times the annual interest requirements
on all outstanding First Mortgage Bonds (including the new bonds).

     At   December  31,  1999,  TEP  had  the  ability  to   issue
approximately $59 million of new First Mortgage Bonds on  the  basis
of property additions, as described above.  TEP also had the ability
to issue about $476 million of new First Mortgage Bonds on the basis
of retired First Mortgage Bonds.

     However,  TEP's  Credit Agreement allows  no  more  than  $411
million of First Mortgage Bonds to be outstanding.  There were  $277
million  of First Mortgage Bonds outstanding at December  31,  1999.
Additionally,  the  Credit  Agreement  contains  certain   financial
covenants  that  limit the amount of new debt  obligations  TEP  may
issue.  See Credit Agreement Covenants below.  Currently, TEP has no
plans to issue additional First Mortgage Bonds.

     General Second Mortgage Covenants

     TEP's General Second Mortgage creates a second mortgage lien on
and  security interest in most of TEP's utility plant assets.   This
lien  does  not cover assets owned by San Carlos. Under the  General
Second  Mortgage TEP may issue additional Second Mortgage  Bonds  on
the basis of:

     (1)   up to 70% of net utility property additions; and
     (2)   the principal amount of retired First and Second Mortgage

In  general, the amount of Second Mortgage Bonds that TEP can  issue
is  also  subject to a net earnings test.  The test must  show  that
TEP's net earnings for 12 consecutive months within the preceding 16
months are at least 1 3/4 times the annual interest requirements  on
all  outstanding  First  Mortgage Bonds and  Second  Mortgage  Bonds
(including the new bonds).

     If  TEP  issued Second Mortgage Bonds based on  retired  First
Mortgage Bonds, the amount of retired First Mortgage Bonds available
to  issue  new  First Mortgage Bonds would be reduced  by  the  same

     At  December 31, 1999, TEP had the ability to issue about $579
million  of  new Second Mortgage Bonds on the basis of net  property
additions  as described above.  Also, TEP had the ability  to  issue
approximately $629 million of new Second Mortgage Bonds on the basis
of  retired bonds.  Using an interest rate of 7.5%, the net earnings
test would allow such new issuances of Second Mortgage Bonds.  These
calculations assume that no additional First Mortgage Bonds would be
issued  other  than  to refund First Mortgage Bonds  outstanding  at
December  31,  1999.  However, issuance of these  amounts  would  be
limited by financial covenants in TEP's bank Credit Agreement.

     See  Investing  and  Financing  Activities,  TEP  Bank  Credit
Agreement and Restrictive Covenants, Credit Agreement Covenants  for
information regarding the Credit Agreement which is secured by  $441
million in aggregate principal amount of Second Mortgage Bonds.

     Credit Agreement Covenants

     TEP's  Credit  Agreement  contains  a  number  of  restrictive
covenants including restrictions on additional indebtedness,  liens,
sale of assets or mergers and sale-leasebacks.

     TEP must also maintain several financial covenants.  The table
below includes a brief description of each covenant, the requirement
and TEP's actual results for the period ended December 31, 1999.

                                            December 31, 1999
Covenant                             Requirement            Actual
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Minimum Consolidated
Tangible Net Worth (equal
to the sum of $133 million
plus 40% of cumulative
Consolidated Net Income
since January 1, 1997)              $212 million        $270 million

Minimum Cash Coverage Ratio
(as defined in TEP's
Credit Agreement)                       1.4                  1.5

Maximum Leverage Ratio                  6.8                  6.3

     See Dividends on Common Stock for a discussion of  the
effects of such covenants on TEP's ability to declare or pay

     See Investing and Financing Activities, TEP Bank Credit
Agreement   for  more  information  regarding   the   Credit


   Sale of NewEnergy, Inc.

     On  July  23,  1999,  MEH sold its  50%  ownership  in
NewEnergy to the AES Corporation (AES).

     MEH  sold the AES Corporation common stock received  in
consideration  for  the  sale  of  NewEnergy  in  the  third
quarter of 1999.  Millennium used some of the proceeds  from
the sale of AES stock to pay a $10 million cash dividend  to
UniSource  Energy.  The remaining proceeds  from  the  stock
sale  as  well as other proceeds of the NewEnergy sale  were
subsequently   available   for   reinvestment    in    other

   Capital Requirements

     The  unregulated energy businesses owned by Millennium
have  historically required significant amounts of  capital.
During 1999 and in the first quarter of 2000, we have  taken
the  opportunity to realize the value from certain of  these
more  capital  intensive investments and focus  on  emerging
energy  production  and  storage  technologies.   In   1999,
Millennium  made  significant investments  in  and  received
distributions from our unregulated energy businesses.  These

   --  $5 million investment in AET and Global Solar; and
   --  $28 million cash proceeds from the sale of NewEnergy

     In  January 2000, Nations Energy sold its interest  in
the  project located in the Czech Republic project for a  $3
million pre-tax gain.

     Plans  for  2000 and beyond include lower  anticipated
funding   requirements  for  Nations  Energy  and  increased
support  of AET and Global Solar.  In particular, Millennium
has  agreed  to contribute to Global Solar up to $14 million
in additional  equity.   As of December 31, 1999, Millennium
had funded $2 million.

     Our   ability  to  fund  additional  future   capital
requirements of our unregulated business segment will depend
to  a  great  extent  on  the  amount  and  availability  of
dividends   UniSource  Energy  receives  from  our   primary
operating subsidiary, TEP.


     Promissory Note to TEP

     On January 1, 1998, TEP and UniSource Energy completed
a  transaction by which all outstanding shares of TEP common
stock were exchanged, on a share-for-share basis, for shares
of  UniSource  Energy  common stock.   Following  the  share
exchange,  TEP  transferred  the  stock  of  Millennium   to
UniSource  Energy  in  exchange for a $95  million  ten-year
promissory note from UniSource Energy.  The promissory  note
was  issued in accordance with the ACC Order authorizing the
formation of the holding company.  The interest rate on  the
note issued to TEP is 9.78%.  Interest is payable every  two
years beginning January 1, 2000.  UniSource Energy paid  $19
million in interest prior to the due date.

     Investment Plus Plan

     UniSource  Energy established a direct stock  purchase
plan,  called the Investment Plus Plan, in the third quarter
of  1998.   On  January 7, 2000, this plan  was  amended  to
provide  for automatic dividend reinvestment in addition  to
direct stock purchases.  The Investment Plus Plan provides a
method  of  investing directly in our common  stock  without
brokerage commissions or service charges.

     Restrictions on Proceeds of Equity Issuance

     Pursuant to the ACC Holding Company Order as  modified
by  the  Settlement Agreement, 30% of the  proceeds  of  any
public equity issuance undertaken by UniSource Energy in its
first  five years of operations must be used to reduce TEP's
debt or add to TEP's equity account.

- ------------------------------------------

     UniSource  Energy and TEP are including the  following
cautionary statements to make applicable and take  advantage
of  the  safe  harbor  provisions of the Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995  for  any  forward-looking
statements  made by or for UniSource Energy or TEP  in  this
Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K.  Forward-looking  statements
include  statements  concerning  plans,  objectives,  goals,
strategies,  future  events  or performance  and  underlying
assumptions and other statements which are not statements of
historical   facts.   Forward-looking  statements   may   be
identified  by  the  use  of words  such  as  "anticipates,"
"estimates,"  "expects,"  "intends,"  "plans,"   "predicts,"
"projects," and similar expressions.  From time to time,  we
may  publish  or  otherwise  make available  forward-looking
statements   of   this  nature.   All  such  forward-looking
statements, whether written or oral, and whether made by  or
on   behalf  of  UniSource  Energy  or  TEP,  are  expressly
qualified  by  these  cautionary statements  and  any  other
cautionary  statements  which  may  accompany  the  forward-
looking  statements.  In addition, UniSource Energy and  TEP
disclaim   any  obligation  to  update  any  forward-looking
statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date
of this report.

     Forward-looking   statements   involve   risks   and
uncertainties which could cause actual results  or  outcomes
to  differ  materially from those expressed in the  forward-
looking  statements.   We express our expectations,  beliefs
and  projections in good faith and believe them  to  have  a
reasonable  basis.   However, we  make  no  assurances  that
management's  expectations, beliefs or projections  will  be
achieved  or accomplished.  We have identified the following
important factors that could cause actual results to  differ
materially  from  those  discussed  in  our  forward-looking
statements.   These may be in addition to other factors  and
matters discussed in other parts of this report:

1. Effects  of restructuring initiatives in the  electric
   industry and other energy-related industries.

2. Effects of competition in retail and wholesale  energy

3. Changes in economic conditions, demographic patterns  and
   weather conditions in TEP's retail service area.

4. Changes  affecting  TEP's  cost of  providing  electrical
   service including changes in fuel costs, generating  unit
   operating   performance,  interest   rates,   tax   laws,
   environmental laws, and the general rate of inflation.

5. Changes  in governmental policies and regulatory  actions
   with respect to allowed rates of return, financings,  and
   rate structures.

6. Changes  affecting  the  cost  of  competing   energy
   alternatives,  including changes in available  generating
   technologies and changes in the cost of natural gas.

7. Changes in accounting principles or the application of
   such principles to UniSource Energy or TEP.

8. Market  conditions and technological changes affecting
   UniSource Energy's unregulated businesses.

- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------

   See  Item  7.  - Management's Discussion and Analysis  of
   Financial  Condition  and Results of Operations,  Factors
   Affecting Results of Operations, Market Risks.

- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------

    See  Item  14,  page 88, for a list of the  Consolidated
Financial  Statements which are included  in  the  following
pages.   See  Note  16  of  Notes to Consolidated  Financial


UniSource Energy Corporation and its Stockholders
Tucson Electric Power Company

We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of
income, changes in stockholders' equity, and cash flows of
UniSource Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries (the Company)
for the year ended December 31, 1997.  We have also audited the
accompanying consolidated statements of income, changes in
stockholder's equity, and cash flows of Tucson Electric
Power Company and its subsidiaries (TEP) for the year ended
December 31, 1997. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's and TEP's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards.  Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements
present fairly, in all material respects, the results of
operations and cash flows of the Company and TEP for the
year ended December 31, 1997 in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Phoenix, Arizona
February 23, 1998 (March 11, 1999 as to information with
respect to 1997 in Note 3 and in Note 11)

              Report of Independent Accountants

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
UniSource Energy Corporation and to the
Board of Directors and Stockholder of
Tucson Electric Power Company

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets
and statements of capitalization and the related
consolidated statements of income, of cash flows, and of
changes in stockholders' equity present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of UniSource
Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries (the Company) and
Tucson Electric Power Company and its subsidiaries (TEP) at
December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for the years then ended in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's and TEP's management; our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of
these statements in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States, which require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements, assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We
believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the
opinion expressed above. The consolidated financial
statements of the Company and TEP as of December 31, 1997
and for the year then ended were audited by other
independent accountants whose report dated February 23,
1998, except as to the information with respect to 1997 in
Notes 3 and 11 which is as of March 11, 1999, expressed an
unqualified opinion on those statements.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Los Angeles, California
February 2, 2000

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME              Years Ended December 31,
                                             1999        1998       1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               - Thousands of Dollars -
Operating Revenues
 Retail Customers                        $ 632,593    $ 625,407   $ 624,221
 Amortization of MSR Option Gain
  Regulatory Liability                           -            -       8,105
 Sales for Resale                          171,219      143,269      97,567
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Operating Revenues               803,812      768,676     729,893
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Expenses
 Fuel and Purchased Power                  286,349      255,527     216,163
 Capital Lease Expense                      85,320      104,045     103,914
 Amortization of Springerville
  Unit 1 Allowance                         (29,098)     (30,522)    (28,037)
 Other Operations                          105,966      109,170     110,132
 Maintenance and Repairs                    36,949       36,143      36,657
 Depreciation and Amortization              92,583       90,358      86,405
 Amortization of Transition Recovery Asset   2,241            -           -
 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes              47,789       50,395      51,339
 Income Taxes                               18,268       18,372      19,297
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Operating Expenses               646,367      633,488     595,870
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Operating Income                     157,445      135,188     134,023
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Income (Deductions)
 Income Taxes                              (12,924)       8,298      41,401
 Reversal of Loss Provision                      -            -      10,154
 Interest Income                             8,856       10,866      11,239
 Gain on the Sale of NewEnergy              34,651            -           -
 Millennium Energy Businesses              (11,276)     (11,884)     (8,182)
 Other Income (Deductions)                   2,988        3,164       1,812
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Other Income (Deductions)         22,295       10,444      56,424
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest Expense
 Long-Term Debt                             66,836       72,672      66,247
 Interest on Capital Leases                 16,241            -           -
 Interest Imputed on Losses Recorded at
  Present Value                             29,159       34,179      32,657
 Other Interest Expense                     10,994       10,749       7,971
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Interest Expense                 123,230      117,600     106,875
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Before Extraordinary Item            56,510       28,032      83,572

Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax           22,597            -           -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                               $  79,107    $  28,032   $  83,572
Average Shares of
 Common Stock Outstanding (000)             32,321       32,177      32,138

Basic Earnings Per Share
 Income Before Extraordinary Item            $1.75        $0.87       $2.60
 Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax           $0.70            -           -
 Net Income                                  $2.45        $0.87       $2.60
Diluted Earnings Per Share
 Income Before Extraordinary Item            $1.74        $0.87       $2.59
 Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax           $0.69            -           -
 Net Income                                  $2.43        $0.87       $2.59

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                                1999      1998      1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               - Thousands of Dollars -
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
  Cash Receipts from Retail Customers        $ 680,141 $ 670,793 $ 664,294
  Cash Receipts from Sales for Resale          171,628   142,530    96,569
  Fuel and Purchased Power Costs Paid         (276,351) (241,824) (206,651)
  Wages Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized       (68,711)  (67,132)  (60,398)
  Payment of Other Operations and
   Maintenance Costs                           (96,998)  (88,538)  (80,216)
  Capital Lease Interest Paid                  (82,421)  (81,823)  (83,019)
  Interest Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized    (74,881)  (71,272)  (66,625)
  Taxes Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized       (97,843)  (99,590)  (99,126)
  Tax Assessment and Interest Deposit Paid           -    (2,078)        -
  Contract Termination Fee Paid                      -   (10,000)  (40,000)
  Emission Allowance Inventory Purchases       (13,666)        -   (11,503)
  Emission Allowance Inventory Sales               960    11,368        39
  Interest Received                              9,659    10,149     9,152
  Income Taxes Paid                            (23,593)   (5,113)     (984)
  Transfer of Tax Settlement to
    Escrow Account                             (22,403)        -         -
  Other                                          7,707    (6,537)    4,751
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities      113,228   160,933   126,283
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
  Capital Expenditures                         (92,808)  (81,147)  (72,475)
  Purchase of Springerville Lease Debt         (26,768)        -         -
  Investments in and Loans to Millennium
   Energy Businesses                            (7,174)  (50,682)   (7,117)
  Sale of Interest in Millennium Energy
   Businesses                                    4,041    20,750     2,119
  Sale of Securities                            27,516         -         -
  Other Investments - Net                        2,143     2,122       968
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Cash Flows - Investing Activities      (93,050) (108,957)  (76,505)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
  Proceeds from Issuance of Long-Term Debt       1,977    99,511    16,928
  Payments to Retire Long-Term Debt             (1,725) (129,472)     (500)
  Payments on Renewable Term Loan                    -         -   (31,000)
  Payments to Retire Capital Lease Obligations (23,602)  (17,232)  (13,229)
  Payments for Credit Agreement and Debt
   Issuance Costs                                    -    (7,719)   (7,470)
  Other                                          3,293     1,847     1,458
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Cash Flows - Financing Activities      (20,057)  (53,065)  (33,813)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Increase (Decrease) in
 Cash and Cash Equivalents                         121    (1,089)   15,965
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year   145,167   146,256   130,291
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year       $ 145,288 $ 145,167 $ 146,256
See Note 14 for supplemental cash flow information.
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                                         December 31,
                                                       1999        1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   - Thousands of Dollars -

Utility Plant
  Plant in Service                                  $2,301,645  $2,263,871
  Utility Plant Under Capital Leases                   741,446     886,902
  Construction Work in Progress                         96,565      74,050
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Utility Plant                              3,139,656   3,224,823
  Less Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization    (1,105,371) (1,051,994)
  Less Accumulated Depreciation of Capital Lease
   Assets                                             (304,429)    (85,826)
  Less Springerville Unit 1 Allowance                        -    (171,413)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Utility Plant - Net                        1,729,856   1,915,590
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments and Other Property                         114,483     110,289
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Assets
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                            145,288     145,167
  Accounts Receivable                                   67,926      70,915
  Materials and Fuel                                    42,119      37,040
  Deferred Income Taxes - Current                       17,148      14,683
  Prepaid Pension Costs                                 15,818       7,673
  Tax Settlement Deposit                                13,471           -
  Other                                                 31,368      19,164
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Current Assets                               333,138     294,642
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Debits - Regulatory Assets
  Transition Recovery Asset                            370,291           -
  Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues      79,497     152,111
  Deferred Springerville Generation Costs                    -     102,211
  Deferred Lease Expense                                     -       9,877
  Other Regulatory Assets                                8,639      18,886
Deferred Debits - Other                                 20,351      30,443
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Deferred Debits                              478,778     313,528
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Assets                                        $2,656,255  $2,634,049

  Common Stock Equity                               $  324,248  $  246,646
  Capital Lease Obligations                            880,427     889,543
  Long-Term Debt                                     1,135,820   1,184,423
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Capitalization                             2,340,495   2,320,612
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current Liabilities
  Current Obligations Under Capital Leases              36,335      11,647
  Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt                  48,603       1,725
  Accounts Payable                                      32,390      32,354
  Interest Accrued                                      66,311      70,771
  Taxes Accrued                                         31,374      27,162
  Accrued Employee Expenses                             10,782      16,947
  Other                                                  8,934       6,741
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Current Liabilities                          234,729     167,347
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Deferred Income Taxes - Noncurrent                    42,526      61,892
  Deferred Investment Tax Credits Regulatory
   Liability                                                 -      10,436
  Emission Allowance Gain Regulatory Liability               -      31,335
  Other                                                 38,505      42,427
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities        81,031     146,090
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments and Contingencies (Note 9)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Capitalization and Other Liabilities          $2,656,255  $2,634,049

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                                          December 31,
                                                       1999         1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMON STOCK EQUITY                                 - Thousands of Dollars -

 Common Stock--No Par Value                         $  641,723  $  640,640
                               1999         1998
                            ----------  ----------
  Shares Authorized         75,000,000  75,000,000
  Shares Outstanding        32,349,091  32,257,963
  Warrants Outstanding       1,492,411   2,984,822
 Accumulated Deficit                                  (317,475)   (393,994)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Common Stock Equity                          324,248     246,646
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 No Par Value, 1,000,000 Shares Authorized,
  None Outstanding                                           -           -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Springerville Unit 1                                  496,409     494,408
 Springerville Coal Handling Facilities                163,216     166,288
 Springerville Common Facilities                       147,542     123,835
 Irvington Unit 4                                      107,093     114,316
 Other Leases                                            2,502       2,343
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Capital Lease Obligations                     916,762     901,190
   Less Current Maturities                             (36,335)    (11,647)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Long-Term Capital Lease Obligations          880,427     889,543
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Issue              Maturity        Rate
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 First Mortgage Bonds
  Corporate                  2009          8.50%        27,900      27,900
                             2000         12.22%        46,878      46,878
  Industrial Development
   Revenue Bonds (IDBs)   2006 - 2008 6.10% to 7.50%    61,775      63,500
  First Collateral Trust
   Bonds                     2008          7.50%       140,000     140,000
 Second Mortgage Bonds
  (IDBs)*                 2018 - 2022     Variable**   328,600     328,600
 Unsecured IDBs           2020 - 2033 5.85% to 7.13%   579,270     579,270
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Stated Principal Amount                     1,184,423   1,186,148
   Less Current Maturities                             (48,603)     (1,725)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Long-Term Debt                             1,135,820   1,184,423
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Capitalization                                $2,340,495  $2,320,612

*  These IDBs are backed by LOCs under TEP's Credit Agreement.  TEP's
obligations under the Credit Agreement are collateralized with Second Mortgage
**  Weighted average interest rates on variable rate tax-exempt debt (IDBs)
ranged from 2.25% to 5.55% during 1999 and 1998, and the average interest rate
on such debt was 3.33% in 1999 and 3.51% in 1998.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                      Common       Earnings
                                                      Stock        (Deficit)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     - Thousands of Dollars -

Balances at December 31, 1996                        $638,886      $(505,598)
  1997 Net Income                                           -         83,572
  6,630 Shares Issued under Stock Compensation Plans      108              -
  5,687 Net Shares Purchased by Deferred
   Compensation Trust Less Distributions                  (90)             -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balances at December 31, 1997                         638,904       (422,026)
  1998 Net Income                                           -         28,032
  116,696 Shares Issued Under Stock
   Compensation Plans                                   1,709              -
  1,833 Net Shares Distributed by Deferred
   Compensation Trust Less Purchases                       27              -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balances at December 31, 1998                         640,640       (393,994)
  1999 Net Income                                           -         79,107
  Dividends Declared                                        -         (2,588)
  107,567 Shares Issued Under Stock Compensation Plans  1,277              -
  16,439 Net Shares Purchased by Deferred
   Compensation Trust Less Distributions                 (194)             -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balances at December 31, 1999                        $641,723      $(317,475)

