Washington, D. C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-K
                (X) ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d)

                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997
          ( ) Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (No Fee Required)
                       For the transition period from to

                          COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 1-2967

                             UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
                               Missouri 43-0559760
(State or other jurisdiction                (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 of incorporation or organization)

                 1901 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63103
              (Address of principal executive offices and Zip Code)
       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (314) 621-3222

           Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
    Title of each class                Name of each exchange on which registered

Preferred Stock, without par value (entitled to cumulative dividends):
     Stated value $100 per share -    }
      $4.56 Series                    }
      $4.50 Series                    }                New York Stock Exchange
      $4.00 Series                    }
      $3.50 Series                    }

        Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None.

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X . No .

     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. (X)

     Aggregate market value of voting stock held by  non-affiliates  as of March
6, 1998, based on closing prices most recently available as reported in The Wall
Street  Journal  (excluding  Preferred  Stock for which  quotes are not publicly
available): $48,703,840.

     Shares of Common  Stock,  $5 par  value,  outstanding  as of March 6, 1998:

                      Documents incorporated by references.

     Portions of the registrant's definitive proxy statement for the 1998 annual
meeting are incorporated by reference into Part III.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

PART I                                                                      Page

Item 1-Business
                    General ................................................   1
                    Construction Program and Financing .....................   1
                    Rates ..................................................   2
                    Fuel Supply ............................................   3
                    Regulation .............................................   3
                    Industry Issues ........................................   5
Item 2-Properties ..........................................................   5
Item 3-Legal Proceedings ...................................................   7
Item 4-Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders1


Item 5-Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related
              Stockholder Matters .........................................    7
Item 6-Selected Financial Data ............................................    7
Item 7-Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
            and Results of Operations .....................................    8
Item 8-Financial Statements and Supplementary Data ........................   15
Item 9-Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting
                  and Financial Disclosure1


Item 10-Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant ................   34
Item 11-Executive Compensation2 ...........................................   35
Item 12-Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
           and Management2 ................................................   35
Item 13-Certain Relationships and Related Transactions2 ...................   35


Item 14-Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K ...   36

SIGNATURES ................................................................   38
EXHIBITS ..................................................................   39
- --------
1 Not applicable and not included herein.
2 Incorporated herein by reference.

                                     PART I


               On December  31,  1997,  following  the  receipt of all  required
approvals,   the  registrant,   Union  Electric  Company  (the  "Company"  -  or
"AmerenUE",  as noted), and CIPSCO  Incorporated  ("CIPSCO"),  parent company of
Central  Illinois  Public  Service  Company  ("CIPS"),  combined  to form Ameren
Corporation  ("Ameren")  with the  result  that the common  shareholders  of the
Company and CIPSCO  became the common  shareholders  of Ameren and Ameren became
the owner of 100% of the common  stock of CIPS and the  Company.  Pursuant to an
Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of August 11, 1995 between  (among others)
the Company,  CIPSCO and Ameren,  each outstanding share of the Company's common
stock was exchanged  for one share of Ameren  common stock and each  outstanding
share of CIPSCO  common  stock was  exchanged  for 1.03 shares of Ameren  common
stock. For additional information on the Merger, see Notes 1 and 2 to the "Notes
to Financial Statements" under Item 8 herein.

               The Company,  incorporated in Missouri in 1922, is successor to a
number of companies,  the oldest of which was organized in 1881.  The Company is
the largest  electric  utility in the State of Missouri  and  supplies  electric
service in territories in Missouri and Illinois  having an estimated  population
of 2,600,000 within an area of approximately 24,500 square miles,  including the
greater  St.  Louis  area.  Retail  gas  service  is  supplied  in  90  Missouri
communities and in the City of Alton, Illinois and vicinity.

               The Company recorded an  extraordinary  charge to earnings in the
fourth quarter of 1997 for the write-off of generation-related regulatory assets
and liabilities of the Company's  Illinois retail electric  business as a result
of  electricity  industry  restructuring  legislation  enacted  in  Illinois  in
December 1997. The write-off reduced earnings $27 million,  net of income taxes.
(See Note 2 to the "Notes to Financial Statements" under Item 8 herein.)

               For each of the last five years, 96% of total operating  revenues
was  derived  from the sale of  electric  energy and 4% from the sale of natural

               The  Company   employed  5,903  persons  at  December  31,  1997.
Approximately  68% of such employees are represented by local unions  affiliated
with the AFL-CIO.  Labor agreements covering 4,034 employees will expire in 1999
and labor agreements  covering 111 employees expire in 2000.  Effective with the
merger, approximately 1,230 employees transferred to Ameren's subsidiary, Ameren
Services Company.


               The  Company is engaged in a  construction  program  under  which
expenditures averaging approximately $243 million are anticipated during each of
the next five years.  Capital expenditures for compliance with the Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990 are included in the  construction  program,  but the estimate
does not  include  expenditures  which may be  incurred  to meet new air quality
standards -- also see  "Regulation",  below.  The Company does not  anticipate a
need for additional base load electric  generating capacity until after the year

               During the five-year  period ended 1997,  gross  additions to the
property of the Company,  including allowance for funds used during construction
and excluding nuclear fuel, were

                                      - 1 -

approximately  $1.5  billion  (including  $259  million  in 1997)  and  property
retirements were $311 million.

               In addition to the funds  required  for  construction  during the
1998-2002  period,  $239  million  will be required to repay  long-term  debt as
follows:  $29 million in 1998,  $135  million in 1999,  and $75 million in 2002.
Amounts for years  subsequent to 1998 do not include nuclear fuel lease payments
since the amounts of such payments are not currently determinable.

               For  information  on the Company's  external  cash  sources,  see
"Liquidity and Capital  Resources" in  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations" under Item 7 herein.

               Financing Restrictions.  Under the most restrictive earnings test
contained in the Company's  Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust ("Mortgage")
relating to its First Mortgage Bonds  ("Bonds"),  no Bonds may be issued (except
in certain refunding operations) unless the Company's net earnings available for
interest  after  depreciation  for 12  consecutive  months  within the 15 months
preceding  such issuance are at least two times annual  interest  charges on all
Bonds and prior lien bonds then  outstanding and to be issued (all calculated as
provided in the Mortgage).  Such ratio for the 12 months ended December 31, 1997
was 6.7,  which would permit the Company to issue an additional  $2.8 billion of
Bonds (8% annual  interest rate  assumed).  Additionally,  the Mortgage  permits
issuance of new bonds up to (a) 60% of defined  property  additions,  or (b) the
amount of previous bonds retired or to be retired, or (c) the amount of cash put
up for such  purpose.  At  December  31,  1997,  the  aggregate  amount of Bonds
issuable under (a) and (b) above was approximately $2.1 billion.

               The Company's  Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  restrict the
Company from selling  Preferred Stock unless its net earnings for a period of 12
consecutive  months  within 15 months  preceding  such sale are at least two and
one-half  times the annual  dividend  requirements  on its Preferred  Stock then
outstanding  and to be issued.  Such ratio for the 12 months ended  December 31,
1997 was 33.9,  which  would  permit  the  Company to issue an  additional  $1.3
billion  stated  value of Preferred  Stock (8% annual  dividend  rate  assumed).
Certain  other  financing  arrangements  require  the  Company  to obtain  prior
consents to various  actions by the Company,  including  any future  borrowings,
except for  permitted  financings  such as  borrowings  under  revolving  credit
agreements,  the nuclear fuel lease, unsecured short-term borrowings (subject to
certain conditions), and the issuance of additional Bonds.


               For  the  year  1997,  approximately  83%,  7%,  and  10%  of the
Company's  electric  operating  revenues  were based on rates  regulated  by the
Missouri Public Service Commission  ("MoPSC"),  the Illinois Commerce Commission
("ICC"), and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") of the U. S.
Department of Energy, respectively.

               As permitted by electric  utility  restructuring  legislation  in
Illinois, the Company has filed to eliminate the fuel adjustment clause on sales
of electricity in Illinois,  thereby  including a historical level of fuel costs
in base rates.  The request is pending  with the ICC, and a decision is expected
in early May, 1998.

               For additional  information on "Rates",  see Note 2 to the "Notes
to Financial Statements" under Item 8 herein.

                                      - 2 -

                                                    FUEL SUPPLY
Cost of Fuels                                          Year
- -------------                             -------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          1997            1996            1995            1994           1993
                                          ----            ----            ----            ----           ----
Per Million BTU  - Coal               105.600(cent)   112.250(cent)   117.645(cent)   123.950(cent)  153.284(cent)
                 - Nuclear             47.472(cent)    47.499(cent)    48.592(cent)    49.932(cent)   56.848(cent)
                 - System              92.816(cent)    96.596(cent)   101.590(cent)   101.867(cent)  126.362(cent)

Per kWh of Steam Generation              .979(cent)     1.024(cent)     1.068(cent)     1.064(cent)    1.331(cent)

            Oil and  Gas.  The  actual  and  prospective  use of such  fuels  is
minimal,  and the Company has not  experienced and does not expect to experience
difficulty in obtaining adequate supplies.

            Coal.  Because  of  uncertainties  of supply due to  potential  work
stoppages,  equipment  breakdowns and other factors, the Company has a policy of
maintaining a coal inventory  consistent with its expected burn  practices.  See
"Regulation" for additional reference to the Company's coal requirements.
            Nuclear.  The  components  of the nuclear  fuel cycle  required  for
nuclear generating units are as follows:  (1) uranium; (2) conversion of uranium
into  uranium  hexafluoride;   (3)  enrichment  of  uranium  hexafluoride;   (4)
conversion  of  enriched  uranium  hexafluoride  into  uranium  dioxide  and the
fabrication into nuclear fuel assemblies;  and (5) disposal and/or  reprocessing
of spent nuclear fuel.
            The  Company  has  agreements  to  fulfill  its needs  for  uranium,
enrichment,  and fabrication services through 2002. The Company's agreements for
conversion  services are  sufficient to supply the Callaway  Plant through 1999.
Additional  contracts  will have to be entered  into in order to supply  nuclear
fuel during the  remainder of the life of the Plant,  at prices which cannot now
be accurately  predicted.  The Callaway  Plant normally  requires  re-fueling at
18-month intervals and refuelings are presently scheduled for the spring of 1998
and the fall of 1999.

            Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, the U. S.  Department of
Energy  ("DOE") is responsible  for the permanent  storage and disposal of spent
nuclear fuel. DOE currently charges one mill per nuclear generated kilowatt-hour
sold for future  disposal of spent fuel.  Electric  rates  charged to  customers
provide for recovery of such costs.  DOE is not  expected to have its  permanent
storage  facility for spent fuel available  until at least 2015. The Company has
sufficient  storage  capacity  at the  Callaway  Plant  site  until  2004 and is
pursuing a viable storage  alternative.  This  alternative  will require Nuclear
Regulatory  Commission  approval.  The delayed  availability  of DOE's  disposal
facility is not  expected to  adversely  affect the  continued  operation of the
Callaway Plant.
            For additional  information on the Company's "Fuel Supply", see Note
10 to the "Notes to Financial Statements" under Item 8 herein.


            The Company is subject to regulation by the  Securities and Exchange
Commission  and, as a subsidiary of Ameren,  is subject to the provisions of the
Public Utility  Holding Company Act. The Company is subject to regulation by the
MoPSC and the ICC as to rates, service, accounts, issuance of equity securities,
issuance  of debt having a maturity of more than  twelve  months,  mergers,  and
various other matters.  The Company is also subject to regulation by the FERC as
to rates and charges in connection  with the  transmission of electric energy in
interstate  commerce  and the sale of such  energy at  wholesale  in  interstate
commerce, mergers, and certain other matters. Authorization to issue debt having
a maturity of twelve months or less is obtained from the Securities and Exchange

                                      - 3 -

            See Note 2 to the  "Notes  to  Financial  Statements"  under  Item 8
herein for a discussion of legislation  which  introduces  competition  into the
supply of electric energy in Illinois.

            Operation of the Company's  Callaway  Plant is subject to regulation
by the Nuclear Regulatory  Commission.  The Company's Facility Operating License
for the  Callaway  Plant  expires on  October  18,  2024.  The  Company's  Osage
hydroelectric  plant and its Taum Sauk  pumpedstorage  hydro plant,  as licensed
projects under the Federal Power Act, are subject to certain federal regulations
affecting,  among other things,  the general  operation and  maintenance  of the
projects.  The  Company's  license for the Osage Plant  expires on February  28,
2006,  and its license  for the Taum Sauk Plant  expires on June 30,  2010.  The
Company's  Keokuk  Plant  and  dam  located  in the  Mississippi  River  between
Hamilton, Illinois and Keokuk, Iowa, are operated under authority,  unlimited in
time, granted by an Act of Congress in 1905.

            The Company is regulated,  in certain of its operations,  by air and
water pollution and hazardous waste regulations at the city,  county,  state and
federal  levels.  The Company is in  substantial  compliance  with such existing

            In July 1997,  the United  States  Environmental  Protection  Agency
("EPA")  issued final  regulations  revising  the  National  Ambient Air Quality
Standards for ozone and particulate  matter.  Although specific emission control
requirements  are  still  being  developed,  it is  believed  that  the  revised
standards will require significant  additional  reductions in nitrogen oxide and
sulfur  dioxide  emissions  from  coal-fired  boilers.  In October 1997, the EPA
announced  that  Missouri and  Illinois  are  included in the area  targeted for
nitrogen  oxide  emissions  reductions  as part of the  EPA's  regional  control
program.  Reduction  requirements in nitrogen oxide emissions from the Company's
coal-fired boilers could exceed 80% from 1990 levels by the year 2002. Reduction
requirements  in sulfur  dioxide  emissions may be up to 50% beyond that already
required  by Phase II acid rain  control  provisions  of the 1990  Clean Air Act
Amendments  and could be required  by 2007.  Because of the  magnitude  of these
additional  reductions,  the Company  could be  required to incur  significantly
higher capital costs to meet future  compliance  obligations  for its coal-fired
boilers  or  purchase  power  from  other  sources,  either of which  could have
significantly  higher  operations and maintenance  expenditures  associated with
compliance.  At this time,  the Company is unable to determine the impact of the
revised air quality  standards  on its future  financial  condition,  results of
operations or liquidity.

            In December  1997,  the United States and numerous  other  countries
agreed to certain  environmental  provisions (the Kyoto  Protocol),  which would
require  decreases  in  greenhouse  gases in an effort to  address  the  "global
warming" issue. The Company is unable to predict what requirements, if any, will
be adopted in this country. However, implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in its
present form would  likely  result in  significantly  higher  capital  costs and
operations  and  maintenance  expenditures  by the  Company.  At this time,  the
Company  is unable to  determine  the  impact of these  proposals  on its future
financial condition, results of operations or liquidity.

            Under Title IV of the Clean Air Act  Amendments of 1990, the Company
is required to significantly  reduce total sulfur dioxide  emissions by the year
2000.  Significant  reductions in nitrogen oxide are also required. By switching
to  low-sulfur  coal  and  early  banking  of  emission  credits,   the  Company
anticipates  that  it can  comply  with  the  requirements  of the  law  without
significant  revenue  increases  because the related capital costs,  are largely
offset by lower  fuel  costs.  As of the end of 1997,  the  estimated  remaining
capital costs  expected to be incurred for Clean Air Act - related  projects was
$35 million.

