Washington, D.C. 20549

                              FORM 10-K




       For the transition period from ______ to ______

                      Commission File Number 1-6788


          (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

    Connecticut                                       06-0571640
(State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

157 Church Street, New Haven, Connecticut              06506
(Address of principal executive offices)             (Zip Code)

     Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 203-499-2000

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                   Name of each exchange on
   Title of each class                             which registered    
   -------------------                             ------------------------
Common Stock, no par value                          New York Stock Exchange
8.80% Preferred Stock ($25 par value per share)     New York Stock Exchange

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  Common Stock,
no par value 

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X   No     
                                                     ---     ---

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained,
to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information
statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K.   [  ]

The aggregate market value of the registrant's voting stock held by non-
affiliates on January 31, 1994 was $524,639,840, computed on the basis of
the average of the high and low sale prices of said stock reported in the
listing of composite transactions for New York Stock Exchange listed
securities, published in The Wall Street Journal on February 1, 1994.

The number of shares outstanding of the registrant's only class of common
stock, as of January 31, 1994, was 14,084,291.


                                          Part of this Form 10-K into
      Document                            which document is incorporated
      --------                            ------------------------------
Definitive Proxy Statement, dated
April 8, 1994, for Annual Meeting of the
Shareholders to be held on May 18, 1994.               III

                               THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                                         FORM 10-K
                                      December 31, 1993

                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

GLOSSARY                                                                  4 

Part I

   Item 1.   Business.                                                    6 

   -   General                                                            6 

   -   Franchises, Regulation and Competition                             6 

       - Franchises                                                       6

       - Regulation                                                       7

       - Competition                                                      7

   -   Rates                                                              8 

   -   Financing                                                          9 

   -   Fuel Supply                                                       11 

       - Fossil Fuel                                                     11 

       - Nuclear Fuel                                                    12 

   -   Arrangements with Other Utilities                                 13 

       - Hydro-Quebec                                                    13 

   -   Environmental Regulation                                          13 

   -   Employees                                                         16 

   Item 2.  Properties.                                                  17 

   -   Generating Facilities                                             17 

       - Tabulation of Peak Loads, Resources, and Margins                18 

   -   Transmission and Distribution Plant                               19 

   -   Seabrook                                                          20 

   -   Capital Expenditure Program                                       21 

   -   Nuclear Generation                                                22 

       - Insurance Requirements                                          22 

       - Waste Disposal and Decommissioning                              23 

   Item 3.  Legal Proceedings.                                           24 

   Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.         25 

   Executive Officers of the Company                                     26 

                                    - 1 -

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)

Part II

   Item 5.  Market for the Company's Common Equity and Related
              Stockholder Matters.                                       29

   Item 6.  Selected Financial Data.                                     30

   Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
              Condition and Results of Operations.                       34

   -   Major Influences on Financial Condition                           34

   -   Liquidity and Capital Resources                                   34

   -   Results of Operations                                             36

   -   Outlook                                                           38

   -   Inflation                                                         39

   Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.                 40

   -   Consolidated Statements for the Years Ended
           December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991                              40 

       - Income Statement                                                40

       - Cash Flows                                                      41

       - Balance Sheet                                                   42

       - Retained Earnings                                               44

   -   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                        45

       - Statement of Accounting Policies                                45

       - Capitalization                                                  48

       - Rate-Related Regulatory Proceedings                             53

       - Accounting for Phase-in Plan                                    54

       - Income Taxes                                                    55

       - Short-Term Credit Arrangements                                  56

       - Supplementary Information                                       59

       - Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits                      60

       - Jointly Owned Plant                                             64

       - Unamortized Cancelled Nuclear Project                           64

       - Fuel Financing Obligations and Other Lease Obligations          64

       - Commitments and Contingencies                                   65

           - Capital Expenditure Program                                 65

           - Seabrook                                                    65

           - Nuclear Insurance Contingencies                             66

                                    - 2 -

Part II (continued)

           - Other Commitments and Contingencies                         67

             - Hydro-Quebec                                              67

             - Reorganization Charge                                     67

             - Site Remediation Costs                                    67

             - Property Taxes                                            67

       - Nuclear Fuel Disposal and Nuclear Plant Decommissioning         67

         - Environmental Concerns                                        69

       - Change in Method of Accounting for Property Taxes               69

       - Fair Value of Financial Instruments                             70

       - Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)                            71

   Report of Independent Accountants                                     72

   Item 9.  Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on 
              Accounting and Financial Disclosures.                    

Part III

   Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Company             73

   Item 11.  Executive Compensation.                                     73

   Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
              Management.                                                73

   Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.             73

Part IV

   Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on
              Form 8-K.                                                  74

   Consent of Independent Accountants                                    81

   Signatures                                                            82

                                   - 3 -


     Certain capitalized terms used in this Annual Report have the
following meanings, and such meanings shall apply to terms both
singular and plural unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

     "BEC" means Bridgeport Electric Company.

     "CL&P" means The Connecticut Light and Power Company.

     "CLM" means conservation and load management program.

     "Company" or "UI" means The United Illuminating Company.

     "CSC" means the Connecticut Siting Council.

     "Connecticut Yankee" means the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power

     "Connecticut Yankee Unit" means the nuclear electric generating
      unit owned and operated by Connecticut Yankee.

     "DEP" means the Connecticut Department of Environmental

     "DOE" means the United States Department of Energy.

     "DPUC" means the Connecticut Department of Public Utility

     "EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

     "EUA" means Eastern Utilities Associates.

     "EUA Power" means EUA Power Corporation.

     "FERC" means the United States Federal Energy Regulatory

     "FCA" means fossil fuel adjustment clause.

     "Hydro-Quebec" means a transmission line facility intertie
      linking New England and Quebec, Canada.

     "LLW" means low-level radioactive wastes.

     "Millstone Unit 3" means the nuclear electric generating unit
      located in Waterford, Connecticut, which is jointly owned by UI and
      thirteen other New England electric utilities.

     "NDFC" means the Nuclear Decommissioning Finance Committee.

     "NEPOOL" means the New England Power Pool.

     "NRC" means the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

                                  - 4 -

GLOSSARY (continued)

     "NU" means Northeast Utilities.

     "OPEB" means other postretirement benefits.

     "PCBs" means polychlorinated biphenyls.

     "Preferred Stock" means capital stock of the Company having
      preferential dividend andliquidation rights over shares of the
      Company's other classes of capital stock.

     "PSNH" means Public Service Company of New Hampshire.

     "RCI" means Research Center, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of

     "RCRA" means the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

     "Seabrook Unit 1" means nuclear generating unit No. 1 located in
      Seabrook, New Hampshire, which is jointly owned by UI and eleven other
      New England electric utilities.

     "Seabrook Unit 2" means nuclear generating unit No. 2 proposed
      to be located in Seabrook, New Hampshire, on which all construction was
      terminated in April 1984, and which was cancelled in 1984.

     "SEC" means Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "SFAS" means Statement of Financial Accounting Standards.

     "TSCA" means the federal Toxic Substances Control Act.

     "UEI" means United Energy International, Inc., a wholly-owned
      subsidiary of UI.

     "Unit 1" means Seabrook Unit 1.

     "UI" or "Company" means The United Illuminating Company.

     "URI" means United Resources, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of

     "VEBA" means Voluntary Employees' Benefit Association Trusts.

     "Ventana" means Ventana Corporation, a subsidiary of UI.

     "VERP" means the Voluntary Early Retirement Program.

                                   - 5 -

                             PART I

Item 1. Business.

     The United Illuminating Company is an operating electric public
utility company, incorporated under the laws of the State of
Connecticut in 1899.  It is engaged principally in the production,
purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity for
residential, commercial and industrial purposes in a service area
of about 335 square miles in the southwestern part of the State of
Connecticut.  The population of this area is approximately 698,000,
or 21% of the population of the State.  The service area, largely
urban and suburban in character, includes the principal cities of
Bridgeport (population 135,250) and New Haven (population 123,470)
and their surrounding areas.  Situated in the service area are
retail trade and service centers, as well as large and small
industries producing a wide variety of products, including
helicopters and other transportation equipment, electrical
equipment, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.  Of the Company's 1993
retail electric revenues, approximately 39% was derived from
residential sales, 43% from commercial sales, 16% from industrial
sales and 2% from other sales.

     UI has four wholly-owned subsidiaries.  Bridgeport Electric
Company, a single-purpose corporation, owns and leases to UI a
generating unit at Bridgeport Harbor Station.  Research Center,
Inc. (RCI) has been formed to participate in the development of one
or more regulated power production ventures, including possible
participation in arrangements for the future development of
independent power production and cogeneration facilities.  United
Energy International, Inc. (UEI) has been formed to facilitate
participation in a proposed joint venture relating to power
production plants abroad.  United Resources, Inc. (URI) serves as
the parent corporation for several unregulated businesses, each of
which is incorporated separately to participate in business
ventures that will complement and enhance UI's electric utility
business and serve the interests of the Company and its
shareholders and customers.

     Four wholly-owned subsidiaries of URI have been incorporated. 
Souwestcon Properties, Inc. is participating as a 25% partner in
the ownership of a medical hotel building in New Haven.  A second
wholly-owned subsidiary of URI is Thermal Energies, Inc., which is
participating in the development of district heating and cooling
water facilities in the downtown New Haven area, including the
energy center for an office tower and participation as a 37%
partner in the energy center for a new city hall and office tower
complex.  A third URI subsidiary, Precision Power, Inc., provides
power-related equipment and services to the owners of commercial
buildings and industrial facilities.  A fourth URI subsidiary,
American Payment Systems, Inc., manages agents and equipment for
electronic data processing of bill payments made by customers of
utilities, including UI, at neighborhood businesses.  In addition
to these subsidiaries, URI also has an 82% ownership interest in
Ventana Corporation, which offers energy conservation engineering
and project management services to governmental and private

     The Board of Directors of the Company has authorized the
investment of a maximum of $13.5 million, in the aggregate, of the
Company's assets in all of URI's ventures, UEI and RCI, and, at
December 31, 1993, approximately $10.6 million had been so



     Subject to the power of alteration, amendment or repeal by the
Connecticut legislature, and subject to certain approvals, permits
and consents of public authorities and others prescribed by
statute, the Company has valid franchises to engage in the
production, purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of
electricity in the area served by it, the right to erect and
maintain certain facilities on public highways and grounds, and the
power of eminent domain.

                                 - 6 -


     The Company is subject to regulation by the Connecticut
Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC), which has jurisdiction
with respect to, among other things, retail electric service rates,
accounting procedures, certain dispositions of property and plant,
mergers and consolidations, the issuance of securities, certain
standards of service, management efficiency, operation and
construction, and the location and construction of certain electric
facilities.  See "Rates".  The DPUC consists of five Commissioners,
appointed by the Governor of Connecticut with the advice and
consent of both houses of the Connecticut legislature.

     The location and construction of certain electric facilities is
also subject to regulation by the Connecticut Siting Council with
respect to environmental compatibility and public need.  See
"Environmental Regulation".

     UI is a "public utility" within the meaning of Part II of the
Federal Power Act and is subject to regulation by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which has jurisdiction with
respect to interconnection and coordination of facilities,
wholesale electric service rates and accounting procedures, among
other things.  See "Arrangements with Other Utilities".

     The Company is a holder of licenses under the Atomic Energy Act
of 1954, as amended, and, as such, is subject to the jurisdiction
of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), which has
broad regulatory and supervisory jurisdiction with respect to the
construction and operation of nuclear reactors, including matters
of public health and safety, financial qualifications, antitrust
considerations and environmental impact.  Connecticut Yankee is
also subject to this NRC regulatory and supervisory jurisdiction. 
See Item 2. Properties - "Nuclear Generation".

     The Company is subject to the jurisdiction of the New Hampshire
Public Utilities Commission for limited purposes in connection with
its ownership interest in Seabrook Unit 1.  See Item 2.  Properties
- - "Seabrook".


     The electric utility industry has become, and can be expected to
be, increasingly competitive, due to a variety of economic,
regulatory and technological developments; and UI is exposed to
competitive forces in varying degrees.

     Although UI has not historically been a major wholesale supplier
of bulk electric power (power sold to other utilities), it has
marketed generating capacity and energy aggressively in recent
years, seeking to sell outside its service territory the power it
produces in excess of the present needs of its own customers that
became available when Seabrook Unit 1 commenced operating in 1990. 
Due to a general oversupply of power in the New England region and
the region's slow economic growth, the Company's wholesale sales
efforts have faced increasing competition; and wholesale sales are
expected to remain relatively weak during the near term.  Moreover,
competition in this market can be expected to increase by reason of
the federal Energy Policy Act of 1992, which was designed to foster
competition in the wholesale market by facilitating the ownership
and operation of independently-owned generating facilities and
authorizing the FERC to order electric utilities to furnish
transmission service to the owners of these generating facilities. 
Competition can also be expected to increase in the wholesale power
market due to the entry of brokers and marketers, who buy and sell
generating capacity and energy without owning or operating any
generating or transmission facilities.

     In UI's principal market, retail sales of electricity in the
Company's franchised service territory, competitive pressures are
rising from several sources.  Industrial and large commercial
customers may have the ability to own and operate facilities that
generate their own electric energy requirements.  If these
facilities satisfy certain statutory requirements, UI can be
required to purchase their output at UI's avoided cost.  These
customers may also substitute natural gas or oil for electricity as
fuel for heating and cooling purposes, and industrial customers may
have the option of relocating their facilities to a lower-cost
environment.  As a result of these pressures, and with the approval
of the DPUC, UI offers special rate and service agreements to
induce industrial and large commercial customers to remain on the
Company's system.  However, to the extent that the Company loses

                                  - 7 -

revenues from customers leaving the system or paying for service
under special rate or service agreements, the Company's only
opportunity to replace such revenues will be through increased
wholesale sales and retail sales growth.  The Company is not
capitalizing these "lost" revenues for future rate recovery and has
publicly stated that it does not plan to seek rate increases for
the foreseeable future.

     The legislatures and regulatory commissions in several states
have considered or are considering "retail wheeling."  This, in
general terms, means the transmission by an electric utility of
energy produced by another entity over the utility's transmission
and distribution system to a retail customer in the utility's own
service territory.  A retail wheeling requirement would have the
effect of permitting retail customers to purchase electric capacity
and energy, at the election of such customers, from the electric
utility in whose service area they are located or from any other
electric utility or independent power producer anywhere.  The DPUC
has commenced a proceeding to investigate the pros and cons of
retail wheeling.


     The Company's retail electric service rates are subject to
regulation by the DPUC.

     UI's present general retail rate structure consists of various
rate and service classifications covering residential, commercial,
industrial and street lighting services.  

     On December 16, 1992, the DPUC approved levelized rate increases
of 2.66% ($15.8 million) in 1993 and 2.66% (an additional $17.3
million) in 1994, including allowed conservation and load
management program (CLM) revenue increases.  The rate increases
total $33.1 million, or 5.4%, over two years.  

     In order to achieve levelized 2.66% rate increases for each of
these two years, the DPUC determined that the recovery of $13.1
million of sales adjustment clause revenues would be deferred from
1993 to 1994.

     Utilities are entitled by Connecticut law to revenues sufficient
to allow them to cover their operating and capital costs, to
attract needed capital and maintain their financial integrity,
while also protecting the public interest.  Accordingly, the DPUC's
1992 rate decision authorized a return on equity of 12.4% for
ratemaking purposes.  However, the Company may earn up to 1% above
this level before a mandatory review is required by the DPUC.

     Since January 1971, UI has had a fossil fuel adjustment clause
(FCA) in virtually all of its retail rates.  The DPUC is required
by law to convene an administrative proceeding prior to approving
FCA charges or credits for each month.  The law permits automatic
implementation of the charges or credits if the DPUC fails to act
within five days of the administrative proceeding, although all
such charges and credits are also subject to further review and
appropriate adjustment by the DPUC at public hearings required to
be held at least every three months.  The DPUC has made no material
changes in UI's FCA charges and credits as the result of any of
these proceedings or hearings.

                                - 8 -


     The Company's capital requirements are presently projected as

                                1994      1995      1996      1997      1998
                                ----      ----      ----      ----      ----
Capital Expenditure Program  $ 73,424  $ 84,876  $ 82,632  $ 51,324  $ 74,304
Long-term Debt Maturities      53,000    97,000      -       50,000   100,000
Mandatory Redemptions/
 Repayments                    60,333    66,134    12,770    15,171    15,562
                              -------   -------   -------   -------   -------

Total Capital Requirements   $186,757  $248,010  $ 95,402  $116,495  $189,866
                              =======   =======   =======   =======   =======

     The Company presently estimates that its cash on hand and
temporary cash investments at the beginning of 1994, totaling $48.2
million, and its projected net cash provided by operations, less
dividends, of $102 million, less capital expenditures of $73.4
million, will be insufficient to fund the Company's 1994
requirements for long-term debt maturities and mandatory
redemptions and repayments, amounting to $113.3 million, by $36
million.  The Company currently anticipates that its projected net
cash provided by operations, less dividends and capital
expenditures, for 1995 will be insufficient to fund the Company's
1995 requirements for long-term debt maturities and mandatory
redemptions and repayments, by approximately $138 million.  The
Company currently anticipates that its projected net cash provided
by operations, less dividends and capital expenditures, for 1996
through 1998 will be insufficient to fund the Company's
requirements for long-term debt maturities and mandatory
redemptions and repayments in the years 1996 through 1998, in
amounts that cannot now be predicted accurately, but which may be
substantial in the aggregate, depending on the levels of the
Company's sales, wholesale and retail rates, operation and
maintenance costs and taxes.  All of the Company's capital
requirements that exceed available net cash will have to be
provided by external financing; and the Company has no commitment
to provide such financing from any source of funds.  The Company
expects to be able to satisfy its external financing needs by
issuing common stock and additional short-term and long-term debt,
although the continued availability of these methods of financing
will be dependent on many factors, including conditions in the
securities markets, economic conditions, and the level of the
Company's income and cash flow.  

     In January 1993, the net proceeds from the liquidation of an
investment in tax-exempt municipal debt instruments were used to
pay $60 million principal amount of maturing 10.32% First Mortgage
Bonds of the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Bridgeport Electric
Company; to repay a $7.5 million 13.1% term loan; to repay short-
term borrowings incurred for the August 1, 1992 redemption of the
Company's 12% Debentures, due August 1, 2017, and for repayment of
a $7.5 million 12.9% term loan on September 30, 1992; and to repay
short-term borrowings incurred for a $19.1 million rent payment on
December 31, 1992 under the Company's facility sale and leaseback
arrangement for a portion of its ownership interest in Seabrook
Unit 1.

     On September 30, 1993, the Company repaid a $5 million 12.9%
term loan with funds obtained through short-term borrowings.

     On September 17, 1993, the Company invited the owners of
$68,400,000 aggregate principal amount of 14 1/2% Pollution Control
Revenue Bonds, due October 1 and December 1, 2009, ("Bonds") to
sell to the Company, for cash, any and all of the Bonds.  The Bonds
were issued in 1984 by The Industrial Development Authority of the
State of New Hampshire ("NHIDA"), which loaned the issue proceeds
to the Company to pay for the cost of installing pollution control
facilities at the Seabrook nuclear generating plant in New
Hampshire; and the Business Finance Authority of the State of New
Hampshire ("NHBFA"), successor to the NHIDA, agreed to issue
Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds ("Refunding Bonds") in a
principal amount equal to the aggregate principal amount of Bonds
purchased by the Company and surrendered to the Bond trustee for
cancellation, and to loan the issue proceeds of the Refunding Bonds
to the Company to pay for part of the purchase price of the Bonds
being purchased and cancelled.  On October 15, 1993, the Company
accepted offers from holders of $64,460,000 aggregate principal
amount of the Bonds to sell them for an aggregate purchase price of
$75,710,000.  On October 26, 1993, the NHBFA issued and sold
$64,460,000 principal amount of 5 7/8%

                                - 9 -

Refunding Bonds, due October 1, 2033, and loaned the issue proceeds
to the Company, which used them to pay a portion of the purchase
price of the Bonds.  The remainder of the purchase price was funded
with the proceeds of short-term borrowings.

     On December 7, 1993, the Company issued and sold $100 million
principal amount of five-year and one month Notes at a coupon rate
of 6.20%.  The net proceeds were used to repay $60 million
principal amount of maturing 10.32% First Mortgage Bonds of the
Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Bridgeport Electric Company in
January 1994; to repay a $5 million 13.1% term loan in January 1994
and for general corporate purposes, including repayment of
short-term borrowings.

     The Company has a revolving credit agreement with a group of
banks, which currently extends to January 19, 1995.  The borrowing
limit of this facility is $75 million.  The facility permits the
Company to borrow funds at a fluctuating interest rate determined
by the prime lending market in New York, and also permits the
Company to borrow money for fixed periods of time specified by the
Company at fixed interest rates determined by the Eurodollar
interbank market in London, by the certificate of deposit market in
New York, or by bidding, at the Company's option.  If a material
adverse change in the business, operations, affairs, assets or
condition, financial or otherwise, or prospects of the Company and
its subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis, should occur, the banks
may decline to lend additional money to the Company under this
revolving credit agreement, although borrowings outstanding at the
time of such an occurrence would not then become due and payable. 
As of December 31, 1993, the Company had no short-term borrowings
outstanding under this facility.

     The Company's long-term debt instruments do not limit the amount
of short-term debt that the Company may issue.  The Company's
revolving credit agreement described in the previous paragraph
requires it to maintain an available earnings/interest charges
ratio of not less than 1.5:1.0 for each 12-month period ending on
the last day of each calendar quarter.

     The Company had a $50 million term loan facility with a group of
banks during 1993.  Under this agreement, the Company chose an
interest rate from among three alternatives:  (i) a fluctuating
interest rate determined by the prime lending market in New York;
(ii) a fixed interest rate determined by the Eurodollar interbank
market in London; and (iii) a fixed interest rate determined by the
certificate of deposit market in New York.  On February 1, 1993,
the Company borrowed $50 million from this group of banks, using
the proceeds to repay short-term borrowings and other current
obligations.  On December 3, 1993, the Company repaid the $50
million borrowing and terminated the agreement.

     The Company had a term loan agreement with PruLease, Inc.
(PruLease) that expired on December 1, 1993.  This agreement was
executed on December 31, 1992, when the Company borrowed $49.1
million from PruLease and purchased all the nuclear fuel that was
owned by PruLease and leased to the Company on that date.  This
loan, which was collateralized by a first lien on the Company's
ownership interest in the nuclear fuel for Seabrook Unit 1, was
repaid in full at maturity.

     The Company has a Fossil Fuel Supply Agreement with a financial
institution providing for financing up to $37.5 million in fossil
fuel purchases.  Under this agreement, the financing entity
acquires and stores natural gas, coal and fuel oil for sale to the
Company, and the Company purchases these fossil fuels from the
financing entity at a price for each type of fuel that reimburses
the financing entity for the direct costs it has incurred in
purchasing and storing the fuel, plus a charge for maintaining an
inventory of the fuel determined by reference to the fluctuating
interest rate on thirty-day, dealer-placed commercial paper in New
York.  The Company is obligated to insure the fuel inventories and
to indemnify the financing entity against all liabilities, taxes
and other expenses incurred as a result of its ownership, storage
and sale of fossil fuel to the Company.  This agreement currently
extends to February 1995.  At December 31, 1993, approximately
$10.1 million of fossil fuel purchases were being financed under
this agreement.

     The Company's Preferred Stock provisions prohibit the issuance
of additional Preferred Stock unless the Company's after-tax income
for a period of twelve consecutive months ending not more than 90
days prior to such issuance is at least one and one-half times the
aggregate of annual interest charges on all indebtedness and

                              - 10 -

annual dividends on all Preferred Stock to be outstanding.  The
Preferred Stock provisions also prohibit any increase in long-term
indebtedness unless the Company's after-tax income for a period of
twelve consecutive months ending not more than 90 days prior to
such increase is at least twice the annualized interest charges on
all long-term indebtedness to be outstanding.

     The provisions of the financing documents under which the
Company leases a portion of its entitlement in Seabrook Unit 1 from
an owner trust established for the benefit of an institutional
investor presently require UI to maintain its consolidated annual
after-tax cash earnings available for the payment of interest at a
level that is at least one and one-half times the aggregate
interest charges paid on all indebtedness outstanding during the

     On the basis of the formulas contained in the Preferred Stock
provisions and the Seabrook Unit 1 lease financing documents, the
coverages for each of the five years ended December 31, 1993 are
set forth below.

                            Preferred Stock         Seabrook Lease
                              Provisions              Provisions  
                        ----------------------      ----------------- 
                        Preferred    Long-term      Earnings/Interest
    Year                  Stock    Indebtedness           Ratio     
    ----                ---------  ------------     -----------------
    1989                 3.11         3.54          Not applicable
    1990                 3.38         3.84               1.72
    1991                 3.38         3.77               2.20
    1992                 3.23         3.88               2.41
    1993                 3.33         3.67               2.59

     See Item 7. - "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations" regarding the financing
outlook for 1994 and beyond.

     The success of future financings by the Company will be
dependent on a number of factors, most importantly, conditions in
the securities markets, including the availability and cost of
capital, economic conditions and the level of the Company's income
and cash flow.

     The Company has a 5.45% participating share in Phase II of the
Hydro-Quebec transmission intertie facility linking New England and
Quebec, Canada.  See "Arrangements with Other Utilities -
Hydro-Quebec".  As a participant, the Company is obligated to
furnish a guarantee for its participating share of the debt
financing for Phase II of the facility.  Currently, the Company's
guarantee liability on this account amounts to approximately $9.8

     The Company has a 9.5% common stock ownership share in
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, which owns and operates a
nuclear electric generating station in Haddam Neck, Connecticut. 
Connecticut Yankee plans and implements a construction program that
is essential to maintain its station as a dependable source of
low-cost electric power in New England.  In this regard, the
Company is obligated to furnish 9.5% of Connecticut Yankee's
capital requirements within specified limits.  As a condition of
the debt financing arrangements for Connecticut Yankee's
construction program, the lenders from time to time have required
guarantees from the shareowners of Connecticut Yankee, although no
such guaranteed debt is currently outstanding.

                            FUEL SUPPLY

                            Fossil Fuel

     The Company burns coal, residual oil and natural gas at its
fossil fuel generating stations in Bridgeport and New Haven. 
During 1993, approximately 745,000 tons of coal, 3.2 million
barrels of fuel oil and 266.0 million cubic feet of natural gas
were consumed in the generation of electricity.  The Company leases
fuel oil storage

                              - 11 -

tanks at its major generating stations in Bridgeport and New Haven
that have maximum capacities of approximately  680,000 and 650,000
barrels of oil, respectively. In addition, the Company maintains
approximately a 45-day coal supply of 150,000 tons at its
Bridgeport Harbor Station.

     The Company has a fuel oil supply contract with the Tosco
Corporation for the Company's New Haven and Bridgeport generating
stations.  The contract expires on September 30, 1995. 

