THIS   AGREEMENT  is  entered  into  by  and  between  Unico   American
Corporation,  a Nevada corporation  ("Employer") and Roger Platten ("Employee"),
as follows:

         1.  EMPLOYMENT.   Employer  hereby  agrees  to  employ  Employee  as  a
Consultant,  subject to the terms,  conditions and provisions of this Agreement.
Employee  hereby  accepts such  employment  and agrees to devote up to eight (8)
hours  per day,  as may be  needed,  and all of his  knowledge  and skill to his
employment  with  Employer.  In connection  with the rendition of such services,
Employee shall report to Cary L. Cheldin,  or to such other person or persons as
designated by Cary L. Cheldin or the Board of Directors of Employer and he shall
perform those services as assigned consistent with his position.

         2.  PERFORMANCE  OF SERVICES.  During the term of his  employment  with
Employer,  Employee  shall  perform  no act or  fail to  perform  any  act,  the
performance  or  absence  of  which  is or will be  disloyal  to or in  material
derogation of the  interests of Employer or any affiliate of Employer  under any

         3. COMPENSATION.

            a.  Base Salary.  During the term of his employment, Employee shall
be paid as follows:

         (1) From the  commencement of the term of this Agreement until December
31, 2000,  Employee shall be paid gross base salary at the same rate that he was
being paid  immediately  prior to the  termination of the  Employment  Agreement
between Employee and Employer dated November 27, 1996;

         (2)  From  January  1,  2001  until  the  date of  termination  of this
Agreement,  Employee  shall be paid a gross base salary of Two Hundred  Thousand
Dollars ($200,000.00) per year.

            b.  Guaranteed  Bonus.  The only bonus to which Employee is entitled
or  will  be  paid  is  the  Guaranteed Bonus  referred to in Section 3a of the
Agreement To  Modify  Employment  and  General Release of  All Claims,  executed
concurrently herewith.

            c. Benefits.  During the term of his employment,  in addition to the
Guaranteed  Bonus and Base salary referred to above,  Employee shall be entitled
to whatever employee benefits,  if any, Employer elects to make available to its
employees,  provided  that Employee  meets all  qualifications  and  eligibility
requirements for employee benefits which Employer may periodically establish and
which apply generally to Employer's employees. Employer shall have no obligation
under this  Agreement to provide any employee  benefit to Employee that Employer
elects to discontinue or that Employer does not make generally  available to its
employees  or on  terms  more  favorable  than  those  generally  applicable  to
Employer's employees as periodically modified by Employer.  Further,  during the
term of this  Agreement,  Employee shall receive an automobile  allowance in the
sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per month.


           d.  Continuing  Education.  During  the term of this  Agreement,  the
Company will reimburse  employee for continuing legal education  expenses.  Such
expenses shall not include any expense for transportation,  lodging or meals and
shall be limited only to actual  registration  expenses not to exceed $50.00 per
accredited hour of continuing legal education, up to a maximum of $1000.00.


         Employee  acknowledges and agrees that the Employment Agreement between
he and the Company  dated  November 27,  1996,  has been  terminated  and has no
further force or effect.


         a. Term.  Employee's  employment  shall  expire  on  December 31, 2001,
unless sooner terminated by mutual agreement  or pursuant  to the  provisions of
this section 5, hereinbelow.

         b. Termination for Cause.  Employer may terminate this Agreement at any
time  without  notice for cause.  Cause of  termination  will be deemed to exist
under  the  following  circumstances:  Employee  commits  any  material  acts of
dishonesty;  discloses  confidential  information;  is guilty of carelessness or
misconduct;  neglects  his  duties  under  this  Agreement;  fails to follow the
specific  instructions of Employer;  fails to or is incapable of discharging his
duties;  acts in any way that has a direct,  substantial  and adverse  effect on
Employer's reputation; or other good cause exists for termination.

         c. Compensation Upon Termination.   Upon  the termination of Employee's
employment,  Employer  shall only be obligated  for  compensation  earned by the
Employee  through the date of  termination.  Thereafter,   all employee benefits
shall terminate.

