FINANCIAL REPORT                                       EXHIBIT 13

Statement of Management Responsibility

   The financial  information presented in  this Annual Report  is
the  responsibility  of   Chiquita  Brands  International,   Inc.
management, who believes that it presents fairly its consolidated
financial position  and results of operations  in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles.

   The Company's system of internal accounting controls, which  is
supported  by formal  financial and  administrative  policies, is
designed  to  provide  reasonable  assurance  that the  financial
records are reliable for  preparation of financial statements and
that assets are safeguarded  against losses from unauthorized use
or disposition.  Management  reviews, modifies and improves these
systems and controls as changes occur in  business conditions and
operations.    The Company's  worldwide  internal  audit function
reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of controls and compliance
with policies.

   The Audit  Committee  of  the Board  of Directors  reviews  the
Company's financial statements, accounting policies  and internal
controls.  In  performing its reviews,  the Committee meets  with
the  independent  auditors,   management  and  internal  auditors
periodically to discuss these matters.

   The Company engages Ernst & Young  LLP, an independent auditing
firm, to  audit its financial  statements and express  an opinion
thereon.  The scope of the audit  is set by Ernst & Young LLP who
have full and free access to all Company records and personnel in
conducting  their audits.   Representatives of Ernst  & Young LLP
are  free to  meet  with the  Audit  Committee, with  or  without
members of  management present, to  discuss their audit  work and
any other matters they believe should be brought to the attention
of the Committee.

Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors and Shareholders of
Chiquita Brands International, Inc.

   We have  audited the accompanying  consolidated balance  sheets
of Chiquita  Brands International, Inc.  and subsidiary companies
as  of December 31, 1995  and 1994, and  the related consolidated
statements of income, shareholders' equity and cash flow for each
of the three years in the  period ended December 31, 1995.  These
financial statements, appearing on  pages 10 through 22,  are the
responsibility  of the Company's  management.  Our responsibility
is to express an  opinion on these financial statements  based on
our audits.

   We conducted our  audits in accordance with generally  accepted
auditing  standards.   Those standards require  that we  plan and
perform the  audit to  obtain reasonable assurance  about whether
the financial statements  are free of material  misstatement.  An
audit includes  examining, on  a test basis,  evidence supporting
the  amounts and  disclosures  in the  financial statements.   An
audit also includes assessing  the accounting principles used and
significant estimates  made by management, as  well as evaluating
the overall  financial statement  presentation.  We  believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

   In  our opinion,  the financial  statements referred  to  above
present  fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the  consolidated
financial  position of  Chiquita Brands  International, Inc.  and
subsidiary companies  at  December  31,  1995 and  1994  and  the
consolidated  results of their operations and their cash flow for
each of the three years in the period ended December  31, 1995 in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

/s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Cincinnati, Ohio
February 26, 1996

                                            Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands, except per share amounts)  1995          1994         1993           1992          1991
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working capital                         $366,893      $230,434     $266,793       $482,338      $960,093
Capital expenditures                      64,640       136,981      196,554        472,273       395,641
Total assets                           2,623,533     2,774,239    2,722,824      2,873,699     2,937,344
  Short-term debt                        172,333       221,051      192,207        229,286       187,821
  Long-term debt                       1,242,046     1,364,836    1,438,378      1,411,319     1,202,839
  Shareholders' equity                   672,207       644,809      584,069        667,962       967,925
Net sales                             $2,565,992    $2,505,826   $2,532,925     $2,723,250    $2,604,128
Operating income (loss) *                175,770        71,185      103,848        (96,588)      197,818
Income (loss) from 
  continuing operations                   27,969       (84,311)     (51,081)      (221,708)      110,909
Discontinued operations                  (11,197)       35,611           --        (62,332)       17,586
Income (loss) before 
  extraordinary item                      16,772       (48,700)     (51,081)      (284,040)      128,495
Net income (loss)*                         9,212       (71,540)     (51,081)      (284,040)      128,495
Average number of common
  shares outstanding                      53,670        52,033       51,427         51,804        50,382
Earnings (loss) per common share:
               - Continuing operations      $.37        $(1.76)       $(.99)        $(4.28)        $2.20
               - Discontinued operations    (.21)          .69           --          (1.20)          .35
               - Extraordinary item         (.14)         (.44)          --             --            --
               - Net income (loss)           .02         (1.51)        (.99)         (5.48)         2.55

  Fully diluted 
               - Continuing operations       .37         (1.76)        (.99)         (4.28)         2.19
               - Discontinued operations    (.21)          .69           --          (1.20)          .33
               - Extraordinary item         (.14)         (.44)          --             --            --
               - Net income (loss)           .02         (1.51)        (.99)         (5.48)         2.52

Dividends per common share                   .20           .20          .44            .66           .55
Market price per common share:
  High                                     18.00         19.25        17.50          40.13         50.63
  Low                                      12.25         11.25        10.13          15.75         29.63
  End of year                              13.75         13.63        11.50          17.25         40.00
*  See "Management's  Analysis of  Operations and  Financial  Condition" and  Notes to  Consolidated Financial
Statements for a discussion of significant items included in operating income in 1995, 1994 and 1993.


Management's Analysis of Operations and Financial Condition
Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies

 Sales  increased  2%  in  1995  to  approximately  $2.6  billion
primarily  as a result of  higher fresh fruit  prices.  Operating
income for the year increased to $176 million from $71 million in
1994.  Operating income includes:

   - in  1995, a net gain of $19 million primarily resulting from
     divestitures of  operations and other actions  taken as part
     of  the  Company s ongoing  program  to  improve shareholder
     value.  These divestitures  and other actions included sales
     of  older ships, the sale  of the Costa  Rican operations of
     Chiquita s  Numar  edible oils  group,  the  shut-down of  a
     portion   of  the   Company s   juice  operations   and  the
     reconfiguration of banana production assets.

   - in  1994,  charges  and  losses  of  $67  million  resulting
     primarily  from farm  closings  and  write-downs  of  banana
     cultivations  following  a  strike  in  Honduras,   and  the
     substantial  reduction of  the  Company's  Japanese  "green"
     banana trading operations.

   In addition to the effects of  the items described above,  1995
operating income increased from 1994  due to higher banana prices
outside  the  European  Union  ("EU"), the  favorable  effect  of
changes in foreign exchange rates on European sales and  earnings
improvements from  other food products.   These favorable effects
were partially offset by  higher banana operating costs resulting
from the implementation of the banana Framework Agreement between
the EU, Colombia and Costa Rica, higher paper costs, and lower EU
banana prices  late in the  year.  These  lower EU  prices, which
continued  into  early 1996,  were  brought  about  by  the  over
issuance of  special  import licenses  to  European-based  banana
companies  as  relief  for  hurricane  damage  sustained  in  the

   Operating income for 1994 was $33  million lower than for  1993
primarily due to the  charges and losses described above  as well
as higher  costs which were  incurred to replace  Honduran banana
volume that was curtailed following the strike.

   Net  interest expense  decreased in  both  1995  and 1994  as a
result of debt refinancing and reduction activities and, in 1995,
higher average yields on  investments.  Net income of  $9 million
in  1995  and  the net  loss  of  $72  million  in  1994  include
extraordinary   charges  of   $8   million   and   $23   million,
respectively,  resulting from  refinancings  and  prepayments  of

   Income  taxes  consist  principally  of  foreign  income  taxes
currently  paid  or payable.   No  tax  benefit was  recorded for
unrealized  U.S.  net  operating   loss  carryforwards  or  other
available tax credits.

