Exhibit 10.(c)

                             VALLEY RESOURCES, INC.
                      Executive Incentive Compensation Plan

     1. Purpose.  The purpose of this plan is to advance the interests of Valley
Resources,  Inc. (the "company") by providing  financial  incentives to selected
key  employees  of the  company and its  subsidiaries  for  achieving  specified
objectives.  The plan is designed to recognize  and reward  success  relative to
plan objectives and permit  participants to acquire common shares of the company
("shares").  By encouraging such share ownership,  the company seeks to attract,
retain and motivate employees of training, experience and ability.

     2.  Plan  term.  This  plan  became  effective  on  September  1, 1998 (the
"effective  date"),  the date it was  adopted by the Board of  Directors  of the
company.  The plan will operate on a fiscal year basis beginning September 1 and
concluding  August 31. Awards under the plan may be granted through September 1,

     3.  Administration.  The plan  shall be  administered  by the  Compensation
Committee of the Board of Directors of the company (the "committee") who may not
participate  in the plan.  Subject to the provisions of this plan, the committee
shall have full power to construe and interpret the plan and to establish, amend
and rescind rules and regulations for its administration. The interpretation and
construction  by  the  committee  of any  provisions  of the  plan  or an  award
("incentive  award") granted  pursuant to the plan and any  determination by the
committee  pursuant to any  provision  of the plan or any such  incentive  award
shall be final and  conclusive,  and  binding  on both the  participant  and the

     The  committee  shall  hold  meetings  at such  times and  places as it may
determine.  A majority of members of the committee shall constitute a quorum and
actions  approved by a majority of the members of the  committee at a meeting at
which a quorum is present or available by  telephone,  or actions  reduced to or
approved  in writing by a majority  of the  members of the  committee,  shall be
valid actions of the committee.

     4.  Eligible  employees.  Incentive  awards  may be  granted  to  such  key
employees of the company  (including  members of the Board of Directors  who are
also  employees  of the  company)  as are  selected by the  committee  (any such
selected employee, a "participant").

     5. Shares  subject to the plan. The maximum number of shares in respect for
which incentive  awards may be cumulatively  granted under the plan,  subject to
adjustment as provided in paragraph 12 of the plan, during the term in which the
plan is effective shall be seventy-five  thousand  (75,000) shares of the common
stock of the company.  Shares that are forfeited under the provisions  specified
in paragraph  10 (f) (1) may again be subjected to an incentive  award under the

     6. Incentive  award  potential.  Participants  will be assigned  threshold,
target,  and maximum incentive award potentials,  each expressed as a percentage
of the  participant's  base salary range  control  point at the beginning of the
plan year.  Incentive  award potential  percentages  shall be established by the
committee  from  time to time,  at its sole  discretion.  For the 1999 plan year
(fiscal 1999) the plan incentive award potentials are in accordance with Table 1

                                     TABLE 1

                         1999 Incentive Award Potential

                                                     PERCENT OF CONTROL POINT
Level               Eligible Employees             Threshold   Target   Maximum
- -----               ------------------             ---------   ------   -------

 1      President & CEO .........................     12.5%      25%     37.5%
 2      Senior Vice President ...................     10.0%      20%     30.0%
 3      Vice Presidents/Assistant VPs ...........      7.5%      15%     22.5%

     Each  participant's  actual  incentive award will depend upon the company's
achievements  during  the  plan  year  and a  discretionary  assessment  of  the
participant's  contribution  relative to specific  key results as made by either
the  committee  (for the  president  and CEO) or the president and CEO for other
plan participants as set forth in paragraph 7 and subject to the satisfaction of
the provisions in paragraph 8.

     7.  Performance  evaluation.  The  committee  shall  establish  whether any
incentive  award  shall be granted  under the plan during the plan year based on
company results and a  discretionary  assessment as shown in these three success

                              - Ratepayer interests
                              - Shareholder interests
                              - Discretion

     Ratepayer  interests  shall  consist  of one or  more  company  performance
objectives  directed at promoting  the  achievement  of such  considerations  as
enhancing the  efficiency of the  company's  operations,  lowering the company's
cost of service,  improving the company's cost standing  against peer companies,
or other such  company  operational  factors as approved by the  committee.  The
committee  shall  establish the plan year  performance  standards for threshold,

target and maximum levels of achievement and the  proportionate  weight given to
each of the operational  performance  criteria.  For the 1999 plan year the plan
shall  utilize one  ratepayer  criterion:  cost of  service.  Cost of service is
defined as the  company's  3-year  average  operating  expense per firm Mcf as a
ratio to company base revenue per Mcf. The ratepayer  category shall  constitute
twenty percent (20%) of a participant's target incentive award potential.

