(RULE 14A-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the registrant  [X]
Filed by a party other than the registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary proxy statement.             [ ]  Confidential, for use of the
                                                   Commission only (as permitted
                                                   by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)).
[X]  Definitive proxy statement.
[ ]  Definitive additional materials.
[ ]  Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12.

                           UNICO AMERICAN CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

     Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
calculated and state how it was determined):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5) Total fee paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1) Amount Previously Paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3) Filing Party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4) Date Filed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           UNICO AMERICAN CORPORATION
                             23251 Mulholland Drive
                      Woodland Hills, California 91364-2732



                         To Be Held Friday, May 31, 2002

Dear Shareholder:

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of shareholders of Unico
American Corporation (the "Company") to be held at the Woodland Hills Hilton and
Towers at Warner Center, 6360 Canoga Avenue, Woodland Hills, California 91367,
at 2:00 p.m. local time, to consider and act upon the following matters:

   1.  The election of seven (7) directors to hold office until the next annual
       meeting of shareholders and thereafter until their successors are elected
       and qualified; and

   2.  The transaction of such other business as may properly be brought before
       the meeting.

The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on April 12, 2002, as the
record date for the determination of shareholders who will be entitled to notice
of and to vote at the meeting. The voting rights of the shareholders are
described in the Proxy Statement.


                                    By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                    /s/ Erwin Cheldin
                                    Erwin Cheldin
                                    Chairman of the Board, President, and
                                    Chief Executive Officer

                                    Woodland Hills, California
                                    April 16, 2002

                           UNICO AMERICAN CORPORATION

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                  May 31, 2002

This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies
by the Board of Directors of Unico American Corporation, a Nevada corporation
(the "Company"), for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to
be held at the Woodland Hills Hilton and Towers at Warner Center, 6360 Canoga
Avenue, Woodland Hills, California 91367 on May 31, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. local
time. Accompanying this Proxy Statement is a proxy card, which you may use to
indicate your vote as to each of the proposals described in this Proxy

All proxies that are properly completed, signed, and returned to the Company
prior to the Annual Meeting, and which have not been revoked, will be voted. A
shareholder may revoke his or her proxy at any time before it is voted either by
filing with the Secretary of the Company at its principal executive offices a
written notice of revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date, or
by appearing in person at the Annual Meeting and expressing a desire to vote his
or her shares in person.

The close of business on April 12, 2002, has been fixed as the record date for
the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof. As of the record date, the Company
had outstanding 5,484,533 shares of common stock, the only outstanding voting
securities of the Company. For each share held on the record date, a shareholder
is entitled to one vote on all matters to be considered at the Annual Meeting.
The Company's Articles of Incorporation do not provide for cumulative voting.
Directors are elected by a plurality of the votes cast and abstentions and
broker non-votes are counted for the purposes of determining the existence of a
quorum at the meeting, but not for purposes of determining the results of the

The Company will bear the cost of the Annual Meeting and the cost of soliciting
proxies, including the cost of preparing, assembling and mailing the proxy
material. In addition to solicitation by mail, officers and other employees of
the Company may solicit proxies by telephone, facsimile, or personal contact
without additional compensation.

The Company's principal executive offices are located at 23251 Mulholland Drive,
Woodland Hills, California 91364-2732. The approximate mailing date of this
Proxy Statement and the Company's proxy card is April 16, 2002.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
The Company's By-Laws provide for a range of three to eleven directors and allow
the Board of Directors to set the exact number of authorized directors within
that range. The current number of authorized directors established by the Board
of Directors is eight (8). There is a vacancy on the Board of Directors and the
Board has determined not to nominate any person to fill such vacancy at this
time. Directors are elected at each Annual Meeting of Shareholders to serve
thereafter until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. Each
nominee is currently a director, having served in that capacity since the date
indicated in the following table. All nominees have advised the Company that
they are able and willing to serve as directors. If any nominee refuses or is
unable to serve (an event which is not anticipated), the persons named in the
accompanying proxy card will vote for another person nominated by the Board of
Directors, provided, however, that the proxies cannot be voted for a greater
number of persons than seven. Unless otherwise directed in the accompanying
proxy card, the persons named therein will vote FOR the election of the seven
nominees listed in the following table.