         6. EMPLOYEE'S DUTY UPON TERMINATION. Upon the termination of employment
hereunder,  Employee  shall  forthwith  deliver  up to  Employer  all  lists  of
customers,  correspondence,  accounts, records and "confidential information" as
defined  hereinbelow  and any other documents or property made or held by him or
under his  control in  relation  to the  business  or affairs of Employer or any
subsidiary  or  affiliate  thereof,   and  no  copy  of  any  such  confidential
information or lists,  correspondence,  accounts, records, documents or property
shall be retained by him or given to any third party.


         a. Confidentiality. In order that Employer shall receive and be able to
maintain the benefit of the goodwill, trade secrets and confidential information
that Employer enjoys in connection with its business,  and recognizing  that the
covenants  hereinafter set forth are not severable from such goodwill,  and that
trade secrets and  confidential  information are granted to Employer in order to
protect  the  same,  and in order to  otherwise  protect  Employer's  legitimate
business interests,  Employee agrees, during the term of this Agreement and upon
termination of his employment with Employer and for the periods indicated below,


         (1) During the course of employment  with Employer,  Employee will have
access  to  and  gain  knowledge  of  certain  trade  secrets  and  confidential
information  relative to the business  affairs of Employer.  For the purposes of
the Agreement, "confidential information" shall mean any information relating to
the business of Employer or any  affiliate of Employer  that has not  previously
been publicly released by duly authorized  representatives of Employer and shall
include, but shall not be limited to, Employer information or information of any
affiliate of Employer  encompassed  in all drawings,  reports,  designs,  plans,
proposals, marketing and sales plans, training techniques,  financial data, cost
and pricing  information,  customer  information  including  customer  lists and
files,  and all  methods,  concepts  or ideas in or  reasonably  related  to the
business of Employer or affiliates of Employer.  Employee therefore acknowledges
and agrees that:

         (2) Confidential  information is both  confidential and a trade secret,
is not readily  accessible  to  competitors  of  Employer,  and shall be used by
Employee for the sole benefit of Employer.

         (3) The  confidential  information has been compiled through and by use
of Employer's  ingenuity,  time,  marketing and product development  strategies,
pricing,  policies, labor, expense,  investigation and long experience rendering
the  confidential  information  a valuable  asset of  Employer,  owned solely by
Employer, and is part of its goodwill.

         (4) Actual use or divulging to others for their use of the confidential
information in violation of the terms of this Agreement  would be unfair use, to
the Employer's extreme prejudice.

         (5)  Employee  agrees  to  regard  and  preserve  as  confidential  all
confidential information pertaining to the business of Employer or any affiliate
of Employer  that has been or may be  obtained by the  Employee in the course of
his employment with Employer,  whether he has such  information in his memory or
in  writing  or in other  physical  form.  Employee  will not,  without  written
authority  from  Employer,  use for his  benefit or  purposes,  nor  disclose to
others,  either  during  the term of his  employment  or  thereafter,  except as
required by the conditions of his  employment,  any  information  concerning the
business of Employer or any affiliate of Employer.

         (6) Employee agrees not to remove from the premises of Employer, except
as an  Employee  in  the  pursuit  of the  business  of  Employer  or any of its
affiliates,  or except as  specifically  permitted in writing by  Employer,  any
equipment or document  containing or reflecting any confidential  information of
Employer or any affiliate of Employer.

         b. Solicitation of Company  Employees.  Employee  recognizes and agrees
that upon  termination of employment  with  Employer,  regardless of the reason,
cause or occasion for such  termination,  Employee  will not either  directly or
indirectly  for a  period  of  three  (3)  years  next  following  the  date  of
termination  (or if this period  shall be  unenforceable  by law,  then for such
periods  as shall be  enforceable)  employ or seek to employ  any  person who is
employed by  Employer,  nor shall he induce any such person to leave  employment
with Employer.


         c. Business Opportunities.   Employee agrees that during his employment
hereunder he will not take any action that might divert from Employer
or any subsidiary or affiliate of Employer an  opportunity  that would be within
the scope of any of the present or future business thereof.

         d.  Breach.  In the  event of a breach  or  threatened  breach  of this
section 7, Employer shall be entitled to an injunction  restraining such breach;
but nothing  herein shall be construed as  prohibiting  Employer  from any other
remedy  as may be  provided  by law or in  equity,  together  with such real and
punitive  damages as may be available.  The remedies  herein shall be cumulative
one of the other and not  exclusive;  with the right of  Employer to pursue such
rights,  remedies  and  privileges  as it desires  and in such order as it might

         8. ASSIGNABILITY AND BINDING EFFECT.  This Agreement shall inure to the
benefit of and be binding upon  Employer  and Employee and their  successors and
assigns. The obligations of Employee may not be delegated,  and Employee may not
assign, transfer, pledge, encumber,  hypothecate or otherwise dispose of  any of
his rights hereunder without the prior written consent of Employer, and any such
attempted  delegation  or  disposition shall be null and void and without effect
and shall relieve Employer of any and all liability hereunder.

