Washington, D.C. 20549

                [X] ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF
                         THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
         For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995                      

                       OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
         For the transition period from ______________ to ________________

         Commission file number O-2666                                    

                             250 WEST 57TH ST. ASSOCIATES                 
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                    New York                            13-6083380        
         State or other jurisdiction of          (I.R.S. Employer 
         incorporation or organization           Identification No.)

         60 East 42nd Street, New York, New York             10165        
         (Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip Code)

         Registrant's telephone number, including area code (212) 687-8700

         Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


             Securities registered pursuant to section 12(g) of the Act:

               $3,600,000 of Participations in Joint-Venture Interests

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
         reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
         Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or
         for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file
         reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for
         the past 90 days.  Yes [ x ]  No [   ]

         The aggregate market of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of
         the Registrant:  Not applicable, but see Items 5 and 10 of this

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant
         to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will
         not be contained, to the best of Registrant's knowledge, in
         definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by
         reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
         Form 10-K.  

         An Exhibit Index is located on pages 31 through 33 hereof.
         Number of pages (including exhibits) in this filing: 47  

                                       PART I

         Item 1.  Business.

                   (a)  General

                   Registrant is a joint venture which was organized on May
         25, 1953.  On September 30, 1953, Registrant acquired fee title to
         The Fisk Building, 250-264 West 57th Street, New York, New York
         (the "Building") and to the land thereunder (the "Property").
         Registrant's joint venturers are Peter L. Malkin, Stanley Katzman
         and Ralph W. Felsten (individually, a "Joint Venturer" and,
         collectively, the "Joint Venturers") each of whom also acts as an
         agent for holders of participations in their undivided joint
         venture interests in Registrant (each holder of a participation,
         individually, a "Participant" and, collectively, the

                   Registrant leases the Property to Fisk Building
         Associates (the "Net Lessee"), a partnership, under a net
         operating lease dated May 1, 1954 (the "Net Lease"), the current
         term of which expires on September 30, 2003.  Net Lessee is a
         partnership in which Mr. Malkin is one of the Partners.  The Joint
         Venturers are also members of the law firm of Wien, Malkin &
         Bettex, 60 East 42nd Street, New York, New York, counsel to
         Registrant and the Net Lessee (the "Counsel").  See Items 10, 11,
         12 and 13 hereof for a description of the ongoing services
         rendered by, and compensation paid to, Counsel and for a
         discussion of certain relationships which may pose actual or
         potential conflicts of interest among Registrant, Net Lessee and
         certain of their respective affiliates.

                   As of December 31, 1995, the Building was approximately
         88% occupied by approximately 275 tenants, a majority of whom are
         engaged in the practices of law, dentistry and accounting, and the
         businesses of publishing, insurance and entertainment.  Registrant
         does not maintain a full-time staff.  See Item 2 hereof for
         additional information concerning the Building.

                   (b)  Net Lease

                   Under the Net Lease, Net Lessee must pay (i) annual
         basic rent equal to the sum of $28,000 plus an amount equal to the
         rate of constant payments for interest and amortization required
         annually under the first mortgage described below (the "Basic
         Rent"), and (ii)(A) primary overage rent equal to the lesser of
         (1) Net Lessee's net operating income for the lease year or (2)
         $752,000 (the "Primary Overage Rent"), and (B) secondary overage
         rent equal to 50% of any remaining balance of Net Lessee's net
         operating income for such lease year ("Secondary Overage Rent").  

                   Net Lessee is required to make a monthly payment to
         Registrant, as an advance against Primary Overage Rent, of an
         amount equal to its operating profit for its previous lease year
         in the maximum amount of $752,000 per annum.  Net Lessee currently
         advances $752,000 each year which permits Registrant to make
         regular monthly distributions at 20% per annum on the
         Participants' remaining cash investment.

                   For the lease year ended September 30, 1995, Net Lessee
         reported net operating profit of $3,060,683 after deduction of
         Basic Rent.  Net Lessee paid Primary Overage Rent of $752,000,
         together with Secondary Overage Rent of $1,154,342 for the fiscal
         year ended September 30, 1995.  The Secondary Overage Rent of
         $1,154,342 represents 50% of the excess of the net operating
         profit of $3,060,683 over $752,000.  After the payment of $22,305
         for expenditures in connection with the refinancing of the first
         mortgage on the Property and the payment of $113,204 to Counsel as
         an additional payment for supervisory services, the balance of
         $1,018,833 was distributed to the Participants on November 30,

                   Secondary Overage Rent income is recognized when earned
         from Net Lessee, at the close of the lease year ending September
         30.  Such income is not determinable until Net Lessee, pursuant to
         the Net Lease, renders to Registrant a certified report on the
         operation of the Property.  The Net Lease requires that this
         report be delivered to Registrant annually within 60 days after
         the end of each such lease year.  Accordingly, all Secondary
         Overage Rent income and related supervisory service expense can
         only be determined after the receipt of such report.  The Net
         Lease does not provide for the Net Lessee to render interim
         reports to Registrant, so no income is reflected for the period
         between the end of the lease year and the end of Registrant's
         fiscal year.  See Note 4 of Notes to Financial Statements filed
         under Item 8 hereof (the "Notes") regarding Secondary Overage Rent
         payments by Net Lessee for the fiscal years ended December 31,
         1995, 1994 and 1993.

                   The Net Lease provides for one renewal option of 25
         years.  The Participants in Registrant and the partners in Net
         Lessee have agreed to execute three additional 25-year renewal
         terms on or before the expiration of the then applicable renewal

                   (c)  Mortgage Loan Refinancing

                   Effective March 1, 1995, the first mortgage loan on the
         Property, in the principal amount of $2,890,758, held by Apple
         Bank for Savings ("Apple Bank") was refinanced (the
         "Refinancing").  The material terms of the refinanced mortgage
         loan (the "Mortgage Loan") are as follows:


                        (i)  a maturity date of June 1, 2000;

                       (ii)  monthly payments of $24,096 aggregating
                   $289,157 per annum applied first to interest at the rate
                   of 9.4% per annum and the balance in reduction of

                      (iii)  no prepayment until after the third loan year.
                   Thereafter, a 3% penalty will be imposed in the fourth
                   loan year and a 2% penalty during the fifth loan year.
                   No prepayment penalty will be imposed if the Mortgage
                   Loan is paid in full during the last 90 days prior to
                   maturity of the Mortgage Loan; and

                       (iv)  no Partner or Participant will have any
                   personal liability for principal of, or interest on, the
                   Mortgage Loan.  

