Exhibit 10-D



          (as amended and restated March 25, 1992, further
       amended by the Board of Directors on February 9, 1994,
                     and on December 14, 1994)



                  T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

  I.      OBJECTIVES                                         1
  II.     DEFINITIONS                                        1
  III.    ADMINISTRATION                                     3
          3.1  The Committee                                 3
          3.2  Awards                                        3
          3.3  Guidelines                                    4
          3.4  Delegation of Authority                       4
          3.5  Decisions Final                               4
  IV.     SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN                             4
          4.1  Shares                                        4
          4.2  Adjustment Provisions                         4
          4.3  Dissolution or Liquidation                    5
  V.      EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDED PLAN                     5
  VI.     STOCK OPTIONS                                      5
          6.1  Grants                                        5
          6.2  Incentive Stock Options                       5
          6.3  Replacement Options                           6
          6.4  Terms of Options                              6
          6.5  Award of Options to Non-Employee Directors    7
  VII.    STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS                          8
          7.1  Grant                                         8
          7.2  Term                                          8
          7.3  Exercise                                      8
          7.4  Payment                                       8
          7.5  Non-Transferability and Termination           9
          8.1  Grants of Restricted Stock Awards             9
          8.2  Terms and Conditions of Restricted Awards     9
          8.3  Unrestricted Stock Awards                     9
  IX.     PERFORMANCE AWARDS                                 9
          9.1  Performance Awards                            9
          9.2  Terms and Conditions of Performance Awards    10
  X.      NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF AWARDS                      10
  XI.     TERMINATION OF AWARDS                              10
          11.1 Termination of Awards                         10
          11.2 Acceleration of Vesting and 
               Extension of Exercise Period 
               Upon Termination                              11
          12.1 Termination or Amendment                      11
  XIII.   GENERAL PROVISIONS                                 12
          13.1 No Right to Continued Employment              12
          13.2 Other Plans                                   12
          13.3 Withholding of Taxes                          12
          13.4 Reimbursement of Taxes                        12
          13.5 Governing Law                                 12
          13.6 Liability                                     12


          (as amended and restated March 25, 1992, further
       amended by the Board of Directors on February 9, 1994
                     and on December 14, 1994)

                             SECTION I.


       The objectives of this 1986 Stock Option and Incentive
  Plan (the "Plan"), as amended and restated, are to enable
  Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (the "Company") to compete
  successfully in retaining and attracting key employees of
  outstanding ability, to stimulate the efforts of such
  employees toward the Company's objectives and to encourage the
  identification of their interests with those of the Company's
                            SECTION II.

       For purposes of this Plan, the following terms shall have
  the following meanings:

       2.1     "Award" means any form of Stock Option, Stock
  Appreciation Right, Restricted Stock Award, Unrestricted Stock
  Award or Performance Award granted under this Plan.

       2.2     "Award Agreement" means a written agreement
  setting forth the terms of an Award. 

       2.3     "Award Date" or "Grant Date" means the date
  designated by the Committee as the date upon which an Award is

       2.4     "Award Period" or "Term" means the period
  beginning on an Award Date and ending on the expiration date
  of such Award.

       2.5     "Board" means the Board of Directors of the

       2.6     "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
  amended, or any successor legislation.  Reference to any
  particular section of the Code includes any successor
  amendments or replacements of such section.

       2.7     "Committee" means the committee appointed by the
  Board and consisting of two or more Directors, none of whom
  shall be eligible to receive any Award pursuant to this Plan
  except as provided in Subsection 6.5.  Members of the
  Committee must qualify as Disinterested Persons within the
  meaning of Rule 16b-3. 

       2.8     "Common Stock" means the Company's Capital Stock,
  $.33 par value. 

       2.9     "Disability" means a "permanent and total
  disability" within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the

       2.10    "Disinterested Person" means a member of the Board
  who was not, during the year prior to being appointed to the
  Committee, or during the period of service as an administrator
  of this Plan, granted or awarded equity securities pursuant to
  the Plan or pursuant to any other plan of the Company, except
  to the extent consistent with the disinterested plan
  administration requirements under Rule 16b-3.

