Washington, D. C.  20549
                                  FORM 8-K
                               CURRENT REPORT

   Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):  June 25, 1998

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation;     IRS Employer
File Number       Address; and Telephone Number           Identification Number
- -----------       -----------------------------           ---------------------
1-13739           UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION            86-0786732
                  (An Arizona Corporation)
                  220 West Sixth Street
                  Tucson, AZ  85701
                  (520) 571-4000

1-5924            TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY           86-0062700
                  (An Arizona Corporation)
                  220 West Sixth Street
                  Tucson, AZ  85701
                  (520) 571-4000

Item 5. Other Events

      On  June 25, 1998, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC)
Staff  issued a First Draft of Proposed Revisions of  the  Retail
Electric Competition Rules.  As previously disclosed, the  Retail
Electric  Competition Rules, adopted in December  1996,  phase-in
the state's electric industry to generation competition beginning
January  1,  1999.  The Affected Utilities (such as TEP,  Arizona
Public  Service, Citizens Utilities Company, and several electric
cooperatives) and other interested parties, were asked to provide
comments  on  the Proposed Revisions by July 6,  1998.   The  ACC
Staff  issued a Second Draft for review on July 10, 1998  and  is
expected  to  issue  its final revisions to the  Retail  Electric
Competition Rules by July 24, 1998.

     The Proposed Revisions (as outlined in the draft of July 10,
1998) include the following:

- --     Each Affected Utility shall make available at least 20%  of
  its  1995  system retail peak demand for competitive generation
  supply as follows: (1) All Affected Utility customers with non-
  coincident peak demand load of 1 MW or greater will be eligible
  for competitive electric services no later than January 1, 1999.
  (2)  Groups of Affected Utility customers with individual  non-
  coincident peak load demands of 40 kW or greater aggregated into
  a  combined  load of 1 MW or greater will also be eligible  for
  competitive service no later than January 1, 1999.  Each Affected
  Utility shall also offer a residential phase-in program with  a
  minimum  of 1/2 of 1% of residential customers having  access  to
  competitive electric services on January 1, 1999, with the number
  of  customers eligible in this program to increase by 1/2  of  1%
  every quarter until January 1, 2001.  All retail customers shall
  be entitled to obtain competitive electric services no later than
  January 1, 2001.

- --    Each Affected Utility shall file a report detailing possible
  mechanisms to provide benefits, such as rate reductions of 3% -
  5%,  to  all  customers  determined  not  to  be  eligible  for
  competitive electric services directly or through aggregation.

- --     Each Affected Utility shall make available to all customers
  in its service area Standard Offer bundled services at regulated
  rates.  After January 1, 2001, Standard Offer service shall  be
  provided by Utility Distribution Companies (UDCs), who shall also
  act as providers of last resort.

- --    The Affected Utilities shall provide non-discriminatory open
  access to transmission and distribution facilities to serve all
  customers.   The ACC supports the development of an Independent
  system  Operator  (ISO)  or,  absent  an  ISO,  an  Independent
  Scheduling Administrator (ISA).

- --     An  Affected Utility shall divest itself of all competitive
  generation assets and services prior to January 1, 2001.   Such
  divestiture shall either be to an unaffiliated party  or  to  a
  separate  corporate affiliate or affiliates.   If  an  Affected
  Utility chooses to divest its competitive generation assets to a
  competitive electric affiliate, such transfer shall be at a value
  determined by the ACC to be fair and reasonable.

     We  expect that the Revised Rules will be submitted  to  the
ACC for consideration at an Open Meeting in the third quarter  of
1998.   The Company and TEP cannot predict whether the ACC  Staff
will  make further revisions to the Draft or whether the ACC will
approve  or modify the Proposed Revisions of the Retail  Electric
Competition Rules.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, each registrant has duly caused this
report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.  The signature for each
undersigned company shall be deemed to relate only to
matters having reference to such company or its subsidiary.

                              UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION

Date: July 16, 1998
                                        Ira R. Adler
                                        Ira R. Adler
                                Executive Vice President and
                                 Principal Financial Officer

                              TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

Date: July 16, 1998
                                       Ira R. Adler                       
                                       Ira R. Adler
                               Executive Vice President and
                                Principal Financial Officer