         9. MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION. In the event of the merger or consolidation
of Employer with any corporation or corporations,  or of the sale by Employer of
a major  portion of its assets or of its business and goodwill,  this  Agreement
may be assigned  and  transferred  to such  successor in interest as an asset of
Employer upon such assignee assuming Employer's obligations hereunder.

         10. NO CONFLICTING AGREEMENTS. Employee represents and warrants that he
is  not a  party  to  any  agreement,  contract  or  understanding,  whether  of
employment  or  otherwise,  that would in any way  restrict or prohibit him from
undertaking or performing employment in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Agreement.

         11. GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement  shall be subject to and governed by
 the laws of California.  Venue of any action arising from  or  related  to this
 Agreement shall be in Los Angeles County, California.

         12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.

         a. This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
and  contains  all of the  agreements  between the parties  with  respect to the
subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all other  agreements,  either oral
or in writing,  between the parties  hereto with  respect to the subject  matter

         b. No change or  modification  of this Agreement  shall be valid unless
the same shall be in writing and signed by Employee and  Employer.  No waiver of
any provision of this  Agreement  shall be valid unless in writing and signed by
the party or person to be charged.


         13.  SEVERABILITY.   In case  any one or more of the provisions of this
Agreement  shall  be  invalid,  illegal  or  unenforceable in any  respect,  the
validity,  legality and enforceability  of  the remaining  provisions  contained
herein shall not in any way be affected thereby.

         14. SECTION HEADINGS.  The section headings contained in this Agreement
are for reference  purposes only  and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement.

         15. NOTICES.  Any and all  notices  required  or  permitted  to be sent
hereunder  shall  be  personally  delivered or sent by certified  or  registered
mail,  return  receipt  requested,  with  postage  prepaid,  to the addresses as

If to Employer:                 Unico American Corporation
                                23251 Mulholland Drive
                                Woodland Hills, CA 91364-2732
                                Attn.: Cary L. Cheldin, Executive Vice President

If to Employee:                 Roger Platten
                                P.O. Box 8632
                                Calabasas, CA 91372

Any party may, upon written notice to the other,  change its address for receipt
of notices.

         16. INJUNCTIVE  RELIEF.  It is understood and agreed by and between the
parties hereto that the services to be rendered by the Employee  hereunder,  and
the rights and privileges granted to the Employer by the Employee hereunder, are
of a special, unique, extraordinary and intellectual character, which gives them
a  peculiar  value,  the  loss of  which  cannot  be  reasonably  or  adequately
compensated in damages in any action at law, and that a breach of this Agreement
will cause Employer great  irreparable  injury and damage.  The Employee  hereby
expressly  agrees that Employer shall be entitled to the remedies of injunction,
specific  performance  and other  equitable  relief  to  prevent a breach of the
Agreement by the Employee.  This provision shall not, however, be construed as a
waiver of any of the rights that Employer may have for damages or otherwise.

         17. ARBITRATION.

               a. Arbitrable Claims. To the fullest extent permitted by law, all
disputes  between  Employee  (and his  attorneys,  successors,  and assigns) and
Company  (and its  Affiliates,  shareholders,  directors,  officers,  employees,
agents, successors, attorneys, and assigns) relating in any manner whatsoever to
the employment or termination of Employee,  including,  without limitation,  all
disputes arising under this Agreement,  ("Arbitrable  Claims") shall be resolved
by  arbitration.  All persons and entities  specified in the preceding  sentence
(other than Company and Employee) shall be considered third-party  beneficiaries
of the rights and obligations created by this Section on Arbitration. Arbitrable
Claims shall include,  but are not limited to, contract


(express  or implied)  and  tort  claims  of  all  kinds,  as well as all claims
based on any federal,  state, or local law,  statute,  or regulation,  excepting
only  claims  under  applicable  workers'   compensation  law  and  unemployment
insurance  claims.  By way of example and not in  limitation  of the  foregoing,
Arbitrable  Claims shall  include (to the fullest  extent  permitted by law) any
claims  arising  under  Title  VII of the  Civil  Rights  Act of  1964,  the Age
Discrimination  in Employment Act, the Americans with  Disabilities Act, and the
California  Fair  Employment  and Housing  Act, as well as any claims  asserting
wrongful termination,  harassment, breach of contract, breach of the covenant of
good faith and fair dealing,  negligent or  intentional  infliction of emotional
distress, negligent or intentional  misrepresentation,  negligent or intentional
interference  with  contract  or  prospective  economic  advantage,  defamation,
invasion of privacy, and claims related to disability.

