Timberlands and Wood Products

Timberlands and Wood Products reported operating earnings of
$891 million in 1993 as compared with $515 million in 1992,
a 73 percent increase. Timber-supply restrictions in the
public forests of the Pacific Northwest and improving single-
family home-building markets bolstered prices in the
domestic market during the year. U.S. single-family housing
starts reached 1.12 million in 1993 and are expected to move
to the 1.2-1.3 million range in 1994.  >  Prices for logs
and building materials were also strong in the Japanese
market. Wooden-housing starts in Japan were up in 1993 over
1992 and are expected to at least hold that level in 1994.
Government support to upgrade the housing stock, declining
interest rates, and
a desire to improve living conditions have helped keep
housing starts in Japan - especially wooden starts - at a
high level despite the continuing recession.  >
Weyerhaeuser lumber operations experienced strong markets in
1993 with the slowly improving U.S. economy, but prices were
volatile due to the tight supply situation and uncertainty
around the strength and pace of the recovery. Record lumber
prices were set in both the first and fourth quarters.
Markets were strong and prices volatile for structural
panels as well.  >  The Engineered Fiber Products business,
producer of oriented strand board, particleboard and other
panels, showed strong operating performance during most of
the year including significant market

N E T  S A L E S                         1993    1992   1991   1990    1989
(Millions of dollars)
Raw materials (logs, chips and timber) $1,021   $ 872  $ 843  $ 834   $ 893
Softwood lumber                         1,669   1,097    938  1,016   1,229
Softwood plywood and veneer               567     498    412    411     490
Oriented strand board, composite
 and other panels                         623     495    383    381     424
Hardwood lumber                           154     127    118    117     119
Hardwood plywood and doors                141     116    117    135     236
Treated products                           84      67     65     80      95
Miscellaneous products                    209     145     72     99     180
                                       $4,468  $3,417 $2,948 $3,073  $3,666


improvement in composite panels after 2 1/2 years of
depressed prices. The Plywood business had a good year
despite being hampered by delays in receiving air quality
permits for newly installed and rebuilt
dryers.  >  The Building Materials Distribution business had
another excellent year, topping last year's record sales and
earnings. Low interest rates, healthy markets in residential
building and repair and
remodel, and focus on customer satisfaction benefited
business units throughout the system. The outlook is
optimistic for 1994 to be even better than 1993 as interest
rates are expected to remain low, and building products
demand high in both new residential and repair and remodel
accomplishments in 1993 included a better than 30 percent

S A L E S  V O L U M E S                    1993   1992   1991   1990   1989
Raw materials - cubic feet                   547    545    538    540    587
Softwood lumber - board feet               4,230  3,440  3,269  3,417  4,223
Softwood plywood and veneer -
  square feet (3/8")                       2,435  2,227  2,135  2,212  2,441
Composite panels - square feet (3/4")        626    590    685    641    635
Oriented strand board - square feet (3/8") 1,672  1,484  1,205  1,185  1,180
Hardboard - square feet (7/16")              140    133    114    126    133
Hardwood lumber - board feet                 240    218    219    209    223
Hardwood doors (thousands)                   556    514    525    697  1,146

toward 1995 companywide safety targets; start-up of the
Slave Lake, Alberta, oriented strand board (OSB) mill;
achievement of 107 percent of the business improvement
target for the Plywood business; record production in OSB,
softwood and hardwood lumber; and successful completion of
modernizations of lumber mills at Philadelphia, Miss.;
Dierks, Ark.; Bruce, Miss.; Drayton Valley, Alberta; and
Princeton, British Columbia. >  FOREST MANAGEMENT FOCUS
Public attention was again focused on forest
management issues in 1993, including President Clinton's
forest conference held in Portland, Ore., in April.
Following the conference, a list of options was prepared by
the administration, and in July, one
was selected. The plan would reduce federal timber harvests
from certain national forests in Oregon,


Washington and
northern California to 1.2 billion board feet annually (down
from the 4-5 billion board-foot level typical of the 1980s).
In December, the Clinton administration proposed to develop
a new
rule, authorized under Section 4(d) of the Endangered
Species Act, to ease restrictions for protection of the
northern spotted owl on non-federal lands. The proposal
identifies federal lands as those most
important to the protection of the spotted owl and envisions
that private and state lands provide supplemental support to
the federal lands, where necessary. Weyerhaeuser is working
with the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service to develop a habitat-conservation plan
for its timberlands near Coos Bay, Ore.
>  TIMBERLANDS ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Accomplishments for the year
included substantial improvements in all regions against
safety-performance goals, further Total Quality education
across the business
relating to "customer value propositions," the expansion of
a commercial thinning program in Oregon's Willamette
operations, a major salvage operation in drought- and insect-
damaged fir and pine in Oregon's Klamath Falls operation,
and commencement of operational pruning on Western
timberlands. Timberlands Forest Councils made further
headway during 1993 to ensure alignment of Forest Council
goals with the overall goals and objectives of the
timberlands businesses. The councils were formed in

A N N U A L  P R O D U C T I O N      CAPACITY   1993  1992  1991  1990  1989
Logs - cubic feet                            _    673   749   782   817   839
Softwood lumber - board feet             3,215  3,135 2,782 2,687 2,719 2,759
Softwood plywood and veneer -
 square feet (3/8")                      1,246  1,188 1,125   966 1,076 1,069
Composite panels - square feet (3/4")      609    564   540   493   505   587
Oriented strand board -
 square feet (3/8")                      1,440  1,443 1,234 1,208 1,156 1,121
Hardboard - square feet (7/16")            130    120   118    90   119   131
Hardwood lumber - board feet               255    221   210   196   202   212
Hardwood doors (thousands)                 561    522   469   448   556   833


1992 to guide Weyerhaeuser's efforts, and maintain our
industry leadership, into the 21st century.
They focus on adapting forest management practices to meet
changing environmental goals and future public expectations
related to forestry. The councils operate in all geographic
regions and include
employees from operations, research and engineering,
communications and government affairs.  >  After
Washington's Forest Practices Board adopted a watershed
analysis process to address the cumulative
effects of forest practices, Weyerhaeuser became the first
landowner to launch a full-scale analysis on the Tolt River
watershed basin, where Weyerhaeuser is the primary
landowner. This process has been widely recognized as a
potential model for resolving resource-management issues. In
addition, Washington's

P R I N C I P A L   M A N U F A C T U R I N G   F A C I L I T I E S
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Softwood lumber, plywood and veneer                              35
Composite panels                                                  6
Oriented strand board                                             5
Hardboard                                                         1
Hardwood lumber                                                   8
Hardwood doors                                                    1

Forest Council developed a process - including training in
landscape architecture - to manage the
aesthetics of harvesting.  >  1994 PRIORITIES  Safety
improvement will top the list of priorities in all
timberlands and wood products businesses in 1994 and beyond.
Actions designed to eliminate both work- and non-work-
related injuries of employees are being implemented in all
businesses, and safe work standards are being reinforced
with contractors and suppliers.  >  Customer satisfaction
and continuous improvement in business basics also remain
high on the list of goals in 1994 for timberlands and wood
products businesses. One of our principal strategies is
empowering people to use their skills and talents
to meet customers' needs, financial goals and productivity-
improvement targets.


Pulp, Paper and Packaging

Worldwide oversupply in the pulp and paper industry kept
product prices depressed in 1993 - some at their lowest
levels in real dollars since World War II. For the year,
operating earnings of the company's pulp and paper segment
were $61 million as compared with operating earnings of $251
million in 1992,
a 76 percent decrease.  >  Recovery in prices is expected to
accelerate in the coming year as the U.S. economy improves
even though some weakness will continue in the European and
Japanese economies.  Worldwide competition will continue as
a result, affecting the rate of price improvement.
of Swedish and Finnish currencies in late 1992 dramatically
improved the Scandinavian producers' export cost position
and, therefore, their competitiveness in Europe and the
United States. Given continuing oversupply in Europe, the
devaluations have led to significant penetration of the U.S.
market in some
paper grades.  >  The world pulp market was oversupplied
throughout 1993, with price pressure increased by excess
inventory built in the second half of 1992. Decreased prices
during the year led to significant downtime for the pulp
industry, including some permanent mill shutdowns. There are
many indications that the bottom of the cycle has been
reached and that market balance may be achieved by mid-1994.

N E T  S A L E S                   1993     1992     1991     1990     1989
(Millions of dollars)
Pulp                             $  823   $  711   $  803   $  865   $  917
Newsprint                           322      326      288      293      321
Paper                               648      673      655      751      733
Paperboard and containerboard       255      321      361      366      373
Container and packaging products  1,302    1,323    1,175    1,183    1,261
Recycling                            77       93       90       88       85
Chemicals                            32       31       34       28       31
Personal care products                _      514      450      338      347
Miscellaneous products              120      117      147      140      147
                                 $3,579   $4,109   $4,003   $4,052   $4,215


Modest growth in paper-grade pulp demand is expected during
1994.  >  At the same time, little new chemical pulp
capacity is expected to start up in 1994. A large part of
the capacity that will start up
in the next few years will be hardwood from the Southern
Hemisphere. Current weak earnings, environmental
expenditures required on existing facilities, and increasing
environmental regulation related
to the construction of new mills should constrain future
capacity growth.  >  Weyerhaeuser's
major mill modernizations, announced last year, will put the
company in a strong competitive position
in terms of product and process quality and the
environmental status of our mill system. Parts of the
Plymouth, N.C., modernization are scheduled to start up
during 1994, including the rebuilt No. 4

S A L E S  V O L U M E S         1993    1992    1991    1990    1989
Pulp - air-dry metric tons      1,886   1,238   1,433   1,194   1,116
Newsprint - metric tons           609     575     450     453     473
Paper - tons                      990     966     869     893     849
Paperboard - tons                 222     238     234     220     197
Containerboard - tons             290     318     418     444     497
Packaging - MSF                31,386  29,414  26,525  25,022  24,560
Recycling - tons                  851     778     735     648     633
Personal care products -
 standard cases                     _  17,017  14,929  11,471  12,181

uncoated free-sheet paper machine. The rebuilt machine will
increase capacity, product quality and mix capabilities,
while lowering costs. Also part of the Plymouth project is a
rebuild of the No. 1 linerboard machine, which will be the
first Weyerhaeuser linerboard machine to use 100 percent
recycled furnish.
>  Containerboard prices deteriorated during 1993, forcing
many of our competitors to take market-
related containerboard mill downtime.  Board and box prices
began to strengthen in the fourth quarter, continuing into
early 1994.  The outlook is for improved business conditions
in 1994 as we continue to concentrate on the development of
key customer partnerships.  >  Major factors affecting the
Fine Paper business in 1993 were industry overcapacity in
the uncoated free-sheet market and the slow pace of


U.S. economic growth. The inflow of European-made,
particularly Scandinavian, lightweight coated
into the U.S. market in the fourth quarter came just as this
paper grade was beginning to show some
price recovery. The outlook for the Fine Paper business is
strengthening demand and slowly improving prices in 1994.  >
U.S. economic weakness and the Japanese recession resulted
in no growth in U.S. newsprint consumption and declines in
Japanese consumption during 1993. The decline in Japan was
driven by lack of print advertising due to the poor economic
climate. There was excess newsprint supply in both markets
and newsprint prices continued to decline in North America.
Scandinavian imports
found their way into eastern U.S. newsprint markets as a
result of the devaluations. The outlook is for continued
difficult economic conditions and slow domestic recovery in
1994.  >  Weyerhaeuser's
Recycling business experienced price erosion due to the
general weakness in the pulp and paper industry during 1993.
Market demand for high grades dropped dramatically as a
result of pulp price declines. In addition, as a result of
Germany's recycling subsidy program and the oversupply
situation throughout
Europe, European exports became a factor in Far East
markets. The 1994 outlook for the business is for

A N N U A L  P R O D U C T I O N  CAPACITY   1993   1992   1991   1990   1989
Pulp - air-dry metric tons           2,130  2,096  1,506  1,527  1,386  1,275
Newsprint - metric tons                675    618    588    461    459    486
Paper - tons                         1,015  1,007    971    889    900    919
Paperboard - tons                      220    217    229    238    217    221
Containerboard - tons                2,360  2,269  2,240  2,224  2,171  2,168
Packaging - MSF                     36,800 32,795 31,040 27,583 26,146 25,764
Recycling - tons                         _  1,847  1,692  1,415  1,204  1,163
Personal care products -
 standard cases                          _      _ 16,743 14,902 11,471 12,019


significant volume growth with three new facilities coming
on line. New de-ink market pulp mills
starting up in late 1994 and 1995 will strengthen markets
for high-grade recyclable fiber.  >  The bleached paperboard
industry experienced significant oversupply for most of 1993
and will continue
to do so in 1994. However, the liquid packaging segment of
the market has remained relatively firm.
>  ACCOMPLISHMENTS  In spite of very difficult market
challenges, the pulp and paper businesses continued on an
improvement track aimed at positioning for the eventual
recovery.  >  The Pulp business
accomplished a smooth integration of the Oglethorpe, Ga.,
and Grande Prairie, Alberta, people and
facilities into its system. Containerboard Packaging
received major awards of new business from General Mills,
Quaker Oats Company and Philip Morris Companies.  >  The
Fine Paper business achieved safety

P R I N C I P A L    M A N U F A C T U R I N G   F A C I L I T I E S
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Pulp                                                               8
Newsprint                                                          1
Paper                                                              5
Paperboard                                                         1
Containerboard                                                     5
Packaging                                                         36
Recycling                                                         21
Chemicals                                                          7

performance above averages for the industry as well as
Weyerhaeuser's major mill average. The business produced in
excess of 1 million tons for the first time in 1993 and was
one of only a few industry competitors taking no downtime
for lack of orders.  >  The Newsprint business received "#1
North American Supplier" recognition by Gannett Supply
Corporation and increased its western U.S. market share.
The business also used Total Quality Management tools to
improve facility production capability to
expansion target levels.  >  The Recycling business
continued its growth path, reaching a collection
volume of 1.8 million tons of wastepaper. The business
acquired CC&C Recycling in Des Moines, Iowa, and reduced
fiber costs to Weyerhaeuser mills between 1992 and 1993 by
over $5 million.


Real Estate and Financial Services

Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company (WRECO) earned $18.3
million in 1993, a 42 percent improvement over 1992 earnings
of $12.9 million. The company benefited from improving
housing market conditions in all regions except Southern
California. Consumer confidence and mortgage rates improved
the year, driving a healthy increase in national starts of
both single- and multi-family housing. With
interest rates continuing at low levels, U.S. single-family
housing starts are expected to strengthen further in 1994.
>  In 1993 WRECO's Winchester Homes subsidiary was awarded
one of the first "National Housing Quality Awards," ever
given by the National Association of Home Builders and
Professional Builder magazine.  >  In 1994 WRECO will be
emphasizing additional employee education and training in
Total Quality principles and processes. Improved safety
practices by employees and contractors, as in all other
Weyerhaeuser businesses, are receiving special attention.  >
Weyerhaeuser Financial Services, Inc. (WFS), whose principal
subsidiaries are Weyerhaeuser Mortgage Company and Mortgage
Corporations, earned $76.4 million in 1993 as compared with
$67.6 million in 1992. Earnings for WFS
in 1993 included the gain on the sale, completed in April
1993, of GNA Corporation to General Electric Capital
Corporation. Propelled by continued low interest rates and
business expansions, Weyerhaeuser

V O L U M E S  S O L D          1993   1992   1991   1990   1989
Single-family units(1)         3,879  3,917  4,410  5,113  5,858
Multi-family units(1)          1,141     60    317    358    412
Lots(1)                        1,372  2,762  1,138  3,008  2,729
Commercial space
 (thousand square feet)           88    142    269    235    945

(1)Includes one-half of joint-venture sales.


Mortgage Company (WMC) set a new record for single-family
loan originations in 1993 of $4.4 billion. Falling interest
rates during the year spurred further refinance activity as
the company's planned expansion came on line. Strong housing
sales are forecast for 1994, which should help offset an
expected slowdown in refinance activity. Stepped-up customer
satisfaction measurement and response and continuous focus
on productivity improvement are planned for the year.