                                      - 4 -

            As of December 31, 1997,  the Company was  designated a  potentially
responsible party ("PRP") by federal and state environmental protection agencies
at four hazardous waste sites.  Other hazardous waste sites have been identified
for which the Company may be responsible  but has not been designated a PRP. The
Company  continually  reviews the remediation costs that may be required for all
of these sites. However, any unrecovered environmental costs are not expected to
have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial  position,  results of
operations or liquidity.

            Other  aspects  of  the  Company's   business  are  subject  to  the
jurisdiction of various regulatory  authorities and, for additional  information
on regulations see "Electric Industry Restructuring" in "Management's Discussion
and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations"  under Item 7
herein and Notes 2 and 10 to the "Notes to  Financial  Statements"  under Item 8
                                 INDUSTRY ISSUES

            The Company is facing  issues common to the electric and gas utility
industries  which have  emerged  during the past  several  years.  These  issues
include:  the  potential  for more  intense  competition  and for  changing  the
structure of regulation; changes in the structure of the industry as a result of
changes in federal and state laws; on-going  consideration of additional changes
of the  industry  by  federal  and  state  authorities;  continually  developing
environmental  laws,  regulations and issues including  proposed new air quality
standards;  public  concern  about the siting of new  facilities;  proposals for
demand side management programs;  public concerns about nuclear  decommissioning
and the disposal of nuclear wastes;  and global climate  issues.  The Company is
monitoring  these issues and is unable to predict at this time what  impact,  if
any,  these  issues  will  have  on  its  operations,  financial  condition,  or

            For additional information on certain of these issues, see "Outlook"
in "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of
Operations"  under Item 7 herein  and Notes 2 and 10 to the "Notes to  Financial
Statements" under Item 8 herein.


            In planning  its  construction  program,  the  Company is  presently
utilizing a forecast of kilowatthour sales growth of approximately 1.9% and peak
load growth of 1%, each  compounded  annually,  and is  providing  for a minimum
reserve  margin of  approximately  17% to 21% above  its  anticipated  peak load

            The  Company  is a  member  of  one  of the  ten  regional  electric
reliability  councils  organized for  coordinating the planning and operation of
the  nation's  bulk power  supply - MAIN  (Mid-America  Interconnected  Network)
operating  primarily  in  Wisconsin,  Illinois  and  Missouri.  The  Company has
interconnections for the exchange of power,  directly and through the facilities
of  others,  with  thirteen  private  utilities  and  with  Associated  Electric
Cooperative,  Inc.,  the City of  Columbia,  Missouri,  the  Southwestern  Power
Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

            The Company owns 40% of the capital stock of Electric  Energy,  Inc.
("EEI"), and its affiliate, CIPS, owns 20% of such stock. The balance is held by
two other sponsoring  companies -Kentucky Utilities Company ("KU"), and Illinova
Generating  ("IG").  EEI owns and  operates  a  generating  plant with a nominal
capacity  of 1,000 mW. 60% of the  plant's  output is  committed  to the Paducah
Project of the DOE, 10% to the Company, 20% to KU, and 5% each to IG and CIPS.

                                      - 5 -

            As of  December  31,  1997 the  Company  owned  approximately  3,304
circuit miles of electric  transmission lines and substations with a transformer
capacity of approximately 45,754,000 kVA. The Company operates three propane-air
plants with an  aggregate  daily  natural gas  equivalent  deliverability  of 29
million  Btu and 2,737  miles of gas  mains.  Other  properties  of the  Company
include distribution lines,  underground cable, steam distribution facilities in
Jefferson City,  Missouri and office buildings,  warehouses,  garages and repair

            The  Company  has  fee  title  to all  principal  plants  and  other
important  units of property,  or to the real property on which such  facilities
are located (subject to mortgage liens securing outstanding  indebtedness of the
Company and to permitted liens and judgment liens, as defined),  except that (i)
a portion of the Osage Plant reservoir,  certain  facilities at the Sioux Plant,
certain  of  the  Company's   substations  and  most  of  its  transmission  and
distribution  lines and gas mains are situated on lands  occupied  under leases,
easements,  franchises,  licenses or permits;  (ii) the United States and/or the
State of Missouri  own, or have or may have,  paramount  rights to certain lands
lying in the bed of the  Osage  River or  located  between  the  inner and outer
harbor lines of the  Mississippi  River,  on which certain  generating and other
properties of the Company are located;  and (iii) the United States and/or State
of Illinois and/or State of Iowa and/or City of Keokuk, Iowa own, or have or may
have,  paramount  rights with respect to,  certain lands lying in the bed of the
Mississippi River on which a portion of the Company's Keokuk Plant is located.

            Substantially all of the Company's  property and plant is subject to
the direct  first lien of an  Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated June
15, 1937, as amended and supplemented.

            The  following  table sets  forth  information  with  respect to the
Company's generating  facilities and capability at the time of the expected 1998

                                                                 Gross Kilowatt
 Energy                                                             Installed
 Source        Plant                  Location                     Capability
 ------      ---------              ------------                 ---------------

 Coal        Labadie            Franklin County, Mo.                 2,404,000
             Rush Island        Jefferson County, Mo.                1,214,000
             Sioux              St. Charles County, Mo.              1,008,000
             Meramec            St. Louis County, Mo.                  927,000

                                           Total Coal                5,553,000

 Nuclear     Callaway           Callaway County, Mo.                 1,199,000

 Hydro       Osage              Lakeside, Mo.                          212,000
             Keokuk             Keokuk, Ia.                            126,000

                                           Total Hydro                 338,000

 Oil and     Venice             Venice, Ill.                           459,000
 Natural     Other              Various                                383,000
 Gas                                       Total Oil and
                                             Natural Gas               842,000
 storage     Taum Sauk          Reynolds County, Mo.                   350,000

                                           TOTAL                     8,282,000

                                      - 6 -


         The Company is involved in legal and administrative  proceedings before
various  courts and  agencies  with  respect to matters  arising in the ordinary
course of business, some of which involve substantial amounts.  Management is of
the opinion  that the final  disposition  of these  proceedings  will not have a
material  adverse  effect  on  the  Company's  financial  position,  results  of
operations or liquidity.

         Statements made in this report which are not based on historical facts,
are forward-looking and, accordingly, involve risks and uncertainties that could
cause actual results to differ  materially from those  discussed.  Although such
forward-looking  statements  have  been  made in good  faith  and are  based  on
reasonable assumptions,  there is no assurance that the expected results will be
achieved.  These statements include (without limitation) statements as to future
expectations,  beliefs,  plans strategies,  objectives,  events,  conditions and
financial  performance.  In connection with the "Safe Harbor"  provisions of the
Private Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the Company is providing this
cautionary  statement  to identify  important  factors  that could cause  actual
results to differ materially from those  anticipated.  Factors include,  but are
not limited to, the effects of:  regulatory  actions;  changes in laws and other
governmental actions; competition; future market prices for electricity; average
rates for electricity in the Midwest; business and economic conditions;  weather
conditions; fuel prices and availability; generation plant performance; monetary
and fiscal policies; and legal and administrative proceedings.

                                     PART II


         There is no market for the Company's  Common Stock since all shares are
         owned by its parent, Ameren.


For the Years Ended
December 31 (In Thousands)                  1997           1996           1995          1994           1993
- -------------------------                   ----           ----           ----          ----           ----

Operating revenues                       $2,287,333     $2,260,364     $2,242,364    $2,223,938     $2,220,037
Operating income                            448,827        428,314        441,896       450,186        411,297
Net income                                  301,655        304,876        314,107       320,757        297,160
Preferred stock dividends                     8,817         13,249         13,250        13,252         14,087
Net income after preferred
  stock dividends                           292,838        291,627        300,857       307,505        283,073
Common stock dividends                      259,395        256,331        250,714       244,586        238,459

As of December 31,

Total assets                             $6,802,285     $6,870,809     $6,754,469    $6,624,701     $6,595,570
Long-term debt                            1,846,482      1,798,671      1,763,613     1,823,489      1,766,655

                                      - 7 -



     Union Electric Company  (AmerenUE or the Company) is a subsidiary of Ameren
Corporation  (Ameren), a newly created holding company which is registered under
the Public  Utility  Holding  Company Act of 1935  (PUHCA).  In  December  1997,
AmerenUE and CIPSCO Incorporated (CIPSCO) combined to form Ameren, with AmerenUE
and CIPSCO's subsidiaries,  Central Illinois Public Service Company (AmerenCIPS)
and CIPSCO  Investment  Company (CIC),  becoming  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  of



     Earnings for 1997, 1996, and 1995 were $293 million, $292 million, and $301
million,  respectively.  Earnings fluctuated due to many conditions,  primarily:
weather variations, electric rate reductions, competitive market forces, credits
to electric  customers,  sales growth,  fluctuating  operating costs,  including
Callaway Plant nuclear refueling outages,  merger-related  expenses,  changes in
interest  expense,  changes in income and  property  taxes and an  extraordinary

     The  Company  recorded  an  extraordinary  charge to earnings in the fourth
quarter of 1997 for the write-off of  generation-related  regulatory  assets and
liabilities of the Company's  Illinois retail  electric  business as a result of
electric  industry  restructuring  legislation  enacted in  Illinois in December
1997. The write-off reduced earnings $27 million, net of income taxes. (See Note
2  -  Regulatory  Matters  under  Notes  to  Financial  Statements  for  further

Electric Operations

     The impacts of the more significant  items affecting  electric revenues and
operating expenses during the past three years are analyzed and discussed below:

Electric Revenues                                  Variations from Prior Year
- -------------------------------------        ------------ ------------ ---------
(Millions of Dollars)                            1997         1996         1995
- -------------------------------------        ------------ ------------ ---------
Rate variations                                  $  -         $(20)        $(14)
Credit to customers                                28          (15)         (33)
Effect of abnormal weather                          4          (63)          53
Growth and other                                    1           96           39
Interchange sales                                  (5)           9          (28)
- -------------------------------------        ------------ ------------ ---------
                                                 $ 28         $   7        $ 17
- -------------------------------------        ------------ ------------ ---------

     Electric  revenues  in  1997  were  $28  million  higher  compared  to 1996
primarily due to a lower  estimated  Missouri  customer credit recorded in 1997.
(See Note 2 - Regulatory Matters under Notes to Financial Statements for further
information.) Kilowatthour sales in 1997 remained unchanged compared to the same
period  in  1996.  Residential  sales  remained  flat  while  interchange  sales
decreased  5%.   Commercial  and  industrial   sales  were  1%  and  3%  higher,

     The  increase  in  1996  electric  revenues  was  due to a 4%  increase  in
kilowatthour  sales over the  year-ago  period,  partly  offset by the 1.8% rate
decrease  for  Missouri  electric  customers  and the net  increase  in customer
credits recorded during 1996 versus 1995. (See Note 2 - Regulatory Matters under
Notes to Financial  Statements for further  information.) The kilowatthour sales
increase  reflected  strong  economic  growth  in  AmerenUE's  service  area and
increased  interchange sales  opportunities,  partially offset by milder weather
during the  period.  Residential  and  commercial  sales each rose 3% over 1995,
while industrial sales grew 2% and interchange sales increased 7%.

     The  increase  in  1995  electric  revenues  was  due to  increased  retail
kilowatthour  sales compared to 1994, mainly due to unusually hot weather in the
third  quarter and sales growth  reflecting  our healthy  service area  economy.
Weather-sensitive   residential  and  commercial  sales  increased  6%  and  3%,
respectively,  over 1994,  and  industrial  sales  grew 3%.  This  increase  was
partially  offset by a one-time $30 million credit,  the rate decrease and a 17%
decline in interchange sales due to decreased  interchange sales  opportunities.
(See Note 2 - Regulatory Matters under Notes to Financial Statements for further

Fuel and Purchased Power                             Variations from Prior Year
- --------------------------------------              ------     -----      ------
(Millions of Dollars)                                1997       1996       1995
- --------------------------------------              ------     ------     ------
    Variation in generation                          $ 17       $ 15       $  1
    Price                                             (15)       (18)        (1)
    Generation efficiencies and other                  (1)         3          2
Purchased power variation                             (14)         8          5
- --------------------------------------               ------     -----     ------
                                                     $(13)      $  8       $  7
- --------------------------------------               ------     -----     ------

     Fuel and purchased  power costs  decreased in 1997 primarily due to reduced
purchased power costs,  resulting from relatively flat native load sales coupled
with greater generation, as well as lower fuel prices. The increase in 1996 fuel
and  purchased  power  costs was  driven  mainly by higher  kilowatthour  sales,
partially  offset by lower fuel prices due to the use of  lower-cost  coal.  The
increase in 1995 fuel and purchased  power costs reflected  increased  purchased
power costs due to greater kilowatthour sales during the hot 1995 summer and the
need for  replacement  power during  Callaway  Plant's spring nuclear  refueling

Operating Expenses, Other than Fuel and Purchased Power

     Other  operations   expense  variations  in  1995  through  1997  reflected
recurring factors such as growth,  inflation,  labor and benefit  increases.  In
1997, other operations  expense increased $26 million primarily due to increased
consultant expenses and information  system-related expenses. In 1996, gas costs
increased  $13 million  primarily due to a 26% rise in natural gas purchased for
resale (due to higher sales and gas prices).  In 1996, other operations  expense
increased $11 million primarily due to increased employee benefits, injuries and
damages and consulting expenses. In 1995, gas costs decreased $9 million, mainly
due to a 15%  reduction in natural gas  purchased  for resale (due  primarily to
lower gas  prices).  In 1995,  other  operations  expense  decreased $8 million,
primarily  due to decreases  in employee  benefits,  injuries  and damages,  and
insurance expenses. These decreases were partially offset by increased labor and
material and supplies expenses.

     In 1997,  maintenance expenses decreased $6 million,  primarily a result of
reduced  Callaway  Plant  expenses  due to the absence of a refueling  outage in
1997, offset in part by increased  scheduled fossil plant maintenance.  In 1996,
maintenance  expenses  increased $2 million  primarily  due to  increased  labor
expenses at Callaway  Plant and fossil  plants.  In 1995,  maintenance  expenses
increased $24 million,  mainly due to scheduled power plant maintenance expenses
partially offset by reduced distribution system maintenance  expenses.  Callaway
Plant's  maintenance  expenses increased $17 million primarily due to the spring
1995 refueling outage.  Maintenance expenses at other power plants increased $11
million primarily due to scheduled maintenance outages.

     Depreciation  and  amortization  expense  increased $7 million in 1997,  $8
million in 1996 and $7 million in 1995, due to increased depreciable property.


     Income tax expense from  operations  decreased $5 million in 1997 primarily
due to a lower effective tax rate. Income tax expense from operations  decreased
$12 million in 1996  principally due to lower pretax income.  Income tax expense
from operations increased $3 million in 1995 primarily due to a higher effective
income tax rate partially offset by lower pretax income.

Other Income and Deductions

     Miscellaneous,  net  increased  $12 million for 1997,  primarily due to the
capitalization  of  merger-related  expenses.  (See Note 2 - Regulatory  Matters
under Notes to Financial Statements for further information.) Miscellaneous, net
increased $2 million for 1996, primarily due to reduced merger-related expenses.
Miscellaneous,  net  decreased $6 million for 1995,  primarily  due to increased
merger-related expenses.


     Interest expense increased $6 million for 1997 primarily due to higher debt
outstanding during the year at higher interest rates. In 1996,  interest expense
declined $2 million primarily due to lower debt outstanding  during the year and
lower rates on variable-rate long-term debt. In 1995, interest expense decreased
$6 million as declines in other  interest  expense were partly  offset by higher
interest rates on variable-rate long-term debt.

