Exhibit 10.2.1

                               1988 UNION CARBIDE

                            LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN


Section 1:  Purpose.  The purpose of the 1988 Union Carbide Long-Term 
Incentive Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") is to (a) provide 
incentives and rewards to those employees who are in a position to contribute 
to the long-term growth and profitability of the Corporation; (b) assist the 
Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates in attracting, retaining, and 
motivating employees with experience and ability; and (c) make the 
Corporation's compensation program competitive with those of other major 

Section 2:  Administration.  The Plan shall be administered by a Committee of 
the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") appointed 
by the Board.  Members of the Committee are not eligible to participate in the 
Plan and no member may have been eligible within one year prior to serving on 
the Committee.  The Committee shall interpret the Plan, establish 
administrative regulations to further the purpose of the Plan, authorize 
awards to eligible participants and take any other action necessary for the 
proper operation of the Plan.  All decisions and acts of the Committee shall 
be final and binding upon all participants.  The Committee may set the option 
price, the number of options to be awarded and the number of shares to be 
awarded out of the total number of shares available for award, and delegate to 
the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation the right to allocate awards 
among Employees who are not officers or directors of the Corporation within 
the meaning of the Exchange Act, such delegation to be subject to such terms 
and conditions as the Committee in its discretion shall determine.

Section 3:  Participation.  This Plan is for Union Carbide Corporation and its 
subsidiaries and affiliates.  Any Employee of Union Carbide Corporation or a 
subsidiary or affiliate serving in a managerial, administrative, or 
professional position which is recommended to, and authorized by, the 
Committee shall be eligible to participate in the Plan.

Section 4:  Awards.  Awards under this Plan may be stock option awards, stock 
appreciation rights, exercise payment rights, grants of stock, or performance 
awards.  The total number of shares of stock (including Restricted Stock, if 
any) optioned or granted under this Plan during the five year period of the 
Plan shall not exceed 15,000,000 shares.  No participant may be granted, in 
the aggregate, awards which would result in the participant receiving more 
than 10% of the maximum number of shares available for award under the Plan.  
Solely for the purpose of computing the total number of shares of stock 
optioned or granted under this Plan, there shall not be counted any shares 
which have been forfeited and any shares covered by an option which, prior to 
such computation, has terminated in accordance with its terms or has been 
cancelled by the Participant or the Corporation.  In the event of any change 
in the outstanding shares of the Corporation by reason of any stock split, 
stock dividend, recapitalization, merger, consolidation, combination or 
exchange of shares or other similar corporate change or in the event of any 
special distribution to the stockholders, the Committee shall make such 
equitable adjustments in the number of shares and prices per share applicable 
to options then outstanding and in the number of shares which are available 
thereafter for Stock Option Awards or other awards, both under the Plan as a 
whole and with respect to individuals, as the Committee determines are 
necessary and appropriate.  Any such adjustment shall be conclusive and 
binding for all purposes of the Plan.

