Exhibit 10 (b)

                                      April 28, 1998


             Dear _____:

                  The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Company and
             the Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee") of  the Board
             have  determined that  it is  in the  best interests  of the
             Company  and its  shareholders for the  Company to  make the
             following arrangements with you.  These arrangements provide
             for compensation to be  paid to you in the event  you should
             leave the employment of  the Company under the circumstances
             described in this letter.

                                   *   *   *   *   *

             1.   Background.  The Board and the Committee recognize that
                  it  is of  the  utmost  importance  to the  Company  to
                  provide   for   continuity   of  management   and   its
                  uninterrupted  attention and dedication  to the affairs
                  of the  Company.  Recent experience  has indicated that
                  certain  acquisitions  or sales  of  assets or  capital
                  stock  of a company are unsettling to the management of
                  a corporation.  Therefore, these arrangements are being
                  made to help assure the continuing dedication by you to
                  your   duties  to   the  Company   notwithstanding  the
                  occurrence of  such acquisitions or sales  of assets or
                  capital stock of the Company.

                  In  particular,  the Board  believes  it  is important,
                  should   the   Company   receive  such   proposals   or
                  contemplate such actions, to enable you,  without being
                  influenced by the uncertainties  of your own situation,
                  to  assess such  proposals  or actions  and advise  the
                  Board  whether they are  in the  best interests  of the
                  Company  and its  shareholders and  to take  such other
                  action regarding such actions or proposals as the Board
                  may determine to be appropriate.  The Board also wishes
                  to demonstrate  to  its management  personnel that  the
                  Company is concerned with  their welfare and intends to
                  see that they are treated fairly.

                  In view of the foregoing,  and in consideration of your
                  continued  employment  with  the  Company,  the Company
                  agrees with you as follows:

                       Definitions.    As  used in  this  Agreement,  the
                       following terms will  have the meanings  described

                       a)   "Change  in Control" shall  mean a  change in
                            control of a nature that would be required to
                            be  reported in  response  to Item  1 of  the
                            Current Report  on Form  8-K as in  effect on
                            April  28,  1998 pursuant  to  Section 13  or
                            15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
                            as  amended  (the  "Act"),   provided,  that,
                            without limitation, a Change in Control shall
                            be deemed to have occurred if: 

                            i)   any "Person"  (as such  term is  used in
                                 Sections  13(d) and  14(d) of  the Act),
                                 other than:

                                 a)   the Company,

                                 b)   any Person  who on the  date hereof
                                      is a  Employee  or officer  of  the
                                      Company, or

                                 c)   a  trustee   or  fiduciary  holding
                                      securities   under   an    employee
                                      benefit plan of the Company,

                            ii)  is  or  becomes the  "beneficial owner,"
                                 (as  defined  in  Rule 13-d3  under  the
                                 Act),   directly   or   indirectly,   of
                                 securities  of the  Company representing
                                 more  than 50%  of  the combined  voting
                                 power of the Company's  then outstanding
                                 securities; or 

                            iii) during  any  period  of two  consecutive
                                 years during the term of this Agreement,
                                 individuals who at the beginning of such
                                 period constitute the board of Employees
                                 of  the Company  cease for any reason to
                                 constitute at least a  majority thereof,
                                 unless the election of each Employee who
                                 was not a  Employee at the  beginning of
                                 such period has been approved in advance
                                 by Employees representing at  least two-
                                 thirds of the  Employees then in  office
                                 who were  Employees at the  beginning of
                                 the period; or 

                            iv)  the shareholders of the Company approve:
                                 (A)  a plan  of complete  liquidation of

                                 the Company; or (B) an agreement for the
                                 sale   or   disposition   of    all   or
                                 substantially   all  of   the  Company's
                                 assets; or (C) a  merger, consolidation,
                                 or reorganization of the Company with or
                                 involving  any other  corporation, other
                                 than   a   merger,   consolidation,   or
                                 reorganization that would result  in the
                                 voting   securities   of   the   Company
                                 outstanding  immediately  prior  thereto
                                 continuing   to  represent   (either  by
                                 remaining   outstanding   or  by   being
                                 converted into voting securities  of the
                                 surviving   entity),   at  least   fifty
                                 percent  (50%)  of  the combined  voting
                                 power  of the  voting securities  of the
                                 Company  (or the surviving entity, or an
                                 entity   which  as  a   result  of  such
                                 transaction owns the  Company or all  or
                                 substantially   all  of   the  Company's
                                 assets either directly or through one or
                                 more      subsidiaries)      outstanding
                                 immediately    after     such    merger,
                                 consolidation, or reorganization.

