Washington, DC 20549

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

  For the quarterly period ended                     December 26, 1993

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

  For the transition period from                       to

  Commission File Number                       1-10542

                                   UNIFI, INC.
               (Exact name of registrant as specified its charter)

           New York                                       11-2165495
  (State or other jurisdiction of                     (I.R.S. Employer
   incorporation or organization)                      Identification No.)

  P.O. Box 19109 - 7201 West Friendly Road
  Greensboro, NC                                             27419
  (Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip Code)

                                (910) 294-4410
               (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)
               (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                          if changed since last report)

  Indicate by  check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has  filed all  reports
  required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
  1934 during the  preceding 12  months (or  for such  shorter period  that the
  registrant was required to  file such reports), and  (2) has been  subject to
  such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes  X    No


  Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's class of
  common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

            Class                          Outstanding at December 26, 1993
  Common Stock, par value $.10 per share          70,481,937 Shares

                             UNIFI, INC.
                Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets

                                                         Dec 26,     Jun 27,
                                                          1993         1993
                                                       (Unaudited)  (Audited)
		                                                     (Amounts in Thousands)

  Current Assets:
   Cash and Cash Equivalents                             $44,221    $76,093
   Short-Term Investments                                $85,680   $119,848
   Accounts Receivable, Net                             $163,475   $200,678
     Raw Material/Supplies                               $32,749    $41,498
     Work in Process                                      11,619     13,181
     Finished Goods                                       50,680     50,295
                                                         $95,048   $104,974
   Prepaid Expenses/Deposits                              $3,269     $3,321
         Total Current Assets                           $391,693   $504,914
  Property, Plant and Equipment, Net                     513,941    468,291
  Investments in Affiliates                               10,053     11,040
  Other Assets                                            33,937     33,204
         Total Assets                                   $949,624 $1,017,449

  Current Liabilities:
   Notes Payable                                          $5,165     $4,664
   Accounts Payable                                       58,017    121,492
   Accrued Expenses                                       41,657     45,179
   Income Taxes                                           10,832     13,364
         Total Current Liabilities                      $115,671   $184,699
  Long-Term Debt                                        $230,000   $250,241
  Deferred Income Taxes                                  $28,691    $36,956
  Shareholders' Equity
   Common Stock                                           $7,048     $7,034
   Capital in Excess of Par                              201,536    196,133
   Retained Earnings                                     372,877    348,821
   Cumulative Translation Adjustment                     (6,108)    (5,515)
   Reserve for Investments                                  (91)      (920)
         Total Shareholders' Equity                     $575,262   $545,553
         Total Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity     $949,624 $1,017,449
  See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements

                                   UNIFI, INC.
                   Consolidated Condensed Statements of Income

                                   For the Quarter Ended For the 6 Months Ended
                                    Dec 26,     Dec 27,      Dec 26,   Dec 27,
                                      1993       1992         1993     1992
                                   (Amounts in Thousands Except Per Share Data)

  Net Sales                          $351,516   $347,591   $676,871   $681,097

  Cost and Expenses:
   Cost of Goods Sold                $298,952   $281,536   $578,582   $556,175
   Selling, General &                  10,185     10,144     19,758     18,750
     Administrative Expense
   Interest Expense                     4,186      8,176      9,279     14,331
   Interest Income                    (2,007)    (4,677)    (4,720)    (7,475)
   Other (Income) Expense               (268)        133       (64)      (538)
                                     $311,048   $295,312   $602,835   $581,243

  Income Before Income Taxes          $40,468    $52,279    $74,036    $99,854

  Provision for Income Taxes           16,107     19,405     29,863     37,269

  Net Income                          $24,361    $32,874    $44,173    $62,585

  Per Share Data:
   Primary                              $0.34      $0.47      $0.62      $0.89
   Fully Diluted                        $0.34      $0.45      $0.61      $0.86

  Cash Dividends Per Share              $0.14      $0.10      $0.28      $0.20

  Average Shares Outstanding:
   Primary                             71,027     70,625     71,059     70,564
   Fully Diluted                       78,806     78,447     78,824     78,353

  See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements

                                   UNIFI, INC.
                  Consolidated Condensed Statements of Cash Flow

                                       For the Six Months Ended
                                          Dec 26,     Dec 27,
                                          1993         1992
                                         (Amounts in Thousands)

  Cash Provided by Operating Activities    $52,048    $87,574

  Investing Activities:

