Exhibit 24

                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

     By his signature, each of the undersigned persons, in his/her capacity as
Director of Valley Resources, Inc., authorizes Alfred P. Degen and Kenneth W.
Hogan or any of them, with full power of substitution, to execute in his/her
name and on his/her behalf, and to file any amendments (including, without
limitation, post-effective amendments) to this Registration Statement necessary
or advisable in the opinion of any of them to enable the Company to comply with
the Securities Act, and any rules, regulations and requirements of the
Commission thereunder, in connection with the registration of the additional
securities which are the subject of this Registration Statement.

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/A. P. Degen
                                   Alfred P. Degen, President,
                                   Chief Executive Officer & Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/Ernest N. Agresti
                                   Ernest N. Agresti, Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/Melvin G. Alperin
                                   Melvin G. Alperin, Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/C. Hamilton Davison
                                   C. Hamilton Davison, Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/Don A. DeAngelis
                                   Don A. DeAngelis, Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/James M. Dillon
                                   James M. Dillon, Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/Jonathan K. Farnum
                                   Jonathan K. Farnum, Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/John F. Guthrie
                                   John F. Guthrie, Director

Date:  December 10, 1996           S/Eleanor M. McMahon
                                   Eleanor M. McMahon