We describe limitations on our ability to pay dividends in Note 8.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME              Years Ended December 31,
                                             1999        1998       1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               - Thousands of Dollars -
Operating Revenues
 Retail Customers                        $ 632,864   $ 625,721   $ 624,221
 Amortization of MSR Option Gain
  Regulatory Liability                           -           -       8,105
 Sales for Resale                          171,219     143,269      97,567
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Operating Revenues               804,083     768,990     729,893
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Expenses
 Fuel and Purchased Power                  286,349     255,527     216,163
 Capital Lease Expense                      85,320     104,045     103,914
 Amortization of Springerville
  Unit 1 Allowance                         (29,098)    (30,522)    (28,037)
 Other Operations                          105,966     109,170     110,132
 Maintenance and Repairs                    36,949      36,143      36,657
 Depreciation and Amortization              92,583      90,358      86,405
 Amortization of Transition Recovery Asset   2,241           -           -
 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes              47,789      50,395      51,339
 Income Taxes                               18,268      18,372      19,297
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Operating Expenses               646,367     633,488     595,870
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Operating Income                     157,716     135,502     134,023
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other Income (Deductions)
 Income Taxes                               (4,082)        794      41,401
 Reversal of Loss Provision                      -           -      10,154
 Interest Income                             7,935      10,800      11,239
 Interest Income - Note Receivable from
  UniSource Energy                           9,937       9,329           -
 Other Income (Deductions)                   2,602       2,851      (6,370)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Other Income (Deductions)         16,392      23,774      56,424
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interest Expense
 Long-Term Debt                             66,836      72,672      66,247
 Interest on Capital Leases                 16,241           -           -
 Interest Imputed on Losses Recorded at
  Present Value                             29,159      34,179      32,657
 Other Interest Expense                     10,994      10,749       7,971
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Interest Expense                 123,230     117,600     106,875
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before Extraordinary Item            50,878      41,676      83,572

Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax           22,597           -           -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                               $  73,475   $  41,676   $  83,572

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS             Years Ended December 31,
                                                1999      1998      1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               - Thousands of Dollars -
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
  Cash Receipts from Retail Customers        $ 680,141 $ 670,793 $ 664,294
  Cash Receipts from Sales for Resale          171,628   142,530    96,569
  Fuel and Purchased Power Costs Paid         (276,351) (241,824) (206,651)
  Wages Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized       (61,697)  (62,622)  (60,398)
  Payment of Other Operations and
   Maintenance Costs                           (89,020)  (81,065)  (80,216)
  Capital Lease Interest Paid                  (82,414)  (81,823)  (83,019)
  Interest Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized    (74,862)  (71,272)  (66,625)
  Taxes Paid, Net of Amounts Capitalized       (97,416)  (99,091)  (99,126)
  Tax Assessment and Interest Deposit Paid           -    (2,078)        -
  Contract Termination Fee Paid                      -   (10,000)  (40,000)
  Emission Allowance Inventory Purchases       (13,666)        -   (11,503)
  Emission Allowance Inventory Sales               960    11,368        39
  Interest Received                             26,881     8,517     9,152
  Income Taxes Paid                            (22,156)   (3,883)     (984)
  Transfer of Tax Settlement to Escrow Account (22,403)        -         -
  Other                                            332       937     4,751
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities      139,957   180,487   126,283
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
  Capital Expenditures                         (90,940)  (81,011)  (72,475)
  Purchase of Springerville Lease Debt         (26,768)        -         -
  Transfer of Millennium Cash to UniSource
   Energy                                            -   (45,412)        -
  Investments in and Loans to Millennium
   Energy Businesses                                 -         -    (7,117)
  Sale of Interest in Millennium Energy
   Businesses                                        -         -     2,119
  Other Investments - Net                        2,288     1,475       968
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Cash Flows - Investing Activities     (115,420) (124,948)  (76,505)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
  Proceeds from Issuance of Long-Term Debt       1,977    99,511    16,928
  Payments to Retire Long-Term Debt             (1,725) (129,472)     (500)
  Payments on Renewable Term Loan                    -         -   (31,000)
  Dividend Paid to UniSource Energy            (34,000)  (30,000)        -
  Payments to Retire Capital Lease Obligations (23,563)  (17,232)  (13,229)
  Payments for Credit Agreement and Debt
   Issuance Costs                                    -    (7,719)   (7,470)
  Other                                          2,940     1,353     1,458
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Cash Flows - Financing Activities      (54,371)  (83,559)  (33,813)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Increase (Decrease) in
 Cash and Cash Equivalents                     (29,834)  (28,020)   15,965
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year   118,236   146,256   130,291
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year       $  88,402 $ 118,236 $ 146,256
See Note 14 for supplemental cash flow information.
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                         December 31,
                                                        1999       1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   - Thousands of Dollars -
Utility Plant
  Plant in Service                                  $2,301,645  $2,263,871
  Utility Plant Under Capital Leases                   741,446     886,902
  Construction Work in Progress                         96,565      74,050
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Utility Plant                              3,139,656   3,224,823
  Less Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization    (1,105,371) (1,051,994)
  Less Accumulated Depreciation of Capital Lease
   Assets                                             (304,429)    (85,826)
  Less Springerville Unit 1 Allowance                        -    (171,413)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Utility Plant - Net                        1,729,856   1,915,590
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments and Other Property                          67,838      62,978
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note Receivable from UniSource Energy                   70,132      79,462
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Assets
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                             88,402     118,236
  Accounts Receivable                                   70,739      72,239
  Materials and Fuel                                    42,035      36,995
  Deferred Income Taxes - Current                       17,190      14,820
  Prepaid Pension Costs                                 15,818       7,673
  Tax Settlement Deposit                                13,471           -
  Other                                                  6,249       7,067
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Current Assets                               253,904     257,030
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Debits - Regulatory Assets
  Transition Recovery Asset                            370,291           -
  Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues      79,497     152,111
  Deferred Springerville Generation Costs                    -     102,211
  Deferred Lease Expense                                     -       9,877
  Other Regulatory Assets                                8,639      18,886
Deferred Debits - Other                                 20,351      30,443
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Deferred Debits                              478,778     313,528
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Assets                                        $2,600,508  $2,628,588

  Common Stock Equity                               $  270,134   $  229,861
  Capital Lease Obligations                            880,111      889,543
  Long-Term Debt                                     1,135,820    1,184,423
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Capitalization                             2,286,065    2,303,827
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current Liabilities
  Current Obligations Under Capital Leases              36,263       11,647
  Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt                  48,603        1,725
  Accounts Payable                                      41,277       35,517
  Interest Accrued                                      66,311       70,771
  Taxes Accrued                                         27,738       27,088
  Accrued Employee Expenses                             10,591       16,635
  Other                                                  6,285        6,705
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Current Liabilities                          237,068      170,088
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Deferred Income Taxes - Noncurrent                    38,913       70,504
  Deferred Investment Tax Credits Regulatory Liability       -       10,436
  Emission Allowance Gain Regulatory Liability               -       31,335
  Other                                                 38,462       42,398
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities        77,375      154,673
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments and Contingencies (Note 9)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Capitalization and Other Liabilities          $2,600,508   $2,628,588

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                                          December 31,
                                                        1999      1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMON STOCK EQUITY                                 - Thousands of Dollars -

 Common Stock--No Par Value                         $  647,366   $  646,568
                               1999         1998
                            ----------   ----------
  Shares Authorized         75,000,000   75,000,000
  Shares Outstanding****    32,139,434   32,139,434
  Warrants Outstanding***      918,445      918,445
 Capital Stock Expense                                  (6,357)      (6,357)
 Accumulated Deficit                                  (370,875)    (410,350)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Common Stock Equity                          270,134      229,861
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 No Par Value, 1,000,000 Shares Authorized,
  None Outstanding                                           -            -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Springerville Unit 1                                  496,409      494,408
 Springerville Coal Handling Facilities                163,216      166,288
 Springerville Common Facilities                       147,542      123,835
 Irvington Unit 4                                      107,093      114,316
 Other Leases                                            2,114        2,343
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Capital Lease Obligations                     916,374      901,190
   Less Current Maturities                             (36,263)     (11,647)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Long-Term Capital Lease Obligations          880,111      889,543
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Issue              Maturity        Rate
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 First Mortgage Bonds
  Corporate                  2009          8.50%        27,900       27,900
                             2000         12.22%        46,878       46,878
 Industrial Development
  Revenue Bonds (IDBs)   2006 - 2008 6.10% to 7.50%     61,775       63,500
 First Collateral Trust
  Bonds                      2008          7.50%       140,000      140,000
 Second Mortgage Bonds
  IDBs*                  2018 - 2022     Variable**    328,600      328,600
 Unsecured IDBs          2020 - 2033  5.85% to 7.13%   579,270      579,270
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Stated Principal Amount                     1,184,423    1,186,148
   Less Current Maturities                             (48,603)     (1,725)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Long-Term Debt                             1,135,820    1,184,423
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Capitalization                                $2,286,065   $2,303,827

*  These IDBs are backed by LOCs under TEP's Credit Agreement.  TEP's
obligations under the Credit Agreement are collateralized with Second Mortgage

**  Weighted average interest rates on variable rate tax-exempt debt (IDBs)
ranged from 2.25% to 5.55% during 1999 and 1998, and the average interest rate
on such debt was 3.33% in 1999 and 3.51% in 1998.

***  There are 4.6 million outstanding TEP warrants which entitle the holders
of five warrants to purchase one share of TEP common stock for $16.00.  See
Note 12.

****  UniSource Energy is the sole holder of the outstanding common stock of

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                      Capital  Accumulated
                                            Common     Stock    Earnings
                                            Stock      Expense  (Deficit)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                - Thousands of Dollars -

Balances at December 31, 1996             $645,243    $(6,357)   $(505,598)
  1997 Net Income                                -          -       83,572
  6,630 Shares Issued under Stock
   Compensation Plans                          108          -            -
  5,687 Net Shares Purchased by Deferred
   Compensation Trust Less Distributions       (90)         -            -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balances at December 31, 1997              645,261     (6,357)    (422,026)
  1998 Net Income                                -          -       41,676
  Dividend Paid to UniSource Energy              -          -      (30,000)
  22,733 Shares Held by Deferred
   Compensation Trust Transferred to
    UniSource Energy                           373          -            -
  Other                                        934          -            -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balances at December 31, 1998              646,568     (6,357)    (410,350)
  1999 Net Income                                -          -       73,475
  Dividend Paid to UniSource Energy              -          -      (34,000)
  Other                                        798          -            -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balances at December 31, 1999             $647,366    $(6,357)   $(370,875)

We describe limitations on our ability to pay dividends in Note 8.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


     UniSource Energy Corporation (UniSource Energy) is an exempt holding
company under the Public Utility Holding Company Act.  UniSource Energy has no
significant operations of its own, but holds the stock of Tucson Electric
Power Company (TEP) and Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc. (Millennium).  TEP, a
regulated public utility incorporated in Arizona since 1963, is UniSource
Energy's largest operating subsidiary and represents substantially all of
UniSource Energy's assets.  Millennium holds the energy-related businesses
described in Note 4.

     TEP generates, transmits and distributes electricity.  TEP serves retail
customers in a 1,155 square mile area in Southern Arizona.  TEP also sells
electricity to other utilities and power marketing entities primarily located
in the Western United States.  Approximately 60% of TEP's work force is
subject to a collective bargaining unit.  The collective bargaining agreement
in place at December 31, 1999 terminates on January 6, 2003.


     On January 1, 1998, TEP and UniSource Energy completed a transaction by
exchanging all the outstanding common stock of TEP on a share-for-share basis
for the common stock of UniSource Energy. Following the share exchange, in
January 1998 TEP transferred the stock of Millennium to UniSource Energy for a
$95 million ten-year promissory note from UniSource Energy.  Approximately $25
million of this note represents a gain to TEP.  TEP has not recorded this
gain.  Instead, this gain will be reflected as an increase in TEP's common
stock equity when UniSource Energy pays the principal portion of the note.  In
accordance with the ACC order authorizing the formation of the holding
company, the note bears interest at 9.78% payable every two years beginning
January 1, 2000.   In 1999, UniSource Energy paid TEP $19 million for the
interest owed under this note.

     UniSource Energy's consolidated financial statements include the
financial results of operations of UniSource Energy and its wholly owned
subsidiaries as if UniSource Energy's current holding company structure had
existed in all periods shown.  For periods prior to January 1998, UniSource
Energy's operations and those of TEP are the same.

     UniSource Energy and TEP use the following three methods to report
investments in their subsidiaries or other companies:

 - Consolidation:  When we own a majority of the voting stock of a subsidiary,
we combine the accounts of the subsidiary with our accounts.  We eliminate
intercompany balances and transactions when we combine these accounts.

 - The Equity Method: We use the equity method to report corporate joint
ventures, partnerships, and affiliated companies when we hold a 20% to 50%
voting interest or we have the ability to exercise  significant influence over
the operating and financial policies of the investee company.  Under the
equity method, we report:

    -- Our interest in the equity of an entity as an investment on our balance
sheet; and
    -- Our percentage share of the net income (loss) from the entity as "other
income" in our income statements.

 - The Cost Method: We use the cost method when we hold less than a 20% voting
interest in an investment.  Under the cost method, we report our investment at
cost on our balance sheet.

All non-utility operating transactions are included in the Other Income
(Deductions) section of the income statements.


     Management makes estimates and assumptions when preparing financial
statements under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).  These
estimates and assumptions affect:

 - A portion of the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the dates of
the financial statements;
 - Our disclosures regarding contingent assets and liabilities at the dates of
the financial statements; and
 - A portion of the reported revenues and expenses during the financial
statement reporting periods.

Because these estimates involve judgments, the actual amounts may differ from
the estimates.


     The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) and the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulate portions of TEP's utility accounting
practices and electricity rates.  TEP generally uses the same accounting
policies and practices used by unregulated companies for financial reporting
under GAAP.  However, sometimes these principles, such as FAS 71, require
special accounting treatment for regulated companies to show the effect of
regulation.  These effects are described in Note 2.


     We report TEP's utility plant on our balance sheets at its original cost.
Utility plant includes:

 - Material and labor,
 - Contractor costs,
 - Construction overhead costs (where applicable), and
 - An Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) or capitalized

   AFUDC reflects the cost of financing construction projects with borrowed
funds and equity funds.  The component of AFUDC attributable to borrowed funds
is included as a reduction of Other Interest Expense on the income statement.
The equity component is included in Other Income (Deductions).  In 1999, 1998
and 1997, we imputed the cost of capital on construction expenditures at
7.04%, 6.30% and 5.55%, respectively, to reflect the cost of using borrowed
and equity funds to finance construction.

   Upon discontinuance of FAS 71 to our generation operations effective
November 1, 1999, as described in Note 2, we complied with Statement of
Financial Accounting Standard No. 34, "Capitalization of Interest Cost".  FAS
34 replaces the previous AFUDC calculation for generation-related construction
projects and provides guidance on calculating the costs during construction of
debt funds used to finance our construction projects.


     We compute depreciation for owned utility plant on a straight-line basis
at rates based on the economic lives of the assets.  These rates are
authorized by the ACC and averaged 3.68%, 3.53% and 3.44% in 1999, 1998 and
1997, respectively.  The economic lives for generation plant are based on
remaining lives.  The economic lives for transmission plant, distribution
plant, general plant and intangible plant are based on average lives.  The
rates also reflect estimated removal costs, net of estimated salvage value.
Minor replacements and repairs are expensed as incurred.  Retirements of
utility plant, together with removal costs less salvage, are charged to
accumulated depreciation.


     TEP financed the following generation assets with leases:

 - Springerville Common Facilities,
 - Springerville Unit 1,
 - Springerville Coal Handling Facilities, and
 - Irvington Unit 4.

     Under GAAP, these leases qualify as capital leases.  However, for ACC
rate-making purposes, these leases have been treated as operating leases with
recovery as if rent payments were made in equal amounts annually during the
lease term.  We recorded lease expense (interest and depreciation) on a basis
which reflected the rate-making treatment for periods prior to November 1,
1999, the date our generation operations became deregulated.  We deferred the
differences between GAAP capital lease accounting used by unregulated
companies and the ACC rate-making method used by us prior to November 1, 1999.
See Deferred Lease Expense and Income Statement Impact of Applying FAS 71 in
Note 2.  We describe the lease terms in Capital Lease Obligations in Note 6.

     The following table shows the amount of lease expense incurred for these
four leases and TEP's remaining generation-related leases.

                                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                                      1999     1998    1997
                                                     - Millions of Dollars -
     Lease Expense:
       Interest                                      $  94    $  96   $  95
       Depreciation                                     22       18      17
        Total Lease Expense                          $ 116    $ 114   $ 112

     Lease Expense Included In:
       Operating Expenses - Fuel and
        Purchased Power                              $  10    $  10   $  10
       Operating Expenses - Capital Lease
        Expense                                         85      104     104
       Operating Expenses - Depreciation and
        Amortization                                     5        -       -
       Interest Expense on Capital Leases               16        -       -
       Balance Sheet - Deferred Lease Expense
       (See Note 2)                                      -        -      (2)
        Total Lease Expense                          $ 116    $ 114   $ 112


     We defer all costs related to the issuance of long-term debt.  These
costs include underwriters' commissions, discounts or premiums, and other
costs such as legal, accounting and regulatory fees and printing costs.  We
amortize these costs over the life of the debt.

     Prior to November 1, 1999, gains and losses on debt that we retired
before maturity were amortized over the remaining original life of the debt to
interest expense.  Effective November 1, 1999, we recognize gains and losses
on reacquired debt associated with the generation portion of TEP's operations
as incurred.  We reclassified any remaining generation-related unamortized
gains and losses on reacquired debt at November 1, 1999, which had been
included in Other Regulatory Assets in our balance sheets, to the Transition
Recovery Asset.  See Note 2.  We continue to defer and amortize the gains and
losses on reacquired debt associated with TEP's regulated operations to
interest income or expense over the remaining life of the original debt.


     We record utility operating revenues when we deliver electricity to
customers.  Operating revenues include unbilled revenues which are earned
(service has been provided) but not billed by the end of an accounting period.


     Fuel inventory, primarily coal, is recorded at weighted average cost.
TEP uses full absorption costing.  Under full absorption costing, all costs
incurred in the production process are included in the cost of the inventory.
Examples of these costs are direct material, direct labor and overhead costs.


     We are required by GAAP to report some of our assets and liabilities
differently for our financial statements than we do for income tax purposes.
The tax effects of differences in these items are reported as deferred income
tax assets or liabilities in our balance sheets.  We measure these assets and
liabilities using income tax rates that are currently in effect.

     See Note 2 for discussion of the following income tax items:

 - Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues
 - Deferred Investment Tax Credits Regulatory Liability

     The income tax benefits included in Other Income (Deductions) in the 1997
income statements primarily resulted from the recognition of a portion of the
net operating loss carryforwards.  See Note 10.

     We allocate income taxes to the subsidiaries based on their taxable
income and deductions used in the consolidated tax return.


     Emission Allowances are issued by the EPA and each permits emission of
one ton of sulfur dioxide.  These allowances can be sold.  Prior to November
1, 1999, based on expected future regulatory treatment, TEP recorded Emission
Allowance purchases in a noncurrent inventory account included in Investments
and Other Property on the balance sheets.  Emission allowance inventory was
recorded at weighted average cost.  Gains on sales of Emission Allowances were
deferred as an Emission Allowance Gain Regulatory Liability in the balance
sheets.  At November 1, 1999, the Emission Allowance inventory account and the
Emission Allowance Gain Regulatory Liability were written off and the result
was included in Extraordinary Income in the income statements in accordance
with the provisions of FAS 101.  See Note 2.


     In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 (FAS 133), Accounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities.  A derivative financial instrument or
other contract derives its value from another investment or designated
benchmark.  This Statement requires all derivative instruments to be
recognized as either assets or liabilities in the balance sheet.  Some
derivative instruments offset, or hedge, exposure to a specific risk.  If the
derivative is not a hedging instrument, measurement is at fair value and
changes in fair value (i.e., gains and losses) are recognized in earnings in
the period of change.  If a derivative qualifies as a hedge, the accounting
for changes in fair value will depend on the specific exposure being hedged.
We are required to comply with  FAS 133 effective January 1, 2001.  We are
still in the process of quantifying the effect, if any, that compliance with
FAS 133 will have on our financial statements.