   Capital Expenditures                  $(79,373)  $(66,930)
   Notes Receivable                           (42)         24
   Purchase of Investments                     (4)   (61,868)
   Sale of Investments                      34,168    (3,813)
                                         $(45,251) $(132,587)
  Financing Activities:
   Issuance of Common Stock                   $419        $35
   Borrowing of Debt                         7,453      6,160
   Repayment of Debt                      (27,194)    (1,698)
   Cash Dividend                          (19,331)   (11,908)
                                         $(38,653)   $(7,411)
  Currency Translation Adjustment            $(15)      $(59)

  Increase (Decrease) in Cash            $(31,871)  $(52,483)

  Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning     76,092    139,047

  Cash and Cash Equivalents - Ending       $44,221    $86,564

  See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements

                                   UNIFI, INC.
               Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements

  The information  furnished is  unaudited and  reflects all  adjustments which
  are, in the opinion of Management, necessary to  present fairly the financial
  position at December 26,  1993 and the results  of operations and  cash flows
  for the  periods  ended  December 26,  1993  and  December  27, 1992.    Such
  adjustments  consisted  of   normal  recurring  items.     The   Company  has
  reclassified certain prior year information to conform  with the current year
  presentation.  Interim results are not necessarily  indicative of results for
  a full year.  It is suggested that the condensed financial statements be read
  in conjunction with  the financial statements  and notes thereto  included in
  the Company's latest annual report on Form 10-K.

  Income Taxes

  Deferred  income  taxes  arise  primarily  from  timing  differences  between
  financial and tax reporting associated with depreciable assets.

  The difference  between  the  statutory  federal  income  tax  rate  and  the
  effective tax rate is  primarily due to  the results of  foreign subsidiaries
  that are taxed at rates below those of U.S. operations.   The current periods
  were not significantly impacted by foreign operations; therefore, the current
  periods' rates  approach the  statutory  rate.   Foreign  earnings were  more
  significant last year and helped to lower the effective rate.

  The increase  in  the statutory  rate  from 34%  to  35%,  such change  being
  retroactive to January 1, 1993, has been provided for  in the current periods
  and was not material to the results of the periods.

  Per Share Information

  Earnings per common share are computed  on the basis of the  number of shares
  outstanding, adjusted for the dilutive effect of stock options outstanding.

  The Convertible Notes  do not  meet the  test of  a common  stock equivalent,
  accordingly, conversion of these notes is only assumed for the calculation of
  the fully diluted earnings per share.

  Computation of the average shares outstanding (in 000's):

                                       Quarters Ended      Six Months Ended
                                     Dec. 26,  Dec. 27,  Dec. 26,  Dec. 27,
                                       1993      1992      1993      1992

  Average Shares Outstanding            70,340    69,627    70,387    69,564
  Add:  Dilutive Options                   593       998       672     1,000
  Primary Average Shares                71,027    70,625    71,059    70,564
  Incremental Shares Arising from
     Full Dilution Assumption            7,779     7,822     7,765     7,789
  Average Shares Assuming
     Full Dilution                      78,806    78,447    78,824    78,353

  Computation of net income for per share data (in 000's):

                                      Quarters Ended     Six Months Ended
                                     Dec. 26,  Dec. 27,  Dec. 26,  Dec. 27,
                                       1993      1992      1993      1992

  Net Income - Primary                 $24,361   $32,874   $44,173   $62,585
  Add:  Convertible Subordinated
     Interest Net of Tax                 2,113     2,194     4,216     4,313
  Net Income Assuming Full
      Dilution                         $26,474   $35,068   $48,389   $66,898

  Common Stock

  On January  20,  1994,  the Company's  Board  of  Directors declared  a  cash
  dividend of 14 cents per share payable to shareholders  of record on February
  3, 1994, payable on February 10, 1994.

                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations

  The following is Management's discussion and  analysis of certain significant
  factors which have affected the Company's operations  and material changes in
  financial  condition  during  the   periods  included  in   the  accompanying
  consolidated condensed financial statements.

  Results of Operations

  Net sales increased from $347.6 million  to $351.5 million in  the quarter or
  1.1 percent and decreased in the six month period from $681.1 million in 1992
  to $676.9 million in 1993 or 0.6 percent.  We experienced volume increases of
  6.6 percent for the quarter and 4.0 percent for  the year-to-date period over
  the prior year periods.   Second quarter capacity  utilization rates improved
  in all  domestic  operations.   The  major  plant  expansions in  our  undyed
  polyester and spun yarn facilities were nearly complete as the quarter ended.