Section 5:  Stock Options.
          5.1:  The Corporation may award options to purchase common stock or 
Restricted Stock of the Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Stock Option 
Awards") to such eligible Employees as the Committee, or the Chief Executive 
Officer of the Corporation, if the Committee in its discretion delegates the 
right to allocate awards pursuant to Section 2, authorizes and under such 
terms as the Committee establishes. The Committee shall determine with respect 
to each Stock Option Award whether a participant is to receive an Incentive 
Stock Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option.
          5.2:  The option price of each share of stock subject to a Stock 
Option Award shall be the closing price of the common stock of the Corporation 
on the date the award is authorized as reported in the New York Stock 
Exchange-Composite Transactions.
          5.3:  A stock option by its terms shall not be transferable by the 
participant other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution, shall 
be of no more than 10 years' duration, and shall be exercisable only after the 
earlier of: (i) such period of time as the Committee shall determine but in no 
event less than one year following the date of grant of such award; (ii) the 
participant's death; (iii) the participant's Retirement; or (iv) a Change in 
Control of the Corporation, but only to the extent permitted under Section 
5.5.  An option is exercisable during a participant's lifetime only by the 
participant or the participant's legal guardian or legal representative.
          An option is only exercisable by a participant while the participant 
is in active employment with the Corporation except (i) during a nine-month 
period commencing on the date of a participant's death, (ii) in the case of a 
participant's Retirement, (iii) during a three-year period commencing on the 
date of a participant's termination of employment by the Corporation other 
than for cause, but only to the extent permitted under Section 5.5, (iv) 
during a three-year period commencing on the date of termination, by the 
participant or the Corporation, of employment after a Change in Control of the 
Corporation, unless such termination of employment is for cause, but only to 
the extent permitted under Section 5.5, or (v) if the Committee decides that 
it is in the best interest of the Corporation to permit individual exceptions.  
An option may not be exercised pursuant to this paragraph after the expiration 
date of the option.
          5.4:  An option may be exercised with respect to part or all of the 
shares subject to the option by giving written notice to the Corporation of 
the exercise of the option.  The option price for the shares for which an 
option is exercised shall be paid on or within ten business days after the 
date of exercise in cash, in whole shares of common stock of the Corporation 
owned by the participant prior to exercising the option, or in a combination 
of cash and such shares of common stock.  The value of any share of common 
stock delivered in payment of the option price shall be its Market Price on 
the date the option is exercised.
          5.5:  Clause (iv) of the first sentence and clauses (iii) and (iv) 
of the third sentence of Section 5.3 herein shall not apply to a stock option 
held by a 'disqualified individual' within the meaning of Section 280G(c) of 
the Code who is a party to an employment contract with the Corporation that 
grants such person severance benefits in the event that the employment is 
terminated subsequent to a change in control of the Corporation, or who is 
entitled to receive benefits pursuant to a severance plan in the event that 
the participant's employment is terminated after a change in control to the 
extent that the exercise of the option would cause such person to incur the 
tax prescribed in Section 4999 of the Code on 'excess parachute payments' 
within the meaning of Section 280G(b) of the Code.
          5.6:  In order to enable the Corporation to meet any applicable 
federal, state or local withholding tax requirements arising as a result of 
the exercise of a stock option, a participant shall pay the Corporation the 
amount of tax to be withheld or may elect to satisfy such obligation as 
follows: (i) in the case of a participant who is subject to Section 16(b) of 
the Exchange Act and who does not make an election under Section 83(b) of the 
Code, by delivering to the Corporation whole shares of common stock of the 
Corporation which were delivered to the participant pursuant to the exercise 
of the option for which the tax is being withheld, other shares of common 
stock of the Corporation owned by the participant prior to exercising the 
option, or a combination of cash and such shares of common stock, or (ii) in 
the case of all other participants, by having the Corporation withhold shares 
that otherwise would be delivered to the participant pursuant to the exercise 
of the option for which the tax is being withheld, by delivering to the 
Corporation other shares of common stock of the Corporation owned by the 
participant prior to exercising the option, or by making a payment to the 
Corporation consisting of a combination of cash and such shares of common 
stock.  Such an election shall be subject to the following: (a) the election 
shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed by the Committee and the 
Committee shall have the right, in its discretion, to disapprove such 
election; (b) the election shall he made prior to the date to be used to 
determine the tax to be withheld and shall be irrevocable; (c) if the 
participant is a person subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act, the 
election shall not be made within six months after the grant of the option, 
except that this limitation shall not apply in the event that the participant 
dies or becomes disabled prior to the expiration of such six month period, and 
shall be made either at least six months prior to the date to be used to 
determine the tax to be withheld or during a ten day period of the same type 
as is described in Section 6.5 hereof.  The value of any share of common stock 
to be withheld by the Corporation or delivered to the Corporation pursuant to 
this Section 5.6 shall be the Market Price on the date to be used to determine 
the amount of tax to be withheld.
          5.7:  The Committee may, in its discretion, grant to holders of 
stock options the right to receive with respect to each share covered by an 
option payments of amounts equal to the regular cash dividends paid to holders 
of the Company's common stock during the period that the option is outstanding 
(such payments are hereinafter referred to as "Dividend Payments").
          5.8:  The aggregate fair market value of all shares of stock with 
respect to which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the first time by 
a participant in any one calendar year, under this Plan or any other stock 
option plan maintained by the Corporation (or by any subsidiary or parent of 
the Corporation), shall not exceed $100,000.  The fair market value of such 
shares of stock shall be the mean of the high and low prices of the common 
stock of the Corporation as reported in the New York Stock Exchange - 
Composite Transactions on the date the related stock option is granted (or on 
the next preceding day such stock was traded on a stock exchange included in 
the New York Stock Exchange - Composite Transactions if it was not traded on 
any such exchange on the date the related stock option is granted).