                   Registrant incurred $36,758 of expenses in connection
         with the Refinancing, including $17,754 which was paid to Counsel
         for various services and disbursements.  Net Lessee paid 14,453 of
         these expenses as additional basic rent and advanced the balance
         of $22,305 which was repaid from the receipt of Secondary Overage
         Rent, thus obviating the need to increase the principal amount of
         the Mortgage Loan.  

                   Net Lessee is obligated to pay Basic Rent equal to the
         sum of annual mortgage charges and supervisory fees.  Accordingly,
         effective March 3, 1995, Basic Rent was reduced by $4,329 a year,
         such amount representing the annual savings in mortgage charges
         under the refinanced Mortgage Loan.  Assuming that Net Lessee
         continues to earn a profit in excess of Basic Rent and Primary
         Overage Rent, Registrant should receive increased Secondary
         Overage Rent at the annual rate of $2,164 (one half of the annual
         savings on the Mortgage Loan).  The Refinancing will not affect
         the amount of regular monthly distributions to the Participants.  

                   Prior to the Refinancing, the Property was subject to a
         mortgage loan with the following material terms:  

                        (i)  a maturity date of June 1, 1995, with an
                   option to extend the loan for an additional five-year
                   term at 300 basis points over the highest five-year U.S.
                   Treasury Note Yield, but not less than 9.75% per annum,
                   with constant monthly payments based upon a 30-year
                   amortization schedule;

                       (ii)  during the initial term, monthly payments of
                   $24,457 aggregating $293,486 per annum applied first to
                   interest at the rate of 9.75% per annum and the balance
                   in reduction of principal; and


                      (iii)  no prepayment until the fourth loan year or,
                   if Registrant exercises its option to extend the loan,
                   no prepayment until the fourth extended loan year.
                   Thereafter, prepayment in full, but not in part, upon
                   furnishing to Apple Bank (a) not more than 120 days and
                   not less than 60 days' prior written notice and (b) a
                   prepayment fee of 3% based on the then outstanding
                   principal balance, which fee shall decrease to 2% during
                   the fifth loan year (or fifth extended loan year),
                   except that no prepayment fee will be charged to
                   Registrant if prepayment is made within 90 days prior to
                   maturity under the initial term or extended term of the
                   Mortgage Loan.

                   (d)  Competition

                   Pursuant to currently offered tenant space leases at the
         Building, the average annual base rental rate payable to Net
         Lessee approximates $26 per square foot (exclusive of electricity
         charges and escalation) which rental rate is competitive with the
         average rental rates charged by similar office buildings currently
         offering comparable space in the immediate vicinity.  Registrant
         has been advised that the currently offered average rental rate is
         approximately $27 per square foot at one neighboring office build-
         ing with certain upgraded interior improvements, located at 1775
         Broadway (across 57th Street).  A building located at 1780
         Broadway, which contains 12 stories and provides no rear or side
         window exposure (due to its location in the middle of the block),
         offers space at approximately $22 per square foot.  1776 Broadway,
         a building which contains 24 stories and offers approximately the
         same grade facilities as the Building, currently offers a rental
         rate averaging approximately $28 per square foot.

                   In the overall rental market for commercial space in
         Manhattan, rents range from approximately $45 per square foot on
         Fifth Avenue to approximately $7 per square foot in less-developed
         industrial and/or commercial areas.  Accordingly, rents at the
         Building may be considered competitive in the area, given the
         relative condition of surrounding buildings and the nature of
         services, amenities and office space offered by them as compared
         to the Building.

                   (e)  Tenant Leases

                   Net Lessee operates the Building free from any federal,
         state or local government restrictions involving rent control or
         other similar rent regulations which may be imposed upon residen-
         tial real estate in Manhattan.  Any increase or decrease in the
         amount of rent payable by a tenant is governed by the provisions
         of the tenant's particular lease.  With respect to the retail
         leases, the tenants are required to pay electricity charges and
         taxes, and some tenants are required to pay cost of living


         increases in rent.  In one particular instance, percentage rent
         was included in the tenant's lease in lieu of cost of living

         Item 2.  Properties.

                   As stated in Item 1 hereof, Registrant owns the Building
         located at 250-264 West 57th Street, New York, New York, known as
         the "Fisk Building", and the land thereunder.  Registrant's fee
         title to the Property is encumbered by the Mortgage Loan which, at
         December 31, 1995, had an unpaid principal balance of $2,878,818.
         For a description of the terms of the Mortgage Loan see Note 3 of
         the Notes.

                   The Building, erected in 1921 and containing 26 floors,
         occupies the entire block front on the south side of West 57th
         Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue, New York, New York.
         The Building has ten passenger and three freight elevators and is
         equipped with a combination of central and individual window unit

                   The Building is net leased to Net Lessee under the Net
         Lease.  A modification of the Net Lease, effective October 1,
         1984, provides for a further renewal term of 25 years, from
         October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2028.  Registrant and Net
         Lessee have agreed to execute separate lease modification
         agreements covering three additional 25-year renewal terms on or
         before the expiration of the then applicable renewal term.  There
         is no change in the terms of the Net Lease during the renewal
         periods.  See Item 1 hereof.  

                   A majority of the Building's tenants are engaged in the
         entertainment business, insurance business, publishing, and the
         practice of law, accounting and dentistry.  In addition, there are
         several commercial tenants located on the street level of the
         Building, including a restaurant and several retail stores.

         Item 3.  Legal Proceedings.

                   There are no material pending legal proceedings to which
         Registrant is a party.  

         Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

                   During the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ended
         December 31, 1995, Registrant did not submit any matter to a vote
         of the Participants through the solicitation of proxies or other-


                                       PART II

         Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Stock
                   and Related Security Holder Matters.

                   Registrant is a joint venture organized pursuant to a
         joint venture agreement entered into among various individuals
         dated May 1, 1954.

                   Registrant has not issued any common stock.  The
         securities registered by it under the Securities Exchange Act of
         1934, as amended, consist of participations in the joint venture
         interests of the Joint Venturers in Registrant (each,
         individually, a "Participation" and, collectively,
         "Participations") and are not shares of common stock or their
         equivalent.  The Participations represent each Participant's
         fractional share in the Joint Venturers' undivided interest in
         Registrant and are divided approximately equally among the Joint
         Venturers.  Each unit of the Participations was originally offered
         at a purchase price of $5,000; fractional units were also offered
         at proportionate purchase prices.  Registrant has not repurchased
         Participations in the past and it is not likely to change its
         policy in the future.

