Pricing Supplement Dated: 09/03/1997 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY   Rule 424(b)(2)    
 No: FL 151                            Floating Rate          File No.          
 (To Prospectus dated: August 30, 1996                                          
 and prospectus dated: September 11, 1996)                                      
       Medium Term Notes and Subordinated Medium-Term Notes, Series B           
 CUSSIP NO: 94974HJZ1            Principal Amount: $   150000000.00             
 Trade Date: 09/03/1997          Original Issuance Date: 09/08/1997             
 Issue Price:       100.00000    Initial Interest Rate:   5.58375%              
 Seller Agent's Discount         Stated Maturity: 10/05/1998                    
 or Commission    0.00000%       Regular Record Dates:                          
                  Interest Payment Dates:                                       
Net proceeds to Issuer: $   150000000.00                                        
Form:_X_ Book Entry:___  Certificated Ranking:  Senior_X_  Subordinated ___     
Interest Rate Basis:            Index Maturity       Interest Payment Period    
 ___ Commercial Paper Rate        ___ Daily  ___5 Year     __ Monthly           
 _X_ LIBOR Telerate (Unless LIBOR ___ 1 Month___7 Year     _X Quarterly         
     Reuters is designated below) _X_ 3 Month___10 Year    __ Semi-Annualy      
     ___ LIBOR Reuters            ___ 6 Month___20 Year    __ Annualy           
 ___ Treasury Rate                ___ 1 Year ___30 Year                         
 ___ Prime Rate                   ___ 2 Year ___Other                           
 ___ CD Rate                      ___ 3 Year                                    
 ___ Federal Funds Rate                                                         
                                           Spread:  -1350.000                   
 ___ CMT Rate (Telerate Page 7052 - Week                                        
     Unless otherwise designated below)    and/or Spread Multiplier:            
     ___ Telerate Page 7052 - Month        Maximum Interest Rate:   0.00%       
     ___ Telerate Page 7055                                                     
                                           Minimum Interest Rate:   0.00%       
 ___11th Dist. cost of Funds Rate          First Interest Reset Date:           
 ___Other (see attached)                                                        
Redemption:                              Repayment:                             
 _X_ The Note cannot be redeemed         _X_ The Note cannot be repayed         
 ___ The Note may be redeemed            ___The Note maybe repayed prior to     
                                         maturity at the option of the          
  Earliest Redemption Date:   /  /                                              
  Redemption Price:            0.00%         Repayment Date:                    
  Annual Redemption Price Reduction:         Repayment Price:                   
  Sinking Fund Redemption Dates:                 Sinking Fund Amount:           
Discount Note: ___  Yes   _X_  No             Agent: SALOMON BROS.              
Total Amount of OID:       0.00 Yield to Maturity:  0.00                        
Basis of Sale to Public:                                                        
___ Agent is acting as Agent for sale of Notes to the Public at the "Issue      
_X_ Agent is purchasing Notes as Principal for resale to investors and other    
    investors at varying prices related to prevailing market prices at the      
___ Agent is purchasing Notes as principal for resale to investors and other    
    purchasers at a fixed initial public offering of   0.00% of the             
Other Provisions:                                                               
Terms are not completed for certain items above either because such items       
are not applicable or because the terms are as specified in the Prospectus