       2.11    "Eligible Employee" means any person (other than
  one who receives retirement benefits, consulting fees,
  honorariums, and the like from the Company) (i) who performs
  services for the Company or a Subsidiary, including any
  individual who is an officer or director of the Company or a
  Subsidiary; and (ii) is compensated on a regular basis by the
  Company or a Subsidiary.  Directors who are not full-time
  employees of the Company or a Subsidiary are not eligible to
  receive Awards under this Plan, except as set forth in
  Subsection 6.5.  Eligibility under this Plan shall be
  determined by the Committee. 

       2.12    "Fair Market Value" means, as of any date, the
  average of the highest and lowest quoted selling prices of a
  Share as reported on the New York Stock Exchange Composite
  Transactions list (or such other consolidated transaction
  reporting system on which the Shares are primarily traded), or
  if the Shares were not traded on such day, then the next
  preceding day on which the Shares were traded, all as reported
  by such source as the Committee may select.  If the Shares are
  not traded on a national securities exchange or other market
  system, Fair Market Value shall be set under procedures
  established by the Committee.  

       2.13    "Incentive Stock Option" means any Stock Option
  awarded under Section VI of this Plan intended to be and
  designated as an "Incentive Stock Option" within the meaning
  of Section 422 of the Code or any successor provision.

       2.14    "Non-Qualified Stock Option" means any Stock
  Option awarded under Section VI of this Plan that is not an
  Incentive Stock Option.

       2.15    "Officer" means a person who is considered to be
  an officer of the Company under Rule 16a-1(f).

       2.16    "Option Price" or "Exercise Price" means the price
  per share at which Common Stock may be purchased upon the
  exercise of an Option or an Award.

       2.17    "Participant" means an Eligible Employee to whom
  an Award has been made pursuant to this Plan.

       2.18    "Replacement Option" means a Non-Qualified Stock
  Option granted pursuant to Subsection 6.3, upon the exercise
  of a Stock Option granted pursuant to this Plan where the
  Option Price is paid with previously owned shares of Common

       2.19    "Restricted Stock" means those shares of Common
  Stock issued pursuant to a Restricted Stock Award which are
  subject to the restrictions set forth in the related Award

       2.20    "Restricted Stock Award" means an award of a fixed
  number of Shares to a Participant which is subject to
  forfeiture provisions and other conditions set forth in the
  Award Agreement.  

       2.21    "Retirement" means any termination of employment
  or service on the Board (other than by death or Disability) by
  an employee or a director who is at least 65 years of age or
  55 years of age with at least 10 years of employment with or
  service on the Board of the Company or a Subsidiary.

       2.22    "Rule 16b-3" and "Rule 16a-1(f)" mean Securities
  and Exchange Commission Regulations 240.16b-3 and 240.16a-
  1(f) or any corresponding successor regulations. 

       2.23    "Share" means one share of the Company's Common

       2.24    "Stock Appreciation Right" or "SAR" means the
  right to receive, for each unit of the SAR, cash and/or shares
  of Common Stock equal in value to the excess of the Fair
  Market Value of one Share on the date of exercise of the SAR
  over the reference price per share of Common Stock established
  on the date the SAR was granted.    

       2.25    "Stock Option" or "Option" means the right to
  purchase shares of Common Stock (including a Replacement
  Option) granted pursuant to Section VI of this Plan.

       2.26    "Subsidiary" means any corporation, partnership,
  joint venture, or other entity (i) of which the Company owns
  or controls, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the
  outstanding voting stock (or comparable equity participation
  and voting power) or (ii) which the Company otherwise controls
  (by contract or any other means); except

  that when the term "Subsidiary" is used in the context of an
  award of an Incentive Stock Option, the term shall have the
  same meaning given to it in the Code.  "Control" means the
  power to direct or cause the direction of the management and
  policies of a corporation or other entity.  

       2.27    "Transfer" means alienation, attachment, sale,
  assignment, pledge, encumbrance, charge or other disposition;
  and the terms "Transferred" or "Transferable"  have
  corresponding meanings.