   In February 1996,  heavy rainfall  caused significant  flooding
in  Costa  Rica.   Banana  industry cultivations  in  the region,
including Chiquita's, were damaged and banana industry production
in Costa Rica has been reduced.   The Company estimates that less
than 5% of its total Latin American banana cultivations sustained
varying degrees of damage from the flooding.

International Operations
   Chiquita's products are distributed in more than 40  countries.
Its  international sales are  made primarily in  U.S. dollars and
major European currencies.  The Company manages currency exchange
risks from sales originating in  currencies other than the dollar
generally  by exchanging local currencies for dollars immediately
upon  receipt, and  by  engaging from  time  to time  in  various
hedging activities.   Debt  denominated in currencies  other than
the U.S. dollar serves as a hedge of the net investments in those
respective countries.   In  addition, various  hedging activities
are  used   to  offset   currency  exchange  movements   on  firm
commitments and  other transactions where the  potential for loss
exists.   At December 31, 1995,  the Company had foreign exchange
forward   contracts   and  options   to   ensure   conversion  of
approximately $320 million of foreign sales in 1996 at a rate not
higher than 1.45 Deutsche marks per U.S. dollar.  (See  Note 8 of
the Consolidated  Financial Statements for  additional discussion
of the Company's hedging activities.)


   On  July 1, 1993,  the EU  implemented a  new quota effectively
restricting the  volume of  Latin American bananas  imported into
the EU, which had  the effect of decreasing the  Company's volume
and market share in Europe.   The quota is administered through a
licensing  system and  grants preferred  status to  producers and
importers within the  EU and its former  colonies, while imposing
quotas  and  tariffs  on  bananas imported  from  other  sources,
including  Latin  America,  Chiquita's primary  source  of fruit.
Since imposition of  the EU  quota regime, prices  within the  EU
have increased to a higher level than the levels prevailing prior
to the quota.  Banana prices in other worldwide markets, however,
have  been lower  than in  years prior  to the  EU quota,  as the
displaced EU volume has  entered those markets.  In  two separate
rulings, General  Agreement on Tariffs and  Trade ("GATT") panels
found this banana policy to  be illegal.  In March 1994,  four of
the  countries which had filed GATT actions against the EU banana
policy (Costa Rica, Colombia,  Nicaragua and Venezuela) reached a
settlement with the EU  by signing a "Framework Agreement."   The
Framework  Agreement  authorizes  the  imposition  of  additional
restrictive and discriminatory quotas and export licenses on U.S.
banana marketing firms, while leaving EU firms exempt.  Costa

Rica   and  Colombia   implemented   this   agreement  in   1995,
significantly  increasing the  Company's  cost to  export bananas
from  these  countries.    Three  additional  European  countries
(Sweden, Finland and Austria) joined the  EU effective January 1,
1995.    These countries,  which  had  substantially unrestricted
banana  markets  in  which  the Company  supplied  a  significant
portion of the bananas,  are in the process of  transition to the
restrictive EU quota  and licensing environment.   The timing and
exact  nature  of  any  adjustments in  the  quota  and licensing
regulations that will be  made for these new EU members  have not
yet  been  determined.     Implementation  of  the  quota  regime
continues to evolve, and  there can be  no assurance that the  EU
banana regulation will not change further.

   In  September 1994,  Chiquita and  the Hawaii  Banana  Industry
Association made a joint filing with the Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative ("USTR") under  Section 301 of the  U.S. Trade Act
of  1974, charging that the EU quota and licensing regime and the
Framework  Agreement  are  unreasonable,  discriminatory,  and  a
burden and restriction  on U.S.  commerce.  In  response to  this
petition, the U.S. Government initiated formal  investigations of
the EU banana import policy and of the Colombian  and Costa Rican
Framework  Agreement export policies.  In  January 1995, the U.S.
Government announced a preliminary  finding against the EU banana
import  policy  and  in  September  1995,  based  on  information
obtained  in  the USTR's  investigation  under  Section 301,  the
United  States,  joined  by   Guatemala,  Honduras  and   Mexico,
commenced  a new  international  trade challenge  against the  EU
regime  using  the procedures  of  the  World Trade  Organization
("WTO").  In January 1996, the  USTR announced that it had  found
the banana Framework Agreement export policies  of Costa Rica and
Colombia  to be  unfair. The  USTR further  announced it  was not
imposing sanctions at  that time,  pending further  consultations
with  those countries  to eliminate  harm to  U.S. commerce.   In
early  February 1996,  Ecuador, the  world s largest  exporter of
bananas, joined the United States, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico
in challenging the  EU regime under  the WTO.   Both the WTO  and
Section 301  authorize retaliatory  measures, such as  tariffs or
withdrawal of trade concessions, against the offending countries.
However,  there can be no assurance as  to the results of the WTO
and Section  301 proceedings, the  nature and  extent of  actions
that  may  be  taken by  the  United  States  or other  adversely
affected countries, or the  impact on the EU quota regime  or the
Framework Agreement.

Discontinued Meat Operations
   As  described   in  Note  2   to  the  Consolidated   Financial
Statements, the Company completed the sale of its meat operations
in  December  1995 and  has accounted  for  it as  a discontinued


Financial Condition
   Cash flow from operations was $90  million, $73 million and $47
million  in 1995, 1994 and  1993, respectively.   At December 31,
1995,  Chiquita   had  $311   million  of  cash   and  marketable
securities, including $40 million of restricted cash on deposit.

   Capital expenditures were $65 million in 1995,  $137 million in
1994 and $197  million in 1993, including $72 million in 1994 and
$144  million  in  1993  of  investment  spending  primarily  for
transportation  system  improvements and  fresh  fruit production
capacity.   During  1994,  the Company  completed its  multi-year
investment spending  program with  the delivery  of the  last two
ships under construction.   This program  was the primary  reason
for approximately $260 million in long-term subsidiary borrowings
during 1994 and 1993.  As a result of this program, the Company s
free cash flow  (the excess of  earnings before depreciation  and
amortization  over  capital  expenditures) is  greater  than  its
results of operations.

   In   accordance   with  its   strategic   program   to  improve
shareholder  value by strengthening  its balance sheet, enhancing
short-term   liquidity,  reducing  overall  borrowing  costs  and
positioning   the  Company   for   future  cost   reduction   and
deleveraging opportunities, Chiquita:

   - Sold its remaining meat operations to Smithfield Foods, Inc.
     in December  1995 for  approximately $60 million,  including
     $25  million in  cash and 1.1  million shares  of Smithfield
     common stock.  Smithfield's  common stock is traded publicly
     on NASDAQ.   In 1994,  the Company sold  its specialty  meat
     operations for $53  million in  cash and  used the  proceeds
     primarily  to  reduce  short-term  borrowings  of  the  Meat

   - Sold the  Costa Rican  operations of  its Numar  edible oils
     group  in  December  1995 for  approximately  $100  million,
     including  $50 million  in cash and  $50 million  in secured
     notes receivable.

   - Sold  older ships in 1995  for $90 million  in cash and used
     approximately  $50 million  of  the proceeds  to prepay  the
     related debt.

