Ehibit 10 (u)
                              CONTINUITY AGREEMENT

         This  Agreement  ("Agreement")  dated as of January 31, 1999 amends and
restates a  Continuity  Agreement  dated as of June 22,  1998 by and between the
EMCOR  GROUP,  INC.,  a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  and SHELDON I.
CAMMAKER (the "Executive").

         WHEREAS,  the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board")  considers the
continued  services of key executives of the Company to be in the best interests
of the Company and its stockholders; and

         WHEREAS,  the Board desires to assure,  and has  determined  that it is
appropriate  and in the best  interests of the Company and its  stockholders  to
reinforce and encourage the continued attention and dedication of key executives
of the Company to their duties of employment  without  personal  distraction  or
conflict of interest in circumstances arising from the possibility or occurrence
of a change of control of the Company; and

         WHEREAS,  the Board has authorized the Company to enter into continuity
agreements  with those key  executives of the Company who are  designated by the
Compensation  and Personnel  Committee of the Board of Directors  ("Committee"),
such agreements to set forth the severance compensation which the Company agrees
under certain circumstances to pay such executives; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Executive is a key executive of the Company and has been
designated  by the  Committee  as an  executive  to be offered such a continuity
compensation agreement with the Company.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  promises  and  the  mutual
covenants  and  agreements   contained   herein  and  other  good  and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
Company and the Executive agree as follows:

1.   Term of  Agreement.  On the date on which a Change of Control  occurs  (the
     "Effective  Date"),  this Agreement  shall become  effective.  If Executive
     ceases to be employed by reason of an Anticipatory  Termination (as defined
     in Section 3 (c)) prior to the Effective Date, then Executive shall receive
     the  severance  benefits  provided  herein and the  Effective  Date of this
     Agreement  shall  be  deemed  to be  the  date  immediately  preceding  the
     occurrence  of an  Anticipatory  Termination.  If  Executive  ceases  to be
     employed for any reason other than an Anticipatory  Termination  prior to a
     Change of Control,  this Agreement  shall  terminate and have no effect and
     Executive  shall  receive  such  severance  payments as are provided in any
     existing  agreement  between the Executive and the Company.  

     If a  Change  of  Control  occurs,  the  Executive's  employment  shall  be
     continued hereunder for the period (the "Employment  Period") commencing on
     the  Effective  Date and  ending on the second  anniversary  of the date on
     which a Change of Control occurs, subject to the termination of Executive's
     employment  as described  hereinafter.  Any existing  employment  agreement
     between the  Executive  and the  Company  shall  continue  to be  effective
     following the Change of Control, but severance amounts under this Agreement
     shall be reduced by amounts  payable under any such  employment  agreement.
     For purposes of this  Agreement,  a "Change of Control"  shall be deemed to
     have occurred when: 

     (i)  any person or persons  acting in concert  (excluding  Company  benefit
          plans)  becomes  the  beneficial  owner of  securities  of the Company
          having  at  least  25% of the  voting  power  of  the  Company's  then
          outstanding  securities (unless the event causing the 25% threshold to
          be crossed is an acquisition of voting common securities directly from
          the  Company,  other  than upon the  conversion  of  convertible  debt
          securities  or other  securities  and/or  the  exercise  of options or
          warrants); or

     (ii) the  stockholders  of the  Company  shall  approve any merger or other
          business  combination  of the Company,  sale or lease of the Company's
          assets   or   combination   of   the   foregoing   transactions   (the
          "Transactions")  other than a Transaction  immediately following which
          the  stockholders  of the Company and any trustee or  fiduciary of any
          Company employee benefit plan immediately prior to the Transaction own
          at least 65% of the voting power,  directly or indirectly,  of (A) the
          surviving   corporation   in  any  such   merger  or  other   business
          combination;  (B) the purchaser or lessee of the Company's  assets; or
          (C) both the surviving  corporation and the purchaser or lessee in the
          event of any combination of Transactions; or (iii) within any 24 month
          period,  the  persons  who  were  directors   immediately  before  the
          beginning of such period (the "Incumbent  Directors") shall cease (for
          any reason other than death) to  constitute at least a majority of the
          Board or the board of directors  of a successor  to the  Company.  For
          this purpose,  any director who was not a director at the beginning of
          such  period  shall be  deemed  to be an  Incumbent  Director  if such
          director was elected to the Board by, or on the  recommendation  of or
          with the approval of, at least  two-thirds  of the  directors who then
          qualified as  Incumbent  Directors  (so long as such  director was not
          nominated  by a person who has  expressed an intent to effect a Change
          of Control or engage in a proxy or other control contest).

