AMENDED AND RESTATED


Adopted:  December 17, 1982

Amended and Restated:  September 5, 1987

Amended and Restated:  November 18, 1994


                       TYSON FOODS, INC.

                      AMENDED AND RESTATED


           (a)   The Tyson Foods, Inc. Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan  (the
"Plan")  was  originally adopted by the Board of Directors of Tyson  Foods,
Inc.  (the  "Company") on December 17, 1982 and was originally approved  by
majority vote of the stockholders of the Company on February 25, 1983.  The
Plan has been subsequently amended by the Board of Directors of the Company
on  September  5,  1987 and November 18, 1994 is hereby  restated  in  such
amended form.
           (b)   The purpose of the Plan is to provide a means whereby  key
employees and independent contractors of the Company or its affiliates  may
be  given an opportunity to purchase shares of the Class A Common Stock  of
the  Company  (the  "Stock") pursuant to options which do  not  qualify  as
"incentive stock options" under Section 422A of the Internal Revenue  Code.
In  addition,  key  employees  may  be awarded  stock  appreciation  rights
("Rights")  payable  in  Stock  or cash, or  any  combination  thereof,  as
provided herein.
          (c)  The term "key employee" or "key employees" herein shall mean
one  or  more  (i)  employees of the Company or its  affiliates,  and  (ii)
officers,  directors  and  consultants, whether  employees  or  independent
contractors,  who render those types of services which tend  to  contribute
materially  to  the  success  of  the Company  or  an  affiliate  or  which
reasonably  may  be  anticipated to contribute  materially  to  the  future
success of the Company or an affiliate.
           (d)   The term "affiliates" as used in the Plan means parent  or
subsidiary corporations, as defined in Section 425 of the Internal  Revenue
Code  (but  substituting  "Company" for "employer corporation"),  including
parents or subsidiaries which become such after adoption of the Plan.
           (a)   The  total number of shares of Stock which either  may  be
purchased  pursuant to the exercise of options granted under  the  Plan  or
acquired  pursuant to the exercise of Rights granted under the  Plan  shall
not  exceed, in the aggregate, 5,500,000 shares (which amount reflects  all
adjustments  through November 18, 1994 and is subject to future  adjustment
in accordance with paragraph 2(b)) (the "Total Plan Shares").  Accordingly,
the sum of (i) the number of shares of Stock subject at any time to options
or  Rights  granted under the Plan and (ii) the number of shares  of  Stock
then  outstanding pursuant to exercises of options or Rights granted  under
the Plan shall not exceed the Total Plan Shares.  Additionally, the maximum
number  of  shares  of  Stock subject to option and Rights  granted  to  an
"executive officer" of the Company (as determined by the Company's Board of
Directors from time to time) shall not exceed 2% of the Total Plan  Shares.
As  the Committee (as hereinafter defined) may determine from time to time,
the shares of Stock subject to options or Rights granted under the Plan may
consist  either  in whole or in part of shares of authorized  but  unissued
Stock,  or shares of authorized and issued Stock reacquired by the Company.
If  an option or Right is surrendered or for any other reason ceases to  be
exercisable  in  whole or in part, the shares which were  subject  to  such
option  or Right but as to which the option or Right had not been exercised
shall continue to be available under the Plan.


          (b)  If there shall be any change in the Stock subject to the
Plan or the Stock subject to any option or Right granted hereunder, through
merger,  consolidation, reorganization, recapitalization,  reincorporation,
stock  split,  stock  dividend (in excess of 2%), or other  change  in  the
corporate structure of the Company, appropriate adjustment shall be made by
the  Committee to the Total Plan Shares and the number of shares and  price
per  share  subject to outstanding options or Rights in order to  preserve,
but  not  to increase, the benefits of the holder; provided, however,  that
subject  to  any required action by the stockholders, if the Company  shall
not  be  the  surviving  corporation  in  any  merger,  consolidation,   or
reorganization,   every  option  or  Right  outstanding   hereunder   shall
terminate,  unless  the  surviving  corporation  shall  (subject   to   any
applicable   provisions  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code)   assume   (with
appropriate changes) the outstanding options or Rights or replace them with
new  options or Rights of comparable value.  Notwithstanding the  preceding
proviso,  if  such surviving corporation does not so assume or replace  the
outstanding options or Rights hereunder, each holder shall have  the  right
immediately  prior  to  such  merger, consolidation  or  reorganization  to
exercise his outstanding option(s) or Right(s).
     3.   ELIGIBILITY.