                            SECTION III.


       3.1     The Committee.  This Plan shall be administered
  and interpreted by the Committee.  

       3.2     Awards.  The Committee shall have full authority
  to grant, pursuant to the terms of this Plan, to Eligible
  Employees: (i) Stock Options, (ii) Stock Appreciation Rights,
  (iii) Restricted Stock, (iv) Unrestricted Stock and (v)
  Performance Awards.  In particular, the Committee shall have
  the authority:

       (a)     to select the Eligible Employees to whom Awards
               may be granted;

       (b)     to determine the types and combinations of Awards
               to be granted to Eligible Employees;

       (c)     to determine the number of Shares or monetary
               units which may be subject to each Award;

       (d)     to determine the terms and conditions, not
               inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, of any
               Award (including, but not limited to, any
               restriction or limitation on transfer, any vesting
               schedule or acceleration, or any forfeiture
               provisions or waiver, regarding any Award) and the
               related Shares, based on such factors as the
               Committee shall determine; and 

       (e)     to modify or waive any restrictions or limitations
               contained in, and grant extensions to the terms of
               or accelerate the vestings of, any outstanding
               Awards as long as such modifications, waivers,
               extensions or accelerations are not inconsistent
               with the terms of this Plan, but no such changes
               shall impair the rights of any Participant without
               his or her consent. 

       3.3     Guidelines.  The Committee shall have the
  authority to adopt, alter and repeal administrative rules,
  guidelines and practices governing this Plan and perform all
  acts, including the delegation of its administrative
  responsibilities, as it deems advisable; to construe and
  interpret the terms and provisions of this Plan and any Award
  issued under this Plan; and to otherwise supervise the
  administration of this Plan.  The Committee may correct any
  defect, supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistency in
  this Plan or in any related Award Agreement in the manner and
  to the extent it deems necessary to carry this Plan into

       3.4     Delegation of Authority.  The Committee may
  delegate to one or more Officers of the Company the authority
  of the Committee under Section 3.2 (except in respect of
  Awards to Officers) and may delegate its administrative duties
  to one or more individuals who are Officers or employees of
  the Company.  

       3.5     Decisions Final.  Any action, decision,
  interpretation or determination by or at the direction of the
  Committee concerning the application or administration of this
  Plan shall be final and binding upon all persons and need not
  be uniform with respect to its determination of recipients,
  amount, timing, form, terms or provisions of Awards.

                            SECTION IV.

                       SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN

       4.1     Shares.  Subject to adjustment as provided in
  Subsection 4.2, the aggregate number of Shares which may be
  issued under this Plan shall not exceed fifteen million
  (15,000,000) Shares.  If any Award granted under this Plan
  shall expire, terminate or be canceled for any reason without
  having been exercised in full, the number of unacquired Shares
  subject to such Award shall again be available for future
  grants; provided, however, that the reuse of such Shares is
  not prohibited under Rule 16b-3.  

       4.2     Adjustment Provisions.

       (a)     If the Company shall at any time change the number
               of issued Shares without new consideration to the
               Company (such as by stock dividend, stock split,
               recapitalization, reorganization, exchange of
               shares, liquidation, combination or other change
               in corporate structure affecting the Shares) or
               make a distribution of cash or property which has
               a substantial impact on the value of issued
               Shares, the total number of Shares reserved for
               issuance under the Plan shall be appropiately
               adjusted and the number of Shares

               covered by each outstanding Award and the
               reference price or Fair Market Value for each
               outstanding Award shall be adjusted so that the
               aggregate consideration payable to the Company and
               the value of each such Award shall not be changed. 