2.   Employment  following Change of Control.  Executive shall have at least the
     same titles and  responsibilities  as those in effect  immediately prior to
     the Change of Control.  Executive shall receive an annual base salary which
     is not less than that in effect  immediately prior to the Change of Control
     and the Company shall review the salary  annually with a view to increasing
     it;  provided  any such  increase  shall be in the sole  discretion  of the
     Board.  Once  increased,  base salary can not be  decreased.  The Executive
     shall also be paid an annual  bonus (the  "Bonus")  which  shall be no less
     than the  higher of (i) the bonus  paid or  payable  in respect of the year
     prior to the Change of Control,  or (ii) the average of the annual  bonuses
     paid or  payable  in  respect  of the three  years  prior to the  Change of
     Control.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Change of Control shall occur
     prior to  determination  in the year 2000 by the  Board of the  Executive's
     bonus for 1999,  then the sum of the  Executive's  annual  base salary plus
     annual bonus shall equal an amount not less than (i) his annual base salary
     for 1998 plus (ii) his bonus for 1998 (or if not then determined,1997).  In
     addition,  the  Executive  shall be provided with  incentive  compensation,
     pension,  general  insurance and fringe benefits and  perquisites  that are
     commensurate  with the  benefits  and  perquisites  provided  to  Executive
     immediately  prior to the  Change  of  Control  or,  if more  favorable  to
     Executive,  at  the  level  made  available  to  other  similarly  situated
     executive  officers  of the Company  after the Change of Control.  Upon the
     Change of Control,  the Company  shall also cause  Executive's  outstanding
     options to become immediately exercisable.

3. Termination Following Change of Control.

     (a)  The Executive shall be entitled to the severance  benefits provided in
          Section 4 hereof in the event Executive's employment is terminated (A)
          within  two years  following  a Change of Control  (i) by the  Company
          without  Cause,  (ii) by Executive  for Good Reason,  or (iii) for any
          reason  during  the  30-day  period  immediately  following  the first
          anniversary  of the  Change  of  Control  or (B)  prior to a Change of
          Control, as a result of an Anticipatory Termination.

          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  except  as set  forth in item  (iii)
          above,  Executive  shall not be entitled to severance  benefits in the
          event of a termination  of employment on account of death,  Disability
          or Retirement,  but excluding any such termination which is coincident
          with or subsequent to a termination which would otherwise give rise to
          severance benefits. For purposes of this Agreement:

          (i)  "Disability" shall mean an illness or injury preventing Executive
               from performing his duties, as they existed  immediately prior to
               the illness or injury,  on a full time basis for 180  consecutive
               business  days.  (ii)  "Retirement"  shall mean a termination  of
               employment  by  Executive  pursuant  to  late,  normal  or  early
               retirement  under a pension plan  sponsored  by the  Company,  as
               defined in such plan.

     (b)  Cause. For purposes of this Agreement, "Cause" shall mean:

          (i)  the  willful  and  continued  failure  of  Executive  to  perform
               substantially Executive's duties with the Company (other than any
               such failure  resulting from incapacity due to physical or mental
               illness),  after a written demand for substantial  performance is
               delivered  to Executive by the Board or an officer of the Company
               which  specifically  identifies  the manner in which the Board or
               the  officer  believes  that  Executive  has  not   substantially
               performed Executive's duties; or

          (ii) (A) the conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, a
               felony  or  (B)  the  willful  engaging  by  Executive  in  gross
               misconduct which is materially and demonstrably  injurious to the

               In each case above,  for a  termination  of  employment to be for
               Cause:  (a) the  Executive  must be  provided  with a  Notice  of
               Termination  (as  described in Section 3 (d));  (b) the Executive
               must be provided with an  opportunity to be heard by the Board no
               earlier than 30 days following the Notice of Termination  (during
               which notice  period  Executive has failed to cure or resolve the
               behavior  in  question);  and  (c)  there  must  be a good  faith
               determination  of  Cause  by at  least  3/4 of  the  non-employee
               outside   directors   of  the   Company.
     (c)  Good  Reason  and  Anticipatory  Termination.  For  purposes  of  this
          Agreement,  "Good Reason" shall mean: 

