Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 8-K
                               CURRENT REPORT
   Pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) June 30, 1997
                                 Unifi, Inc.
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
     New York              1-10542            11-2165495
  (State or Other       (Commission         (IRS Employer
  Jurisdiction of       File Number)       Identification
  Incorporation)                                No.)

P.O. Box 19109-7201 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina 27419

       (Address of principal executive offices)     (Zip Code)

 (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)       910-294-4410

       (Former name or former address, if changed since last report.)

Item 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.
On June 30, 1997, Unifi, Inc. ("Unifi") entered into a Contribution Agreement
(the "Agreement") with Parkdale Mills, Inc. ("Parkdale") that set forth the
terms and conditions by which Parkdale and Unifi will each contribute all of
the assets of their spun cotton yarn operations utilizing open-end and air
jet spinning technologies to a newly created limited liability company named
Parkdale America, LLC (the "LLC").  The Agreement specified that each
entity's inventory, owned real and tangible personal property and
improvements thereon and Unifi, Inc.'s leased real property associated with
these operations were to be contributed to the LLC.  Additionally, Unifi is
required to contribute cash to the LLC as follows:  $32.9 million on June 30,
1997, $10.0 million on June 30, 1998 and $10.0 million on June 30, 1999,
whereas Parkdale is required to contribute cash of $51.6 million on June 30,
1997.  The LLC will assume certain long-term debt obligations of Unifi and
Parkdale in the amounts of $23.5 million and $46.0 million, respectively.

In exchange for the assets contributed to the LLC and the liabilities assumed
by the LLC Unifi received a 34% ownership interest in the LLC and Parkdale
received a 66% ownership interest in the LLC.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(b)  Pro forma Financial Information (Unaudited)

   Pro forma condensed Balance Sheet as of March 30, 1997
    Pro forma condensed Statements of Income for the nine months ended March
     30, 1997 and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996
(c) Exhibits

   Exhibit No.            Description

   (2)         Contribution Agreement by and Among
               Parkdale Mills, Incorporated Unifi, Inc. Unifi
               Manufacturing, Inc. and Parkdale America, LLC Dated:
               June 30, 1997


The following unaudited pro forma financial information sets forth the
results of operations and the financial position of Unifi, Inc. ("Unifi")
after giving effect to the contribution of the spun cotton yarn assets and
other consideration to and the assumption of liabilities by Parkdale America,
LLC (the "LLC") (a) as of the end of the most recent period presented for the
Balance Sheet and (b) as of the beginning of each period presented in the
Statements of Income.

The unaudited pro forma financial information reflects the Balance Sheet of
Unifi at March 30, 1997, and the Statements of Income of Unifi for the nine
months ended March 30, 1997, and the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996, after
giving effect to the contribution of Unifi's spun cotton yarn assets to and
the assumption of certain liabilities by the LLC.  The pro forma adjustments
to the Statements of Income for the contribution of Unifi's spun cotton yarn
operations to the LLC include only those revenues and direct operating
expenses associated with such spun cotton yarn business.

The following pro forma data are not necessarily indicative of the financial
position or results of operations that would actually have been reported had
the spun yarn asset contribution been effected during those periods or that
may be reported in the future.  The pro forma data should be read in
conjunction with the respective historical Consolidated Financial Statements
and Notes thereto of Unifi.

                                          Unifi, Inc.
 (Amounts in 000's)           March 30,                   March 30,
                                1997        Pro Forma       1997
                             Historical    Adjustments    Pro Forma
Current assets:                                                    
 Cash and cash equivalents        $22,951 (1)$(32,902)       $   -- 
                                          (2)   9,951
 Accounts receivable, net         221,799          --       221,799
 Inventories                      126,672 (1) (21,399)      105,273
 Other current assets               4,420          --         4,420

Total current assets              375,842     (44,350)      331,492
Property, plant and               586,246 (1)(133,389)      452,857
equipment, net                               
Investment in affiliate                -- (4) 180,490       180,490
Other noncurrent assets            41,564          --        41,564
Total assets                   $1,003,652      $2,751    $1,006,403
Liabilities and                                                    
shareholders' equity:
Current liabilities:                                               
 Accounts payable                $101,761        $ --      $101,761
 Accrued expenses                  38,914          --        38,914
 Income taxes                      19,056          --        19,056
Total current liabilities         159,731          --       159,731
Long-term debt                    235,000  (1)(23,500)      221,451
                                           (2)  9,951             
Due to Parkdale America, LLC           --  (1) 20,000        20,000
Deferred income taxes              44,156  (3) (3,700)       40,456
Total liabilities                 438,887       2,751       441,638
Shareholders' equity:                                              
 Common stock                       6,228          --         6,228
 Capital in excess of par              --          --            --
 Retained earnings                557,537          --       557,537
 Cumulative translation             1,000          --         1,000
Total shareholders' equity        564,765          --       564,765
Total liabilities and          $1,003,652      $2,751    $1,006,403
  shareholders' equity

Explanation of pro forma adjustments:
(1)  Reflects Unifi's contribution of assets to and the liabilities  assumed
 by the LLC.
(2)  To  record additional borrowings required to fund the cash  payment  of
 $32.9 million on the closing date.
(3)  To  adjust  deferred income taxes for the tax effect of the  difference
  between  the  initial financial statement carrying value of its  investment
  in  the LLC and its 34.0% ownership in the tax basis of the underlying  net
  assets of the LLC.
(4)  To  record  the initial financial statement carrying value  of  Unifi's
  34.0% ownership in the LLC.