N E T  S A L E S  A N D  R E V E N U E S - WRECO   1993  1992  1991 1990 1989
(Millions of dollars)
Single-family units                                $615  $569  $591 $644 $718
Multi-family units                                   30     4    16   15   12
Residential lots                                     43    39    25   35   44
Commercial lots                                      41     6    17   10   27
Commercial buildings                                  3     5    30   23   66
Acreage                                              27    20    16   31   55
Other                                                70    47    49   53   53
                                                   $829  $690  $744 $811 $975

N E T  S A L E S  A N D  R E V E N U E S - WFS  1993  1992  1991  1990  1989
(Millions of dollars)
Interest                                        $110  $144  $209  $278  $383
Investment income                                116   452   454   369   314
Loan origination and servicing fees              127   103    98    89    92
Premiums                                          14    21    19    23    21
Other revenues                                    34   112    82    49    41
                                                $401  $832  $862  $808  $851


Description of the Business of the Company

Weyerhaeuser Company (the company) was incorporated in the
state of Washington in January 1900 as Weyerhaeuser Timber
Company.  It is principally engaged in the growing and
harvesting of timber and the manufacture, distribution and
sale of forest products, real estate development and
construction, and financial services.
 The  company  has  37,000 employees, of  which  34,200  are
employed in its timber-based businesses, and of this number,
approximately  17,000  are covered by collective  bargaining
agreements,  which generally are negotiated on a  multi-year
 Approximately   2,800  of  the  company's   employees   are
involved  in the activities of its real estate and financial
services subsidiaries.
 The  major markets, both domestic and foreign, in which the
company  sells  its  products are highly  competitive,  with
numerous  strong  sellers competing in each.   Many  of  the
company's  products also compete with substitutes  for  wood
and  wood  fiber  products.  The real estate  and  financial
services  subsidiaries  also operate in  highly  competitive
markets, competing with numerous regional and national firms
in real estate development and construction and in financial
 In  1993  the  company's  sales to  customers  outside  the
United  States totaled $2.2 billion (including $1.8  billion
of exports from the United States and Canada), or 23 percent
of  total  consolidated  sales and  revenues.   The  company
believes  these  sales  contributed a higher  proportion  of
aggregate  operating  profits  (see  Note  3  of  Notes   to
Financial  Statements).  All sales to customers outside  the
United  States are subject to risks related to international
trade and to political, economic and other factors that vary
from country to country.
Principal Business Segments
Timberlands and Wood Products
The company owns approximately 5.5 million acres of
commercial forestland in the United States (50 percent in
the South and 50 percent in the Pacific Northwest), most of
it highly productive and located extremely well to serve
both domestic and international markets.  The company has,
additionally, long-term license arrangements in Canada
covering approximately 17.8 million acres (of which 14
million acres are considered to be productive forestland).
The combined total timber inventory on these U.S. and
Canadian lands is approximately 245 million cunits (a cunit
is 100 cubic feet of solid wood), of which approximately 75
percent is softwood species.  The relationship between cubic
measurement and the quantity of end products that may be
produced from timber varies according to the species, size
and quality of timber, and will change through time as the
mix of these variables changes.  To sustain the timber
supply from its fee timberland, the company is engaged in
extensive planting, suppression of non-merchantable species,
precommercial and commercial thinning, fertilization and
operational pruning, all of which increase the yield from
its fee timberland acreage.
 The  company's  wood products businesses produce  and  sell
softwood  lumber,  plywood  and  veneer;  composite  panels;
oriented  strand  board;  hardboard;  hardwood  lumber   and
plywood;  doors; treated products; logs; chips  and  timber.
These products are sold primarily through the company's  own
sales  organizations.  Building materials are sold to  whole
salers, retailers and industrial users.


Net sales (millions):

                                 1993  1992   1991   1990   1989
Raw materials (logs,
 chips and timber)            $1,021 $  872 $  843 $  834 $  893
Softwood lumber                1,669  1,097    938  1,016  1,229
Softwood plywood
 and veneer                      567    498    412    411    490
Oriented strand board,
 composite and other panels      623    495    383    381    424
Hardwood lumber                  154    127    118    117    119
Hardwood plywood
 and doors                       141    116    117    135    236
Treated products                  84     67     65     80     95
Miscellaneous products           209    145     72     99    180
                              $4,468 $3,417 $2,948 $3,073 $3,666

                                1993  1992   1991  1990  1989
Timberlands and wood
 products' approximate contributions
 to earnings (millions):        $891  $515  $155   $300  $299

After  net restructuring charges of $152 in 1991 and $96  in

Pulp and Paper Products
The company's pulp and paper products businesses include:
Pulp, which manufactures chemical wood pulp for world
markets; Newsprint, which manufac-
tures newsprint at the company's North Pacific Paper
Corporation mill and markets it to West Coast and Japanese
newspaper publishers; Paper, which manufactures and markets
a range of both coated and uncoated fine papers through
paper merchants and printers; Containerboard Packaging,
which manufactures linerboard and corrugating medium, which
is primarily used in the production of corrugated shipping
containers, and manufactures and markets corrugated shipping
containers for industrial and agricultural packaging;
Paperboard, which manufactures bleached paperboard that is
used for production of liquid containers and is marketed to
West Coast and Pacific Rim customers; Recycling, which
operates an extensive wastepaper collection system and mar-
kets it to company mills and worldwide customers; Chemicals,
which produces chlorine, caustic and tall oil, which are
used principally by the company's pulp and paper operations;
and Personal Care Products, which manufactures disposable
diapers sold under the private-label brands of many of North
America's largest retailers (this business was sold in
February 1993 through an initial public offering of stock).


Net sales (millions):
                                1993  1992    1991    1990   1989
Pulp                          $  823 $  711 $  803  $  865 $  917
Newsprint                        322    326    288     293    321
Paper                            648    673    655     751    733
Paperboard and
 containerboard                  255    321    361     366    373
Container and packaging
 products                      1,302  1,323  1,175   1,183  1,261
Recycling                         77     93     90      88     85
Chemicals                         32     31     34      28     31
Personal care products             _    514    450     338    347
Miscellaneous products           120    117    147     140    147
                              $3,579 $4,109 $4,003  $4,052 $4,215

                                1993  1992  1991   1990  1989
Pulp and paper products'
 approximate contributions
 to earnings (millions):         $61  $251  $108   $484  $588

After  net restructuring charges of $129 in 1991 and $80  in

Real Estate
The company, through its real estate subsidiary,
Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company, is a builder/developer of
for-sale housing and apartments, de-
velops commercial and residential lots for sale to users and
other builders, builds commercial buildings for sale to
institutional investors, and is an investor in joint
ventures and limited partnerships.

Net sales and revenues (millions):
                               1993   1992   1991    1990     1989

Single-family units            $615   $569   $591    $644     $718
Multi-family units               30      4     16      15       12
Residential lots                 43     39     25      35       44
Commercial lots                  41      6     17      10       27
Commercial buildings              3      5     30      23       66
Acreage                          27     20     16      31       55
Other                            70     47     49      53       53
                               $829   $690   $744    $811     $975

                                       1993   1992   1991  1990  1989
Real estate's approximate
 contributions to earnings (millions): $ 18   $ 13  $(175) $ 35  $ 26

After restructuring charges of $155 in 1991 and $89 in 1989.


Financial Services
The company, through its financial services subsidiary,
Weyerhaeuser Financial Services, Inc., is involved in a
range of financial services.  The principal operating unit
is Weyerhaeuser Mortgage Company, which has origination
offices in 12 states, with a servicing portfolio of $8.4 bil
lion covering approximately 112,000 loans throughout the
country.  Mortgages are resold in the secondary market
through mortgage-backed securities to financial institutions
and investors.  Through its insurance services organization,
it also offers a broad line of property, life and disability
 GNA  Corporation, a subsidiary that specialized in the sale
of   life  insurance  annuities  and  mutual  funds  to  the
customers of financial institutions, was sold in April 1993.
 Republic  Federal Savings & Loan Association, a  subsidiary
that  operated  in  Southern California  through  1991,  was
dissolved in 1992.

Net sales and revenues (millions):
                          1993 1992   1991  1990  1989
Premiums                  $ 14 $ 21   $ 19  $ 23  $ 21
Interest                   110  144    209   278   383
Investment income          116  452    454   369   314
Loan origination and
 servicing fees            127  103     98    89    92
Other revenues              34  112     82    49    41
                          $401 $832   $862  $808  $851

                                      1993   1992    1991 1990   1989
Financial services' approximate
 contributions to earnings (millions):$ 76   $ 68    $ 60 $ 47  $(67)

After restructuring charges of $73 in 1989.

Corporate and Other
Corporate and other includes nursery and garden supply
products, which are sold primarily to retailers and
landscapers by the company's sales force; health and beauty
aids; marine transportation; and miscellaneous corporate
activities.  With one exception, all of the nursery and
garden supply operations and the health and beauty aids
business have been sold.

Net sales (millions):
                                1993   1992  1991  1990  1989
Nursery and garden supply
 and health and beauty aids     $ 60   $ 62  $ 74  $232  $316
Corporate and miscellaneous
 activities                      209    158   142    91   159
                                $269   $220  $216  $323  $475

Approximate contributions to earnings (millions):
                                1993  1992  1991  1990     1989
Nursery and garden supply
 and health and beauty aids    $ (1) $  (1)  $  1  $  _    $ (60)
Corporate and miscellaneous
 activities                     (46)  (106)  (149)  (115)   (131)
                               $(47) $(107) $(148) $(115)  $(191)

After  net restructuring charges of $9 in 1991 and  $112  in


Environmental Matters
In 1990 the northern spotted owl was listed as a threatened
species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  In 1992,
the marbled murrelet was listed as a threatened species
under the ESA.  Certain Snake River salmon runs have been
listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA.  Petitions
have been filed to list certain Pacific Northwest coastal
salmon runs as threatened or endangered under the ESA.  A
consequence of these listings has been, and a possible
consequence of future listings may be, reductions in the
sale and harvest of timber on federal timberlands in the
Pacific Northwest.  Uncertainty regarding the provision of
habitat for threatened and endangered species on non-federal
timberlands has resulted, and may in the future result, in
restrictions on timber harvest on some non-federal
timberlands in the Pacific Northwest, including some
timberlands of the company.  The listing of the red-cockaded
woodpecker as an endangered species under the ESA has had
some impact on the harvest of public and private timber in
the southeastern United States, but has had little impact on
the company's timberlands.  Forest practice acts in some of
the states in which the company has timber increasingly
impact present or future harvests and forest management
activities.  In addition, the statutory requirements with
respect to the preservation of wetlands and threatened or
endangered species may affect future harvest and forest
management activities on some of the company's Southern
 In  July  1993,  the Clinton administration  announced  its
plan  with  respect to management of federal timberlands  in
the  Pacific  Northwest.   If implemented,  this  plan  will
reduce  timber sales from certain federal lands  in  western
Washington, western Oregon and northern California by  about
75 percent from harvest levels in the 1980s to approximately
1.2  billion  board  feet per year.   If  implemented,  this
reduction  in  federal timber harvest will seriously  reduce
log  supplies  to many independent sawmills that  have  been
important suppliers of wood chips to the company's pulp  and
paper   mills   in  Washington  and  Oregon.   The   company
anticipates  that there will be alternate  sources  of  wood
chips or other fiber to supply its operations.
 The   administration  also  stated  in  its  proposal  that
reduced   timber  harvest  on  federal  lands   will   allow
modifications  to  the  current  federal  requirements   for
protection  of  northern spotted owls on private  lands.  On
December 10, 1993, the administration announced that it  was
taking  the  first steps in the regulatory process  to  ease
those  harvest restrictions.  The company believes that  the
regulatory changes might ultimately allow it to harvest  fee
timber in some areas where it has not been operating because
of  uncertainties regarding the provision of habitat for the
northern spotted owl.  Whether those regulatory changes will
be  implemented  is uncertain.  If those regulatory  changes
are not implemented, the company may not harvest some timber
that it otherwise plans to harvest in 1994.
 Because  those  regulatory changes may not be  implemented,
and  in  order to avoid existing uncertainty under the  ESA,
the  company is seeking approval from the United States Fish
and  Wildlife  Service for a permit and  associated  Habitat
Conservation  Plan  (HCP) with respect to  northern  spotted
owls  on a portion of its Oregon coastal timberlands.   That
HCP would establish a protocol for the harvest of timber and
the   protection   of  northern  spotted   owls   on   those
timberlands.  The company believes the most effective way to
manage  its timberlands for the growth and harvest of timber
and  the  protection  of wildlife and  fish  habitat  is  to
develop  a comprehensive plan for the management of all  the
resources  on those timberlands.  Accordingly,  the  company
may  attempt to develop HCPs for other parts of its  Pacific
Northwest  timberlands that would address the protection  of
wildlife  and  fish habitat for both listed  and  non-listed
 The  combination  of  the  forest  management  and  harvest
restrictions  and  impacts described in the  preceding  four
paragraphs  has  increased  operating  costs,  resulted   in
increases in the value of timber and logs from the company's
Pacific  Northwest  timberlands,  and  contributed   to   an
increase in prices for wood products.  The company does  not
know  whether these effects will continue.  If wood products
prices  remain  at their present levels,  there  may  be  an
increase  in substitution of other products for  lumber  and
 The  company  does  not believe that the  restrictions  and
impacts  described in the above paragraphs have had,  or  in
1994  or  1995  will  have,  a  significant  effect  on  the
company's  total harvest of timber, although they  may  have
such an effect in the future.
 In  addition  to the foregoing, the company is  subject  to
federal, state or provincial, and local air, water and  land
pollution  control,  solid and hazardous  waste  management,
disposal  and remediation laws and regulations in all  areas
in  which  it  has  operations, and to market  demands  with
respect  to  chemical content of some products  and  use  of
recycled fiber.  Compliance with these laws, regulations and
demands  usually involves capital expenditures  as  well  as
operating costs.  The company cannot easily quantify  future
amounts  of  capital expenditures required  to  comply  with
these  laws,  regulations  and demands,  or  the  impact  on
operating   costs,  because  in  some  instances  compliance
standards  have not been developed or have not become  final
or  definitive.   In  addition,  compliance  with  standards
frequently  serves  other  purposes  such  as  extension  of
facility life, increase in capacity, changes in raw material
requirements,  or increase in economic value  of  assets  or
products.    While   it   is  difficult   to   isolate   the
environmental   component  of  most  manufacturing   capital
projects,  the  company estimates that capital  expenditures
for environmental compliance were approximately 8 percent of
total  capital expenditures in 1992 and 1993, and  based  on
its  understanding  of current regulatory requirements,  the
company expects this percentage to increase to approximately
11  percent  in 1994 and to range from 13 to 14  percent  of
total capital expenditures in 1995.
 The  company  is involved in the environmental  remediation
of  numerous sites, including 37 Superfund sites  where  the
company  has been named as a potentially responsible  party.
Some  of  the  sites are on property presently  or  formerly
owned  by  the  company  where  the  company  has  the  sole
obligation  to remediate the site or shares that  obligation
with  one or more parties, and others are third-party  sites
involving  several  parties who have  a  joint  and  several
obligation  to remediate the site.  The company's  liability
with  respect  to  these sites ranges from insignificant  at
some  to  substantial at others, depending on the  quantity,
toxicity and nature of materials deposited by the company at
the site and, with respect to some sites, the number and
economic viability of the other responsible parties.
 The  company spent $24 million in 1992 and $57  million  in
1993,   and  expects  to  spend  $45  million  in  1994   on
environmental  remediation  of  these  sites.  It   is   the
company's  policy  to  accrue for environmental  remediation
costs when it is determined that it is probable that such an
obligation  exists and the amount of the obligation  can  be
reasonably   estimated.    Based  on   currently   available
information and analysis, the company believes  that  it  is
reasonably   possible   that  costs  associated   with   all
identified sites may exceed current accruals by amounts that
may   prove  insignificant  or  that  could  range,  in  the
aggregate,  up  to approximately $140 million  over  several
years.   This  estimate of the upper end  of  the  range  of
reasonably  possible additional costs is much  less  certain
than  the estimates upon which accruals are currently  based
and  is  based on assumptions less favorable to the  company
among the range of reasonably possible outcomes.
 The  company  has  completed  a  review  of  all  its  wood
products  facilities for compliance with the  Prevention  of
Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations under the  Clean
Air   Act  and  has  disclosed  PSD  compliance  issues   to
appropriate state agencies and the Environmental  Protection
Agency (EPA) and is negotiating compliance settlements  with
those  agencies.  Based on its understanding of the  current
status  of discussions, the company expects to spend  $30-40
million  of capital for required installations of  emission-
control  equipment  at its wood products  facilities  during
1994-95.   The  company  anticipates  completing  a  similar
review  of  all  its  pulp  and  paper  facilities  for  PSD
compliance in 1994.
 A  new  regulation under Title 5 of the Clean Air Act  will
require  additional operating permits at  many  of  the 
company's manufacturing operations.
Although significant  work
is  required to prepare the permit applications in 1994  and
1995, the company anticipates that it will be able to obtain
the necessary permits.
 As  a  result of advances in measurement technology, minute
amounts of dioxin have been detected in wastewater effluent,
sludges  and pulp from bleached kraft pulp mills,  including
certain  of  the company's mills.  The company  has  changed
operating  procedures,  allocated  capital,  and  made  very
substantial  progress  in  reducing  dioxin  in  the  mills'
sludge, pulp, effluent and ultimate product.
 The  EPA has published proposed regulations, known  as  the
"cluster  rules,"  which would establish maximum  achievable
control  technology  standards  for  non-combustion  sources
under  the  Clean  Air Act, and the development  of  revised
wastewater  effluent limitations under the Clean Water  Act.
The  company's operations are well positioned  to  meet  the
proposed  limits for dioxin.  However, if the cluster  rules
are  adopted as proposed, they will require the  company  to
commit  additional capital to further reduce  air  emissions
and wastewater discharges by 1999.  Preliminary estimates of
that additional capital range as high as $400 million, which
may  further increase the annual percentage of the company's
total  capital  expenditures devoted  to  environmental 
compliance, although that is not anticipated prior to 1996.
Financial Review