Balance Sheet

     The $27 million decrease in other current liabilities at December 31, 1997,
compared to December 31, 1996,  was primarily  due to a lower  accrued  customer
credit. (See Note 2 - Regulatory Matters under Notes to Financial Statements for
further  information.)  The $57 million  increase in other deferred  credits and
liabilities was  attributable to increases in the accrued pension  liability and
the nuclear decommissioning trust fund.


     Cash  provided  by  operating  activities  totaled  $602  million for 1997,
compared to $605 million and $640 million in 1996 and 1995, respectively.

     Cash flows used in investing activities totaled $284 million, $363 million,
and $341  million  for the  years  ended  December  31,  1997,  1996  and  1995,
respectively.  Expenditures in 1997 for  constructing new or to improve existing
facilities,  purchasing rail cars and complying with the Clean Air Act were $259
million. In addition, the Company spent $35 million to acquire nuclear fuel.

     Construction  expenditures  are  expected to be about $230 million in 1998.
For the five-year period 1998-2002,  construction  expenditures are estimated at
$1.2 billion. This estimate does not include any construction expenditures which
may be incurred by the Company to meet new air quality  standards  for ozone and
particulate matter, as discussed below.

     The Company's need for additional base load electric generating capacity is
not anticipated  until after the year 2013.  Under Title IV of the Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990, the Company is required to significantly reduce total sulfur
dioxide emissions by the year 2000. Significant reductions in nitrogen oxide are
also  required.  By switching to low-sulfur  coal and early banking of emissions
credits, the Company anticipates that it can comply with the requirements of the
law without  significant revenue increases because the related capital costs are
largely  offset by lower fuel costs.  As of year-end 1997,  estimated  remaining
capital  costs  expected  to be  incurred  pertaining  to Clean Air  Act-related
projects totaled $35 million.

     In July 1997,  the United  States  Environmental  Protection  Agency  (EPA)
issued final regulations revising the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for
ozone and particulate  matter.  Although specific emission control  requirements
are still being  developed,  it is  believed  that the  revised  standards  will
require significant  additional  reductions in nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide
emissions  from  coal-fired  boilers.  In October 1997,  the EPA announced  that
Missouri  and Illinois  are  included in the area  targeted  for nitrogen  oxide
emissions  reductions as part of the EPA's regional control  program.  Reduction
requirements in nitrogen oxide emissions from the Company's  coal-fired  boilers
could exceed 80% from 1990 levels by the year 2002.  Reduction  requirements  in
sulfur dioxide  emissions may be up to 50% beyond that already required by Phase
II acid rain control  provisions of the 1990 Clean Air Act  Amendments and could
be required by 2007.  Because of the magnitude of these  additional  reductions,
the Company  could be required to incur  significantly  higher  capital costs to
meet future compliance  obligations for its coal-fired boilers or purchase power
from other sources,  either of which could have significantly  higher operations
and  maintenance  expenditures  associated  with  compliance.  At this time, the
Company is unable to determine  the impact of the revised air quality  standards
on its future financial condition, results of operations or liquidity.

     In December 1997, the United States and numerous other countries  agreed to
certain  environmental  provisions  (the Kyoto  Protocol),  which would  require
decreases  in  greenhouse  gases in an effort to address  the  "global  warming"
issue.  The  Company is unable to predict  what  requirements,  if any,  will be
adopted in this country.  However,  implementation  of the Kyoto Protocol in its
present form would  likely  result in  significantly  higher  capital  costs and
operations  and  maintenance  expenditures  by the  Company.  At this time,  the
Company  is unable to  determine  the  impact of these  proposals  on its future
financial condition, results of operations or liquidity.

     See Note 11 - Callaway  Nuclear  Plant under Notes to Financial  Statements
for a discussion of Callaway Plant decommissioning costs.

     Cash  flows  used in  financing  activities  were  $320  million  for 1997,
compared to $238 million and $299 million for 1996 and 1995,  respectively.  The
Company's principal financing  activities during 1997 included the redemption of
$64 million of preferred stock and the payment of dividends.

     The Company plans to continue  utilizing  short-term debt to support normal
operations and other  temporary  requirements.  The Company is authorized by the
Federal  Energy  Regulatory  Commission  (FERC)  to have up to $600  million  of
short-term  unsecured debt instruments  outstanding at any one time.  Short-term
borrowings  consist of bank loans  (maturities  generally on an overnight basis)
and commercial  paper  (maturities  generally within 10 to 45 days). At December
31,  1997,  the  Company had  committed  bank lines of credit  aggregating  $179
million (of which $164  million  were unused at such date) which make  available
interim  financing  at  various  rates  of  interest  based on  LIBOR,  the bank
certificate of deposit rate or other options.  The lines of credit are renewable
annually at various dates throughout the year. At year-end,  the Company had $21
million of short-term borrowings.

     The  Company  also has bank  credit  agreements  due 1999 which  permit the
borrowing  of up to $300  million  and $200  million on a  long-term  basis.  At
December 31, 1997, $35 million of such borrowings were outstanding.

     Additionally,  the Company has a lease  agreement  which  provides  for the
financing of nuclear fuel. At December 31, 1997,  the maximum amount which could
be financed  under the agreement was $120 million.  Cash provided from financing
for 1997  included  issuances  under the lease for nuclear  fuel of $40 million,
offset in part by $28 million of redemptions. At December 31, 1997, $117 million
was  financed  under the lease.  (See Note 3 - Nuclear Fuel Lease under Notes to
Financial Statements for further information.)


     See Note 2 - Regulatory  Matters under Notes to Financial  Statements for a
discussion of rate matters.


     See Note 10 -  Commitments  and  Contingencies  under  Notes  to  Financial
Statements for material issues existing at December 31, 1997.


     Changes  enacted  and being  considered  at the  federal  and state  levels
continue  to  change  the  structure  of  the  electric   industry  and  utility
regulation,  as well as encourage increased  competition.  At the federal level,
the Energy Policy Act of 1992 reduced various  restrictions on the operation and
ownership of  independent  power  producers  and gave the FERC the  authority to
order electric utilities to provide transmission access to third parties.

     In April 1996,  the FERC issued  Order 888 and Order 889 which are intended
to promote  competition  in the  wholesale  electric  market.  The FERC requires
transmission-owning   public  utilities,   such  as  the  Company,   to  provide
transmission  access and service to others in a manner similar and comparable to
that which the utilities have by virtue of ownership.  Order 888 requires that a
single tariff be used by the utility in providing  transmission  service.  Order
888 also provides for the recovery of stranded costs, under certain  conditions,
related to the wholesale business.

     Order 889 established the standards of conduct and information requirements
that transmission  owners must adhere to in doing business under the open access
rule. Under Order 889, utilities must obtain transmission  service for their own
use in the same manner their  customers  will obtain  service,  thus  mitigating
market power through  control of  transmission  facilities.  In addition,  under
Order 889,  utilities must separate their merchant  function (buying and selling
wholesale power) from their transmission and reliability functions.

     The  Company  believes  that Order 888 and Order 889,  which  relate to its
wholesale  business,  will not have a material  adverse  effect on its financial
condition, results of operations or liquidity.

     In  addition,  certain  states are  considering  proposals  or have adopted
legislation that will promote competition at the retail level. In December 1997,
the Governor of Illinois  signed the Electric  Service  Customer Choice and Rate
Relief Law of 1997 (the Act)  providing for electric  utility  restructuring  in
Illinois.  This legislation  introduces  competition into the supply of electric
energy in Illinois.  (See Note 2 - Regulatory  Matters  under Notes to Financial
Statements for further information.)

     After  evaluating the impact of this  legislation,  the Company  determined
that it was necessary to write-off the generation-related  regulatory assets and
liabilities of its Illinois retail electric business.  This extraordinary charge
reduced 1997  earnings $27 million,  net of income  taxes.  The Company has also
concluded that its remaining net generation-related  assets are not impaired and
that no plant  write-downs are necessary at this time. The provisions of the Act
could also result in lower revenues,  reduced profit margins and increased costs
of capital.  At this time, the Company is unable to determine any further impact
of the  Act  on  its  future  financial  condition,  results  of  operations  or
liquidity.  (See Note 2 - Regulatory Matters under Notes to Financial Statements
for further information.)

     In Missouri,  where  approximately  92% of the  Company's  retail  electric
revenues are derived,  a task force  appointed  by the Missouri  Public  Service
Commission  (MoPSC)  is  investigating   electric  industry   restructuring  and
competition  and is  expected  to issue a report to the  MoPSC in 1998.  A joint
legislative  committee is also  conducting  studies on these issues.  Up to this
point,  retail  wheeling has not been allowed in  Missouri;  however,  the joint
agreement  approved  by the  MoPSC  in  February  1997  as  part  of its  merger
authorization  includes a provision that required the Company to file a proposal
for a 100-megawatt  experimental retail wheeling pilot program in Missouri.  The
Company  filed its proposal with the MoPSC in September  1997.  This proposal is
subject to review and approval by the MoPSC.

     The Company is unable to predict the timing or ultimate outcome of electric
industry  restructuring  in the state of Missouri,  as well as its impact on the
Company's future financial  condition,  results of operations or liquidity.  The
potential  negative  consequences of electric  industry  restructuring  could be
significant  and  include  the  impairment  and  write-down  of certain  assets,
including  generation-related  plant and net regulatory assets,  lower revenues,
reduced profit margins and increased costs of capital.  (See Note 2 - Regulatory
Matters under Notes to Financial Statements for further information.)


     The Year 2000 issue  relates to  computer  systems  and  applications  that
currently  use  two-digit  date fields to designate a year.  As the century date
change occurs,  date-sensitive  systems will recognize the year 2000 as 1900, or
not at all.  This  inability to  recognize  or properly  treat the year 2000 may
cause  systems  to  process  critical  financial  and  operational   information

     The Company is utilizing both internal and external  resources to identify,
correct or reprogram and test information systems for Year 2000 compliance.  The
Company  estimates  that its costs for addressing the Year 2000 issue will range
from $7 to $11 million. These costs will be expensed as incurred.


     Significant changes are taking place in the electric utility industry.  The
Company's  management and Board of Directors  recognize that competition  likely
will continue to increase in the future, especially in the energy supply portion
of the  business.  New air quality  standards are being  considered  which could
significantly  increase  capital  costs,  purchased  power  expenses  and  other
operations  and  maintenance   expenditures.   In  addition,   expenditures  for
information  systems are increasing  (including  those costs associated with the
Year  2000  issue).   These  issues  will  result  in  numerous  challenges  and
uncertainties for the Company and the utility industry,  including the potential
for increased earnings pressure on the Company and other electric utilities.  At
this time,  management  cannot  predict the  ultimate  timing or impact of these
matters on its future financial  condition,  results of operations or liquidity.
The  Company's  management  and its Board of  Directors  are  taking  actions to
address these challenges. Efforts are underway to accelerate merger cost savings
and other  expense  reductions.  The  Company is also  analyzing  the  potential
benefits   associated  with  the  Illinois   electric   industry   restructuring
legislation,  including the  elimination of the fuel  adjustment  clause and the
securitization  of certain future revenues.  Through these initiatives and other
strategies, the Company intends to address these challenges,  maximize the value
of its strategic generating assets and enhance shareholder value.


     In June 1997, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 130, "Reporting  Comprehensive Income"
and SFAS No.  131,  "Disclosures  about  Segments of an  Enterprise  and Related
Information."  SFAS 130  establishes  standards  for  reporting  and  displaying
comprehensive  income. SFAS 131 establishes  standards for reporting information
about operating  segments in annual financial  statements and interim reports to
shareholders.  SFAS 130 and SFAS 131 are  effective  for fiscal years  beginning
after  December  15,  1997.  SFAS 130 and SFAS  131 are not  expected  to have a
material  effect on the  Company's  financial  position or results of operations
upon adoption.


     The  Company's  rates for retail  electric and gas service are regulated by
the MoPSC and the Illinois Commerce  Commission.  Non-retail  electric rates are
regulated by the FERC.

     The current replacement cost of the Company's utility plants  substantially
exceeds their recorded historical cost. Under existing regulatory practice, only
the historical cost of plants is recoverable from customers.  As a result,  cash
flows designed to provide recovery of historical costs through  depreciation may
not be adequate to replace plant in future years.  However,  existing regulatory
practice may be modified for the  Company's  generation  portion of its business
(see Note 2 - Regulatory Matters under Notes to Financial Statements for further

     In Illinois,  changes in the cost of fuel for electric  generation  and gas
costs  are  generally  reflected  in  billings  to  customers  through  fuel and
purchased gas adjustment clauses.  However,  existing regulatory practice may be
modified in the Illinois retail jurisdiction for changes in the cost of fuel for
electric  generation  (see Note 2 - Regulatory  Matters under Notes to Financial
Statements for further  information).  In the Missouri retail jurisdiction,  the
cost of fuel  for  electric  generation  is  reflected  in  base  rates  with no
provision for changes to be made through a fuel  adjustment  clause.  Changes in
gas  costs in the  Missouri  retail  jurisdiction  are  generally  reflected  in
billings to customers through a purchased gas adjustment clause.

     Inflation  continues  to  be  a  factor  affecting  operations,   earnings,
stockholders' equity and financial performance.


     Statements made in this report which are not based on historical  facts are
forward-looking  and,  accordingly,  involve risks and uncertainties  that could
cause actual results to differ  materially from those  discussed.  Although such
forward-looking  statements  have  been  made in good  faith  and are  based  on
reasonable assumptions,  there is no assurance that the expected results will be
achieved.  These statements include (without limitation) statements as to future
expectations,  beliefs, plans, strategies,  objectives,  events,  conditions and
financial  performance.  In connection with the "Safe Harbor"  provisions of the
Private Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the Company is providing this
cautionary  statement  to identify  important  factors  that could cause  actual
results to differ materially from those  anticipated.  Factors include,  but are
not  limited to, the effects of  regulatory  actions;  changes in laws and other
governmental actions; competition; future market prices for electricity; average
rates for electricity in the Midwest; business and economic conditions;  weather
conditions; fuel prices and availability; generation plant performance; monetary
and fiscal policies; and legal and administrative proceedings.


To the Board of Directors
of Union Electric Company

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  listed in the index  appearing under
Item 14(a)1 on page 36 present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial
position  of Union  Electric  Company at  December  31,  1997 and 1996,  and the
results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the period  ended  December  31,  1997 in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial  statements  based on our  audits.  We  conducted  our audits of these
statements  in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards  which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about
whether  financial  statements  are  free of  material  misstatement.  An  audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing the  accounting  principles
used and  significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.