                                                     Unifi, Inc.
(Amounts in 000's,     Nine Months Ended March 30, 1997        Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1996
except per share                 (1)Pro forma                          (1)Pro forma        
amounts)            Historical    Adjustments   Pro forma   Historical  Adjustments    Pro forma

Net sales            $1,272,312 (2) $(222,898)   $1,049,414  $1,603,280 (2)$(303,390)   $1,299,890
Cost and expenses:                                                                                
 Cost of sales        1,101,701 (2)  (212,307)      889,394   1,407,608 (2) (296,022)    1,111,586
 Selling, general                                                                                 
  and administrative     33,704 (2)    (1,833)       31,871      45,084 (2)   (2,379)       42,705
 Interest expense         8,900 (3)      (595)        8,305      14,593 (3)     (763)       13,830
 Interest income         (1,675)           --        (1,675)     (6,757)          --        (6,757)
 Other (income)           1,779            --         1,779      (4,390)          --        (4,390)
 Equity in                                                                                        
  (earnings) losses
   of affiliate              -- (4)   (13,960)      (13,960)         --   (4) (6,126)       (6,126)
 Non-recurring               --            --            --      23,826           --        23,826
Income before                                                                                     
  income taxes and
   extraordinary item   127,903          5,797      133,700     123,316         1,900      125,216
Provision for            43,691 (5)      2,290       45,981      44,939   (5)     751       45,690
  income taxes
Income before                                                                                     
  item                  $84,212         $3,507      $87,719     $78,377        $1,149      $79,526
Per share data:                                                                                   
 Income before                                                                                    
  extraordinary item    $  1.31                     $  1.36     $  1.18                    $  1.20       
 Fully diluted          $  1.31                     $  1.36     $  1.18                    $  1.20 
Weighted average                                                                                  
  shares outstanding:
 Primary                 64,518             --       64,518      66,211            --       66,211
 Fully diluted           64,563             --       64,563      66,251            --       66,251

Explanation of pro forma adjustments:
(1) The  pro  forma  adjustments  to the Statements  of  Income  for  the
  contribution  of Unifi's spun cotton yarn operations to the LLC  include  only
  those  revenues  and direct operating expenses associated with such  business.
  In  addition  to  the  direct manufacturing and direct  selling,  general  and
  administrative  expenses eliminated in (2) below, Unifi on a historical  basis
  had  allocated $7.8 million and $11.3 million of such corporate costs  to  the
  spun  yarn operations for the nine months ended March 30, 1997 and fiscal year
  ended  June 30, 1996, respectively.  These corporate allocated costs have  not
  been included in the pro forma adjustments, however Management of Unifi is  in
  the  process  of implementing a formal plan that should eliminate  certain  of
  these  costs.  A reasonable estimate of these cost reductions is not currently
(2) To  record the elimination of revenues and direct manufacturing costs
  and  direct selling, general and administrative expenses associated  with  the
  contribution of Unifi's spun yarn operations to the LLC.
(3) To  reduce  the interest expense at the rate of 5.85%  for  the  nine
  months ended March 30, 1997 and 5.63% for the fiscal year ended June 30,  1996
  related  to  the  $23.5  million of Unifi debt assumed  by  the  LLC,  net  of
  additional required borrowings of $9.95 million.
(4) To reflect Unifi's 34.0% ownership equity in the pro forma earnings of
  the  LLC.   The pro forma earnings of the LLC for the nine months ended  March
  30,  1997  and  the  fiscal year ended June 30, 1996  combine  the  historical
  operating results of the Unifi spun yarn business for the respective nine  and
  twelve  month  periods with the historical operating results of  the  open-end
  and  air jet spinning business of Parkdale for the nine months ended June  30,
  1997  and  the  year  ended  September 30,  1996,  respectively,  net  of  the
  amortization  of  the  excess  of  Unifi's investment  in  the  LLC  over  the
  underlying net assets.
(5) For purposes of the pro forma adjustments, the statutory rate of 39.5% is used in the provision for income
 tax calculations.


Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  the
registrant  has  duly  caused this report to be signed  on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                              Unifi, Inc.

                              WILLIS C. MOORE, III
                              Willis C. Moore, III
                              Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Date  July 15, 1997

                                 UNIFI, INC.
                         CURRENT REPORT ON FORM 8-K
                                EXHIBIT INDEX

   Exhibit No.                                  Description
               (2)    Contribution  Agreement  by  and  Among  Parkdale   Mills,
               Incorporated   Unifi,   Inc.  Unifi   Manufacturing,   Inc.   and
               Parkdale America, LLC Dated:  June 30, 1997