     Shareholder  interests  shall consist of two company  performance  criteria
directed at achieving the  company's net income  objective and promoting a level
of total shareholder return which aligns with the company's stated objective, or
other such  company  criteria  as  established  annually by the  committee.  The
committee  shall  establish the plan year  performance  standards for threshold,
target and maximum levels of achievement and the  proportionate  weight given to
each of the  financial  performance  criteria.  For the 1999  plan year the plan
shall utilize two performance  criteria:  the company's actual net income versus
budgeted net income (un-weather normalized) and annual company total shareholder
return versus the average total shareholder  return of a peer group representing
11  investor-owned  gas  utilities  (Appendix I). Each  shareholder  performance
criterion  will be weighted  as a percent of a  participant's  target  Incentive
Award  Potential.  For the 1999  plan  year  the net  income  criterion  will be
weighted  thirty-five (35%) percent and the total  shareholder  return criterion
twenty-five (25%) percent of the participant's target award.

     Discretion   shall  represent  twenty  (20%)  percent  of  a  participant's
incentive  award potential  during the plan year as established  annually by the
committee.  The committee  shall  exercise its  discretion in  determining  what
portion,  if  any,  of the  discretionary  component  shall  be  awarded  to the
president and CEO at the close of the plan year. The discretion  component shall
consist of 3-5 key results  specified for the participant for the plan year. The
president and CEO,

subject to committee  approval,  shall  establish  what portion,  if any, of the
discretionary component shall be awarded to other plan participants at the close
of the plan  year.  For the 1999  plan year  Table 2  displays  the  performance
categories and their weightings.

                                     TABLE 2

                        1999 Plan Performance Categories

         CATEGORY                    WEIGHT                CRITERIA

    Ratepayer                          20%          Cost of Service
    Shareholder                        35           Net Income
                                       25           Total Shareholder Return
    Discretion                         20           Key Results
        TOTAL                         100%

     For plan year 1999 the threshold,  target and maximum incentive percentages
are shown by level of participant (Appendix 2).

     8. Shareholder  protection.  The grant of an incentive award under the plan
for the plan year shall be subject to the committee's determination that company
earnings available for common stock equal or exceed dividends declared on common
stock for the plan year.  The  committee  will have  discretion  to make  awards
outside the plan should the company's plan year earnings fall below the dividend

     9. Incentive award grants.  Each  participant's  actual incentive award, if
any, will depend on the company's results relative to stated plan year ratepayer
and  shareholder  performance  objectives  and  the  discretionary  rating.  The
committee  shall  determine any earned awards  relative to the company's  actual
results  for the plan year  against the  ratepayer  and  shareholder  threshold,

target and maximum  standards and  discretionary  component.  Results  occurring
between performance standards for the ratepayer and shareholder criteria will be
found using interpolation.

      (a) Incentive  awards shall be payable in cash, or a  combination  of cash
          and restricted common shares ("grant shares"), as the committee in its
          sole discretion  shall  determine,  provided however that no more than
          two-thirds  (67%) of any earned  incentive  award  shall be payable in
          cash unless modified by the committee.  The  proportion,  if any, of a
          participant's  incentive  award  payable  in cash  shall  be paid in a
          lump-sum as soon as  practical  following  the close of the plan year.
          Grant shares will constitute up to one-third of a participants  earned

     10. Terms and  conditions of grant  shares.  Grant shares issued under this
plan shall be issued according to the terms and conditions which follow:

       (a) Price. Grant shares shall be issued for no consideration.

       (b) Number  of  shares.  The  number  of  grant  shares  issued  to  each
           participant, if any,  shall be determined by dividing the amount of a
           participant's  earned incentive  award to be paid  in grant shares by
           the average  closing price of the  company's  common stock during the
           last five business days in September of the new fiscal year.

       (c) Forfeiture of grant shares. Grant shares issued under this plan shall
           be subject to vesting provisions specified in paragraph 10(f)(1).

       (d) Non-Transferability.  Any  grant  shares  which  are  subject  to the
           vesting provisions in paragraph  10(f)(1)  shall be  non-transferable
           by   the  participant,  and  may  not  be  pledged,  hypothecated  or
           otherwise encumbered.  Notwithstanding the preceding sentence,  grant
           shares  may  with the  consent of the  committee,  be  registered  in

           name   of   a   personal,   irrevocable  trust  established  by  such
           participant;  provided,  however,  that  all  of  the  terms  of  the
           plan, including without limitation, the forfeiture  provisions  shall
           be  binding  upon the trustee of any such trust.

