Exhibit 10(b)




                           UNION PACIFIC CORPORATION

                           (Effective April 16, 1993 -
                         As Amended September 30, 1993,
                         July 28, 1994, April 24, 1997,
             November 20, 1997, September 24, 1998 and May 27, 1999)

                          OF UNION PACIFIC CORPORATION

1.       PURPOSE

         The purpose of the 1993 Stock Option and Retention  Stock Plan of Union
Pacific  Corporation  is to promote and closely align the interests of employees
of Union  Pacific  Corporation  and its  shareholders  by providing  stock based
compensation.  The Plan is intended to strengthen  Union  Pacific  Corporation's
ability to reward  performance  which enhances long term  shareholder  value; to
increase employee stock ownership through  performance based compensation plans;
and to  strengthen  the company's  ability to attract and retain an  outstanding
employee and executive team.


         The following terms shall have the following meanings:

         "Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         "Approved Leave of Absence" means a leave of absence of definite length
  approved by the Senior Vice President - Human Resources of the Company,  or by
  any  other  officer  of the  Company  to whom  the  Committee  delegates  such

         "Award" means an award of Retention Shares or Stock Units pursuant to
   the Plan.

         "Beneficiary"  means any person or persons  designated  in writing by a
Participant to the Committee on a form prescribed by it for that purpose,  which
designation  shall be revocable at any time by the  Participant  prior to his or
her death, provided that, in the absence of such a designation or the failure of
the person or persons so  designated to survive the  Participant,  "Beneficiary"
shall mean such  Participant's  estate; and further provided that no designation
of  Beneficiary  shall be effective  unless it is received by the Company before
the Participant's death.

         "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

         "Code" means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended,  or the
corresponding provisions of any successor statute.

         "Committee"  means the Committee  designated by the Board to administer
the Plan pursuant to Section 3.

         "Common Stock" means the Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, of
the Company.

         "Company" means Union Pacific Corporation, a Utah corporation, or any
successor corporation.

         "Option" means each non-qualified stock option,  incentive stock option
and stock appreciation right granted under the Plan.

         "Optionee" means any employee of the Company or a Subsidiary (including
directors who are also such employees) who is granted an Option under the Plan.

         "Participant"  means  any  employee  of  the  Company  or a  Subsidiary
(including  directors who are also such employees) who is granted an Award under
the Plan.

         "Plan"  means  this 1993 Stock  Option and  Retention  Stock  Plan,  as
amended from time to time.

         "Retention  Shares"  means shares of Common  Stock  subject to an Award
granted under the Plan.

         "Restriction Period" means the period defined in Section 9(a).

         "Stock Unit" means the right to receive in the future a share of Common

         "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation of which the Company owns directly
or indirectly at least a majority of the outstanding shares of voting stock.

         "Unit Restriction Period" means the period defined in Section 10.

         "Unit  Vesting  Condition"  means any condition to the vesting of Stock
Units established by the Committee pursuant to Section 10.

         "Vesting  Condition"  means any  condition  to the vesting of Retention
Shares established by the Committee pursuant to Section 9.


         The  Plan  shall  be  administered  by the  Committee  which  shall  be
comprised  of not less than three  members  of the Board,  none of whom shall be
employees  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary.  The  Committee  shall (i) grant
Options to  Optionees  and make  Awards of  Retention  Shares and Stock Units to
Participants,  and (ii)  determine the terms and  conditions of such Options and
Awards  of  Retention  Shares  and  Stock  Units,  all in  accordance  with  the
provisions of the Plan. The Committee  shall have full authority to construe and
interpret  the Plan,  to  establish,  amend and  rescind  rules and  regulations
relating to the Plan,  to  administer  the Plan,  and to take all such steps and
make all such  determinations in connection with the Plan and Options and Awards
granted thereunder as it may deem necessary or advisable.  Each Option and grant
of  Retention  Shares or Stock Units  shall,  if required by the  Committee,  be
evidenced  by an  agreement  to be executed  by the Company and the  Optionee or
Participant,  respectively,  and contain  provisions not  inconsistent  with the
Plan. All  determinations of the Committee shall be by a majority of its members
and shall be  evidenced  by  resolution,  written  consent or other  appropriate
action,  and the Committee's  determinations  shall be final. Each member of the
Committee, while serving as such, shall be considered to be acting in his or her
capacity as a director of the Company.


