Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                       Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

  Date of report (Date of earliest event reported)      January 3, 2005
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                EMCOR Group, Inc.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                 (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)

       0-2315                                             11-2125338
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Commission File Number)                   (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

    301 Merritt Seven, Norwalk, CT                              06851
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(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                      (Zip Code)

                                 (203) 849-7800
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

         Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to
simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):

__   Written  communications  pursuant to Rule 425 under the  Securities Act (17
     CFR 230.425)

__   Soliciting  material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR

__   Pre-commencement   communications  pursuant  to  Rule  14d-2(b)  under  the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

__   Pre-commencement   communications  pursuant  to  Rule  13e-4(c)  under  the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

Item 1.01.   Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

     EMCOR  Group,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  may grant  awards,  including  stock
     options,  to its officers and other key employees under its 2003 Management
     Stock  Incentive Plan (the "Plan").  A form of agreement  pursuant to which
     stock options are granted under the Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit 10.1
     (the "Stock Option Agreement") and is hereby incorporated by reference.

     On January 3, 2005,  stock  options were granted under the Plan pursuant to
     the Stock Option Agreements to certain executive officers of the Company as
     follows:  Frank T. MacInnis - 92,000;  Anthony  Guzzi - 50,500;  Sheldon I.
     Cammaker - 33,700; Leicle E. Chesser - 33,700; R. Kevin Matz - 27,300; Mark
     A. Pompa - 25,300.

Item 9.01.   Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(c) Exhibits.

    Exhibit Number           Description of Exhibits

    10.1                     Form of Stock Option Agreement evidencing grant of
                             stock options under the 2003 Management Stock
                             Incentive Plan


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  the  Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                      EMCOR GROUP, INC.

Date:  January 5, 2005                By:     /S/ Frank T. MacInnis
                                      Name:   Frank T. MacInnis
                                      Title:  Chairman of the Board and
                                              Chief Executive Officer

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

    Exhibit Number           Description

    10.1                     Form of Stock Option Agreement evidencing grant of
                             stock options under the 2003 Management Stock
                             Incentive Plan

                                  EXHIBIT 10.1

                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     THIS AGREEMENT made as of the _____ day of __________,  ____ by and between
EMCOR GROUP, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"),  and ____________
                              W I T N E S S E T H:
     WHEREAS,  the Corporation wishes to grant to Grantee, on the date set forth
above under its 2003 Management  Stock  Incentive  Plan, a  non-qualified  stock
option to purchase  shares of Common Stock of the  Corporation,  $.01 par value,
upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the premises and of the undertakings
hereinafter contained, the Corporation and Grantee agree as follows:

1.   Subject to the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  the  Corporation
     hereby  grants to Grantee a  non-qualified  stock option (the  "Option") to
     purchase  all  or  any  part  of  ______  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the
     Corporation,  $.01  par  value  (the  "Shares"),  at a price  per  share of
     $________*.  Unless sooner  terminated in accordance with the terms of this
     Agreement and prior to the expiration date of the Option,  one-third of the
     Shares  subject  to the  Option  may be  purchased  on or after  the  first
     anniversary of the date hereof at any time or from time to time,  one-third
     of the Shares subject to the Option may be purchased on or after the second
     anniversary  of the  date  hereof  at any time or from  time to  time,  and
     one-third of the Shares  subject to the Option may be purchased on or after
     the third  anniversary of the date hereof at any time or from time to time;
     provided,  however, that if Grantee's employment with the Corporation shall
     be terminated at any time by the Corporation  other than for Cause (as that
     term is defined in the  severance  agreement  or  employment  agreement  in
     effect on the date hereof  between the  Grantee  and the  Corporation  (the
     "Severance  Agreement")) or by the Grantee for Good Reason (as that term is
     defined in the Severance  Agreement),  the Option shall become  immediately
     exercisable in full and,  subject to the provisions of Section 5(c) hereof,
     remain exercisable,  at any time or from time to time, until two years from
     the date thereof.  Unless sooner exercised in full or sooner  terminated as
     expressly  provided herein, the Option shall expire ten years from the date
     (a)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  all or any part of the Option may be
          exercised  in  the  following   circumstances:   (a)  subject  to  the
          provisions of Section 4 hereof,  upon (but prior to the  expiration of
          the term of the Option) the Grantee's  retirement from the Corporation
          and all Subsidiaries on or after his 65th birthday, (b) subject to the
          provisions of Section 4 hereof, upon the disability (to the extent and
          in a manner as shall be determined by the  Compensation  and Personnel
          Committee  (the   "Committee")  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
          Corporation in its sole  discretion)  or death of the Grantee,  or (c)
          upon the  occurrence of such special  circumstance  or event as in the
          opinion of the Committee merits special consideration.