       (b)     Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan,
               and without affecting the number of Shares
               reserved or available hereunder, the Committee may
               authorize the issuance, continuation or assumption
               of Awards or provide for other equitable
               adjustments after changes in the Shares resulting
               from any merger, consolidation, sale of assets,
               acquisition of property or stock,
               recapitalization, reorganization or similar
               occurrence in which the Company is the continuing
               or surviving corporation, upon such terms and
               conditions as it may deem equitable and

       4.3     Dissolution or Liquidation.  In the event of the
  dissolution or liquidation of the Company or any merger,
  consolidation or combination in which the Company is not the
  surviving corporation or in which the outstanding Shares of
  the Company are converted into cash, other securities or other
  property, each outstanding Award shall terminate as of a date
  fixed by the Committee, provided that not less than 20 days'
  written notice of the date of expiration shall be given to
  each holder of an Award and each such holder shall have the
  right during such period following notice to exercise the
  Award as to all or any part of the Shares for which it is
  exercisable at the time of such notice.

                             SECTION V.


       This Plan was amended and restated by the Board on March
  25, 1992 and shall become effective, as amended, upon its
  approval by the holders of a majority of the shares of Common
  Stock represented, in person or by proxy, at the Company's
  Annual Meeting of Shareholders on May 14, 1992.  This Plan
  shall continue in effect until December 31, 2015 unless
  terminated sooner by the Board pursuant to Section XII.

                            SECTION VI.

                           STOCK OPTIONS

       6.1     Grants.  Stock options may be granted alone or in
  addition to other Awards granted under this Plan.  Each Option
  granted shall be designated as either a Non-Qualified Stock
  Option or an Incentive Stock Option and in each case such

  Option may or may not include Stock Appreciation Rights.  One
  or more Stock Options and/or Stock Appreciation Rights may be
  granted to any Eligible Employee, except that no person shall
  receive during any twelve month period Stock Options and Stock
  Appreciation Rights covering more than 300,000 shares of
  Common Stock. 

       6.2     Incentive Stock Options.  

       (a)     Award Agreement.  Any Award Agreement relating to
               an Incentive Stock Option shall contain such terms
               and conditions as are required for the Option to
               be an "incentive stock option" as that term is
               defined in Section 422 of the Code. 

       (b)     Ten Percent Shareholder.  An Incentive Stock
               Option shall not be awarded to any person who, at
               the time of the Award, owns Shares possessing more
               than 10% of the total combined voting power of all
               classes of stock of the Company or its

       (c)     Qualification under the Code.  Notwithstanding
               anything in this Plan to the contrary, no term of
               this Plan relating to Incentive Stock Options
               shall be interpreted, amended or altered, nor
               shall any discretion or authority granted under
               this Plan be exercised, so as to disqualify this
               Plan under Section 422 of the Code, or, without
               the consent of the Participants affected, to
               disqualify any Incentive Stock Option under
               Section 422 of the Code.

       6.3     Replacement Options.  The Committee may provide
  either at the time of grant or subsequently that an Option
  shall include the right to acquire a Replacement Option upon
  the exercise of such Option (in whole or in part) prior to
  Participant's termination of employment if the payment of the
  Option Price is paid in Shares.  In addition to any other
  terms and conditions the Committee deems appropriate, the
  Replacement Option shall be subject to the following terms:  

               (i)    the number of Shares subject to the
                      Replacement Option shall not exceed the
                      number of whole Shares used to satisfy the
                      Option Price of the original Option and
                      the number of whole Shares, if any,
                      withheld by the Company as payment for
                      withholding taxes in accordance with
                      Subsection 13.3; 

               (ii)   the Replacement Option Grant Date will be
                      the date of the exercise of the original

               (iii)  the Option Price per share shall be the
                      Fair Market Value of a Share on the
                      Replacement Option Grant Date; 

               (iv)   the Replacement Option shall be
                      exercisable no earlier than one year after
                      the Replacement Option Grant Date; 

               (v)    the Term of the Replacement Option will
                      not extend beyond the Term of the original
                      Option; and

               (vi)   the Replacement Option shall be a
                      Non-Qualified Stock Option and shall
                      otherwise meet all conditions of this
                      Subsection 6.3. 

       The Committee may without the consent of the Participant
  rescind the right to receive a Replacement Option at any time
  prior to an Option being exercised.