       (e) Withholding Taxes.  Whenever  payments  under  an incentive award are
           made  in  cash,  the  company  will  withhold  therefrom  an   amount
           sufficient  to  satisfy  all  taxes  required  to be  withheld by the
           company.   At  the  time  of  the  issuance  of  grant  shares  to  a
           participant,  and  as  a  condition  of the company's  obligation  to
           deliver a  certificate  for such grant shares to the participant, the
           participant  shall  pay to the  company  an amount equal to all taxes
           required  to  be  withheld  by  the  company  for the  account of the
           participant  as a result  of  such  issuance;  or, in  lieu  of  such
           payment,  the company  may,  at its sole option,  accept the  written
           authorization  of  the  participant  to  withhold  such   taxes  from
           compensation thereafter  becoming  payable to the  participant by the
           company.  If the participant  shall  elect  under  Section  83 of the
           Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended   to  accelerate  the
           recognition of  income attributable  to the receipt of  grant shares,
           the  participant  shall  furnish  the  company  with  a  copy of such
           election  concurrently  with  its  filing with the  Internal  Revenue
           Service and shall pay to the company  the amount of taxes required to
           be  withheld  for the account  of the  participant by  reason of such

       (f) Vesting.
          (1)  The interest of a  participant  in grant shares shall vest on the
               date three (3) years from the date such grant  shares were issued
               to the participant, except as provided in subparagraph (2) below,

               that the participant shall have remained employed by the company
               and/or  one  of its  subsidiaries  during the  three-year  period
               immediately  following  the date the  grant shares were issued to
               such participant.  If the  participant  fails  to  complete  such
               three-year  employment  requirement and  his or her  interest  in
               grant  shares is not  otherwise  vested under  subparagraph  (2),
               below, the participant shall forfeit to the company all un-vested
               grant  shares  theretofore  issued  to such  participant  and the
               participant  shall thereafter have no further rights with respect
               to such grant shares.

          (2)  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a participant's interest in grant
               shares may become  vested at a date earlier than three years from
               their date of issue for such good reason as may be  specified  by
               the  committee,  in  its  sole  discretion,  at  the  time  of or
               subsequent to the award of such grant  shares,  and such interest
               shall  become  immediately  vested  upon  any  of  the  following

               (aa) The  participant's  employment  by the company or any of its
                    subsidiaries  terminated  by  reason  of such  participant's
                    death,  disability  (as  defined in Section  72(m)(7) of the
                    Internal   Revenue  Code  of  1986,   as   amended),   or  a
                    reorganization  that eliminates the  participant's  position
                    and results in the participant's  termination of employment;

               (bb) There is a "change in control" of the company.  A "change in
                    control"  shall mean the occurrence of any of the following:

                    (i)  the  acquisition  by any  individual,  entity  or group
                         (within the meaning of Section 13 (d) (3) or 14 (d) (2)
                         of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
                         "Exchange  Act") (a "Person") of  beneficial  ownership
                         (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the
                         Exchange  Act) of twenty  (20%)  percent or more of the
                         combined  voting power of the then  outstanding  voting
                         securities of the company entitled to vote generally in
                         the election of  directors  (the  "Outstanding  Company
                         Voting  Securities");   provided,   however,  that  for
                         purposes  of  this   subsection   (i),  the   following
                         acquisitions  shall not constitute a change of control:
                         (A) any acquisition  directly from the company, (B) any
                         acquisition by the company,  (C) any acquisition by any
                         employee  benefit plan (or related trust)  sponsored or
                         maintained by the company or any company  controlled by
                         the  company  or (D)  any  acquisition  by any  company
                         pursuant to a  transaction  that  complies with clauses
                         (A), (B) and (C) of subsection (iii) below; or

                    (ii) Individuals who, as of the date hereof,  constitute the
                         Board (the  "Incumbent  Board") cease for any reason to
                         constitute at least a majority of the Board;  provided,
                         however,   that  any  individual  becoming  a  director
                         subsequent  to  the  date  hereof  whose  election,  or
                         nomination for election by the company's  shareholders,
                         was  approved  by a vote of at least a majority  of the

                         directors then  comprising the Incumbent Board shall be
                         considered as though such  individual  were a member of
                         the Incumbent Board,  but excluding,  for this purpose,
                         any such individual whose initial  assumption of office
                         occurs as a result of an actual or threatened  election
                         contest  with  respect  to the  election  or removal of
                         directors or other actual or threatened solicitation of
                         proxies or consents  by or on behalf of a Person  other
                         than the Board; or

