Washington, D. C.  20549
                                  FORM 8-K
                               CURRENT REPORT

   Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):  November 25, 1998

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation;     IRS Employer
File Number       Address; and Telephone Number           Identification Number
- -----------       -----------------------------           ---------------------
1-13739           UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION            86-0786732
                  (An Arizona Corporation)
                  220 West Sixth Street
                  Tucson, AZ  85701
                  (520) 571-4000

1-5924            TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY           86-0062700
                  (An Arizona Corporation)
                  220 West Sixth Street
                  Tucson, AZ  85701
                  (520) 571-4000


Item 5. Other Events

Status of TEP's Settlement Agreement with ACC Staff
- ---------------------------------------------------

     The  Company previously reported that on November  4,  1998,
TEP  reached  a settlement agreement, the Stranded Cost  Recovery
Agreement  (SCR  Agreement),  with  the  Staff  of  the   Arizona
Corporation  Commission  (ACC), for approval  of  TEP's  plan  to
divest generation assets and for 100% recovery of stranded costs.
The SCR Agreement also incorporated a Memorandum of Understanding
between  TEP and Arizona Public Service Company (APS) to exchange
TEP's  interests  in  the  Navajo  and  Four  Corners  Generating
Stations  for certain high voltage transmission assets  currently
owned by APS.

      The  ACC  issued a Procedural Order on November  25,  1998,
setting December 3, 1998 as the commencement date for hearings to
review the SCR Agreement.  On December 1, 1998, a justice of  the
Arizona  Supreme  Court granted a motion by the Arizona  Attorney
General  for an immediate stay of the ACC Procedural Order.   The
Court agreed with the Attorney General and other petitioners that
standards  of  due  process were not  met  with  the  time  frame
provided  for  the  intervenors to review the  SCR  Agreement  in
preparation  for  the December 3 hearing.   The  Court  set  oral
argument on the motion for January 14, 1999 for the full  Supreme
Court to hear further issues; however, on December 11, 1998,  TEP
filed  a motion with the Supreme Court indicating that the  issue
is moot given that the SCR Agreement expired by its terms.

      While  there can be no assurance that the specific form  of
divestiture and stranded cost recovery plan set forth in the  SCR
Agreement  will  be approved by the ACC, the June  22,  1998  ACC
order setting forth the policy of permitting recovery of 100%  of
stranded  costs  upon  divestiture of generating  assets  through
auction remains in effect.  TEP intends to continue to seek  100%
recovery of stranded costs.

ACC Votes to Approve Competition Rules
- --------------------------------------

      On December 10, 1998, the ACC approved an order to put into
effect  the Retail Electric Competition Rules (Rules) on  January
1,  1999.  These Rules, as summarized in the Company's Report  on
Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 1998, were initially
adopted  on an emergency basis on August 5, 1998.  Final approval
of  the  Rules  was required within six months or  the  emergency
rules would have become invalid.

      The Rules as approved on December 10 are substantially  the
same  as  those  adopted  on August 5, 1998.   However,  the  ACC
adopted a change to the number of residential customers who  will
be  eligible  to choose alternative energy suppliers  during  the
first  two  years of the phase-in period for retail  competition.
The  percentage  of  residential customers  eligible  for  direct
access  on January 1, 1999 was increased from 1/2 of 1%  to  1 1/4%,
with  an  additional 1 1/4% eligible each quarter until January  1,
2001.   Therefore, approximately 3,750 residential  customers  of
TEP  will be eligible for competition on January 1, 1999  and  an
additional 3,750 customers each quarter thereafter.

      Although  the Rules are effective January 1, 1999,  further
ACC  action  on several matters is required, which,  until  acted
upon, delays the implementation of retail electric competition in
Arizona.  These matters include, among others:

     --  determination of the quantification and recovery of stranded
     --  approval of unbundled tariffs, which provide separate rates
       for generation, transmission, distribution, metering, meter
       reading, billing and collection, and ancillary services,
     --  establishment of an independent system administrator, which
       is intended to facilitate nondiscriminatory retail direct access
       of the transmission system in Arizona, and
     --  certification of competitive power suppliers-companies that
       will market, supply or broker competitive energy services in
      The Company cannot predict the outcome of these matters.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, each registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.  The
signature for each undersigned company shall be deemed to relate
only to matters having reference to such company or its

                               UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION

Date: December 15, 1998                 Ira R. Adler
                                        Ira R. Adler
                                Executive Vice President and
                                 Principal Financial Officer

                              TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

 Date: December 15, 1998               Ira R. Adler                       
                                       Ira R. Adler
                               Executive Vice President and
                                Principal Financial Officer