       6.4     Terms of Options.  Except as otherwise required by
  Subsections 6.2, 6.3 and 6.5, Options granted under this Plan
  shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and
  shall be in such form and contain such additional terms and
  conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as
  the Committee shall deem desirable:

       (a)     Option Price.  The Option Price per share of
               Common Stock purchasable under a Stock Option
               shall be determined by the Committee at the time
               of grant, except that no Incentive Stock Option
               may be granted for an Option Price less than 100%
               of Fair Market Value on the Grant Date.

       (b)     Option Term.  The Term of each Stock Option shall
               be fixed by the Committee, but no Incentive Stock
               Option shall be exercisable more than ten years
               after its Award Date, and no Non-Qualified Stock
               Option shall be exercisable more than 20 years
               after its Award Date.  

       (c)     Exercisability.  Stock Options shall be
               exercisable at such time or times and subject to
               such terms and conditions as shall be determined
               by the Committee; provided, however, that Options
               may not be exercised as to less than 100 Shares at
               any time unless the number exercised is the total
               number available for exercise at that time under
               the terms of the Option.

       (d)     Method of Exercise.  Stock Options may be
               exercised in whole or in part at any time during
               the Option Term, by giving written notice of

               exercise to the Company specifying the number of
               Shares to be purchased.  Such notice shall be
               accompanied by payment in full of the Option Price
               in such form as the Committee may accept.  If and
               to the extent determined by the Committee at or
               after grant, payment in full or in part may also
               be made in the form of Common Stock owned by the
               Participant for at least six months prior to
               exercise or by reduction in the number of Shares
               issuable upon exercise based, in each case, on the
               Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the
               payment date.

       (e)     Non-Transferability of Options.  Stock Options
               shall be Transferable only to the extent provided
               in Section X of this Plan.

       (f)     Termination.  Stock Options shall terminate in
               accordance with Section XI of this Plan. 

       (g)     Buyout and Settlement Provisions.  The Committee
               may at any time offer to buy out an Option
               previously granted, based on such terms and
               conditions as the Committee shall establish.  The
               Committee may also substitute new Stock Options
               for previously granted Stock Options having higher
               Option Prices than the new Stock Options being
               substituted therefor.

       6.5     Award of Options to Non-Employee Directors.

       (a)     Grants.  The Company shall make the following
               grants of Stock Options to non-employee directors
               under this Plan:

               (i)    On the date on which a person who is not a
                      full-time employee of the Company or a
                      Subsidiary first becomes a director of the
                      Company (a "non-employee director"),
                      whether by election or appointment, that
                      non-employee director shall automatically
                      be granted Non-Qualified Stock Options for

               (ii)   Each non-employee director who has served
                      on the Board at least six months shall
                      automatically receive a grant of Non-
                      Qualified Stock Options for 10,000 Shares. 
                      The award shall be made on the same date
                      on which the Committee decides the total
                      number of stock options to be granted to
                      employees in connection with the Company's
                      annual total compensation review."

  (b)  Terms and Conditions of Options Granted to Non-Employee

               (i)    Term.  The Term of all Options shall be
                      20 years from the Award Date of the

               (ii)   Option Price.  The Option Price of all
                      Options shall be the Fair Market Value of
                      a Share on the Award Date.

               (iii)  Vesting.  All Options shall vest over a
                      ten year period with 9% of the Option
                      Shares immediately exercisable on the
                      Award Date and an additional 9%
                      exercisable on each anniversary of the
                      Award Date thereafter until the tenth
                      anniversary when the remaining 10% of the
                      Option Shares shall be exercisable.  

               (iv)   Method of Exercise.  All Options shall be
                      exercisable in the manner provided in
                      Subsection 6.4(d) except that, without
                      further action by the Committee,
                      non-employee directors may make payment of
                      the Option Price by the delivery of Shares
                      owned by the director for at least six
                      months prior to exercise or by a reduction
                      in the number of Shares issuable upon such
                      exercise, and such directors may also use
                      the provisions of Subsection 13.3.

               (v)    Non-transferability and Termination.  All
                      Options shall be Transferable only to the
                      extent provided in Section X of this Plan
                      and shall terminate in accordance with
                      Section XI of this Plan, except that the
                      timing provisions of Subsections 11.1(b)
                      and 11.1(c) may not be varied by Committee

       (c)     Amendment.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
               this Plan, the provisions of this Subsection 6.5
               may not be amended by the Board more frequently
               than once every six months other than to comply
               with changes in the Code or the rules thereunder.