     In November 1998, the Emerging Issues Task Force issued guidance on
accounting for energy trading activities (EITF 98-10).  Energy trading
activities are intended to generate profits from changes in the market prices
for energy-related commodities such as electricity, natural gas and coal.
These activities include certain purchase power and transmission contracts.
This guidance would require us to measure the difference between cost and
market value for our energy contracts and include any resulting gains or
losses in earnings. TEP does purchase and sell electricity but does not engage
in the type of activities defined in EITF 98-10 as energy trading.  Therefore
compliance with the guidance in EITF 98-10 had no effect on our financial


     We have made reclassifications to the prior year financial statements for
comparative purposes.  These reclassifications had no effect on net income.

- --------------------------

     TEP generally uses the same accounting policies and practices used by
unregulated companies for financial reporting under GAAP.  However, sometimes
these principles, such as FAS 71, require special accounting treatment for
regulated companies to show the effect of regulation.  For example, in setting
TEP's retail rates, the ACC may not allow TEP to currently charge its
customers to recover certain expenses, but instead requires that these
expenses be charged to customers in the future. In this situation, FAS 71
requires that TEP defer these items and show them as regulatory assets on the
balance sheet until TEP is allowed to charge its customers. TEP then amortizes
these items as expense to the income statement as those charges are recovered
from customers. Similarly, certain revenue items may be deferred as regulatory
liabilities, which are also eventually amortized to the income statement.

     The conditions a regulated company must satisfy to apply the accounting
policies and practices of FAS 71 include:

 - an independent regulator sets rates;
 - the regulator sets the rates to cover specific costs of delivering service;
 - the service territory lacks competitive pressures to reduce rates below the
rates set by the regulator.

     The financial statement impact of applying FAS 71 changed between 1998
and 1999 due to a change in the way we are regulated.  The following sections
of this note explain the chronology of events and the impact on our financial


     TEP applied FAS 71 to the generation, transmission and distribution
portions of its business during 1998.  The regulatory assets and liabilities
at December 31, 1998 were:

                                         - Millions of Dollars -
  Regulatory Assets
    Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues      $ 152
    Deferred Springerville Generation Costs                 102
    Deferred Lease Expense                                   10
    Other Regulatory Assets                                  19
    Springerville Unit 1 Allowance-contra-asset            (171)
      Total Regulatory Assets                             $ 112

  Regulatory Liabilities
    Deferred Investment Tax Credits Regulatory Liability  $  10
    Emission Allowance Gain Regulatory Liability             31
      Total Regulatory Liabilities                        $  41

A description of these assets and liabilities follows:

Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues: Represents the portion of
the total deferred income tax liability attributable to our utility business
for which we have not charged our customers.  This balance was amortized as
the temporary differences reversed.  Effective November 1, 1999, the
generation-related portion of this balance became part of the Transition
Recovery Asset.

Deferred Springerville Generation Costs: Represents deferred costs related to
Springerville Generating Station operations, including:

 - Springerville Common Facilities costs incurred between the in-service dates
of Springerville Unit 1 and Springerville Unit 2. We were amortizing these
costs over the initial term of the Common Facilities Leases (2017 and 2021);

 - Fees incurred in 1997 to renegotiate the Springerville coal supply
contract. These fees were being amortized over the life of the new contract
(2010); and

 - Non-fuel costs of Springerville Unit 2 incurred from January 1, 1991
through October 14, 1991 which were amortized over a three-year period from
1996 through 1999.

Deferred Lease Expense: Represents differences which arose as a result of the
ACC's regulatory treatment of TEP's capital leases. The ACC treated these
leases as operating leases for ratemaking purposes, resulting in deferral of
certain lease and interest costs.

Springerville Unit 1 Allowance: This allowance represents the portion of
Springerville Unit 1 non-fuel expenses that the ACC did not allow TEP to
recover through retail rates.  The allowance, a contra-asset account,
increased by interest expense which was shown as Interest Imputed on Losses
Recorded at Present Value in the Interest Expense section in the income
statements and decreased by the Amortization of Springerville Unit 1
Allowance, which was a contra-expense included in Operating Expenses.

At November 1, 1999, the unamortized balance of the Springerville Unit 1
Allowance reduced the Springerville Unit 1 capital lease asset amount.  This
offset reduces the amount of post-FAS 71 Springerville Unit 1 lease
depreciation expense that will be recognized in the income statements and
eliminates any further interest and amortization expense related to the
Springerville Unit 1 Allowance.

Deferred Investment Tax Credits Regulatory Liability: Represents the deferred
benefit relating to ITC claimed on tax returns. This amount was being
amortized over the tax lives of the related property.

Emission Allowance Gain Regulatory Liability:  Represents the net deferred
gain on emission allowance sales.  These gains would have been amortized as
the related emission allowances were used.


    The Settlement Agreement

     In November 1999, the ACC approved a Settlement Agreement between TEP and
certain customer groups relating to recovery of TEP's transition costs and
standard retail rates. The major provisions of the Settlement Agreement

 - Consumer choice: Consumer choice for energy supply was approved to begin in
January 2000 after the approval by the ACC of certain filings, and will be
phased in as required by the ACC's retail competition rules. Initially, over
20 percent of TEP's retail customers are eligible to choose competitive energy
suppliers.  By January 1, 2001, consumer choice will be available to all

 - Rate freeze: In accordance with the Rate Settlement approved by the ACC in
1998, TEP decreased rates to retail customers by 1.1% on July 1, 1998, 1% on
July 1, 1999 and will decrease rates an additional 1% on July 1, 2000. These
reductions apply to all retail customers except for certain customers that
have negotiated non-standard rates. The Settlement Agreement provides that,
after these reductions, TEP's retail rates will be frozen until December 31,
2008, except under certain circumstances. TEP expects to recover the costs of
transmission and distribution under regulated unbundled rates.

 - Recovery of transition costs: TEP's frozen rates include Fixed and Floating
Competition Transition Charge (CTC) components which are designated for the
recovery of transition costs, including generation-related regulatory assets
and a portion of TEP's generation plant assets. Retail rates will decrease by
the Fixed CTC amount after TEP has recovered $450 million or on December 31,
2008, whichever occurs first. The Floating CTC will allow TEP to recover
stranded costs not collected through the Fixed CTC and will terminate no later
than December 31, 2008.

 - By June 1, 2004, TEP will be required to file a general rate case including
an updated cost-of-service study.  Any rate change resulting from this rate
case would be effective no sooner than June 1, 2005 and would not result in a
net rate increase.

     In accordance with the Settlement Agreement, TEP will transfer its
generation and other competitive assets to a wholly-owned subsidiary by
December 31, 2002. TEP, as a utility distribution company, will acquire energy
in the wholesale market for its retail customer energy requirements through a
competitive bidding process. Under the ACC's electric competition rules, TEP
will be required to provide energy to any distribution customer who does not
choose another energy service provider. TEP's generation subsidiary will sell
energy into the wholesale market.

    Accounting Implications

     In 1997, the Emerging Issues Task Force of the Financial Accounting
Standards Board concluded that application of FAS 71 should be discontinued
once sufficiently detailed deregulation guidance is issued for a separable
portion of a business.  However, a company may continue to recognize
regulatory assets formerly associated with the deregulated portion of the
business, to the extent the transition plan provides for their recovery
through the regulated transmission and distribution portion of the business.

     Effective November 1, 1999, we stopped applying FAS 71 to our generation
operations because the Settlement provided sufficient details regarding the
deregulation of TEP's generation operations.  As a result, we changed the
effects of rate regulation that we had reflected in our financial statements
as a result of applying FAS 71 to our generation operations.  This included:

 - Increasing accumulated capital lease depreciation by $197 million to
reflect the depreciation that would have accumulated had we not applied FAS

 - Reclassifying $175 million of generation-related regulatory assets to the
Transition Recovery Asset, a distribution-related regulatory asset, because we
believe we will recover these assets through the Fixed CTC component of our
standard rates in our distribution business; and

 - Recording $23 million of extraordinary income for balances that needed to
be eliminated to reflect discontinuance of FAS 71 but that could not be
reclassified as part of the Transition Recovery Asset.

The Transition Recovery Asset and extraordinary income recorded as a result of
the discontinuation of application of FAS 71 are summarized below.

  Transition Recovery Asset

     As of November 1, 1999, we recorded a Transition Recovery Asset as

                                                         -Millions of Dollars-
  Generation-Related Regulatory Assets
    Capital Lease Deprecation Adjustment                                $ 197
    Deferred Springerville Generation Costs                                95
    Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues                       65
    Other                                                                  15
  Total Reclassified to Transition Recovery Asset on the Balance Sheet    372
  Generation-Related Plant Assets                                          42
  Excess Capacity Deferrals (Off Balance Sheet)                            36
       Total Transition Costs Being Recovered Through the Fixed CTC     $ 450

     The Generation-Related Plant Assets are included in Plant in Service on
the balance sheet.  The Excess Capacity Deferrals are not reflected on our
balance sheet and relate to operating and capital costs associated with
Springerville Unit 2 capacity which were previously expensed when incurred.
Prior to discontinuation of application of FAS 71, these costs were amortized
as an off-balance sheet regulatory asset.

     During the period from November 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999, we
recognized total amortization of $2.4 million related to the Total Transition
Costs Being Recovered Through the Fixed CTC.  On the income statement, we
reflected amortization of $2.2 million related to the Transition Recovery
Asset recorded on the balance sheet.  The remaining balance will be amortized
as costs are recovered through rates.

    Extraordinary Income

     As a result of the discontinuance of FAS 71 and the adoption of FAS 101
for generation operations, we recognized $23 million in extraordinary income,
net of tax, primarily as a result of recognition of deferred investment tax
credits.  In accordance with previous actions of the ACC, TEP had deferred
recognition of the benefit of approximately $31 million in investment tax
credits.  These benefits were recognized as part of the discontinuation of FAS
71 as we no longer had a regulatory deferral requirement.  This gain was
partially offset by approximately $14 million in generation-related costs for
which TEP did not receive regulatory recovery as part of its Transition
Recovery Asset.  These costs included approximately $11 million of generation-
related property taxes and approximately $3 million of net deferred losses
related to the sale of emission allowances.  We recorded a net tax benefit of
$6 million related to the write-off of these costs.


     These various accounting adjustments leave the balances of regulatory
assets at December 31, 1999 as noted in the table below.  There are no
remaining regulatory liabilities recorded on the balance sheet at December 31,
1999.  All of the remaining regulatory assets relate to TEP's distribution and
transmission business.

                                            - Millions of Dollars -
  Regulatory Assets
    Transition Recovery Asset                                $ 370
    Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Revenues            79
    Other Regulatory Assets                                      9
      Total Regulatory Assets                                $ 458


     The amortization of the regulatory assets and liabilities discussed in
the previous sections of this note have had the following effect on our income

                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                        1999    1998    1997
                                                      - Millions of Dollars -
    Amortization of MSR Option Gain Regulatory Liability $  -    $  -    $  8

  Operating Expenses
    Fuel and Purchased Power                                4       4       3
    Amortization of Springerville Unit 1 Allowance        (29)    (31)    (28)
    Depreciation and Amortization                           5      13      13
    Amortization of Transition Recovery Asset               2       -       -
    Income Taxes: Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future
      Revenues-Tax Depreciation Differences (Flow Through)  5       4       -

  Other Income (Deductions)
    Income Taxes: Investment Tax Credit Amortization        2       5       3

  Interest Expense
    Long-Term Debt                                          3       2       1
    Interest Imputed on Losses Recorded at Present Value   29      34      33

     If TEP had not applied FAS 71 in these years, the above amounts would
have been reflected in the income statements in prior periods, except for the
amortization and interest expense related to the MSR Option Gain Regulatory
Liability.  These MSR amounts would not have been recorded.  The above table
does not include capital lease expense.  Capital lease expense would have been
recognized at different annual amounts if TEP had not applied FAS 71 although
the total would be the same over the life of the leases.  Lease expense
included on our income statements amounted to $116 million in 1999 and $114
million in 1998 and 1997.  If we had not applied FAS 71, the Springerville
Unit 1 Allowance would have been offset against the Springerville Unit 1
capital lease asset and the depreciation would have been calculated on a
straight-line method.  Our lease expense would have been $124 million in 1999
and $125 million in 1998 and in 1997 if we had not applied FAS 71 in these
years.  See Deferred Lease Expense above.

     The reclassification of our generation-related regulatory assets to the
Transition Recovery Asset shortened the amortization period for these assets
to nine years.


     We continue to apply FAS 71 for the distribution and transmission
portions of TEP's business, our regulated operations.  We periodically assess
whether we can continue to apply FAS 71.  If we stopped applying FAS 71 to
TEP's remaining regulated operations, we would write off the related balances
of TEP's regulatory assets as a charge in our income statement.  Based on the
balances of TEP's regulatory assets at December 31, 1999, if we had stopped
applying FAS 71 to TEP's remaining regulated operations, we would have
recorded an extraordinary loss of approximately $275 million, net of the
related income tax benefit of $183 million.  While regulatory orders and
market conditions may affect our cash flows, our cash flows would not be
affected if we stopped applying FAS 71.

- ----------------------------------------

     In 1998, we began complying with Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No.131 (FAS 131), Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related Information, which requires that we report financial and descriptive
information about our operating segments.  These segments are determined based
on the way we organize our operations and evaluate performance.  UniSource
Energy's principal business segment is TEP, an electric utility business.  The
other reportable business segment is the unregulated energy businesses of

 - Advanced Energy Technologies, Inc. (AET) which currently owns 50 percent of
Global Solar Energy, L.L.C., a developer and manufacturer of photovoltaic
materials.  In November 1999, Millennium entered into an agreement whereby
Millennium's share of Global Solar will increase to 67%.  See Note 4 regarding
this agreement;

 - Nations Energy Corporation (Nations) which is an independent power
developer; and

 - MEH Corporation (MEH) which held a 50 percent interest in NewEnergy, Inc.
(NewEnergy), an energy buyer representative. See Note 4 regarding the sale of
our interest in NewEnergy.

As discussed in Note 1, we record our percentage share of the earnings of
affiliated companies when we hold a 20% to 50% voting interest.  Our portion
of the net income (loss) of the entities held by Millennium's Energy
Businesses is shown below in Net Income (Loss) from Equity Method Entities.

     See Note 4 for more information on Millennium Energy Businesses.
Intersegment revenues are not material.  The accounting policies of the
segments are described in Note 1.  We disclose selected financial data for our
business segments in the following tables:

                                                     Reconciling     Energy
1999                               TEP   Millennium  Adjustments  Consolidated
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 - Millions of Dollars -
Income Statement
- ----------------
 Operating Revenues             $  804      $   11       $ (11)      $   804
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net Income (Loss) from
   Equity Method Entities*           -          (4)          -            (4)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest Income                    18           2         (11)            9
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gain on the Sale of NewEnergy       -          35           -            35
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest Expense                  123           -           -           123
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Depreciation and Amortization      93           -           -            93
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Income Tax (Benefit) Expense       22          12          (3)           31
 Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax  23           -           -            23
 Net Income (Loss)                  73          11          (5)           79
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash Flow Statement
- -------------------
 Capital Expenditures              (91)         (2)          -           (93)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Investments in and Loans to
   Millennium Energy Businesses      -          (7)          -            (7)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance Sheet
- -------------
 Total Assets                    2,601         100         (45)        2,656
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Millennium's Investment in
   Equity Method Joint Ventures      -          15           -            15
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     Reconciling     Energy
1998                               TEP   Millennium  Adjustments  Consolidated
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 - Millions of Dollars -

Income Statement
- ----------------
 Operating Revenues             $  769      $    2       $  (2)       $  769
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net Income (Loss) from
   Equity Method Entities*:          -         (14)          -           (14)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest Income                    20           3         (12)           11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest Expense                  118           -           -           118
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Depreciation and Amortization      90           -           -            90
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Income Tax (Benefit) Expense       17          (4)         (3)           10
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net Income (Loss)                  42          (8)         (6)           28
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash Flow Statement
- -------------------
 Capital Expenditures              (81)          -           -           (81)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Investments in and Loans to
   Millennium Energy Businesses      -         (51)          -           (51)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance Sheet
- -------------
 Total Assets                    2,629          74         (69)        2,634
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Millennium's Investment in
   Equity Method Joint Ventures      -          24           -            24
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     Reconciling     Energy
1997                               TEP   Millennium  Adjustments  Consolidated
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                - Millions of Dollars -

Income Statement
- ----------------
 Operating Revenues             $  730       $   1      $   (1)       $  730
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net Income (Loss) from
   Equity Method Entities*           -          (4)          -            (4)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest Income                    11           1          (1)           11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest Expense                  107           -           -           107
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Depreciation and Amortization      86           -           -            86
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Income Tax (Benefit) Expense      (19)         (3)          -           (22)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net Income (Loss)                  89          (5)          -            84
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash Flow Statement
- -------------------
 Capital Expenditures              (72)          -           -           (72)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Investments in and Loans to
   Millennium Energy Businesses      -          (7)          -            (7)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* The Net Income (Loss) from Equity Method Entities is included in Millennium
Energy Businesses in UniSource Energy's income statements.

Prior to 1998, the unregulated businesses now held by Millennium were held by
and consolidated with TEP.

The reconciling adjustments in 1999, 1998 and 1997 include the following:

 - Elimination of the revenues and expenses of Millennium Energy Businesses to
show this activity in the Other Income (Deductions) section of UniSource
Energy's income statements, and
 - Elimination of intercompany activity and balances.

- -------------------------------------

     On January 1, 1998, TEP transferred the stock of its subsidiary,
Millennium Energy Holdings, Inc. to UniSource Energy.  See Basis of
Presentation in Note 1.  Millennium now owns 100% of the stock of the entities
described below which were established to pursue various unregulated energy-
related investment opportunities.  See Note 3.


     Nations and its subsidiaries develop independent power projects in
domestic and foreign energy markets.  Nations owns 100% of the stock of the
following entities:

 - Nations Energy Holland Holding (Nations Holland) - In January 2000, Nations
sold Nations Holland, including its minority interest in a power project
located in the Czech Republic. Nations recorded a pre-tax gain of $3 million
on the sale.  At December 31, 1999, Nations' investment in Nations Holland and
its subsidiaries was $15 million.

 - Nations-Colorado Energy Corporation (Nations-Colorado) - In September 1998,
Nations-Colorado sold a 48% interest in Trigen-Nations Energy, which owns and
operates the 40 MW Coors Brewing Company power plant in Golden, Colorado.  The
$6 million after-tax gain on the sale is included in Millennium Energy
Businesses in UniSource Energy's income statements.  In June 1999, Nations
Energy sold its remaining 1% interest in Trigen-Nations Energy at book value.

 - Nations International Ltd. (Nations International) - In December 1999,
Nations International recorded a $3 million decrease in the market-value of
its minority interest investment in Corporation Panamena de Energia, S.A.
(COPESA).  COPESA is an independent power producer that owns and operates a 43
MW power plant near Panama City.  The energy is sold under an agreement with
an unrelated party.  At December 31, 1999, Nations International's investment
in COPESA was $5 million.


     On July 23, 1999, MEH sold its 50% ownership interest in NewEnergy to The
AES Corporation (AES) for approximately $50 million in consideration,
resulting in a pre-tax gain from the sale of approximately $35 million.  The
consideration consisted of:

 - Shares of AES common stock valued at $27 million as of July 23, 1999 which
were sold in the third quarter at a slight gain; and

 - Two $11.4 million promissory notes, totaling $22.8 million, issued by
NewEnergy.  The notes are collateralized by AES stock, bear interest at 9.5%,
and mature July 23, 2000 and July 23, 2001, respectively.

     As part of the sale agreement, AES repaid a $10 million loan NewEnergy
obtained from an unrelated party that was guaranteed by UniSource Energy.
Previously, UniSource Energy provided guarantees of up to $56 million of
certain performance bonds and contractual obligations relating to NewEnergy's
purchases and sales of electricity.  On October 1, 1999, termination notices
were sent on all guarantees and the master surety agreement so that UniSource
Energy will not incur any additional liability under these agreements. All
obligations incurred prior to the terminations have been extinguished, except
for one in the amount of up to $1 million, which is scheduled to expire in
March 2000 and is fully collateralized.

     MEH originally acquired its 50% ownership in NewEnergy in September 1997
with an $0.8 million capital contribution.  In the first quarter of 1999, MEH
transferred its ownership in New Energy Ventures Southwest (NEV SW) to
NewEnergy.  In 1999, 1998 and 1997, MEH recorded pre-tax losses related to
NewEnergy, including NEV SW, of $1 million, $16 million and $8 million,
respectively.  These pre-tax losses were approximately 1%, 42%, and 13% in
1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively, of UniSource Energy's pre-tax income.

