Washington, D.C.  20549
                               FORM 10-K
                         13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES
                         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                         For the fiscal year ended December 26, 1993 or
                         13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES
                         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                         For the transition period from ____ to ____
                     Commission File Number 1-4825
                         WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY
         A Washington Corporation            (IRS Employer Identification
                                             No. 91-0470860)

                       Tacoma, Washington  98477
                       Telephone (206) 924-2345
      Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
                                                Name of Each Exchange on
           Title of Each Class                     Which Registered
       --------------------------------      -----------------------------
        Common Shares ($1.25 par value)      Midwest Stock Exchange
                                             New York Stock Exchange
                                             Pacific Stock Exchange
                                             Tokyo Stock Exchange
        Rights  to Purchase Cumulative       New York Stock Exchange
        Preference Shares,                   
        Fourth Series

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such
shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports),
and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90
days.  Yes X No    . Indicate by check mark if disclosure of
delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not
contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of
registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K.  [X]  The aggregate market value of
registrant's voting shares held by non-affiliates was $9,764,032,027
as of February 25, 1994.  The number of shares outstanding of
registrant's class of common stock, as of February 25, 1994, was
205,558,569 common shares ($1.25 par value).

Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Documents Incorporated
by Reference

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following documents are incorporated in this Form 10-K Annual
Report by reference:

                                              Part of Form 10-K
          Document                      Into Which Document Incorporated
          --------                      -------------------------------- 
Weyerhaeuser Company Annual Report*     Part I, Item 1 and Part II, Items 5-8

Notice of 1994 Annual Meeting           Part III
of Shareholders and Proxy Statement*

*Such sections, identified by page numbers, as are referenced in the
Cross Reference Sheet included with this Form 10-K Annual Report.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Cross Reference Sheet

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                Location, by Page Number,
                                                         in Document Incorporated by Reference
                                                                1993             Notice of 1994
                                                            Weyerhaeuser         Annual Meeting
                                                               Company          of Shareholders
                                                                Annual             and Proxy
             Form 10-K Item                                     Report             Statement
            ----------------                                 -------------      ----------------
Part I
    Item 1. Business
      General Development of Business                            34-40                  -
      Financial Information About Industry Segments              73-75                  -
      Narrative Description of Business                          34-40                  -
      Financial Information About Foreign and Domestic
        Operations and Export Sales                              34, 55-56              -

    Item 2. Properties                                           -                      -
    Item 3. Legal Proceedings                                    -                      -
    Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders  -                      -

Part II
    Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity and
         Related Stockholder Matters
          Market Information                                     75                     -
          Holders                                                76-77                  -
          Dividends                                              75                     -

    Item 6. Selected Financial Data                              76-77                  -

    Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
           Condition and Results of Operations                   23-32, 34-44           -

    Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
          Report of Independent Public Accountants               44                     -
          Consolidated Statement of Earnings                     45                     -
          Consolidated Balance Sheet                             46-47                  -
          Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                   48-49                  -
          Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Interest       50-51                  -
          Notes to Financial Statements (including
            business segments data required by
            Financial Accounting Standards Board
            Statement No. 14)                                    52-77                  -
          Selected Quarterly Financial Data                      75                     -


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Cross Reference Sheet - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                Location, by Page Number,
                                                         in Document Incorporated by Reference
                                                               1993        Notice of 1994
                                                           Weyerhaeuser    Annual Meeting
                                                             Company       of Shareholders
                                                              Annual          and Proxy
             Form 10-K Item                                   Report          Statement
             --------------                                -----------     ----------------
Part II - Continued
    Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements on Accounting
          and Financial Disclosure**                              -                -

Part III
    Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant   -                1-4

    Item 11. Executive Compensation                               -                5-12

    Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial
          Owners and Management                                   -                4-5

    Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions       -               15-16

**Item not applicable.

Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Item 1.  Business

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Weyerhaeuser Company (the company) was incorporated in the state of
Washington in January 1900, as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company.  It is
principally engaged in growing and harvesting of timber and the
manufacture, distribution and sale of forest products, real estate
development and construction, and financial services.  Its principal
business segments include timberlands and wood products, pulp and
paper products, real estate, and financial services.  A description of
each of these business segments follows.

Timberlands and Wood Products

The company owns approximately 5.5 million acres of commercial
forestland in the United States (50% in the South and 50% in the
Pacific Northwest),  most of it highly productive and located
extremely well to serve both domestic and international markets.  The
company has, additionally, long-term license arrangements in Canada
covering approximately 17.8 million acres (of which 14 million acres
are considered to be productive forestland).  The combined total
timber inventory on these U.S. and Canadian lands is approximately 245
million cunits (a cunit is 100 cubic feet of solid wood), of which
approximately 75% is softwood species.  The relationship between cubic
measurement and the quantity of end products that may be produced from
timber varies according to the species, size and quality of timber,
and will change through time as the mix of these variables changes.
To sustain the timber supply from its fee timberland, the company is
engaged in extensive planting, suppression of nonmerchantable species,
precommercial and commercial thinning and fertilization and
operational pruning, all of which increase the yield from its fee
timberland acreage.

                  Inventory        Thousands of Acres at December 26, 1993
                 ----------       -------------------------------------------
                   Millions          Fee      Long-term    License
                  of Cunits       Ownership     Leases   Arrangements    Total
                 ----------       ---------   ---------  ------------   ------
Geographic Area                                             
   Cascade              13              502          -              -      502
   Longview             10              439          -              -      439
   Twin Harbors         20              580          -              -      580
                 ----------       ---------   ---------  ------------   ------
                        43            1,521          -              -    1,521
                 ----------       ---------   ---------  ------------   ------

   Coos Bay              5              210          -              -      210
   Klamath Falls         4              598          -              -      598
   Willamette            9              403          -              -      403
                 ----------       ----------  ---------  ------------   ------
                        18            1,211          -              -    1,211
                 ----------       ----------  ---------  ------------   ------ 
      Alabama            4              383        101              -      484
   North Carolina/
      Georgia            9              717         48              -      765
      Arkansas          13             1,680         9              -    1,689
                 ----------        ---------  ---------  ------------  -------
                        26             2,780       158              -    2,938
                 ----------        ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
Total United States     87             5,512       158              -    5,670
                 ----------        ---------  ---------  ------------  -------

   Alberta              91                 -         -          5,793    5,793
   British Columbia     10                12         -          3,595    3,607
   Saskatchewan         57                 -         -          8,457    8,457
                 ----------        ---------  ---------   -----------  -------
Total Canada           158                12         -         17,845   17,857
                 ----------        ---------  ---------   -----------  -------
TOTAL                  245             5,524       158         17,845   23,527
                 ==========        =========  =========   ===========  =======