         To be eligible for  selection by the  Committee to  participate  in the
Plan an individual must be an employee of the Company or a Subsidiary. Directors
who are not  full-time  salaried  employees  shall not be eligible.  In granting
Options or Awards of Retention Shares or Stock Units to eligible employees,  the
Committee shall take into account the duties of the respective employees,  their

present  and  potential  contributions  to  the  success  of  the  Company  or a
Subsidiary,  and such other  factors as the  Committee  shall deem  relevant  in
connection with accomplishing the purpose of the Plan.


Subject to the  provisions of Section 13 hereof,  the maximum number and kind of
shares as to which Options,  or Retention  Shares or Stock Units may at any time
be  granted  under the Plan are 16  million  shares of Common  Stock.  Shares of
Common  Stock  subject  to  Options  or  Awards  under  the Plan  may be  either
authorized but unissued shares or shares previously issued and reacquired by the
Company. Upon the expiration,  termination or cancellation (in whole or in part)
of unexercised  Options,  shares of Common Stock subject  thereto shall again be
available for option or grant as Retention Shares or Stock Units under the Plan.
Shares of Common  Stock  covered by an  Option,  or  portion  thereof,  which is
surrendered upon the exercise of a stock appreciation right, shall thereafter be
unavailable  for option or grant as  Retention  Shares or Stock  Units under the
Plan.  Upon the forfeiture (in whole or in part) of a grant of Retention  Shares
or Stock Units,  the shares of Common  Stock  subject to such  forfeiture  shall
again be available for option or grant as Retention  Shares or Stock Units under
the Plan if no dividends have been paid on the forfeited  shares,  and otherwise
shall be unavailable for such an option or grant.


         All  non-qualified  options under the Plan shall be granted  subject to
the following terms and conditions:

         a. Option Price. The option price per share with respect to each option
shall be determined by the Committee but shall not be less than 100% of the fair
market  value of the Common  Stock on the date the option is granted,  such fair
market  value  to  be  determined  in  accordance  with  the  procedures  to  be
established by the Committee.

         b. Duration of Options.  Options shall be  exercisable  at such time or
times and under such conditions as set forth in the written agreement evidencing
such option,  but in no event shall any option be exercisable  subsequent to the
tenth anniversary of the date on which the option is granted.

         c.  Exercise of Option.  Except as provided  in Section  6(h),  6(i) or
8(c), the shares of Common Stock covered by an option may not be purchased prior
to the first  anniversary of the date on which the option is granted (unless the
Committee  shall  determine  otherwise),  or such longer period or periods,  and
subject to such conditions,  as the Committee may determine,  but thereafter may
be purchased at one time or in such  installments over the balance of the option
period as may be  provided  in the  option.  Any  shares  not  purchased  on the
applicable  installment  date may,  unless the Committee  shall have  determined
otherwise,  be purchased thereafter at any time prior to the final expiration of
the  option.  To the  extent  that the  right to  purchase  shares  has  accrued
thereunder,  options may be exercised from time to time by notice to the Company
stating  the  number  of  shares  with  respect  to which  the  option  is being

         d. Payment.  Shares of Common Stock  purchased  under options shall, at
the time of purchase,  be paid for in full.  All, or any portion,  of the option
exercise price may, at the discretion of the Committee, be paid by the surrender
to the Company, at the time of exercise, of shares of previously acquired Common
Stock owned by the  Optionee,  to the extent that such  payment does not require
the surrender of a fractional share of such previously acquired Common Stock. In
addition,  to the extent  permitted by the Committee,  the option exercise price
may be paid by  authorizing  the  Company to  withhold  Common  Stock  otherwise

issuable on exercise of the option.  Such shares  previously  acquired or shares
withheld to pay the option  exercise  price shall be valued at fair market value
on the date the option is  exercised in  accordance  with the  procedures  to be
established  by the  Committee.  A holder  of an option  shall  have none of the
rights of a  stockholder  until the shares of Common  Stock are issued to him or
her. If an amount is payable by an Optionee to the Company or a Subsidiary under
applicable withholding tax laws in connection with the exercise of non-qualified
options,  the Committee  may, in its  discretion and subject to such rules as it
may adopt,  permit the Optionee to make such  payment,  in whole or in part,  by
electing to authorize  the Company to withhold or accept  shares of Common Stock
having a fair market value equal to the amount to be paid under such withholding
tax laws.