1993 versus 1992
Sales and revenues in 1993 were $9.5 billion, an increase of
3 percent over 1992.  Net earnings were $579 million, or
$2.83 per common share, up from 1992 net earnings of $372
million, or $1.83 per common share.  Included in 1993 net
earnings are after-tax gains of:
   -$52  million,  or  $.25  per  common  share,  from   the
extinguishment   of   debt,  which   is   reported   as   an
extraordinary item.
   -$44  million, or $.22 per common share, from the sale  of
the infant diaper business.
   -$36  million, or $.18 per common share, from the sale  of
GNA Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary.
 And  a charge of $20 million, or $.10 per common share,  to
reflect  the  new  1993 federal corporate tax  rate  in  the
company's  deferred and current tax accounts.   This  charge
consists of $.08 per common share due to the effect  of  the
higher  rate  on  the accumulated temporary  differences  at
December 27, 1992, and $.02 per common share related to  the
current year.
 The  net  sales and revenues and related costs and expenses
of real estate and financial services are substantially less
in 1993 as compared with 1992 as a result of the sale of GNA
 During 1993 the company refinanced a significant amount  of
debt,  which  resulted in a short-term increase in  interest
expense.   The  increase in capitalized  interest  over  the
prior year coincides with expanded activity in the company's
major capital projects.
 The  significant  decrease in financial  services  interest
expense  is  due  to  the liquidation of  Republic   Federal
Savings & Loan Association during 1992 and the sale  of  GNA
Corporation in early 1993.  In addition, accelerated  
prepayments  caused by mortgage refinancings significantly 
reduced collateralized mortgage obligation bonds.
 Significant  items in relation to net earnings included  in
other income for 1993 were a $70 million pretax gain on  the
disposal  of  the company's investment in the infant  diaper
business through a public offering in a new company, Paragon
Trade  Brands,  Inc.,  and  the real  estate  and  financial
services  pretax  gain of $42 million on  the  sale  of  GNA
 The  timberlands and wood products operating  earnings  for
1993  were $891 million, an increase of 73 percent over  the
$515  million recorded in 1992.  Prices for logs and  lumber
continue to exceed 1992 levels due to increasing demand  for
housing construction materials and raw material supply 
shortages resulting from reduced harvests in the Western
public forests.
 The  pulp  and  paper products segment had  a  $61  million
operating  profit  in  1993, significantly  below  the  $251
million posted in 1992.  Prices for most of the products  in
this  segment  continue  to  be at  levels  well  below  the
previous year.  The personal care products business included
in this segment was divested in the first quarter of 1993.
 The   real  estate  and  financial  services  segments  had
operating earnings of $94 million in 1993 compared with  $81
million in 1992.
 As  a  part  of the GNA Corporation sales transaction,  the
company assumed $225 million of GNA debt.

1992 versus 1991
Sales and revenues in 1992 were $9.3 billion, up 6 percent
from 1991.  Net earnings were $372 million, or $1.83 per
common share, compared with a 1991 loss of $162 million, or
$.80 per common share.  1991 results reflected an after-tax
special-items charge to earnings of $344 million.  1992
research and development expenses decreased 24 percent from
1991 as a result of the implementation of certain of the
company's restructuring and business improvement plans.
Interest expense incurred for 1992 was down by $68 million,
or 14 percent, primarily due to the dissolution of the
company's savings and loan operations in Southern California
during the year.  Significant changes in other income in
1992, compared with 1991, included a $25 million partial
settlement accrued in 1992 with respect to a lawsuit for the
refund of federal income taxes, and earnings of $2 million
in the company's real estate joint-venture and limited-
partnership activities in 1992, after losses of $17 million
in 1991, attributable to the restructuring or sale of a
number of these investments.


 In  1992  the  company  purchased  two  pulp  mills,  three
sawmills,  timberlands in Georgia, and a  forest  management
license in Alberta, Canada, from Procter & Gamble.
 The  1992  timberlands and wood products operating earnings
were $515 million, compared with $155 million in 1991, which
included  a  restructuring charge  of  $152  million.   This
segment posted near-record earnings in the year with  strong
raw  material  and  converted  wood  products  prices.   The
curtailment of wood supply from public lands in the  western
United States, along with increased demand generated by  the
slowly  improving U.S. economy, exerted upward  pressure  on
the  value of wood products in both the domestic and  export
 Pulp  and  paper  products  operating  earnings  were  $251
million for 1992, compared with $108 million in the previous
year, which included a restructuring charge of $129 million.
While pulp pricing showed some temporary strength due to the
mid-year  strike in the company's Canadian pulp  mills,  the
overall trend from a year ago was down.  Newsprint and paper
suffered continued weak prices throughout 1992.
 Real  estate  posted operating earnings of $13  million  in
1992  after recording a loss of $175 million in 1991,  which
included a $155 million restructuring charge.
 Financial  services operating earnings were $68 million  in
1992,  up  13 percent from the 1991 results of $60  million.
While  this segment benefited from lower interest rates  for
most  of  the  year, earnings were affected as a  result  of
reduced   investment  returns.   The  dissolution   of   the
company's wholly owned subsidiary Republic Federal Savings &
Loan  Association,  which  operated  primarily  in  Southern
California, was completed during 1992.

1991 versus 1990
Sales and revenues in 1991 were $8.8 billion, down 3 percent
from 1990.  The net loss was $162 million, or $.80 per
common share, down from 1990 earnings of $394 million, or
$1.87 per common share.  The 1991 net loss included an after-
tax special-items charge of $344 million, or $1.70 per
share.  (See Notes 1, 2 and 24 of Notes to Financial
 The $344 million special-items charge included:
  -Implementation of two accounting pronouncements  relating
to postretirement benefits and income taxes.  The net effect
of  the  two pronouncements was a charge of $61 million,  or
$.30 per common share.
  -A  special charge to operations of $283 million, or $1.40
per common share, related to the following:

                                                     Pretax    After-tax
 Sharper contractions in public timber supply
   in the Northwest, causing early closure of some
   manufacturing plants and contributing to losses
   from contractual obligations                      $  95         $  60
 Modernization and/or closure of certain facilities
   with environmental and operational
   deficiencies to achieve updated business
   improvement plans                                    92            58
 Severance and outplacement costs associated
   with closures and realignment of the company's
   support functions                                    21            13
 Environmental remediation costs (including costs
   associated with "Superfund" solid waste
   disposal sites, company-owned facilities
   requiring remediation or removal of underground
   storage tanks, and sites previously owned by the
   company where it has retained an environ-
   mental cleanup liability)                            82            52
                                                       290           183
Real estate and financial services:
 Losses associated with real estate land values and
   partnerships that were affected by the U.S.
   recession, which was longer and deeper
   than expected                                       155           100
                                                      $445          $283

 Timberlands and wood products operating earnings  for  1991
were  $155 million compared with $300 million in 1990.   The
decrease from 1990 in operating earnings was due to  charges
of  $152  million  for special items.   The  improvement  in
operations,  exclusive  of  special-item  charges,  was  due
primarily  to  improvement in manufacturing  efficiency  and
strength  in  wood products prices reflecting concern  about
the impact, on raw materials supply, of the restrictions  on
the  harvest  of  public  timber in the  Northwest  and  was
accomplished  in spite of an economic climate that  included
the  lowest rate of U.S. housing starts since World  War  II
and Japanese housing starts down 20 percent from 1990.
 Pulp  and  paper products operating earnings for 1991  were
$108 million, down 78 percent from 1990.  Earnings in all of
the  company's major pulp and paper products businesses were
severely  impacted by significant price erosion  during  the
year  and  by a $129 million charge for special  items.   In
pulp,  paper  and containerboard, real prices reached  their
lowest  levels since the mid-'80s.  Real prices for uncoated
paper and newsprint were at their lowest points in 20 years.
 Real  estate  lost  $175 million in 1991 including  a  $155
million  charge for special items, down from the $35 million
earned  in  1990.   In addition to the special  items,  1991
results  were  heavily  impacted by the  low  rate  of  U.S.
housing starts and the capital-constrained banking industry,
which  made  it very difficult for home builders  to  obtain
project  financing and to sell finished commercial projects.
The  company's continuing real estate operations are engaged
primarily in single-family home construction.  The operating
profits  from real estate's continuing operations were  more
than  offset by losses and reserves relating to discontinued
operations, joint ventures and limited partnerships.
 Financial  services operating earnings for  1991  were  $60
million,  up  28  percent  from  1990.   Financial  services
businesses, consisted principally of GNA Corporation,  which
specialized in the sale of annuities and mutual funds to the
customers   of   financial  institutions,  and  Weyerhaeuser
Mortgage   Company,   a  multi-state  residential   mortgage
originator and servicer, posted record profits for the year.

Capital Resources and Liquidity
The company's financial position in 1993 remained strong as
it generated $982 million of cash flow from operations
before changes in working capital.  Cash was also generated
from the sale of mortgage-backed securities.  Capital
expenditures amounted to $967 million during the year and
are currently expected to approximate $1.1 billion in 1994;
however, the expenditures could be increased or decreased as
a consequence of future economic conditions.  The company
had approximately $600 million in capital expenditures com-
mitted on major projects at year-end 1993, representing con-
struction activities at its Longview, Wash., and Plymouth,
N.C., pulp and paper facilities.

Cash  flow from operations before changes in working capital
by business segment (millions):

Business Segment                 1993   1992     1991
Timberlands and wood products   $1,052 $  668   $ 473
Pulp and paper products            326    513     487
Real estate                         29     42      28
Financial services                  12     80      69
Corporate and other               (437)  (264)   (221)
                                 $ 982 $1,039   $ 836

Recent capital spending, including acquisitions, has been in
the following areas (millions):

Business Segment                  1993   1992       1991
Timberlands and wood products     $241 $  246       $162
Pulp and paper products            652    932        472
Corporate and other                 74     28         29
                                  $967 $1,206       $663

 As  a  matter  of policy, the company is committed  to  the
maintenance  of  a  sound, conservative  capital  structure.
This  commitment  is  based upon  two  considerations:   the
obligation to protect the under-
lying  interests  of its shareholders and lenders,  and  the
desire  to  have  access, at all times, to  major  financial
 The   important  elements  of  the  policy  governing   the
company's capital structure are as follows:
   -To   view   separately   the  capital   structures   of
Weyerhaeuser Company, Weyerhaeuser Real Estate  Company  and
Weyerhaeuser  Financial  Services,  Inc.,  given  the   very
different  nature  of their assets and business  activities.
The  amount  of debt and equity associated with the  capital
structure  of each will reflect the basic earnings capacity,
real  value  and  unique  liquidity characteristics  of  the
assets dedicated to that business.
   -The  combination  of maturing short-term  debt  and  the
structure  of long-term debt will be managed judiciously  to
minimize  liquidity  risk.  Long-term  debt  maturities  are
shown in Notes 16 and 17 of Notes to Financial Statements.
 To   ensure   its  ability  to  meet  future   commitments,
Weyerhaeuser Company, Weyerhaeuser Real Estate  Company  and
Weyerhaeuser  Mortgage Company, a subsidiary of Weyerhaeuser
Financial Services, Inc., have established at year-end  1993
unused bank lines of credit in the maximum aggregate sum  of
approximately  $2.2  billion.  None of  the  entities  is  a
guarantor of the borrowings of the others under any of these
credit facilities.
 Cash  dividends  paid  on common shares  amounted  to  $246
million  in  1993.   Although common  share  dividends  have
exceeded our target payout ratio in recent years, it is  the
company's intent, over time, to pay dividends to its  common
shareholders in a range of 35 to 45 percent of common  share
 During  the  year,  the Accounting and Reporting  Standards
Committee,  comprised  of four outside  directors,  reviewed
with  the  company's  management and  with  its  independent
public  accountants the scope and results of  the  company's
internal  and external audit activities and the adequacy  of
the  company's internal accounting controls.  The  committee
also  reviewed current and emerging accounting and reporting
requirements and practices affecting the company.

Report of Independent Public Accountants

To the shareholders of Weyerhaeuser Company:
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet
of Weyerhaeuser Company (a Washington
corporation) and subsidiaries as of December 26, 1993, and
December 27, 1992, and the related consolidated statements
of earnings, cash flows and shareholders' interest for each
of the three years in the period ended December 26, 1993.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the
company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.
 We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted  auditing standards.  Those standards require  that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements  
are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the  amounts
and  disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also
includes  assessing  the  accounting  principles  used   and
significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as  well   as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We
believe  that our audits provide a reasonable basis for  our
 In  our opinion, the financial statements referred to above
present  fairly,  in  all material respects,  the  financial
position  of  Weyerhaeuser Company and  subsidiaries  as  of
December 26, 1993, and December 27, 1992, and the results of
their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three
years  in  the period ended December 26, 1993, in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles.
 As  explained  in Note 1 of Notes to Financial  Statements,
effective December 31, 1990, the company changed its  method
of  accounting for income taxes and postretirement  benefits
other than pensions.

Seattle, Washington,
February 8, 1994.
                                       ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO.

Consolidated Statement of Earnings

For the three years in the period ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands except per-share figures
                                            1993         1992           1991
 Net sales and revenues:
  Weyerhaeuser                        $8,314,368   $7,743,738     $7,165,844
  Real estate and financial services   1,230,424    1,522,731      1,606,769
 Net sales and revenues                9,544,792    9,266,469      8,772,613
 Costs and expenses:
   Costs of products sold              6,251,612    5,919,199      5,581,388
   Depreciation, amortization and
    fee stumpage                         443,832      446,751        446,282
   Selling, general and
    administrative expenses              592,586      591,845        572,605
   Research and development expenses      44,456       42,981         56,257
   Taxes other than payroll and
    income taxes                         136,897      121,793        120,283
   Restructuring and other
    charges (Note 2)                           _            _        290,000
                                       7,469,383    7,122,569      7,066,815
  Real estate and financial services:
   Costs and operating expenses          835,400      979,478      1,026,546
   Depreciation and amortization          43,099       55,995         55,040
   Selling, general and
    administrative expenses              206,174      252,337        232,055
   Taxes other than payroll and
    income taxes                           9,191       11,700          9,838
   Restructuring and other
    charges (Note 2)                           _            _        155,000
                                       1,093,864    1,299,510      1,478,479
 Total costs and expenses              8,563,247    8,422,079      8,545,294
     Operating  income                   981,545      844,390        227,319
 Interest expense and other:
   Interest  expense  incurred           214,813      189,648        197,337
   Less interest capitalized              23,179       12,845         18,950
   Other income (expense), net (Note 4)   60,339       35,050          9,977
  Real estate and financial services:
   Interest  expense  incurred           172,955      220,677        280,889
   Less interest capitalized (Note 17)    77,646       72,561         67,903
   Other income (expense), net (Note 4)   53,512        8,828        (23,771)
 Earnings (loss) before income taxes,
  extraordinary item and effect of
  accounting changes                     808,453      563,349       (177,848)
 Income taxes before extraordinary
  item and effect of accounting
  changes (Note 5 )                      281,168      191,300        (76,900)
 Earnings (loss) before extraordinary
  item and effect of accounting
  changes                                527,285      372,049       (100,948)
 Extraordinary item, net of
  applicable taxes of $33,732 (Note 6)    52,052            _              _
 Effect  of  accounting
  changes (Note  1)                            _            _        (61,000)
 Net  earnings  (loss)                 $ 579,337    $ 372,049      $(161,948)
 Per common share (Note 1):
 Earnings (loss) before extraordinary
  item and  effect of accounting
  changes                              $   2.58     $    1.83      $    (.50)
 Extraordinary item (Note 6)                .25             _              _
 Effect of accounting changes                 _             _           (.30)
 Net earnings (loss)                   $   2.83     $    1.83      $    (.80)
 Dividends paid                        $   1.20     $    1.20      $    1.20

See notes on pages 52 through 77.