                   (a)  The Participations neither are traded on an
         established securities market nor are readily tradable on a
         secondary market or the substantial equivalent thereof.  Based on
         Registrant's transfer records, Participations are sold by the
         holders thereof from time to time in privately negotiated
         transactions and, in many instances, Registrant is not aware of
         the prices at which such transactions occur.  Registrant was
         advised of 55 transfers of Participations during 1995.  In four
         instances, the indicated purchase price was equal to two times the
         face amount of the Participation transferred, i.e. $10,000 for a
         $5,000 Participation.  In two instances, the indicated purchase
         price was equal to 2.26 times the face amount of the Participation

                   (b)  As of December 31, 1995, there were 545 holders of
         Participations of record.

                   (c)  Registrant does not pay dividends.  During the
         years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993, Registrant made regular
         monthly distributions of $83.33 for each $5,000 Participation
         ($1,000 per annum for each $5,000 Participation).  On November 30,
         1995 and November 30, 1994, Registrant made additional
         distributions for each $5,000 Participation of $1,415 and $1,710,
         respectively.  Such distributions represented primarily Secondary
         Overage Rent payable by Net Lessee.  There are no restrictions on
         Registrant's present or future ability to make distributions;


         however, the amount of such distributions, particularly dis-
         tributions of Secondary Overage Rent, depends solely on Net
         Lessee's ability to make payments of Basic Rent, Primary Overage
         Rent and Secondary Overage Rent to Registrant.  (See Item 1
         hereof).  Registrant expects to make distributions so long as it
         receives the payments provided for under the Net Lease.  See Item
         7 hereof.


         Item 6.

                                  250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                                     SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

                                                   Year ended December 31,                
                                       1995       1994       1993       1992       1991   

Basic minimum annual rent income.   $  331,691 $  321,486 $  321,486 $  321,486 $  321,486
Primary overage rent income......      752,000    752,000    752,000    752,000    752,000
Secondary overage rent income....    1,154,342  1,367,772  1,146,828  1,003,181  1,974,727

   Total revenue.................   $2,238,033 $2,441,258 $2,220,314 $2,076,667 $3,048,213

Net income.......................   $1,781,573 $1,944,494 $1,744,631 $1,614,436 $2,487,908

Earnings per $5,000 participation                                           
 unit, based on 720 participation                                           
 units outstanding during each                                           
 year............................   $    2,474 $    2,701 $    2,423 $    2,242 $    3,455

Total assets.....................   $2,236,141 $2,209,164 $2,226,533 $2,243,909 $2,261,285

Long-term obligations............   $2,859,449 $2,877,271 $2,893,621 $2,904,401 $2,914,184

Distributions per $5,000                                                  
 participation unit, based on                                                 
 720 participation units                                                  
 outstanding during each year:
   Income........................   $    2,415 $    2,701 $    2,423 $    2,242 $    3,455
   Return of capital.............         -             9         11         12         13

   Total distributions...........   $    2,415 $    2,710 $    2,434 $    2,254 $    3,468 


         Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                   Condition and Results of Operation.

                   Registrant was organized solely for the purposes of
         owning the Property described in Item 2 hereof subject to a net
         operating lease of the Property held by Net Lessee.  Registrant is
         required to pay, from Basic Rent, the mortgage charges and amounts
         for supervisory services, and to then distribute the balance of
         such Basic Rent to holders of Participations.  Pursuant to the Net
         Lease, Net Lessee has assumed sole responsibility for the
         condition, operation, repair, maintenance and management of the
         Property.  Accordingly, Registrant need not maintain substantial
         reserves or otherwise maintain liquid assets to defray any
         operating expenses of the Property.

                   Registrant's results of operations are affected
         primarily by the amount of rent payable to it under the Net Lease.
         The amount of Secondary Overage Rent is affected by the New York
         City economy and its real estate market.  It is difficult to
         forecast whether the New York City economy and real estate market
         will improve over the next few years.  The following summarizes
         the material factors for the three most recent years affecting
         Registrant's results of operations for such periods: 

         (a)  Total income decreased for the year ended December 31, 1995
              as compared with the year ended December 31, 1994.  The
              decrease resulted from a decrease in Secondary Overage Rent
              net of an increase in Basic Rent received by Registrant for
              the lease year ended September 30, 1995 as compared with the
              lease year ended September 30, 1994.  See Note 4 of the
              Notes.  Total income increased for the year ended December
              31, 1994 as compared with the year ended December 31, 1993.
              The increase resulted from the increase in Secondary Overage
              Rent received by Registrant for the lease year ended
              September 30, 1994 as compared with the lease year ended
              September 30, 1993.  See Note 4 of the Notes.

         (b)  Total expenses decreased for the year ended December 31, 1995
              as compared with the year ended December 31, 1994.  The
              decrease was the result of (i) a decrease in supervisory
              service expense, (ii) a decrease in interest on the Mortgage
              Loan and (iii) a decrease in amortization of mortgage
              refinancing costs.  See Notes 3a and 5 of the Notes.  Total
              expenses increased for the year ended December 31, 1994 as
              compared with the year ended December 31, 1993.  The increase
              was the net result of (x) an increase in supervisory service
              expense and (y) a decrease in interest on the Mortgage Loan.
              See Notes 3a and 5 of the Notes. 


                           Liquidity and Capital Resources

                   There has been no significant change in Registrant's
         liquidity for the year ended December 31, 1995 as compared with
         the year ended December 31, 1994.  

                   Based on the current net profit from the Building and
         current trends in the geographic area in which the Property is
         located, the value of the Property is estimated to be in excess of
         the amount of the Mortgage Loan balance at December 31, 1995.
         Consequently, there are no material changes anticipated in the
         short-term or long-term financial liquidity position of
         Registrant, other than the need to refinance the Mortgage Loan
         upon maturity.  Registrant foresees no need to make material
         commitments for capital expenditures while the Net Lease is in


                   Inflationary trends in the economy do not directly
         affect Registrant's operations since Registrant does not actively
         engage in the operation of the Property.  Inflation may impact the
         operations of Net Lessee.  Net Lessee is required to pay Basic
         Rent, regardless of the results of its operations.  Inflation and
         other operating factors affect only the amount of Primary and
         Secondary Overage Rent payable by Net Lessee, which is based on
         Net Lessee's net operating profit.

         Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.

                   The financial statements, together with the accompanying
         report by, and the consent to the use thereof, of Jacobs Evall &
         Blumenfeld LLP immediately following, are being filed in response
         to this item.