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 1.  Business - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Thousand Acres    Million          Thousand Acres
                ------------------  Seedlings  -------------------------------   
                Harvested  Planted   Planted   Stocking Control  Fertilization
                ---------  -------   -------   ----------------  -------------
1993 Activity                                             
Washington          27.0      30.0      14.9               10.4           53.6
Oregon              15.1      16.1       7.1               20.4           26.7
Southern            54.6      40.1      19.9                8.3          195.0
                ---------  -------   -------   ----------------  -------------
Total United
   States           96.7      86.2      41.9               39.1          275.3
                =========  =======   =======   ================  =============
   Activity      4,142.1   3,500.6   2,496.2            1,494.3        3,584.1
                =========  =======   =======   ================  =============

The company's wood products businesses produce and sell softwood
lumber, plywood and veneer; composite panels; oriented strand board;
hardboard; hardwood lumber and plywood; doors; treated products; logs;
chips and timber.  These products are sold primarily through the
company's own sales organizations.  Building materials are sold to
wholesalers, retailers and industrial users.

Sales by volumes by major product class are as follows (millions):

                                              1993   1992   1991   1990   1989
                                             -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
Raw materials - cubic ft.                      547    545    538    540    587
Softwood lumber - board ft.                  4,230  3,440  3,269  3,417  4,223
Softwood plywood and veneer - sq. ft. (3/8") 2,435  2,227  2,135  2,212  2,441
Composite panels - sq. ft. (3/4")              626    590    685    641    635
Oriented strand board - sq. ft. (3/8")       1,672  1,484  1,205  1,185  1,180
Hardboard - sq. ft. (7/16")                    140    133    114    126    133
Hardwood lumber - board ft.                    240    218    219    209    223
Hardwood doors (thousands)                     556    514    525    697  1,146

Selected product prices:

                                             1993   1992   1991   1990   1989
                                           ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Export logs (#2 sawlog-bark on) - $/MBF
   Cascade - Douglas fir                   $1,211 $  930 $  687 $  641 $  645
   Coastal - Hemlock                          828    562    531    558    520
   Coastal - Douglas fir                    1,104    858    633    588    525

Lumber (common) - $/MBF
   2x4 Douglas fir (kiln dried)               418    295    250    241    263
   2x4 Douglas fir (green)                    383    261    224    223    247
   2x4 southern yellow pine (kiln dried)      397    285    237    233    224
   2x4 spruce-pine-fir (kiln dried)           334    231    187    186    184

Plywood (1/2" CDX) - $/MSF
   West                                       321    281    220    209    224
   South                                      282    249    192    184    200

Oriented strand board (7/16"-24/16)
   North Central price - $/MSF                235    217    147    129    170


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 1.  Business - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pulp and Paper Products

The company's pulp and paper products businesses include:  Pulp, which
manufactures chemical wood pulp for world markets; Newsprint, which
manufactures newsprint at the company's North Pacific Paper
Corporation mill and markets it to West Coast and Japanese newspaper
publishers; Paper, which manufactures and markets a range of both
coated and uncoated fine papers through paper merchants and printers;
Containerboard Packaging, which manufactures linerboard and
corrugating medium, which is primarily used in the production of
corrugated shipping containers and manufactures and markets corrugated
shipping containers for industrial and agricultural packaging;
Paperboard, which manufactures bleached paperboard that is used for
production of liquid containers and is marketed to West Coast and
Pacific Rim customers; Recycling, which operates an extensive
wastepaper collection system and markets it to company mills and
worldwide customers; Chemicals, which produces chlorine, caustic and
tall oil, which are used principally by the company's pulp and paper
operations; and Personal Care Products, which manufactures disposable
diapers sold under the private-label brands of many of North America's
largest retailers (this business was sold in February 1993 through an
initial public offering of stock).

Sales volumes by major product class are as follows (thousands):

                                          1993     1992    1991    1990   1989
                                        ------   ------  ------  ------ ------
Pulp - air-dry metric tons               1,886    1,238   1,433   1,194  1,116
Newsprint - metric tons                    609      575     450     453    473
Paper - tons                               990      966     869     893    849
Paperboard - tons                          222      238     234     220    197
Containerboard - tons                      290      318     418     444    497
Packaging - MSF                         31,386   29,414  26,525  25,022 24,560
Recycling - tons                           851      778     735     648    633
Personal care products - standard cases      -   17,017  14,929  11,471 12,181

Selected product prices (per ton):

                                       1993   1992    1991   1990    1989
                                      -----  -----   -----  -----   -----
Pulp - NBKP-air-dry metric-U.S.       $ 445  $ 551   $ 568  $ 800   $ 830
Paper - uncoated free sheet-U.S.        627    630     713    859     889
Linerboard - 42 lb.-Eastern U.S.        295    343     330    360     404
Newsprint - metric -West Coast U.S.     435    433     549    561     567


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 1.  Business - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Real Estate

The company, through its real estate subsidiary, Weyerhaeuser Real
Estate Company, is a builder/developer of for-sale housing and
apartments, develops commercial and residential lots for sale to users
and other builders, builds commercial buildings for sale to
institutional investors, and is an investor in joint ventures and
limited partnerships.

Volumes sold:

                                       1993    1992   1991    1990   1989
                                      -----   -----  -----   -----  -----
Single-family units 1                 3,879   3,917  4,410   5,113  5,858
Multi-family units 1                  1,141      60    317     358    412
Lots 1                                1,372   2,762  1,138   3,008  2,729
Commercial space (thousand sq. ft.)      88     142    269     235    945

1 Includes proportional share of joint venture sales.

Financial Services

The company, through its financial services subsidiary, Weyerhaeuser
Financial Services, Inc., is involved in a range of financial
services.  The principal operating unit is Weyerhaeuser Mortgage
Company, which has origination offices in 12 states, with a servicing
portfolio of $8.4 billion covering approximately 112,000 loans
throughout the country.  Mortgages are resold in the secondary market
through mortgage-backed securities to financial institutions and
investors.  Through its insurance services organization, it also
offers a broad line of property, life and disability insurance.  GNA
Corporation, a subsidiary that specialized in the sale of life
insurance annuities and mutual funds to the customers of financial
institutions, was sold in April 1993.  Republic Federal Savings & Loan
Association, a subsidiary that operated in Southern California through
1991, was dissolved in 1992.