                       b)   "Constructive  Termination"   will  mean  the
                            occurrence of  any  of the  following  events
                            (provided that you have not agreed in writing
                            that any of these events will apply to you):

                            i)   the Company requires  you to assume  any
                                 duties inconsistent with, or the Company
                                 makes   a   significant  diminution   or
                                 reduction in the nature or scope of your
                                 authority or duties from, those assigned
                                 to  or held by  you on the  date of this

                            ii)  a  material  reduction  in  your  annual
                                 salary    or    incentive   compensation

                            iii) a  relocation of your site of employment
                                 to a  location more than  50 miles  from
                                 your site  of employment on the  date of
                                 this Agreement;

                            iv)  the Company  fails to provide you with a
                                 reasonable number of paid  vacation days
                                 at  least equal  to the  number of  paid
                                 vacation days to which you were entitled
                                 in the last full  calendar year prior to
                                 the execution of this Agreement;


                            v)   the  Company fails  to provide  you with
                                 substantially  the same  fringe benefits
                                 that  were  provided to  you immediately
                                 prior  to the date of this Agreement, or
                                 with a package  of fringe benefits that,
                                 though one  or more of such benefits may
                                 vary  from  those in  effect immediately
                                 prior   to   the   execution   of   this
                                 Agreement, is substantially at  least as
                                 beneficial  to  you   in  all   material
                                 respects as such  prior fringe  benefits
                                 taken as a whole; or

                            vi)  a  successor  of  the Company  does  not
                                 assume  the Company's  obligations under
                                 this Agreement, expressly or as a matter
                                 of law.

                            vii) Notwithstanding   the   foregoing,    no
                                 Constructive Termination  will be deemed
                                 to  have  occurred  under  any   of  the
                                 following circumstances:

                                 a)   You will have consented  in writing
                                      or  given a  written waiver  to the
                                      occurrence  of  any  of the  events
                                      enumerated  in clauses  (i) through
                                      (vi) above;

                                 b)   You  will have  failed to  give the
                                      Company written notice stating your
                                      intention  to   claim  Constructive
                                      Termination and the basis  for that
                                      claim at least  10 days in  advance
                                      of  the  effective   date  of   the
                                      resignation; or 

                                 c)   The     event    constituting     a
                                      Constructive  Termination has  been
                                      cured  or  reserved by  the Company
                                      prior to the effective date of your

                       c)   "Retirement Plan" will mean The West Company,
                            Incorporated Employees   Retirement Plan, and
                            any successor plan thereto.

                       d)   "Savings/Deferred  Comp  Plan" will  mean The
                            West  Company   Salaried  Employees   Savings
                            Plan, The West Company Non-Qualified Deferred
                            Compensation  Plan  for Designated  Executive
                            Officers   and   any   other   similar   plan
                            established  from time to time that may allow
                            executive  officers  to  defer   taxation  of

             3.   Termination following a Change in Control.  You will be
                  entitled to the benefits specified in  Section 4 if, at
                  any time within two years after a Change in Control has
                  occurred, your employment by the Company is terminated 

                  a)   by  the Company,  other than  by reason  of death,
                       disability, continuous willful  misconduct to  the
                       detriment of  the Company,  or retirement  at your
                       normal retirement date  under the Retirement Plan,

                  b)   as  a result  of your  resignation within  30 days
                       following your Constructive Termination.  You will
                       not  be  entitled  to  the  benefits  specified in
                       Section 4  if your  employment terminates  for any
                       other reason (including your voluntary resignation
                       after   a   Change  in   Control  but   without  a
                       Constructive  Termination)  or  if,  at  any  time
                       thereafter,  you  are in  breach  of  any of  your
                       obligations under this Agreement.