St. Louis, Missouri
February 5, 1998

                                     - 14 -


                                          UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                              BALANCE SHEET
                                  (Thousands of Dollars, Except Shares)

                                                                    December 31,            December 31,
ASSETS                                                                  1997                    1996
Property and plant, at original cost:
   Electric                                                              $8,832,039             $8,630,628
   Gas                                                                      197,959                185,867
   Other                                                                     36,023                 35,965
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
                                                                          9,066,021              8,852,460
   Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                         3,866,925              3,656,890
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
                                                                          5,199,096              5,195,570
Construction work in progress:
   Nuclear fuel in process                                                  134,804                 96,147
   Other                                                                     68,074                 90,953
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
         Total property and plant, net                                    5,401,974              5,382,670
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
Investments and other assets:
   Nuclear decommissioning trust fund                                       122,438                 96,601
   Other                                                                     33,315                 37,968
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
         Total investments and other assets                                 155,753                134,569
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                  3,232                  4,897
   Accounts receivable - trade (less allowance for doubtful
         accounts of $3,645 and $5,195, respectively)                       179,708                192,868
   Unbilled revenue                                                          71,156                 76,190
   Other accounts and notes receivable                                       41,028                 37,190
   Materials and supplies, at average cost -
      Fossil fuel                                                            49,574                 63,651
      Other                                                                  97,375                 94,517
   Other                                                                     11,040                 13,326
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
         Total current assets                                               453,113                482,639
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
Regulatory assets:
   Deferred income taxes                                                    611,740                692,171
   Other                                                                    179,705                178,760
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
         Total regulatory assets                                            791,445                870,931
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
Total Assets                                                             $6,802,285             $6,870,809
                                                                  ==================      =================

   Common stock, $5 par value, authorized 150,000,000 shares -
     outstanding 102,123,834 shares                                        $510,619               $510,619
   Other paid-in capital, principally premium on
     common stock                                                           716,879                717,669
   Retained earnings                                                      1,159,956              1,126,513
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
         Total common stockholders' equity                                2,387,454              2,354,801
   Preferred stock not subject to mandatory redemption                      155,197                218,497
   Preferred stock subject to mandatory redemption                             -                       624
   Long-term debt                                                         1,846,482              1,798,671
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
         Total capitalization                                             4,389,133              4,372,593
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
Current liabilities:
   Current maturity of long-term debt                                        28,797                 73,966
   Short-term debt                                                           21,300                 11,300
   Accounts and wages payable                                               188,014                210,349
   Accumulated deferred income taxes                                         35,809                 43,933
   Taxes accrued                                                             94,167                 51,545
   Other                                                                    142,859                169,368
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
         Total current liabilities                                          510,946                560,461
                                                                  ------------------      -----------------
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                         1,264,800              1,318,404
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                                 149,891                160,342
Regulatory liability                                                        175,638                203,822
Other deferred credits and liabilities                                      311,877                255,187
                                                                  ==================      =================
Total Capital and Liabilities                                            $6,802,285             $6,870,809
                                                                  ==================      =================

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                          UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                           STATEMENT OF INCOME
                                          (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                             December 31,        December 31,        December 31,
For the year ended                                              1997                 1996                  1995

   Electric                                                  $ 2,188,571         $ 2,160,815         $ 2,154,109
   Gas                                                            98,259              99,064              87,814
   Steam                                                             503                 485                 441
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------
      Total operating revenues                                 2,287,333           2,260,364           2,242,364

      Fuel and purchased power                                   499,995             512,831             504,815
      Gas                                                         63,453              64,548              51,251
      Other                                                      404,956             379,106             367,870
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------
                                                                 968,404             956,485             923,936
   Maintenance                                                   217,426             223,632             221,609
   Depreciation and amortization                                 247,961             241,298             233,237
   Income taxes                                                  192,766             197,369             209,541
   Other taxes                                                   211,949             213,266             212,145
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------
      Total operating expenses                                 1,838,506           1,832,050           1,800,468

OPERATING INCOME                                                 448,827             428,314             441,896

   Allowance for equity funds used during
      construction                                                 4,461               6,492               6,827
   Miscellaneous, net                                              7,334              (4,293)             (5,981)
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------
      Total other income and deductions                           11,795               2,199                 846

INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES                                   460,622             430,513             442,742

   Interest                                                      138,676             132,644             134,741
   Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction          (6,676)             (7,007)             (6,106)
      Net interest charges                                       132,000             125,637             128,635
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------
INCOME BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE                               328,622             304,876             314,107
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------

INCOME TAXES) (NOTE 2)                                           (26,967)               --                  --
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------

NET INCOME                                                       301,655             304,876             314,107
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------

PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS                                          8,817              13,249              13,250
                                                             -----------         -----------         -----------

               STOCK DIVIDENDS                               $   292,838         $   291,627         $   300,857
                                                             ===========         ===========         ===========

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                          UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                         STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                          (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                         December 31,          December 31           December 31,
For the year ended                                           1997                 1996                   1995

Cash Flows From Operating:
   Income before extraordinary charge                      $328,622              $304,876              $314,107

   Adjustments  to  reconcile  net  income  to net cash
      provided  by  operating activities:
        Depreciation and amortization                      238,846                231,743               223,705
        Amortization of nuclear fuel                        37,126                 37,792                35,140
        Allowance for funds used during construction       (11,137)               (13,499)              (12,933)
        Postretirement benefit accrued                        -                      -                   11,923
        Deferred income taxes, net                         (23,788)                 4,948                (5,628)
        Deferred investment tax credits, net               (10,451)                (6,182)               (6,181)
        Changes in assets and liabilities:
           Receivables, net                                 14,356                (11,028)              (41,405)
           Materials and supplies                           11,219                (18,866)               11,914
           Accounts and wages payable                      (22,335)                 4,732               108,997
           Taxes accrued                                    42,622                  3,832                (5,722)
           Other, net                                       (2,941)                66,344                 5,595
                                                    --------------------    ------------------    --------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                  602,139                604,692               639,512

Cash Flows From Investing:
   Construction expenditures                              (259,418)              (325,110)             (311,253)
   Allowance for funds used during construction             11,137                 13,499                12,933
   Nuclear fuel expenditures                               (35,432)               (51,176)              (42,444)
                                                    --------------------    ------------------    --------------------
Net cash used in investing activities                     (283,713)              (362,787)             (340,764)

Cash Flows From Financing:
   Dividends on common stock                              (259,395)               (256,331)            (250,714)
   Dividends on preferred stock                             (8,817)                (12,941)             (13,250)
   Environmental bond funds                                   -                       -                    4,443
   Redemptions -
      Nuclear fuel lease                                   (28,292)                (34,819)              (70,420)
      Short-term debt                                         -                     (8,300)                    -
      Long-term debt                                       (45,000)                (35,000)              (38,000)
      Preferred stock                                      (63,924)                    (26)                  (26)
   Issuances -
      Nuclear fuel lease                                    40,337                  43,884                49,134
      Short-term debt                                       10,000                    -                   19,600
      Long-term debt                                        35,000                  65,500                  -
                                                    --------------------    ------------------    --------------------
Net cash used in financing activities                     (320,091)               (238,033)             (299,233)

Net change in cash and cash equivalents                     (1,665)                  3,872                  (485)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year               4,897                   1,025                 1,510
                                                      ==================    ==================    ====================
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                    $3,232                  $4,897                $1,025
===================================================== ==================    ==================    ====================
Cash paid during the periods:
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------    ----------------- -- --------------------
   Interest (net of amount capitalized)                   $117,187                $120,745             $131,635
   Income taxes                                           $195,498                $193,043             $226,458
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------    ----------------- -- --------------------

earnings  was  recorded  in the  fourth  quarter  of 1997 for the  write-off  of
generation-related  regulatory assets and liabilities of the Company's  Illinois
retail  electric  business  as  a  result  of  electric  industry  restructuring
legislation enacted in Illinois in December 1997. The write-off reduced earnings
$27 million,  net of income taxes. (See Note 2 - Regulatory  Matters for further

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                          UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY

(Thousands of Dollars)

- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------
Year Ended December 31,                         1997                    1996                    1995
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------
Balance at Beginning of Period               $1,126,513             $1,090,909              $1,040,766
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------
  Net income                                    301,655                304,876                 314,107
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------
                                              1,428,168              1,395,785               1,354,873
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------
  Preferred stock dividends                       8,817                 12,941                  13,250
  Common stock cash dividends                   259,395                256,331                 250,714
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------
                                                268,212                269,272                 263,964
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------
                                             $1,159,956             $1,126,513              $1,090,909
- --------------------------------------- ---------------------    -------------------  -------------------

     Under mortgage  indentures as amended,  $34,435 of total retained  earnings
was  restricted  against  payment of common  dividends - except those payable in
common stock,  leaving $1,125,521 of free and unrestricted  retained earnings at
December 31, 1997.

(Thousands of Dollars, Except Per Share Amounts)

- --------------------------- -- ------------ -- ------------- -- -------------- ---------------
                                Operating       Operating            Net         Net Income
                                Revenues          Income           Income          After
Quarter Ended                                                                    Preferred
- --------------------------- -- ------------ -- ------------- -- -------------- ---------------
March 31, 1997 (a)                $487,258          $65,587           $31,630         $29,426
March 31, 1996 (a)                 495,570           69,754            40,140          36,828
June 30, 1997 (b)                  549,954          104,084            69,642          67,437
June 30, 1996 (b)                  545,444           95,646            63,947          60,634
September 30, 1997 (c)             774,354          218,646           183,779         181,575
September 30, 1996 (c)             743,666          213,974           184,966         181,655
December 31, 1997 (d)              475,767           60,510            16,604          14,400
December 31, 1996 (d)              475,684           48,940            15,823          12,510
- --------------------------- -- ------------ -- ------------- -- -------------- ---------------

     (a) The  first  quarter  of 1997  and 1996  included  credits  to  Missouri
electric  customers  which  reduced  net income  and  earnings  on common  stock
approximately $7 million and $8 million,  respectively. In addition, a 1.8% rate
decrease  effective  August 1995 for  Missouri  electric  customers  reduced net
income and earnings on common stock for the first quarter of 1996 $4 million.

     (b) The  second  quarter  of 1997 and 1996  included  credits  to  Missouri
electric  customers  which  reduced  net income  and  earnings  on common  stock
approximately $4 million and $18 million,  respectively.  In addition,  the 1995
rate  decrease  reduced net income and  earnings on common  stock for the second
quarter of 1996 $5 million.

     (c) The 1995 rate decrease  reduced net income and earnings on common stock
for the third quarter of 1996 $3 million.  Merger-related expenses of $4 million
and $1  million  were  also  included  for the third  quarter  of 1997 and 1996,

     (d) The fourth  quarter of 1997  included a net  reversal  of the  Missouri
portion of  merger-related  expenses of $22 million.  The fourth quarter of 1997
also included an extraordinary  charge of $27 million,  net of income taxes. The
fourth quarter of 1996 included merger-related expenses of $3 million.  Callaway
Plant  refueling  expenses,  which  decreased  net income and earnings on common
stock  approximately  $18 million,  were also included in the fourth  quarter of

     Other  changes in  quarterly  earnings  are due to the effect of weather on
sales and other factors that are characteristic of public utility operations.

See Notes to Financial Statements.

DECEMBER 31, 1997

NOTE 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Merger and Basis of Presentation

     Effective  December 31, 1997,  following the receipt of all required  state
and federal  regulatory  approvals,  Union  Electric  Company  (AmerenUE  or the
Company) and CIPSCO  Incorporated  (CIPSCO) combined to form Ameren  Corporation
(Ameren)(the Merger).

     AmerenUE  is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Ameren,  which is the  parent
company of two utility  operating  companies,  the Company and Central  Illinois
Public Service Company  (AmerenCIPS).  Ameren is registered as a holding company
under the Public Utility  Holding  Company Act of 1935 (PUHCA).  Both Ameren and
its  subsidiaries  are subject to the  regulatory  provisions of the PUHCA.  The
operating  companies are engaged  principally in the  generation,  transmission,
distribution  and  sale  of  electric  energy  and the  purchase,  distribution,
transportation  and sale of natural gas in the states of Missouri and  Illinois.
Contracts among the companies--dealing with jointly-owned generating facilities,
interconnecting  transmission  lines,  and the  exchange of electric  power--are
regulated by the Federal Energy  Regulatory  Commission (FERC) or the Securities
and Exchange Commission.

     The Company also has a 40% interest in Electric Energy,  Inc. (EEI),  which
is accounted for under the equity method of accounting. EEI owns and operates an
electric generating and transmission facility in Illinois that supplies electric
power primarily to a uranium enrichment plant located in Paducah, Kentucky.


     The Company is regulated by the Missouri Public Service Commission (MoPSC),
Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), and the FERC. The accounting policies of the
Company conform to generally accepted accounting  principles (GAAP). (See Note 2
- - Regulatory Matters for further information.)

Property and Plant

     The cost of additions to and  betterments of units of property and plant is
capitalized. Cost includes labor, material, applicable taxes and overheads, plus
an allowance for funds used during  construction.  Maintenance  expenditures and
the renewal of items not  considered  units of property are charged to income as
incurred.  When units of depreciable property are retired, the original cost and
removal cost, less salvage, are charged to accumulated depreciation.


     Depreciation is provided over the estimated lives of the various classes of
depreciable  property by applying composite rates on a straight-line  basis. The
provision for  depreciation in 1997, 1996 and 1995 was  approximately  3% of the
average depreciable cost.

Fuel and Gas Costs

     In Illinois,  changes in the cost of fuel for electric  generation  and gas
costs  are  generally  reflected  in  billings  to  customers  through  fuel and
purchased gas adjustment clauses.  However,  existing regulatory practice may be
modified in the Illinois retail jurisdiction for changes in the cost of fuel for
electric  generation (see Note 2 - Regulatory Matters for further  information).
In the Missouri retail jurisdiction, the cost of fuel for electric generation is
reflected in base rates with no provision  for changes to be made through a fuel
adjustment clause.  Changes in gas costs in the Missouri retail jurisdiction are
generally  reflected in billings to customers through a purchased gas adjustment

Nuclear Fuel

     The  cost  of   nuclear   fuel  is   amortized   to  fuel   expense   on  a
unit-of-production  basis.  Spent fuel disposal cost is charged to expense based
on kilowatthours sold.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

     Cash and cash  equivalents  include cash on hand and temporary  investments
purchased with a maturity of three months or less.

Income Taxes

     The Company is included in the consolidated federal income tax return filed
by Ameren. Income taxes are allocated to the individual companies based on their
respective  taxable  income or loss.  Deferred  tax assets and  liabilities  are
recognized  for the tax  consequences  of  transactions  that have been  treated
differently  for financial  reporting and tax return  purposes,  measured  using
statutory tax rates.

     Investment tax credits  utilized in prior years were deferred and are being
amortized over the useful lives of the related properties.

Allowance for Funds Used During Construction

     Allowance for funds used during  construction  (AFC) is a utility  industry
accounting  practice  whereby the cost of borrowed  funds and the cost of equity
funds (preferred and common  stockholders'  equity)  applicable to the Company's
construction  program are  capitalized as a cost of  construction.  AFC does not
represent a current source of cash funds.  This accounting  practice offsets the
effect on earnings of the cost of  financing  current  construction,  and treats
such financing  costs in the same manner as  construction  charges for labor and

     Under accepted rate-making practice, cash recovery of AFC, as well as other
construction  costs,  occurs when  completed  projects are placed in service and
reflected in customer rates. The AFC rates used during 1997, 1996, and 1995 were
8.7%, 9.0% and 9.3%, respectively.

Unamortized Debt Discount, Premium and Expense

     Discount,  premium and expense associated with long-term debt are amortized
over the lives of the related issues.


     The Company  accrues an estimate of electric  and gas  revenues for service
rendered but unbilled at the end of each accounting period.

Stock Compensation Plans

     The Company applies Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, "Accounting
for Stock Issued to Employees" (APB 25) in accounting for its plans.