                            SECTION VII.

                     STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS

       7.1     Grant.  A Stock Appreciation Right may be granted
  either with or without reference to all or any part of a Stock
  Option.  A "Tandem SAR" means an SAR granted with reference to
  a Stock Option (the "Reference Option").  A "Non-Tandem SAR"
  means an SAR granted without reference to a Stock Option.  If
  the Reference Option is a Non-Qualified Stock Option, a Tandem
  SAR may be granted at or after the date of the Reference
  Option; if the Reference Option is an Incentive Stock Option,
  the Grant Date of a Tandem SAR must be the same as the Grant
  Date of the Reference Option.  Any SAR shall have such terms
  and conditions, not inconsistent with this Plan, as are
  established by the Committee in connection with the Award.  

       7.2     Term.  A Tandem SAR shall terminate and no longer
  be exercisable upon the termination of its Reference Option. 
  A Non-Tandem SAR may have a term no longer than 20 years from
  its Grant Date.  

       7.3     Exercise.  A Tandem SAR may only be exercisable at
  the times and, in whole or in part, to the extent that its
  Reference Option is exercisable.  The exercise of a Tandem SAR
  shall automatically result in the surrender of the applicable
  portion of its Reference Option.  A Non-Tandem SAR shall be
  exercisable in whole or in part as provided in its Award
  Agreement.  Written notice of any exercise must be given in
  the form prescribed by the Committee.  

       7.4     Payment.  For purposes of payment of an SAR, the
  reference price per Share shall be the Option Price of the
  Reference Option in the case of a Tandem SAR and shall be the
  Fair Market Value of a Share on the Grant Date in the case of
  a Non-Tandem SAR.  The Committee shall determine the form of

       7.5     Non-Transferability and Termination.  Stock
  Appreciation Rights shall be Transferable only to the extent
  provided in Section X of this Plan and shall terminate in
  accordance with Section XI of this Plan.  

                           SECTION VIII.


       8.1     Grants of Restricted Stock Awards.  The Committee
  may, in its discretion, grant one or more Restricted Stock
  Awards to any Eligible Employee.  Each Restricted Stock Award
  shall specify the number of Shares to be issued to the
  Participant, the date of such issuance, the price, if any, to
  be paid for such Shares by the Participant and the
  restrictions imposed on such Shares.  The Committee may grant

  Awards of Restricted Stock subject to the attainment of
  specified performance goals, continued employment or such
  other limitations or restrictions as the Committee may

       8.2     Terms and Conditions of Restricted Awards. 
  Restricted Stock Awards shall be subject to the following

       (a)     Issuance of Shares.  Shares of Restricted Stock
               may be issued immediately upon grant or upon
               vesting as determined by the Committee.

       (b)     Stock Powers and Custody.  If shares of Restricted
               Stock are issued immediately upon grant, the
               Committee may require the Participant to deliver a
               duly signed stock power, endorsed in blank,
               relating to the Restricted  Stock covered by such
               an Award.  The Committee may also require that the
               stock certificates evidencing such shares be held
               in custody by the Company until the restrictions
               on them shall have lapsed.

       (c)     Shareholder Rights.  Unless otherwise determined
               by the Committee at the time of grant,
               Participants receiving Restricted Stock Awards
               shall not be entitled to dividend or voting rights
               for the Restricted Shares until they are fully

       8.3     Unrestricted Stock Awards.  The Committee may make
  awards of unrestricted Common Stock to key Eligible Employees
  in recognition of outstanding achievements by such employees. 
  Unrestricted Shares issued on a bonus basis under this
  Subsection 8.3 may be issued for no cash consideration.  Each
  certificate for unrestricted Common Stock shall be registered
  in the name of the Participant and delivered immediately to
  the Participant.  

                            SECTION IX.