     The Company burns coal at the largest generating unit at
Bridgeport Harbor Station, which is also capable of burning oil,
and has a coal supply contract with Pittston Coal Sales Company
that extends until July 1, 2007, subject to earlier termination

     The Company's New Haven Harbor Station has a dual-fuel
capability of burning natural gas and oil.  Under an agreement with
Tenngasco, a division of Tenneco, the Company is obligated to burn
approximately 6 billion cubic feet of gas per year, if tendered,
during the non-heating months and when offered by Tenngasco at a
price that is competitive with oil.  The natural gas burned by the
Company during 1993 was not purchased pursuant to this agreement.

                           Nuclear Fuel

     In addition to its common stock ownership in Connecticut Yankee,
the Company holds ownership and leasehold interests in Seabrook
Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 3, both of which are nuclear-fueled
generating units.  Generally, the supply of fuel for nuclear
generating units involves the mining and milling of uranium ore to
uranium concentrates, the conversion of uranium concentrates to
uranium hexafluoride, enrichment of that gas and fabrication of the
enriched hexafluoride into usable fuel assemblies.

     After a region (approximately 1/5 to 1/3 of the nuclear fuel
assemblies in the reactor at any time) of spent fuel is removed
from a nuclear reactor, it is placed in temporary storage in a
spent fuel pool at the nuclear station for cooling and ultimately
is expected to be transported to permanent storage sites.

     Based on information furnished by the utilities responsible for
the operation of the units in which the Company is participating,
there are outstanding contracts that cover uranium concentrate
purchases for the Connecticut Yankee Unit and Millstone Unit 3
through 1995 and for Seabrook Unit 1 through 1999.  In addition,
there are outstanding contracts, to the extent indicated below, for
conversion, enrichment and fabrication services for these units
extending through the following years:

                                Conversion to
                                Hexafluoride     Enrichment     Fabrication
                                -------------    ----------     -----------
   Connecticut Yankee Unit         1995          1994 (1)        1999 (2)
   Millstone Unit 3                1995          1995 (1)        1997 (3)
   Seabrook Unit 1                 1999          2014 (4)        2000

(1)  Currently, 70% of the enrichment requirements through 1998 and
     50% through 1999 are covered under an existing contract.
(2)  The present contract extends fabrication services through 1999. 
     It is presently under negotiation that would extend it through
(3)  The contract provides an option to extend fabrication services
     through 1999.
(4)  Enrichment requirements are 100% covered through 2014.

     UI expects that uranium concentrates and related services for
periods not covered by existing contracts will be available,
although there can be no assurance that such concentrates and
services will, in fact, be available when needed.  Costs for
subsequent periods could be substantially higher than those under
existing contracts.

                               - 12 -


     The Company, in cooperation with other privately and publicly
owned New England electric utilities, established the New England
Power Pool (NEPOOL) in 1971.  The objectives of NEPOOL are:  (a) to
assure that the bulk power supply of New England and any adjoining
areas served conforms to proper standards of reliability, (b) to
attain maximum practicable economy, consistent with such proper
standards of reliability, in such bulk power supply, and (c) to
provide for equitable sharing of the resulting benefits and costs. 
These objectives are achieved through joint planning, central
dispatching, cooperation in environmental matters, coordinated
construction, operation and maintenance scheduling of electric
generation and transmission facilities and through the provision
for more effective coordination with other power pools and
utilities situated in the United States and Canada.  The agreement
establishing NEPOOL is filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) and its provisions are subject to continuing FERC

     Operation, dispatching and coordination of planning of electric
generating capacity for New England is done on a regular basis
under NEPOOL.  A central dispatching agency of NEPOOL, designated
NEPEX, directs the operation and schedules the maintenance of the
generating and transmission facilities of participating utilities
and provides for coordination with other power pools and utilities.

     The Company contributes to the financial support of certain 345
kilovolt transmission facilities that are a part of the New England
transmission grid in connection with its participation in the
ownership of Seabrook Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 3.

     The Company is a participant in the Hydro-Quebec transmission
intertie facility linking New England and Quebec, Canada.  Phase II
of this facility, in which UI has a 5.45% participating share, has
increased the capacity of the intertie from 690 megawatts to a
maximum of 2,000 megawatts.  A ten-year Firm Energy Contract, which
provides for the sale of 7 million megawatt-hours per year by
Hydro-Quebec to the New England participants in the Phase II
facility, became effective on July 1, 1991.  See "Financing".

                       ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION

     The National Environmental Policy Act requires that detailed
statements of the environmental effect of the Company's facilities
be prepared in connection with the issuance of various federal
permits and licenses, some of which are described below.  Federal
agencies are required by that Act to make an independent
environmental evaluation of the facilities as part of their actions
during proceedings with respect to these permits and licenses.  
     The federal Clean Water Act requires permits for discharges of
effluents into navigable waters and requires that all discharges of
pollutants comply with federally approved state water quality
standards.  The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) has adopted, and the federal government has approved, water
quality standards for receiving waters in Connecticut.  A joint
federal and state permit system, administered by the DEP, has been
established to assure that applicable effluent limitations and
water quality standards are met in connection with the construction
and operation of facilities that affect or discharge into these
waters.  The current discharge permit for New Haven Harbor Station
was issued by the DEP on September 30, 1991.  The discharge permits
for Bridgeport Harbor, English and Steel Point Stations expired on
February 25, 1992, May 15, 1992 and March 16, 1992, respectively. 
Applications for renewal of these permits were filed on August 23,
1991, November 14, 1991 and September 13, 1991, respectively, and,
although new permits have not yet been issued, the Company has not
been advised by the DEP that any of these facilities has a
permitting problem.  While the renewal applications are pending,
the terms of the expired permits continue in effect.  The DEP has
determined that the thermal component of the discharges at each of
the Company's stations will not result in a violation of state
water quality standards and that the location, design, construction
and capacity of the cooling water intake structures reflect the
best technology available, as defined by the federal Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).  All discharge permits may be reopened and
amended to incorporate more stringent standards and effluent
limitations that may be adopted by federal and state authorities. 
Compliance with this permit system

                                 - 13 -

has necessitated substantial capital and operational expenditures
by UI, and it is expected that such expenditures will continue to
be required in the future.  Although the magnitude of future
expenditures cannot now be estimated accurately, the Company
presently anticipates spending several million dollars during the
next several years to consolidate and improve the wastewater
collection and treatment system at Bridgeport Harbor Station.

     Under the federal Clean Air Act, the EPA has promulgated
national primary and secondary air quality standards for certain
air pollutants, including sulfur oxides, particulate matter and
nitrogen oxides.  The DEP has adopted regulations for the
attainment, maintenance and enforcement of these standards.  In
order to comply with these regulations, the Company is required to
burn fuel oil with a sulfur content not in excess of 1%, and
Bridgeport Harbor Unit 3 is required to burn a low-sulfur, low-ash
content coal, the sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from which are not
to exceed 1.1 pounds of SO2 per million BTU of heat input.  Current
air pollution regulations also include other air quality standards,
emission performance standards and monitoring, testing and
reporting requirements that are applicable to the Company's
generating stations and further restrict the construction of new
sources of air pollution or the modification of existing sources by
requiring that both construction and operating permits be obtained
and that a new or modified source will not result in the violation
of the EPA's national air quality standards or its regulations for
the prevention of significant deterioration of air quality.

     Amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990 will require a
significant reduction in nationwide SO2 emissions by fossil
fuel-fired generating units to a permanent total emissions cap in
the year 2000.  This reduction is to be achieved by the allotment
of allowances to emit SO2, measured in tons per year, to each owner
of a unit, and requiring the owner to hold sufficient allowances
each year to cover the emissions of SO2 from the unit during that
year.  Allowances are transferable and able to be bought and sold. 
The Company believes that, under the allowances allocation formula,
it will hold more than sufficient allowances to permit continued
operation of its existing generating units without incurring
substantial expenditures for additional SO2 controls.  The Company
is marketing its surplus allowances, and has sold to a midwestern
utility company an option to purchase a quantity of the Company's
surplus allowances commencing in the year 2000.  This sale has not
had a significant impact on the Company's earnings.

     The same 1990 Clean Air Act amendments also contain major new
requirements for the control of nitrogen oxides that will be
applicable to generating units located in or near areas, such as
UI's service territory, where air quality standards for nitrogen
oxides and/or photochemical oxidants have not been attained.  These
amendments will also require the installation and/or modification
of continuous emission monitoring systems, and require all existing
generating units to obtain operating permits.  During 1993, the
Company expended approximately $12.3 million for nitrogen oxides
controls and monitoring systems during a major overhaul of the
largest generating unit at Bridgeport Harbor Station; and
approximately $1.7 million will be expended in 1994 to complete
this work.  However, a federally-mandated 1994 revision to
Connecticut's plan for achieving compliance with air quality
standards for photochemical oxidants has not yet been promulgated,
and the Company is not yet able to assess accurately the
applicability and impact of implementing regulations to and on its
generating facilities.  Compliance may require substantial
additional capital and operational expenditures in the future.  In
addition, due to the 1990 amendments and other provisions of the
Clean Air Act, future construction or modification of fossil-fired
generating units and all other sources of air pollution in
southwestern Connecticut will be conditioned on installing state-
of-the-art nitrogen oxides controls and obtaining nitrogen oxide
emission offsets -- in the form of reductions in emissions from
other sources -- which may hinder or preclude such construction or
modification programs in UI's service area, depending on ambient
pollutant levels over which the Company has no control.

     The Company's generating stations in Bridgeport and New Haven
comply with the air quality and emission performance standards
adopted by those cities.

     Under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the EPA
has issued regulations that control the use and disposal of
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  PCBs had been widely used as
insulating fluids in many electric utility transformers and
capacitors manufactured before TSCA prohibited any further
manufacture of such PCB equipment.  Fluids with a concentration of
PCBs higher than 500 parts per million and materials (such

                               - 14 -

as electrical capacitors) that contain such fluids must be disposed
of through burning in high temperature incinerators approved by the
EPA.  Solid wastes containing PCBs must be disposed of in either
secure chemical waste landfills or in high-efficiency incinerators. 
In response to EPA regulations, UI has phased out the use of
certain PCB capacitors and has tested all Company-owned
transformers located inside customer-owned buildings and replaced
all transformers found to have fluids with detectable levels of
PCBs (higher than 1 part per million) with transformers that have
no detectable PCBs.  Presently, no transformers having fluids with
levels of PCBs higher than 500 parts per million are known by UI to
remain in service in its system, except at one of UI's generating
stations.  Compliance with TSCA regulations has necessitated
substantial capital and operational expenditures by UI, and such
expenditures may continue to be required in the future, although
their magnitude cannot now be estimated.  The Company has agreed to
participate financially in the remediation of a source of PCB
contamination attributed to UI-owned electrical equipment on
property in New Haven.  Although the scope of the remediation and
the extent of UI's participation have not yet been fully
determined, the owner of the property has estimated the total
remediation cost to be approximately $346,000.

     Under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),
the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of
hazardous wastes are subject to regulations adopted by the EPA. 
Connecticut has adopted state regulations that parallel RCRA
regulations but are more stringent in some respects.  The Company
has complied with the notification and application requirements of
present regulations, and the procedures by which UI handles,
stores, treats and disposes of hazardous waste products have been
revised, where necessary, to comply with these regulations.

     The Company has estimated that the cost of environmental
remediation of its decommissioned Steel Point Station property in
Bridgeport, which the Company intends to sell for development, will
be approximately $10.3 million, and that the value of the property
following remediation will not exceed $6 million.  In its
December 16, 1992 decision on UI's application for retail rate
increases, the DPUC provided for additional revenues to be
recovered from customers in the amount of the $4.3 million
difference during the period 1993-1996, subject to true-up in the
Company's next retail rate proceeding based on actual remediation
costs and actual gains on sale of the property.

     RCRA also regulates underground tanks storing petroleum products
or hazardous substances, and Connecticut has adopted state
regulations governing underground tanks storing petroleum and
petroleum products that, in some respects, are more stringent than
the federal requirements.  The Company has 19 underground storage
tanks, which are used primarily for gasoline and fuel oil, that are
subject to these regulations.  The Company has a testing program to
detect leakage from any of its tanks, and it may incur substantial
costs for future actions taken to prevent tanks from leaking, to
remedy any contamination of groundwater, and to remove and replace
older tanks in compliance with federal and state regulations.

     In the past, the Company has disposed of residues from
operations at landfills, as most other industries have done.  In
recent years it has been determined that such disposal practices,
under certain circumstances, can cause groundwater contamination. 
Although the Company has no knowledge of the existence of any such
contamination, if the Company or regulatory agencies determine that
remedial actions must be taken in relation to past disposal
practices, the Company may experience substantial costs.

     A Connecticut statute authorizes the creation of a lien against
all real estate owned by a person causing a discharge of hazardous
waste, in favor of the DEP, for the costs incurred by the DEP to
contain and remove or mitigate the effects of the discharge. 
Another Connecticut law requires a person intending to transfer
ownership of an establishment that generates more than 100
kilograms per month of hazardous waste to provide the purchaser and
the DEP with a declaration that no release of hazardous waste has
occurred on the site, or that any wastes on the site are under
control, or that the waste will be cleaned up in accordance with a
schedule approved by the DEP.  Failure to comply with this law
entitles the transferee to recover damages from the transferor and
renders the transferor strictly liable for the cleanup costs.  In
addition, the DEP can levy a civil penalty of up to $100,000 for
providing false information.  UI does not believe that any material
claims against the Company will arise under these Connecticut laws.

                                 - 15 -

     A Connecticut statute prohibits the commencement of construction
or reconstruction of electric generation or transmission facilities
without a certificate of environmental compatibility and public
need from the Connecticut Siting Council (CSC).  In certification
proceedings, the CSC holds public hearings, evaluates the basis of
the public need for the facility, assesses its probable
environmental impact and may impose specific conditions for
protection of the environment in any certificate issued.  During
1993, a citizens' group appealed to the Connecticut Superior Court
from a decision of the CSC declining to reopen the 1991
certification of a transmission line that has since been completed
by the Company and The Connecticut Light and Power Company in
Fairfield County.  The Superior Court dismissed this appeal; but
the citizens' group has taken an appeal from the Superior Court's
decision, and the Company is unable to predict what impact, if any,
the group's actions will have on the operation of the transmission

     In complying with existing environmental statutes and
regulations and further developments in these and other areas of
environmental concern, including legislation and studies in the
fields of water and air quality (particularly "air toxics" and
"global warming"), hazardous waste handling and disposal, toxic
substances, and electric and magnetic fields, the Company may incur
substantial capital expenditures for equipment modifications and
additions, monitoring equipment and recording devices, and it may
incur additional operating expenses.  Litigation expenditures may
also increase as a result of scientific investigations, and
speculation and debate, concerning the possibility of harmful
health effects of electric and magnetic fields.  The Company
believes any additional costs are recoverable through the
ratemaking process.  The total amount of these expenditures is not
now determinable.   See also Item 2. Properties - "Nuclear


     As of December 31, 1993, the Company had 1,490 employees.  Of
these, approximately 63% had been with the Company for 10 or more

     Approximately 762 of the Company's operating, maintenance and
clerical employees are represented by Local 470-1, Utility Workers
Union of America, AFL-CIO, for collective bargaining purposes.  On
May 21, 1992, the Company and the union agreed on a three-year
contract, effective May 16, 1992.  There has been no work 
stoppage due to labor disagreements during the past 27 years, other
than a strike of three days duration in May 1985; and employee
relations are considered satisfactory by the Company.

     In the Spring of 1993, the Company commenced an organizational
study, parts of which were requested by the DPUC in its December
1992 rate order.  The major objective of this organizational study
was to prepare UI to meet the needs of its customers in a highly
competitive environment.  See "Competition."  In November 1993, the
Company announced a reorganization at the officer level, which took
place on January 1, 1994.  See "Executive Officers of the Company". 
In January 1994, the Company announced a comprehensive
reorganization of its corporate structure, which calls for
approximately 650 management and non-union weekly/hourly positions
- -- a reduction of about 75 positions.  Anticipating that this
reorganization would result in fewer positions, UI offered a
Voluntary Early Retirement Program (VERP) to 145 of its non-union
employees during the fourth quarter of 1993.  On January 24, 1994,
the Company announced that 103 employees had elected early
retirement under this program and that, as a result of the
anticipated costs of the organizational study and the success of
the VERP, UI would record an after-tax charge of $7.8 million, or
56 cents per share, against its 1993 earnings.  The Company expects to
recover this amount, through reduced operating expenses, during the
1994-1996 period.  No decision has been made as to whether the
Company will offer a severance program to employees who may be
affected by the corporate reorganization when it is completed but
who were not eligible for, or did not accept, the VERP.

                                  - 16 -

Item 2.  Properties

                                 GENERATING FACILITIES

    The electric generating capability of the Company as of December 31, 1993,
based on summer ratings of the generating units, was as follows:

                                      Year of      Max Claimed        UI    
UI Operated:                  Fuel  Installation  Capability, Mw  Entitlement
- ---------------------------   ----  ------------  --------------  -----------
                                                                  %      Mw
Bridgeport Harbor Station 1  #6 Oil   1957           82.00      100.00  82.00(1)
Bridgeport Harbor Station 2  #6 Oil   1961          170.00      100.00 170.00
Bridgeport Harbor Station 3  #6 Oil/
                              Coal    1968/1985     385.00      100.00 385.00(2)
Bridgeport Harbor Station 4  Jet Oil  1967           17.10      100.00  17.10
New Haven Harbor Station     #6 Oil/
                              Gas     1975          447.00       93.71 418.86(3)
English Station 7            #6 Oil   1948           34.06      100.00  34.06(4)
English Station 8            #6 Oil   1953           38.49      100.00  38.49(4)

Operated by Other Utilities:
- ---------------------------

Connecticut Yankee Unit,     Nuclear  1968          560.10        9.50  53.21(5)
Haddam, Connecticut

Millstone Unit 3,            Nuclear  1986         1136.73        3.69  41.89(6)
Waterford, Connecticut

Seabrook Unit 1,             Nuclear  1990         1150.00       17.50 201.25(7)
Seabrook, New Hampshire

Power Purchases From
Cogeneration Facilities:
- -----------------------

Bridgeport RESCO,            Refuse   1988          62.00      100.00   62.00
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Total                                                                 1503.86

(1)  Effective January 1, 1994, Bridgeport Harbor Station 1 was removed from
     operation and dispatching under NEPOOL and was placed in deactivated
     reserve.  See Item 1. Business - "Arrangements with Other Utilities."
(2)  UI leases this unit from UI's wholly-owned subsidiary, Bridgeport Electric
     Company (BEC), and it is subject to the lien of a first mortgage granted by
     BEC.  The unit has been burning coal since early January 1985.
(3)  UI's 93.705% ownership share of total net capability, including 25 MW sold
     to another utility for a 10-year period, commencing October 1, 1986 and 25
     MW involved in a capacity exchange with another utility for a 6.5 year 
     period, commencing May 1, 1993.  This unit is jointly owned by UI
     (93.705%), Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company (4.5%) and the 
     electric departments of three Massachusetts municipalities (See Item 1.
     Business - "Fuel Supply".
(4)  English Station Units 7 and 8 were placed in deactivated reserve, effective
     January 1, 1992.
(5)  Represents UI's 9.5% entitlement in the unit.  See Item 1. Business
      - "Financing".
(6)  Represents UI's 3.685% ownership share of total net capability.
(7)  Represents UI's 17.5% ownership share of total net capability.  In August
     1990, UI sold to and leased back from an owner trust established for the 
     benefit of an institutional investor a portion of UI's 17.5% ownership 
     interest in this unit.  This portion of the unit is subject to the lien of
     a first mortgage granted by the owner trustee.

                                     - 17 -

                   1993 ACTUAL,  1994 - 1998 FORECAST

                                Actual                     Forecast            
                                ------   ---------------------------------------
                                1993     1994    1995    1996     1997    1998
At Time of Peak Load
 on UI's System:
- -------------------

Capacity of generating
 units operated by UI (1)      1072.96  990.96  990.96  990.96   990.96  990.96
- -------------------------

Entitlements in nuclear 
 units (1) (2)
- -----------------------
  Connecticut Yankee Unit        53.21   53.21   53.21   53.21    53.21   53.21
  Millstone Unit 3               41.89   41.89   41.89   41.89    41.89   41.89
  Seabrook Unit 1               201.25  201.25  201.25  201.25   201.25  201.25
                               ------- ------- ------- -------  ------- -------
                                296.35  296.35  296.35  296.35   296.35  296.35
                               ------- -------  ------ -------  ------- -------

Equivalent capacity value
 of the entitlement in 
 Hydro-Quebec (1) (2)            98.10   98.10   98.10   98.10    98.10   98.10
- -------------------------

Purchases from cogeneration
- ---------------------------
  Bridgeport RESCO               62.00   62.00   62.00   62.00    62.00   62.00
  Shelton Landfill (3)                            1.88    1.74     1.61    1.50

Purchase from New York
 Power Authority                  1.03    1.18    1.18    1.18     1.18    1.18
- ----------------------

Purchases from (sales to)
 other utilities    
- -------------------------
  Net power contracts - fossil  (15.00) (10.00)  27.00   30.00    40.00   40.00
                               ------- ------- ------- -------  ------- -------

Total generating resources     1515.44 1438.59 1477.47 1480.33  1490.20 1490.09
                               ======= ======= ======= =======  ======= ======= 

Calculation of NEPOOL
 capability responsibility (4)                     
- ------------------------------ 
Peak load                      1115.00 1134.00 1143.00 1160.00  1176.00 1186.00
Required reserve margin         118.57  210.48  236.46  240.20   243.72  245.92
                               ------- ------- ------- -------  ------- -------
Total capability
 responsibility                1233.57 1344.48 1379.46 1400.20  1419.72 1431.92
                               ======= ======= ======= =======  ======= =======

Available Margin (5)            281.87   94.11   98.01   80.13    70.48   58.17

(1)  Capacity shown reflects summer ratings of generating units.
(2)  Winter ratings of UI nuclear and Hydro-Quebec interconnection's equivalent
     capacity value entitlements (megawatts):
         Connecticut Yankee Unit     -         56.05
         Millstone Unit 3            -         42.33  
         Seabrook Unit 1             -        201.25
         Hydro-Quebec                -         66.22
(3)  Projected to begin commercial operation by September 1994.
(4)  UI's required capacity as a NEPOOL participant.
(5)  Total generating resources less capability responsibility.  In addition, UI
     maintains three units (Bridgeport Harbor Station 1 and English Station 7
     and 8) in deactivated reserve.  A total of 154 MW of capacity can be 
     generated by these units.

                                  - 18 -
     During 1993, the peak load on the Company's system was
approximately 1,115 megawatts, which occurred in July.  UI's total
generating capability at the time was 1,515 megawatts, including a
98 megawatt increase in capability provided by the equivalent
capacity value of UI's entitlements in the Hydro-Quebec facility
and reflecting the net effect of temporary arrangements with other
electric utilities and cogenerators.  The Company is currently
forecasting a compound growth in peak load of 1.2% during the
period 1993 to 2003.  Based on current forecasts of loads, UI's
generating capability will exceed its projected capability
responsibility to NEPOOL for generating capacity through at least
1999, and English Station Units 7 and 8 and Bridgeport Harbor
Station Unit 1 can be reactivated if higher than anticipated load
growth occurs.  If, due to the permanent loss of a generating unit
or higher than expected load growth, UI's own generating capability
becomes inadequate to meet its capability responsibility to NEPOOL,
UI expects to be able to reduce the load on its system by the
implementation of additional demand-side management programs, to
acquire other demand-side and supply-side resources, and/or to
purchase capacity from other utilities as necessary.  However,
because the generation and transmission systems of the major New
England utilities, including UI, are operated as if they were a
single system, the ability of UI to meet its load is and will be
dependent on the ability of these New England utilities to meet the
region's load.  At the time of the NEPOOL summer peak in July 1993,
these New England utilities had 26,555 megawatts of generating
capacity, including 1,500 megawatts of interconnection credit of
the Hydro-Quebec facility, available to meet the New England peak
load of 19,570 megawatts.  See "Seabrook", "Nuclear Generation" and
Item 1. Business - "Competition" and "Arrangements with Other

     Shown below is a summary of the Company's sources and uses of
electricity for 1993.

Sources                                         Uses
- -------                                         ----
Owned                                           Retail Customers         5,290
  Nuclear (Millstone Unit 3
  and Seabrook Unit 1)                1,823
  Coal                                1,976    Wholesale
  Oil                                 1,932    Delivered to NEPOOL      1,160
  Gas & Gas Turbines                     26    Contracts                1,031
     Total Owned                      5,757
                                               Company Use & Losses       340
  Nuclear (Connecticut Yankee Unit)     356    Total Uses               7,821
  Contracts                             842                             =====
  NEPOOL                                515
  Hydro-Quebec                          351
    Total Sources                     7,821


     The transmission lines of the Company consist of approximately
95 circuit miles of overhead lines and approximately 17 circuit
miles of underground lines, all operated at 345 KV or 115 KV and
located within or immediately adjacent to the territory served by
the Company.  These transmission lines interconnect the Company's
English, Bridgeport Harbor and New Haven Harbor generating stations
and are part of the New England transmission grid through
connections with the transmission lines of The Connecticut Light
and Power Company.  A major portion of the Company's transmission
lines is constructed on a railroad right-of-way pursuant to a
Transmission Line Agreement that expires in May 2000.

     The Company owns and operates 23 bulk electric supply
substations with a capacity of 2,547,000 KVA and 50 distribution
substations with a capacity of 288,750 KVA.  The Company has 3,113
pole-line miles of overhead distribution lines and 130 conduit-bank
miles of underground distribution lines.

                                - 19 -

     See "Capital Expenditure Program" concerning the estimated cost
of additions to the Company's transmission and distribution


     The Company has a 17.5% share in Seabrook Unit 1, a 1,150
megawatt nuclear generating unit located in Seabrook, New
Hampshire.  Eleven other New England electric utilities have
ownership shares in Unit 1. 

     After experiencing increasing financial stress beginning in May
1987, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH), which held
the largest ownership share (35.6%) in Seabrook, commenced a
proceeding under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in January of
1988.  Under this statute, PSNH continued its operations while
seeking a financial reorganization.  A reorganization plan proposed
by Northeast Utilities (NU) was confirmed by the bankruptcy court
in April of 1990 and, on May 16, 1991, PSNH completed the financing
required for payment of its pre-bankruptcy secured and unsecured
debt under the first stage of the reorganization plan and emerged
from bankruptcy.  On May 19, 1992, the NRC issued the final
regulatory approval necessary for the second stage of the NU
reorganization plan, under which PSNH would be acquired by NU; and
on June 5, 1992, this acquisition was completed.  As part of the
transaction, PSNH's ownership share of Seabrook Unit 1 was
transferred to a wholly-owned subsidiary of NU.  Two previous
regulatory approvals of the NU reorganization plan for PSNH, by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC), continue to be challenged in court
proceedings, and the Company is unable to predict the outcome of
these proceedings.