  Despite some volume recovery  in the quarter,  the primary markets  served by
  our spun yarn operations  remained sluggish at  best.  Lower  overall demand,
  coupled with the additional yarn sales capacity, has caused margins to erode.
  Sales of our nylon  and covered yarn products  to the ladies'  hosiery market
  showed increasing strength  as the  quarter progressed,  while demand  in our
  polyester operations, fueled  by demand in  our automotive,  home furnishings
  and export categories.

  We also experienced better demand  in our European businesses  in the quarter
  and operations  continue  to run  at  capacity; however,  we  continue to  be
  impacted by changes  in currency  relationships and  an overall  market still
  suffering from overcapacity.

  Our average net sales price, based on the average  product mix, decreased 5.1
  percent in the current quarter and decreased 4.4 percent  for the current six
  month period.  We continue to experience price pressure in  our spun yarn and
  export markets serviced  from the  U.S. and  in the  markets serviced  by our
  foreign operations.

  Cost of  goods  sold increased  from  $281.5 million  in  last year's  second
  quarter to $299.0  million in this  year's quarter or  6.2 percent.   The six
  month period increased from $556.2 million to $578.6  million or 4.0 percent.
  Cost of goods sold, as a percentage of net sales, increased from 81.0 percent
  last year to 85.1  percent during the quarter.   For the six  months, cost of
  goods sold climbed from 81.7 percent to 85.5 percent of net sales.

  Based on our average product mix,  raw material prices decreased  in both the
  current periods;  however, the  declines were  not sufficient  to offset  the
  decreases mentioned above  involving net sales  prices.   Fixed manufacturing
  costs increased slightly in both the current periods as  a result of capacity
  additions and upgrades in many of our divisions.  We will shortly have start-
  up expenses behind  us and these  plants can push  costs to  expected levels.
  These  capacity  improvements  contributed  to  the  sales  volume  increases
  previously mentioned.

  Selling, general and  administrative expenses  as a  percentage of  net sales
  remained unchanged between the  quarters at 2.9 percent.   For the  six month
  periods we experienced  a slight  increase from  2.8 percent  in 1992  to 2.9
  percent in 1993.  Actual expense  was also unchanged in  Dollar terms between
  the quarters.  For the six month period expense  increased from $18.8 million
  in 1992 to $19.9 million in 1993.  The increase derives  from volume gains in
  sales  and  from  the  process  of   consolidating  administrative  functions
  resulting from recent mergers.

  Interest expense  decreased from  $8.2 million  in the  1992 quarter  to $4.2
  million in  the current  quarter.   The  same holds  true for  the six  month
  periods as interest expense decreased  from $14.3 million to  $9.3 million in
  the current  period.   The  Company  has used  cash  reserves generated  from
  operations and the issuance  of the subordinated debentures  in prior periods
  to eliminate  the debt  of merged  companies  and thereby  lower the  overall
  interest costs of the consolidated  group.  As these  reserves have decreased
  for the payment of debt, our investment base has also declined.  As a result,
  interest income has decreased from $4.7 million in last year's second quarter
  to $2.0 million in the current  quarter.  For the six  month period, interest
  income has declined from $7.5 million to $4.7 million  in the current period.
  When interest expense and  income are combined, net  interest costs decreased
  from $3.5 million  to $2.2 million  in the quarter  and from $6.9  million to
  $4.6 million in the current six month period.

  Other income and expense were insignificant in all periods presented.

  The effective tax rate has increased from 37.1 percent to 39.8 percent in the
  current quarter and has increased from  37.3 percent to 40.3  percent for the
  current six month period.   The increase is  attributable to the  increase in
  the U.S. Federal tax rate in  the current year and the  reduction in earnings
  of foreign subsidiaries that are taxed at rates lower than U.S. rates.

  Earnings per share  decreased from $.47  per share to  $.34 per share  in the
  current quarter and decreased from $.89 per share to $.62 for the current six
  month period.

  Financial Condition

  We ended the current quarter with working capital of  $276.0 million of which
  $129.9 million  represents cash  and short-term  investments.   This compares
  with working capital of $324.9 million and cash reserves of $195.9 million at
  year end.   Net  income and  noncash expenses  generated cash  equivalents of
  $82.9 million in  the six  month period.   Net  receivables and  net payables
  decreased due to seasonal  and timing differences between  the Company's June
  year end and  the December quarter  end.  We  also experienced a  decrease in
  inventories from $105.0 million at year end to $95.0  million at quarter end.
  The Company's inventories  can fluctuate substantially  from month  to month.
  Due to  the commodity  nature of  our  raw materials,  the  Company can  make
  adjustments to inventory  levels as  deemed necessary  in a  relatively short
  time period.