          Persons who shall be eligible to have granted to them the options
or Rights provided for by the Plan shall be such bona fide key employees of
the  Company or its affiliates (including officers, whether or not they are
directors) as the Committee in its discretion shall designate from time  to
          (a)  The Plan shall be administered by the Compensation Committee
of  the  Board  of Directors, or a Subcommittee thereof (the  "Committee"),
consisting of not less than two directors of the Company to be appointed by
the  Board  of  Directors.  The Board of Directors may from  time  to  time
remove  members  from,  or add members to, the Committee  with  or  without
cause.   Vacancies on the Committee, howsoever caused, shall be  filled  by
the  Board  of  Directors.  Each member of the Committee  shall  be  (i)  a
"disinterested person" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 (or  any  successor
rule  or regulation) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as  amended (the "Exchange Act") and (ii) an "outside director" as  defined
pursuant  to  Section  162(m) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation  Act  of
1993,  as  amended.   The  Committee shall select one  of  its  members  as
chairman  and  shall  hold meetings at such times  and  places  as  it  may
determine.  A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum and  acts
of  the  Committee  at which a quorum is present, or  acts  reduced  to  or
approved in writing by all the members of the Committee, shall be the valid
acts of the Committee.
           (b)   The  Committee may from time to time determine  which  key
employees  of  the  Company or any affiliates shall be granted  options  or
Rights under the Plan and the terms thereof, and, subject to the provisions
of paragraph 2 hereof, the number of shares which may be acquired under the
options or Rights.
           (c)   The  Committee shall report to the Board of Directors  the
names of persons granted options or Rights, the number of shares covered by
each  option or Right, and the terms and conditions of each such option  or
          (d)  The Committee shall have the sole authority, in its absolute
discretion, to adopt, amend and rescind such rules and regulations  as,  in
its  opinion,  may be advisable in the administration of the Plan;  and  to
construe and interpret the Plan, the rules and regulations, and the


instruments evidencing options, Rights and loans granted under the Plan and
to  make  all  other determination: deemed necessary or advisable  for  the
administration   of   the   Plan.   All  decisions,   determinations,   and
interpretations of the Committee shall be binding on all holders of options
or Rights.
          (e)  The Committee may employ such legal counsel, consultants and
agents as it may deem desirable for the administration of the Plan and  may
rely upon any opinion received from any such counsel or consultant and  any
computation received from any such consultant or agent.  Expenses  incurred
by  the  Board  of  Directors or the Committee in the  engagement  of  such
counsel,  consultant or agent shall be paid by the Company.  No  member  or
former member of the Committee or of the Board of Directors shall be liable
for any action or determination made in good faith with respect to the Plan
or any option or Right granted hereunder.
           (a)   The  option price of the shares of Stock covered  by  each
option  shall not be less than the fair market value of such shares on  the
date  the  option is granted. Such price shall be subject to adjustment  as
provided in paragraph 2(b) hereof.
           (b)  The option price shall become due immediately upon exercise
of  the  option  and shall be payable in full in cash or cash  equivalents;
provided, however, that the Committee shall have the authority, exercisable
at  its discretion either at the time the option is granted or at the  time
it is exercised, to make the option payable in one of the alternative forms
specified below:
           (i)   full payment in shares of Stock having a fair  market
     value  on the Exercise Date (as such term is defined below) equal
     to the option price; or
           (ii) a combination of shares of Stock valued at fair market
     value on the Exercise Date and cash or cash equivalents, equal in
     the aggregate to the option price.
For purposes of this paragraph 5(b), the Exercise Date shall be the date on
which  the  Company receives written notice of the exercise of the  option,
together  with  payment of the option price in the form authorized  by  the
           (c)   For purposes of determining the fair market value of Stock
on  any  relevant date under subparagraph (a) or (b) above,  the  following
rules shall apply:
           (i)  If the Stock is not at the time listed or admitted  to
     trading  on  a  stock exchange or in the over-the-counter  market
     under  the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.
     Automated  Quotation  System ("NASDAQ"), the  fair  market  value
     shall  be  the  mean between the lowest reported  bid  price  and
     highest reported asked price of the Stock on the date in question
     in the over-the-counter market, as such prices are reported in  a
     publication  of general circulation selected by the  Company  and
     regularly reporting the market price of the Stock in such market;
           (ii)  If  the  Stock is at the time listed or  admitted  to
     trading  in the over-the-counter market under NASDAQ  or  on  any
     stock  exchange, then the fair market value shall be the reported
     closing sale price of the Stock on the date in question on NASDAQ
     or on the principal exchange on which the Stock is then listed or
     admitted to trading, as the case may be.  If no reported sale  of
     Stock  takes  place  on the date in question, then  the  reported
     closing  asked  price  of  the  Stock  on  such  date  shall   be
     determinative of fair market value.