     On February 28, 1991, EUA Power Corporation (EUA Power), the
holder of a 12.1% ownership share in Seabrook, commenced a
proceeding under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.  EUA Power, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Eastern Utilities Associates (EUA), was
organized solely for the purpose of acquiring an ownership share in
Seabrook and selling in the wholesale market its share of the
electric power produced by Seabrook.  EUA Power commenced this
bankruptcy proceeding because the cash generated by its sales of
power at current market prices was insufficient to pay its
obligations on its outstanding debt.  Subsequently, EUA Power's
name was changed to Great Bay Power Corporation (Great Bay).  The
official committee of Great Bay's bondholders (Bondholders
Committee) has proposed, and the bankruptcy court has confirmed, a
reorganization plan for Great Bay, under which substantially all of
the equity ownership of Great Bay would pass to its bondholders. 
On February 2, 1994, the Bondholders Committee accepted a financing
proposal that would inject $35 million of new ownership equity into
Great Bay.  The bankruptcy court must approve this structure before
the Great Bay reorganization plan becomes effective.  Further
approvals are also required from the NRC, FERC and the New
Hampshire Public Utilities Commission.  The bankruptcy court has
approved an agreement among Great Bay, the Bondholders Committee,
UI and The Connecticut Light and Power Company (CL&P), under which
up to $20 million in advance payments against their respective
future monthly Seabrook payment obligations will be made available
between UI and CL&P as needed until the reorganization plan becomes
effective.  UI's share of funding obligations under this agreement
totals $8 million.  As of December 31, 1993, $5.5 million had been
advanced by UI under this agreement.  At January 31, 1994, $602,000
of the Company's advances remained outstanding.  This agreement can
be terminated by UI and CL&P upon thirty days notice or upon
failure of the reorganization process to achieve certain milestones
by specified dates.  UI is unable to predict what impact, if any,
failure of the reorganization plan to become effective will have on
the operating license for Seabrook Unit 1, or what other actions UI
and the other joint owners of the unit may be required to take in
response to developments in this bankruptcy proceeding as it may
affect Seabrook.

     Nuclear generating units are subject to the licensing
requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) under the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and a variety of other state
and federal requirements.  Although Seabrook Unit 1 has been issued
a 40-year operating license, NRC proceedings and investigations
prompted by inquiries from Congressmen and by NRC licensing board
consideration of technical contentions may arise and continue for
an indefinite period of time in the future.  See "Nuclear

                             - 20 -

                           CAPITAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM

    The Company's 1994-1998 capital expenditure program, excluding
allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) and its
effect on certain capital related items, is presently budgeted as

                           1994        1995        1996        1997       1998      Total
                           ----        ----        ----        ----       ----      ----- 
Production               $23,688     $19,428     $22,308     $ 4,824    $15,180   $ 85,428
Distribution              10,140      21,840      21,288      22,164     21,588     97,020  
Transmission              12,096      16,980      10,800       6,336     11,376     57,588
Conservation and                                                                      
  Load Management         11,988      11,892      10,860      10,716     10,320     55,776
Nuclear Fuel               4,980       6,756      11,280       1,248     11,820     36,084
Other                     10,532       7,981       6,096       6,036      4,020     34,665       
                         -------    --------     -------     -------    -------   --------
 Total Expenditures      $73,424    $ 84,877     $82,632     $51,324    $74,304   $366,561
                         =======    ========     =======     =======    =======   ========
AFUDC   (Pre-tax)         $4,934      $3,431      $2,474      $1,940     $1,968
Capitalized Interest       4,151       2,890       2,084       1,638      1,669
Book Depreciation         57,053      62,438      66,425      69,382     72,288
Decommissioning            2,741       2,794       2,851       1,841      1,909
Normalized Tax                                                                
  Depreciation            33,086      36,392      38,708      40,194     41,368
Accelerated Tax                                                               
  Depreciation            74,722      69,548      60,738      62,214     61,424
Amortization of Deferred                                                     
 Return on Seabrook                                                             
 Unit 1 Phase-In (1)           0     (12,635)    (12,635)    (12,635)   (12,635)
Estimated Rate Base                                                          
 (end of period)      $1,218,137  $1,239,962  $1,254,603  $1,227,959 $1,203,104

(1) Deferred return will be amortized over the period 1995-1999.

                                     - 21 -

                        NUCLEAR GENERATION

     UI holds ownership and leasehold interests in Seabrook Unit 1
(17.5%) and Millstone Unit 3 (3.685%).  UI also owns 9.5% of the
common stock of Connecticut Yankee and is entitled to 9.5% of the
generating capability of its nuclear generating unit.  Each of
these nuclear generating units is subject to the licensing
requirements and jurisdiction of the NRC under the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended, and to a variety of other state and
federal requirements.

     The NRC regularly conducts generic reviews of numerous technical
issues, ranging from seismic design to education and fitness for
duty requirements for licensed plant operators.  The outcome of
reviews that are currently pending, and the ways in which the
nuclear generating units in which UI has interests may be affected
by these reviews, cannot be determined; and the cost of complying
with any new requirements that might result from the reviews cannot
be estimated.  However, such costs could be substantial.

     Additional capital expenditures and increased operating costs
for the nuclear generating units in which UI has interests may
result from modifications of these facilities or their operating
procedures required by the NRC, or from actions taken by other
joint owners or companies having entitlements in the units.  Some
equipment modifications have required and may in the future require
shutdowns or deratings of the generating units that would not
otherwise be necessary and that result in additional costs for
replacement power.  The amounts of additional capital expenditures,
increased operating costs and replacement power costs cannot now be
predicted, but they have been and may in the future be substantial.

     Public controversy concerning nuclear power could also adversely
affect the nuclear generating units in which UI has interests. 
Proposals to force the premature shutdown of nuclear plants in
other New England states have received serious attention, and the
licensing of Seabrook Unit 1 was a regional issue.  The continuing
controversy can be expected to increase the costs of operating the
nuclear generating units in which UI has interests; and it is
possible that one or more of the units could be shut down

                         Insurance Requirements

     The Price-Anderson Act, currently extended through August 1,
2002, limits public liability resulting from a single incident at
a nuclear power plant.  The first $200 million of liability
coverage is provided by purchasing the maximum amount of
commercially available insurance.  Additional liability coverage
will be provided by an assessment of up to $75.5 million per
incident, levied on each of the nuclear units licensed to operate
in the United States, subject to a maximum assessment of $10
million per incident per nuclear unit in any year.  In addition, if
the sum of all public liability claims and legal costs resulting
from any nuclear incident exceeds the maximum amount of financial
protection, each reactor operator can be assessed an additional 5%
of $75.5 million, or $3.775 million.  The maximum assessment is
adjusted at least every five years to reflect the impact of
inflation.  Based on its interests in nuclear generating units, the
Company estimates its maximum liability would be $20.3 million per
incident.  However, assessment would be limited to $3.1 million per
incident, per year.  With respect to each of the operating nuclear
generating units in which the Company has an interest, the Company
will be obligated to pay its ownership and/or leasehold share of
any statutory assessment resulting from a nuclear incident at any
nuclear generating unit.

     The NRC requires nuclear generating units to obtain property
insurance coverage in a minimum amount of $1.06 billion and to
establish a system of prioritized use of the insurance proceeds in
the event of a nuclear incident.  The system requires that the
first $1.06 billion of insurance proceeds be used to stabilize the
nuclear reactor to prevent any significant risk to public health
and safety and then for decontamination and cleanup operations. 
Only following completion of these tasks would the balance, if any,
of the segregated insurance proceeds become available to the unit's
owners.  For each of the nuclear generating units in which the
Company has an interest, the Company is required to pay its
ownership and/or leasehold share of the cost of purchasing such

                               - 22-

                 Waste Disposal and Decommissioning

     Costs associated with nuclear plant operations include amounts
for disposal of nuclear wastes, including spent fuel, and for the
ultimate decommissioning of the plants.  Under the Nuclear Waste
Policy Act of 1982, the federal Department of Energy (DOE) is
required to design, license, construct and operate a permanent
repository for high level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear
fuel.  The Act requires the DOE to provide, beginning in 1998, for
the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste
from commercial nuclear plants through contracts with the owners
and generators of such waste; and the DOE has established disposal
fees that are being paid to the federal government by electric
utilities owning or operating nuclear generating units.  In return
for payment of the prescribed fees, the federal government is to
take title to and dispose of the utilities' high level wastes and
spent nuclear fuel beginning no later than 1998.  However, the DOE
has announced that its first high level waste repository will not
be in operation earlier than 2010, notwithstanding the DOE's
statutory and contractual responsibility to begin disposal of
high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel beginning not later
than January 31, 1998.

     Until the federal government begins receiving such materials in
accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, operating nuclear
generating units will need to retain high level wastes and spent
fuel on-site or make other provisions for their storage.  Storage
facilities for Millstone Unit 3 are expected to be adequate for the
projected life of the unit.  Storage facilities for the Connecticut
Yankee unit are expected to be adequate through the mid-1990s. 
Storage facilities for Seabrook Unit 1 are expected to be adequate
until at least 2010.  Fuel consolidation and compaction
technologies are being developed and are expected to provide
adequate storage capability for the projected lives of the latter
two units.  In addition, other licensed technologies, such as dry
storage casks, can accommodate spent fuel storage requirements.

     Disposal costs for low-level radioactive wastes (LLW) that
result from normal operation of nuclear generating units have
increased significantly in recent years and are expected to
continue to rise.  The cost increases are functions of increased
packaging and transportation costs and higher fees and surcharges
charged by the disposal facilities.  Pursuant to the Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Policy Act of 1980, each state was responsible
for providing disposal facilities for LLW generated within the
state and was authorized to join with other states into regional
compacts to jointly fulfill their responsibilities.  Pursuant to
the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985, each
state in which a currently operating disposal facility is located
(South Carolina, Nevada and Washington) is allowed to impose volume
limits and a surcharge on shipments of LLW from states that are not
members of the compact in the region in which the facility is
located.  On June 19, 1992, the United States Supreme Court issued
a decision upholding certain parts of the Low-Level Radioactive
Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985, but invalidating a key
provision of that law requiring each state to take title to LLW
generated within that state if the state fails to meet federally-
mandated deadlines for siting LLW disposal facilities.  The
decision has resulted in uncertainty about states' continuing roles
in siting LLW disposal facilities and may result in increased LLW
disposal costs and the need for longer interim LLW storage before
a permanent solution is developed.

     The Connecticut Hazardous Waste Management Service (the
Service), a state quasi-public corporation, was charged with
coordinating the establishment of a facility for disposal of LLW
originating in Connecticut.  In June 1991, the Service announced
that it had selected three potential sites in north-central
Connecticut for further study.  The Service's announcement provoked
intense controversy in the affected municipalities and resulted in
legislative action to stop the selection process.  On February 1,
1993, the Service presented the legislature with a new site
selection plan under which communities are urged to volunteer a
site for a facility in return for financial and other incentives. 
The volunteer process is being continued in 1994.  The Service's
activities in this regard are funded by assessments on
Connecticut's LLW generators.  Due to a change in the volunteer
process, there was no assessment for the 1993-1994 fiscal year and
the state projects no assessment for the 1994-1995 and 1995-1996
fiscal years.

     Additional LLW storage capacity has been or can be constructed
or acquired at the Millstone and Connecticut Yankee sites to
provide for temporary storage of LLW should that become necessary. 

                             - 23 -

LLW can be managed by volume reduction, storage or shipment at
least through 1999.  The Company cannot predict whether and when a
disposal site will be designated in Connecticut.

     The State of New Hampshire has not met deadlines for compliance
with the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, and Seabrook
Unit 1 has been denied access to existing disposal facilities. 
Therefore, LLW generated by Seabrook Unit 1 is being stored on-
site.  The Seabrook storage facility currently has capacity to
store approximately five years' accumulation of waste generated by
Seabrook, and the plant operator plans to expand its storage
capacity as necessary.

     NRC licensing requirements and restrictions are also applicable
to the decommissioning of nuclear generating units at the end of
their service lives, and the NRC has adopted comprehensive
regulations concerning decommissioning planning, timing, funding
and environmental reviews.  UI and the other owners of the nuclear
generating units in which UI has interests estimate decommissioning
costs for the units and attempt to recover sufficient amounts
through their allowed electric rates to cover expected
decommissioning costs.  Changes in NRC requirements or technology
can increase estimated decommissioning costs, and UI's customers in
future years may experience higher electric rates to offset the
effects of any insufficient rate recovery in prior years.

     New Hampshire has enacted a law requiring the creation of a
government-managed fund to finance the decommissioning of nuclear
generating units in that state.  The New Hampshire Nuclear
Decommissioning Financing Committee (NDFC) established $345 million
(in 1993 dollars) as the decommissioning cost estimate for Seabrook
Unit 1.  This estimate premises the prompt removal and dismantling
of the Unit at the end of its estimated 40-year energy producing
life.  Monthly decommissioning payments are being made to the
state-managed decommissioning trust fund.  UI's share of the
decommissioning payments made during 1993 was $1.3 million.  UI's
share of the fund at December 31, 1993 was approximately $3.7

     Connecticut has enacted a law requiring the operators of nuclear
generating units to file periodically with the DPUC their plans for
financing the decommissioning of the units in that state.  Current
decommissioning cost estimates for Millstone Unit 3 and Connecticut
Yankee are $421 million (in 1994 dollars) and $324 million (in 1994
dollars), respectively.  These estimates premise the prompt removal
and dismantling of each unit at the end of its estimated 40-year
energy producing life.  Monthly decommissioning payments, based on
these cost estimates, are being made to decommissioning trust funds
managed by Northeast Utilities.  UI's share of the Millstone Unit
3 decommissioning payments made during 1993 was $328,000.  UI's
share of the fund at December 31, 1993 was approximately $1.9
million.  For the Company's 9.5% equity ownership in Connecticut
Yankee, decommissioning costs of $1.3 million were funded by UI
during 1993, and UI's share of the fund at December 31, 1993 was
$9.5 million.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings.

     See Item 2. Properties - "Seabrook".

     On October 27, 1992, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary,
Bridgeport Electric Company (BEC) received personal property tax
bills from the City of Bridgeport (the City) for the then current
and two past tax years, aggregating $26.7 million, based on an
assertion that BEC did not list its only asset, Bridgeport Harbor
Station generating Unit No. 3, on the City's tax lists during the
three years.  The Company listed and paid taxes on this generating
unit in each of the three years, based on values agreed upon in a
1988 court-approved settlement with the City of prior years' tax
litigation.  BEC subsequently commenced an action in the Superior
Court against the City to enjoin the City from any effort to
collect the personal property tax bills it had sent to BEC.  On
June 10, 1993, the Superior Court, in denying the City's motion to
strike BEC's complaint, decided that the City had not followed the
prescribed procedures in assessing and levying taxes on BEC.  Since
the time period for assessing and levying taxes for the earliest of
the three years at issue has expired, the effect of this decision
was to remove $10 million of the City's $26.7 million claim from
the controversy and to require the City to reinstitute its
assessment and levying proceeding with respect to the other two
years, and the remaining $16.7 million, at issue.  The City,
without prejudice to its taking such an appeal, has attempted to
remedy the assessment and levying procedures found deficient by the
Superior Court by holding hearings.  On October 14, 1993, following

                              - 24 -

hearings, the City issued "corrected" personal property tax bills
to Bridgeport Electric Company for the tax years 1986-1987 through
1992-1993 aggregating $81.6 million, with interest through June 30,
1993 in the aggregate amount of $61.5 million.  BEC has stated that
it will not pay these tax bills, and it and the Company are
contesting the City's tax claim vigorously.  BEC has commenced a
second action in the Superior Court to enjoin the City from any
effort to collect these tax bills.  It is the present opinion of
the Company's Counsel that the City will not prevail in efforts to
collect these tax bills, and that BEC and the Company will be able
to defend against such efforts successfully.

     On November 2, 1993, the Company received "updated" personal
property tax bills from the City of New Haven (the City) for the
tax year 1991-1992, aggregating $6.6 million, based on an audit by
the City's tax assessor.  The Company anticipates receiving
additional bills of this sort for the tax years 1992-1993 and
1993-1994, the amounts of which cannot be predicted at this time. 
The Company is contesting these tax bills vigorously and has
commenced an action in the Superior Court to enjoin the City from
any effort to collect these tax bills.  Due to a lack of data, it
is not possible, at this time, to assess accurately the Company's
liability, if any.
Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

     There were no matters submitted to a vote of security holders,
through the solicitation of proxies or otherwise, during the fourth
quarter of the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993.

                                - 25 -


     The names and ages of all executive officers of the Company and
all such persons chosen to become executive officers, all positions
and offices with the Company held by each such person, and the
period during which he or she has served as an officer in the
office indicated, are as follows:

Name                    Age   Position                       Effective Date
- ----                    ---   --------                       --------------
Richard J. Grossi       58    Chairman of the Board of       May 1, 1991
                                Directors and Chief
                                Executive Officer
Robert L. Fiscus        56    President and Chief            May 1, 1991
                                Financial Officer
James F. Crowe          51    Executive Vice President       January 1, 1994
                                and Chief Customer Officer             
Walter E. Barker        56    Vice President-Transmission
                                and Distribution                     
Rita L. Bowlby          55    Vice President-Corporate       February 1, 1993
Stephen F. Goldschmidt  48    Vice President-Information     January 1, 1994
Albert N. Henricksen    52    Vice President-Administration  January 1, 1994
David W. Hoskinson      58    Vice President-Generation      January 1, 1994
Robert H. Hyde          53    Vice President-Customer        January 1, 1986
E. Jon Majkowski        51    Vice President                 May 1, 1992 
Anthony J. Vallillo     45    Vice President-Marketing       June 1, 1992
James L. Benjamin       52    Controller                     January 1, 1981 
Kurt D. Mohlman         45    Treasurer and Secretary        January 1, 1994
Charles J. Pepe         45    Assistant Treasurer and        January 1, 1994
                                Assistant Secretary  

                                   - 26 -

     There is no family relationship between any director, executive
officer, or person nominated or chosen to become a director or
executive officer of the Company.  All executive officers of the
Company hold office during the pleasure of the Company's Board of
Directors and Messrs. Grossi, Fiscus and Crowe have each entered
into an employment agreement with the Company.  There is no
arrangement or understanding between any executive officer of the
Company and any other person pursuant to which such officer was
selected as an officer.

     A brief account of the business experience during the past five
years of each executive officer of the Company is as follows:

     Richard J. Grossi.  Mr. Grossi served as President and Chief
Operating Officer during the period January 1, 1989 to May 1, 1991. 
He has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief
Executive Officer since May 1, 1991.

     Robert L. Fiscus.   Mr. Fiscus served as Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company during the
period January 1, 1989 to May 1, 1991.  He has served as President
and Chief Financial Officer since May 1, 1991.

     James F. Crowe.   Mr. Crowe served as Senior Vice
President-Marketing of the Company during the period January 1,
1989 to May 1, 1992, and as Executive Vice President from May 1,
1992 to January 1, 1994.  He has served as Executive Vice President
and Chief Customer Officer since January 1, 1994.

     Walter E. Barker.   Mr. Barker served as Superintendent of
Transmission and Distribution of the Company during the period
January 1, 1989 to July 23, 1990, and as Vice President-Transmission
and Distribution Engineering and Operations from July 23, 1990 to
January 1, 1994.  He has served as Vice President-Transmission and
Distribution since January 1, 1994.

     Rita L. Bowlby.   Ms. Bowlby has served as Vice President-
Corporate Affairs since February 1, 1993.  Prior to joining the
Company, during the period from January 1, 1989 to February 1,
1993, she served as President of Bowlby & Associates, a business-
to-business communications agency in Farmington, Connecticut.

     Stephen F. Goldschmidt.   Mr. Goldschmidt served as Vice
President-Planning from January 1, 1989 to January 1, 1994.  He has
served as Vice President-Information Resources since January 1,

     Albert N. Henricksen.   Mr. Henricksen served as Vice
President-Engineering of the Company during the period January 1,
1989 to July 23, 1990, and as Vice President-Human and
Environmental Resources from July 23, 1990 to January 1, 1994.  He
has served as Vice President-Administration since January 1, 1994.

     David W. Hoskinson.   Mr. Hoskinson served as Senior Vice
President-Operations of the Company during the period January 1,
1989 to July 23, 1990, and as Senior Vice President-Generation
Engineering and Operations from July 23, 1990 to January 1, 1994. 
He has served as Vice President-Generation since January 1, 1994.

     Robert H. Hyde.   Mr. Hyde has served as Vice President-Customer
Services of the Company since January 1, 1989.

     E. Jon Majkowski.   Mr. Majkowski served as Vice
President-Public Affairs of the Company during the period January
1, 1989 to May 1, 1992.  He has served as Vice President since May
1, 1992.

     Anthony J. Vallillo.  Mr. Vallillo served as Director of Sales
and Market Development of the Company during the period January 1,
1989 to December 1, 1990, and as Director of Marketing from
December 1, 1990 to June 1, 1992.  He has served as Vice
President-Marketing since June 1, 1992.

     James L. Benjamin.   Mr. Benjamin has served as Controller of
the Company since January 1, 1989.

                             - 27 -

     Kurt D. Mohlman.   Mr. Mohlman served as Director of Financial
Planning during the period January 1, 1989 to September 1, 1990 and
as Director of Financial Planning and Investor Relations from
September 1, 1990 to January 1, 1994.  He has served as Treasurer
and Secretary of the Company since January 1, 1994.

     Charles J. Pepe.   Mr. Pepe served as Director of Financing
during the period January 1, 1989 to January 1, 1994.  He has
served as Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary of the
Company since January 1, 1994.

                                - 28 -

                             PART II

Item 5.  Market for the Company's Common Equity and Related
Stockholder Matters.

     UI's Common Stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange,
where the high and low sale prices during 1993 and 1992 were as

                           1993 Sale Price            1992 Sale Price 
                           ---------------            ---------------
                           High      Low              High      Low 
                           ----      ---              ----      ---

    First Quarter         43 5/8     41               38 7/8    34 1/8
    Second Quarter        44         41 3/4           37 3/8    35 7/8
    Third Quarter         45 7/8     42 5/8           39 7/8    36 5/8
    Fourth Quarter        45 1/4     38 1/2           42        38 1/2

     UI has paid quarterly dividends on its Common Stock since 1900. 
The quarterly dividends declared in 1992
and 1993 were at a rate of 64 cents per share and 66 1/2 cents per
share, respectively.  

     The indenture under which the Company's Medium-Term Notes and
Notes are issued places limitations on the payment of cash
dividends on common stock and on the purchase or redemption of
common stock.  Retained earnings in the amount of $82.6 million
were free from such limitations at December 31, 1993.

     As of January 31, 1994, there were 21,919 Common Stock
shareowners of record.

                                    - 29 -

Item 6. Selected Financial Data

                                             1993          1992          1991
Sales of electricity:
    Residential                            $238,185      $226,455      $226,751
    Commercial                              256,559       253,456 (2)   255,782
    Industrial                               97,466        97,010 (2)    91,895
    Other                                    11,349        11,065        10,886
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
  Total Retail                              603,559       587,986       585,314
  Wholesale (1)                              45,931        75,484        84,236
Other operating revenues                      3,533         3,855         3,821
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
  Total operating revenues                  653,023       667,325       673,371
                                         ----------    ----------    ---------- 
Fuel and interchange energy -net:
  Retail -own load                           98,694       108,084       123,010
  Wholesale                                  39,356        55,169        61,858
Capacity purchased-net                       47,424        43,560        44,668
Depreciation                                 56,287        50,706        48,181
Other operating expenses, 
  excluding tax expense                     205,207       193,841       189,327
Gross earnings tax                           27,955        27,362        27,223
Other non-income taxes                       29,977        31,869        28,673
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
  Total operating expenses, excluding
    income taxes                            504,900       510,591       522,940
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
Deferred return Seabrook Unit 1               7,497        15,959        17,970
AFUDC                                         4,067         3,232         5,190
Other non-operating income(loss)                 71        18,545         2,697
Interest expense:
  Long-term debt                             80,030        88,666        90,296
  Other                                      12,260        12,882         9,847
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
   Total                                     92,290       101,548       100,143
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
Income tax expense:
  Operating income tax                       33,309        48,712        47,231
  Non-operating income tax                   (6,322)      (12,558)      (19,299)
                                         ----------    ----------     ---------
   Total                                     26,987        36,154        27,932
                                         ----------    ----------     ---------
Income(loss) before cumulative effect of
 accounting change                           40,481        56,768        48,213
Cumulative effect of change in accounting
  for property taxes - net of tax                 0             0         7,337
                                         ----------    ----------     ---------
Net income (loss)                            40,481(3)     56,768        55,550
Preferred and preference stock dividends      4,318         4,338         4,530
                                         ----------    ----------     ---------
Income (loss) applicable to common stock    $36,163       $52,430       $51,020
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income                           $114,814      $108,022      $103,200
Plant in service-net                     $1,243,426    $1,224,058    $1,219,871
Construction work in progress                77,395        59,809        54,771
Plant-related regulatory asset                    0             0             0
Other property and investments               58,096        65,320        79,009
Current assets                              187,981       247,954       164,839
Regulatory assets                           567,394       556,493       554,365
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
  Total Assets                           $2,134,292    $2,153,634    $2,072,855
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common stock equity                        $423,324      $422,746      $401,771
Preferred and preference stock
  Not subject to mandatory redemption        60,945        60,945        62,640
  Subject to mandatory redemption                 0             0             0
Long-term debt excluding current portion    875,268       893,457       909,998
Noncurrent liabilities                       29,119        25,853        96,973
Current portion of long-term debt           143,333        92,833        37,500
Notes payable                                     0        84,099        13,000
Other current liabilites                    150,890       133,471       127,524
Regulatory liabilities and other            451,413       440,230       423,449
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------
  Total Capitalization and Liabilities   $2,134,292    $2,153,634    $2,072,855
  (1) Operating Revenues, for years prior to 1992, include wholesale power 
      exchange contract sales that were reclassified from Fuel and Capacity
      expenses in accordance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

  (2) Includes reclassification of certain Commercial and Industrial customers.

  (3) Includes the effect of a reorganization charge of $7.8 million.