     (b)  The Option shall be  exercised by the delivery of written  notice duly
          signed by the Grantee to such  effect  ("Exercise  Notice"),  together
          with the full purchase price of the Shares  purchased  pursuant to the
          exercise of the Option,  to the Chairman of the Board or an officer of
          the Corporation appointed by the Chairman of the Board for the purpose
          of receiving  the same.  Payment of the full  purchase  price shall be
          made as  follows:  in cash or by  check  payable  to the  order of the
          Corporation; or by delivery to the Corporation of Shares having a Fair
          Market Value equal to the full purchase price of the Shares  purchased
          pursuant  to the  exercise of the  Option;  provided  that such Shares
          being  delivered  have been held by the  Grantee  for no less than six
          months; or partly in cash and partly in Shares; or with the consent of
          the  Chairman  of  the  Board  or  the  officer  referred  to  in  the
          immediately preceding sentence, if, at the time of exercise,  there is
          a public market for the Shares  purchased  pursuant to the exercise of
          the Option,  by  providing  with the  Exercise  Notice  evidence of an
          irrevocable  order to a  designated  broker to sell part or all of the
          Shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of the Option and to deliver
          to the  Corporation  out of the  proceeds  of such  sale a  sufficient
          amount,  in cash or by check payable to the order of the  Corporation,
          to pay the full  purchase  price for such  Shares  and all  applicable
          withholding  taxes;  or by such  other  methods as the  Committee  may
          permit from time to time.  The  provisions of Annex A attached  hereto
          are made a part of this Agreement as if set forth herein in full.

     (c)  Within a  reasonable  time  after  the  exercise  of the  Option,  the
          Corporation shall cause to be delivered to the person entitled thereto
          a certificate for the Shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of the

- ---------
* The average of the high and low prices of the Company's common stock on the
NYSE on the date as of which this agreement is made.

     (d)  Notwithstanding  any other provision of the Option, the Option may not
          be  exercised  at any time when the Option or the granting or exercise
          thereof violates any law or governmental order or regulation.

     (e)  For purposes hereof the term  Subsidiary  means any corporation 50% or
          more of  whose  stock  having  general  voting  power  is owned by the
          Corporation  or by  another  Subsidiary,  as  herein  defined,  of the

     (a)  The  Option  shall be  exercisable  only by Grantee  during  Grantee's
          lifetime,  or, if permissible under applicable law, by Grantee's legal
          guardian or representative. The Option may not be assigned, alienated,
          pledged,  attached,  sold or otherwise  transferred  or  encumbered by
          Grantee  otherwise  than  by  will  or by  the  laws  of  descent  and
          distribution and any such purported  assignment,  alienation,  pledge,
          attachment,   sale,   transfer  or  encumbrance   shall  be  void  and
          unenforceable  against the Corporation or its  Subsidiaries;  provided
          that  the  designation  of  a  beneficiary  shall  not  constitute  an
          assignment,   alienation,   pledge,  attachment,   sale,  transfer  or

     (b)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Option  may be  transferred  by

          (A)  without  consideration  to any person who is a "family member" of
               Grantee,  as such  term is used in the  instructions  to Form S-8
               (collectively, the "Immediate Family Members");

          (B)  without  consideration  to a  trust  solely  for the  benefit  of
               Grantee and/or his or her Immediate Family Members;

          (C)  without  consideration  to a  partnership  or  limited  liability
               company whose only partners or  shareholders  are Grantee  and/or
               his or her Immediate Family Members; or

          (D)  with or without  consideration  to any other transferee as may be
               approved by the Board of Directors  or the  Committee in its sole

          (each  transferee  described in clauses (A), (B), (C) and (D) above is
          hereinafter  referred to as a "Permitted  Transferee");  provided that
          Grantee gives the Committee  advance  written  notice  describing  the
          terms  and  conditions  of the  proposed  transfer  and the  Committee
          notifies  Grantee in writing that such a transfer is approved.

