Exhibit 10 (a)

                          WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES, INC.

                                   RETIREMENT PLAN


                                NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS

                               Adopted October 30, 1990
                                Reflecting Amendments
            Effective on November 5, 1991, April 28, 1998 and May 27, 1999

                                    PLAN DOCUMENT


          1.   Background  and Purpose.    This Retirement  Plan was  first
               adopted to give appropriate recognition to the past services
               of non-employee  Directors of the  Company and to  assist in
               attracting and  retaining individuals of superior talent and
               achievement  as Directors of the Company.  In April 1999 the
               Board of Directors agreed  to discontinue the Plan, allowing
               current  Directors   to  elect  a   distribution  of  stock-
               equivalents in  lieu of retirement benefits  and closing the
               Plan to future Directors.  As a result of this decision, the
               Compensation   Committee  of  the   Board,  under  authority
               delegated  to  it by  the Board,  adopted amendments  to the
               Plan, effective May 27, 1999.

          2.   Definitions.  For purposes of this Plan, the following words
               and phrases shall have the meanings indicated below:

               a)   "Plan"  means  the West  Pharmaceutical  Services, Inc.
                    Retirement Plan for  Non-Employee Directors, as amended
                    through May 27, 1999.

               b)   "Company"  means  West  Pharmaceutical  Services,  Inc.
                    (formerly named "The West Company, Incorporated").

               c)   "Director" means a duly elected member of the Board.

               d)   "Participant"  means a  Director  eligible  to  receive
                    benefits under the Plan pursuant to Section 4 hereof.

               e)   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

               f)   "Years  of  Service"  means  the number  of  completed,
                    twelve consecutive month periods beginning on the first
                    day  an  individual  becomes  a Director  and  on  each
                    anniversary thereof, throughout which the  Director was
                    a member of  the Board. Years  of Service include  such
                    twelve consecutive  month periods of membership  on the
                    Board before and after January 1, 1990.

               g)   "Base  Retainer" means  the amount  of  annual retainer
                    payable  to non-employee Directors  for service  on the
                    Board. The  Base Retainer  shall not include  any Board
                    meeting  fees  or  other  payments  for  membership  or
                    attendance,   chairmanship   of  Board   Committees  or

               h)   "Disability" means that a  physician acceptable to  the
                    Compensation   Committee   has   concluded   that   the
                    Participant is unable to  engage in substantial gainful
                    activity by  reason of a physical  or mental impairment
                    which   will  be   of  long-continued   and  indefinite

               i)   "Electing Director" means any  Participant in office on
                    May  27, 1999  who  makes an  election  to continue  to
                    receive benefits at retirement  under paragraph 3b) ii)
                    of the Stock-Equivalents Plan

               j)   "Stock-Equivalents Plan" means the  West Pharmaceutical
                    Services, Inc. Stock-Equivalents Compensation Plan.

          3.   Effective Date. The Plan shall be effective as of January 1,

          4.   Eligiblity for  Participation.  Directors who  have not been
               employees  of the  Company  or any  of  its subsidiaries  or
               affiliates shall be eligible to receive a retirement benefit
               under the Plan to the extent set forth below:

               a)   Any Participant receiving retirement benefits as of May
                    27, 1999 under  the Plan shall continue  to be eligible
                    to receive  the  benefits set  forth  in Section  5  a)

               b)   Any Electing Director shall  be entitled to receive the
                    retirement benefits specified in  the Stock-Equivalents

               c)   No  other  person shall  be  entitled  to any  benefits
                    whatsoever under the Plan.

          5.   Retirement Benefits.

               a)   Normal  Retirement  Benefit.    A  Participant  who has
                    completed a minimum of  five (5) Years of Service  as a
                    Director and who ceases to be a Director before May 27,
                    1999 shall be entitled  to receive an annual retirement
                    benefit  commencing  at  age  sixty  (60)  computed  as

                    1)   An  amount equal  to  fifty percent  (50%) of  the
                         Participant s  Base   Retainer  at  the   time  of
                         retirement, plus

                    2)   An  amount  equal  to  ten percent  (10%)  of  the
                         Participant's   Base  Retainer  at   the  time  of
                         retirement for each full Year of Service in excess
                         of five (5) Years of Service, but not in excess of
                         ten (10) Years of Service.

               b)   Retirement Benefit for  Electing Directors. An Electing
                    Director  who ceases to be  a Director on  or after May
                    27,  1999  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  an  annual
                    retirement  benefit  in the  amount  set  forth in  the
                    Stock-Equivalents  Plan,  payable  in  accordance  with
                    Section 6 hereof.

