Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For The Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2000
                          Commission File Number 1-8036
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


                        (State or other jurisdiction of
                         incorporation or organization)

                          101 Gordon Drive, PO Box 645,
                                  Lionville, PA

                         (Address of principal executive

                                (I.R.S. Employer
                             Identification Number)

                                   (Zip Code)
        Registrant's telephone number, including area code 610-594-2900


   Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

        Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
           reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding twelve months,
       and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past
                             90 days. Yes X . No .
                                     --- ---
                          March 31, 2000 -- 14,497,080
  Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
                common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                                                                         Page 2


                               Form 10-Q for the
                          Quarter Ended March 31, 2000

Part I - Financial Information

    Item 1. Financial Statements

        Consolidated Statements of Income for the
           Three Months ended March 31, 2000 and March                   3
           31, 1999
        Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at March 31,
           2000 and December 31, 1999                                    4
        Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
           for the Three Months ended March 31, 2000 and
           March 31, 1999                                                5
        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                       6

    Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of
            Financial Condition and Results of Operations               10

    Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure about Market Risk   12

Part II - Other Information

    Item 1. Legal Proceedings                                           13

    Item 6. Exhibits and reports on Form 8-K                            13

SIGNATURES                                                              14

Index to Exhibits                                                      F-1

                                                                         Page 3

Part I - Financial Information
Item 1.  Financial Statements

West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
(in thousands, except per share data)

                                                       Quarter Ended

                                              March 31, 2000   March 31, 1999
                                              ---------------  --------------
Net sales ..................................   $107,700  100%  $114,200   100%
Cost of goods and services sold ............     79,500   74     79,800    70
         Gross profit ......................     28,200   26     34,400    30
Selling, general and administrative expenses     17,400   16     17,000    15
Other expense, net .........................        400   --         --    --
         Operating profit ..................     10,400   10     17,400    15
Interest expense ...........................      3,000    3      2,000     2
        Income before income taxes
            and minority interests .........      7,400    7     15,400    13
Provision for income taxes .................      2,700    3      5,900     5
Minority interests .........................        100   --        100    --
         Income from consolidated operations      4,600    4%     9,400     8%
Equity in net income of affiliated companies        500             100
         Net income ........................    $ 5,100         $ 9,500
Net income per share:
         Basic .............................    $   .35         $   .63
         Assuming dilution .................    $   .35         $   .63
Average common shares outstanding ..........     14,546          15,082
Average shares assuming dilution ...........     14,562          15,133

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                                   Page 4
West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
(in thousands)

                                            March 31,    December 31,
                                               2000         1999
                                           ----------    -----------
ASSETS ...................................
Current assets:
         Cash, including equivalents .....   $ 55,000   $ 45,300
         Accounts receivable .............     69,300     74,600
         Inventories .....................     43,100     42,100
         Deferred income tax benefits ....      7,200      7,300
         Other current assets ............     18,800     15,400
Total current assets .....................    193,400    184,700
Net property, plant and equipment ........    228,700    227,600
Investments in affiliated companies ......     20,600     20,200
Goodwill .................................     64,400     66,500
Deferred charges and other assets ........     55,700     52,800
Total Assets .............................   $562,800   $551,800
Current liabilities:
         Current portion of long-term debt   $ 11,500   $  2,200
         Notes payable ...................     52,800     27,400
         Accounts payable ................     22,400     25,500
         Salaries, wages, benefits .......     11,600     15,600
         Income taxes payable ............      6,400      5,500
         Other current liabilities .......     28,800     27,800
Total current liabilities ................    133,500    104,000
Long-term debt, excluding current portion     130,700    141,500
Deferred income taxes ....................     47,500     48,000
Other long-term liabilities ..............     25,600     26,300
Minority interests .......................        800        800
Shareholders' equity .....................    224,700    231,200
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity   $562,800   $551,800

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                                   Page 5

West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
(in thousands)

                                                           Quarter Ended
                                                      March 31,      March 31,
                                                        2000           1999
                                                      --------       --------
Cash flows from operating activities:
         Net income, plus net non-cash items .........   $ 10,400    $ 16,600
         Changes in assets and liabilities ...........        100      (3,200)
Net cash provided by operating activities ............     10,500      13,400
  Cash flows from investing activities:

