THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of the 1st day of June, 1993 is

entered into by the signatories hereto for the amendment by them

of the New England Power Pool Agreement dated as of September 1,

1971 (the "NEPOOL Agreement"), as previously amended by twenty -

eight (28) amendments, the most recent of which was dated as of

September 15, 1992, and as proposed to be amended by a pending

twenty-ninth amendment dated as of May 1, 1993.

     WHEREAS, the signatory Participants propose to amend the

provisions on NEPOOL planning in the NEPOOL Agreement, and to

provide for new categories of Pool-Planned Facilities and Pool-

Planned Purchases and to couple this with a change in the

definition of Pool-Planned Unit to reference only existing Units;


     WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are intended, among other

things, to facilitate the use of revenue bond financing by

Participants which are Massachusetts municipal utilities, and to

avoid in the future controversies over criteria for the

designation of Pool-Planned Units.

     NOW THEREFORE, the signatories hereby agree as follows:

                            SECTION I


     Section 1.      Amendment of Section 7.12

     Section 7.12(j) is amended to read as follows:

          (j)  coordinating the review of proposed plans of
               Participants pursuant to Sections 10.1, 10.4 and
               11.1 and coordinating the submission of
               recommendations to the Management Committee
               regarding such proposed plans;

     Section 7.12 is further amended by deleting the "and" at the

end of Subsection (i) and by adding the following new Subsections

at the end of the Section:

          (k)  to the extent appropriate, enabling the planning
               and installation of reliable and economical bulk
               power supply and related facilities of NEPOOL by
               establishing reasonable criteria, guidelines and
               methods relating to the appropriate provisions for
               integrated bulk power supply planning and related
               facilities on behalf of all the NEPOOL

          (l)  preparing forecasts of the aggregate coincidental
               Adjusted Load of the Participants and of the
               Annual and Monthly Peaks and the Adjusted Annual
               and Monthly Peaks of each of the Participants for
               use by the Management Committee in estimating "C"
               and "E" for purposes of Section 9.2(a); and

          (m)  coordinating with neighboring pools, non-
               Participants and the regional reliability council
               on matters of regional planning and regional

                                  - 2 -

     Section 2.     Amendment of Section 9.4(a)

     Section 9.4(a) is amended to read as follows:

          (a)  At the conclusion of each Capability Period, the
               Operations Committee shall determine whether each
               Participant has satisfied its Capability
               Responsibility obligation for each month during
               such Capability Period. If the minimum monthly
               System Capability of a Participant during a month
               was less than its Capability Responsibility, the
               number of Kilowatts of its deficiency shall be
               computed and the Participant shall pay a
               Capability Responsibility adjustment charge for
               the month computed at the rate prescribed by
               Section 9.4(b). For purposes of Sections 9.4(a)
               and 9.4(d), the minimum monthly System Capability
               of a Participant for a month during a Capability
               Period is equal to the sum of (i) the
               Participant's lowest System Capability (as
               determined without taking into account any
               Entitlements in Pool-Planned Facilities initially
               placed in commercial operation during the
               Capability Period) for any day during the month,
               plus (ii) for each Pool-Planned Facility initially
               placed in commercial operation during the Period
               on or prior to the first day of the third month of
               the Period, one-sixth of (A) the amount of the
               Participant's Entitlement, if any, in such
               Facility times (B) the number of full months
               during such period that such Facility was in
               commercial operation, subject to the right of the
               Participant to elect, by written notice received
               by the chairman of the Operations Committee prior
               to the end of the Period, not to receive credit
               under this clause (ii), plus (iii) for each Pool-
               Planned Facility initially placed in commercial
               operation during the period on or prior to the
               first day of the month and for which no credit was
               given under clause (ii), the amount of the
               Participant's Entitlement, if any, in such
               Facility.  Retirements made on the last day of any
               month shall not be deducted from System Capability
               for that month.

                                  - 3 -

     Section 3.     Amendment of Section 10.1

     Section 10.1 is amended to.read as follows:

     10.1      Recommendation of Additional Facilities

               The Management Committee shall periodically review
               the need for, and shall recommend, additions to
               and changes in generating and transmission
               facilities of the Participants, or sales to or
               purchases of power from Non-Participants, to meet
               the reliability standards established by it
               pursuant to Section 5.13 and the other objectives
               of NEPOOL.  In making its review and
               recommendations, the Management Committee shall
               give due consideration to (i) reports of the
               Policy Planning Committee as to any alternatives
               proposed by the Policy Planning Committee, and
               (ii) such other matters as the Management
               Committee deems pertinent.