Consolidated Balance Sheet

Dollar amounts in thousands         December 26, 1993   December 27, 1992
  Current assets:
   Cash and short-term investments,
    including restricted deposits
    of  $14,351 and $23,706             $    73,257    $    40,985
   Receivables, less allowances
    of $9,798 and $9,614                    782,507        769,910
   Inventories (Note 9)                     762,471        723,904
   Prepaid expenses                         280,511        168,079
    Total current assets                  1,898,746      1,702,878
  Property and equipment (Note 10)        5,606,072      5,612,220
  Construction in progress                  666,177        322,376
  Timber and timberlands at cost,
   less fee stumpage charged to
   disposals                                604,773        591,610
  Other assets and deferred charges         191,946        208,948
    Total assets                          8,967,714      8,438,032
Real estate and financial services
  Cash and short-term investments,
   including restricted deposits
   of $34,042 and $38,432                    86,598        483,340
  Receivables, less discounts and
   allowances of $6,589 and $5,868          135,347        172,897
  Mortgage and construction notes and
   mortgage loans receivable (Note 12)      830,569        857,963
  Investments (Note 13)                      60,355      5,232,428
  Mortgage-backed certificates and
   restricted deposits (Note 14)            349,757        614,252
  Real estate in process of development,
   less reserves of $29,783
   and $76,920 (Note 11)                    738,597        617,087
  Land being processed for development,
   less reserves of $19,132 and $28,053     699,611        711,129
  Deferred acquisition costs                 39,751        295,314
  Other assets                              730,154        735,961
    Total assets                          3,670,739      9,720,371
                                        $12,638,453    $18,158,403
See notes on pages 52 through 77.


Dollar amounts in thousands        December 26, 1993  December 27, 1992
Liabilities and
 shareholders' interest
  Current liabilities:
   Notes payable                       $     4,624    $     14,684
   Current maturities of senior
    long-term debt                          14,522         113,607
   Accounts payable                        492,040         386,561
   Accrued liabilities (Note 15)           565,002         623,163
    Total current liabilities            1,076,188       1,138,015
  Senior long-term debt (Note 16)        2,997,890       2,658,867
  Convertible subordinated
   debentures (Note 18)                          _         193,035
  Limited recourse income
   debenture (Note 18)                           _         187,963
  Deferred income taxes (Note 5)           904,332         760,876
  Deferred pension and other
   liabilities (Notes 7 and 8)             535,162         511,839
  Minority interest in subsidiaries        109,314          93,476
  Commitments (Note 21)
    Total liabilities                    5,622,886       5,544,071
Real estate and financial services
  Notes and commercial paper               289,038         280,351
  Future annuity and contract reserves           _       5,529,700
  Collateralized mortgage obligation
   bonds (Note 14)                         307,416         543,157
  Long-term debt (Note 17)               1,997,146       2,195,715
  Other liabilities                        455,871         419,420
  Commitments (Note 21)
    Total liabilities                    3,049,471       8,968,343
Shareholders' interest (Note 23):
  Common shares:  authorized 400,000,000
   shares, issued 206,072,890 shares,
   $1.25 par value                         257,591         257,591
  Other capital                            411,096         404,250
  Cumulative translation adjustment        (73,363)        (36,481)
  Retained earnings                      3,391,217       3,057,702
  Treasury common shares,
   at cost: 983,952 and 1,795,595          (20,445)        (37,073)
    Total shareholders' interest         3,966,096       3,645,989
                                       $12,638,453     $18,158,403


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the three years in the
 period ended December 26, 1993
Dollar amounts in thousands                     1993         1992        1991
Cash flows provided by operations:
 Net earnings (loss)                        $ 579,337   $ 372,049   $(161,948)
 Non-cash charges to income:
  Depreciation, amortization and fee stumpage 486,931     502,746     501,322
  Deferred income taxes, net                   93,033     125,300     (43,000)
  Contributions to employee investment plans    2,462      31,577      25,420
  Extraordinary item, including
   current tax benefit                        (90,419)          _           _
  Deferred income taxes on extraordinary item  38,367           _           _
  Effect of accounting change                       _           _     198,000
  Effect of accounting changes-deferred taxes       _           _    (137,000)
  Restructuring and other charges                   _           _     445,000
 Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                 (93,196)   (191,078)     20,060
  Inventories, prepaid expenses, real estate
   and land                                  (246,356)   (174,519)      3,183
  Mortgages held for sale                      22,758     164,686     168,875
  Other liabilities                           177,629     289,041     372,262
 (Gain) loss on disposition of assets         (16,352)      9,868       7,776
 Gain on sales of businesses                 (111,750)     (2,742)          _
 Other                                         18,826     (17,222)    (67,451)
Net cash provided by operations               861,270   1,109,706   1,332,499
Cash flows from investing in the business:
 Property and equipment                      (926,899)   (574,715)   (647,887)
 Timber and timberlands                       (40,582)    (41,436)    (15,484)
 Mortgage  and  investment
  securities  acquired                       (776,424) (4,556,619) (1,765,701)
 Acquisition of businesses                          _    (589,363)          _
 Proceeds from sale of:
  Property and equipment                       53,710      55,362      51,259
  Businesses                                  615,784           _      22,668
  Mortgage  and  investment  securities       509,982   4,276,056   1,280,131
 Other                                        (25,393)    (18,215)    (50,227)
Net  cash  flows  from investing
 in the business                             (589,822) (1,448,930) (1,125,241)
Cash flows from financing activities:
 Sale of debentures, notes
  and CMO bonds                             1,290,889     782,116     847,002
 Sale of industrial revenue bonds             135,400     151,840      40,900
 Savings deposits, net                              _    (618,467)   (142,465)
 Notes and commercial paper borrowings, net  (659,939)    421,435    (445,004)
 Sales of receivables                               _           _      64,417
 Proceeds  from  issuance of
  investment  contracts                        60,943     430,566     566,469
 Cash dividends on common shares             (245,822)   (243,965)   (241,814)
 Intercompany cash dividends on common shares       _           _           _
 Payments on debentures, notes, bank credit
  agreements, income debenture, capital
  leases and CMO bonds                     (1,243,094)   (692,725)   (502,554)
 Exercise of stock options                     20,571      27,060       4,438
 Other                                          5,134     (10,231)      2,003
Net cash flows from financing activities     (635,918)    247,629     193,392
Net increase (decrease) in cash and
 short-term investments                      (364,470)    (91,595)    400,650
Cash and short-term investments at
 beginning of year                            524,325     615,920     215,270
Cash  and  short-term investments
 at end of  year                           $  159,855  $  524,325  $  615,920
Cash paid (received) during the year for:
 Interest, net of amount capitalized       $  306,050  $  331,832  $  376,154
 Income taxes                              $  158,002 $   (17,900) $   73,250

See notes on pages 52 through 77.


                                                   Real Estate and
             Weyerhaeuser Company                 Financial Services
        ------------------------------        ------------------------------

        1993          1992        1991        1993         1992         1991

 $   511,594  $    332,043 $   (89,185) $   67,743  $    40,006 $    (72,763)
     443,832       446,751     446,282      43,099       55,995       55,040
     107,591        97,192      (6,530)    (14,558)      28,108      (36,470)
       2,462        31,577      25,420           _            _            _

     (90,419)            _           _           _            _            _
      38,367             _           _           _            _            _
           _             _     187,000           _            _       11,000
           _             _    (122,505)          _            _      (14,495)
           _             _     290,000           _            _      155,000
     (55,155)     (120,186)      5,606     (38,041)     (70,892)      14,454
    (164,475)      (31,551)    (30,341)    (81,881)    (142,968)      33,524
           _             _           _      22,758      164,686      168,875
      61,971       (78,407)     66,676     115,658      367,448      305,586
      (2,741)        9,509       8,476     (13,611)         359         (700)
     (70,199)            _           _     (41,551)      (2,742)           _
      34,325         7,789      27,514     (15,499)     (25,011)     (94,965)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     817,153       694,717     808,413      44,117      414,989      524,086
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (907,155)     (564,200)   (636,884)    (19,744)     (10,515)     (11,003)
     (40,582)      (41,436)    (15,484)          _            _            _

           _             _           _    (776,424)  (4,556,619)  (1,765,701)
           _      (589,363)          _           _            _            _
      26,954        52,034      47,703      26,756        3,328        3,556
     204,100             _      22,668     411,684            _            _
           _             _           _     509,982    4,276,056    1,280,131
      (5,675)       58,942      (6,460)    (19,718)     (77,157)     (43,767)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  

    (722,358)   (1,084,023)   (588,457)    132,536     (364,907)    (536,784)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     930,882       117,451     633,755     360,007      664,665      213,247
     135,400       151,840      40,900           _            _            _
           _             _           _           _     (618,467)    (142,465)
    (519,837)      503,813    (585,773)   (140,102)     (82,378)     140,769
           _             _      64,417           _            _            _

           _             _           _      60,943      430,566      566,469
    (245,822)     (243,965)   (241,814)          _            _            _
     435,000        22,300      23,000    (435,000)     (22,300)     (23,000)
    (823,851)     (222,783)    (78,654)   (419,243)    (469,942)    (423,900)
      20,571        27,060       4,438           _            _            _
       5,134       (10,231)       (675)          _            _        2,678
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (62,523)      345,485    (140,406)   (573,395)     (97,856)     333,798
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      32,272       (43,821)     79,550    (396,742)     (47,774)     321,100
      40,985        84,806       5,256     483,340      531,114      210,014
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  $   73,257  $     40,985  $   84,806  $   86,598   $  483,340  $   531,114
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $  203,618  $    181,630  $  160,157  $  102,432   $  150,202  $   215,997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $  161,236  $    (10,138) $   26,056  $   (3,234)  $   (7,762) $    47,194
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Interest

                                                            Number of Common
                                                           Shares Outstanding

For the three years in the period ended December 26, 1993   Issued   Treasury

  Balance at December 30, 1990                        206,072,890  4,938,461
   Net loss                                                      _          _
   Cash dividends:
    Common - $1.20 a share                                       _          _
   Translation adjustment                                        _          _
   Stock options exercised                                       _   (199,080)
   Contributions to employee
    investment plans                                             _   (946,124)
   Purchases of treasury common shares                           _     22,563
   Other transactions, net                                       _     (1,449)
  Balance at December 29, 1991                         206,072,890  3,814,371
   Net earnings                                                  _          _
   Cash dividends:
    Common - $1.20 a share                                       _          _
   Translation adjustment                                        _          _
   Stock options exercised                                       _ (1,096,140)
   Contributions to employee
    investment plans                                             _   (919,535)
   Other transactions, net                                       _     (3,101)
  Balance at December 27, 1992                         206,072,890  1,795,595
   Net earnings                                                  _          _
   Cash dividends:
    Common - $1.20 a share                                       _          _
   Translation adjustment                                        _          _
   Stock options exercised                                       _   (744,206)
   Contributions to employee
    investment plans                                             _    (59,367)
   Other transactions, net                                       _     (8,070)
  Balance at December 26, 1993                         206,072,890    983,952

See notes on pages 52 through 77.


                 Dollar Amounts in Thousands
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Cumulative               Treasury             Total
   Common  Other Capital Translation    Retained     Common     Shareholders'
   Shares         Common   Adjustment   Earnings     Shares          Interest
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$ 257,591     $  380,975   $  (6,373) $3,333,380 $(101,769)        $3,863,804
        _              _           _    (161,948)        _           (161,948)

        _              _           _    (241,814)        _           (241,814)
        _              _         (80)          _         _                (80)
        _            334           _           _     4,104              4,438

        _          5,914           _           _    19,506             25,420
        _              _           _           _      (511)              (511)
        _             29           _           _        30                 59
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  257,591        387,252      (6,453)  2,929,618   (78,640)         3,489,368
        _              _           _     372,049         _            372,049

        _              _           _    (243,965)        _           (243,965)
        _              _     (30,028)          _         _            (30,028)
        _          4,501           _           _    22,559             27,060

        _         12,603           _           _    18,974             31,577
        _           (106)          _           _        34                (72)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  257,591        404,250     (36,481)  3,057,702   (37,073)         3,645,989
        _              _           _     579,337         _            579,337

        _              _           _    (245,822)        _           (245,822)
        _              _     (36,882)          _         _            (36,882)
        _          5,138           _           _    15,433             20,571

        _          1,236           _           _     1,226              2,462
        _            472           _           _       (31)               441
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ 257,591     $  411,096   $ (73,363) $3,391,217  $(20,445)        $3,966,096
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Notes to Financial Statements

For  the three years in the period ended December 26,  1993.
(Dollar amounts in thousands except per-share figures.)
Summary of Significant Accounting and Reporting Policies
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts
of Weyerhaeuser Company and all of its majority-owned
domestic and foreign subsidiaries.  Significant intercompany
transactions and accounts are eliminated.
 Certain of the consolidated financial state-
ments and notes to financial statements are pre-
sented   in   two   groupings:   (1)  Weyerhaeuser   Company
(Weyerhaeuser, or the company), which is principally engaged
in the growing and harvesting of timber and the manufacture,
distribution  and  sale  of forest products,  and  (2)  Real
estate  and  financial services, which includes Weyerhaeuser
Real Estate Company (WRECO), which is involved in real
estate   development  and  construction,  and   Weyerhaeuser
Financial Services, Inc. (WFS),
whose   principal  subsidiaries  are  Weyerhaeuser  Mortgage
Company   (WMC)   and   Mortgage  Securities   Corporations.
Republic Federal Savings & Loan Association (RFS&LA), a  sub
sidiary  of WFS, was dissolved in 1992, and GNA Corporation,
a subsidiary of WFS, was sold in April 1993.

Net Earnings (Loss) Per Common Share
Net earnings (loss) per common share are based on the
weighted average number of common shares outstanding during
the respective periods.  Average common equivalent shares
(stock options) outstand-
ing have not been included, as the computation would not be
dilutive.  Weighted average common shares outstanding were
204,866,000, 203,373,000 and 201,578,000 for the years ended
December 26, 1993, December 27, 1992, and December 29, 1991,
 Fully   diluted   earnings-per-share   amounts   are    not
applicable because the effect of the conversion of the stock
options is not dilutive.

Accounting Changes
During the fourth quarter of 1991, the company implemented,
effective with the first quarter of 1991, Statements of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 96, "Accounting
for Income Taxes," and No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for
Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions."  The effect of
the implementation of SFAS No. 96 was an increase in net
earnings of $64,000 ($.32 per common share).  The effect of
the implementation of SFAS No. 106 for the company's U.S.
operations was a charge to net earnings of $198,000 less
related tax effect of $73,000, or $125,000 ($.62 per common
 SFAS  No.  106  is  expected  to  be  implemented  for  the
company's  wholly owned subsidiary Weyerhaeuser Canada  Ltd.
(WCL)  in  the first quarter of 1995.  The company  believes
that  the  future implementation of this pronouncement  will
not  have  a significant impact on the company's results  of
operations or its financial position.
 In  February 1992, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB)  issued SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income  Taxes,"
superseding  SFAS No. 96, but reaffirming  the  use  of  the
liability  method.  The company reviewed the  provisions  of
SFAS  No.  109  and determined that it did not  require  any
significant   adjustments  to  the  deferred  tax   accounts
previously reported under SFAS No. 96.  Effective  with  the
beginning   of  the  1992  fiscal  year,  the   company   is
determining its income tax accounts in accordance with  SFAS
No. 109.
 In November 1992, the FASB issued SFAS
No. 112, "Employers' Accounting for Postemploy-
ment Benefits," to be effective for fiscal years begin-
ning after December 15, 1993.  The company believes that the
future implementation of this pronouncement will not have  a
significant impact on the company's results of operations or
its financial position.

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market.  Cost
includes labor, materials and production overhead.  The last-
in, first-out (LIFO) method is used to cost the majority of
domestic raw materials, in process and finished goods
inventories; either the first-in, first-out (FIFO) or
average cost method is used to cost all other inventories.
Had the FIFO method


been used to cost all inventories, the amounts at which
product inventories are stated would have been $238,560 and
$203,859 greater at December 26, 1993, and December 27,
1992, respectively.