Presented below is summarized NewEnergy financial information for the years
1998 and 1997, during which we recorded NewEnergy's financial results using
the equity method:

NewEnergy Summarized Financial Information
                                                Years Ended December 31,
  Income Statements                            1998                1997
                                                 - Millions of Dollars -
    Retail Customer Revenue                    $206                $  2
    Utility Distribution Company Payments      (102)                  -
    Cost of Goods Sold                         (119)                 (2)
    Loss from Operations                        (15)                  -
    Other                                       (25)                (14)
     Net Loss                                  $(40)               $(14)

                                                            December 31,
         Balance Sheet                                           1998
                                                 - Millions of Dollars -
          Current Assets                                         $  115
          Noncurrent Assets                                           6
             Total Assets                                        $  121

          Current Liabilities                                    $   90
          Noncurrent Liabilities                                     67
          Minority Interest (of which $4 million is Mandatorily
             Redeemable)                                              9
          Shareholders' Deficit                                     (45)
             Total Liabilities and Deficit                       $  121

     Because we have no continuing involvement with NewEnergy, other than the
collateralized promissory notes from NewEnergy and a $1 million guarantee, we
do not believe that the results of NewEnergy's operations will affect our
continuing operations.  At December 31, 1999, the market value of the
collateral supporting the promissory notes exceeded the amount of the
promissory notes by 57%.  The promissory notes represent less than 1% of
UniSource Energy's total assets at December 31, 1999.


     AET currently owns 50% of Global Solar Energy, L.L.C., which develops and
manufactures photovoltaic materials.  The other 50% is owned by ITN Energy
Systems, Inc. (ITN).  In November 1999, Millennium and ITN entered into an
Agreement (Agreement) in which Millennium's share of Global Solar will
increase to 67%.  Under the Agreement, ITN agreed to transfer its rights to
certain assets and proprietary and intellectual property, including thin-film
battery technology, to Global Solar.  In addition, Millennium will contribute
to Global Solar up to $14 million in additional equity upon the occurrence of
certain agreed-upon production and business milestones.  Millennium and ITN
are in the process of finalizing the structure of the transaction.  As of
December 31, 1999, Millennium had funded $2 million under this Agreement.

- ---------------------------------------------------------


     The following table shows TEP's Utility Plant in Service by major class:
                                                         December 31,
                                                    1999             1998
                                                    - Millions of Dollars -
  Plant in Service:
    Generation Plant                                 $ 1,067       $ 1,069
    Transmission Plant                                   491           477
    Distribution Plant                                   599           586
    General Plant                                        115           111
    Intangible Plant                                      29            20
    Electric Plant Held for Future Use                     1             1
      Total Plant in Service                         $ 2,302       $ 2,264
  Utility Plant Under Capital Leases                 $   741       $   887

     All Utility Plant Under Capital Leases is used in Generation. See TEP
Utility Plant and TEP Utility Plant Under Capital Leases in Note 1 and Capital
Lease Obligations in Note 6.


     At December 31, 1999, TEP's interests in generating stations and
transmission systems that are jointly-owned with other utilities were as

                               Percent     Plant   Construction
                               Owned By     In      Work in     Accumulated
                                 TEP      Service*  Progress    Depreciation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             - Millions of Dollars -

 San Juan Units 1 and 2          50.0      $ 284       $ 3         $ 208
 Navajo Station Units 1,2 and 3   7.5        121         2            54
 Four Corners Units 4 and 5       7.0         79         -            63
 Transmission Facilities      7.5 to 95.0    221         2           131
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                 $ 705       $ 7         $ 456

* Included in Utility Plant shown above.

     TEP has financed or provided funds for the above facilities and TEP's
share of their operating expenses is included in the income statements.

- -----------------------------------------------------------



    BONDS - 1999

     In 1999 TEP made $2 million of sinking fund payments on First Mortgage

    Sale and Redemption of Bonds - 1998

     During 1998, TEP issued $387 million in new bonds and redeemed $416
million of previously outstanding bonds. TEP achieved the following objectives
with this refinancing activity:

 - extended maturities
 - replaced variable rate debt with fixed rate debt, and
 - eliminated restrictive covenants contained in the original 12.22% Series
    First Mortgage Bonds.

     When TEP redeemed all of its First Mortgage Bonds due in 1999, 2001,
2002, and 2003, as well as $32 million of 12.22% First Mortgage Bonds due 2000
not tendered for exchange, it eliminated covenants that restricted the payment
of common stock dividends.

     The proceeds from the issuance of certain bonds were held by a trustee
and subsequently used, by the trustee, to redeem previously outstanding bonds
in 1999, 1998 and 1997.  See Note 14 for a description of the non-cash
financing activities related to the sale and redemption of bonds.



     TEP's General First Mortgage and General Second Mortgage are
collateralized by a lien on TEP's utility plant, with the exception of
Springerville Unit 2.  San Carlos, a subsidiary of TEP, holds title to
Springerville Unit 2.


     TEP has a $441 million Credit Agreement which provides a $100 million
Revolving Credit Facility and a $341 million Letter of Credit Facility.  These
credit facilities mature on December 30, 2002 and are collateralized by $441
million of Second Mortgage Bonds. The Credit Agreement contains certain
financial covenants, including cash coverage, leverage and net worth tests.
As of December 31, 1999, TEP was in compliance with these covenants.

     The Revolving Credit Facility can be used for general corporate purposes.
At December 31, 1999, TEP had no outstanding borrowings under this facility.
If we were to borrow under the Revolving Credit Facility, the variable
interest rate that we would pay would be dependent, in part, on the credit
rating on TEP's senior collateralized debt.  We pay an annual commitment fee
on the unused portion of the Revolving Credit Facility.  This fee is also
dependent on TEP's credit ratings.  At December 31, 1999, the commitment fee
equaled 0.38% per year.

     The $341 million Letter of Credit Facility secures the payment of
principal and interest on $329 million of tax-exempt variable rate bonds
(IDBs).  The amount of commitment fee on the Letter of Credit Facility depends
on TEP's credit ratings.  At December 31, 1999, the commitment fee equaled
1.50% per year.

     In December 1999 and early January 2000, TEP's bond ratings were upgraded
by three rating agencies.  As a result, on January 3, 2000, the commitment fee
decreased to 0.25% per year, and the letter of credit fee decreased to 1.25%
per year.


     The terms of TEP's capital leases are as follows:

 - The Irvington Lease has an initial term to January 2011 and provides for
renewal periods of two or more years through 2020.

 - The Springerville Common Facilities Leases have an initial term to 2017 for
one lease and 2021 for the other two leases, subject to optional renewal
periods of two or more years through 2025.

 - The Springerville Unit 1 Leases have an initial term to January 2015 and
provide for renewal periods of three or more years through 2030.

 - The Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Leases have an initial term to
April 2015 and provide for one renewal period of six years, then additional
renewal periods of five or more years through 2035.


     TEP's long-term debt, including sinking funds, and lease obligations
mature on the following dates:

                              Expiring     Scheduled
                                LOCs       Long-Term
                            Supporting       Debt       Capital Lease
                                IDBs       Retirements   Obligations   Total
    Years Ending                         - Millions of Dollars -
    December 31,
        2000                                $  49         $  130      $  179
        2001                                    2            104         106
        2002                   $ 329            2             92         423
        2003                       -            2            123         125
        2004                       -            2            124         126
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total 2000-2004          329           57            573         959
        Thereafter                 -          799          1,378       2,177
        Less: Imputed Interest     -            -         (1,035)     (1,035)
        Total                  $ 329        $ 856         $  916     $ 2,101

     In addition to the capital lease obligations above, we must ensure $70
million of notes underlying the Springerville Common Facilities leases are
refinanced by June 30, 2003 to avoid a special event of loss under the lease.
This special event of loss would require us to repurchase the Springerville
Common Facilities at the higher of the stipulated loss value of $125 million
or the fair market value of the facilities. Upon such purchase, the lease
would be terminated.

     In December 1999, TEP refinanced $70 million of notes underlying the
Springerville Common Facility lease to avoid a special event of loss under the
lease.  As a result of refinancing at a higher interest rate, we recorded an
additional $26 million of capital lease obligations and capital lease assets.

- --------------------------------------------------

     The carrying value and fair value of TEP's financial instruments are as

                                                December 31,
                                         1999                  1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Carrying     Fair     Carrying     Fair
                                    Value       Value     Value       Value
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           - Millions of Dollars -
  Springerville Lease
   Debt Securities (Included in
    Investments and Other Property)  $ 45       $ 45      $ 18         $ 22
  First Mortgage Bonds - Fixed Rate:
    Corporate                          75         77        75           79
    Industrial Development Revenue
     Bonds (IDBs)                      62         61        64           64
    First Collateral Trust Bonds      140        132       140          142
  Second Mortgage Bonds -
    IDBs (Variable Rate)              329        329       329          329
  Unsecured IDBs - Fixed Rate         579        514       579          587
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     TEP intends to hold the investment in Springerville Lease Debt Securities
to maturity ($16 million matures through January 1, 2009 and $29 million
matures through January 1, 2013). These Springerville Lease Debt Securities
are stated at amortized cost, which means the purchase cost has been adjusted
for the amortization of the premium and discount to maturity.  We base the
fair value of this investment on quoted market prices for the same or similar
debt.  The $27 million purchase of additional Springerville Lease Debt
Securities in 1999 is reflected in the investing activity in our 1999 cash
flow statement.

     TEP considers the principal amounts of variable rate debt outstanding to
be reasonable estimates of their fair value.  We determined the fair value of
TEP's fixed rate obligations including the Corporate First Mortgage Bonds, the
First Mortgage Bonds-IDBs, First Collateral Trust Bonds and the Unsecured IDBs
by calculating the present value of the cash flows of each fixed rate
obligation.  We used a rate consistent with market yields generally available
as of December 1999 for 1999 amounts and December 1998 for 1998 amounts for
bonds with similar characteristics with respect to:  credit rating, time-to-
maturity, and the tax status of the bond coupon for Federal income tax
purposes.  The use of different market assumptions and/or estimation
methodologies may yield different estimated fair value amounts.

- -----------------------------


     In December 1999, UniSource Energy declared a dividend to the
shareholders of $0.08 per share of common stock.  The dividend, totaling
approximately $3 million, will be paid on March 10, 2000 to shareholders of
record as of February 15, 2000.

     Our ability to pay cash dividends on common stock outstanding depends, in
part, upon cash flows from our subsidiaries, TEP and Millennium.


     In December 1999 and 1998, TEP paid a dividend of $34 million and $30
million, respectively, to UniSource Energy, the holder of all of TEP's common
stock.  TEP met the following requirements before paying these dividends to
UniSource Energy:

 - Bank Credit Agreement

TEP's bank Credit Agreement allows TEP to pay dividends as long as TEP
maintains compliance with the agreement and meets financial covenants.

 - ACC Holding Company Order

The ACC Holding Company Order does not allow TEP to pay dividends to UniSource
Energy in excess of 75% of its annual earnings until TEP's equity ratio equals
37.5% of total capitalization, excluding capital lease obligations.

 - Federal Power Act

This Act states that dividends shall not be paid out of funds properly
included in capital accounts.  TEP's 1999 and 1998 dividends to UniSource
Energy were paid from current year earnings.


     In August 1999, Millennium paid a dividend of $10 million to UniSource
Energy.  Millennium does not have any dividend restrictions.

- --------------------------------------


     TEP has the following commitments to purchase coal and rail:

 - The Springerville coal contract expires in 2010, but includes an option to
extend the initial term for ten years.  See Deferred Springerville Generation
Costs in Note 2.  The Springerville rail contract expires in 2009.
 - The Irvington coal and rail contracts expire in 2015 or at the end of the
useful life of the coal-fired unit, whichever is earlier.
 - The contracts for jointly-owned facilities expire at various dates from
2005 to 2017.  See Jointly-Owned Facilities in Note 5.

     The Springerville and Irvington coal contracts combined require TEP to
take 2.1 million tons of coal per year through 2009 at an estimated annual
cost of $49 million for the next 5 years.   The Springerville and Irvington
rail contracts combined require TEP to transport 1.9 million tons of coal per
year through 2015 at an estimated annual cost of $13 million for the next 5
years.  The contracts to purchase coal, including rail transportation, for use
at the jointly-owned facilities require TEP to take 1.5 million tons of coal
per year through 2005 at an estimated annual cost of $45 million for the next
5 years.  All of these contracts include a price adjustment clause that will
affect the future cost of coal.  The total amount paid under these contracts
depends on the number of tons of coal purchased and transported.  The
aggregate total that TEP incurred under all of these contracts was $152
million in 1999, $150 million in 1998, and $160 million in 1997.

     Each of TEP's coal purchase contracts requires TEP to pay a take-or-pay
charge if certain minimum quantities of coal are not purchased.  Our present
fuel requirements are in excess of the take-or-pay minimums.  However,
sometimes TEP purchases coal from other suppliers or switches fuel burn from
one generating station to another to reduce overall fuel costs, resulting in
take-or-pay minimum charges.  TEP incurred take-or-pay charges of $4 million
in 1999 and 1998, and none in 1997.


     The 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments require reductions of sulfur
dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in two phases, more complex
facility permits and other requirements.  TEP is subject only to Phase II of
the SO2 and NOx emission reductions which was effective January 1, 2000.  All
of TEP's generating facilities (except existing internal combustion turbines)
are affected.  TEP spent approximately $1 million in each of 1999, 1998 and
1997 and expects to spend approximately $1 million annually in 2000 and 2001
complying with these requirements.

     In 1993, TEP's generating units affected by Phase II were allocated SO2
Emission Allowances based on past operational history.  Beginning in the year
2000, Phase II generating units must hold Emission Allowances equal to the
level of emissions in the compliance year or pay penalties and offset excess
emissions in future years.  Due to increased energy output, TEP may have to
purchase additional Emission Allowances to comply with the Phase II SO2
regulations.  Based on current estimates of additional required Emission
Allowances and market prices, TEP believes that purchases of additional
Emission Allowances will not have a material effect on TEP.

     TEP may incur additional costs to comply with recent and future changes
in federal and state environmental laws, regulations and permit requirements
at existing electric generating facilities.  Compliance with these changes may
result in a reduction in operating efficiency.


    Income Tax Assessments

     In February 1998, the IRS issued an income tax assessment for the 1992
and 1993 tax years.  The IRS is challenging our treatment of various items
relating to a 1992 financial restructuring, including the amount of NOL and
ITC generated before December 1991 that may be used to reduce taxes in future

     Due to the financial restructuring, a change in TEP's ownership occurred
for tax purposes in December 1991.  As a result, our use of the NOL and ITC
generated before 1992 may be limited under the tax code.  The IRS is
challenging our calculation of this limitation.  At December 31, 1999, pre-
1992 federal NOL and ITC carryforwards were approximately $153 million and $20
million, respectively.  In addition to the pre-1992 NOL and ITC, which are
subject to the limitation, $167 million of federal NOL at December 31, 1999,
is not subject to the limitation.

     We do not expect the resolution of these issues to have a material
adverse impact on the financial statements.

    Resolution of Contingency - Arizona Sales Tax Assessments

     Since 1990 TEP has contested the following sales tax assessments:

 - Coal Sales Assessments:  The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) issued
sales tax assessments which alleged that a former TEP subsidiary was liable
for sales tax on gross income from coal sales, transportation and coal-
handling services provided to TEP from November 1985 through May 1996.  On May
31, 1996, the former subsidiary was merged into TEP.  Because TEP now acquires
coal directly from unaffiliated companies, we are not liable for sales tax
computed on a basis similar to these assessments after May 31, 1996.

 - Lease Assessments:  The ADOR issued sales tax assessments to some of the
lessors of TEP's generation-related facilities and equipment. Under the
indemnification provisions in the lease agreements, we are required to pay any
sales tax assessments owed by the lessors.  The assessments alleged sales tax
liability on a component of rents we paid on the Springerville Unit 1 Leases,
the Springerville Common Facilities Leases, the Irvington Lease and the
Springerville Coal Handling Facilities Lease from August 1, 1988 to June 30,
1997.  Because the applicable sales tax rate went to zero on July 1, 1997, no
additional assessments are expected.

     In August 1999, a settlement was reached with the ADOR to settle these
issues for $47.5 million.  The settlement agreement became effective in
November 1999 when the lessors and their trustees agreed to the settlement.
TEP previously paid $25.1 million of the settlement amount in order to file an
appeal in the Arizona courts.  Under the terms of the agreement, the remaining
$22.4 million was deposited into an escrow account and the funds are to be
released to the ADOR in 5 equal installments.   During 1999, two of the
installments totaling $9 million were released to the ADOR.  At December 31,
1999, the escrow balance, shown as the Tax Settlement Deposit on the balance
sheet, was $13.4 million.  In January 2000, another installment of $4.5
million was released to the ADOR.  The remaining installments are scheduled to
be paid on April 15 and July 15, 2000.  This settlement does not result in
additional sales tax expense because we have previously recorded an expense
for the settlement amount.

- ----------------------

     Deferred tax assets (liabilities) consist of the following:

                                     UniSource Energy               TEP
                                    ------------------        ---------------
                                       December 31,            December 31,
                                      1999      1998          1999      1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             - Millions of Dollars -
Gross Deferred Income Tax Liabilities:
  Electric Plant - Net               $(397)     $(559)       $(397)     $(559)
  Income Taxes Recoverable Through
    Future Revenues Regulatory Asset   (32)       (61)         (32)       (61)
  Transition Recovery Asset           (120)         -         (120)         -
  Other                                (52)       (66)         (28)       (57)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Gross Deferred Income Tax Liability (601)      (686)        (577)      (677)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross Deferred Income Tax Assets:
  Capital Lease Obligations            355        360          355        360
  Net Operating Loss Carryforwards     101        116          101        116
  Springerville Unit 1
    Disallowed Costs                     -         68            -         68
  Investment Tax Credit Carryforwards   19         23           19         23
  Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)         52         17           38         15
  Other                                 74        112           67         96
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Gross Deferred Income Tax Asset     601        696          580        678
   Deferred Tax Assets Valuation
    Allowance                          (25)       (57)         (25)       (57)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net Deferred Income Tax Liability $ (25)     $ (47)       $ (22)     $ (56)

     The net deferred income tax liability is included in the balance sheets
in the following accounts:

                                     UniSource Energy               TEP
                                    ------------------        ---------------
                                       December 31,            December 31,
                                      1999      1998          1999      1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             - Millions of Dollars -

  Deferred Income Taxes-Current      $  17    $  15          $  17     $  15
  Deferred Income Taxes-Noncurrent     (42)     (62)           (39)      (71)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Deferred Income Tax Liability  $ (25)   $ (47)         $ (22)    $ (56)

     We record a Deferred Tax Assets Valuation Allowance for the amount of
Deferred Tax Assets that we do not believe we can use to reduce income taxes
on a future tax return.  The $32 million decrease in the Deferred Tax Assets
Valuation Allowance in 1999 consists of:

 - $23 million of recognized ITC Carryforward - The income tax benefit
attributable to the recognition of the ITC Carryforward is included in
Extraordinary Income - see Note 2.; and

 - $9 million reversal of a tax reserve:  Income Taxes included in Operating
Expenses includes $7 million of tax benefit attributable to the improved
likelihood of favorable resolution of tax items.  The remaining $2 million
benefit is included in Income Taxes in Other Income (Deductions).

     In 1998 the Deferred Tax Assets Valuation Allowance decreased $11 million
due primarily to the use of capital loss and investment tax credit
carryforwards.  In 1997, the Deferred Tax Assets Valuation Allowance decreased
$43 million due primarily to the use of NOL carryforwards and an increase in
the estimated amount of NOLs that we believe we will use to reduce future
taxable income.

    Income tax expense (benefit) included in the income statements consists of
the following:

                               UniSource Energy                  TEP
                             ----------------------        -----------------
                                       Years Ended December 31,
                               1999    1998    1997    1999    1998    1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               - Millions of Dollars -
Operating Expenses:
  Deferred Tax Expense
   Federal                     $ 20    $ 22    $ 15    $ 20    $ 22    $ 15
   State                          5      (4)      4       5      (4)      4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total                        25      18      19      25      18      19
  Reduction in Valuation
   Allowance - Benefit           (7)      -       -      (7)      -       -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Expense Included in
  Operating Expenses             18      18      19      18      18      19
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Income (Deductions):
  Deferred Tax Expense -
   Millennium Energy Businesses
    Federal                      10      (2)     (2)      -       -       -
    State                         2      (1)     (1)      -       -       -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Tax Expense (Benefit)
   related to Millennium Energy
   Businesses                    12      (3)     (3)      -       -       -
  Deferred Tax Expense - Other
    Federal                       4      (1)      7       7       2       4
    State                         1       1       1       1       2       1
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Deferred Tax Expense  17      (3)      5       8       4       5
  Reduction in Valuation
   Allowance - Benefit           (2)      -     (43)     (2)      -     (43)
  Investment Tax Credit
   Amortization                  (2)     (5)     (3)     (2)     (5)     (3)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Expense (Benefit) Included
 in Other Income (Deductions)    13      (8)    (41)      4      (1)    (41)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Federal and State Income
  Tax Expense (Benefit) Before
   Extraordinary Item            31      10     (22)     22      17     (22)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Extraordinary Income:
 Deferred Tax Benefit
  Federal                        (5)      -       -      (5)      -       -
  State                          (1)      -       -      (1)      -       -
Reduction in Valuation
   Allowance - ITC Carryforward
   Benefit                      (23)      -       -     (23)      -       -
Benefit from recognition of
   Deferred ITC                  (8)      -       -      (8)      -       -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Benefit Included in
Extraordinary Income            (37)      -       -     (37)      -       -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Federal and State Income
  Tax Expense (Benefit)
   Including Extraordinary
    Income                     $ (6)   $ 10   $ (22)  $ (15)   $ 17   $ (22)

     The differences between the income tax expense (benefit) and the amount
obtained by multiplying pre-tax income by the U.S. statutory federal income
tax rate of 35% are as follows:

                                UniSource Energy                  TEP
                             ----------------------        ----------------
                                        Years Ended December 31,
                               1999    1998    1997    1999    1998    1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               - Millions of Dollars -
Federal Income Tax Expense
 at Statutory Rate           $ 31     $ 13    $ 22     $ 25    $ 21  $  21
  State Income Tax Expense,
   Net of Federal Deduction     4        2       3        3       3      3
  Depreciation Differences
   (Flow Through Basis)         5        4       -        5       4      -
  Investment Tax Credit
   Amortization                (2)      (5)     (3)      (2)     (5)    (3)
  Reduction in Valuation
   Allowance - Benefit         (9)       -     (43)      (9)      -    (43)
  Capital Loss Carryforwards    -       (4)      -        -      (4)     -
  Foreign Operations of
   Millennium Energy
    Businesses                  3        2       -        -       -      -
  Other                        (1)      (2)     (1)       -      (2)     -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Federal and State Income
  Tax Expense (Benefit) Before
  Extraordinary Item         $ 31     $ 10    $(22)    $ 22    $ 17  $ (22)

     At December 31, 1999, UniSource Energy and TEP had, for federal income
tax purposes:

   - $320 million of NOL carryforwards expiring in 2006 through 2009;
   - $20 million of unused ITC expiring in 2002 through 2005;
   - $33 million of AMT credit which will carry forward to future years.

