Exhibit 10(a)

                           UNION PACIFIC CORPORATION

                                    FOR THE

                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                (Effective  December 1, 1978, as Amended April 30, 1987,
          January 1, 1995, January 25, 1996, February 26, 1998 and May 27,

                            Union Pacific Corporation
                  Stock Unit Grant and Deferred Compensation Plan
                           for the Board of Directors
                          As Amended as of May 27, 1999

1.       Purpose

         The  purpose  of this  Plan is to  permit  grants  of  Stock  Units  to
         Directors to align their interests with those of  stockholders,  and to
         provide a means for  deferring  payment of all or a portion of any cash
         compensation,  excluding  expenses,  payable  to  Directors  for  their
         service  on the  Board of  Directors  (the  "Board")  of Union  Pacific
         Corporation (the "Company") in accordance with Article II, Section 5 of
         the By-Laws of Union Pacific Corporation. Such compensation eligible to
         be deferred, not including any grants under paragraph 3, is referred to
         herein as "Compensation".

2.       Eligibility

         Any  individual (a  "Director")  serving as a member of the Board as of
         the effective date of this Plan or who subsequently becomes a member is
         eligible  under this Plan,  other than members who are employees of the
         Company or any of its subsidiaries.

3.       Stock Unit Grants

        (1)       Commencing   with  the  second  quarter  of  1998,  each  full
                  quarterly  installment of a Director's  Compensation  shall be
                  accompanied  by the grant of an amount  of whole  Stock  Units
                  equal to $7,500 (as such  amount  may be changed  from time to
                  time by the  Board)  divided by the Fair  Market  Value of one
                  share of the Company's  Common Stock on the first business day
                  of the month following the quarter in which such  Compensation
                  was  earned,  plus cash in lieu of any  fractional  Stock Unit
                  resulting  from such  calculation.  A pro-rata  grant of Stock
                  Units  will  accompany  any  partial  quarterly   Compensation
                  installment.  "Fair Market  Value" on a date means the average
                  of the high and low trading  prices per share on that date, as
                  reported in The Wall Street  Journal  listing of  consolidated
                  trading for New York Stock  Exchange  issues.  Stock Units and
                  cash so granted  shall be  credited to such  Director's  Stock
                  Unit Account referred to in paragraph 6.

        (2)       Each  person  serving as a member of the Board on January  25,
                  1996 who has elected (the "Election") to forfeit $6,000 of the
                  annual retirement pension under the  Directors'  Pension  Plan
                  pursuant to Section 12 thereof shall receive a grant of an
                  amount of Stock Units equal to the dollar amount set forth in
                  the election form pursuant to which such person made the
                  Election, divided by the Fair Market Value of one share of the
                  Company's Common Stock on the date that the grant is credited
                  to such Directors' Stock Unit Account, plus cash in lieu of
                  any fractional Stock Unit resulting from such calculation. For
                  all persons making the Election who are eligible on January 25
                  1996 for benefits under the Directors' Pension Plan, such
                  grant will be credited to such person's Stock Unit Account on
                  February 15, 1996.  For all other persons making the Election,
                  such grant will be credited on the date they become  eligible
                  for such benefits (or if such date is not a business day, on
                  the next business day).

        (3)       Each  person  elected as a member of the Board for the first
                  time after January  25,  1996  shall  receive,  on the  date
                  such person completes five consecutive  years of  service  on
                  the Board (or if such date is not a  business day, on the next
                  business day), a grant for  immediate credit to such person's
                  Stock Unit  Account of an amount of Stock Units equal to
                  $85,000 (as such amount may be changed from time to time by
                  the Board), divided by the Fair Market Value of one share of
                  Common Stock on the date of such grant, plus cash in lieu of
                  any fractional Stock Unit resulting from such calculation.  In
                  determining whether a person has completed  five  consecutive
                  years of service, there shall be disregarded any period of
                  such service during which such person was employed by the
                  Company or any of its  subsidiaries  and, in the  case of any
                  person formerly so employed,  any period after  termination of
                  such employment if at the time of termination the person is
                  entitled to receive  benefits as an employee under any pension
                  plan of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.

4.       Deferral Election

         An election to defer  Compensation  is to be made on or before December
         31 of any year for  Compensation  for services as a member of the Board
         for the following and later calendar years. In addition to deferrals of
         1995  Compensation  elected in the previous  year, at any time prior to
         March 31, 1995, a Director may elect to defer  additional  Compensation
         to be paid for services in the last three quarters of 1995.

         An  election to defer is a  continuing  election  until  changed by the
         Director on or before  December  31 of any year for the then  following
         and  later  calendar  years.  However,  once an  election  is made (and
         effective),  subsequent  elections  will have no effect on the amounts,
         timing and manner of payment covered by the previous election.