         e.  Restrictions.  The Committee shall determine,  with respect to each
option, the nature and extent of the restrictions,  if any, to be imposed on the
shares of Common Stock which may be purchased thereunder including  restrictions
on the  transferability  of such shares  acquired  through the  exercise of such
option.  Without  limiting the  generality of the  foregoing,  the Committee may
impose conditions restricting absolutely or conditionally the transferability of
shares acquired through the exercise of options for such periods, and subject to
such conditions,  including continued  employment of the Optionee by the Company
or a Subsidiary, as the Committee may determine.

         f.  Purchase  for  Investment.  The  Committee  shall have the right to
require that each  Optionee or other  person who shall  exercise an option under
the Plan represent and agree that any shares of Common Stock purchased  pursuant
to such  option  will be  purchased  for  investment  and not with a view to the
distribution  or resale  thereof or that such  shares will not be sold except in
accordance  with such  restrictions  or  limitations  as may be set forth in the
written agreement granting such option.

         g.  Non-Transferability of Options.  During an Optionee's lifetime, the
option may be exercised only by the Optionee. Options shall not be transferable,
except for exercise by the Optionee's legal representatives or heirs.

         h.  Termination  of Employment.  Upon the  termination of an Optionee's
employment,  for any reason other than death,  the option  shall be  exercisable
only as to those  shares of Common Stock which were then subject to the exercise
of such option,  provided that (i) in the case of disability as described below,
any holding period required by Section 6(c) shall  automatically be deemed to be
satisfied and (ii) the Committee may determine that  particular  limitations and
restrictions  under the Plan  shall not  apply,  and such  option  shall  expire
according to the  following  schedule  (unless the  Committee  shall provide for
shorter periods at the time the option is granted):

                  (i) Retirement.  Option shall expire,  unless exercised,  five
         (5) years  after the  Optionee's  retirement  from the  Company  or any
         Subsidiary  under the  provisions  of the  Company's or a  Subsidiary's
         pension plan.

                  (ii) Disability.  Option shall expire, unless exercised,  five
         (5) years after the date the Optionee is eligible to receive disability
         benefits  under  the  provisions  of the  Company's  or a  Subsidiary's
         long-term disability plan.

                  (iii) Gross  Misconduct.  Option  shall expire upon receipt by
         the Optionee of the notice of  termination  if he or she is  terminated
         for  deliberate,  willful  or gross  misconduct  as  determined  by the

                  (iv) All  Other  Terminations.  Option  shall  expire,  unless
         exercised,  three  (3)  months  after  the  date of  such  termination;
         provided,  the Committee may provide for a longer exercise period,  not
         to  exceed  three (3) years  from the date of such  termination  or, if
         later, three years from the date the option becomes exercisable but not
         more than five years after the date of such  termination.  In the event
         that such  termination  results from the  disposition by the Company of
         all or a part of its interest in, or the discontinuance of the business
         of, a subsidiary,  division or other business unit of the Company,  the
         Committee  may provide  for an exercise  period of up to five (5) years
         from the date of such termination.

         i. Death of Optionee.  Upon the death of an Optionee  during his or her
period of employment, the option shall be exercisable only as to those shares of
Common  Stock which were  subject to the  exercise of such option at the time of
his or her death,  provided that (i) any holding period required by Section 6(c)
shall  automatically  be  deemed  to be  satisfied  and (ii) the  Committee  may
determine that particular  limitations and restrictions under the Plan shall not
apply,  and such option shall expire,  unless  exercised by the Optionee's legal
representatives  or heirs,  five (5) years  after the date of death  (unless the
Committee shall provide for a shorter period at the time the option is granted).

         j.  Deferral.  The  Committee  may permit an Optionee to elect to defer
receipt of all or part of the Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of an
option,  pursuant  to  rules  and  regulations  adopted  by the  Committee.  The
Committee  may not  permit  the  payment  of cash in lieu of Common  Stock  upon
payment of the deferred amount.