Section 6:  Stock Appreciation Rights.
          6.1:  The Committee may, in its discretion, grant stock appreciation 
rights to Employees who have received a Stock Option Award.  The stock 
appreciation rights may relate to such number of shares, not exceeding the 
number of shares that the Employee may acquire upon exercise of a related 
stock option, as the Committee determines in its discretion.  Upon exercise of 
a stock option by an Employee, the stock appreciation rights relating to the 
shares covered by such exercise shall terminate.  Upon termination or 
expiration of a stock option, any unexercised stock appreciation rights 
related to that option shall also terminate.  Upon exercise of stock 
appreciation rights, such rights and the related option to the extent of an 
equal number of shares shall terminate.
          6.2:  The Committee at its discretion may revoke at any time any 
unexercised stock appreciation rights granted to an Employee under this Plan, 
without compensation to such Employee.  Revocation of an Employee's stock 
appreciation rights under this section shall not affect any related stock 
options granted to the Employee under this Plan.
          6.3:  Upon an Employee's exercise of some or all of the Employee's 
stock appreciation rights, the Employee shall receive an amount equal to the 
value of the Stock Appreciation for the number of rights exercised, payable in 
cash, common stock, Restricted Stock, or a combination thereof, at the 
discretion of the Committee.
          6.4:  The Committee shall have the discretion either to determine 
the form in which payment of a stock appreciation right will be made, or to 
consent to or disapprove the election of the Employee to receive cash in full 
or partial settlement of the right.  Such consent or disapproval may be given 
at any time before or after the election to which it relates.  Notwithstanding 
the foregoing provision, if an Employee exercises a stock appreciation right 
during the 60-day period commencing on the date of a Change in Control of the 
Corporation, the form of payment of such stock appreciation right shall be 
cash provided that such stock appreciation right was granted at least six 
months prior to the date of exercise, and shall be common stock if such stock 
appreciation right was granted six months or less prior to the date of 
exercise. Provided, however, that the previous sentence shall not apply to a 
'disqualified individual' within the meaning of Section 280G(c) of the Code 
who is a party to an employment contract with the Corporation that grants such 
person severance benefits in the event that his employment is terminated 
subsequent to a Change in Control of the Corporation or who is entitled to 
receive benefits pursuant to a severance plan in the event that his employment 
is terminated after a Change in Control of the Corporation, to the extent that 
the exercise of the stock appreciation right would cause such participant to 
incur the tax prescribed in Section 4999 of the Code on 'excess parachute 
payments' within the meaning of Section 280G(b) of the Code.
          6.5:  Except in the case of a stock appreciation right that was 
granted at least six months prior to exercise and that is exercised for cash 
during the 60-day period commencing on the date of a Change in Control of the 
Corporation, any election by the Employee to receive cash in full or partial 
settlement of the stock appreciation right, as well as any exercise by the 
Employee of the Employee's stock appreciation right for such cash, shall be 
made only during the period beginning on the third business day following the 
date of release of the quarterly or annual summary statements of sales and 
earnings and ending on the twelfth business day following such date.
          6.6:  Settlement for exercised stock appreciation rights may be 
deferred by the Committee in its discretion to such date and under such terms 
and conditions as the Committee may determine.
          6.7:  A stock appreciation right is only exercisable during the 
period when the stock option to which it is related is also exercisable.

Section 7:  Exercise Payments.
          7.1:  The Committee may, in its discretion, grant to holders of 
stock options the right to receive Exercise Payments relating to such number 
of shares covered by the holder's stock options as the Committee determines in 
its discretion. Exercise Payments shall be reduced by the total amount which 
may have been received as Dividend Payments pursuant to Section 5.7 with 
respect to the stock option that is being exercised.
          7.2:  At the discretion of the Committee, the Exercise Payment may 
be made in cash, common stock, Restricted Stock, or a combination thereof; 
provided, however, Exercise Payments may be made in cash to participants 
subject to Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act only if they exercise the related 
stock option during a period beginning on the third business day following the 
date of release of the quarterly or annual summary statements of sales and 
earnings and ending on the twelfth business day following such date.  Exercise 
Payments shall be paid within 20 business days following the exercise of a 
related stock option; provided, however, that payment may be deferred by the 
Committee in its discretion to such date and under such terms and conditions 
as the Committee may determine.
          7.3:  Exercise Payments shall be paid only upon the exercise of 
related stock options which are exercised by the holder while an active 
Employee; provided, however, that in the case of an option holder's death or 
Retirement, Exercise Payments will be paid if such related stock options are 
exercised within nine months after death or three months after Retirement, as 
the case may be, but before the expiration of the stock option's term.