Volume information (millions):

                                        1993    1992    1991    1990     1989
                                      ------  ------ ------- -------  ------- 
Loan servicing portfolio              $8,400  $9,800 $10,600 $11,600  $11,800
Single-family loan originations       $4,405  $3,380  $2,496  $2,131   $3,251


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 2.  Properties

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timberlands and Wood Products

Facilities and annual production are summarized by major product class
as follows (millions):

                          Production     of
                           Capacity  Facilities   1993  1992  1991  1990  1989
                          ---------- ----------  ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Logs - cubic ft.                  -           -    673   749   782   817   839
Softwood lumber - board ft.   3,215          27  3,135 2,782 2,687 2,719 2,759
Softwood plywood 
  and veneer - sq. ft. (3/8") 1,246           8  1,188 1,125   966 1,076 1,069
Composite panels
  - sq. ft. (3/4")              609           6    564   540   493   505   587
Oriented strand 
  board - sq. ft. (3/8")      1,440           5  1,443 1,234 1,208 1,156 1,121
Hardboard - sq. ft. (7/16")     130           1    120   118    90   119   131
Hardwood lumber - board ft.     255           8    221   210   196   202   212
Hardwood doors (thousands)      561           1    522   469   448   556   833

Principal manufacturing facilities are located as follows:

Softwood lumber and plywood           Hardwood doors
Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho,    Wisconsin
North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon,     Composite panels
Washington, and                       Georgia, North Carolina,
Alberta, British Columbia, and        Oregon and Wisconsin
Saskatchewan, Canada                  
                                      Oriented strand board
Hardwood lumber                       Michigan, North Carolina,
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,     and Alberta, Canada
and Wisconsin                         Hardboard


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 2.  Properties - Continued

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pulp and Paper Products

Facilities and annual production are summarized by major product class
as follows (thousands):

                         Production     of
                          Capacity  Facilities   1993   1992   1991   1990   1989
                         ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Pulp - air-dry metric tons  2,130           8   2,096  1,506  1,527  1,386  1,275
Newsprint - metric tons       675           1     618    588    461    459    486
Paper - tons                1,015           5   1,007    971    889    900    919
Paperboard - tons             220           1     217    229    238    217    221
Containerboard - tons       2,360           5   2,269  2,240  2,224  2,171  2,168
Packaging - MSF            36,800          36  32,795 31,040 27,583 26,146 25,764
Recycling - tons                -          21   1,847  1,692  1,415  1,204  1,163
Personal care 
  products - standard cases     -           -       - 16,743 14,902 11,471 12,019

Principal manufacturing facilities are located as follows:

Pulp                                 Containerboard
Georgia, Mississippi, North          North Carolina, Oklahoma,
Carolina, Washington, and            Oregon, and Washington
Alberta, British Columbia, and       
Saskatchewan, Canada                 Packaging
                                     Arizona, California, Florida,
Newsprint                            Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois,
Washington                           Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine,
                                     Michigan, Minnesota,
Paper                                Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska,
Mississippi, North Carolina,         New Jersey, New York, North
Washington, Wisconsin, and           Carolina, Ohio, Oregon,
Saskatchewan, Canada                 Tennessee, Texas, Virginia,
                                     Washington, and Wisconsin
Washington                           Recycling
                                     California, Colorado, Iowa,
                                     Kansas, Maryland, North
                                     Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon,
                                     Texas, Virginia, Washington, and
                                     British Columbia, Canada
                                     Georgia, Mississippi, North
                                     Carolina, Oklahoma, Washington,
                                     and Saskatchewan, Canada


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 2.  Properties - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Real Estate

Principal operations are located as follows:

                Primary                          Resi-    Com-        mercial  General
Real Estate    States of        Single- Multi- dential mercial  Acre-    Pro-     Con- Venture
Companies      Operations        Family Family    Lots    Lots    age   jects tracting Capital
- -----------    ----------       ------- ------ ------- -------  ----- ------- -------- -------  
Centennial       Texas             x              x               x
  Homes, Inc.

Land Management  Alabama,                         x        x      x
                 North Carolina,

Pardee           California,       x       x               x       x       x
  Construction   Nevada

The Quadrant     Washington        x       x      x        x       x       x

Scarborough      New Jersey        x              x                               x

Scarborough      Florida                          x        x       x              x

Trendmaker, Inc. Texas                                     x               x

  Homes, Inc.    North Carolina    x      x       x        x       x

Winchester       Maryland,         x              x        x               x
  Homes, Inc.    Virginia

Weyerhaeuser     Alaska, Arizona,                                                          x
  Venture Co.    California,
                 Colorado, Florida,

Weyerhaeuser     Washington
  Estate Company
  (Parent Company)


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 2.  Properties - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financial Services

Principal operations are located as follows:

                                              Mort-          Invest-    Mort-
Financial            Primary         Mort-     gage             ment     gage
 Services           States of         gage     Ser-  Insur-  Sales &     Sec-
Companies          Operations      Lending   vicing    ance  Service  urities
                 ----------------  -------   ------  ------  -------  -------

Weyerhaeuser     Branches in 12          x        x       x       x
  Mortgage       states with major
  Company        concentrations
                 in California,
                 Hawaii, and

Mortgage         California                                                 x

WFS (Republic)   California                                       x

Weyerhaeuser     Delaware
  Services, Inc.
  (Parent Company)


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 3. Legal Proceedings

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trial  began in May 1992 in a federal income tax refund case that  the
company  filed  in July 1989 in the United States Claims  Court.   The
complaint  seeks  a refund of federal income taxes  that  the  company
contends  it  overpaid in 1977 through 1983.  The alleged overpayments
are  the result of the disallowance of certain timber casualty  losses
and  certain  deductions claimed by the company  arising  from  export
transactions.   The refund sought was approximately $29 million,  plus
statutory  interest from the dates of the alleged  overpayments.   The
company has reached an agreement with the United States Department  of
Justice  to  settle  the  portion  of  the  case  relating  to  export
transactions.   That  settlement  has  been  approved  by  the   Joint
Committee  on Taxation of the U.S. Congress.  The tax refund remaining
in  dispute  is approximately $9 million plus statutory interest  from
the  dates  of the alleged overpayments.  The court has not entered  a
decision on the remaining issue.

On  March 6, 1992, the company filed a complaint in the Superior Court
for  King  County, Washington against a number of insurance companies.
The   complaint  seeks  a  declaratory  judgment  that  the  insurance
companies  named  as  defendants are obligated  under  the  terms  and
conditions  of the policies sold by them to the company to defend  the
company  and to pay, on the company's behalf, certain claims  asserted
against  the  company.   The  claims relate to  alleged  environmental
damage  to third-party sites and to some of the company's own property
to  which allegedly toxic material was delivered or on which allegedly
toxic  material  was  placed in the past.  Since  December  1992,  the
company has agreed to settlements with six of the defendants.  In July
1993,  the  trial  court dismissed fourteen of the  thirty-five  sites
named  in the complaint.  Appeal of those dismissals was heard by  the
Washington  State Supreme Court on February 22, 1994.   Trial  on  two
sites is scheduled for October 1994.