               b.  Procedure.  Arbitration  of  Arbitrable  Claims  shall  be in
accordance with the National Rules for the Resolution of Employment  Disputes of
the American Arbitration Association, in effect as of the date of this Agreement
or as amended  subsequently  thereto ("AAA Employment  Rules"),  as augmented in
this Agreement. Arbitration shall be initiated as provided by the AAA Employment
Rules,  although the written  notice to the other party  initiating  arbitration
shall also include a statement of the claim(s) asserted and the facts upon which
the claim(s) are based.  Arbitration shall be final and binding upon the parties
and shall be the exclusive  remedy for all Arbitrable  Claims.  Either party may
bring an action in court to  compel  arbitration  under  this  Agreement  and to
enforce an  arbitration  award.  Otherwise,  neither  party shall  initiate  nor
prosecute  any  lawsuit  or  administrative  action  in any way  related  to any
Arbitrable  Claim.  All  arbitration  hearings  under  this  Agreement  shall be
conducted in Los Angeles County,  California. The interpretation and enforcement
of this agreement to arbitrate  shall be governed by the California  Arbitration

              c. Arbitrator Selection.  All disputes involving Arbitrable Claims
shall be decided by a single  arbitrator.  The  arbitrator  shall be selected by
mutual agreement of the parties within thirty (30) days of the effective date of
the  notice  initiating  the  arbitration.  If the  parties  cannot  agree on an
arbitrator,  then  the  complaining  party  shall  notify  the AAA  and  request
selection of an arbitrator in accordance with the AAA Employment Rules.

              d. Authority Of Arbitrator,  Discovery And  Arbitration  Fees. The
arbitrator  shall have  exclusive  authority to resolve all  Arbitrable  Claims,
including,  but not limited to, any claim that all or any part of this Agreement
is  void  or  unenforceable.  Parties  to  arbitration  proceedings  under  this
Agreement  shall have the right to conduct  discovery  utilizing  all  discovery
procedures  available  in  civil  actions  brought  in  the  Superior  Court  of
California. The arbitrator shall have authority to enforce all rights, remedies,
procedures,  duties,  liabilities and  obligations  arising under said discovery
procedures  and to impose all  sanctions and penalties as can be imposed in like
circumstances in a civil action brought in the Superior Court of California. The
arbitrator  shall issue a written  decision  and shall have  authority  to award
equitable relief,  money damages,


costs, and reasonable  attorney's fees to the greatest extent  permitted by law,
including, but not limited to, any remedy or relief available in a civil action.
The fees of the arbitrator and all expenses of the arbitration  shall be paid by
Company.  Each  party  shall  pay  his/its  own attorney's fees unless otherwise
provided by law.

         18. ATTORNEYS' FEES.   Should  any litigation be commenced  between the
parties  hereto or their  personal  representatives  to enforce any provision of
this  Agreement  or the rights and  duties of any  person in  relation  thereto,
including the right to arbitrate,  the prevailing party in such litigation shall
be entitled, in addition to such other relief as may be granted, to a reasonable
sum as and for their or his attorneys'  fees in such litigation or in a separate
action brought for that purpose.

         19. EMPLOYEE  ACKNOWLEDGMENT.  Employee  hereby  acknowledges  that  he
has  read  this  Agreement  and understands  the  provisions  contained  herein.
Employee further acknowledges that he has been advised to seek independent legal
and tax advice with regard to the matters set forth herein.

         20. REVOCATION.   Concurrently  with  the  execution of this Agreement,
Employee and Company have executed an Agreement to Modify Employment and General
Release of All Claims  ("Release").  Paragraph 6(g) of the Release provides that
Employee  "shall have a period of seven (7) days following the execution of this
[Release]  to  revoke  this  [Release]  and it shall  not  become  effective  or
enforceable until the revocation period has expired." In the event that Employee
revokes the Release  within the seven (7) day period  referred to therein,  this
New Employment Agreement shall be deemed to have been concurrently revoked.

DATED:  December 21, 2000         \s\Roger Platten
                                  Roger Platten, Employee

                                  UNICO AMERICAN CORPORATION

                                  By: /s/ Erwin Cheldin
                                  Erwin Cheldin, President