Section 8:  Grants of Stock.
          8.1:  The Committee may grant, either alone or in addition to other 
awards granted under the Plan, shares of stock or Restricted Stock to such 
eligible Employees as the Committee, or the Chief Executive Officer of the 
Corporation, if the Committee in its discretion delegates the right to 
allocate awards pursuant to Section 2, authorizes and under such terms as the 
Committee establishes.  The Committee, in its discretion, may also make a cash 
payment to a participant granted shares of stock or Restricted Stock under the 
Plan to allow such Participant to satisfy tax obligations arising out of 
receipt of the stock or Restricted Stock.

Section 9:  Performance Awards.
          9.1:  The Committee may grant, either alone or in addition to other 
awards granted under the Plan, awards of stock and other awards that are 
valued in whole or in part by reference to, or are otherwise based on, the 
market value of the common stock, Restricted Stock or other securities of the 
Corporation ("Performance Awards") to such eligible Employees as the 
Committee, or the Chief Executive officer of the Corporation, if the Committee 
in its discretion delegates the right to allocate awards pursuant to Section 
2, authorizes and under such terms as the Committee establishes.  Performance 
Awards may be paid in common stock, Restricted Stock or other securities of 
the Company, cash or any other form of property as the Committee shall 
determine.  Performance Awards shall entitle the participant to receive an 
award if the measures of performance established by the Committee are met.  
The measures of performance shall be established by the Committee in its 
absolute discretion.
          9.2:  The Committee shall determine the times at which Performance 
Awards are to be made and all conditions of such awards.
          9.3: The participant shall not be permitted to sell, assign, 
transfer, pledge or otherwise encumber shares received pursuant to this 
Section 9 prior to the date on which any applicable restriction or performance 
period established by the Committee lapses.

Section 10:  General Provisions.
          10.1:  Any assignment or transfer of any awards without the written 
consent of the Corporation shall be null and void.
          10.2: Nothing contained herein shall require the Corporation to 
segregate any monies from its general funds, or to create any trusts, or to 
make any special deposits for any immediate or deferred amounts payable to any 
participant for any year.
          10.3:  Participation in this Plan shall not affect the Corporation's 
right to discharge a participating Employee.
          10.4:  Restricted Stock may not be sold or transferred by the 
participant until any restrictions that have been established by the Committee 
have lapsed.
          10.5:  The participant shall have, with respect to Restricted Stock, 
all of the rights of a stockholder of the Corporation, including the right to 
vote the shares and the right to receive any dividends, unless the Committee 
shall otherwise determine.
          10.6:  Upon a participant's termination of employment during the 
period any restrictions are in effect, all Restricted Stock shall be forfeited 
without compensation to the participant unless the Committee decides that it 
is in the best interest of the Corporation to permit individual exceptions.

Section 11:  Definitions.
          11.1:  A 'Change in Control of the Corporation' shall be deemed to 
occur in the event that any of the following circumstances have occurred:
                    (i)     	if a change in control of the Corporation would 
be required to be reported in response to Item 1(a) of the Current Report on 
Form 8-X, as in effect on the date hereof, pursuant to Sections 13 or 15(d) of 
the Exchange Act whether or not the Corporation is then subject to such 
reporting requirement;

                    (ii)     any 'person' or 'group' within the meaning of 
Sections 13(d) and 14(d) (2) of the Exchange Act (x) becomes the 'beneficial 
owner' as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act of more than 35% of the 
then outstanding voting securities of the Corporation, otherwise than through 
a transaction or transactions arranged by, or consummated with the prior 
approval of, the Board or (y) acquires by proxy or otherwise the right to vote 
for the election of directors, for any merger or consolidation of the 
Corporation or for any other matter or question, more than 35% of the then 
outstanding voting securities of the Corporation, otherwise than through an 
arrangement or arrangements consummated with the prior approval of the Board;

                    (iii)     if during any period of twenty-four consecutive 
months (not including any period prior to the adoption of this section), 
Present Directors and/or New Directors cease for any reason to constitute a 
majority of the Board.  For purposes of this subsection (iii), 'Present 
Directors' shall mean individuals who at the beginning of such consecutive 
twenty-four month period were members of the Board and 'New Directors' shall 
mean any director whose election by the Board or whose nomination for election 
by the Corporation's stockholders was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Directors then still in office who were Present Directors or New 
Directors; or