In April 1991, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
issued  an  amended  complaint adding the  company  as  an  additional
defendant  in an administrative proceeding under the Toxic  Substances
Control  Act (TSCA).  The proceeding seeks penalties of $171,000  from
all  defendants  with respect to alleged improper storage  and  record
keeping between 1980 and 1989 for certain transformers which contained
polychlorinated biphenyls.  The transformers, which the  company  sold
in 1980, were located at the company's former hardboard siding mill in
Doswell, Virginia.  The company is currently negotiating with the  EPA
to settle the matter with no admission of liability or penalties.

In   April   1992,  the  Georgia  Department  of  Natural   Resources,
Environmental Protection Division issued a Notice of Violation to  the
company's  Adel,  Georgia  particleboard plant  citing  violations  of
particulate emission standards.  A consent order was entered  into  on
September  18,  1992  assessing a $35,000  penalty  and  a  stipulated
penalty of $100 per day until the facility is in full compliance  with
particulate   emission  requirements.   The  Consent  Order   sets   a
compliance  deadline  of  January 31, 1994.  The  Consent  Order  also
requires  that  the  company  demonstrate  that  the  facility  is  in
compliance  with  regulations  under  the  Prevention  of  Significant
Deterioration (PSD) regulations under the Clean Air Act.  The  company
has  submitted compliance data and is awaiting the State's concurrence
that it satisfies the consent order requirements.

The  company  has  undertaken  a  review  of  all  its  wood  products
facilities  for compliance with the PSD regulations and has  disclosed
PSD  compliance  issues to certain state agencies and  the  EPA.   The
company  and  the  State  of Mississippi Department  of  Environmental
Quality  (DEQ)  have entered into a consent agreement  concerning  PSD
regulations  at  two  company  facilities  in  Mississippi   involving
penalties  of $170,000.  The State of Alabama has issued a  compliance
order  with  penalties  totaling $100,000 for noncompliance  with  PSD
regulations at the company's Millport facility.  The company and North
Carolina's  Division of Environmental Management have entered  into  a
consent  agreement  for its Elkin, North Carolina  facility  involving
penalties of $140,000 and are currently negotiating a separate consent
agreement for its Moncure, North Carolina facility involving penalties
of  $140,000.   The  company has signed a consent agreement  including
penalties  of $140,000 relating to PSD issues at the company's  Wright
City,  Oklahoma  facility  with the State of  Oklahoma  Department  of
Environmental Quality.  The company is negotiating a consent agreement
with  the  State  of Arkansas concerning PSD related  issues  for  two
facilities  in  that state involving $375,000 in total  penalties  for
both facilities.  Region V of the EPA has issued a Notice of Violation
for  permit  violations at the company's Grayling, Michigan  facility.
The   company  is  negotiating  settlement  of  those  alleged  permit
violations  and other PSD related issues with the Michigan  Department
of  Natural Resources and the EPA that may involve penalties of up  to
$416,000.  In September 1992, the EPA issued a Section 114 Request for
Information concerning PSD compliance at the company's oriented strand
board  and  medium density fiberboard mills.  In June  1993,  the  EPA
issued  a  similar Section 114 request for the company's  plywood  and
particleboard mills.  The company is also undertaking a review of  its
pulp and paper facilities for PSD compliance.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part I
Item 3. Legal Proceedings - Continued

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On  April  9, 1993, the company entered into a Stipulated Final  Order
(SFO)  with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality for alleged
air  emissions in excess of permit levels and PSD noncompliance at the
company's  North  Bend,  Oregon  containerboard  facility.   The   SFO
establishes  a compliance schedule for installing control  technology.
A   supplemental  SFO  assessed  upfront  penalties  of  $247,000  and
penalties of $500 per day until compliance is demonstrated.   The  SFO
requires  demonstrated compliance by December 1993  and  a  historical
evaluation of the facility's PSD status.  The company has submitted  a
plant site PSD review to the state and is awaiting its review.

In  August  1992, the EPA issued an administrative complaint  for  the
assessment  of  $215,000  in  civil penalties  against  the  company's
Longview,  Washington facility.  The penalties are based upon  alleged
violations  of  the  record  keeping and  storage  provisions  of  the
polychlorinated  biphenyls rules contained in the TSCA.   The  company
and  the  EPA settled the complaint for a maximum penalty of $118,150,
50%  of which was paid when the settlement was signed.  Payment of the
remaining  50%  was  deferred  and will be  eliminated  based  on  the
expenditure  of  more than $118,150 by the company to dispose  of  PCB
contaminated transformers at Longview during 1993.

On  November 2, 1992, an action was filed against the company  in  the
Circuit  Court  for  the  First Judicial  District  of  Hinds  County,
Mississippi on behalf of a purported class of riparian property owners
in  Mississippi  and  Alabama  whose properties  are  located  on  the
Tennessee  Tombigbee Waterway, Aliceville Lake, Cedar  Creek  and  the
Magoway  Creek.   The complaint seeks $1 billion in  compensatory  and
punitive  damages for diminution in property value, personal  injuries
and mental anguish allegedly resulting from the discharge of purported
hazardous  substances, including dioxins and furans, by the  company's
pulp   and  paper  mill  in  Columbus,  Mississippi  and  the  alleged
fraudulent  concealments of such discharge.  The complaint also  seeks
an injunction prohibiting future releases and the removal of hazardous
substances  allegedly released in the past.  On  August  20,  1993,  a
companion  action was filed in Green County, Alabama on  behalf  of  a
similar  purported class of riparian owners with essentially the  same
claims as the Mississippi case.  The action was removed to the Federal
District   Court   for  the  Northern  District  of   Alabama,   which
subsequently remanded the case to state court.

Trial  began in January 1994 in the United States District  Court  for
the  District  of Alaska of claims filed against Weyerhaeuser  by  two
corporations  with  which  Weyerhaeuser  had  entered  into  financing
arrangements,  a  marketing  agreement,  and  a  technical  assistance
agreement.    The   plaintiffs   claim  that   Weyerhaeuser   breached
contractual  and common law duties by allegedly failing to  adequately
market   and  ship  the  plaintiffs'  products,  misrepresenting   its
marketing  and  shipping  capabilities,  and  acting  to  further  its
interests  at  the plaintiffs' expense.  The plaintiffs in  the  First
Amended  Complaint,  filed in May 1992, seek  an  unstated  amount  of
damages  described  as  more than $50 million in compensatory  damages
plus  not  less than $75 million in punitive damages.  The  claim  for
punitive damages has been dismissed by the trial court.