                                   - 30 -

    1990       1989       1988       1987       1986       1985       1984      

  $211,891   $205,183   $200,170   $188,740   $178,268   $190,880   $185,209
   234,704    219,852    208,801    195,972    180,888    192,658    187,112  
    94,526     92,855     96,665    100,354     99,939    118,637    124,118
    10,536      9,943      9,732      9,480      9,516     10,367     10,664
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   551,657    527,833    515,368    494,546    468,611    512,542    507,103
    85,657     77,925     63,263     54,708     48,010     49,164     45,021
     3,332      3,348      3,570      3,077      2,508      2,394      2,367
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   640,646    609,106    582,201    552,331    519,129    564,100    554,491
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

   119,285    128,739    121,425    131,471    126,778    175,764    233,423
    69,117     62,681     53,837     51,411     46,466     49,066     45,021
    42,827     50,234     35,465     17,746     15,028     10,112     11,724
    36,526     35,618     24,069     37,160     22,112     18,128     15,952

   180,592    155,282    143,822    138,315    131,448    122,567     95,309
    25,595     24,506     23,948     22,997     21,838     25,221     25,474
    24,648     20,294     21,695     17,194     17,991     16,566     18,891
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

   498,590    477,354    424,261    416,294    381,661    417,424    445,794
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    21,503          0          0          0          0          0          0
     3,443     65,443     75,656     81,419     78,044     62,623     57,242
    22,654   (219,742)   (23,369)   (97,686)   (75,380)    29,838    (16,719)

    94,056     91,126     90,022     88,700     88,610     72,068     45,417
    15,468     22,849     12,069      9,228      2,223      5,334      6,934
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   109,524    113,975    102,091     97,928     90,833     77,402     52,351
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

    43,493     37,963     44,045     50,633     51,419     62,047     44,371
   (17,409)  (101,135)   (14,548)   (37,440)   (33,884)    (3,317)   (15,913)
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    26,084    (63,172)    29,497     13,193     17,535     58,730     28,458
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

    54,048    (73,350)    78,639      8,649     31,764    103,005     68,411

         0          0          0          0          0          0          0
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    54,048    (73,350)    78,639      8,649     31,764    103,005     68,411
     4,751      8,233     11,348     11,953     18,969     20,339     16,883
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   $49,297   ($81,583)   $67,291    ($3,304)   $12,795    $82,666    $51,528
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   $98,563    $93,789   $113,895    $85,404    $86,049    $84,629    $64,326

$1,209,173   $562,473   $560,930   $563,210   $571,549   $425,873   $360,054
    50,257    675,831    812,246    737,169    742,585    845,112    749,566
         0     81,768     88,339     68,603     55,497          0          0
    90,006     91,648     83,860     76,032     70,927     60,127     61,166
   161,066    170,823    166,270    122,075    107,399    214,057    198,532
   553,986    605,696    653,418    610,913    607,294     93,350     97,386
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
$2,064,488 $2,188,239 $2,365,063 $2,178,002 $2,155,251 $1,638,519 $1,466,704
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $379,812   $362,584   $473,674   $438,564   $476,108   $493,261   $434,030

    69,700     70,000     70,000     70,000     70,000     70,000     70,000
         0          0     34,000     40,000     63,000     96,000     99,000
   899,993    868,884    862,287    767,559    661,548    664,648    567,736
    99,933    107,781    111,971     95,070     81,263     59,814     51,242
    41,667     18,667      3,667     28,667     18,667      3,667      3,667
    15,000     45,000          0          0     25,675          0     34,000
   149,090    142,878    122,237    117,009    100,666    131,803    121,632
   409,293    572,445    687,227    621,133    658,324    119,326     85,397
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
$2,064,488 $2,188,239 $2,365,063 $2,178,002 $2,155,251 $1,638,519 $1,466,704

                                    - 31 -

Item 6. Selected Financial Data (continued)

                                             1993        1992         1991

Average number of shares outstanding      14,063,854  13,941,150   13,899,906
Number of shares outstanding at year-end  14,083,291  14,033,148   13,932,348
Earnings (loss) per share (average)            $2.57(3)    $3.76        $3.67(1)
Book value per share                          $30.06      $30.12       $28.84
Average return on equity
   Total                                       8.45%      12.67%       13.01%
   Utility                                    10.97%      14.46%       13.39%
Dividends declared per share                   $2.66       $2.56        $2.44
Market Price:
   High                                      $45.875     $42.000      $39.125
   Low                                       $38.500     $34.125      $30.000
   Year-end                                  $40.250     $41.500      $39.000
Net cash provided by operating
 activities, less dividends ($000's)        $102,989    $109,020      $73,865
Capital expenditures, 
 excluding AFUDC                             $94,743     $66,390      $63,157
Sales by class (MWH's)
     Residential                           1,844,041   1,799,456    1,851,447
     Commercial                            2,359,023   2,303,216(2) 2,347,757
     Industrial                            1,036,547     997,168(2)   980,071
     Other                                    50,715      52,984       55,118
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
       Total                               5,290,326   5,152,824    5,234,393
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
Number of retail customers by class
     Residential                             273,752     273,936      274,064
     Commercial                               28,968      28,848(2)    29,768
     Industrial                                  959       1,017(2)       268
     Other                                     1,175       1,358        1,361
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
       Total                                 304,854     305,159      305,461
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
System requirements (MWH)                  5,630,581   5,475,664    5,541,477
Peak load - kilowatts                      1,114,900   1,034,440    1,145,820
Generating capability- peak(kilowatts)     1,515,420   1,402,800    1,474,190
Fuel generation mix percentages
     Coal                                         31          34           34
     Oil                                          16          17           21
     Nuclear                                      38          35           29
     Cogeneration                                  8           8            9
     Gas                                           1           1            4
     Hydro                                         6           5            3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues - retail sales ($000's)
     Base                                   $605,887    $608,176     $607,997
     Fuel Adjustment Clause                   (2,328)    (41,221)     (37,497)
     Sales Provision Adjustment                    0      21,031       14,814
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
       Total                                $603,559    $587,986     $585,314
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
Revenue - retail sales per KWH (cents)
     Base                                      11.45       11.80        11.62
     Fuel Adjustment Clause                    (0.04)      (0.80)       (0.72)
     Sales Provision Adjustment                 0.00        0.41         0.28
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
       Total                                   11.41       11.41        11.18
                                           ---------   ---------    ---------
Fuel and energy cost per KWH (cents)            1.75        2.43         2.67
     Fossil                                     2.08        2.98         3.11
     Nuclear                                    1.23        1.42         1.62
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of employees                            1,490       1,554        1,571
Total payroll ($000's)                       $75,305     $74,052      $71,888
(1)  Includes the cumulative effect of accounting change for municipal property
     taxes which increased earnings by $0.53 per share.

(2)  Includes reclassification of certain Commercial and Industrial customers.

(3)  Includes the effect of a reorganization charge which decreased earnings
     by $.56 per share.

                                    - 32 -

   1990       1989        1988       1987        1986       1985       1984

13,887,748 13,887,748  13,887,748 13,887,654  13,827,431 13,623,093 13,213,526
13,887,748 13,887,748  13,887,748 13,887,748  13,886,566 13,720,050 13,429,443
     $3.55     ($5.87)      $4.85     ($0.24)      $0.93      $6.07      $3.90
    $27.35     $26.11      $34.11     $31.58      $34.29     $35.95     $32.32

    13.39%    -18.88%      14.75%     -0.72%       2.64%     17.83%     12.23%
    13.97%     20.21%      32.91%     15.34%      16.81%     16.21%     15.82%
     $2.32      $2.32       $2.32      $2.32       $2.32      $2.08      $2.30

   $34.125     $34.25      $27.50     $34.00      $36.25    $27.125    $23.875
   $26.875     $24.75     $19.125     $21.25     $26.625     $13.75      $9.00
   $31.125     $34.25     $26.875    $26.875      $29.25     $27.00     $13.75

   $39,189    $31,437     $40,607    $37,986     $16,796    $47,239    $32,402

   $64,018    $77,041     $83,735    $73,253    $116,124   $116,480   $153,136

 1,826,700  1,883,363   1,870,318  1,780,333   1,700,302  1,654,591  1,642,564
 2,259,340  2,254,099   2,174,200  2,046,289   1,914,889  1,810,192  1,729,027
 1,060,751  1,109,119   1,186,336  1,236,151   1,232,209  1,286,402  1,314,328
    58,013     60,427      61,303     62,246      65,533     68,064     71,998
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ---------- 
 5,204,804  5,307,008   5,292,157  5,125,019   4,912,933  4,819,249  4,757,917
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------

   275,637    276,385     274,884    271,302     267,509    264,112    261,023
    29,808     29,526      28,826     28,103      27,215     26,679     26,209
       319        347         367        369         372        386        412
     1,352      1,316       1,267      1,191       1,179      1,145      1,151
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------
   307,116    307,574     305,344    300,965     296,275    292,322    288,795
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------
 5,501,495  5,603,502   5,581,897  5,403,519   5,182,516  5,058,084  5,025,840
 1,054,600  1,094,400   1,132,100  1,039,600     985,710  1,019,980    998,910
 1,449,600  1,289,800   1,271,500  1,236,000   1,309,700  1,169,700  1,229,400

        43         39          37         42          37         40          0
        24         37          41         37          53         51         94
        20         11          11         10           9          9          6
         9          9           7          1           0          0          0
         3          3           0          5           0          0          0
         1          1           4          5           1          0          0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  $589,346   $577,611    $574,422   $558,060    $537,147   $532,264   $495,669
   (45,900)   (49,778)    (59,054)   (63,514)    (68,536)   (19,722)    11,434
     8,211          0           0          0           0          0          0
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------
  $551,657   $527,833    $515,368   $494,546    $468,611   $512,542   $507,103
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------

     11.32      10.88       10.85      10.89       10.93      11.04      10.42
     (0.88)     (0.93)      (1.11)     (1.24)      (1.39)     (0.40)      0.24
      0.16          0           0          0           0          0          0
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------
     10.60       9.95        9.74       9.65        9.54      10.64      10.66
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------
      2.63       2.78        2.53       2.54        2.45       3.48       4.65
      2.89       2.98        2.74       2.58        2.58       3.71       4.90
      1.55       0.89        0.87       0.94        1.02       1.01       0.91
- ---------- ----------  ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------
     1,587      1,627       1,620      1,604       1,576      1,501      1,559
   $69,237    $65,175     $62,387    $57,207     $52,782    $49,150    $46,911

                                  - 33 -

Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations.


     The Company's financial condition should continue to improve as
a result of the December 16, 1992 rate decision by the DPUC.  The
DPUC decision granted levelized rate increases of 2.66% ($15.8
million) in 1993 and 2.66% (an additional $17.3 million) in 1994.

     However, the Company's financial condition will continue to be
dependent on the level of retail and wholesale sales.  The two
primary factors that affect sales volume are economic conditions
and weather.  The regional recession has restricted retail sales
growth and been largely responsible for a weak wholesale sales
market during the past two years.  Sales increases due to economic
recovery would help to increase the Company's earnings.

     Another major factor affecting the Company's financial condition
will be the Company's ability to control expenses.  A significant
reduction in interest expense has been achieved since 1989, and
additional savings of $10 million are expected in 1994 due to debt
refinancing.  Since 1990, annual growth in total operation and
maintenance expense, excluding one-time items and cogeneration
capacity purchases, has averaged approximately 2.7%, and the
Company hopes to restrict future increases to less than the rate of


     The Company's capital requirements are presently projected as

                                 1994      1995     1996      1997     1998
                                 ----      ----     ----      ----     ----

Capital Expenditure Program   $ 73,424  $ 84,876  $82,632  $ 51,324  $ 74,304
Long-term Debt Maturities       53,000    97,000     -       50,000   100,000
Mandatory Redemptions/
 Repayments                     60,333    66,134   12,770    15,171    15,562
                              --------  --------  -------  --------  --------

Total Capital Requirements    $186,757  $248,010  $95,402  $116,495  $189,866
                              ========  ========  =======  ========  ========

     The Company presently estimates that its cash on hand and
temporary cash investments at the beginning of 1994, totaling $48.2
million, and its projected net cash provided by operations, less
dividends, of $102 million, less capital expenditures of $73.4
million, will be insufficient to fund the Company's 1994
requirements for long-term debt maturities and mandatory
redemptions and repayments, amounting to $113.3 million, by $36
million.  The Company currently anticipates that its projected net
cash provided by operations, less dividends and capital
expenditures, for 1995 will be insufficient to fund the Company's
1995 requirements for long-term debt maturities and mandatory
redemptions and repayments, by approximately $138 million.  The
Company currently anticipates that its projected net cash provided
by operations, less dividends and capital expenditures, for 1996
through 1998 will be insufficient to fund the Company's
requirements for long-term debt maturities and mandatory
redemptions and repayments in the years 1996 through 1998, in
amounts that cannot now be predicted accurately, but which may be
substantial in the aggregate, depending on the levels of the
Company's sales, wholesale and retail rates, operation and
maintenance costs and taxes.  All of the Company's capital
requirements that exceed available net cash will have to be
provided by external financing; and the Company has no commitment
to provide such financing from any source of funds.  The Company
expects to be able to satisfy its external financing needs by
issuing common stock and additional short-term and long-term debt,
although the continued availability of these methods of financing
will be dependent on many factors, including conditions in the
securities markets, economic conditions, and the level of the
Company's income and cash flow.  

                              - 34 -

     At December 31, 1993, the Company had $48.2 million of cash and
temporary cash investments, an increase of $37.1 million from the
balance at December 31, 1992.  The components of this increase,
which are detailed in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, are
summarized as follows:

   Balance,  December 31, 1992                             $  11.1

   Net cash provided by operating activities                 145.9

   Net cash provided by (used in) financing
   - Financing activities, excluding dividend payments       (67.3)
   - Dividend payments                                       (41.3)

   Net cash provided by investing activities, excluding
    investment in plant                                       94.5

   Cash invested in plant, including nuclear
    fuel                                                     (94.7) 

         Net Increase                                         37.1

    Balance,  December 31, 1993                             $ 48.2

     The Company has a revolving credit agreement with a group of
banks, which currently extends to January 19, 1995.  The borrowing
limit of this facility is $75 million.  The facility permits the
Company to borrow funds at a fluctuating interest rate determined
by the prime lending market in New York, and also permits the
Company to borrow money for fixed periods of time specified by the
Company at fixed interest rates determined by the Eurodollar
interbank market in London, by the certificate of deposit market in
New York, or by bidding, at the Company's option.  If a material
adverse change in the business, operations, affairs, assets or
condition, financial or otherwise, or prospects of the Company and
its subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis, should occur, the banks
may decline to lend additional money to the Company under this
revolving credit agreement, although borrowings outstanding at the
time of such an occurrence would not then become due and payable. 
As of December 31, 1993, the Company had no short-term borrowings
outstanding under this facility.

     The Company's long-term debt instruments do not limit the amount
of short-term debt that the Company may issue.  The Company's
revolving credit agreement described in the previous paragraph
requires it to maintain an available earnings/interest charges
ratio of not less than 1.5:1.0 for each 12-month period ending on
the last day of each calendar quarter.

     The Company had a $50 million term loan facility with a group of
banks during 1993.  Under this agreement, the Company chose an
interest rate from among three alternatives:  (i) a fluctuating
interest rate determined by the prime lending market in New York;
(ii) a fixed interest rate determined by the Eurodollar interbank
market in London; and (iii) a fixed interest rate determined by the
certificate of deposit market in New York.  On February 1, 1993,
the Company borrowed $50 million from this group of banks, using
the proceeds to repay short-term borrowings and other current
obligations.  On December 3, 1993, the Company repaid the $50
million borrowing and terminated the agreement.

     The Company had a term loan agreement with PruLease, Inc.
(PruLease) that expired on December 1, 1993.  This agreement was
executed on December 31, 1992, when the Company borrowed $49.1
million from PruLease and purchased all the nuclear fuel that was
owned by PruLease and leased to the Company on that date.  This

                                - 35 -

loan, which was collateralized by a first lien on the Company's
ownership interest in the nuclear fuel for Seabrook Unit 1, was
repaid in full at maturity.

     The Company has a Fossil Fuel Supply Agreement with a financial
institution providing for financing up to $37.5 million in fossil
fuel purchases.  Under this agreement, the financing entity
acquires and stores natural gas, coal and fuel oil for sale to the
Company, and the Company purchases these fossil fuels from the
financing entity at a price for each type of fuel that reimburses
the financing entity for the direct costs it has incurred in
purchasing and storing the fuel, plus a charge for maintaining an
inventory of the fuel determined by reference to the fluctuating
interest rate on thirty-day, dealer-placed commercial paper in New
York.  The Company is obligated to insure the fuel inventories and
to indemnify the financing entity against all liabilities, taxes
and other expenses incurred as a result of its ownership, storage
and sale of fossil fuel to the Company.  This agreement currently
extends to February 1995.  At December 31, 1993, approximately
$10.1 million of fossil fuel purchases were being financed under
this agreement.

     UI has four wholly-owned subsidiaries.  Bridgeport Electric
Company, a single-purpose corporation, owns and leases to UI a
generating unit at Bridgeport Harbor Station.  Research Center,
Inc. (RCI) has been formed to participate in the development of one
or more regulated power production ventures, including possible
participation in arrangements for the future development of
independent power production and cogeneration facilities.  United
Energy International, Inc. (UEI) has been formed to facilitate
participation in a proposed joint venture relating to power
production plants abroad.  United Resources, Inc. (URI) serves as
the parent corporation for several unregulated businesses, each of
which is incorporated separately to participate in business
ventures that will complement and enhance UI's electric utility
business and serve the interests of the Company and its
shareholders and customers.

     Four wholly-owned subsidiaries of URI have been incorporated. 
Souwestcon Properties, Inc. is participating as a 25% partner in
the ownership of a medical hotel building in New Haven.  A second
wholly-owned subsidiary of URI is Thermal Energies, Inc., which is
participating in the development of district heating and cooling
water facilities in the downtown New Haven area, including the
energy center for an office tower and participation as a 37%
partner in the energy center for a new city hall and office tower
complex.  A third URI subsidiary, Precision Power, Inc., provides
power-related equipment and services to the owners of commercial
buildings and industrial facilities.  A fourth URI subsidiary,
American Payment Systems, Inc., manages agents and equipment for
electronic data processing of bill payments made by customers of
utilities, including UI, at neighborhood businesses.  In addition
to these subsidiaries, URI also has an 82% ownership interest in
Ventana Corporation (Ventana), which offers energy conservation
engineering and project management services to governmental and
private institutions.  In September 1993, URI recorded a $1.2
million after-tax write off of outstanding debt owed to URI by
Ventana, which represented the difference between the amount owed
to URI by Ventana and the value of an additional equity interest in
Ventana received by URI in November 1993.  This additional equity
interest in Ventana was received in exchange for the forgiveness of
debt owed to URI by Ventana.

     The Board of Directors of the Company has authorized the
investment of a maximum of $13.5 million, in the aggregate, of the
Company's assets in all of URI's ventures, UEI and RCI, and, at
December 31, 1993, approximately $10.6 million had been so

                         RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

1993 vs. 1992
- -------------

     Earnings for the year 1993 were $36.2 million, or $2.57 per
share, down $16.3 million, or $1.19 per share, from 1992.  This
decrease reflects a one-time reorganizational charge of
approximately $7.8 million after-tax, or $.56 per share, and the
non-recurrence of one-time gains of $.59 per share in 1992. 
Earnings per share for 1993, excluding one-time items and
accounting changes, decreased by $.04 per share, to $3.13 per share
from $3.17 per share for 1992.

                               - 36 -

     Sales margin increased by $10.3 million for the year.  Retail
revenues increased $36.6 million; $20.7 million from a recent rate
decision ($12.1 million from rate changes and $13.2 million for the
fold-in to base rates of the 1992 sales adjustment revenues, partly
offset by the pass through to customers of expense credits of $4.6
million), and $15.9 million from increased retail sales.  Retail
sales increased by 2.7%, mostly due to a return to more normal
summer weather.

     The retail revenue increases were offset by anticipated
reductions of $21 million from the sales adjustment provision and
$13.7 million in wholesale capacity revenues.  Other operating
revenues decreased by $0.3 million.  Reductions in wholesale energy
revenues of $15.8 million were directly offset by reductions in
energy expense.

     Other factors affecting sales margin were lower retail fuel
expense, increasing margin by $9.4 million, and higher revenue
related taxes, decreasing margin by $0.6 million.
     Other operation and maintenance expenses, including purchased
capacity charges, increased by $10.2 million, or 4.5%, in 1993
relative to 1992.  Major generating station overhauls and
unscheduled repairs accounted for $5.2 million of this increase. 
Employment costs increased by $4.0 million, most of which resulted
from the adoption of a liability for postretirement benefits other
than pensions that the implementation of Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 106 requires to be accrued over
employees' careers.  Purchased capacity charges (cogeneration and
Connecticut Yankee power purchases) for 1993 increased by $4.0
million, transmission costs increased by $2.4 million; but other
nuclear operation and maintenance expenses decreased by $4.0

     Other operating expenses, including income taxes but excluding
a 1993 fourth quarter one-time reorganization charge, decreased by
$20.3 million in 1993 from 1992, as the effect of accounting
treatments ordered in recent rate decisions for recovery of
canceled plant, the flow-through to income of certain income tax
benefits and lower property taxes more than offset increases in
depreciation expense.

     Other income declined by $23 million in 1993 from 1992, $9.4
million of which was attributable to the absence of net one-time
gains realized in 1992.  The remainder was due primarily due to an
expected decline in deferred revenue and income tax benefits
associated with the DPUC's 1992 rate decision, offset, in part, by
lower interest charges of $9.3 million.  "Net" interest margin
(interest income less interest expense) improved by $6.6 million in
1993 over 1992.

1992 vs. 1991
- -------------

     Earnings for 1992 were $52.4 million, or $3.76 per share, up
$1.4 million, or $.09 per share, over 1991.  Earnings per share for
1992, excluding one-time items and accounting changes, increased by
$.27, to $3.17 from $2.90 per share for 1991.  Non-recurring
earnings declined to a level of $.59 per share in 1992 from $.77
per share in 1991.

     Operating revenues in 1992, exclusive of retail and wholesale
fuel recovery revenue, were up $4.3 million over 1991 levels,
adding $.18 per share after taxes.  Increased rates provided only
$11 million of an expected annual $15 million revenue increase,
because commercial and industrial customers shifted into lower
priced time-of-use rates.  An additional $6 million of revenue was
accrued under the terms of the sales adjustment provisions of the
Company's 1990 rate decision by the Department of Public Utility
Control (DPUC).  Retail sales volume declined 1.6% from the prior
year, reducing retail revenues by $10.6 million and sales margin
(revenue minus fuel expense and revenue-based taxes) by $7.4
million.  Most of this decline reflected the cool, wet weather for
the summer of 1992.  On a weather-adjusted basis, retail sales were
about even with 1991.  Wholesale capacity sales declined by $2.1
million for the year, reflecting the end of a major contract in
October 1992.

     Other sales margin improvements were derived from increased
nuclear generation, which added $10.5 million to margin in 1992
over 1991.  An overall capacity factor of 76% for the nuclear units
was achieved in 1992, compared to 65% for 1991.  Offsetting this
gain, the Company experienced unusually low and intermittent demand
by the New England Power Pool for the operation of the Company's
fossil generating units, thus

                              - 37 -

degrading their efficiency, increasing fuel expense and decreasing
sales margin by $2.5 million from 1991.  These amounts are not
recoverable through the fuel adjustment clause.

     Operation, maintenance and capacity expense for 1992 nuclear
generation declined only $1.7 million from 1991 levels, compared to
a savings of $4-5 million the Company originally expected to
realize (principally from reduced Seabrook expenses).  Other
operation and maintenance expenses, excluding fuel and energy
expenses, increased by $2.6 million for the year (excluding net
non-recurring charges for 1992).

     Other taxes increased by $3.7 million (excluding a one-time
charge in 1991), reflecting primarily the increased property tax
placed on Seabrook by the State of New Hampshire.  Depreciation
increased by $2.5 million in 1992 over 1991.  Net changes in
interest income and expense added $2.9 million to pre-tax income in
1992, excluding one-time credits in 1991 and 1992.  Reductions in
plant balances not in rate base (Seabrook and other) led to
reductions in deferred revenue of about $4 million after-tax.

     Non-recurring items decreased by $.18 per share compared to 1991
levels, to a net earnings figure of $.59 per share.  In 1992, a net
$2.7 million in income, or $.19 per share, was booked for
Seabrook Unit 1 adjustments; $3.6 million, or $.26 per share, in
non-operating income tax credits were realized; a net $3.0 million
in income, or $.21 per share, from a gain on the sale of property
was realized; and there were one-time charges to operating expenses
of a net $1.0 million, for a loss of $.07 per share.


     The Company's financial condition should continue to improve as
a result of the December 16, 1992 retail rate decision by the DPUC. 
The DPUC decision granted levelized rate increases of 2.66% ($15.8
million) in 1993 and 2.66% (an additional $17.3 million) in 1994. 
However, the Company did not realize the full anticipated benefit
of the 1993 rate increase, realizing about $4 million less than
awarded due to differences between the sales realized in individual
rate classes and the sales projections used for rate case purposes. 
The differences arose principally from rate class shifting by
customers and differential growth in sales among rate classes.  A
similar shortfall may develop in 1994.

     The Company's financial condition will continue to be dependent
on the level of retail and wholesale sales.  The two primary
factors that affect sales volume are economic conditions and
weather.  The regional recession has restricted retail sales growth
and been largely responsible for a weak wholesale sales market
during the past two years.  Sales increases due to economic
recovery would help to increase the Company's earnings.  A 1%
increase in sales would add about $6 million in revenue and about
$5 million in sales margin (revenue minus fuel expense and revenue-
based taxes).  Wholesale capacity sales are expected to be
approximately $6 million in 1994.

     Another major factor affecting the Company's financial condition
will be the Company's ability to control expenses.  Fuel expense,
excluding wholesale fuel expense, is expected to decline by
approximately $2.3 million in 1994 from the 1993 level, reflecting
significantly lower nuclear fuel prices.  Also, significant
reductions in interest expense have been achieved since 1989, and
additional savings of $10 million are expected in 1994 due to debt
refinancing.  For 1994, operation and maintenance expenses are
expected to increase from normal inflationary pressures, but these
increases should be substantially offset by savings from the
phase-in of the Company's corporate structure reorganization. 
Since 1990, annual growth in total operation and maintenance
expense, excluding one-time items and cogeneration capacity
purchases, has averaged approximately 2.7%, and the Company hopes
to restrict future increases to less than the rate of inflation.

     The final portion of the cost of Seabrook Unit 1 has been added
to rate base (and retail revenues) for 1994.  This will eliminate
deferred revenues and reduce net income by $7.4 million after-tax
in 1994 from 1993 levels.

     Although the Company believes that its financing outlook and
plans are unlikely to be adversely affected by further developments
with respect to the licensing and operation of Seabrook Unit 1, the
Company's financial status and financing capability will continue
to be sensitive to any such developments and to many other factors,
including conditions in the securities markets, economic
conditions, the level of the Company's income and cash

                               - 38 -

flow, and legislative and regulatory developments, including the
cost of compliance with increasingly stringent environmental
legislation and regulations and competition within the electric
utility industry.


     As a result of inflation and increased environmental and
regulatory requirements, the estimated cost of replacing the
Company's productive capacity today would substantially exceed the
historical cost of such facilities reported in the financial
statements.  Since the Company's rates for service to its customers
have been based in the past on the cost of providing such service
and have been revised from time to time to reflect increased costs
of service, the Company believes that any higher replacement costs
it may experience in the future will be recovered through the
normal regulatory process.