                    (iii)the  approval by the  shareholders  of the company of a
                         reorganization,  merger  or  consolidation  or  sale or
                         other  disposition of all or  substantially  all of the
                         assets of the company  ("Business  Combination") or, if
                         consummation  of such Business  Combination is subject,
                         at the time of such  approval by  shareholders,  to the
                         consent of any government or governmental  agency,  the
                         obtaining  of  such  consent   (either   explicitly  or
                         implicitly by consummation); excluding, however, such a
                         Business  Combination  pursuant  to  which  (A)  all or
                         substantially  all of the  individuals and entities who
                         were the beneficial  owners of the Outstanding  Company
                         Voting  Securities  immediately  prior to such Business
                         Combination  beneficially  own, directly or indirectly,
                         more than sixty  (60%)  percent of,  respectively,  the
                         then  outstanding   shares  of  common  stock  and  the
                         combined  voting power of the then  outstanding  voting
                         securities  entitled to

                         vote  generally  in the  election of directors,  as the
                         case  may  be,  of  the  company  resulting  from  such
                         resulting  from such Business  Combination  (including,
                         without limitation,  a company that as a result of such
                         transaction  owns the  company or all or  substantially
                         all of the company's  assets either directly or through
                         one or more  subsidiaries)  in  substantially  the same
                         proportions as their  ownership,  immediately  prior to
                         such Business  Combination of the  Outstanding  Company
                         Voting   Securities,   (B)  no  Person  (excluding  any
                         employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the company
                         or  such   company   resulting   from   such   Business
                         Combination)  beneficially owns, directly or indirectly
                         twenty (20%) percent or more of, respectively, the then
                         outstanding  shares  of  common  stock  of the  company
                         resulting   from  such  Business   Combination  or  the
                         combined  voting power of the then  outstanding  voting
                         securities  of such  company  except to the extent that
                         such   ownership   existed   prior   to  the   Business
                         Combination  and (C) at least a majority of the members
                         of the Board of  Directors  of company  resulting  from
                         such Business Combination were members of the Incumbent
                         Board  at the  time  of the  execution  of the  initial
                         agreement, or of the action of the Board, providing for
                         such Business Combination; or

                    (iv) approval  by  the  shareholders  of  the  company  of a

               liquidation or dissolution of the company.

          (3)  If a  participant's  employment  by  the  company  or  one of its
               subsidiaries  terminates during the three-year  employment period
               described  in  paragraph   10(f)(1)  by  reason  of  his  or  her
               retirement, and participant retires on or after attaining age 62,
               the interest of the  participant in any grant shares then subject
               to   forfeiture   shall  become  fully  vested  at  the  time  of
               retirement.  If the  participant  retires,  as  determined by the
               committee,  prior to  attaining  age 62,  there  shall be  deemed
               vested  in his  account  an  additional  number  of grant  shares
               determined  by  multiplying  the  number  of  shares  subject  to
               forfeiture  for each  year in which  grant  shares  were  awarded
               during  the  three-year  employment  period  by  a  fraction  the
               numerator  of which shall be the number of full months  preceding
               participant's  retirement  that shall have elapsed since the date
               of the award of such shares and the denominator of which shall be
               36.  The  committee  may,  in its  discretion,  specify  that the
               interest of the  participant  in any remaining  grant shares then
               subject to  forfeiture  shall  become  vested at that time,  at a
               future date,  or upon the  completion  of such  conditions as the
               committee may provide.

     11. Rights as a shareholder.  Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs 10
and 14, a  participant  shall  have all of the  rights of a  shareholder  of the
company with respect to grant shares  registered  in his or her name,  including
the  right  to  vote  such  grant  shares  and  receive   dividends   and  other
distributions paid or made with respect to such grant shares.

     12. Share dividends; share splits; share combinations;  re-capitalizations.
The Board of Directors  of the company may make  appropriate  adjustment  in the
maximum number of shares subject to the plan to adjust for any share  dividends,
share splits, share combinations,

re-capitalizations  and other  similar changes  in the capital  structure of the
company. The provisions contained in the plan shall apply to any other shares of
capital  stock of the company or other  securities  which may be acquired by the
participant as a result of a share dividend, share split, share combination,  or
exchange   for   other   securities   resulting   from   any   recapitalization,
reorganization or any other transaction affecting the grant shares.

     13. No employment  commitment.  Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to
be or  constitute  an  agreement  or  commitment  by the company to continue the
participant in its employ or the employ of any subsidiary of the company.