         Item 9.   Disagreements on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.

                   Not applicable.     


                                      PART III

         Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant.

                   Registrant has no directors or officers or any other
         centralization of management.  There is no specific term of office
         for any Joint Venturer in Registrant.  The table below sets forth
         as to each individual who served as a Joint-Venturer in Registrant
         as of December 31, 1995 the following: name, age, nature of any
         family relationship with any other Joint Venturer, business exper-
         ience during the past five years and principal occupation and
         employment during such period, including the name and principal
         business of any corporation or any organization in which such
         occupation and employment was carried on and the date such
         individual became a Joint-Venturer in Registrant:
                                                       Principal      Individual
                        Nature of                      Occupation     became
                        Family        Business         and            Joint
 Name              Age  Relationship  Experience       Employment     Venturer  

 Peter L. Malkin   62      None       Attorney-at-Law  Senior Partner    1982
                                                       Wien, Malkin
                                                       & Bettex,

 Stanley Katzman   63      None       Attorney-at-Law  Senior Partner    1995
                                                       Wien, Malkin
                                                       & Bettex,

 Ralph W. Felsten  69      None       Attorney-at-Law  Senior Partner    1990
                                                       Wien, Malkin
                                                       & Bettex,

                   As stated in Item 1 hereof, each Joint Venturer is a
         member of Counsel.  See Items 11, 12 and 13 hereof for a
         description of the services rendered by, and the compensation paid
         to, Counsel and for a discussion of certain relationships which
         may pose actual or potential conflicts of interest among
         Registrant, Net Lessee and certain of their respective affiliates.  

                   The names of entities which have a class of securities
         registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act
         of 1934 or are subject to the requirements of Section 15(d) of


         that Act, and in which the Joint Venturers are also either a
         director, joint venturer or general partner are as follows:

                   Ralph W. Felsten is a general partner in 60 East 42nd
                   St. Associates.

                   Stanley Katzman is a general partner in 60 East 42nd St.

                   Peter L. Malkin is a general partner in Garment Capitol
                   Associates, 60 East 42nd St. Associates, Navarre-500
                   Building Associates and Empire State Building

         Item 11.  Executive Compensation.

                   As stated in Item 10 hereof; Registrant has no directors
         or officers or any other centralization of management.

                   No remuneration was paid during the fiscal year ended
         December 31, 1995 by Registrant to any of the Joint Venturers as
         such.  Registrant pays Counsel for legal fees and supervisory
         services and disbursements, fees of $40,000 per annum, plus 10% of
         all distributions to the Participants in any year in excess of the
         amount representing a return at the rate of 15% per annum on their
         remaining cash investment.  At December 31, 1995, such remaining
         cash investment was $3,600,000.  See Item 1 hereof.  Pursuant to
         such fee arrangements, Registrant paid Counsel $173,204 during the
         fiscal year ended December 31, 1995.  The supervisory services
         include, among other items, the preparation of reports and related
         documentation required by the Securities and Exchange Commission,
         the monitoring of all areas of federal and local security law
         compliance, the preparation of certain financial reports, as well
         as the supervision of accounting and other documentation related
         to the administration of Registrant's business.  Out of its fees,
         Counsel paid all disbursements and costs of regular accounting
         services.  As noted in Items 1 and 10 hereof, the Joint Venturers
         are members of Counsel.

         Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and

                   (a)  Registrant has no voting securities.  See Item 5
         hereof.  At December 31, 1995, no person owned of record or was
         known by Registrant to own beneficially more than 5% of the
         outstanding Participations in the undivided Joint Venture
         interests in Registrant.

                   (b)  At December 31, 1995, the Joint Venturers (see Item
         10 hereof) beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, as a group
         the following Participations in Registrant:


                            Name & Address         Amount of 
                            of Beneficial          Beneficial     Percent
         Title of Class         Owners             Ownership      of Class

         Participations     Ralph W. Felsten       $ 5,000.00     .1388%
         in Joint Venture   300 East 54th St.
         Interests          Apartment 15H
                            New York, NY  10022

                            Stanley Katzman        $ 5,833.34     .1620%
                            75-18 193rd Street
                            Flushing, NY  11366

                            Peter L. Malkin        $15,833.34     .4398%
                            21 Bobolink Lane
                            Greenwich, CT  06830

                   At such date, one of the Joint Venturers (see Item 10
         hereof) held additional Participations as follows:

                        Isabel Malkin, the wife of Peter L. Malkin, owned
                   of record and beneficially $70,000 of Participations.
                   Mr. Malkin disclaims any beneficial ownership of such

                        (c)  Not applicable.

         Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.

                        (a)  As stated in Item 1 hereof, each Joint
         Venturer acts as agent for his respective group of Participants.
         Mr. Malkin is also a partner in Net Lessee.  Mr. Felsten is a
         participant in the Net Lessee.  As a consequence of one of the
         three Joint Venturers being a partner in Net Lessee, and one being
         a participant in the Net Lessee, and all three Joint Venturers
         being members of Counsel (which represents Registrant and Net
         Lessee), certain actual or potential conflicts of interest may
         arise with respect to the management and administration of the
         business of Registrant.  However, under the respective partici-
         pating agreements pursuant to which the Joint Venturers act as
         agents for the Participants, certain transactions require the
         prior consent of a specified number of the Participants in order
         for the agents to act on their behalf.  Such transactions include
         modifications and extensions of the Net Lease or the Mortgage
         Loan, or a sale or other disposition of the Property or
         substantially all of Registrant's other assets.

                   Reference is made to Items 1 and 2 hereof for a
         description of the terms of the Net Lease between Registrant and
         Net Lessee.  The respective interest, if any, of each Joint
         Venturer in Registrant and in Net Lessee arises solely from


         ownership of Participations in Registrant and partnership
         interests or participations in Net Lessee.  The Joint Venturers
         receive no extra or special benefit not shared on a pro rata basis
         with all other Participants in Registrant or partners and
         participants in Net Lessee.  However, each of the Joint Venturers
         by reason of his respective partnership interest in Counsel is en-
         titled to receive his pro rata share of any legal fees or other
         remuneration paid to Counsel for professional services rendered to
         Registrant and Net Lessee.

                   Reference is also made to Items 1 and 10 hereof for a
         description of the relationship between Registrant and Counsel of
         which the Joint Venturers are members.  The respective interests
         of the Joint Venturers in any remuneration paid or given by
         Registrant to Counsel arose and arises solely from the ownership
         of their respective partnership interests therein.  See Item 11
         hereof for a description of the remuneration arrangements between
         Registrant and Counsel.