   - Sold and  leased back shipping  containers in 1995  and 1994
     which  generated  gross  proceeds  of $40  million  and  $32
     million,  respectively.   Approximately $27 million  and $20
     million of related 9.8%  debt was retired in 1995  and 1994,

   - Replaced $153 million of shipping related loans in 1995 with
     loans  having longer  maturities  totaling $187  million and
     negotiated the  extension of  the maturities on  another $23
     million ship loan.

   - Used  $36  million  of  restricted  cash  to  repay  related
     subsidiary debt in December 1995.

   - Raised approximately $310 million  in a 1994 public offering
     of 9 1/8%  senior notes  and preferred stock.   The  Company
     used  the proceeds  of these  offerings  to redeem  or repay
     subordinated   and  subsidiary   debt,  including   11  7/8%
     subordinated   debentures,  and   10   1/2%   and  10   1/4%
     subordinated  debentures  which  carried effective  interest
     rates of 12.1% and 13.7%, respectively.

   - Reduced the  annual dividend  rate on  its capital  stock in
     mid-1993 from $.68 per share to $.20 per share.


                                             Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                          Year Ended December 31,
(In thousands, except per share amounts)                      1995              1994            1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                                                   $2,565,992       $2,505,826       $2,532,925
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating expenses
    Cost of sales                                            1,958,063        1,996,179        1,993,552
    Selling, general and administrative expenses               333,537          331,498          332,934
    Depreciation                                                98,622          106,964          102,591
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             2,390,222        2,434,641        2,429,077
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Operating income                                           175,770           71,185          103,848
Interest income                                                 28,157           22,902           20,377
Interest expense                                              (163,513)        (167,464)        (169,789)
Other income, net                                                1,455            2,566            6,483
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations 
    before income taxes                                         41,869          (70,811)         (39,081)
Income taxes                                                   (13,900)         (13,500)         (12,000)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations                        27,969          (84,311)         (51,081)
Discontinued operations                                        (11,197)          35,611              -- 
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) before extraordinary item                         16,772          (48,700)         (51,081)
Extraordinary loss from debt refinancing                        (7,560)         (22,840)              --
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss)                                               $9,212         $(71,540)        $(51,081)

Less dividends on Series A preferred stock                      (8,266)          (7,232)              --
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss) attributable to common shares                   $946         $(78,772)        $(51,081)

Per common share - primary and fully diluted
    -  Continuing operations                                      $.37           $(1.76)           $(.99)
    -  Discontinued operations                                    (.21)             .69               --
    -  Extraordinary item                                         (.14)            (.44)              --
    -  Net income (loss)                                           .02            (1.51)            (.99)
Weighted average number of common 
    shares outstanding                                          53,670           52,033           51,427
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                            Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                      December 31,
(In thousands, except share amounts)                                           1995                1994
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets
    Cash and equivalents                                                     $236,675           $165,523
    Marketable securities                                                      34,743                 --
    Trade receivables, less allowances of $11,310 and $13,060, respectively   184,364            205,194
    Other receivables, net                                                     89,848             92,725
    Inventories                                                               293,379            308,549
    Other current assets                                                       37,827             32,334
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total current assets                                                      876,836            804,325
Restricted cash                                                                39,520             75,030
Net assets of discontinued operations                                              --             46,718
Property, plant and equipment, net                                          1,182,144          1,387,132
Investments and other assets                                                  356,805            301,776
Intangibles, net                                                              168,228            159,258
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total assets                                                           $2,623,533         $2,774,239
Current liabilities
    Notes and loans payable                                                  $119,456           $130,040
    Long-term debt due within one year                                         52,877             91,011
    Accounts payable                                                          206,717            232,535
    Accrued liabilities                                                       130,893            120,305
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total current liabilities                                                 509,943            573,891
Long-term debt of parent company                                              840,925            840,377
Long-term debt of subsidiaries                                                401,121            524,459
Accrued pension and other employee benefits                                    85,514             74,855
Other liabilities                                                             113,823            115,848
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total liabilities                                                       1,951,326          2,129,430
Shareholders' equity
    Preferred and preference stock                                            138,369            190,639
    Capital stock, $.33 par value (54,769,140 and
       49,300,881 shares outstanding, respectively)                            18,256             16,434
    Capital surplus                                                           581,019            505,800
    Accumulated deficit                                                       (65,437)           (52,940)
    Minimum pension liability adjustment                                           --            (15,124)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total shareholders' equity                                                672,207            644,809
    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                             $2,623,533         $2,774,239

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                            Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Preferred                                            pension   Total
                                      and                                    Retained  liability  share- 
                                   preference                      Capital   earnings    adjust- holders 
                                     stock        Capital stock    surplus  (deficit)      ment   equity
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands, except share amounts)           Shares  Par value
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1992         $52,270 48,163,560  $16,055  $490,369   $116,193   $(6,925) $667,962
   Capital stock repurchased              --    (30,000)     (10)     (102)      (325)       --      (437)
   Stock options exercised                --     17,120        6       168         --        --       174
   Other shares issued                    --    168,000       55     1,738         --        --     1,793
   Change in minimum pension
    liability adjustment                  --         --       --        --         --   (11,004)  (11,004)
   Net loss                               --         --       --        --    (51,081)       --   (51,081)
     Capital stock                        --         --       --        --    (21,191)       --   (21,191)
     Preference stock                     --    191,673       64     2,067     (4,278)       --    (2,147)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1993         $52,270 48,510,353  $16,170  $494,240   $ 39,318  $(17,929) $584,069
   Stock options exercised                --    118,133       40     1,325         --        --     1,365
   Series A preferred stock issued   138,369         --       --        --         --        --   138,369
   Other shares issued                    --    358,244      119     6,075         --        --     6,194
   Change in minimum pension
     liability adjustment                 --         --       --        --         --     2,805     2,805
   Net loss                               --         --       --        --    (71,540)       --   (71,540)
     Capital stock                        --         --       --        --     (9,757)       --    (9,757)
     Preferred and preference stock       --    314,151      105     4,160    (10,961)       --    (6,696)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1994        $190,639 49,300,881  $16,434  $505,800   $(52,940) $(15,124) $644,809
   Stock options exercised                --    331,691      110     3,249         --        --     3,359
   Capital stock issued in exchange
     for Series C preference stock   (52,270) 3,241,546    1,081    51,189         --        --        --
   Other shares issued                    --  1,661,658      553    17,659         --        --    18,212
   Change in minimum pension
     liability adjustment                 --         --       --        --         --    15,124    15,124
   Net income                             --         --       --        --      9,212        --     9,212
     Capital stock                        --         --       --        --    (10,236)       --   (10,236)
     Preferred and preference stock       --    233,364       78     3,122    (11,473)       --    (8,273)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1995        $138,369 54,769,140  $18,256  $581,019   $(65,437)   $   --  $672,207
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                            Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
(In thousands                                                       1995           1994           1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash provided (used) by:
      Income (loss) from continuing operations                     $27,969       $(84,311)      $(51,081)
      Depreciation and amortization                                104,581        113,080        109,711
      Gain on sales of transportation assets and other divestitures(32,100)            --             --
      Write-downs of farms and cultivations                             --         24,600             --
      Changes in current assets and liabilities
         Receivables                                                16,194        (19,418)        (7,571)
         Inventories                                                10,054        (14,275)        40,535
         Accounts payable                                          (29,838)        26,083        (16,405)
         Other current assets and liabilities                       (3,643)        19,454        (28,871)
      Other                                                         (2,906)         7,600            895
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 Cash flow from operations                          90,311         72,813         47,213
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Capital expenditures                                         (64,640)      (136,981)      (196,554)
      Restricted cash deposits                                      35,510        (24,010)       (51,020)
      Long-term investments                                           (814)        (7,717)       (49,466)
      Decrease in marketable securities                                 --             --         25,212
      Proceeds from sales of transportation assets 
        and other divestitures                                     166,835         41,705         22,000
      Other                                                         (4,188)        (6,518)        11,828
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 Cash flow from investing                          132,703       (133,521)      (238,000)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Debt transactions
         Issuances of long-term debt                               214,171        278,388        151,160
         Repayments of long-term debt                             (361,906)      (369,666)      (132,839)
         Increase (decrease) in notes and loans payable            (10,236)        21,911        (25,621)
      Stock transactions
         Issuance of preferred stock                                    --        138,369             --
         Issuances of capital stock                                  3,413          5,006          1,417
         Dividends                                                 (18,509)       (16,453)       (23,338)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 Cash flow from financing                         (173,067)        57,555        (29,221)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Discontinued Operations                                             21,205         17,450        (16,735)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents                         71,152         14,297       (236,743)
Balance at beginning of year                                       165,523        151,226        387,969
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at end of year                                            $236,675       $165,523       $151,226