     (c)  If the  Option  is  transferred  in  accordance  with the  immediately
          preceding  sentence,  the  terms  of the  Option  shall  apply  to the
          Permitted  Transferee  and any reference  herein to a Grantee shall be
          deemed  to  refer  to the  Permitted  Transferee,  except  that  (a) a
          Permitted  Transferee  shall not be entitled  to transfer  the Option,
          other  than by will or the laws of  descent  and  distribution;  (b) a
          Permitted  Transferee  shall not be entitled  to  exercise  the Option
          unless  there  shall  be in  effect  a  registration  statement  on an
          appropriate  form  covering the Shares to be acquired  pursuant to the
          exercise  of  the  Option  if the  Committee  determines  that  such a
          registration statement is necessary or appropriate,  (c) the Committee
          or the  Corporation  shall not be  required to provide any notice to a
          Permitted Transferee, whether or not such notice is or would otherwise
          have been required to be given to Grantee, and (d) the consequences of
          termination   of  Grantee's   employment   by,  or  services  to,  the
          Corporation or Subsidiary  hereunder shall continue to be applied with
          respect to Grantee  following which the Option shall be exercisable by
          the  Permitted  Transferee  only to the extent,  and for the  periods,
          specified  herein that the Option could  otherwise have been exercised
          by the Grantee.

4.   All or any part of the Option, to the extent  unexercised,  shall terminate
     immediately,  upon the  termination  for  Cause by the  Corporation  of the
     Grantee's  employment by the  Corporation or upon the  termination  without
     Good Reason by the Grantee of the Grantee's  employment by the  Corporation
     except that in either such case the Grantee shall have until the end of the
     three-month  period  following  the  cessation of his  employment  with the
     Corporation  to exercise any  unexercised  part of the Option that he could
     have exercised on the day on which such  employment  terminated;  provided,
     that such exercise must be accomplished prior to the expiration of the term
     of  such  Option.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if  the  cessation  of
     employment  is due to  Grantee's  retirement  on or after he attains age 65
     ("Retirement")  or  disability  (to the  extent and in a manner as shall be
     determined in each case by the Committee in its sole  discretion) or death,
     the  Grantee  (or the  representative  of the  estate  of the  Grantee,  if
     deceased),  may exercise the portion of the Option which is  unexercised at
     the time of such Retirement,  disability or death; provided,  however, that
     such exercise must be  accomplished  prior to the expiration of the term of
     the Option and (a) unless the Committee determines a longer period,  within
     three months of the  Grantee's  Retirement  or disability or (b) unless the
     Committee  determines a longer  period,  within six months of the Grantee's

     (a)  If  prior  to the  complete  exercise  of the  Option  there  shall be
          declared  and paid a stock  dividend  upon the Shares or if the Shares
          shall be split up, converted,  exchanged,  reclassified, or in any way
          substituted  for, then the Option,  to the extent that it has not been
          exercised,  shall entitle the Grantee upon the future  exercise of the
          Option to such number and kind of securities or cash or other property
          subject  to the  terms of the  Option  to which  he  would  have  been
          entitled had he actually owned the Shares  subject to the  unexercised
          portion  of the  Option at the time of the  occurrence  of such  stock
          dividend,   split-up,   conversion,   exchange,   reclassification  or
          substitution,  and  the  aggregate  purchase  price  upon  the  future
          exercise of the Option shall be the same as if the originally optioned
          Shares were being purchased hereunder.

     (b)  Any fractional shares or securities  issuable upon the exercise of the
          Option as a result of such  adjustment  shall be payable in cash based
          upon the Fair Market Value of such shares or securities at the time of
          such  exercise.  If any such event should occur,  the number of Shares
          with  respect  to which  the  Option  remains  to be  issued  shall be
          adjusted in a similar manner.