          (i)  Executive's  annual salary is reduced below the higher of (A) the
               amount in effect on the Effective Date, or (B) the highest amount
               in effect at any time thereafter;

          (ii) Executive's annual bonus is reduced below the Bonus;

          (iii)if a Change of Control shall occur prior to  determination in the
               year 2000 by the Board of the Executive's bonus for 1999, the sum
               of Executive's annual base salary plus annual bonus in respect of
               1999  shall  aggregate  an  amount  less  than the sum of (i) his
               annual  salary  for 1998  plus (ii) his bonus for 1998 (or if not
               then determined,1997);

          (iv) Executive's  duties  and   responsibilities  or  the  program  of
               incentive  compensation  and  retirement  and  general  insurance
               benefits  offered  to  Executive  are  materially  and  adversely
               diminished in comparison  to the duties and  responsibilities  or
               the program of benefits  enjoyed by  Executive  on the  Effective

          (v)  Executive  is  required  to be based at a  location  more than 50
               miles from the location  where  Executive was based and performed
               services on the Effective Date; or

          (vi) failure to provide for the  assumption  of this  Agreement by any
               successor entity;

               provided,   however,   that  any  diminution  of  duties  or
               responsibilities  that occurs solely as a result of the fact that
               the Company  ceases to be a public  company  shall not, in and of
               itself, constitute Good Reason.

               Any event or condition  describe d in clauses (i) through (vi) or
               a termination  without  Cause,  either of which occurs prior to a
               Change of Control but which Executive reasonably demonstrates (A)
               was  at the  request  of a  third  party  who  has  indicated  an
               intention or taken steps reasonably calculated to effect a Change
               of  Control  (a  "Third  Party"),   or  (B)  otherwise  arose  in
               connection with, or in anticipation of a Change of Control, shall
               constitute   Good  Reason  for   purposes   of  this   Agreement,
               notwithstanding  that it  occurred  prior to a Change of  Control
               ("Anticipatory Termination").

               Executive  shall  give the  Company  written  notice of any event
               which he  claims is the basis  for Good  Reason  and the  Company
               shall have 30 days within  which to cure or resolve the  behavior
               in question before Executive can terminate for Good Reason.

     (d)  Notice of  Termination.  Any purported  termination of the Executive's
          employment  with the  Company  shall be  communicated  by a Notice  of
          Termination to the Executive,  if such  termination is by the Company,
          or to the  Company,  if  such  termination  is by the  Executive.  For
          purposes  of this  Agreement,  "Notice  of  Termination"  shall mean a
          written notice which shall indicate the specific termination provision
          in this Agreement relied upon and shall set forth in reasonable detail
          the facts and circumstances claimed to provide a basis for termination
          of the Executive's  employment under the provisions so indicated.  For
          purposes of this  Agreement,  no purported  termination of Executive's
          employment  with the Company shall be effective  without such a Notice
          of Termination  having been given.
     (e)  Dispute  Resolution.  Disputes  arising  from  the  operation  of this
          Agreement, including, but not necessarily being limited to, the manner
          of giving  the  Notice of  Termination,  the  reasons or cause for the
          Executive's termination or the amount of severance compensation due to
          the  Executive  subsequent  to  the  Executive's  termination,  may be
          resolved,  at the Executive's  discretion,  by arbitration;  provided,
          however,  that -- disputes  arising under Section 11 of this Agreement
          shall not be resolved  under this Section 3 (e). In the event that any
          such dispute which the Executive elects to be resolved by arbitration,
          after  notice  thereof is given to the other party in writing,  is not
          able to be resolved by mutual  agreement  of the parties  within sixty
          (60) calendar days of the giving of such notice, the Executive and the
          Company  hereby  agree to  promptly  submit  such a dispute to binding
          arbitration in New York, New York in accordance  with New York law and
          the rules and  procedures  of the  American  Arbitration  Association.
          During any period in which a dispute  is  pending  that the  Executive
          elects to be resolved by arbitration,  the Executive shall continue to
          receive his salary  (including  any  Bonus),  as provided in Section 2
          hereof,  and  benefits  as if his  employment  with  the  Company  had
          continued  through the date of the  arbiters'  determination,  and any
          such payments or benefits  shall not be offset  against any severance,
          either under this  Agreement or otherwise,  to which  Executive may be