                              - 39 -
Item 8.Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                
            For the Years Ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                    (Thousands except per share amounts)            

                                              1993        1992        1991
                                              ----        ----        ----
Operating Revenues (Note G)                 $653,023    $667,325    $673,371
                                            ---------   ---------   ---------
Operating Expenses
   Fuel and energy                          138,050     163,253     184,868
   Capacity purchased                        47,424      43,560      44,668
   Reorganization charge                     13,620        -           -   
   Other                                    148,332     145,032     137,118
 Maintenance                                 41,475      38,394      41,794
 Depreciation                                56,287      50,706      48,181
 Amortization of cancelled
   nuclear project (Note J)                   1,172      10,415      10,415
 Amortization of deferred
   fossil fuel costs                            608        -           -   
 Income taxes (Notes A and E)                33,309      48,712      47,231
 Other taxes (Note G)                        57,932      59,231      55,896
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
      Total                                 538,209     559,303     570,171
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Operating Income                            114,814     108,022     103,200
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Other Income and (Deductions)
 Allowance for equity funds
   used during construction                     999       1,003       1,259
 Deferred return - Seabrook Unit 1            7,497      15,959      17,970
 Other-net (Note G)                              71      18,545       2,697
 Non-operating income taxes                   6,322      12,558      19,299
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
       Total                                 14,889      48,065      41,225
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Income Before Interest Charges              129,703     156,087     144,425
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Interest Charges
 Interest on long-term debt                  80,030      88,666      90,296
 Other interest (Note G)                     12,260      12,882       9,847
 Allowance for borrowed funds
   used during construction                  (3,068)     (2,229)     (3,931)
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
       Net Interest Charges                  89,222      99,319      96,212
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Income Before Cumulative Effect
   of Accounting Change                      40,481      56,768      48,213
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Cumulative effect for years prior
 to 1991 of accounting change for
 property taxes (net of income
 taxes of $5,559) (Note N)                     -           -          7,337
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Net Income                                   40,481      56,768      55,550
Dividends on Preferred Stock                  4,318       4,338       4,530
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Income Applicable to Common Stock           $36,163     $52,430     $51,020
                                           =========   =========   =========

Average Number of Common
  Shares Outstanding                         14,064      13,941      13,900

Earnings per share of Common Stock
 before cumulative effect of
 accounting change                            $2.57       $3.76       $3.14
Cumulative effect for years prior
 to 1991 of accounting change
 for property taxes                            -           -           0.53
                                           ---------   ---------   ---------
Earnings per share of Common Stock            $2.57       $3.76       $3.67
                                           =========   =========   =========

Cash Dividends Declared per share
 of Common Stock                              $2.66       $2.56       $2.44

              The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial
        Statements are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                 - 40 -

                      THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY                        
              For the Years Ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991             
                           (Thousands of Dollars)                               

                                                  1993       1992       1991   
                                                  ----       ----       ----    
Cash Flows From Operating Activities                     
 Net Income                                      $40,481    $56,768    $55,550 
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
 Adjustments to reconcile net income                                           
 to net cash provided by operating activities:      
    Depreciation and amortization                 65,788     70,298     66,408
    Deferred income taxes                          9,422     31,093     19,977
    Deferred investment tax credits - net           (762)      (762)    (3,322)
    Gain on sale of facility                        -        (5,915)      -    
    Amortization of nuclear fuel                  21,922     23,440     21,671 
    Cumulative effect for years prior to 1991 of                              
     accounting change for property taxes-net       -          -        (7,337)
    Allowance for funds used during
      construction                                (4,067)    (3,232)    (5,190)
    Deferred return - Seabrook Unit 1             (7,497)   (15,959)   (17,970)
    Sales adjustment revenue                       7,668     (6,217)    (6,571)
    Changes in:                                                                
       Accounts receivable - net                   3,344     (4,637)    (9,022)
       Fuel, materials and supplies                 (638)     1,481     17,747 
       Accounts payable                          (10,098)     7,672    (14,363)
       Interest accrued                           (2,431)    (6,918)     2,019 
       Taxes accrued                               1,017     (1,829)   (10,558)
       Reorganization charge accrued              13,620       -          -    
       Other assets and liabilities                8,087      3,354      2,783 
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total Adjustments                            105,375     91,869     56,272 
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
Net Cash provided by Operating Activities        145,856    148,637    111,822 
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                          
 Common stock                                      1,834      3,442      1,518
 Long-term debt                                  164,460    247,000     53,000 
 Notes payable                                   (84,099)    71,099     (2,000)
 Securities retired and redeemed,
   including premiums:                                                   
  Preferred stock                                   -        (1,695)    (7,060)
  Long-term debt                                (143,543)  (214,811)   (47,870)
 Expenses of issues                               (1,742)    (1,453)     3,165 
 Lease obligations                                (4,174)   (71,866)    (3,106)
   Preferred stock                                (4,318)    (4,365)    (4,612)
   Common stock                                  (36,991)   (35,252)   (33,345)
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
Net Cash used in Financing Activities           (108,573)    (7,901)   (40,310)
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                            
 Plant expenditures, including nuclear fuel      (94,743)   (66,390)   (63,157)
 Proceeds from the sale of facility                 -         6,012       -    
 Investment in debt securities                    94,529    (94,529)      -   
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
Net Cash used in Investing Activities               (214)  (154,907)   (63,157)
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments:                                           
Net change for the period                         37,069    (14,171)     8,355 
Balance at beginning of period                    11,102     25,273     16,918
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
Balance at end of period                         $48,171    $11,102    $25,273 
                                                =========  =========  =========
Cash paid during the period for:                                               
 Interest (net of amount capitalized)            $78,021    $82,829    $71,641
                                                =========  =========  =========
 Income taxes                                    $17,435    $12,634     $7,912
                                                =========  =========  =========

               The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial
           Statements are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                  - 41 -

                         THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                        December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991 

                              (Thousands of Dollars)

                                           1993         1992         1991   
                                           ----         ----         ---- 

Utility Plant at Original Cost
 In service                             $1,690,142   $1,631,787   $1,591,415 
 Less, accumulated provision
  for depreciation                         446,716      407,729      371,544
                                        -----------  ----------   -----------
                                         1,243,426    1,224,058    1,219,871

Construction work in progress               77,395       59,809       54,771
Nuclear fuel                                40,285       52,144       65,450
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net Utility Plant                      1,361,106    1,336,011    1,340,092
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------
Other Property and Investments              17,811       13,176       13,559
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------

Current Assets
 Cash and temporary cash investments        48,171       11,102       25,273
 Short-term investment                        -          94,529         -   
 Accounts receivable
  Customers, less allowance for
  doubtful accounts of $4,700,
  $3,900 and $3,200                         62,703       56,796       58,258
  Other                                     28,160       37,411       31,312
 Accrued utility revenues                   22,765       24,389       23,200
 Fuel, materials and supplies, at
  average cost                              21,178       20,540       22,021
 Prepayments                                 4,963        3,130        4,633
 Other                                          41           57          142
                                        -----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                                   187,981      247,954      164,839 
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------

Regulatory Assets (future amounts
                  due from customers
                  through the ratemaking
 Income taxes due principally to book-tax
  differences (Note A)                     408,272      406,258      418,188
 Deferred return - Seabrook Unit 1          62,929       55,432       39,473
 Unamortized cancelled nuclear projects     26,964       28,136       37,700
 Unamortized redemption costs               32,573       28,186       30,716 
 Sales adjustment revenues                  13,113       20,781       14,814   
 Uranium enrichment decommissioning cost     1,600         -            -   
 Deferred fossil fuel costs                    198        1,109         -
 Unamortized debt issuance expenses          6,631        6,474        5,391
 Other                                      15,114       10,117        8,083
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total                                   567,394      556,493      554,365  
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------

                                        $2,134,292   $2,153,634   $2,072,855
                                        ===========  ===========  ===========

             The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial 
        Statements are an integral part of the financial statements. 
                                     - 42 -

                          THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY                      
                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                         
                         December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991  
                          CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES                      
                              (Thousands of Dollars)                           

                                              1993          1992        1991  
                                              ----          ----        ----  

Capitalization (Note B)                                                        
 Common stock equity                                                           
  Common stock                              $284,028     $282,433     $279,340 
  Paid-in capital                                734          495          146 
  Capital stock expense                       (3,163)      (3,163)      (3,163)
  Retained earnings                          141,725      142,981      125,448 
                                          -----------  -----------  -----------
                                             423,324      422,746      401,771
 Preferred stock                              60,945       60,945       62,640
 Long-term debt                              875,268      893,457      909,998 
                                          -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total                                   1,359,537    1,377,148    1,374,409 
                                          -----------  -----------  -----------

Noncurrent Liabilities 
 Obligations under capital leases 
  Nuclear fuel                                  -            -          69,439 
  Other property                              19,871       23,855       26,136 
 Uranium enrichment decommissioning
   reserve                                     1,486         -            -     
 Nuclear decommissioning obligation            5,606         -            -     
 Other                                         2,156        1,998        1,398 
                                          -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total                                      29,119       25,853       96,973  
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Current Liabilities   
 Current portion of long-term debt           143,333       92,833       37,500  
 Notes payable                                  -          84,099       13,000  
 Accounts payable                             49,424       59,522       51,850  
 Dividends payable                            10,445       10,017        9,602 
 Taxes accrued                                 6,851        5,834        7,663
 Pensions accrued (Note H)                    33,547       18,714       13,244  
 Interest accrued                             21,972       24,403       31,321 
 Obligations under capital leases              1,838        2,028        2,174 
 Other accrued liabilities                    26,813       12,953       11,670  
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                                     294,223      310,403      178,024 
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Customers' Advances for
  Construction                                 2,667        2,672        3,064  
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Regulatory Liabilities (future amounts
                        owed to customers
                        through the
                        ratemaking process)
 Accumulated deferred investment
   tax credits                                19,433       20,195       20,957 
 Deferred gain on sale of utility plant        2,070        3,391        4,574 
 Other                                         1,837         -              45 
                                          -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total                                      23,340       23,586       25,576 
                                          -----------  -----------  -----------

Deferred Income Taxes (future tax
                       liabilities owed
                       to taxing
                       authorities)          425,406      413,972      394,809

Commitments and Contingencies                   -            -            -    
                                          -----------  -----------  -----------

                                          $2,134,292   $2,153,634   $2,072,855 
                                          ===========  ===========  ===========

            The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial
         Statements are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                  - 43 -

                      THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY                          
                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS                  
             For the Years Ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                           (Thousands of Dollars)

                                       1993           1992           1991      
                                       ----           ----           ----      

Balance, January 1                   $142,981       $125,448       $105,046
Net Income                             40,481         56,768         55,550    
Discount applicable to repurchase                                               
 of preferred stock                      -               796          3,304    
                                     ---------      ---------      ---------    
    Total                             183,462        183,012        163,900     
                                     ---------      ---------      ---------

Deduct Cash Dividends Declared                                                 
   Preferred stock                      4,318          4,338          4,530     
   Common stock                        37,419         35,693         33,922     
                                     ---------      ---------      ---------    
    Total                              41,737         40,031         38,452    
                                     ---------      ---------      ---------   

Balance, December 31                 $141,725       $142,981       $125,448    
                                     =========      =========      =========  

               The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial
          Statements are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                  - 44 -




Accounting Records

     The accounting records are maintained in accordance with the
uniform systems of accounts prescribed by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Connecticut Department of
Public Utility Control (DPUC). 

Principles of Consolidation

     The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Bridgeport Electric
Company (BEC), United Resources Inc., United Energy International,
Inc. and Research Center, Inc.  Intercompany accounts and
transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

Reclassification of Previously Reported Amounts

     Certain amounts previously reported have been reclassified to
conform with current year presentations.

Utility Plant

     The cost of additions to utility plant and the cost of renewals
and betterments are capitalized.  Cost consists of labor,
materials, services and certain indirect construction costs,
including an allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC). 
The cost of current repairs and minor replacements is charged to
appropriate operating expense accounts.  The original cost of
utility plant retired or otherwise disposed of and the cost of
removal, less salvage, are charged to the accumulated provision for

Allowance for Funds Used During Construction

     In accordance with the applicable regulatory systems of
accounts, the Company capitalizes AFUDC, which represents the
approximate cost of debt and equity capital devoted to plant under
construction.  In accordance with FERC prescribed accounting, the
portion of the allowance applicable to borrowed funds is presented
in the Consolidated Statement of Income as a reduction of interest
charges, while the portion of the allowance applicable to equity
funds is presented as other income.  Although the allowance does
not represent current cash income, it has historically been
recoverable under the ratemaking process over the service lives of
the related properties.  The Company compounds semi-annually the
allowance applicable to major construction projects.  AFUDC rates
in effect for 1993, 1992 and 1991 were 8.75%, 10.25% and 10.88%,


     Provisions for depreciation on utility plant for book purposes,
excluding costs associated with the 1984 reconversion of BEC's
plant to a dual-fired capability, are computed on a straight-line
basis, using estimated service lives determined by independent
engineers.  One-half year's depreciation is taken in the year of
addition and disposition of utility plant, except in the case of
major operating units on which depreciation commences in the month
they are placed in service and ceases in the month they are removed
from service.  During the years 1985-1989, depreciation associated
with BEC's reconversion costs was computed on an annuity basis over
the original ten-year period that this plant was being leased to
the Company by BEC.  Commencing January 1, 1990, the reconversion
costs are being depreciated on a straight-line basis over a period
ending July 2000.  The aggregate annual provisions for depreciation
for the years 1993, 1992 and 1991 were equivalent to approximately 
3.22%, 3.15% and 3.10%, respectively, of the original cost of
depreciable property.

                              - 45 -



Income Taxes

     Effective January 1, 1993, the Company adopted SFAS 109,
"Accounting for Income Taxes".  In accordance with SFAS 109, the
Company has provided deferred taxes for all temporary book-tax
differences using the liability method.  The liability method
requires that deferred tax balances be adjusted to reflect enacted
future tax rates that are anticipated to be in effect when the
temporary differences reverse.  In accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles for regulated industries, the
Company has established a net regulatory asset that reflects
anticipated future recovery in rates of these deferred tax

     For ratemaking purposes, the Company practices full
normalization for all investment tax credits (ITC) related to
recoverable plant investments except for the ITC related to
Seabrook Unit 1, which was taken into income in accordance with
provisions of the 1989 Settlement Agreement.

Accrued Utility Revenues

     The estimated amount of utility revenues (less related expenses
and applicable taxes) for service rendered but not billed is
accrued at the end of each accounting period.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

     For cash flow purposes, the Company considers all highly liquid
debt instruments with a maturity of three months or less at the
date of purchase to be cash equivalents.

     The Company is required to maintain an operating deposit with
the project disbursing agent related to its 17.5% ownership
interest in Seabrook Unit 1.  This operating deposit, which is the
equivalent to one and one half months of the funding requirement
for operating expenses, is restricted for use and amounted to $3.4
million, $2.9 million, and $1.8 million at December 31, 1993, 1992
and 1991, respectively.


     The Company's investment in the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power
Company joint venture, a nuclear generating company in which the
Company has a 9 1/2% stock interest, is accounted for on an equity

Fossil Fuel Costs

     The amount of fossil fuel costs that cannot be reflected
currently in customers' bills pursuant to the FCA in the Company's
rates is deferred at the end of each accounting period.  Since
adoption of the deferred accounting procedure in 1974, rate
decisions by the DPUC and its predecessors have consistently made
specific provision for amortization and rate-making treatment of
the Company's existing deferred fossil fuel cost balances.

Research and Development Costs

     Research and development costs, including environmental studies,
are capitalized if related to specific construction projects and
depreciated over the lives of the related assets.  Other research
and development costs are charged to expense as incurred.

Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits

     The Company accounts for normal pension plan costs in accordance
with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
(SFAS) No. 87, "Employers' Accounting for Pensions", and for

                                  - 46 -



retirement plan costs and supplemental early retirement plan costs
in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 88, "Employers'
Accounting for Settlements and Curtailments of Defined Benefit
Pension Plans and for Termination Benefits".

     Prior to January 1, 1993, the Company accounted for other post-
employment benefits, consisting principally of health and life
insurance, on a pay-as-you-go basis.  Effective January 1, 1993,
the Company commenced accounting for these costs under the
provisions of SFAS No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Post-
Retirement Benefits Other than Pensions", which requires, among
other things, that the liability for such benefits be accrued over
the employment period that encompasses eligibility to receive such
benefits.  The annual incremental cost of this accounting change
has been allowed in retail rates in accordance with a 1992 rate

Uranium Enrichment Obligation

     Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Energy Act), the Company
will be assessed for its proportionate share of the costs of the
decontamination and decommissioning of uranium enrichment
facilities operated by the Department of Energy.  The Energy Act
imposes an overall cap of $2.25 billion on the obligation assessed
to the nuclear utility industry and limits the annual assessment to
$150 million each year over a 15-year period.  At December 31,
1993, the Company's unfunded share of the obligation, based on its
ownership interest in Seabrook Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 3, was
approximately $1.5 million.  Effective January 1, 1993, the Company
was allowed to recover these assessments in rates as a component of
fuel expense.  Accordingly, the Company has recognized these costs
as a regulatory asset on its Consolidated Balance Sheet.

Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts

     External trust funds are maintained to fund the estimated future
decommissioning costs of the nuclear generating units in which the
Company has an ownership interest.  These costs are accrued as a
charge to depreciation expense over the estimated service lives of
the units and are recovered in rates on a current basis.  The
Company paid $1,616,000, $1,334,000 and $1,011,000 during 1993,
1992 and 1991 into the decommissioning trust funds for Seabrook
Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 3.  At December 31, 1993, the Company's
share of the trust fund balances, which include accumulated
earnings on the funds, were $3.7 million and $1.9 million for
Seabrook Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 3, respectively.  These fund
balances are included in "Other Property and Investments" and the
accrued decommissioning obligation is included in "Noncurrent
Liabilities" on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet.

                                - 47 -

                                          THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY

                                 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - (continued)       

 (B) CAPITALIZATION                                                    December 31,
                                                     1993                       1992                      1991
                                        Shares                     Shares                    Shares
                                      Outstanding   $(000's)    Outstanding   $(000's)    Outstanding   $(000's)
                                     ------------- -----------  ------------- ----------  ------------ -----------
 Common Stock Equity
   Common stock, no par value,
   at December 31(a)                 14,083,291    $284,028    14,033,148    $282,433    13,932,348    $279,340
    Shares authorized
     1991   30,000,000
     1992   30,000,000
     1993   30,000,000
   Paid-in capital                                      734                       495                       146
   Capital stock expense                             (3,163)                   (3,163)                   (3,163)
   Retained earnings (b)                            141,725                   142,981                   125,448
                                                 -----------               -----------               -----------
        Total common stock equity                   423,324                   422,746                   401,771
                                                 -----------               -----------               -----------
 Preferred and Preference Stock (c)
    Preferred stock issues:
     4.35% Series A                      40,425                    40,425                    40,425
     4.72% Series B                      50,730                    50,730                    67,680
     4.64% Series C                      32,100                    32,100                    32,100
     5 5/8% Series D                     61,200                    61,200                    61,200
     7.60% Series E                     125,000                   125,000                   125,000
     7.60% Series F                     150,000                   150,000                   150,000
                                   -------------              ------------              ------------
                                        459,455      45,945       459,455      45,945       476,405      47,640
   Cumulative preferred stock,     ------------- -----------  ------------ -----------  ------------ -----------
    $25 par value, shares
    authorized at December 31,
     1991   2,400,000
     1992   2,400,000
     1993   2,400,000
    Preferred stock issues:
     8.80% 1976 Series                  600,000      15,000       600,000      15,000       600,000      15,000
   Cumulative preference stock,
    $25 par value, shares
    authorized at December 31,
     1991   5,000,000
     1992   5,000,000
     1993   5,000,000
    Preference stock issues              -            -            -            -            -            -
      Total preferred stock not                  -----------               -----------               -----------
       subject to mandatory redemption               60,945                    60,945                    62,640
                                                 -----------               -----------               -----------

                                              - 48 -

                           THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY

                                                             December 31, 
                                                      1993     1992     1991
                                                    $(000's) $(000's) $(000's)
                                                    -------- -------- -------
Long-term Debt (d)                                                    
 Long-term debentures:                                                        
 10 1/2%, 1995 Series, due October 1, 1995             -         -    $69,600
  5 3/4%, 1996 Series, due August 15, 1996             -         -     15,000
  6%, 1997 Series, due June 15, 1997                   -         -     22,500
  7%, 1999 Series, due January 15, 1999                -         -     15,000
  7 3/4%, 2002 Series, due October 1, 2002             -         -     25,000
  8 1/4%, 2003 Series, due December 15, 2003           -         -     30,000
  12%, 2017 Series, due August 1, 2017                 -         -      2,078
                                                    -------- -------- -------- 
                                                       -         -    179,178 
 First Mortgage Bonds-Bridgeport Electric Company:                          
  9.44%, Series B, maturing serially as                                      
    to $10,800 principal amount on February 15                                 
    in each of the years 1995 to 1999.                54,000   54,000  54,000
 10.32%, Series C, maturing serially as                                     
   to $55,333 principal amount on January 15                                
   in each of the years 1994 and 1995.               110,666  166,000 180,000
Other Long-term Debt                                            
 Pollution Control Revenue Bonds:                                               
 14 1/2%, 1984 Series, due October 1, 2009               110   40,000  40,000
 14 1/2%, 1984 Series B, due December 1, 2009          3,830   28,400  28,400
  9 1/2%, 1986 Series, due June 1, 2016                7,500    7,500   7,500
  9 3/8%, 1987 Series, due July 1, 2012               25,000   25,000  25,000
 10 3/4%, 1987 Series, due November 1, 2012           43,500   43,500  43,500
  8%, 1989 Series A, due December 1, 2014             25,000   25,000  25,000
  5 7/8%, 1993 Series, due October 1, 2033            64,460     -       -
  Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds:
  Adjustable rate 1990 Series A                              
   due September 1, 2015                              30,000   30,000  30,000

                                    - 49 -

                               THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY

                    NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - (continued)

                                                        December 31,
                                                 1993      1992          1991
                                               $(000's)    $(000's)   $(000's)
                                              ----------  ---------- -----------
Other Long-term Debt, continued                                          
 Medium-Term Notes:                                                            
 7.62%,1991 Series A, due September 12,1994  $   30,000  $   30,000  $   30,000
 7.20%,1991 Series B, due November 1, 1994       13,000      13,000      13,000
 6.82%,1991 Series C, due December 2, 1994       10,000      10,000      10,000
 6.00%,1992 Series D, due January  15, 1994      50,000      50,000        -
 7.00%,1992 Series E, due January  15, 1997      50,000      50,000        -
 7.25%,1992 Series F, due October 2, 1995        47,000      47,000        -
 7 3/8%,1992 Series G, due January  15, 1998    100,000     100,000        -
 6.20%,1993 Series H, due January  15, 1999     100,000        -           -
 Long-term bank loans:                                                      
  12.9%, maturing in 1994                         5,000      17,500      32,500
 Obligation under the Seabrook Unit 1                                     
  sale/leaseback agreement                      250,000     250,000     250,000
                                             ----------- ----------- -----------
                                              1,019,066     986,900     948,078
Unamortized debt discount less premium                                 
  at December 31, 1993, 1992 & 1991                (465)       (610)       (580)
                                             ----------- ----------- -----------
        Total long-term debt                  1,018,601     986,290     947,498
                                             ----------- ----------- -----------
Less current portion included in                                     
   Current Liabilities (d)                      143,333      92,833      37,500
                                             ----------- ----------- -----------
         Total long-term debt included                                
          in Capitalization                     875,268     893,457     909,998
                                             ----------- ----------- -----------
               Total Capitalization          $1,359,537  $1,377,148  $1,374,409
                                             =========== =========== ===========

                                       - 50 -



         (a) Common Stock

     The Company issued 46,000 shares of common stock in 1993,
100,800 shares of common stock in 1992 and 44,600 shares of common
stock in 1991 pursuant to a stock option plan.  During 1993, the
Company also issued 4,143 shares of common stock pursuant to a
long-term incentive program.

     Common stock, no par value, authorized at December 31, 1993,
included 400,000 shares reserved for the Company's Employee Stock
Ownership Plan (ESOP).  There were no additions to ESOP in 1991,
1992 or 1993.

     The Company purchased on the open market, on behalf of
shareholders participating in the common stock Dividend
Reinvestment Plan, 148,362 shares of stock in 1991, 136,679 shares
of stock in 1992 and 138,145 shares of stock in 1993.

     In 1990, the Company's Board of Directors and the shareowners
approved a stock option plan for officers and key employees of the
Company.  The plan provides for the awarding of options to purchase
up to 750,000 shares of the Company's common stock over periods of
from one to ten years following the dates when the options are
granted.  On June 5, 1991, the DPUC approved the issuance of
500,000 shares of stock pursuant to this plan.  The exercise price
of each option cannot be less than the market value of the stock on
the date of the grant.  Options to purchase 214,000 shares of stock
at an exercise price of $30.75 per share, 2,800 shares of stock at
an exercise price of $28.3125 per share, 1,800 shares of stock at
an exercise price of $31.1875 per share, 4,000 shares of stock at
an exercise price of $35.625 per share, 36,200 shares of stock at
an exercise price of $39.5625 per share and 5,000 shares of stock
at an exercise price of $42.375 per share have been granted by the
Board of Directors and remain outstanding at December 31, 1993. 
Options to purchase 44,600 shares of stock at an exercise price of
$30.75 were exercised during 1991.  Options to purchase 98,000
shares of stock at an exercise price of $30.75 and 2,800 shares of
stock at an exercise price of $28.3125 were exercised during 1992. 
Options to purchase 42,400 shares of stock at an exercise price of
$30.75 per share, 1,400 shares of stock at an exercise price of
$28.3125 per share, 1,200 shares of stock at an exercise price of
$31.1875 per share and 1,000 shares of stock at an exercise price
of $35.625 per share were exercised during 1993.

     In addition, certain executive officers were eligible to earn
shares of the Company's common stock, based upon the dividend and
market performance of the stock compared to a peer group of
electric utilities over a four-year period ending December 31,
1992, under the Company's long-term incentive program.  The
issuance of shares of stock pursuant to this program received DPUC
approval on June 5, 1991.  The total number of shares of common
stock that could have been earned under the long-term incentive
program was limited to 7,091.  For the four-year period ending
December 31, 1992, 6,027 shares of the Company's common stock were
earned.  Of this amount, a total of 4,143 shares were issued to the
participants in 1993, and the remainder was distributed in an
equivalent amount of cash based on the closing price of the
Company's Common Stock on March 1, 1993, pursuant to the terms of
the long-term incentive program.  This program ended as of December
31, 1992. 