     (c)  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  upon the dissolution or liquidation of
          the  Corporation,  or the occurrence of a merger or  consolidation  in
          which the  Corporation is not the surviving  corporation,  or in which
          the  Corporation  becomes a subsidiary  of another  corporation  or in
          which the voting securities of the Corporation outstanding immediately
          prior  thereto do not  continue  to  represent  (either  by  remaining
          outstanding  or by  being  converted  into  voting  securities  of the
          surviving  entity) more than 50% of the combined voting  securities of
          the Corporation or such surviving entity immediately after such merger
          or consolidation,  or upon the sale of all or substantially all of the
          assets of the Corporation, the Option shall terminate unless provision
          is made by the Corporation in connection with such transaction for the
          assumption of the Option,  or the  substitution  for the Option of new
          options  of  the  successor  corporation  or a  parent  or  subsidiary
          thereof,  with  appropriate  adjustments as to the number and kinds of
          shares  and the per share  exercise  prices.  In the event the  Option
          terminates  as  aforesaid  in  connection  with  such  a  dissolution,
          liquidation,  merger,  consolidation or sale, the holder of the Option
          shall be entitled to receive  from the  Corporation  cash in an amount
          equal to the excess of (i) the Fair Market  Value  (determined  on the
          basis of the amount  received by  shareholders in connection with such
          transaction)  of the Shares  subject to the  portion of the Option not
          theretofore  exercised  (whether or not the Option is then exercisable
          pursuant to its terms or otherwise),  over (ii) the aggregate purchase
          price which would be payable for such Shares upon the  exercise of the
          Option. In the event of any other change in the corporate structure or
          outstanding Shares, the Committee may make such equitable  adjustments
          to the  number of Shares and the class of shares  available  under the
          Option as it shall deem appropriate to prevent dilution or enlargement
          of rights.

     (d)  For  purposes  hereof the term Fair  Market  Value of a security  on a
          specified  date shall mean the closing price at which such security is
          traded  on the stock  exchange,  if any,  on which  such  security  is
          primarily  traded or, if such  security  is not then traded on a stock
          exchange, the closing price of such security as reported on the NASDAQ
          National  Market System or, if such security is not then traded on the
          NASDAQ  National  Market  System,  the  average of the closing bid and
          asked prices at which such security is traded on the  over-the-counter
          market,  but if no such security was traded on such date,  then on the
          last previous  date on which such security was so traded,  or, if none
          of the above is applicable,  the value of such security as established
          by the  Committee  for  such  date  using  any  reasonable  method  of

6.   The  Corporation  may postpone the issuance and delivery of Shares pursuant
     to the grant or  exercise  of the Option  until (a) the  admission  of such
     Shares to listing on any stock exchange on which Shares of the  Corporation
     of the  same  class  are  then  listed,  and  (b)  the  completion  of such
     registration  or other  qualification  of such  Shares  under  any State or
     Federal law, rule or regulation as the  Corporation  shall  determine to be
     necessary or  advisable.  The Grantee shall make such  representations  and
     furnish  such  information  as  may,  in the  opinion  of  counsel  for the
     Corporation,  be appropriate to permit the Corporation, in the light of the
     then existence or non-existence with respect to such Shares of an effective
     Registration  Statement  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as from time to
     time amended (the "Securities Act"), to issue the Shares in compliance with
     the provisions of the  Securities  Act or any  comparable  federal or state
     laws. The  Corporation  shall have the right,  in its sole  discretion,  to
     legend any Shares which may be issued  pursuant to the grant or exercise of
     the Option, or may issue stop transfer orders in respect thereof.

7.   If the  Corporation  or a  Subsidiary  shall be required  to  withhold  any
     amounts by reason of any Federal,  State or local tax rules or  regulations
     in  respect of the  issuance  of Shares  pursuant  to the  exercise  of the
     Option,  the Corporation or the Subsidiary  shall be entitled to deduct and
     withhold such amounts from any cash payments to be made to the Grantee.  In
     any  event,  the  Grantee  shall  make  available  to  the  Corporation  or
     Subsidiary,  promptly when requested by the Corporation or such Subsidiary,
     sufficient  funds to meet the  requirements  of such  withholding;  and the
     Corporation  or  Subsidiary  shall be entitled to take and  authorize  such
     steps as it may deem  advisable in order to have such funds made  available
     to the  Corporation  or  Subsidiary  out of any funds or property due or to
     become due to the holder of such Option.

8.   Nothing  contained  herein  shall be construed to confer on the Grantee any
     right to be continued in the employ of the Corporation or any Subsidiary or
     derogate  from any right of the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary to retire,
     request the  resignation of or discharge the Grantee  (without or with pay)
     at any time, with or without cause.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.
                                            EMCOR GROUP, INC.