                        (b)  Reference is made to Paragraph (a) above.

                        (c)  Not applicable.

                        (d)  Not applicable.


                                       PART IV

         Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and
                   Reports on Form 8-K.

                   (a)(1)  Financial Statements:

                   Consent of Jacobs Evall & Blumenfeld LLP, Certified
                   Public Accountants, dated January 31, 1996.

                   Accountant's Report of Jacobs Evall & Blumenfeld LLP,
                   Certified Public Accountants, dated January 31, 1996.

                   Balance Sheets at December 31, 1995 and at December 31,
                   1994 (Exhibit A).

                   Statements of Income for the fiscal years ended December
                   31, 1995, 1994 and 1993 (Exhibit B).

                   Statement of Partners' Capital Deficit for the fiscal
                   year ended December 31, 1995 (Exhibit C-1).

                   Statement of Partners' Capital Deficit for the fiscal
                   year ended December 31, 1994 (Exhibit C-2).

                   Statement of Partners' Capital Deficit for the fiscal
                   year ended December 31, 1993 (Exhibit C-3).

                   Statements of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended
                   December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993 (Exhibit D).

                   Notes to Financial Statements for the fiscal years ended
                   December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993.

                   (2)  Financial Statement Schedules:

                   List of Omitted Schedules.

                   Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation - December 31,
                   1995 (Schedule III).

                   (3)  Exhibits:  See Exhibit Index.

                   (b)  No report on Form 8-K was filed by Registrant
                        during the last quarter of the period covered by
                        this report.



                             INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT

To the participants in 250 West 57th St. Associates
(a Joint Venture)
New York, N. Y.

We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of 250 West 57th St.
Associates (the "Company") as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the
related statements of income, partners' capital deficit and cash flows
for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1995 and
the supporting financial statement schedule as contained in Item
14(a)(2) of this Form 10-K.  These financial statements and schedule are
the responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is
to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial
statement schedule based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of 250 West
57th St. Associates as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the results of
its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the
period ended December 31, 1995 in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles, and the related financial statement schedule,
when considered in relation to the basic financial statements, presents
fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein.

                                   Jacobs Evall & Blumenfeld LLP
                                   Certified Public Accountants

New York, N. Y.
January 31, 1996

                                                January 31, 1996

250 West 57th St. Associates
New York, N.Y.

We consent to the use of our independent accountants' report dated
January 31, 1996, covering our audit of the accompanying financial
statements of 250 West 57th St. Associates in connection with and as
part of your December 31, 1995 annual report (Form 10-K) to the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                     Jacobs Evall & Blumenfeld LLP
                                    Certified Public Accountants

                                                                     EXHIBIT A
                                 250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                                        BALANCE SHEETS

                                          A S S E T S                          

                                                                 December 31,                 
                                                         1995                    1994         
Current Assets:
  Cash in NatWest Bank N.A...................               $   24,125              $   24,485
  Cash in distribution account held by
     Wien, Malkin & Bettex (Note 9)..........                   60,000                  60,000
          TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS...............                   84,125                  84,485
Real Estate, at cost:
  Property situated at 250-264 West 57th
   Street, New York, N. Y. (Notes 2a and 3):
     Land....................................                2,117,435               2,117,435
     Building................................   $4,940,682              $4,940,682            
       Less: Accumulated depreciation........    4,940,682        -      4,940,682        -   
     Building improvements...................      688,000                 688,000            
       Less: Accumulated depreciation........      688,000        -        688,000        -
     Tenants' installations and
      improvements...........................      249,791                 249,791
        Less: Accumulated depreciation.......      249,791        -        249,791        -   
Other Assets:
  Mortgage refinancing costs (Note 2b).......       41,106                  87,333            
    Less: Accumulated amortization...........        6,525                  80,089            
                                                                34,581                   7,244

          TOTAL ASSETS.......................               $2,236,141              $2,209,164


Current Liabilities:
  Accrued interest payable...................               $   22,551              $   23,511
  Principal payments of first mortgage
   payable within one year (Note 3)..........                   19,369                  16,350
          TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES..........                   41,920                  39,861

Long-term Liabilities:
  Bonds, mortgages and similar debt:
    First mortgage payable (Note 3)..........   $2,878,818              $2,893,621            
      Less: Current installments shown
       above.................................       19,369                  16,350            
                                                             2,859,449               2,877,271

          TOTAL LIABILITIES..................                2,901,369               2,917,132

Partners' Capital Deficit (Exhibit C)........                 (665,228)               (707,968)
           PARTNERS' CAPITAL DEFICIT.........               $2,236,141              $2,209,164

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.
                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                                 250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                                     STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                   Year ended December 31,            
                                         1995                1994              1993    

  Rent income, from a
   related party (Note 4).........    $2,238,033          $2,441,258        $2,220,314 


  Interest on mortgage
   (Note 3).......................       273,835             282,611           283,624 

  Supervisory services, to
   a related party (Note 5).......       173,204             196,777           174,683 

  Amortization of mortgage
   refinancing costs
   (Note 2b)......................         9,421              17,376            17,376 

                                         456,460             496,764           475,683  
           DEFICIT (NOTE 8).......    $1,781,573          $1,944,494        $1,744,631 

Earnings per $5,000
 participation unit, based
 on 720 participation units
 outstanding during each
 year.............................    $    2,474          $    2,701        $    2,423 

             See accompanying notes to financial statements.
                                                                   EXHIBIT C-1
                                 250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                            STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL DEFICIT
                                 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995     

                                    Partners'                                  Partners'
                                 capital deficit   Share of                 capital deficit
                                 January 1, 1995  net income Distributions December 31, 1995
Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #1..............     $ (70,797)    $  178,157   $  173,883      $ (66,523)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #2..............       (70,797)       178,157      173,883        (66,523)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #3..............       (70,797)       178,157      173,883        (66,523)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #4..............       (70,797)       178,158      173,884        (66,523)

Stanley Katzman
 Joint Venture #1
  Alvin Silverman
  Joint Venture #1)............       (70,797)       178,158      173,884        (66,523)

Stanley Katzman
 Joint Venture #2
  Alvin Silverman
  Joint Venture #2)............       (70,797)       178,158      173,884        (66,523)

Stanley Katzman
 Joint Venture #3
  Alvin Silverman
  Joint Venture #3)............       (70,796)       178,157      173,883        (66,522)

Stanley Katzman
 Joint Venture #4
  Alvin Silverman
  Joint Venture #4)............       (70,797)       178,157      173,883        (66,523)