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies

Note 1 -- Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
   American  Financial Group,  Inc. and  its subsidiaries  ("AFG")
owned  approximately  44% of  the  outstanding  capital stock  of
Chiquita Brands International, Inc. ("Chiquita" or the "Company")
as of December 31, 1995.

   The consolidated financial  statements include the  accounts of
the Company  and its majority-owned subsidiaries,  other than the
Meat  Division which was sold  in December 1995  and is accounted
for as a discontinued  operation (see Note 2).   The accompanying
notes  present  amounts  related only  to  continuing operations,
unless   otherwise   indicated.      Intercompany   balances  and
transactions have been eliminated.
   Investments representing  minority interests are accounted  for
by  the equity method when  Chiquita has the  ability to exercise
significant  influence in  the investees'  operations; otherwise,
they are accounted  for at cost.  At December  31, 1995 and 1994,
investments  in food-related  companies  of $79  million and  $66
million,  respectively,  were  accounted  for  using  the  equity
method.   The  excess ($16  million) of  the carrying  value over
Chiquita's share of the  fair value of the investees'  net assets
at  the  date  of acquisition  is  being  amortized over  periods
ranging from 10 to 40 years.

Use of Estimates
   The financial statements have been prepared in conformity  with
generally   accepted   accounting   principles,   which   require
management  to make  estimates  and assumptions  that affect  the
amounts and disclosures reported  in the financial statements and
accompanying notes.

Cash and Equivalents
   Cash and equivalents  include all unrestricted cash and  highly
liquid investments with a maturity when purchased of three months
or less.

Marketable Securities
   Marketable  securities consist  of common stock  categorized as
available-for-sale (see Note 2).

   Inventories are valued  at the lower of  cost or market.   Cost
for growing  crops and  certain banana inventories  is determined
principally on the "last-in,  first-out" (LIFO) basis.   Cost for
other  inventory  categories  is  determined principally  on  the
"first-in, first-out" (FIFO) or average cost basis.

   Intangibles consist of goodwill and trademarks which are  being
amortized  over 40  years.   Accumulated  amortization was  $39.3
million  and  $34.0  million  at  December  31,  1995  and  1994,
respectively.   The  carrying value  of intangibles  is evaluated
periodically in relation to  the operating performance and future
cash flows of the underlying businesses.

Income Taxes
   Deferred income taxes  are recognized at currently enacted  tax
rates for temporary  differences between the  financial reporting
and income tax bases  of assets and liabilities.   Deferred taxes
are not  provided on  the undistributed earnings  of subsidiaries
operating outside the U.S.  that have been or are intended  to be
permanently reinvested.

Foreign Exchange
   Chiquita utilizes the  U.S. dollar as its functional  currency.
Net foreign exchange gains,  which amounted to approximately $7.2
million, $11.0 million and  $7.5 million in 1995, 1994  and 1993,
respectively, are included in income.
   The  Company  has   a  long-standing  policy  of   periodically
entering into  foreign exchange forward  contracts and purchasing
foreign  currency options  to hedge  transactions denominated  in
foreign  currencies in order to protect the Company from the risk
that the eventual dollar  cash flows of the transactions  will be
adversely  affected  by changes  in  exchange rates.    Gains and
losses on forward contracts used to hedge firm commitments and on
purchased options are deferred and included in the measurement of
the  underlying  transactions.    Gains  and  losses  on  forward
contracts used to hedge other transactions are included in income
on a current basis.

Earnings Per Share
   Primary earnings  per share is calculated  on the  basis of the
weighted average number  of shares of common stock and equivalent
Series C preference stock outstanding during the year, reduced by

shares  related to  unearned compensation,  and increased  by the
dilutive effect, if any, of assumed  conversion of stock options.
Fully  diluted  earnings per  share  also  includes the  dilutive
effect, if any, of assumed conversion of Series A preferred stock
and convertible subordinated debentures.

Note 2 -- Discontinued Operations
   Pursuant to a plan of disposal  for all remaining Meat Division
operations,  the Company completed the sale of a major fresh pork
processing  facility   in  December  1992.     During  1994,  the
Division's specialty meat operations were  sold for approximately
$53  million in cash  resulting in a  gain of $10.2  million.  In
December  1995,  the  remaining  meat  operations  were  sold  to
Smithfield Foods,  Inc. for approximately $60  million, including
$25  million in cash and approximately 1.1 million shares (6%) of
Smithfield s outstanding  common stock.   Smithfield  assumed all
Meat Division  liabilities, including  those  related to  pension
   Meat  Division   operating  results   included  in   Chiquita s
Consolidated Statement of Income as  Discontinued operations  are
as follows:

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                                 1995              1994            1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                                                  $1,460,608        $1,455,894      $1,549,712
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from operations                                          3,351            25,455              --
Gain on sale                                                      576            10,156              --
Minimum pension liability adjustment                          (15,124)               --              --
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Discontinued operations                                      $(11,197)          $35,611             $--

     The  $15.1   million  minimum   pension  liability   adjustment
recognized   in   1995  was   previously   charged   directly  to
shareholders' equity.

Note 3 -- Other Divestitures
   During  1995, the  Company  completed certain  divestitures and
took  other actions  as part  of its  ongoing program  to improve
shareholder value.  These actions,  which included sales of older
ships, the sale of the Costa Rican operations of Chiquita's Numar
edible  oils group, the shut-down  of a portion  of the Company's
juice operations  and  the reconfiguration  of banana  production
assets, resulted in  a net gain  of $19  million.  Cash  proceeds
aggregated  $167 million.   Additional  proceeds of  $50 million,
consisting of secured notes, are  collectible over the next  five

Note 4 -- Inventories
    Inventories consist of the following:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        December 31,
(In thousands)                                                                    1995             1994
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bananas and other fresh produce                                                 $39,920          $42,444
Other food products                                                              64,528           68,713
Growing crops                                                                   120,178          115,177
Materials and supplies                                                           56,925           68,062
Other                                                                            11,828           14,153
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               $293,379         $308,549

     The carrying  value of  inventories valued  by the  LIFO method
was  $128 million  at  December  31,  1995  and  $126 million  at
December  31, 1994.  If inventories were stated at current costs,
total inventory values would  have been approximately $28 million
and $30  million higher than  reported at  December 31, 1995  and
1994, respectively.