               The Management Committee shall specify the type,
               range of capacity, target date for initial
               commercial operation and other appropriate
               characteristics of recommended facilities.

               At least once every three years the Management
               Committee shall adopt a ten-year NEPOOL expansion
               plan specifying the type and timing of additional
               generating units, PTF facilities and other
               resources recommended for commercial operation
               during the period of the expansion plan.

               The Management Committee shall also periodically
               review the need for, and shall recommend,
               arrangements to meet the reliability standards
               established by it pursuant to Section 5.13 and the
               other objectives of NEPOOL, under which
               Participants, affiliates of Participants or other
               persons may effect additions to and changes in
               generating and transmission facilities for use by
               Participants.  Any such facilities shall be
               eligible for designation as Pool-Planned
               Facilities under Section 11.1.

                                  - 4 -

     Section 4.     Amendment of Section 10.6

     Section 10.6 is amended to read as follows:

     10.6      Increase in Reserves Because of Non-NEPOOL Planned
               Unit or Facility

               If a Participant has at any time an Entitlement in
               a generating unit placed in commercial operation
               after October 31, 1975, which is not a Pool-
               Planned Unit or a Pool-Planned Facility and with
               respect to which no significant firm commitments
               to manufacturers or constructors were made on or
               before November 1, 1971, and as a result of the
               character, size or operation of such unit NEPOOL
               reserves are required to be increased, such
               Participant shall be responsible for providing (at
               its expense and, if more than one Participant has
               an Entitlement in the unit, in proportion to its
               Entitlement in such unit) the required additional
               NEPOOL reserves for so long as, and to the extent
               that, such increase is required by reason of such
               unit, or until such unit is accepted by the
               Management Committee as a Pool-Planned Unit or a
               Pool-Planned Facility; provided that such
               Entitlement shall be included in the Participant's
               System Capability for Capability Responsibility

     Section 5.     Amendment of Section 11.1

     Section 11.1 is amended to read as follows:

     11.1      Pool Access Objectives; Designation of Pool-Planned
               Facilities or Purchases

               It is an objective of NEPOOL that each Participant
               shall have an appropriate opportunity to meet its
               Capability Responsibility from Pool-Planned

               It is recognized that in the past Participants
               have satisfied their generating needs in various
               ways, as sole or joint owners of generating units,
               as joint owners of interests in generating
               companies, as purchasers from other Participants

                                    - 5 -

               or Non-Participants under Unit Contracts or as
               wholesale customers, although some smaller
               Participants have indicated a desire to change
               their mode of participation in the future by
               ceasing to be wholesale customers in whole or
               part.  It is anticipated that such smaller
               Participants and their suppliers will work out
               individual arrangements covering the phase-out of
               present contracts and that in many cases this may
               best be accomplished over a five-to-ten year
               period.  Furthermore, Participants have
               participated in transmission facilities as sole
               owners, as joint owners of interests in
               transmission companies, or by entering into joint
               long-term support arrangements, and it is expected
               that this diversity will continue in the future
               because of the varying situations of the
               Participants.  Many of the joint arrangements have
               been arranged or facilitated by NEPOOL action, and
               it is a continuing objective of NEPOOL to
               facilitate, in appropriate circumstances, joint
               generation and transmission arrangements through
               the designation of Pool-Planned Facilities and
               Pool-Planned Purchases.

               A Participant which proposes, or whose affiliate
               proposes, a joint arrangement for the installation
               with other Participants of an additional
               generating unit rated 25 MW (gross) or above or a
               transmission facility rated 69 kV or above, or for
               a purchase jointly with other Participants of a
               Unit Contract Entitlement from a Non-Participant
               may submit, in such form, manner and detail as the
               Management Committee or the Policy Planning
               Committee may reasonably prescribe, a request to
               the Management Committee to designate the
               generating unit or the transmission facility as a
               Pool-Planned Facility or the purchase as a Pool-
               Planned Purchase, as the case may be.  If the
               request relates to an additional generating unit
               or transmission facility to be installed by the
               Participant or its affiliate, the request shall be
               submitted at or before the time the Participant's
               plan for the facility is submitted pursuant to
               Section 10.4.  It shall be a condition to the
               granting of the requested Pool-Planned status for
               a generating unit or purchase that the share of
               the unit or purchase which the Participant
               proposes to make available for joint participation

                                  - 6 -

               be at least a 25% share and that it be offered
               first to all other Participants on a fair and
               nondiscriminatory basis, before any offering is
               made to Non-Participants.