Long-Lived Assets

     Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 121, "Accounting for
the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed Of"
became effective on January 1, 1996. SFAS 121 prescribes  general  standards for
the  recognition and  measurement of impairment  losses.  SFAS 121 requires that
regulatory  assets  which are no longer  probable  of  recovery  through  future
revenues be charged to  earnings  (see Note 2 -  Regulatory  Matters for further

Use of Estimates

     The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with GAAP requires
management  to make  certain  estimates  and  assumptions.  Such  estimates  and
assumptions may affect reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure
of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported period. Actual
results could differ from those estimates.

NOTE 2 - Regulatory Matters

     In July 1995,  the MoPSC  approved an  agreement  involving  the  Company's
Missouri  retail  electric  rates.  The agreement  decreased  rates 1.8% for all
classes  of  Missouri  retail  electric  customers,  effective  August 1,  1995,
reducing annual revenues about $30 million and reducing earnings $18 million. In
addition,  a one-time $30 million credit to retail Missouri  electric  customers
reduced  1995   earnings  by  $18  million.   Also  included  was  a  three-year
experimental  alternative  regulation  plan that runs from July 1, 1995  through
June 30, 1998,  which  provides that earnings in any future years in excess of a
12.61%  regulatory  return  on  equity  (ROE)  will be  shared  equally  between
customers  and  stockholders,  and earnings  above a 14% ROE will be credited to
customers. The formula for computing the credit uses twelve-month results ending
June 30, rather than calendar year earnings. The agreement also provides that no
party shall file for a general  increase or decrease in the  Company's  Missouri
retail  electric  rates prior to July 1, 1998,  except that the Company may file
for an  increase if certain  adverse  events  occur.  During  1997,  the Company
recorded a $20  million  credit for the second year of the plan,  which  reduced
earnings $11 million.  During 1996, the Company  recorded a $47 million  credit,
which reduced earnings $28 million.  These credits were reflected as a reduction
in electric revenues.

     Included in the joint agreement  approved by the MoPSC in its February 1997
order  authorizing  the Merger,  is a new  three-year  experimental  alternative
regulation  plan that will run from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. Like the
current plan,  the new plan requires that earnings over a 12.61% ROE up to a 14%
ROE  will  be  shared  equally  between  customers  and  stockholders.  The  new
three-year  plan will also return to customers  90% of all earnings  above a 14%
ROE up to a 16% ROE.  Earnings  above a 16% ROE would be  credited  entirely  to
customers.  Other agreement provisions include: recovery within a 10-year period
of the merger-related expenses applicable to the Missouri retail jurisdiction; a
Missouri  electric  rate  decrease,  effective  September 1, 1998,  based on the
weather-adjusted   average  annual  credits  to  customers   under  the  current
experimental  alternative  regulation plan; and an experimental  retail wheeling
pilot  program  for  100  megawatts  of  electric  power.  Also,  as part of the
agreement,  the Company did not seek to recover in Missouri the merger  premium.
The  exclusion  of the merger  premium  from rates did not result in a charge to

     In  September  1997,  the  ICC  approved  the  Merger  subject  to  certain
conditions.  The  conditions  included the  requirement  for the Company to file
electric and gas rate cases or  alternative  regulatory  plans within six months
after the Merger  became  final to  determine  how net merger  savings  would be
shared between the ratepayers and stockholders.

     In December  1997,  the Governor of Illinois  signed the  Electric  Service
Customer  Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 (the Act)  providing  for  electric
utility restructuring in Illinois.  This legislation introduces competition into
the supply of electric  energy in Illinois.  The Act includes a 5% rate decrease
for the Company's Illinois residential  electric customers,  effective August 1,
1998.  The Company may be subject to  additional  5%  residential  electric rate
decreases  in each of 2000 and 2002 to the extent its rates  exceed the  Midwest
utility  average at that  time.  The  Company's  rates are  currently  below the
Midwest utility average. The Company estimates that the initial 5% rate decrease
will result in a decrease in annual electric revenues of about $3 million, based
on estimated  levels of sales and assuming  normal  weather  conditions.  Retail
direct  access,  which  allows  customers to choose  their  electric  generation
supplier,  will be phased in over  several  years.  Access  for  commercial  and
industrial  customers  will occur over a period  from  October  1999 to December
2000, and access for residential customers will occur after May 1, 2002. The Act
also relieves the Company of the  requirement in the ICC's  September 1997 Order
(which approved the Merger), requiring the Company to file an electric rate case
or alternative  regulatory plan in Illinois following consummation of the Merger
to reflect  the  effects  of net merger  savings.  Other  provisions  of the Act
include  (1)  potential  recovery  of a  portion  of  stranded  costs  through a
transition charge collected from customers who choose another electric supplier,
(2) the option to eliminate the uniform fuel adjustment clause (FAC) and to roll
into base  rates a  historical  level of fuel  expense  and (3) a  mechanism  to
securitize certain future revenues.

     The Company's  accounting policies and financial statements conform to GAAP
applicable  to  rate-regulated  enterprises  and  reflect  the  effects  of  the
ratemaking  process in accordance with SFAS No. 71,  "Accounting for the Effects
of Certain Types of  Regulation."  Such effects concern mainly the time at which
various items enter into the  determination of net income in order to follow the
principle  of  matching  costs and  revenues.  For  example,  SFAS 71 allows the
Company  to  record  certain  assets  and  liabilities  (regulatory  assets  and
regulatory  liabilities) which are expected to be recovered or settled in future
rates  and  would not be  recorded  under  GAAP for  nonregulated  entities.  In
addition, reporting under SFAS 71 allows companies whose service obligations and
prices are  regulated to maintain  assets on their balance  sheets  representing
costs they  reasonably  expect to recover from customers,  through  inclusion of
such costs in future rates.  SFAS 101,  "Accounting  for the  Discontinuance  of
Application of FASB  Statement No. 71," specifies how an enterprise  that ceases
to  meet  the  criteria  for  application  of  SFAS  71 for  all or  part of its
operations  should  report that event in its financial  statements.  In general,
SFAS 101 requires that the enterprise  report the  discontinuance  of SFAS 71 by
eliminating from its balance sheet all regulatory assets and liabilities related
to the portion of the business  which no longer  meets the SFAS 71 criteria.  At
its July 24, 1997  meeting,  the  Emerging  Issues  Task Force of the  Financial
Accounting  Standards  Board  (EITF)  concluded  that  application  of  SFAS  71
accounting  should  be  discontinued  once  sufficiently  detailed  deregulation
legislation is issued for a separable  portion of a business for which a plan of
deregulation  has been  established.  However,  the EITF further  concluded that
regulatory assets associated with the deregulated portion of the business, which
will be recovered through tariffs charged to customers of a regulated portion of
the business,  should be associated  with the regulated  portion of the business
from which  future cash  recovery is expected  (not the portion of the  business
from which the costs  originated),  and can therefore  continue to be carried on
the regulated entity's balance sheet to the extent such assets are recovered. In
addition,  SFAS 121  establishes  accounting  standards  for the  impairment  of
long-lived assets (see Note 1 - Summary of Significant  Accounting  Policies for
further information).

     Due to the  enactment of the Act,  prices for the retail supply of electric
generation are expected to transition from cost-based,  regulated rates to rates
determined in large part by competitive  market forces in the state of Illinois.
As a result,  the Company  discontinued  application of SFAS 71 for the Illinois
retail portion of its generating  business  (i.e.,  the portion of the Company's
business  related to the supply of electric  energy in  Illinois)  in the fourth
quarter of 1997.  The Company has  evaluated the impact of the Act on the future
recoverability  of  its  regulatory  assets  and  liabilities   related  to  the
generation  portion of its business and has  determined  that it is not probable
that such assets and liabilities  will be recovered  through the cash flows from
the   regulated   portion   of  its   business.   Accordingly,   the   Company's
generation-related  regulatory  assets and  liabilities  of its Illinois  retail
electric  business were written off in the fourth quarter of 1997,  resulting in
an extraordinary  charge to earnings of $27 million,  net of income taxes. These
regulatory assets and liabilities  included previously incurred costs originally
expected to be collected/refunded  in future revenues,  such as deferred charges
related to a  generating  plant and  income  tax-related  regulatory  assets and
liabilities.  In addition,  the Company has evaluated whether the recoverability
of the costs  associated with its remaining net  generation-related  assets have
been  impaired  as defined  under  SFAS 121.  The  Company  has  concluded  that
impairment,  as  defined  under  SFAS  121,  does  not  exist  and that no plant
write-downs  are necessary at this time. At December 31, 1997, the Company's net
investment in generation  facilities related to its Illinois retail jurisdiction
approximated  $234 million and was included in electric plant  in-service on the
Company's balance sheet.

     The  provisions  of the Act could also  result in lower  revenues,  reduced
profit  margins and  increased  costs of capital.  At this time,  the Company is
unable  to  determine  any  further  impact of the Act on its  future  financial
condition, results of operations or liquidity.

     In Missouri,  where  approximately  92% of the  Company's  retail  electric
revenues are derived,  a task force appointed by the MoPSC is conducting studies
of electric  industry  restructuring  and competition and is expected to issue a
report to the MoPSC in 1998. A joint  legislative  committee is also  conducting
studies  and is  expected  to report its  findings  and  recommendations  to the
Missouri  General  Assembly.  Up to this  point,  retail  wheeling  has not been
allowed in  Missouri;  however,  the joint  agreement  approved  by the MoPSC in
February  1997 as part of its merger  authorization  includes a  provision  that
required the Company to file a proposal for a 100-megawatt  experimental  retail
wheeling  pilot  program in Missouri.  The Company  filed its proposal  with the
MoPSC in September  1997. This proposal is subject to review and approval by the

     The Company is unable to predict the timing or ultimate outcome of electric
industry  restructuring  in the state of Missouri,  as well as its impact on the
Company's future financial  condition,  results of operations or liquidity.  The
potential  negative  consequences of electric  industry  restructuring  could be
significant  and  include  the  impairment  and  write-down  of certain  assets,
including  generation-related  plant and net regulatory assets,  lower revenues,
reduced profit margins and increased costs of capital. At December 31, 1997, the
Company's  net  investment  in  generation  facilities  related to its  Missouri
jurisdiction  approximated  $2.7  billion and was  included  in  electric  plant
in-service on the Company's  balance sheet.  In addition,  at December 31, 1997,
the Company's  Missouri net  generation-related  regulatory assets  approximated
$462 million.

     In accordance with SFAS 71, the Company has deferred certain costs pursuant
to actions of its regulators, and is currently recovering such costs in electric
rates charged to customers.

     At December 31, the Company had recorded the  following  regulatory  assets
and regulatory liability:

- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------
(in millions)                                                 1997                      1996
- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------
Regulatory Assets:
  Income taxes                                                $612                      $692
  Callaway costs                                                99                       111
  Merger costs                                                  28                         -
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                           26                        30
  DOE decommissioning assessment                                15                        18
  Other                                                         11                        20
- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------
Regulatory Assets                                             $791                      $871
- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------
Regulatory Liability:
  Income taxes                                                $176                      $204
- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------
Regulatory Liability                                          $176                      $204
- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------

Income Taxes:  See Note 7 - Income Taxes.

     Callaway  Costs:   Represents   Callaway   Nuclear  Plant   operations  and
maintenance  expenses,  property taxes and carrying  costs incurred  between the
plant in-service date and the date the plant was reflected in rates. These costs
are being amortized over the remaining life of the plant (through 2024).

     Merger Costs:  Represents the portion of merger-related expenses applicable
to the Missouri retail  jurisdiction.  These costs are being amortized within 10
years, based on a MoPSC order.

     Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt:  Represents losses related to refunded
debt.  These amounts are being  amortized over the lives of the related new debt
issues or the remaining lives of the old debt issues if no new debt was issued.

     Department  of Energy (DOE)  Decommissioning  Assessment:  Represents  fees
assessed by the DOE to decommission its uranium enrichment facility. These costs
are being amortized through 2007 as payments are made to the DOE.

     The Company  continually  assesses  the  recoverability  of its  regulatory
assets. Under current accounting standards, regulatory assets are written off to
earnings  when it is no longer  probable  that such  amounts  will be  recovered
through future revenues.  However,  as noted in the above  paragraphs,  electric
industry  restructuring  legislation may impact the recoverability of regulatory
assets in the future.

     In April  1996,  the FERC  issued  Order 888 and Order 889  related  to the
industry's wholesale electric business. In January 1998, Ameren filed a combined
open access tariff which conforms to the FERC's orders.

NOTE 3 - Nuclear Fuel Lease

     The Company has a lease  agreement  which  provides  for the  financing  of
nuclear  fuel. At December 31, 1997,  the maximum  amount that could be financed
under the agreement was $120  million.  Pursuant to the terms of the lease,  the
Company has  assigned to the lessor  certain  contracts  for purchase of nuclear
fuel.  The lessor  obtains,  through the  issuance of  commercial  paper or from
direct loans under a committed revolving credit agreement from commercial banks,
the necessary funds to purchase the fuel and make interest payments when due.

     The Company is obligated to reimburse the lessor for all  expenditures  for
nuclear fuel,  interest and related costs.  Obligations  under this lease become
due as the nuclear fuel is consumed at the Company's Callaway Nuclear Plant. The
Company  reimbursed the lessor $31 million during 1997, $37 million during 1996,
and $34 million during 1995.

     The Company has capitalized the cost,  including certain interest costs, of
the leased  nuclear fuel and has recorded the related lease  obligation.  During
each of the years 1997,  1996 and 1995,  the total  interest  charges  under the
lease were $6 million (based on average  interest rates of 5.8%,  5.7% and 6.1%,
respectively) of which $3 million was capitalized in each respective year.

NOTE 4 - Preferred Stock

     At  December  31,  1997 and 1996,  the  Company  had 25  million  shares of
authorized preferred stock.

     In 1997, the Company  redeemed $64 million of preferred stock (see note (b)
in table below). The Company retired 260 shares, $6.30 Series preferred stock in


Outstanding preferred stock is redeemable at the redemption prices shown below:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31,                                                                   1997        1996
(in millions)
- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------  -------     -------
Preferred Stock Not Subject to Mandatory
- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------  -------     -------
  Preferred stock outstanding without par value
   (entitled to cumulative dividends)

                                                        Redemption Price
                                                          (per share)
Stated value of $100 per share--
$7.64 Series     - 330,000 shares                     $103.82 - note (a)        $33         $33
$7.44 Series     - 330,001 shares                      101.00 - note (b)         -           33
$6.40 Series     - 300,000 shares                      101.50 - note (b)         -           30
$5.50 Series A   -  14,000 shares                      110.00                    1            1
$4.75 Series     -  20,000 shares                      102.176                   2            2
$4.56 Series     - 200,000 shares                      102.47                   20           20
$4.50 Series     - 213,595 shares                      110.00 - note (c)        21           21
$4.30 Series     -  40,000 shares                      105.00                    4            4
$4.00 Series     - 150,000 shares                      105.625                  15           15
$3.70 Series     -  40,000 shares                      104.75                    4            4
$3.50 Series     - 130,000 shares                      110.00                   13           13

Stated value of $25.00 per share--
$1.735 Series  - 1,657,500 shares                       25.00 - note (d)        42           42
- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------       ------

SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REDEMPTION                                               $155          $218
- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------       ------

Preferred Stock Subject to Mandatory Redemption:
- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------       ------
  Preferred stock outstanding without par value
  (entitled to cumulative dividends)

Stated value of $100 per share--
$6.30 Series - 0 and 6,240 shares
at respective dates                                   $100.00 - note (b)     $  -             $1
- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------       ------
TO MANDATORY REDEMPTION                                                      $  -             $1
- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------       ------
(a) Beginning February 15, 2003, eventually declining to $100 per share. (b) The
Company redeemed this series in 1997. (c) In the event of voluntary liquidation,
(d) Not redeemable prior to August 1, 1998.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE 5 - Short-Term Borrowings

     Short-term  borrowings  of the  Company  consist of bank loans  (maturities
generally on an overnight  basis) and  commercial  paper  (maturities  generally
within 10-45 days).  At December 31, 1997 and 1996, $21 million and $11 million,
respectively,  of short-term  borrowings were outstanding.  The weighted average
interest  rates on borrowings  outstanding  at December 31, 1997 and 1996,  were
7.0% and 7.1%, respectively.