Note 5 -- Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
    Property, plant and equipment consist of the following:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             December 31,                  Depreciable
(In thousands)                                       1995                  1994           Lives (Years)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Land                                                 $88,963             $107,579
Buildings and improvements                           190,980              205,735             7 to 40
Machinery and equipment                              387,376              399,437             3 to 30
Ships and containers                                 662,967              796,906             5 to 20
Cultivations                                         291,326              317,233             3 to 30
Other                                                 71,517               78,352             3 to 40
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   1,693,129            1,905,242
Accumulated depreciation                            (510,985)            (518,110)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  $1,182,144            $1,387,132


     Property, plant and  equipment are  stated at cost and,  except
for land and certain improvements, are depreciated on a straight-
line  basis  over  their  estimated  useful  lives.  The  Company
capitalized interest costs  of $1 million in  1995, $4 million in
1994 and $8 million in 1993.

   In March 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board  (FASB)
issued  Statement  of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.   121
 Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-
Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of  effective for 1996.  Although the
new rule is under study, the Company does not expect it to have a
material effect on its financial statements.

Note 6 -- Leases 
Total rental expense consists of the following:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                                   1995            1994             1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross rentals  - ships and containers                          $94,829         $101,207         $142,969
               -  other                                         35,562           34,084           32,528
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               130,391          135,291          175,497
Less sublease rentals                                          (17,310)          (4,740)          (7,189)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              $113,081         $130,551         $168,308

     Future minimum rental payments  required under operating leases
having initial or remaining  non-cancelable lease terms in excess
of one year at December 31, 1995 are as follows:

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                  Gross Rentals
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                             Ships and containers    Other          Total
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1996                                                           $46,698        $20,607        $67,305
    1997                                                            27,258         18,574         45,832
    1998                                                            26,932         13,917         40,849
    1999                                                            30,191          9,658         39,849
    2000                                                            25,174          4,164         29,338
    Later years                                                     51,124          6,009         57,133

     Portions of  the minimum rental  payments for ships  constitute
reimbursement  for ship operating  costs paid for  by the lessor.
Aggregate future minimum rental payments to be received from non-
cancelable subleases at December 31, 1995, principally for office
space and ships, are $37 million.

Note 7 -- Debt
    Long-term debt consists of the following:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                                                          December 31,
Parent Company                                                                     1995           1994
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 1/8% senior notes, due 2004                                                    $175,000       $175,000
9 5/8% senior notes, due 2004, less unamortized discount
    of $2,439 and $2,632 (imputed interest rate of 9.8%)                          247,561        247,368
7% subordinated debentures, due 2001, convertible 
    into capital stock at $43 per share                                           138,000        138,000
10 1/2% subordinated debentures, due 2004, less unamortized 
    discount of $5,464 and $5,839 (imputed interest rate of 12.1%)                 60,355         59,980
11 1/2% subordinated notes, due 2001                                              220,000        220,000
Other notes and loans                                                                  28             47
Less current maturities                                                               (19)           (18)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-term debt of parent company                                                 $840,925       $840,377
Subsidiary Companies
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loans payable secured by ships and containers, due in
    installments from 1996 to 2009, bearing interest at
    effective rates averaging 8.6% (8.8% at December 31, 1994)                   $295,074       $368,146
Caribbean Basin Projects Financing Authority (CBI Industrial
    Revenue Bonds 1993 Series A) loan, due 1998, bearing
    interest at a variable rate of 4.8% (4.4% at December 31, 1994)                38,000         38,000
Overseas Private Investment Corporation loans, due in installments
    through 2002, bearing interest at rates averaging 9%                           15,621         17,774
Loans and notes payable in foreign currencies maturing through 2008,
    bearing interest at rates averaging 19% (22% at December 31, 1994)             34,076         50,846
Other loans and notes payable maturing through 2012,  
    bearing interest at rates averaging 9%                                         71,208        140,686
Less current maturities                                                           (52,858)       (90,993)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-term debt of subsidiaries                                                   $401,121       $524,459

   Certain  of  the  subordinated  debentures  have  sinking  fund
requirements and are callable  at the Company's option at  prices
ranging from  par to premiums of 1.9% to 5.7% over par at various
dates through 1998.   Certain  of the  Company's debt  agreements
contain restrictions  on  the  payment  of cash  dividends.    At
December 31,  1995, approximately $160 million  was available for
dividend payments under the most restrictive of these agreements.
   During the  second quarter of 1995,  the Company replaced  $153
million of ship loans with loans having 

longer  maturities  totaling   $187  million   resulting  in   an
extraordinary  loss of $4.7 million.   In 1995,  the Company sold
and leased back $40  million of container equipment and  used $27
million of the sale proceeds to prepay related debt, resulting in
an extraordinary loss of $2.9 million.
   In February  1994, the  Company issued  $175 million  principal
amount of 9 1/8% senior  notes due 2004.  The proceeds  from this
issuance, together  with the proceeds from the  sale of preferred
stock (see Note 11),  were used  to redeem or  repay higher  rate
subordinated and subsidiary debt.   These prepayments resulted in
an extraordinary loss of  $22.8 million consisting principally of
write-offs  of  unamortized  discounts  and $5  million  of  call
   At  December 31, 1995,  $68 million  of the  carrying amount of
loans secured by ships and containers had interest rates fixed at
an average of 8% by the terms of the loans or by the operation of
interest  rate  swap  agreements  (see  Note  8).    The  overall
effective interest  rate on ship and container loans includes the
amortization of  deferred hedging gains and  losses from interest
rate futures contracts.   No such  contracts were outstanding  at
December 31, 1995 or 1994.
   Cash   payments  relating  to   interest  expense  were  $156.0
million,  $158.7 million  and $159.4  million in  1995,  1994 and
1993, respectively.
   Maturities  and sinking  fund  requirements on  long-term  debt
during  the  next five  years,  after  application of  previously
reacquired debentures to meet sinking fund requirements, are:

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 Parent        Subsidiary
(In thousands)                                                   Company        Companies         Total
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1996                                                           $19           $52,858         $52,877
    1997                                                             9            61,000          61,009
    1998                                                            --            96,872          96,872
    1999                                                            --            35,671          35,671
    2000                                                            --            37,176          37,176

   The Company  maintains lines  of credit  with various  domestic
and foreign banks for  borrowing funds on a short-term  basis and
has short-term  working capital  loans with domestic  and foreign
banks.   At December 31, 1995, the weighted average interest rate
for  all short-term notes and  loans payable was  10.6% (11.7% at
December 31, 1994).