     (b) Retained Earnings Restriction

     The indenture under which the Company's Medium-Term Notes and
Notes are issued places limitations on the payment of cash
dividends on common stock and on the purchase or redemption of
common stock.  Retained earnings in the amount of $82.6 million
were free from such limitations at December 31, 1993.

     (c) Preferred and Preference Stock

     The par value of each of these issues was credited to the
appropriate stock account and expenses related to these issues were
charged to capital stock expense.

                               - 51 -



     In 1991, the Company purchased and cancelled shares of its $100
par value Preferred Stock, at a discount, resulting in a
non-taxable addition to common equity of approximately $3,304,000. 
The 1991 purchases consisted of:

          9,575    shares of 4.35% Preferred Stock, Series A
          7,320    shares of 4.72% Preferred Stock, Series B
         39,900    shares of 4.64% Preferred Stock, Series C
         13,800    shares of 5 5/8% Preferred Stock, Series D

     In 1992, the Company purchased and cancelled 16,950 shares of
its $100 par value 4.72% Preferred Stock, Series B, at a discount,
resulting in a non-taxable addition to common equity of
approximately $796,650.

     There was no redemption of preferred stock in 1993.

     Shares of preferred stock have preferential dividend and
liquidation rights over shares of common stock.  Preferred
shareholders are not entitled to general voting rights.  However,
if any preferred dividends are in arrears for six or more quarters,
or if some other event of default occurs, preferred shareholders
are entitled to elect a majority of the Board of Directors until
all preferred dividend arrears are paid and any event of default is

     Preference stock is a form of stock that is junior to preferred
stock but senior to common stock.  It is not subject to the
earnings coverage requirements or minimum capital and surplus
requirements governing the issuance of preferred stock.  There were
no shares of preference stock outstanding at December 31, 1993.

     (d) Long-Term Debt

     In January 1993, the net proceeds from the liquidation of an
investment in tax-exempt municipal debt instruments were used to
pay $60 million principal amount of maturing 10.32% First Mortgage
Bonds of the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Bridgeport Electric
Company; to repay a $7.5 million 13.1% term loan; to repay short-
term borrowings incurred for the August 1, 1992 redemption of the
Company's 12% Debentures, due August 1, 2017, and for repayment of
a $7.5 million 12.9% term loan on September 30, 1992; and to repay
short-term borrowings incurred for a $19.1 million rent payment on
December 31, 1992 under the Company's facility sale and leaseback
arrangement for a portion of its ownership interest in Seabrook
Unit 1.

     On September 30, 1993, the Company repaid a $5 million 12.9%
term loan with funds obtained through short-term borrowings.

     On September 17, 1993, the Company invited the owners of
$68,400,000 aggregate principal amount of 14 1/2% Pollution Control
Revenue Bonds, due October 1 and December 1, 2009, ("Bonds") to
sell to the Company, for cash, any and all of the Bonds.  The Bonds
were issued in 1984 by The Industrial Development Authority of the
State of New Hampshire ("NHIDA"), which loaned the issue proceeds
to the Company to pay for the cost of installing pollution control
facilities at the Seabrook nuclear generating plant in New
Hampshire; and the Business Finance Authority of the State of New
Hampshire ("NHBFA"), successor to the NHIDA, agreed to issue
Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds ("Refunding Bonds") in a
principal amount equal to the aggregate principal amount of Bonds
purchased by the Company and surrendered to the Bond trustee for
cancellation, and to loan the issue proceeds of the Refunding Bonds
to the Company to pay for part of the purchase price of the Bonds
being purchased and cancelled.  On October 15, 1993, the Company
accepted offers from holders of $64,460,000 aggregate principal
amount of the Bonds to sell them for an aggregate purchase price of
$75,710,000.  On October 26, 1993, the NHBFA issued and sold
$64,460,000 principal amount of 5 7/8% Refunding Bonds, due
October 1, 2033, and loaned the issue proceeds to the Company,
which used them to pay 

                             - 52 -



a portion of the purchase price of the Bonds.  The remainder of the
purchase price was funded with the proceeds of short-term

     On December 7, 1993, the Company issued and sold $100 million
principal amount of five-year and one month Notes at a coupon rate
of 6.20%.  The net proceeds were used to repay $60 million
principal amount of maturing 10.32% First Mortgage Bonds of the
Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Bridgeport Electric Company in
January 1994; to repay a $5 million 13.1% term loan in January 1994
and for general corporate purposes, including repayment of
short-term borrowings.

     Maturities and mandatory redemptions/repayments and annual
interest expense on existing long-term debt are set forth below:

                                   1994     1995     1996     1997     1998
                                   ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
Long-term debt (beginning of
  period)(1)                     $989,067 $875,734 $712,600 $699,830 $634,659 
     Maturities                    53,000   97,000     -      50,000  100,000  
     Mandatory redemptions/
      repayments                   60,333   66,134   12,770   15,171   15,562   
                                 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 

Long-term debt
 (end of period)(1)(2)           $875,734 $712,600 $699,830 $634,659 $519,097 
                                 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 

Annual interest associated with
 existing outstanding debt
 (1)(2)                          $ 72,800 $ 59,637 $ 55,221 $ 50,838 $ 42,930 

Annual amortization of issuance
 expense and repurchase premiums
 associated with existing debt     $7,915   $5,451   $3,167   $2,893   $2,543   

(1) Does not include $30 million of tax-exempt adjustable rate Solid
    Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, 1990 Series A, due September 1,
    2015, classified on the Company's books as a current
    liability (interest rate for September 1993 to March 1994 is
(2) Does not include interest on any new financings that may be
    required to fund maturities, redemptions or plant additions
    in any given year.  The Company expects some new financings to


     On December 16, 1992, the DPUC approved levelized rate increases
of 2.66% ($15.8 million) for 1993 and 2.66% (an additional $17.3
million) for 1994, including allowed conservation and load
management revenue increases.  The rate increases totaled $33.1
million, or 5.4%, over two years.  

     In order to achieve levelized 2.66% rate increases for each of
these two years, the DPUC determined that the recovery of $13.1
million of sales adjustment clause revenues would be deferred from
1993 to 1994.

     Utilities are entitled by Connecticut law to revenues sufficient
to allow them to cover their operating and capital costs, to
attract needed capital and maintain their financial integrity,
while also protecting the public interest.  Accordingly, the DPUC's
1992 rate decision authorized a return on equity of 12.4% for
ratemaking purposes.  However, the Company may earn up to 1% above
this level before a mandatory review is required by the DPUC.

                                - 53 -



     Since January 1971, UI has had a fossil fuel adjustment clause
(FCA) in virtually all of its retail rates.  The DPUC is required
by law to convene an administrative proceeding prior to approving
FCA charges or credits for each month.  The law permits automatic
implementation of the charges or credits if the DPUC fails to act
within five days of the administrative proceeding, although all
such charges and credits are also subject to further review and
appropriate adjustment by the DPUC at public hearings required to
be held at least every three months.  The DPUC has made no material
changes in UI's FCA charges and credits as the result of any of
these proceedings or hearings.


     The Company has been phasing into rate base its allowable
investment in Seabrook Unit 1, amounting to $640 million, since
January 1, 1990.  In conjunction with this phase-in plan, the
Company has been allowed to record a deferred return on the portion
of allowable investment excluded from rate base during the phase-in
period.  The accumulated deferred return has been added to rate
base each year since January 1, 1991 in the same proportion as the
phase-in installment for that year has borne to the portion of the
$640 million remaining to be phased-in.  On January 1, 1994, the
Company phased into rate base the remaining $74.5 million of
allowable investment, plus the remaining $28.2 million of
accumulated deferred return.  The Company will be allowed to
recover the accumulated deferred return, amounting to $62.9
million, over a five-year period commencing January 1, 1995.

                                   - 54 -




                                              1993         1992       1991
                                              ----         ----       ----
Income tax expense consists of:                                                
Income tax provisions:                                                          
          Federal                           $13,484      $6,815     $10,869    
          State                               4,843       2,645         407     
                                            --------    --------    --------   
            Total current                    18,327       9,460      11,276    
                                            --------    --------    -------- 
          Federal                             9,620      16,860      13,297   
          State                                (198)     14,233      12,240    
                                            --------    --------    --------   
            Total deferred                    9,422      31,093      25,537    
                                            --------    --------    --------   
  Investment tax credits                       (762)     (4,399)     (3,322)   
                                            --------    --------    --------   
   Total income tax expense                 $26,987     $36,154     $33,491  
                                            ========    ========    ========   

Income tax components charged as follows:                                       
Operating expenses                          $33,309     $48,712     $47,231
 Other income and deductions - net           (6,322)    (12,558)    (19,299)    
 Cumulative effect of change in accounting              
  for property taxes                           -           -          5,559  
                                            --------    --------    --------   
  Total income tax expense                  $26,987     $36,154     $33,491    
                                            ========    ========    ========    

The following table details the components                                     
 of the deferred income taxes:                                                
    Accelerated depreciation                $11,318     $15,452     $17,176     
    Tax depreciation on unrecoverable
      plant investment                        7,915       9,378      10,923     
    Conservation & load management            3,084       3,995       8,374    
    Property tax adjustment                  (1,991)     (1,991)      5,974     
    Deferred fossil fuel costs                 (381)        490      (1,330)    
    Seabrook sale/leaseback transaction      (2,016)      1,629      (1,963)    
    Premiums on BEC bond redemption          (2,378)     (3,209)     (3,209)    
    Cancelled nuclear projects                 (467)     (3,795)     (3,795)    
    Alternative minimum tax                    (139)     (1,344)     (9,922)    
    Sales adjustment revenues                (3,248)      2,415       2,846  
    Gains on sale of utility plant             -          1,237        -        
    Pension & postretirement benefits        (7,179)     (2,489)       (885)    
    Other - net                               4,904       9,325       1,348    
                                            --------    --------    --------    
      Deferred income taxes - net            $9,422     $31,093     $25,537     
                                            ========    ========    ========    

                                   - 55 -



     Total income taxes differ from the amounts computed by applying
the federal statutory tax rate to income before taxes.  The reasons
for the differences are as follows:

                                 1993            1992              1991
                                 ----            ----              ----
                             Pre-Tax  Tax    Pre-Tax    Tax    Pre-Tax   Tax  
                             -------  ---    -------    ---    -------   ---
Computed tax at federal
  statutory rate                   $23,614           $31,593           $30,274
Increases (reductions)
    resulting from:
  Deferred return-Seabrook
    Unit 1                 ($7,497) (2,624) ($15,959) (5,426) ($17,970) (6,110)
  ITC taken into income       (762)   (762)   (4,399) (4,399)   (3,322) (3,322)
  Allowance for equity funds
   used during construction   (999)   (349)   (1,003)   (341)   (1,259)   (428)
  Tax exempt interest on
    municipal bonds           (283)    (99)   (3,664) (1,246)     -         -  
  Book depreciation in excess
    of non-normalized tax
    depreciation            21,711   7,599    20,182   6,862   19,894    6,764
  State income taxes, net of
    federal income tax
    benefits                 4,645   3,019    16,878  11,140   12,647    8,347
  Other items - net         (9,746) (3,411)   (5,968) (2,029)  (5,979)  (2,034)
                                    -------           -------           -------

   Total income tax expense        $26,987           $36,154           $33,491
                                   ========          ========          ========

Book Income Before Federal
  Income Taxes                     $67,467           $92,921           $89,041
                                   ========          ========          ========

Effective income tax rates            40.0%             38.9%             37.6%

     At December 31, 1993, the Company had deferred tax liabilities
for taxable temporary differences of $574 million and deferred tax
assets for deductible temporary differences of $149 million,
resulting in a net deferred tax liability of $425 million. 
Significant components of deferred tax liabilities and assets were
as follows:  tax liabilities on book/tax plant basis differences,
$229 million; tax liabilities on the cumulative amount of income
taxes on temporary differences previously flowed through to
ratepayers, $163 million; tax liabilities on normalization of
book/tax depreciation timing differences, $89 million and tax
assets on the disallowance of plant costs, $77 million.

     The Tax Reform Act of 1986 provides for a more comprehensive
corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT) for years beginning after
1986.  To the extent that the AMT exceeds the federal income tax
computed at statutory rates, the excess must be paid in addition to
the regular tax liability.  For tax purposes, the excess paid in
any year can be carried forward indefinitely and offset against any
future year's regular tax liability in excess of that year's
tentative AMT.  The AMT carryforward at December 31, 1993, 1992 and
1991 was $11.4 million, $11.3 million and $9.9 million,


     The Company has a revolving credit agreement with a group of
banks, which currently extends to January 19, 1995.  The borrowing
limit of this facility is $75 million.  The facility permits the
Company to borrow funds at a fluctuating interest rate determined
by the prime lending market in New York, and also permits the
Company to borrow money for fixed periods of time specified by the
Company at fixed interest rates determined by the Eurodollar
interbank market in London, by the certificate of deposit market in
New York, or by bidding, at the 

                               - 56 -



Company's option.  If a material adverse change in the business,
operations, affairs, assets or condition, financial or otherwise,
or prospects of the Company and its subsidiaries, on a consolidated
basis, should occur, the banks may decline to lend additional money
to the Company under this revolving credit agreement, although
borrowings outstanding at the time of such an occurrence would not
then become due and payable.  As of December 31, 1993, the Company
had no short-term borrowings outstanding under this facility.

     The Company's long-term debt instruments do not limit the amount
of short-term debt that the Company may issue.  The Company's
revolving credit agreement described in the previous paragraph
requires it to maintain an available earnings/interest charges
ratio of not less than 1.5:1.0 for each 12-month period ending on
the last day of each calendar quarter.

     The Company had a $50 million term loan facility with a group of
banks during 1993.  Under this agreement, the Company chose an
interest rate from among three alternatives:  (i) a fluctuating
interest rate determined by the prime lending market in New York;
(ii) a fixed interest rate determined by the Eurodollar interbank
market in London; and (iii) a fixed interest rate determined by the
certificate of deposit market in New York.  On February 1, 1993,
the Company borrowed $50 million from this group of banks, using
the proceeds to repay short-term borrowings and other current
obligations.  On December 3, 1993, the Company repaid the $50
million borrowing and terminated the agreement.

     The Company had a term loan agreement with PruLease, Inc.
(PruLease) that expired on December 1, 1993.  This agreement was
executed on December 31, 1992, when the Company borrowed $49.1
million from PruLease and purchased all the nuclear fuel that was
owned by PruLease and leased to the Company on that date.  This
loan, which was collateralized by a first lien on the Company's
ownership interest in the nuclear fuel for Seabrook Unit 1, was
repaid in full at maturity.

     The Company has a Fossil Fuel Supply Agreement with a financial
institution providing for financing up to $37.5 million in fossil
fuel purchases.  Under this agreement, the financing entity
acquires and stores natural gas, coal and fuel oil for sale to the
Company, and the Company purchases these fossil fuels from the
financing entity at a price for each type of fuel that reimburses
the financing entity for the direct costs it has incurred in
purchasing and storing the fuel, plus a charge for maintaining an
inventory of the fuel determined by reference to the fluctuating
interest rate on thirty-day, dealer-placed commercial paper in New
York.  The Company is obligated to insure the fuel inventories and
to indemnify the financing entity against all liabilities, taxes
and other expenses incurred as a result of its ownership, storage
and sale of fossil fuel to the Company.  This agreement currently
extends to February 1995.  At December 31, 1993, approximately
$10.1 million of fossil fuel purchases were being financed under
this agreement.

                               - 57 -



     Information with respect to short-term borrowings is as follows:

                                            1993        1992        1991
                                            ----        ----        ----
Maximum aggregate principal amount of
 short-term borrowings outstanding at
 any month-end                             $94,635    $84,099      $59,000
Average aggregate short-term borrowings
 outstanding during the year*              $73,700    $43,055      $33,364
Weighted average interest rate*               4.1%       4.4%         6.9%
Principal amounts outstanding at year-end     $0      $84,099      $13,000
Annualized interest rate on principal
amounts outstanding at year-end               N/A        5.1%         5.7%

     *Average short-term borrowings represent the sum of daily
borrowings outstanding, weighted for the number of days outstanding
and divided by the number of days in the period.  The weighted
average interest rate is determined by dividing interest expense by
the amount of average borrowings.  Commitment fees of approximately
$259,600, $208,400 and $289,000 paid during 1993, 1992 and 1991,
respectively, are excluded from the calculation of the weighted
average interest rate.

                               - 58 -




                                          1993         1992         1993       
                                          ----         ----         ----       
Operating Revenues                                                              
- ------------------                                               
 Retail - Base Rates                   $603,559     $566,955     $570,500       
 Sales provision adjustment                -          21,031       14,814       
 Wholesale - capacity                     6,575       20,315       22,379    
           - energy                      39,356       55,169       61,857    
 Other                                    3,533        3,855        3,821     
                                       ---------    ---------    ---------  
   Total Operating Revenues            $653,023     $667,325     $673,371  
                                       =========    =========    =========  
Other Income and (Deductions) - net                                            
- -----------------------------------                                         
 Interest and dividend income          $  3,568     $  6,681     $  1,493  
 Seabrook funding adjustments              -           7,506         -
 Equity earnings from Connecticut                                    
  Yankee Unit                             1,350        1,340        1,536       
 Amortization of loss on investment                                        
  in tax-exempt bonds                      -          (1,752)        -
 Amortization of oil tank lease          (1,322)      (1,183)      (1,059)     
 Gain on sale of property                 2,032        7,104        1,058     
 Miscellaneous other income                                               
  and (deductions) - net                 (5,557)      (1,151)        (331)     
                                       ---------    ---------    ---------   
   Total Other Income                                                      
      and (Deductions) - net           $     71     $ 18,545     $  2,697  
                                       =========    =========    =========  
Other Taxes                                                                 
- -----------                                                                  
 Charged to:                                                                
   State gross earnings                $ 27,955     $ 27,362     $ 27,223  
   Local real estate                                                           
    and personal property                24,449       26,339       22,919    
   Payroll taxes                          5,525        5,527        5,252
   Other                                      3            3          502    
                                       ---------    ---------    ---------  
     Total                               57,932       59,231       55,896  
  Nonoperating and other accounts           335          837          766
                                       ---------    ---------    ---------
                                       $ 58,267     $ 60,068     $ 56,662
                                       =========    =========    =========  
Other Interest Charges
- ----------------------
  Notes payable                        $  3,049     $  2,120     $  2,338  
  Amortization of debt expense                             
   and repurchase premiums                7,818        8,898        7,370     
  Other                                   1,393        1,864          139     
                                       ---------    ---------    ---------  
     Total Other Interest Charges      $ 12,260     $ 12,882     $  9,847  
                                       =========    =========    =========  

                           - 59 -




     The Company's qualified pension plan, which is based on the
highest three years of pay, covers substantially all of its
employees, and its entire cost is borne by the Company.  The
Company also has a non-qualified supplemental plan for certain
executives and a non-qualified retiree only plan for certain early
retirement benefits.  The net pension costs for these plans for
1993, 1992 and 1991 were $14,966,000, $5,749,000 and $2,054,000,

     The Company's funding policy for the qualified plan is to make
annual contributions that satisfy the minimum funding requirements
of ERISA but which do not exceed the maximum deductible limits of
the Internal Revenue Code.  These amounts are determined each year
as a result of an actuarial valuation of the Plan.  In accordance
with this policy, the Company will be contributing $3.3 million in
1994 for 1993 funding requirements.  Previously, due to the
application of the full funding limitation under ERISA, the Company
had not been required to make a contribution since 1985.  The
supplemental plan is unfunded.

     The qualified plan's irrevocable trust fund consists principally
of equity and fixed-income securities and real estate investments
in approximately the following percentages:

                                               Percentage of
            Asset Category                     Total Fund
            --------------                     ------------

            Equity Securities                      63
            Fixed-income Securities                32
            Real Estate                             5

                               - 60 -



                                                         1993          1992
                                                         ----          ----
The components of net pension costs were as follows:
  Service cost of benefits earned during the period     $3,977       $ 3,846
  Interest cost on projected benefit obligation         13,165        12,300
  Actual return on plan assets                         (23,344)       (7,676)
  Net amortization and deferral                         10,130        (5,559)
                                                        ------        ------ 

  Net pension cost                                     $3,928*       $2,911**

 *In addition, a cost of $11,038,000 was recognized under SFAS
No. 88 as a result of special termination benefits provided under
the Pension Plan.

**In addition, a loss of $108,000 was recognized in 1992 under SFAS
No. 88 as a result of a curtailment with regard to the supplemental
plans, and a cost of $2,730,000 was recognized under SFAS No. 88 as
a result of certain terminations.

Assumptions used to determine pension costs were:
  Discount rate                                         8.25%         8.25%
  Average wage increase                                 5.50%         5.50%
  Return on plan assets                                 8.50%         8.50%

                                 December 31, 1993           December 31, 1992
                                 -----------------           -----------------
                              Qualified  Non-Qualified Qualified  Non-Qualified
                                 Plan        Plans       Plan         Plans
                                 ----        -----       ----         -----  
The funded status and amounts
 recognized in balance sheets
 are as follows: 
  Actuarial present value of
   benefit obligations:
  Vested benefit obligation   $130,582     $3,097      $106,417      $3,572
                              ========     ======      ========      ======   

  Accumulated benefit
   obligation                 $137,081     $3,097      $108,820      $3,572
                              ========     ======      ========      ======

  Reconciliation of accrued
   pension liability:
    Projected benefit
      obligation              $198,236     $4,262      $159,899      $4,166
    Less fair value of plan
      assets                   167,732       -          152,401        -  
                              --------     ------      --------      ------ 
    Projected benefit
      greater (less) than plan
      assets                    30,504      4,262         7,498       4,166
    Unrecognized prior service
      cost                     (6,516)       (157)       (6,955)       (180)
    Unrecognized net gain (loss)
     from past experience      (6,966)       (327)          840        (478)
    Unrecognized net asset
     (obligation) at date of
     initial application       12,878        (131)       13,986        (163)
                              -------      ------       -------      ------

     Accrued pension
      liability               $29,900      $3,647       $15,369      $3,345
                              =======      ======       =======      ======

Assumptions used in estimating
 benefit obligations:
  Discount rate                 7.50%      7.50%         8.25%        8.25%
  Average wage increase         5.50%      5.50%         5.50%       5.50%

                                    - 61 -



     In addition to providing pension benefits, the Company also
provides other postretirement benefits (OPEB), consisting
principally of health care and life insurance benefits, for retired
employees and their dependents.  Employees with 25 years of service
are eligible for full benefits, while employees with less than 25
years of service but greater than 15 years of service are entitled
to partial benefits.  Years of service prior to age 35 are not
included in determining the number of years of service.

     Prior to January 1, 1993, the Company recognized the cost of
providing OPEB on a pay-as-you-go basis by expensing the annual
insurance premiums.  These costs amounted to $1.3 million and $1.1
million for 1992 and 1991, respectively.  Effective January 1,
1993, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards (SFAS) No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement
Benefits Other than Pensions", which requires, among other things,
that OPEB costs be recognized over the employment period that
encompasses eligibility to receive such benefits.  In its December
16, 1992 decision on the Company's application for retail rate
relief, the DPUC recognized the Company's obligation to adopt SFAS
No. 106, effective January 1, 1993, and approved the Company's
request for revenues to recover OPEB expenses on a SFAS No. 106
basis.  A portion of these expenses represents the transition
obligation, which will accrue over a 20-year period, representing
the future liability for medical and life insurance benefits based
on past service for retirees and active employees.

     For funding purposes, the Company has established two Voluntary
Employees' Benefit Association Trusts (VEBA) to fund OPEB for
employees who retire on or after January 1, 1994; one VEBA for
union employees and one for non-union employees.  Approximately 52%
of the Company's employees are represented by Local 470-1, Utility
Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, for collective bargaining
purposes.  The funding policy assumes contributions to these trust
funds to be the total OPEB expense under SFAS No. 106, excluding
the amount that resulted from the reorganization minus pay-as-you-
go benefit payments for pre-January 1, 1994 retirees, allocated in
a manner that minimizes current income tax liability, without
exceeding maximum tax deductible limits.  In accordance with this
policy, the Company contributed approximately $3 million to the
union VEBA on December 30, 1993.  The Company currently plans to
fund the portion of the OPEB expense that is related to the
reorganization during the years 1994-1996.

     The 1993 cost for OPEB includes the following components:

    Service cost                                           $1,182
    Interest cost                                           1,959
    Actual return on plan assets                               - 
    Amortizations and deferrals - net                       1,215
    Net Cost of Postretirement Benefit                     $4,356

    Assumptions used to determine OPEB costs were:

    Discount rate                                          8.25%
    Health Care Cost Trend Rates
      Pre-age 65 claims                                    8.3%*
      Post-age 65 claims                                   9.0%*

    *Assumed rates gradually decline to 6.2% by the year 2020

A one percentage point increase in the assumed health care cost
trend rate would have increased the service cost and interest cost
components of the 1993 net cost of periodic postretirement benefit
by approximately $445,000 and would increase the accumulated
postretirement benefit obligation for health care benefits by
approximately $2,421,000.

                                 - 62 -



     The following table reconciles the funded status of the plan
with the amount recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of
December 31, 1993:

    Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation:
      Retirees                                                      $ 12,292
      Fully eligible active plan participants                          1,950
      Other active plan participants                                  16,088
    Total Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation               30,330

    Plan assets at fair value                                          2,984
    Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation in 
     Excess of Plan Assets                                            27,346

    Unrecognized net loss                                             (2,990)
    Unamortized transition obligation                                (23,089) 

    Accrued Postretirement Benefit Obligation                       $  1,267

    The weighted average discount rate used to measure the
accumulated postretirement benefit obligation was 7.5%.

    During 1993, in conjunction with a in-depth organizational
review, the Company offered a voluntary early retirement program to
non-union employees who were eligible to receive pension benefits. 
This offer was accepted by 103 employees.  The 1993 OPEB cost for
this program was $1.267 million.  These costs are recognized as a
component of the reorganizational charge shown on the Company's
Consolidated Statement of Income.

    In November 1992, the FASB issued SFAS No. 112, "Employers'
Accounting for Post-Employment Benefits".  This statement, which
will be adopted during the first quarter of 1994, establishes
accounting standards for employers who provide benefits, such as
unemployment compensation, severance benefits and disability
benefits, to former or inactive employees after employment but
before retirement and requires recognition of the obligation for
these benefits.  The adoption of this new standard will result in
a pre-tax charge against earnings amounting to approximately $2
million during the first quarter of 1994.  Subsequent period costs
are not expected to be material.

                               - 63 -




     At December 31, 1993, the Company had the following interests in
jointly owned plants:

                                 Leasehold     Plant In          Accumulated
                                   Share       Service           Depreciation
                                 ----------    --------          ------------

  Seabrook Unit 1                 17.5  %       $650                $63
  Millstone Unit 3                 3.685         134                 48
  New Haven Harbor Station        93.7           132                 60

     The Company's share of the operating costs of jointly owned
plants is included in the appropriate expense captions in the
Consolidated Statement of Income.  