     At  December  31,  1997,  the Company  had  committed  bank lines of credit
aggregating  $179  million  (of which  $164  million  were  unused)  which  make
available  interim  financing at various rates of interest  based on LIBOR,  the
bank  certificate of deposit rate, or other  options.  These lines of credit are
renewable annually at various dates throughout the year.

NOTE 6 - Long-Term Debt

Long-term debt outstanding at December 31, was:

- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
(in millions)                                                                    1997                   1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
First Mortgage Bonds - note (a)
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
  5 5/8% Series paid in 1997                                                    $   -                $     5
  5 1/2% Series paid in 1997                                                        -                     40
  6 3/4% Series due 1999                                                          100                    100
  8.33%  Series due 2002                                                           75                     75
  7.65%  Series due 2003                                                          100                    100
  6 7/8% Series due 2004                                                          188                    188
  7 3/8% Series due 2004                                                           85                     85
  6 3/4% Series due 2008                                                          148                    148
  7.40%  Series due 2020 - note (b)                                                60                     60
  8 3/4% Series due 2021                                                          125                    125
  8%     Series due 2022                                                           85                     85
  8 1/4% Series due 2022                                                          104                    104
  7.15%  Series due 2023                                                           75                     75
  7%     Series due 2024                                                          100                    100
  5.45%  Series due 2028 - note (b)                                                44                     44
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
                                                                                1,289                  1,334
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
Missouri Environmental Improvement Revenues Bonds
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
  1984 Series A due 2014 - note (c)                                                80                     80
  1984 Series B due 2014 - note (c)                                                80                     80
  1985 Series A due 2015 - note (d)                                                70                     70
  1985 Series B due 2015 - note (d)                                                57                     57
  1991 Series due 2020 - note (d)                                                  43                     43
  1992 Series due 2022 - note (d)                                                  47                     47
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
                                                                                  377                    377
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
  7.69% Series A due 2036 - note (e)                                               66                     66
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
Commercial Paper - note (f)                                                        35                      -
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
Nuclear Fuel Lease                                                                117                    106
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
Unamortized Discount and Premium on Debt                                          (9)                   (10)
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
Maturities Due Within One Year                                                   (29)                   (74)
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
Total Long-Term Debt                                                           $1,846                 $1,799
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------

(a)  At December  31,  1997,  substantially  all of the  property  and plant was
     mortgaged  under,  and  subject  to liens  of,  the  respective  indentures
     pursuant to which the bonds were issued.
(b)  Environmental Improvement Series.
(c)  On June 1 of each year, the interest rate is established  for the following
     year,  or  alternatively  at the option of the Company,  may be fixed until
     maturity. A per annum rate of 3.95% is effective for the year ended May 31,
     1998.Thereafter,  the interest  rates will depend on market  conditions and
     the selection of an annual versus  remaining life rate by the Company.  The
     average interest rate for 1997 was 3.83%.
(d)  Interest  rates,  and the  periods  during  which  such rates  apply,  vary
     depending on the  Company's  selection of certain  defined rate modes.  The
     average interest rates for the year 1997, for 1985 Series A, 1985 Series B,
     1991 Series and 1992  Series  bonds were 3.61%,  3.82%,  3.86%,  and 3.83%,
(e)  During  the  terms  of the  debentures,  the  Company  may,  under  certain
     circumstances, defer the payment of interest for up to five years.
(f)  A bank  credit  agreement,  due 1999,  permits  the Company to borrow or to
     support commercial paper borrowings up to $300 million. Interest rates will
     vary depending on market  conditions.  At December 31, 1997, the oustanding
     commercial paper was at an average annualized rate of 5.93%.
(g)  A bank credit agreement, due 1999, permits the Company to borrow up to $200
     million.  Interest rates will vary  depending on market  conditions and the
     Company's selection of various options under the agreement. At December 31,
     1997, no such borrowings were outstanding.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Maturities of long-term debt through 2002 are as follows:
- ------------------- ----------------------------------------
(in millions)                              Principal Amount
- ------------------- ----------------------------------------
1998                                                   $ 29
1999                                                    135
2000                                                      -
2001                                                      -
2002                                                     75
- ------------------- ----------------------------------------

     Amounts  for years  subsequent  to 1998 do not include  nuclear  fuel lease
payments since the amounts of such payments are not currently determinable.

NOTE 7 - Income Taxes

     Total income tax expense for 1997  resulted in an effective tax rate of 38%
on earnings before income taxes (39% in 1996 and 40% in 1995).

Principal reasons such rates differ from the statutory federal rate:

- -----------------------------------                    ----               ----             ----
                                                       1997               1996             1995
- -----------------------------------                    ----               ----             ----
Statutory federal income
  tax rate                                              35%                35%              35%
Increases (Decreases) from:
  Depreciation differences                               2                  2                2
  State tax                                              4                  4                4
  Other                                                 (3)                (2)              (1)
- -----------------------------------                    ----               ----             ----
Effective income tax rate                               38%                39%              40%
- -----------------------------------                    ----               ----             ----

Income tax expense components:
- -----------------------------------                    ----               ----             ----
(in millions)                                          1997              1996              1995
- -----------------------------------                    ----               ----             ----
Taxes currently payable (principally federal):
Included in operating expenses                         $216              $199              $223
Included in other income--
     Miscellaneous, net                                  (3)               (2)               (3)
- -----------------------------------                    ----               ----             ----
                                                        213               197               220

Deferred taxes (principally federal):
Included in operating expenses--
     Depreciation differences                            (7)                2                 5
     Postretirement benefits                                                                 (9)
     Other                                              (10)                2                (3)
Included in other income--
     Depreciation differences                             1                 1                 1
     Other                                                9                 -                 -
- -----------------------------------                    ----              ----             -----
                                                         (7)                5                (6)
Deferred investment tax credits,
Included in operating expenses                           (6)               (6)                (6)
- -----------------------------------                    ----              ----              -----
Total income tax expense                               $200              $196               $208
- -----------------------------------                    ----              ----              -----

     In accordance  with SFAS 109,  "Accounting  for Income Taxes," a regulatory
asset,  representing the probable recovery from customers of future income taxes
which is expected to occur when  temporary  differences  reverse,  was  recorded
along with a corresponding deferred tax liability. Also, a regulatory liability,
recognizing  the lower  expected  revenue  resulting  from reduced  income taxes
associated  with amortizing  accumulated  deferred  investment tax credits,  was
recorded.  Investment  tax credits have been  deferred  and will  continue to be
credited to income over the lives of the related property.

     The Company adjusts its deferred tax liabilities for changes enacted in tax
laws or rates.  Recognizing that regulators will probably reduce future revenues
for  deferred  tax  liabilities  initially  recorded  at rates in  excess of the
current  statutory rate,  reductions in the deferred tax liability were credited
to the regulatory liability.  

     Temporary  differences  gave rise to the following  deferred tax assets and
deferred tax liabilities at December 31:

- -----------------------------------                              ----                  ----
(in millions)                                                    1997                  1996
- -----------------------------------                              ----                  ----
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes:
  Depreciation                                                   $812                  $826
  Regulatory assets, net                                          451                   488
  Capitalized taxes and expenses                                   84                   107
  Deferred benefit costs                                          (46)                  (48)
  Disallowed plant costs                                            -                   (11)
- -----------------------------------                              ----                  ----
Total net accumulated deferred income tax liabilities          $1,301                $1,362
- -----------------------------------                              ----                  ----

NOTE 8 - Retirement Benefits

     The Company has defined-benefit retirement plans covering substantially all
of its  employees.  Benefits  are based on the  employees'  years of service and
compensation.  The  Company's  plans are funded in  compliance  with  income tax
regulations and federal funding requirements.

     Pension  costs for the years 1997,  1996 and 1995,  were $24  million,  $28
million and $26 million,  respectively, of which approximately 17%, 19% and 20%,
respectively, was charged to construction accounts.

Funded Status of Pension Plans:

- ----------------------------------         -----             ----               ----
(in millions)                              1997              1996               1995
- ----------------------------------         -----             ----               ----
Actuarial present value
  of benefit obligation:
  Vested benefit obligation                $705              $661               $679
- ----------------------------------         ----              ----               ----
  Accumulated benefit obligation
                                           $829              $752               $758
- ----------------------------------         ----              ----               ----
  Projected benefit obligation for
   service rendered to date                $999              $919               $913
  Plan assets at fair value *             1,006               924                847
- ----------------------------------        -----              ----               ----
(Excess) Deficiency of plan assets
  versus projected benefit obligation        (7)               (5)                66
Unrecognized net gain                       115                96                 22
Unrecognized prior service cost             (69)              (76)               (82)
Unrecognized net assets at transition         7                 8                  9
- -----------------------------------       ------             -----              ----
Accrued pension cost at December 31         $46               $23                $15
- -----------------------------------       ------             -----              ----
*  Plan assets consist principally of common stocks and fixed income securities.

Components of Net Pension Expense:
- ----------------------------------     ----                ----                ----
(in millions)                          1997                1996                1995
- ----------------------------------     ----                ----                ----
Service cost - benefits earned
  during the period                     $22                 $22                 $19
Interest cost on projected
  benefit obligation                     69                  65                  66
Actual return on plan assets           (134)               (107)               (166)
Net amortization and deferral            67                  48                 107
- ---------------------------------      -----              -----               -----
Pension Cost                            $24                 $28                 $26
- ---------------------------------      -----              -----                ----

Assumptions for Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefit Obligations:
- ---------------------------------       ----               ----                ----
                                        1997               1996                1995
- ---------------------------------       ----               ----                ----
Discount rate at measurement date       7.0%               7.5%               7.25%
Increase in future compensation         4.0%               4.5%               4.25%
Plan assets long-term rate of return    8.5%               8.5%                8.5%
- ---------------------------------       ----               ----                ----

     In addition to providing  pension  benefits,  the Company  provides certain
health care and life insurance benefits for retired employees. Substantially all
of the Company's  employees may become eligible for those benefits if they reach
retirement age while working for the Company.  The Company  accrues the expected
postretirement benefit costs during employees' years of service.

     The Company's  funding  policy is to annually  contribute  the net periodic
cost  to  a   Voluntary   Employee   Beneficiary   Association   trust   (VEBA).
Postretirement  benefit costs were $44 million for each of the years 1997,  1996
and 1995, of which  approximately  17% was charged to  construction  accounts in
1997 and 19% in each of 1996 and 1995.  The Company's  transition  obligation at
December 31, 1997, is being amortized over the next 15 years.

     In August 1994, the MoPSC authorized the recovery of postretirement benefit
costs in rates to the extent that such costs are funded.  In December  1995, the
Company  established  two external  trust funds for retiree health care and life
insurance benefits. For 1995, actual claims paid were approximately $15 million.
In 1997 and 1996, claims were paid out of the plan trust funds.

Funded Status of the Plans:

- ------------------------------------------             ----             ----             ----
(in millions)                                          1997             1996             1995
- ------------------------------------------             ----             ----             ----
Accumulated postretirement benefit
  Active employees eligible for benefits                $41              $38              $74
  Retired employees                                     202              193              211
  Other active employees                                 90               80               32
- ------------------------------------------             ----             ----             ----
  Total benefit obligation                              333              311              317
  Plan assets at fair market value *                     81               47               14
- ------------------------------------------             ----            -----             ----
Accumulated postretirement benefit
  obligation in excess of plan assets                   252              264              303
Unrecognized - transition obligation                   (187)            (200)            (213)
                      - gain/(loss)                      18               19               (7)
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----             ----
Postretirement benefit liability at December 31         $83              $83              $83
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----             ----
*  Plan assets consist principally of common stocks and fixed income securities.

Components of Postretirement Benefit Cost:
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----              ----
(in millions)                                          1997             1996              1995
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----              ----
Service cost - benefits earned
  during the period                                     $12              $12               $10
Interest cost on projected
  benefit obligation                                     23               22                24
Actual return on plan assets                             (9)              (4)                -
Amortization - transition obligation                     12               12                12
             - unrecognized gain                         (1)              (1)               (2)
Deferred gain                                             7                3                 -
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----              ----
Net periodic cost                                       $44              $44               $44
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----              ----

Assumptions for the Obligation Measurements:
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----              ----
                                                       1997             1996              1995
- -------------------------------------------            ----             ----              ----
Discount rate at measurement date                      7.0%             7.5%              7.25%
Plan assets long-term rate of return                   8.5%             8.5%              8.5%
Medical cost trend rate - initial                      7.0%             8.25%             9.25%
                        - ultimate                     5.0%             5.25%             5.25%
Ultimate medical cost trend rate
  expected in year                                    2000             2000              2000
- -------------------------------------------           ----             ----               ----

     A 1% increase in the medical  cost trend rate is  estimated to increase the
net  periodic  cost  and  the  accumulated   postretirement  benefit  obligation
approximately $3 million and $23 million, respectively.

NOTE 9 - Stock Option Plans

     The  Company  has a  long-term  incentive  plan  (the  Plan)  for  eligible
employees.  The Plan  provides  for the grant of  options,  performance  awards,
restricted stock,  dividend equivalents and stock appreciation rights. Under the
terms of the  Plan,  options  may be  granted  at a price not less than the fair
market  value of the common  shares at the date of grant.  Granted  options vest
over a period of five  years,  beginning  at the date of grant,  and provide for
acceleration  of  exercisability  of the options upon the  occurrence of certain
events,  including  retirement.  Outstanding  options  expire on  various  dates
through 2007. Under the Plan, subject to adjustment as provided in the Plan, 2.5
million shares have been authorized to be issued or delivered.

Summary of Stock Options:

- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------- ------------------
                                                              1997               1996              1995
- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------- ------------------
Options outstanding at beginning of the year                307,390            142,500              -
Options granted during the year                             195,880            165,590           142,500
Options exercised during the year                              -                  -                 -
Options expired/canceled during the year                      7,200                700              -
- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------- ------------------
Options outstanding at end of the year                      496,070            307,390           142,500
- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------- ------------------
Options exercisable at end of the year                      134,785             39,710             9,800
- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------- ------------------
Exercise price range of options granted                      $38.50                $43       $35.50 - $35.875
- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------- ------------------

     In accordance with APB 25, no compensation cost has been recognized for the
Company's   stock   compensation   plans.  In  1996,  the  Company  adopted  the
disclosure-only   method   under   SFAS   123,   "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
Compensation."  If the fair value based  accounting  method under this statement
had been used to account for stock-based compensation cost, the effects on 1997,
1996 and 1995 net income and earnings per share would have been immaterial.