     14. Custody of grant shares. The grant shares shall be held in certificated
or  uncertificated  form as  determined  by the  committee,  by an escrow  agent
designated by the committee.  At the time all forfeiture  provisions relating to
such  grant  shares  shall  terminate,  the  company  will,  upon the  making of
arrangements under paragraph 10(e), deliver such certificate to the participant,
together with the assignment referred to above,  without restrictions except for
such restrictions as may be required to ensure compliance with federal and state
securities laws. Any such restrictions may at the company's  discretion be noted
or referred to conspicuously  on such  certificate  prior to its delivery to the

     15. Termination or amendment of plan.

         (a)  Except  as provided in  subparagraph  (b),  the Board of Directors
              may  at  any  time suspend, amend or terminate the plan, provided;

              (1)  that no  such  suspension,  amendment  or  termination  shall
                   adversely affect or impair the rights of a participant to any
                   then  issued and outstanding grant shares without the consent
                   of such participant.

         (b)  In  the  event of a  change in control (as  defined  in  paragraph
              10(f)(2)(bb),  the  Board of Directors  may  neither terminate the
              plan  nor  reduce benefits  under the plan with respect  to  those
              individuals  who are participants  as of the date of the change in

     16.  Governing  law.  This  plan  shall  be  subject  to and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the state of Rhode Island.

     17.  Indemnification  of  committee.  In addition  to such other  rights of
indemnification  as they may have as  members of the Board of  Directors  of the
company or as members of the  committee,  each member of the committee  shall be
indemnified by the company against the reasonable expenses, including attorneys'
fees,  actually and  necessarily  incurred in connection with the defense of any
action,  suit or proceeding,  or in connection with any appeal therein, to which
he or she may be a party by reason of any  action  taken or any  failure  to act
under or in connection with the plan, or any incentive award granted thereunder,
and against all amounts paid by him or her in settlement  thereof (provided such
settlement is approved by  independent  legal  counsel  selected by the Board of
Directors),  or paid by him or her in  satisfaction  of a  judgment  in any such
action, suit or proceeding in which such committee member has been determined to
be liable for  misconduct in his/her  duties;  provided that within fifteen (15)
days after  receipt of service or process in  connection  with any such  action,
suit or proceeding  the committee  member shall in writing offer the company the
opportunity,  at the  company's  expense,  to  defend  the same on behalf of the
committee member.

                                                                     Appendix I

                             Gas Utility Peer Group

                    Bay State Gas Company
                    Berkshire Gas Company
                    Connecticut Energy Corporation
                    CTG Resources, Inc.
                    Delta Natural Gas
                    EnergyNorth, Inc.
                    Mobile Gas Service Corporation
                    Providence Energy Corporation
                    Roanoke Gas Corporation
                    Southeastern Michigan Energy Enterprises
                    Yankee Gas Services

                    N = 11 companies


                                                                    Appendix II

Position                 Factor                       Weight              Percent Control Point
                                                                 Threshold    Plan      Excess

President and CEO        Net Income                     35%         4.375      8.75     13.125
                         Total Shareholder Return       25%         3.125      6.25      9.375
                         Cost of Service                20%         2.50       5.00      7.50
                         Board of Discretion            20%         2.50       5.00      7.50
                                                                   ------     -----     ------
                              TOTALS                               12.50      25.00     37.50
                                                                   ======     =====     ======

Senior Vice President    Net Income                     35%         3.50       7.00     10.50
                         Total Shareholder Return       25%         2.50       5.00      7.50
                         Cost of Service                20%         2.00       4.00      6.00
                         Board Discretion               20%         2.00       4.00      6.00
                                                                   ------     -----     ------
                              TOTALS                               10.0       20.00     30.00
                                                                   ======     =====     ======

Vice President           Net Income                     35%         2.625      5.25      7.875
                         Total Shareholder Return       25%         1.875      3.75      5.625
                         Cost of Service                20%          1.50      3.00       4.50
                         Board of Discretion            20%          1.50      3.00       4.50
                                                                    ------    -----      ------
                              TOTALS                                 7.5      15.00      22.50
                                                                    ======    =====      ======

Asst. Vice President     Net Income                     35%          2.625     5.25       7.875
                         Total Shareholder Return       25%          1.875     3.75       5.625
                         Cost of Service                20%          1.50      3.00       4.50
                         Board Discretion               20%          1.50      3.00       4.50
                                                                    ------    -----      ------
                              TOTALS                                 7.5      15.0       22.50
                                                                    =====     =====      ======