4.   Compensation Upon Termination After a Change of Control.  If within two (2)
     years after the Effective Date, the  Executive's  employment by the Company
     shall be terminated in accordance  with Section 3 (a) (the  "Termination"),
     the Executive shall be entitled to the following payments and benefits:

     (a)  Severance.  As soon as  practicable after the  Termination, but in any
          event no later than 10 business days following such  Termination,  the
          Company  shall  pay or cause to be paid to the  Executive,  a lump sum
          cash  amount  equal to three (3) times the sum of (i) the  Executive's
          annual base salary on the Effective Date (the "Base Salary"), (ii) the
          Bonus,  and (iii) the value of the perquisites  (e.g.,  car allowance,
          club dues, etc., including any ordinary tax gross-ups for perquisites)
          provided  to  Executive  in respect of the year prior to the Change of
          Control  and, if  greater,  the year in respect of which the Change of
          Control occurs. In making the calculation in the immediately preceding
          sentence,  if a Change of Control shall occur prior to a determination
          by the Board in the year 2000 of the  Executive's  bonus for 1999, the
          annual  base  salary  referred  to in  clause  (i) of the  immediately
          preceding  sentence shall be deemed the Executive's annual base salary
          for 1998 and the Bonus  referred to in clause (ii) of the  immediately
          preceding sentence shall be deemed the bonus paid to him in respect of
          1998 (or if not then  determined,  1997). In addition,  at the time of
          the above  payment,  the Executive  shall be entitled to an additional
          lump  sum cash  payment  equal  to the sum of (A)  Executive's  annual
          salary through the date of termination,  (B) a pro rata portion of the
          Bonus (calculated through the date of termination); provided, however,
          if a Change of Control  shall  occur prior to a  determination  by the
          Board in the year 2000 of the  Executive's  bonus for 1999, the amount
          payable  in  respect  of  clause  (A)  shall be  calculated  as if the
          Executive's  annual  salary rate were that  payable to him in 1998 and
          the  amount  payable  in  respect  of clause (B) shall be the pro rata
          portion of his Bonus for 1998 (or if not then  determined,  1997), and
          (C) an  amount,  if any,  equal to  compensation  previously  deferred
          (excluding any qualified plan deferral) and any accrued  vacation pay,
          in each case, in full satisfaction of Executive's rights thereto. 
     (b)  Additional  Benefits.  The  Executive  shall be  entitled to continued
          medical,  dental and life insurance coverage for the Executive and the
          Executive's  eligible  dependents on the same basis as in effect prior
          to the Change of Control or the Executive's Termination of employment,
          whichever is deemed to provide for more  substantial  benefits,  until
          the earlier of (A) thirty-six  (36) months (the  "Separation  Period")
          after  the  Executive's   Termination  or  (B)  the   commencement  of
          comparable  coverage with a subsequent  employer;  provided,  however,
          that such  continued  coverage  shall not count  against any continued
          coverage required by law.

     (c)  Outplacement. If so requested by the Executive,  outplacement services
          shall be provided by a professional outplacement provider at a cost to
          the Company of not more than 20% of the Executive's Base Salary.

     (d)  Withholding. Payments and benefits provided pursuant to this Section 4
          shall be subject to any applicable payroll and other taxes required to
          be withheld.