         Property, plant and equipment acquired ......    (14,200)     (7,700)
         Payment for acquisition                           (1,000)         --
         Customer advances, net of repayments ........     (1,400)        100
Net cash used in investing activities ................    (16,600)     (7,600)
Cash flows from financing activities:

         Repayment of long-term debt .................       (300)       (800)
         Notes payable, net ..........................     25,200       2,400
         Dividend payments ...........................     (2,500)     (2,400)
         Sale of common stock, net ...................        600       1,400
         Purchase of common stock ....................     (6,000)     (2,900)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities ..     17,000      (2,300)
Effect of exchange rates on cash .....................     (1,200)     (1,800)
Net increase in cash, including equivalents ..........   $  9,700    $  1,700

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

                                                                        Page 6
               West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)

The interim  consolidated  financial  statements for the quarter ended March 31,
2000 should be read in conjunction  with the consolidated  financial  statements
and notes  thereto  of West  Pharmaceutical  Services,  Inc.,  appearing  in the
Company's 1999 Annual Report on Form 10-K. The year-end  condensed  consolidated
balance sheet data was derived from audited financial  statements,  but does not
include all disclosures  required by generally accepted  accounting  principles.
Interim results are based on the Company's accounts without audit.

1.    Interim Period Accounting Policy

      In the opinion of management, the unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance
      Sheet  as of  March  31,  2000  and  the  related  unaudited  Consolidated
      Statement of Income and the unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement
      of  Cash  Flows  for  the  three  month  period  then  ended  and  for the
      comparative  period in 1999 contain all  adjustments,  consisting  only of
      normal  recurring  accruals,  necessary  to present  fairly the  financial
      position as of March 31, 2000 and the results of operations and cash flows
      for the  respective  periods.  The results of  operations  for any interim
      period are not necessarily indicative of results for the full year.

      Operating Expenses

      To better  relate  costs to  benefits  received  or activity in an interim
      period,  certain  operating  expenses  have been  annualized  for  interim
      reporting purposes.  Such expenses include certain employee benefit costs,
      annual quantity discounts and advertising.

      Income Taxes

      The tax rate used for interim  periods is the estimated  annual  effective
      consolidated tax rate, based on the current estimate of full year results,
      except that taxes applicable to operating results in Brazil and prior year
      adjustments, if any, are recorded as identified.

                                                                        Page 7

               West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)

2.       Inventories at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999 are
         summarized as follows:

               (in thousands)      2000     1999
                                 -------   -------
               Finished goods....$14,200   $14,000
               Work in process... 14,800    12,800
               Raw materials..... 14,100    15,300
                                 -------   -------
                                 $43,100   $42,100
                                 -------   -------
                                 -------   -------

3.       The carrying value of property, plant and equipment at March
         31, 2000 and December 31, 1999 is determined as follows:

               (in thousands)                    2000       1999
                                               --------   --------
Property, plant and equipment...............   $491,800   $489,200
Less accumulated depreciation
  and amortization .........................    263,100    261,600
                                               --------   --------
Net property, plant and equipment ..........   $228,700   $227,600
                                               --------   --------
                                               --------   --------
                                                                   Page 8

               West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)

4.       For the three months ended March 31, 2000 and 1999, the
         Company's comprehensive income is as follows:

                                March 31, 2000    March 31, 1999
                               --------------     ---------------
         Net income ..............   $ 5,100        $ 9,500
         Foreign currency
           translation adjustments    (3,700)        (8,600)
                                      -------       -------
         Comprehensive income ....   $ 1,400        $   900
                                      -------       -------
                                      -------       -------

5.       Net sales to  external  customers  and  operating  profit by  operating
         segment for the three months ended March 31, 2000 and March 31, 1999
         are as follows:

                                  Net Sales              Operating Profit
                                 2000        1999       2000        1999
                               -------    --------   ---------   --------
Device product development   $  92,100    $ 93,400   $ 19,800    $ 21,500
Contract services ........      15,300      20,600     (3,600)      2,200
Drug delivery research &
  development ............         400         200     (2,300)     (1,400)
Corporate and unallocated
  items ..................        (100)       --       (3,500)     (4,900)
                             ---------    --------   --------    --------
Consolidated total .......   $ 107,700    $114,200   $ 10,400    $ 17,400
                             ---------    --------   --------    --------
                             ---------    --------   --------    --------

          Compared with December 31, 1999, there were no material changes in the
          amount of assets as of March 31, 2000 for any operating segment.