Peter L. Malkin
 Joint Venture #1..............       (70,797)       178,157      173,883        (66,523)

Peter L. Malkin
 Joint Venture #2..............       (70,796)       178,157      173,883        (66,522)

                                    $(707,968)    $1,781,573   $1,738,833      $(665,228) 

               See accompanying notes to financial statements.
                                                                   EXHIBIT C-2
                                 250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                            STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL DEFICIT
                                 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994     

                                    Partners'                                  Partners'
                                 capital deficit   Share of                 capital deficit
                                 January 1, 1994  net income Distributions December 31, 1994
Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #1..............     $ (70,147)    $  194,450   $  195,100      $ (70,797)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #2..............       (70,147)       194,450      195,100        (70,797)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #3..............       (70,147)       194,450      195,100        (70,797)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #4..............       (70,147)       194,450      195,100        (70,797)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #1..............       (70,147)       194,449      195,099        (70,797)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #2..............       (70,146)       194,449      195,100        (70,797)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #3..............       (70,146)       194,449      195,099        (70,796)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #4..............       (70,147)       194,449      195,099        (70,797)

Peter L. Malkin
 Joint Venture #1..............       (70,147)       194,449      195,099        (70,797)

Peter L. Malkin
 Joint Venture #2..............       (70,146)       194,449      195,099        (70,796)

                                    $(701,467)    $1,944,494   $1,950,995      $(707,968) 

               See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                                                  EXHIBIT C-3
                                 250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                            STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL DEFICIT
                                 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1993     

                                    Partners'                                  Partners'
                                 capital deficit   Share of                 capital deficit
                                 January 1, 1993  net income Distributions December 31, 1993

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #1..............     $ (69,395)    $  174,463   $  175,215      $ (70,147)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #2..............       (69,395)       174,463      175,215        (70,147)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #3..............       (69,395)       174,463      175,215        (70,147)

Ralph W. Felsten
 Joint Venture #4..............       (69,395)       174,463      175,215        (70,147)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #1..............       (69,395)       174,463      175,215        (70,147)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #2..............       (69,395)       174,463      175,214        (70,146)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #3..............       (69,395)       174,463      175,214        (70,146)

Alvin Silverman
 Joint Venture #4..............       (69,396)       174,463      175,214        (70,147)

Peter L. Malkin
 Joint Venture #1..............       (69,396)       174,463      175,214        (70,147)

Peter L. Malkin
 Joint Venture #2..............       (69,396)       174,464      175,214        (70,146)

                                    $(693,953)    $1,744,631   $1,752,145      $(701,467) 

               See accompanying notes to financial statements.
                                                                     EXHIBIT D
                                 250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                                   STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                       Year ended December 31,         
                                                  1995           1994          1993   

Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income..............................     $ 1,781,573   $ 1,944,494   $ 1,744,631 
  Adjustments to reconcile net income
   to cash provided by operating
     Amortization.........................           9,421        17,376        17,376
     Change in accrued interest payable...            (960)          (88)          (79)
  Payments of mortgage refinancing costs:
    To a related party (Note 2b)..........         (17,754)            -             -
    Other.................................         (19,004)            -             -

          Net cash provided by
           operating activities...........       1,753,276     1,961,782     1,761,928 

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash distributions......................      (1,738,833)   (1,950,995)   (1,752,145)
  Principal payments on long-term debt....         (14,803)      (10,780)       (9,783)

          Net cash used in financing
           activities.....................      (1,753,636)   (1,961,775)   (1,761,928)

          Net change in cash..............            (360)            7             -  

Cash, beginning of year...................          84,485        84,478        84,478 

          CASH, END OF YEAR...............     $    84,125   $    84,485   $    84,478 

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow 

                                                       Year ended December 31,        
                                                   1995          1994          1993   
    Cash paid for:
     Interest.............................     $   274,795   $   282,699   $   283,703 


             See accompanying notes to financial statements.
                             250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES 

                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.   Business Activity

     250 West 57th Street Associates ("the Company") is a joint venture which
     owns commercial property situated at 250 West 57th Street, New York, New
     York, known as the "Fisk Building".  The property is net leased to Fisk
     Building Associates (the "Lessee").

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     a.  Real Estate and Depreciation:

         Land and building:

         The basis for building valuation was seventy per cent (70%) of the
         total purchase price in 1953 of the land and building, $7,058,117,
         which amounts to $4,940,682.  The balance of the purchase price,
         $2,117,435, was allocated to land cost.  The seventy per cent
         allocation of total cost to the building was based upon the
         percentage of assessed valuation of the building to the total
         assessed valuation on the land and building at the time of

         The building, building improvements and tenants installations and
         improvements are fully depreciated.

     b.  Mortgage Refinancing Costs, Amortization and Related Party

         Mortgage refinancing costs of $87,333 were incurred in connection
         with the 1990 refinancing of the first mortgage payable and were
         charged to income ratably over the five year term of the mortgage
         (see Note 3a).  Such costs include payments of $45,020 to the firm
         of Wien, Malkin & Bettex; some partners in that firm are also
         partners in the Company.

         Effective March 1, 1995, the first mortgage was modified and
         extended (see Note 3b) and new mortgage refinancing costs of $36,758 
         were incurred.

         Mortgage refinancing costs of $41,106 consist of the unamortized
         balance of the 1990 refinancing costs of $4,348 plus the new
         refinancing costs of $36,758 (including payments of $17,754 to the
         firm of Wien, Malkin & Bettex).  Such costs are being amortized
         ratably over the extended term of the first mortgage, from March 1,
         1995 through June 1, 2000.

     c.  Use of Estimates: 

         In preparing financial statements in conformity with generally
         accepted accounting principles, management often makes estimates and
         assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
         liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at
         the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported
         amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. 
         Actual results could differ from those estimates.

                              250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

3.  First Mortgage Payable

    a.  On May 24, 1990, a first mortgage was placed on the property with
        Apple Bank for Savings in the amount of $2,934,861.  Annual mortgage
        charges were $293,486, payable in equal monthly installments, applied
        first to interest at the rate of 9.75% per annum and the balance to
        principal.  The first mortgage was scheduled to mature on June 1,

    b.  Effective March 1, 1995, the first mortgage, having a balance of
        $2,890,758, was modified and extended to mature on June 1, 2000, when
        the principal balance will be $2,777,754.  Annual mortgage charges
        are $289,157, payable in equal monthly installments, applied first
        to interest at the rate of 9.4% per annum and the balance to

        Principal payments required to be made on long-term debt are as
               Year ending December 31,
               1996...............................  $   19,369
               1997...............................      21,270
               1998...............................      23,358
               1999...............................      25,650
               Through June 1, 2000...............   2,789,171

    The real estate is pledged as collateral for the first mortgage.