The  company  is also a party to various proceedings relating  to  the
clean   up   of   hazardous  waste  sites  under   the   Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, commonly  known
as  "Superfund," and similar state laws.  The Environmental Protection
Agency and/or various state agencies have notified the company that it
may be a potentially responsible party with respect to other hazardous
waste  sites  as to which no proceedings have been instituted  against
the  company.  The company is also a party to other legal  proceedings
generally  incidental to its business.  Although the final outcome  of
any  legal proceeding is subject to a great many variables and  cannot
be  predicted  with  any  degree of certainty, the  company  presently
believes  that  any  ultimate  liability  resulting  from  the   legal
proceedings discussed herein, or all of them combined, would not  have
a material effect on the company's financial position.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Part III
Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Name                   Title                       Age
     ----                   -----                       ---
Charles W. Bingham     Executive Vice President         60
William R. Corbin      Executive Vice President         52
John W. Creighton, Jr. President                        61
Steven R. Hill         Senior Vice President            46
Norman E. Johnson      Senior Vice President            60
William C. Stivers     Senior Vice President            55

Part IV
Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and
Reports on Form 8-K

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financial Statements
   Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries 1

Financial Statement Schedules
   Schedule V    -  Property and Equipment
   Schedule VI   -  Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization of
                    Property and Equipment
   Schedule VIII -  Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
   Schedule IX   -  Short-term Borrowings
   Schedule X    -  Supplementary Income Statement Information

   Exhibit 3    - Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
   Exhibit 10   - Material Contracts
                  (a) Agreement with N. E. Johnson
                  (b) Agreement with W. R. Corbin
   Exhibit 11   - Statement Re: Computation of Per Share Earnings
                  (incorporated by reference to page 52 of the 1993
                  Weyerhaeuser Company Annual Report)
   Exhibit 13   - Portions of the 1993 Weyerhaeuser Company Annual
                  Report specifically incorporated by reference herein
   Exhibit 22   - Subsidiaries of the Registrant
   Exhibit 24   - Consents of Experts and Counsel

Reports on Form 8-K
   The registrant has not filed a report on Form 8-K during the last
   fiscal quarter of the period for which this Form 10-K is filed.

1 Incorporated in Part II, Item 8 by reference.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Report of Independent Public Accountants

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To Weyerhaeuser Company:

We have audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards, the financial statements included in Weyerhaeuser
Company's annual report to shareholders incorporated by reference in
this Form 10-K, and have issued our report thereon dated February 8,
1994. Our report on the financial statements includes an explanatory
paragraph with respect to the change in the method of accounting for
income taxes and postretirement benefits other than pensions.  Our
audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on those
statements taken as a whole. The schedules listed on page 15 are the
responsibility of the company's management and are presented for
purposes of complying with the Securities and Exchange Commission's
rules and are not part of the basic financial statements. These
schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in
the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion,
fairly state in all material respects the financial data required to
be set forth therein in relation to the basic financial statements
taken as a whole.

                                        ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO.

Seattle, Washington,
February 8, 1994


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule V -
Property and Equipment

For the three years ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended December 26, 1993
                                                                    Other Changes
                            Balance at                                        Other      Balance at
                            Beginning  Additions  Retirements  Reclassifi-   Debits        End of
Classification              of Period   at Cost     or Sales     cations   or (Credits)    Period
- --------------              ---------- ---------  -----------  ----------- ------------  ------------

Timber  and timberlands     $  591,610  $ 40,582  $    4,451    $        - $ (19,014)1  $    604,773
                                                                                 292 2
                            ----------  --------  ----------    ---------- -----------  ------------
                            $  591,610  $ 40,582  $    4,451    $        - $ (22,968)   $    604,773
                            ==========  ========  ==========    ========== ===========  ============   

Property and equipment:
  Land                      $  152,632  $  7,775  $    2,153    $       93 $    (195)2  $    157,611
                                                                                 399 6

  Buildings and improvements 1,395,142    65,299      48,689         5,866    10,547 2     1,416,740
                                                                                 173 6

  Machinery and equipment    7,768,170   444,983     299,875        (5,751)   (9,482)2     7,839,070
                                                                                 724 6

  Rail  and  truck roads       561,043    13,150       3,975          (140)      (30)2       569,842

  Other                         47,372     2,475           -          (204)      (51)2        49,676
                                                                                  84 6

 Leased property under
    capital leases                 618         -           -             -         -             618

 Construction  in progress     322,376   373,473      22,220           136    (3,006)2       666,177

                           -----------  --------  ----------     --------- ---------   -------------
                           $10,247,353  $907,155  $  376,912      $      - $ (77,862)  $  10,699,734
                           ===========  ========  ==========     ========= ==========  =============


1 Fee  stumpage charged to income and credited to  the  asset
  account. Reference should be made to Note 1 of Notes to
  Financial  Statements  contained in  the  1993  Weyerhaeuser
  Company  Annual Report for a statement of the  practices  of
  the company   and   subsidiaries  in   providing   depreciation,
  amortization and fee stumpage.
2 Reclassification from (to) other balance sheet accounts.
3 Adjustments   to  reflect  application  of   Statement   of
  Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 52,  "Foreign  Currency
4 Assets  transferred  from  (to)  Weyerhaeuser  Real  Estate
5 Canadian investment tax credit adjustment.
6 Miscellaneous adjustments.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule V -
Property and Equipment - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended December 27, 1992

                                                                       Other Changes
                           Balance at                                            Other       Balance at
                            Beginning   Additions  Retirements    Reclassifi-    Debits         End of
Classification              of Period    at Cost     or Sales       cations    or (Credits)     Period
- --------------             ----------   ---------  -----------    -----------  ------------  -------------            

Timber  and timberlands   $   550,820   $  63,987   $   7,828     $         -  $  (15,980)1   $   591,610
                                                                                    1,828 2

                          -----------   ---------   ---------      ----------  ------------   -----------
                          $   550,820   $  63,987   $   7,828      $        -  $  (15,369)    $   591,610
                          ===========   =========   =========      ==========  ============   ===========

Property and equipment:
 Land                     $   136,177   $   6,835   $   4,298      $   14,336  $      486 2   $   152,632
                                                                                      130 6

 Buildings and improvements 1,312,880      88,281      25,147          30,583        (733)2     1,395,142
                                                                                    3,709 6