5.   Certain Additional Payments by the Company: 
     (a)  Anything in this Agreement to the contrary  notwithstanding,  if it is
          determined (as hereafter provided) that any payment or distribution by
          the Company to or for the benefit of the  Executive,  whether  paid or
          payable or distributed or distributable  pursuant to the terms of this
          Agreement  or  otherwise  pursuant  to  or  by  reason  of  any  other
          agreement,  policy,  plan,  program or arrangement,  including without
          limitation  any stock  option,  stock  appreciation  right or  similar
          right,  or the  lapse  or  termination  of any  restriction  on or the
          vesting or  exercisability  of any of the  foregoing  (a  "Payment") ,
          would be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code
          (or any successor provision thereto) by reason of being "contingent on
          a change in ownership  or control" of the Company,  within the meaning
          of Section 28OG of the Code (or any successor provision thereto) or to
          any  similar  tax  imposed by state or local law,  or any  interest or
          penalties with respect to such excise tax (such tax or taxes, together
          with any such  interest  and  penalties,  are  hereafter  collectively
          referred  to as the  "Excise  Tax")  , then  the  Executive  shall  be
          entitled to receive an  additional  payment or  payments (a  "Gross-Up
          Payment") in an amount such that,  after  payment by the  Executive of
          all taxes (including any interest or penalties imposed with respect to
          such  taxes),  including  any Excise Tax,  imposed  upon the  Gross-Up
          Payment, the Executive retains an amount of the Gross-Up Payment equal
          to the Excise Tax imposed upon the Payments.

     (b)  Subject to the provisions of Section 5 (f) hereof,  all determinations
          required to be made under this Section 5, including  whether an Excise
          Tax is payable by the  Executive and the amount of such Excise Tax and
          whether a Gross-Up Payment is required and the amount of such Gross-Up
          Payment,  shall be made by the nationally recognized firm of certified
          public  accountants (the "Accounting  Firm") used by the Company prior
          to the Change of Control  (or,  if such  Accounting  Firm  declines to
          serve,  the Accounting  Firm shall be a nationally  recognized firm of
          certified  public   accountants   selected  by  the  Executive).   The
          Accounting  Firm shall be directed by the Company or the  Executive to
          submit its determination and detailed supporting  calculations to both
          the  Company  and the  Executive  within 15  calendar  days  after the
          Termination  Date, if applicable,  and any other such time or times as
          may be requested by the Company or the  Executive.  If the  Accounting
          Firm determines  that any Excise Tax is payable by the Executive,  the
          Company  shall pay the  required  Gross-Up  Payment  to the  Executive
          within five  business  days after  receipt of such  determination  and
          calculations.  If the Accounting Firm determines that no Excise Tax is
          payable by the Executive,  it shall, at the same time as it makes such
          determination,  furnish  the  Executive  with an  opinion  that he has
          substantial  authority  not to report any  Excise Tax on his  federal,
          state,  local  income or other tax return.  Any  determination  by the
          Accounting  Firm as to the  amount of the  Gross-Up  Payment  shall be
          binding  upon  the  Company  and the  Executive.  As a  result  of the
          uncertainty  in the  application  of Section  4999 of the Code (or any
          successor   provision   thereto)  and  the   possibility   of  similar
          uncertainty regarding applicable state or local tax law at the time of
          any  determination  by the Accounting Firm  hereunder,  it is possible
          that  Gross-Up  Payments  that will not have been made by the  Company
          should  have  been  made  (an  "Underpayment"),  consistent  with  the
          calculations  required  to be made  hereunder.  In the event  that the
          Company  exhausts or fails to pursue its remedies  pursuant to Section
          5(f) hereof and the Executive thereafter is required to make a payment
          of any Excise Tax, the Executive  shall direct the Accounting  Firm to
          determine  the amount of the  Underpayment  that has  occurred  and to
          submit its determination and detailed supporting  calculations to both
          the  Company and the  Executive  as  promptly  as  possible.  Any such
          Underpayment  shall be  promptly  paid by the  Company  to, or for the
          benefit of, the  Executive  within five business days after receipt of
          such determination and calculations.

     (c)  The Company and the Executive  shall each provide the Accounting  Firm
          access to and  copies  of any  books,  records  and  documents  in the
          possession  of the  Company  or the  Executive,  as the  case  may be,
          reasonably  requested by the Accounting Firm, and otherwise  cooperate
          with  the  Accounting  Firm in  connection  with the  preparation  and
          issuance of the determination contemplated by Section 5(b) hereof.