               The Policy Planning Committee shall review the
               Participant's proposal to determine its
               consistency with NEPOOL objectives and shall
               report the results of its review to the Management
               Committee.  If the Management Committee determines,
               on the basis of the Policy Planning Committee's
               report and such other information as the
               Management Committee deems appropriate, that the
               proposal is consistent with NEPOOL objectives and
               that the Participant has made the offer of joint
               participation contemplated by this Section, if
               required, (whether or not such offer has been
               accepted by one or more other Participants), it
               shall designate the proposed generating unit or
               transmission facility as a Pool-Planned Facility,
               or shall designate the purchase as a Pool-Planned
               Purchase, as the case may be.

               Provided the Participant has offered at least 25%
               of the capacity to other Participants through
               joint ownership or unit contract participation,
               the Management Committee may not unreasonably
               withhold designation as a Pool-Planned Facility of
               a generating unit proposed to be constructed by
               one or more Participants in order to satisfy their
               anticipated Capability Responsibilities and/or to
               provide an appropriate mix of their generating
               capabilities if the needs of such Participants in
               these regards have not been satisfied from other
               units or facilities designated as Pool-Planned on
               a basis consistent with the following objectives:

               (a)  Each Participant should have a reasonable
                    opportunity to satisfy its load over some
                    reasonable time period with a mix of
                    generation reasonably comparable as to
                    economics and types to that being developed
                    for New England.

               (b)  No Participant should be required to subject
                    itself to an excessively disproportionate
                    exposure to backup power costs or reserve
                    obligations as a result of having to take any
                    Entitlement which is excessively

                                  - 7 -

                    disproportionately large as compared to the
                    Participant's size, or as the result, during
                    any sustained period, of having to take a
                    disproportionate portion of its capacity from
                    immature units.

               (c)  No Participant which has maintained an
                    integrated system in the past should be
                    required to impair the attractiveness of its
                    securities in the capital markets by making
                    unreasonably large capital investments in new
                    generation or by becoming dependent upon
                    other participants for a substantially
                    disproportionate amount of its System

     Section 6.     Amendment of Section 15.33

     Section 15.33 is amended to read as follows:

          15.33     Pool-Planned Unit is one of the following
                    units:  New Haven Harbor Unit 1 (Coke Works),
                    Mystic Unit 7, Canal Unit 2, Potter Unit 2,
                    Wyman Unit 4, Stony Brook Units 1, 1A, 1B,
                    1C, 2A and 2B, Millstone Unit 3, Seabrook
                    Unit 1 and Waters River Unit 2 (to the extent
                    of 7 megawatts of its Summer Capability and
                    12 megawatts of its Winter Capability).

     Section 7.     Addition of New Section 15.33A

     The Agreement is amended by adding new Section 15.33A, as

          15.33A    Pool-Planned Facility and Pool-Planned
                    Purchase are, respectively, (a)(i) a
                    generating unit or transmission facility
                    designated as a "Pool-Planned Facility"
                    pursuant to Section 11.1 or (ii) which was
                    designated as a "Pool-Planned facility"
                    pursuant to Section 10.1 prior to January 1,
                    1993, and (b) a purchase from a Non-
                    Participant designated by the Management
                    Committee as a "Pool-Planned Purchase"
                    pursuant to Section 11.1; provided that a

                                  - 8 -

                    "Pool-Planned Purchase" will not be entitled
                    to transfer rights under Section 13.2(c), but
                    Section 13.2(c) shall continue to be
                    effective as to existing and new purchases
                    from Hydro-Quebec utilizing the HQ

                           SECTION II


     Following its execution by the requisite number of

Participants, this Agreement, and the amendments provided for

above, shall become effective on September 30, 1993, or on such

later date as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall provide

that such amendment shall become effective.

                           SECTION III

                     USAGE OF DEFINED TERMS

     The usage in this Agreement of terms which are defined in

the NEPOOL Agreement shall be deemed to be in accordance with the

definitions thereof in the NEPOOL Agreement.

                           SECTION IV


     This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts

and each executed counterpart shall have the same force and

effect as an original instrument and as if all the parties to all

                                  - 9 -

the counterparts had signed the same instrument. Any signature

page of this Agreement may be detached from any counterpart of

this Agreement without impairing the legal effect of any

signatures thereof, and may be attached to another counterpart of

this Agreement identical in form one or more signature pages.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the signatories has caused a

counterpart signature page to be executed by its duly authorized

representative, as of the 1st day of June, 1993.