4.  Related Party Transactions - Rent Income

    Rent income earned during the year ended December 31, 1995, 1994 and
    1993, totaling $2,238,033, $2,441,258 and $2,220,314, respectively,
    constitutes the basic minimum annual rental plus overage rent under an
    operating lease dated September 30, 1953 (as modified June 12, 1961,
    June 10, 1965, May 1, 1975 and October 1, 1984) with the Lessee,
    consisting of the following:
                                             Year ended December 31,       
                                         1995         1994          1993   

    Basic minimum annual rent...     $  331,691   $  321,486   $  321,486
    Primary overage rent........        752,000      752,000      752,000
    Secondary overage rent......      1,154,342    1,367,772    1,146,828

                                     $2,238,033   $2,441,258   $2,220,314

    The lease modification dated October 1, 1984 provides for rent income
    until September 30, 2003, as follows:

    A)  A basic annual rent equal to the sum of $28,000 plus current mortgage 
        requirements for interest and amortization.  Upon any further
        refinancing of the first mortgage (Note 3), the annual basic rent
        will be modified and will be equal to the sum of $28,000 plus an
        amount equal to the rate of constant payments for interest and
        amortization required annually under any such first mortgage
        immediately subsequent to refinancing computed on the principal
        balance of the mortgage immediately prior to such refinancing;

                              250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

4.  Related Party Transactions - Rent Income (continued)

    B)  A primary overage rent equal to the lesser of $752,000 per annum for
        each year  ending September 30th, or the lessee's defined net
        operating profit for its lease year ending September 30th after
        deduction of basic rent and advances previously paid on account of
        primary overage rent; and

    C)  A secondary overage rent consisting of 50% of any remaining balance
        of the lessee's defined net operating profit (after payment of basic
        rent and primary  overage rent) for its lease year ending September

    Primary overage rent has been billed to and advanced by the Lessee in
    equal monthly installments of $62,667.  While it is not practicable to
    estimate that portion of overage rent for the lease year ending on the
    ensuing September 30th which would be allocable to the current three
    month period ending December 31st, the Company's policy is to include in
    its income each year the advances of primary overage rent income
    received from October 1st to December 31st.

    No other overage rent is accrued by the Company for the period between
    the end of the Lessee's lease year ending September 30th and the end of
    the Company's fiscal year ending December 31st.

    In 1978, the Lessee exercised its option to renew the lease for a
    twenty-five year period from October 1, 1978 through September 30, 2003
    on the same terms as provided during the balance of the initial period. 
    The lease modification effective October 1, 1984 provides for an option
    for one renewal term of 25 years commencing October 1, 2003.  The terms
    of the lease remain the same during the renewal period.

    The Lessee may surrender the lease at the end of any month, upon sixty
    days' prior written notice; the liability of the Lessee will end on the
    effective date of such surrender.

    A partner in the Company is also a partner in the Lessee.  

5.  Related Party Transactions - Supervisory Services

    Fees for supervisory services (including disbursements and cost of
    regular accounting services) during the years ended December 31, 1995,
    1994 and 1993, totaling $173,204, $196,777 and $174,683, respectively,
    were paid to the firm of Wien, Malkin & Bettex.  Some partners in that
    firm are also partners in the Company.  Fees for supervisory services
    are paid pursuant to an agreement, which amount is based on a rate of
    return of investment achieved by the participants of the Company each

6.  Number of Participants

    There were approximately 525 participants in the various joint ventures
    as at December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993.

                              250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

7.  Determination of Distributions to Participants

    Distributions to participants during each year represent mainly the
    excess of rent income received over the mortgage requirements and cash

8.  Distributions and Amount of Income per $5,000 Participation Unit

    Distributions per $5,000 participation unit for each fiscal period,
    based on 720  participation units outstanding during each such period,
    consisted of the following:

                                          Year ended December 31,    
                                     1995          1994         1993  

          Income.................   $2,415        $2,701       $2,423
          Return of capital......        -             9           11

            TOTAL DISTRIBUTIONS..   $2,415        $2,710       $2,434

    Net income is computed without regard to income tax expense since the
    Company does not pay a tax on its income; instead, any such taxes are
    paid by the participants in their individual capacities.

9.  Concentration of Credit Risk

    The Company maintains cash balances in a bank and in a distribution
    account held by Wien, Malkin & Bettex.  The bank balance is insured by
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $100,000, and at
    December 31, 1995 was completely insured.  The distribution account held
    by Wien, Malkin & Bettex is not insured.  The funds held in the
    distribution account were paid to the participants on January 1, 1996.

10. Financial Instruments

    Effective for years ended after December 15, 1995, FAS No. 107,
    "Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments", requires
    disclosure of the fair value of certain financial instruments for which
    it is practicable to estimate that value.  It was not practicable to
    estimate the fair value of long-term debt because quoted market prices
    do not exist and an estimate could not be made through other means
    without incurring excessive costs.
                              250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                                    OMITTED SCHEDULES

 The following schedules have been omitted as not applicable in the present

 SCHEDULE I   -  Condensed financial information of registrant.

 SCHEDULE II  -  Valuation and qualifying accounts.

 SCHEDULE IV  -  Mortgage loans on real estate.

                                                                  SCHEDULE III  
                                  250 WEST 57th ST. ASSOCIATES

                            Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation
                                       December 31, 1995            


  A     Description            Office building and land located at
                                 250-264 West 57th Street, New York,
                                 New York, known as the "Fisk

  B     Encumbrances Apple Bank for Savings
          Balance at December 31, 1995..................................   $2,878,818
  C     Initial cost to company
          Land..........................................................   $2,117,435
          Building......................................................   $4,940,682
  D     Costs capitalized subsequent to acquisition
          Improvements..................................................   $  937,791

          Carrying costs................................................   $  NONE   

  E     Gross amount at which carried at
         close of period
           Land.........................................................   $2,117,435
           Building and Improvements....................................    5,878,473

           Total........................................................   $7,995,908(a)

  F     Accumulated depreciation and amortization.......................   $5,878,473(b)

  G     Date of construction                                       1921

  H     Date acquired                                September 30, 1953

  I     Life on which depreciation in latest
         income statements is computed                   Not applicable 

    (a)   There have been no changes in the carrying value of real estate for 
          the years ended December 31, 1995, December 31, 1994 and December 31, 
          1993.  The costs for federal income tax purposes are the same as 
          for financial statement purposes.