The following table provides certain information as of April 12, 2002, for each
person named for election as a director, which includes all executive officers
of the Company:
                            Present Position with Company or            Elected
Name                   Age  Principal Occupation and Prior History      Director
- ----                   ---  --------------------------------------      --------
Erwin Cheldin          70   President, Chief Executive Officer and        1969
                            Director since 1969.  Chairman of the
                            Board since 1987.

Cary L. Cheldin        45   Executive Vice President since 1991.  Vice    1986
                            President 1986 to 1991 and Secretary 1987
                            to 1991.

Lester A. Aaron, CPA   56   Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer since   1985
                            1985.  Secretary 1991 to 1992.

George C. Gilpatrick   57   Vice President,  Management  Information      1985
                            Systems, since 1981. Secretary since 1992.

David A. Lewis, CPCU   80   Director.  Retired  insurance  executive      1989
                            with over 40 years insurance experience.
                            The last 27 years were with the
                            Transamerica Group of insurance companies.

Warren D. Orloff       67   Retired actuary with over 40 years'           2001
                            experience specializing in retirement
                            plans.  From 1990 until retiring in 1997,
                            he was an independent actuarial consultant
                            for pension administration firms.  He is a
                            Fellow of Society of Actuaries, Fellow of
                            Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and
                            member of Academy of Actuaries.

Donald B. Urfrig       60   Consulting engineer in the areas of project   2001
                            management and integrated product
                            development since 1996.  In addition, he is
                            also a private investor and owner of
                            commercial and agricultural businesses for
                            the past 30 years.  From 1963 to 1996
                            worked in the aerospace industry in both
                            technical and management positions.

Except for Cary Cheldin, who is the son of Erwin Cheldin, none of the executive
officers or directors of the Company are related to any other officer or
director of the Company. The executive officers of the Company are elected by
the Board of Directors and serve at the pleasure of the Board. Cary Cheldin's
employment agreement with the Company expired on December 1, 2001, and was not
renewed. That agreement provided for a base salary of $330,000 per year with no
required cost of living adjustments and a mandatory bonus if the Company's net
income before taxes for any calendar year is equal to or greater than
$4,000,000. However, the Board of Directors had the discretion to decrease the
amount of his mandatory bonus.

During the year ended December 31, 2001, the Company's Board of Directors held
one meeting at which all directors were present. Non-management directors
receive $1,000 for each board meeting they attend and $1,000 for each quarter
for committee meetings. All incumbent directors attended 75% or more of the
combined total meetings of the Board of Directors and the committees on which
they served.

The Board of Directors has established an Audit Committee presently consisting
of David A. Lewis, Warren D. Orloff and Donald B. Urfrig. The Audit Committee of
the Board of Directors is responsible for coordinating matters with the outside
independent auditors and reviewing internal and external accounting controls.
The Audit Committee met four times during the year ended December 31, 2001, and
held one meeting subsequent to the year ended December 31, 2001, to discuss
accounting and financial statement matters related to the year ended December
31, 2001. Mr. Lewis, Mr. Orloff and Mr. Urfrig are independent as defined in the
rules of National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) listing standards.

The Board of Directors has also established a Compensation Committee presently
consisting of Messrs. Cary Cheldin, Aaron, and Orloff. Mr. Orloff joined the
Committee on March 4, 2002, filling the vacancy created on June 1, 2001, when
David Driscoll left the Board of Directors.


This Committee considers and recommends to the Board of Directors compensation
for executive officers. The Compensation Committee held one meeting during the
year ended December 31, 2001. The Company does not have a nominating committee
of the Board of Directors.