           (d)   If any portion of the option price is paid by delivery  of
shares  of  Stock,  the  certificates representing  such  shares  shall  be
presented  to  the Company in proper form for transfer accompanied  by  all
requisite stock transfer tax stamps or cash in lieu thereof.
           Each option granted pursuant to the Plan shall be evidenced by a
written  Stock Option Agreement executed by the Company and the  person  to
whom  such option is granted.  The term of each option shall be for such  a
period of time, not more than ten years from the date it is granted, as the
Committee  may determine.  During the lifetime of the optionee, the  option
shall  be  exercisable  only by the optionee or by his  guardian  or  legal
representative and shall not be assignable or transferable  other  than  by
will  or  the  laws  of descent and distribution.  In addition,  the  Stock
Option Agreement may contain such other terms, provisions and conditions as
may   be   determined  by  the  Committee  including,  without  limitation,
provisions  relating  to the effect upon exercisability  of  the  death  or
termination of employment of the optionee, the extension of credit  to  the
optionee by the Company or the guarantee by the Company of any loan to  the
optionee from a third party to finance the exercise of the option, and  the
terms of any Right granted with respect to the option.
      During  the  term of each option granted pursuant to  the  Plan,  the
Committee, with the consent of the holder of the Option, may modify any  or
all  of the terms, provisions and conditions of such option so long as such
modified   terms,  provisions  and  conditions  are  otherwise  permissible
pursuant  to the terms of the Plan as approved by the stockholders  of  the
           (a)   In the discretion of the Committee, a Right may be granted
(i)  alone, (ii) simultaneously with the grant of an option and  in  tandem
therewith or in the alternative thereto or (iii) subsequent to the grant of
an option and in tandem therewith or in the alternative thereto.  Any Right
shall be exercisable upon such additional terms and conditions as may  from
time  to time be prescribed by the Committee; provided that a Right granted
alone shall be deemed exercised on the last day of its term if the Right is
not otherwise exercised by the holder thereof and the fair market value  of
the shares of Stock subject to the Right exceeds the exercise price thereof
on  such  date.   During  the  lifetime of  a  holder,  a  Right  shall  be
exercisable  only by the holder or by his guardian or legal  representative
and  shall not be assignable or transferable other than by will or the laws
of descent and distribution.
           (b)   The  exercise  price of a Right  granted  alone  shall  be
determined by the Committee, but shall not be less than one hundred percent
(100%) of the fair market value of one share of Stock on the date of  grant
of  such Right.  A Right granted simultaneously with or subsequent  to  the
grant  of  an option and in tandem therewith or in the alternative  thereto
shall  have  the  same  exercise  price as the  related  option,  shall  be
transferable only upon the same terms and conditions as the related option,
and  shall  be  exercisable only to the same extent as the related  option;
provided  however,  that a Right, by its terms, shall be  exercisable  only
when the fair market value of the shares of Stock subject to the Right  and
related option exceeds the exercise price thereof.
           (c)   Upon  exercise of a Right granted simultaneously  with  or
subsequent  to  an  option and in the alternative thereto,  the  number  of
shares of Stock for which the related option shall be exercisable shall  be
reduced  by  the number of shares of Stock for which the Right  shall  have
been exercised.  The number of shares of Stock for which a Right granted in
the alternative to an option shall be exercisable shall be reduced upon any