                    (iv)     any 'person' or 'group' within the meaning of 
Sections 13(d) and 14(d) (2) of the Exchange Act that is the 'beneficial 
owner' as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act of 20% or more of the 
then outstanding voting securities of the Corporation commences soliciting 

          11.2:  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now or 
hereafter amended.
          11.3:  "Employee" means all employees of the Corporation or of a 
subsidiary or affiliate of the Corporation participating in the Plan, 
including officers of the Corporation, as well as officers of the Corporation 
who are also directors of the Corporation.  However, an individual who is a 
member of the Committee shall not be an "employee" for purposes of this Plan.
          11.4:  "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, as amended.
          11.5:  "Exercise Payment" is a payment upon the exercise of a stock 
option of an amount determined by the Committee in its discretion, which 
amount shall not be greater than 60% of the excess of the Market Price over 
the option price of the stock acquired upon the exercise of the option.
          11.6:  "Incentive Stock Option" means any stock option granted 
pursuant to this Plan which is designated as such by the Committee and which 
complies with Section 422A of the Code.
	          11.7:  "Market Price" is the mean of the high and low prices of the 
common stock of the Corporation as reported in the New York Stock Exchange-
Composite Transactions on the date the option or stock appreciation right is 
exercised (or on the next preceding day such stock was traded on a stock 
exchange included in the New York Stock Exchange-Composite Transactions if it 
was not traded on any such exchange on the date the option or stock 
appreciation right is exercised), except that in the case of a stock 
appreciation right that is exercised for cash during the first three days of 
the ten-day period set forth in Section 6.5, "Market Price" is the highest 
daily closing price of the common stock of the Corporation as reported in the 
New York Stock Exchange-Composite Transactions during such ten-day period.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, if a stock appreciation right is 
exercised during the 60-day period commencing on the date of a change in 
control of the Corporation, the Market Price for purposes of determining the 
stock appreciation shall be the highest of (1) the market price of the common 
stock of the Corporation, as determined under the preceding sentence; (2) the 
highest market price of a share of the common stock of the Corporation during 
the period commencing on the ninetieth day preceding the date of exercise of 
the stock appreciation right and ending on the date of exercise of the stock 
appreciation right; (3) the highest price per share of common stock of the 
Corporation shown on Schedule 13D or an amendment thereto filed pursuant to 
Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by any person holding 35% 
of the combined voting power of the Corporation's then outstanding voting 
securities; or (4) the highest price paid or to be paid per share of common 
stock of the Corporation pursuant to a tender or exchange offer as determined 
by the Committee.  Provided, however, that the previous sentence shall not 
apply to a 'disqualified individual' within the meaning of Section 280G(c) of 
the Code if the exercise of the stock appreciation right would cause such 
participant to incur the tax prescribed in Section 4999 of the Code on 'excess 
parachute payments' within the meaning of Section 280G(b) of the Code.
          11.8:  "Non-Qualified Stock Option" means any stock option granted 
pursuant to this Plan which is not an Incentive Stock Option.
          11.9:  "Retirement" shall mean retirement from employment by the 
Corporation or a subsidiary or affiliate with the right to receive immediately 
a non-actuarially reduced pension under the Corporation's Retirement Program.
          11.10:  "Restricted Stock" means stock of the Corporation subject to 
restrictions on the transfer of such stock, conditions of forfeitability of 
such stock, or any other limitations or restrictions as determined by the 
          11.11:  "Stock Appreciation" shall be based on the excess of the 
Market Price of the common stock over the option price of the related option 
stock, as determined by the Committee.

Section 12:  Amendment, Suspension, or Termination.
          12.1:  The Board of Directors may suspend, terminate, or amend the 
Plan, including but not limited to such amendments as may be necessary or 
desirable resulting from changes in the federal income tax laws and other 
applicable laws, but may not, without approval by the holders of a majority of 
all outstanding shares entitled to vote on the subject at a meeting of 
stockholders of Union Carbide Corporation, increase the total number of shares 
of stock that may be optioned or granted under this Plan.
          12.2:  This Plan is intended to comply with the requirements of Rule 
16b-3 under the Exchange Act, as applicable during the term of the Plan.  
Should the requirements of Rule 16b-3 change, the Board of Directors may amend 
this Plan to comply with the requirements of that rule or its successor 
provision or provisions.

Section 13:  Effective Date and Duration of the Plan.
	This Plan shall be effective following approval by the stockholders of the 
Corporation.  No award shall be granted under this Plan for any year 
commencing on or after January l, 1994.