                                  - 10 -

                    DATED AS OF JUNE 1, 1993

     The NEPOOL Agreement, being dated as of September 1, 1971,

and being previously amended by twenty-eight (28) amendments

(with a pending twenty-ninth (29) amendment dated as of May 1,

1993), the most recent prior amendment which has become effective

an amendment dated as of September 15, 1992.

                        Boston Edison Company

                        By: /s/ Cameron H. Daley
                            Senior Vice President 
                            800 Boylston Street 
                            Boston, MA 02199 

                        Central Maine Power Company

                        By: /s/ Donald F. Kelly
                            Senior Vice President 
                            Edison Drive 
                            Augusta, Maine 04336

                        Commonwealth Electric Company for
                            Cambridge Electric Light
                            Canal Electric Company
                            Commonwealth Electric Company

                        By: /s/ James J. Keane
                            Vice President
                            2421 Cranberry Highway
                            Wareham, MA 02571

                        Eastern Utilities Associates Companies 
                           Blackstone Valley Electric Company
                           Eastern Edison Company,
                           Montaup Electric Company,
                           Newport Electric Corporation

                        By: /s/ Arthur A. Hatch
                            Executive Vice President
                            One Liberty Square
                            Boston, MA 02109

                                  - 11 -

                        The Narragansett Electric Company

                        By: /s/ Robert L. McCabe
                            280 Melrose Street
                            Providence, RI 02901

                        New England Electric System Operating

                            Granite State Electric Company
                            By:  /s/ Lydia M. Pastuszek
                                 4 Park Street
                                 Concord, NH 03301-6313

                            Massachusetts Electric Company

                            By:  /s/ John H. Dickson
                                 25 Research Drive
                                 Westborough, MA 01582

                            New England Power Company

                            By:  /s/ Jeffrey D. Tranen
                                 25 Research Drive
                                 Westborough, MA 01582

                        Northeast Utilities Companies
                            The Connecticut Light and
                             Power Company
                            Western Massachusetts Electric
                            Holyoke Water Power Company
                            Holyoke Power and Electric

                            By:  /s/ Frank P. Sabatino
                                 Vice President - Marketing
                                 P.O. Box 270
                                 Hartford, CT 06141-0270

                                  - 12 -

                            Public Service Company of New

                            By:  /s/ Frank R. Locke
                                 1000 Elm Street
                                 Manchester, NH 03105 

                       Vermont Electric Power Company,

                            By:  /s/ Richard W. Mallary 
                                 P.O. Box 548 
                                 Rutland, VT 05702

                            Central Vermont Public Service

                            By:  /s/ Robert de R. Stein
                                 77 Grove Street
                                 Rutland, VT 05701

                            Vermont Marble Company

                            By:  /s/ John M. Mitchell
                                 Executive Vice President
                                 61 Main Street
                                 Proctor, VT 05765

                            Village of Enosburg Falls Water &
                            Light Department

                            By:  /s/ Edward Gill de Rubio
                                 Route 4
                                 Enosburg Falls, VT 05450

                            Village of Hardwick Electric

                            By:  /s/ Jack E. Young
                                 General Manager
                                 P.O. Box 516
                                 Hardwick, VT 05843

                                   - 13 -

                            Village of Jacksonville

                            By:  /s/ Earle S. Holland
                                 Box 73
                                 Jacksonville, VT 05342

                            Village of Morrisville Water &
                            Light Department

                            By:  /s/ James C. Fox
                                 P.O. Box 325
                                 Morrisville, VT 05661

                            Village of Northfield Electric

                            By:  /s/ Kevin O'Donnell
                                 Municipal Manager
                                 26 South Main Street
                                 Northfield, VT 05663

                            Village of Readsboro Electric
                            Light Department

                            By:  /s/ Annette Caruso
                                 P.O. Box 247
                                 Readsboro, VT 05350

                            Vermont Public Power Supply

                            By:  /s/ William J. Gallagher
                                 General Manager
                                 512 St. George Road
                                 Williston, VT 05495

                       The United Illuminating Company

                       By:  /s/ Richard J. Grossi
                            Chairman and CEO
                            157 Church Street
                            New Haven, CT  06506-0901

                                  - 14 -