  The primary sources of cash funds continue to be operations and the Company's
  access to debt  and equity  markets.  The  primary uses  of funds  during the
  current six  months were  capital expenditures  for the  previously mentioned

  capacity expansions and  upgrades totaling $79.4  million, repayment  of debt
  less short-term borrowings reducing debt by $19.7 million  and the payment of
  the Company's cash dividends of $19.3  million.  During this  time period the
  Company generated $34.2  million from the  sale of short-term  investments to
  supplement cash generated  from operations to  cover the  aforementioned cash
  outlays.  Management believes  the current financial position  of the Company
  in connection with its  operations and it access  to debt and  equity markets
  are  sufficient  to  meet  its  anticipated  capital  expenditure,  strategic
  acquisition and working capital needs.

  Total shareholders' equity increased from $545.6 at yearend to $575.3 million
  at quarterend.  Net book value per share was $8.16 at December 26, 1993.

                                   UNIFI, INC.

                           Part II - OTHER INFORMATION

  Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

          The Shareholders of the  Company at their Annual  Meeting held on  the
          21st day of October,  1993 considered and voted  upon an amendment  to
          the Certificate of Incorporation  increasing the number of  authorized
          shares of capital stock of the  Company to 500 million shares and  the
          election of four (4) Class 2 Directors and one(1) Class 3 Director  of
          the Company.

          The proposed amendment to  the Company's Certificate of  Incorporation
          increasing the number  of authorized shares  of Capital  Stock to  500
          million shares was  adopted by the  shareholders of  the Company  with
          54,161,197 shares of the 70,340,687  issued and outstanding shares  of
          the company being more than fifty percent (50%) of the shares entitled
          to vote at the meeting, voting in favor, 514,469 shares voting against
          the amendment and 103,654 shares abstaining from voting.

          The Shareholders elected management's nominees for the four (4)  Class
          2 Directors to serve until the  Annual Meeting of the Shareholders  in
          1996, or until their successors are elected and qualified, and the one
          (1) Class  3  Director  to  serve until  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the
          Shareholders in 1994, or until his successor is elected and  qualified
          as follows:

                                 Votes in      Votes
          Names of Director       Favor        Against    Abstaining

  Class 2: Charles R. Carter    59,622,574                156,846
           Jerry W. Eller       59,483,652                195,768
           Kenneth G. Langone   59,624,911                154,509
           Lord Eric Sharp      59,623,099                156,321

  Class 1: George R. Perkins    59,625,127                154,293

          The information set forth under the  heading "Election of Directors"
          on pages  2-5  of   the  Definitive  Proxy Statement  filed  with  the
          Commission since the close of the registrant's fiscal year ending June
          27, 1993 is incorporated herein by reference.

          The shareholders  at their  Annual Meetings  in 1991  elected Class  3
          Directors and in  1992 elected Class  1 Directors to  serve until  the
          Annual Meeting of the Shareholders in  1994 and 1995 respectively,  or
          until their  successors  are  elected  and  qualified,  the  following
          persons were  elected  and  still  serving as  Class  3  and  Class  1
          Directors of the Company:

             Class 3                               Class 1

          William J. Armfield IV                Donald F. Orr
          William T. Kretzer                    Timotheus R. Phol
          G. Allen Mebane                       Robert A. Ward
                                                G. Alfred Webster

  Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

          (b) No reports on Form 8-K have been filed during the quarter ended
  December 26, 1993.

                                UNIFI, INC.


  Pursuant to  the requirements  of the  Securities Exchange  Act of  1934, the
  Registrant has duly  caused this  report to be  signed on  its behalf  by the
  undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                 UNIFI, INC.

  Date:   2/2/94                                 ROBERT A. WARD
                                              Robert A. Ward
                                              Executive Vice President-
                                              Financial and Administration (Mr.
                                              Ward is the Principal Financial
                                              and Accounting Officer and has
                                              been duly authorized to sign on
                                              behalf of the Registrant.)

  Date:   2/2/94                                 GREGG H. LOWE
                                              Gregg H. Lowe
                                              Vice President and
                                              Corporate Controller