     From December 1984 through December 1992, the Company had been
recovering its investment in Seabrook Unit 2 over a regulatory
approved ten-year period without a return on its unamortized
investment.  In the Company's 1992 rate decision, the DPUC adopted
a proposal by the Company to write off its remaining investment in
Seabrook Unit 2, beginning January 1, 1993, over a 24-year period,
corresponding with the flowback of certain Connecticut Corporation
Business Tax (CCBT) credits.  Such decision will allow the Company
to retain the Seabrook Unit 2/CCBT amounts for ratemaking purposes,
with the accumulated CCBT credits not deducted from rate base
during the 24-year period of amortization in recognition of a
longer period of time for amortization of the Seabrook Unit 2


     The Company has a Fossil Fuel Supply Agreement with a financial
institution providing for financing up to $37.5 million in fossil
fuel purchases.  Under this agreement, the financing entity
acquires and stores natural gas, coal and fuel oil for sale to the
Company, and the Company purchases these fossil fuels from the
financing entity at a price for each type of fuel that reimburses
the financing entity for the direct costs it has incurred in
purchasing and storing the fuel, plus a charge for maintaining an
inventory of the fuel determined by reference to the fluctuating
interest rate on thirty-day, dealer-placed commercial paper in New
York.  The Company is obligated to insure the fuel inventories and
to indemnify the financing entity against all liabilities, taxes
and other expenses incurred as a result of its ownership, storage
and sale of fossil fuel to the Company.  This agreement currently
extends to February 1995.  At December 31, 1993, approximately
$10.1 million of fossil fuel purchases were being financed under
this agreement.

     The Company has leases (some of which are capital leases),
including arrangements for data processing and office equipment,
vehicles, office space and oil tanks.  The gross amount of assets
recorded under capital leases and the related obligations of those
leases as of December 31, 1993 are recorded on the balance sheet.

     Future minimum lease payments under capital leases, excluding
the Seabrook sale/leaseback transaction, which is being treated as
a long-term financing, are estimated to be as follows:

                               - 64 -



  Next five years:                                               (000's)

     1994                                                        $22,757
     1995                                                            950
     1996                                                              0
     1997                                                              0
     1998                                                              0
   After 1998                                                          0
   Total minimum capital lease payments                           23,707
       Less:  Amount representing interest                         1,998
   Present value of minimum capital lease payments               $21,709

     Capitalization of leases has no impact on income, since the sum
of the amortization of a leased asset and the interest on the lease
obligation equals the rental expense allowed for ratemaking

     Rental payments charged to operating expenses in 1993, 1992 and
1991 amounted to $14.1 million, $14.8 million and $14.9 million,

     Operating leases, which are charged to operating expense,
consist of a large number of small, relatively short-term,
renewable agreements for a wide variety of equipment.


Capital Expenditure Program

     The Company has entered into commitments in connection with its
continuing capital expenditure program, which is presently
estimated at approximately $366.5 million, excluding AFUDC, for
1994 through 1998.  


     After experiencing increasing financial stress beginning in May
1987, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH), which held
the largest ownership share (35.6%) in Seabrook, commenced a
proceeding under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in January of
1988.  Under this statute, PSNH continued its operations while
seeking a financial reorganization.  A reorganization plan proposed
by Northeast Utilities (NU) was confirmed by the bankruptcy court
in April of 1990 and, on May 16, 1991, PSNH completed the financing
required for payment of its pre-bankruptcy secured and unsecured
debt under the first stage of the reorganization plan and emerged
from bankruptcy.  On May 19, 1992, the NRC issued the final
regulatory approval necessary for the second stage of the NU
reorganization plan, under which PSNH would be acquired by NU; and
on June 5, 1992, this acquisition was completed.  As part of the
transaction, PSNH's ownership share of Seabrook Unit 1 was
transferred to a wholly-owned subsidiary of NU.  Two previous
regulatory approvals of the NU reorganization plan for PSNH, by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC), continue to be challenged in court
proceedings, and the Company is unable to predict the outcome of
these proceedings.

     On February 28, 1991, EUA Power Corporation (EUA Power), the
holder of a 12.1% ownership share in Seabrook, commenced a
proceeding under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.  EUA Power, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Eastern Utilities Associates (EUA), was
organized solely for the purpose of acquiring an ownership share in
Seabrook and selling in the wholesale market its share of the
electric power produced by Seabrook.  EUA Power commenced this
bankruptcy proceeding because the cash generated by its sales of
power at current market prices was insufficient to pay its
obligations on its outstanding debt.  Subsequently, EUA Power's

                             - 65 -



was changed to Great Bay Power Corporation (Great Bay).  The
official committee of Great Bay's bondholders (Bondholders
Committee) has proposed, and the bankruptcy court has confirmed, a
reorganization plan for Great Bay, under which substantially all of
the equity ownership of Great Bay would pass to its bondholders. 
On February 2, 1994, the Bondholders Committee accepted a financing
proposal that would inject $35 million of new ownership equity into
Great Bay.  The bankruptcy court must approve this structure before
the Great Bay reorganization plan becomes effective.  Further
approvals are also required from the NRC, FERC and the New
Hampshire Public Utilities Commission.  The bankruptcy court has
approved an agreement among Great Bay, the Bondholders Committee,
UI and The Connecticut Light and Power Company (CL&P), under which
up to $20 million in advance payments against their respective
future monthly Seabrook payment obligations will be made available
between UI and CL&P as needed until the reorganization plan becomes
effective.  UI's share of funding obligations under this agreement
totals $8 million.  As of December 31, 1993, $5.5 million had been
advanced by UI under this agreement.  At January 31, 1994, $602,000
of the Company's advances remained outstanding.  This agreement can
be terminated by UI and CL&P upon thirty days notice or upon
failure of the reorganization process to achieve certain milestones
by specified dates.  UI is unable to predict what impact, if any,
failure of the reorganization plan to become effective will have on
the operating license for Seabrook Unit 1, or what other actions UI
and the other joint owners of the unit may be required to take in
response to developments in this bankruptcy proceeding as it may
affect Seabrook.

     Nuclear generating units are subject to the licensing
requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) under the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and a variety of other state
and federal requirements.  Although Seabrook Unit 1 has been issued
a 40-year operating license, NRC proceedings and investigations
prompted by inquiries from Congressmen and by NRC licensing board
consideration of technical contentions may arise and continue for
an indefinite period of time in the future.

Nuclear Insurance Contingencies

     The Price-Anderson Act, currently extended through August 1,
2002, limits public liability resulting from a single incident at
a nuclear power plant.  The first $200 million of liability
coverage is provided by purchasing the maximum amount of
commercially available insurance.  Additional liability coverage
will be provided by an assessment of up to $75.5 million per
incident, levied on each of the nuclear units licensed to operate
in the United States, subject to a maximum assessment of $10
million per incident per nuclear unit in any year.  In addition, if
the sum of all public liability claims and legal costs resulting
from any nuclear incident exceeds the maximum amount of financial
protection, each reactor operator can be assessed an additional 5%
of $75.5 million, or $3.775 million.  The maximum assessment is
adjusted at least every five years to reflect the impact of
inflation.  Based on its interests in nuclear generating units, the
Company estimates its maximum liability would be $20.3 million per
incident.  However, assessment would be limited to $3.1 million per
incident, per year.  With respect to each of the operating nuclear
generating units in which the Company has an interest, the Company
will be obligated to pay its ownership and/or leasehold share of
any statutory assessment resulting from a nuclear incident at any
nuclear generating unit.

     The NRC requires nuclear generating units to obtain property
insurance coverage in a minimum amount of $1.06 billion and to
establish a system of prioritized use of the insurance proceeds in
the event of a nuclear incident.  The system requires that the
first $1.06 billion of insurance proceeds be used to stabilize the
nuclear reactor to prevent any significant risk to public health
and safety and then for decontamination and cleanup operations. 
Only following completion of these tasks would the balance, if any,
of the segregated insurance proceeds become available to the unit's
owners.  For each of the nuclear generating units in which the
Company has an interest, the Company is required to pay its
ownership and/or leasehold share of the cost of purchasing such

                                 - 66 -



Other Commitments and Contingencies


     The Company is a participant in the Hydro-Quebec transmission
intertie facility linking New England and Quebec, Canada.  Phase II
of this facility, in which UI has a 5.45% participating share, has
increased the capacity value of the intertie from 690 megawatts to
a maximum of 2000 megawatts.  A ten-year Firm Energy Contract,
which provides for the sale of 7 million megawatt-hours per year by
Hydro-Quebec to the New England participants in the Phase II
facility, became effective on July 1, 1991.  The Company is
obligated to furnish a guarantee for its participating share of the
debt financing for the Phase II facility.  Currently, the Company's
guarantee liability for this debt amounts to approximately $9.8

                        Reorganization Charge

     During 1993, the Company undertook an in-depth organizational
review with the primary objective of improving customer service. 
As a result of this review, the Company eliminated approximately 75

     In conjunction with this review, the Company offered a voluntary
early retirement program to non-union employees who were eligible
to receive pension benefits.  The early retirement offer was
accepted by 103 employees and the Company incurred a one-time
charge to 1993 earnings of approximately $13.6 million ($7.8
million, after-tax).  No decision has been made as to whether to
offer a severance program to employees who may be affected by the
organizational review when it is completed, but who were not
eligible for, or did not accept, the early retirement offer.

                       Site Remediation Costs

     The Company has estimated that the cost of environmental
remediation of its decommissioned Steel Point Station property in
Bridgeport will be approximately $10.3 million and has recorded a
liability for this cost.  Following remediation, the Company
intends to sell the property for development for a value it
estimates will not exceed $6 million.  In the Company's last rate
decision, the DPUC provided additional revenues to recover the $4.3
million difference during the period 1993-1996, subject to true-up
in the Company's next retail rate proceeding, based on actual
remediation costs and the actual gain on the sale of the property.

                          Property Taxes

     In November 1993, the Company received "updated" personal
property tax bills from the City of New Haven (the City) for the
tax year 1991-1992, aggregating $6.6 million, based on an audit by
the City's tax assessor.  The Company anticipates receiving
additional bills of this sort for the tax years 1992-1993 and
1993-1994, the amounts of which cannot be predicted at this time. 
The Company is contesting these tax bills vigorously and has
commenced an action in the Superior Court to enjoin the City from
any effort to collect these tax bills.  Due to a lack of data, it
is not possible, at this time, to assess accurately the Company's
liability, if any.


     Costs associated with nuclear plant operations include amounts
for disposal of nuclear wastes, including spent fuel, and for the
ultimate decommissioning of the plants.  Under the Nuclear Waste
Policy Act of 1982, the federal Department of Energy (DOE) is
required to design, license, construct and operate a permanent
repository for high level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear
fuel.  The Act requires the DOE to provide, beginning in 1998, for
the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste
from commercial nuclear plants through contracts with the owners
and generators of such waste; and the DOE has established disposal

                                - 67 -



fees that are being paid to the federal government by electric
utilities owning or operating nuclear generating units.  In return
for payment of the prescribed fees, the federal government is to
take title to and dispose of the utilities' high level wastes and
spent nuclear fuel beginning no later than 1998.  However, the DOE
has announced that its first high level waste repository will not
be in operation earlier than 2010, notwithstanding the DOE's
statutory and contractual responsibility to begin disposal of
high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel beginning not later
than January 31, 1998.

     Until the federal government begins receiving such materials in
accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, operating nuclear
generating units will need to retain high level wastes and spent
fuel on-site or make other provisions for their storage.  Storage
facilities for Millstone Unit 3 are expected to be adequate for the
projected life of the unit.  Storage facilities for the Connecticut
Yankee unit are expected to be adequate through the mid-1990s. 
Storage facilities for Seabrook Unit 1 are expected to be adequate
until at least 2010.  Fuel consolidation and compaction
technologies are being developed and are expected to provide
adequate storage capability for the projected lives of the latter
two units.  In addition, other licensed technologies, such as dry
storage casks, can accommodate spent fuel storage requirements.

     Disposal costs for low-level radioactive wastes (LLW) that
result from normal operation of nuclear generating units have
increased significantly in recent years and are expected to
continue to increase.  The cost increases are functions of
increased packaging and transportation costs and higher fees and
surcharges charged by the disposal facilities.  Pursuant to the
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act of 1980, each state was
responsible for providing disposal facilities for LLW generated
within the state and was authorized to join with other states into
regional compacts to jointly fulfill their responsibilities. 
Pursuant to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act
of 1985, each state in which a currently operating disposal
facility is located (South Carolina, Nevada and Washington) is
allowed to impose volume limits and a surcharge on shipments of LLW
from states that are not members of the compact in the region in
which the facility is located.  On June 19, 1992, the United States
Supreme Court issued a decision upholding certain parts of the
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985, but
invalidating a key provision of that law requiring each state to
take title to LLW generated within that state if the state fails to
meet federally-mandated deadlines for siting LLW disposal
facilities.  The decision has resulted in uncertainty about states'
continuing roles in siting LLW disposal facilities and may result
in increased LLW disposal costs and the need for longer interim LLW
storage before a permanent solution is developed.

     The Connecticut Hazardous Waste Management Service (the
Service), a state quasi-public corporation, was charged with
coordinating the establishment of a facility for disposal of LLW
originating in Connecticut.  In June 1991, the Service announced
that it had selected three potential sites in north-central
Connecticut for further study.  The Service's announcement provoked
intense controversy in the affected municipalities and resulted in
legislative action to stop the selection process.  On February 1,
1993, the Service presented the legislature with a new site
selection plan under which communities are urged to volunteer a
site for a facility in return for financial and other incentives. 
The volunteer process is being continued in 1994.  The Service's
activities in this regard are funded by assessments on
Connecticut's LLW generators.  Due to a change in the volunteer
process, there was no assessment for the 1993-1994 fiscal year and
the state projects no assessment for the 1994-1995 and 1995-1996
fiscal years.

     Additional LLW storage capacity has been or can be constructed
or acquired at the Millstone and Connecticut Yankee sites to
provide for temporary storage of LLW should that become necessary. 
Connecticut LLW can be managed by volume reduction, storage or
shipment at least through 1999.  The Company cannot predict whether
and when a disposal site will be designated in Connecticut.

     The State of New Hampshire has not met deadlines for compliance
with the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, and Seabrook
Unit 1 has been denied access to existing disposal facilities. 
Therefore, LLW generated

                               - 68 -



by Seabrook Unit 1 is being stored on-site.  The Seabrook storage
facility currently has capacity to store approximately five years'
accumulation of waste generated by Seabrook, and the plant operator
plans to expand its storage capacity as necessary.

     NRC licensing requirements and restrictions are also applicable
to the decommissioning of nuclear generating units at the end of
their service lives, and the NRC has adopted comprehensive
regulations concerning decommissioning planning, timing, funding
and environmental reviews.  UI and the other owners of the nuclear
generating units in which UI has interests estimate decommissioning
costs for the units and attempt to recover sufficient amounts
through their allowed electric rates to cover expected
decommissioning costs.  Changes in NRC requirements or technology
can increase estimated decommissioning costs, and UI's customers in
future years may experience higher electric rates to offset the
effects of any insufficient rate recovery in prior years.

     New Hampshire has enacted a law requiring the creation of a
government-managed fund to finance the decommissioning of nuclear
generating units in that state.  The New Hampshire Nuclear
Decommissioning Financing Committee (NDFC) established $345 million
(in 1993 dollars) as the decommissioning cost estimate for Seabrook
Unit 1.  This estimate premises the prompt removal and dismantling
of the Unit at the end of its estimated 40-year energy producing
life.  Monthly decommissioning payments are being made to the
state-managed decommissioning trust fund.  UI's share of the
decommissioning payments made during 1993 was $1.3 million.  UI's
share of the fund at December 31, 1993 was approximately $3.7

     Connecticut has enacted a law requiring the operators of nuclear
generating units to file periodically with the DPUC their plans for
financing the decommissioning of the units in that state.  Current
decommissioning cost estimates for Millstone Unit 3 and Connecticut
Yankee are $421 million (in 1994 dollars) and $324 million (in 1994
dollars), respectively.  These estimates premise the prompt removal
and dismantling of each unit at the end of its estimated 40-year
energy producing life.  Monthly decommissioning payments, based on
these cost estimates, are being made to decommissioning trust funds
managed by Northeast Utilities.  UI's share of the Millstone Unit
3 decommissioning payments made during 1993 was $328,000.  UI's
share of the fund at December 31, 1993 was approximately $1.9
million.  For the Company's 9.5% equity ownership in Connecticut
Yankee, decommissioning costs of $1.3 million were funded by UI
during 1993, and UI's share of the fund at December 31, 1993 was
$9.5 million.

                       Environmental Concerns

     In complying with existing environmental statutes and
regulations and further developments in these and other areas of
environmental concern, including legislation and studies in the
fields of water and air quality (particularly "air toxics", "ozone
non-attainment" and "global warming"), hazardous waste handling and
disposal, toxic substances, and electric and magnetic fields, the
Company may incur substantial capital expenditures for equipment
modifications and additions, monitoring equipment and recording
devices, and it may incur additional operating expenses. 
Litigation expenditures may also increase as a result of scientific
investigations, and speculation and debate, concerning the
possibility of harmful health effects of electric and magnetic
fields.  The Company believes that any additional costs incurred
for these purposes will be recoverable through the ratemaking
process.  The total amount of these expenditures is not now


     Effective January 1, 1991, the Company changed its method of
accounting for property taxes from accrual over the twelve-month
period following assessment date to accrual over the fiscal period
of the applicable taxing authority.  The effect of the change in
accounting was to increase 1991 earnings for common stock by $7.9
million, of which $7.3 million represented the cumulative effect of
the change at January 1, 1991, and $.6 million represented an
increase in earnings for 1991.

                              - 69 -




     The estimated fair values of the Company's financial instruments
are as follows:

                                             1993                 1992
                                             ----                 ----
                                      Carrying    Fair     Carrying    Fair
                                       Amount     Value     Amount     Value
                                      --------    -----    --------    -----
                                             (000's)             (000's)
Cash and temporary cash investments   $ 48,171  $ 48,171  $105,631   $105,631

Long-term debt (2)(3)                 $768,601  $810,329  $736,290   $786,496

(1)  Equity investments were not valued because they were not
     considered to be material.

(2)  Excludes the $250,000,000 Obligation under the Seabrook Unit
     1 sale/leaseback agreement.

(3)  The fair market value of the Company's long-term debt is
     estimated by brokers based on market conditions at December
     31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

                                   - 70 -




     Selected quarterly financial data for 1993 and 1992 are set
forth below:

                                                            Earnings (Loss) 
                  Operating    Operating      Net Income    Per Share of
Quarter           Revenues      Income        (Loss) (2)    Common Stock(1)(2)
- -------           ---------    ---------      ----------    ------------------
                   (000's)      (000's)         (000's)

    First         $161,936      $31,164        $12,586             $ .82
    Second         151,012       29,335         10,374               .66
    Third          189,432       41,358         22,756              1.54
    Fourth         150,643       12,957         (5,235)             (.45)


    First         $176,800      $30,177        $13,722             $ .91
    Second         160,451       30,335         21,575              1.47
    Third          175,877       29,889         16,014              1.07
    Fourth         154,197       17,621          5,457               .31


(1)  Based on weighted average number of shares outstanding each quarter.

(2)  Earnings per share for the fourth quarter of 1993 include an after-tax
     charge of $7.8 million or $.56 per share associated with the
     reorganization of the Company.

                                  - 71 -


To the Shareowners and Directors of
 The United Illuminating Company:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balances sheets of
The United Illuminating Company as of December 31, 1993, 1992 and
1991, and related consolidated statements of income, retained
earnings and cash flows for the years then ended.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements and financial statement schedules based on
our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards.  Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An
audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating
the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated
financial position of The United Illuminating Company as of
December 31, 1993, 1992, and 1991, and the consolidated results
of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                 /s/ COOPERS & LYBRAND

Hartford, Connecticut
January 24, 1994

                                    - 72 -

Item  9.  Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
          Accounting and Financial Disclosures.

     Not Applicable

                         PART III

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Company.

     The information appearing under the captions "NOMINEES FOR
SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934" in the Company's definitive Proxy
Statement, dated April 8, 1994, for the Annual Meeting of the
Shareholders to be held on May 18, 1994, which Proxy Statement will
be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on or about
April 8, 1994, is incorporated by reference in partial answer to
this item.  See also "EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY", following
Part I, Item 4 herein.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation.

     The information appearing under the captions "EXECUTIVE
AND "DIRECTOR COMPENSATION" in the Company's definitive Proxy 
Statement, dated April 8, 1994, for the Annual Meeting of the 
Shareholders to be held on May 18, 1994, which Proxy Statement 
will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on or 
about April 8, 1994, is incorporated by reference in answer to
this item.

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and

     The information appearing under the captions "PRINCIPAL
the Company's definitive Proxy Statement, dated April 8, 1994 for
the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders to be held on May 18, 1994,
which Proxy Statement will be filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on or about April 8, 1994, is incorporated by
reference in answer to this item.

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.

     The information appearing under the caption "NOMINEES FOR
ELECTION AS DIRECTORS" in the Company's definitive Proxy Statement,
dated April 8, 1994, for the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders to
be held on May 18, 1994, which Proxy Statement will be filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission on or about April 8, 1994,
is incorporated by reference in answer to this item.

                              - 73 -

                             PART IV

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on
          Form 8-K.

      (a) The following documents are filed as a part of this report:

      Financial Statements (see Item 8):

         Consolidated statement of income for the years ended December 31,
         1993, 1992 and 1991

         Consolidated statement of cash flows for the years ended
         December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991  

         Consolidated balance sheet, December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991

         Consolidated statement of retained earnings for the years
         ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991  

         Statement of accounting policies

         Notes to consolidated financial statements

         Report of independent accountants

      Financial Statement Schedules (see S-1 through S-5)

         Schedule V - Property, plant and equipment for the years ended
         December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991.

         Schedule VI - Accumulated depreciation, depletion and
         amortization of property, plant and equipment for the years
         ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991.
         Schedule VIII - Valuation and qualifying accounts for the
         years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991.

                                - 74 -


     Pursuant to Rule 12b-32 under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, certain of the following listed exhibits which are annexed as
exhibits to previous statements and reports filed by the Company
are hereby incorporated by reference as exhibits to this report. 
Such statements and reports are identified by reference numbers as

 (1)  Filed with Annual Report (Form 10-K) for fiscal year ended
      December 31, 1991.

 (2)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-45434, effective
      September 25, 1972, and Registration Statement No. 2-45435,
      effective September 26, 1972.

 (3)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-60849, effective July 24, 1978.

 (4)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-66518, effective
      February 25, 1980.

 (5)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-57275, effective
      October 19, 1976.

 (6)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-67998, effective June 19, 1980.

 (7)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-72907, effective July 16, 1981.

 (8)  Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Registration
      Statement No. 2-78643, effective August 19, 1982.

 (9)  Filed with Annual Report (Form 10-K) for fiscal year ended
      December  31, 1990.

(10)  Filed with Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q) for fiscal quarter
      ended September 30, 1991.

(11)  Filed with Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q) for fiscal quarter
      ended March 31, 1991.
(12)  Filed with Annual Report (Form 10-K) for fiscal year ended
      December 31, 1992.

(13   Filed with Registration Statement No. 33-40169, effective
      August 12, 1991.

(14)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 33-35465, effective
      August 1, 1990.

(15)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-49669, effective
      December 11, 1973.

(16)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-54876, effective
      November 19, 1975.

(17)  Filed with Registration Statement No. 2-52657, effective
      February 6, 1975.

(18)  Filed with Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q) for fiscal quarter
      ended June 30, 1992.

(19)  Filed with Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q) for fiscal quarter
      ended September 30, 1990.

                               - 75 -

     The exhibit number in the statement or report referenced is set
forth in the parenthesis following the description of the exhibit. 
Those of the following exhibits not so identified are filed herewith.