     See discussion of pre-1992 NOL and ITC in Income Tax Assessments in Note

- ---------------------------------


     TEP maintains noncontributory, defined benefit pension plans for all
regular employees.  Benefits are based on years of service and the employee's
average compensation.  TEP makes annual contributions to the plans sufficient
to meet the minimum funding requirements set forth by the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, plus such additional tax deductible amounts as
may be advisable.  TEP provides supplemental retirement benefits to employees
whose benefits are limited by IRS benefit or compensation limitations.

     TEP also provides health care and life insurance benefits for retirees.
All regular employees may become eligible for these benefits if they reach
retirement age while working for TEP.  The ACC allows TEP to recover through
rates postretirement costs only as benefit payments are made to or on behalf
of retirees.  The postretirement benefits are currently funded entirely on a
pay-as-you-go basis.  Under current accounting guidance, TEP cannot record a
regulatory asset for the excess of expense calculated per Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 106, Employers' Accounting for
Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions, over actual benefit payments.

     The actuarial present value of the benefit obligations are measured at
October 1 for our pension plans and December 31 for our other postretirement
benefit plan.  The change in benefit obligation and plan assets and
reconciliation of the funded status are as follows:
                                                         Other Postretirement
                                   Pension Benefits            Benefits
                                   ----------------      --------------------

                                    1999       1998         1999        1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          - Millions of Dollars -
Change in Benefit Obligation
  Benefit Obligation at
   Beginning of Year               $ 105      $  85        $  34       $  30
  Actuarial (Gain) Loss              (23)        13           (2)          2
  Interest Cost                        7          6            2           2
  Service Cost                         5          4            1           1
  Benefits Paid                       (5)        (3)          (1)         (1)
    Benefit Obligation at
     End of Year                      89        105           34          34
Change in Plan Assets
  Fair Value of Plan Assets
   at Beginning of Year               87         88            -           -
  Actual Return on Plan Assets        22         (2)           -           -
  Benefits Paid                       (5)        (3)          (1)         (1)
  Employer Contributions               8          4            1           1

  Fair Value of Plan Assets
    at End of Year                   112         87            -           -

Reconciliation of Funded Status
 to Balance Sheet
  Funded Status (Difference
   between Benefit Obligation
   and Fair Value of Plan Assets)     23        (18)         (34)        (34)
  Unrecognized Net (Gain) Loss       (21)        17            1           3
  Unrecognized Prior Service Cost     12         13            -           -
  Unrecognized Transition (Asset)
    Obligation                         -         (1)          11          12
    Net Amount Recognized in
     the Balance Sheets            $  14       $ 11        $ (22)      $ (19)
Amounts Recognized in the
  Balance Sheets Consist of:
  Prepaid Pension Costs            $  16       $  8        $   -       $   -
  Accrued Benefit Liability
   Included in Other Liabilities      (2)        (7)         (22)        (19)
  Intangible Asset Included in
   Deferred Debits - Other             -         10            -           -
    Net Amount Recognized          $  14       $ 11        $ (22)     $  (19)

Benefit Obligation and Fair Value of Plan Assets
for Plans with Benefit Obligations in Excess of
Plan Assets:
  Benefit Obligation at
    End of Year                    $   5       $105         $  34      $  34
  Fair Value of Plan
    Assets at End of Year          $   -       $ 87         $   -      $   -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     We recorded a transition asset or obligation when we adopted accounting
standards requiring recognition of pension and other postretirement benefit
obligations and costs in the financial statements.  The transition asset or
obligation equaled the difference between the fair value of plan assets and
the accumulated benefit obligation.  The transition asset on the pension plans
is being amortized over 15 years.  The transition obligation on the
postretirement benefit plan is being amortized over 20 years.

     The components of net periodic benefit costs are as follows:

    Pension Benefits

                                                 Years Ended December 31,
                                                  1999     1998     1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 - Millions of Dollars -
Components of Net Pension Cost
  Service Cost of Benefits Earned During Period     $ 5     $ 4      $ 3
  Interest Cost on Projected Benefit Obligation       7       6        4
  Expected Return on Plan Assets                     (9)     (8)      (6)
  Amortization of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost     1       1        1
  Recognized Actuarial (Gain) Loss                    1       -        -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Net Periodic Pension Cost                      $ 5     $ 3      $ 2

Actuarial Assumptions:                               1999    1998    1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Discount Rate - Funding Status                     7.8%    6.5%    7.3%
  Average Compensation Increase                      4.0     4.0     4.0
  Expected Long-Term Rate of Return on Plan Assets   9.0     9.0     9.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Other Postretirement Benefits

                                                 Years Ended December 31,
                                                  1999     1998     1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 - Millions of Dollars -
Components of Net Postretirement Benefit Cost
  Service Cost of Benefits Earned During Period     $  1     $  1    $  1
  Interest Cost on Projected Benefit Obligation        2        2       2
  Amortization of Unrecognized Transition
   Obligation                                          1        1       1
  Curtailment/Settlement (Gain) Loss                   -        -       2
  Special Termination Benefit Loss                     -        -       1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost       $  4     $  4    $  7

     The accumulated postretirement benefit obligation was determined using a
7.75% and 6.50% discount rate for 1999 and 1998, respectively.  Assumed health
care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for
health care plans.  The health care cost trend rates were assumed to be 7.5%
for 2000, gradually declining to 4.5% in 2003 and thereafter.  A one-
percentage-point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the
following effects on the December 31, 1999 amounts:

                                         One-Percentage-     One-Percentage-
                                         Point Increase      Point Decrease
                                               - Millions of Dollars -
     Effect on Total of Service and
       Interest Cost Components              $  1                 $  -
     Effect on Postretirement Benefit
       Obligation                            $  5                 $ (4)


     All regular employees may contribute up to 15 percent of their pre-tax
compensation, subject to certain limitations, in TEP's voluntary, defined
contribution 401(k) plans.  TEP contributes cash to the account of each
participant based on each participant's contributions not exceeding 4.5% of
the participant's compensation.  Participants direct the investment of
contributions to certain funds in their account.  In 1999, 1998 and 1997, TEP
incurred approximately $2 million annually in expense related to these plans.


     On May 20, 1994, the Shareholders approved two stock option plans, the
1994 Outside Director Stock Option Plan (1994 Directors' Plan) and the 1994
Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan (1994 Omnibus Plan).

     The 1994 Directors' Plan provided for the annual grant of 1,200 non-
qualified stock options to each eligible director at an exercise price equal
to the market price of the common stock at the grant date, beginning January
3, 1995.  These options vest over three years, become exercisable in one-third
increments on each anniversary date of the grant and expire on the tenth
anniversary.  In December 1998, the Board of Directors approved an increase in
the annual grant of non-qualified stock options to 2,000 beginning January

     The 1994 Omnibus Plan allows the Compensation Committee, a committee of
non-employee directors, to grant the following types of awards to each
eligible employee: stock options; stock appreciation rights; restricted stock;
performance units; performance shares; and dividend equivalents.  The total
number of shares of UniSource Energy Common Stock that may be awarded under
the Omnibus Plan cannot exceed 1.6 million.

     The Compensation Committee granted stock options to key employees during
1999, 1998, and 1997 and to most employees in 1999.  These stock options were
granted at exercise prices equal to the market price of the common stock at
the grant date.  These options vest over three years, become exercisable in
one-third increments on each anniversary date of the grant and expire on the
tenth anniversary.

     A summary of the activity of the 1994 Directors' Plan and 1994 Omnibus
Plan is as follows:

                          1999              1998              1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             Weighted          Weighted          Weighted
                             Average           Average           Average
                             Exercise          Exercise          Exercise
                     Shares   Price    Shares   Price    Shares   Price
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Options Outstanding,
 Beginning of Year   888,459  $15.37   800,541  $15.17   688,123  $15.30
  Granted            626,243  $12.31   222,446  $15.69   144,190  $14.59
  Exercised                -       -   (74,177) $14.79    (6,630) $16.25
  Forfeited         (124,669) $15.18   (60,351) $14.66   (25,142) $15.18
                    ---------          --------          --------
Options Outstanding,
 End of Year       1,390,033  $14.01   888,459  $15.37   800,541  $15.17
                   =========           ========          ========
Options Exercisable,
 End of Year         610,095  $15.35   549,254  $15.55   491,763  $15.84

Option Price Range of Options Outstanding at December 31, 1999:  $12.28
 to $18.13

Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life at December 31, 1999:  7.73
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     We apply Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock
Issued to Employees, in accounting for our stock option plans.  Accordingly,
we have not recognized any compensation cost for the plans during 1997 though
1999.  We have also adopted the disclosure-only provisions of Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation (FAS 123).  Had our compensation costs for the stock option plans
been determined based on the fair value at the grant date for awards in 1999,
1998 and 1997 consistent with the provisions of FAS 123, net income and net
income per average share would have been reduced to the pro forma amounts
indicated below:

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                               1999       1998       1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 - Thousands of Dollars -
                                                  (except per share data)
Net Income - As Reported                      $79,107    $28,032    $83,572
             Pro Forma                        $78,621    $27,724    $83,201

Basic Earnings Per Share - As Reported          $2.45      $0.87      $2.60
                           Pro Forma            $2.43      $0.86      $2.59

Diluted Earnings per Share - As Reported        $2.43      $0.87      $2.59
                             Pro Forma          $2.41      $0.86      $2.58
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The fair value of each stock option grant is estimated on the date of
grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the following weighted
average assumptions:

                                      1999        1998      1997
     Expected life (years)               5           4          3
     Interest rate                    5.65%       5.41%      6.16%
     Volatility                      22.91%      23.59%     23.15%
     Dividend yield                   0.69%       None       None

- ------------------

  UniSource Energy

     At December 31, 1999, 1.5 million of UniSource Energy Warrants which
expire on December 15, 2000 were outstanding. Each UniSource Energy Warrant
entitles the holder to purchase one share of UniSource Energy Common Stock for


     At December 31, 1999, 4.6 million of TEP Warrants which expire on
December 15, 2002 were outstanding.  The TEP Warrants entitle the holder of
five warrants to purchase one share of TEP common stock for $16.00.  The TEP
common stock that would be issued upon the exercise of TEP Warrants cannot be
converted into UniSource Energy Common Stock.  Currently, UniSource Energy
owns 100% of the common stock of TEP and TEP common stock is not publicly

- ---------------------------------

     In March 1999, UniSource Energy adopted a Shareholder Rights Plan.  As of
April 1, 1999, each Common Stock shareholder receives one Right for each share
held.  Each Right initially allows shareholders to purchase UniSource Energy's
Series X Preferred Stock at a specified purchase price.  However, the Rights
are exercisable only if a person or group (the "acquirer") acquires or
commences a tender offer to acquire 15% or more of UniSource Energy Common
Stock. Each Right would entitle the holder (except the acquirer) to purchase a
number of shares of UniSource Energy Common or Preferred Stock (or, in the
case of a merger of UniSource Energy into another person or group, common
stock of the acquiring person) having a fair market value equal to twice the
specified purchase price.  At any time until any person or group has acquired
15% or more of the Common Stock, UniSource Energy may redeem the Rights at a
redemption price of $0.001 per Right.  The Rights trade automatically with the
Common Stock when it is bought and sold.  The Rights expire on March 31, 2009.

- --------------------------------------------

     We define Cash and Cash Equivalents as cash (unrestricted demand
deposits) and all highly liquid investments purchased with a maturity of three
months or less.  A reconciliation of net income to net cash flows from
operating activities follows:

                                                    UniSource Energy
                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                              1999        1998        1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                - Thousands of Dollars -

Net Income                                  $ 79,107    $ 28,032    $ 83,572
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income
 to Net Cash Flows
  Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax          (22,597)         -            -
  Depreciation and Amortization Expense       92,583      90,358      86,405
  Deferred Income Taxes and Investment
   Tax Credit                                 12,407         966     (23,089)
  Lease Payments Deferred                     28,318      32,624      33,679
  Regulatory Amortization, Net of Interest
   Imputed on Losses Recorded at
   Present Value                               2,302       3,657      (3,485)
  Amortization of Deferred Debt-Related Costs
   Included in Interest Expense                5,091       3,235       1,191
  Reversal of Loss Provision                       -           -     (10,154)
  Deferred Contract Termination Fee            3,205      (6,154)    (38,077)
  Unremitted Losses of
   Unconsolidated Subsidiaries                 3,370       5,678       5,625
  Emission Allowances                        (12,926)     11,368     (11,463)
  Gain on Sale of NewEnergy                  (34,651)          -           -
  Other                                        4,175         103      (1,628)
  Changes in Assets and Liabilities which
   Provided (Used) Cash Exclusive of
   Changes Shown Separately
    Accounts Receivable                        2,989        (222)     (5,320)
    Prepaid Pension Costs                     (1,742)     (1,630)     (3,021)
    Tax Settlement Deposit                   (22,403)          -           -
    Materials and Fuel                        (5,579)     (2,223)     (3,649)
    Accounts Payable                              36      (1,950)      6,103
    Taxes Accrued                               (929)      2,770         390
    Other Current Assets and Liabilities     (10,882)         78       7,212
    Other Deferred Assets and Liabilities     (8,646)     (5,757)      1,992
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities       $113,228    $160,933    $126,283

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                              1999        1998        1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                - Thousands of Dollars -

Net Income                                  $ 73,475    $ 41,676    $ 83,572
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income
 to Net Cash Flows
  Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax          (22,597)          -           -
  Depreciation and Amortization Expense       92,583      90,358      86,405
  Deferred Income Taxes and Investment
   Tax Credit                                    277       6,910     (23,089)
  Lease Payments Deferred                     28,318      32,624      33,679
  Regulatory Amortization, Net of Interest
   Imputed on Losses Recorded at
   Present Value                               2,302       3,657      (3,485)
  Amortization of Deferred Debt-Related Costs
   Included in Interest Expense                5,091       3,235       1,191
  Reversal of Loss Provision                       -           -     (10,154)
  Deferred Contract Termination Fee            3,205      (6,154)    (38,077)
  Unremitted (Earnings) Losses of
   Unconsolidated Subsidiaries                  (471)     (1,017)      5,625
  Emission Allowances                        (12,926)     11,368     (11,463)
  Interest Accrued on Note Receivable from
   UniSource Energy                            9,329      (9,329)          -
  Other                                        9,035       3,243      (1,628)
  Changes in Assets and Liabilities which
   Provided (Used) Cash Exclusive of
   Changes Shown Separately
    Accounts Receivable                        4,338        (604)     (5,320)
    Prepaid Pension Costs                     (1,742)     (1,630)     (3,021)
    Tax Settlement Deposit                   (22,403)          -           -
    Materials and Fuel                        (5,540)     (2,218)     (3,649)
    Accounts Payable                              (2)      2,342       6,103
    Taxes Accrued                             (4,491)      2,717         390
    Other Current Assets and Liabilities      (9,164)      9,068       7,212
    Other Deferred Assets and Liabilities     (8,660)     (5,759)      1,992
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Flows - Operating Activities       $139,957    $180,487    $126,283

     Non-cash investing and financing activities of UniSource Energy and TEP
that affected recognized assets and liabilities but did not result in cash
receipts or payments were as follows:
                                                 Years Ended December 31,
                                               1999        1998        1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 - Thousands of Dollars -
Capital Lease Asset*                          $26,019     $      -   $      -
Capital Lease Obligations*                     38,747       13,613     11,788
Proceeds from the Issuance of Long-Term Debt*       -      290,699    379,270
Payments to Retire Long-Term Debt*                  -     (286,878)  (356,810)
Minimum Pension Liability*                    (10,036)      10,036          -
Notes Receivable received from the sale of
 NewEnergy                                     22,800            -          -
AES Stock received from the sale of NewEnergy  27,203            -          -
NewEnergy Investment                          (15,351)           -          -

* These items were reflected on TEP's financial statements

     The non-cash change in capital lease obligations represents interest
accrued for accounting purposes in excess of interest payments as well as a
$26 million increase in the capital lease obligation and asset resulting from
the Springerville Common Facilities Lease refinancing.  See Note 6.

     When issuing new bonds and redeeming outstanding bonds, a trustee may
hold the proceeds from our issuance of new long-term debt and use the proceeds
to redeem previously outstanding long-term debt.  When this occurs, the
Proceeds from the Issuance of Long-Term Debt and the related Payments to
Retire Long-Term Debt are not reported in our cash flow statements because
these transactions did not affect our cash balances.

     Non-cash consideration received upon the sale of NewEnergy in 1999
included two NewEnergy promissory notes, as well as AES common stock.
Concurrent with the receipt of these notes and stock, we removed the NewEnergy
investment from our balance sheet and recorded a gain on the sale.  See Note

- ----------------------------------

     Basic EPS is computed by dividing net income before the extraordinary
item by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the
period.  Diluted EPS assumes that proceeds from the hypothetical exercise of
stock options and other stock-based awards are used to repurchase outstanding
shares of stock at the average fair market price during the reporting period.
The following table shows the amounts used in computing earnings per share and
the effects of potential dilutive common stock on the weighted average number
of shares.
                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                               1999       1998       1997
                                                 - Thousands of Dollars -
   Basic Earnings Per Share:                      (except per share data)
   Numerator: Income Before Extraordinary
    Item                                     $ 56,510   $ 28,032   $ 83,572
    Average Shares of Common Stock -
     Outstanding                               32,321     32,177     32,138
   Basic Earnings Per Share Before
    Extraordinary Item                       $   1.75    $  0.87   $   2.60
   Diluted Earnings Per Share:
   Numerator: Income Before
    Extraordinary Item                       $ 56,510   $ 28,032   $ 83,572
    Average Shares of Common Stock -
     Outstanding                               32,321     32,177     32,138
    Effect of Dilutive Securities:
     Warrants                                       -         79         53
     Options and Stock Issuable Under
      Employee Benefit Plans                      257         90         87
     Total Shares                              32,578     32,346     32,278
   Diluted Earnings Per Share Before
    Extraordinary Item                       $   1.74   $   0.87    $  2.59

     Options to purchase 1,115,000 shares of common stock at $12.28 to $18.13
per share were outstanding at the end of the year 1999 but were not included
in the computation of diluted EPS because the options' exercise price was
greater than the average market price of the common shares.

