Warner-Lambert Stockholders Approve Share Increase for Stock Split;
Company Affirms Plans to Maintain and Manage Tetra for the Long-Term

      PARSIPPANY, N.J.,  April 23, 1996 -- At Warner-Lambert Company's annual
meeting here today, company stockholders approved an increase in the number of 
authorized shares of common stock from 300 million to 500 million shares.  This
enables the Company to enact a two-for-one split of its outstanding common
stock, as authorized by its Board of Directors in January, 1996.
      The split will apply to all shares of record held at the close of
business on May 3, 1996.
      The Board today also declared a regular quarterly dividend of 34.5 cents
per share of common stock, payable on June 10, 1996, to stockholders of record
on May 3, 1996.  The dividend is the equivalent of a quarterly dividend of 69
cents a share before adjusting for the split.