In no event, however,  shall any option be exercisable pursuant to Sections 6(h)
or (i) subsequent to the tenth anniversary of the date on which it is granted.


         a. General.  The Committee may also grant a stock appreciation right in
connection  with a  non-qualified  option,  either  at the  time of  grant or by
amendment.  Such stock appreciation right shall cover the same shares covered by
such option (or such lesser  number of shares of Common  Stock as the  Committee
may determine) and shall,  except for the provisions of Section 6(d) hereof,  be
subject to the same terms and conditions as the related non-qualified option.

         b. Exercise and Payment.  Each stock  appreciation  right shall entitle
the Optionee to surrender to the Company  unexercised the related option, or any
portion thereof,  and to receive from the Company in exchange therefor an amount
equal to the excess of the fair market  value of one share of Common  Stock over
the option price per share times the number of shares covered by the option,  or
portion thereof, which is surrendered. Payment shall be made in shares of Common
Stock valued at fair market value, or in cash, or partly in shares and partly in
cash, all as shall be determined by the  Committee.  The fair market value shall
be the  value  determined  in  accordance  with  procedures  established  by the
Committee.  Stock  appreciation  rights may be exercised  from time to time upon
actual  receipt by the Company of written notice stating the number of shares of
Common  Stock  with  respect  to which  the  stock  appreciation  right is being
exercised,  provided that if a stock appreciation right expires unexercised,  it
shall be deemed  exercised on the expiration date if any amount would be payable
with  respect  thereto.  No  fractional  shares shall be issued but instead cash
shall be paid for a  fraction  or, if the  Committee  should so  determine,  the
number of shares shall be rounded downward to the next whole share. If an amount
is payable  by an  Optionee  to the  Company or a  Subsidiary  under  applicable
withholding  tax laws in  connection  with the  exercise  of stock  appreciation

rights, the Committee may, in its discretion and subject to such rules as it may
adopt,  permit  the  Optionee  to make  such  payment,  in whole or in part,  by
electing to authorize  the Company to withhold or accept  shares of Common Stock
having a fair market value equal to the amount to be paid under such withholding
tax laws.

         c.  Restrictions.  The  obligation  of the Company to satisfy any stock
appreciation  right  exercised  by an Optionee  subject to Section 16 of the Act
shall be  conditioned  upon the prior  receipt  by the  Company of an opinion of
counsel to the Company that any such  satisfaction will not create an obligation
on the part of such  Optionee  pursuant to Section 16(b) of the Act to reimburse
the Company  for any  statutory  profit  which might be held to result from such


         a. General.  The Committee  may also grant  incentive  stock options as
defined under section 422 of the Code. All incentive  stock options issued under
the Plan shall, except for the provisions of Sections 6(h) and (i) and Section 7
hereof, be subject to the same terms and conditions as the non-qualified options
granted under the Plan. In addition, incentive stock options shall be subject to
the conditions of Sections 8(b), (c), (d) and (e).

         b. Limitation of Exercise.  The aggregate fair market value (determined
as of the date the  incentive  stock  option is  granted) of the shares of stock
with respect to which incentive stock options are exercisable for the first time
by such Optionee  during any calendar  year,  under this Plan or any other stock
option  plans  adopted  by the  Company,  its  Subsidiaries  or any  predecessor
companies  thereof,  shall not exceed  $100,000.  If any incentive stock options
become  exercisable  in any year in excess of the $100,000  limitation,  options
representing such excess shall become non-qualified options exercisable pursuant
to the terms of Section 6 hereof and shall not be exercisable as incentive stock