     4.6 million of the 6.1 million warrants outstanding are exercisable into
TEP common stock.  See Note 12.  However, the dilutive effect is the same as
it would be if the warrants were exercisable into UniSource Energy Common

- ----------------------------------------------

                                                 UniSource Energy
                                       First    Second     Third    Fourth
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             - Thousands of Dollars -
                                              (except per share data)
Operating Revenues                   $160,510  $189,970  $264,691  $188,641
Operating Income                       22,923    33,363    56,010    45,149
Income (Loss) Before Extraordinary
 Item                                  (5,528)    3,708    51,669     6,661
Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax           -         -         -    22,597
Net Income (Loss)                      (5,528)    3,708    51,669    29,258
Basic Earnings Per Share:
- -------------------------
 Income (Loss) Before
  Extraordinary Item                    (0.17)     0.11      1.60      0.21
 Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax          -         -         -      0.70
 Income (Loss) After Extraordinary
  Item                                  (0.17)     0.11      1.60      0.90
Diluted Earnings Per Share:
- ---------------------------
 Income (Loss) Before
  Extraordinary Item                    (0.17)     0.11      1.58      0.20
 Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax          -         -         -      0.69
 Income (Loss) After Extraordinary
  Item                                  (0.17)     0.11      1.58      0.89
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues                   $160,941  $179,603  $253,229  $174,903
Operating Income                       23,820    29,866    54,610    26,892
Net Income (Loss)                      (7,035)    1,058    33,673       336
Basic Earnings Per Share                (0.22)     0.03      1.05      0.01
Diluted Earnings Per Share               0.22)     0.03      1.05      0.01
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      First    Second     Third    Fourth
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues                   $160,636  $189,983  $264,756  $188,708
Operating Income                       23,049    33,376    56,075    45,216
Interest Income - Note Receivable
 from UniSource Energy                  2,525     2,554     2,506     2,352
Income (Loss) Before Extraordinary
 Item                                  (1,320)    8,355    31,933    11,910
Extraordinary Income - Net of Tax           -         -         -    22,597
Net Income (Loss)                      (1,320)    8,355    31,933    34,507
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues                   $161,003  $179,686  $253,280  $175,021
Operating Income                       23,882    29,949    54,661    27,010
Interest Income - Note Receivable
 from UniSource Energy                  2,300     2,326     2,352     2,351
Net Income (Loss)                      (1,607)    8,073    29,374     5,836
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Due to seasonal fluctuations in TEP's sales and unusual items,
the quarterly results are not indicative of annual operating results.  The
principal unusual items for UniSource Energy and TEP include:


 - Third Quarter 1998: TEP changed its method of estimating unbilled
revenues to more accurately reflect revenues between months.
If we had continued using the previous method of calculating
unbilled revenues, revenues for the third quarter of 1998 would
have been $7 million greater.

 - Fourth Quarter 1999:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------


                             PART III

- -------------------------------------------------------------------


     Certain  of the individuals serving as Directors of UniSource
Energy  also serve as the Directors of TEP.  Information concerning
Directors  will  be contained under Election of  Directors  in  the
Company's  Proxy Statement relating to the 2000 Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later  than  120
days  after  December 31, 1999, which information  is  incorporated
herein by reference.


     Executive  Officers  of  UniSource  Energy  who  are  elected
annually by the Company's Board of Directors, are as follows:

Name                 Age   Title                            Since
- ----                 ---   ----                           ---------

James S. Pignatelli   56   Chairman, President and Chief
                           Executive Officer (a)              1998

Ira R. Adler          49   Executive Vice President,
                           Chief Financial Officer
                           and Treasurer (b)                  1998

Dennis R. Nelson      49   Vice President, General Counsel
                           and Corporate Secretary (c)        1998

Karen G. Kissinger    45   Vice President, Controller and-
                           Principal Accounting Officer (d)   1998

Michael J. DeConcini  36   Vice President - Strategic
                           Planning (e)                       1999

     Executive Officers of TEP who are elected annually  by TEP's
Board of Directors, are:

Name                 Age   Title                            Since
- ----                 ---   -----                          ---------

James S. Pignatelli   56   Chairman, President and Chief
                           Executive Officer (a)              1994

Ira R. Adler          49   Executive Vice President and
                           Chief Financial Officer, Chief
                           Operating Officer, Generation (b)  1988

Dennis R. Nelson      49   Senior Vice President and General
                           Counsel, Chief Operating Officer,
                           Corporate Services (c)             1991

Thomas A. Delawder    53   Vice President - Energy
                           Resources (f)                      1985

Steven J. Glaser      42   Vice President - Rates and
                           Regulatory Support, and Utility
                           Distribution Company Energy
                           Services (g)                       1994

Thomas N. Hansen      49   Vice President - Technical
                           Services Advisor (h)               1992

Karen G. Kissinger    45   Vice President, Controller and
                           Chief Information Officer (d)      1991

Kevin P. Larson       43   Vice President and Treasurer (i)   1994

Vincent Nitido, Jr.   44   Vice President and Assistant
                           General Counsel (j)                1998

James Pyers           58   Vice President - Utility
                           Distribution Company
                           Operations (k)                     1998

Catherine A. Nichols  41   Corporate Secretary (l)            1998

(a)  James S. Pignatelli:  Mr. Pignatelli joined TEP as Senior Vice
President in August 1994 and was elected Senior Vice President  and
Chief  Operating  Officer  in  1996.   He  was  named  Senior  Vice
President  and  Chief  Operating Officer  of  UniSource  Energy  in
January  1998,  and  Executive Vice President and  Chief  Operating
Officer of TEP in March 1998.  On June 23, 1998, Mr. Pignatelli was
named  Chairman,  President and CEO of UniSource  Energy  and  TEP.
Prior  to joining TEP, he was President and Chief Executive Officer
from  1988 to 1993 of Mission Energy Company, a subsidiary  of  SCE

(b)  Ira  R.  Adler:  Mr. Adler joined TEP in 1986 as  Manager  of
Financial  Planning.  In 1987 he was elected as Vice President  and
Treasurer of TRI, one of TEP's investment subsidiaries, from  which
position he resigned in October 1988, when he was elected Treasurer
of  TEP.  He was elected Vice President - Finance and Treasurer  in
July 1989 and was elected Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer  in  July 1990 and President of TRI and SRI in April  1992.
He  was  named Senior Vice President, Chief Financial  Officer  and
Treasurer of UniSource Energy in January 1998.  Mr. Adler was named
Executive  Vice  President of TEP in March 1998 and Executive  Vice
President of UniSource Energy in June 1998.  In November 1998,  Mr.
Adler  also became Chief Operating Officer - Generation.  Prior  to
joining  TEP, he was Vice President - Finance of US WEST  Financial
Services, Inc.

(c)  Dennis R.  Nelson:  Mr. Nelson joined TEP as a staff attorney
in 1976. He was  manager of the Legal Department from 1985 to 1990.
He  was elected  Vice   President,  General  Counsel  and Corporate
Secretary in January  1991.  He was named Vice  President,  General
Counsel and  Corporate  Secretary  of UniSource Energy  in  January
1998.   Mr.  Nelson was named  Senior Vice  President  and  General
Counsel  of TEP in  November 1998.   In December 1998 he  was named
Chief Operating Officer, Corporate Services of TEP.

(d)  Karen  G.  Kissinger:   Ms.  Kissinger  joined  TEP  as  Vice
President  and  Controller in January 1991.   She  was  named  Vice
President, Controller and Principal Accounting Officer of UniSource
Energy  in January 1998.  In November 1998, Ms. Kissinger was  also
named Chief Information Officer of TEP.  Prior to joining TEP,  she
was  a Manager with Deloitte & Touche from 1986 through 1989 and  a
Senior Manager through 1990.

(e)  Michael J.  DeConcini:   Mr. DeConcini joined TEP in 1988 and
served  in various  positions  in  finance, strategic planning  and
wholesale  marketing.   He was Manager of TEP's Wholesale Marketing
Department  in  1994,  adding  Product  Development  and   Business
Development  in 1997.    In  November  1998,  he was  elected  Vice
Presidentof MEH, and elected Vice President - Strategic Planning of
UniSource Energy in February 1999.

(f)  Thomas A. Delawder:  Mr. Delawder  joined  TEP  in  1974  and
thereafter served in  various engineering and operations positions.
In April 1985 he was  named  Manager,  Systems  Operations  and was
elected Vice President - Power Supply and System Control in November
1985.   In February  1991,  he became  Vice President - Engineering
and Power Supply and in  January  1992 he  became Vice  President -
System  Operations.  In  1994,  he  became  Vice President - Energy

(g)  Steven J.  Glaser:  Mr. Glaser joined TEP in 1990 as a Senior
Attorney in charge  of Regulatory Affairs.  He was Manager of TEP's
Legal department from  1992  to  1994,  and  Manager  of  Contracts
and Wholesale Marketing from 1994 until elected  Vice  President  -
Business  Development.   In 1995, he was  named  Vice  President  -
Wholesale/Retail Pricing and System Planning.  He  was  named  Vice
President - Energy Services in 1996 and Vice President - Rates  and
Regulatory Support and Utility Distribution Company Energy Services
in November 1998.

(h)  Thomas N. Hansen: Mr. Hansen joined TEP in December 1992 as Vice
President - Power  Production. Prior to joining TEP, Mr. Hansen was
Century Power Corporation's  Vice President - Operations from  1989
and Plant Manager at Springerville from 1987 through 1988. In 1994,
he was named Vice President - Technical Services Advisor.

(i)  Kevin P. Larson:  Mr. Larson joined TEP in 1985 and thereafter
held  various  positions  in its finance department  and  at  TEP's
investment subsidiaries.  In January 1991, he was elected Assistant
Treasurer of TEP and named Manager of Financial Programs.   He  was
elected Treasurer of TEP in August 1994 and Vice President in March

(j)  Vincent  Nitido,  Jr.:  Mr. Nitido  joined  TEP  as  a  staff
attorney  in  1991.   He  was promoted  to  Manager  of  the  Legal
Department  in  1994,  and  elected Vice  President  and  Assistant
General Counsel in 1998.

(k)  James  Pyers:  Mr. Pyers joined TEP in 1974 as a  Supervisor.
Thereafter, he held various supervisory positions and was  promoted
to Manager of Customer in Service Operations in February 1998.  Mr.
Pyers  was  elected  Vice President - Utility Distribution  Company
Operations in November 1998.

(l)  Catherine A. Nichols:  Ms. Nichols joined TEP as a staff attorney
in  1989.  She was promoted to Manager of the Legal Department  and
elected  Corporate Secretary in 1998.  She assumed  the  additional
role of Manager of the Human Resources Department in 1999.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

     Information  concerning  Executive  Compensation   will   be
contained under Executive Compensation and Other Information in the
Company's  Proxy Statement relating to the 2000 Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later  than  120
days  after  December 31, 1999, which information  is  incorporated
herein by reference.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------


     At  February  24,  2000,  UniSource  Energy  had  outstanding
32,357,718  shares of Common Stock.  As of February 24,  2000,  the
number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  beneficially  owned  by  all
directors and officers of the Company as a group amounted  to 1% of
the outstanding Common Stock.

     At  February  24,  2000, UniSource Energy owned  all  of  the
outstanding shares of common stock of TEP.


     Information  concerning  the security  ownership  of  certain
beneficial  owners  of  UniSource Energy will  be  contained  under
Security  Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners in  the  Company's
Proxy   Statement   relating  to  the  2000   Annual   Meeting   of
Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later  than  120
days  after  December 31, 1999, which information  is  incorporated
herein by reference.


     Information concerning the security ownership of the Directors
and  Executive  Officers  of  UniSource  Energy  and  TEP  will  be
contained  under Security Ownership of Management in the  Company's
Proxy   Statement   relating  to  the  2000   Annual   Meeting   of
Shareholders, which will be filed with the SEC not later  than  120
days  after  December 31, 1999, which information  is  incorporated
herein by reference.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------


                              PART IV

- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)  1.   Consolidated Financial Statements as of
          December 31, 1999 and 1998 and for Each
          of the Three Years in the Period Ended
          December 31, 1999.

          UniSource Energy Corporation
          Independent Auditors' Report                         42
          Report of Independent Accountants                    43
          Consolidated Statements of Income                    44
          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                45
          Consolidated Balance Sheets                          46
          Consolidated Statements of Capitalization            47
          Consolidated Statements of Changes in
          Stockholders' Equity                                 48
          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements           54

          Tucson Electric Power Company
          Independent Auditors' Report                         42
          Report of Independent Accountants                    43
          Consolidated Statements of Income                    49
          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                50
          Consolidated Balance Sheets                          51
          Consolidated Statements of Capitalization            52
          Consolidated Statements of Changes in
          Stockholders' Equity                                 53
          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements           54

     2.   Supplemental Consolidated Schedules for the Years
          Ended December 31, 1997 to 1999.

     Schedules I to V, inclusive, are omitted because they are not
applicable or not required.

     3.   Exhibits.

     Reference is made to the Exhibit Index commencing on page 93

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

     UniSource Energy Corporation and Tucson Electric Power Company
     -   Form 8-K dated November 22, 1999 (filed December 2, 1999),
         reporting on approval of Settlement Agreement by the ACC.

     UniSource Energy Corporation
     -   Form 8-K dated December 3, 1999  (filed December 6, 1999),
         reporting on declaration of divided payable to shareholders
         of UniSource Energy common stock.


     Pursuant  to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant  has  duly  caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto
duly authorized.

                                UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION

Date:  March 8, 2000            By  /s/ Ira R. Adler
                                   IRA R. ADLER
                                   Executive Vice President
                                   and Principal Financial Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on
behalf  of  the registrant and in the capacities and on  the  dates

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ James S. Pignatelli*
                                   James S. Pignatelli
                                   Chairman of the Board, President
                                   and Principal Executive Officer

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Ira R. Adler
                                   Ira R. Adler
                                   Executive Vice President, Principal
                                   Financial Officer and Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Karen G. Kissinger*
                                   Karen G. Kissinger
                                   Principal Accounting Officer

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Larry W. Bickle*
                                   Larry W. Bickle, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Elizabeth T.Bilby*
                                   Elizabeth T. Bilby, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Harold W.Burlingame*
                                   Harold W.Burlingame, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Jose L. Canchola*
                                   Jose L. Canchola,Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ John L. Carter*
                                   John L. Carter, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Daniel W. Fessler*
                                   Daniel W. Fessler, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ John A. Jeter*
                                   John A. Jeter, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ R. B. O'Rielly*
                                   R. B. O'Rielly, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Martha R. Seger*
                                   Martha R. Seger, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ H. Wilson Sundt*
                                   H. Wilson Sundt, Director

Date:  March 8, 2000          By   /s/ Ira R. Adler
                                   Ira R. Adler
                                   as attorney-in-fact for each
                                   of the persons indicated


     Pursuant  to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant  has  duly  caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto
duly authorized.

                                TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

Date:  March 8, 2000           By  /s/ Ira R. Adler
                                   IRA R. ADLER
                                   Executive Vice President and
                                   Principal Financial Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on
behalf  of  the registrant and in the capacities and on  the  dates

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ James S. Pignatelli*
                                   James S. Pignatelli
                                   Chairman of the Board, President
                                   and Principal Executive Officer

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Ira R. Adler
                                   Ira R. Adler
                                   Executive Vice President, Principal
                                   Financial Officer and Director

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Karen G. Kissinger*
                                   Karen G. Kissinger
                                   Principal Accounting Officer

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Elizabeth T. Bilby*
                                   Elizabeth T. Bilby

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Harold W. Burlingame*
                                   Harold W. Burlingame

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ John. L. Carter*
                                   John L. Carter

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Daniel W. L. Fessler*
                                   Daniel W. L. Fessler

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ John A. Jeter*
                                   John A. Jeter

Date:  March 8, 2000               /s/ Martha R. Seger*
                                   Martha R. Seger

Date:  March 8, 2000           By  /s/ Ira R. Adler
                                   Ira R. Adler
                                   as attorney-in-fact for each
                                   of the persons indicated

                            EXHIBIT INDEX

*2(a)    --  Agreement and Plan of Exchange, dated as of March 20, 1995,
             between TEP, UniSource Energy and NCR  Holding, Inc.

*3(a)    --  Restated  Articles of Incorporation of  TEP,  filed
             with  the  ACC on August 11, 1994, as amended by Amendment
             to  Article  Fourth of the Company's Restated Articles  of
             Incorporation, filed with the ACC on May 17, 1996.   (Form
             10-K  for  year  ended  December 31,  1996,  File  No.  1-
             5924-Exhibit 3(a).)

*3(b)    --  Bylaws of TEP, as amended May 20, 1994.  (Form 10-Q for
             the  quarter ended June 30, 1994, File  No.  1-5924--
             Exhibit 3.)

*3(c)    --  Amended  and Restated Articles of Incorporation  of
             UniSource  Energy.  (Form 8-A/A, dated January  30,  1998,
             File No. 1-13739-Exhibit 2(a).)

*3(d)    --  Bylaws of UniSource Energy, as amended December 11,
             1997. (Form  8-A, dated December 23, 1997, File  No.  1-
             13739-Exhibit 2(b).)

*4(a)(1) --  Indenture dated as of April 1, 1941, to  The  Chase
             National Bank of the City of New York, as Trustee.   (Form
             S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(1).)

*4(a)(2) --  First  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of  October
             1, 1946.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(2).)

*4(a)(3) --  Second  Supplemental Indenture dated as of  October
             1, 1947.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(3).)

*4(a)(4) --  Third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April  1,
             1949.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(4).)

*4(a)(5) --  Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December
             1, 1952.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(5).)

*4(a)(6) --  Fifth  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of  January
             1, 1955.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(6).)

*4(a)(7) --  Sixth  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of  January
             1, 1958.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(7).)

*4(a)(8) --  Seventh  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated   as   of
             November  1,  1959.  (Form S-7, File No.  2-59906--Exhibit

*4(a)(9) --  Eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of November
             1, 1961.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(9).)

*4(a)(10)--  Ninth  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February
             20, 1964.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(10).)

*4(a)(11)--  Tenth  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February
             1, 1965.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(11).)

*4(a)(12)--  Eleventh  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as   of
             February  1,  1966.  (Form S-7, File No.  2-59906--Exhibit

*4(a)(13)--  Twelfth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated   as   of
             November  1,  1969.  (Form S-7, File No.  2-59906  Exhibit

*4(a)(14)--  Thirteenth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of
             January  20,  1970.  (Form S-7, File No.  2-59906--Exhibit

*4(a)(15)--  Fourteenth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of
             September  1,  1971.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit

*4(a)(16)--  Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of March
             1, 1972.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(16).)

*4(a)(17)--  Sixteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as  of  May
             1, 1973.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(17).)

*4(a)(18)--  Seventeenth  Supplemental Indenture,  dated  as  of
             November  1,  1975.  (Form S-7, File No.  2-59906--Exhibit

*4(a)(19)--  Eighteenth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of
             November  1,  1975.  (Form S-7, File No.  2-59906--Exhibit

*4(a)(20)--  Nineteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July
             1, 1976.  (Form S-7, File No. 2-59906--Exhibit 2(b)(20).)

*4(a)(21)--  Twentieth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of
             October  1,  1977.   (Form S-7, File No.  2-59906--Exhibit

*4(a)(22)--  Twenty-first Supplemental Indenture,  dated  as  of
             November 1, 1977.  (Form 10-K for year ended December  31,
             1980, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(v).)

*4(a)(23)--  Twenty-second Supplemental Indenture, dated  as  of
             January  1, 1978.  (Form 10-K for year ended December  31,
             1980, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(w).)

*4(a)(24)--  Twenty-third Supplemental Indenture,  dated  as  of
             July  1,  1980.   (Form 10-K for year ended  December  31,
             1980, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(x).)

*4(a)(25)--  Twenty-fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated  as  of
             October  1, 1980.  (Form 10-K for year ended December  31,
             1980, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(y).)

*4(a)(26)--  Twenty-fifth Supplemental Indenture,  dated  as  of
             April  1,  1981.  (Form 10-Q for quarter ended  March  31,
             1981, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(a).)

*4(a)(27)--  Twenty-sixth Supplemental Indenture,  dated  as  of
             April  1,  1981.  (Form 10-Q for quarter ended  March  31,
             1981, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(b).)

*4(a)(28)--  Twenty-seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as  of
             October  1, 1981.  (Form 10-Q for quarter ended  September
             30, 1982, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(c).)

*4(a)(29)--  Twenty-eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated  as  of
             June 1, 1990.  (Form 10-Q for quarter ended June 30, 1990,
             File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(a)(1).)

*4(a)(30)--  Twenty-ninth Supplemental Indenture,  dated  as  of
             December  1, 1992.  (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732--
             Exhibit 4(a)(30).)

*4(a)(31)--  Thirtieth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of
             December  1, 1992.  (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732--
             Exhibit 4(a)(31).)

*4(a)(32)--  Thirty-first Supplemental Indenture,  dated  as  of
             May  1, 1996.  (Form 10-K for the year ended December  31,
             1996, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 4(a)(32).)

*4(a)(33)--  Thirty-second Supplemental Indenture, dated  as  of
             May  1, 1996.  (Form 10-K for the year ended December  31,
             1996, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 4(a)(33).)

*4(a)(34)--  Thirty-third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of May
             1,  1998.  (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998,
             File No. 1-5924 - Exhibit 4(a).)

*4(a)(35)--  Thirty-fourth  Supplemental Indenture  dated  as  of
             August 1, 1998. (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June  30,
             1998, File No. 1-5924 - Exhibit 4(b).)

*4(b)(1) --  Installment Sale Agreement, dated as of December 1,
             1973,  among  the City of Farmington, New  Mexico,  Public
             Service  Company of New Mexico and TEP. (Form 8-K for  the
             month of January 1974, File No. 0-269--Exhibit 3.)

*4(b)(2) --  Ordinance  No. 486, adopted December 17,  1973,  of
             the  City  of  Farmington, New Mexico. (Form 8-K  for  the
             month of January 1974, File No. 0-269--Exhibit 4.)

*4(b)(3) --  Amended  and  Restated Installment  Sale  Agreement
             dated as of April 1, 1997, between the City of Farmington,
             New  Mexico and TEP relating to Pollution Control  Revenue
             Bonds,  1997  Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company  San
             Juan Project).  (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31,
             1997, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(a).)