exercise of the related option by the number of shares of Stock (for  which
such option shall have been exercised.
           (d)   A  Right  shall  entitle the holder to  receive  from  the
Company, upon a written request filed with the Corporate Secretary  of  the
Company  at  its principal offices (the "Request"), a number of  shares  of
Stock  as  specified  in the Request (with or without  restrictions  as  to
substantial  risk of forfeiture and transferability, as determined  by  the
Committee in its sole discretion), an amount of cash, or any combination of
shares  of Stock and cash, as set forth in the Request (but subject to  the
approval  of the Committee, in its sole discretion, at any time up  to  and
including  the  time  of payment, as to the making of  any  cash  payment),
having  an  aggregate value equal to the product of (i) the excess  of  the
fair market value on the day of such Request of one share of Stock over the
exercise  price per share of Stock specified in such Right or  its  related
option,  multiplied by (ii) the number of shares of Stock  for  which  such
Right  shall  be exercised; provided, however, that the Committee,  in  its
discretion, may impose a maximum limitation on the amount of cash, the fair
market  value  of shares of Stock, or a combination thereof, which  may  be
received by a holder upon exercise of a Right.
           (e)  Any election by a holder of a Right to receive cash in full
or  partial  settlement of such Right, and any exercise of such  Right  for
cash,  may be made only by a Request filed with the Corporate Secretary  of
the Company during the period beginning on the third business day following
the  date of release for publication by the Company of quarterly or  annual
summary  statements  of  earnings and profits and  ending  on  the  twelfth
business day following such date.  Within sixty (60) days of the receipt by
the Company of a Request to receive cash in full or partial settlement of a
Right or to exercise such Right for cash, the Committee shall, in its  sole
discretion,  either consent to or disapprove, in whole  or  in  part,  such
Request.  If the Committee disapproves in whole or in part any election  by
a  holder  to receive cash in full or partial settlement of a Right  or  to
exercise  such  Right  for cash, such disapproval  shall  not  affect  such
holder's  right to exercise such Right at a later date, to the extent  that
such  Right shall be otherwise exercisable, or to elect the form of payment
at  a later date, provided that an election to receive cash upon such later
exercise  shall be subject to the approval of the Committee.  Additionally,
such  disapproval  shall not affect such holder's  right  to  exercise  any
related  option  or  options  granted  to  such  holder  under  the   Plan.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a holder or a Right shall not  receive  cash
in  full  or partial settlement of such Right, or upon the full or  partial
exercise of such Right, if such Right or the related option shall have been
exercised during the first six (6) months of its respective term; provided,
however, that such prohibition shall not apply if the holder of such  Right
dies  or becomes disabled (within the meaning of Section 105(d) (4) of  the
Internal Revenue Code) prior to the expiration of such six-month period, or
if  such holder is not a director or officer of the Company or a beneficial
owner of the Company who is described in Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act.
           (f)   The fair market value of shares of Stock subject to Rights
shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 5(c).
           The  Committee  may authorize the extension  of  a  loan  to  an
optionee by the Company (or the guarantee by the Company of a loan obtained
by  an  optionee  from  a third party) in order to assist  an  optionee  to
exercise  an  option granted under the Plan.  The terms  of  any  Loans  or
guarantees,  including the interest rate, if any, and terms  of  repayment,
will  be  subject to the discretion of the Committee.  Loans and guarantees
may be granted with or without security, the maximum credit available being


the  exercise  price  of  the option sought to be  executed  plus  any  tax
liability incurred upon exercise of the option.
          The Committee shall have the authority to effect, at any time and
from  time  to  time,  with  the  consent  of  the  affected  holders,  the
termination of any or all outstanding options or Rights under the Plan  and
to  grant  in  substitution therefor new options or Rights under  the  Plan
covering  the  same  or different numbers of shares of Stock.   The  option
price  of substituted options and the exercise price of substituted  Rights
shall  be  determined  by  the Committee subject  to  the  requirements  of
Paragraph 5(a) and Paragraph 7(b), respectively.
     10.  USE OF PROCEEDS.
           Proceeds realized from the exercise of options granted under the
Plan shall constitute general funds of the Company.
           Except  as hereafter provided, the holder of an option or  Right
granted hereunder shall, upon any exercise thereof, execute and deliver  to
the  Company  a written statement, in form satisfactory to the Company,  in
which such holder represents and warrants that such holder is purchasing or
acquiring  all  shares of Stock acquired thereunder for such  holder's  own
account,  for  investment  only  and not with  a  view  to  the  resale  or
distribution  of  any of such shares.  Any resale or distribution  of  such
shares  shall  he made only pursuant to either (a) a current and  effective
registration statement on an appropriate form under the Securities  Act  of
1933,  as amended (the "Securities Act"), or (b) a specific exemption  from
the  registration requirements of the Securities Act, but in claiming  such
exemption  the  holder shall, prior to any offer of sale or  sale  of  such
shares,   obtain  a  favorable  written  opinion,  in  form  and  substance
satisfactory  to the Company, from counsel for or approved by the  Company,
as to the application of such exemption thereto.  The foregoing restriction
shall not apply to (i) issuances by the Company so long as the shares being
issued  are registered under the Securities Act and a prospectus in respect
thereof  is  current or (ii) reofferings of shares by "affiliates"  of  the
Company  (as  such  term is defined in Rule 405 or any  successor  rule  or
regulation  promulgated  under the Securities  Act)  if  the  shares  being
reoffered  are  registered under the Securities Act  and  a  prospectus  in
respect thereof is current.
          (a)  Upon any exercise of an option or Right which may be granted
hereunder  and,  in the case of an option, payment of the option  price,  a
certificate or certificates for the shares of Stock as to which the  option
or  Right has been exercised shall be issued by the Company in the name  of
the person exercising the option or Right and shall be delivered to or upon
the  order  of  such person or persons, as permitted by  state  or  federal
securities law.
           (b)   The  Company  may place such legend or  legends  upon  the
certificates for shares of Stock issued upon exercise of an option or Right
granted  hereunder,  and  the  Committee may  issue  such  "stop  transfer"
instructions  to  its  transfer agent in respect of  such  shares,  as  the
Committee, in its discretion, determines to be necessary or appropriate  to
(i)   prevent  a  violation  of,  or  to  perfect  an  exemption  from  the
registration  requirements of, the Securities Act, or  (ii)  implement  the
provisions of any agreement between the Company and the Optionee or grantee
with respect to such shares.
           (c)   The  Company  shall pay all issue or transfer  taxes  with
respect to the issuance or transfer of shares of Stock, as well as all fees
and expenses necessarily incurred by the Company in connection with such