     (d)  The federal,  state and local income or other tax returns filed by the
          Executive  and the Company (or any filing made by a  consolidated  tax
          group which  includes  the  Company)  shall be prepared and filed on a
          consistent  basis with the  determination  of the Accounting Firm with
          respect to the Excise Tax  payable  by the  Executive.  The  Executive
          shall make proper  payment of the amount of any Excise Tax, and at the
          request of the Company, provide to the Company true and correct copies
          (with any  amendments)  of his federal income tax return as filed with
          the Internal  Revenue  Service and  corresponding  state and local tax
          returns,  if relevant,  as filed with the applicable taxing authority,
          and  such  other  documents   reasonably  requested  by  the  Company,
          evidencing  such  payment.  If prior to the filing of the  Executive's
          federal income tax return, or corresponding state or local tax return,
          if relevant,  the Accounting  Firm  determines  that the amount of the
          Gross-Up  Payment should be reduced,  the Executive  shall within five
          business days pay to the Company the amount of such reduction.

     (e)  The fees and  expenses  of the  Accounting  Firm for its  services  in
          connection with the  determinations  and calculations  contemplated by
          Sections 5 (b) and (d) hereof shall be borne by the  Company.  If such
          fees and expenses are initially advanced by the Executive, the Company
          shall  reimburse  the  Executive  the  full  amount  of such  fees and
          expenses within five business days after receipt from the Executive of
          a statement therefor and reasonable evidence of his payment thereof.

     (f)  The Executive  shall notify the Company in writing of any claim by the
          Internal  Revenue  Service  that,  if  successful,  would  require the
          payment by the Company of a Gross-Up Payment.  Such notification shall
          be given as promptly as practicable but no later than 10 business days
          after the  Executive  actually  receives  notice of such claim and the
          Executive  shall  further  apprise  the  Company of the nature of such
          claim and the date on which  such  claim is  requested  to be paid (in
          each case, to the extent known by the Executive).  The Executive shall
          not pay such claim prior to the earlier of (a) the  expiration  of the
          30-calendar-day  period  following  the date on  which  he gives  such
          notice to the Company and (b) the date that any payment of amount with
          respect to such claim is due. If the Company notifies the Executive in
          writing  prior to the  expiration  of such  period  that it desires to
          contest such claim, the Executive shall:

          (i)  provide the Company with any written  records or documents in his
               possession  relating to such claim  reasonably  requested  by the

          (ii) take such action in connection  with contesting such claim as the
               Company  shall  reasonably  request in writing from time to time,
               including without limitation  accepting legal representation with
               respect to such claim by an attorney  competent in respect of the
               subject matter and reasonably selected by the Company;

          (iii)cooperate with the Company in good faith in order  effectively to
               contest such claim; and

          (iv) permit the Company to participate in any proceedings  relating to
               such claim;

               provided,  however,  that the Company shall bear and pay directly
               all  costs  and  expenses   (including  interest  and  penalties)
               incurred in connection  with such contest and shall indemnify and
               hold  harmless  the  Executive,  on an after-tax  basis,  for and
               against  any Excise Tax or income  tax,  including  interest  and
               penalties  with  respect  thereto,  imposed  as a result  of such
               representation  and  payment  of  costs  and  expenses.   Without
               limiting  the  foregoing  provisions  of this  Section 5 (f), the
               Company shall control all  proceedings  taken in connection  with
               the contest of any claim  contemplated by this Section 5 (f) and,
               at  its  sole   option,   may   pursue  or  forego  any  and  all
               administrative  appeals,  proceedings,  hearings and  conferences
               with the taxing  authority  in  respect  of such claim  (provided
               however,  that the Executive may participate  therein at his cost
               and expense) and may, at its option,  either direct the Executive
               to pay the tax  claimed and sue for a refund or contest the claim
               in any permissible  manner, and the Executive agrees to prosecute
               such  contest  to  a  determination   before  any  administrative
               tribunal,  in a court of initial  jurisdiction and in one or more
               appellate  courts,  as the  Company  shall  determine;  provided,
               however, that if the Company directs the Executive to pay the tax
               claimed  and sue for a refund,  the  Company  shall  advance  the
               amount of such payment to the Executive on an interest-free basis
               and  shall  indemnify  and hold  the  Executive  harmless,  on an
               after-tax  basis,  from any Excise Tax or income  tax,  including
               interest or penalties with respect thereto,  imposed with respect
               to  such  advance;  and  provided  further,   however,  that  any
               extension  of the statute of  limitations  relating to payment of
               taxes for the taxable year of the Executive with respect to which
               the  contested  amount is claimed to be due is limited  solely to
               such contested amount. Furthermore,  the Company's control of any
               such  contested  claim shall be limited to issues with respect to
               which a  Gross-Up  Payment  would be  payable  hereunder  and the
               Executive shall be entitled to settle or contest, as the case may
               be, any other issue raised by the Internal Revenue Service or any
               other  taxing  authority.  