 Machinery and equipment    7,119,019     928,789     205,026         (12,412)       (523)2     7,768,170
                                                                                    2,087 6

 Rail  and truck roads        558,961      15,128     12,394              299        (506)2       561,043

 Other                         79,522       2,731      1,414          (33,464)         (2)2        47,372

 Leased property under
    capital leases             109,972          -    107,225                -      (2,129)6           618

 Construction in progress      261,592     68,476      1,041              658      (3,423)2       322,376

                            ---------- ----------  ---------       ----------   -----------  ------------
                            $9,578,123 $1,110,240  $ 356,545       $        -   $ (84,465)   $ 10,247,353
                            ========== ==========  =========       ==========   ===========  ============

See notes on page 17.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries  

Schedule V -
Property and Equipment - Continued

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended December 29, 1991

                                                                     Other Changes
                            Balance at                                          Other       Balance at
                             Beginning   Additions  Retirements Reclassifi-    Debits        End of
Classification               of Period    at Cost     or Sales     cations   or (Credits)    Period
- --------------              ----------   ---------  ----------- -----------  ------------   ------------  

Timber  and  timberlands    $  570,800   $  15,484  $   16,812  $         -  $  (20,171)1   $    550,820
                                                                                      3 3
                                                                                  2,469 6

                            ----------   ---------  ----------   ----------  ------------   ------------
                            $  570,800   $  15,484  $   16,812   $        -  $  (18,652)    $    550,820
                            ==========   =========  ==========   ==========  ============   ============ 

Property and equipment:
 Land                       $  136,029   $   3,728  $    2,589   $    1,762  $      955 2   $    136,177
                                                                                    420 6

 Buildings and improvements  1,267,860      93,189      16,727      (31,536)        (42)3      1,312,880
                                                                                    136 6

 Machinery  and equipment    6,649,370     770,505     304,182          441       2,172 2      7,119,019
                                                                                    252 3
                                                                                    118 4
                                                                                    668 6

 Rail  and  truck roads        554,916      15,545      11,357            -         (20)2        558,961

 Other                          92,552       2,467      23,655        8,158           -           79,522

 Leased property under
     capital  leases           109,724         248           -            -           -          109,972

 Construction  in  progress    491,994    (248,798)         51       21,175      (2,383)2        261,592
                                                                                     89 3

                            ----------  ---------- -----------     --------   -----------    -----------
                            $9,302,445  $  636,884 $   358,561     $      -   $  (2,645)     $ 9,578,123
                            ==========  ========== ===========     ========   ===========    =========== 

See notes on page 17.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule VI -
Allowance for Depreciation and
Amortization of Property and Equipment

For the three years ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended December 26, 1993

                                                                     Other Changes
                           Balance at  Additions                               Other       Balance at
                            Beginning   Charged    Retirements  Reclassifi-   (Debits)       End of
Classification              of Period  to Income 1  or Sales      cations    or Credits     Period
- --------------             ---------- ------------ -----------  -----------  ----------    ------------

Buildings and improvements $  509,593  $   46,354  $   28,410    $     705   $    374 2    $   537,043
                                                                               11,956 3
                                                                                   17 7

Machinery and equipment     3,341,313     357,413     239,457       (1,429)     1,035 2       3,438,433
                                                                                  563 3

Rail   and  truck  roads      399,515      13,936      3,586             -        (20)3         409,696

Other                          16,636       7,078          -           724     25,726 3          50,580
                                                                                  416 7

Restructuring                  45,247           -     32,368             -    (28,900)3          (8,756)
                                                                                7,265 7

Leased property under
   capital  leases                453          36          -             -          -               489

                           ----------   ---------  ---------     ---------    ---------      ----------  
                           $4,312,757   $ 424,817  $ 303,821     $       -    $(6,268)       $4,427,485
                           ==========   =========  =========     =========    =========      ==========


1 Reference  should be made to Note 1 of Notes  to  Financial
  Statements contained in the 1993 Weyerhaeuser Company Annual
  Report  for a statement of the practices of the company  and
  subsidiaries in providing depreciation and amortization.  It
  is  not  practicable  to  present  all  the  rates  used  in
  computing depreciation provisions; however, the range of the
  estimated useful lives and the weighted average depreciation
  rates   for   the  two  principal  property  and   equipment
  classifications for the three years ended December 26,  1993
  were as follows:

                               Useful Lives    1993   1992   1991
                             --------------    ----   ----   ----
Buildings and improvements   10 to 40 years     3.3%   3.3%  3.3%
Machinery and equipment       3 to 40 years     4.6%   4.9%  5.2%

2 Depreciation charged to construction.
3 Depreciation allowance reclassified (to) from other balance
  sheet accounts.
4 Adjustments to reflect application of Statement of
  Financial Accounting Standards No. 52, "Foreign Currency
5 Depreciation allowance on assets transferred to
  Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company (see Schedule V, Note 4).
6 Adjustment to reflect plants and facilities identified for
  planned divestment or closure.
7 Miscellaneous adjustments.

Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule VI -
Allowance for Depreciation and
Amortization of Property and Equipment - Continued

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended December 27, 1992

                                                                        Other Changes
                            Balance at   Additions                                 Other      Balance at
                             Beginning    Charged      Retirements  Reclassifi-  (Debits)      End of
Classification               of Period   to Income 1    or Sales      cations   or Credits     Period
- --------------              ----------   -----------   -----------  ----------- -----------   ------------ 

Buildings and improvements  $  464,377   $   44,075    $   17,868    $  21,798  $    411 2    $    509,593
                                                                                   1,355 3
                                                                                      41 7

Machinery and equipment      3,179,552      366,322       171,914        5,263     1,770 2       3,341,313
                                                                                   1,592 7

Rail and truck roads           390,529       16,823         7,494            2      (313)3         399,515

Other                           29,715          714           426      (16,075)    1,276 2          16,636
                                                                                   1,790 7

Restructuring                  158,385            -        13,390      (10,988)  (88,760)3          45,247

Leased property under
    capital leases             106,845        2,837       109,230            -         1 7             453

                            ----------  -----------      --------     -------- -----------     -----------
                            $4,329,403  $   430,771      $320,322     $      - $(127,095)      $ 4,312,757
                            ==========  ===========      ========     ======== ===========     ===========

See notes on page 20.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule VI -
Allowance for Depreciation and
Amortization of Property and Equipment - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended December 29, 1991

                                                                   Other Changes
                          Balance at   Additions                               Other       Balance at
                           Beginning   Charged     Retirements Reclassifi-    (Debits)       End of
Classification             of Period  to Income 1    or Sales    cations      or Credits     Period
- --------------            ----------  -----------  ----------- -----------   -----------   ------------   