         c.  Termination  of Employment.  Upon the  termination of an Optionee's
employment,  for any reason other than death,  his or her incentive stock option
shall be  exercisable  only as to those  shares of Common  Stock which were then
subject  to the  exercise  of  such  option  provided  that  (i) in the  case of
disability as described below, any holding period required by Section 6(c) shall
automatically  be deemed to be satisfied  and (ii) the  Committee  may determine
that particular limitations and restrictions under the Plan shall not apply, and
such option  shall  expire as an  incentive  stock  option  (but shall  become a
non-qualified  option exercisable pursuant to the terms of Section 6 hereof less
the period  already  elapsed  under such  Section),  according to the  following
schedule (unless the Committee shall provide for shorter periods at the time the
incentive stock option is granted):
                  (i) Retirement. An incentive stock option shall expire, unless
         exercised,  three (3) months after the Optionee's  retirement  from the
         Company or any  Subsidiary  under the  provisions of the Company's or a
         Subsidiary's pension plan.

                  (ii)  Disability.  In the case of an Optionee  who is disabled
         within the meaning of section  22(e)(3) of the Code, an incentive stock
         option shall expire,  unless exercised,  one (1) year after the earlier
         of the date the Optionee terminates employment or the date the Optionee
         is eligible to receive disability  benefits under the provisions of the
         Company's or a Subsidiary's long-term disability plan.
                  (iii) Gross Misconduct. An incentive stock option shall expire
         upon receipt by the Optionee of the notice of  termination if he or she
         is terminated for deliberate, willful or gross misconduct as determined
         by the Company.

                  (iv) All Other  Terminations.  An incentive stock option shall
         expire,  unless  exercised,  three  (3)  months  after the date of such

         In the case of incentive  stock  options  granted after April 24, 1997,
the Committee  may extend the period during which an incentive  stock option may
be exercised as a  non-qualified  stock option to up to three (3) years from the
date of a termination not due to retirement,  disability or gross misconduct or,
if later,  three (3) years from the date the option becomes  exercisable but not
more  than  five  years  after  the date of such a  termination.  In the case of
incentive  stock options  granted after  September 24, 1998, in the event that a
termination  results from the disposition by the Company of all or a part of its
interest in, or the discontinuance of the business of, a subsidiary, division or
other  business unit of the Company,  the Committee may extend the period during
which an incentive stock option may be exercised as a non-qualified stock option
to up to five (5) years from the date of such termination.

         d. Death of Optionee.  Upon the death of an Optionee  during his or her
period of  employment,  the incentive  stock option shall be  exercisable  as an
incentive  stock  option  only as to those  shares of Common  Stock  which  were
subject to the exercise of such option at the time of death,  provided  that (i)
any holding period required by Section 6(c) shall  automatically be deemed to be
satisfied,  and (ii) the Committee may determine that particular limitations and
restrictions  under the Plan  shall not apply,  and such  option  shall  expire,
unless  exercised by the Optionee's  legal  representatives  or heirs,  five (5)
years after the date of death (unless the Committee  shall provide for a shorter
period at the time the option is granted).

         e. Leave of  Absence.  A leave of  absence,  whether or not an Approved
Leave of Absence,  shall be deemed a termination  of employment  for purposes of
Section 8.

In no event,  however,  shall any incentive stock option be exercisable pursuant
to Sections 8(c) or (d) subsequent to the tenth anniversary of the date on which
it was granted.


         a.  General.  Retention  Shares  may be  granted  only  to  reward  the
attainment of individual,  Company or Subsidiary  goals, or to attract or retain
officers  or other  employees  of the  Company or any  Subsidiary,  and shall be
granted  subject to the  attainment  of  performance  goals unless the Committee
shall determine otherwise.  With respect to each grant of Retention Shares under
the Plan,  the Committee  shall  determine the period or periods,  including any
conditions for determining such period or periods, during which the restrictions
set forth in Section 9(b) shall apply,  provided that in no event, other than as
provided  in  Section  9(c) or in the next  sentence,  shall  such  restrictions
terminate prior to 3 years after the date of grant (the  "Restriction  Period"),
and may  also  specify  any  other  terms  or  conditions  to the  right  of the
Participant  to  receive  such  Retention  Shares  ("Vesting  Conditions").  The
Committee  may  determine  in its sole  discretion  to waive  any or all of such
restrictions  prior to end of the Restriction  Period or the satisfaction of any
Vesting  Condition.  Subject to Section 9(c) and any such Vesting  Condition,  a
grant of Retention Shares shall be effective for the Restriction  Period and may
not be revoked.

