Hawthorne & Associates, CPA, CIA 		621 7th Street 		Huntington, WV 25701 		(304) 523-3225 		1-800-998-7816 		Securities and Exchange Commission 		Washington, DC 20549 		Gentlemen, 			I was previously the principal accountant for	 		Uptowner Inns, Inc., and reported on the consolidated 		financial statements of Uptowner Inns, Inc. and 		Subsidiaries as of June 30, 1994. I have been 		dismissed as principal accountant for Uptowner Inns, 		Inc. I have read Uptowner Inns, Inc. statements included 		under Item 4 of its Form 8K dated June 30, 1995 and I 		agree with such statements. 		Sincerely, 		BY: 		 Jerry Alan Hawthorne 		Huntington, West Virginia 		July 10, 1995