             4.   Benefits Payable upon Termination  of Employment.  Upon
                  termination of  employment as  set forth in  Section 3,
                  you will be entitled to the following benefits:

                  a)   Severance  Compensation.  You  will be entitled to
                       severance compensation in an amount equal to three
                       times the sum of 

                       i)   your  highest  annual  base  salary  rate  in
                            effect during the year of  the termination of
                            your employment, plus

                       ii)  the  annual bonus  paid  or  payable for  the
                            fiscal year immediately preceding a Change in
                            Control  or  upon  the  termination  of  your
                            employment (whichever amount is greater); 

                  provided, however, that if at any time before the third
                  anniversary of the termination of your  employment, you
                  either (x) elect retirement  under the Retirement Plan,
                  or (y)  could have been  compelled to retire  under the
                  Retirement  Plan if  you had  remained employed  by the
                  Company,   your   severance  compensation   under  this
                  paragraph 4(a)  will be reduced  by an amount  equal to
                  the  product  obtained  by  multiplying  such severance
                  compensation by a fraction of the numerator of which is
                  the number of days elapsed from the date of termination
                  of  your employment until  the date on  which either of
                  the  events  described  in  clauses (x)  or  (y)  first
                  occurs, and the denominator of which is 1095.  


                  The severance  compensation paid hereunder will  not be
                  reduced  to the  extent of  any other  compensation for
                  your  services which  you  receive or  are entitled  to
                  receive from any  other employment consistent  with the
                  terms of this Agreement.

                  b)   Equivalent  of  Vested Savings/Deferred  Comp Plan
                       Benefit.    The  Company   will  pay  to  you  the
                       difference, if any, between 

                       i)   the  benefit you would be entitled to receive
                            under  the Savings/Deferred Comp  Plan if the
                            Company's      contributions      to      the
                            Savings/Deferred Comp Plan were  fully vested
                            upon the termination of your employment and

                       ii)  the benefit you are entitled to receive under
                            the  terms of the  Savings/Deferred Comp Plan
                            upon termination of your employment.  

                  Any  such benefit will be  payable at such  time and in
                  such manner as  benefits are payable  to you under  the
                  Savings/Deferred Comp Plan.

                  c)   Unvested  Shares.   All  shares  of the  Company s
                       stock  awarded  to  you  pursuant to  any  Company
                       benefit plan,  but which  are unvested, will  vest
                       immediately upon termination  of your  employment.
                       The provisions of this  Section 4c. will supersede
                       the terms of any stock award made to you under any
                       such plan to the  extent there is an inconsistency
                       between the two.

                  d)   Employee  and  Executive  Benefits.   You  will be
                       entitled to a continuation of all  hospital, major
                       medical, medical, dental, life and other insurance
                       benefits not otherwise addressed in this Agreement
                       in the  same manner and  amount to which  you were
                       entitled  on the date of a Change in Control or on
                       the  date  of  Constructive  Termination  of  your
                       employment (whichever benefits are  more favorable
                       to you) until the earlier of 

                       i)   a period  of 36 months  after termination  of
                            your employment,

                       ii)  your retirement under the Retirement Plan, or

                       iii) your  eligibility for similar benefits with a
                            new employer

                  Assistance  in  finding  new employment  will  be  made
                  available  to you  by the  Company if  you so  request.
                  Upon termination of your employment,  Company cars must
                  be returned to the Company.


                  e)   Certain  Reduction of  Payments.   It is  possible
                       that if you were to receive the full amount of the
                       payments  or benefits  described  in the  previous
                       paragraphs  of  this  Section  4,  some  of  those
                       payments or benefits could be subject to a "golden
                       parachute" excise  tax under  Section 4999  of the
                       Internal  Revenue Code  of  1986, as  amended (the
                       "Excise Tax").