Note 8 -- Hedging Transactions
   At December  31, 1995, the Company had foreign exchange forward
contracts to  ensure conversion  of approximately $20  million of
foreign sales commitments for 1996 at an average exchange rate of
1.36  Deutsche marks per  U.S. dollar.   The fair value  of these
contracts, based  on quoted  market prices, was  not significant.
The  Company also  had option  contracts which  ensure conversion
through 1996 of approximately  $70 million of foreign sales  at a
rate  not higher  than 1.44  Deutsche marks  per U.S.  dollar and
approximately  $230 million of foreign sales at a rate not higher
than  1.45  Deutsche marks  per U.S.  dollar  or lower  than 1.32
Deutsche  marks per  U.S. dollar.   The  carrying value  of these
option  contracts, and  the  fair value  based  on quoted  market
prices, was not significant.
   Chiquita has interest rate swap agreements  to fix the rate  of
interest  on approximately $49 million of  its variable rate ship
and  container loans maturing between 1998 and 2001.  The Company
has entered into currency and interest rate swap agreements which
have  the  effect  of  converting   $54  million  of  ship  loans
denominated  in  pounds  sterling  into U.S.  dollar  loans  with
variable interest rates  that become fixed  at 7.7% beginning  in
1997.  The Company s swap agreements have maturities ranging from
1998 to 2005.
   The  carrying values and estimated fair values of the Company's
debt and associated swap agreements are summarized below:

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                       December 31,
                                                      1995                             1994
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           Carrying          Estimated        Carrying        Estimated
(In thousands)                              value           fair value          value        fair value
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debt                                      $1,414,379        $1,442,900       $1,585,887       $1,531,400
Interest rate swap agreements                     --             3,100               --             (300)
Foreign currency swap
  agreements                                      --            (3,000)              --              400
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          $1,414,379        $1,443,000       $1,585,887       $1,531,500

     Fair value for the Company's publicly  traded debt is based  on
quoted market prices.   Fair  value for other  debt is  estimated
based on the current rates offered to 

the Company for  debt of similar maturities.   The fair values of
interest rate and foreign  currency swap agreements are estimated
based on the cost to terminate the agreements.
   The  Company  is  exposed  to  credit  loss  in  the  event  of
nonperformance  by  counterparties  on foreign  exchange  forward
contracts,  interest  rate  swap  agreements  and  currency  swap
agreements.   However, because  the Company's  hedging activities
are transacted only with highly rated institutions, Chiquita does
not  anticipate nonperformance  by  any of  these counterparties.
The  amount of any credit exposure is limited to unrealized gains
on such contracts and swaps.

Note 9 -- Pension and Severance Benefits
   The Company and  its subsidiaries have several defined  benefit
and  contribution  pension  plans  covering  approximately  5,000
domestic  and foreign  employees. Approximately  31,000 employees
are  covered  by  Central  and South  American  severance  plans.
Pension  plans covering  eligible salaried employees  and Central
and  South American  severance plans for  all employees  call for
benefits  to be  based  upon years  of  service and  compensation

   Pension and severance expense consists of the following:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                                       1995            1994           1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Defined benefit and severance plans:
    Service cost -- benefits earned 
      during the period                                             $5,664         $5,383         $5,885
    Interest cost on projected benefit obligation                    8,622          8,412          8,423
    Actual return on plan assets                                    (2,505)          (623)        (2,215)
    Net amortization and deferral                                    1,441         (1,181)          (521)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    13,222         11,991         11,572
Defined contribution plans                                           3,458          3,648          3,669
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total pension and severance expense                            $16,680        $15,639        $15,241

     The  projected   benefit  obligations   were  determined  using
assumed discount rates of  approximately 9 1/4% in 1995  and 1994
for  unfunded Central  and South  American pension  and severance
benefits and  approximately 7 3/4% in 1995 and 7% in 1994 for all
other plan benefits.   The assumed long-term rate of compensation
increase was between  5% and 6% in 1995 and  1994 and the assumed
long-term rate of return  on plan assets was approximately  9% in
1995 and 1994.
   Pensions are funded in accordance with  the requirements of the
Employee  Retirement Income  Security  Act or  equivalent foreign
regulations.   Plan assets  consist primarily of  corporate debt,
U.S. government  and  agency  obligations  and  collective  trust
funds.  In accordance  with local regulations, severance benefits
in  Central  and South  America  are generally  not  funded until
benefits are paid.

   The  funded  status  of  the  Company's  domestic  and  foreign
defined benefit pension and severance plans is as follows:

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Plans for which                   Plans for which
                                                       Assets Exceed                  Accumulated Benefits
                                                     Accumulated Benefits                 Exceed Assets
                                                       at December 31,                   at December 31,
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                      1995           1994             1995           1994
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plan assets at fair market value                   $6,723        $15,193          $16,836        $22,587
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Present value of benefit obligations:
    Vested                                          4,933         13,875           74,720         67,056
    Nonvested                                          56             37              965          4,182
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accumulated benefit obligation                      4,989         13,912           75,685         71,238
Additional amounts related to
  projected pay increases                           2,094            854           19,286         18,333
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation                        7,083         14,766           94,971         89,571
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation less than
  (in excess of) plan assets                         (360)           427          (78,135)       (66,984)
Projected benefit obligation not yet
  recognized in the balance sheet:
      Net actuarial (gain) loss                       690           (414)          18,661          9,705
      Prior service cost                              224             --            3,262          2,333
      Obligation (asset) at transition, 
          net of amortization                         (39)           (45)           5,109          6,295
Adjustment required to recognize
  minimum liability                                    --             --           (7,746)            --
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net balance sheet asset (liability)                  $515           $(32)        $(58,849)*     $(48,651)*

*Includes $56 million in 1995 and $47 million in 1994 relating to
foreign pension and severance  plans that are not required  to be
funded until benefits are paid.

 The  adjustment  required  to  recognize   the  minimum  pension
liability  is  based on  the  excess of  the  accumulated benefit
obligation  over the fair market  value of assets  of Central and
South American  severance plans.   This  adjustment is  offset by
recording an intangible asset.

Note 10 -- Stock Options
 Under its  non-qualified 1986 Stock  Option and Incentive  Plan,
the Company may grant  up to an aggregate of 15,000,000 shares of
capital stock in  the form of  stock options, stock  appreciation
rights  and stock  awards.   Under this  plan, options  have been
granted  to  directors,  officers  and  other  key  employees  to
purchase shares of the Company's capital stock at the fair market
value at the date of grant.  The options may be exercised over  a
period not in excess of 20 years.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    1995                              1994
                                                           Option                             Option
                                          Shares            Price            Shares            Price
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Under option at beginning 
    of year                              5,213,758      $5.75 - 34.44       5,451,768      $5.75 - 47.75

Options granted                          1,764,460      12.31 - 15.88         287,165      11.44 - 17.06

Options exercised                         (331,691)      5.75 - 16.38        (118,133                   )8.67 - 16.38

Options canceled or expired               (653,555)     10.31 - 34.44        (407,042                   )8.67 - 47.75
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Under option at end of year              5,992,972      $8.67 - 34.44       5,213,758      $5.75 - 34.44
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Options exercisable at end of year       2,439,015                          2,234,823
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares available for future grant        6,365,296                          7,968,754
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Stock  options for 17,120 shares were exercised  during 1993 at
prices ranging from $8.67 to $16.13 per share.
   In  October  1995,  the  FASB  issued  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting   Standards  No.   123  "Accounting   for  Stock-Based
Compensation" ("SFAS No. 123")  effective for 1996.  The  Company
intends to continue to  use its current method of  accounting for
stock-based  compensation,  as   permitted  by   SFAS  No.   123.
Therefore,  the new  rule will  have no  effect on  the Company's
financial statements.