               c)   Maximum   Retirement  Benefit.     The  maximum  annual
                    retirement  benefit payable  under this  Plan shall  be
                    equal   to   one-hundred    percent   (100%)   of   the
                    Participant's Base Retainer at the time of retirement.

               d)   Disability  Retirement  Benefit.    In   the  event  an
                    Electing  Director ceases to be a Director by reason of
                    Disability, the Electing Director shall be  entitled to
                    receive  disability  benefits determined  in accordance
                    with   the  Stock-Equivalents   Plan.     The  Electing
                    Director's   disability  benefit   shall  be   paid  in
                    accordance with the provisions of Section 6 hereof.

          6.   Payment and Duration of Retirement Benefits.

               a)   All retirement  benefits shall be payable  in quarterly
                    installments on the first day of the calendar quarter.

               b)   Retirement benefits  shall continue  for  no more  than
                    fifteen  (15)  years.  Upon  the  death  of  a  retired
                    Participant, benefit payments will cease with the month
                    immediately  following   the   date  of   the   retired
                    Participant's death. Spousal payments may then begin as
                    described in Section 6 c).

               c)   If a retired Participant dies before receiving the full
                    fifteen (15) years  of benefits, the surviving  spouse,
                    if  any,  shall  receive  fifty percent  (50%)  of  any
                    remaining  benefit payments. If  there is  no surviving
                    spouse at  the time of a retired Participant's death or
                    if  the  surviving  spouse  dies  before  receiving the
                    remaining  benefit  payments,  then there  will  be  no
                    further payment obligations under the Plan.

          7.   No  Funding.  This  Plan shall not  be deemed to  create any
               trust, escrow  or other funding arrangement.   No retirement
               benefit  payable   under  the   Plan  shall   be  considered
               segregated funds and  all such amounts  shall, at all  times
               prior  to the payment  of same,  be and  continue to  be the
               property of  the Company  commingled with its  other assets.
               The right of any  Participant or his or her  eligible spouse
               to  benefits under  this  Plan shall  be an  unsecured claim
               against the general assets of the Company.

          8.   Plan Administration.  The general administration of the Plan
               and  the  responsibility  for   interpreting  the  Plan  and
               carrying  out   its  provisions  shall  be   vested  in  the
               Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee may adopt
               such  rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the
               proper administration of this Plan, and  its decision in all
               matters shall be final,  conclusive and binding.  If  one or
               more members  of the Committee are  disqualified by personal
               interest  from taking  part  in a  particular decision,  the
               remaining member or members  of the Committee (although less
               than a quorum) shall have full power to act on the matter.

          9.   Termination  of the Plan.   The Board reserves  the right to
               terminate  the Plan at any  time without the  consent of any
               current or  former Director.  Upon termination of  the Plan,
               all Participants shall continue to have the right to receive
               benefits  earned  and   accrued  hereunder  prior  to   such

          10.  Amendment of the Plan.  The Board has the right to amend the
               Plan at any  time and from time to time  without the consent
               of any current or former Director.

          11.  Change in Control.

               a)   Notwithstanding  any other provision  of this  Plan, in
                    the event of  a Change in Control (as  defined herein),
                    each  Electing   Director  in  service   on  the  Board
                    immediately prior  to the effective time  of the Change
                    in Control shall, at the Electing Director's option, be
                    entitled to either:

                         A)   a    $20,000   annual    retirement   benefit
                              commencing  at age  sixty  (60),  payable  in
                              accordance with Section 6 hereof; or

                         B)   a  lump  sum payment  in  the  amount of  the
                              present value of an annuity  equal to $20,000
                              paid  annually for  fifteen years,  such lump
                              sum  payment to  be  in lieu  of any  payment
                              under  Sections 5  or 6  hereof or  under the
                              Stock-Equivalents Plan.

               b)   Within sixty (60) days following a Change in Control as
                    defined herein, a  Participant or surviving spouse  who
                    is  already receiving  payments under  the Plan  at the
                    time  of a  Change in Control  will be paid  a lump sum
                    equal  to the  present value  of the  remaining annuity
                    payments as of the time of the Change in Control.

               c)   A "Change in Control" shall mean a change in control of
                    a  nature  that would  be  required to  be  reported in
                    response to Item 1 of the Current Report on Form 8-K as
                    in effect on April  28, 1998 pursuant to Section  13 or
                    15(d)  of  the  Securities  Exchange Act  of  1934,  as
                    amended   (the   "Act"),   provided,    that,   without
                    limitation, a Change in Control shall be deemed to have
                    occurred if:

                    1)   any  "Person" (as  such term  is used  in Sections
                         13(d) and 14(d) of the Act), other than:

                              the Company,

                              any  Person  who  on  the date  hereof  is  a
                              director or officer of the Company, or

                              a  trustee  or  fiduciary holding  securities
                              under  an   employee  benefit  plan   of  the

                         is or becomes the  "beneficial owner" (as  defined
                         in   Rule  13-d3  under   the  Act),  directly  or
                         indirectly,   of   securities   of   the   Company
                         representing more than 50% of the combined  voting
                         power   of   the   Company's    then   outstanding
                         securities; or

                    2)   during any  period of two consecutive years during
                         the  term of  this  Plan, individuals  who at  the
                         beginning  of  such  period  constitute  the Board
                         cease  for any  reason  to constitute  at least  a
                         majority  thereof,  unless  the election  of  each
                         director who  was not a director  at the beginning
                         of  such period  has been  approved in  advance by
                         directors representing at  least two-thirds of the
                         directors then in office who were directors at the
                         beginning of the period; or

                    3)   the  shareholders of  the Company  approve: (1)  a
                         plan  of complete  liquidation of the  Company; or
                         (2) an  agreement for  the sale or  disposition of
                         all or  substantially all of the Company's assets;
                         or  (3) a merger, consolidation, or reorganization
                         of  the  Company  with   or  involving  any  other
                         corporation, other than  a merger,  consolidation,
                         or reorganization that would  result in the voting
                         securities of the Company  outstanding immediately
                         prior  thereto continuing to  represent (either by
                         remaining outstanding or  by being converted  into
                         voting  securities of  the  surviving entity),  at
                         least fifty  percent (50%) of the  combined voting
                         power of the voting securities of the Company  (or
                         the  surviving entity,  or  an entity  which as  a
                         result of such transaction owns the Company or all
                         or  substantially  all  of  the  Company's  assets
                         either   directly   or   through   one   or   more
                         subsidiaries)  outstanding immediately  after such
                         merger, consolidation, or reorganization.

               d)   For  purposes of  this Section,  present value  will be
                    calculated   using   the   Pension   Benefit   Guaranty
                    Corporation interest  rate that  would be used  on that
                    date for purposes of determining lump sum distributions
                    upon Plan termination.

               e)   Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan, this
                    Section  11 shall apply only  to Directors who have not
                    been employed by the Company or any of its subsidiaries
                    or  affiliates and whether  or not any  such person has
                    attained five or more Years of Service.

          12.  Miscellaneous.

               a)   No Agreement to Retain Directors.  The Plan does not in
                    any way obligate the shareholders to continue to retain
                    a Director on the  Board, nor does this Plan  limit the
                    right  of the  shareholders to  terminate a  Director's
                    service on the Board.

               b)   Rights Non-Assignable.   No retirement  benefit payable
                    hereunder  may  be  assigned,  pledged,   mortgaged  or
                    hypothecated and,  to the  extent permitted by  law, no
                    such  retirement  benefit  shall  be  subject to  legal
                    process  or attachment  for the  payment of  any claims
                    against any person entitled to receive the same.

               c)   Withholding.   Payments made by the  Company under this
                    Plan to  any eligible  Participant shall be  subject to
                    such withholding as shall, at the time of such payment,
                    be required under any income tax or other laws, whether
                    of the United States or any other jurisdiction.

               d)   Successorship.  It is the intent that the obligation of
                    the  Company  to   pay  benefits  accrued   or  payable
                    hereunder   shall  be   binding   upon  any   successor
                    corporation  or  organization  which  shall  succeed to
                    substantially  all of  the assets  and business  of the
                    Company.  The term  Company  wherever used herein shall
                    mean and  include any such  corporation or organization
                    after such  succession, and  such obligations  shall be
                    deemed  to  have been  expressly  assured  by any  such
                    corporation or other organization.

               e)   Governing Law.  This Plan shall be governed by the laws
                    of  the  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania  and  shall  be
                    construed for all purposes  in accordance with the laws
                    of said Commonwealth.

                                   *    *    *    *

            Certified True and Correct Copy of the Plan as Amended Through
          May 27, 1999.


          Date:                         By:
               -----------------        ---------------------------
                                        John R. Gailey III