The following table sets forth, as of April 12, 2002, the names and holdings of
all persons who are known by the Company to own beneficially more than 5% of its
outstanding common stock, its only class of outstanding voting securities, and
the beneficial ownership of such securities held by each Director, nominee for
Director, and all Executive Officers and Directors as a group. Unless otherwise
indicated, the Company believes that each of the persons and entities set forth
below has the sole power to vote and dispose of the shares listed opposite his
or its name.
                                      Amount Beneficially Owned
                                                (1)                        (1)
                                              Options                    Percent
                                 Without     Currently                     Of
Name of Beneficial Owner         Options    Exercisable    Total          Class
- ------------------------         -------    -----------    -----          -----
Certain Beneficial Owners
- -------------------------
Erwin Cheldin                   2,300,400             0   2,300,400        41.9%
23251 Mulholland Drive,
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Dimensional Fund Advisors,
Inc. (2)                          482,800                   482,800         8.8%
1299 Ocean Avenue,
Santa Monica, CA 90401

General Re Corporation (3)        432,092                   432,092         7.9%
695 East Main Street,
Stamford, CT 06904

Wellington Management
Co., LLP (4)                      425,000                   425,000         7.7%
75 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109

FMR Corp. (5)                     309,000                   309,000         5.6%
82 Devonshire Street,
Boston, MA 02109

Executive Officers, Directors, and Nominees for Director
- --------------------------------------------------------
Erwin Cheldin                   2,300,400             0   2,300,400        41.9%
Cary L. Cheldin                   202,760             0     202,760         3.7%
Lester A. Aaron                   150,171             0     150,171         2.7%
George C. Gilpatrick              122,717             0     122,717         2.2%
David A. Lewis                      3,000             0       3,000         0.1%
Warren D. Orloff                        0             0           0         0.0%
Donald B. Urfrig                   20,000             0      20,000         0.4%

All executive officers &
directors as a group
(7 persons)                     2,799,048             0   2,799,048        51.0%

  (1)  Includes for each person or group, shares issuable upon exercise of
       presently exercisable options or options exercisable within 60 days held
       by such person or group.
  (2)  Per Schedule 13G dated January 30, 2002.
  (3)  Per Schedule 13G dated April 25, 1997.
  (4)  Per Schedule 13G dated February 14, 2002. Of the 425,000 shares
       beneficially owned, Wellington Management Company, LLP, does not have
       sole voting power over the shares, has shared voting power over 375,000
       shares, and has shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of
  (5)  Per Schedule 13G dated February 14, 2000. Of the 309,000 shares
       beneficially owned, FRM Corp. does not have sole or shared voting power
       over the shares, and has sole power to dispose or to direct the
       disposition of 309,000 shares.



Summary of Executive Compensation
- ---------------------------------
The following table sets forth information for years ended December 31, 2001,
2000, and 1999 as to executive compensation paid to the chief executive officer
and the other four most highly compensated executive officers of the Company for
the year ended December 31, 2001.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                      Annual Compensation
                                      -------------------          All Other
                                          Salary      Bonus     Compensation (*)
Name and Principal Position      Year       ($)        ($)           ($)
- ---------------------------      ----     -------    -------        ------
Erwin Cheldin                    2001     431,375          -        35,000
 President, Chief Executive      2000     431,375          -        30,000
 Officer and Chairman of the     1999     431,375     50,000        30,000

Cary L. Cheldin                  2001     330,000     25,000        35,000
 Executive Vice President        2000     330,000     32,500        30,000
                                 1999     330,000     65,000        30,000

Lester A. Aaron                  2001     171,000     40,000        35,000
 Treasurer and Chief             2000     170,000     40,000        30,000
 Financial Officer               1999     160,000     45,000        30,000

George C. Gilpatrick             2001     165,000     40,000        35,000
 Vice President and              2000     165,000     40,000        30,000
 Secretary                       1999     159,355     45,000        30,000

     (*) Represents amounts contributed or accrued to the person's account under
         the Company's Profit Sharing Plan, and for 1999, 2000 and 2001, the
         Company's Money Purchase Plan, all of which is vested. During the years
         1999 and 2000, the amount contributed to each executive officer's
         account under the Profit Sharing Plan and Money Purchase Plan was
         $24,000 and $6,000, respectively. During the year 2001 the amount
         contributed to each executive officer's account under the Profit
         Sharing Plan and Money Purchase Plan was $25,500 and $9,500,
         respectively. The Company's Profit Sharing Plan and Money Purchase Plan
         have a March 31 fiscal year end. See "Retirement Plans."