     (g)  If, after the receipt by the  Executive  of an amount  advanced by the
          Company pursuant to Section 5 (f) hereof,  the Executive  receives any
          refund with respect to such claim, the Executive shall (subject to the
          Company's  complying  with the  requirements  of Section 5 (f) hereof)
          promptly pay to the Company the amount of such refund  (together  with
          any  interest  paid or  credited  thereon  after any taxes  applicable
          thereto). If, after the receipt by the Executive of an amount advanced
          by the Company  pursuant to Section 5(f) hereof,  a  determination  is
          made that the  Executive is not entitled to any refund with respect to
          such claim and the Company does not notify the Executive in writing of
          its intent to contest such denial or refund prior to the expiration of
          30 calendar days after such determination,  then such advance shall be
          forgiven  and  shall not be  required  repaid  and the  amount of such
          advance shall offset,  to the extent  thereof,  the amount of Gross-Up
          Payment required to be pursuant to this Section 5.

6.   Obligations  Absolute;  No Mitigation;  No Effect On Other Rights.  

     (a)  The  obligations  of the Company to make the payment to the Executive,
          and to make the  arrangements,  provided  for herein are  absolute and
          unconditional and may not be reduced by any  circumstances,  including
          without limitation any set-off,  counterclaim,  recoupment, defense or
          other right which the Company may have  against the  Executive  or any
          third party at any time.

     (b)  The  Executive  shall not be required  to  mitigate  the amount of any
          payment  provided for in this Agreement by seeking other employment or
          otherwise and no such payment shall be offset or reduced by the amount
          of any  compensation  or  benefits  provided to the  Executive  in any
          subsequent employment.

     (c)  The provisions of this Agreement, and any payment provided for herein,
          shall not supersede or in any way limit the rights,  benefits,  duties
          or obligations which the Executive may now or in the future have under
          any benefit,  incentive or other plan or arrangement of the Company or
          any other agreement with the Company.

7.   Not an  Employment  Agreement.  Subject  to the  terms of this or any other
     agreement or  arrangement  between the Company and the  Executive  that may
     then  be  in  effect,   nothing  herein  shall  prevent  the  Company  from
     terminating the Executive's employment.  

8. Successors;  Binding Agreement, Assignment.

     (a)  The Company shall require any successor  (whether  direct or indirect,
          by  purchase,   merger,   consolidation   or   otherwise)  to  all  or
          substantially  all of the  business of the  Company,  by  agreement to
          expressly,  absolutely and unconditionally assume and agree to perform
          this  Agreement  in the same  manner and to the same  extent  that the
          Company  would be  required  to perform it if no such  succession  had
          taken place.  Failure of the Company to obtain such agreement prior to
          the effectiveness of any such succession shall be a material breach of
          this  Agreement  and shall  entitle the  Executive  to  terminate  the
          Executive's  employment  with the Company or such  successor  for Good
          Reason  immediately prior to or at any time after such succession.  As
          used in this  Agreement,  "Company"  shall  mean  (i) the  Company  as
          hereinbefore  defined,  and (ii) any successor to all or substantially
          all of the Company's business or assets which executes and delivers an
          agreement provided for in this Section 8(a) or which otherwise becomes
          bound by all the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement by operation
          of law,  including any parent or  subsidiary of such a successor.
     (b)  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the
          Executive's    personal   or   legal    representatives,    executors,
          administrators,   successors,   heirs,   distributees,   devisees  and
          legatees.  If the  Executive  should  die  while any  amount  would be
          payable to the  Executive  hereunder if the Executive had continued to
          live, all such amounts,  unless otherwise  provided  herein,  shall be
          paid in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Executive's
          estate or designated beneficiary. Neither this Agreement nor any right
          arising hereunder may be assigned or pledged by the Executive.