                       Furthermore, such payments or benefits could cause
                       other payments  made or  benefits provided to  you
                       outside this Agreement to be subject to the Excise
                       Tax.  Because payments  or benefits subject to the
                       Excise  Tax are  not  deductible by  the  Company,
                       paying  benefits subject  to  the  Excise Tax  can
                       substantially  reduce  the  benefits you  actually
                       receive  while  increasing   the  cost  of   those

                       Accordingly,  any  payments or  other  benefits to
                       which you  become entitled because of  a Change in
                       Control,   whether   under   this   Agreement   or
                       otherwise, will be reduced, but only to the extent
                       necessary to insure that none of those payments is
                       an  "excess parachute payment"  within the meaning
                       of  Section 280G(b) of  the Internal Revenue Code.
                       The  amount of  any  necessary  reduction will  be
                       determined  by the  accounting  firm that  was the
                       Company's  independent auditors  immediately prior
                       to a Change in Control (or in default  thereof, an
                       accounting  firm  mutually  agreed  upon   by  the
                       Company  and  you),  within  15  days  after  your
                       termination of employment.   All determinations by
                       the accounting firm will be binding on you and the

                       Any  such  reduction will  be  made  (i) first  to
                       payments of severance  compensation under  Section
                       4(a)  made  at  the  most distant  point  in  time
                       following your termination of employment, and (ii)
                       then, to the extent practicable, to other payments
                       or benefits (whether or not under this  Agreement)
                       made at  the most distant point  in time following
                       your  termination of employment.  Only payments or
                       benefits that would  otherwise be  subject to  the
                       Excise Tax will be reduced.

                       The costs  of the accounting firm's  supplying the
                       calculations and determinations described  in this
                       Section 4(e) will be borne solely by the Company.


             5.   Payment  of  Severance  Compensation.    The  severance
                  compensation set  forth in Section 4a.  will be payable
                  in  36 equal  monthly  installments commencing  on  the
                  first day  of the  month following  the month  in which
                  your employment terminates.   However, you may elect in
                  writing,  in  accordance with  the  provisions  of this
                  Section, to  receive your  severance compensation in  a
                  lump  sum at a later time or in installments in amounts
                  and at times elected by you, but your election will not
                  entitle  you to  receive severance  compensation sooner
                  than permitted by the preceding sentence.

                  You must elect to receive amounts in installments or to
                  defer payments  by filing  a written election  with the
                  Company.  Such election must specify the time  at which
                  payments are  to  be  made  and  the  amounts  of  such
                  payments.    Your   election  to  receive   installment
                  payments or to defer payments  will not be valid unless
                  it  is made  prior  to the  time  you are  entitled  to
                  receive any  payments under  this Agreement.   The last
                  such election in effect on the day before a termination
                  of employment will be controlling.   No election may be
                  made on or after termination of employment.

                  The  payment  of  deferred  amounts  must  commence  no
                  earlier  than the  first business  day of  the calendar
                  year following the termination  of  your employment and
                  no  later than  the third  calendar year  following the
                  attainment   of   normal  retirement   age   under  the
                  Retirement Plan.

             6.   Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality.  You agree that you
                  will   keep  secret  and  maintain  in  confidence  all
                  confidential information of  the Company  and will  not
                  use  such information  other  than  for  the  Company's
                  benefit or disclose such information to  anyone outside
                  of the Company, either  during or after your employment
                  with the Company.

                  You also  will promptly deliver  to the Company  on the
                  termination of your employment  with the Company, or at
                  any time  the Company  requests, all memoranda,  notes,
                  records  and other documents  (and all  copies thereof)
                  relating  to the  Company's  business  or  confidential
                  matters which you then have or control.

                  All  inventions, improvements, new ideas and techniques
                  which relate  to the Company's business  which you make
                  or conceive during your  employment with the Company or
                  within six  months  thereafter will  be  the  Company's
                  property.  Without additional  compensation to you, you
                  will promptly  inform the Company  of such  inventions,
                  improvements, ideas and techniques, and will assist the
                  Company in  preserving them and will  not disclose them
                  to anyone else without the Company's consent.


                  You understand that, as used in this Section, the  term
                  "confidential information of  the Company" includes all
                  information of a technical,  commercial or other nature
                  of  or  about  the  Company (such  as  formulae,  trade
                  secrets,   customer  lists   and  know-how)   not  made
                  available to the general public.

             7.   Legal  Fees.  The Company  will pay all  legal fees and
                  expenses  which you  may   incur  as  a result  of  the
                  Company's  contesting the validity or enforceability of
                  this Agreement.