Roger H. Platten resigned as an officer and director of the Company effective
December 21, 2000. In connection with his resignation, he entered into a new
employment agreement with the Company pursuant to which he rendered services
through December 31, 2001 for an annual base salary of $200,000 plus a
guaranteed bonus of $30,000. In addition, in January 2001, the Company purchased
from Mr. Platten 65,000 shares of common stock of the Company owned by him for
an aggregate purchase price of $422,500.

Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year
- -------------------------------------
No stock options or stock appreciation rights were granted to any executive
officer during the year ended December 31, 2001.

Stock Plans
- -----------
                           Incentive Stock Option Plan
On March 29, 1985, the Board of Directors unanimously adopted the Unico American
Corporation Employee Incentive Stock Option Plan (the "1985 Plan"), which was
approved by the shareholders of the Company in January 1986. The 1985 Plan
provides for the grant of "incentive stock options" as defined in Section 422 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to key employees of the Company (including
officers, whether or not they are directors of the Company) and its
subsidiaries. Directors who are not also employees of the Company are not
eligible to participate in the 1985 Plan. The 1985 Plan includes an aggregate of
1,500,000 of the Company's Common Stock. The 1985 Plan expired in March 1995,
and as of December 31, 1997, there were no options available for future grant.
Under the terms of the Plan, options were required to be granted at exercise
prices of


not less than 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the
date the option was granted. In the case of grants of options to employees
owning over 10% of the voting stock of the Company, the exercise price was
required to be not less than 110% of the fair market value of the Common Stock
on the date of grant. The 1985 Plan is administered by the Board of Directors or
a committee thereof, which had the authority to determine the optionees, the
number of shares to be covered by each option, the time during which each option
is exercisable and certain other terms of the options. An option may not be
exercised later than ten years from the date of grant and may sooner expire
upon, among other things, the death, disability or other termination of the
employment of the optionee by the Company. Options granted to employees owning
over 10% of the voting stock of the Company could not be exercised later than
five years from the date of grant.

                             1999 Omnibus Stock Plan
The Company's 1999 Omnibus Stock Plan (the "1999 Plan") that covers 500,000
shares of the Company's common stock (subject to adjustment in the case of stock
splits, reverse stock splits, stock dividends, etc.) was adopted by the Board of
Directors in March 1999 and approved by shareholders on June 4, 1999. The 1999
Plan is divided into a Stock Option Program under which eligible persons may be
granted options to purchase shares of common stock, a Stock Appreciation Program
under which eligible persons may be granted the right to receive a payment in
the form of cash, stock or a combination of the foregoing and a Restricted Stock
Program under which eligible persons may be issued shares of common stock
directly either through an immediate purchase or as a bonus. The 1999 Plan and
each Program are administered by the Board of Directors or a committee
authorized by the Board and consisting of at least two directors each of whom is
not an officer or employee of the Company and meets the qualifications set forth
in Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Presently, the 1999 Plan is being administered by the Board of Directors.

Employees, consultants, advisors and directors of the Company are eligible to
participate in the 1999 Plan. However, only employees are entitled to receive
"incentive stock options" (as provided in Section 422 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended) under the Stock Option Program. Under the Stock Option
Program, both incentive stock options and options which do not qualify as
incentive stock options may be granted. The term of an option may not exceed ten
years (or five years in the case of the grant of an incentive stock option to a
holder of more than ten percent (10%) of the outstanding common stock). The
exercise price per share of common stock under an option may not be less than
the fair market value of the common stock on the date of the option grant. In
the case of the grant of an incentive stock option to a holder of more than 10%
of the outstanding common stock, the exercise price may not be less than 110% of
the fair market value of the common stock on the date of the option grant. Under
the Stock Appreciation Program, stock appreciation rights may be granted
separately or in tandem with a stock option. Stock appreciation rights entitle
the holder thereof to receive upon exercise of such right without payment to the
Company an amount which is not greater than the fair market value of a share of
common stock on the date of exercise of the stock appreciation right over the
fair market value of a share of common stock on the date of grant of the stock
appreciation right. Under the Restricted Stock Program, the Company may issue
shares of its common stock directly to eligible persons for consideration
consisting of cash, notes or past services rendered by the recipient. The
purchase price of the shares may not be less than the fair market value of the
Company's common stock on the date of issue. If a recipient terminates his or
her employment or other arrangements with the Company before the shares are
fully vested, then the recipient is required to surrender to the Company for
cancellation all unvested shares and the Company must repay the recipient cash
or cash equivalent consideration paid by him or her for those unvested shares
and cancel the unpaid principal balance, if any, on any promissory notes
attributable to surrender the shares.