                         PERFORMANCE AWARDS

       9.1     Performance Awards. 

       (a)     Grant.  The Committee may, in its discretion,
               grant Performance Awards to Eligible Employees.  
               A Performance Award shall consist of the right to
               receive either (i) Common Stock or cash of an
               equivalent value, or a combination of both, at the
               end of a specified Performance Period (defined
               below) or (ii) a fixed dollar amount payable in
               cash or Shares, or a combination of both, at the
               end of a specified Performance

               Period.  The Committee shall determine the
               Eligible Employees to whom and the time or times
               at which Performance Awards shall be granted, the
               number of Shares or the amount of cash to be
               awarded to any person, the duration of the period
               (the "Performance Period") during which, and the
               conditions under which, a Participant's
               Performance Award will vest, and the other terms
               and conditions of the Performance Award in
               addition to those set forth in Subsection 9.2.

       (b)     Criteria for Award.  The Committee may condition
               the grant or vesting of a Performance Award upon
               the attainment of specified performance goals; the
               appreciation in the Fair Market Value, book value
               or other measure of value of the Common Stock; the
               performance of the Company based on earnings or
               cash flow; or such other factors or criteria as
               the Committee shall determine.

       9.2     Terms and Conditions of Performance Awards. 
  Performance Awards granted pursuant to this Section IX shall
  be subject to the following terms and conditions:

       (a)     Dividends.  Unless otherwise determined by the
               Committee at the time of the grant of the Award,
               amounts equal to any dividends declared during the
               Performance Period with respect to any Shares
               covered by a Performance Award will not be paid to
               the Participant.

       (b)     Payment.  Subject to the provisions of the Award
               Agreement and this Plan, at the expiration of the
               Performance Period, share certificates, cash or
               both (as the Committee may determine) shall be
               delivered to the Participant, or his or her legal
               representative or guardian, in a number or an
               amount equal to the vested portion of the
               Performance Award.

       (c)     Non-Transferability.  Performance Awards shall not
               be Transferable except in accordance with the
               provisions of Section X of this Plan.

       (d)     Termination of Employment.  Subject to the
               applicable provisions of the Award Agreement and
               this Plan, upon termination of a Participant's
               employment with the Company or a Subsidiary for
               any reason during the Performance Period for a
               given Award, the Performance Award in question
               will vest or be forfeited in accordance with the
               terms and conditions established by the Committee.

                             SECTION X.


       No Award or benefit payable under this Plan shall be
  Transferable by the Participant during his or her lifetime and
  may not be assigned, exchanged, pledged, transferred or
  otherwise encumbered or disposed of except by a domestic
  relations order pursuant to Section 414(p)(1)(B) of the Code,
  or by will or the laws of descent and distribution.  Awards
  shall be exercisable during a Participant's lifetime only by
  the Participant or by the Participant's guardian or legal

                            SECTION XI.

                       TERMINATION OF AWARDS

       11.1    All Awards issued under this Plan shall terminate
  as follows:

       (a)     Termination at Expiration of Term.  During any
               period of continuous employment with the Company
               or a Subsidiary, an Award will be terminated only
               if it is fully exercised or if it has expired by
               its terms.  For purposes of this Plan, any leave
               of absence approved by the Company shall not be
               deemed to be a termination of employment.

       (b)     Termination by Death, Disability or Retirement. 
               If a Participant's employment by the Company or a
               Subsidiary terminates by reason of death,
               Disability or Retirement, any Award held by such
               Participant, unless otherwise determined by the
               Committee at grant, shall be fully vested and may
               thereafter be exercised by the Participant or by
               the Participant's beneficiary or legal
               representative, for a period of one year (or such
               longer period as the Committee may specify at or
               after grant) from the date of such death,
               Disability or Retirement or until the expiration
               of the stated term of such Award, whichever period
               is shorter.

       (c)     Other Termination.  Unless otherwise determined by
               the Committee at or after grant, if a
               Participant's employment by the Company or a
               Subsidiary terminates for any reason other than
               death, Disability or Retirement, the Award will
               terminate on the earlier to occur of the stated
               expiration date or 90 calendar days after
               termination of employment.  If a Participant dies
               during the 90 day period following termination of
               employment, any unexercised Award held by the
               Participant shall be exercisable, to the full

               extent that such Award was exercisable at the time
               of death, for a period of 90 calendar days from
               the date of death or until the expiration of the
               stated term of the Award, whichever occurs first. 