Buildings and improvements $ 436,122  $   44,801    $   9,175  $   (7,694)   $    436 2    $   464,377
                                                                                  116 7

Machinery and equipment    3,052,684     354,987      228,978       1,507       1,786 2      3,179,552
                                                                                  116 5

Rail and truck roads         374,181      17,780        1,358           -         (11)3        390,529
                                                                                   11 7

Other                         26,567       1,173        6,914        5,737        714 2         29,715
                                                                                2,438 7

Restructuring                 76,477           -       34,820       (1,272)   118,000 6        158,385

Leased property under
  capital leases              97,753       7,370            -        1,722          -          106,845

                          ----------   ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------      -----------   
                          $4,063,784   $ 426,111    $ 281,245    $       -   $120,753       $4,329,403
                          ==========   =========    =========    =========   =========      ===========

See notes on page 20.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule VIII -
Valuation and Qualifying Accounts

For the three years ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      Balance at  Charged Deductions Balance at
                                       Beginning       to       from     End of
Description                            of Period   Income    Reserve     Period
- -----------                            ---------  ------- ---------- ---------- 

Reserve deducted from related assets:
  Doubtful accounts - Accounts receivable
    1993                                 $ 9,614  $ 7,308    $ 7,124    $ 9,798
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1992                                 $10,274  $ 6,848    $ 7,508    $ 9,614
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1991                                 $ 9,422  $13,421    $12,569    $10,274
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======

Real Estate and Financial Services

Reserve deducted from related assets:
  Doubtful accounts - Receivables
    1993                                 $ 3,528  $   472    $ 1,741    $ 2,259
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1992                                 $11,033  $ 2,425    $ 9,930    $ 3,528
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1991                                 $ 9,601  $ 2,546    $ 1,114    $11,033
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======

  Unamortized discount - Receivables
    1993                                 $ 2,340  $   179    $(1,811) 1 $ 4,330
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1992                                 $ 2,621  $   670    $   951    $ 2,340
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1991                                 $ 3,322  $   405    $ 1,106    $ 2,621
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======

  Real estate in process of development
    1993                                 $76,920  $ 3,443    $50,580    $29,783
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1992                                 $93,390  $   265    $16,735    $76,920
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1991                                 $48,300  $52,566    $ 7,476    $93,390
                                         =======  =======    =======    ======= 

  Land being processed for development
    1993                                 $28,053  $     -    $ 8,921    $19,132
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1992                                 $58,104  $     5    $30,056    $28,053
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1991                                 $27,421  $43,727    $13,044    $58,104
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======

  Investments in and advances to
   joint ventures
   and limited partnerships
    1993                                 $65,791  $ 8,723    $19,363    $55,151
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1992                                 $89,679  $   874    $24,762    $65,791
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======
    1991                                 $36,287  $74,153    $20,761    $89,679
                                         =======  =======    =======    =======


1 Includes  $2,114  of discount on a partnership note  consolidated  by
  Weyerhaeuser Venture Company.


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule VIII -
Valuation and Qualifying Accounts - Continued

For the three years ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 Balance at    Charged  Deductions  Balance at
                                  Beginning         to        from      End of
Description                       of Period     Income     Reserve      Period
- -----------                      ----------    -------  ----------  ----------
Real Estate and Financial Services - Continued

   Allowance for loan
    losses - Mortgage loans
    1993                            $19,591    $ 8,707     $ 7,262     $21,036
                                    =======    =======     =======     =======
    1992                            $26,640    $ 6,354     $13,403     $19,591
                                    =======    =======     =======     =======
    1991                            $18,541    $17,132     $ 9,033     $26,640
                                    =======    =======     =======     =======

   Reserve for valuation of
    investment in subsidiary
    1991                            $57,000    $     -     $57,000     $     -
                                    ========   =======     =======     =======


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule IX -
Short-term Borrowings

For the three years ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            End of Year               For the Year
                        -----------------  ----------------------------------
                                 Weighted    Amount       Monthly    Weighted
                                  Average  Outstanding    Average     Average
                                 Interest    During        Amount    Interest
Description             Balance    Rate     the Year    Outstanding    Rate
- -----------             -------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------


December 26, 1993

Commercial paper       $378,727     3.3%      $957,491    $509,477       3.2%
Short-term note payable 115,000     3.2%       115,000       8,846       3.2%
Reclassified to 
  long-term debt       (493,727)
                       $      -

December 27, 1992

Commercial paper       $898,565     3.6%      $898,565    $298,412       3.6%
Reclassified to
  long-term debt       (898,565)
                       $      -

December 29, 1991

Commercial paper       $394,751      5.1%     $993,760    $643,465       6.2%
Reclassified to
  long-term debt       (394,751)
                       $      -


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule IX -
Short-term Borrowings - Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               End of Year            For the Year
                            ---------------- ------------------------------- 
                                    Weighted   Amount     Monthly   Weighted
                                     Average Outstanding  Average    Average
                                    Interest    During     Amount    Interest
Description                 Balance    Rate   the Year   Outstanding    Rate
- -----------                 ------- -------- ----------- ----------- -------- 

Real Estate and Financial Services

December 26, 1993

Commercial paper           $647,406    3.3%  $1,138,568    $873,583      3.2%
Payable to banks
  and others                258,538     .8%     258,538     187,657       .9%
Reclassified to
  long-term debt           (616,906)

December 27, 1992

Commercial paper           $771,580    3.5%  $1,020,618   $850,413       3.8%
Payable to banks
  and others                220,351    1.1%     220,351    188,402       1.1%
Reclassified to
  long-term debt           (771,580)

December 29, 1991

Commercial paper           $948,340    5.1%  $1,203,253 $1,054,294       6.1%
Payable to banks
   and others               220,971    1.1%     220,971    116,314       2.0%
Reclassified to
   long-term debt          (948,340)


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Schedule X -
Supplementary Income Statement Information

For the three years ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 1993         1992        1991
                                            ---------   ----------  ----------

Charged directly to costs and expenses:
  Maintenance and repairs                   $  664,463  $  584,350  $  605,639
                                            ==========  ==========  ==========

  Taxes, other than payroll and income taxes:
    Real estate and personal property       $  100,244  $   88,031  $   86,349
    Other                                       36,653      33,762      33,934
                                            ----------  ----------  ----------
                                            $  136,897  $  121,793  $  120,283
                                            ==========  ==========  ==========

Real Estate and Financial Services
                                                  1993        1992        1991
                                            ----------  ----------  ----------
Charged directly to costs and expenses:
  Maintenance and repairs                   $   12,035  $   12,260  $   12,571
                                            ==========  ==========  ==========
  Taxes, other than payroll 
    and income taxes                        $    9,191  $   11,700  $    9,838
                                            ========== ===========  ==========
  Advertising                               $   16,988  $   15,933  $   16,463
                                            ========== ===========  ==========
  Amortization of intangible assets         $   27,057  $   42,025  $   42,562
                                            ========== ===========  ==========


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pursuant  to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized  on
March 11, 1994.