Property and Equipment
The company's property accounts are maintained on an
individual asset basis.  Betterments and replacements of
major units are capitalized.  Maintenance, repairs and minor
replacements are expensed.  Depreciation is provided
generally on the straight-line or unit-of-production methods
at rates based on estimated service lives.  Amortization of
logging railroads and truck roads is provided generally as
timber is harvested and is based upon rates determined with
reference to the volume of timber estimated to be removed
over such facilities.
 The  cost  and  related depreciation of  property  sold  or
retired  is  removed  from the property  and  allowance  for
depreciation accounts and the gain or loss is recorded.

Timber and Timberlands
Timber and timberlands are carried at cost less fee stumpage
charged to disposals.  Fee stumpage is the cost of standing
timber and is charged to fee timber disposals as fee timber
is harvested, lost as the result of casualty or sold.
Stumpage rates are determined with reference to the cost of
timber and the related volume of timber estimated to be
recoverable.  Timber carrying costs are expensed as

Income Taxes
Under SFAS Nos. 96 and 109, deferred income taxes are
provided to reflect temporary differences between the
financial and tax bases of assets and lia-
bilities using presently enacted tax rates and laws.

Pension Plans
The company has pension plans covering most of its
employees.  The U.S. plan covering salaried employees
provides pension benefits based on the employee's highest
monthly earnings for five consecutive years during the final
10 years before retirement.  Plans covering hourly employees
generally provide benefits of stated amounts for each year
of service.  Contributions to U.S. plans are based on
funding standards established by the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions
In addition to providing pension benefits, the company
provides certain health care and life insurance benefits for
some retired employees and accrues the expected future cost
of these benefits for its current eligible retirees and some
employees.  All of the company's salaried employees and some
hourly employees may become eligible for these benefits when
they retire.

Cash and Short-Term Investments
For purposes of cash flow and fair value reporting (see Note
19), short-term investments with original maturities of 90
days or less are considered as cash equivalents.  Short-term
investments are stated at cost, which approximates market.

Foreign Exchange Contracts
The company enters into foreign exchange contracts as a
hedge for foreign accounts receivable.  Market value gains
and losses are recognized and offset
against foreign exchange gains or losses on the
foreign receivables.

Certain reclassifications have been made to conform prior
years' data to the current format.

Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company
WRECO recognizes income from the sales of single-family
housing units when construction has been completed, required
down payments received and title has passed to the customer.
Income from the sales of multi-family, commercial
properties, developed lots and undeveloped land is
recognized when required down payments are received and
other income recognition criteria are satisfied.
 Real  estate  is  stated  at  the  lower  of  cost  or  net
realizable value.  The determination of net realizable value
is based on WRECO's plans for its property and its financial
ability  to carry out such plans.  Changes in future  market
demand,  interest  rates and company plans  may  affect  net
realizable  value.  Land, land development and  construction
costs, including capitalized carrying costs, are accumulated
and  allocated to individual units in proportion to relative
sales value.


Weyerhaeuser Financial Services
Weyerhaeuser Mortgage Company and its subsidiaries are
primarily engaged in the mortgage banking industry and also
offer insurance services.
  -Mortgage notes held for sale are stated at the  lower  of
cost  or  market, which is computed by the aggregate  method
(unrealized losses are offset by unrealized gains).  Hedging
transactions are entered into to protect the inventory value
from  increases in interest rates.  Hedge positions are also
used to protect the pipeline of loan applications in process
from  increases in interest rates.  Hedging gains and losses
realized  during the commitment and warehousing  period  are
deferred  to  the extent of unrealized gains on the  related
mortgage loans held for sale.
  -The  costs associated with purchasing mortgage  servicing
rights  are deferred.  Excess service fees result from  loan
sales in which WMC retains the loan servicing rights and are
based on the present value of future servicing revenue  less
a  normal  servicing fee, based upon the estimated remaining
life of the loans sold.
 The  Mortgage Securities Corporations were formed  for  the
limited   purpose   of   issuing   collateralized   mortgage
obligation bonds (CMO bonds) secured by Government  National
Mortgage   Association   and   Federal   National   Mortgage
Association  certificates.   The  CMO  bonds  are  the  sole
obligation  of the issuer, and neither the company  nor  any
affiliated company has guaranteed or is otherwise  obligated
with respect to the CMO bonds.
  -The mortgage-backed certificates are carried at par value
adjusted  for  any unamortized discount or  premium.   These
discounts  or  premiums are amortized using  a  method  that
approximates   the  effective  interest  method   over   the
estimated life of the underlying mortgage loans.
  -CMO bonds are carried at unamortized cost.  Discounts and
premiums are amortized using a method that approximates  the
effective interest method over their estimated life.
 In   March   1992,  Republic  Federal  Savings   and   Loan
Association,  which  was a federally chartered  savings  and
loan   institution  that  operated  primarily  in   Southern
California,  sold  the  remainder of  its  branches,  ceased
accepting deposits as a federally chartered savings and loan
institution,  and filed an application with  the  Office  of
Thrift Supervision to undergo a voluntary dissolution, which
was  approved  in  the fourth quarter of 1992.   During  its
   -Interest  income  was  recorded on  the  accrual  method;
however,  interest was not accrued on loans that  were  more
than  90 days contractually delinquent and on certain  other
loans that management felt may not be recoverable.
   -U.S.  government  and other securities  were  carried  at
amortized  cost.   Gains  or  losses  were  recognized  upon
   -Discounts  on loans purchased were amortized into  income
over the expected average loan lives.
 In April 1993, WFS completed the sale of
GNA   Corporation.    As   a  part  of   that   transaction,
Weyerhaeuser assumed $225 million of outstanding  GNA  debt.
GNA Corporation and its life insurance subsidiaries provided
annuities, insurance and securi-
ties  marketed through financial institutions.   During  its
   -Payments  received  on  investment  and  limited  payment
contracts were recorded directly as deposits.
   -Investment income was recorded when earned.
   -Investments  in  bonds  were stated  at  amortized  cost;
mortgage loans and other investments were carried at cost.
   -The liability for future annuity and contract reserves on
single  premium deferred annuities and single premium  whole
life policies was the contract holder's account value.   The
reserve  for  single premium immediate annuity benefits  was
the present value of such benefits.

Restructuring and Other Charges
In the 1991 fourth quarter, the company recorded pretax
restructuring and other charges against earnings of
$445,000, which was necessitated by the following factors:

                                                           Pretax   After-tax
Sharper contractions in public timber supply in the
 Northwest, causing early closure of some
 manufacturing plants and contributing to losses
 from contractual obligations                                 $ 95      $ 60
Modernization and/or closure of certain facilities
 with environmental and operational
 deficiencies to achieve updated business
  improvement plans                                             92         58
Severance and outplacement costs associated
 with closures and realignment of the company's
 support functions                                              21         13
Environmental remediation costs (including
 costs associated with "Superfund" solid waste
 disposal sites, company-owned facilities
  requiring remediation or removal of underground
 storage tanks, and sites previously owned by the
 company where it has retained an environ-
 mental cleanup liability)                                      82         52
                                                               290        183
Real estate and financial services:
Losses associated with real estate land values
 and partnerships that were affected by the U.S.
 recession, which was longer and deeper
  than expected                                                155        100
                                                              $445       $283

Foreign Operations and Export Sales
The following net assets, net sales and net earnings,
related to operations outside the United States, principally
Canada, are included in the company's consolidated financial

                         December 26, 1993 December 27,1992 December 29, 1991
Net assets:
 Working capital                  $100,419      $   111,593          $105,484
 Timber-cutting rights               1,551            2,296             2,494
 Property and equipment, net       852,963          870,581           726,645
 Other assets                       36,419           36,076            46,930
                                   991,352        1,020,546           881,553
Other liabilities                 (231,865)        (417,197)         (441,671)
Net assets                        $759,487      $   603,349          $439,882

                                      1993             1992              1991
Net sales                         $971,937         $875,215          $830,569
Net earnings (loss)                115,793           16,727           (40,808)


 The  company is engaged in the sale of products for  export
from the United States.  These sales consist principally  of
pulp,  newsprint, paperboard, containerboard,  logs,  lumber
and  wood  chips to Japan; pulp, containerboard, lumber  and
plywood to Europe; and logs to China and Korea.  The fol-
lowing  table compares the company's export sales  from  the
United  States to customers in Japan and elsewhere with  its
total net sales and revenues.

                                         1993       1992        1991
Export sales:
 Customers in Japan                $  952,000 $  912,000  $  887,000
 Customers outside Japan              493,000    589,000     663,000
  Total export sales               $1,445,000 $1,501,000  $1,550,000
Total net sales and revenues       $9,545,000 $9,266,000  $8,773,000

Other Income (Expense), Net
Other income (expense), net, is an aggregation of non-
operating income and expense items, both recurring and
occasional, and as a result, fluctuates from period to
period.  No individual income or (expense) item is
significant in relationship to net earnings (loss) other

                                       1993         1992          1991
 Interest income                    $ 7,248      $36,368      $ 18,553
 Loss on abandonments                (9,597)      (9,867)      (12,369)
 Gain on sale of capital assets      12,338        2,307         3,943
 Gain on sale of business            70,199            _             _
Real estate and financial services:
 Interest income                      4,647        4,870         4,603
 Gain on sale of businesses          41,551        2,742             _
 Joint venture and limited
  partnership earnings (losses)      (1,379)       1,916       (17,170)

Income Taxes
Earnings (losses) before income taxes, extraordinary item
and accounting changes are comprised of
the following:

                                   1993         1992          1991
Domestic earnings (losses)     $738,508     $537,354     $(109,752)
Foreign earnings (losses)        69,945       25,995       (68,096)
                               $808,453     $563,349     $(177,848)


Provisions for income taxes include the following:

                                         1993         1992           1991
 Current                             $144,935     $ 46,800      $ (23,100)
 Deferred                              81,700      105,400        (29,700)
                                      226,635      152,200        (52,800)
 Current                               16,500       15,500          3,600
 Deferred                              10,500        9,500         (3,800)
                                       27,000       25,000           (200)
 Current                               26,700        3,700        (14,400)
 Deferred                                 833       10,400         (9,500)
                                       27,533       14,100        (23,900)
Income taxes before extraordinary item
 and accounting changes               281,168      191,300        (76,900)
Income taxes apportionable to
 extraordinary item:
 Current                               (4,635)           _              _
 Deferred                              38,367            _              _
                                       33,732            _              _
Deferred income taxes applicable to the
 cumulative effect of accounting changes:
 SFAS No. 96                                _            _        (64,000)
 SFAS No. 106                               _            _        (73,000)
                                            _            _       (137,000)
                                     $314,900     $191,300      $(213,900)

 The  corporate  income  tax  rate  was  increased  from  34
percent  to 35 percent, retroactive to January 1,  1993,  by
legislation enacted during the third quarter of 1993.   This
change  in tax law increased income taxes in 1993 by $15,400
due  to the effect of the higher tax rate on the accumulated
temporary  differences at December 27, 1992, and $4,500  due
to  the  effect of adjusting the annual effective  tax  rate
used in prior quarters.

A reconciliation between income (losses) taxed at the
federal statutory tax rate and the company's tax provision
before the extraordinary item and accounting changes

                                                   1993       1992       1991
Statutory tax on income (loss) before
 extraordinary item and accounting changes     $282,959   $191,539   $(60,468)
State income taxes, net of federal tax benefit   22,017     19,812     (1,300)
Foreign sales corporations                      (18,550)   (19,566)   (17,834)
Partial settlement - lawsuit                          _     (9,900)         _
Tax rate change - SFAS No. 109                   15,400          _          _
All other, net                                  (20,658)     9,415      2,702
Income taxes before extraordinary item
 and accounting changes                        $281,168   $191,300   $(76,900)



The deferred tax (liabilities) assets are comprised of the

                                       December 26, 1993   December 27, 1992
Depreciation                               $   (998,207)       $   (878,415)
Depletion                                       (86,265)            (79,153)
Capitalized interest and taxes - real
  estate development                            (76,014)            (73,111)
Other                                          (126,471)           (140,442)
Total deferred tax (liabilities)             (1,286,957)         (1,171,121)
Pension and retiree health care                 118,311             111,633
Restructure reserves                             80,354             127,496
Alternative minimum tax credit carryforward      69,619              33,709
Other                                           209,318             213,112
Total deferred tax assets                       477,602             485,950
                                           $   (809,355)       $   (685,171)

 As of December 26, 1993, the company has avail-
able  approximately $70 million of alternative  minimum  tax
credit  carryover, which does not expire, and $7 million  of
investment tax credit carryover in
Canada, expiring as follows:  $1 million in 1997, $4 million
in 1998, and $2 million in 2003.
 The  company intends to reinvest undistributed earnings  of
certain foreign subsidiaries; therefore, no U.S. taxes  have
been  provided.   These earnings totaled approximately  $318
million at the end of 1993.  While it is not practicable  to
determine the income tax liability that would result from re
patriation,  it is estimated that withholding taxes  payable
upon repatriation would approximate $32 million.

Extraordinary Item
In 1993 the company realized a net gain of $52,052 ($85,784
less related tax effect of $33,732) as a result of
extinguishing certain debt obligations.

Pension Plans
Net annual pension cost includes the following components:

                                                  1993      1992        1991
Service cost-benefits earned during the period $38,563  $ 33,745    $ 27,947
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation   92,688    86,295      78,457
Actual return on plan assets                  (279,563) (123,178)   (236,943)
Net amortization and deferrals                 165,494    16,727     143,942
Pension expense due to sales, closures
 and SFAS No. 88                                (1,302)        _           _
                                              $ 15,880  $ 13,589    $ 13,403


The assumptions used were as follows:

                                                  1993        1992       1991
Discount rate                                     7.5%        8.5%      8.75%
Rate of increase in compensation levels           4.5%        6.0%      6.0%
Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets 11.5%       11.5%     11.5%

The following table sets forth the plans' funded status and
amounts recognized in the company's consolidated balance
sheet for its U.S. and Canadian pension plans:

                                                  December 26, 1993
                                           Assets    Accumulated
                                           Exceed       Benefits
                                      Accumulated         Exceed
                                         Benefits         Assets       Total
Accumulated benefit obligation:
 Vested                               $ 1,122,684       $ 20,672 $ 1,143,356
 Non-vested                                24,694            340      25,034
                                      $ 1,147,378       $ 21,012 $ 1,168,390
Projected benefit obligation            1,270,151         21,542   1,291,693
Fair value of plan assets              (1,292,344)       (17,755) (1,310,099)
Unrecognized prior service cost           (39,271)        (2,794)    (42,065)
Unrecognized net gain                     105,695          2,643     108,338
Unrecognized net transition asset          42,272         (2,158)     40,114
Additional liability                            _            276         276
Accrued pension cost                  $    86,503       $  1,754 $    88,257

                                                   December 27, 1992
                                           Assets    Accumulated
                                           Exceed       Benefits
                                      Accumulated         Exceed
                                         Benefits         Assets       Total
Accumulated benefit obligation:
 Vested                              $    680,729    $   258,839  $  939,568
 Non-vested                                16,236          2,071      18,307
                                     $    696,965    $   260,910  $  957,875
Projected benefit obligation         $    834,204    $   261,681  $1,095,885
Fair value of plan assets                (848,599)      (242,145) (1,090,744)
Unrecognized prior service cost           (10,640)       (12,241)    (22,881)
Unrecognized net gain                      42,191         12,336      54,527
Unrecognized net transition asset          50,189           (367)     49,822
Additional liability                            _          2,859       2,859
Accrued pension cost                 $     67,345    $    22,123  $   89,468

                                                   December 29, 1991
                                           Assets    Accumulated
                                           Exceed       Benefits
                                      Accumulated         Exceed
                                         Benefits         Assets       Total
Accumulated benefit obligation:
 Vested                                $  638,462    $   244,606 $   883,068
 Non-vested                                17,668            940      18,608
                                       $  656,130    $   245,546 $   901,676
Projected benefit obligation           $  784,053    $   245,546 $ 1,029,599
Fair value of plan assets                (764,181)      (217,911)   (982,092)
Unrecognized prior service cost            (8,547)       (13,689)    (22,236)
Unrecognized net gain                      30,450         16,980      47,430
Unrecognized net transition asset          57,362         (1,247)     56,115
Additional liability                            _          5,112       5,112
Accrued pension cost                   $   99,137    $    34,791 $   133,928

 The  assets of the U.S. and Canadian pension plans,  as  of
December  26, 1993, consist of a highly diversified  mix  of
marketable  securities,  real  estate  and  private   equity
 Approximately  1,700  employees  are  covered   by   union-
administered  multi-employer  pension  plans  to  which  the
company  makes negotiated contributions based  generally  on
fixed amounts per hour per employee.  Contributions to these
plans  were  $5,780 in 1993, $4,606 in 1992  and  $4,372  in

Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions
The company sponsors defined benefit postretirement plans
that provide medical and life insurance coverage as follows:
   -Two  salaried  retiree  medical  plans  that  cover  sub-
stantially  all  salaried employees  who  retire  under  the
company's retirement plan and their spouses.  Plan I  covers
those  retired or eligible to retire as of January 1,  1990,
and  provides full health coverage.  Plan II includes  those
salaried employees not eligible for Plan I, under which  the
company  provides a fixed dollar amount per year of  service
toward  the  premium, with the retiree paying the remainder.
The  company  reserves the right to revise the fixed  dollar
   -An  hourly retiree medical plan that covers approximately
3,700  active hourly employees and their spouses.  For some,
the  coverage  stops at age 65, while others  have  lifetime
coverage.   In some units the retiree must pay a portion  of
the premium, while in others the company pays the full cost.
There  are approximately 1,000 retired hourly employees  and
their spouses currently covered under these programs.
   -A  salaried retiree life insurance plan that starts at 80
percent  of salary at retirement and reduces to six thousand
dollars  in 20 percent increments.  Approximately 5,200  per-
sons  who  are  retired or were eligible  to  retire  as  of
December 31, 1991, are subject to a different schedule.
   -An  hourly  retiree life insurance plan in which approxi-
mately  11,000  active  hourly employees  are  eligible  and
approximately 2,000 hourly retirees have coverage.  Most  of
these  are covered by fixed dollar amount coverage  that  is
graded  down  after retirement.  Some units have pay-related
insurance on which the company pays the full cost.