                                               -----------------------, Grantee

Annex A


This  Annex  A is  made a part  of  this  Stock  Option  Agreement  dated  as of
___________,  ____  between the  Corporation  and the  Grantee.  The Grantee (as
defined in the Stock Option Agreement) may elect (the "Deferral  Election"),  by
completing  and signing the Stock  Option  Deferral  Election  Form  attached as
Exhibit 1 (the "Election Form") hereto, to defer delivery of Common Stock of the
Corporation  ("Stock") otherwise  deliverable upon exercise of the Option to the
delivery date(s) specified in the Election Form, subject to the following rules.

1.   Timing.  The  Deferral  Election  may only be made for an  exercise  of the
     Option which occurs while the Grantee is employed by the Corporation or any
     of its  subsidiaries,  and shall apply only to that exercisable  portion of
     the  Option  that  has not  been  exercised  as of the  Election  Date,  as
     specified in the Election  Form.  The exercise of the portion of the Option
     subject  to the  Deferral  Election  may occur at any time after the period
     referred to in Section 2 below, in accordance with the terms and conditions
     of the Stock Option Agreement.

2.   Restriction  on  Exercisability.  The portion of the Option  subject to the
     Deferral Election shall not be exercisable during the period beginning with
     the Election Date and ending on the day immediately  prior to the six-month
     anniversary of the Election Date (or if there is no  corresponding  date in
     the sixth calendar month after the Election Date, the six-month anniversary
     shall be deemed to be the first day of the seventh calendar month after the
     Election  Date);  provided,  however,  that,  if,  prior to such  six-month
     anniversary,  either (i) the Grantee's  employment with the Corporation and
     all of its subsidiaries  terminates for any reason or (ii) the Compensation
     Committee of the Board of Directors  of the Company  (the  "Committee")  so
     determines, then the restriction set forth in the preceding portion of this
     Section 2 shall be  canceled,  and the portion of the Option which had been
     subject to the Deferral  Election shall become  exercisable  (to the extent
     that it would have otherwise  have been  exercisable in the absence of such

3.   Method of  Exercise  to Defer.  The  portion of the  Option  subject to the
     deferral  election  shall be exercised in accordance  with the terms of the
     Stock Option  Agreement;  provided that the exercise  price must be paid by
     the Grantee in shares of Stock which are  considered  "mature" for purposes
     of generally accepted accounting principles,  i.e., (x) they have been held
     by the Grantee free and clear for at least six months prior to their use to
     pay the Option  purchase  price (y) they have been purchased by the Grantee
     in  other  than a  compensatory  transaction,  or (z) they  meet any  other
     requirements  for "mature" shares as may exist on the date of exercise,  as
     determined  by the  Committee  (as the term is defined in the Stock  Option
     Agreement).  The  Grantee may use Common  Stock in payment of the  exercise
     price  by means of  attestation  to the  Corporation  of his  ownership  of
     sufficient  shares  in a manner  reasonably  acceptable  to the  Committee.
     Shares of Common Stock used to pay all or part of the Option purchase price
     pursuant to this  provision  will be credited at their fair market value on
     the date of delivery.  Subject to any action required of the Corporation by
     any law or regulation  and to the Grantee's  payment to the  Corporation of
     the amount of any required tax or other withholding as described in Section
     7 below, the Corporation  shall, as soon as practicable after the exercise,
     return to the Grantee the Common Stock previously  delivered to satisfy the
     Option  purchase price (unless such exercise was  accomplished  by means of
     the attestation mechanism described above).

4.   Deferral Account. A number of units equal to the number of shares of Common
     Stock otherwise deliverable to the Grantee from the exercise of the portion
     of the Option subject to the Deferral Election,  less that number of shares
     of Common  Stock used to exercise  such  portion of the Option  pursuant to
     Section 3 hereof,  shall be credited  to a "deferral  account" on behalf of
     the Grantee.  The Grantee's deferral account shall be a bookkeeping account

5.   Delivery  of  Deferred  Stock.  Subject  to  any  action  required  of  the
     Corporation  by any law or regulation  and to the Grantee's  payment of the
     Corporation  of the amount of any  required tax or other  withholding,  the
     Corporation  shall deliver to the Grantee on each "Deferred  Delivery Date"
     (as defined in the following sentence) a certificate  representing a number
     of shares of Common Stock equal to (i) the number of units  credited to the
     Grantee's deferral account, divided by (ii) the number of Deferred Delivery
     Dates indicated in the Election Form,  subject to withholding in accordance
     with Section 7 below, if applicable.  The "Deferred Delivery Date" shall be
     the date or dates  selected by the Grantee in the Election  Form;  provided
     that if a Grantee elects multiple Deferred Delivery Dates, (A) each must be
     an  anniversary  of the first  Deferred  Delivery Date and (B) there may no
     more than ten Deferred Delivery Dates. The number of shares of Common Stock
     delivered to the Grantee shall reduce by the same number the units credited
     to the Grantee's deferral account.