In the event of a "change of control event" as defined in the 1999 Plan, all
unvested options, stock appreciation rights and restricted stock issuances will
immediately become exercisable or vest, as the case may be. The 1999 Plan
administrator may override the acceleration of these rights either in the
agreement setting forth those rights or prior to the Change of Control Event. A
Change of Control Event occurs if (a) more than twenty percent (20%) of the
Company's common stock or combined voting power is acquired by a person or
entity other than Mr. Erwin Cheldin, the Company or an employee benefit plan of
the Company, but not including any acquisition directly from the Company; (b) a
majority of the Company's Board of Directors ceases to consist of the present
directors or persons whose election or nomination was approved by a majority of
the then incumbent Board of Directors (excluding any director who assumes his or
her position as a result of an actual or threatened proxy contest); (c) the
Company is reorganized, merged or consolidated into another entity; or (d) the
shareholders approve the liquidation or dissolution of the Company or the sale
of all or substantially all of its assets; unless with respect to (c) or (d),
after the event more than eighty percent (80%) of the common stock or the
outstanding voting securities of the Company, the surviving company or the
company that purchases the Company's assets is still held by


persons who were formerly the shareholders of the Company, and no person or
entity other than Mr.Erwin Cheldin, the Company, any employee benefit plan of
the Company or the resulting company or a twenty percent (20%) shareholder prior
to the transaction holds more then twenty percent (20%) of such company's common
stock or combined voting power.

All outstanding options, stock appreciation rights and/or unvested stock
issuances under the 1999 Plan will terminate upon consummation of (a) a
dissolution of the Company or (b) in case no provision has been made for the
survival, substitution, exchange or other settlement of any outstanding option,
stock appreciation rights and/or unvested stock issuances, a merger or
consolidation of the Company with another corporation in which the shareholders
of the Company immediately prior to the merger will own less than a majority of
the outstanding voting securities of the surviving corporation after the merger,
or a sale of all or substantially all of the assets and business of the Company
to another corporation.

                                             AGGREGATED OPTION / SAR EXERCISED IN LAST FISCAL YEAR AND
                                                           FY-END OPTION/SAR VALUES

                                                                  Number of Securities            Value of Unexercised
                                                                 Underlying Unexercised               in-the-Money
                                                                     Options/SARs                    Options/SARs
                                  Shares                         At Fiscal Year End (#)         At Fiscal Year End ($)
                                 Acquired         Value           ---------------------         ---------------------
                               on Exercise       Realized             Exercisable/                    Exercisable/
Name                               (#)             ($)               Unexercisable                   Unexercisable
- ----                              ------         -------             -------------                   -------------
Erwin Cheldin                          0               0             0             0                 0             0
Cary L. Cheldin                        0               0             0             0                 0             0
Lester A. Aaron                   45,000         146,250             0             0                 0             0
George C. Gilpatrick              14,860          48,295             0             0                 0             0

Retirement Plans
- ----------------
                               Profit Sharing Plan
During the fiscal year ended March 31, 1986, the Company adopted the Unico
American Corporation Profit Sharing Plan. Company employees who are at least 21
years of age and have been employed by the Company for at least two years are
participants in such Plan. Pursuant to the terms of such Plan, the Company
annually contributes for the account of each participant an amount equal to a
percentage of the participant's eligible compensation as determined by the Board
of Directors. Participants must be employed by the Company on the last day of
the plan year to be eligible for contribution. Participants are entitled to
receive distribution of benefits under the Plan upon retirement, termination of
employment, death or disability.