Note 11 -- Shareholders' Equity
   At December  31, 1995, there were 150 million authorized shares
of  capital  stock.   Of the  shares  authorized but  unissued at
December 31, 1995, 14.8 million shares were reserved for issuance
under stock option and employee benefit plans, 3.2 million shares
were reserved for conversion  of subordinated debentures, and 7.6
million shares were reserved for conversion of preferred stock at
the holders   option.   In addition, Chiquita  has reserved  21.1
million  shares  for  the  maximum additional  number  of  shares
potentially issuable  upon conversion  of preferred stock  at the
Company's option after February 2001.

   During  the fourth  quarter of  1995, Chiquita  issued  725,000
shares  of  capital  stock  in  repayment  of  $11.2  million  of
subsidiary debt.
   In  February 1994, the  Company sold 2,875,000 shares of $2.875
Non-Voting Cumulative Preferred Stock,  Series A, par value $1.00
per share (the "Series  A Shares") for aggregate net  proceeds of
$138 million.  Each  Series A Share has a  liquidation preference
of $50.00 per share and is entitled to an annual cash dividend of
$2.875 per share.  Each Series A Share is convertible into 2.6316
shares of capital  stock at  the holder's option  or, in  certain
circumstances  beginning  in  February  1997,  at  the  Company s
option.  After February 2001, the Company may convert each Series
A Share into a number of capital shares (not exceeding 10 shares)
having  a total  market value  of $50.00.   Holders  of  Series A
Shares have the  right to elect additional directors  in addition
to  the directors ordinarily elected  by holders of capital stock
in certain circumstances where the Company fails to pay quarterly
dividends on the preferred stock.  The Board of Directors has the
authority to fix the terms of 7,125,000 additional shares of Non-
Voting Cumulative Preferred Stock.
   The Company  has four million  authorized shares of  Cumulative
Preference Stock, one million of which  were designated as Series
C  Shares.    In  1995,  all  outstanding  shares of  Mandatorily
Exchangeable Cumulative Preference Stock, Series C were converted
into capital stock.

Note 12 - Income Taxes
    Income taxes consist of the following:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            United States
(In thousands)                                          Federal      State          Foreign       Total
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current tax expense                                     $1,218      $1,011          $12,657      $14,886
Deferred tax benefit                                        --          --             (986)        (986)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        $1,218      $1,011          $11,671      $13,900
Current tax expense                                        $--      $1,024          $11,566      $12,590
Deferred tax expense                                        --          --              910          910
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           $--      $1,024          $12,476      $13,500
Current tax expense                                        $--      $1,944          $13,247      $15,191
Deferred tax benefit                                        --          --           (3,191)      (3,191)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           $--      $1,944          $10,056      $12,000

    Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes consists of the following:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)
Subject to tax in:                                               1995            1994              1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States                                                 $(17,735)       $(111,776)        $(94,314)
Foreign jurisdictions                                           59,604           40,965           55,233
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              $ 41,869        $ (70,811)        $(39,081)

    Income tax  expense  differs from  income  taxes  computed at  the  U.S. federal  statutory rate  for  the
following reasons:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                                  1995              1994             1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income tax expense (benefit) computed at U.S.
    federal statutory rate                                     $14,654         $(24,784)        $(13,678)
U.S. alternative minimum tax, net of credit                        821               --               --
State income taxes, net of federal benefit                         657              666            1,264
U.S. losses for which no tax benefit has
    been recognized                                                 --           34,012           19,694
Foreign losses for which no tax benefit has
    been recognized                                             21,563           19,406           13,166
Taxes on foreign operations at other than 
    U.S. rates                                                 (10,968)         (19,914)         (12,005)
Use of U.S. net operating loss carryforwards                   (11,959)              --               --
Other                                                             (868)           4,114            3,559
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income tax expense                                             $13,900         $ 13,500         $ 12,000

    The components of deferred income  taxes included on the balance sheet  at December 31, 1995 and 1994  are
as follows:
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                                                 1995              1994
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax benefits
    Employee benefits                                                         $24,003          $23,194
    Accrued expenses                                                           27,291           23,626
    Discontinued operations                                                        --           21,430
    Other                                                                      16,932           15,832
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               68,226           84,082
    Valuation allowance                                                        (2,600)         (14,442)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               65,626           69,640
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax liabilities
    Depreciation and amortization                                             (22,837)         (22,016)
    Growing crops                                                             (20,968)         (20,968)
    Long-term debt                                                            (11,583)         (16,072)
    Other                                                                     (11,344)         (14,032)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                              (66,732)         (73,088)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Net deferred tax liability                                       $ (1,106)        $ (3,448)

     Net  deferred taxes do  not reflect  the benefit  that would be
available to the Company from the use  of its U.S. operating loss
carryforwards of $180 million,  capital loss carryforwards of $37
million,  alternative  minimum  tax  credits of  $6  million  and
foreign tax credit  carryforwards of $21 million.   The operating
loss carryforwards  expire  in 2008  and 2009,  the capital  loss
carryforwards  expire   in  2000  and  the   foreign  tax  credit
carryforwards  expire  between  now   and  1999.    Undistributed
earnings of foreign subsidiaries which have been, or are intended
to be,  permanently reinvested in operating  assets, if remitted,
are  expected to  result in  little  or no  tax  by operation  of
relevant  statutes  and  the  carryforward  attributes  described
   Cash  payments for  income taxes,  net of  refunds, were  $14.4
million in 1995, $12.1 million in 1994 and $17.0 million in 1993.

Note 13 -- Geographic Area Information
   The  Company   is  one  of   the  world's  leading   marketers,
processors and producers of  quality food products. The Company's
products  are  sold  throughout   the  world  and  its  principal
production and processing 

operations  are conducted  in Central,  South and  North America.
With  the  sale  of its  remaining  Meat  Division  operations in
December 1995,  the Company s continuing operations  constitute a
single business segment.
   Chiquita's  earnings are heavily  dependent upon products grown
and  purchased in Central and South America.  These activities, a
significant  factor  in  the  economies of  the  countries  where
Chiquita produces  bananas and  related products, are  subject to
the  risks  that  are  inherent  in  operating  in  such  foreign
countries, including government regulation, currency restrictions
and other restraints, risk of expropriation and burdensome taxes.
Certain  of  these operations  are  substantially  dependent upon
leases and other agreements with these governments.
   The  Company  is  also  subject to  a  variety  of governmental
regulations  in  certain  countries  where  it  markets  bananas,
including import  quotas and tariffs,  currency exchange controls
and taxes.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)                                                 1995            1994              1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales to unaffiliated customers
    North America                                           $1,261,422       $1,224,114       $1,238,678
    Central and South America                                  177,419          179,726          184,060
    Europe and other international                           1,127,151        1,101,986        1,110,187
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated net sales                                      $2,565,992       $2,505,826       $2,532,925
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income
    North America                                              $31,203          $(8,370)         $20,469
    Central and South America                                   64,891           19,071           17,607
    Europe and other international                              93,102           73,746           78,691
    Unallocated expenses                                       (13,426)         (13,262)         (12,919)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated operating income                                 $175,770          $71,185         $103,848
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Identifiable assets
    North America                                             $439,385         $493,079         $509,760
    Central and South America                                  835,851          864,232          912,321
    Europe and other international                             409,677          385,241          339,374
    Shipping operations                                        575,761          671,756          656,816
    Corporate assets                                           362,859          359,931          304,553
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated assets                                         $2,623,533       $2,774,239       $2,722,824
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Net sales  in the preceding  table excludes intercompany  sales
of bananas from Central and South America to different geographic
areas.   These sales, which  are eliminated in  consolidation and
are  measured  at  cost  under  the  method   used  for  internal
management  financial reporting purposes, were approximately $500
million in  each  of the  last  three  years.   Banana  sales  to
unaffiliated  customers in  Central and  South America  and other
intergeographic sales are not significant.
   In 1995, divestitures  of certain operations and other  actions
(see  Note 3) had the effect of increasing (decreasing) operating
income by  geographic  area  as follows:    North  America,  $(9)
million;  Central and  South America,  $37 million;   Europe  and
other  international, $(9)  million.   Operating income  for 1994
includes   charges  and  losses  totaling  $67 million  primarily
resulting   from   farm  closings   and  write-downs   of  banana
cultivations  in Honduras  and the  substantial reduction  of the
Company's Japanese "green" banana trading operations  as follows:
North  America, $(27)  million; Europe  and other  international,
$(40) million. 