         Any newly  elected  Director  who was not a Director  on the  preceding
         December 31 may elect,  before his term begins,  to defer  Compensation
         for  services as a member of the Board for the balance of the  calendar
         year following such election.

         Forms shall be made available to Directors each year for the purpose of
         making or changing their election.

5.       Amount

         All or any portion,  in multiples of 10%, of a Director's  Compensation
         may be deferred.

6.       Deferred Accounts

         Each Director  shall have a Stock Unit Account and may have one or more
         Other Accounts (together, the "Accounts"). Amounts deferred pursuant to
         paragraph  4 may be  credited to any  Account,  at the  election of the
         Director made at the time of the deferral election, in multiples of 10%
         of such Director's  Compensation.  A Director may change the Account to
         which any quarterly  installment  of such  Director's  Compensation  so
         deferred is to be credited at any time on or before the fifth  business
         day prior to the date such  quarterly  installment  is to be  credited.
         Amounts  deferred  and  credited  to the Stock  Unit  Account  shall be
         converted  into whole Stock Units on the basis of the Fair Market Value
         of the  Company's  Common Stock on the first  business day of the month
         following the quarter in which the  Compensation  was earned,  and cash

         shall be credited to the Stock Unit  Account in lieu of any  fractional
         Stock  Unit.  In  addition,  (i) on or prior to March  31,  1995,  each
         Director shall have a one-time  election to transfer all or any part of
         the balance of his or her Other Account to the Stock Unit Account based
         on the Fair  Market  Value of the  Company's  Common  Stock on April 3,
         1995,  (ii) at any time, a Director may transfer all or any part of the
         balance  of any of his or her Other  Accounts  to another of his or her
         Other  Accounts  subject to any  regulations  regarding  such  transfer
         adopted  by the  Board  and  (iii) at any time on or after the 30th day
         after  the  date of a  Director's  termination  from  the  Board,  such
         Director  may  transfer all or any part of the balance of any of his or
         her  Accounts  to  another  of  his or her  Accounts,  pursuant  to any
         regulations regarding such transfers adopted by the Board.

         On the payment date for each cash  dividend or other cash  distribution
         with respect to the Company's Common Stock,  each Director's Stock Unit
         Account shall be credited with an amount equal to the amount of the per
         share dividend or distribution, multiplied by the number of Stock Units
         in such  Account,  and, if such Director is then serving as a member of
         the Board,  shall be  converted  into whole Stock Units on the basis of
         the Fair Market Value of the Company's Common Stock on the payment date
         for such  dividend or  distribution,  and cash shall be credited to the
         Stock Unit Account in lieu of any fractional Stock Units. If a Director
         is no longer  serving as a member of the Board on the payment  date for
         such dividend or distribution, the amount representing such dividend or
         distribution  shall  be paid  out of the  Stock  Unit  Account  to such
         Director  as soon as  practicable  after  the  payment  date  for  such
         dividend or distribution.

         Except as provided in the  preceding  sentence,  any cash credited to a
         Director's  Stock Unit Account shall be added to other cash credited to
         such  Account  and  converted  into a  whole  Stock  Unit  on the  date
         sufficient  cash exists to  purchase a whole  Stock Unit,  based on the
         Fair Market Value of the  Company's  Common Stock on such date.  In the
         event of a subdivision or  combination of shares of Company Stock,  the
         number of Stock  Units  credited  to the  Stock  Unit  Accounts  on the
         effective   date  of  such   subdivision   or   combination   shall  be
         proportionately   subdivided  or  combined  as  the  case  may  be.  No
         adjustment shall be made in Stock Units in connection with the issuance
         by the Company of any rights or options to acquire additional shares of
         Company  Common Stock or  securities  convertible  into Company  Common
         Stock.  In the  event of any  stock  dividend  or  reclassification  of
         Company Common Stock,  any merger or consolidation to which the Company
         is a party, or any spin-off of shares or distribution of property other
         than cash with respect to the Company Common Stock, the Committee shall
         cause appropriate adjustments, if any, to be made in the Stock Units to
         reflect such stock dividend, reclassification, merger or consolidation,
         spin-off or distribution of property.

         Other  Accounts  shall  have such  name,  and be  charged  or  credited
         pursuant  to  such   method,   as  the  Board  shall   determine   upon
         establishment of such Other Account, and the Board may change such name
         or method for any such Other  Account,  but no such change shall reduce
         any amount previously accrued in a Director's Other Account.