                               Money Purchase Plan
During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company adopted the Unico American
Corporation Money Purchase Plan. This plan covers the present executive officers
of the Company; namely Lester A. Aaron, Cary L. Cheldin, Erwin Cheldin, and
George C. Gilpatrick. The plan also covered Roger H. Platten, a former employee
and former executive officer of the Company, for the plan year ending March 31,
2001. Pursuant to the terms of such Plan, the Company annually contributes for
the account of each participant an amount equal to a percentage of the
participant's eligible compensation as determined by the Board of Directors.
However, amounts contributed to the Unico American Corporation Profit Sharing
Plan will be considered first in determining the actual amount available under
the Internal Revenue Service maximum contribution limits. Participants must be
employed by the Company on the last day of the plan year to be eligible for
contribution. Participants are entitled to receive distribution of benefits
under the Plan upon retirement, termination of employment, death or disability.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and
Insider Participation in Compensation Decisions
- -----------------------------------------------
The Compensation Committee consists of the following Company directors: Cary L.
Cheldin, Lester A. Aaron, and Warren D. Orloff. Cary Cheldin is the son of Erwin
Cheldin, the President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board. Mr.
Orloff joined the Committee on March 4, 2002, filling the vacancy created on
June 1, 2001, when David Driscoll left the Board of Directors. During the year
ended December 31, 2001, Cary Cheldin was the Executive Vice President of the
Company and Mr. Aaron was Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of the Company.


Executive Compensation Committee Report
- ---------------------------------------
The Company's compensation package for executive officers primarily consists of
a base salary, an annual incentive bonus, long-term incentive or non-cash awards
in the form of stock options, and contributions under the Profit Sharing and
Money Purchase Plans. The executive compensation program is designed to retain
and reward individuals who are capable of leading the Company in achieving its
business objectives. The Compensation Committee submits its recommendation to
the entire Board of Directors. The philosophy of the Compensation Committee is
to maintain a competitive base salary for executive officers and to provide an
incentive program that rewards executive officers for achieving certain
financial results. Base compensation is determined on a calendar year basis and
other incentives are determined when deemed appropriate.

When determining base compensation for the executive officers, the Committee
takes into account competitive pay levels in the industry with its emphasis on
the median of the survey data. The Committee recommends adjustments to base
compensation when it determines that an executive officer's base compensation is
not competitive.

When determining bonuses for the executive officers, the Committee first
evaluates, and gives primary weight to, the operational and financial
performance of the executive management team, including the chief executive
officer, as a group. After the team results are determined, individual
effectiveness in contributing to the achievement of those results is considered.
The financial results, which are reviewed by the Committee, include the
Company's net income, revenues and expenses.

The Committee's base compensation review determined that the base salary for the
chief executive officer was within a competitive range of others in the
industry. Although the Committee recommended that the chief executive officer
receive no change in base compensation for the calendar years 2000 and 2001; it
recommended that his base salary be reduced to $300,000 for 2002. The Committee
has determined that this new base salary is still in a competitive range of
others in the industry.

The Committee's bonus review considered and evaluated the decrease in earnings
and revenues since December 31, 2000, and determined that although the chief
executive officer contributed to maintaining profitable business for the Company
in an intensely competitive marketplace, no bonus should be paid to him for the
year ended December 31, 2001. The committee also recommended that the aggregate
bonuses paid to all other executive officers for the year ended December 31,
2001, remain approximately the same as the prior year.

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, enacted as part of the Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA), limits to $1,000,000 the deductibility
for any year beginning after December 31, 1993, of compensation paid by a public
corporation to the chief executive officer and the next four most highly
compensated executive officers unless such compensation is performance based
within the meaning of Section 162(m) and the regulations thereunder. For the
year ended December 31, 2001, the Company does not contemplate that there will
be nondeductible compensation for the five Company positions in question.

                                                 THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                                                 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                 Cary L. Cheldin
                                                 Lester A. Aaron


Report of the Audit Committee
- -----------------------------
Neither the following report of the Audit Committee nor any other information
included in this Proxy Statement pursuant to Item 7(d)(3) of Schedule 14A
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or pursuant to Rule 306 of
Regulation S-K constitutes "soliciting material" and none of such information
should be deemed to be "filed" with the Securities and Exchange Commission or
incorporated by reference into any other filing of the Company under the
Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the
extent that the Company specifically incorporates such information by reference
in any of those filings.