   For  purposes of  reporting identifiable  assets by  geographic
area,  cash and  equivalents,  marketable securities,  restricted
cash, trademarks  and the  net assets of  discontinued operations
are included  in corporate  assets.  Minority  equity investments
are included  in the geographic  area where their  operations are

Note 14 -- Litigation
   A number  of  legal actions  are pending  against the  Company.
Based  on  information currently  available  to  the Company  and
advice of  counsel, management  does not believe  such litigation
will, individually or  in the aggregate, have  a material adverse
effect on the financial statements of the Company.

Note 15 -- Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)
   The following  quarterly financial data  are unaudited, but  in
the opinion of management include all necessary adjustments for a
fair presentation of  the interim results,  which are subject  to
significant seasonal variations.

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands, except per 
    share amounts)                           March 31          June 30         Sept. 30          Dec. 31
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                                    $674,269         $727,519         $569,005         $595,199
Cost of sales                                (495,995)        (547,336)        (437,884)        (476,848)
Operating income                               76,220           70,164           25,341            4,045
Income (loss) from continuing operations       33,599           32,095           (8,278)         (29,447)
Discontinued operations                         4,029            2,035           (2,713)         (14,548)
Income (loss) before extraordinary item        37,628           34,130          (10,991)         (43,995)
Extraordinary loss from debt refinancing           --           (4,713)              --           (2,847)
Net income (loss)                              37,628           29,417          (10,991)         (46,842)
Fully diluted earnings (loss) per share
    - Continuing operations                       .55              .52             (.19)            (.58)
    - Discontinued operations                     .07              .03             (.05)            (.27)
    - Extraordinary item                           --             (.07)              --             (.06)
    - Net income (loss)                           .62              .48             (.24)            (.91)
Dividends per common share                        .05              .05              .05              .05
Capital stock market price
    High                                        14.50            14.00            17.25            18.00
    Low                                         12.25            12.63            13.63            13.38

- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In thousands, except per
    share amounts)                           March 31          June 30         Sept. 30          Dec. 31
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                                    $672,468         $660,710         $564,314         $608,334
Cost of sales                                (488,395)        (477,319)        (502,150)        (528,315)
Operating income (loss)                        81,183           70,133          (44,891)         (35,240)
Income (loss) from continuing operations       35,534           30,945          (80,652)         (70,138)
Discontinued operations                            --               --               --           35,611
Extraordinary loss from debt refinancing      (22,840)              --            --               --
Net income (loss)                              12,694           30,945          (80,652)         (34,527)
Fully diluted earnings (loss) per share
    - Continuing operations                       .62              .51            (1.59)           (1.38)
    - Discontinued operations                      --               --               --              .68
    - Extraordinary item                         (.40)              --               --               --
    - Net income (loss)                           .22              .51            (1.59)            (.70)
Dividends per common share                        .05              .05              .05              .05
Capital stock market price
    High                                        19.25            17.63            17.00            16.50
    Low                                         11.25            12.13            12.13            12.38

     Operating  income for  the  quarter ended  September  30,  1995
includes  a net gain of $5.8 million resulting primarily from the
sale of older  ships.  For the  quarter ended December  31, 1995,
results include  net gains  of $13.5 million  primarily resulting
from  divestitures of operations and other  actions taken as part
of the  Company s ongoing  program to improve  shareholder value.
The  operating  loss for  the  quarter ended  September  30, 1994
includes charges  and  losses totaling  $57.2  million  primarily
resulting   from  farm   closings  and   write-downs  of   banana
cultivations  in Honduras  and the  substantial reduction  of the
Company's Japanese  "green" banana  trading operations.   For the
quarter ended December 31, 1994, results include $10.3 million of
charges and losses primarily  resulting from write-downs of ships
held for sale  and losses from the  scale-back of   the Company's
Japanese "green" banana trading operations.
   A separate computation of earnings per  share is made for  each
quarter presented.   The  dilutive effect  on earnings  per share
resulting  from the  assumed conversions  of preferred  stock and
convertible debt and  exercise of stock  options and warrants  is
included  in each quarter in which dilution occurs.  The earnings
per  share  computation  for  the   year  is  a  separate  annual
calculation.  Accordingly, the sum of  the quarterly earnings per
share  amounts will not necessarily equal  the earnings per share
for the year.

Investor Information
                                                                           Chiquita Brands International, Inc.
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stock Exchange Listings                            Trustees and Transfer Agents -
New York, Boston & Pacific                           Debentures/Notes

Stock Symbol                                       7% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due
CQB                                                    March 28, 2001
                                                     Trustee -
Shareholders of Record                                 Chemical Bank
At March 1, 1996, there were 6,535                     450 West 33rd Street
common shareholders of record.                         New York, New York    10001

Transfer Agent and Registrar -                       Transfer, Paying and Conversion Agents -
  Capital Stock and $2.875 Non-Voting                  Chemical Bank - London, England
  Cumulative Preferred Stock Series A                  Banque Paribas Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Chiquita Brands International, Inc.                    Banque Bruxelles Lambert S.A.-Brussels, Belgium
c/o Securities Transfer Company                        Bank Leu, Ltd.-Zurich, Switzerland
One East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202                             9 1/8% Senior Notes due March 1, 2004*
(513) 579-2414                                     9 5/8% Senior Notes due January 15, 2004*
(800) 368-3417                                       Trustee -
                                                       The Fifth Third Bank
Dividend Reinvestment                                  38 Fountain Square Plaza
Shareholders who hold at least 100 common              Cincinnati, OH   45263
shares may increase their investment in
Chiquita shares through the Dividend               10 1/2% Subordinated Debentures due August 1, 2004*
Reinvestment Plan without payment of any           11 1/2% Subordinated Notes due June 1, 2001*
brokerage commission or service charge.              Trustee-
Full details concerning the Plan may be                Star Bank, N.A.
obtained from Corporate Affairs or the                 425 Walnut Street
Transfer Agennt.                                       Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Annual Meeting                                       *Chiquita Brands International, Inc., c/o Securities
May 8, 1996                                            Transfer Company, is transfer agent for these Notes
10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time                          and Debentures
Omni Netherland Plaza
35 West Fifth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Investor Inquiries
For other questions concerning your
investment in Chiquita, contact Vice
President, Corporate Affairs at (513)