     6.   Common stock issued at March 31, 2000 was 14,497,080  shares, of which
          2,668,061  shares were held in treasury.  Dividends of $.17 per common
          share were paid in the first  quarter  of 2000 and a dividend  of $.17
          per share  payable to holders of record on April 19, 2000 was declared
          on March 27, 2000.

                                                                  Page 9
               West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)

     7.   The Company has accrued the estimated cost of environmental compliance
          expenses related to soil or ground water  contamination at current and
          former manufacturing  facilities.  The ultimate cost to be incurred by
          the  Company  and  the  timing  of  such  payments   cannot  be  fully
          determined.  However,  based on consultants' estimates of the costs of
          remediation in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, the
          Company  believes  the accrued  liability of $1.4 million at March 31,
          2000 is  sufficient  to cover  the  future  costs  of  these  remedial
          actions,  which will be carried out over the next several  years.  The
          Company has not  anticipated  any possible  recovery from insurance or
          other sources.

     8.   In January  2000,  the Company  paid $1 million to acquire  additional
          ownership in a firm involved in developing genotyping  technology.  As
          of March 31, 2000 the Company's cumulative  investment in this firm is
          $2.3  million,  representing  a 12.8%  ownership  interest.  Upon  the
          satisfaction   of   certain   future   milestones,   the   Company  is
          conditionally committed to investing up to an additional $1.3 million,
          which  would  result in a  cumulative  ownership  percentage  of up to

                                                                       Page 10

Item 2.
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000 versus
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
March 31, 1999.
- --------------

Net Sales
- ----------
Net Sales for the first  quarter of 2000 were $107.7  million;  a 5.6%  decrease
compared with net sales of $114.2 million for the same quarter in 1999. The U.S.
dollar's  continued  strength  accounted for $4 million,  or 60%, of the drop in
sales with the remainder due to low volume in the contract services segment that
more than offset sales growth (at constant exchange rates) in the device product
development segment.

First quarter 2000 sales of the device  product  development  segment were $92.1
million, an increase of 3% at constant exchange rates. Sales to domestic markets
increased  by 2%; while sales to  international  markets grew at 4% (at constant
exchange rates) despite the low plastic medical device sales of a United Kingdom
(UK)  operation.  The product mix for this  segment had a higher  ratio of lower
margin medical device components compared with 1999, as some customers continued
to work-down  year end  inventories  of higher margin  pharmaceutical  packaging

The contract services segment's results were, as previously noted, significantly
below last year's first  quarter.  Both of the major  business  units - contract
manufacturing  and packaging and clinical  services - suffered from low volumes.
In total,  sales for the  contract  services  segment were $15.3  million;  $5.3
million,  or 26%, below first quarter 1999 levels.  Both of these business units
have been  experiencing low volumes since late in the second half of 1999 due to
customers'  delays,  cancellations  or reduced  orders for specific  products or
projects.  In response to these  difficulties in the contract  services segment,
management has increased the sales force,  strengthened  the management team and
is upgrading  the  equipment  in the contract  packaging  area.  Management  now
projects  an  operating  loss for this  segment  to extend  through  the  second
quarter,  with sales showing improvement  compared with first quarter.  Although
management  anticipates  operating  profit for this segment in the later half of
the year,  the slow  recovery in the backlog for this  segment has reduced  full
year earnings expectations.

Gross Profit
- ------------
The  consolidated  gross margin was 26.2%,  compared with 30.2% in 1999. The low
volumes in the contract manufacturing and packaging business unit were unable to
absorb  plant  overhead  costs  resulting  in a  negative  gross  margin for the
contract services segment. In addition,  the lower value product mix experienced
mainly in domestic markets within the device product development segment coupled
with low  utilization of a UK plastics  medical device plant resulted in a lower
margin for this business segment.