7.       Distribution

         All distributions  from Accounts shall be made in cash. For purposes of
         distributions  from the Stock  Unit  Account,  each Stock Unit shall be
         converted  into an amount of cash equal to the Fair Market Value of one
         share of the  Company's  Common Stock on the first  business day of the
         month in which such  distribution  is made. The Director must elect the
         timing and manner of payment: (a) in the case of deferred Compensation,

         at the  same  time  and on the  same  form  he  elects  a  deferral  of
         Compensation,  (b) in the case of a Stock Unit grant under 3.a.,  on or
         prior to the time an  election to defer the  accompanying  Compensation
         would have been  required  to be made,  (c) in the case of a Stock Unit
         grant under 3.b., at the same time as the Election referred to therein,
         and (d) in the case of a Stock Unit grant under 3.c., prior to the time
         the Director receives such grant

     -   Timing of Payment:  Directors may elect to begin distributions from the
         Accounts  (a)  following  termination  from  the  Board,  (b) in a year
         specified by the Director which, in the case of distributions  from the
         Stock Unit Account, must be after termination from the Board, or (c) in
         the case of distributions from any Other Account,  following retirement
         from the Director's principal occupation.

     -   Manner of Payment:  The Director may elect to receive  payment from the
         Accounts in a lump sum or in a number of equal annual installments, not
         to exceed ten. A Director may change the foregoing  election,  provided
         that  any  such  change  must be  made:  (i) in the  case  of  payments
         commencing  on   termination   from  the  Board,   one  year  prior  to
         termination,  (ii) in the case of  payments  commencing  in a specified
         year,  one year prior to the earlier to occur of  termination  from the
         Board and the  commencement  of such  specified  year, and (iii) in the
         case  of  payments   commencing   upon   retirement  from  a  principal
         occupation,  one year prior to the earlier to occur of termination from
         the Board and such retirement.

         The lump sum or first  installment is to be paid in January of the year
         following  the year of  termination  or retirement or in January of the
         year  selected  by the  Director,  as  applicable,  and  any  remaining
         installments in January of each succeeding year until the total balance
         is paid.

         Distributions  from the Stock  Unit  Account in  installments  shall be
         based on equal numbers of Stock Units in each installment.

         In the event of the death of a Director then serving as a member of the
         Board or a terminated or retired  Director  entitled to a  distribution
         under this Plan,  the balance of the  Accounts  shall be payable to the
         estate or designated beneficiary in full during the January of the year
         following the year of such Director's, terminated Director's or retired
         Director's death.

         The Director may designate his  beneficiary  at the same time he elects
         deferral of Compensation.  However,  the latest designated  beneficiary
         will  be  the  beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  for  the  total  of  all
         distributions  from the Accounts.  The  designated  beneficiary  may be
         changed  at any time on a form  provided  by the  Corporate  Secretary,
         provided that no designation  will be effective unless it is filed with
         the Corporate Secretary prior to the Director's death.

8.       Unfunded Plan

         The  liability  of the  Union  Pacific  Corporation  to  any  Director,
         terminated  Director,  retired  Director  or his  estate or  designated
         beneficiary  under the Plan shall be that of a debtor only  pursuant to
         such  contractual  obligations  as are created by the Plan, and no such
         obligation of Union Pacific  Corporation  shall be deemed to be secured
         by any assets,  pledges, or other encumbrances on any property of Union
         Pacific Corporation.

9.       Inalienability of Deferred Compensation

         Except to the  extent of the  rights of a  designated  beneficiary,  no
         distribution  pursuant to, or interest in, the Plan may be transferred,
         assigned,  pledged or otherwise  alienated and no such  distribution or
         interest  shall be  subject  to legal  process  or  attachment  for the
         payment of any claims  against any  individual  entitled to receive the

10.      Controlling State Law

         All questions pertaining to the construction,  regulation, validity and
         effect of the Plan shall be determined  in accordance  with the laws of
         the State of Utah.

11.      Amendment

         The Board of Directors  of the Union  Pacific  Corporation  at its sole
         discretion  may  amend,  suspend  or  terminate  the Plan at any  time.
         However, any such amendment,  suspension or termination of the Plan may
         not adversely  affect any Director's or his  beneficiary's  rights with
         respect to Compensation previously deferred.

12.      Administration

         Administration of the Plan will be coordinated by the Corporate Finance
         Department.  Administration  will  include,  but  not  be  limited  to,
         crediting of deferred  compensation,  dividends and accrued interest to
         individual  Director  accounts  and ultimate  disbursement  of deferred

13.      Effective Date

         This Plan shall become effective  December 1, 1978,  applicable only to
         compensation  for services after  December 31, 1978,  provided that the
         provisions  hereof related to Stock Units shall be effective January 1,