DALLAS, November 17 -- Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) reported
today that its railroad subsidiary continues to make steady progress with its
Service Recovery Plan. The most recent weekly service indicators filed with
the Surface Transportation Board reflect improvement in several key areas.
Among them:

 -- Average freight car inventory is down by nearly 17,000 cars since
 the recovery plan was launched, to 339,303.  On November 13,  inventory
 dipped to below 337,000, the lowest daily total since mid-August.

 -- The number of sidings blocked south of Kansas City, 43, has been
 reduced by two-thirds from the peak, while the sidings blocked system-wide
 continued to fall, to 111.

 -- The average number of trains held for crews declined to 56, an
 improvement of  43 percent from the previous week, as train crews around the
 system responded to the need to structure their work schedule to allow
 coverage over critical weekend days when the railroad's traffic is heaviest.

 -- The Fort Worth/Dallas metro complex is operating more fluidly than
 it has all year.

 -- Operations at the Mexican gateways have been restored to near normal

"The recovery plan is working," said Dick Davidson, Union Pacific
chairman and chief executive officer. "We've made significant progress,
especially in Texas and the rest of the southern tier. But we must move at
an even faster pace in order to re-earn the confidence of our customers. This
is our one and only goal."

Accordingly, the railroad is working on additional measures to help
strengthen and speed the recovery.

 -- Directional running has been instituted on the UP/SP lines between
 Houston and Brownsville, TX.

 -- Every possible way to temporarily reduce traffic on the UP/SP system
 is under review. This includes seeking additional assistance from other

 -- Bonuses are being offered to train crews that agree to report to
 work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend.

As a result of the congestion-related problems, and the incremental
costs of the Service Recovery Plan, earnings per share for all of 1997 are
expected to be less than 1996 pro forma results. Given the uncertainties
associated with estimating the continuing impact of the congestion-related
problems and the Service Recovery Plan on the railroad, the outlook for the
fourth quarter is unclear. Based on various assumptions, fourth quarter
results could range from close to break-even to a substantial loss.

"While we realize these additional measures will have an impact on our
near-term financial results, our number one priority must be to complete our
service recovery as rapidly as possible, " Davidson said. "It is absolutely
critical that we get these congestion problems behind us so that we can
restore quality service to our customers and move forward to achieve the
benefits of our merger."
    (This press release contains forward-looking statements within the
 meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of
 1934.  This information is based on facts available at this time, and is
 subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
 materially from those expressed above.  Important facts that could cause such
 differences include, but are not limited to, whether the Service Recovery
 Plan achieves its goals; industry competition and regulatory developments;
 natural events such as severe weather, floods and earthquakes; the effects
 of adverse economic conditions affecting the Company's shippers; changes in
 fuel prices; and the ultimate outcome of environmental investigations or
 proceedings and other types of claims and litigation.)
 Media inquiries should be directed to John Bromley at Union Pacific Railroad
 (402) 271-3475.