                                                                 Page 11

Results of Operations for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000 versus
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
March 31, 1999, continued
- --------------------------

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
- --------------------------------------------
Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses were 2% higher compared with the
prior year.  The added costs of the clinical  services  group  acquired in April
1999, and the higher  expenses  incurred for drug delivery  systems  development
were  essentially  offset by  increased  income from pension plan assets and the
impact of favorable  foreign exchange rates on non-U.S.  dollar  expenses.  Drug
delivery systems costs were higher as the Company initiated  clinical trials for
nasal  delivery  of  morphine  using the  Company's  proprietary  chitosan-based
delivery system at its Evansville,  Indiana clinical facility. The Company is in
active  negotiations  with several  parties  interested in licensing  agreements
covering products utilizing the Company's chitosan-based nasal delivery system.

Other expense
- ----------------------
The  line  item  "other  expense,   net"  mainly  reflects  a  foreign  currency
transaction  loss and a loss  related  to a  one-time  environmental  action  by
Brazilian  customs that resulted in the destruction of raw material and finished
products that were imported into that country.

Interest Expense and Equity in Affiliates
- -----------------------------------------
Interest  expense  increased  by $1.0 million in the first  quarter  comparison,
largely because of debt associated with the Company's stock buyback program. The
Company  has  purchased  727,500  shares at an average  cost of $33.18 per share
under the one million  share  buyback  program  announced  in March of 1999.  In
2000's first quarter, 196,700 shares were purchased at an average cost of $30.67
per share.  Higher  interest rates and debt associated  with  acquisitions  also
contributed to the increase in interest expense.

Equity in net income of affiliates increased by $0.4 million compared with first
quarter 1999. This increase  reflects the improved  operating  results of Daikyo
Seiko,  Ltd., a  Japanese  company  in which  the  Company  has a 25%  ownership
interest.  Daikyo's  improved  results were generated from increased sales and a
significant improvement in its gross margin.

- -----
The  estimated  tax rate in the quarter was 37% compared  with 38.5% in the same
period of 1999.  The decrease in the  effective  tax rate is due to the European
tax reorganization completed in the fourth quarter of 1999. However, the current
expected  geographic  mix of earnings and the potential  elimination of the U.S.
tax benefit of foreign sales corporations is raising the rate above management's
earlier  expectation.  The  estimated  2000  tax  rate of 37% is lower by half a
percentage point compared with 1999's full year rate on operations of 37.5%.

                                                                        Page 12
Results of Operations for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000 versus
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
March 31, 1999, continued
- --------------------------

Net Income
- ----------
Net  income  for the first  quarter  2000 was $5.1  million,  or $.35 per share,
compared with net income of $9.5 million,  or $.63 per share, in the same period
of 1999.  Average  common  shares  outstanding  in the first  quarter  were 14.5
million  compared with 15.1 million in the first quarter 1999.  The reduction in
average common shares  outstanding is due to the Company's stock buyback program
noted above.

Financial Position
- ------------------
Working capital at March 31, 2000 was $59.9 million  compared with $80.7 million
at December 31, 1999. The working  capital ratio at March 31, 2000 was 1.4 to 1.
The primary reason for the decrease in working capital is due to the increase in
current debt outstanding. The increase reflects maturities of long-term debt and
borrowings  related to share  repurchases  and capital  spending.  The Company's
current  revolving  credit  facility  expires  in August  2000.  The  Company is
currently  negotiating  a  replacement  long-term  credit  facility.  Debt  as a
percentage of total  invested  capital at March 31, 2000 was 46.4% compared with
42.5% at December 31, 1999.

Cash  totaled $55 million at March 31,  2000.  The net  increase in cash for the
first  quarter  of 2000 of $9.7  million  is  expected  to reverse in the second
quarter as certain  loans  resulting  from the European tax  reorganization  are
repaid.  In the quarter,  cash flows from  operations of $10.5 million and $25.2
million of  short-term  borrowings  were used to fund  $14.2  million of capital
spending  primarily  related to maintenance  and  efficiency  upgrades on device
product  development  segment assets,  a $1 million  additional  investment in a
genotyping  technology  company,  and $1.4  million  of  advances  for  customer
projects.  In addition,  the Company  paid cash  dividends of $.17 per share and
purchased 196,700 of its common shares at an average cost of $30.67 per share.