The following table sets forth the plans' combined accrued
postretirement benefit costs for its U.S. operations as of
December 26, 1993, December 27, 1992, and December 29, 1991:

                                               December 26, 1993
                                            Health        Other        Total
Accumulated postretirement
benefit obligation:
 Retirees                                $ 127,791     $ 21,945    $ 149,736
 Fully eligible and other active
  plan participants                         96,219       11,661      107,880
                                           224,010       33,606      257,616
Unrecognized actuarial gain/(loss)         (30,371)        (951)     (31,322)
Accrued postretirement benefit cost      $ 193,639     $ 32,655    $ 226,294

                                                    December 27, 1992
                                            Health       Other         Total
Accumulated postretirement
benefit obligation:
 Retirees                                $ 136,808    $ 21,157     $ 157,965
 Fully eligible and other active
  plan participants                         82,970      10,472        93,442
                                           219,778      31,629       251,407
Unrecognized actuarial gain/(loss)         (32,220)          8       (32,212)
Accrued postretirement benefit cost      $ 187,558    $ 31,637     $ 219,195


                                                     December 29, 1991
                                            Health       Other         Total
Accumulated postretirement
 benefit obligation:
 Retirees                                $ 119,109    $ 18,834     $ 137,943
 Fully eligible and other active
  plan participants                         66,393      13,054        79,447
                                           185,502      31,888       217,390
Unrecognized actuarial gain/(loss)         (10,364)     (1,526)      (11,890)
Accrued postretirement benefit cost      $ 175,138    $ 30,362     $ 205,500

Net annual postretirement benefit costs included the
following components:

                                             Health     Other       Total
Service cost-benefits attributed to
 service during the period                 $  3,547   $   626    $  4,173
Interest cost on accumulated post-
 retirement benefit obligation               16,466     2,538      19,004
Amortization of loss/(gain)                       _        47          47
Net postretirement benefit cost            $ 20,013   $ 3,211    $ 23,224

                                             Health     Other       Total
Service cost-benefits attributed to
 service during the period                 $  3,513   $   584    $  4,097
Interest cost on accumulated post-
 retirement benefit obligation               17,700     2,574      20,274
Amortization of loss/(gain)                   1,003       (49)        954
Net postretirement benefit cost            $ 22,216   $ 3,109    $ 25,325

                                             Health     Other      Total
Service cost-benefits attributed to
 service during the period                 $  2,478   $   659   $  3,137
Interest cost on accumulated post-
 retirement benefit obligation               15,169     2,635     17,804
Amortization of loss/(gain)                       _         _          _
Net postretirement benefit cost            $ 17,647   $ 3,294   $ 20,941

 For  measurement  purposes, a 12.0, 11.5 and  11.0  percent
annual rate of increase in the per
capita cost of covered health care benefits was assumed  for
1991,  1992  and 1993, respectively; the rate is assumed  to
decrease  by 0.5 percent annually to a level of 6.0  percent
for the year 2003 and all years thereafter.  The effect of a
one  percent increase in the assumed health care cost  trend
rates  would increase the accumulated postretirement benefit
obligation as of December 26, 1993, by 11.8 percent, and the
aggregate of the service and interest cost components of net
annual postretirement benefit cost for 1993 by 14.0 percent.
Other assumptions used were as follows:

                                          1993      1992      1991
Discount rate                             7.5%      8.5%      8.5%
Rate of increase in compensation levels:
 Salaried                                 4.5%      6.0%      6.0%
 Hourly                                   3.0%      3.0%      3.0%


Inventories consist of the following:

                                        December 26, 1993  December 27, 1992
Logs and chips                                 $  103,195         $   83,563
Lumber, plywood and panels                         92,488             84,247
Pulp, newsprint and paper                         124,131            111,664
Containerboard, paperboard and containers          70,915             80,528
Other products                                    121,949             95,705
Materials and supplies                            249,793            268,197
                                               $  762,471         $  723,904

NOTE 10:
Property and Equipment

                                        December 26, 1993  December 27, 1992
Property and equipment, at cost:
 Land                                        $    157,611        $   152,632
 Buildings and improvements                     1,416,740          1,395,142
 Machinery and equipment                        7,839,070          7,768,170
 Rail and truck roads and other                   620,136            609,033
                                               10,033,557          9,924,977   
Less allowance for depreciation and
 amortization                                   4,427,485          4,312,757
                                             $  5,606,072        $ 5,612,220

NOTE 11:
Real Estate in Process of Development
Real estate in process of development includes the

                                        December 26, 1993  December 27, 1992
Dwelling units:
 Completed                                     $  105,777          $ 108,801
 Under construction                               153,734            116,265
Residential lots:
 Developed                                         71,611             88,393
 Under development                                184,302            138,425
Commercial lots:
 Developed                                         66,620             73,063
 Under development                                 77,050             49,391
Commercial projects:
 Completed                                          3,005              7,578
 Under construction                                14,533             47,480
Acreage listed for sale                            88,912             62,996
Other inventories                                   2,836              1,615
                                                  768,380            694,007
Less reserves                                      29,783             76,920
                                                $ 738,597          $ 617,087


NOTE 12:
Mortgage and Construction Notes and Mortgage Loans
Mortgage and construction notes and mortgage loans
receivable are summarized as follows:

                                      December 26, 1993    December 27, 1992
Mortgage notes held for sale                 $  520,634           $  475,447
Construction mortgage notes                      43,732               61,069
Mortgage loans receivable:
 First mortgages                                 44,318               52,613
 Second trust deeds                               3,100                1,880
 FHA-VA insured loans                            14,014               13,361
 Income property loans                          224,271              272,491
 Other loans, net                                 1,536                  693
                                                851,605              877,554
Less allowance for loan losses                   21,036               19,591
                                             $  830,569           $  857,963

NOTE 13:
Investments are as follows:

                                      December 26, 1993    December 27, 1992
U.S. treasury securities and obligations of
 U.S. government corporations and agencies    $       _          $    68,054
State and political subdivision obligations           _                8,500
Foreign government debt securities                    _                6,250
Corporate securities                                  _            2,425,421
Mortgage-backed securities                        2,940            1,655,679
Mortgage loans                                   41,651            1,057,361
Other                                            15,764               11,163
                                              $  60,355          $ 5,232,428

Debt securities held as assets are as follows:

                                              Gross       Gross
                              Amortized  Unrealized  Unrealized
                                   Cost       Gains      Losses   Fair Value
December 26, 1993:
Mortgage-backed securities    $ 290,540    $ 19,543    $   (870) $   309,213
December 27, 1992:
U.S. treasury securities and
 obligations of U.S. government
 corporations and agencies    $  68,054    $  1,706    $ (1,465) $    68,295
State and political subdivision
 obligations                      8,500         475           _        8,975
Foreign government debt
 securities                       6,250           _        (101)       6,149
Corporate securities          2,425,421      63,700     (16,875)   2,472,246
Mortgage-backed securities    2,145,036      66,263     (43,971)   2,167,328
                             $4,653,261   $ 132,144   $ (62,412) $ 4,722,993

 Debt  securities  held  as  assets include  mortgage-backed
certificates,  net  of  unamortized discounts  or  premiums,
pledged  as  collateral for the CMO bonds totaling  $287,600
and  $489,357 at December 26, 1993, and December  27,  1992,
 The  amortized  cost  and estimated market  value  of  debt
securities  by  contractual  maturity  are  shown   in   the
following  table.   Expected  maturities  will  differ  from
contractual maturities because borrowers may have the  right
to call or prepay obligations with or without penalties.

                               December 26, 1993       December 27, 1992
                           ---------------------   --------------------------
                           Amortized               Amortized
                                Cost  Fair Value        Cost       Fair Value
Due in one year or less     $      _   $       _  $   85,103      $    86,898
Due after one year
 through five years                _           _   1,540,361        1,582,569
Due after five years
 through ten years                 _           _     835,729          837,584
Due after ten years                _           _      47,032           48,614
                                   _           _   2,508,225        2,555,665
Mortgage-backed securities   290,540     309,213   2,145,036        2,167,328
                            $290,540   $ 309,213  $4,653,261      $ 4,722,993

 Proceeds from sales of investments in debt securities  were
$15,052 in 1993, $31,917 in 1992 and $34,633 in 1991.  Gross
gains  of $1,426 in 1993, $2,973 in 1992 and $1,491 in  1991
and   gross  losses  of  $122  in  1991  were  realized   on
those sales.

NOTE 14:
Mortgage-Backed Certificates and Restricted Deposits, and
Collateralized Mortgage Obligation Bonds
Mortgage-backed certificates and restricted deposits are as

                                       December 26, 1993    December 27, 1992
Mortgage-backed certificates,
 including accrued interest                    $ 290,545            $ 495,117
Trust deeds, including accrued interest           19,155               63,526
Restricted deposits                               40,658               57,791
Unamortized discount, net                           (601)              (2,182)
                                               $ 349,757            $ 614,252

 The  mortgage-backed  certificates,  trust  deeds  and  the
restricted  deposits  are  pledged  as  collateral  for  the
collateralized mortgage obligation bonds.  These assets  are
held   by   banks  as  trustees.   Principal  and   interest
collections  on  the  certificates  are  used  to  meet  the
interest  payments  and to reduce the outstanding  principal
balance of the bonds.
Collateralized mortgage obligation bonds are as follows:

                                         December 26, 1993  December 27, 1992
CMO bonds with maturities ranging from
 2003 to 2019, weighted average interest
 rates are approximately 9.2%                   $  318,012         $  563,405
Unamortized discount                               (10,596)           (20,248)
                                                $  307,416         $  543,157

Bond principal payments during the next five years are:

1994                  $ 68,304
1995                    49,812
1996                    37,013
1997                    27,705
1998                    20,955

 The  above  maturities are calculated based on  anticipated
prepayments  on  the  certificates.   The  bonds   are   the
obligation  of the issuer, and neither the company  nor  any
affiliated company has guar-
anteed or is otherwise obligated with respect to the bonds.

NOTE 15:
Accrued Liabilities
Accrued liabilities are as follows:

                                          December 26, 1993 December 27, 1992
Payroll - wages and salaries, incentive
 awards, retirement, vacation pay and
 severance pay                                   $  239,434         $ 235,052
Taxes - social security and real and
 personal property                                   58,952            53,434
Interest                                             66,967            48,189
Other                                               199,649           286,488
                                                 $  565,002         $ 623,163


NOTE 16:
Senior Long-Term Debt
Senior long-term debt obligations, including the current
portion, are as follows:

                                       December 26, 1993   December 27, 1992
Sinking fund debentures:
 8 5/8% issued 1970                            $       _           $  25,907
 8.90% issued 1974                                     _              82,399
 7.95% issued 1976                                     _             119,840
8 3/8% debentures due 2007                       150,000             150,000
7.50% debentures due 2013                        250,000                   _
7.25% debentures due 2013                        250,000                   _
7 1/8% debentures due 2023                       250,000                   _
9 3/8% notes due 1998                            150,000             150,000
9 1/4% notes due 1995                            200,000             200,000
9.05% notes due 2003                             200,000             200,000
9.36% notes due 1995                             100,000                   _
7.28% note due 1996                               40,000                   _
8.50% notes                                            _              25,000
Industrial revenue bonds, rates from
 2.7% (variable) to 10.0% (fixed),
 due 1994-2028                                   467,085             406,240
Medium-term notes, rates from
 6.43% to 8.98%, due 1996-2005                   427,850             387,850
Commercial paper/credit agreements               378,727             898,565
Other                                            148,750             126,673
                                               3,012,412           2,772,474
Less portion due within one year                  14,522             113,607
                                             $ 2,997,890         $ 2,658,867

Senior long-term debt maturities during the next five years

1994                   $ 14,522
1995                    804,224
1996                    119,676
1997                     69,685
1998                    196,063

 At  December 26, 1993, and December 27, 1992, the company's
lines of credit include:
   -A  four-year  competitive advance  and  revolving  credit
facility  agreement entered into in 1990  with  a  group  of
banks,  which  provides for borrowings of up  to  the  total
amount of $1,650,000, all of which can be availed of by  the
company, and $1,000,000, which can be availed of by  WMC,  a
subsidiary  of WFS.  Borrowings are at LIBOR or  other  such
interest  rates as mutually agreed to between  the  borrower
and  lending banks.  This credit facility agreement has been
extended through November 1995.
   -A  one-year evergreen credit commitment entered  into  in
1990 with a group of banks, which provides for borrowings of
up to the amounts, and by the entities, as follows:

                        December 26, 1993  December 27, 1992
The company
 WMC and
  WRECO                         $ 215,000          $ 215,000
 WMC                               70,000             70,000
 WRECO                             20,000             20,000
WMC (only)                         35,000             35,000

 At  December 26, 1993, and December 27, 1992, respectively,
WMC had $35,000 outstanding against this commitment.
   -Short-term   bank  credit  lines,  which   provide   for
borrowings  of  up to the total amount of $200,000,  all  of
which  can  be  availed  of by the company  and  WRECO,  and
$150,000, which can be availed of
by WMC.
 To  the  extent that these credit commitments  expire  more
than  one year after the balance sheet date and are  unused,
an equal amount of commercial paper is classifiable as long-
term debt.  Amounts so classified are shown in the tables in
this and the following note.  No portion of these lines  has
been  availed  of  by  the company, WRECO,  WMC  or  WFS  at
December 26, 1993, or December 27, 1992, except as noted.
 In  1993, WFS completed the sale of GNA Corporation.  As  a
part of this transaction, the com-
pany assumed $225,000 of outstanding GNA debt.