       11.2    Acceleration of Vesting and Extension of Exercise
  Period Upon Termination.  

       (a)     Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section
               XI, upon the termination of employment of a
               Participant who is not an Officer or Director of
               the Company, for reasons other than death,
               Disability or Retirement, either the Committee or
               the President of the Company may, in its or his
               sole discretion, accelerate the vesting of all or
               part of any Awards held by such terminated
               Participant so that such Awards are fully or
               partially exercisable as of the date of
               termination, and may also extend the permitted
               exercise period of such Awards for up to five
               years from the date of termination, but in no
               event longer than the original expiration date of
               such Award.  In the case of a terminated
               Participant who is an Officer, such discretion
               shall be exercised, if at all, only by the

       (b)     Except as provided in Subsection 4.2, in no event
               will the continuation of the exercisability of an
               Award beyond the date of termination of employment
               allow the Eligible Employee, or his or her
               beneficiaries or heirs, to accrue additional
               rights under the Plan, or to purchase more Shares
               through the exercise of an Award than could have
               been purchased on the date that employment was

                            SECTION XII.


       12.1    Termination or Amendment.  The Board may at any
  time, amend, in whole or in part, any or all of the provisions
  of this Plan, or suspend or terminate it entirely; provided,
  however, that, unless otherwise required by law, the rights of
  a Participant with respect to any Awards granted prior to such
  amendment, suspension or termination may not be impaired
  without the consent of such Participant; and, provided
  further, no amendment may be made, with or without shareholder
  approval, which would cause this Plan to lose its exemption
  under Rule 16b-3 and no amendment may be made without
  shareholder approval which would increase the number of shares
  available under this Plan.

                           SECTION XIII.

                         GENERAL PROVISIONS

       13.1    No Right to Continued Employment.   Neither the
  establishment of the Plan nor the granting of any Award
  hereunder shall confer upon any Participant any right to
  continue in the employ of the Company or any Subsidiary or
  interfere in any way with the right of the Company or any
  Subsidiary to terminate such employment at any time. 

       13.2    Other Plans.  In no event shall the value of, or
  income arising from, any Awards issued under this Plan be
  treated as compensation for purposes of any pension, profit
  sharing, life insurance, disability or other retirement or
  welfare benefit plan now maintained or hereafter adopted by
  the Company or any Subsidiary, unless such plan specifically
  provides to the contrary.

       13.3    Withholding of Taxes.  The Company shall have the
  right to deduct from any payment to be made pursuant to this
  Plan, or to otherwise require, prior to the issuance or
  delivery of any Shares or the payment of any cash to a
  Participant, payment by the Participant of any Federal, state,
  local or foreign taxes required by law to be withheld.  The
  Committee may permit any such withholding obligation to be
  satisfied by reducing the number of Shares otherwise
  deliverable or by accepting the delivery of previously owned
  Shares.  Any fraction of a Share required to satisfy such tax
  obligations shall be disregarded and the amount due shall be
  paid instead in cash by the Participant.

       13.4    Reimbursement of Taxes.  The Committee may provide
  in its discretion that the Company may reimburse a Participant
  for federal, state, local and foreign tax obligations incurred
  as a result of the grant or exercise of an Award issued under
  this Plan.   

       13.5    Governing Law.  This Plan and actions taken in
  connection with it shall be governed by the laws of the State
  of New Jersey, without regard to the principles of conflict of

       13.6    Liability.  No employee of the Company nor member
  of the Committee or the Board shall be liable for any action
  or determination taken or made in good faith with respect to
  the Plan or any Award granted hereunder and, to the fullest
  extent permitted by law, all employees and members shall be
  indemnified by the Company for any liability and expenses
  which may occur through any claim or cause of action arising
  under or in connection with this Plan or any Awards granted
  under this Plan.