NOTE 10 - Commitments and Contingencies

     The Company is engaged in a construction  program under which  expenditures
averaging approximately $243 million, including AFC, are anticipated during each
of the next  five  years.  This  estimate  does  not  include  any  construction
expenditures  which  may be  incurred  by the  Company  to meet new air  quality
standards for ozone and particulate matter, as discussed later in this Note.

     The  Company  has  commitments  for the  purchase  of coal under  long-term
contracts.  Coal contract commitments,  including transportation costs, for 1998
through  2002 are  estimated  to  total  $903  million.  Total  coal  purchases,
including  transportation costs, for 1997, 1996 and 1995 were $267 million, $297
million and $271 million,  respectively. The Company also has existing contracts
with pipeline and natural gas suppliers to provide natural gas for  distribution
and  electric  generation.  Gas-related  contracted  cost  commitments  for 1998
through 2002 are  estimated to total $79 million.  Total  delivered  natural gas
costs for 1997,  1996 and 1995 were $63  million,  $64 million and $60  million,
respectively.  The  Company's  nuclear fuel  commitments  for 1998 through 2002,
including  uranium  concentrates,  conversion,  enrichment and fabrication,  are
expected  to total $116  million,  and are  expected  to be  financed  under the
nuclear fuel lease.  Nuclear fuel  expenditures for 1997, 1996 and 1995 were $35
million, $51 million and $42 million,  respectively.  Additionally,  the Company
has long-term  contracts  with other  utilities to purchase  electric  capacity.
These  commitments  for 1998 through 2002 are  estimated to total $187  million.
During 1997, 1996 and 1995,  electric capacity  purchases were $34 million,  $44
million and $42 million, respectively.

     The Company's insurance coverage for Callaway Nuclear Plant at December 31,
1997, was as follows:

Type and Source of Coverage
- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---- -------------------- -----
(in millions)                                                 Maximum                   Maximum
                                                            Coverages               Assessments
                                                                                     for Single
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Liability:
     American Nuclear Insurers                                $   200                  $     -
     Pool Participation                                         8,720                       79  (a)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               $8,920  (b)             $    79
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nuclear Worker Liability:
     American Nuclear Insurers                                $   200  (c)             $     3
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Damage:
     American Nuclear Insurers                                $   500                  $     -
     Nuclear Electric Insurance Ltd.                            2,250  (d)                  11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               $2,750                  $    11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Replacement Power:
     Nuclear Electric Insurance Ltd.                          $   473  (e)             $     4
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a)  Retrospective premium under the Price-Anderson  liability provisions of the
     Atomic  Energy  Act of 1954,  as  amended,  (Price-  Anderson).  Subject to
     retrospective assessment with respect to loss from an incident at any U.S.
     reactor, payable at $10 million per year.
(b)  Limit of liability for each incident under Price-Anderson.
(c)  Industry limit for potential  liability from workers  claiming  exposure to
     the hazard of nuclear radiation.
(d)  Includes premature decommissioning costs.
(e)  Weekly  indemnity of $3.5 million,  for 52 weeks which  commences after the
     first  21 weeks  of an  outage, plus  $2.8 million  per week  for 104 weeks
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Price-Anderson  limits the liability for claims from an incident  involving
any licensed U.S. nuclear facility. The limit is based on the number of licensed
reactors and is adjusted at least every five years based on the  Consumer  Price
Index.  Utilities  owning a  nuclear  reactor  cover  this  exposure  through  a
combination  of private  insurance  and mandatory  participation  in a financial
protection pool as established by Price-Anderson.

     If losses from a nuclear  incident at Callaway  Plant exceed the limits of,
or are not subject to, insurance,  or if coverage is not available,  the Company
will  self-insure  the risk.  Although the Company has no reason to anticipate a
serious  nuclear  incident,  if one did  occur  it  could  have a  material  but
indeterminable  adverse effect on the Company's financial  position,  results of
operations or liquidity.

     Under the Title IV of the Clean Air Act  Amendments of 1990, the Company is
required to  significantly  reduce total annual sulfur dioxide  emissions by the
year 2000.  Significant  reductions  in  nitrogen  oxide are also  required.  By
switching to low-sulfur coal and early banking of emission credits,  the Company
anticipates  that  it can  comply  with  the  requirements  of the  law  without
significant  revenue  increases  because the related  capital  costs are largely
offset by lower fuel costs.  As of year-end 1997,  estimated  remaining  capital
costs  expected  to be incurred  pertaining  to Clean Air  Act-related  projects
totaled $35 million.

     In July 1997,  the United  States  Environmental  Protection  Agency  (EPA)
issued final regulations revising the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for
ozone and particulate  matter.  Although specific emission control  requirements
are still being  developed,  it is  believed  that the  revised  standards  will
require significant  additional  reductions in nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide
emissions  from  coal-fired  boilers.  In October 1997,  the EPA announced  that
Missouri  and Illinois  are  included in the area  targeted  for nitrogen  oxide
emissions  reductions as part of the EPA's regional control  program.  Reduction
requirements in nitrogen oxide emissions from the Company's  coal-fired  boilers
could exceed 80% from 1990 levels by the year 2002.  Reduction  requirements  in
sulfur dioxide  emissions may be up to 50% beyond that already required by Phase
II acid rain control  provisions of the 1990 Clean Air Act  Amendments and could
be required by 2007.  Because of the magnitude of these  additional  reductions,
the Company  could be required to incur  significantly  higher  capital costs to
meet future compliance  obligations for its coal-fired boilers or purchase power
from other sources,  either of which could have significantly  higher operations
and  maintenance  expenditures  associated  with  compliance.  At this time, the
Company is unable to determine  the impact of the revised air quality  standards
on its future  financial  condition,  results of  operations  or  liquidity.  In
December 1997, the United States and numerous other countries  agreed to certain
environmental provisions (the Kyoto Protocol),  which would require decreases in
greenhouse gases in an effort to address the "global warming" issue. The Company
is unable to predict what requirements, if any, will be adopted in this country.
However,  implementation  of the Kyoto Protocol in its present form would likely
result in  significantly  higher capital costs and  operations  and  maintenance
expenditures  by the Company.  At this time,  the Company is unable to determine
the impact of these  proposals  on its future  financial  condition,  results of
operations or liquidity.

     As  of  December  31,  1997,  the  Company  was  designated  a  potentially
responsible party (PRP) by federal and state  environmental  protection agencies
at four hazardous waste sites.  Other hazardous waste sites have been identified
for which the Company may be responsible but has not been designated a PRP.

     The Company  continually reviews remediation costs that may be required for
all of these sites. Any unrecovered environmental costs are not expected to have
a  material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  financial  position,  results of
operations or liquidity.

     Regulatory  changes  enacted and being  considered at the federal and state
levels  continue to change the  structure  of the utility  industry  and utility
regulation,  as well as  encourage  increased  competition.  At this  time,  the
Company is unable to predict the impact of these changes on its future financial
condition,  results of operations or liquidity. (See Note 2 - Regulatory Matters
for further discussion.)

     The  Company is  involved  in other  legal and  administrative  proceedings
before  various  courts and  agencies  with  respect  to matters  arising in the
ordinary  course of business,  some of which involve  substantial  amounts.  The
Company believes that the final disposition of these proceedings will not have a
material  adverse  effect on its  financial  position,  results of operations or

NOTE 11 - Callaway Nuclear Plant

     Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, the DOE is responsible  for the
permanent  storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The DOE currently charges
one mill per  nuclear-generated  kilowatthour  sold for future disposal of spent
fuel.  Electric  rates charged to customers  provide for recovery of such costs.
The DOE is not expected to have its  permanent  storage  facility for spent fuel
available  until at least 2015. The Company has sufficient  storage  capacity at
Callaway  Plant site until 2004 and is  pursuing a viable  storage  alternative.
This  alternative  will require  Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission  approval.  The
delayed availability of the DOE's disposal facility is not expected to adversely
affect the continued operation of Callaway Plant.

     Electric rates charged to customers  provide for recovery of Callaway Plant
decommissioning  costs over the life of the plant,  based on an assumed  40-year
life,  ending with  expiration  of the plant's  operating  license in 2024.  The
Callaway  site is  assumed  to be  decommissioned  using  the  DECON  (immediate
dismantlement)  method.   Decommissioning   costs,  including   decontamination,
dismantling  and site  restoration,  are estimated to be $451 million in current
year dollars and are expected to escalate  approximately 4% per year through the
end of decommissioning  activity in 2033.  Decommissioning  costs are charged to
depreciation  expense over Callaway's service life and amounted to $7 million in
each of the years 1997, 1996 and 1995. Every three years, the MoPSC requires the
Company to file updated cost studies for decommissioning  Callaway, and electric
rates may be adjusted  at such times to reflect  changed  estimates.  The latest
study was filed in 1996.  Costs  collected  from  customers  are deposited in an
external trust fund to provide for Callaway's decommissioning. Fund earnings are
expected to average 9.25% annually through the date of  decommissioning.  If the
assumed  return on trust  assets  is not  earned,  the  Company  believes  it is
probable that such earnings  deficiency  will be recovered in rates.  Trust fund
earnings,  net of expenses,  appear on the balance sheet as increases in nuclear
decommissioning  trust  fund  and  in  the  accumulated  provision  for  nuclear

     The staff of the SEC has questioned certain current accounting practices of
the electric  utility  industry,  regarding  the  recognition,  measurement  and
classification of decommissioning  costs for nuclear generating  stations in the
financial statements of electric utilities. In response to these questions,  the
Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board has agreed to review the  accounting for
removal  costs,  including  decommissioning.  The  Company  does not expect that
changes in the accounting for nuclear decommissioning costs will have a material
effect on its financial position, results of operations or liquidity.

NOTE 12 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments

     The following  methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value
of each class of financial  instruments  for which it is practicable to estimate
that value.

Cash and Temporary Investments/Short-Term Borrowings

     The  carrying  amounts  approximate  fair value  because of the  short-term
maturity of these instruments.

Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund

     The fair value is estimated based on quoted market prices for securities.

Preferred Stock

     The fair value is estimated  based on the quoted market prices for the same
or similar issues.

Long-Term Debt

     The fair value is estimated  based on the quoted  market prices for same or
similar  issues or on the  current  rates  offered  to the  Company  for debt of
comparable maturities. 

     Carrying  amounts  and  estimated  fair values of the  Company's  financial
instruments at December 31 were as follows:

                                                              1997                      1996
- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
(in millions)                                            Carrying       Fair        Carrying     Fair
                                                           Amount      Value          Amount    Value
- ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------  -----------------------
Preferred stock                                              $155       $143            $219     $192
Long-term debt (including current portion)                 $1,875     $1,969          $1,873   $1,921
- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------

     The Company has investments in debt and equity  securities that are held in
trust funds for the purpose of funding the nuclear  decommissioning  of Callaway
Nuclear Plant (see Note 11 - Callaway Nuclear Plant). The Company has classified
these  investments  in debt and equity  securities as available for sale and has
recorded  all such  investments  at their fair market value at December 31, 1997
and 1996. In 1997, 1996 and 1995, the proceeds from the sale of investments were
$24  million,  $20  million  and $9 million,  respectively.  Using the  specific
identification method to determine cost, the gross realized gains on those sales
were  approximately  $2 million for 1997 and $1 million  each for 1996 and 1995.
Net realized and  unrealized  gains and losses are reflected in the  accumulated
provision for nuclear  decommissioning on the balance sheet, which is consistent
with the method  used by the Company to account  for the  decommissioning  costs
recovered in rates.

     Costs and fair values of investments  in debt and equity  securities in the
nuclear decommissioning trust fund at December 31 were as follows:

- -------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------
1997(in millions)                                                   Gross Unrealized
Security Type                            Cost                 Gain               (Loss)          Fair Value
- -------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------
Debt Securities                           $34                   $3                $  -                  $37
Equity Securities                          43                   40                   -                   83
Cash equivalents                            2                    -                   -                    2
- -------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------
                                          $79                  $43                $  -                 $122

- -------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------

- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
1996(in millions)                                                  Gross Unrealized
Security Type                           Cost                 Gain               (Loss)           Fair Value
- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
Debt Securities                          $29                  $ 2                $  -                   $31
Equity Securities                         40                   22                   -                    62
Cash equivalents                           4                    -                   -                     4
- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
                                         $73                  $24                $  -                   $97
- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

The  contractual  maturities of investments  in debt  securities at December 31,
1997, were as follows:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in millions)                                                                   Cost             Fair Value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 year to 5 years                                                                 $4                     $4
5 years to 10 years                                                                6                      7
Due after 10 years                                                                24                     26
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                 $34                    $37
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    PART III


William E. Cornelius, Retired Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer - Union Electric

Thomas A. Hays, Retired Deputy Chairman -
The May Department Stores Company

Thomas H. Jacobsen, Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer - Mercantile
Bancorporation Inc., a bank holding company

Richard A. Liddy, Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer - General American
Life Insurance Company, a provider of
insurance products and services

John Peters MacCarthy, Retired Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer - Boatmen's Trust

Paul L. Miller, Jr., President and Chief
Executive Officer, P.L. Miller and Associates,
a management consulting firm

Charles W. Mueller, President and
Chief Executive Officer

Robert H. Quenon, Retired Chairman of the
Board - Peabody Holding Company, Inc.

Gary L. Rainwater, President and
Chief Executive Officer - CIPS

Harvey Saligman, Retired Managing Partner -
Cynwyd Investments, a real estate partnership

Janet McAfee Weakley,  President - Janet McAfee, Inc., a residential real estate


                                                                    Date First
                            Age At                                  Elected or
       Name                12/31/97    Present Position             Appointed

Charles W. Mueller           59        President                       7/1/93
                                       Chief Executive Officer         1/1/94
                                       and Director                   6/11/93
Paul A. Agathen              50        Senior Vice President          2/16/96
Donald E. Brandt             43        Senior Vice President           7/1/88
Charles J. Schukai           63        Senior Vice President           7/1/88
M. Patricia Barrett          60        Vice President                  3/1/91
Charles A. Bremer            53        Vice President                 4/24/84
Donald W. Capone             62        Vice President                  7/1/88
William J. Carr              60        Vice President                 10/1/88
Jean M. Hannis               50        Vice President                  1/1/96
William E. Jaudes            60        Vice President and             4/23/85
                                       General Counsel                4/22/80
R. Alan Kelley               45        Vice President                  7/1/88
Michael J. Montana           51        Vice President                  7/1/88
Garry L. Randolph            49        Vice President                  3/1/91
Robert J. Schukai            59        Vice President                  7/1/88
William C. Shores            59        Vice President                  7/1/88
Samuel E. Willis             53        Vice President                 11/1/95
Ronald C. Zdellar            53        Vice President                  7/1/88
Warner L. Baxter             36        Controller                      8/1/96
James C. Thompson            58        Secretary                      12/1/82
Jerre E. Birdsong            43        Treasurer                       7/1/93

                                     - 34 -

            All  officers  are  elected or  appointed  annually  by the Board of
Directors  following  the  election  of such  Board  at the  annual  meeting  of
stockholders  held in  April.  There  are no family  relationships  between  the
foregoing  officers of the Company  except that Charles J. Schukai and Robert J.
Schukai are brothers.  Except for Mr. Baxter, each of the above-named  executive
officers has been  employed by the Company for more than five years in executive
or management positions.  Mr. Baxter was previously employed by Price Waterhouse

         Any additional information concerning directors required to be reported
by this  item is  included  under  "Item  (1):  Election  of  Directors"  in the
Company's 1998  definitive  proxy statement filed pursuant to Regulation 14A and
is incorporated herein by reference.