    (b)   Accumulated depreciation and amortization
            Balance at January 1, 1993                            $5,878,473
                 F/Y/E 12/31/93                     None
                       12/31/94                     None
                       12/31/95                     None            None   
            Balance at December 31, 1995                          $5,878,473



                   Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of
         the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly
         caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
         thereunto duly authorized.

                   The individual signing this report on behalf of
         Registrant is Attorney-in-Fact for Registrant and each of the
         Joint Venturers in Registrant, pursuant to a Power of Attorney,
         dated March 29, 1996 (the "Power").

         250 WEST 57TH ST. ASSOCIATES

         By /s/ Stanley Katzman               
            Stanley Katzman, Attorney-in-Fact*

         Date:  March 29, 1996

                   Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange
         Act of 1934, this report has been signed by the undersigned as
         Attorney-in-Fact for each of the Joint Venturers in Registrant,
         pursuant to the Power, on behalf of the Registrant and as a Joint
         Venturer in Registrant on the date indicated.

         By /s/ Stanley Katzman               
            Stanley Katzman, Attorney-in-Fact*

         Date:  March 29, 1996

         *    Mr. Katzman supervises accounting functions for Registrant.


                                    EXHIBIT INDEX

         Number                   Document                           Page*

          3(a)     Registrant's Joint Venture Agreement, dated
                   May 25, 1953, which was filed as Exhibit No.
                   3(a) to Registrant's Registration Statement on
                   Form S-1 (the "Registration Statement"), is
                   incorporated by reference as an exhibit

          3(b)     Amended Business Certificate of Registrant
                   filed with the Clerk of New York County on
                   December 22, 1995 reflecting a change in the
                   Partners of Registrant.  

          3(c)     Registrant's Memorandum of Agreement among
                   Joint Venturers in 250 West 57th St.
                   Associates, dated June 9, 1953, filed as
                   Exhibit 1 to the Registration Statement, is
                   incorporated by reference as an exhibit

          4        Registrant's form of Participation Agreement,
                   which was filed as Exhibit No. 4(a) to the
                   Registration Statement, is incorporated by
                   reference as an exhibit hereto.

         10(a)     Net Lease between Registrant and Fisk Building
                   Associates dated September 30, 1957, which was
                   filed as Exhibit No. 2(d) to the Registration
                   Statement, is incorporated by reference as an
                   exhibit hereto.

         10(b)     Modification of Net Lease dated November 10,
                   1961, was filed by letter dated November 21,
                   1961 as Exhibit B to Registrant's Statement of
                   Registration on Form 8-K for the month of
                   October, 1961, is incorporated by reference as
                   an exhibit hereto.

         *    Page references are based on a sequential numbering system.  


         Number                   Document                           Page*

         10(c)     Second Modification Agreement of Net Lease
                   dated June 10, 1965, between Registrant and
                   Fisk Building Associates which was filed by
                   letter dated December 29, 1981 as Exhibit
                   10(c) to Registrant's Annual Report on Form
                   10-K for the year ended September 30, 1981 is
                   incorporated by reference as an exhibit

         10(d)     Fourth Lease Modification Agreement dated
                   November 12, 1985 between Registrant and Fisk
                   Building Associates, which was filed by letter
                   dated January 13, 1986 as Exhibit 10(g) to
                   Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                   the year ended, September 30, 1985, is
                   incorporated herein by reference as an exhibit

         10(e)     Modification of Mortgage dated as of March 1,
                   1995 between Registrant and the Apple Bank for
                   Savings, which was filed on March 30, 1995 as
                   Exhibit 10(e) to Registrant's Annual Report on
                   Form 10-K, is incorporated herein by reference
                   as an exhibit hereto.  

         13(a)     Letter to Participants dated November 30, 1995
                   and supplementary financial reports for the
                   lease year ended September 30, 1995.  The
                   foregoing material shall not be deemed "filed"
                   with the Commission or otherwise subject to
                   the liabilities of Section 18 of the
                   Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

         13(b)     Letter to Participants dated January 31, 1996
                   and supplementary financial reports for the
                   fiscal year ended December 31, 1995.  The
                   foregoing material shall not be deemed "filed"
                   with the Commission or otherwise subject to
                   the liabilities of Section 18 of the
                   Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

         *    Page references are based on a sequential numbering system.  


         24        Power of Attorney dated March 29, 1996,
                   between Peter L. Malkin, Stanley Katzman and
                   Ralph W. Felsten as partners of Registrant and
                   Stanley Katzman and Richard A. Shapiro. 

         27        Financial Data Schedule of Registrant for
                   fiscal year ended December 31, 1995.  


                                                           Exhibit 3(b)

                            AMENDED BUSINESS CERTIFICATE

              The undersigned hereby certify that a certificate of business
         under the assumed name 

                            250 WEST 57TH ST. ASSOCIATES

         for the conduct of business at 60 East 42nd Street, New York, New
         York, was filed in the office of the County Clerk New York County,
         State of New York, on the 11th day of June, 1953, under index
         number 6981/53; that the last amended certificate was filed on the
         20th day of September, 1990 in the office of said County Clerk
         under index number 6981/53.

              It is hereby further certified that this amended certificate
         is made for the purposes of more accurately setting forth the
         facts recited in the original certificate or the last amended
         certificate and to set forth the following changes in such facts.

         ALVIN SILVERMAN, residing at 110 Redwood Drive, Roslyn, New York
         11576, has been succeeded as a partner by STANLEY KATZMAN,
         residing at 75-18 193 Street, Flushing, New York 11366.

         The members of 250 West 57th St. Associates now consist of:

         Ralph W. Felsten, Peter L. Malkin and Stanley Katzman.

              IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have as of the 2nd day of
         July, 1995 made and signed this certificate.

         /s/ Alvin Silverman                /s/ Ralph W. Felsten       
         ALVIN SILVERMAN                    RALPH W. FELSTEN

         /s/ Stanley Katzman 

         State of New York, County of New York       ss.:

              On this 2nd day of August, 1995, before me personally
         me known and known to me to be the individuals described in and
         who executed the foregoing certificate, and they thereupon duly
         acknowledged to me that they executed the same.

                                            /s/ Estelle Beeber
                                            Notary Public
                                            State of New York
                                            No. 5241708
                                            Qualified in New York County
                                            Commission Expires 9/30/96