         b.  Restrictions.  At the  time  of  grant  of  Retention  Shares  to a
Participant,  a  certificate  representing  the number of shares of Common Stock
granted shall be registered in the  Participant's  name but shall be held by the
Company for his or her account. The Participant shall have the entire beneficial
ownership  interest in, and all rights and  privileges of a  stockholder  as to,
such Retention  Shares,  including the right to vote such Retention  Shares and,

unless the Committee shall determine  otherwise,  the right to receive dividends
thereon,  subject to the following: (i) subject to Section 9(c), the Participant
shall not be entitled to delivery of the stock  certificate until the expiration
of the Restriction Period and the satisfaction of any Vesting  Conditions;  (ii)
none of the Retention Shares may be sold,  transferred,  assigned,  pledged,  or
otherwise  encumbered or disposed of during the  Restriction  Period or prior to
the  satisfaction  of any  Vesting  Conditions;  and (iii) all of the  Retention
Shares shall be forfeited and all rights of the  Participant  to such  Retention
Shares shall  terminate  without  further  obligation on the part of the Company
unless the Participant remains in the continuous  employment of the Company or a
Subsidiary  for the entire  Restriction  Period,  except as provided by Sections
9(a) and 9(c), and any applicable  Vesting  Conditions have been satisfied.  Any
shares of Common Stock or other securities or property received as a result of a
transaction  listed in Section 13 shall be subject to the same  restrictions  as
such Retention Shares unless the Committee shall determine otherwise.

         c.       Termination of Employment.

                  (i)  Disability  and  Retirement.  Unless the Committee  shall
         determine  otherwise at the time of grant of Retention Shares, if (A) a
         Participant  ceases to be an employee  of the  Company or a  Subsidiary
         prior to the end of a Restriction Period, by reason of disability under
         the provisions of the Company's or a Subsidiary's  long-term disability
         plan  or  retirement  under  the  provisions  of  the  Company's  or  a
         Subsidiary's  pension plan either (i) at age 65 or (ii) prior to age 65
         at the  request of the  Company or a  Subsidiary,  and (B) all  Vesting
         Conditions  have been satisfied,  the Retention  Shares granted to such
         Participant shall  immediately vest and all restrictions  applicable to
         such  shares  shall  lapse.  A  certificate  for such  shares  shall be
         delivered to the  Participant  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
         Section 9(d).

                  (ii) Death.  Unless the Committee shall determine otherwise at
         the time of grant of Retention Shares,  if (A) a Participant  ceases to
         be an  employee of the  Company or a  Subsidiary  prior to the end of a
         Restriction  Period by reason of death, and (B) all Vesting  Conditions
         have been satisfied,  the Retention  Shares granted to such Participant
         shall immediately vest in his or her Beneficiary,  and all restrictions
         applicable to such shares shall lapse.  A  certificate  for such shares
         shall be delivered to the Participant's  Beneficiary in accordance with
         the provisions of Section 9(d).

                  (iii) All Other Terminations. If a Participant ceases to be an
         employee  of  the  Company  or a  Subsidiary  prior  to  the  end  of a
         Restriction  Period for any  reason  other than  death,  disability  or
         retirement  as provided in Section  9(c)(i) and (ii),  the  Participant
         shall  immediately  forfeit all  Retention  Shares then  subject to the
         restrictions of Section 9(b) in accordance with the provisions thereof,
         except that the Committee  may, if it finds that the  circumstances  in
         the particular case so warrant,  allow a Participant  whose  employment
         has so  terminated  to retain any or all of the  Retention  Shares then
         subject  to the  restrictions  of  Section  9(b)  and all  restrictions
         applicable to such retained  shares shall lapse. A certificate for such
         retained  shares shall be delivered to the  Participant  in  accordance
         with the provisions of Section 9(d).