*4(b)(4) --  City  of Farmington, New Mexico Ordinance  No.  97-
             1055,   adopted  April  17,  1997,  authorizing  Pollution
             Control  Revenue  Bonds, 1997 Series  A  (Tucson  Electric
             Power  Company  San  Juan Project).  (Form  10-Q  for  the
             quarter  ended  March  31, 1997, File  No. 1-5924--Exhibit

*4(c)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated  as  of  October  1,  1982,
             between  the  Pima County Authority and  TEP  relating  to
             Floating   Rate  Monthly  Demand  Industrial   Development
             Revenue  Bonds,  1982  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power
             Company  Irvington Project). (Form 10-Q for quarter  ended
             September 30, 1982, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(a).)

*4(c)(2) --  Indenture  of Trust, dated as of October  1,  1982,
             between  the  Pima  County Authority and  Morgan  Guaranty
             authorizing   Floating  Rate  Monthly  Demand   Industrial
             Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson  Electric
             Power  Company Irvington Project). (Form 10-Q for  quarter
             ended September 30, 1982, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(b).)

*4(c)(3) --  First  Supplemental  Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             March 31, 1992, between the Pima County Authority and  TEP
             relating  to  Industrial Development Revenue  Bonds,  1982
             Series   A   (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company   Irvington
             Project).   (Form  S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit

*4(c)(4) --  First Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as  of
             March  31,  1992,  between the Pima County  Authority  and
             Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1982  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Irvington Project). (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--
             Exhibit 4(h)(4).)

*4(d)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated as  of  December  1,  1982,
             between  the  Pima County Authority and  TEP  relating  to
             Floating   Rate  Monthly  Demand  Industrial   Development
             Revenue  Bonds,  1982  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power
             Company Projects). (Form 10-K for year ended December  31,
             1982, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(k)(1).)

*4(d)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of December  1,  1982,
             between  the  Pima  County Authority and  Morgan  Guaranty
             authorizing   Floating  Rate  Monthly  Demand   Industrial
             Development Revenue Bonds, 1982 Series A (Tucson  Electric
             Power   Company  Projects).  (Form  10-K  for  year  ended
             December 31, 1982, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(k)(2).)

*4(d)(3) --  First  Supplemental  Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             March 31, 1992, between the Pima County Authority and  TEP
             relating  to  Industrial Development Revenue  Bonds,  1982
             Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Projects). (Form S-
             4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit 4(i)(3).)

*4(d)(4) --  First Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as  of
             March  31,  1992,  between the Pima County  Authority  and
             Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1982  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Projects).  (Form  S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit

*4(e)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated as  of  December  1,  1983,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and TEP relating  to
             Floating   Rate  Monthly  Demand  Industrial   Development
             Revenue  Bonds,  1983  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power
             Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for year  ended
             December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(l)(1).)

*4(e)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of December  1,  1983,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and Morgan  Guaranty
             authorizing   Floating  Rate  Monthly  Demand   Industrial
             Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson  Electric
             Power Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for  year
             ended   December   31,  1983,  File  No.   1-5924--Exhibit

*4(e)(3) --  First  Supplemental  Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority  and
             TEP  relating  to Floating Rate Monthly Demand  Industrial
             Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series A (Tucson  Electric
             Power  Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for  the
             year  ended  December  31, 1987, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*4(e)(4) --  First  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December
             1,  1985,  between the Apache County Authority and  Morgan
             Guaranty   relating  to  Floating  Rate   Monthly   Demand
             Industrial  Development  Revenue  Bonds,  1983  Series   A
             (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company Springerville  Project).
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 4(k)(4).)

*4(e)(5) --  Second  Supplemental Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983
             Series  A  (Tucson  Electric Power  Company  Springerville
             Project).   (Form  S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit

*4(e)(6) --  Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1983  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Springerville Project).  (Form S-4, Registration  No.  33-
             52860--Exhibit 4(k)(6).)

*4(f)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated as  of  December  1,  1983,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and TEP relating  to
             Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds,
             1983 Series B (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville
             Project).  (Form  10-K for year ended December  31,  1983,
             File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(m)(1).)

*4(f)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of December  1,  1983,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and Morgan  Guaranty
             authorizing  Variable  Rate Demand Industrial  Development
             Revenue  Bonds,  1983  Series  B  (Tucson  Electric  Power
             Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for year  ended
             December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(m)(2).)

*4(f)(3) --  First  Supplemental  Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority  and
             TEP  relating  to Floating Rate Monthly Demand  Industrial
             Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series B (Tucson  Electric
             Power  Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for  the
             year  ended  December  31, 1987, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*4(f)(4) --  First  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December
             1,  1985,  between the Apache County Authority and  Morgan
             Guaranty   relating  to  Floating  Rate   Monthly   Demand
             Industrial  Development  Revenue  Bonds,  1983  Series   B
             (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company Springerville  Project).
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 4(l)(4).)

*4(f)(5) --  Second  Supplemental Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983
             Series  B  (Tucson  Electric Power  Company  Springerville
             Project).   (Form  S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit

*4(f)(6) --  Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1983  Series  B  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Springerville Project).  (Form S-4, Registration  No.  33-
             52860--Exhibit 4(l)(6).)

*4(g)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated as  of  December  1,  1983,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and TEP relating  to
             Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds,
             1983 Series C (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville
             Project).  (Form  10-K for year ended December  31,  1983,
             File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(n)(1).)

*4(g)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of December  1,  1983,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and Morgan  Guaranty
             authorizing  Variable  Rate Demand Industrial  Development
             Revenue  Bonds,  1983  Series  C  (Tucson  Electric  Power
             Company Springerville Project).  (Form 10-K for year ended
             December 31, 1983, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(n)(2).)

*4(g)(3) --  First  Supplemental  Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             December 1, 1985, between the Apache County Authority  and
             TEP  relating  to Floating Rate Monthly Demand  Industrial
             Development Revenue Bonds, 1983 Series C (Tucson  Electric
             Power  Company Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for  the
             year  ended  December  31, 1987, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*4(g)(4) --  First  Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December
             1,  1985,  between the Apache County Authority and  Morgan
             Guaranty   relating  to  Floating  Rate   Monthly   Demand
             Industrial  Development  Revenue  Bonds,  1983  Series   C
             (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company Springerville  Project).
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 4(m)(4).)

*4(g)(5) --  Second  Supplemental Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1983
             Series  C  (Tucson  Electric Power  Company  Springerville
             Project).   (Form  S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit

*4(g)(6) --  Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1983  Series  C  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Springerville Project).  (Form S-4, Registration  No.  33-
             52860--Exhibit 4(m)(6).)

*4(h)    --  Reimbursement   Agreement,   dated  as  of  September  15,
             1981,  as  amended, between TEP and Manufacturers  Hanover
             Trust Company. (Form 10-K for the year ended December  31,
             1984, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 4(o)(4).)

*4(i)(1) --  Loan   Agreement,  dated  as   of  December   1,  1985,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and TEP relating  to
             Variable Rate Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds,
             1985 Series A (Tucson Electric Power Company Springerville
             Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1985,
             File No. 1-5924---Exhibit 4(r)(1).)

*4(i)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of December  1,  1985,
             between  the  Apache County Authority and Morgan  Guaranty
             authorizing  Variable  Rate Demand Industrial  Development
             Revenue  Bonds,  1985  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power
             Company  Springerville Project). (Form 10-K for  the  year
             ended   December   31,  1985,  File  No.   1-5924--Exhibit

*4(i)(3) --  First  Supplemental  Loan Agreement,  dated  as  of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 1985
             Series  A  (Tucson  Electric Power  Company  Springerville
             Project).   (Form  S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit

*4(i)(4) --  First Supplemental Indenture of Trust, dated as  of
             March  31,  1992, between the Apache County Authority  and
             Morgan Guaranty relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1985  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Springerville Project).  (Form S-4, Registration  No.  33-
             52860--Exhibit 4(o)(4).)

*4(j)(1) --  Warrant Agreement and Form of Warrant, dated as  of
             December 15, 1992.  (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732--
             Exhibit 4(q).)

* 4(j)(2)--  Form of Warrant Agreement relating to the UniSource
             Energy  Warrants, dated as of August 4, 1998.  (Form  S-4,
             Registration Statement No. 333-60809--Exhibit 4(a)).

*4(k)(1) --  Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated as of
             December  1,  1992,  to  Bank of Montreal  Trust  Company,
             Trustee.   (Form  S-1, Registration No.  33-55732--Exhibit

*4(k)(2) --  Supplemental Indenture No. 1 creating a  series  of
             bonds  designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series
             A,  dated as of December 1, 1992.  (Form S-1, Registration
             No. 33-55732--Exhibit 4(r)(2).)

*4(k)(3) --  Supplemental Indenture No. 2 creating a  series  of
             bonds  designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series
             B,  dated  as  of December 1, 1997.  (Form 10-K  for  year
             ended  December  31,  1997, File  No.  1-5924  --  Exhibit

*4(k)(4) --  Supplemental Indenture No. 3 creating a  series  of
             bonds designated Second Mortgage Bonds, Collateral Series,
             dated  as  of August 1, 1998.  (Form 10-Q for the  quarter
             ended June 30, 1998, File No. 1-5924 -- Exhibit 4(c).)

*4(l)(1) --  Loan  Agreement, dated as of April 1, 1997, between
             Coconino County, Arizona Pollution Control Corporation and
             TEP  relating  to  Pollution Control Revenue  Bonds,  1997
             Series  A  (Tucson Electric Power Company Navajo Project).
             (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, File  No.
             1-5924-Exhibit 4(c).)

*4(l)(2) --  Indenture  of  Trust, dated as of  April  1,  1997,
             between   Coconino   County,  Arizona  Pollution   Control
             Corporation   and  First  Trust  of  New  York,   National
             Association, authorizing Pollution Control Revenue  Bonds,
             1997  Series  A   (Tucson Electric  Power  Company  Navajo
             Project).   (Form  10-Q for the quarter  ended  March  31,
             1997, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 4(d).)

*4(m)(1) --  Loan  Agreement, dated as of April 1, 1997, between
             Coconino County, Arizona Pollution Control Corporation and
             TEP  relating  to  Pollution Control Revenue  Bonds,  1997
             Series  B  (Tucson Electric Power Company Navajo Project).
             (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, File  No.
             1-5924-Exhibit 4(e).)

*4(m)(2) --  Indenture  of  Trust, dated as of  April  1,  1997,
             between   Coconino   County,  Arizona  Pollution   Control
             Corporation   and  First  Trust  of  New  York,   National
             Association, authorizing Pollution Control Revenue  Bonds,
             1997  Series  B   (Tucson Electric  Power  Company  Navajo
             Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1997,
             File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 4(f).)

*4(n)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated as of September  15,  1997,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of Pima and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1997  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Project).  (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September  30,
             1997, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 4(a).)

*4(n)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of September 15, 1997,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of Pima and First Trust of New York, National Association,
             authorizing  Industrial Development  Revenue  Bonds,  1997
             Series  A (Tucson Electric Power Company Project).   (Form
             10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1997, File No. 1-
             5924-Exhibit 4(b).)

*4(o)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated as of September  15,  1997,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of Pima and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1997  Series  B  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Project).  (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September  30,
             1997, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 4(c).)

*4(o)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of September 15, 1997,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of Pima and First Trust of New York, National Association,
             authorizing  Industrial Development  Revenue  Bonds,  1997
             Series  B (Tucson Electric Power Company Project).   (Form
             10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1997, File No. 1-
             5924-Exhibit 4(d).)

*4(p)(1) --  Loan  Agreement,  dated as of September  15,  1997,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of Pima and TEP relating to Industrial Development Revenue
             Bonds,  1997  Series  C  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Project).  (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September  30,
             1997, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 4(e).)

*4(p)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of September 15, 1997,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of Pima and First Trust of New York, National Association,
             authorizing  Industrial Development  Revenue  Bonds,  1997
             Series  C (Tucson Electric Power Company Project).   (Form
             10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1997, File No. 1-
             5924-Exhibit 4(f).)

*4(q)(1) --  Loan  Agreement, dated as of March  1,  1998,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of  Apache  and TEP relating to Pollution Control  Revenue
             Bonds,  1998  Series  A  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Project).   (Form  10-Q for the quarter  ended  March  31,
             1998, File No. 1-5924 - Exhibit 4(a).)

*4(q)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 1, 1998,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of   Apache   and  First  Trust  of  New  York,   National
             Association, authorizing Pollution Control Revenue  Bonds,
             1998  Series  A  (Tucson Electric Power Company  Project).
             (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998, File  No.
             1-5924 - Exhibit 4(b).)

*4(r)(1) --  Loan  Agreement, dated as of March  1,  1998,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of  Apache  and TEP relating to Pollution Control  Revenue
             Bonds,  1998  Series  B  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998,
             File No. 1-5924 - Exhibit 4(c).)

*4(r)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 1, 1998,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of   Apache   and  First  Trust  of  New  York,   National
             Association, authorizing Pollution Control Revenue  Bonds,
             1998  Series  B  (Tucson Electric Power Company  Project).
             (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998, File  No.
             1-5924 - Exhibit 4(d).)

*4(s)(1) --  Loan  Agreement, dated as of March  1,  1998,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of  Apache  and  TEP  relating to  Industrial  Development
             Revenue  Bonds,  1998  Series  C  (Tucson  Electric  Power
             Company  Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended  March
             31, 1998, File No. 1-5924 - Exhibit 4(e).)

*4(s)(2) --  Indenture of Trust, dated as of March 1, 1998,
             between The Industrial Development Authority of the County
             of   Apache   and  First  Trust  of  New  York,   National
             Association,  authorizing Industrial  Development  Revenue
             Bonds,  1998  Series  C  (Tucson  Electric  Power  Company
             Project). (Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998,
             File No. 1-5924 - Exhibit 4(f).)

*4(t)(1) --  Indenture  of  Trust, dated as of August  1,  1998,
             between TEP and the Bank of Montreal Trust Company.  (Form
             10-Q  for the quarter ended June 30, 1998, File No. 1-5924
             - Exhibit 4(d).)

*4(u)(1) --  Rights Agreement dated as of March 5, 1999, between
             UniSource Energy Corporation and The Bank of New York,  as
             Rights Agent.  (Form 8-K dated March 5, 1999, File No.  1-
             13739 - Exhibit 4.)

*10(a)(1)--  Lease  Agreements, dated as of  December  1,  1984,
             between  Valencia and United States Trust Company  of  New
             York, as Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Co-Trustee,
             as amended and supplemented. (Form 10-K for the year ended
             December 31, 1984, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(d)(1).)

*10(a)(2)--  Guaranty  and Agreements, dated as of  December  1,
             1984,  between TEP and United States Trust Company of  New
             York, as Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Co-Trustee.
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1984, File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 10(d)(2).)

*10(a)(3)--  General Indemnity Agreements, dated as of  December
             1, 1984, between Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors; General
             Foods  Credit Corporation, Harvey Hubbell Financial,  Inc.
             and  J.  C.  Penney  Company, Inc. as Owner  Participants;
             United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee;
             Teachers  Insurance and Annuity Association of America  as
             Loan  Participant;  and  Marine  Midland  Bank,  N.A.,  as
             Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended  December
             31, 1984, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(d)(3).)

*10(a)(4)--  Tax  Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December  1,
             1984,  between  General Foods Credit  Corporation,  Harvey
             Hubbell  Financial, Inc. and J. C. Penney  Company,  Inc.,
             each as Beneficiary under a separate Trust Agreement dated
             December 1, 1984, with United States Trust of New York  as
             Owner  Trustee,  and Thomas B. Zakrzewski  as  Co-Trustee,
             Lessor, and Valencia, Lessee, and TEP, Indemnitors.  (Form
             10-K for the year ended December 31, 1984, File No. 1-5924
             --Exhibit 10(d)(4).)

*10(a)(5)--  Amendment  No. 1, dated December 31, 1984,  to  the
             Lease Agreements, dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia
             and  United  States Trust Company of New  York,  as  Owner
             Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee. (Form 10-
             K  for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924--
             Exhibit 10(e)(5).)

*10(a)(6)--  Amendment No. 2, dated April 1, 1985, to the  Lease
             Agreements,  dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia  and
             United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee,
             and Thomas B. Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee. (Form 10-K for the
             year  ended  December  31, 1986, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*10(a)(7)--  Amendment No. 3, dated August 1, 1985, to the Lease
             Agreements,  dated December 1, 1984, between Valencia  and
             United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner Trustee,
             and  Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee.  (Form 10-K for  the
             year  ended  December  31, 1986, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*10(a)(8)--  Amendment No. 4, dated June 1, 1986, to  the  Lease
             Agreement,  dated December 1, 1984, between  Valencia  and
             United  States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee,
             and   Thomas  Zakrzewski  as  Co-Trustee,  under  a  Trust
             Agreement dated as of December 1, 1984, with General Foods
             Credit  Corporation as Owner Participant. (Form  10-K  for
             the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit

*10(a)(9)--  Amendment No. 4, dated June 1, 1986, to  the  Lease
             Agreement,  dated December 1, 1984, between  Valencia  and
             United  States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee,
             and   Thomas  Zakrzewski  as  Co-Trustee,  under  a  Trust
             Agreement dated as of December 1, 1984, with J. C.  Penney
             Company,  Inc. as Owner Participant. (Form  10-K  for  the
             year  ended  December  31, 1986, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*10(a)(10)-- Amendment No. 4, dated June 1, 1986, to the Lease
             Agreement,  dated December 1, 1984, between  Valencia  and
             United  States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee,
             and   Thomas  Zakrzewski  as  Co-Trustee,  under  a  Trust
             Agreement  dated  as  of December  1,  1984,  with  Harvey
             Hubbell  Financial Inc. as Owner Participant.  (Form  10-K
             for  the  year ended December 31, 1986, File No.  1-5924--
             Exhibit 10(e)(10).)

*10(a)(11)-- Lease Amendment No. 5 and Supplement No. 2, to the
             Lease  Agreement,  dated July 1, 1986,  between  Valencia,
             United  States Trust Company of New York as Owner Trustee,
             and  Thomas Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee and J. C.  Penney  as
             Owner  Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December
             31, 1986, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(e)(11).)

*10(a)(12)-- Lease  Amendment No. 5, to the  Lease  Agreement,
             dated  June 1, 1987, between Valencia, United States Trust
             Company   of  New  York  as  Owner  Trustee,  and   Thomas
             Zakrzewski   as  Co-Trustee  and  General   Foods   Credit
             Corporation as Owner Participant.  (Form 10-K for the year
             ended   December   31,  1988,  File  No.   1-5924--Exhibit

*10(a)(13)-- Lease  Amendment No. 5, to the  Lease  Agreement,
             dated  June 1, 1987, between Valencia, United States Trust
             Company   of  New  York  as  Owner  Trustee,  and   Thomas
             Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee and Harvey Hubbell Financial Inc.
             as  Owner  Participant.  (Form 10-K  for  the  year  ended
             December 31, 1988, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(f)(13).)

*10(a)(14)-- Lease  Amendment No. 6, to the  Lease  Agreement,
             dated  June 1, 1987, between Valencia, United States Trust
             Company   of  New  York  as  Owner  Trustee,  and   Thomas
             Zakrzewski as Co-Trustee and J. C. Penney Company, Inc. as
             Owner  Participant. (Form 10-K for the year ended December
             31, 1988, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(f)(14).)

*10(a)(15)-- Lease Supplement No. 1, dated December 31, 1984, to
             Lease   Agreements,  dated  December  1,   1984,   between
             Valencia, as Lessee and United States Trust Company of New
             York  and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Owner Trustee  and  Co-
             Trustee,  respectively (document filed relates to  General
             Foods  Credit  Corporation; documents relating  to  Harvey
             Hubbel Financial, Inc. and JC Penney Company, Inc. are not
             filed   but   are  substantially  similar).   (Form   S-4,
             Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit 10(f)(15).)

*10(a)(16)-- Amendment No. 1, dated June 1, 1986, to the General
             Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between
             Valencia  and  TEP, as Indemnitors, General  Foods  Credit
             Corporation,  as  Owner Participant, United  States  Trust
             Company  of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance
             and  Annuity  Association of America, as Loan Participant,
             and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form
             10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924
             --Exhibit 10(e)(12).)

*10(a)(17)-- Amendment No. 1, dated June 1, 1986, to the General
             Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between
             Valencia  and  TEP, as Indemnitors, J. C. Penney  Company,
             Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust Company of
             New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance and Annuity
             Association  of America, as Loan Participant,  and  Marine
             Midland  Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K  for
             the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit

*10(a)(18)-- Amendment No. 1, dated June 1, 1986, to the General
             Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between
             Valencia   and   TEP,  as  Indemnitors,   Harvey   Hubbell
             Financial, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust
             Company  of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance
             and  Annuity  Association of America, as Loan Participant,
             and  Marine  Midland  Bank, N.A.,  as  Indenture  Trustee.
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 10(e)(14).)

*10(a)(19)-- Amendment No. 2, dated as of July 1, 1986, to  the
             General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984,
             between  Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors,  J.  C.  Penney
             Company,  Inc., as Owner Participant, United States  Trust
             Company  of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance
             and  Annuity  Association of America, as Loan Participant,
             and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form
             S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit 10(f)(19).)