The Company believes its financial condition and current capitalization indicate
an ability to finance substantial future growth.

                                                                        Page 13
Results of Operations for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000 versus
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
March 31, 1999, continued
- --------------------------

Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements
- ------------------------------------------
In December 1999, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued Staff Accounting
Bulletin No. 101, "Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements" (SAB 101). Among
other  things,  SAB 101  provides  guidance  for  recording  revenue  related to
non-refundable, up-front fees received in connection with conveying licensing or
other intangible rights or for delivery of products or services. In general, SAB
101  requires  the  recognition  of  revenue  from  up-front  payments  over any
continuing service period.  While the Company's  historical revenue  recognition
practices  are in compliance  with SAB 101,  revenue  recognition  from up-front
licensing  and other  fees  that may  result  from  agreements  currently  being
negotiated  for  the  Company's  drug  delivery  technologies  may  be  deferred
depending on final terms of such agreements.

Market Risk
- ---------------
The  Company is  exposed to various  market  risk  factors  such as  fluctuating
interest rates and foreign  currency rate  fluctuations.  These risk factors can
impact results of operations, cash flows and financial position. These risks are
managed  periodically with the use of derivative  financial  instruments such as
interest rate swaps and forward exchange  contracts.  In accordance with Company
policy, derivative financial instruments are not used for speculation or trading
purposes. At March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999 the Company had three interest
rate swap  agreements  in effect,  with an  estimated  fair value less than $0.1
million. There were no forward exchange contracts in effect at March 31, 2000.

Statements  concerning  forecasted  results,  financial or otherwise,  which are
contained in the above material,  constitute  "forward looking  statements" that
involve  risks and  uncertainties.  The  Company's  actual  results  may  differ
materially  from  those  expressed  in any  forward  looking  statement  and are
dependent on a number of factors  including  but not limited to,  sales  demand,
timing of customers' projects,  competitive pressures,  the strength or weakness
of  the  U.S.  dollar,   inflation,  the  cost  of  raw  materials,   successful
continuance of cost-improvement programs and statutory tax rates.

Item 3.        Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure about Market Risk
The information called for by this item is incorporated by reference to the text
appearing in Item 2 "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations-Market Risk".

                                                                  Page 14

Part II - Other Information

     Item 1.               Legal Proceedings


     Item 6.               Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
               (a)         See Index to Exhibits on pages F-1 and F-2 of this

               (b)         No reports on Form 8-K have been filed for the
                           quarter ended March 31, 2000.

                                                                       Page 15



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                             WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES, INC.

May 15, 2000                                 /s/ Steven A. Ellers
- ------------                                 -----------------------------------
Date                                         (Signature)

                                             Steven A. Ellers
                                             Senior Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

(3) (a)           Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
                  of the Company through January 4, 1999,
                  incorporated by reference to the Company's
                  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
                  December 31, 1998 (File No. 1-8036).

(3) (b)           ByLaws of the Company, as amended through
                  October 27, 1998, incorporated by reference to
                  Exhibit (3)(b) to the Company's Form 10-Q for
                  the quarter ended September 30, 1998 (File No.

(4) (a)           Form of stock certificate for common stock,
                  incorporated by reference to the Company's
                  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
                  December 31, 1998 (File No. 1-8036).

(10)(a)           Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated as of
                  March 25, 2000 between the Company and William G. Little.

(10)(b)           Form of second amended and restated agreement between the
                  Company and certain of its executive officers, dated as of
                  March 25, 2000.

(10)(c)           Schedule of Agreements with Executive Officers.

(11)              Not Applicable.

(12)              Not Applicable.

(15)              None.

(16)              Not Applicable.

(18)              None.

(19)              None.

(22)              None.

                                      F - 1


(23)              None.

(24)              None.

(27)              Financial Data Schedule

(99)              None.

                                     F - 2