Management is responsible for the Company's financial reporting process
including its system of internal control, and for the preparation of
consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles. The Company's independent auditors are responsible for
auditing those financial statements. Our responsibility is to monitor and review
these processes. It is not our duty or our responsibility to conduct auditing or
accounting reviews or procedures. We are not employees of the Company and we may
not be, and we may not represent ourselves to be or to serve as, accountants or
auditors by profession or experts in the fields of accounting or auditing.
Therefore, we have relied, without independent verification, on management's
representation that the financial statements have been prepared with integrity
and objectivity and in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States of America and on the representations of the independent
auditors included in their report on the Company's financial statements. Our
oversight does not provide us with an independent basis to determine that
management has maintained appropriate accounting and financial reporting
principles or policies, or appropriate internal controls and procedures designed
to assure compliance with accounting standards and applicable laws and
regulations. Furthermore, our considerations and discussions with management and
the independent auditors do not assure that the Company's financial statements
are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, that
the audit of our Company's financial statements has been carried out in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards or that our company's
independent accountants are in fact "independent."

The Audit Committee has a written charter.

The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements
of the Company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001, with the Company's

The Audit Committee has discussed with KPMG LLP the matters required to be
discussed pursuant to Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Codification of
Statements on Auditing Standards, AU ss.380). Additionally, the Audit Committee
has received from KPMG LLP the written disclosures and the letter required by
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1, (Independence Discussions with
Audit Committees). The Audit Committee also has discussed with KPMG LLP matters
relating to their independence.

Based on the review and discussions described above, the Audit Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors of the Company that the audited financial
statements of the Company be included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2001.

                                                 Members of the Audit Committee:

                                                 David L. Lewis
                                                 Warren D. Orloff
                                                 Donald B. Urfrig

Performance Graph
- -----------------
The following graph compares the cumulative total shareholder return on the
Company's Common Stock with the cumulative total return of equity securities
traded on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
System (NASDAQ) and a peer group consisting of all NASDAQ property and casualty
companies. The comparison assumes $100.00 was invested on March 31, 1996, in the
Company's Common Stock and in each of the comparison groups, and assumes
reinvestment of dividends. It should be noted that this graph represents
historical stock price performance and is not necessarily indicative of any
future stock price performance.


                     12/31/96  12/31/97  12/31/98  12/31/99  12/31/00  12/31/01
                     --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Unico American Corp.  $100.0     116.2     106.9      66.7      57.4      52.7
NASDAQ Market Index   $100.0     122.5     172.7     320.9     193.0     153.1
Peer Group Index      $100.0     151.9     126.6      97.5     126.6     130.3

                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS
The Company presently occupies a 46,000 square foot building located at 23251
Mulholland Drive, Woodland Hills, California, under a master lease expiring
March 31, 2007. The lease provides for an annual gross rental of $1,025,952.
Erwin Cheldin, the Company's president, chairman and principal shareholder, is
the owner of the building. On February 22, 1995, the Company signed an extension
to the lease with no increase in rent to March 31, 2007. The Company believes
that the terms of the lease at inception and at the time the lease extension was
signed were at least as favorable to the Company as could have been obtained
from unaffiliated third parties.

Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
directors and executive officers, and persons who own more than 10% of a
registered class of the Company's equity securities, to file with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities of the Company.
Executive officers, directors and greater than 10% beneficial owners are
required by regulation of the SEC to furnish the Company with copies of all
Section 16(a) forms they file. To the Company's knowledge, based solely on
review of copies of such reports furnished to the Company and written
representations that no other reports were required during the year ended
December 31, 2001, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its
executive officers, directors and greater than 10% beneficial owners were
complied with except by both Messrs. Orloff and Urfrig who inadvertently did not
timely file a Form 3 after being elected directors in June 2001 and by Erwin
Cheldin who inadvertently did not timely file three reports on Form 4 covering
an aggregate of three transactions, two of which were for years prior to the
year ended December 31, 2001.