*10(a)(20)-- Amendment No. 2, dated as of June 1, 1987, to  the
             General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984,
             between  Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors,  General  Foods
             Credit  Corporation, as Owner Participant,  United  States
             Trust  Company  of  New York, as Owner  Trustee,  Teachers
             Insurance  and  Annuity Association of  America,  as  Loan
             Participant,  and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as  Indenture
             Trustee.  (Form  S-4,  Registration No.  33-52860--Exhibit

*10(a)(21)-- Amendment No. 2, dated as of June 1, 1987, to  the
             General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984,
             between  Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors, Harvey  Hubbell
             Financial, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States Trust
             Company  of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance
             and  Annuity  Association of America, as Loan Participant,
             and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form
             S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit 10(f)(21).)

*10(a)(22)-- Amendment No. 3, dated as of June 1, 1987, to  the
             General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984,
             between  Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors,  J.  C.  Penney
             Company,  Inc., as Owner Participant, United States  Trust
             Company  of New York, as Owner Trustee, Teachers Insurance
             and  Annuity  Association of America, as Loan Participant,
             and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee. (Form
             S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit 10(f)(22).)

*10(a)(23)-- Supplemental Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated July 1,
             1986,  between  J.  C.  Penney  Company,  Inc.,  as  Owner
             Participant,  and Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors.  (Form
             10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986, File No. 1-5924
             --Exhibit 10(e)(15).)

*10(a)(24)-- Supplemental General Indemnity Agreement, dated as
             of  July  1, 1986, among Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors,
             J.  C.  Penney Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, United
             States  Trust  Company  of  New York,  as  Owner  Trustee,
             Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America,  as
             Loan  Participant,  and  Marine  Midland  Bank,  N.A.,  as
             Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K for the year ended  December
             31, 1986, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(e)(16).)

*10(a)(25)-- Amendment No. 1, dated as of June 1, 1987, to  the
             Supplemental General Indemnity Agreement, dated as of July
             1,  1986,  among Valencia and TEP, as Indemnitors,  J.  C.
             Penney  Company, Inc., as Owner Participant, United States
             Trust  Company  of  New York, as Owner  Trustee,  Teachers
             Insurance  and  Annuity Association of  America,  as  Loan
             Participant,  and Marine Midland Bank, N.A., as  Indenture
             Trustee.  (Form  S-4,  Registration No.  33-52860--Exhibit

*10(a)(26)-- Valencia  Agreement, dated as of June  30,  1992,
             among  TEP,  as  Guarantor, Valencia, as Lessee,  Teachers
             Insurance  and  Annuity Association of  America,  as  Loan
             Participant,  Marine  Midland  Bank,  N.A.,  as  Indenture
             Trustee, United States Trust Company of New York, as Owner
             Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski, as Co-Trustee, and  the
             Owner   Participants  named  therein   relating   to   the
             Restructuring  of  Valencia's lease of  the  coal-handling
             facilities at the Springerville Generating Station.  (Form
             S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit 10(f)(26).)

*10(a)(27)-- Amendment, dated as of December 15, 1992, to  the
             Lease   Agreements,  dated  December  1,   1984,   between
             Valencia,  as Lessee, and United States Trust  Company  of
             New  York, as Owner Trustee, and Thomas B. Zakrzewski,  as
             Co-Trustee.  (Form S-1, Registration No. 33-55732--Exhibit

*10(b)(1)--  Lease  Agreements, dated as of  December  1,  1985,
             between TEP and San Carlos Resources Inc. (San Carlos)  (a
             wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the Registrant)  jointly  and
             severally,  as  Lessee, and Wilmington Trust  Company,  as
             Trustee, as amended and supplemented. (Form 10-K  for  the
             year  ended  December  31, 1985, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*10(b)(2)--  Tax  Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December  1,
             1985, between Philip Morris Credit Corporation, IBM Credit
             Financing  Corporation and Emerson Finance  Co.,  each  as
             beneficiary under a separate trust agreement, dated as  of
             December 1, 1985, with Wilmington Trust Company, as  Owner
             Trustee, and William J. Wade, as Co-Trustee, and  TEP  and
             San  Carlos,  as  Lessee.  (Form 10-K for the  year  ended
             December 31, 1985, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(f)(2).)

*10(b)(3)--  Participation Agreement, dated as  of  December  1,
             1985,  among  TEP and San Carlos as Lessee, Philip  Morris
             Credit Corporation, IBM Credit Financing Corporation,  and
             Emerson  Finance  Co.  as  Owner Participants,  Wilmington
             Trust   Company  as  Owner  Trustee,  The  Sumitomo  Bank,
             Limited, New York Branch, as Loan Participant, and Bankers
             Trust  Company, as Indenture Trustee. (Form 10-K  for  the
             year  ended  December  31, 1985, File No.  1-5924--Exhibit

*10(b)(4)--  Restructuring  Commitment Agreement,  dated  as  of
             June  30,  1992,  among TEP and San  Carlos,  jointly  and
             severally,  as  Lessee, Philip Morris Credit  Corporation,
             IBM  Credit  Financing  Corporation  and  Emerson  Capital
             Funding  William J. Wade, as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee,
             respectively, The Sumitomo Bank, Limited, New York Branch,
             as Loan Participant and United States Trust Company of New
             York,  as Indenture Trustee.  (Form S-4, Registration  No.
             33-52860--Exhibit 10(g)(4).)

*10(b)(5)--  Lease Supplement No. 1, dated December 31, 1985, to
             Lease  Agreements, dated as of December 1,  1985,  between
             TEP  and  San  Carlos,  jointly and severally,  as  Lessee
             Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,  respectively  (document   filed
             relates  to  Philip  Morris Credit Corporation;  documents
             relating  to IBM Credit Financing Corporation and  Emerson
             Financing   Co.   are  not  filed  but  are  substantially
             similar).  (Form  S-4, Registration No.  33-52860--Exhibit

*10(b)(6)--  Amendment No. 1, dated as of December 15, 1992,  to
             Lease  Agreements, dated as of December 1,  1985,  between
             TEP  and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and
             Wilmington  Trust Company and William J.  Wade,  as  Owner
             Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, as Lessor.  (Form S-
             1, Registration No. 33-55732--Exhibit 10(g)(6).)

*10(b)(7)--  Amendment No. 1, dated as of December 15, 1992,  to
             Tax  Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December  1,  1985,
             between  Philip  Morris  Credit  Corporation,  IBM  Credit
             Financing  Corporation and Emerson Capital Funding  Corp.,
             as  Owner Participants and TEP and San Carlos, jointly and
             severally,  as  Lessee.  (Form S-1, Registration  No.  33-
             55732--Exhibit 10(g)(7).)

10(b)(8) --  Amendment No. 2, dated as of December  1,  1999,  to
             Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP
             and  San  Carlos, jointly and severally,  as  Lessee,  and
             Wilmington  Trust Company and William J.  Wade,  as  Owner
             Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,  respectively,  under  a   Trust
             Agreement with Philip Morris Capital Corporation as  Owner

10(b)(9) --  Amendment No. 2, dated as of December  1,  1999,  to
             Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP
             and  San  Carlos, jointly and severally,  as  Lessee,  and
             Wilmington  Trust Company and William J.  Wade,  as  Owner
             Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,  respectively,  under  a   Trust
             Agreement with IBM Credit Financing Corporation  as  Owner

10(b)(10)--  Amendment No. 2, dated as of December  1,  1999,  to
             Lease Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between TEP
             and  San  Carlos, jointly and severally,  as  Lessee,  and
             Wilmington  Trust Company and William J.  Wade,  as  Owner
             Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,  respectively,  under  a   Trust
             Agreement with Emerson Finance Co. as Owner Participant.

10(b)(11)--  Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Tax
             Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between
             TEP  and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and
             Philip  Morris  Capital Corporation as Owner  Participant,
             beneficiary  under a Trust Agreement dated as of  December
             1,  1985,  with  Wilmington Trust Company and  William  J.
             Wade,  as  Owner  Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,  respectively,
             together as Lessor.

10(b)(12)--  Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Tax
             Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between
             TEP  and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and
             IBM  Credit  Financing Corporation as  Owner  Participant,
             beneficiary  under a Trust Agreement dated as of  December
             1,  1985,  with  Wilmington Trust Company and  William  J.
             Wade,  as  Owner  Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,  respectively,
             together as Lessor.

10(b)(13)--  Amendment No. 2, dated as of December 1, 1999, to Tax
             Indemnity Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1985, between
             TEP  and San Carlos, jointly and severally, as Lessee, and
             Emerson  Finance  Co.  as  Owner Participant,  beneficiary
             under a Trust Agreement dated as of December 1, 1985, with
             Wilmington  Trust Company and William J.  Wade,  as  Owner
             Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor.

*10(c)(1)--  Amended and Restated Participation Agreement, dated
             as  of November 15, 1987, among TEP, as Lessee, Ford Motor
             Credit  Company, as Owner Participant, Financial  Security
             Assurance  Inc., as Surety, Wilmington Trust  Company  and
             William  J. Wade in their respective individual capacities
             as provided therein, but otherwise solely as Owner Trustee
             and  Co-Trustee  under  the Trust  Agreement,  and  Morgan
             Guaranty, in its individual capacity as provided  therein,
             but  Secured Party. (Form 10-K for the year ended December
             31, 1987, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(j)(1).)

*10(c)(2)--  Lease  Agreement,  dated as of  January  14,  1988,
             between  Wilmington Trust Company and William J. Wade,  as
             Owner  Trust  Agreement described  therein,  dated  as  of
             November  15,  1987, between such parties and  Ford  Motor
             Credit Company, as Lessor, and TEP, as Lessee. (Form  10-K
             for  the  year ended December 31, 1987, File No.  1-5924--
             Exhibit 10(j)(2).)

*10(c)(3)--  Tax  Indemnity Agreement, dated as of  January  14,
             1988,  between  TEP,  as  Lessee, and  Ford  Motor  Credit
             Company, as Owner Participant, beneficiary under  a  Trust
             Agreement,  dated as of November 15, 1987, with Wilmington
             Trust  Company and William J. Wade, Owner Trustee and  Co-
             Trustee, respectively, together as Lessor. (Form 10-K  for
             the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit

*10(c)(4)--  Loan  Agreement,  dated as  of  January  14,  1988,
             between  the  Pima  County Authority and Wilmington  Trust
             Company and William J. Wade in their respective individual
             capacities  as expressly stated, but otherwise  solely  as
             Owner  Trustee  and  Co-Trustee, respectively,  under  and
             pursuant  to  a Trust Agreement, dated as of November  15,
             1987, with Ford Motor Credit Company as Trustor and Debtor
             relating   to  Industrial  Development  Lease   Obligation
             Refunding  Revenue Bonds, 1988 Series A  (TEP's  Irvington
             Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987,
             File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(j)(4).)

*10(c)(5)--  Indenture of Trust, dated as of January  14,  1988,
             between  the  Pima  County Authority and  Morgan  Guaranty
             authorizing   Industrial  Development   Lease   Obligation
             Refunding  Revenue Bonds, 1988 Series A  (Tucson  Electric
             Power Company Irvington Project). (Form 10-K for the  year
             ended   December   31,  1987,  File  No.   1-5924--Exhibit

*10(c)(6)--  Lease  Amendment No. 1, dated as of  May  1,  1989,
             between TEP, Wilmington Trust Company and William J.  Wade
             as  Owner  Trustee  and Co-trustee, respectively  under  a
             Trust  Agreement dated as of November 15, 1987  with  Ford
             Motor  Credit  Company.  (Form 10-K  for  the  year  ended
             December 31, 1990, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(i)(6).)

*10(c)(7)--  Lease  Supplement, dated as  of  January  1,  1991,
             between TEP, Wilmington Trust Company and William J.  Wade
             as  Owner  Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively,  under  a
             Trust  Agreement dated as of November 15, 1987, with Ford.
             (Form 10K for the year ended December 31, 1991,  File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 10(i)(8).)

*10(c)(8)--  Lease  Supplement,  dated  as  of  March  1,  1991,
             between TEP, Wilmington Trust Company and William J.  Wade
             as  Owner  Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively,  under  a
             Trust  Agreement dated as of November 15, 1987, with Ford.
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1991, File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 10(i)(9).)

*10(c)(9)--  Lease  Supplement No. 4, dated as  of  December  1,
             1991, between TEP, Wilmington Trust Company and William J.
             Wade  as Owner Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under
             a  Trust  Agreement dated as of November  15,  1987,  with
             Ford.  (Form  10-K for the year ended December  31,  1991,
             File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(i)(10).)

*10(c)(10)-- Supplemental Indenture No. 1, dated as of December
             1,  1991,  between  the Pima County Authority  and  Morgan
             Guaranty   relating   to  Industrial   Lease   Development
             Obligation Revenue Project). (Form 10-K for the year ended
             December 31, 1991, File No. 1-5924--Exhibit 10(I)(11).)

*10(c)(11)-- Restructuring Commitment Agreement, dated  as  of
             June  30,  1992, among TEP, as Lessee, Ford  Motor  Credit
             Company,  as  Owner Participant, Wilmington Trust  Company
             and  William  J.  Wade, as Owner Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,
             respectively,  and  Morgan Guaranty, as Indenture  Trustee
             and  Refunding  Trustee, relating to the restructuring  of
             the   Registrant's  lease  of  Unit  4  at  the  Irvington
             Generating Station. (Form S-4, Registration No. 33-52860--
             Exhibit 10(i)(12).)

*10(c)(12)-- Amendment No. 1, dated as of December 15, 1992, to
             Amended and Restated Participation Agreement, dated as  of
             November 15, 1987, among TEP, as Lessee, Ford Motor Credit
             Company,  as  Owner Participant, Wilmington Trust  Company
             and  William  J.  Wade, as Owner Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,
             respectively,  Financial  Security  Assurance   Inc.,   as
             Surety, and Morgan Guaranty, as Indenture Trustee.   (Form
             S-1, Registration No. 33-55732--Exhibit 10(h)(12).)

*10(c)(13)-- Amended and Restated Lease, dated as of  December
             15,  1992,  between  TEP, as Lessee and  Wilmington  Trust
             Company  and  William J. Wade, as Owner  Trustee  and  Co-
             Trustee, respectively, as Lessor.  (Form S-1, Registration
             No. 33-55732--Exhibit 10(h)(13).)

*10(c)(14)-- Amended and Restated Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated
             as  of December 15, 1992, between TEP, as Lessee, and Ford
             Motor  Credit Company, as Owner Participant.   (Form  S-1,
             Registration No. 33-55732--Exhibit 10(h)(14).)

*10(d)   --  Power  Sale Agreement for the years 1990  to  2011,
             dated  as  of March 10, 1988, between TEP and  Salt  River
             Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District. (Form
             10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987, File No. 1-5924
             --Exhibit 10(k).)

+*10(e)(1)-- Employment Agreements between TEP and currently in
             effect  with  Ira R. Adler, Michael DeConcini,  Thomas  A.
             Delawder,  Steven J. Glaser,  Thomas  N. Hansen,  Karen G.
             Kissinger, Kevin P. Larson,  Dennis  R. Nelson,  Catherine
             A.  Nichols,  Vincent Nitido, James   S. Pignatelli, James
             Pyers and Romano Salvatori.  (Form 10-K for the year ended
             December  31,  1996,  File  No.  1-5924-Exhibit 10(g)(1).)

+*10(e)(2)-- Employment  Agreement  between  TEP  and  Romano
             Salvatori.   (Form  10-K for the year ended  December  31,
             1996, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 10(g)(2).)

*10(e)(3)--  Letter, dated February 25, 1992, from Dr. Martha R.
             Seger  to TEP and Capital Holding Corporation. (Form  S-4,
             Registration No. 33-52860--Exhibit 10(k)(4).)

+*10(e)(4)-- Amendment  No.  1 to Employment  Agreement  among
             Romano  Salvatori,  TEP  and Nations  Energy  Corporation.
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997, File Nos.
             1-5924 and 1-13739-Exhibit 10(e)(4).)

+*10(e)(5)-- Amendment No. 1 to Amended and Restated Employment
             Agreement between TEP and currently in effect with Ira  R.
             Adler,  Michael  DeConcini, Thomas A.  Delawder, Steven J.
             Glaser, Thomas N.  Hansen,  Karen  G.Kissinger,  Kevin  P.
             Larson, Dennis R. Nelson,  Catherine  A. Nichols,  Vincent
             Nitido,  James  S.  Pignatelli,  James  Pyers  and  Romano
             Salvatori.  (Form 10-K  for  the  year  ended December 31,
             1997, File Nos. 1-5924 and  1-13739-Exhibit 10(e)(5).).

*10(f)   --  Power Sale Agreement, dated April 29, 1988, for the
             dates  of  May 16, 1990 to December 31, 1995, between  TEP
             and  Nevada  Power Company. (Form 10-K for the year  ended
             December 31, 1988, File No 1-5924--Exhibit 10(m)(2).)

*10(g)   --  Participation Agreement, dated as of June 30, 1992,
             among  TEP, as Lessee, various parties thereto,  as  Owner
             Wilmington  Trust Company and William J.  Wade,  as  Owner
             Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, and LaSalle National
             Bank,  as  Indenture Trustee relating to  TEP's  lease  of
             Springerville  Unit  1.  (Form S-1, Registration  No.  33-
             55732--Exhibit 10(u).)

*10(h)   --  Lease  Agreement, dated as of  December  15,  1992,
             between  TEP, as Lessee and Wilmington Trust  Company  and
             William   J.   Wade,  as  Owner  Trustee  and  Co-Trustee,
             respectively, as Lessor.  (Form S-1, Registration No.  33-
             55732--Exhibit 10(v).)

*10(i)   --  Tax Indemnity Agreements, dated as of December  15,
             1992,  between  the  various  Owner  Participants  parties
             thereto  and TEP, as Lessee.  (Form S-1, Registration  No.
             33-55732, Exhibit 10(w).)

*10(j)   --  Restructuring Agreement, dated as  of  December  1,
             1992, between TEP and Century Power Corporation.  (Form S-
             1, Registration No. 33-55732--Exhibit 10(x).)

*10(k)   --  Voting  Agreement, dated as of December  15,  1992,
             between  TEP  and Chrysler Capital Corporation  (documents
             relating  to  CILCORP Lease Management, Inc., MWR  Capital
             Inc.,  US West Financial Services, Inc. and Philip  Morris
             Capital  Corporation are not filed but  are  substantially
             similar).   (Form  S-1, Registration No. 33-55732--Exhibit

*10(l)(1)--  Wholesale  Power Supply Agreement between  TEP  and
             Navajo  Tribal  Utility Authority dated January  5,  1993.
             (Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992, File  No.
             1-5924--Exhibit 10(t).)

*10(l)(2)--  Amended   and  Restated  Wholesale  Power   Supply
             Agreement between TEP and Navajo Tribal Utility Authority,
             dated  June  25, 1997.  (Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended
             June 30, 1997, File No. 1-5924-Exhibit 10.)

*10(m)   --  Credit  Agreement dated as of  December  30,  1997,
             among   TEP,   Toronto   Dominion   (Texas),   Inc.,    as
             Administrative Agent, The Bank of New York, as Syndication
             Agent,  Societe  Generale,  as  Documentation  Agent,  the
             lenders  party hereto, and the issuing banks party hereto.
             (Form  10-K for year ended December 31, 1997, File No.  1-
             5924-Exhibit 10(m).)

+*10(n)  --  1994  Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan of UniSource
             Energy.   (Form S-8 dated January 6, 1998, File  No.  333-

+*10(o)  --  1994   Outside  Director  Stock  Option  Plan   of
             UniSource  Energy.  (Form S-8 dated January 6, 1998,  File
             No. 333-43765.)

+*10(p)  --  Management and Directors Deferred Compensation Plan
             of  UniSource  Energy.  (Form S-8 dated January  6,  1998,
             File No. 333-43769.)

+*10(q)  --  TEP  Supplemental Retirement Account for Classified
             Employees.   (Form S-8 dated May 21, 1998, File  No.  333-

+*10(r)  --  TEP  Triple Investment Plan for Salaried Employees.
             (Form S-8 dated May 21, 1998, File No. 333-53333.)

+*10(s)  --  UniSource Energy Management and Directors  Deferred
             Compensation Plan.  (Form S-8 dated May 21, 1998, File No.

11       --  Statement   re   computation   of    per    share
             earnings-UniSource Energy.

12       --  Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges--

21       --  Subsidiaries of the Registrants.

23(a)    --  Consents of experts (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

23(b)    --  Consents of experts (Deloitte & Touche).

24(a)    --  Power of Attorney-UniSource Energy.

24(b)    --  Power of Attorney--TEP.

27(a)    --  Financial Data Schedule-UniSource Energy.

27(b)    --  Financial Data Schedule--TEP.

(*)Previously  filed  as  indicated  and  incorporated  herein   by
(+)Management  contracts  or  compensatory  plans  or  arrangements
  required  to  be  filed as exhibits to this  Form  10-K  by  item
  601(b)(10)(iii) of Regulation S-K.