         Any information  required to be reported by this item is included under
"Compensation"  in the Company's 1998 definitive  proxy statement filed pursuant
to Regulation 14A and is incorporated herein by reference.


         Any information  required to be reported by this item is included under
"Security  Ownership of  Management"  in the  Company's  1998  definitive  proxy
statement  filed  pursuant  to  Regulation  14A and is  incorporated  herein  by


         Any information  required to be reported by this item is included under
"Item (1):  Election  of  Directors"  in the  Company's  1998  definitive  proxy
statement  filed  pursuant  to  Regulation  14A and is  incorporated  herein  by

                                     - 35 -

                                     PART IV


         (a) The following documents are filed as a part of this report:

         1.   Financial Statements and Financial Statement Schedule Covered by
              Report of Independent Accountants
                                                                    Pages Herein

    Report of Independent Accountants .................................... 14
    Balance Sheet - December 31, 1997 and 1996 ........................... 15
    Statement of Income - Years 1997, 1996, and 1995 ..................... 16
    Statement of Cash Flows - Years 1997, 1996, and 1995 ................. 17
    Statement of Retained Earnings - Years 1997, 1996, and 1995 .......... 18
    Notes to Financial Statements ........................................ 19
    Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Schedule II)
      Years 1997, 1996, and 1995 ......................................... 37

    Schedules not included have been omitted  because they are not applicable or
    the required data is shown in the aforementioned financial statements.

         2.   Exhibits: See EXHIBITS beginning on Page 39

         (b) Reports on Form 8-K.  During the last quarter of 1997,  the Company
filed a report on Form 8-K dated  December  16,  1997  reporting  the passage of
legislation  designed to  introduce  pricebased  competition  into the supply of
electric  energy  in the  State of  Illinois  and to  provide  a less  regulated
structure for Illinois electric utilities. Further, the Company filed a Form 8-K
dated  December 31, 1997  reporting  completion of its merger  transaction  with

                                     - 36 -

                             UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY
              FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997, 1996 AND 1995

                  Col. A.                           Col. B                    Col. C                Col. D.          Col. E
                  -------                           ------                    ------                -------          ------
                                                                         (1)            (2)
                                                  Balance at        Charged to                                     Balance at
                                                   beginning         costs and       Charged to                       end of
                  Description                      of period         expenses     other accounts  Deductions          period
                  -----------                     -----------       ----------    --------------  ----------       ---------
Year ended December 31, 1997                                                                       (Note)

Reserves deducted in the balance sheet from assets to which they apply:

      Allowance for doubtful accounts            $5,195,332         $10,860,000                    $12,410,004    $3,645,328
                                                 ==========         ===========                    ===========    ==========

Year ended December 31, 1996

Reserves deducted in the balance sheet from assets to which they apply:

      Allowance for doubtful accounts            $6,924,965         $12,100,000                    $13,829,633    $5,195,332
                                                 ==========         ===========                    ===========    ==========

Year ended December 31, 1995

Reserves deducted in the balance sheet from assets to which they apply:

      Allowance for doubtful accounts            $6,277,378         $10,800,000                    $10,152,413    $6,924,965
                                                 ==========         ===========                    ===========    ==========

Note:  Uncollectible accounts charged off, less recoveries.

                                     - 37 -


            Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  the registrant has duly caused this report to
be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                              UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY

                                              CHARLES W. MUELLER
                                                 President and
                                              Chief Executive Officer

Date    March 25, 1998                        By    /s/ James C. Thompson
     -----------------------                 ----------------------------
                                           (James C. Thompson, Attorney-in-Fact)

            Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
this  report has been  signed  below by the  following  persons on behalf of the
registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated.

     Signature                                               Title

/s/ C. W. Mueller                President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
CHARLES W. MUELLER                                 (Principal Executive Officer)

/s/ Donald E. Brandt                                       Senior Vice President
DONALD E. BRANDT                    (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)

/s/ W. E. Cornelius
WILLIAM E. CORNELIUS                                                    Director

THOMAS A. HAYS                                                          Director

/s/ T. H. Jacobsen
THOMAS H. JACOBSEN                                                      Director

/s/ Richard A. Liddy
RICHARD A. LIDDY                                                        Director

JOHN PETERS MacCARTHY                                                   Director

/s/ Paul L. Miller, Jr.
PAUL L. MILLER, JR.                                                     Director

/s/ Robert H. Quenon
ROBERT H. QUENON                                                        Director

/s/ Gary L. Rainwater
GARY L. RAINWATER                                                       Director

/s/ Harvey Saligman
HARVEY SALIGMAN                                                         Director

/s/ Janet McAfee Weakley
JANET MCAFEE WEAKLEY                                                    Director

                             By    /s/ James C. Thompson          March 25, 1998
                                   (James C. Thompson, Attorney-in-Fact)

                                     - 38 -


                             Exhibits Filed Herewith

  Exhibit No.                       Description

      12(a)  - Statement re Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges.

      12(b)    - Statement re  Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
               and Preferred Stock Dividend Requirements.

      24     - Powers of Attorney.

      27     - Financial Data Schedule.

                                     - 39 -

                                        Exhibits Incorporated By Reference

            The  following   exhibits   heretofore  have  been  filed  with  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  pursuant  to  requirements  of  the  Acts
administered by the  Commission.  Such exhibits are identified by the references
following  the listing of each such  exhibit,  and they are hereby  incorporated
herein by reference.

  Exhibit No.                              Description

 3(i)          - Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  of the Company,  as filed
               with the Secretary of State of the State of Missouri.  (1993 Form
               10-K, Exhibit 3(i).)

 3(ii)       - By-Laws of the Company as amended  to August 11, 1995. (June 30,
               1995 Form 10-Q/A (Amendment No. 2), Exhibit 3(ii).)

 4.1         - Order of the Securities and Exchange Commission dated October 16,
               1945 in File No. 70-1154 permitting the issue of Preferred Stock,
               $3.70 Series.  (Registration No. 2-27474, Exhibit 3-E.)

 4.2         - Order of the Securities and Exchange  Commission dated  April 30,
               1946 in File No. 70-1259 permitting the issue of Preferred Stock,
               $3.50 Series.  (Registration No. 2-27474, Exhibit 3-F.)

 4.3         - Order of the Securities and Exchange Commission dated October 20,
               1949 in File No. 70-2227 permitting the issue of Preferred Stock,
               $4.00 Series. (Registration No. 2-27474, Exhibit 3-G.)

 4.4           - Indenture  of Mortgage  and Deed of Trust of the Company  dated
               June 15, 1937,  as amended May 1, 1941,  and Second  Supplemental
               Indenture dated May 1, 1941.(Registration No.2-4940,Exhibit B-1.)

 4.5        - Supplemental Indentures to Mortgage

        Dated as of               File Reference                Exhibit No.

      March 1, 1967              2-58274                                 2.9
      April 1, 1971              Form 8-K, April 1971                    6
      February 1, 1974           Form 8-K, February 1974                 3
      July 7, 1980               2-69821                                 4.6
      May 1, 1990                Form 10-K, 1990                         4.6
      December 1, 1991           33-45008                                4.4
      December 4, 1991           33-45008                                4.5
      January 1, 1992            Form 10-K, 1991                         4.6
      October 1, 1992            Form 10-K, 1992                         4.6
      December 1, 1992           Form 10-K, 1992                         4.7
      February 1, 1993           Form 10-K, 1992                         4.8
      May 1, 1993                Form 10-K, 1993                         4.6

                                     - 40 -

  Exhibit No.                              Description

        Dated as of              File Reference                  Exhibit No.

 4.5 - (continued)
      August 1, 1993             Form 10-K, 1993                         4.7
      October 1, 1993            Form 10-K, 1993                         4.8
      January 1, 1994            Form 10-K, 1993                         4.9
      December 1, 1996           Form 10-K, 1996                         4.36

 4.6        - Series A Agreement of  Sale dated as of June 1, 1984  between  the
              State Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources  Authority of
              the State of Missouri and  the  Company, together with  Letter  of
              Credit and Reimbursement Agreement dated as of June 1,1984 between
              Citibank, N.A. and the Company and  Series A Trust Indenture dated
              as of June 1, 1984  between the  Authority  and  Mercantile  Trust
              Company  National  Association, as  trustee.  (Registration No. 2-
              96198, Exhibit 4.25.)

 4.7       - Reimbursement Agreement dated as of April 21, 1992 among Swiss Bank
             Corporation,  various  financial  institutions,  and  the  Company,
             providing for an alternate letter of credit to serve as a source of
             payment for bonds issued  under the  Series A Trust Indenture  date
             as of June 1, 1984.  (1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.23.)

 4.8       - Series B  Agreement of  Sale  dated  as of June 1, 1984 between the
             State Environmental Improvement  and Energy  Resources Authority of
             the State of Missouri and the Company, together with  Reimbursement
             Agreement dated as of June 1, 1984  between  Chemical Bank  and the
             Company  and  Series B  Trust  Indenture  dated as  of June 1, 1984
             between  the   Authorit  and   Mercantile  Trust  Company  National
             Association, as trustee.  (Registration No. 2-96198, Exhibit 4.26.)

 4.9       - Reimbursement  Agreement  dated as of April 22, 1988  between Union
             Bank of Switzerland  and the  Company, providing  for an  alternate
             letter of credit to serve as a source  of payment for  bonds issued
             under  the  Series B Trust  Indenture  dated  as  of  June 1, 1984.
             (June 30, 1988 Form 10-Q, Exhibit 4.2.)

 4.10      - Amendment and Extension Agreement  dated  as of June 1, 1990 to the
             Reimbursement Agreement  dated as of April 22, 1988  between  Union
             Bank of Switzerland and the Company.(1990 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.29.)

 4.11      - Amendment and Extension Agreement dated  as of June 1, 1991 to  the
             amended Reimbursement Agreement dated as of April 22, 1988  between
             Union Bank of Switzerland  and the Company.(1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit

 4.12        -  Amendment  Agreement  dated  as of June 1,  1992 to the  amended
             Reimbursement  Agreement  dated as of April 22, 1988 between  Union
             Bank of Switzerland and the Company.(1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.28.)

                                     - 41 -

  Exhibit No.                              Description

 4.13      - Series 1985 A   Reaffirmation Agreement  and  Second  Supplement to
             Agreement  of  Sale  dated  as of June 1, 1985  between  the  State
             Environmental Improvement  and Energy  Resources  Authority of  the
             State of  Missouri  and the  Company, together  with  Series 1985 A
             Reimbursement Agreement dated as of June 1, 1985 between Union Bank
             of Switzerland  and the  Company and Series 1985 A Trust  Indenture
             dated as of June 1, 1985 between the Authority and Mercantile Trust
             Company National Association, as  trustee  and Texas  Commerce Bank
             National  Association,  as  co-trustee.  (June 30, 1985  Form 10-Q,
             Exhibit 4.1.)

 4.14      - Amendment and Extension Agreement dated as of June 1, 1988 revising
             the Reimbursement Agreement dated as of June 1, 1985  between Union
             Bank  of  Switzerland  and the  Company. (June 30, 1988  Form 10-Q,
             Exhibit 4.4.)

 4.15      - Amendment and Extension Agreement dated as of June 1, 1990 revising
             the Reimbursement  Agreement  dated  as of June 1, 1985, as amended
             between Union Bank of  Switzerland and the Company. (1990 Form 10-K
             Exhibit 4.37.)

 4.16      - Amendment and Extension Agreement dated as of June 1, 1991   to the
             amended  Reimbursement  Agreement dated as of June 1, 1985  between
             Union Bank of Switzerland and the Company. (1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit

 4.17        -  Amendment  Agreement  dated  as of June 1,  1992 to the  amended
             Reimbursement Agreement dated as of June 1, 1985 between Union Bank
             of Switzerland and the Company.(1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.33.)

 4.18      - Series 1985 B  Reaffirmation  Agreement  and  Third  Supplement  to
             Agreement  of  Sale  dated as  of June 1, 1985  between  the  State
             Environmental Improvement  and  Energy  Resources  Authority of the
             State of  Missouri and  the  Company, together  with  Series 1985 B
             Reimbursement  Agreement  dated  as  of  June 1, 1985  between  The
             Long-term  Credit Bank of Japan, Limited and the Company and Series
             1985 B  Trust  Indenture  dated  as  of  June 1, 1985  between  the
             Authority  and  Mercantile  Trust Company  National Association, as
             trustee  and  Texas  Commerce  Bank  National  Association, as  co-
             trustee.(June 30, 1985 Form 10-Q, Exhibit 4.2.)

 4.19      - Reimbursement  Agreement  dated  as  of  February 1,  1993  between
             Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale and the Company, providing for
             an alternate letter of credit to serve  as a source  of payment for
             bonds issued under  the Series 1985 B  Trust Indenture  dated as of
             June 1, 1985.  (1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.35.)

 4.20      - Loan  Agreement  dated   as  of  May  1,  1990  between  the  State
             Environmental Improvement  and  Energy Resources Authority  of  the
             State of Missouri and the Company, together with Indenture of Trust
             dated as of May 1, 1990 between the  Authority and  Mercantile Bank
             of St. Louis, N.A., as trustee. (1990 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.40.)

                                     - 42 -

  Exhibit No.                              Description
 4.21      - Loan Agreement  dated  as  of December 1, 1991  between  the  State
             Environmental Improvement and  Energy Resources Authority  and  the
             Company, together with Indenture of Trust  dated  as of December 1,
             1991 between the Authority and Mercantile Bank  of St. Louis, N.A.,
             as trustee. (1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.37.)

 4.22      - Loan Agreement  dated as  of December 1, 1992,  between  the  State
             Environmental Improvement and  Energy Resources Authority  and  the
             Company, together  with  Indenture of Trust dated as of December 1,
             1992 between the Authority and  Mercantile Bank of St. Louis, N.A.,
             as trustee. (1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.38.)

 4.23      - Fuel Lease  dated as of  February  24,  1981  between  the Company,
             as lessee,  and Gateway Fuel  Company,  as lessor, covering nuclear
             fuel. (1980 Form 10-K, Exhibit 10.20.)

 4.24      - Amendments to Fuel Lease dated  as of  May 8,  1984 and October 15,
             1984, respectively, between  the Company,  as lessee,  and  Gateway
             Fuel  Company,  as  lessor,  covering  nuclear fuel.  (Registration
             No. 2-96198, Exhibit 4.28.)

 4.25         - Amendment to Fuel Lease dated as of October 15, 1986 between the
              Company, as lessee, and Gateway Fuel Company, as lessor,  covering
              nuclear fuel.(September 30, 1986 Form 10-Q, Exhibit 4.3.)

 4.26      - Credit Agreement dated  as of  August 15, 1989  among  the Company,
             Certain Lenders,  The First National Bank of Chicago, as  Agent and
             Swiss Bank Corporation, Chicago Branch, as Co-Agent. (September 30,
             1989 Form 10-Q, Exhibit 4.)

 4.27         - Amendment dated as of October 26, 1992, to the Credit  Agreement
              dated as of November 8,1991 between the Company, Certain Banks and
              Chemical Bank, as Agent. (1992 Form 10-K, Exhibit 4.44.)

10.7       - Change of Control Severance Plan.  (1995 Form 10-K, Exhibit 10.8.)

Note:   Reports of the Company on Forms 8-K, 10-Q and 10-K are  on file with the
        SEC under file number 1-2967.

                                     - 43 -