 Table    Exhibit  Reference
Item No.    No.      No.                      Description
- --------  -------  ---------                  -----------

(3)        3.1      (1)     Copy of Charter of The United Illuminating Company,
                             dated December 15, 1965.   (Exhibit 3.1)
(3)        3.2      (2)     Copy of a certificate concerning the creation of a
                             class of Preferred Stock of The United Illuminating
                             Company and the authority of the Board of Directors
                             to issue said Preferred Stock, dated July 13, 1956,
                             and filed with the Secretary of State of
                             Connecticut July 13, 1956.   (Exhibit 3.12)
(3)        3.3      (1)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated November 19, 1962, andfiled with the 
                             Secretary of State of Connecticut November 29,
                             1962.   (Exhibit 3.3)
(3)        3.4      (1)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated October 25, 1965, and filed with the 
                             Secretary of State of Connecticut November 22,
                             1965.   (Exhibit 3.4)
(3)        3.5      (2)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors
                             and Shareholders, dated June 6, 1967, and filed
                             with the Secretary of State of Connecticut
                             June 6, 1967.   (Exhibit 3.13)
(3)        3.6      (1)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors, 
                             dated December 1, 1967, and filed with the
                             Secretary of State of Connecticut December 7,
                             1967.   (Exhibit 3.6)
(3)        3.7      (3)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors
                             and Shareholders, dated April 27, 1971, and
                             filed with the Secretary of State of Connecticut
                             April 29, 1971.   (Exhibit 2.2-14)
(3)        3.8      (1)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated March 29, 1972, and filed with the Secretary
                             of State of Connecticut March 30, 1972.
                             (Exhibit 3.8)
(3)        3.9      (4)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors and
                             Shareholders, dated May 4 1973, and filed with the
                             Secretary of State of Connecticut May 7, 1973.
                             (Exhibit 2.2-17)
(3)        3.10             Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of 
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated July 2, 1973, and filed with the Secretary
                             of State of Connecticut July 2, 1973.
                             (Exhibit 3.10)
(3)        3.11     (5)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors
                             and Shareholders, dated April 26, 1976, and filed
                             with the Secretary of State of Connecticut
                             April 27, 1976.   (Exhibit 2.2-18)
(3)        3.12     (5)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors
                             and Shareholders, dated April 26, 1976, and filed
                             with the Secretary of State of Connecticut
                             April 27, 1976.   (Exhibit 2.2-19)
(3)        3.13     (1)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated October 20, 1976, and filed with the
                             Secretary of State of Connecticut October 21,
                             1976.   (Exhibit 3.13)
(3)        3.14     (1)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated April 4, 1979, and filed with the Secretary
                             of State of Connecticut April 5, 1979.
                             (Exhibit 3.14)
(3)        3.15             Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated April 29, 1980, and filed with the Secretary
                             of State of Connecticut April 30, 1980. 
                             (Exhibit 3.15)

                                - 76 -

 Table    Exhibit  Reference
Item No.    No.      No.                 Description
- --------  -------  ---------             -----------

(3)        3.16     (6)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors 
                             and Shareholders, dated May 20, 1980, and filed
                             with the Secretary of State of Connecticut May 23,
                             1980.   (Exhibit 2.2-20)
(3)        3.17     (7)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors
                             and Shareholders, dated June 12, 1981, and filed
                             with the Secretary of State of Connecticut
                             June 16, 1981.   (Exhibit 1.20)
(3)        3.18     (12)    Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated July 13, 1981, and filed with the Secretary
                             of State of Connecticut July 14, 1981.
(3)        3.19     (8)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors
                             and Shareholders, dated June 1, 1983, and filed
                             with the Secretary of State of Connecticut
                             June 3, 1983.   (Exhibit 4.31)
(3)        3.20     (9)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated July 24, 1984, and filed with the Secretary
                             of State of Connecticut July 24, 1984.
                             (Exhibit 1)
(3)        3.21     (9)     Copy of Certificate Amending Certificate of
                             Incorporation by Action of Board of Directors,
                             dated August 8, 1984, and filed with the Secretary
                             of State of Connecticut August 9, 1984.
                             (Exhibit 2)
(3)        3.22     (9)     Copy of Certificate Amending or Restating
                             Certificate of Incorporation, filed with the
                             Secretary of State of Connecticut August 1, 1990.
                             (Exhibit 3.22)
(3)        3.23     (10)    Copy of Certificate Amending or Restating
                             Certificate of Incorporation, dated May 9, 1991,
                             and filed with the Secretary of State of
                             Connecticut August 27, 1991.  (Exhibit 3.22a)
(3)        3.24a    (3)     Copy of Bylaws of The United Illuminating
                             Company.   (Exhibit 2.3)
(3)        3.24b    (10)    Copy of Article II, Section 2, of Bylaws of The
                             United Illuminating Company, as amended March 26,
                             1990, amending Exhibit 3.24a.   (Exhibit  3.23b) 
(3)        3.24c    (11)    Copy of Article V, Section 1, of Bylaws of The
                             United Illuminating Company, as amended April 22,
                             1991, amending Exhibit 3.24a.   (Exhibit 3.23c)
(4)        4.1      (9)     Copy of First Mortgage Indenture and Deed of Trust,
                             dated as of December 1, 1984, between Bridgeport
                             Electric Company and The First National Bank of
                             Boston, Trustee.  (Exhibit 4.12)
(4)        4.2      (12)    Copy of First Supplemental Mortgage Indenture,
                             dated as of February 15, 1987, between Bridgeport
                             Electric Company and The First National Bank of
                             Boston, Trustee, amending and supplementing
                             Exhibit 4.1.   (Exhibit 4.2)
(4)        4.3      (12)    Copy of Second Supplemental Mortgage Indenture,
                             dated as of January 14, 1988, between Bridgeport
                             Electric Company and The First National Bank of
                             Boston, Trustee, amending and supplementing Exhibit
                             4.1 and amending Exhibit 4.2.    (Exhibit 4.3)
(4)        4.4              Copy of Third Supplemental Mortgage Indenture,
                             dated as of March 31, 1988 between Bridgeport
                             Electric Company and The First National Bank of
                             Boston, Trustee, amending Exhibit 4.1.
(4)        4.5      (13)    Copy of Indenture, dated as of August 1, 1991,
                             from The United Illuminating Company to The Bank
                             of New York, Trustee.  (Exhibit 4)
(4)        4.6      (14)    Copy of Participation Agreement, dated as of
(10)                         August 1, 1990, among Financial Leasing
                             Corporation, Meridian Trust Company, The Bank of
                             New York and The United Illuminating Company.
                             (Exhibits 4(a) through 4(h), inclusive, Amendment
                             Nos. 1 and 2).

                                - 77 -

 Table    Exhibit  Reference
Item No.    No.       No.                    Description
- --------  -------  ---------                 -----------

(10)       10.1      (5)    Copy of Stockholder Agreement, dated as of July 1,
                             1964, among the various stockholders of 
                             Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, including
                             The United Illuminating Company.   (Exhibit 5.1-1)
(10)       10.2a     (5)    Copy of Power Contract, dated as of July 1,
                             1964, between Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power
                             Company and The United Illuminating Company.
                             (Exhibit 5.1-2)
(10)       10.2b     (3)    Copy of Supplementary Power Contract, dated as
                             of March 1, 1978, between Connecticut Yankee
                             Atomic Power Company and The United Illuminating
                             Company, supplementing Exhibit 10.2a.  
                             (Exhibit 5.1-6)
(10)       10.2c     (1)    Copy of Agreement Amending Supplementary Power 
                             Contract, dated August 22, 1980, between
                             Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company and The 
                             United Illuminating Company, amending 
                             Exhibit 10.2b.  (Exhibit 10.2b)
(10)       10.2d    (12)    Copy of Second Amendment of the Supplementary
                             Power Contract, dated as of October 15, 1982,
                             between Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 
                             and The United Illuminating Company, amending
                             Exhibit 10.2b.   (Exhibit 10.2d)
(10)       10.2e    (9)     Copy of Second Supplementary Power Contract,
                             dated as of April 30, 1984, between Connecticut 
                             Yankee Atomic Power Company and The United
                             Illuminating Company, supplementing 
                             Exhibit 10.2a.   (Exhibit 10.2e)
(10)       10.2f    (9)     Copy of Additional Power Contract, dated as of
                             April 30, 1984, between Connecticut Yankee Atomic
                             Power Company and The United Illuminating Company.
                             (Exhibit 10.2f)
(10)       10.3     (5)     Copy of Capital Funds Agreement, dated as of
                             September 1, 1964, between Connecticut Yankee 
                             Atomic Power Company and The United Illuminating
                             Company.   (Exhibit 5.1-3)
(10)       10.4a    (5)     Copy of Connecticut Yankee Transmission
                             Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1964, among the
                             various stockholders of Connecticut Yankee Atomic
                             Power Company, including The United Illuminating
                             Company.  (Exhibit 5.1-4)
(10)       10.4b    (4)     Copy of Agreement Amending and Revising
                             Connecticut Yankee Transmission Agreement, dated
                             as of July 1, 1979, amending Exhibit 10.4a.
                             (Exhibit 5.1-7)
(10)       10.5     (3)     Copy of Capital Contributions Agreement, dated
                             October 16, 1967, between The United Illuminating
                             Company and Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power 
                             Company.   (Exhibit 5.1-5)
(10)       10.6a    (1)     Copy of NEPOOL Power Pool Agreement, dated as
                             of September 1, 1971, as amended to November 1,
                             1988.   (Exhibit 10.6a)
(10)       10.6b    (15)    Copy of Agreement Setting Out Supplemental
                             NEPOOL Understandings, dated as of April 2, 1973.
                             (Exhibit 5.7-10)
(10)       10.6c    (1)     Copy of Amendment to NEPOOL Power Pool Agreement,
                             dated as of March 15, 1989, amending 
                             Exhibit 10.6a.   (Exhibit 10.6c)
(10)       10.6d    (1)     Copy of Agreement Amending NEPOOL Power Pool
                             Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1990, amending
                             Exhibit 10.6a.  (Exhibit 10.6d)
(10)       10.6e            Copy of Agreement Amending NEPOOL Power Pool
                             Agreement, dated as of September 15, 1992,
                             amending Exhibit 10.6a.
(10)       10.6f            Copy of Agreement Amending NEPOOL Power Pool
                             Agreement, dated as of June 1, 1993, amending
                             Exhibit 10.6a.
(10)       10.7a    (1)     Copy of Agreement for Joint Ownership,
                             Construction and Operation of New Hampshire
                             Nuclear Units, dated May 1, 1973, as amended to
                             February 1, 1990.  (Exhibit 10.7a)
(10)       10.7b    (16)    Copy of Transmission Support Agreement, dated
                             as of May 1, 1973, among the Seabrook Companies.
                             (Exhibit 5.9-2)

                               - 78 -

 Table    Exhibit  Reference
Item No.    No.       No.                     Description
- --------  -------  ---------                  -----------

(10)       10.7c     (10)   Copy of Twenty-third Amendment to Agreement for
                             Joint Ownership, Construction and Operation of
                             New Hampshire Nuclear Units, dated as of
                             November 1, 1990, amending Exhibit 10.7a.
                             (Exhibit 10.8ab)
(10)       10.8a     (4)    Copy of Sharing Agreement - 1979 Connecticut
                             Nuclear Unit, dated as of September 1, 1973,
                             among The Connecticut Light and Power Company,
                             The Hartford Electric Light Company, Western
                             Massachusetts Electric Company, New England Power
                             Company, The United Illuminating Company, Public
                             Service Company of New Hampshire, Central Vermont
                             Public Service Company, Montaup Electric Company
                             and Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company,
                             relating to a nuclear fueled generating unit in
                             Connecticut.  (Exhibit 5.8-1)
(10)       10.8b     (17)   Copy of Amendment to Sharing Agreement - 1979
                             Connecticut Nuclear Unit, dated as of August 1,
                             1974, amending Exhibit 10.8a.   (Exhibit 5.9-2)
(10)       10.8c     (5)    Copy of Amendment to Sharing Agreement - 1979
                             Connecticut Nuclear Unit, dated as of December 15,
                             1975, amending Exhibit 10.8a.
                             (Exhibit 5.8-4, Post-effective Amendment No. 2)
(10)       10.9a     (3)    Copy of Transmission Line Agreement, dated
                             January 13, 1966, between the Trustees of the
                             Property of The New York, New Haven and Hartford
                             Railroad Company and The United Illuminating
                             Company.   (Exhibit 5.4)
(10)       10.9b     (1)    Notice, dated April 24, 1978, of The United
                             Illuminating Company's intention to extend term
                             of Transmission Line Agreement dated January 13,
                             1966, Exhibit 10.9a.   (Exhibit 10.9b)
(10)       10.9c     (1)    Copy of Letter Agreement, dated March 28, 1985,
                             between The United Illuminating Company and 
                             National Railroad Passenger Corporation, 
                             supplementing and modifying Exhibit 10.9a.
                             (Exhibit 10.9c)
(10)       10.10    (12)    Copy of Agreement, effective May 16, 1992,
                             between The United Illuminating Company and Local
                             470-1, Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO.
                             (Exhibit 10.10)
(10)       10.11            Copy of Fuel Oil Purchase and Sale Agreement,
                             dated as of October 1, 1993, among Tosco
                             Corporation, The United Illuminating Company and
                             The Connecticut Light and Power Company.
                             (Confidential treatment requested)
(10)       10.12    (12)    Copy of Coal Sales Agreement, dated as of
                             August 1, 1992, between Pittston Coal Sales
                             Corp. and The United Illuminating Company. 
                             (Confidential treatment requested)
                             (Exhibit 10.13)
(10)       10.13    (10)    Copy of Fossil Fuel Supply Agreement between
                             BLC Corporation and The United Illuminating 
                             Company, dated as of July 1, 1991.
                             (Exhibit 10.31)
(10)       10.14a   (9)     Copy of Lease, dated as of December 1, 1984,
                             between Bridgeport Electric Company as Lessor
                             and The United Illuminating Company as Lessee.
                             (Exhibit 10.22a)
(10)       10.14b   (12)    Copy of Amendment, dated as of February 15,
                             1987, to Lease between Bridgeport Electric
                             Company as Lessor and The United Illuminating
                             Company as Lessee, amending Exhibit 10.16a.
                             (Exhibit 10.16b)
(10)       10.14c   (12)    Copy of Second Amendment to Lease, dated as of
                             December 9, 1987, between Bridgeport Electric 
                             Company as Lessor and The United Illuminating
                             Company as Lessee, amending Exhibit 10.16a.
                             (Exhibit 10.16c)
(10)       10.14d   (12)    Copy of Third Amendment to Lease, dated as of
                             January 14, 1988, between Bridgeport Electric
                             Company as Lessor and The United Illuminating
                             Company as Lessee, amending Exhibit 10.16a. 
                             (Exhibit 10.16d)

                                 - 79 -

 Table    Exhibit  Reference
Item No.    No.       No.                     Description
- --------  -------  ---------                  -----------

(10)       10.15a    (12)   Copy of Revolving Credit Agreement, dated as of
                             January 25, 1993, among The United Illuminating
                             Company, the Banks named therein, and Citibank,
                             N.A., as Agent for the Banks.   (Exhibit 10.19)
(10)       10.15b           Copy of letter, dated January 27, 1994, from
                             Citibank, N.A., extending the expiration date of
                             Exhibit 10.15a to January 19, 1995.
(10)       10.16a*   (12)   Copy of Employment Agreement, dated as of January 1,
                             1988, between The United Illuminating Company and
                             Richard J. Grossi.  (Exhibit 10.22a)
(10)       10.16b*   (19)   Copy of Amendment to Employment Agreement, dated
                             as of July 23, 1990, between The United
                             Illuminating Company and Richard J. Grossi,
                             amending Exhibit 10.22a.  (Exhibit 10.26a)
(10)       10.17a*   (12)   Copy of Employment Agreement, dated as of
                             January 1, 1988, between The United Illuminating
                             Company and Robert L. Fiscus.  (Exhibit 10.23a)
(10)       10.17b*   (19)   Copy of Amendment to Employment Agreement, dated
                             as of July 23, 1990, between The United
                             Illuminating Company and Robert L. Fiscus,
                             amending Exhibit 10.23a.  (Exhibit 10.27a)
(10)       10.18a*   (12)   Copy of Employment Agreement, dated as of
                             January 1, 1988, between The United Illuminating
                             Company and James F. Crowe.  (Exhibit 10.24a)
(10)       10.18b*   (19)   Copy of Amendment to Employment Agreement, dated
                             as of July 23, 1990, between The United 
                             Illuminating Company and James F. Crowe,
                             amending Exhibit 10.24a.   (Exhibit 10.28a)
(10)       10.19*    (1)    Copy of Executive Incentive Compensation Program
                             of The United Illuminating Company.
                             (Exhibit 10.24)
(10)       10.21a*   (19)   Copy of The United Illuminating Company 1990
                             Stock Option Plan.   (Exhibit 10.33)
(10)       10.21b           Amendments to The United Illuminating Company 1990
                             Stock Option Plan, adopted November 22, 1993 and 
                             January 24, 1994.
(21)       21               List of subsidiaries of The United Illuminating
(28)       28.1      (12)   Copies of significant rate schedules of The
                             United Illuminating Company.  (Exhibit 28.1)

- -----------------------
*Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

     The foregoing list of exhibits does not include instruments
defining the rights of the holders of certain long-term debt of the
Company and its subsidiaries where the total amount of securities
authorized to be issued under the instrument does not exceed ten
(10%) of the total assets of the Company and its subsidiaries on a
consolidated basis; and the Company hereby agrees to furnish a copy
of each such instrument to the Securities and Exchange Commission
on request.

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

Items          Financial Statements               Date of
Reported            Filed                         Report 
- --------       --------------------               -------

  5               None                      December 22, 1993

                              - 80 -


We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration
Statement of The United Illuminating Company on Form S-3 (File
No. 33-50221) and the Registration Statement on Form S-3 (File
No. 33-50445) of our report, dated January 24, 1994, on our
audits of the consolidated financial statements and financial
statement schedules of The United Illuminating Company as of
December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991 and for the years then ended,
which report is included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.

                                   /s/ COOPERS & LYBRAND

Hartford, Connecticut
February 15, 1994

                                  - 81 -


    Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Company has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                 THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY

                                 By   /s/ Richard J. Grossi        
                                          Richard J. Grossi
                                     Chairman of the Board of Directors 
                                       and Chief Executive Officer

Date:  February 18, 1994

    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on
behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates

    Signature                          Title                       Date
    ---------                          -----                       ----
                                Director, Chairman of the
                                Board of Directors and
/s/ Richard J. Grossi           Chief Executive Officer     February 18, 1994
- ---------------------
 (Richard J. Grossi)
(Principal Executive Officer)

                                Director, President and 
 /s/ Robert L. Fiscus           Chief Financial Officer     February 18, 1994
- ---------------------
 (Robert L. Fiscus)
(Principal Financial and
 Accounting Officer)

 /s/ John D. Fassett            Director                    February 18, 1994
- --------------------
 (John D. Fassett)

 /s/ Leland W. Miles            Director                    February 18, 1994
- -------------------- 
 (Leland W. Miles)

 /s/ William S. Warner          Director                    February 18, 1994
- ----------------------
 (William S. Warner)

 /s/ John F. Croweak            Director                    February 18, 1994
- --------------------
 (John F. Croweak)

 /s/ F. Patrick McFadden, Jr.   Director                    February 18, 1994
- -----------------------------
 (F. Patrick McFadden, Jr.)

 /s/ J. Hugh Devlin             Director                    February 18, 1994
- -------------------
 (J. Hugh Devlin)

 /s/ Betsy Henley-Cohn          Director                    February 18, 1994
- ----------------------
 (Betsy Henley-Cohn)

                                Director                    February   , 1994
- ------------------------
 (Frank R. O'Keefe, Jr.)

 /s/ James A. Thomas            Director                    February 18, 1994
- ----------------------
 (James A. Thomas)

 /s/ David E.A. Carson          Director                    February 18, 1994
- ----------------------
 (David E.A. Carson)

                                   - 82 -

                                                                                   Schedule V
                                                                                  Property, Plant
                                                                                  and Equipment
                                     THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                                SCHEDULE V - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
                                    For the Year Ended December 31, 1993
                                          (Thousands of Dollars)

             Col. A                      Col. B       Col. C       Col. D       Col. E        Col. F
           ----------                   --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
                                       Balance at                               Changes     Balance at
                                        Beginning    Additions                    Add         End of
         Classification                 of Period     at Cost    Retirements   (Deduct)       Period
        ----------------               -----------   ---------   -----------   ---------     --------
UTILITY PLANT, at original cost:
    Production Plant:
      Steam                              $323,658      $12,517         $333          $33      $335,875
      Nuclear                             757,744        9,652          960        -           766,436
      Jet Turbine                           1,845        -            -            -             1,845
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
      Total Production Plant            1,083,247       22,169        1,293           33     1,104,156
    Transmission Plant                    126,211        8,791          660       (5,156)      129,186
    Distribution Plant                    319,409       17,664        8,011        5,189       334,251
    General Plant                          42,065        1,357        2,373          (40)       41,009
    Intangible Plant                       34,318       18,001        -            -            52,319
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
      Total Electric Plant in Service   1,605,250       67,982       12,337           26     1,660,921
   FUTURE USE                              26,537        2,739            3          (52)       29,221
   PROGRESS                                59,809       17,586        -            -            77,395
   LEASED                                  52,144       10,063        -          (21,922)(1)    40,285
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
  at original cost                     $1,743,740       98,370      $12,340     ($21,948)   $1,807,822
                                       ===========               ===========  ===========   ===========

NONUTILITY PROPERTY, at cost              $20,337          440      $11,392        -            $9,385
                                       ===========  -----------  ===========  ===========   ===========

GROSS PROPERTY ADDITIONS                               $98,810
- --------------------

    (1) Represents nuclear fuel consumed at Millstone Unit 3 and Seabrook Unit 1.


                                                                                    Schedule V
                                                                                  Property, Plant
                                                                                  and Equipment
                                     THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                                SCHEDULE V - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
                                    For the Year Ended December 31, 1992
                                          (Thousands of Dollars)

             Col. A                      Col. B       Col. C       Col. D       Col. E        Col. F
           ----------                   --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
                                       Balance at                               Changes     Balance at
                                        Beginning    Additions                    Add         End of
         Classification                 of Period     at Cost    Retirements   (Deduct)       Period
        ----------------               -----------   ---------   -----------   ---------     --------
UTILITY PLANT, at original cost:
    Production Plant:
      Steam                              $344,710       $2,982         $806     ($23,228)(1)  $323,658
      Nuclear                             757,311          433        -            -           757,744
      Jet Turbine                           1,730          115        -            -             1,845
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
      Total Production Plant            1,103,751        3,530          806      (23,228)    1,083,247
    Transmission Plant                    108,837       18,215          848            7       126,211
    Distribution Plant                    304,774       21,236        6,263         (338)      319,409
    General Plant                          49,767        1,221        8,365         (558)       42,065
    Intangible Plant                       22,078       12,240        -            -            34,318
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
      Total Electric Plant in Service   1,589,207       56,442       16,282      (24,117)    1,605,250
   FUTURE USE                               2,208        1,090        -           23,239 (1)    26,537
   PROGRESS                                54,771        5,038        -            -            59,809
   LEASED                                  65,450        6,921        -          (20,227)(2)    52,144
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
  at original cost                     $1,711,636       69,491      $16,282     ($21,105)   $1,743,740
                                       ===========               ===========  ===========   ===========

NONUTILITY PROPERTY, at cost              $20,206          131       $ -          $ -          $20,337
                                       ===========  -----------  ===========  ===========   ===========

GROSS PROPERTY ADDITIONS                               $69,622

- --------------------
(1) Represents a transfer of English Station from Plant in Service to Electric Plant Held for Future Use.

(2) Represents nuclear fuel consumed at Millstone Unit 3 and Seabrook Unit 1.


                                                                                    Schedule V
                                                                                  Property, Plant
                                                                                  and Equipment
                                     THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                                SCHEDULE V - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
                                   For the Year Ended December 31, 1991
                                         (Thousands of Dollars)

             Col. A                      Col. B       Col. C       Col. D       Col. E        Col. F
           ----------                   --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
                                       Balance at                               Changes     Balance at
                                        Beginning    Additions                    Add         End of
         Classification                 of Period     at Cost    Retirements   (Deduct)       Period
        ----------------               -----------   ---------   -----------   ---------     --------
UTILITY PLANT, at original cost:
    Production Plant:
      Steam                              $343,935       $1,356         $603          $22      $344,710
      Nuclear                             763,745        1,589          (41)      (8,064)      757,311
      Jet Turbine                           1,730        -            -            -             1,730
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------

      Total Production Plant            1,109,410        2,945          562       (8,042)    1,103,751
    Transmission Plant                     88,709       19,260          344        1,212       108,837
    Distribution Plant                    291,988       19,319        4,871       (1,662)      304,774
    General Plant                          43,731         (385)       1,058        7,479        49,767
    Intangible Plant                        7,046       14,146        -              886        22,078
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
      Total Electric Plant in Service   1,540,884       55,285        6,835         (127)    1,589,207
   FUTURE USE - LAND                          848        1,360        -            -             2,208
   PROGRESS                                50,257        4,514        -            -            54,771
   LEASED                                  77,850        6,972        -          (19,372)(1)    65,450
                                       -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------
  at original cost                     $1,669,839       68,131       $6,835     ($19,499)   $1,711,636
                                       ===========               ===========  ===========   ===========  

NONUTILITY PROPERTY, at cost              $19,988          216       $ -              $2       $20,206
                                       ===========  -----------  ===========  ===========   ===========

GROSS PROPERTY ADDITIONS                               $68,347

- --------------------
(1) Represents nuclear fuel consumed at Millstone Unit 3 and Seabrook Unit 1.


                                                                                    Schedule VI
                              THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                    For the Years Ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                                    (Thousands of Dollars)

             Col. A                      Col. B       Col. C       Col. D       Col. E        Col. F
           ----------                   --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
                                                     Additions                   Other
                                       Balance at   Charged to                  Changes     Balance at
                                        Beginning    Costs and                    Add         End of
         Classification                 of Period    Expenses    Retirements   (Deduct)       Period
        ----------------               -----------   ---------   -----------   ---------     --------
Accumulated depreciation,
  utility plant:
                            1993         $407,729      $52,077 (A)  $12,340        ($750)(D)  $446,716
                            1992          371,544       49,369 (B)   16,282        3,098 (D)   407,729
                            1991          332,559       47,167 (C)    6,866       (1,316)(D)   371,544

Accumulated depreciation,
  nonutility plant:
                            1993           17,813            1       11,392        -             6,422
                            1992           17,813        -            -            -            17,813
                            1991           17,813        -            -            -            17,813

- --------------------

(A) Excludes $1,075 of amortization of costs for Steel Point Station, $1,516 of amortization of 
    economic development costs, $1,616 of decommissioning costs applicable to Millstone Unit 3 
    and Seabrook Unit 1 and $3 depreciation expense billed by lead owners (Unit 3).
(B) Excludes decommissioning costs of $1,334 applicable to Millstone Unit 3 and Seabrook Unit 1
    and $3 depreciation expense billed by lead owners (Unit 3).
(C) Excludes decommissioning costs of $1,011 applicable to Millstone Unit 3 and Seabrook Unit 1
    and $3 depreciation expense billed by lead owners (Unit 3).

                                                       1993         1992         1991
(D) Represents:                                       ------       ------       ------
      Government reimbursements in connection
        with relocation of plant in service               $184         $395         ($13)
      Net salvage (cost of removal)                       (934)       2,703       (1,303)
                                                    -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                         ($750)      $3,098      ($1,316)
                                                    ===========  ===========  ===========


                                                                                    Schedule VIII
                                                                                    Valuation and
                                                                                  Qualifying Accounts
                                             THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY
                                 For the Years Ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

             Col. A                      Col. B             Col. C              Col. D        Col. E
           ----------                   --------           --------            --------      --------
                                       Balance at   Charged to     Charged                  Balance at
                                        Beginning    Costs and    to Other                    End of
         Classification                 of Period    Expenses     Accounts    Deductions      Period
        ----------------                ---------    ---------    ---------   -----------    --------
    Reserve for uncollectible
                            1993           $3,900       $8,971        -         $8,171 (A)    $4,700
                            1992            3,200        8,741        -          8,041 (A)     3,900
                            1991            3,100        7,160        -          7,060 (A)     3,200

- --------------------
   (A)  Accounts written off, less recoveries.


                                EXHIBIT INDEX

(a)  Exhibits

     Table Item    Exhibit
     Number        Number           Description                    Page No.
     ----------    -------          -----------                    --------

       (4)         4.4     Copy of Third Supplemental Mortgage
                           Indenture, dated as of March 31, 1988
                           between Bridgeport Electric Company and
                           The First National Bank of Boston,
                           Trustee, amending Exhibit 4.1.

       (10)        10.6e   Copy of Agreement Amending NEPOOL Power
                           Pool Agreement, dated as of September 15,
                           1992, amending Exhibit 10.6a.

       (10)        10.6f   Copy of Agreement Amending NEPOOL Power
                           Pool Agreement, dated as of June 1, 1993,
                           amending Exhibit 10.6a.

       (10)        10.11   Copy of Fuel Oil Purchase and Sale
                           Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1993,
                           among Tosco Corporation, The United
                           Illuminating Company and The Connecticut
                           Light and Power Company.  (Confidential
                           treatment requested)

       (10)        10.15b  Copy of letter, dated January 27, 1994,
                           from Citibank, N.A., extending the
                           expiration date of Exhibit 10.15a
                           to January 19, 1995.

       (10)        10.21b  Amendments to The United Illuminating
                           Company 1990 Stock Option Plan, adopted
                           November 22,1993 and January 24, 1994.

       (21)        21      List of subsidiaries of The United
                           Illuminating Company.