                  (iv) Vesting Conditions.  Unless the Committee shall determine
         otherwise at the time of grant of Retention  Shares,  if a  Participant
         ceases to be an employee  of the  Company  for any reason  prior to the
         satisfaction  of  any  Vesting   Conditions,   the  Participant   shall
         immediately   forfeit  all   Retention   Shares  then  subject  to  the
         restrictions of Section 9(b) in accordance with the provisions thereof,
         except that the Committee  may, if it finds that the  circumstances  in
         the particular case so warrant,  allow a Participant  whose  employment
         has so  terminated  to retain any or all of the  Retention  Shares then

         subject  to the  restrictions  of  Section  9(b)  and all  restrictions
         applicable to such retained  shares shall lapse. A certificate for such
         retained  shares shall be delivered to the  Participant  in  accordance
         with the provisions of Section 9(d).

         d. Payment of Retention  Shares.  At the end of the Restriction  Period
and after all Vesting Conditions have been satisfied, or at such earlier time as
provided for in Section 9(c) or as the Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  may
otherwise determine,  all restrictions  applicable to the Retention Shares shall
lapse,  and a stock  certificate for a number of shares of Common Stock equal to
the number of Retention Shares, free of all restrictions,  shall be delivered to
the Participant or his or her  Beneficiary,  as the case may be. If an amount is
payable  by a  Participant  to the  Company  or a  Subsidiary  under  applicable
withholding  tax laws in  connection  with the lapse of such  restrictions,  the
Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  may  permit the  Participant  to make such
payment,  in whole or in part,  by  authorizing  the  Company to transfer to the
Company Retention Shares otherwise  deliverable to the Participant having a fair
market value equal to the amount to be paid under such withholding tax laws.

         e.  Deferral.  The Committee may permit a Participant to elect to defer
receipt  of  all or  part  of any  Retention  Shares  that  would  otherwise  be
delivered,  pursuant  to rules and  regulations  adopted by the  Committee.  The
Committee may permit the payment of cash in lieu of Common Stock upon payment of
the deferred amount.

10.      STOCK UNITS

         The Committee may also grant Awards of Stock Units under the Plan.  The
vesting of Awards of Stock  Units  shall be subject  to the  requirement  that a
Participant  continue  employment with the Company or a Subsidiary for a certain
period of no less than three years (the "Unit Restriction  Period"),  and may be
subject to the satisfaction of other conditions or contingencies  ("Unit Vesting
Condition"),  in order for a Participant  to receive  payment of such Award,  as
established  by the  Committee  at the  time of the  Award.  The  Committee  may
determine in its sole  discretion  to waive any such  requirement,  condition or
contingency.  Awards of Stock Units shall be payable in shares of Common  Stock.
The Committee  may permit a Participant  to elect to defer receipt of payment of
all or part of any  Award of Stock  Units  pursuant  to  rules  and  regulations
adopted by the Committee. Unless the Committee provides otherwise at the time an
Award of Stock Units to a Participant is made, the provisions of Section 9(c) of
the Plan  relating  to the  vesting  and  forfeiture  of  Retention  Stock  upon
termination of employment  shall apply to any  termination of employment by such
Participant  during the Unit Restricted  Period or prior to the  satisfaction of
any Unit Vesting Condition for such Award.


         Any Option or Award of Stock Units may provide the Participant with the
right to receive dividend payments or dividend equivalent payments on the Common
Stock  subject to the Option or Award,  whether or not such  Option or Award has
been  exercised  or is  vested.  Such  payments  may be  made  in cash or may be
credited to a Participant's account and later settled in cash or Common Stock or
a combination thereof, as determined by the Committee. Such payments and credits
may be  subject  to such  conditions  and  contingencies  as the  Committee  may


         The Company shall not be required to issue to an Optionee,  Participant
or a Beneficiary,  as the case may be, any  certificate for any shares of Common
Stock upon exercise of an option or for any Retention  Shares  granted under the
Plan or to make any payment  with  respect to any Stock Unit  granted  under the
Plan prior to (i) the  obtaining of any approval  from any  governmental  agency
which the Company,  in its sole  discretion,  shall determine to be necessary or
advisable, (ii) the admission of such shares to listing on any stock exchange on
which the  Common  Stock may then be  listed,  and (iii) the  completion  of any
registration or other  qualification  of such shares or units under any state or
federal  law or  rulings  or  regulations  of any  governmental  body  which the
Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine to be necessary or advisable.