                             APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS
The Company has selected KPMG LLP, independent accountants, to continue as the
Company's auditors and to audit the books and other records of the Company for
the year ending December 31, 2002. A representative of


KPMG LLP is expected to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Such
representative will have the opportunity to make a statement and will be
available to respond to appropriate questions.

Audit Fees
- ----------
The aggregate fees billed by KPMG LLP for professional services rendered for the
audit of the Company's financial statements for the fiscal year ended December
31, 2001, and for the reviews of the financial statements included in the
Company's Form 10-Qs for that fiscal year were $120,904.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees
- ------------------------------------------------------------
The Company was not billed any fees for professional services described in
Paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X rendered by KPMG LLP for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2001.

All Other Fees
- --------------
The aggregate fees billed for services rendered by KPMG LLP (other than for the
services described above under the headings "Audit Fees" and "Financial
Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees" above) for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2000, were $40,000. These fees consisted of $21,000 for
professional services with respect to the Company's income tax returns for the
year ended December 31, 2000; $5000 for professional services for auditing the
Company's Pension Plan; and $14,000 for actuarial services rendered with respect
to the Company's loss reserves.

The Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of services other than
those described above under the heading "Audit Fees" are compatible with
maintaining the independence of KPMG LLP.

                                  OTHER MATTERS
The Board of Directors is not aware of any business to be presented at the
Annual Meeting except for the matters set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting
and described in this Proxy Statement. Unless otherwise directed, all shares
represented by proxy holders will be voted in favor of the proposals described
in this Proxy Statement. If any other matters come before the Annual Meeting,
the proxy holders will vote on those matters using their best judgment.

                             SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS
Shareholders desiring to exercise their right under the proxy rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission to submit proposals for consideration by the
shareholders at the 2003 Annual Meeting are advised that their proposals must be
received by the Company no later than December 17, 2002, for inclusion in the
Company's Proxy Statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting. If a
shareholder intends to present a proposal at the 2003 Annual Meeting but does
not seek inclusion of that proposal in the Proxy Statement for that meeting, the
holders of proxies for that meeting will be entitled to exercise their
discretionary authority on that proposal if the Company does not have notice of
the proposal by March 3, 2003.

                          ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS
The Company's 2001 Annual Report on Form 10-K includes financial statements for
the year ended December 31, 2001, the year ended December 31, 2000, and the year
ended December 31, 1999, and is being mailed to the shareholders along with this
Proxy Statement. The Form 10-K is not to be considered a part of the soliciting

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                     /s/ Erwin Cheldin
                                     Erwin Cheldin
                                     Chairman of the Board, President
                                     and Chief Executive Officer

                                     Woodland Hills, California
                                     April 16, 2002


                          OF UNICO AMERICAN CORPORATION

The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints LESTER A. AARON and CARY L.
CHELDIN, and each of them, with full power of substitution, the proxies of the
undersigned to represent the undersigned and vote all shares of common stock of
UNICO AMERICAN CORPORATION (the "Company"), which the undersigned would be
entitled to vote if personally present at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to
be held at the Woodland Hills Hilton and Towers at Warner Center, 6360 Canoga
Avenue, Woodland Hills, California 91367, on May 31, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. local
time and at any adjournments thereof, with respect to the matters described in
the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement,
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, in the following manner.

1.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS  [ ] FOR all nominees listed  [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
                               (except as marked to the     to vote all nominees
                                contrary below)             listed below



2.  IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR BEST JUDGMENT, with respect to any other matters
    which may properly come before the meeting and any adjournment or
    adjournments thereof.

                      Please sign and date on reverse side.

DIRECTED HEREIN. When this proxy is properly executed and returned, the shares
it represents will be voted at the Annual Meeting in accordance with the choices

                       DATED:___________________________________________, 2002


                                                    (Signature if jointly held)

                       Please date and sign exactly as your name or names
                       appear herein.  If more than one owner, all should sign.
                       When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
                       trustee or guardian, give your full title as such. If
                       the signatory is a corporation or partnership, sign the
                       full corporate or partnership name by its duly authorized
                       officer or partner.