6.   Rights of Grantee.  Following exercise of the portion of the Option subject
     to the Deferral  Election and prior to the delivery of any shares of Common
     Stock related  thereto on a Deferred  Delivery  date, (a) the Grantee shall
     not be  treated  as owner of such  shares,  shall not have any  rights as a
     shareholder as to such shares,  and shall have only a contractual  right to
     receive such  shares,  unsecured  by any assets of the  Corporation  or its
     subsidiaries;  (b) the  Grantee's  right to receive  such shares may not be
     transferred  by the  Grantee  other than by will or the laws of descent and
     distribution;  and (c) the  Grantee's  right to receive such shares will be
     subject  to  adjustment  as set  forth in  Section  5 of the  Stock  Option
     Agreement,  relating to stock splits,  stock  dividends,  stock changes and
     similar events.

7.   Tax  Withholding.  The Grantee shall be responsible for satisfying such tax
     withholding  as may be required  (i) at the time of exercise of the portion
     of the Option  subject  to the  deferral  election  and (ii) at the time of
     delivery  of Common  Stock on a Deferred  Delivery  Date,  by delivery of a
     check to the Corporation in the amount due for such  withholding;  provided
     that  the  Committee  may,  at its sole  discretion,  with  respect  to the
     delivery of Common Stock on a Deferred  Delivery Date, allow the Grantee to
     satisfy any required  withholding by electing to have the necessary  number
     of shares of Stock withheld by the Corporation.

8.   Administration.   A  Deferral   Election  is  subject  to  such  additional
     administrative rules as the Committee may establish from time to time.

9.   Revocation and Hardship  Payment.  Subject to Section 2 hereof,  a Deferral
     Election may not be revoked by the Grantee.  The Committee may, in its sole
     discretion, accelerate the Deferred Delivery Date with respect to shares of
     Common  Stock in the event of (i) an  "unforeseeable  emergency,"  (ii) the
     death or disability of the Grantee or (iii) the  Committee's  determination
     that  continuing  to honor the  Deferral  Election is no longer in the best
     interest of the Corporation.  An "unforeseeable emergency" is defined as an
     unanticipated  emergency  caused  by an event  beyond  the  control  of the
     Grantee that would result in severe financial  hardship if the distribution
     were not permitted.  The Deferred  Delivery Date may be accelerated only as
     to that number of shares of Stock  necessary  to  sufficiently  address the
     financial hardship.

10.  Assignability. No rights to a Grantee's deferral account may be assigned or
     subject to any encumbrance,  pledge, or charge of any nature, except that a
     Grantee may designate a beneficiary  pursuant to any rules  established  by
     the Committee.

                                    EXHIBIT I


1.   Grantee: ____________________ [TYPE NAME]

2.   Election   Date  (date  this  form  is  submitted   to  the   Corporation):

3.   Grant date of Option subject to this Deferral Election: ____________

4.   Number of shares of Common Stock subject to the unexercised  portion of the
     Option to which this Deferral Election relates [CHECK ONE]:

     : All ___________ Shares

     : ___________ Shares, being less than all Shares

5.   Deferred Delivery Date

     Subject to the terms of "Annex A" (to which this Deferral  Election Form is
     attached): [CHECK ONE]

     :    I want  delivery  of my  deferred  Common  Stock to  commence  upon my
          termination of employment

     :    I want  delivery  of my  deferred  Common  Stock  to  commence  upon a
          particular date, which is written here: _____

6. Number of Deferred Delivery Dates [CHECK ONE]:

     :    One [this means you will receive 100% of your deferred Common Stock on
          the  Deferred  Delivery  Date  specified  in Item 5 above,  subject to
          applicable withholding]

          [this  means that you will  receive an equal  number of shares of your
          deferred Common Stock on the date specified in Item 5 above,  and each
          of the  specified  number of  anniversaries  of that date,  subject to
          applicable withholding]


                                            EMCOR GROUP, INC.

__________________________                  By: _____________________________
Grantee Signature/Date