     In  the  event  of  a   recapitalization,   stock  split,  stock  dividend,
combination  or  exchange of shares,  merger,  consolidation,  rights  offering,
separation, spin-off,  reorganization or liquidation, or any other change in the
corporate structure or shares of the Company,  the Board, upon recommendation of
the Committee, may make such equitable adjustments as it may deem appropriate in
the number and kind of shares and Stock  Units  authorized  by the Plan,  in the
option price of outstanding Options, and in the number and kind of shares, Stock
Units or  other  securities  or  property  subject  to  Options  or  covered  by
outstanding Awards.


         No  Options,  or  Retention  Shares  or Stock  Units  shall be  granted
pursuant to the Plan after April 16, 2003,  but grants of Options,  or Retention
Shares or Stock Units  theretofore  granted may extend  beyond that date and the
terms and conditions of the Plan shall continue to apply thereto.


         The Board may at any time terminate the Plan with respect to any shares
of Common Stock or Stock Units not at that time subject to  outstanding  Options
or Awards, and may from time to time alter or amend the Plan or any part thereof
(including,  but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any amendment
deemed necessary to ensure that the Company may obtain any approval  referred to
in Section 12 or to ensure that the grant of Options or Awards,  the exercise of
Options,  the payment of  Retention  Shares or the payment with respect to Stock
Units or any other  provision of the Plan  complies  with  Section  16(b) of the
Act),  provided that no change with respect to any Options,  Retention Shares or
Stock Units theretofore  granted may be made which would impair the rights of an
Optionee or Participant without the consent of such Optionee or Participant and,
further,  that without the approval of stockholders,  no alteration or amendment
may be made which  would (i)  increase  the  maximum  number of shares of Common
Stock and Stock  Units  subject to the Plan as set forth in Section 5 (except by
operation of Section  13),  (ii) extend the term of the Plan or (iii) change the
class of eligible  persons who may receive Options or Awards of Retention Shares
or Stock Units under the Plan.  The  Committee  may amend the Plan to extend the
exercise period  following an Optionee's  termination of an option granted prior
to September 24, 1998, but not beyond: (i)in the case of a termination resulting
from the  disposition by the Company of all or a part of its interest in, or the
discontinuance of the business of, a subsidiary, division or other business unit
of the Company,  five years from the date of termination and (ii) in the case of
all other terminations,  not more than three years from the date of termination,
or, if later,  three years from the date the option becomes  exercisable but not
more than five years after the date of such termination.


         Unless the  Committee  shall  determine  otherwise,  a leave of absence
other  than an  Approved  Leave of  Absence  shall be  deemed a  termination  of
employment  for purposes of the Plan. An Approved  Leave of Absence shall not be
deemed a termination of employment for purposes of the Plan (except for purposes
of Section  8),  but the  period of such  Leave of Absence  shall not be counted
toward  satisfaction of any Restriction Period or Unit Restriction Period or any
holding period described in Section 6(c).


         a. Neither the Plan nor the grant of any Option or Award nor any action
by the Company,  any  Subsidiary or the Committee  shall be held or construed to
confer upon any person any right to be continued in the employ of the Company or
a Subsidiary.  The Company and each  Subsidiary  expressly  reserve the right to
discharge,  without  liability  but subject to his or her rights under the Plan,
any Optionee or Participant  whenever in the sole discretion of the Company or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be, its interest may so require.

         b. All questions pertaining to the construction,  regulation,  validity
and effect of the Plan shall be determined  in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of Utah, without regard to conflict of laws doctrine.


         The Plan shall become  effective upon approval of the  stockholders  of
the Company.