                                  Weyerhaeuser Company

                                  /s/ John W. Creighton, Jr.
                                  John W. Creighton, Jr.

Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of  1934,
this  report has been signed below by the following persons on  behalf
of the registrant in the capacities indicated on March 11, 1994.

/s/ John W. Creighton, Jr.           
- ------------------------------
John W. Creighton, Jr.
President, Principal Executive
and Director

- ------------------------------
George H. Weyerhaeuser
Chairman of the Board and

/s/ William C. Stivers
- ------------------------------
William C. Stivers
Principal Financial

/s/ Kenneth J. Stancato
- ------------------------------
Kenneth J. Stancato
Principal Accounting

/s/ William Clapp
- ------------------------------
William H. Clapp

/s/ W. John Driscoll
- ------------------------------
W. John Driscoll

- ------------------------------
Don C. Frisbee

/s/ P. M. Hawley
- ------------------------------
Philip M. Hawley

/s/ E. B. Ingram
- ------------------------------
E. Bronson Ingram

/s/ John Kieckhefer
- ------------------------------
John I. Kieckhefer

/s/ William D. Ruckelshaus
- ------------------------------
William D. Ruckelshaus

/s/ Richard H. Sinkfield
- ------------------------------
Richard H. Sinkfield

Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Exhibit 22
Subsidiaries of the Registrant

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 State or   Ownership of
                                                Country of   Immediate
                Name                          Incorporation    Parent
                ----                          ------------- ------------

Columbia & Cowlitz Railway Company               Washington     100%
DeQueen and Eastern Railroad Company             Arkansas       100
Energy Holding Company                           Delaware       100
Fisher Lumber Company                            California     100
Golden Triangle Railroad                         Mississippi    100
Green Arrow Motor Express Company                Delaware       100
J.H. Hamlen & Son, Inc.                          Arkansas       100
Mississippi & Skuna Valley Railroad Company      Mississippi    100
Mountain Tree Farm Company                       Washington      50
North Pacific Paper Corporation                  Delaware        80
  Norpac Sales Corporation                       Guam           100
Pacific Veneer, Ltd.                             Washington      90
Shemin Nurseries, Inc.                           Delaware       100
Texas, Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad Company       Oklahoma       100
Westwood Shipping Lines, Inc.                    Washington     100
Weycomp Claims Management Service, Inc.          Texas          100
Weyerhaeuser Financial Services, Inc.            Delaware       100
  CMO Finance Corp.                              Nevada         100
  Mortgage Securities II Corporation             Nevada         100
  Mortgage Securities III Corporation            Nevada         100
  R4 Participant Corporation                     Nevada         100
  ver Bes' Insurance Co.                         Vermont        100
    de Bes' Insurance Ltd.                       Bermuda        100
  Weyerhaeuser Mortgage Company                  California     100
    The Giddings Mortgage Investment Company     California     100
    Gudig Abfall, Inc.                           California     100
    Trimark Development Company                  California     100
    Westwood Associates                          California     100
    Westwood Insurance Agency                    California     100
    WMC Finance Corp. I                          California     100
    Woodland Hills Properties-W., Inc            Nevada         100
      Placer Business Center, Inc.               California     100
      Terman Properties, Inc.                    California     100
      R. J. Plaza II, Inc.                       Nevada         100
  WFS (Republic), Inc.                           Nevada         100
    Abfall Finance Corp.                         California     100
    Brookview, Inc.                              Nevada         100
    Kachura Finance Corp.                        California     100
    McGNT Finance Corp.                          California     100
    RFS Finance Corp.                            California     100


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Exhibit 22
Subsidiaries of the Registrant - Continued

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    State or    Ownership of
                                                   Country of    Immediate
                Name                             Incorporation    Parent
                ----                             -------------  ------------
Weyerhaeuser International, Inc.                   Washington           100%
  Sensor & Simulation Products International AB    Sweden               100
  Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.                         Canada               100
    Big River Lumber Corporation                   Canada               100
    Saskatoon Chemicals, Ltd.                      Canada               100
  Weyerhaeuser China, Ltd.                         Washington           100
  Weyerhaeuser (Far East) Limited                  Hong Kong            100
  Weyerhaeuser Japan Ltd.                          Japan & Delaware     100
  Weyerhaeuser Korea, Ltd.                         Korea                100
  Weyerhaeuser, S.A.                               Panama               100
Weyerhaeuser International Sales Corporation       Guam                 100
Weyerhaeuser (Mexico) Inc.                         Washington           100
Weyerhaeuser Midwest, Inc.                         Washington           100
Weyerhaeuser Overseas Finance Company              Delaware             100
Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company                   Washington           100
  The Babcock Company                              Florida              100
  Centennial Homes, Inc.                           Texas                100
  Pardee Construction Company                      California           100
    Marmont Realty Company                         California           100
    Pardee Construction Company of Nevada          Nevada               100
    Pardee Investment Company                      California           100
    Parvada, Inc.                                  Nevada               100
  The Quadrant Corporation                         Washington           100
    Quadrant Real Estate Services, Inc.            Washington           100
  Scarborough Corporation                          New Jersey           100
  Scarborough Constructors, Inc.                   Florida              100
  Trendmaker, Inc.                                 Texas                100
  Westminster Homes, Inc.                          North Carolina       100
  Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company of Nevada       Nevada               100
    Weyerhaeuser Capital Corp. N.V.                Netherlands Antilles 100
  Weyerhaeuser Venture Company                     Nevada               100
    Las Positas Land Co.                           California           100
    Weyerhaeuser Realty Investors, Inc.            Washington           100
  Winchester Homes, Inc.                           Delaware             100


Weyerhaeuser Company and Subsidiaries

Exhibit 24
Consents of Experts and Counsel

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Consent of Independent Public Accountants

As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the
incorporation of our reports included and incorporated by reference in
this Form 10-K, into Weyerhaeuser Company's previously filed
Registration Statement No. 33-59974 on Form S-3 and Nos. 2-61042,
2-81463, 33-25928, 33-24385, 33-24979, 33-31622, 33-32605, 33-34460,
33-41414, 33-47392 and 2-88109 on Form S-8.

                                         ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO.

Seattle, Washington,
March 11, 1994