Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT


        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) October 2, 2003

                                EMCOR GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

      Delaware                       0-2315                11-2125338
      --------                       ------                ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of   (Commission File       (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)        Number)           Identification No.)

  301 Merritt Seven Corporate Park
         Norwalk, Connecticut                                 06851
(Address of principal executive offices)                    (Zip code)

(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)      203-849-7800

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

(c)      Exhibits.

         Exhibit No.                         Description of Exhibit

         99.1                                Press Release dated October 2, 2003

Item 12. Results of Operations and Financial Condition

     On October 2, 2003,  EMCOR Group,  Inc.  issued a press release  announcing
anticipated  results for the second half of 2003. A copy of the press release is
attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1.

                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.                        Description
- -----------                        -----------

99.1                               Press release issued by EMCOR Group, Inc.
                                   on October 2, 2003


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                              EMCOR Group, Inc.

                                 By:       /s/ Frank T. MacInnis
                                               Frank T. MacInnis
                                     Chairman of the Board of Directors
                                        and Chief Executive Officer

Date:         October 2, 2003

                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

                           FOR THE SECOND HALF OF 2003
                       - Updates 2003 Full-Year Guidance -

NORWALK,  CONNECTICUT,  October 2, 2003 - EMCOR Group,  Inc.  (NYSE:  EME) today
provided  financial  guidance  for  the  second  half of 2003  and  updated  its
financial guidance for the 2003 full-year period.

Based on current market  conditions,  the Company expects revenue for the second
half of 2003 to be between $2.25 billion and $2.35 billion, and diluted earnings
per share to be between $0.90 and $1.01. The Company expects these results to be
slightly   weighted  towards  the  2003  fourth  quarter.   In  light  of  these
expectations,  the  Company's  guidance  for the 2003  full-year  period  is for
revenue  of  between  $4.4  billion  and $4.6  billion,  in line  with  previous
estimates,  and diluted earnings per share of between $1.65 and $1.75.  Contract
backlog at September 30th, 2003 is anticipated to be approximately  $3.1 billion
versus $2.9  billion as of 9/30/02 and  12/31/02.  EMCOR  expects to release its
financial results for the third quarter of 2003 on October 23, 2003.

The Company's  financial  guidance reflects  continued solid revenue growth as a
result of its leading position in its markets,  and profitable  results from all
the Company's North American operations.  However,  gross profits continue to be
restrained  by the  high  proportion  of  public  sector  work  within  backlog,
continued recessionary conditions in most of EMCOR's markets,  especially in the
Midwestern  and  Northeastern  U.S.,  and a  reduced  level of  private  sector,
discretionary,  small  project  work,  which  typically  generates  higher gross
margins than longer-term  work.  EMCOR's expected results for the second half of
2003  also  reflect  the  impact  of  the  slower  than  anticipated  return  to
profitability of the Company's U.K. subsidiary, due to reorganization charges at
that subsidiary and to U.K. market conditions.

The Company  continues to see good  performance  within its facilities  services
business,   with  strong  contributions  to  revenue  and  operating  income  by
recently-acquired  Consolidated  Engineering Services. EMCOR is committed to the
growing  market for  outsourcing  and facilities  services,  as evidenced by its
separate   announcement   today  of  both  an  alliance  with  Siemens  Building
Technologies  and an  agreement  to acquire  Siemens' US  Facilities  Management

                                    - MORE -

EMCOR Announces Anticipated Results for the Second Half of 2003

The Company also  continues  to operate  from a position of financial  strength,
with one of the  strongest  and most liquid  balance  sheets in its industry and
reasonable  levels of revolving debt. Based on strong cash flow from operations,
EMCOR expects current debt to decline further by the end of the year.

Mr.  Frank T.  MacInnis,  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of EMCOR Group,
stated,  "This  continues  to be a  challenging  time for EMCOR  and its  entire
industry.  While we have been able to maintain our dominant  position in many of
our markets,  mainly through awards of public sector  projects,  the contracting
environment  remains  recessionary,  with  many of our  private  sector  clients
waiting for clearer signs of a full-fledged economic recovery. In addition,  the
anticipated recovery in small-project discretionary spending has been slower and
less profitable than anticipated. In the U.K., our new management team has taken
steps to enhance  profitability,  and although we expect profitable  performance
from these  operations  in the second half of this year,  before  reorganization
costs,  current conditions in the U.K. market together with reorganization costs
will prevent us from attaining our previously announced  profitability goals for
this business until 2004."

Mr. MacInnis  continued,  "Despite the difficult  conditions  currently faced by
some of our operations,  EMCOR continues to make progress  towards its strategic
goals. Our Consolidated  Engineering Service business is performing well, and we
continue to strengthen our ability to deliver facilities  services on a national
scale. We are  particularly  excited about the growth  opportunities  associated
with the Siemens  Building  Technologies  agreements  which we announced  today.
EMCOR  remains  solidly  profitable,  with  strong  cash flow and the  financial
strength to execute its business strategy."

Mr.  MacInnis  added,  "While we are  obviously  disappointed  by the  near-term
outlook,  we remain committed to our long-term  diversity model that provides an
array of services to a  multitude  of markets.  Our broad skill sets and agility
have been  built  into our  business,  resulting  in high  backlog  levels  with
corresponding  top-line  revenue  growth.  The  current  market  has given us an
over-weighting of public sector work; however,  when the economic recovery takes
a firmer  foothold,  our  backlog  mix will  naturally  shift to a more  optimal
balance  of public  and  private  sector  customers.  This  backlog  rebalancing
combined  with our growing  facilities  services  business  should  yield future
profitability at or above historical levels."

Mr. MacInnis concluded,  "EMCOR's 2004 budget process has just begun. Since this
involves the  accumulation  of analyses and estimates from each of our more than
140 operating  locations,  it is too early to make detailed judgments about next
year's prospects.  However, based on our existing contract backlog, reports from
subsidiary managers, and opportunities in our facilities service businesses,  we
look for "baseline"  EBIT  performance  in 2004 at about 2% of revenues,  with a
significant  likelihood  of  enhanced  performance  if  private  sector  capital
spending strengthens as predicted by many economists. The anticipated "baseline"
level of performance  would reflect EPS growth of at least 40% during 2004, over
expected 2003 levels."

                                    - MORE -

EMCOR Announces Anticipated Results for the Second Half of 2003

In conjunction  with this release,  EMCOR will host a conference call on Friday,
October 3, 2003 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time that will be available live via internet
broadcast.  You can access the live call through the Home Page of the  company's
web site at www.emcorgroup.com.

EMCOR  Group,   Inc.  is  a  worldwide   leader  in  mechanical  and  electrical
construction  services and  facilities  services.  This press  release and other
press releases may be viewed at the Company's Web site at www.emcorgroup.com.

This release may include  "forward  looking  statements."  These  statements are
based on certain  assumptions  and analyses  made by the Company in light of its
experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected
future  developments  and  other  factors  it  believes  are  appropriate.  Such
statements  are  subject to a number of  assumptions,  risks and  uncertainties,
general economic and business  conditions,  business  opportunities  that may be
presented  to and pursued by the Company  and other  factors,  many of which are
beyond the control of the Company.  Actual  results may differ  materially  from
those anticipated in the statements.