issuance or transfer, except fees and expenses which may be necessitated by
the  filing  or  amending of a registration statement under the  Securities
Act,  which fees and expenses shall be borne by the recipient of the shares
unless  such registration statement has been filed by the Company  for  its
own  corporate  purposes (and the Company so states)  in  which  event  the
recipient  of  the  shares shall bear only such fees and  expenses  as  are
attributable  solely  to the inclusion of such shares in  the  registration
          (d)  All shares of Stock issued as provided herein shall be fully
paid and non-assessable to the extent permitted by law.
           (a)   The Company may require an optionee exercising a Right  or
option  granted hereunder to reimburse the corporation which  employs  such
optionee  for  any  taxes  required by any government  to  be  withheld  or
otherwise deducted and paid by such corporation in respect of the  issuance
of  shares  of Stock.  In lieu thereof, the corporation which employs  such
optionee shall have the right to withhold the amount of such taxes from any
other sums due or to become due from such corporation to the optionee  upon
such terms and conditions as the Committee shall prescribe.
           (b)  The Committee may, in its discretion, permit an optionee to
satisfy  the optionee's tax withholding obligations under Paragraph  13(a),
in  whole  or in part, by tendering to the Company shares of Stock acquired
in  the  option exercise having a fair market value, computed in accordance
with paragraph 5(c), equal to the amount which would otherwise be withheld.
Optionees  wishing  to  have all or any portion  of  their  tax  obligation
satisfied in such manner must notify the Corporate Secretary of the Company
of such fact in writing on or before the exercise date of the option.

           If  at  any time the Board of Directors shall determine  in  its
discretion that the listing, registration or qualification of the shares of
Stock  covered by the Plan upon any national securities exchange  or  under
any  state  or  federal law, or the consent or approval of any governmental
regulatory  body,  is  necessary or desirable as  a  condition  of,  or  in
connection with, the sale or Purchase of shares under the Plan,  no  shares
shall   be   delivered   unless  and  until  such  listing,   registration,
qualification, consent or approval shall have been effected or obtained, or
otherwise provided for, free of any conditions not acceptable to the  Board
of Directors.
           (a)  The Board of Directors may at any time suspend or terminate
the  Plan, and may amend it from time to time in such respects as the Board
may deem advisable; provided, however, except as provided in paragraph 2(b)
hereof,  the  Board of Directors shall not amend the Plan in the  following
respects without the consent of stockholders then sufficient to approve the
Plan in the first instance:
           (i)   To  increase the maximum number of  shares  of  Stock
     subject to the Plan; or
           (ii) To change the designation or class of persons eligible
     to receive options or Rights under the Plan.
           (b)  Unless the Plan theretofore shall have been terminated, the
Plan  shall terminate on March 31, 2000.  No option or Right may be granted
under  any  suspension  or  after  the termination  of  the  Plan,  and  no
amendment, suspension or termination of the Plan shall, without the
holder's  consent,  alter  or impair any rights or  obligations  under  any
option or Right theretofore granted to him under the Plan.


     16.  GOVERNING LAW.
          The Plan, such options and Rights as may be granted hereunder and
all  related  matters shall be governed by, and construed and  enforced  in
accordance  with,  the  laws of the State of Arkansas  from  time  to  time