NOTE 17:
Real Estate and Financial Services Long-Term Debt
Real estate and financial services long-term debt, including
the current portion, consists of the following:

                                         December 26, 1993  December 27, 1992
Notes payable secured principally by
 land and lots under development;
 weighted average interest rates are
 approximately 8.9% and 8.4%                    $   18,107         $   26,948
Notes payable secured principally by
 multi-family projects, on a non-recourse
 basis; weighted average interest
 rates are approximately 10.0% and 10.1%            41,716             61,331
Notes payable, unsecured; weighted average
 interest rates are approximately
 7.4% and 8.2%                                     957,190            716,258
Notes payable secured by first trust
 deeds; weighted average interest rates
 are approximately 9.5% and 7.3%                     3,227             17,876
Bank and other borrowings, unsecured;
 weighted average interest rates are
 approximately 3.3% and 5.5%                       360,000            601,722
Commercial paper/credit agreements                 616,906            771,580
                                                $1,997,146        $ 2,195,715
Portion due within one year                     $  151,998        $   225,261


Long-term debt maturities during the next five years are:

1994               $  151,998
1995                1,043,685
1996                  120,877
1997                   98,552
1998                  135,773

 WMC  has  a  revolving  credit agreement  with  a  bank  to
provide  for:   (1)  borrowings of up to $35,000  for  three
years  at  prime rate, LIBOR or such other rate  as  may  be
agreed upon by WMC and the banks, (2) a commitment fee based
on  the unused credit, and (3) conversion of the notes as of
July  1,  1995,  to a five-year term loan payable  in  equal
quarterly   installments.   At  December   26,   1993,   and
December  27, 1992, $30,000 and $12,000, respectively,  were
outstanding under the revolving credit agreement.
 During  1992  WFS  entered  into  a  three-year  term  loan
facility  with  a  group of banks that  provides  for:   (1)
borrowings  of  up  to $295,000 at December  26,  1993,  and
$330,000 at December 27, 1992, at LIBOR or other such  rates
as  may  be  agreed  upon by WFS and the banks,  and  (2)  a
commitment  fee  based on the unused credit.   $295,000  and
$330,000  were outstanding against this facility at December
26, 1993, and December 27, 1992, respectively.
 WMC has short-term special credit lines
that  provide for borrowings of up to $265,000  at  December
26,  1993,  and  $205,000 at December 27, 1992.   Borrowings
against these lines were
$254,000   and  $204,500  as  of  December  26,  1993,   and
December 27, 1992, respectively.
 In  1985 WRECO entered into an interest rate swap agreement
with  a  major  bank.   Payments  between  the  parties  are
calculated  by  reference  to fixed  or  floating  per-annum
rates.   Under the agreement, the company makes  semi-annual
payments  at a rate of 10.09 percent per annum and  receives
from the bank a monthly payment at a rate equivalent to  the
30-day  commercial  paper rate.  The interest  payments  are
calculated on the notional amount of $25,000.  The agreement
expires in November 1995.  The company is exposed to  credit
loss  in the event of non-performance by the other party  to
the interest rate swap agreement.  However, the company does
not anticipate non-performance by the counterparty.
 Total  interest  costs incurred by WRECO during  the  three
years  ended  December 26, 1993, have been  capitalized  and
will  ultimately be accounted for as an element of operating
 The  company's  compensating balance  agreements  were  not

NOTE 18:
Subordinated Debentures
The 5 1/4 percent convertible subordinated debentures were
issued in 1990 in exchange for the company's outstanding
$2.625 convertible exchangeable preference shares.  In the
first quarter of 1993, the company called this issue in full
and paid principal plus premium and accrued interest to
those debenture holders who had not previously exercised the
option to convert their debentures into common shares.
 The limited recourse income debenture, which was repaid  in
January 1993, was the obligation of Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.
and was issued as total consideration for the purchase of  a
pulp mill, chemical plant and sawmill in Saskatchewan.

NOTE 19:
Disclosure About Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The fair value of the company's financial instruments, and
the methods and assumptions used to estimate fair value of
each class of financial instruments for which it is
practicable to estimate that value, are as follows:
  -Long-term debt and other liabilities - the
fair  value  of  the  company's  long-term  debt  (including
WRECO  and  WFS) is estimated based on quoted market  prices
for the same issues or on the discounted value of the future
cash  flows expected to be paid using incremental  rates  of
borrowing for similar liabilities.
  -Foreign  exchange  contracts -  the  fair  value  of  the
company's $26,500 foreign exchange contracts (see  Note  22)
was estimated by obtaining quotes from its currency brokers.
At  December 26, 1993, the fair value of these contracts was
approximately $28,000.
  -Notes  and contracts receivable - the company  and  WRECO
estimate  that  the  carrying  value  of  their  notes   and
contracts  receivable approximates their fair values  as  of
December 26, 1993, and December 27, 1992.

Real Estate and Financial Services
  -Joint  venture  and partnership guarantees  -  WRECO  has
guaranteed certain borrowings of
joint ventures in which it is a participant in the aggregate
amount  of  $116,954.  During the year,  WRECO  reduced  the
maximum aggregate sum available through several bank  credit
arrangements from  $100,000 at December 27, 1992, to $30,000
at  December
26,  1993.   These credit arrangements were  established  to
guarantee certain borrow-
ings   made   by   subsidiary  limited   partnerships.    At
December  26,  1993,  and  December  27,  1992,  the  amount
utilized under these arrangements is
$22,558  and $54,319, respectively.  In addition, WRECO  has
entered into various other contractual obligations to  fund,
if certain specified events occur, $11,774 to the capital of
its  real estate partnerships.  If funded, these commitments
would  increase  WRECO's equity investment  in  partnerships
and, therefore, are not subject to fair value disclosure.
  -Interest  rate  swaps - WRECO has an interest  rate  swap
agreement  whereby the interest payments under the agreement
are  calculated on the notional amount of $25,000 (see  Note
17).   The liquidation cost (which has been estimated  using
rates currently available for an instrument with similar
terms)  to WRECO  as of December 26, 1993, and December  27,
1992,  if  the  agreement  was canceled,  would  approximate
$2,753 and $4,472, respectively.
  -Mortgage  notes held for sale - are estimated  using  the
quoted market prices for securities backed by similar  loans
adjusted  for  differences  in  loan  characteristics.   The
estimated  fair  value is net of related hedge  instruments,
which  were  estimated based upon quoted market  prices  for
  -Construction mortgage notes and mortgage loans receivable
- - are based on the discounted value of estimated future cash
flows  using current rates for loans with similar terms  and
  -Investments - are estimated using quoted  market  prices
for  similar  securities.  The fair value of mortgage  loans
held  as  investments  is based on the discounted  value  of
estimated future cash flows using current rates.
  -Mortgage-backed  certificates and restricted  deposits -
the  fair value of mortgage-backed certificates is estimated
using  the  quoted  market prices for securities  backed  by
similar loans; restricted deposits are a reasonable estimate
of fair value.
  -Notes and commercial paper - WRECO and WFS estimate  that
the  carrying  value  of their notes  and  commercial  paper
approximates their fair value as of December 26,  1993,  and
December 27, 1992.
  -Future  annuity  and contract reserves -  were  the  cash
surrender value payable on demand.
  -Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO)
bonds  - fair value is estimated using analysis of projected
cash flows discounted at market yields.
  -Loans  sold  with recourse - the fair value is  estimated
based upon market spreads for sales of similar loans without
recourse  or estimates of the credit risk of the  associated
recourse  obligation.  The fair value  of  the  recourse  on
these loans (see Note 21) is estimated to be $14.8 million.
The carrying and fair values of significant financial
instruments are:

                               December 26, 1993       December 27, 1992
                            --------------------    ---------------------- 
                              Carrying       Fair    Carrying         Fair
                                 Value      Value       Value        Value
 Long-term debt             $3,012,412 $3,266,923  $3,153,472   $3,192,846
 Other liabilities              99,624     92,756      13,538       12,445
Real estate and financial
 Mortgage notes held for sale  520,634    523,563     475,447      478,916
 Construction mortgage notes    43,732     42,434      61,069       53,378
 Mortgage loans receivable     266,203    252,902     321,447      309,348
 Investments                    60,355     56,360   5,232,428    5,274,274
 Mortgage-backed certificates
  and restricted deposits      349,757    365,659     614,252      646,063
 Future annuity and contract
  reserves                           _          _   5,529,700    5,336,046
 Collateralized mortgage
  obligation bonds             307,416    330,644     543,157      581,440
 Long-term debt              1,997,146  2,042,540   2,195,715    2,250,032

NOTE 20:
Legal Proceedings
On November 2, 1992, an action was filed against the company
in the Circuit Court for the First Judicial District of
Hinds County, Miss., on behalf of a pur-
ported class of riparian property owners in Mississippi and
Alabama whose properties are located on the Tennessee
Tombigbee Waterway, Aliceville Lake, Cedar Creek and the
Magoway Creek.  The complaint seeks $1 billion in
compensatory and punitive damages for diminution in property
personal injuries and mental anguish allegedly
resulting from the discharge of purported hazardous
substances, including dioxins and furans, by the company's
pulp and paper mill in Columbus, Miss., and the alleged
fraudulent concealments of such discharge.  The complaint
also seeks an injunction prohibiting future releases and the
removal of hazardous substances allegedly released in the
past.  On August 20, 1993, a companion action was filed in
Green County, Ala., on behalf of a similar purported class
of riparian owners with essentially the same claims as the
Mississippi case.  The action was removed to the federal
District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, which
subsequently remanded the case to state court.
 The   company   is  a  party  to  other  legal  proceedings
generally  incidental to its business.  Although  the  final
outcome  of any legal proceeding is subject to a great  many
variables  and  cannot  be  predicted  with  any  degree  of
certainty, the company presently believes that any  ultimate
liability  resulting  from the legal  proceedings  discussed
herein,  or all of them combined, would not have a  material
adverse effect on the company's financial position.

NOTE 21:
Commitments and Contingencies
The company's capital expenditures, excluding acquisitions,
have averaged about $823,000 in recent years but are
expected to approximate $1,100,000 in 1994; however, the
1994 expenditure level could be increased or decreased as a
consequence of future economic conditions.  The company had
approximately $600,000 in capital expenditures committed on
major projects at year-end 1993.
 It  is  the  company's policy to accrue  for  environmental
remediation costs when it is determined that it is  probable
that  such  an  obligation exists  and  the  amount  of  the
obligation can be reasonably estimated.  Based on  currently
available  information and analysis,  the  company  believes
that  it  is reasonably possible that costs associated  with
all  identified sites may exceed current accruals by amounts
that  may  prove insignificant or that could range,  in  the
aggregate,  up  to approximately $140 million  over  several
years.  This estimate of the upper end of the range of  rea-
sonably possible additional costs is much less certain  than
the  estimates upon which accruals are currently based,  and
is  based on assumptions less favorable to the company among
the  range  of reasonably possible outcomes.  In  estimating
both its current reserves for environmental remediation  and
the  possible range of additional future costs, the  company
has  assumed  that  it  will not bear  the  entire  cost  of
remediation  of every site to the exclusion of  other  known
potentially  responsible parties  who  may  be  jointly  and
severally   liable.    The  ability  of  other   potentially
responsible  parties  to participate  has  been  taken  into
account, based generally on each party's financial condition
and  probable contribution on a per-site basis.  No  amounts
have  been  recorded for potential recoveries from insurance
 WRECO  is  exposed to contingent liabilities  arising  from
joint-venture   participations  and  real   estate   limited
partnerships as described in Note 19.
 As  of  December  26,  1993,  WFS  was  committed  to  fund
approximately $397,812 in mortgage loans, of which  $111,627
was  with affiliates.  Included in WFS's funding commitments
were  approximately $227,324 of commitments to fund mortgage
loans  at floating prices.  WFS had firm agreements with in-
vestors  for  the sale of loans in the aggregate  amount  of
approximately  $523,326  as of  December  26,  1993.   WFS's
construction  lending  program,  which  was  principally  in
California,  was  terminated during 1993.  All  construction
loan investments relate to transactions that were originally
committed prior to 1993.  At December 26, 1993, WFS  is com-
mitted  to  fund an additional $13,831 of construction  loan
advances.   Included therein is $9,358 committed to  various
joint  ventures  in  which WFS is a partner.   WFS  recorded
interest  and  fee income of $1,903, $2,165  and  $3,723  on
loans  to  these  partnerships during 1993, 1992  and  1991,
 During  the  normal course of business, WFS has sold  loans
with  limited  recourse requirements.   In  accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles, estimated probable
loan  losses and related costs are provided for at the  time
of  such  sales  when deemed appropriate.  At  December  26,
1993,  the  outstanding balance of loans sold  by  WFS  with
recourse  is  approximately $1.1 billion.  In the  event  of
borrower  non-performance, WFS would assume  losses  to  the
extent  they exceed the value of the collateral and  private
mortgage  insurance  or Veterans Administration  guarantees.
WFS  has  not  historically experienced material  losses  on
these recourse obligations.

NOTE 22:
Financial Instruments With Credit or Off-Balance Sheet Risk
WRECO's accounts receivable and notes and contracts
receivable by geographic region, less discounts and
allowances, are as follows:

                     1993        1992
West             $ 53,411    $ 23,456
South              20,487      16,112
East               32,351      21,880
                 $106,249    $ 61,448

 WRECO's  policy for requiring collateral is that a  secured
interest  will be established on receivables generated  from
the  sale of inventory and land and that the collateral will
be  subject  to foreclosure in the event of the  purchaser's
default.  Collateral
is not required for short-term, general accounts receivable.
 WFS  originates and holds loans in a number of states.  The
remaining gross principal balance of mortgage notes held for
sale  or  investment, construction mortgage notes,  mortgage
loans  receivable  and  other  trust  deeds  receivable   by
geographic region are as follows:

                       1993             1992
West               $757,353       $1,527,600
South                47,279          155,787
East                 93,621          196,733
Other                16,233          124,209
                   $914,486       $2,004,329

Foreign Exchange Contracts
At December 26, 1993, the company had foreign exchange
contracts maturing from January 14, 1994, to September 1,
1994, worth $26,500 in foreign currency.

NOTE 23:
Shareholders' Interest
Preferred and Preference Shares
The company is authorized to issue:
  - 7,000,000 preferred shares having a par value  of  $1.00
per  share,  of  which none were issued and  outstanding  at
December 26, 1993, and December 27, 1992; and
  - 40,000,000 preference shares having a par value of $1.00
per share, of which none were
issued   and   outstanding  at  December   26,   1993,   and
December 27, 1992.
 The  preferred and preference shares may be issued  in  one
or more series with varying rights and preferences including
dividend rates, redemption rights, conversion terms, sinking
fund  provisions, values in liquidation and  voting  rights.
When issued, the outstanding preferred and preference shares
rank senior to outstanding common shares as to dividends and
assets available on liquidation.
 The  company  has reserved but not issued 2,000,000  shares
of  cumulative  preference shares, fourth  series,  for  the
exercise of the rights described under Common Shares.

Common Shares
Common shares reserved for stock option plans and for
conversion of issued and outstanding convertible
subordinated debentures were 5,178,000 shares at December
26, 1993, and 9,021,000 shares at December 27, 1992.  As to
the company's various stock option plans, the following
information is provided:

                           1993       1992        1991
At end of year:
 Options outstanding  5,177,401  4,999,874   5,414,948
 Options exercisable  3,981,751  3,865,624   4,440,948
During the year:
 Options granted      1,195,650  1,134,250     974,000
 Options exercised      878,755  1,261,212     297,519
 Options forfeited      139,368    288,112     146,900
Average prices per
 Options outstanding     $32.32     $28.85      $26.00
 Options granted         $42.31     $36.18      $25.22
 Options exercised       $26.72     $24.06      $22.70

 In  December 1986, the company adopted a Shareholder Rights
Plan  (the  "Plan") and declared a dividend distribution  of
0.6667 right on each outstanding
common  share.  Each right entitles its holder to  purchase
after the distribution date and until December 1996 one one-
hundredth  of a share of the company's cumulative preference
shares,  fourth  series,  at a  price  of  $70,  subject  to
adjustment.   The  distribution date is the  earlier  of  20
business days after the announcement that a person or  group
has  acquired  20  percent  or more  of  Weyerhaeuser's  out
standing common shares or 20 business days after a person or
group commences a tender or exchange offer that could result
in  the  person or group owning 30 percent or  more  of  the
company's   outstanding   common  shares.    Following   the
distribution date, if anyone owning 20 percent  or  more  of
the  company's  outstanding common shares  merges  with  the
company, with the company as the survivor, and the company's
common  shares are not changed or exchanged, or  engages  in
certain self-dealing transactions with the company, or if an
event  occurs  that  results  in  such  20  percent  owner's
interest  being increased by more than one percent (e.g.,  a
reverse  stock split), or if anyone acquires 40  percent  or
more  of the company's outstanding common shares, each right
holder, other than such person or group, will be able,  upon
payment of the right's exercise price, to acquire shares  of
the  company's  common stock or other securities  or  assets
having  an aggregate market value equal to twice the right's
purchase  price.   If,  after  the  company  announces  that
someone owns 20 percent or more of the company's outstanding
common shares, the company is acquired in a merger or  other
business  combination, and the company is not the  survivor,
or  the  company  engages  in a  merger  or  other  business
combination  transaction  in  which  the  company   is   the
surviving  corporation but the company's common  shares  are
changed  or  exchanged, or if 50 percent  of  the  company's
earning  power  or assets is sold in one or several  related
transactions, each right holder, other than any  20  percent
shareholder, will receive shares of the acquiring  company's
common  stock  having  a market value  equal  to  twice  the
right's exercise price.  Subject to certain time periods and
conditions,  the Plan may be amended and the rights  may  be
redeemed   at  a  price  of  $.05  per  right,  subject   to

NOTE 24:
Business Segments
The company is principally engaged in the growing and
harvesting of timber and the manufacture, distribution and
sale of forest products.  The four principal business
segments are timberlands and wood products (including
softwood lumber, plywood and veneer; composite panels;
oriented strand board; hardboard; logs; chips; timber;
doors; hardwood lumber and plywood; and treated products);
pulp and paper products (including pulp, newsprint, paper,
containerboard, paperboard and shipping containers,
recycling and chemicals); real estate development and
construction; and financial services.
 The  timber-based  businesses  involve  a  high  degree  of
integration  among  timber  operations;  building  materials
conversion   facilities;   and   pulp,   newsprint,   paper,
containerboard  and  paperboard  primary  manufacturing  and
secondary   conversion   facilities,   including   extensive
transfers of raw materials, semi-finished materials and  end
products  between  and among these groups.   Accounting  for
segment  profitability  involves allocations  of  joint  raw
materials  and  conversion costs and  the  use  of  transfer
prices that attempt to approximate current market values.
The following table sets forth an analysis of the company's
operations by the four principal business segments:

                       Sales to and
                       Revenue from  Intersegment      Total     Approximate
                       Unaffiliated     Sales and  Sales and    Contribution
Business Segments         Customers       Revenue    Revenue     to Earnings
  Timberlands and
   wood products         $4,467,751     $ 352,314 $4,820,065      $  891,431
  Pulp and paper products 3,579,042         6,189  3,585,231          60,854
  Real estate               828,713             _    828,713          18,326
  Financial services        401,711             _    401,711          76,437
  Corporate and other       269,181        28,409    297,590         (46,961)
                          9,546,398       386,912  9,933,310       1,000,087
  Eliminations               (1,606)     (386,912)  (388,518)              _
  Interest expense                _             _          _        (292,459)
  Less:  capitalized
   interest                       _             _          _         100,825
  Income before income
   taxes and extraordinary
   item                           _             _          _         808,453
  Income taxes                    _             _          _        (281,168)
  Extraordinary item              _             _          _          52,052
                         $9,544,792     $       _ $9,544,792      $  579,337
  Timberlands and
   wood products         $3,416,832     $ 340,368 $3,757,200      $  515,394
  Pulp and paper products 4,109,080        28,822  4,137,902         251,091
  Real estate               690,342             _    690,342          12,897
  Financial services        832,389             _    832,389          67,633
  Corporate and other       220,032        29,907    249,939        (106,863)
                          9,268,675       399,097  9,667,772         740,152
  Eliminations               (2,206)     (399,097)  (401,303)              _
  Interest expense                _             _          _        (262,209)
  Less:  capitalized
   interest                       _             _          _          85,406
  Income before income
   taxes                          _             _          _         563,349
  Income taxes                    _             _          _        (191,300)
                         $9,266,469     $       _ $9,266,469      $  372,049
  Timberlands and
   wood products         $2,948,358     $ 366,988 $3,315,346      $  155,386
  Pulp and paper products 4,002,738        19,685  4,022,423         108,287
  Real estate               744,366             _    744,366        (175,331)
  Financial services        862,403             _    862,403          60,409
  Corporate and other       215,501        29,062    244,563        (148,212)
                          8,773,366       415,735  9,189,101             539
  Eliminations                 (753)     (415,735)  (416,488)              _
  Interest expense                _             _          _        (265,240)
  Less:  capitalized
   interest                       _             _          _          86,853
  Income (loss) before
   income taxes and effect
   of accounting changes          _             _          _        (177,848)
  Income taxes                    _             _          _          76,900
  Effect of accounting
   changes                        _             _          _         (61,000)
                         $8,772,613     $       _ $8,772,613      $ (161,948)
Interest  expense of $95,309, $151,519 and  $219,441  before
the elimination of intercompany
interest  of $0, $3,403 and $6,455 in 1993, 1992  and  1991,
respectively, is included in the
determination of "approximate contribution to earnings"  for
financial services.
Certain  reclassifications have been made to  conform  prior
years' data to the current format.

                               and Fee            Capital
Business Segments             Stumpage       Expenditures        Assets
  Timberlands and
   wood products             $ 161,903          $ 240,760  $  2,582,832
  Pulp and paper products      263,961            652,092     5,731,965
  Real estate                    9,123             15,007     1,863,615
  Financial services            33,976              4,737     1,892,180
  Corporate and other           17,968             54,885     1,274,185
                               486,931            967,481    13,344,777
  Eliminations                       _                  _      (706,324)
  Interest expense                   _                  _             _
  Less:  capitalized
   interest                          _                  _             _
  Income before income
   taxes and extraordinary
   item                              _                  _             _
  Income taxes                       _                  _             _
  Extraordinary item                 _                  _             _
                             $ 486,931          $ 967,481  $ 12,638,453
  Timberlands and
   wood products             $ 149,504        $   246,096  $  2,374,152
  Pulp and paper products      254,956            931,913     5,614,490
  Real estate                    7,310              7,869     1,693,741
  Financial services            48,685              2,646     8,148,285
  Corporate and other           42,291             16,990     1,201,418
                               502,746          1,205,514    19,032,086
  Eliminations                       _                  _      (873,683)
  Interest expense                   _                  _             _
  Less:  capitalized
   interest                          _                  _             _
  Income before income
   taxes                             _                  _             _
  Income taxes                       _                  _             _
                             $ 502,746        $ 1,205,514  $ 18,158,403
  Timberlands and
   wood products             $ 157,506          $ 161,589  $  2,223,886
  Pulp and paper products      245,533            472,412     4,928,239
  Real estate                    8,197              7,485     1,500,250
  Financial services            46,843              3,518     7,956,631
  Corporate and other           43,243             18,367     1,186,906
                               501,322            663,371    17,795,912
  Eliminations                       _                  _      (810,038)
  Interest expense                   _                  _             _
  Less:  capitalized
   interest                          _                  _             _
  Income (loss) before
   income taxes and effect
   of accounting changes             _                  _             _
  Income taxes                       _                  _             _
  Effect of accounting
   changes                           _                  _             _
                             $ 501,322          $ 663,371  $ 16,985,874


The following table sets forth an analysis of the company's
1991 approximate contribution to earnings by the four
principal business segments before and after restructuring
and other charges:

                        Contribution to
                        Earnings Before                          Approximate   
                      Restructuring and   Restructuring and     Contribution
Business Segments         Other Charges       Other Charges      to Earnings
Timberlands and
 wood products               $  307,386         $ (152,000)       $  155,386
Pulp and paper products         237,287           (129,000)          108,287
Real estate                     (20,331)          (155,000)         (175,331)
Financial services               60,409                  _            60,409
Corporate and other            (139,212)            (9,000)         (148,212)
                             $  445,539         $ (445,000)       $      539

NOTE 25:
Unaudited Financial Information
Selected quarterly financial data:

                    First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
Net sales:
 1993                 $ 2,341,016    $ 2,387,505   $ 2,224,928    $ 2,591,343
 1992                   2,204,904      2,352,356     2,349,107      2,360,102
Operating income:
 1993                     280,469        292,170       183,349        225,557
 1992                     216,484        227,011       214,134        186,761
Earnings before
 income taxes and 
 extraordinary item:
 1993                     264,579        272,336       130,018        141,520
 1992                     133,293        142,904       164,917        122,235
Net earnings(1):
 1993                     229,463        181,536        66,618        101,720
 1992                      86,593         92,904       107,217         85,335
Net earnings per
 common share(1):
 1993                        1.12            .89           .32            .50
 1992                         .43            .45           .53            .42
Dividends per
 common share:
 1993                         .30            .30           .30            .30
 1992                         .30            .30           .30            .30
Market prices -
 1993               45 1/2-36 1/4  46 1/2-38 3/4     44-38 1/4  45 5/8-36 7/8
 1992               37 5/8-26 5/8  37 1/2-31 3/8     36-31 1/8  39 1/4-31 3/8
(1)First quarter 1993 results reflect an extraordinary  item
from  the  realization  of  a  net  gain  as  a  result   of
extinguishing certain debt obligations of $52,052,  or  $.25
per common share.


NOTE 26:
Historical Summary

Dollar amounts in thousands except
per-share figures                          1993          1992         1991
Per common share:
 Net earnings (loss) from
  continuing operations, before
  extraordinary item and effect
  of accounting changes:            $      2.58          1.83         (.50)
 Extraordinary item(1)              $       .25             _            _
 Effect of accounting changes       $         _             _         (.30)
 Net earnings (loss)                $      2.83          1.83         (.80)

 Dividends paid                     $      1.20          1.20         1.20
 Shareholders'interest (end of year)$     19.34         17.85        17.25
Financial position:
 Total assets:
  Weyerhaeuser                      $ 8,967,714     8,438,032    7,550,490
  Real estate and financial services$ 3,670,739     9,720,371    9,435,384
                                    $12,638,453    18,158,403   16,985,874

 Long-term debt (net of current portion):
   Senior long-term debt            $ 2,997,890     2,658,867    2,195,510
   Capital lease obligations        $       160           222          249
   Convertible subordinated
    debentures                      $         _       193,035      193,035
   Limited recourse income
    debenture                       $         _       187,963      204,027
                                    $ 2,998,050     3,040,087    2,592,821

  Real estate and financial services:
   Collateralized mortgage
    obligation bonds                $   240,794       440,354      701,871
   Long-term debt                   $ 1,845,148     1,970,454    1,718,812
                                    $ 2,085,942     2,410,808    2,420,683

 Redeemable preferred and preference shares:
  Weyerhaeuser                      $         _             _            _
  Real estate and financial services$         _             _            _
 Shareholders' interest             $ 3,966,096     3,645,989    3,489,368
 Percent earned on
  shareholders' interest                   15.2%         10.4%       (4.4)%
Operating results:
 Net sales and revenues:
  Weyerhaeuser                      $ 8,314,368     7,743,738    7,165,844
  Real estate and financial services$ 1,230,424     1,522,731    1,606,769
                                    $ 9,544,792     9,266,469    8,772,613
 Net earnings (loss) from continuing
  operations before extraordinary
  item and effect of accounting
  Weyerhaeuser                      $   459,542       332,043      (24,690)
  Real estate and financial services$    67,743        40,006      (76,258)
  Less subsidiaries preferred
   share dividends                  $         _              _           _
                                    $   527,285       372,049     (100,948)(2)
 Extraordinary item(1)              $    52,052             _            _
 Effect of accounting changes       $         _             _      (61,000)
 Net earnings (loss)                $   579,337       372,049     (161,948)
Statistics (unaudited):
 Number of employees                     36,748        39,022       38,669
 Salaries and wages                 $ 1,584,770     1,580,005    1,475,950
 Employee benefits                  $   346,528       323,316      321,174
 Total taxes                        $   577,165       442,715      172,758
 Timberlands (thousands of acres):
  Fee ownership                           5,524         5,604        5,517
  Long-term license arrangements         17,845        18,828       13,491
 Number of shareholder accounts
  at year-end:
  Common                                 25,282        26,334       26,937
  Preferred                                   _             _           _
  Preference                                  _             _           _
 Average  common and common
  equivalent shares
  outstanding (thousands)               204,866       203,373     201,578
(1)1993  results  reflect  an extraordinary  item  from  the
realization  of a gain as a result of extinguishing  certain
debt  obligations  of  $85,784 less related  tax  effect  of
$33,732, or $52,052.
(2)1991  results reflect restructuring and other charges  of
$445,000 less related tax effect of $162,000, or $283,000.

Historical Summary

Dollar amounts in thousands except
   per-share figures                             1990          1989
Per common share:
 Net earnings (loss) from
  continuing operations, before
  extraordinary item and effect
  of accounting changes:                $        1.87          1.56
 Extraordinary item(1)                  $           _             _
 Effect of accounting changes           $           _             _
 Net earnings (loss)                    $        1.87          1.56
 Dividends paid                         $        1.20          1.20
 Shareholders' interest (end of year)   $       19.21         18.55
Financial position:
 Total assets:
  Weyerhaeuser                          $   7,556,078     7,371,069
  Real estate and financial services    $   8,799,741     8,604,883
                                        $  16,355,819    15,975,952

 Long-term debt (net of current portion):
   Senior long-term debt                $   2,168,125     1,501,523
   Capital lease obligations            $       6,794        22,793
   Convertible subordinate
    debentures                          $     193,175             _
   Limited recourse income
    debenture                           $     203,861       204,217
                                        $   2,571,955     1,728,533
  Real estate and financial services:
   Collateralized mortgage
    obligation bonds                    $     837,796       931,019
   Long-term debt                       $   1,798,978     1,074,537
                                        $   2,636,774     2,005,556
  Redeemable preferred and preference shares:
   Weyerhaeuser                         $           _             _
   Real estate and financial services   $           _             _
  Shareholders' interest                $   3,863,804     4,147,566
  Percent earned on
   shareholders' interest                         9.8%          8.3%
Operating results:
 Net sales and revenues:
  Weyerhaeuser                          $   7,447,329     8,355,176
  Real estate and financial services    $   1,618,502     1,826,123
                                        $   9,065,831    10,181,299
  Net earnings (loss) from continuing
   operations before extraordinary
   item and effect of accounting
   Weyerhaeuser                         $     340,281       376,838
   Real estate and financial services   $      53,417       (35,767)
   Less subsidiaries preferred
    share dividends                     $           _             _
                                        $     393,698       341,071(3)
  Extraordinary item(1)                 $           _             _
  Effect of accounting changes          $           _             _
  Net earnings (loss)                   $     393,698       341,071
Statistics (unaudited):
 Number of employees                           40,621        45,214
 Salaries and wages                     $   1,531,220     1,563,194
 Employee benefits                      $     318,055       324,663
 Total taxes                            $     445,804       403,072
 Timberlands (thousands of acres):
  Fee ownership                                 5,621         5,693
  Long-term license arrangements               13,491        13,324
  Number of shareholder accounts
   at year-end:
   Common                                      28,187        29,847
   Preferred                                        _            12
   Preference                                       _           443
 Average  common and common
  equivalent shares 
  outstanding (thousands)                     203,673       204,331
(3)1989  results  reflect  net  special  items  charges   of
$401,010 less related tax effect of $140,674, or $260,336.


       1988         1987         1986        1985        1984         1983

       2.68         2.12         1.27          .88       1.01          .90
          _            _            _            _          _            _
          _            _            _            _          _            _
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2.68         2.12         1.27          .88       1.01          .90
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1.15          .90          .87          .87        .87          .87
      18.14        16.54        14.82        14.42      14.50        14.43
  6,982,522    6,418,174    5,888,910    5,495,805  5,641,420    5,649,457
  8,401,629    6,498,557    5,083,296    3,868,861  2,503,358    1,732,635
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 15,384,151   12,916,731   10,972,206    9,364,666  8,144,778    7,382,092
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1,643,879    1,540,323    1,411,754    1,156,626  1,066,397    1,217,331
     37,439       51,127       63,751       77,585     93,681      108,968
         _            _            _            _          _            _

    197,734      180,984      171,781            _          _            _
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1,879,052    1,772,434    1,647,286    1,234,211  1,160,078    1,326,299
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  1,045,611      840,321      597,723      292,478     98,861            _
  1,272,393    1,290,296    1,101,270      710,676    433,667      384,254
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2,318,004    2,130,617    1,698,993    1,003,154    532,528      384,254
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
          _            _       14,700       14,700     14,700       14,700
          _            _            _       72,000    223,000      223,000
  4,043,550    3,713,750    3,250,866    3,324,051  3,188,352    3,223,347

       14.6%        12.8%         8.4%         6.1%       7.1%         6.5%
  7,860,727    6,988,213    5,650,391    5,205,579   5,549,738   4,882,629
  1,467,157    1,396,726    1,241,038    1,069,928     892,217     631,374
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9,327,884    8,384,939    6,891,429    6,275,507   6,441,955   5,514,003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    515,796      379,015      179,645      131,678     174,502    167,572
     49,794       67,417       97,040       81,491      74,500     59,885

          _            _            _       13,053      22,815     22,614
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    565,590      446,432      276,685      200,116     226,187    204,843
          _            _            _            _           _          _
          _            _            _            _           _          _
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    565,590      446,432      276,685      200,116     226,187    204,843
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     46,976       45,123       41,757       38,922      40,919     42,751
  1,422,767    1,277,009    1,143,028    1,134,049   1,167,413  1,139,065
    291,938      250,293      224,864      259,233     274,155    250,717
    511,143      466,846      309,547      266,051     269,028    258,823
      5,833        5,871        5,962        5,979       5,915      5,918
     13,324       12,064       12,064        3,590       3,595      4,438

     30,379       32,535       31,682       37,135      40,361     40,586
         25           26        1,825        2,192       2,317      2,290
        351          106            7        2,242       2,213      1,818

    207,785      202,544      195,456      194,828     196,518    196,065