9.   Notice.   For   purposes   of  this   Agreement,   notices  and  all  other
     communications  provided for in this Agreement or contemplated hereby shall
     be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly given when  personally
     delivered or when mailed United States certified or registered mail, return
     receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid,  and  addressed,  in the case of the
     Company,  to the Company at: 

                        101 Merritt Seven, 7th Floor 
                        Norwalk, CT 06851
                        Attention: Frank T. MacInnis,  Chairman of the Board
     and in the case of the  Executive,  to the  Executive  at the most  current
     address  shown on the  Executive's  employment  records.  Either  party may
     designate a different  address by giving notice of change of address in the
     manner  provided  above,  except that notices of change of address shall be
     effective only upon receipt.

10.  Expenses.  In addition to all other amounts  payable to the Executive under
     this Agreement,  the Company shall pay or reimburse the Executive for legal
     fees (including without limitation,  any and all court costs and attorneys'
     fees and expenses) , incurred by the  Executive in connection  with or as a
     result of any claim,  action or  proceeding  brought by the  Company or the
     Executive with respect to or arising out of this Agreement or any provision
     hereof;  unless,  in the case of an action brought by the Executive,  it is
     determined by an arbitrator  or by a court of competent  jurisdiction  that
     such action was frivolous and was not brought in good faith.

11.  Confidentiality.  The  Executive  shall  retain in  confidence  any and all
     confidential information concerning the Company and its respective business
     which is now known or hereafter  becomes known to the Executive,  except as
     otherwise  required  by law and except  information  (i)  ascertainable  or
     obtained  from public  information,  (ii)  received by the Executive at any
     time after the Executive's employment by the Company shall have terminated,
     from a third party not employed by or otherwise affiliated with the Company
     or (iii) which is or becomes  known to the public by any means other than a
     breach of this Section 11. Upon any termination of Executive's  employment,
     the  Executive  shall  not  take or keep  any  proprietary  information  or
     documentation belonging to the Company.

12.  Miscellaneous.  No provision  of this  Agreement  may be amended,  altered,
     modified,   waived  or  discharged   unless  such  amendment,   alteration,
     modification,  waiver or  discharge  is agreed to in writing  signed by the
     Executive  and  such  officer  of the  Company  as  shall  be  specifically
     designated by the Committee or by the Board.  No waiver by either party, at
     any time,  of any  breach by the other  party of, or of  compliance  by the
     other party with,  any  condition  or  provision  of this  Agreement  to be
     performed or complied  with by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of
     any similar or dissimilar  provision or condition of this  Agreement or any
     other  breach of or failure to comply with the same  condition or provision
     at the same time or at any  prior or  subsequent  time.  No  agreements  or
     representations, oral or otherwise, express or implied, with respect to the
     subject  matter  hereof  have  been  made by  either  party  which  are not
     expressly  set  forth  in this  Agreement.  The  validity,  interpretation,
     construction  and  performance of this  Agreement  shall be governed by the
     laws of the State of New York without giving effect to its conflict of laws
     rules.  Any action brought by the Executive or the Company shall be brought
     and  maintained  in a court of competent  jurisdiction  in the State of New

13.  Severability.  If any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall
     be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and
     enforceability  of the remaining  provisions of this Agreement shall not be
     affected  thereby.  To the extent  permitted by applicable  law, each party
     hereto  waives any  provision  of law which  renders any  provision of this
     Agreement invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect.

14.  Revocation.  This  Agreement  may be  revoked  at  any  time  prior  to the
     Effective Date,  without prior notice to Executive,  upon the resolution of
     the Board that the  continued  existence of this  Agreement  and of similar
     agreements  with other  employees  of the  Company is no longer in the best
     interests of the Company.

15.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more  counterparts,
     each of which  shall be an  original  and all of which  shall be  deemed to
     constitute one and the same instrument.

16.  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement between
     the  parties  hereto  with  respect  to  the  subject  matter  hereof,  and
     supersedes   all  prior  oral  or  written   agreements,   commitments   or
     understanding with respect to the matters provided for herein.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the date first above written.

                                                EMCOR GROUP, INC.

                                                By:  ---------------------------
                                                     Frank T. MacInnis
                                                     Chairman of the Board and
                                                     Chief Executive Officer

                                                Executive: Sheldon I. Cammaker