             8.   Payments  Final.  In the event of a termination of your
                  employment  under the  circumstances described  in this
                  Agreement,  the  arrangements  provided  for   by  this
                  Agreement, or  any other agreement  between the Company
                  and  you  in  effect at  that  time  and  by any  other
                  applicable  plan  of  the  Company in  which  you  then
                  participate  will constitute  the entire  obligation of
                  the Company to you,  and performance of that obligation
                  will constitute  full settlement of any  claim that you
                  might otherwise  assert against the Company  on account
                  of such termination.

                  The  Company's  obligation   to  pay  you   under  this
                  Agreement will be  absolute and unconditional and  will
                  not be  affected by any circumstance, including without
                  limitation, any set-off, counterclaim, defense or other
                  rights the  Company may have against you or anyone else
                  as long as  you are  not in beach  of your  obligations
                  under this Agreement.

             9.   Non-Competition.   In  view  of the  importance to  the
                  Company of your continued  employment and the harm that
                  the Company would suffer  if a competitor obtained your
                  services,  you  will  not,  during  the  term  of  your
                  employment  by the Company and for a period of one year
                  thereafter, whether or not  a Change in Control occurs,
                  directly  or indirectly,  either alone or  with others,
                  own, manage,  operate, or  control any business,  or be
                  employed  by any company in that  part of its business,
                  which directly or indirectly competes with the Company,
                  its  subsidiaries  or affiliates  in  any  part of  the
                  United States.

                  The foregoing will not prevent your owning any security
                  registered under the  Securities Exchange Act of  1934.
                  It  is understood  that  a business  competes with  the
                  Company  if  it manufactures  competitive  products for
                  itself or for sale to others.

             10.  Duration  of  Agreement.   This  Agreement  may not  be
                  terminated  by  either  party,  except  that  (a)  this
                  Agreement may be terminated at  any time by the  mutual


                  written  consent of  you and the  Company, and  (b) the
                  Company may also terminate this Agreement at the end of
                  each successive two-year period  commencing on the date
                  of  this Agreement.    The Company  may terminate  this
                  Agreement under clause (b) of this Section 10 by giving
                  you written notice at least one year in advance of such
                  termination, except that  such termination and  written
                  notice  will  not  be  effective  unless  you  will  be
                  employed by the Company on the termination date.

             11.  Miscellaneous.  

                  a)   In  consideration for  the benefit  of  having the
                       protection afforded  by this Agreement,  you agree
                       that  the provisions of  Sections 6 and  9 of this
                       Agreement  apply to you, and  you will be bound by
                       them, whether or not a Change in Control occurs or
                       you actually  receive  the benefits  specified  in
                       Section 4.

                  b)   This Agreement  will be binding upon  and inure to
                       the  benefit of you, your personal representatives
                       and heirs and the Company and any successor of the
                       Company, but neither this Agreement nor any rights
                       arising  hereunder may  be assigned or  pledged by

                  c)   The  invalidity or unenforceability in any respect
                       of any provision of this Agreement will not affect
                       the  validity or enforceability  of such provision
                       in   any  other   respect  or   the  validity   or
                       enforceability of any other provision.

                  d)   This Agreement will be  governed and construed  in
                       accordance  with the laws  of the  Commonwealth of
                  e)   This   Agreement   will   constitute  the   entire
                       agreement  and  understanding between  the Company
                       and you with respect  to the subject matter hereof
                       and merges and  supersedes all prior  discussions,
                       agreements and understandings between  the Company
                       and you with respect to such matters.

             12.  This  Agreement  amends,  restates and  supersedes  the
                  agreement  between  you and  the  Company  dated as  of
                  _________  ,  (the  Prior  Agreement ),  and the  Prior
                  Agreement shall  be null and  void and have  no further

                  If  you are in agreement with  the foregoing, please so
             indicate  by  signing  and  returning  to  the  Company  the
             enclosed  copy of  this letter,  whereupon this  letter will
             constitute a  binding agreement between you  and the Company
             and our mutual intention to be legally  bound as of the date
             and year first written above.


                                           Very truly yours,

                                           THE WEST COMPANY, INCORPORATED

                                       William G. Little
                                       Chairman of the Board,
                                       President and Chief Executive Officer
       Accepted and agreed to:
